UltraMon HSPI User`s Guide


UltraMon HSPI User`s Guide
HSPI User’s Guide
A HomeSeer HS3 plug-in to control the
Russound RNET Multi-zone Audio Controllers.
Copyright © 2016
Revised 08/17/2016
This document contains proprietary and copyrighted information and may not be copied, reproduced,
translated, or reduced to any electronic medium without prior consent, in writing, from
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 4
Intended Audience .................................................................................................................................... 4
UltraRussoundAudio3 HSPI Overview .......................................................................................................... 4
How It Works ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Features .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Requirements............................................................................................................................................ 4
UltraRussoundAudio3 HSPI Installation ........................................................................................................ 4
Downloading the HomeSeer Plug-in ......................................................................................................... 4
UltraRussoundAudio3 HSPI Setup................................................................................................................. 5
Test Your Russound System ...................................................................................................................... 5
Connect your Russound System to HomeSeer ......................................................................................... 5
Information Needed to Add a Russound System ...................................................................................... 5
UltraRussoundAudio3 HSPI Configuration .................................................................................................... 6
Web Page Layout ...................................................................................................................................... 6
UltraRussoundAudio3 HSPI Options ......................................................................................................... 6
Screenshot ............................................................................................................................................ 7
UltraRussoundAudio3 HSPI Audio Controllers.......................................................................................... 7
Screenshot ............................................................................................................................................ 7
UltraRussoundAudio3 HSPI Audio Zone Devices ...................................................................................... 7
Screenshot ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Adding Russound Audio Zone Devices ...................................................................................................... 8
Zone Master Controls ........................................................................................................................... 8
Zone Audio Controls ............................................................................................................................. 9
Zone Keypads ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Zone Miscellaneous ............................................................................................................................ 10
ST2 Smart Tuner .................................................................................................................................. 10
Screenshot .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Modifying an Existing UltraRussoundAudio3 Device .............................................................................. 12
Deleting an Existing UltraRussoundAudio3 Device ................................................................................. 13
UltraRussoundAudio3 HSPI Triggers ........................................................................................................... 13
UltraRussoundAudio3 HSPI Trigger Actions................................................................................................ 13
UltraRussoundAudio3 HSPI Trigger Conditions .......................................................................................... 13
UltraRussoundAudio3 HSPI API Reference ................................................................................................. 13
UltraRussoundAudio3 is a HomeSeer3 plug-in that allows you to use HomeSeer to control your
Russound RNET multi-zone audio controllers. The plug-in supports up to 9 main controllers that are
each linkable to 5 slave controllers to accommodate any size home.
Intended Audience
This document is intended for the HomeSeer user that has chosen to install and configure the
UltraRussoundAudio3 HomeSeer Plug-in.
UltraRussoundAudio3 HSPI Overview
How It Works
The UltraRussoundAudio3 HSPI uses the Russound RNET protocol to integrate HomeSeer with
the Russound RNET multi-zone audio controllers.
This plug-in allows you to conveniently control your entire Russound Audio System by either
interacting with HomeSeer devices or by creating events to automatically set zone power,
inputs, bass, treble, balance, loudness, etc.
Create just the devices you need to control your Russound multi-zone audio controllers.
Changes using a zone keypad will automatically updated the associated HomeSeer device in
The plug-in supports up to 9 main controllers that are each linkable to 5 slave controllers to
accommodate any size home.
Multiple threading allows UltraRussoundAudio3 to query the Russound RNET Audio Controller
without disrupting the performance of HomeSeer.
Error Try/Catch logic to ensure plug-in doesn't fail with an unhandled exception.
Homeseer3 version 3.0 or greater.
One or more Russound RNET Multi-zone Audio Controllers.
UltraRussoundAudio3 HSPI Installation
Downloading the HomeSeer Plug-in
1. From your HomeSeer web page, select PLUG-INS > Manage.
2. Click the + icon next to Additional Interfaces to expand the list of available HomSeer3 plug-ins.
3. Click the + icon next to the “Audio / Video and Infra-red (IR)” category, then click the checkbox
next to the UltraRussoundAudio3 (Russound RNET Audio Controller) package to mark the plug-in
for installation.
4. Under “Pending Updates/Installs”, click the Download and Install button.
5. Once the installer finishes, find the UltraRussoundAudio3 plug-in under Installed Plug-Ins, then
enable it.
UltraRussoundAudio3 HSPI Setup
Before you begin to configure the UltraRussoundAudio3 plug-in, you’ll need to make sure your
Russound RNET Audio Controllers have been properly setup. Please fully test your Russound RNET
Audio Controllers using each zone keypad to make sure zone power, volume and inputs are fully
functional before attempting to configure this plug-in.
Test Your Russound System
Locate your Russound RNET controller and note the model number and the number of total audio zones
supported by the controller.
Walk to each Russound zone keypad and do the following:
1. The zone number and zone name.
2. Turn the zone on and change to a valid input to make sure the zone is operational.
Connect your Russound System to HomeSeer
If your system is not already connected to HomeSeer via a serial connection, then you’ll need to either
install a serial cable or install a network to serial adapter like the Global Cache iTach WF2SL or IP2SL or
the Global Cache iTach Flex. Once installed, you’ll need to note either the com port number or the IP
address of the network to serial adapter. If you are running HomeSeer on a Linux system, then you’ll
need to use a network to serial adapter.
Information Needed to Add a Russound System
1. The Russound RNET controller unique name (e.g. Russound - Basement)
2. The Russound RNET controller unique serial number. If you cannot locate the serial number,
then enter any unique string.
3. The Russound RNET controller model number (e.g. ACA-E5, CAS44, CAA66, CAM6.6 or CAV6.6).
4. The type of connection between your HomeSeer system and your Russound RNET controller
(e.g. Ethernet or Serial).
5. The connection address (e.g. or COM:3).
6. The number of audio zones supported by the Russound RNET controller.
7. The ST2 Smart Tuner source (if used). The plug-in currently supports an ST2 Smart Tuner
connected to inputs 1 and 2 (the default Russound settings).
UltraRussoundAudio3 HSPI Configuration
Web Page Layout
The UltraRussoundAudio3 plug-in has seven web pages that provide access the available features of the
The available web pages are as follows:
1. Status – Displays the plug-in and Netatmo status.
2. Options – Displays and allows you to change the options associated with the plug-in.
3. Audio Controllers – Allows you to manage the list of Russound RNET Audio Controllers that are
configured to communicate with the plug-in.
4. Audio Zone Devices – Allows you to add HomeSeer devices to control the Russound audio
UltraRussoundAudio3 HSPI Options
All options are set from the Options web page. The following options are supported:
1. Authorized User Roles – This option allows you to specify which type of HomeSeer user has
access to view and configured the plug-in options.
2. Logging Level – Specifies the desired plug-in logging level.
UltraRussoundAudio3 HSPI Audio Controllers
The Audio Controllers web page allows you to add, modify and delete Russound RNET Audio Controllers.
To add a new controller, simply click the “New” button. To edit or delete an existing controller, click the
Edit or Delete link under the Action column.
UltraRussoundAudio3 HSPI Audio Zone Devices
The UltraRussoundAudio3 plug-in allows you create just the devices you need to control your Russound
multi-zone audio controllers. Once the devices are created, you can control your Russound RNET Audio
Controller from the HomeSeer Device Management web page or using HomeSeer Events.
Adding Russound Audio Zone Devices
The UltraRussoundAudio3 plug-in allows you to create just the devices you need to control your
Russound multi-zone audio controllers.
Zone Master Controls
The Power HomeSeer device allows you to view the current audio zone power state and turn on and off
an audio zone.
Note: The Russound zone keypad displays will automatically update for changes to this device.
The Source HomeSeer device allows you to view the current audio zone selected source input and to
change the source input.
Note: The Russound zone keypad displays will automatically update for changes to this device.
Source Controls
The Source Controls HomeSeer device allows you to send commands to control the currently selected
audio source.
Note: The Russound zone keypad displays will automatically update for changes to this device.
Party Mode
The Party Mode HomeSeer device allows you to view the current audio zone party mode status and
enable or disable the party mode.
Note: The Russound zone keypad displays will automatically update for changes to this device.
Do Not Disturb (DND)
The Do Not Disturb HomeSeer device allows you to view the current audio zone DND status and enable
or disable the DND mode.
Note: The Russound zone keypad displays will automatically update for changes to this device.
Turn On Volume
The Turn-On Volume HomeSeer device allows you to view or change the current audio zone turn on
volume level.
Note: The Russound zone keypad displays will not automatically update for changes to this device.
Zone Audio Controls
The Volume HomeSeer device allows you to view or change the current audio zone volume level.
Note: The Russound zone keypad displays will automatically update for changes to this device.
The Bass HomeSeer device allows you to view or change the current audio zone bass level.
Note: The Russound zone keypad displays will not automatically update for changes to this device.
The Treble HomeSeer device allows you to view or change the current audio zone treble level.
Note: The Russound zone keypad displays will not automatically update for changes to this device.
The Balance HomeSeer device allows you to view or change the current audio zone balance level.
Note: The Russound zone keypad displays will not automatically update for changes to zone balance.
The Loudness HomeSeer device allows you to view or change the current audio zone loudness level.
Note: The Russound zone keypad displays will not automatically update for changes to this device.
Zone Keypads
Keypad Controls
The Keypad Controls HomeSeer device allows you to send commands that are available on a zone
Keypad Background Color
The Keypad Background Color HomeSeer devices allows you view or change the zone keypad
background color.
Note: The Russound zone keypad displays will automatically update for changes to this device.
Keypad Display Messages
The Keypad Display Messages HomeSeer device allows you view the text that is currently being
displayed on a zone keypad.
Zone Miscellaneous
System OnState
The System OnState HomeSeer device read-only and reflects the current state of the audio zones. The
device will display either “All Zones Off” or “Any Zone is On”.
Source Shared
The Source Shared HomeSeer device is read-only and reflects the audio zone source sharing status. The
device will display either “Not Shared” or “Shared with Another Zone”.
ST2 Smart Tuner
The Power HomeSeer device controls the tuners “Standby Mode”. The Power Off function puts the
tuner in “Standby Mode” and a “Power On” wakes the tuner from “Standby Mode”. If a Power
command is sent to one tuner, it will affect both tuners in the ST2 chassis.
The Bank HomeSeer device allows you to select a particular Bank (1-6) for the Tuner.
The Preset HomeSeer device allows you to select a particular Preset (1-6) within the currently selected
Tuner and Bank.
Radio Frequency
The Radio Frequency HomeSeer device allows you to select (or turn to) a particular FM frequency. If the
Tuner is an XM tuner, then this device will not produce the desired results.
Radio Controls
The Radio Controls HomeSeer device allows you to change the options related to the AM/FM tuner. If
the Tuner is an XM tuner, then this device will not produce the desired results.
XM Channel
The XM Channel HomeSeer device allows you to select (or turn to) a particular XM channel. If the Tuner
is an AM/FM tuner, then this device will not produce the desired results.
XM Category
The XM Category HomeSeer device allows you increment or decrement the current XM Category. If the
Tuner is an AM/FM tuner, then this device will not produce the desired results.
XM Category Channel
The XM Category Channel HomeSeer device allows you increment or decrement the current XM
Category Channel. If the Tuner is an AM/FM tuner, then this device will not produce the desired results.
Modifying an Existing UltraRussoundAudio3 Device
You can modify an UltraRussoundAudio3 device the same way you modify any other HomeSeer device.
Simply click on the device name from the HomeSeer device page, and then change the device properties
as needed.
Note: Once a HomeSeer device is created, the plug-in will not overwrite any of the device properties, so
feel free to modify the name, location and location2 properties as you see fit.
Deleting an Existing UltraRussoundAudio3 Device
You can delete an UltraRussoundAudio3 device the same way you delete any other HomeSeer device.
From the HomeSeer device web page, click the device name, then from the HomeSeer modify device
web page, click the Delete button.
UltraRussoundAudio3 HSPI Triggers
This plug-in does not have any HomeSeer triggers defined. However, you can still create an event
trigger using the Russound RNET HomeSeer device. As an example, you can trigger a HomeSeer event
whenever you turn an audio zone on at the keypad by using “A Device’s Value is” as a trigger.
UltraRussoundAudio3 HSPI Trigger Actions
This plug-in does not have any HomeSeer trigger actions defined. However, you can still control your
Russound RNET Audio Controller by using a “Control a Device” action. As an example, you can
automatically turn on audio zones, set the source to your HomeSeer system to speak announcements.
UltraRussoundAudio3 HSPI Trigger Conditions
UltraRussoundAudio3 HSPI conditions allow you to specify that certain conditions must exist before a
HomeSeer event will run. The plug-in does not currently have any conditions configured.
UltraRussoundAudio3 HSPI API Reference
To be determined