Newsletter No. 11 Week 11 18 April 2013
Newsletter No. 11 Week 11 18 April 2013
Newsletter No. 11 Week 11 18 April 2013 IMPORTANT DATES Lord, thank you for all you have done for us. Each day you provide us with all the things we need. You give us strength. You give us friends, family, and more. We don't always claim to understand your ways, but we do know that you always understand us. We don't worry about you understanding us, because you created each one of us. You know our every thought, hope, and desire. Thursday 18 April Term 1 Concludes Friday 19 April Staff PD Day - College Closed Monday 6 May Staff PD Day - College Closed We hope that the lessons we have learnt this Easter season are ones we can take with us. We hope that you will help us to show kindness to others. We pray that you will give us the strength to make hard decisions when we have to choose between the right thing and the easy thing. We hope we never forget what you have done for us and for those around us. We pray that we can always be appreciative. Tuesday 7 May Students Commence Term 2 Wednesday 8 May ANZAC Assembly Year 10 Parent Interviews Thursday 9 May BCC Cross Country Lord, we ask for you to continue to speak to us in ways we can see, and we ask that you help us to keep our eyes open so we can always see your path in front of us. Let us always have your words and your kind heart so that we can lead others to you, and may we have a little of your light to be an example to others of who you are. Friday 10 May Mothers’ Day Mass Tuesday 14 May Year 9 Parent Interviews In your name, Amen. Thursday 23 May Year 8 Parent Interviews MESSAGES FROM THE PRINCIPAL COLLEGE ASSEMBLY Our final assembly for the term was a celebration of Marcellin House with the House Captains, Demi O’Callaghan and Ben Parker, leading prayer, informing the assembly about Marcellin Champagnat’s life work and the purpose of their House fundraising. Funds from the Marcellin House lunchtime activities will be given to Waratah Support Centre to assist the work this group does in the south west supporting victims of domestic and sexual violence. The College was also privileged to hear from the Young Australian of the Year for 2013, Mr Akram Azimi. The South Bunbury Rotary Club invited Mr Azimi to the southwest and we were fortunate to take advantage of some of his time in Bunbury. Mr Azimi was a refugee from Afghanistan and has spent the last thirteen years gaining a secondary and tertiary education and ‘giving back’ to his adopted country. Among the many activities in which he is involved, Mr Azimi is a dedicated mentor to young indigenous people and uses his leadership and pastoral skills to help young people in remote and rural WA. His message to our students was that it is not from achieving our desires that we obtain happiness, it is from living out our obligations to humanity. During our assembly we acknowledged the many sporting activities undertaken this term and the dedication and achievements of our students in these endeavours. The results of the Athletics carnival have not been finalised, however, we acknowledged the House which demonstrated the greatest spirit in winning the Panda Award, Valentine. Congratulations to Jessica Tan and Ben Musitano, the Valentine Captains, and the Valentine House on this achievement. Congratulations to the following students who achieved records on the day: Mikayla Horan Year 8 Female Long Jump and Javelin Elliot Barton Year 11 Male 1500m Megan Shine Year 11 Female 400m and 1500m Our thanks are extended to all staff, students and parents for their support as officials for the carnival and congratulation to Jorjah Bell on being awarded the Student Official of the Carnival. YEAR 8 LEADERS Our Year 8 students have recently held the elections for student leaders and the following students are to be congratulated on their selection: Student Representative Council Christy Taylor & Kai Luzi McAuley House Leaders Amy Garic & Henry Mickle Valentine House Leaders Sophia Musitano & Lachlan McClea Marcellin House Leaders Emily Sykes & Dave Te Xavier House Leaders Shantelle Tassone & Rhys Sheahan These students were presented with their badge of office which was blessed with the other leadership badges at the beginning of the year. AUTUMN FEST Once again, audiences have been thoroughly entertained by our talented students in the Autumn Fest held last week. With performances ranging from individual singers to the College Choirs, from dancers to bands, we witnessed an incredible range of talent. One parent who had never previously attended one of these events expressed his surprise at the excellent standard of the performers. All students who performed are to be commended and special thanks are extended to the students, parents and staff members who assisted on the night. Our thanks are also extended to Levi Harley and Finn Mickle for taking on, at the last minute, the challenge of hosting the evening. The driving force in the organisation of this event has been from a number of our Arts staff members and I am very grateful to the following staff for their efforts: Mrs Melissa Mitchell, Mrs Barbara Morgan, Mr Luke Campbell, Ms Stephanie Hart and Mr Oliver Maratea. YEAR 10 DRAMA NIGHT Once again our Year 10 Drama students performed magnificently on the second Drama night held this term. Congratulations to all performers on taking on the challenge of the monologue. This year we have formed a production crew who are learning about the behind the scenes operation of performances. Thank you to the production crew who assisted with the lighting and backstage and front of house tasks for the Drama nights. Our thanks are also extended to our staff members who ensure that these performances are possible: Mr Gerard Robertson, Mrs Karen Walker and Mr Oliver Maratea. ITALIAN TOUR We are receiving daily updates, with pictures, from our Italian tour group and these are posted on our Facebook page. All is going well and the students and staff are blessed with great weather and have been experiencing the attractions of the city of Rome and the Vatican. END OF TERM ONE I extend our best wishes to Mrs Tina Zuideveld who will be enjoying her well-deserved long service leave in Term Two. We also say farewell to Mr Frank Townsend and Mr Oliver Maratea, two staff members who have been on leave for the last year and have officially retired this term. Mr Townsend served the College from 1999 to 2013 as a Science teacher and a Year Coordinator and was always willing to assist in a variety of co-curricular activities. Mr Maratea has been with the College since 2004 as a teacher of RE and English and organised the production side of many of our events. As this busy term comes to a close, I would like to thank our staff and students for their contributions to College life. It is the extra things that occur in the school which enhance the learning experience for our students and would not be possible without the generosity of our staff. My best wishes to all staff and students for a safe and relaxing break. God Bless. Ms Denise O’Meara - Principal MESSAGES FROM THE DEPUTY PRINCIPAL LOWER SCHOOL INTERIM REPORTS AND PARENT INTERVIEWS - TERM 2 The lower school interim reports were posted home this week. Enclosed with the reports were instructions on how to access the Parent Teacher Online (PTO) website to book parent interviews which will be held next term. YEAR 11 & 12 SEMESTER ONE EXAMS Year 11 and 12 students will be sitting exams from Wednesday 29 May until Friday 7 June. The schedule can be obtained by visiting the following link: Students who only have a few exams scheduled are encouraged to see Mr Downes to organise work experience/ placement during the exam weeks when they are not sitting exams. Further information regarding the exams will be publicised in the newsletter next term. Mrs Leonie Ridgway - Deputy Principal MESSAGE FROM OUR REGISTRAR REMINDER TO PARENTS INTENDING TO WITHDRAW STUDENTS FROM THE COLLEGE It is a requirement of the College that the Principal be given written notice advising of children leaving the College. Ideally parents will meet with either the Principal or a Deputy Principal to discuss the withdrawal of the child from the school. One term’s notice is required and the College reserves the right to charge one term’s tuition fees in lieu of notice. Should you have any queries with regards to withdrawing students, please contact Geraldine Bowman, College Registrar, on 9721 0000. COLLEGE NOTICES SCHOOL FEES Thank you to the families who have paid their first instalment of school fees and music fees. Those families who have not yet paid their fees, are asked to arrange payment as soon as possible. Should you wish to discuss payment of your fees or arrange a payment plan, please contact Financial Services on 9721 0000. The accounts office will be open during the school holidays for your convenience. Mrs Nola Jennings - Assistant Bursar ENGLISH TUTORIALS In addition to the regular weekly English tutorials in the Library on Wednesdays, English Department staff are giving upper school students the opportunity to participate in intensive exam revision in preparation for their forthcoming semester one exams. Wednesday 8 May Wednesday 15 May Wednesday 22 May Reading Section Writing Section Viewing Section 3.00 to 4.30pm 3.00 to 4.30pm 3.00 to 4.30pm Venue - TBA Venue - TBA Venue - TBA Interested Stage 2 and 3 students are asked to let their English teacher know if they plan on attending so that adequate rooming and resources can be arranged. The tutorials are open to Year 11 Stage 2, Year 12 Stage 2 and Year 12 Stage 3 students. ANZAC DAY - THURSDAY 25 APRIL 2013 On Thursday 25 April, students from our school have been invited to march in the ANZAC Parade in Bunbury. Students who have handed in their permission forms are requested to assemble at the Coles Car Park in full winter uniform by 10.15am. Step off is at 10.30am and students will march to the Bricknell Music Shell for the ceremony. In the past, our College has always had an excellent turnout for the event and the members of the RSL really enjoy the involvement of school students and appreciate the time given to the parade. Students are entitled to Christian Service Learning hours for attending this event. Mrs Sharon Doyle BUNBURY CATHOLIC COLLEGE’S FACEBOOK PAGE Our facebook site will keep you posted on the very latest happenings, news and events. You can ‘like’ BCC on facebook at: to make sure you have all the latest info! Check out the latest pictures from the Italian Trip and Autumn Fest! YEAR 11 STUDENTS AND PARENTS - THE NATIONAL YOUTH SCIENCE FORUM From 1 April 2013, the Online Application process opens for keen science students currently in Year 11 who wish to be considered for selection for the 12-day residential "science immersion" program to be offered in Canberra and Perth in January 2014. The National Youth Science Forum is a unique program that enables students, on the point of entering their final year of secondary school, the opportunity to get a hands-on feel for careers and learn about study options in the diverse fields of science, engineering and technology. There are three sessions offered, each of 144 students from all parts of Australia, plus some from overseas. Two sessions run in Canberra, and one in Perth. Students live on campus as University students, gain an insider's perspective on campus life, and experience real science, working with real scientists at a range of laboratories and workshops. Students gain the knowledge, skills and perspectives that enable them to make informed choices about Year 12 studies University course options - and provide them with a confident sense of the way forward and into a future of their choosing. In school holiday breaks during Year 12, they also have the opportunity to come back to campus in university and industry locations around the country, to build further upon their knowledge and experience and add further perspectives that assist in the successful transition to University. For further details and help with the application process, please visit: See Mrs Kanakis or look in the Library for flyers and further information next term. UNIFORM SHOP EX-STUDENTS’ REUNION The Uniform Shop trading days and times over the next few months (due to the School Holidays) will be as follows: Expressions of interest are being sought from past students (both male and female) of the former St Joseph’s Convent and Sacred Heart College Bunbury for your intention to attend a reunion in Bunbury. Open - 11.30am to 3.30pm Friday 19 April (Pupil Free Day - Staff PD Day) Monday 29 April (School Holidays) Friday 3 May (School Holidays) The date for the reunion is Saturday 29 March 2014. The venue and cost will be advised once we have an indication of the numbers wishing to attend. Please reply ASAP to either Margaret Dalton (Hislop) on 9795 4954 or email or Val Piggott (Rodgers) on 9726 1226 or Open - 1.00pm to 3.30pm Tuesday 7 May Friday 10 May Monday 13 May Parents are reminded to organise uniforms early ready for winter as students return to school in Term 2 in their winter uniform. Mrs Julie Down, Uniform Coordinator Date RED CROSS SOUP VAN ROSTER Driver of Van Helpers Leonie Ridgway, Mikala Downes & Mick Fewster The Sutton Family (Chris) Mikala & Tanya Downes 21 April 28 April 12 May John Ridgway Michael Downes COMMUNITY NOTICES ASTRONOMICAL SOCIEY OF SOUTH WEST (INC) The Astronomical Society of the South West (Inc) will be holding open astronomy nights for the public at their Observatory, Keble Heights, College Grove, Bunbury, at the end of the May School Holidays. The Observatory will be open on Friday 3, Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 May each night from 7.00 to 10.00pm, weather permitting. Cost: Adults: $8.00 Children: $5.00 Family: $20.00 Further Information, Phone: Cameron on 9795 8204. 2013 WA NURSING & MIDWIFERY EXCELLENCE AWARDS Nominations for the 2013 WA Nursing & Midwifery Excellence Awards are now open. These awards provide an opportunity for health colleagues and the community to recognise those nurses and midwives who demonstrate qualities of excellence and who are viewed as outstanding role models for the nursing and/or midwifery professions. Nominations close at 12 noon on Monday 13 May 2013 and can be made online at JUNGLE BODY MEGACLASS DANCE, BOX, TONE & STRETCH CARITAS FUNDRAISER Join Tarrin Lenard for the first Bunbury Mega Class!! One hour workout raising much needed funds for Caritas Australia. Experience three of the Jungle Body Programs including Konga, Jagua and VYPA. Bunbury Catholic College Gym Saturday 27 April - 7.00 to 8.00pm $8 Pre-sale or $10 at the door Bring a towel and yoga mat For more information, visit: Our Nurse has something to say ......... SLEEP Sleep is vital to your well-being; it’s as important as the air with breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. It can even help you to eat better and manage the stress of being a ‘teen’. Every parent knows that a tired child is a cranky child. But did you know that our experts are also suggesting that children with chronic sleep problems are at increased risk for developing mental illness (anxiety disorders, depression, alcohol abuse) later in life. Most teenagers need about 8 1/2 to more than 9 hours of sleep each night. The right amount of sleep is essential for anyone who wants to do well on a test or play sports without tripping over their feet. Unfortunately, many of our teenagers don’t get enough sleep. Teenagers are often given a bad rap for staying up too late, oversleeping for school and falling asleep in class. But recent studies show that adolescent sleep patterns actually differ from those of adults or younger children. During the teen years, the body’s circadian rhythm (sort of like an internal biological clock) is temporarily reset, telling a person to fall asleep later and wake up later. This change in the circadian rhythm seems to be due to the fact that the brain hormone melatonin is produced later at night for teens than it is for younger children and adults. Therefore it can be harder for our teenagers to fall asleep early, or at least a reasonable time! These changes in the body’s circadian rhythm coincide with a time when our adolescents are at their busiest. For most teens, the pressure to do well in school is more intense than when they were primary students, and it’s harder to get by without studying hard. They also have other time demands – everything from sports and other extracurricular activities to fitting in part-time jobs to save money. How do I Know if I’m Getting Enough Sleep? If your teens are having difficulty waking up in the morning, have an inability to concentrate, fall asleep in class and/or experience feelings of moodiness and even depression. Guess what, not enough SLEEP! Having healthy sleeping habits are not always inbuilt, some may even need assistance in developing good sleeping routines. I have included some strategies to encourage healthy sleep for our teens. Set a regular bedtime and wake time, even on weekends. Make the bedroom a dark and quiet oasis for sleep. No Homework in bed. Create a calming bedtime routine, reading or listening to mellow music. Unwind by keeping the lights low. Light signals the brain that it’s time to wake up. The light from the computer can interfere with the production of the sleep promoting hormone, melatonin. Limit the exposure to bright light, including computer screens, TV, computer games and the telephone at least one hour before you go to bed. Wake up with bright light. Bright light in the morning signals to your body that it’s time to get going. A couple hours of missed sleep a night may not seem like a big deal, but can create a noticeable sleep deficit over time. If you’re drowsy, it’s hard to look and feel your best. Schedule “SLEEP” as an item on your agenda to help you stay creative and healthy. Ms Miranda McKee RN - College Nurse BUNBURY CATHOLIC COLLEGE CANTEEN ROSTER - TERM 2 2013 Starting time 9.30am. If unable to attend, please contact Christine Shalders on 9721 0066 (Canteen) or 9721 7679 (Home). MON MAY 6TH TUES MAY 7TH Lisa Bennett Cenise Harland Emily Kent WED MAY 8TH Tracey Rutherford Leonie Carbone Nyomie Kennedy Jasmine White THURS MAY 9TH Marie Tognela Kim Black Karen McAneny FRI MAY 10TH Louella Temple Maudie Brearley Fiona Gulberti Marlene Kaptein MON MAY 13TH Sheelagh McGarry Meredith Hutton Kaylene Robertson Yvonne Reilly TUES MAY 14TH Lita Manalaysay Nicolene Dressel Emily Jendrzejak WED MAY 15TH Claire Pierre Mary Chiera Wendy Sydney-Smith Claire Bach THURS MAY 16TH Nia Parker Tracy Licciardello Dale Hill-Power Lyn Bacich FRI MAY 17TH Tania Johns Putra Di Tomlinson Leanne O'Callaghan MON MAY 20TH Tasha Dowson Melissa Duane Penny Chorlton TUES MAY 21ST Shelley Rielly Morag Blunden Emma Gillet WED MAY 22ND Maria Griffiths Lina Powley Nancy Kusin THURS MAY 23RD Lisa Zacher Nicole Tate Vanessa Rankin-Hume FRI MAY 24TH Amanda Reeve Eliane Boom Kersteen Parker MON MAY 27TH Vanessa Verbrugge Catherine Griffin Narelle Maughan TUES MAY 28TH Sandra Pitts Julie-Ann Richards WED MAY 29TH Lyn Bertelli Marie Bennell Vikii Grzelka THURS MAY 30TH Rachel Freebury Andrea Keddie Louise Roberts FRI MAY 31ST Alyson Underdown Jen Ellis Suzanne Mumford MON JUNE 3RD FOUNDATION DAY TUES JUNE 4TH Sam Bilcich Sharyn Brown Lisa Pesce WED JUNE 5TH Denise Cable Joanne Goltz Karen Twomey THURS JUNE 6TH Annita Sellick Rochelle Piavanini Leona Neacy FRI JUNE 7TH Elisabetta Giacci Jennifer Travers Alison Busher Pat Clarke MON JUNE 10TH Tasha Dowson Rebecca McClea Lena Donovan Dianna Ietto TUES JUNE 11TH Kim Hislop Marisa Frazer Linette Kendle Lisa Bennett WED JUNE 12TH Tracey Rutherford Mary Pilatti Lorraine Fenn Caroline Cousins THURS JUNE 13TH Julie Rando Rebecca Corps Cherie Musitano FRI JUNE 14TH Tonya Parry Di Marney Therese Reeves MON JUNE 17TH Leanne Wringe Melissa Duane Nicole Johnston Lisa Kings TUES JUNE 18TH Shelly Reilly Chris Mogg Kath Keefe Paula Gianotti WED JUNE 19TH Claire Pierre Fiona Shepherd Gisela Johnsen Janet Goldspink THURS JUNE 20TH Jodie Chiellini Tara-Ann Zappia Kelly Rognetta Susanna Acala-Aguilar FRI JUNE 21ST Angela Doust Sally McDougall Paula Godber Carol Dagostino MON JUNE 24TH Cindy Power Helena Albertsen Lara Lee Anne Noonan TUES JUNE 25TH Lita Manalaysay Sandra Pitts Olivia Teahan Emily Jendrzejak WED JUNE 26TH Tracey Cowan Mary Chiera Trish Walker Denise Cable THURS JUNE 27TH Nia Parker Theresa Baker Kathryn Warnock Ann Puglisi FRI JUNE 28TH Tania Johns Putra Jo Waller Leah Bolwell MON JULY 1ST Penny Chorlton Carolyn Hutchison TUES JULY 2ND Maria Celisano Jenni Thompson Karen Mustica WED JULY 3RD Patricia Vogel Carmel Sutton Lina Powley THURS JULY 4TH Lisa Zacher Rachel Thorn Kylie Brandis Lyn Bacich FRI JULY 5TH Alyson Underdown Pamela Furey Kylie Baggetta STAFF PD The Health Act requires that sleeveless tops and open shoes are not to be worn by Canteen Workers/Volunteers. Hats should be worn (these will be supplied). Vocational Education & Training Newsletter Year 10 Work Experience Thank you to parents and students who have arranged placements ready for the week 1/7/13 to 5/7/13. For those who have not, the holiday period may be an opportune time. A reminder that Work Experience Reply Forms need to be returned no later than Friday 24 May 2013. Year 10 Workplace Learning Students participating in the Year 10 Workplace Learning elective are also reminded to make arrangements as soon as possible to allow prompt commencement in Term Two. Newsletter # 7 18 April 2013 Employment Opportunities Parts Interpreter - Suitable for a school leaver looking for a gap year job. Please phone 9721 0000 for more information. Apprentice Chef - In the Bunbury area. Please see the JOBS Board located outside the VET Office or see Mr Downes or Mrs Howard. Should you have any queries, please contact Mr Michael Downes or Mrs Sue Howard at the College on 9721 0000. South West Careers Expo Wedneesday 12 June 2013, 11.00am to 5.30pm Bunbury Catholic College Hall Rodsted Street, BUNBURY Confirmed Presenters Murdoch University University of Western Australia Curtin University Edith Cowan University Notre Dame University Iluka Resources St Catherine's College South West Institute Of Technology Cristal Construction Training Fund Forrest Personal Inc Motor Trade Association of WA Hospital Group Training The Apprenticeship & Traineeship Company Rural Skills Australia Southern Aviation Defence Force Recruiting CCI Apprenticeship Solutions International College of Hotel Management Main Roads WA A Day in the Life of a Student is a free event providing a valuable insight into a typical day at a university, with a number of interactive and informative workshops in which to participate. The following sessions will run in the April school Holidays for Year 11 & 12 students: A Day in the Life of a Music Student Monday 22 April A Day in the Life of an Arts Student Wednesday 24 April A Day in the Life of a Landscape Architecture Student Thursday 2 May A brochure and application form is available at the College’s VET office. Murdoch University Open Day Sunday 18 August For all Year 12 Students considering studying Medicine Important Dates The registration line for the UMAT will open in the next few days. The deadline for UMAT registration is 5.00pm, Friday 7 June 2013. Late registrations will incur a $65 penalty and this option will close on Friday 21 June at 5.00pm. The UMAT date is Wednesday 31 July. UMAT Changes for 2013 In previous years there were always three separate sections in the UMAT, where students had to finish each section in a particular given time. Students were not allowed to go back to the previous section past the allocated time. The styles of questions for UMAT 2013 are still the same, covering Logical Reasoning, Understanding People and Non-verbal Reasoning skills. However, questions are no longer divided into three timed sections. UMAT 2013 will be a three hour test consisting of 134 questions, the test is NO LONGER divided into sections and there are no rest breaks. Students can answer questions in any order they want. Please visit the VET Office if you are in Year 12 and interested in studying medicine or dentistry. Register your interest so that important information can be forwarded directly to you. Vocational Education & Training Newsletter Newsletter # 7 18 April 2013 The VET Department would like to acknowledge and thank these businesses in and around the Bunbury area who assisted our school in providing work placements and work experience for our students this term. This partnership between schools and businesses is vital for our students pursuing career pathways and is greatly appreciated by the College Community. A & R Engineering Alcoa Australia Amana Inn Andel Plumbing Ansac Australian Defence Navy Fleet Base Australind Home Hardware BCE Surveying Better Pets and Gardens Bunbury Bunbury Auto Electrics Bunbury Catholic College Canteen Bunbury Engineering Network Bunbury Telecom Service Pty Ltd Café 140 Changing Spaces City of Bunbury Collins Booksellers Coonida Primary School Cyclone Security Screens and Doors Dardanup Garage Service Station David Nowland Hydraulics Diesel Force Djidi Djidi Primary School Dolphin Discovery Centre Eaton Animal Health Centre Ella Bache Bunbury GMW Carpentry Goodstart Early Learning Centre BBY Goodstart Early Learning Eaton GTS Electrical and Data Harbour Services Australia Home Group WA Jackson Electricals JANDCO Electrics Just Electricians Kids Inn Dalyellup Kitform Kitchens Komatsu Lenards Leschenault Catholic Primary School Donnybrook Pinjarra Harvey Bunbury Bunbury Garden Island Australind Bunbury Bunbury Bunbury Bunbury Bunbury Gelorup Bunbury Bunbury Bunbury Bunbury Bunbury Eaton Dardanup Bunbury Bunbury Bunbury Bunbury Eaton Bunbury Capel Bunbury Eaton Bunbury Bunbury Bunbury Collie Bunbury Gelorup Dalyellup Bunbury Bunbury Bunbury Australind Mainline Plumbing Marc Shaddick Ceilings Mowers Plus National Lubrication Systems New Breed Motors Nites Electrical Orontide Engineering Our Lady of Lourdes School Pages Mechanical Repairs Parkfield Primary School Piacentini & Son Piacentini and Son Pty Ltd Rachel Wallis Photography Radio West/HOT FM Retravision Bunbury River Valley Primary School Riverlinks Child Care Centre Rock N Roll High School Saint Annes Primary School SKG Radiology Solarhart South West South West Pets Sportsfirst Sportsfirst Collie St John of God Hospital - Physio Dept St Josephs Primary School St Michaels Catholic Primary School Stockman Holden Terry O'Connor & Co The Natural Beauty Spot Tint - a - car Bunbury Tradelink Tuart Forest Primary School Unsunk Funk Warrick Welding Westrac Bunbury Bunbury Bunbury Bunbury Bunbury Davenport Bunbury Dardanup Boyanup Australind Bunbury Picton Bunbury Bunbury Bunbury Burekup Australind Bunbury Harvey Bunbury Bunbury Bunbury Bunbury Collie Bunbury Bunbury Brunswick Harvey Dardanup Bunbury Bunbury Bunbury Dalyellup Bunbury Bunbury Bunbury THE ART i FACTS Dance Indonesian Dance Workshop As part of our Indonesian Immersion Arts and T & E Project we were lucky enough to welcome two wonderful Balinese Dancers into the College on Friday 1 March. The day began with the Year 8 Dance class being taught some of the traditional movements of Balinese Dance with the flexed wrists and the bent knee, bare-foot stance causing a few giggles as students attempted to get it right. We then progressed to the Year 9 students who will be performing at the Indonesian Immersion Evening on Tuesday 18 June. These students were taught a traditional Pendant Dance by Rosa (Ocha) and Diana. The dance was certainly more difficult than anticipated with students developing a new appreciation for the skills and grace of our tutors. By the end of the day both students and teachers were exhausted and there were certainly many sore muscles to be endured the next day. Special thanks must go to the dancers, Rosa and Diana from Prebumi Dance Company, Mrs Dianne Stewart – who although on leave in 2013 arranged for and liaised with the dancers throughout the whole process and Ms Brenda Della-Sale who organised us all on the day. Ms Kym Whitney and Mrs Karen Walker - Dance Department Drama Year 10 Drama Nights This year, due to large class sizes, we decided to split the group over two evenings for their solo performances. The first group performed on Monday 8 April and set a very high standard early. The mixture of deep seated emotion and humour was a hit with the audience and the applause for performers was generous. The second evening was held on Monday 15 April and the pressure from the previous performances brought out the best in our students and they delighted a large crowd with their talents. Performing as an individual in front of an audience can be a daunting prospect and students should be proud of the effort they put in. Animal Farm-Shake and Stir Recently we were fortunate enough to welcome visitors from the cast of the Shake and Stir Theatre Company to our College. These visitors were in Bunbury for one night only presenting George Orwell’s famous text “Animal Farm”. Our guests took the Year 11 and 12 students through elements of Physical Theatre and looked at the basics of movement, feel and trust. These activities will greatly assist students in the development of their monologues which will be assessed as part of the WACE course. Upcoming Events Tours Early in Term 2, students will be travelling to Perth to participate in a workshop with the Black Swan Theatre group. This workshop will be targeted directly at the students’ solo performance exam and will be an exciting opportunity to work with some of WA’s finest actors. As part of the trip we will also be viewing the world famous production of Jersey Boys and Black Swans adaptation of “Death of a Salesman”. It should prove to be a highlight of the drama calendar. Performance Year 9 students will be involved in the Indonesian Immersion evening that will occur at the College in Term 2. Drama students will be creating a shadow puppetry performance based on traditional elements of Indonesian Theatre. It promises to be a unique and interesting event. Our Year 12 students will also be presenting the famous Australian play “Cosi” by Louis Nowra on Monday and Tuesday,10 and 11 June in the Performing Arts Centre. A very unique play set in a Mental Institution during the Vietnam War. It was adapted into a film and helped to launch the careers of famous Australian actors Toni Collette and David Wenham. Tickets and further information will be available at the beginning of Term 2. Mr Gerard Robertson - Drama Department Media Media as Art: Once upon a time, the photograph and the film were very envious of the painting. “We want to be beautiful and admired by our audience,” they groaned. “Never!” said the critic. “You are too modern and too clumsy and too new. There is nothing artistic about you.” There were those who disagreed with the narrow views of the critic. “Look at the skilful camera work. Marvel at the shadows thrown by the lighting! Consider how the angles portray the ideas.” Bit by bit, people around the world started to agree. The photograph and the film were excited and grew in confidence. They experimented with their techniques and created artworks which will forever be admired by their audience. Finally the critic had to admit that the photograph and the film had indeed earned their place as works of art. They continue to live happily ever after. Our Year 12 students are exploring the ‘arty’ side of Media and are frantically completing their aesthetic productions as this article goes to print. Of course, deadlines come with a multitude of challenges which can be stressful, however, our students are discovering that a problem solved – and solved artistically – is also very satisfying! This year’s Easter Liturgy media presentation was built around our Year 10 students’ photographic work. Students responded creatively and enthusiastically to the task and enjoyed seeing their images on the big screen in the Cathedral. Their next brief is to produce promotional material for the Indonesian Immersion Evening (Term 2) which will see them apply their design and desktop publishing skills. ‘Sharpies’, ‘grunge’ and ‘wiggle’ skirts As part of their research into popular culture for Stage 2 Media Production and Analysis our Year 11 Media students have brought the language, iconography and fashion of different subcultures to life for a contemporary audience. Feature articles produced by the students explore the impact of popular culture from the 1950s to the present as well as replicate the design elements and language of the print magazine medium. Our next project sees students turn their attention to the emerging popularity of pop music and pop music stars from the Asian region. Their research and investigations will result in students producing their own three minute music video and discovering the joys and challenges of film-making. We look forward to seeing the fruits of their labours. Mrs Cally Yates & Mrs Jane Smith - Media Department Music The Term That Was: On Sunday 17 March 2013, Bunbury Catholic College Music students were invited to perform at the Harvey Harvest Festival, our first gig of the year. After an interesting start with sound checks, the Celtic Band performed three songs including ‘Danny Boy’, which was accompanied very unexpectedly by a passing train. The Girl’s Choir also performed and wowed the crowd with a final ‘Bubbly’ number. Overall this was a successful event and students are to be congratulated for their very professional performance. This term, students from The Young Fiddler Program, have prepared new and exciting musical pieces which will be performed at this year’s Bunbury Eisteddfod. There will be three orchestra groups where one will have a new member playing Double Bass. We welcome new violin teacher Mrs Anne Spear in Term 2 who replaces Ms Rogers who is due to have her first child at the end of this month. We wish her all the best with this happy event. On Thursday evening, 11 April, the Autumn Fest was held in the College Hall. This event saw a huge audience treated to a diverse range of musical and dancing talent from our students. Our students had them clapping, laughing and literally dancing in the aisles. Our last minute MC, Levi Harley, assisted by Finn Mickle, delivered jokes as they proudly wore the “bling” Tiaras. The evening included many original songs, first time performers, dancers, choirs, soloists, rock bands, Celtic bands and concert bands. Many students multi-tasked by being backstage crew and performers. We would like to thank the following sponsors who provided raffle items, for their support. BNatural Woodcraft Grooves that Move Mitchell Harrison Photography Mitre 10 Bunbury Ferguson Falls Winery Our lucky winners left with their hands full! Thank you to all the students who assisted backstage and with lighting, Mrs Morgan, Mr Campbell, Ms Hart and all the teachers and parents who volunteered with refreshments. Autumn Fest would not be possible without this amazing team of students, teachers, sponsors and parents. Thank you for giving our students this amazing performance opportunity to shine! Upcoming Events The West Australian Performing Arts Eisteddfod in June is our focus next term, with all ensembles and choirs performing. Our Girls Choir will proudly be opening the National Seniors Conference on Monday 6 May in Bunbury. Look out for our new music uniforms. Details of this event to come shortly. Also in Term Two, our instrumental music students will be showcased at a concert in our Performing Arts Centre, so watch out for this ‘not-to-be-missed’ event. Mrs Melissa Mitchell, Mrs Barbara Morgan, Mr Luke Campbell & Ms Stephanie Hart- Music Department IN RETROSPECT TERM ONE Our Year 12 Art Camp was the first major art event on the College calendar and this year we had a brand new location to our previous art camps. The first week of March holds many exciting opportunities in Perth so our three day camp consisted of visits to several places of artistic inspiration. Our first port of call was the Art Gallery of WA where we viewed the Year 12 Perspectives and Picturing New York Exhibitions. Other artistic endeavours included the Sculpture by the Sea exhibition in Cottesloe, Urban artworks in Northbridge, the café strip and markets of Fremantle and of course our accommodation at Woodman point by the beach. Our students left with a collection of visual memories of our day trips and inspiration from artist talks, diverse works and innovative mixed media workshops. Our Term One art exhibitions also included Year 9, 10, 11 and 12 student visits to the South Western Times Survey at the Bunbury Regional Art Galleries. Students were in awe of works from local artists in particular our very own Mrs Tanya Downes and Miss Maria Delle Donne with their thought provoking artworks. THE YEAR AHEAD Projects that commenced in Term One are now well underway and include Year 8 ceramic warrior figurines inspired by the ancient Japanese Samurai. Both Year 9 Art classes are currently working on artworks inspired by Indonesia which will be on display for our Indonesian Immersion Evening in June. The art forms include Batik, wood carving and mixed media. Year 10 Craft are creating Generation “Z” inspired designs for a t-shirt whilst the Stage 1A Year 10 Art students are analysing the work of artist Marc Chagall and gathering visual information towards their silk screen print based on the theme “Journey”. Year 11 Certificate III and Year 12 Certificate II students are currently working through the design development process for their studio production pieces to complete their drawing and painting units inspired by the theme of ‘Memory”. The Year 12 Certificate ll students were also fortunate to participate in a ‘Life Drawing’ class which was held on campus providing guided technical precision to produce some inspiring artworks. Year 11 Stage 2 Visual Art students are currently designing portrait paintings inspired by the theme “Differences” and Year 12 Stage 3 students are in their production stage creating various works in painting and mixed media which explore the theme of commentaries with a focus on their modern world. All this equals a very busy Term Two and we encourage all art students to stay focused, up to date and to strive for originality and precision of techniques and processes. Year 9 students Erin Elstermann and Brooke Heenan working on their Indonesian inspired Batik works. Year 8 Ceramic Japanese Samurai Ms Brenda Della-Sale, Mrs Tanya Downes & Ms Maria Delle Donne - Art Department Holy Thursday Liturgy It has been a tradition that every year the Arts Department lends its creative flair to make the Holy Thursday Liturgy experience a memorable and meaningful one for our students before their departure into the Easter season. This year the story of our crucified Christ was incorporated into a full Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral. Whilst the venue proved a challenge to incorporate all aspects of the Arts, it was an advantage to only have to perform it once. The setting also allowed for a more reverent atmosphere and brought together the College Community in its entirety. The great acoustics of the choir was accompanied by the ceremonial movements of the dance and drama students with eye catching costumes. The students worked together brilliantly to uphold the Crucifixion mural which came together like a jigsaw puzzle. Once again we concluded the Mass with a Year 10 Power Point inspired by the meaning of this significant event on the Christian calendar. Thank you to the Arts staff, Mrs Viv McKenzie, Mrs Janet Wilson and students who put in many hours towards this Liturgical event and the College Community for their support to aid in the greater meaning of Easter. The Arts Department The Back Page Issue 10 – April 18 2013 BCC Athletics Carnival This year was our second year at the new Olympic standard arena at Hay Park Athletics Track. Thank you to all staff for their support throughout the day, especially the PE staff who were all there at dawn to prepare the venue. Thank you also to our students and parents who helped out on the day. Without your help we could not run such a successful day. It was disappointing that the carnival was called off with everyone still participating, however, you cannot help the weather. All students who participated and competed with such great enthusiasm should be commended. Due to the carnival being called off, we were unable to hand out any champions awards, however, below are the students who achieved outstanding results on the day and broke records: Student Faction Event Old Record New Record Mikayla Horan Xavier Year 8 Female long Jump 4.46 4.93 Year 8 Female Javelin 22.05 23.05 Elliot Barton Xavier Year 11 Male 1500m 4.51 4.48 Megan Shine McAuley Year 11 Female 400m 1.06.22 1.04.42 Year 11 Female 1500m 5.49.72 5.18.00 A special mention to Josef Bandera (Year 10), and those students who competed in the 100m race, for showing great sportsmanship and school spirit. Jorjah Bell (Year 10) was official of the day due to her excellent marshalling skills and selfless effort. Valentine won the coveted Panda Award for their fantastic organisational skills in the morning. The SSWA team will be finalised next term and there will be one training session next term before the interschool carnival is held in Week 3. Country Week Teams Announced Congratulations to the following students who have been selected into Bunbury Catholic Colleges first ever country week teams: Senior Boys Country Week Football Team Senior Girls Country Week Soccer Team Sarah-Jane Ietto (Year 9) Taleah McCagh (Year 9) Emalee Neacy (Year 9) Marlie Philp (Year 9) Kennedy George (Year 11) Gemma Parisella (Year 8) Amber Lilley (Year 9) Tahlia Parisella (Year 11) Mikaela Kusin (Year 11) Sarah Currell (Year 10) Rebecca Allan (Year 9) Sophie Thomson (Year 11) Melissa Pinzone (Year 9) Emma Zolnier (Year 9) Darcey Ryan-Barnard (Year 10) Sophie Ellis (Year 9) CONTACT US Phone: 9721 0050 Fax: 9721 0044 Kale Triplett (Year 10) Hayden Hancock (Year 10) Kye Murray (Year 10) Harley Depiazzi (Year 10) Gaetan Mwanangela (Year 9) James Finucane (Year 10) Jayden Rando (Year 10) Hamish Hall (Year 10) Harry Creasey (Year 10) Michael Tassone (Year 10) Blair Della Franca (Year 11) John Sanchez (Year 10) Ira Howard (Year 11) Cam O'Dea (Year 11) Elliot Barton (Year 11) Brendan Craig (Year 11) Alex Jerrard (Year 11) Elliott Dixon (Year 11) Kris Golemo (Year 11) Levi Harley (Year 11) Nathan Catalano (Year 11) Christian Zappia (Year 10) Tyler Bennell (Year 10) Lachlan James (Year 10) Daniel Taylor (Year 9) Lachlan Nicolson (Year 11) Mackenzie Shepherd (Year 11) Jordan Falco (Year 9) **Latest edition to the Back Page Healthy Lifestyle Tip - Take a Daily Walk We all know about the advantages of physical activity, but most of us have neither time, nor the desire to exercise. Use the stairs as often as possible instead of the elevator, take a walk with your friends, walk your dog a bit longer than usual – use any possibility to be more physically active.
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