Annual Report 2012
Annual Report 2012
Annual Report 2012 3 Table of Contents Authors Nick Beglinger, FFGS Christina Berger, FFGS Editing Walt Beglinger, FFGS Layout Darja Unold, FFGS 1. Full Speed Ahead 5 2. Reinforcing the Team 7 3. Strengthening the Financial Basis 7 4. swisscleantech: Advancing the Energy Tournaround 9 5. An Evolving Cleantech Framework 11 6. Deploying the Framework with the Cleantech Compass 11 7. Expanding and Integrating the Cleantech Information Service 13 8. Increasing Organizational Capacity with the FFGS CRM 15 9. Biomimicry – Revealing the Marvels of Nature for Use in Business 17 10. A Fresh Breeze for Züri Wind 19 11. 11.1 11.2 11.3 Consolidating Further Projects Cleantech Innovation Parks Cleantech Visionary Club Swiss Village Abu Dhabi 21 21 21 21 12. Going Strong 23 13. 13.1 13.2 Annual Financial Report Financial Statements Auditors' Report 24 24 30 June 2013 Foundation for Global Sustainability (FFGS) Reitergasse 11 8004 Zurich Switzerland T: +41 58 450 1000 F: +41 58 450 1001 Email: Website: Photo acknowledgment: Chris Jordan, Energizer, 2007 This is a zoom on the image depicting 170’000 disposable Energizer batteries, 5 1. Full Speed Ahead organization, sharpened its aims, deepened its knowledge and strengthened its basis. As a “think & do tank”, of sustainability, while - by way of initiating, implementing and fostering projects - making sure that knowledge becomes action and action turns into sustainability gain. For Switzerland, 2012 was politically an intensive year. Cause was the ever shifting alliances around the energy transition. After the thunderbolt of the Swiss Federal Council, announcing the exit from nuclear energy in June 2011, much of 2012 was taken up by preparing the ground, both in building up know-how as well as in forging alliances by conducting person-to-person meetings so as to ensure that the right facts become known to the persons who decide. On the international front, 2012 was rewarding in two main ways. Firstly, Nick Beglinger, in his function as president of the swisscleantech association, was elected to to the Rio +20 conference (held in June) to contribute as Green Economy expert. Secondly, thanks to FFGS, Zurich became the center of Biomimicry this summer with the three-day Biomimicry Finance and Innovation Summit at the end of August. Over 100 participants from all over the world – mainly US and Europe – followed the invitation of FFGS to exchange know-how and views in workshops and conferences. Internally, our organization went through some mastrengthened and some key IT projects revised, updated and re-launched. Moreover, the team left its “start-up” headquarters in late fall to temporarily co-reside with two our localities were completed and ready to be occupied. The move was scheduled for and effected by early 2013. All these projects and challenges put the Foundation unport mid-year, the team soon regained new strength and, with the additional means granted, FFGS was able to efto continue on its route towards its goals of sustainability on both the domestic and international levels. Thank you for your interest in our work. This annual report provides a comprehensive overview of our projects and activities. The underlined words in the digital version are links to background information. Annual Report 2012 For FFGS the year 2012 proved to be one for shifting gears. 6 7 2. Reinforcing the Team The new funding mid-year enabled FFGS to reinforce its team with two new analysts and a strategist, particularly to focus on the plentiful tasks posed by the swisscleantech activities; furthermore, it allowed for the internship lected projects. The Foundation’s board of trustees, steering FFGS’ macro decisions, is headed by Walt Beglinger. We would like to thank him and the board members Daniel Urech, Adriel Caro and Nick Beglinger for their valuable counsel and time investment, as well as for their continuous support. Nick Beglinger continues taking executive charge of strategic and general management decisions for the Foun- 3. Strengthening the Financial Basis recent major IT developments and new recruitments. Every so often she is assisted by Anna Nyfeler, Flurina Mäder and Corinne Egger, three excellent students, who help us build up and maintain our database, prepare and sig- Top: The FFGS Team from top left to bottom right: Nick Beglinger, Christian Zeyer, Franziska Barmettler, Christina Berger, Nicolas Fries, Martina Novak, Anna Nyfeler, Flurina Mäder, Corinne Egger, Darja Unold care that every “inbound-call” is promptly attended to. Darja Unold continues to avail to us her skills in providing well-designed publications – mainly for swisscleantech. In October, we were very happy to welcome two junior analysts in our team. Martina Novak had chosen a master thesis topic coinciding well with part of the research needs of the Foundation: the comparison of the different energy studies in Switzerland, with the aim of completing a publication for the beginning of 2013, which is to bring the long awaited clarity into the “study jungle”. Nicolas Fries supports Christian in writing a background paper on solar energy, published in December 2012. Nicolas is also engaged in organizing the focus groups meetings and regularly writes the newsletter of swisscleantech. FFGS’ as an operationally active foundation main income is generated by way of the mandates we hold, most importantly from the business association swisscleantech, which takes up some 80 to 90% of our time invested. The association’s steady growth contributed to a more solid income stream in 2012. In view of FFGS’ high commitment means had to be reinforced. Mid-year, two prominent foundations, OAK Foundation and MAVA Foundation pour la nature, for FFGS’ research activities. Their contributions enabled step up its activities. We would like to extend our thanks and appreciation to the two organizations for their support, trust, and most valued contributions. Annual Report 2012 consisting of Franziska Barmettler, Christina Berger and Christian Zeyer. Franziska is in charge of our policy division and performs excellently, in particular on the political lobbying frontline. As head for all political issues of the Foundation’s projects, of which swisscleantech is the main one, she makes sure that our internal activity-planning blends ence of swisscleantech in the political sphere. She works closely with Christian, who joined the FFGS team in Octoic strategies. Christian has been active for swisscleantech since the association’s establishment in 2009. We take pride to count the author of the indispensable Cleantech Energy Model now among our management team members. Christina is in charge of the key projects Compass, Cleantech Framework and development of the member services division of swisscleantech. Mid-year she took over more operations functions to ensure the smooth running 8 9 4. swisscleantech: Advancing the Energy Tournaround The year of Rio +20 was also an excellent opportunity to demonstrate that swisscleantech is being recognized as Switzerland’s main actor and heard expert on the Green Economy. As a member of the Swiss delegation to the Rio conference in June, Nick Beglinger was able to contribute in manifold manner to the formation of ecological assessment and necessary legislative measures, which need and should be taken into account by policy-makthe “swisscleantech policy making model” and thus to arouse the interest of many delegations in the way we advance sustainability effectively in the national and international policy arenas. We are quite proud to hold the mandate to run – to our knowledge – the currently only existing independent business association lobbying for sustainable policies. Top: Franziska Barmettler, head policy, being portrayed by the TV program Rundschau (SF) on lobbying in Parliament, February 2012 in Berne Middle: (l.) TV program Tagesschau (SF) Interview with Nick Beglinger, CEO, at Cleantec City exposition, March 2012 in Berne (r.) Focus group Mobility & Logistics in September 2012 in Berne Bottom: Impressions from the Rio Summit; the beach of Copacabana in June 2012 On the domestic side, the association has established itself as one of the main providers of know-how on the energy transition. swisscleantech has been called upon numerous times by the media, institutions and government entities to provide information, assessments and evaluations. Alongside the main topic “energy”, swisscleantech has broadened its scope by commenting on topics such as the relationship with the EU, the Gotthard tunnel and biomimicry. It is the association’s goal to further extend the thematic scope to policy topics, which are of vital importance to the Foundation and for a truly sustainable development, nationally and worldwide. We have set our sights particularly on increasingly including “Social Responsibility” in our future models for sustainable development; a task, for which we feel to be ideally equipped due to the strength of FFGS’ ecological, socially fair and just tenor. We invite you to read the swisscleantech annual report for a comprehensive overview of the main activities of the association in 2012. Annual Report 2012 In 2012, membership rose to over 300 companies. Furthermore, some important new trade associations joined the association’s council. This allowed us to increase the weight of our political voice for the Green Economy, which will be of immense importance for the crucial months in energy policy-making ahead. Especially in the second half of 2012, the association gathered over 100 experts in focus groups to discuss solutions to systemsproblems surrounding energy, for instance with respect to mobility and to building technology, as well as to prepare input for the legislative procedures. 10 11 “Sustainable development is human development within the ecological means of our planet, while leaving a substantial share of Earth’s biosphere to species other than humans. In addition to this ecological framework, sustainable development requires a social regulatory framework which focuses on improving the quality of life for all, in current and future generations. Within those transparently set frameworks, a dynamic market economy can thrive.” “Cleantech includes all goods, services, processes and business models across all industries and all value ad- further reduction of detrimental impacts on the environment, as well as bringing about the necessary changes in society.” Cleantech Framework – is one of the most important intellectual properties of the Foundation. It is based on the nationally complemented by Cleantech qualities, encompassing not only the process of the economic activity of a company (or another entity), but also addressing the resulting products. As a third dimension target, markets are allocated so as to allow companies, which are more service product. The goal of the Cleantech Framework is to make sustainable economic activity visible and observed across all industry sectors, and thus to allow for homologated statistical coverage, matching solution seekers with providmark and assessment basis for overall performance. City Association. FFGS entered into partnership with this association, which provides local decision-makers with a manual on how to make their municipality more sustainable. The cooperation consists of matching the catalogue of measures with companies (via the FFGS Codes) providing the know-how to implement these. Additionally, the partnership’s activities were extended to include the association of local communities (Gemeindeverband) and the association of cities (Städteverband) as recipients and diffusers of the support tool. The Framework is dynamic, meaning that the FFGS Codes ergy – and more is to come, depending on the feedback from the application of the framework in connection with the online tool – the Cleantech Compass (see next section). 6. Deploying the Framework with the Cleantech Compass Based on the prototype of the web-based client, the Foundation implemented the Cleantech Compass for the Green Economy. After having concluded a cooperation agreement with the Canton of Berne at the end of 2011, the tool was presented at the Cleantech City conference, organized by the Canton of Berne in March 2012. It is a very comprehensive and user-friendly tool, which allows companies to register their respective Cleantech competences online. The development and implementation of the tool was a major project. It sets the basis also having to take the detour by way of the association’s operational team. swisscleantech is the ambassador for the compass, as well as – at this point in time – its main client. Next to swisscleantech, the companies of the Canton of Berne have been proactively addressed to sign up. The partnership with the Canton provides for the availing of the tool to the relevant administrative authorities, which in turn employ it to extend the targeted services to the companies within their jurisdiction. Furthermore, the news Service (see section 7) is made available to all signed up participants. The structuring of the tool also permits it to be pulled into the client’s website, if so wanted. This added service has not yet been demanded, but clearly the possibility that demand will arise is there. This extension will make for an optional part of the package for future clients. The Compass then, is a core development rooting in the Cleantech Framework. The main target group for the marketing of the Compass is the economic promotional division of all of the Swiss cantons. Due to the complexity and time consummation of developing and advancing the tool, the marketing of the Compass has in 2012 not evolved beyond the mentioned initial test run in the Canton of Berne. It will be a major task in 2013 to make up Cleantech Compass packages, linked with the Cleantech news and to bring this attractive tool to market for the cantons to strengthen their companies’ Cleantech Economy in general. Bottom: The Cleantech Compass for the Green Economy website, Annual Report 2012 5. An Evolving Cleantech Framework 12 13 Zürich Zollikon CLEANTECH NEWS Mehr als 300 Mitglieder Bern – Der Wirtschaftsverband swisscleantech hat neu 306 Mitgliedsunternehmen. Seinem Verbandsbeirat gehören über 20 Branchenverbände an. Swisscleantech erweitert seinen Vorstand auf acht Mitglieder. Neu gehören ihm auch die Chefs von Schneider Electric Schweiz, Matthias Bölke, von Cofely Schweiz, Wolfgang Schwarzenbacher und von Landis + Gyr Schweiz, Peter Kieffer an. Der Verband versteht sich als die Stimme der nachhaltigen und liberalen Wirtschaft. Footprint-Gründer ausgezeichnet Boston – Die Gründer des Global Footprint Network, Christoph Wackernagel und William Rees, haben den Kenneth E. Boulding Award 2012 der International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) gewonnen. Das Modell des ökologischen Fussab- Küsnacht Meilen drucks, das Wackernagel auf Grundlage früherer Arbeiten von Rees entwickelt hat, misst den Verbrauch natürlicher Ressourcen. 16km Stäfa 26km 34km Linth Bilten Weesen 60km Strom statt Lawinen Bellwald – Photovoltaik-Anlagen an einer Lawinenverbauung im Skigebiet von Bellwald werden ab Juli den ersten Strom ins lokale Stromnetz ein- Die PostAuto Schweiz AG hat Ende Mai die erste Wasserstoff-Tankstelle der Schweiz in Betrieb genommen. Foto: zVg Grafik: Nija Nikolic / zVg Walenstadt Filzbach Noch Luft bei der Wasserkraft Bern – Die Wasserkraft soll auch in Zukunft wesentlich zur Stromversorgung beitragen. Laut einer Studie des Bundesamts für Energie besteht bis 2050 ein Ausbaupotenziel von rund 1,5 Terrawattstunden (TWh) pro Jahr. Unter optimierten Nutzungsbedingungen kann die Wasserkraft um 3,2 TWh pro Jahr ausgebaut werden. 2011 produzierten die Wasserkraftwerke 33,8 TWh, das sind rund 54 Prozent der gesamten Erzeugung. Familienfreundliche Etappen: Ein Umweltveloweg soll von Zürich nach Chur führen. Schmerikon Rapperswil- 46km Tuggen Jona Unterterzen 80km Flums Mels speisen. Die beiden Anlagen produzieren laut der Energieregion Goms eine Gesamtleistung von rund 22 Kilowattpeak. Mit dem Projekt wollen die Verantwortlichen prüfen, ob diese Nutzung von Lawinenverbauungen lohnenswert ist. Das Projekt wird von einer Studie begleitet. Sargans Rhein 98km Seez Maienfeld Bad Ragaz 112km Landquart Landquart Igis Haldenstein/ Chur 127km Veloweg soll Energieverbrauch aufzeigen Zürich – Ein Umweltveloweg soll von Zürich nach Chur führen. Laut den Initianten um Simone Hochstrasser sollen zehn Stationen jeweils verschiedene Facetten des eigenen alltäglichen Energieverbrauchs erläutern. Der 127 Kilometer lange Weg ist familienfreundlich in drei Etappen untergliedert. Das Projekt wird unter anderem von der Heidiland Tourismus AG unterstützt. Hochhäuser werden Solarkraftwerk Zürich – Bei der architektonischen und energetischen Sanierung der beiden Wohnhochhäuser Sihlweid mit 17 beziehungsweise 19 Obergeschossen werden diese vollständig mit einer Solarhaut ummantelt. Die Ernst Schweizer Metallbau AG ist für die Entwicklung und Konstruktion der Fassade verantwortlich. Architektonisch betreut wird die Sanierung von der Harder Haas Partner AG. Widerstand gegen CKWSolarkraftwerk Inwil – Die Stiftung Landschaftsschutz Schweiz (SL) wehrt sich gegen das geplante grösste Solarkraftwerk der Schweiz in Inwil. Laut SL-Geschäftsleiter Raimund Rodewald wäre es sinnvoller, die Energie über kleinere Dachanlagen zu gewinnen. Die Centralschweizerischen Kraftwerke sehen Vorteile bei der Freiflächenanlage, weil so der Strom billiger produziert werden könne. Erste Wasserstoff-Tankstelle der Schweiz Brugg – Die PostAuto Schweiz AG hat Ende Mai die erste Wasserstoff-Tankstelle der Schweiz in Betrieb genommen. Die Anlage in Brugg versorgt fünf elektrisch betriebene Brennstoffzellenautos. Der gasförmige Wasserstoff wird zum grössten Teil vor Ort von der Air LiquideTochter Carbagas produziert – und zwar ausschliesslich mit Strom aus erneuerbaren Quellen. Plessur Alpmobil für nachhaltigen Tourismus Münster – Der Verein Alpmobil startet mit einem neuen Internet Auftritt und einem neuen Konzept in die dritte Saison. Er hat sich von einem Anbieter von Elektromobilität zu einer Plattform gewandelt, die touristische Angebote entwickelt und verkauft. Damit werden laut einer Mitteilung nachhaltige Mobilitätslösungen, spannende Ausflüge und Ferienangebote in nachhaltig geführten Hotels kombiniert. Swissgrid bürgt für Geothermieprojket Bern – Die nationale Netzgesellschaft Swissgrid hat dem von den St. Galler Stadtwerken geplanten Geothermieprojekt eine Risikoabsicherung mit Mitteln der Kostendeckenden Einspeisevergütung (KEV) zugesichert. Bereits Anfang Oktober 2011 hatte Swissgrid einem Geothermieprojekt in Lavey-lesBains die Absicherung des Risikos gewährt. Anzeige Innovationstreiber Natur Wirtschaftsverband swisscleantech bringt Biomimicry Thought Leaders in die Schweiz. Cordula Galeffi / Zoo Zürich Jetzt anmelden: Top: news published in the Unternehmerzeitung. Below, the swisscleantech ad promoting the Biomimicry Summit, July 2012 It still remains a work-intensive task to make sure that all ority will have to be given to a more proactive stance cleantech members, and secondly with the companies of the cantons, with which we have entered into agreements. This will require extra budget allocation and the formation of a Compass “helpline”. The most important and work-intensive part is behind us. The result is unique. It visibly demonstrates that Cleantech can be found everywhere. This provides a very solid basis for the continuance of our endeavors to spread the FFGS convinced – eventually worldwide. 7. Expanding and Integrating the Cleantech Information Service, the Foundation’s joint venture with the press agency Café Europe, further development in 2012. The website was successmultiplied. FFGS mainly participates in the cost of the technical infrastructure. It makes its channels available to fostering the diffusion of the news service. Besides the excellent editorial work of the Café Europe journalist team, some technical additions have been made possible by the joint venture with FFGS to spread the news even further. Organizations can now choose to have custom-selected news integrated into their own website. FFGS scheduled to implement this feature into its own website in January 2013. Liechtenstein Innovation is one of the other early users of this system, and, no doubt, many more are to follow. The news service, with its newsletter capacity, tailored to vidualized content allocation and integration on websites, forms an integral part of marketing the Cleantech Compass package. This comprehensive package allows a high visibility of Cleantech companies and news, the raising of awareness and interest, as well as valuable information for the cantons on the companies in their constituencies – all at a relatively low cost to the partners. Moreover, the companies listed in the Compass and receiving the news (also via other channels) are actively encouraged to make their Cleantech news known to the editorial team of Café Europe. This reinforces their visibility and market position, especially as the news also appear in print form in the widely read Unternehmerzeitung (in German) with a reach of around 155’000 readers. Annual Report 2012 l Nr. 7/8 l 2012 l 27 l UZ The application of the Energy City measures was also implemented in the Compass website. On a tailor-made sub-site, community administrators can select the Energy City measure and see the companies, which provide know-how to implement the measures. FFGS considers this a major success for the Framework and the Compass as it shows that the “database” is more than just listing information – it can also match needs, provide several outlets and bring about visibility. 14 15 8. Increasing Organizational Capacity with the FFGS CRM In the past years, important work has been undertaken in establishing a Cleantech database which allowed to ef- The new system will, therefore, not only allow FFGS to car- participations and connections with other entities. But uncant limitations in its performance: mainly speed, which has worsened because of the lacking access to a glass- strategic investment eventually to strengthen other entiting tools. Since swisscleantech, as its main user, experienced everincreasing complexity and volume, the decision was taken by FFGS to invest into a re-design of the database in the summer of 2012, following intensive exploration talks with several database providers. The main criteria were tive management of the framework with the CRM, database interface to the compass and to the swisscleantech websites, to the Cleantech information system, possibility Instead of opting for a fully tailor-made solution, which nancial means, we opted for a “semi-out-of-the-box” solution; acquiring some basic pre-programmed modules tions required for running the organizational side of the swisscleantech association. The most successful tender was handed in by the company integranova, with which we began to work closely towards full implementation of the new database. Next base can also be made available to all kinds of other entities, who wish to license our system (with or without the for instance to organizations such as Cleantech clusters, or Cantons, as well as to entities of entirely unconnected income for the Foundation. CRM Annual Report 2012 the possibility of implementing the Cleantech Framework as its main underlying structure is rather limited. 16 Wissen Gewusst? Wie hält sich ein Gecko an der Wand? Auflösung unten rechts 20 Sekunden Fesselnder Schatz SAAS-FEE. Wo sind bloss die acht Schätze versteckt? Wer sie findet, lernt viel über Alpentiere. Denn in jedem Schatz befinden sich spannende Informationen über Murmeltier, Steinbock, Adler und Co. Die Schatzkarte kann bei Saas-Fee Tourismus gekauft werden. Ganzjährig, Tourismusbüro, Obere Dorfstrasse 2, Saas-Fee. Gekürter Vampir SIHLWALD. Die Fledermaus wur- de von Pro Natura zum Tier des Jahres 2012 gewählt. Der Nachmittag im Wildnispark bringt den Besuchern die nachtaktiven Säugetiere näher. So, 26.8, 11–16 Uhr, Besucherzentrum Wildnispark, Sihlwald. Bärenstarke Stadt BERN. Das Berner Wappentier ist aus dem Stadtbild nicht wegzudenken. Die Stadtführung «Bern und seine Bären» spürt Meister Petz nach: von der Brunnenfigur über Fassadenschmuck bis zu den echten Tieren im Bärenpark. Anmeldung unter: 031 328 12 12. Ganzjährig, Bern Tourismus, Bahnhofplatz 10a. DAS GERÜCHT Delfine schlafen mit nur einer Hirnhälfte Stimmt. Wenn Delfine schlafen, fällt nur jeweils die eine Hirnhälfte in die Schlafphase. Die andere Hälfte hingegen bleibt währenddessen im Wachzustand. Grund für diesen Halbseitenschlaf ist vermutlich die spezielle Atemtechnik der Meeressäuger: Denn Delfine müssen bewusst ein- und ausatmen, da die Atmung nicht wie etwa beim Menschen reflexartig abläuft. Produced by Scitec-Media GmbH, Agentur für Wissenschaftskommunikation Leitung: Beat Glogger FREITAG, 24. AUGUST 2012 / WWW.20MINUTEN.CH FREITAG, 24. AUGUST 2012 Wissen & INITIATED BY Die Natur ist immer noch die beste Ingenieurin ZÜRICH. Der Erfindergeist der Natur inspiriert nicht nur Ingenieure, sondern zunehmend auch andere Fachgebiete wie die Sozialwissenschaften. Das «Abkupfern bei Mutter Natur» – Bionik genannt – interessiert aber auch Ökonomen. Eine Veranstaltung will nächste Woche im Zoo Zürich das wirtschaftliche Potenzial der Bionik ausloten. Denn die spiele, so die Veranstalter, eine zentrale Rolle – zum Beispiel für die Entwicklung von Ressourcen schonenden Produkten. Aus Führungskräften die Frage, ob ein Affenboss seibessere Chefs machen, das ist ne Untertanen nicht auch bei das Ziel eines Seminars des Laune halten kann, indem er Zürcher Zoos. Vorbilder für die ihnen mehr Bananen schenkt – in der Sprache der Wirtschaft: Kursteilnehmer sind Affen. Der Chef eines Harems hat sie mit einem fetten Bonus bebei den Blutbrustpavianen nur lohnt? Das funktioniert nur beein Mittel, um sich die Treue dingt, sagt der Psychologe Anseiner Weibdré Angst«Natürlich können chen zu simann, der Chefs ihre Mitarbeiter den Kurs zuchern: Zuwendung. So laust sammen mit nicht lausen.» Furrer entwider Boss jedes Samuel Furrer seiner bis zu ckelt hat. MitZoologe am Zoo Zürich. arbeiter, die zwölf Weibchen regelmässig. Vernachläs- zwar grosszügig entlöhnt wersigt er eine der Damen, sucht den, sich aber nicht geschätzt die sich einen einfühlsameren fühlen, springen ab, sobald Chef. Diese einfache Regel er- eine andere Firma mehr beklärt der Zoologe Samuel Furrer zahlt. den Teilnehmern von FühDrei bis vier solcher Seminarungsseminaren des Zoos Zü- re führt der Zoo jährlich durch. rich. «Natürlich können Chefs Teilnehmer sind Kaderleute ihre Mitarbeiter nicht lausen», etwa von Grossbanken, Versisagt er lachend. «Aber sie ler- cherungen oder der öffentlinen anhand dieses Beispiels, chen Verwaltung. Diese lernen wie wichtig die persönliche am Affengehege auch KonfliktWertschätzung ist.» Stellt sich management. Wenn mehrere Personen dieselbe Rangelei unter den Affen beobachten, gibt es danach viele verschiedene Interpretationen des eben Gesehenen. «Welche davon die richtige ist, weiss auch ich oft nicht», sagt Zoologe Furrer. «Aber die Teilnehmer erleben so direkt, dass es bei der Deutung einer Situation immer auf den Blickwinkel ankommt.» Oder anders gesagt: Der Chef hat nicht immer Recht. BEAT GLOGGER Muschelschalen bestehen hauptsächlich aus Kalk. Die Schicht aus Perlmutter zum Beispiel zu 95 Prozent. Obwohl Kalk an sich ein brüchiges Material ist, sind Muschelschalen sehr stabil. Grund: Hier liegt der Kalk in Form von kleinen Plättchen vor, die nach einem ganz bestimmten Muster angeordnet sind. Aufgrund dieser Erkenntnis hat nun der Materialwissenschaftler André Studart von der ETH Zürich ein neues, sehr stabiles Material entwickelt. Dazu haben er und sein Team Aluminiumoxid-Plättchen mit magnetischen Nanopartikeln aus Eisenoxid versetzt. Mit einem Magneten lassen sich so die einzelnen Plättchen in flüs- Vorbild Muschelschale. ISTOCK siger Umgebung nach Belieben orientieren. Ist die gewünschte Anordnung erreicht, lässt man die Substanz aushärten. «Die ideale Ausrichtung führt zu einer hohen Stabilität», sagt Studart. Der von der Muschel inspirierte Werkstoff könnte zum Beispiel als kratzfeste Oberfläche von Autos zur AnwenFührungsseminarim imZoo: Zoo:Ein EinAnzug Anzugmacht macht dung kommen. CHO Führungsseminar Christian Häuselmann. Abkupfern erwünscht! KEYSTONE Flugzeug wie Haifischhaut Um Treibstoff zu sparen, sollten Flugzeuge mit möglichst wenig Widerstand durch die Luft fliegen. Daher ist ihre Oberfläche der Haifischhaut nachempfunden. Diese ist mit Längsrillen versehen, was den Raubtieren erlaubt, mit geringem Strömungswiderstand durchs Wasser zu gleiten. FOTOS: ISTOCK GETTY Reifen wie Gepardpfoten Geparde sind blitzschnelle Jäger. Doch sobald sie die Beute eingeholt haben, stoppen sie abrupt. Dabei verbreitern sich ihre Pfoten. Nach diesem Vorbild haben Hersteller von Autoreifen Pneus entwickelt, die beim Fahren möglichst reibungsfrei gleiten, beim Bremsen aber eine grosse Kontaktfläche zum Boden haben. FOTOS: ISTOCK Trocken aus dem kühlen Nass Stabil dank Nano-Magnet ZÜRICH. Nature knows no waste. And over the past billion years, it has found most ingenious ways of using available resources and energy to grow, expand and improve. If the econ- Dach wie Seerosenblatt Der Crystal Palace in London, der für die Weltausstellung 1851 gebaut wurde, verdankt die Konstruktion seines Daches dem Blatt der Riesenseerose. Deren nur wenige Millimeter dünnes Blatt erhält seine aussergewöhnliche Stabilität durch ein Gitterwerk auf der Unterseite. Der Botaniker und Architekt Joseph Paxton kopierte diese Bauweise für das Glasdach. ZÜRICH. Mit trockener Badehose nochkeinen keinenguten gutenChef. Chef.GETTY noch aus dem Wasser steigen könnte künftig möglich sein – dank einer Beschichtung aus Silikon. Die südamerikanische Wasserjagdspinne fängt ihre Beute unter Wasser. Krabbelt sie wieder an Land, ist sie völlig trocken. Ihr Trick: Die Spinnenhaut ist mit unzähligen kleinsten Borsten ausgestattet, zwischen denen sich Luft anlagert. Diese Luftschicht hält das Tier trocken. Nach diesem Prinzip haben Forscher um den Chemiker Stefan Seeger von der Uni Zürich nun eine Beschichtung für Tex- tilien entwickelt: «Die wasserabweisende Wirkung ist hervorragend und das Verfahren sehr billig.» Die Textilien werden mit Siliziumverbindungen bedampft. Dabei bilden sich kleinste Silikonfäden, welche die gleiche Wirkung haben wie die Borsten der Spinne: Tauchen die Forscher ein behandeltes Stück Stoff ins Wasser, ziehen sie es trocken wieder heraus. Allerdings übersteht die Beschichtung der Textilien mehrmaliges Waschen in der Maschine noch nicht ohne Schaden. «Die mechanische Belastung greift die Silikonfäden 9. Biomimicry – Revealing the Marvels of Nature for Use in Business Der Gast Best of Bionik: Die Natur als Vorbild Manager sollen von Affen lernen ZÜRICH. 27 an», sagt Seeger. Daher sind die Forscher derzeit daran, die Stabilität der Schicht zu verbessern. CORINNE HODEL Nie mehr nasse Badehosen. ISTOCK Stellen Sie sich vor: Sie sind Chef eines Unternehmens und Ihre Entwicklungsabteilung ist soeben vollständig verschwunden, mit allen Leuten, Patenten, Ideen und Sicherheitskopien – einfach weg, für immer. Dasselbe passiert, wenn eine Tier- oder Pflanzenart ausstirbt: Wir verlieren Jahrmillionen an Erfahrung und damit die inspirierenden Vorbilder, wie wir unsere eigene Zukunft nachhaltig gestalten können. Deshalb ist die Erhaltung der Artenvielfalt mehr als Naturschutz. Biodiversität ist das zentrale Element einer gesunden Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Um die Natur als Innovationstreiber nutzen zu können, müssen Experten aus den Bereichen Biodiversität, Business und Bionik – die aus der Natur inspirierte Innovation – zusammenkommen und über Grenzen hinweg Aufgaben gemeinsam angehen. So entstehen die besten Lösungen. Es ist wie in der Natur: Symbiose ist ein Erfolgsrezept! Christian Häuselmann ist Ökonom und Mitgründer des Wirtschaftsverbands Swisscleantech. Gewusst! Geckos bedienen sich eines besonderen Tricks, um nicht von der Wand zu fallen: An ihren Füssen haben sie Milliarden von kleinsten Härchen. Zwischen jedem einzelnen Härchen und der Wand bildet sich eine schwache Anziehungskraft. Die Summe dieser Kräfte macht es schliesslich möglich, dass das Reptil sogar an der Zimmerdecke haften kann. – the imitation of nature’s principles – it could grow and prevail without harming the environment. In August 2012, FFGS took the lead in establishing the Biomimicry Finance and Innovation Summit as the European counterpart to the US Biomimicry Conference held bi-annually in San Diego, USA. The Summit featured a range of workshop sessions and conferences that focused on the topics of how to enhance Cleantech innovation with biomimicry complish this. With its broad network to Swiss companies and its strategic international partnerships, FFGS succeeded to become host to more than 100 participants from all over Europe, North America and other parts of the world. To learn and to exchange know-how and views on applying biomimicry in practice was goal for all of our guests. The Summit was organized in cooperation with swisscleantech, the Zurich Zoo, the San Diego Zoo, the organization Biomimicry 3.8, as well as the acclaimed Wyss Institute at port of the latter that the conference could be carried out so successfully. Bringing the Biomimicry concept to business and the mainstream was the key objective of the media work around the Summit. A press conference, held by its partner swisscleantech in conjunction with the Zurich Zoo, attracted considerable attention and even made it into the successful edition of the Summit again in 2014 in Zurich. Top: Two pages reporting on the business connection of biomimicry, with interview of co-organzier Zurich Zoo and a guest 24 August 2013, p. 26-27. Annual Report 2012 26 17 18 19 As part of her high school diploma, our intern Anna Nyfeler continued working on the project “Züri Wind”, which aims to set up a wind turbine on the top of Zurich housemountain, the Üetliberg. FFGS helped Anna to gain access to key persons to discuss the possibilities of setting up the planned structure. She was able to run a test survey on the likely result of a popular ballot and thus to gather valuable information as to how to tackle the challenge of gaining social acceptance of renewable energies in general, and in particular for highly visible wind energy production in close proximity of the city. She submitted her thorough stakeholder analysis and Züri Wind Strategy to the Siemens competition for students and was invited to personally present her work in Berlin to the jury. The jury dation is proud of being able to animate the interests of young students in the topics of sustainability and hopes to be able to induce and accompany many more to follow Annual Report 2012 10. A Fresh Breeze for Züri Wind 20 21 11. Consolidating Further Projects date on some of those, which currently also are part of FFGS, but for various reasons – though to a large extent for lack of needed resources – are on hold or have been relegated to a lower priority level. we still consider the Club to be a vehicle, which potentially could become an important factor in integrating interested individual personalities, not backed by any commercial enterprise, in the work of the association. FFGS, therefore, plans to re-launch the Club in the course of the second half of 2013. 11.1 Cleantech Innovation Parks 11.3 Swiss Village Abu Dhabi The aim of Cleantech Innovation Parks is to demonstrate on a medium scale how comprehensive Cleantech solutions can be successfully applied. With the total revision of the federal law on the promotion of research and innovation, FFGS saw an opportunity to advance the recognition of such a park having to have a Cleantech fo- Due to several grave issues with respect to the Masdar project and the lack of concerted cooperation by the Swiss embassy, FFGS saw no other way than to decide to no longer pursue this project. Both the inconsistent management of the Masdar project on the side of Abu Dhabi, as well as the uncoordinated actions by the Swiss Export tors, the Foundation decided to stop the project and to dissolve the Swiss Village Abu Dhabi Association. We very much regret the disappointing outcome of this truly visionary undertaking and extend our sincere thanks for the commitment to the companies, who carried it forward together with us from the very beginning Switzerland and to advance the practical application of innovative Cleantech solutions. By September 2012, both legislative chambers had approved the new law. The main open question remaining is whether one or several locations should be established. With Nick Beglinger being a board member of the new association “Swiss Innovation Park”, which aims to carry out the implementation of the new park, FFGS is directly involved in the up-coming decisions The main interest is pft. into a Cleantech site – as FFGS’ study suggested already in 2007. The many known political hurdles to be taken have not changed our original assessment of the truly unique suitability of the Dübendorf site for an innovation park at Zurich’s doorsteps and only minutes from the city’s international airport. «Da kann etwas in Bewegung kommen»: Ökonom Nick Beglinger auf dem stillgelegten Flugplatz Dübendorf. Rede des Nick Beglinger. In der ssen mitten aus der Wüste giiedlungen empor, gebaut im chen Stil «mit dünnen Wänddünnen Fenstern», sodass wir ne erkennen: Die Araber, reich dank dem Öl unter der Erde, as Öl in die Luft. null Energie nicht im Sinn des Nick BeglinSchweiz sitzt er im Vorstand gie, einem Verein, der für effiionen kämpft. 14 000 Gebäude reits den strengen MinergieZum Beispiel die beiden Sunin Zürich-Oerlikon, entwickelt vom Atelier WW. Zu diesen Zürcher Stararchitekten ging Nick Beglinger und fragte nach einem «Null-Energie-Haus fürs Wüstenklima». Wobei die Zahl «null» auf eine falsche Fährte lockt: Energie wird weiter verbraucht, aber ausschliesslich aus erneuerbaren Quellen. Technisch funktioniert das ökologische Wüstenhaus wie eine umgekehrte Solaranlage im Winterland: Das Licht der Sonne wird in elektrischen Strom verwandelt, mit diesem Strom wird Wasser gekühlt, das zur Abtemperierung der Innenräume benutzt wird. Und gegen aussen muss ein Wüstenhaus natürlich perfekt isoliert sein. So geschah es im Jahre 2005, dass Nick Beglinger im Namen der damals unbekann- ten Firma Maxmakers aus der Schweiz in Abu Dhabi zur Beraterin der Regierung avancierte, die eine neue Stadt – «Masdar City» – aus der Wüste stampft, in der 40 000 Einwohner und 50 000 Pendler null Energie und null Müll produzieren sollen, so lautet zumindest das ehrgeizige Ziel. Seite an Seite mit den obersten Chefs von Masdar reiste Nick Beglinger zu Weltkonzernen, die sich zum nachhaltigen Wirtschaften bekennen. Vom Schweizer Zementkonzern Holcim über Siemens bis zu Google in Kalifornien. Alle hörten aufmerksam zu. Aber als der Zürcher Beglinger sie aufforderte, sie sollten nach Masdar kommen, lachten sie. Das könne er vergessen. Das Wichtigste für Google sind gut aus- Was ist Null-Energie? Werden Kohle, Öl, Erdgas oder andere fossile Brennstoffe verbrannt, entsteht Kohlendioxid (CO2), das oft «Treibhausgas» genannt wird, weil es die Klimaerwärmung verursacht. Um den drohenden Klimakollaps zu verhindern, muss die Energie künftig aus andern, erneuerbaren Quellen stammen: von der Sonne, dem Wasser, dem Wind oder aus der Erde (Geothermik). Alle diese Verfahren sind erfunden, haben sich aber kommerziell noch nicht richtig durchgesetzt. Das arabische Wort «Masdar» übrigens heisst auf Deutsch «Quelle». Schweizer Familie 45/2009 Top: Nick Beglinger on the Military Airport of Dübendorf in 2009, posing for an article on Masdar and “Abu Dübi” in the magazine Schweizer Familie, edition 45/2009, p. 11. 11.2 Cleantech Visionary Club 11 FFGS created this club to give also individuals the possibility of directly supporting swisscleantech’s activities and the active acquisition of new club members had to be paused due to limited time resources. The acquisition of new companies for the association was deemed a more In the second half of the year, two road shows about the Sprinter Building took place in Zurich and Geneva. A number of Swiss companies showed an interest in moving into the Sprinter Building. Unfortunately, Osec’s support for the project, which had been taken up in 2010, could not be developed further with the “Cleantech Switzerland” export platform. To the astonishment of Swiss Village and FFGS, “Cleantech Switzerland” even began to hold discussions with Masdar in parallel to the Swiss Village Abu Dhabi Association. Rather than joining forces to deal with the slow-moving project development on Masdar’s part, Switzerland gave an appearance of being indecisive and uncoordinated. As a result FFGS reduced its project activities sharply and is waiting - hoping - for positive project development and relevant Swiss parties involved. Annual Report 2012 With its high priority projects in full swing, 2012 left limited 22 23 12. Going Strong Looking back, the year 2012 was full of challenges, internally as well as externally, and was a key year on streamlining and strengthening the Foundation’s activihad worked hard in the years before, such as the already wide acceptance of our expertise on the Green Economy in Switzerland, as well as our know-how and further transition. Our track record also allowed us to gain the support of two major donors, the MAVA and Oak Foundations. We are very grateful for their valuable grant contributions. We will continue to drive the synergies among our major projects, swisscleantech, the Cleantech Framework, Compass and Cleantech News Service to advance sustainability in the economy. Much remains to be done. Biomimicry gives us the chance and we hope to expand our knowledge on this important topic, jointly with our partner “The Footprint Network”. This partnership is instrumental to further this issue on the Swiss political agenda in the near future. The time is right: Switzerland is debating on reforming its ties are launching initiatives for the Green Economy. The word is also out that the Swiss energy department (BFE) will open up the market for tenders of a new alternative energy agency, next to the existing EnAW, which supports companies in achieving a reduction of their energy consumption. We are currently setting up the concept for an FFGS sponsored Cleantech Agency, which will deal with Moving ahead to 2013, we are convinced that our projects, partners and team will continue to tangibly contribute to a national and global development of sustainability. Top: Team discussing strategy during the retreat in December 2012. From left to right: Nicolas Fries, Martina Novak, Steffen Klatt, Nick Beglinger Bottom: Nick Beglinger speaking in South Corea on the Topic “drivers of Green Innovation and Entrepreneurship” as part of the Swiss-Corea exchange in April 2012 Annual Report 2012 2012. Their endowment allowed us to step up our activities and make an impact for the advancement of sustainability in tangible ways. 24 25 13. Annual Financial Report 2012 13.1. Financial Statements 13.1.1 Balance sheet as of December 31, 2012 2012 2011 2012 Reference Reference Assets Foundation capital Cash and cash equivalents 144'513 Accrued income and prepaid expenses Total current assets - - 144'513 1'076 Fixed assets Financial assets 7.2) 13'324 10'058 Tangible assets 7.3) 7'972 11'241 688'986 386'600 710'282 407'899 854'795 408'975 4.2) / 7.4) Total Assets Equity and liabilities 498'202 -319'282 Total Organisation capital -743'796 -1'241'998 Total Equity and liabilities 854'795 408'975 719'450 592’692 Annual result Income Income from projects/services 3) Financial result Reduction in earnings 1) Operational accounts payable 99'125 75'717 Other accounts payable 20'955 157'948 Obligations towards social security institutions 51'277 247'995 1'635 4'873 66'106 22'160 239'098 508'693 Tax at source Accrued expenses and deferred income Total short-term borrowings Long-term borrowings 1'000'000 -1'922'716 Project-related donations Deposits and borrowed funds Short-term borrowings 1'000'000 -2'241'998 1'076 Annual Report 2012 Organisation capital Current assets Intangible assets 2011 3) Total income - 450’000 1'378'828 22’685 -3'908 -172 -293'000 (A) 1'801'370 -351’574 713'631 Expenses (after allocation) Direct project expenses 4) 1'181'961 91% 892’126 86% 5) 46'175 4% 112’058 11% 7) 33'829 3% 21’688 2% 6) 41'203 3% 7’041 1% Administrative expenses 2) Loan granted by related parties 1'359'493 1'142'280 Long-term borrowings 1'359'493 1'142'280 Total Deposits and borrowed funds 1'598'591 1'650'973 Personnel expenses Other operating expenditures Total administrative expenses Total expenses Operating result 121'207 1'303'168 100% 498'202 140’787 1'032'913 100% -319'282 26 27 13.1.3 Change in organisation capital Closing inventory 2011 Change in 2012 Closing inventory 2012 1'000'000 - 1'000'000 -1'922'716 -2'241'998 -2'241'998 Foundation’s capital Annual result Organisation capital 8) 2012 2011 26'262 98'439 - 63 Minergie / MIN 21'008 34'634 Swiss Village Abu Dhabi Association / SVA 10'505 26'671 849'613 702'748 Reference -319'282 -498'202 -498'202 4. Direct project expenses -1'241'998 -1'743'796 -743'796 / NDO Dübendorf / DUE swisscleantech Association / SCA Renewable Infrastructure Fund / RIF 2012 2011 - 5'096 Uetliberg / UET 15'905 7'928 Framework Research / FRA 91'913 204 - 197 Cleantech Database / CRM 1. Short-term borrowings Arbeitsgruppe Nachhaltigkeit / AGN Operational accounts payable 99'126 75’718 BIO Internal trade accounts payable 20'955 157’948 Other project expenses 33'757 144’145 Direct project expenses Obligation towards pension fund (BVG) Obligation towards health insurance (UVG/KTG) Tax at source Accrued expenses and deferred income Total short-term borrowings 6'845 76’885 10'675 26’964 1'635 4’873 66'106 22’160 239'098 508'693 2. Long-term borrowings Current account Nick Beglinger - CEO & Co-Founder 681'189 543’975 Loan Nick Beglinger - CEO & Co-Founder 678'304 598’304 1'359'493 1'142'279 Total long-term borrowings Income from services - general 135’058 - 14'284 16'146 1'181'961 892'126 (C) This project is referred to as 'Cleantech Database' in the Annual Report. Previously Magic Database MDB. 4.1 Expenses allocated to projects - Personnel expenses -756'890 -697'977 - Other operating expenditures -233'151 -151'621 Total allocation to projects -990'041 -849'598 - 3'900 160'418 49'000 4.2 Capitalization (intangible assets) - Framework Research / FRA 27'580 (B) 152'471 (B) After cost allocation and capitalization - Dübendorf / DUE 3. Income from projects/services (C) - Cleantech Database / CRM (as trade mark) - 81'000 55'400 - Income from services - Swiss Village Abu Dhabi Association - 56’300 - Trade Mark Income from services - Minergie - -12’429 - IT Domains 111'648 - 510'175 413’762 Total capitalized p.a. 327'466 133'900 Income from services - swisscleantech Association Income from Framework / CRM 20'000 - Income from BIO 161'695 - Income from project/services gros 719'450 592'691 Salaries and wages 551'637 673'930 Reduction in earnings -293'000 -351’574 Social contributions 189'594 131'373 Total Income from projects/services net 426'450 61'834 4'732 -756'890 -697'977 46'175 112'058 (A) 241'117 5. Personnel expenses Other personnel expenses Personnel expenses allocated to projects Total personnel expenses Annual Report 2012 Reference 28 29 2011 7.4 Intangible assets Net book value as of 31.12.2011 6. Other operating expenses 42'138 47'343 - - 735 715 224'743 24'285 6'737 10'330 -233'150 -104'514 41'203 -21'841 Depreciation of technical equipment 2'547 1'092 Depreciation of IT 5'554 5'796 Repair and maintenance Property insurance Administrative- and IT expenses Representation- and promotion expenses Other operating expenses allocated to projects Other operating expenses 7. Fixed assets / Depreciation 7.1 Depreciation Depreciation on intangible assets 25'080 14'800 Total depreciation 33'181 21'688 1'500 10'058 Prepaid expenses 11'824 - Total Financial assets 13'324 10'058 IT Techn. equipment Total Net book value as of 31.12.2011 8'693 2'548 11'241 Acquisition 4'832 - 4'832 - - - Depreciation -5'554 -2'547 -8'101 Net book value as of 31.12.2012 7'971 1 7'972 7.2 Financial assets Rent deposit 7.3 Tangible assets Sale Dübendorf DUE nachhaltigkeit. org Framework Trade Mark Research CRM FRA IT Domains Total 51'400 59'200 138'000 138'000 - 386'600 Acquisition - - 160'418 55'400 111'648 327'466 Sale - - - - - 0 Depreciation -10'280 -14'800 - - - -25'080 Net book value as of 31.12.2012 41'120 44'400 298'418 193'400 111'648 688'986 8. Excess indebtedness The existing indebtedness has been eliminated by subordination of priorities on loans granted by third parties, accompanied with restructuring measures by the Foundation. Please consider therefore the auditor’s report. Annual Report 2012 2012 30 Auditors' Report Annual Report 2012 13.2 31