national ipa contract # 19281 for elevator
national ipa contract # 19281 for elevator
NATIONAL IPA CONTRACT # 19281 FOR ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE CONTRACT EXPIRATION DATE: CONTRACT NUMBER: SOLICITATION NUMBER: July 26, 2016 19281 10-123 PRODUCTS: ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE SERVICES COMPANY: Otis Elevator Company Anthony McGee | Account Manager P: 412-498-1102 F: 860-353-4653 Email: SPEC # 7071 CONTRACT # 48054 Full Service Elevator, Escalator, Chairlift and Platform Lift Service and Maintenance Executive Summary Lead Agency: Metro Nashville, TN RFP Issued: October 8, 2010 Date Open: November 11, 2010 Solicitation: RFP 10–23 Pre-Proposal Date: October 22, 2010 Proposals Received: 3 Awarded to: The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, TN Procurement Department issued RFP 10–23 on October 8, 2010 to establish a national cooperative contract for full-service elevator, escalator, chairlift, and platform lift service and maintenance. Notice of the solicitation was advertised in the following: Metro Nashville Procurement website Hawaii Tribune–Herald, HI Daily Journal of Commerce, OR The News Tribune, WA The State, SC National IPA website On November 11, 2010 proposals were received from the following offerors: Otis Elevator Company Thyssenkrup Elevator Kone Corporation The proposals were evaluated by an evaluation committee. Using the evaluation criteria established in the RFP the committee invited all firms to participate in interviews. Following the interviews a request for revised offer was sent to the offerors. The evaluation committee evaluated revised offers. Based on revised offers, interviews and relative strengths and weaknesses of each proposal, the committee requested a best and final offer from Otis Elevator Company. After evaluation of the best and final offer from Otis Elevator Company, the committee recommended entering negotiations with the intent to award the contract to Otis Elevator Company. Metro Nashville, National IPA, and Otis Elevator Company successfully negotiated a contract with execution on July 27, 2011 with a contract effective date of July 27, 2011. NOTE: Otis’ wholly-owned subsidiaries (i.e. AMTECH Elevator Services, Delta Beckwith Elevator Company, United Elevator Company) are also included in the award as providers of full scope maintenance service under the contract. Contract includes: Full service elevator, escalator, chairlift and platform lift maintenance and repair Term: Five year agreement from July 27, 2011 through July 26, 2016. Pricing/Discount: Discounts and value added solutions on a comprehensive program unique to the needs and requirements of each individual agency for elevator and escalator service. PLEASE NOTE: Due to the uniqueness of each agency’s needs, participants must work with their local Otis teams to determine the appropriate program for their particular maintenance requirements. Program pricing is based on a variety of factors including, but not limited to: Type of equipment (relay vs. microprocessor) Age, model, and condition of existing equipment Actual rise and number of openings Resident mechanic, route structure, fixed labor requirements, overtime requirements Equipment usage Building specific requirements Outdoor elevator/escalator pricing dependent on conditions and waterproof protection Otis Elevator will conduct a thorough site survey to establish each specific agency’s requirements. There is no cost associated with the site survey and the resulting report. National Pricing is contained in a portion of the Contractor's Response. The National Pricing portion is also included below for convenience. NATIONAL PRICING Otis Elevato or Company Nashville Branch 901 Charlottte Avenue Nashville, Tennessee T 37203 (615) 498-5 5977 Fax (615) 256-0461 2 For Service e 1-800-233-6847 brent.euban Brent Eubanks Senior Acco ount Manager-Sou uthern Region As a follow up to ou ur Friday meeting m we have the fo ollowing req quests: P identtify and des scribe in de etail any priccing variables or formulas which will 1. Please onal basis. allow agencies to configure pricing g on a Natio Prices based b on standard s model m pass senger cars s with fron nt entranc ces only All price es are subjject to a siite survey to determiine: 1. Type of equipm ment (Relay y vs. Microprocessorr) 2. Age, model, and d condition n of equipm ment 3. Actua al rise and number of openings s 4. Resid dent mecha anic, Route e Structure e, fixed lab bor require ements, Ov vertime requirem ments 5. Equip pment usag ge 6. Building Speciffic Require ements 7. Outdo oor elevato or/escalato or pricing dependent d t on conditio ons and wa aterproof protection. p . Please consult c yo our local Ottis Representative fo or exact prricing 2. As dis scussed in the Friday meeting the e MNPS ch hose to with hdraw from participatin ng in this proc curement. As A a result please prov vide your be est pricing to reflect th hose and the chan nges noted below as id dentified in the attache ed revised pricing she eet: a. Additiion of 1 elevator for Fire Headqua arters b. Additiion of 2 elevators for the Fulton Parking P gara rage c. Deletiion of 1 elev vator at the e the CJC Annex A achment See Atta plete the rev vised Pricin ng Workshe eets. Be sure to complete all fourr (4) sheetss. You 3. Comp must clic ck on the ta ab at the bo ottom of the e worksheett to open th he next worrksheet. achment See Atta Brand Dover Haughton Kone Montgomery Motion Control Otis Schindler Sigma ThyssenKrupp Westinghouse Are you authorized to service nationally? Specific "one-off" type controllers could possibly pose a problem Specific "one-off" type controllers could possibly pose a problem Specific "one-off" type controllers could possibly pose a problem Specific "one-off" type controllers could possibly pose a problem Specific "one-off" type controllers could possibly pose a problem Specific "one-off" type controllers could possibly pose a problem Specific "one-off" type controllers could possibly pose a problem Specific "one-off" type controllers could possibly pose a problem Specific "one-off" type controllers could possibly pose a problem Specific "one-off" type controllers could possibly pose a problem Description of any limitations Specific "one-off" type controllers could possibly pose a problem Specific "one-off" type controllers could possibly pose a problem Specific "one-off" type controllers could possibly pose a problem Specific "one-off" type controllers could possibly pose a problem Specific "one-off" type controllers could possibly pose a problem Specific "one-off" type controllers could possibly pose a problem Specific "one-off" type controllers could possibly pose a problem Specific "one-off" type controllers could possibly pose a problem Specific "one-off" type controllers could possibly pose a problem Specific "one-off" type controllers could possibly pose a problem Pricing Breakdown Parts Labor OH & Profit 100% 10% Provide the % for each category, 60% add additional categories if 30% necessary. The total % must equal 100% of the cost for full service maintenance pricing List All Other Pricing Elements 100% Position Description of Function Certified Mechanic Perform maintenace work, repairs and modernizations Assist mechanics and perform light maintenance work as defined in labor agreement. Mechanic Helper List other positions that may be used, their description and Hourly Rates Billable Hourly Rate 230 185 State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois-Chicago Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York- NYC North Carolina Rate of Adjustme nt Method of Calculating Annual Escalation/De-escalation 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 20.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 20.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 5.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 15.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 5.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 20.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 10.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 10.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 15.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 5.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 15.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 25.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government All listed prices are contingent on condition of equipment, age, usage and specific building requirements at time of survey. North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania-Philadelphia area Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia-DC area Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 5.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 10.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 5.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 5.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 10.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal as published by US Government 5.0% products 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government 90% labor and 10% material based on IUEC wages and metals and metal 0.0% products as published by US Government NOTE: Tennessee will serve as the Basis for Adjustments. All other states will be adjusted upward or downward from Tennessee. List the % of increase or decrease from the base set for Temnnessee for each state listed Allegheny County Equipment Spreadsheet Building 3333 Forbes 3441 Forbes 4th Avenue Garage City County City County City County City County City County City County City County City County City County Clack County Jail County Jail County Jail County Jail County Jail County Jail County Jail County Jail County Jail County Office County Office County Office County Office County Office County Office County Office Courthouse Courthouse Courthouse Courthouse Kane-Glen Hazel Kane-Glen Hazel Kane-Glen Hazel Kane-Glen Hazel Kane-Glen Hazel Kane-McKeesport Kane-McKeesport Kane-McKeesport Kane-McKeesport Kane-Ross Kane-Ross Kane-Ross Kane-Ross Kane-Scott Elevator Type Geared Geared Geared Gearless Gearless Gearless Geared Geared Geared Geared Sidewalk Lift Dumbwaiter Geared Geared Geared Geared Geared Hydraulic Geared Geared Geared Geared Gearless Gearless Gearless Gearless Geared Hydraulic Wheelchair Lift Geared Gearless Gearless Geared Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Designation Only Elv Only Elv Only Elv 11 12 13 Frt 8 9 14 10 15 Sidewalk Bookstore Only Elv 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 Freight #8 Handswitch 7 10 WCL 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Price 270.56 270.56 304.18 304.18 304.18 270.56 270.56 270.56 270.56 26.79 26.79 270.56 270.56 270.56 270.56 270.56 130.54 270.56 270.56 270.56 270.56 304.18 304.18 304.18 304.18 270.56 130.54 26.79 270.56 304.18 304.18 270.56 130.54 130.54 130.54 130.54 130.54 130.54 130.54 130.54 130.54 130.54 130.54 130.54 130.54 130.54 Kane-Scott Kane-Scott Kane-Scott Morgue Shuman Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Geared Hydraulic 2 3 4 Old Pass Freight Total Monthly Price $ $ $ $ $ 130.54 130.54 130.54 270.56 130.54 10569.43 City of Pittsburgh Equipment Spreadsheet Building Elevator Type City County Building City County Building City County Building City County Building City County Building City County Building City County Building City County Building New Zone 5 Police Station Public Works Building Police Station Zone 1 Police Station Zone 3 Ammon Recreation Center Overbrook Senior Center Pittsburgh Municipal Pittsburgh Municipal Pittsburgh Municipal Carnegie Library Emergency Operations Center Magee Recreation Center Mt Washington Center South Side Market House Gearless Gearless Gearless Geared Geared Geared Hydraulic Wheelchair Lift Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Designation Elevator 1 Elevator 2 Elevator 3 Elevator 4 Elevator 5 Elevator 6 Sidewal Hydro #8 Wheelchair Lift Only Elevator Only Elevator Only Elevator Car 1 (Only Elv) Only Elevator Only Elevator Car 1 Car 2 Car 3 Only Elevator Only Elevator Only Elevator Only Elevator Only Elevator $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total Monthly Price $ Price 304.18 304.18 304.18 270.56 270.56 270.56 130.54 130.54 130.54 130.54 130.54 130.54 130.54 130.54 130.54 130.54 130.54 130.54 130.54 130.54 3,551.78 Total Monthly Price 7103.56 *Currently OOS w/ failed Cylinders *Currently OOS w/ failed Cylinders Service Pricing for Allegheny County based on National IPA Pricing Location Allegheny County Billing Rates Mechanic Helper Equipment Breakdown Hydraulic Gearless Geared Misc 2011 National 2012 Labor and 2013 Labor and Material IPA Pricing Material Escalation Escalation $ 85.00 $ 4.25 $ 4.46 350.00 $ $ 17.50 $ 18.35 $ 225.00 $ 11.25 $ 11.81 $ 50.00 $ 2.50 $ 2.63 Type Hydraulic Gearless Geared Misc $ $ 150.00 120.00 Units 13 3 3 2 Material 15% Markup National IPA Cost Current Cost 1,697.02 $ $ 1,939.34 $ 912.54 $ 1,032.78 811.68 $ $ 1,032.78 53.58 $ $ 57.38 Total MonthlySavings Total Savings (Monthly) 242.32 $ $ 120.24 221.10 $ $ 3.80 $ 587.46 Pittsburgh Labor Cost Variance (10%) $ 8.50 $ 35.00 $ 22.50 $ 5.00 Travel Time Variance $ 28.33 $ (116.67) $ $ (33.33) 2013 Monthly Price $ 130.54 $ 304.18 $ 270.56 $ 26.79 20 min avg to each unit Clustered in groups of 3 or more Equally spread, but nearby to the Local No travel required, can maintain while there for other units Service Pricing for Allegheny County based on National IPA Pricing Location Allegheny County Billing Rates Mechanic Helper Equipment Breakdown Hydraulic Gearless Geared Misc 2011 National 2012 Labor and 2013 Labor and Material IPA Pricing Material Escalation Escalation $ 85.00 $ 4.25 $ 4.46 350.00 $ $ 17.50 $ 18.35 $ 225.00 $ 11.25 $ 11.81 $ 50.00 $ 2.50 $ 2.63 Type Hydraulic Gearless Geared Misc $ $ 150.00 120.00 Units 20 9 21 3 Material 15% Markup National IPA Cost Current Cost 2,610.80 $ $ 2,983.60 $ 2,737.62 $ 3,098.34 5,681.76 $ $ 7,229.46 80.37 $ $ 86.07 Total MonthlySavings Total Savings (Monthly) 372.80 $ $ 360.72 1,547.70 $ $ 5.70 $ 2,286.92 Pittsburgh Labor Cost Variance (10%) $ 8.50 $ 35.00 $ 22.50 $ 5.00 Travel Time Variance $ 28.33 $ (116.67) $ $ (33.33) 2012 Monthly Price $ 130.54 $ 304.18 $ 270.56 $ 26.79 20 min avg to each unit Clustered in groups of 3 or more Equally spread, but nearby to the Local No travel required, can maintain while there for other units