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CEC5 Good practice example
Supermarket TESCO Rajec
1 Basic Information
Name of the project
Supermarket TESCO Rajec
Location – address
Smreková 174/8, Rajec
Web page (if exists)
Designed since
Year of completion
TESCO STORES SR a.s. Kamenné námestie 1/A, 815 61
Used by
TESCO STORES SR a.s. Kamenné námestie 1/A, 815 61
Contact person
Ing.Dušan Vávra
The designed supermarket is situated in northern part of the town
Rajec in Smreková ulica 174/8. It is a one-storey warehouseshaped building with rectangular floor plan and flat roof. Supplies
are delivered at the northern facade, in the unloading area. The aim
of the project was to create conditions for a large supermarket,
integrate it into the regional retail network and provide this type of
service and facility in accordance with town-planning scheme.
The building is designed as environmentally friendly and involves a
variety of natural materials – wood in the supporting structure, in
circumferential and roof panels, sheep wool and cereal straw in
thermal insulation. Facade is covered with wood boards. Heating is
provided by heat pump in combination with ground collector. Water
is heated by solar collectors. This supermarket building is unique in
its kind not only in Slovakia, but in the Central Europe.
Overview, description
Aspects of superiority
2 Delivering Project Partner
Trnava Self-Governing Region
Contact person
Mgr. Zuzana Luptáková
Organisation which prepared the questionnaire:
Slovholding a.s.
Contact person
Ing. Štefan Jurenka
3 Description of the regional state of the art in the field of public buildings (200
- Legislation requirements for sustainability certification – Yes.
STN EN 15643-(1-4) – Sustainability of construction works.
- Legislation requirements for energy efficiency certification – Yes.
The legislation requires that all heated buildings in Slovakia constructed after 2008 should have
energy certificate at least in B category.
The building Supermarket Tesco Rajec obtained the following energy certificate: total energy demand
50 kWh/(m2.a) in category A
primary energy 112 kWh/(m2.a) in category A1
STN 73 0540-2012 – Thermal and technical properties of building structures and buildings.
STN EN ISO 13 790-2009.
Act No. 300/2012 and Decree No. 364/2012 amending Act No. 555/2005 on Energy Efficiency of
Act No. 476/2008 on Energy Efficiency.
- Legislation requirements for any other certification (for example Blower-Door test, or other) – Yes.
STN EN 13829 Measurement of Airtightness
- Was any EU grant (money) involved – No. Construction of the building was covered only by the
investor's own resources.
- Was the result awarded by any Price or “Public award” – Yes.
Via Bona Slovakia 2008 – Green award for environmentally friendly project: the first ecological
supermarket. The company TESCO STORES SR, a.s received this award from the hands of of Mr.
Dietrich Max Fey, who is member of the board of directors of Západoslovenská energetika, a.s.
Via Bona Slovakia has been awarded by the Pontis Foundation since 1998.
It is a prestigious award which gives praise to projects of companies in the field of corporate
philanthropy and corporate responsibility.
4 General description of the good practice example (500 words)
4.A. Basic information – site:
- General description / presence of sustainability aspects in the choice of location process:
Architectural design of the building corresponds to its character and purpose. It is a one-storey
warehouse-shaped building with rectangular floor plan, flat roof and highlighted entrance for
customers on the main facade. Remaining facades are simple and plain, without dividing elements.
The whole building is designed as environmentally friendly and involves a variety of natural materials
and renewable energy sources.
- Accessibility - Connection to transport system / public transport system:
The designed supermarket is situated in northern part of the town Rajec. Its front facade is
perpendicular to the local road leading to residential area Sever, and situated so as to make the main
entrance seen from the public road I/64 – Hollého street. Parking area is situated on the eastern side,
along the eastern facade of the building. Supplies are delivered at the northern facade, in the
unloading area.
- Connection to technical infrastructure:
The supermarket is connected to public water pipeline DN 100 through water supply pipe with profile
PE DN 50mm and length of 61.0m.
All waste water is conducted through one pipeline into public sewage network DN 400mm which goes
under adjacent road.
Rain water from the roof is used for flushing of toilets, cleaning of floors and watering of green areas.
Supermarket TESCO is connected to electricity through its own new kiosk substation which is situated
in the supermarket premises. The substation is connected through mesh connection to high voltage
line which is conducted along the supermarket.
Gas connection starts from the medium-pressure gas pipeline which is conducted in 2 meters'
distance before the building.
4.B. Processes and quality of design:
- Selection of designer for the planning process
- Architectural competition – No.
- Other type of Public procurement - Yes. Selection of designer on the basis of selection procedure.
The building was designed by company Neo Domus s.r.o
Lead engineer of the project: Ing. Juraj Šinka.
- Selection of general contractor for the building process - Yes.
- Type of Public procurement - Yes. On the basis of selection procedure the general contractor was
company HANT BA cz a.s.
- Selection of supervisor during the building process - Yes.
- Type of Public procurement – Internal employee of the general contractor.
- The final checking procedure to approve that the estimated goals were achieved - Yes.
Via Bona Slovakia 2008 – Tesco Stores SR won the Green award for environmentally friendly project:
the first ecological supermarket.
- Was the result published - Yes.
Via Bona Slovakia 2008
Basic information – building:
- The Year of design completion is: 3/2008
- The Year of the building completion is: 9/2008
- The main purpose of the building is: The aim of the project was to create conditions for a large
supermarket, integrate it into the regional retail network and provide this type of service and facility in
accordance with town-planning scheme.
- Main structure of the building is:
Supporting structure of the walls consists of timber ribs with nominal diameter 60x160mm and OSBs
with 15mm thickness.
Supporting structure of roof panels consists of purlins of glued laminated timber with min. diameter
100x200mm and OSBs with 18mm thickness.
- Outer "thermal envelope" of the building is: (position, materials, general "U" value)
Thermal insulation of circumferential walls consists of two layers of sheep wool Daemwool reinforced
with polyamide net with 120mm and 80mm thickness.
Thermal insulation of the roof consists of two layers: first layer with 200mm thickness is made of sheep
wool Daemwool, second layer with 60mm thickness is made of ecopanels based on pressed cereal
Under the floor in the whole building is thermal insulation Styrodur 3035 CS in 50mm thickness. The
upper surface of ferro concrete strip foundation and rods is covered with another layer of styrodur in
30mm thickness.
Windows have plastic or aluminium frames with insulating double glazing Ug=1.1 W/m-2.K-1.
- The volume of building is: 8,800m3
- The usage area is: 1 438m2
Basic information – Technical equipment (short description of the system and involvement of
- Heating:
The source of heating is heat pump in combination with ground collector and hot-water condensing
gas boiler Viessmann with rated output of 32kW.
- Ventilation, cooling: Complex air conditioning unit with rotary recuperator – air-to-air heat pump with
complementary electric heating provides variable inflow of fresh, conditioned air (filtration, heating,
cooling), circulation and outflow of used air. A ground collector with antibacterial treatment is installed
under the building. Air flows through the collector to be cooled or heated as needed and depending on
the season, and only then it flows into air-conditioning pipes.
- Preparation of hot water:
Solar collectors provide heating, or pre-heating of water. The system consists of solar components
Viessmann. Thermal energy from the sun is received by 4 flat collectors installed on the flat roof and
oriented to the south. Each collector has 2.3m 2 absorption surface. Hot water is prepared in bivalent
tank water boiler with capacity of 500L. Additional heating is provided by condensing gas boiler
- Electricity sources: Needed electricity is taken from public electricity network.
- Water treatment (re-usage of "grey water"), rain water treatment: Rain water is used for flushing of
toilets, cleaning of floors and watering of green areas.
- Waste treatment: Reusable waste is sorted and collected for recycling. Other waste is disposed of in
waste dump.
5 Main aspects of superiority of the good practice example – in reference with
the aspects of CESBA (see footnote) (400 words) 1
5.A The location and Site
- The location was chosen because: There is fast access, as the building is situated near public road.
- The benefit of the location for the aim and function of the building is: The supermarket offers a wide
range of foodstuffs and certain kinds of non-food goods. Due to weak competition in the region, wide
sortiment and uniqueness, the supermarket has a dominant position in the area.
- The benefit of the building for the local community is: The project created new jobs. The supermarket
provides job for 21 employees. It also brings the opportunity for residents of Rajec to separate waste –
in the adjacent parking area there are containers for paper, plastic materials and glass.
- The benefit of the building for the quality of build environment is:
The building is designed with using of wood-based materials and thermal insulation of pressed straw
and sheep wool. By using alternative energy sources the supermarket tries to minimize its carbon
footprint. This contributes to reduction of CO2 emissions in the air. Another measure aimed at
protection of the environment includes eco-friendly shopping bags made of 100% jute.
- Involvement of any difference between standard processes and processes in this case? – Yes.
The wooden building Tesco Rajec was built in just 100 days. Significant difference is in the use of new
technologies. The building uses renewable energy sources such as heat pump and solar collectors. A
ground collector with antibacterial treatment is installed under the building. Air flows through the
collector to be cooled or heated as needed and depending on the season, and only then it flows into
air-conditioning pipes. Tesco Rajec is made of renewable materials such as wood, sheep wool and
pressed straw.
- Formulation of ecology aims – Yes.
In 2008 TESCO stores managers committed themselves to reduce CO2 emissions produced in the
stores by 5%, reduce water consumption by 2%, apply more intense sorting of waste from the stores
and 55% of this waste drive away for recycling, and reduce CO2 emissions needed for transport of 1
carton of goods by 10%.
The ecological supermarket in Rajec is a significant step towards fulfillment of the public commitment
to reduce CO2 emission by 50% in 2020.
- Involvement of the ecology aspects in material and technology selection – Yes.
The building is designed with using of wood-based materials and thermal insulation of pressed straw
and sheep wool. The supermarket provides eco-friendly shopping bags made of 100% jute.
5.C. Energy
Heated surface: 1353.8m2
Classification by energy certificate: Building used for wholesale and retail services.
- Energy consumption for heating – National standard – achieved result
National standard of energy demand for heating of the building is 65kWh/(m2.a).
Achieved demand of heat for heating of the building: 100kWh/(m2.a), energy demand for heating is
- Energy consumption for ventilation and cooling – National standard – achieved result
Consumption of electricity 3 x 400 V, 50 Hz, total = 55.6kW
Consumption of electricity 1 x 230 V, 50 Hz, total = 6.1kW
Consumption of heat – water 80/60°C, total = 20kW
- Energy consumption for hot water preparation – National standard – achieved result
National standard of energy demand for hot water preparation for the building is 9kWh/(m2.a).
Achieved energy demand for hot water preparation for the building is 8kWh/(m2.a).
- Energy from the distribution system
- Energy from local / renewable sources (equipment as a part of the building)
4 flat collectors Vitosol 100 SH 1, each of them has absorption surface of 2.3m 2
Heat pump in combination with ground collector.
- Water consumption – National standard – achieved result
Achieved result is 982.0 m3/year.
Results of energy certification: (air-conditioning system was not considered)
Total energy demand is 50kWh/(m2.a)
Primary energy is 112kWh/(m2.a)
CO2 emissions 24kg/(m2.a)
5.D. Health and comfort
- Thermal comfort in summer – regulation of energy (shielding, cooling during night...)
The supermarket is equipped with blinds which provide protection against overheating in summer.
The building is cooled during night with outdoor air flowing in through roof windows.
- Ventilation – involvement of "no energy" solutions (gravitation ventilation...)
Ground heat exchanger provides pre-heating or cooling of fresh air pumped by air-conditioning unit.
Collector has capacity 4,000 m3/h of air. Air that flows through the collector for heating or cooling uses
energy from the ground.
- Day light usage – description
Intensity of light in the shopping area was reduced from 1,000 to 700 luxes. Lighting in the back area
is controlled by motion sensors.
5.E. Materials and structures
- Renewable materials used – Yes.
Supporting structure of the walls consists of timber ribs and OSBs.
Supporting structure of roof panels consists of purlins of glued laminated timber and OSBs.
Thermal insulation of the roof consists of two layers: first layer with 200mm thickness is made of sheep
wool Daemwool, second layer with 60mm thickness is made of ecopanels based on pressed cereal
straw. Plasterboard partitions are insulated with mineral fibre boards with 40mm thickness. The area of
the main entrance has insulation with 100mm thickness.
Thermal insulation of circumferential walls consists of two layers of sheep wool Daemwool reinforced
with polyamide net with 120mm and 80mm thickness.
- Local sources used – Yes.
Primary source of heat and coolness is energy from ground used by heat pump.
- Materials and technologies saving water used – Yes.
Rain water is used for flushing of toilets, cleaning of floors and watering of green areas.
6 Key conditions for the success of the good practice example (200 words)
- Subsidy money – No. Investor is private company TESCO STORES SR a.s.
- Political reasons – support by Public authority – No.
- Public opinion (non governmental organizations) – No.
- Public opinion general support in community – Yes.
Ing. Ján Rybárik, mayor of the town:
"Since 1993 we have been involved in the project called "Brundtland city", which we started to
implement with exprerts from Denmark and some state departments in Slovakia. This building is a part
of this project. Company Tesco came up with an idea to build a wooden store which meets
environmental requirements – saving of energy and natural materials."
- Personal involvement of an individual – Yes.
Ing.Dušan Vávra – Project manager of Tesco Stores SR.
- Other
A formal ceremony marking the start of ground work in Rajec, at the construction site where the
supermarket was going to be built, took place on 26th May at 11 a.m. with participation of Ing. Ján
Rybárik, mayor of Rajec, and Ing.Dušan Vávra, project manager of Tesco Stores SR.
Ing.Dušan Vávra: "I am happy to participate in this special moment, at the construction site of an
unusual supermarket which will be unique among all Tesco stores not only in Slovakia, but among the
countries of Central Europe where Tesco is present. It is another important step of Tesco towards
environmental protection."
7 Emulation effects in the region initiated by the good practice example (200
Elementary school in Lietavská Lúčka:
The main source of heating and preparation of hot water is heat pump with energetic piles with thermal
performance approx. 68kW. Additional sources are solar collectors and a system of gas-fired boilers
installed on the wall with thermal performance 3 x 49kW.
There are 8 drilled holes in the ground with total length approx. 1,000m. On the roof are installed 30
solar collectors with absorption surface of 69.6m 2 and total surface of approx. 75.9m 2. The system
works in several modes, depending on the conditions. Automatic controlling system evaluates input
data and according to their results it adjusts regulating variables and switches operation modes.
Ventilation of the building is provided by a highly efficient system of heat recovery which can heat
inflowing air by waste heat of outflowing air.
Internet source:
Tatralandia Aquapark – roof structure made of glued laminated timber:
Tatralandia Aquapark is the biggest aquapark in Slovakia and one of the biggest aquaparks in Central
Europe. It is situated 2km to north-west from the city centre of Liptovský Mikuláš, in the city part
Ráztoky, at the northern bank of water reservoir Liptovská Mara. The source of thermal water is a
drilled hole which brings water from more than 2,500m depth with temperature 60.7 °C.
The structure of glued laminated timber is an excellent construction material, environmentally friendly
and made of renewable sources. Glued laminated timber enables a great variety of structures with any
shape and more than 100m span.
Internet source: http://sk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquapark_Tatralandia
Boarding house in Žilina – wooden building in passive standard:
The building is situated on the right side of street J.M.Hurbana. The rear part of the building opens to a
large courtyard with five lindens. This exclusive area surrounded with vegetation and situated in a
quiet locality is used as summer terrace of a restaurant. The whole attic has wooden structure. Facade
is partly coated with cream plaster and horizontally covered with thermowood.
Internet source: http://www.kontrakting.sk/sk/Galeria/moderna-drevostavba-penzionu-v-ziline.html
8 Improvements to the local / regional situation initiated by the good practice
example (200 words)
Rajec, and Slovakia in general, lags 10 years behind Western Europe in terms of green buildings. We
lag 3 years behind the Czech Republic, our western neighbour. This type of buildings started to
appear in the Czech Republic 3 years ago. Currently there are dozens of them. In order to increase
energy efficiency, the government introduced a national plan which assumes that by 2020 energy
demand of all new buildings must be near zero. New buildings which are seat or property of public
authorities must fulfill the same criteria from 2018. At present, building authorities already require
certain technological quality of buildings.
Promotion of green buildings in Slovakia could be facilitated if the Slovak government passed
legislation which would bring certain benefits for such buildings, e.g. lower real estate taxes if the
building proves its passive standard.
More subsidies could be allocated to promote renewable energy sources such as heat pumps,
photovoltaic and solar collectors.
Another suggestion for improvement is granting of advantageous loans from the public budget for both
individuals and companies who intend to realize a passive building.
Last but not least, promotion of renewable materials. Not every house gains the title "passive" if its
construction requires a lot of material with a large amount of primarily bound energy, which means that
production of this material used a large amount of energy and produced a lot of pollutants.
Environmental friendliness could be increased by introducing subsidies for eco-friendly materials.
There is also room for creating projects with grant support which aim to:
- increase awareness of contemporary course of environmentally friendly construction
and facilitate the development of building energy-efficient passive houses in Slovakia.
- increase awareness of green buildings among general public and experts.
- conferences or excursions into buildings which are examples of good practice in Slovakia.
9 Suggestions for implementation in the CESBA-Process (100 words)
In the CESBA-process I suggest using wooden window frames instead of plastic and aluminium
frames, since wooden frames are environmentally friendly.
Furthermore, I would like to suggest improvements in CEC5 project in general. One of the main
objectives of CEC5 project is use and promotion of renewable energy sources (RES) on the national
level by project partners. It is thus worth noting that fossil fuel processing companies through their
lobbying achieved important success, since the European Union considers natural gas – fossil fuel –
as equal to renewable energy sources. This shows a clear victory of intense lobbying of fossil fuel
industry in the European Commission. Their objective is to change natural gass, which is fossil fuel,
into "green" alternative to coal and nuclear power plants.
The low price of natural gass undermines the efforts for development of real renewable energy
sources at the present time, when global emissions of CO 2 and greenhouse gasses are continuously
increasing, despite the efforts to reduce them.
In the CEC5 project we would like to point to the fact that in the time of crisis investors decide
according to price and they are more likely to opt for fossil fuels because they represent cheaper input
cost. We suggest direct promotion of renewable energy sources among general public by means of
subsidies, so that in time of crisis renewable energy sources become a fierce competition to fossil