March 04 - City of Decatur


March 04 - City of Decatur
In This Issue
Focus on Development in Decatur ... 2
City Budget Process Under Way ...... 3
Floodplain Info Available ................. 4
Shops, Restaurants and Services .. 5
Letter from the DBA President .......... 8
Decatur Plans 4th of July Events ... 11
News from Decatur Schools ........... 12
Official Publication of The City of Decatur, Georgia • June 2004 • Volume 14 • Number 8
Decatur Celebrates Earth Day
Volunteers Spruce Up Cemetery
On April 24, Decatur’s Earth Day project was held at
Decatur Cemetery. This project was a collaboration
between Green Umbrella and Friends of Decatur
Cemetery. As Decatur’s largest greenspace, the cemetery provides a green oasis for waterfowl, songbirds
and other wildlife as well as a quiet place␣ for␣ people to
walk, rest, and learn about Decatur’s history.
␣ More than 30 volunteers worked to remove invasive
plant species, restore a hillside, and plant daylilies. Volunteers also had
the opportunity to find out about the historic significance of some of
the gravesites. Projects included removing kudzu and other invasive
plants growing on the trees along the hillside adjacent to Kroger and
planting daylilies on the corner of the cemetery at Commerce Drive
and N. Candler Street, near the entrance to Kroger.
Volunteers came from all over the city and included many from
neighborhoods near the cemetery. Fred Conrad, master gardener, led
the project. Fred is a resident of Decatur and director of the Community Gardening program at Atlanta Community Food Bank.
Many groups joined volunteers from Green Umbrella and
Friends of Decatur Cemetery, including Decatur High School InVolunteers
teract Club, Shoal Creek Watershed Alliance, and Emory Univerplanted
sity. Additional sponsors of the project were Intown Ace Hardware,
Decatur Kroger, Decatur Starbucks, and DeKalb County Cooperaincluding
tive Extension Service. Decatur First United Methodist Church
(above), and
donated use of their parking lot.
Many volunteers came expecting the cemetery to be a dark, frightbushels of
ening place. Instead they were delighted to see the lovely pond and
kudzu from
the cemetery
trees and the number of people who biked, jogged and walked
through the cemetery. They now look forward to coming back again.
If you are interested in helping the work of Friends of Decatur Cemetery, e-mail them at or call 404-378-4411.
For more information on Green Umbrella, contact Lee Ann Harvey, 678553-6548 or Please stop by to see the daylilies and remember to pick up a brochure at the gazebo near the Commerce Drive entrance
to take a walking tour of the historic portion of the Cemetery.
Friday, June 18
5 pm-midnight
see page 7 for details
Th uly
ofseeJpage 11
On April 19, the Decatur City Commission passed a Clean Air Ordinance
strengthening existing legislation controlling smoking in public buildings
and implementing a total ban on smoking, effective April 1, 2005.
passed assuring a level playing field then
their concern about the economic impact
of a smoking ban would be eliminated.
However, the proximity of city of Atlanta
restaurants creates a real concern about the
potential for lost business. It is important
that the nonsmoking community show local restaurants that they will eat in smokefree restaurants as they contended during
the debate.
Thursday, June 3 • 7-8:30 p.m.
The Friends School of Atlanta
121 Sams St., Decatur
Share your thoughts and ideas as we refine the plan for the mixed-use
development on the MARTA parking lot at College Avenue and Sams Street. For more
information contact Lyn Menne, 404-371-8386, or
Information for the FOCUS should be submitted by mail to Editor, Decatur Focus,
P.O. Box 220, Decatur, GA 30031, by fax to 404-371-1593, or by e-mail to
Avondale LCI Public Input Session
Avondale LCI Project Update
Implementation of the Avondale LCI master plan is moving forward. The planned
mixed-use development on the MARTA
parking lot at College Avenue and Sams
Street has moved a step closer to reality
with the selection of a consulting team to
finalize the master plan for the site and design consultants for the parking deck and
the condominium development.
The first in a series of public input sessions on the master plan will be held on
Thursday, June 3, at 7 p.m. at the Friends
School of Atlanta, 121 Sams St. Public
participation is encouraged.
Bill Floyd ............................................... Mayor
Jim Baskett ............................ Mayor Pro Tem
Fred Boykin ............................ Commissioner
Kecia Cunningham ................ Commissioner
Mary Alice Kemp .................... Commissioner
Beginning July 1, 2004, any new restaurant opening in the city of Decatur
must be totally smoke-free. For existing
eating establishments, no smoking will be
allowed before 9 p.m. beginning July 1,
2004. After 9 p.m., a smoking section may
be provided but it may not exceed 40 percent of the total number of seats in the restaurant.
On April 1, 2005, this limited smoking
option for existing businesses will be eliminated and no smoking will be allowed at
any time. This eight-month transition period provides a designated smoke-free option for diners prior to 9 p.m. and gives
our existing businesses time to adjust to
the smoking ban.
This compromise legislation was suggested by members of the restaurant committee working with members of the
PATCH organization. We thank members
of both groups for their willingness to
work together to accommodate the concerns and issues on both sides.
Our restaurant owners agreed that if a
statewide ban or a city of Atlanta ban were
Decatur to Breathe Easier
The Decatur Focus is a joint publication of the City
of Decatur, the Decatur Downtown Development
Authority, and the Decatur Business Association. It
is a newsletter intended to provide announcements
and information related to events, activities, and
businesses in the City of Decatur. The purpose of
the newsletter is to promote the city and encourage
the exchange of information among residents, business owners, and the school system. Letters to the
editor, editorials, or other opinion pieces are not
published. All press releases, announcements, and
other information received for publication are subject to editing. Information found in the Focus is
also posted on Decatur’s official website at The deadline for submitting
articles, announcements, or advertising is the 1st
day of the month preceding publication. Contact:
Editor, Decatur Focus, P.O. Box 220, Decatur, GA
30031, 404/371-8386; fax 404/371-1593; e-mail:
Focus on
Sheila Hunt, Chair
Ed Bowen, Vice Chair
Candler Broom
Fred Cavalli
Bruce Cohen
Tony McCullar
Jim Philips
Betty Spiker
Decatur Business
Fred Cavalli ..................................... President
Laura Bevins ................................... Treasurer
Patricia Bryan ................................ Secretary
Diann Baker ........................... Past President
Design and layout: Lampe-Farley Communications
2 | Decatur Focus • June 2004
City Budget Process Under Way
The following are important dates in the budget schedule for the City of Decatur’s Fiscal
Year 2004-05 budget process, subject to City Commission approval.
May 17, 2004 Formal Presentation of Budget to City Commission and Adoption of
Tentative 2004 Millage Rate
June 7, 2004
Public Hearing on Proposed FY 2004-05 Budget and Revised 2003-04
Budget and 2004 Millage Rate at 7:30 p.m., Decatur City Hall
June 14, 2004 Public Hearing on Proposed FY 2004-05 Budget and Revised 2003-04
Budget and 2004 Millage Rate at 6 p.m., Decatur City Hall
June 21, 2004 Public Hearing and Scheduled Adoption of Proposed FY 2004-05 Budget and Revised 2003-04 Budget and Adoption of Final 2004 Millage
Rate at 7:30 p.m., Decatur City Hall
Copies of the FY 2004-05 Proposed Budget and FY 2003-04 Revised Budget are available at Decatur City Hall and at the Decatur Library on Sycamore Street.
This schedule is subject to change and will not be final until approved by the City
Commission. Interested persons should check the city’s website,, for
updates to the schedule and the online budget.
Contact Andrea Arnold, assistant city manager-administrative services, 404-370-4102,
or, if you have questions or need additional information.
Citywide Storm Drainage Master Plan
Public Meetings Scheduled
Residents, property owners and business owners are invited to attend a presentation of
the City of Decatur’s Storm Drainage Master Plan. The plan presently is in preliminary
form. Presentations of the preliminary plan are scheduled for the following dates and
Tuesday, June 29, 7 p.m.
College Heights School, 917 S. McDonough St.
Wednesday, June 30, 7 p.m. Westchester School, 758 Scott Blvd.
Decatur is one of the oldest cities in the Atlanta region. Much of the city’s storm drainage system is old, requires expensive maintenance and is too small to carry storm water
discharges from the most intense storms. As a result, parts of Decatur flood and the banks
of the city’s streams and creeks erode during heavy rains.
To address these problems, the City Commissioners started a storm water utility in
1999 to make needed improvements to the city’s storm drainage system. One of the first
major goals of the storm water utility is the preparation of an up-to-date storm water master plan. The objectives of the master plan are to obtain the views and concerns of residents and property owners regarding existing drainage problems, to discuss possible solutions and priorities in fixing the city’s drainage problems, and to make recommendations
regarding capital improvements to the city’s storm drainage system.
The city has employed the engineering and planning firm of HDR, Inc., to prepare the
master plan. A summary of the plan will be posted on the city’s website at
Housing Authority
Designated High
The Decatur Housing Authority has been
notified by HUD (U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development) that it
has again been designated a High Performer. This designation is based on independent inspections and surveys, and reviews of the authority’s management and
financial status. To receive this designation a housing authority must receive a
score of between 90 and 100. Decatur’s
score was 95.
Organized in 1938, the authority owns
and manages both subsidized and nonsubsidized apartments, administers housing choice vouchers in private rental units
and performs compliance monitoring of
assisted housing in five metro counties.
Over the years the Housing Authority has
been active in both redevelopment and development of new housing.
Since 2000 the authority has developed
the Commerce Place and Commodore
Square Townhouses and the Village at
Oakhurst, with 15 of the 30 homes
affordably priced for Decatur’s workforce.
Currently, the Housing Authority is
working on the development of the
Avondale MARTA south parking lot. This
first phase of the city’s LCI Plan includes a
MARTA parking deck, condominiums,
apartments and retail. Approximately 20
percent of these market rate residential developments will be priced at affordable levels. The first condo units should be under
construction in September.
Paul Pierce is executive director of the
Decatur Housing Authority, which is located at 750 Commerce Dr., Suite 110,
Decatur, GA 30030. Call 404-270-2105
or email
June 2004 • Decatur Focus | 3
2004 Decatur Design Awards
The Decatur Historic Preservation Commission announces its annual Decatur Design
Awards, recognizing contributions made to retain and enhance the historical character
of the city. Awards will be made in the following categories: Infill Construction, Residential Rehabilitation, Commercial Rehabilitation, Adaptive Reuse and Commercial Interior.
If you would like to suggest a property for the commission to consider for an award
or want more information about the Historic Preservation Commission, call Daniel
Newman, 404-370-4102, or email
Preservation Alliance Receives $250,000 Grant
The Decatur Preservation Alliance received a $250,000 grant from the Woodruff Foundation for development of the Woodlands Garden project – seven acres of gardens off
Scott Boulevard that have been given to the community by the Morse family to develop
into a community garden/arboretum.
The grant will allow the first phase of development to begin at the gardens, including
the creation of a small parking area and renovation of the first floor of the secondary
structure on the property into an office and meeting space. The grant will also allow the
DPA to hire a part-time administrative director. For more details on this position, call
Julia Levy, 404-377-5142, or email
The Rotary Club of Decatur joined with the DPA and Woodlands to construct an
outdoor classroom on the property during special workdays in May and June.
Stroll Through the Decatur Cemetery
Friends of Decatur Cemetery invite the community to join their Second Sunday Strolls
from June through October. Meet at the Commerce Drive Gate at 2:30 p.m. for a pleasant walk through the oldest part of the cemetery on the second Sunday of each month.
Come and learn about the people who helped to shape our community from the 1800s
until the present. There is no charge for the tour but donations are welcome.␣
Bike Path Meeting Scheduled
Help plan and design Decatur’s bike and pedestrian path through the city. Attend a
public meeting at the Decatur Recreation Center at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, June 15.
For more information, visit or contact Daniel Newman, planning services officer, 404-370-4102 or
July/August Focus Combined
The July/August Decatur Focus is a combined issue. Please send information
for July and August by June 1.
Copy may be emailed to; faxed to 404-371-1953; or
mailed to Decatur Focus, City of Decatur, P.O. Box 220, Decatur, GA 30031.
4 | Decatur Focus • June 2004
Floodplain Information
The City of Decatur Engineering Department freely provides general floodplain information on property located within the incorporated city limits. The Decatur Library
also provides references on flooding and
flood protection.
A map information service is available for
a $10 fee. This service provides inquirers
with Flood Insurance Rate Map information
and identifies whether a property is in a Special Flood Hazard Area.
An accurate street address or DeKalb
County/Decatur Tax Parcel Identification
Number is needed to obtain this information. Anyone desiring this service should
call 404-377-6198 or email
Catrambone Receives
Georgia Tech Award
Decatur resident
Catrambone has
been awarded the
Georgia Institute
of Technology’s
“Class of 1940 W.
Howard Ector
Teacher Award,”
which is the highest teaching award
given in the insti- Catrambone
tute. The award
presentation was made in April.
Catrambone is a psychology professor at
Georgia Tech and teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses. His research focuses on ways to improve teaching and training materials, educational technology, and
human-computer interaction. He received
his undergraduate degree from Grinnell College (Iowa) and his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan.
News from Our Shops, Restaurants & Services
Supper Club Announces
Sunday Hours
In May the Supper Club began opening
again on Sundays. All wines are 25 percent off for Sunday Suppers. Owner
Michele Niesen says she has received
many calls to open on Sundays, and she
thinks the discount wine prices will be
enough of a draw even though the Supper
Club suffers from patio envy.
She invites the community to come indoors for the night and enjoy the bargain.
Reservations are not required. The Supper
Club is celebrating its seventh year in
downtown Decatur. Call 404-370-1207
or visit the new website at
News from Billy Goat’s
Billy Goat’s Garden Path is now open at
the Oakhurst Mexican cantina, with
agave, cactus, herbs and flowering vines. It
is a narrow strip of space but it is a pleasant stroll to the large well-lit parking lot
that sits behind the restaurant.
Three more outdoor tables were added
to the garden to expand the outdoor seating. Managing partner Radames Soto says
they wanted to create a “waiting garden”
so people did not have to stand around
the front doorway while waiting for a
table. After they put in the fountain and
the lights, you hardly recognize the area
next to the auto garage.
Billy Goat’s, 653 East Lake Dr., celebrated its first year anniversary on May
23. Call 404-687-0007 or stop by and
celebrate with them!
Get Fit for Women on
Get Fit, Inc., fitness and weight loss for
women, now offers a new fitness class on
Saturday mornings at 9 a.m. The class includes a 30-minute fitness walk and a 60minute strength training and flexibility
workout, led by Jackie Yielding, ACE cer-
tified personal trainer and Emory University graduate.
No previous fitness experience is required and women of all fitness levels are
welcome. Classes will be held at Get Fit,
Inc., 515-C N. McDonough St. (below
Eddie’s Attic). Call 404-373-2405 for more
information or to reserve a space in a class.
Art Camp at That Pottery
Attention all campers
– are you ready for
Art Camp 2004 at
That Pottery Place?
Sign up today for this
fun activity program. The oneweek program for children ages 5-11 is
filled with the following activities: pottery
painting, fabric and stained glass painting,
mosaic, paper art and much more.
The program runs Monday-Friday,
9 a.m.-2 p.m., on the following dates:
Week 1: June 14-18
Week 2: June 21-25
Week 3: July 5-9
Week 4: July 12-16
Program cost is $150; 10 percent discount for families with two or more kids
enrolled. Call 404-371-4557 to make a reservation. That Pottery Place is at 412
Church St.
Decatur Hot Yoga Offers
Kids’ Programs
Decatur Hot Yoga offers Creative Child
Enrichment programs five mornings a
week, starting June 1. They’ll take care of
your kids while you take care of yourself!
YogaKids is a unique approach to integrated learning using yoga as a pathway.
Reading, storytelling, music, creative arts
and earth-care blend easily with yoga
movement to educate the “whole” child.
YogaKids will be offered Monday,
Wednesday and Saturday, and a less structured Creative Corner will be available on
Tuesday and Thursday. All of the children’s
programs coincide with an adult yoga class.
Decatur Hot Yoga, 431 W. Ponce de
Leon Ave., is also taking reservations for
YogaKids Birthday Parties! Call 404-3774899 or visit for
Temple Gallery News
The Temple Gallery recently featured a
100 Year
honoring the
100th birthday of artist
Mary Lee
Smith Sharp
with an exhibition of her work.
Mary Lee made a significant impact in
Decatur and DeKalb County in the field
of music. She served as accompanist for
the Decatur Civic Chorus for 11 years,
taught voice, piano, and organ, and served
as organist and minister of music at various churches in the area. She also volunteered her time and talent to D.E.A.M.,
Decatur Cooperative Ministry, Cancer
Sewing and numerous committees at the
First Baptist Church of Decatur.
Congratulations to Mary Lee and
thanks to the Temple Gallery for the exhibit. For information about upcoming exhibits, call 404-371-8826.
The Temple
Gallery is on the second floor of the
Pythagoras Masonic Temple Building, 108
E. Ponce de Leon Ave.
Eurasia Bistro Offers
Lunch Specials
Eurasia Bistro
now offers daily
lunch specials.
Plan to visit them
Tuna and asparagus
and try one of the
from Eurasia
special menu selections that are served with soup and rice.
These specials are a good way to try something new and enjoy the quick service.
Eurasia Bistro is at 129 E. Ponce de
Leon Ave. Call 404-687-8822 for information.
June 2004 • Decatur Focus | 5
Atlanta Gymnastics Center
Wins Level 5 State Championship
Members of the Decatur based
Atlanta Gymnastics Center, formerly Varsity Gymnastics and
Sports Gym, recently won the
Georgia Amateur Athletic Union
Level 5 State Team championship crown. Two members of the
team, Trystien Charles and Elizabeth Grimsley, also took home
individual state championship
honors on the uneven bars and
vault respectively.
Atlanta Gymnastics Center,
located at 2617-B Talley Street
in Decatur, offers classes for
ages 14 months and up, boys
and girls progressive classes,
cheerleading and summer
camps as well as boys and girls
competitive team. Call 404687-9911 for more information.
nstration and Introduc
FREE Dem6o, 7:15 p.m.& Saturday, June 7tory Class
Friday, June
• Build Core Strength
• Improve Posture
• Increase Flexibility
, 2:30 p
108 East Ponce de Leon
Suite 100, Decatur
When Shopping for a
Home Loan, Let My Experience
“Open Doors” for You!
David Crenshaw
Senior Loan Officer
6 | Decatur Focus • June 2004
First Christian Church
Invites Children to
Lava Lava Island
Pictured above are members of the champion team. First row:
Allie Rust, Elizabeth Grimsley and Trystien Charles; second
row: Gabrielle Siegel and Maryah Fields; third row: Alexandra
Simon and Amy Andresen; fourth row: Kelsey Brock, Ashleigh
Veasley and Anjelica Gillott
t Movement Pilates Studio
The First Christian Church of Decatur,
601 W. Ponce de Leon Ave., will hold a
Lava Lava Island program for children
from toddlers to high school. The program will provide memorable Bible learning activities for all ages including songs,
teamwork-building games, Bible adventures and more.
In addition, the kids will join nearly a
million children in North America and
take part in a hands-on mission project
that will reach needy children in the Caribbean and Latin America. Each day concludes with a festive Lava Lava Luau.
Lava Lava Island begins Sunday, July
18, and runs through Thursday, July 22.
For more information call 404-378-3621.
The Decatur First Christian Church also
reminds the community that the view of the
July 4th fireworks is excellent from their
front lawn. And, they open their restrooms to
all who need them.
Jeff Hancock
Senior Loan Officer
Get a mortgage from your neighbors at
Decatur First Bank and the friendly folks
at Fairfield Mortgage Associates. We’re
competitive, flexible and fast. Call Jeff
Hancock at 404/371-4500 for information.
Head to Decatur’s Beach for Summer Fun
Celebrate the beginning of summer at
the 19th annual Decatur Beach Party
on Friday, June 18, 5 p.m.-midnight.
Decatur turns its landlocked square
into the Decatur Beach with 60 tons of
sand (donated by Vulcan Materials),
plenty of wading pools, a kids’ boardwalk, live music, a giant lighthouse
and pink flamingo, palm trees,
waves, souvenirs, and a huge
stage built across E. Ponce de
Leon for dancing in the street.
New to the Beach Party this
year (thanks to DeKalb Medical
Center) will be a giant screen
and a special beach party movie as
part of the fun.
The Beach Party is sponsored by the Decatur BusiTerry Lee and the GTs
ness Association and is the
official Decatur kickoff to
summer. Events include a
variety of activities for all
Children’s boardwalk
games, crafts, and moonwalk
– on the MARTA Plaza from
5 to 9 p.m. Tickets may be
purchased for 50 cents each
on the boardwalk. Or purchase a “25-ticket” card in
advance for $8 ($10 on the
day of the beach party).
Live music from The
Reputations in the Community Bandstand from 5 to 7
p.m. Music from the Ponce
de Leon stage begins at 8
p.m. and features Terry Lee
and the GTs.
Food and beverage vendors will sell a variety of beach boardwalk
food, including hamburgers, hot dogs,
corn dogs, curly fries, funnel cakes,
smoothies, soft drinks and beer. Decatur
Remember, when the Beach Party ends at midnight, evrestaurants will also be open and many will
eryone is welcome to load up the sand and take it home
offer Beach Party specials.
for a sandbox, garden or playground. It is free! Just bring
your vehicle and load up the sand any time after midnight or during the rest of the weekend.
S A N D !
Souvenirs include a Beach Party
2004 T-shirt, leis, light wands, and
kids’ meals that come in a sand
bucket and include a sandwich, chips,
drink, sidewalk chalk, bubbles, and a
The Beach Party is the annual
fundraiser for the Decatur Business
Association. Proceeds are used for
downtown improvement projects
such as the tree maintenance program. They also help fund the
association’s other free events such
as the Easter Egg Hunt, the Bonfire/Marshmallow Roast, and more.
The Beach Party Committee recruits
other sponsors to help and many thanks
go to Eagle Rock Distributors and Michelob,
Decatur First Bank,
Decatur Renaissance Condominiums, DeKalb
Medical Center, Holiday
Inn Select, DeKalb History Center, Brick Store
Pub, City of Decatur,
Vulcan Materials and
Georgia Power for their financial and in-kind support.
Tickets are $5 for
adults; children 12 and
under are free. Tickets may
be purchased at the gate
the night of the event. No
coolers or glass containers
are allowed in the festival
For information call
404-371-9583 or email
For 24-hour information call the Decatur
Events Hotline, 404-371-8262, or visit To volunteer, contact
Lee Ann Harvey, 678-553-6548, or
June 2004 • Decatur Focus | 7
Ballot Boxes and Beaches
Americans enjoy many rights; among
them are the freedoms of speech, association, religion, and the right to vote. Considering the many bloody battles fought in
the past two-hundred-plus years here and
on foreign soil to establish and maintain
democracy, it is most troubling to see the
consistently low percentage of citizens exercising the franchise. Properly viewed, the
right to vote is more than an optional freedom; it is an obligation of citizenship. In
order to exercise this precious right appropriately we must be informed.
The DBA, in cooperation with the
Young Professionals of Decatur (YPOD),
of the right to complain.
On a less serious note, the month of
June signals the beginning of the summer
season: more leisure time, no more school
bells, no more papers
due, no more exams,
and vacation trips
begin. However, despite what date on
the calendar marks
the summer solstice,
in Decatur we know
summer is not official until the Decatur
Beach Party!
This year’s party is
Friday, June 18, 5
Fred Cavalli • Decatur Business Association p.m. until midnight.
Relax to the cool
is presenting a candidates forum on Tuessounds of The Reputations from the bandday, June 8, at JavaMonkey. Come and
stand between 5 and 7 p.m. Then, from
meet the candidates and learn about their
the huge stage on Ponce de Leon in front
views and positions on issues important to
of the historic Old Courthouse, the main
you. Whatever you do, arrange your
event: Terry Lee and the GTs. This year
schedule and vote in the primary election
the kids will have a bigger beach, more
on July 20. If you are going to be away on
boardwalk games, and a full-length movie
election day you still have time to obtain
(beach themed, of course) shown outdoors
an absentee ballot.
and sponsored by our friends at DeKalb
Besides serving in the military, I know
Medical Center.
of no more patriotic duty than the casting
See you on the Square!
of an informed secret ballot. Do your part
to ensure good government, and remember: if you don’t vote, you don’t count! You
most certainly will have lost the legitimacy
Decatur Place Holds Grand Opening
The community is invited to the grand opening and ribbon cutting celebration at Decatur
Place, 1131 Scott Blvd. (between Clairmont and North Decatur roads) on Tuesday, June 22,
11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Tour the model town homes and enjoy a light buffet with beverages, beer and wine,
presented by Masterpiece Catering in a festive atmosphere that includes live music. Dignitaries will cut the ribbon at noon and preside over a drawing for gifts and prizes. Three
gift baskets created for the occasion include An Evening in Decatur, An Evening at the
Braves and An Evening at Chastain.
Decatur Place is NorthPoint Real Estate Group’s flagship development in the town
home market. The 15 homes offer a low-maintenance lifestyle and fine architectural details
with all the conveniences of in-town living. Prices start in the mid-300s.
Call Melanie Burriss, 678-597-4997, to RSVP and to get parking information.
8 | Decatur Focus • June 2004
Wine and YPOD?
Why not!
Want to learn how to impress clients and
colleagues with your knowledge of fine
wines? YPOD (Young Professionals of
Decatur) presents a wine tasting at
JavaMonkey on Tuesday, June 8, 6:30 p.m.
Young professionals and entrepreneurs are
invited to join their Decatur-area colleagues for an evening of networking,
learning and camaraderie.
But that’s not all. In cooperation with
the Decatur Business Association, YPOD
has invited local political candidates for a
meet and greet. The candidates will have
only one minute to describe how their political position resembles these fine wines!
JavaMonkey is at 205 E. Ponce de
Leon, across from the MARTA station in
Decatur, and on the Internet at This event
is free for YPOD members, and $10 for
The Young Professionals of Decatur
meet the second Tuesday of every month at
6:30 p.m., rotating locations among
Decatur-area businesses. Visit for more information.
Young Professionals of Decatur was
formed in October 2003 to provide networking, development, and community
service opportunities for young professionals in the Decatur, Georgia, area. It is
sponsored by the Decatur Business Association, Decatur First Bank, Harry
Norman Realtors, Pinnacle Custom Builders, and Twinsparc. For press information,
contact K.C. Boyce, 404-370-6171.
Decatur Business
June Meeting
Tuesday, June 22
Suburban Awards & Framing
2573 N. Decatur Rd. (Suburban Plaza)
5:15 p.m. – Networking reception
6 p.m. – Program
DeKalb Rape Crisis Center
Holds Wine Tasting
Seen Around Town…
The DeKalb Rape Crisis Center, located in downtown Decatur,
will hold its eighth annual Wine Tasting and Auction on Saturday,
June 12. This year the event will be held at the Michael C. Carlos
Museum on the campus of Emory University and will coincide
with the debut of a new photography exhibit at the museum.
The annual event has been held in various locations including
Agnes Scott College and several Decatur restaurants. It includes an
evening of delicious food, classy wines and enticing auction packages including trips, jewelry, wine and more.
Tickets are $50 per person, or you may choose to be a part of
the Host Committee. Host Committee members receive special
information about the event and will be given a private tour of the
museum before the event begins. For information call Maryum
Howell at the DeKalb Rape Crisis Center, 404-377-1429.
Patio Party and Tree Auction to
Benefit Solarium Landscaping
Thursday, June 24 • 7-10 p.m.
Come to the Patio Party and help celebrate the completion of the
Solarium’s outdoor renovation, which includes the new patio and
the bricks purchased by the community.
The event will feature the annual Decatur Tree Auction with
proceeds to benefit the landscaping program at the Solarium. The
eight-foot-tall trees, decorated by local artists, are part of Decatur’s
annual Tour of Trees.
The Community Center of South Decatur will provide music
and refreshments for the event. Many thanks to Pinnacle Custom
Builders and Robert Soens for installing the patio free of charge
and to Watershed Development and Greg Levine for assistance
with the design.
The Hope Clinic of the Emory Vaccine Center launched its first annual Hope
Springs Eternal 5K Fun Run/Walk event in April. The event raised awareness
about and funding for HIV vaccine research and for the Hope Clinic’s outreach
and education efforts in Atlanta. More than 225 people participated. The second
annual event will be held April 2, 2005 – mark your calendars now. The Hope
Clinic is located at 603 Church St. If you want to “do something BIG” for humanity or learn more about the activities, call 877-424-4673, ext 15, or visit
Decatur Author Pens Award-Winning Travel Series
With the spring 2004 launch of Royal
London in Context – The Independent
Traveler’s Guide to Royal London,
Decatur author Robert Wayne’s Europe
in Context series continues to open up
fascinating sights for time-pressed travelers.
The first offering in the series, Venice
in Context – The Independent Traveler’s
Guide to Venice, is a finalist in the Publishers Marketing Association’s Ben
Franklin awards for best in three-color
travel guides, in ForeWord magazine’s
Book of the Year award for best new travel
guides and in the Georgia Writers
Association’s Georgia’s Author of the Year.
It has already been named a winner of a
2003 Writers Notes Book Award by Writers Notes magazine.
The unique appeal of this cutting-edge
travel series is the user-friendly idea of
combining a written guide, enhanced with
color photographs, with two audio CDs
providing engaging narration with a
choice of 12 tours to Venice and now
The Europe in Context series is distributed by the Independent Publishers
Group (IPS)/Chicago Press. The narrator
for the series is Joel Godard, who regularly appears on NBC’s Late Night With
Conan O’Brien.
June 2004 • Decatur Focus | 9
Decatur Library Offers Festival of Writers . . .
Wednesday, June 16 • 7:30 p.m. • John Stone
Professor of medicine emeritus at Emory University, Stone is a gifted poet and prose writer
whose new book is a collection of poetry, Music From Apartment 8.
Wednesday, June 23 • 7:30 p.m. • John Blake
In his new book, Children of the Movement, Atlanta Journal-Constitution reporter Blake
talks to the sons and daughters of the leaders of the civil rights movement to reveal how
their lives have been tested and transformed by their heritage.
Thursday, June 24 • 7:30 p.m. • Fred Chappell
The Poet Laureate of North Carolina and one of America’s most honored poets, Fred
Chappell is the winner of the prestigious Bollingen Prize and the author of a dozen books
of verse, eight novels and two story collections. His new book of poetry is Backsass.␣
The Festival of Writers will take place in the Decatur Library Auditorium at 215 Sycamore St., and is sponsored by the Georgia Center for the Book. All programs are free.
Books will be available for sale and signing. For more information call 404-370-8450, ext.
2225, or go to
. . . And Two Films
Rear Window • Tuesday, June 15 • 10 a.m.
Hitchcock’s classic, starring James Stewart and Grace Kelly.
The Rage at Placid Lake • Wednesday, June 30 •7 p.m.
Winner of the Best Screenplay award at the American Film Institute Festival.
Films will be shown in the Decatur Library Auditorium, 215 Sycamore St. Call 404370-3070 for information.
Creative Spirit Welcomes
Summer with Glimpses!
Join Creative Spirit for the opening of
Glimpses, digital paintings, photography
and Polaroid manipulations by local artist
Cheri MacCallum. The reception is Saturday, June 19, 4 to 8 p.m., and the works
will be on display until mid-July.
In June, explore your own creativity in
Joanna O’Flaherty’s Mask Making class.
Through journaling, class discussion, yoga,
and guided meditation, students will access
their own intuitive, imaginative minds. The
class will meet Thursday, June 24, 7 to
9 p.m., and Saturday, June 26, 10 a.m. to
1:30 p.m. The cost is $85 and includes all
basic materials.
An intermediate stained-glass class will
be offered in June. Learn advanced cutting,
pattern making, reinforcing, assembly and
three-dimensional work. Class dates are
Wednesdays, June 9-30, 6:30 to 9 p.m. The
cost is $160 and includes supplies.
The Creative Spirit is at 650-A East
Lake Dr. in historic Oakhurst. For more
information, call 404-377-0022 or visit
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10 | Decatur Focus • June 2004
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Celebrate July 4th with Parade,
Concert and Fireworks
Neighborhood Playhouse Presents
La Cage Aux Folles
Make plans now to participate
in Decatur’s July 4th Pied
Piper Parade as it winds its
way through the streets of
downtown Decatur. Decorate
your wagons, ride your bike,
skate, or walk in this fun
The City Commissioners
will lead the parade in the fire
truck. Neighborhood associations and organizations are encouraged to make a float and
join the fun.
Parade line-up is at the First
Baptist Church of Decatur at
5:30 p.m. The parade begins at
6 p.m. It ends at the community bandstand on the square
with a presentation of colors
and the Star Spangled Banner.
Anyone may participate in
the parade but those with vehicles must register by calling
404-371-9583, emailing, or
downloading the parade
guidelines and registration form at
After the parade, plan to enjoy the special Concert on the
Square led by the Callanwolde Concert Band. The concert includes a variety of patriotic classics and Broadway tunes. Bring
your picnic and enjoy the music. The concert begins at 7 p.m. and
ends at dark with the 1812 Overture and fireworks.
Fireworks go off from the DeKalb County parking deck at dark
(approximately 9:15 p.m.). There will be a few vendors selling
smoothies, funnel cakes and lemonade. For information call 404371-9583 or email
Neighborhood Playhouse will present the fourth show in their Silver Season – Harvey Fierstein and Jerry Herman’s Broadway musical La Cage Aux Folles, which inspired the movie The Birdcage.
The show opens June 10 and
runs through July 11. Shows are
held Thursday, Friday, Saturday and
Sunday and ticket prices range from
$16 to $24.
Neighborhood Playhouse is celebrating its 25th anniversary Silver
Season with classic quality drama
and comedy. Come and experience
the new playhouse – the new look
includes an updated lobby and concession bar. Their mission is to
bring quality productions to the neighborhood with some of the
best talent in the metro area. With the support of area businesses
they are proud to continue a tradition of excellence in theatre productions.
For more information call 404-373-3904 or email
Tap Dancing Classes
for Adults
Tap Mania teaches the Broadway
style of tap dancing and specializes
in beginner and intermediate levels.
431 W. Ponce de Leon Ave., Suite 10
431 W. Ponce de Leon Ave. Suite 7
Relaxation, stress relief and the finest treatments for the face
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404-378-4810 •␣ fax 404-378-4811 •
June 2004 • Decatur Focus | 11
Decatur High JROTC named
‘Honor Unit with Distinction’
The Decatur High School JROTC Bulldog Battalion has earned the designation of Honor
Unit with Distinction for the 2003-2004 school year. The battalion was inspected in 10
areas with a possible outcome of 600 total points. The minimum score for passing was
450 points, or 75 percent. They achieved a total score of 578, or 96.5 percent, to retain
the Gold Star within the battalion.
Congratulations are in order for a job well done to
Bulldog Battalion Cadet
Commander C/LTC
Shantisha Gay and her staff:
S1-C/1LT Lenesia Jacobs, S2C/CPT Chris Ross, S3-C/
CPT Will Fuller, S4-C/1SG
Julius Thomas, S5-C/CPT
Lenaldo Hampton, and C/
CSM Rachel Simpson.
Pictured: the Decatur High School
JROTC Bulldog Battalion at the
12 | Decatur Focus • June 2004
Decatur High School’s
Carpe Diem magazine wins
Gold Crown Award
For the second year in a row, Decatur
High School’s news magazine Carpe Diem
won a prestigious Gold Crown award from
the Columbia Scholastic Press Association
(CSPA). Only 17 of the nation’s high
school news publications received this
award. This recognition is for 2002-2003
publications. The editors were Véronique
Bergeron, Christine Dreas, and Meredith
Earlier this year, Decatur High School’s
journalism staff was awarded Quill &
Scroll’s top national recognition, the
George H. Gallup award, for the second
consecutive year. The Gallup award recognizes excellence in coverage, writing, design, and business practices.
Lose weight,
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City Schools of Decatur
Receives Recognition
City Schools of Decatur recently received special recognition as a
“2003-2004 Super District for Quality Schools” from the executive directors of the Commissions on Elementary, Middle, and
Secondary Schools of the Southern Association of Colleges and
Schools (SACS). City Schools was congratulated for its
“…schools’ accreditation accomplishments and continued success
in improving educational opportunities for the young people
served.” To receive this honor, all schools within the district must
be accredited.
SACS accreditation helps educational institutions improve
through a systematic process of evaluation that focuses on improving teaching and student learning. SACS accreditation assures not
only that an institution meets minimum standards, but also that it
demonstrates a commitment to continuously providing quality
educational programs.
City Schools of Decatur shares this honor with only 60 other
school districts in the state of Georgia, and 511 school districts in
the South.
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June 2004 • Decatur Focus | 13
City Schools Receives
SchoolMatch Award
City Schools of Decatur was recently awarded the prestigious
“2004 What Parents Want Award” by SchoolMatch, the nation’s
largest school selection consulting firm.
SchoolMatch, an independent, nationwide service, helps corporate employee families find schools that match the needs of their
children. SchoolMatch maintains information on every public
school system and about 14,000 private schools throughout the nation and is offered as an employee benefit in many Fortune 500
Only 16 percent of the nation’s 15,573 public school districts
have been recognized for consistently providing “What Parents
Want” in public education. School districts that are recognized
with this award are fully accredited and offer competitive academic
test scores, a rigorous curriculum, and competitive teacher salaries.
They have above-average expenditures for instruction and library/
media services, and are known for small class sizes. City Schools of
Decatur was one of only 2,500 school districts around the nation
to receive the award for 2004.
14 | Decatur Focus • June 2004
THANKS to all who supported Renfroe Middle School’s
Greenwich on Ponce
Wine Tasting
Sponsored by
Banfi Vintners – Artie and Angie Macon
Special thanks to Vicki Ainslie and Nick Cortese for their expert help too!
Sponsored by
The Seen Gallery – William Bibb and Jill Alikonis
The Golley Team – Fank and Ruth Golley
Kudzu Antiques – Kate and George Lawes
Leahy Design – Maureen Leahy
Intown Hardware – Tony Powell
Angler Construction – Lisa Turner
Dowling, Langley and Ahmann Public Affairs – John Ahmann
Fitness Together – Derrick Bumpers
Wechsler Engineering and Consulting, Inc. – Tom and Frances Wechsler
Each of these sponsors gave $250-$500 to host the event. Thank you!
Thanks to the volunteers and those who attended, the event raised
$20,000 for Renfroe Middle School.
★ Francine Reed will present a community concert in Harmony Park on Saturday,
Aug. 28, from 7 to 9 p.m. The community is invited to enjoy this outdoor concert
by this popular jazz entertainer. The concert is sponsored by the South Decatur
Community Development Corporation. Harmony Park is located at the corner of
Oakview Road and East Lake Drive. Call Caroline Leach, 404-378-6284, for details.
★ Decatur resident Ann Vilwock invites the community to the Atlanta World War
II Round Table organization meetings on the third Thursday of the month, September-June. These lunch meetings begin at 11:30 a.m. at the Petite Auberge
Restaurant in the Toco Hills Shopping Center. The organization is open to all
who have a keen interest in preserving the history of those individuals who
served during World War II. There is a $15 luncheon admission requirement.
Reservations are not required. Call Ann at 404-377-3082 for information.
★ Welcome to RealSource Brokers, a full service real estate brokerage firm,
which recently opened in Oakhurst. Marketing Director Ben Keen says this is
their second location and it coincides with the launch of their new website offering new features for customers and clients. Stop in and say hello, have a coffee, and surf their wireless web for homes for sale. Call Ben at 404-270-9374
for information.
Oakhurst Business Association
Sponsors Open Market in June
The Oakhurst Business Association will
sponsor an Open Market on Saturday, June
12, from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The market
will feature baked goods, vegetables, flowers, collectables, treasures, etc.
Bruce Cohen has donated the Big H parking lot to set up 125 11-by-17-foot spaces
for vendors, community organizations,
churches, individuals (yard sale-type stuff)
and any other entity that wants to sell items.
The spaces rent for $35/space including
1 table. If you are interested in participating, call Dennis Headings 404-391-4393 or
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June 2004 • Decatur Focus | 15
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JUNE 2004
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