pdf list for the Bentonville Cemetery
pdf list for the Bentonville Cemetery
Bentonville Name Date Aikeny Ladonna Sue (infant) 2/6/1939 Ammon, Eliza 8/26/1858 Ammon, 1913 George W. Ammon, Martha 1922 Ammon, Ray 4/17/1902 Ayres, Ann Eliza 9/6/1884 Ayres, 4/12/1848 Henry (soldier) Ayres, John T. 1911 Ayres, Levi 2/10/1888 Ayres, Mary 8/8/1850 Ayres, Sarah J. (Miller) 1916 Ayres, Susan 9/29/1895 (Jennings) Ayres, Trosseau Bagley Cemetery f Bailey, L.(child) 6/8/1880 Quinc.e (conf • soldier) Ada (SWift) Bailey,Eulalia 1942 {Sweet} 1949 Bailey, Infant 10/1904 Bailey, James Monroe 1935 Bailey, John Bailey, Raymond 4/19/1972 Bailey, Robert 1948 Bailey, Ellen 1918 Baker, Carrie (Dunavent Judy) 1950 Baker, Marion 12/14/1990 Baker, Roy 1953 Baxter, Bertha 6/25/1987 Baxter, Helen Baxter, Paul W. ~r. 12/8/1976 Baxter, Teddy Valentine 1942 Baxter; William 1961 Baxter, William Beeson, Ad<Ue Beeson, Catherine Beesonf Beeson, (child) 1927 (Billy) 1930 (Murray) 1919 (stone) 8 1921 (records) (child) 1862 Old Section Charles 1918 132 Clara 1916 7 (Caldwell) (1) Name Date Lot # Beeson, Dorca.s 1846 Old Section Beeson, Edgar 1937 7 Beeson, El 1948 25A Evelyn 6/28/1988 22A 1881 7 . Beeson, Beeson, Harry (child) Beeson, Harvey 1905 133 Beeson, Infant 8/31/1845 Old Section Beeson, Isabelle 9/20/1906 19 Beeson, Junius 1853 Old Section Beeson, Leroy 1902 8 Beeson, Maggie 1952 25A Beeson, Malinda Beeson! Mary Jane Beeson, (Mason) (Harvey) 133 1908. (records) 1907 (stone) (Kirkwood) 1853 Old Section Orinda 1853 Old Section Beeson, Paul 1881 8 Beeson, Robert 12/8/1973 2B Beeson, Sarah Ann {Loder) 6/111885 19 Beeson, Temple 1/15/1881. 19 Beeson, Theodore 191$···ii~S6~G1s) 13 3 J. 1911 {s.:Eb'neJ Beeson, Vernon Beeson, Victoria B.eeson 1 Willa;i;d Bellf Carrie (Clark,) (Vanbuskirk) Bens.on, Lawrence E. 5/27/1982 2zA 7/16./ 1970 2B 1945 19 1923 17 11/8/1985 ·28A 1954 30A 1930 30A 1923 30A 1945 30A Biehl, Frederick Biehl, Henry Biehl; Maria Bi.ehl, May Bowen, Elizabeth 5/26/1856 Old Sect:Lon Bowen, Hannah A. 12/17(1853 Old ·Section 1849 Old Section (Johnson) (Huntington) Bowen, Theodore F. (child) Bradway, Jonathan 10/26/1921 102 Bra.d\vay, Lena 1907 102 Bradway, Mary L. 1/22/1902 102 Bradway, Mattie 1901 103 (2) BentOnville Cemetery ,''''---'.. Name May (Henderson) Brennert Brown, .Elmer Brow'n, Infant moved 1/13/1985 lOA from Lick Creek Brown, James IB 1954 28A Brown, Leona (Carter) 1964 28A Brown, Merle (Barber) 5/22/1972 113 lZ/lojl5SZ Old Section Brown, Warren 12/9/1978 IB Burgess, 3/28/1851 Old Seotion 6/24/1907 121 1/5/1989 8B Brownf Phebe Burnert Israel J. Irene E. Burns, ,/'--',\ 1922 Lot # 92 Date Gillis Caldwell! Clyde 3/1811980 2B Campbellr Charles 11/5/1848 Old Section Campbell; Jane 2/15/1862 Old Section Cardwell, Ramona 1951 38A 1951 132 Kay (infant) Carver, Charles Carver, Louella' (Manlove Beeson) Castner, H. Robert 1938 132 1942 128 1922 129 Centers, Eldon Martha 1957 1967 124 124 Centers, Sarah 1920 129 Centers, stephen 1940 129 1930 6A 1923 6A 1910 free ground 1911 115 1930 115 M. B. 10/16/1887 44 (child) 1887 44 Cb1e, Carrie M. 1873 Old Section Cole! Catheririe 9/5/1844 Old Section Cole, .Harry (child) 1874 55 Centers Centers, Children Chance, Helen Chancel v. Chapman (child) (4 ) (Hines) D. Clifton, Catherine Clifton, C. William Cblel Andrew Cole, Beulah (O~· Keefe) ,~/...-~" C61e, James·M" (SOldier) 55 Cole, Jane (Freeman) 1913 (3 ) 55 Bentonville-Cemetery Name Date Lot # Cole, Jerry G. 1917 43 Cole, Laura (child) 2/4/1846 Old Section Cole, Mabel (Overhiser) 1930 48 5/8/1882 44 1906 43 Cole, Samuel 1/1/1849 Old Section Cole, Sarah J. 1909 44 Cook, John 6/26/1980 laB Cole, Mahala {Gard) Cole, Rosetta (Wooters) (W W II) Cooksey, Prances 1914 106 Cooksey, Isaac 1916 106 1894 28 1854 28 1859 28 Cortleyou, Albert Cortleyou, Fannie Cortleyou, Helen Cort1eyou, Louisa 1912 _28 Couche, Elizabeth 1852 "OJ,.d Section Couche, Jemima E. 3/3/1851 Old Section, Cramer, Bomer R. 7/14/1974 9B Crane, "{child} {child} info dau of Sarah & Benj. Crane, Nancy (Centers) 1/17/1873 Old S~c±ion 1920 129 ~=:J:U 75 Crawford, Crawford, H. Van 1946 136 Crawford, Harry 19-10 75 Crawford, Herbert f;ree ground Crawford, infant 75 Crawford! James Crawford, Johnnie Crawford, Lawrence Crawford, Luella Crawford, Mildred Crawford, Verne Crawford, William free ground Crawford, Mrs. William free ground Creech, Ella (Bunt} 1919 free ground 5/24/1975 136 (Philpott) 1963 136 (child) 1918 136 1886 75 P. Orville Cregar, Mrs. Cummins, Flora 75 (Ayres) {4} 12/13/1978 18B 1902 84 7/16/1893 15 Eent:Qnville.Cemetery Name Cummins, Frank Date Lot 8!1,21J928 15 Curtis, Anna.Belle 1932. 18 Curtis, Blanche 2/12/1969 19A curtis, Carl W. 1960 19A Curtis, Ellen 1895 18 Curtis, Emery Eo 1908 34 Curtis, Grace Curtis, Lillie Curtis, Marilda Curtis, Mary (Artz) (Blue) 35 (child) 9/12/1867 18 C. (Kellog) 9/7/1883 34 (Tingle) 1920 35 L. (child) 1907 34 9/16/1891 34 9/28/1867 18 M L. Curtis, Roscoe (child) 0 If Curtis, Roscoe Curtis, Sallie Curtis, Valentine 1~27 J5 Curti$, Wesley 1917 18 3/19/.1884 fr~e gJ:ouno 2/10/18.82 40 5J23/1974 13B Dane, William Daubenspeck, (child) W. Morton Olive (Knipe) Day, Mary H. Dean, H. Eugene (child) 1927 ·82 Dean, Pearl (Robinson) Dean, Walter 1947· 82 1930 82 Deck, Doris 11/4/1986 42A Decker, Rebecca (Jackson) Dickey, Luzena M. (Longwell) Dinkins, children of .Andy Dinkins, Agnes J. (child) ·1911 7·6 1a80 33 1911, 1915 1927 Donieker, Garnet (Robinson) Donieker, George Doni~ker, Harold (Red) 11/18/1986 Donieker, Levona (Shipley) 1876 Donieker~ Martin. Donieker, Myrtle (Caldwell) 1902 12/19/1905 3/31/1986 1893 ponieker,. Orner 1/13/1955 110 Eichac:ker, Ethel 7/3/1979 17B Eichacker, 10/28/1982 17B Lloyd (5) Bentonville Cem~tery ·.r---.., Name >,-..... Date '·LotH Ellison, Junius 1853 cOld'Section Ellison, Orinda 1853 Old Section Engles, Ella Engles, Henry 1907 80 Engles, Oliva 1913 80 Engles, Sarah 1928 80 3/29/1861 Old Section 4/14/1914 20 Ferguson,Elrner 1857 21 Ferguson, Levingston 9/20/1877 46 Ferguson, Linville 3/5/1906 20 Ferguson, .Olive. O .. 2/28/1854 Old Section Ferguson, 1921 46 1880 10 80 (Fannie) Fields Ferguson, Elizabeth .Ferguson, Elizabeth (Loder) Ursu~atCarver} Finney, Claude (child) Fisher, Bessie Juanita Fisher, JamesA. Fisher, Pearl Flusher, 1943 128 (Hauhn) 1952 128 1965 128 1922 49 8/5/1969 3A 1916 109 Eva (Fisher Castner) J. C. (Scott) (W W II) Frederick, Ernest Frederick, Sarah French, Cary French, Harry French, Harry French, Ruby 128 - Fort, Malinda Fread, (child) 1919 (Sadie) Mustin .Mill~r 1959' 109 1944 32A 1925 32A (child) 1919 117 (Miller) 1954 32A 1862 Old Section 12/29/1862 Old SectiOn lOj14/1~84 IB Gibbs, Mammie(Miller) 1921 125 Gilbert, 1~35 113 Frye, Alexander Fryei John Ge~seiPaul (soldier) (soldier) (W W II) Daisy (Hess) Gilliland,Annas 9/7/1876 ·Old Section Gilliland, James 6/29/1854 Old Section Gilliland7 John 9/5/1876 Old Section Gilliland, Mary 10{12/1865 Old Section (6 ) Bentonville Date Name Gilmore, Nell (Alberts Slonieker) 1946 .Lot.# 49 G ingr {ch, Anna·· 12/8/1925 39 Gingrich, Elizabeth 4/10/1894 39 Gingrich, Emma 2/10/1920 39 Gingrich, Friede 8/27/1912 39 . Gingrich, Louis 3/31/1938 39 10/24/1983 lIB 9/3/1969 lIB 5/25/1892 65 Gosnell, Irvin Gosnell, Maude Graham, (Weaver) Mathew free ground ·Green, Myrtle ·1880 Green, Rebecca Griffith, Earl Griffith, Grace Guard; (W W II) Southerland Guthrie, (soldier) 1 11/13/1983 35B 7/31/1985 35B 1842 Old Section 68 Frank 68 Guthrie,. Ora Gwinnup, Ira (SOldier) 1919 122 GWinnup, John F. 1942 122 Gwinnup, Mary M. (Siefert) 1962 Hackleman, 19.41 16A Eacklernan, Chester 10/21/1969' leA Hackleman, Francis 1926 16A Sack1eman, Fred M~ 1958 161\ Hackleman, Virginia 12/17/1981 18A 6/7.) 1979 8B .4/24/1979 7B Alioe Halley, A. R. Halley, rvIichael Bar~ort~ William (Caldwell) (Cory) g. (Infant) ·122 5/1970 1213 Hathaway, Margaret 4/15/1890 64 Hathaway, Peleg 10/13/1905 64 1935 36 Hauhn, Charles 'Cemetery' DeForrest Hauhn,E1more (child) 1843 Old Section Hauhn; Ernest (Tommy) 1958 36 1900 13 Hauhn; Henry Old Section Hauhn, Mrs. Henry and children HElUhn, Infant 1894 (7 ) 36 Bent.onville -Cemetery. Name _Hauhn, Julia (Orendorf) Margaret Bauhn, Murray (Waddell) Hazelrigg,· Leroy Hazelrigg,- .Marian Hea Lot # 1885 36 (Whorley) Hauhu,· Margciret Elizabeth Hauhn, Date (0'Keefe) 1940 36 1909 13 1903 36 11/29/1977 lIB 6/20/1978 lIB Old Section , Lydia E. 1938 119 (Lamberson) 1908 135 (Weaver) 1934 119 Heck, Walter 1926 135 . Henby, Alfied· 1929 67 1912 67 Heck,u. S. Grant Heck, Laura Heck, Orleva Henby, Alice Henby, (Kemmer) 67 . John 67 Henby; Mrs. John Henby, William B. 1925 67 1912 92 1893 92 Henderson, Carrie Henderson, Charles Henderson, Guy (soldier} 1900 92 Henderson, Jane 1934 92 Henderson, William 1918 92 Hess, Leonard 11/10/1895 112 Hess, Lola 3/14/1904 113 E. (Hines) (Lamberson) Heuser, Annabelle 7/7/1975 lOA Heuser, William 1951 lOA 12/12/1850 Old Section 1854 Old Section 1844 Old Section 1952 109 Hines, GeorgeW. Hines, John Hines, Samantha Ho6ver, Thalma (child) (child) (~rederi~k) Hubbell, Flora B. (Manlove) 1943 134 Hubbell, John A. 3/5/1973 134 Huffman, Jasper Hunt, Gladys free ground child of (Hauhn Sweet) Hurley, Chester Hurley, Hazel A. B. (8) 6/27/1976 13 . 1951 5A 2/11/1973 SA Bentonv~lleCemet~rj Name Huston, Charley Date Lot # 1867 3 Huston;' Infant Huston, James Huston, Marian Huston~ 3 1914 3 1907 3 Mary (child) 1/29/1879 2 Huston, Mary Helen 1923 3 Huston, Ruth 1875 3 (Kbogler) (Murray) Ingel1s, John 1859 27 Tngel1s, John 8/18/1882 26 Ingells, Marion 1838 27 Ingells; lYlaryC. 1883 27 12/14/1891 26 1877 27 Irwin, Mary '(Overhiser Myers) 4/3/1972 47 Ir~iri, Odus D. (soldier) 1967 47 Isaacs, Leslie 8/23/1984 25B Irigells, Mary (Rush) Ingel1s,Roaey (~arr) Jackson, James Jackson, Mathias 76 1902 76 8/22/1850 Old Section 1907 86 Jones, Lowell 3/29/1977 8B Jones, 1904 86 1960 30A 1954 12A Jennings, Jones, William H. (child) Cynthia Noah Judy, Horace L. Kellam, Adelin~ Kellam, Kellam, Anna (Schenk) Glenn'< 1925 12A 6/29/1987 6B Keliam, John L. 1923 12A Kellam, Mayfra 6/29/1989 4B 1930 llA I<el1am, Mary (Wissler) (Sparks) (Stevens) Kellam, Oliver M~ 1964 12A Kellam, Wilbur B. 1934 IIA Kellar, Adeline 1954 123 Kellar, Barbara 1919 123 Kellar, Carl 1918 1921 Kellar, (Woods) (soldierl Fannie 1934 (9 ) (stone) 123 (records) 9A Bentonville Name Date Lot # 1923 1935 1873 1868 ' 9A Kellog, Daniel Kel1og, Elmira (Longwell) Kellog, Ira Kellog, Myra (Harlan) Kelly, Merchant 1866 1895 1929 1937 5/27/1875 32 Kemmer, Kemmer, Kemmer, Kemmer, Kemmer, 1879 1932 1966 1860 1883 . Kellar, Kellar, Keller, Kellog, ~'. Frank Henry Henry Antha" (child) Amanda CKellog) Avis (Kirkwood) Claude J. Elizabeth Frank Kemmer, Fred Kemmer, Kemmer, Kemmer, Kemmer, Kemmer, Kemmer, *~emmer, Kemmer, Kemmer, Kemme~, John (infant) 1950 Kate (Vanbuskirk) 1904 Lewis 1930 Louis (Hooker) (soldier) 1922 Mary E. 10}12/1893 Myr;tle (Hall) 1934 Nicholas (soldier) 1848 Ol.a_~. M. (Hutchins) 8/9/1900 Oran C. 12/18[19$6 Peter 1918 Kemmer, Samuel * Kemmer, Kemmer, Kemmer, Kemmer, Kemmer, 1913 1: Sarah Sarah J. (Ayres) T:tl:omas Walter WashiIlgton Kichler, Joe (soldier) Kiehn, Angeline (Harry) Kiehn, Joseph Kiehn! Opal (child) * see page 25 123 free ground 32 32 32 32 54 32 6 20A Old Section 6 17 20A 17 14 6 14 ,2,OA "Old Section 17 20A 14 1910 Old Section 1852 1915 1911 1870 1921 ,Old Section 14 32 Old Sectiop17 49 1955 1959 1927 (10) Cemetery 26A 26A 26A B~ntonvilleCernetery Name Date Lot # Kinder, MaryM. Kinder, Thomas Kinder, Tillie (Gingrich) Kiplinger, Kilbourne 1212011936 39 8/4/1891 39 1936 39 5/2Q!1978 121 1930 5 Kirkwood, Amanda Kirkwood, Catherine (McCormick) 1900 Kir}<.wood, Charles 1876 Kirkwood, James 1860 Kirlin, Rachael 1893 Knapp,.Caroline 1928 5 5 Old Section 75 10 Knipe, Althea 1858 Old Section Knipe, Edward Knipe, Irena Knipe, Jacob 11/25/1864 Old Se.ction 6/29/1861 Old S.ectiaTI 11f2~/1874 {record~} 1875 {stone) 40 3/19/1884 40 Knipe.,Jonathan Knipe, Knipe, Knipe, Knipp, Mary J. Marshall (child) Willia.mW. (child) Lester>C. (soldier) Kn;l.pp, Ruth {Ke11am} 9/18!JJ36.4 1861 Old Se:ction Old Section 1/4/186140 6/4/1975 14A 2/17/1980 14A. Kolbl Richard 8!18!T842 Konradi, Glenn 5/10/1986 Lamberson, Allen (child) 1921 Lamberson, Arthur J. 11/5/l9Bl Lamberson, Catherine (McKinney) 1924 Old Sect4-Pl1: ·1013 33A 33A 114 Lamberson, Charles F. Lamberson, Charles Lamberson, Ella Lamperson, .Ethel F. (Manlove) Lampersonf Floyd Lamberson,.Frank 1942 1939 1933 1969 ~?02 90 105 91 3.3A 105 1918 90 Lamberson, Gerald 1906 112 LamberSon, Glen 1932 105 Lamberson, Lois (Knapp) La.mberson,Lula B. (Cole) 1917 91 1949 90 (II) ·1 Bentonville Name Date Lamberson, Mary E. (Dailey) Lamberson, Maude Lamberson, Maurice Lamberson, Sarah Lamberson, -1886 - (Marsh) 1919 Edward (child) 8/18/1946 Cemefery Lot # 104 89 . SA _1904 105 Thomas 1901 104 Lamberson, Warren 1921 79 Lamberson, William G. 1943 89 Lamberson, Wi~liam T. 1914 91 1967 4B Legg, Susannah 6/1/1857 Legg, Susannah 7/20/1851 Old Section Old_ Section 1920 69 1914 free .gro\lnd 1946 69 1865 29 11/?/1903 29 -.!:i/l1/1896 29 .. 8/11/1874 45 Larson, (Hess) Peggy. (Kellam) Lockwood, Mary (Gearories) Lockwood, child of Will Lockwood,- William Loder, Alfred Loder, Elizabeth Loder, FranCeS Loder, Hester Loder, Isabelle P. (Cortleyou) H. 11/19/1863 Old Section Loder, James 12/9/1845 Old Section Loder, John 6/23/1868 Old Sec_tion Loder, John S. _5/7/1873 45 -Old_ SectiQn Lode:r, Malinda 3-/27/1862 Loder, Matilda 18:53 Old Section Loder, Sarah J. 1902 30 Loder, William P. (soldier) 8/23/1869 29 (Morgan) 1931 81 1861 Old Section Lowe_ry, Elda 1937 Old Section Lowery, Elmer 1931 81 Lowery, Elmira 1857 Old Section Lowery, Ina B. (child) 1895 81 Lowery, Ira (child) 1860 Old Section Lowery, James Lowery, James Lowery, Amanda Lowery, Charles B. (child) -1914 (st._one) 81 1915 (records) 3/18/1897 (12) _ Old Section Bentonvil1eCelIletery Name Date Lot # Lowery, RaYlllond 1953 81 Lowery, Rebecca 1913 Old Section Lowery, Sarah 1860 Old Section Lowery, Will~am T. 1866 (stone) Old Section 1&46 (records.) (Mastin) 1908 107 Lynch, Charley 1893 96 Lynch, 6/18/1878 96 8/11/1980 6B 1960 6B (Franklin) 6/15/1985 33B (child) 1875 Old section Lunsford, Susie John· McBride, Blanche McBride, Ross McBride, Vicie McCauley, (Rea) (Bake) Luis McClerney, Eli 1921 77 McC1erney, Isaac 1915 77 McClerney, Ma.ry 1907 77 McClerney, Sarah V. 8/3/1868 Old Section McColley, William Old Sectiqn r"lcCollum,Harriet (Loder) 1893 61 McCollum, James 1913 61 McCollum, James Sr. 1887 61 McCollum, Jefferson 1853 Old Section 1906 86 1955 86 1915 86 1935 84 9/22/1978 20B 4/21/1978 20B 1865 Old Section 1910 114 1879 114 1909 114 1935 114 McGath, child McGath, Howard McGath; Iva 0.· (Ammon) McKee, Grace McKee, Hazel w. (Miller) MCKee, William McKinly, McKinney, Cary G. (child) Alice McKinney,.·James A. McKinney, Malinda McKinney, Qu-incy Manhorn, CAgan) f1ary (child) 10/19/1857 Old Section Manlove, Aileen 11/16/1980 13B Manlove, Arthur 1966 42A Manlove Eliz.abeth (Scott) 1916 22 f (13 ) Bentonville Date Name Man~ov~, Emery (child) Cemete)"¥ Lot # 23 Manlove, Estella (Powell) Manlove, George w. Manlove, John Lo 1951 40A 8/11/1906 70 1926 24 3/24/1902 1878 23 1910 24 1874 31 7/31/1921 70 Manlove, Oliver Manlove, Oliver 7/29/1882 22 4/10/1970 ~#tp. Manlove, 1/24/1883 23 Manlove, William Go Mardis, Infant Mason, Alice (Morris) 1948 24 1943 27A 1897 73 Mason, Mason, Mason, Mason, 1949 120 l'<1anlove F Margaret (Munger) Manlove, Mary (Caldwell) Manlove, Mary Eo {Scott} Manlove,Ml11erva (Ayres) Manlove, Olive (Knipe) William Alta Marie Ann (Sheperd) Carl S. {child} Charles W. 70 41 5/2 Mason, Clarence A. Mason, Claudie Fern (miller) Mason, Emma (Kemmer) r-'lason, James &J19 03 57 1953 15A 1960 12Jl .. 1925 1921 ······15}t 51 7/3/1883 41 Mason, James Henry M.ason,.. James K. 1911 51 8/13/1936 57 Mason, John S. 1939 73 MaSOn, Julia Mason, J. Lester 1920· 41 1/9/1913 57 Mp.,son, Lola. (Clingman) 10/30/1912 120 Mason, NellieO'lanlove} Mathews, Desde (Powell) 4118/1956 57 4/ 2/1889 52 IVlathews,Mary 1889 52 6/28/1971 6B 7/20/1846 Old Section Old Sec.tion (child) (child) Mer.<;ier ,Ferdinand Middleton, Emily MiCidleton,John (14) Bentonvill,e CeJ;n~i:ery Name ;:::::::....•. Date Lot # Middleton, Minnie 1868 Old Section Middleton! Ruth 3/13/1861 Old Section 5A Miller, Adam 1966 Miller! Amanda 1Car~on) 5/2/1917 Miller, Amos 1919 117 Miller, Baby 1925 27.A Miller, Bessie E. 1900 84 Miller, Clarence. 1946 79 Miller, Edward 11/25/1952 III Mille~, Eliza Ellen 3/28/1889 79 Millert· Elmer 10/10/1904 III fJ!iller,-George 1901 84 Miller, Ida (Gwinnup) 7/23/1927 27A Miller, infant Miller, Israel Miller, Maretta ~ll1er, Martha Miller, Maude Miller, Miller, (Hensley) . III 27A 1939 27A 1910 117 1937· 84 1960 SA Susannah 2/24/1861 Old Section William 1932 79 1968 24A (Jackson) (Cregar) (Kemmer) Moore, Agnes (Lower) Moore, Lydia E. (Staten} 1939 24.A Moore, Pearl 1952 44A 1963 24A (Ammon) Moore, Raymond IvIorris,Frank 74· Morris, Mrs. Frank 1913 74 Morton, James 1959 36A Moyer, Theodore 12/13/1846 Old Section Munger, Edmund 12/4/1914 131 Munger, Elizabeth 1929 4 Munger, Lazarus 1909 4 Munger, Savannah 1912 4 Munger, War+en 1968 4 3/19/1879 42 . 1918 121 (stone 1913) j (Ferguson} H. Murphy, CQ~nelius Mustin (H~~$AA) w. Ed· (15) Bentonville Name Cemetery Date Lot # 1/2/1907 78 1920 116 r1ustin, Ira 10/20/1892 78 Mustin, 12/28/1980 116 3/9/1888 78 7/21/1981 121 1901, 1902 Old Section Mustin! Emily (McClerney) Mustin, Francis (child) James r.1ustin, Lindsey Mustin, Maurice (Goat) Mustin, Mollie children Mustin, Ne111e(Ammon) 1954 121 Mustin, Raymond 1906 116 Mustin, Susie Mustin, Walter Miers, of (child) (Cook) 1932 (stone) 116 1931 (records) Porter Neal, Cloe (Owens) Newbold, Charles Edgar Newbold, Inadel (Della) Kellam 1944 116 1918 47 6/26/1971 2B 1951 1/2:;/1968 ·37A 37A Norman, Edith (Heck) 1945 135 Norris, M. (McKinney} 1919 114 (Weaver) 1910 94 1902 94 Lillie Oldfield, Jane Oldfield, Luther Overhiser, Elizabeth Overhiser, Willard Patterson, Albert Patterson, (Kemmer) B •. 1936 ·48 ··48 3/2D!1849 Qld Seqtion Infant 1851 Old Section Patterson, John 10/1/1850 Old Section Pentacost, Hann~h Perry, Rebecca C. 1924 G. Old Section (child) 11/1846 Old $ection 7/9/1974 22A 5/24/1980 19B Petersen, Bernard Petersen, JO$ephine Ehil1ips, John 3122/1988 16N filaude 7/28/1988 16B 11/1/1881 97 1887 98 Phillips f Philpott, Catherine (Walters) (W~eaver) Philpott, Char ey Philpott, chi1 ren of Cyrus Philpott, Cyru 1918 125 Philpott, Dais 1891 98 97 Bentonville Name Date Lot # Philpott, Della ~Philpott, Etta (stoten) Philpott, Henry (soldier) 1874 1904 1929 98 73 88 Philpott, H. (child) Philpott, JamesE. 1949 98 7A Philpott, Marion Philpott, Nancy (Weaver) Pierson, Charles Pierson, Dale 1/23/1975 1929 11/10/1897 2/28/1883 73 88 58 59 Pierson, Edna (child) 1888 59 Cemetery Pierson, Elizabeth (Vanbuskirk) 8/4/1860 PLerson, Elmira 1876 p,lerson,Frank 2/2/1892' Pierson, Ida E. 11/29}1948 16 Old Sect10n 59 58 Pierson, Jonathan 1865 Old Sec;:tion Pierson, Marcus Richard 1963 58 Pierson, Millicent (Bowers) 1896 59 Pierson, Minnie (Lamberson) Pierson, Samuel Pierson, Tyler 2/2/1893 91 59 59 Pierson, William Plummer, Mary Port, Eliza A. Port, Magie E. Port, Sam,uel Carl Powell (childj7/20/1915 3/15/1873 1843 4/22/188862 8/3/1864 8/1/1859 5/2/1883 11128/1871 59 Old Section Old Section 62 33 date wrong on stone , 1957 Powell, Donald G. Powell,Elizabeth Powell, Gabriel Ginn Powell, Homer SA 1847 8/29/1942 2/6/1958 Old Section Powell, Ida K. (Murphy) 11/10/1939 5,2 Powell, Isaac 7/9/1879 52 Powell, f'1ary V. (Ginn) Powell, Medda (Chance) Powell, Ruby (Dickey) 52 33 :5)/17 /1895 1937 10/31/1976 (17) 33 Name Powell ,Sammie Powell, Thomas J Raby, Amanda Leilia Raby, Charles (W W II) Raby, Ludvi1 T~ c Ratz, Rayl, Rayl, Rayl, Rayl, Rayl f Date 12/25/1891 Lot # 52 8/3/1922 2/28/1990 6/18/1975 1958 52 Edward ( W W II) 8/18/1985 Anderson 2/2/1903 Angeline (Cole) 10/17/1918 Calvin M. 1932 Lewis 1945 Lydia (Hinshaw ~1arlatt)1950 Rayl, William Rear Alma (Kemmer) Rea, Benjamin Fo Rea, Dorthea (child) Rea, Elizabeth (Thompson) 1954 1965 9/23/1902 3/1D/1926 1931 Rea, Gertrude L. 1913 Rea, Ina (Hackleman) 1926 Rea, Mildred a/31/1899 Rea, Paul 1~/27/19a7 Rea, Walter T. 1961 Richardson, Donald Glenn (child) 1937 Richardson, Ethel (Miller) Richardson, George Rigor, Florence Rigor., Flossie 12/27/1969 6/21/1975 1953 (child) lA 35A 1A 23B lOa 108 loa 108 108 108 72 71 17A 71 71 17A 71 17A 72 <SJA 31A 31A 83 83 Robinson, Eli So 1898 Robinson, Mary Ann (McClerney) 1932 Roman, MandaB. (Dane) 9/30/1890 Roush, Julia 1846 Rowe, Helen (Kemmer) 1927 ROWe, Walter 1933 Sausanders 1 Emma Do (child) 1883 Schilling, Ethel Joann (ihfant) 1958 Schuler, Stephen J. 7/27/1957 (18 ) 82 82 .free ground Old Section 20A 20A 56 4A 21A Bentonville Cemetery ~. ~ Name Schuler, Wilma (Walters) Scott, Elizabeth Scott, Henry (Weaver) 21A 1911 94 Old Se<;::tion 11/10/1893 94 Scott, John 1901 95 1904 95 (Weaver) Silas M. (soldier) Old Section Shaw, George R. 7/4/1901 83 Sherwood, Eva P. (Heck) 1964 29A Sherwood, Everett Sherwood, George L •. Sherwood, Oscar Lee Sherwood, Roger L. (soldier) R. (soldier) 6/7/1963 29A 1960 29A 1935 29A 6/7/1963 29A Shinn, Albert 1915 16 Shinn, Altha E. (Kellog) 1954 32 Shipley, El1eanor 1857 Old Section Shipley, Hiram 1835 Old Section Shipley, Peter 1854 Old Section Shipley, Thomas 1846 Old Section 1915 16 8/11/1851 Old Section (child) (War 1812) Shortridge, Albert Shortridge, Clarilda Shortridge, Eleanore 8/12/1879 Old Section Shortridge, George 11/11/1851 Old Section Shortridge, 1878 8/30/1834 16 Shortridge, Jessie Price Old Section Shortridge, Rebecca 5/22/1853 Old Section Shortridge, Samuel 12/22/1844 Old Section Showalter, / 7/9/1988 Scott, James Scott, ?\ .,.--- Lot -# (soldier) Scott, Margaret ~ Date Robert Shrader, Huston Shrader, {child} (child) v. J. (soldier)7/27!1969 (child) 25A 1845 Old Section Martha 12/28/1870 Old Section Shrader, Matilda 5/9/1850 Old Section Shrader, Philip 12/12/1870 Old Section Sigerson, Mary 9/13/1861 Old Section 11/20/1987' 31B 11/28/1975 l4A Sinks, Judy Sizelove, (Harmon) Bess (19) Bentonville Name Lot # Sizelove, Dennis 1963 14A Sizelove, Fred 1924 46 Sizelove, Infant 1911 79 Sizelove, Mary iFerguson) 1911 46 1933 50 1930 50 1900 49 1934 49 Sloan, Emery Sloan, Mary Frances Slonieker, Charles Slonieker, John Slonieker, Pete Smith, Harriet (Kemmer) Edward free ground Smith, Clarissa (Webb) (Bailey) Smith, Herbert 1911 106 2/27/1983 100 1952 50 Smith, Lula (Garver Lamberson) Smith, John (soldier) 1904 106 (Sloan) 1957 50 11/10/1990 44A J/9J~987 44A 1901 102 1/12/1872 102 Smith, Mamie ~ Date Snyder, Cemetery Helen 1/31/1972 89 .. Snyder, Lester Sommers, Nellie Sommers, William Spencer, Effie N. 1903 25 Spencer, John 1901 25 Spencer, Mary Ann 1887 25 Spencer, Rozel la87 25 3/25/1894 37 2/18/1881 37 Sprong, Mary J. 2/4/1847 old Section Sprong, Milton 9/22/1896 37 Sprong, Nancy 7/31/1890 Old Section Sprong, Samuel 2/1/1847 Old Section Sprong, Stephen 3/8/1857 Old Section Sprong, William 11/12/1969 37 Sprong, Augusta Sprong, Lounetta (Bradway) H. (Lynch) (child) Spurgin, Karen Sue (child) 10/16/1952 lOA Spurgin, Myrtle 1967 13A Spurgin, Ray 1955 13A 11/2/1858 Old Section (Thorn) stage, Dexter (20) Bentonville Cemetery Name Date Lot # 12/14/1977 43A' 1966 43A 1954 43A Stant, E. G. 5/3/1980 25B Stant, 1926 35A stant, Merle 4/26/1986 135 stant, Orner 6/21/1978 35A staats, Bessie staats, Charles staats, r.1aryE ~ {Kuhn} H~ Iva {Lamberson} Stevens children 96 Stevens, children of Fred 1918 free ground Stevens, children of William 1901 free ground Stevens, Linnie 1935 free ground Stevens Malinda 1935 free ground Stevens; William 1936 free ground 9/1/1867 Old Section l Stiles, Rebecca Stiles, Thomas K. 4/18/1864 Old Section Stoops; John A. (child) 1845 Old Sectj.on 1928 34A 1936 34A Stoten, Albert (McCann) Staten, Cornelia stoten, El1a( Gwinnup) 1947 11 Stoten, Elizabeth 1925 24A stoten, Ernest Guerin 1941 34A staten, James 1931 24A Stoten, Samuel 1893 11 Summan, Franklin 1/20/1988 3B 1934 13 1915 131 swift, Oliver 1909 131 Taylor, Amanda 1880 free ground Taylor? Cecil Lunsford 1942 107 Taylor, Mary M. 1880 free ground 1888 66 1880 Old Section 7/29/1871 Old Section C. Sweet, Carl Swift, Mary A~ Thatcher, Carl Thatcher, Eliza (Lake) (child) (child) Thatcher,Eliziah Thatcher, Ellie J. 1863 Old Section Thatcher, Ezra D~ (soldier) 1887 66 (21) Bentonville Name (Shepard) Date Lot # 1923 66 Thatcher, Martha Thatcher, Susie 1889 66 Thompson, Anna E. (Lamberson) 1926 130 Thompson, Charles 1901 38 Thompson, Charles 1950 28A Thompson, Christina Thompson, Clara Thompson, George Thompson, Harry Thompson, Lawrence Thompson, Ac H. (Lamberson) 12 1942 28A 1934 12 1875 38 1/20/1894 12 Lucinda 2/29/1876 38 Thompson, Mary 5/23/1895 30 Thompson, William H. 1931 130 (Kinley) 1917 35 Tingle, (Kemmer) 1937 (child) (child) (Caldwell) Elizabeth Cemetery Treadway, George Treadway, Mrs. George 1920 Old Section Treadway, John 8/31/1838 Old Section Treadway, Sally 12/5/1862 Old Section Old Sect.ion Turner, Carl H. 1966 4A Turner, Daniel W. 5/7/1981 14B Turner, Ethel (Knight) 1956 4A Turner, Jackie (child) 1950. 7A Turner, Nila 6/7/1990 IB Turner, Robert 1949 2A Turner, Virginia (Harvey) 4/8/1984 2A 1914 16 1/8/1898 17 1891 16 9/17/1875 16 8/25/1886 17 1875 53 (Pat) (Carey) Leonard Vanbuskirk, El~zabeth Vanbuskirk, George Vanbuskirk, Martin Vanbuskirk, Maude Vanbuskirk, Rachae1 (Cole) (soldier) (child) (Helms) VanDyke, William VanDyke, Mrs. William S3 Vannatta, Aaron Old Section Vannatta, Lucinda Old Section Vannatta, Margaret 1926 (22) Old Section Bentonville Name Peter B. (soldier) Waddell; Charles Waddell, Frank Waddell, Martha Walker, N. {soldier} J. (Pierson) MarY·!.I. 1/25/1892 63 1908 63 6/111908 63 7/31/1850 old Section Walters, Annie N9 (Lamberson) 1895 104 Walters, Glenn 1957 21A Walters, Isaac 12/7/1949 104 Walters, Katherine 8/15/1973 21A 4/7/1849 Old Section Ward, Anna (Miller) s. Weaver, Albert 1955 99 Weaver, Blake 1904 99 Weaver, Bessie (t1ason) 1/23/1969 138 Weaver, Catherine (Hiser) 8/21/1874 98 Weaver, Charley 1923 85 Weaver, CharleyJ.{child) 9/11/1901 85 Weaver, Charlotte 4)511914 99 Weaver, Earl W. 12119/1947 126 Weaver, Edith 7/20/1987 118 Weaver, Elizabeth 4/30/1896 101 Weaver, Everett 1910 138 Weaver, George 4/17/1876 98 weaver, George H. 1917 137 weaver, George w. 1918 119 Weaver, Harry E. 1952 138 Weaver, Infant 1911 126 Weaver, Infants Weaver, James 1/31/1887 99 Weaver, John 8/28/1899 101 Weaver, Joseph N. 1872 Old Section Weaver, Laz 7/23/1977 118 Weaver, Lorena M. (Munger) 1938 118 Weaver, Margaret 1914 119 Weaver, lv1artha 10/4/1899 97 W<;;aver,Max 1909 99 Weaver, 1912 101 ./~''"' .• /--.....~ 1915 Lot # Old Section Date vannatta, C~metery s. (Shrader) (Waddell) M. (child) (2 ) 99 (Berry) Mollie ( 23 ) Bentonville Name (child) Date Lot # 9/4/1865 Old ;:;ect...l.on -. 'J;.;..-' Oliver Weaver, Philip Francis Weaver, Rachael weaver, Rosey (Miller) 3/28/1925 126 Weaver, Sarah (child) 11/21/1854 Old Section Weaver, Virginia 1934 85 Webb, Mary 12/23/1878 Old Section Webb, William 3/26/1870 old Section 1878 69 1877 69 Webster, Elmore Webster, Mary (Frank) 1946 E. (Thornburg) (Mustin) {child} (child) 118 1932 137 Week, Ruth Jane (child) 1846 Old Section Wesseler, Addie (Baxter) 1964 lIB Wesseler, William 1965 lIB 1856 Old Section B. tlary H7- ~ vJhite, Eliza (Rayl) 1952 127 White, Elsie (Manlove) 1946 41A White, Firman 1926 127 White, Lewis A. 1920 Old Section White, Ora 1956 127 Wikoff, Eva M. (Slonieker) 4/9/1971 13A Wilson, Edmund 10/3/1896 54 Wilson, Emily 1/17/1876 54 Wilson, Louis C. (soldier) 1905 53 Wilson, parmelia 1929 53 wimmer, Mattie 9/19/1979 7A Wissler, Ray 7/16/1978 19A 9/27/1849 Old Section John T. tolood., Orlando (child) 3/6/1864 Old Section 1863 Old Section Wylie, 1850 Old Section 1885 free ground Wolfe, H. (Philpott) Phebe Anna Nomey, .. ~ weaver, Westerfield, ,...r--_" Cemetery infant Wymore, Aidna L. (child) Wymore, Alice Young, Rettie (Crawford) free ground (Centers) 1918 Zeek, Ava Bell 1/7/1869 1/7/1863 Zeek, Mrs. 1901 / ..., II \ 129 (stone) Old Section (records) Old Section Burials at Bentonville Cemetery ,~~ r" , Ina Hussey Manlove Ethel R Kiplinger Stella Bulcher Halley Robert Manlove Ray Thompson Gladys Anspach Stanley Homer M. Smith Herman(Red}Newbo~ Lois Morrow VanVoorhis Marvin Cecil McNutt Mildred !rene Dean Robert L. Harmon John Turner Glenn M. Hubbell William E. Deck Elsie Baxter McNutt Viola Rayl White Mary louise King Cardwell Pat Wilson Jones Delbert Centers Chester H. Sherwood Helen Frances Benson Irene Mustin Burner John Robert (Bob) Curtis Robert Turner Walter J. Summan Marlon Hickey Gerald Whirley Elsa Mason Cramer Joshua M. Griffin Ethel Crawford Fread Oliver Lester Kellam Brett Thomas Petersen Helen Stant Johansen Bettina Sadler Lamberson George William Pflum Beverly Curtis Burns Hallie Strong Isaacs Frances Petersen Curtis William (Bill) Cardwell Grace Curtis Risch Mary Doris Lewellyn Kellam Frances Staat~ Manlove Dorothy Walters Judy Ruth Atkins Rea Alma Ratz Rea Juanita Waters Thomas William McKee 1991 thru 2007 7/14/1991 8/12/1991 3/4/1992 10116/1992 6/24/1993 12/8/1993 2/22/1994 3/28/1994 5/15/1994 9/15/1994 12/7/1994 1/1711995 5/23/1995 5/29/1995 11/26/1995 1/28/1996 2/26/1996 3/22/1996 8/29/1996 11/23/1996 2/7/1997 3/3/1997 5/20/1997 9/17/1997 9/17/1997 11/20/1997 11/24/1997 6/26/1998 7/9/1998 2/26/1999 8/17/1999 8/26/1999 12/26/1999 3/6/2000 4110/2000 7/10/2000 8/27/2000 1/9/2001 1/26/2001 4/29/2001 5/16/2001 7124/2001 8120/2001 9/7/2001 9/30/2001 10/812001 10/14/2001 11/15/2001 John Petersen Martha Mansberger Gabbard Samuel Griffith Carolyn Miller Beeson Betty Steele McFarland Margaret Whitlock Burns Shirley Simmons Rowe David Hobbs Floyd Lamberson Ernest John Neal Hannelore Rea Jolene Darland Kavanaugh Bernice Daniel Pflum Douglas Mundt Franklin Hazelrigg Vicki Brandenburg McBride Dorothy Spurgin harmon Kathy Carter George Daniel Rea Nina Curtis Wissler Janet Jackson Sum man Richard Isaacs Kevin Waters Eulalia Beeson Showalter . Frances White John McBride Hazel Baxter Evans Charles Michael Waters Jack Bums Luther Evans Edna Smith DuBois Dorothy Andis Newbold Martha Harvey Caldwell Richard (Dick) Turner Charles (Gene) Rea LorsneRaby Darlene Deck Rhoades Harold Edwin Stanley Denver Wade McFarland Russen W. Eakins Stanley W. Beeson Margaret Toms Hubbell 1/7/2.002· 2/312902 2J14j~OO2 414/2002 41612002 4/30/2002 5/W2002· 5/19/2002 1/17/2003 2/13/2003· 2/21/2003 .. 4/5/2PP3 . ·6129.14.003 8124J~003 2/24/20P4 . 3/17/2004 3/26/2004 4/26/2004 6/1114004 7/231'4004 8/12/~OO4 9/24/20(:)4 11/28/2094 12/1112004 12120/20Q4 1/12/2005 1/131200.5 5/2712005 6/15/2005 71'1/2005 11/6/2005 11/8/2005 11/2512005 11/27/2005 11i28l2.q05 U/29i4(J05 12/23/2005 1/2412006 1/11/2006 3/2512006 3/18/2006 10/1/2006 :~ ..
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