Annual Report - The Center for Courageous Kids


Annual Report - The Center for Courageous Kids
Board of Directors
Croley W. Graham, Jr. , Franklin, TN
Stockton Clark, Hamden, CT
Roger F. Murtie, Scottsville, KY
Staff Directors
Roger F. Murtie, CEO and Executive Director
Tony Cary, Director of Finance and Administration
Ed Collins, General Manager
Stormi Murtie, Communications Director
Joanie O’Bryan, Development Director
Nick Atkins, Facilities Director
Amy Hudson, RN, Interim Medical Director
Visit our website at
For questions, comments or additional information, email
Letter from the Executive Director
Thanks to the thousands of generous CCK contributors and volunteers that created
countless magical moments for seriously ill children throughout 2014. We simply
could not have created these life changing experiences without your generous gifts of
time and financial support.
During 2014 over 3,200 Campers arrived at the gates of CCK to enjoy a week or weekend
of camp. While each of them certainly enjoyed boating and fishing, bowling, archery,
swimming, performing on stage, or making treasures in the wood shop what they really
enjoyed was a sense of feeling normal. I hear this over and over again from the children and
their parents. That no one stared, bullied or teased was a priceless gift. Equally precious is that
because of our medical staff and volunteers, children are able to come to CCK that could not attend
a traditional camp. At CCK the management of a child’s condition does not detract from the camp
experience. Whether it’s tube feeding, chemotherapy, injections, multiple rounds of pills and
injections or hygiene assistance – it’s all “normal” at CCK.
A mom tells us that the daughter she sent to CCK would barely speak and would frequently say
she could not do something. The little girl went home speaking non-stop and demonstrated an
entirely new level of confidence in herself. A doctor recommended that the family of a young
boy with diabetes go to CCK for a family weekend. The boy had a blast instantly making new
friends with many other children his age counting carbs, checking blood sugar, and administering
injections. It just all became normal. “Magical, amazing, and a blessing” are words we read over
and over again from thank you letters.
The Center for Courageous Kids has been serving children with life-threatening illness and lifelong
disabilities for seven years. I am proud to say that we are operating at full capacity with over 31
pediatric sessions and another 4 for injured soldiers and other military groups. I am also pleased
to announce that CCK has just paid off its construction loan and, for the first time, is debt free. This
allows us to focus our fundraising efforts on operating costs and sustaining a world class facility.
In 2014 we launched the Courage and Commitment Major Gifts Campaign. The campaign has a
goal of raising $10 million to increase our capacity to serve more children, more often. A portion
of the funding will go to constructing new and needed facilities and some will be used to increase
our programs and medical capabilities. In the first year of the campaign we have pledges totaling
over $3 million. Please help us be successful in order for us to help the thousands of boys and girls
that just want to feel “normal” and enjoy a fun filled week or weekend at camp.
On behalf of the board of directors and the staff of CCK, we thank you from the bottom of our
Roger F. Murtie
Colonel, US Army (Retired)
In 2014 our 3,234 Campers Came From
Australia - 2
China - 3
Norway - 4
Donors Gave From*
Our Volunteers Came From*
*Since 2008
2014 Financial Information
Special Events 8.7%
Investment Income .3%
Other 1.5%
2014 Unrestricted Revenues
- Contributions
- Special Events, net
- Investment Income
Total Revenues $1,727,221
Fundraising 9.7%
Management and General 7.5%
2014 Expenses
Program Services
- Program Services
- Fundraising
- Management
and General
Total Expenses*
*Includes depreciation of $690,154 and bond expenses of $464,146.
$10,000.00 and above*
Mr. and Mrs. Larry and Joan
Mr. and Mrs. Steve and Kathy
Mr. and Mrs. Croley W. Graham, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John and Linda Kelly
Mr. Terry Scariot
Mr. and Mrs. Ron and Barbara
B Mr. and Mrs. William Brandon
$5,000.00 - $9,999.99*
B Ms. Ellen Lee Bale
Mr. James W. Ford
$1,000.00 - $4,999.99*
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Altizer
Dr. and Mrs. J. Whit Boone
Ms. Judy Busch
B Mr. and Mrs. Tony Cary
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Cary
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Clayton, III
Ms. Jane Cleveland
Dr. Elisabeth Margaret CurtisHowe
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Durham
B Employees of Blue Cotton
Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Joey and Bari
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hinderer
Ms. Donna H. Lile
B Ms. Denise Lovgren
Mr. and Col. Richard Lucas
Dr. William Marcrum, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McFarland
Ms. Laurie McGraw
B Col. and Mrs. Roger F. Murtie,
Mr. Gerald Neely
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Newman
Dr. and Mrs. Tann Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Pelaski
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Risher
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rodia
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Snyder
Mr. James B. Stewart
Dr. James P. Summerville
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Thompson
Ms. Rose Tooley-Oatts
Ms. Erin A. Wallace
$.01 - $999.99
Ms. Emily B. Adams
Mr. Jerry P. Agent
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ahrendt
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Albaugh
Mrs. Heather Alford
Mr. and Mrs. James Alford
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Allison
Mr. Steve Altenburger
Ms. Bethany Andersen
Mr. and Mrs. Lowery Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Anderson
Ms. Sharon Andis
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Andrews,
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Richard L.
Ardisson, USA,(Retired)
Mr. John Arnett
Ms. Kylee C. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Lang Aston
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Atkins
B Mr. and Mrs. Tim Atkins
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Atwood, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Bale
B Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bandy
Mr. Christopher Banet
Ms. Ronnie C. Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan J. Bass
Ms. Kristin Bateman
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart E. Beach
Mr. Trey Beasley
Dr. Vanessa B. Beasley
Mr. Frederick J. Becker
B Ms. Renee Beech
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Beeler
Ms. Debra L. Belmonte
Ms. Brenda Bewley
Ms. Susanne Bibbs
B Dr. Scott Bickel
Ms. Kendall Biebooel
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Biever
Ms. Heidi Bigelow
Ms. Tinamarie Billingsley
Mrs. Shelley L. Bilyeu
Ms. Tammy Bilyeu
Ms. Mary S. Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bivins
Ms. Toby Joanne Black
Ms. Maria Blair
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Blanton
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bodenhamer
Mr. Larry K. Boldt
B Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bolton
Ms. Rebekah Bond
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Michael
Ms. Lara B. Borders
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Borgie
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Botts
Ms. April L. Bowersox
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Bowles
Ms. Debra Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Boyd
Mrs. Katharine Boyer
Ms. Jackie Boykin
Ms. Louise S. Bradbury
Mr. Bill Bradford
Ms. Cassie N. Bradshaw
Ms. Stephanie Brakefield
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony
Ms. Barbara Bricker
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley A. Bridwell
Mr. John Brill
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Broady
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Brock
Ms. Linda Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brown
Ms. Sandra Brown
Ms. Yolonda Brown
Ms. Jennifer Bruner
Ms. Debra Brunsman
Ms. Julie Bryan
Mr. Melton F. Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Michael O.
Buchanon, II
Mr. Kerry Bullington
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Burch
Ms. Sarah V. Burger
B Ms. Melanie S. Burkeen
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Burt
Ms. Janet M. Busse
Mr. Troy Butler
Ms. Jennifer Cabage
Ms. Jean Caldwell-Whitt
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Calvert
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Carlisle
Ms. Helen Jean Carlisle
Ms. Gail V. Carpenter
Mr. Ronald Carpenter
Ms. Claire Carr
Mr. Joshua Carrier
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Carter
Ms. Cynthia Carter
Mr. and Mrs. David Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Sammie L. Carter
Miss Taylor Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Case
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Casey
Ms. Cheryl Cecil
Mr. Brady Chaney
Mr. Stephen Kyle Chapman
Mr. Steven Cheredaryk
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Chernoff
Mr. Indudeep Chhachhi
Ms. Catherine Chitwood
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cholewinski
Dr. Terri Chumbley, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Clark
Ms. Cindy Clay
Mr. and Mrs. John Rob Clayton
B Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Clemmons
Ms. Eva Cline
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Cloud
Mr. Clint Cobb
Ms. Kimberly Cobb
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cobb
Ms. Renee Cochran Farmer
Ms. Ann E. Coffey
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Coffey
Major and Mrs. Curtis L. Cole, Jr.
Ms. Jamie Collier
Ms. Betty L. Collignon
B Mr. Ed Collins
Ms. Janet M. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. William Collins
B Mr. Christopher S. Collman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Colonna
Ms. Holly E. Conley
Mrs. Julie Conley
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Conroy
Mr. Cody Cook
Mr. Jerry W. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cooper
Mrs. Frances Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Cooper
Mr. Charles K. Copas
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Copass
Ms. Kathryn W. Copley
Mr. Rob Coppedge
Ms. Debbie L. Cordova
Ms. Ashley Cornwell
B Ms. Emily C. Cosby
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Cote
Mr. Michael G. Cothron
Ms. Casey Coursey
Ms. Kristi Cowhy
Mr. and Mrs. Gil R. Cowles
Mrs. Ashley Cox
Ms. Cindie Crabtree
Ms. Laura Crabtree
Ms. Leslie Crager
B Mr. and Mrs. Robert Creek
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crews
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Crews
Ms. Teresa Cripps
B Mrs. Donna R. Criswell
Mr. Jeremiah Cromer
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Cromer
Mr. and Mrs. Dorwyn Croom
Miss Sara Croom
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Crosby
Cubby the Courageous Lion
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Cullen
Mr. Fred W. Cundiff
Mrs. Marta Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio D’Adamio
Mrs. Lori D’Adamio
Mr. and Mrs. Will Dales
Mrs. Glenda Dangremond
Mr. Gregory F. Daunhauer
B Mr. and Mrs. Aaron K. Davenport
B Ms. Bethany Davenport
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davenport
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Davidson
Ms. Lavene Davis
Mrs. Robbie Davis
Ms. Carol Day
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Defevers
Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Degraw
Mr. Estevan D. Delgado
B Ms. Ginilou DeMarco
Mr. Brandon Dempster
Mrs. Linda Denham
Mrs. Barbara Edens Denis
Dr. Daniel Derman
Mr. and Mrs. Ray G. Dikeman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt DiLorenzo
Ms. Julie Dilworth
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Dobson
Mr. and Mrs. David Domene
Ms. Nina M. Dorchincez
Mr. Mark B. Dose
Mrs. Sandra C. Doti
Mrs. Myrna Dozier
Ms. Jennalynn Drake
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Drennen
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Drury
Mr. and Mrs. David Duffy-Strand
Mrs. Froggie Dukeman
Mrs. Jennifer Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dunican
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dusso
Ms. Monica Duvall
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dyke
Mr. Kenneth Dysinger
Ms. Gentry Easley
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Eaton
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon C. Edwards
B Ms. Lyndia K. Elder
Ms. Kim Emberton
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Emerich
Ms. Julie A. Emmitt
Mr. and Mrs. David Erickson
Mr. Alan Eubank
Mr. Eric Evans
Ms. Mallory Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eversole
Mr. and Mrs. Don Eversole
Ms. Laura Beth Eversole
Ms. Sherri Eversole
Mr. Alvin R. Farmer
Ms. Pamela H. Farmer
Mr. Tyler Farquhar
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas R. Farrell
Mr. Wayne Fields
Mr. Donald L. Fishman
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fleming
Mrs. Ruth Flener
Mr. and Mrs. John Flick
Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin Flowers
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Folmer
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Forester
Ms. Aleta J. Foster
Ms. Melissa J. Foster
Ms. Lori Foust
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fraze
Mr. Jamie Frazier
Ms. Cheryl Frietch
B Mr. and Mrs. Delton H. Frost
Mr. Jesse Fuqua
2014 Annual Report
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gabbard
Ms. Mary Machele Gallegos
Ms. Ernestine Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. John Gardner
Ms. Terri Gardner
Mr. Thomas W. Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Garon
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Gelston
Ms. Hope Gerlach
Ms. Kimberly Gifford
Ms. Greta Gile
Captain William H. Glye, USN,
Mrs. Jennifer Goad
Ms. Courtney Goldsbury
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Goldsbury
Ms. Maria B. Gonzalez
Ms. Kaylenn R. Gosman
Mr. David Graetz
Mrs. Tonya Graf
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Gray
B Mr. and Mrs. Clint Green
Ms. Hazel T. Green
Ms. Sally Greenway
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bruce Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome W. Grzanka, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Guekel
Mr. Scott Gulock
Mr. and Mrs. James Keith Hairston
Ms. Lisa Haley-Miller
Mr. David Hammer
Ms. Cindy Hancock
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hancock
Ms. Jennifer O. Hannon
Mr. Dan M. Harbison
Ms. Fran Hardin-Fanning
Mrs. Marianna Harlow
Dr. Don L. Harmon, MD
Ms. Katie Beth Harmon
Ms. Sarah B. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison
Ms. Kim D. Hayes
Mrs. Mariah Hayes
Ms. Barbara E. Hays
Ms. Jenna A. Hazlewood
Ms. Tonya Heady
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Henson
Mr. and Mrs. David Herrman
Ms. Alice Hertel
Ms. Carly L. Hertel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hertel
Ms. Cynthia M. Hidalgo
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hidalgo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hieb
Mrs. Janet F. Higgs
Ms. Peggy Hildebrandt
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hileman
Mr. and Mrs. Benny Hill
B Ms. Christine Hillard
Mr. Austin Hillman
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hirsch
Mr. Christopher D. Hisle
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hisle
Mr. Adam Hoffman
Ms. Natalie Holcomb
Mr. and Mrs. David Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Holliday
Ms. Jane Ann Holliday
Mr. Gary Hollis
Mr. Leon L. Hollon, Jr.
Ms. June Honeycutt
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hooten
Mr. Andrew Horn
Mr. and Mrs. Terrell E. Horne
Dr. and Mrs. David Houvenagle
Mrs. Amy Hudson
Mrs. Marilyn Hudson
Col. and Mrs. James F. Huggins
B Ms. Jayelynn Hume
Ms. Diane M. Hunton
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Hurley
Ms. Patricia D. Hurt
B Mr. and Mrs. David Huston
Mr. and Mrs. Tate Hutton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hyde
Mr. Frank H. Ikerd, III
Mrs. Jean L. Irvin
Ms. Julie A. Isaac
Ms. Tiffany Isenberg
Mr. and Mrs. John Cornwell Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Jackson
B CW2 and Mrs. Delbert E. Jenkins,
II, USA (Ret.)
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Jewett-Winter
Ms. June Jinkins
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jochim
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Johansson
Ms. Anna Jean Johnson
Ms. Kayla Johnson
Ms. Patricia Johnson
Mr. Brandon Jones
Mr. and Mrs. H. Michael Jones
Ms. Mackenzie L. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Jones
Ms. Sarah L. Jones
B Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Judson
Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Juett
Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Kahl
Mr. Booth Kammann
Ms. Cheryl Karrer
Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kay
Ms. Sadie L. Keefauver
Lt. Col. Daniel T. Keefe,
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Keen
Ms. Heather Keith
Ms. Rhonda Kelly
Mr. Brandon K. Keltner
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Keltner
B Mrs. Sarah K. Keltner
Individual Donors Continued
Ms. Tyra Keltner
Ms. Eileen M. Kelty
Mr. Chris Kennedy
Ms. Janis L. Kenyon
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerber
Mr. Wesley Kerr
Ms. Vicki Kessen
Ms. Rebecca A. Key
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Kick
Mr. Tom Kick
Ms. Kylie N. Kiesel
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kinard
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle King
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kingrey
Mr. Chad Kinser
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kirby
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kleman
Ms. Jessica E. Kline
Mrs. Anne Knestrick
Ms. Karey Knott
Ms. Anna Kobbeman
Captain and Mrs. Joseph Kobbeman
Ms. Jackie Kober
Ms. Linda J. Koenig
Ms. Abbigal Kotarski
Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. Kreager
Ms. Yamini Kavitha Kumar
B Ms. Barbara Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Lambert
Ms. Darlene Lampman
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Langdon
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Langland
Mrs. Linda K. Larochelle
Ms. Amy Law
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Lawrence
Ms. Deborah Layne
Ms. Hollie Layne
Mrs. Maryellen Leake
Ms. Angel L. Lee
Ms. Sun Lee
B Ms. Elizabeth Leftwich
Mr. and Mrs. John Letsinger
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis
Mrs. Susan M. Liske
Ms. Ashley Littell
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lockwood
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Lockwood
Ms. Beth Ann Loeffler
Dr. and Mrs. Jack T. Lord
Ms. Christine Love
Ms. Theresa T. Lowe, CPA
Ms. Madeline M. Lyons
Ms. Beverly Mack
Ms. Stephanie Mackey
Ms. Katherine Mackin
Ms. Erin MacLeod
Mr. and Mrs. James MacLeod
Ms. Jan MacLeod
B Mr. and Mrs. Scott Maddox
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Madrid
Ms. Brooklyn Madrid
Ms. Faith Majors
Ms. Shirley A. Manecke
Mr. James Manning
Ms. Beverly J. Marshall
Mr. Robert H. Marshall
Mr. Bob Martin
Ms. Kelly A. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Martin
Ms. Hannah Masengale
Ms. Leslie Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mason
Mr. Chris Mattson
Mr. and Mrs. Billy B. Mauzy
Mr. Nicholas Mayhew
Ms. Sandra Mayo
Mr. Jason Mays
Mr. and Mrs. Larry McCord
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCubbins
Miss Megan A. McCune
Mr. and Mrs. Evan McDonough
Ms. Sarah Kate McDowell
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McElroy
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett McElwain
Mr. and Mrs. David McGahren
Ms. Patricia C. McGarr
Mr. Matt McGill
Ms. Meghan McGinty
Ms. Karen McGuffey
Ms. Amelia McIntyre
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McKernan
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McKew
Miss Rachel McLean
Ms. Brittany McNabb
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mefford
Mr. Curtis Mencer
Ms. Angela Merkle
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Merkle
Ms. Agnes Merlo
Ms. Tracy Metzger
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Joe Miller
Mr. Gregg A. Miller
Ms. Renee V. Miller
Ms. Willie Mae Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Minter
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Minter
B Mrs. Debra K. Mitzan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moody
Ms. Rebecca L. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. James Moorhouse
Mr. L. M. Moran
Mr. and Mrs. William Moran
B Mr. and Mrs. James C. Moren
Mr. Andrew Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Morotini
Mr. and Mrs. Russell F. Morris, III
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Morris
Mr. Juan Mounce
Ms. Angela Murphy
Mrs. Karen P. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Musgrove
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Mutnick
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Myers
Drs. John and Mary E. Naftel
Ms. Lisa Nally-Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Napier
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Nason
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Natcher
Mrs. Jessica A. Neill
Mrs. Judith S. Neiman
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Newton
Mrs. Roberta Nilsson
Ms. Sheri Nilsson
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Nist
Mr. and Mrs. David Novak
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Nunnally
Ms. Elizabeth Oakley
Ms. Whitney O’Brien
Mr. William P. O’Brien
Mr. Frank M. O’Bryan
B Ms. Joanie M. O’Bryan
Ms. Jaqueline A. O’Connor
Mrs. Patricia O’Connor
B Mr. and Mrs. Darrel ODell
Mr. Travis Ogles
Mrs. Mary Ann O’Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Orosz
B Ms. Sandy K. Oskins
Ms. Julie Ouzts
B Ms. Diana Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pack
Mr. and Mrs. Darrin Padgett
Ms. Jacqueline Page
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Page
Ms. Keira Pape
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Paraday
Ms. Susan B. Pardue
Ms. Frances D. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Parker
Mr. Joe Parrish
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Parsons
Mrs. Trista Parsons
Mr. and Mrs. William Pate
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Paxton
Mr. Paul Peak
Mr. Jeffery Pearson
Mr. Jerry Pearson
Mr. Joshua Pence
B Ms. Connie Pendleton
Ms. Rebecca Pennington
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Pennycuff
Ms. Megan Perin
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pettit
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Pfeiffer
Ms. Karen Phillips
Ms. Jaquelin C. Pillsbury
Ms. Andrea L. Piner
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Pinto
B Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Pirtle
Ms. Jennifer Pittmann
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Poole
Ms. Lynne Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Powell
Ms. Emily Powell
Ms. Jana R. Prichard
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Priddy
Mr. Ryan Priddy
Ms. Judy Quesada
Ms. Betsy Raby
Mr. and Mrs. William Raby
Mrs. Misty L. Ragan
Mr. and Mrs. James Rainbolt
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rainbolt
Ms. Mary Rainwaters
Ms. Brittany M. Ransom
B Mr. and Mrs. Troy Rawlins, Sr.
Ms. Hannah Reckart
Mr. and Mrs. James Redd
Ms. Sarah Reece
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rhodes
Mr. Calvin Richardson
Ms. Rachel Richardson
B Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rickard
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Ridgley
Mr. and Mrs. John Ripley
Dr. Mark Risen
Mr. Brett L. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. David Robertson
Mr. Freddie Robertson
Mr. Jim Robinson
Mr. Timothy Robinson
Mr. Thomas S. Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Timmy Rogers
Ms. Wendy Rousey
Miss Debbie Rowan
Mrs. Geralyn Ruminer
Ms. Jeanne M. Rutledge
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Rutter
Mrs. Margie Ryne
Mr. and Mrs. Olujumke Salami
Ms. Marilyn R. Salerno
Ms. Kate Sam
Mr. Roy H. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sarros
Mr. Kyle Saunders
Mr. John Scariot
Ms. Susan A. Scariot
Ms. Denise Schmidt
Ms. Michelle M. Schneller
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Schoen
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Schumaker
Mr. and Mrs. David Schwendeman
Ms. Bridget A. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Randal Seago
Mr. and Mrs. James Secrest, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Servedio
Ms. Tyler Servedio
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Severson
Mr. E.F. Shadburne
Ms. Karen Sharp
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sherretts
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Shields
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Shirley
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shoulders
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shrum
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford J. Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Simmons
Ms. Susan Simmons
Miss Rachel Simon
B Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Simpkins
Mr. David Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. James Simpson
Ms. Jennifer Simpson
B Mr. and Mrs. Barry Sirles
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Skeese
Ms. Dianna W. Skeeters
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Slough
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Slusher
Ms. Sarah Smila
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith
Ms. Lisa M. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Smith
Ms. Mildred Louise Smith
B Ms. Pam Smith
Ms. Patricia Smith
Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Smith
Mrs. Stephanie D. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Smith
Mrs. Terry Smith
Ms. Linda Smullen
Ms. Layna Snell
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Snodgrass
Ms. Mary-Chapin Snow
Ms. Margaret A. Soule
Ms. Brooke Noelle Spatol
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Spencer
Ms. Lesa Spencer
Ms. Rebecca Spitzig
Mr. and Mrs. William Spitzig
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Stanesu
Mrs. Jo Ellen Starrett
Mr. Michael Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stephens
Mr. David Stice
B Mr. and Mrs. John Stiles
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Stinson
Ms. Kathy Stirner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stoflet
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Stokely
Ms. Annice Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Stone
Mrs. Margaret Stone
Mr. and Mrs. David Strode
Ms. Alicia A. Suarez
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Summers
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Switzer
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Szekendi
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Tabor
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Tabor
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Tabor
Ms. Sallie A. Tabor
Ms. Rachelle Tandy
Ms. Anna Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Taylor
Mr. J. H. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Taylor
Ms. Chandra M. Templeton
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Testa
Mr. Rick Thies
Ms. Lisa M. Thomas
Ms. Betty J. Thomerson
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Thomison
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thompson
Ms. Katie Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Tipton
Ms. Lori Tomey
Ms. Teri Lynn Trail
Mr. Jason Tretter
Ms. Jennifer M. Trimm
Ms. Jenna L. Trost
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Trost
Ms. Connie Troutt
Ms. Betty Trover
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Truelove
Ms. Lauren Tuck
Mr. Gary Tungate
Mr. Millard Tungate, Jr.
Ms. Janet Turner
Dr. and Mrs. Joel F. Turner, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tuttle
Mr. and Mrs. William Twyman
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Underwood
Ms. Diane Urbanski
Ms. Denise A. Van Till
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Van Wulven
B Ms. Athena Vaughan
Mrs. Julie Vermeulen
Ms. Meghan P. Vermillion
Mrs. Imogene F. Vick
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Vincent
Ms. Heather Viramontes
Ms. Ellen E. Viti
Ms. Sylvia Voakes
Ms. Carmen Voelz
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vondracek
Mr. Carl A. VonHartman
B Mr. Jordan Wages
Mr. and Mrs. Earnest J. Walker
Mr. Jason Wallace
Ms. Michelle Warren
Ms. Linda M. Watts
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Waynescott
Mr. and Mrs. David Webb
B Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Webb
Mrs. Krista H. Webster
Ms. Kathleen M. Welch
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Wells
Ms. Sally Wells
Mrs. Belinda West
Mr. David M. Westmoreland
Ms. Debra L. White
Mr. Drew M. White
Ms. Erin Whitlow
Ms. Rebecca Whittaker
Mr. Nicholas J. Whobrey
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wice
Mr. and Mrs. William Willen
Ms. Avery Williams
Mr. Brian Williams
Ms. Debra Detmer Williams
Mr. Kirkpatrick G. Williams
B Mrs. Nancy Williams
B Mrs. Betty Willoughby
Mrs. Barbara Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Braden Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Wilson
Ms. Martha J. Wiser-Partin
Ms. Colleen Wisor
Dr. and Mrs. James Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wolff
Ms. Nina Wolgelenter
B Ms. Linda W. Wood
Ms. Jessica Wooldridge
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Wright
Mr. Jack E. Wright
B Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Wright
B Mr. Rob J. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wyzykowski
Ms. Jenna Yarnell
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Yarnell
Ms. Alexis Young
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Young
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Young
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Young
Mr. Wesley Young
Mrs. Nanjia Yu
Ms. Ashley Zehr
2014 Individual Dono
Denotes that these “Have a
Heart” donors have committed
to a recurring donation. These
donations are made on a
recurring monthly or quarterly
* - All gifts of $1,000 or more are
considered camper sponsors or
bed sponsors.
Trust and
$100,000.00 and above*
ETC Foundation
Holiday Bash
$50,000.00 - $99,999.99*
Larry R. Coffey Charitable Trust
MDA Muscular Dystrophy Association
Norton Healthcare
Scariot Foundation at Blue Grass Community
$25,000.00 - $49,999.99*
Lift a Life Foundation
University of Kentucky
$10,000.00 - $24,999.99*
B Blue Cotton
Camp Soaring Eagle Foundation
Charley Foundation
Children’s Charity Fund of the Bluegrass
Community Foundation of So. Central Ky.-John and
Linda Kelly donor advised fund
Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels
IPA Foundation
Kentucky School for the Blind Charitable
Memorial Foundation
Rite Aid Foundation KidCents
Spina Bifida Association of Kentucky
Taylor Family Foundation
Tony Stewart Foundation
Transverse Myelitis Association
United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation
Vanderbilt University
WHAS Crusade for Children, Inc.
$5,000.00 - $9,999.99*
Aegon Transamerica Foundation
Carson-Myre Charitable Foundation
Epilepsy Foundation of Indiana LLC
Kentucky Association of School Administrators
Kiwanis Foundation of Tellico Village, Inc.
Lexington Cancer Foundation, Inc.
Medical Center at Scottsville
Middle Tennessee Electric Customers Care
Pfizer Inc.
Pottstown Sewing, Inc.
$1,000.00 - $4,999.99*
Addie’s Army
Alpha Xi Delta
Amneal Pharmaceuticals, LLC
Crutcher Family Foundation, Inc.
Dravet Syndrome Foundation, Inc.
ETC Capital Management, LLC
Families of SMA
Food Education Allergy Support Team of KY Inc
GAP Foundation Gift Match Program
Graves Gilbert Clinic
Grayson County Homemakers
Harley-Davidson Bowling Green
Hart of Autism
Heuser Hearing & Language Academy, Inc.
Holston Gases
Kappa Kappa Gamma
B Kiwanis Club of Sweetwater
Kiwanis Club of the Blue Grass
Mammoth Cave Chapter Barbershop Harmony
National Healthcare Services, MemorialCare Health
Novo Nordisk, Inc.
Raven Internet Marketing Tools
Rebuild Downtown Clay, Inc.
Ring14 USA Outreach Inc.
Sam J. Frankino Foundation
Springfield Kiwanis Club
Temple Hill Baptist Church
United Fund Drive of Calvert City
US Bank National Association
Walmart Foundation, Store # 879
WKU Women’s Volleyball Club
$.01 - $999.99
2nd Battalion 34th Armor Vietnam Dreadnaught
AARP Corporate Match
Allen County Fair Inc
Allen County Farmer’s Service, Inc.
Allstate Giving Campaign
Alton Blakley Ford Lincoln Mercury Mazda Suzuki
AmazonSmile Foundation
American Foundation For Disabled Children, Inc.
AmVets Bluegrass Post 2
Amy Haake Photography
Aurora Baptist Church
Barren County Glass Company Inc.
BB Grille LLC
Bennett’s Carpets & Interiors, Inc.
Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Partners Realty
Bluegrass Supply Chain Services LLC
Bowling Green Noon Lions Club
Brandi Prather DMD PSC
Brian Miller Contracting & Electrical LLC
Dr. Denny Brummett, DMD
Cardinal Health Foundation, Inc.
Carpenter Dent Drugs
Caveland Bass Masters Inc.
Certified Pool Trainers Inc.
Chaney’s Dairy Barn
Community Foundation of Louisville
Compass Clinical Consulting
Corvettes Limited of Bowling Green Inc.
Creative Quilters of Southern KY
Cumberland Appliance Center, Inc.
Cumberland County Homemakers Club
Dicicco Express LLC
Direct Buy Tobacco, LLC.
Dollar General Corporation
Don Marshall Chrysler Center
Duffer Fabrication & Welding
Edmonton State Bank
Equifax, Inc.
Family Allergy & Asthma
Finn’s Tire
Four Seasons Homemakers Club
Frank Ikerd Enterprises, Inc.
Friends and Neighbors on Old Glasgow Road
George & Mary Jo Budig Family Foundation
Girl Scout Troop 1398
Glasgow Urgent Clinic, Inc.
Gonzales, Inc.
Griffins Deli, LLC
H and R Block
Halfway Lodge #852
Halstead Interior Designs Inc.
Heartland Veterinary Hospital, PSC
Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc.
Hilltop Family Dental Care, PSC
Holland, Inc.
Home Depot Foundation
JC Tucker Concrete LLC
Jerry A. Burns, P.S.C., Attorney at Law
Jody Richards Elementary School
Just Passin Thru Travel Ministry
Karen Davis Homemakers Club
Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association, Inc.
Key Associates
Kirby Auction Group
Kroger Community Rewards
Lancford Group LLC
Lang Company
Lindsey Wilson College Bonner Leader Program
Lioness Club of Bowling Green
Lost River Pizza Co.
Louisville RV Center, Inc.
Lumber King
M. Samuel Bradley, D.O.
Martinsville Baptist Church
McCullough Land Improvements, LLC
McDonough Marine Service
Media Library Inc
Merry Oaks Methodist Church Sunday School
Mike and Vicki Hines, Inc.
Modern Woodmen of America
Monsanto Fund
Monticello Banking Company
Munfordville and Mt. Beulah UMW
B Nashville Grace Church of the Nazarene
Necco & Associates
New Bethel United Methodist Church
Oak Grove Baptist Church
Old Zion United Methodist Church Ladies Circle
Olive Hill Trucking, Inc.
PayPal Giving Fund
Plymouth Tube Co.
Powers Paper Company
Progressive Insurance Foundation
Reinhart Foodservice
Rineyville Homemakers
River Road Farm
Rockfield Elementary PTO
SBG Real Property Professionals, LLC
SCA Personal Care, Inc.
SEI - Atlanta, LLC
Senior Adult Women’s Sunday School Class
Shady Grove Church
Simpson Paint Center
skinnyCorp, LLC dba Threadless
Smiths Grove United Methodist Women
Smiths Grove Womans Club
Snodgrass Veterinary Medical Center
South Central Bancshares of Kentucky, Inc.
Southern Financial Insurance
Special Kids Inc.
Special Olympics Kentucky
Spencer’s Coffee
State Street United Methodist Women
Strode Funeral Home, Inc.
Taylor Auto Sales
TelesisIT, LLC
TJ Samson Community Hospital
Travelers Protective Association Post B
United Country Heartland Realty and Auction
University of Pikeville Nursing Class of 2014
Veterans of Foreign Wars
VFW Post 2120
Walmart Foundation #2654
Walmart Foundation #282
Walmart Foundation #711
Walnut Memorial Baptist Church
West Cabinets, Inc.
Women’s Mission Union
Wooten Insurance Agency
Wright Implement, LLC
York Children’s Foundation
Young’s Electric, Heating & Air, Inc.
Zeta Gamma House Board of Kappa Kappa
Gamma Fraternity
B Denotes that these “Have a Heart” donors
have committed to a recurring donation. These
donations are made on a recurring monthly or
quarterly basis.
* - All gifts of $1,000 or more are considered
camper sponsors or bed sponsors.
In Memory of: Ms. Katherine Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Napier
In Memory of: Mr. Warner Grey Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Lang Aston
Ms. Stephanie Brakefield
Compass Clinical Consulting
Mr. Rob Coppedge
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Cullen
Dr. Daniel Derman
Ms. Julie Dilworth
Mr. Mark B. Dose
Mr. and Mrs. David Duffy-Strand
Ms. Jennifer O. Hannon
Mr. Booth Kammann
Mrs. Anne Knestrick
Dr. and Mrs. Jack T. Lord
Ms. Laurie McGraw
Mr. and Mrs. Russell F. Morris, III
National Healthcare Services, MemorialCare
Mrs. Judith S. Neiman
Miss Debbie Rowan
Ms. Marilyn R. Salerno
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Stokely
Ms. Carmen Voelz
In Memory of: Mr. Joseph Best
In Memory of: Mrs. Geneva Bishop
Ms. Ellen Lee Bale
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Botts
In Memory of: Mr. Harry Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Burt
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Forester
Col. and Mrs. Roger F. Murtie, USA,(Retired)
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Testa
In Memory of: Mr. Donnie Bryan
Mrs. Jennifer Goad
In Memory of: Ms. Elizabeth Turner Campbell
Ms. Jennifer Bruner
Ms. Cindy Hancock
Mr. Chris Kennedy
In Memory of: Corey Clark
Mrs. Sarah K. Keltner
In Memory of: Mr. Ted S. Cooper
Mrs. Shelley L. Bilyeu
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Cary
Mrs. Frances Cooper
Mrs. Donna R. Criswell
Ms. Ginilou DeMarco
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome W. Grzanka, Jr.
Ms. Jayelynn Hume
Mr. and Mrs. John Cornwell Jackson
Mrs. Sarah K. Keltner
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kirby
Kirby Auction Group
Ms. Beverly J. Marshall
Mr. Robert H. Marshall
Col. and Mrs. Roger F. Murtie, USA,(Retired)
Ms. Joanie M. O’Bryan
Ms. Judy Quesada
Mr. Carl A. VonHartman
Ms. Colleen Wisor
In Memory of: Miss Bailey Cosby
Ms. Ellen Lee Bale
South Central Bancshares of Kentucky, Inc.
In Memory of: Mr. Norris E. Dalton, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Cary
Mrs. Donna R. Criswell
In Memory of: Mrs. Derenia Davis
Ms. Christine Love
In Memory of: Ms. Mildred Douglas
Mrs. Donna R. Criswell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Napier
In Memory of: Mr. Jesse Foster
Allen County Fair Inc
Ms. Cynthia Carter
Mr. Michael G. Cothron
Strode Funeral Home, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Tabor
In Memory of: Ms. Martha ‘Bitty’ Fredette
Hilltop Family Dental Care, PSC
In Memory of: Mrs. Sandra Gardner
Ms. Ellen Lee Bale
In Memory of: Ms. LaRecea Gibbs
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fleming
In Memory of: Mrs. Mary Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bivins
Ms. Debra Boyd
Mr. Melton F. Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Cary
Mrs. Donna R. Criswell
Mr. and Mrs. James Keith Hairston
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Henson
Mr. and Mrs. Benny Hill
Mrs. Amy Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. John Cornwell Jackson
Ms. Anna Jean Johnson
Mrs. Sarah K. Keltner
Mr. and Mrs. Billy B. Mauzy
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett McElwain
Col. and Mrs. Roger F. Murtie, USA,(Retired)
Ms. Joanie M. O’Bryan
Ms. Mary Rainwaters
Senior Adult Women’s Sunday School Class
Mr. and Mrs. Earnest J. Walker
In Memory of: Mr. Morris Grubbs
Ms. Susan Simmons
In Memory of: Mr. Trey Hall
Col. and Mrs. Roger F. Murtie, USA,(Retired)
South Central Bancshares of Kentucky, Inc.
In Memory of: Joe and Jo Ann Harwell
Mr. and Mrs. Joey and Bari Harwell
In Memory of: Mr. and
Mrs. Junior & Ruth Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Clemmons
In Memory of: Mrs. Ruth Hawkins
South Central Bancshares of Kentucky, Inc.
In Memory of: Mr. Butch Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Simmons
In Memory of: Mrs. Opal B. Hoover
Ms. Betty J. Thomerson
In Memory of: Mr. Joel Timothy Horne
Mr. and Mrs. Terrell E. Horne
In Memory of: Ms. Juanita Howard
Ms. Rebecca Whittaker
In Memory of: Mr. Theo Hurt
Ms. Ellen Lee Bale
In Memory of: Mr Junior Irwin
Barren County Glass Company Inc.
In Memory of: Mrs. Gracie V. Isenberg
Ms. Ellen Lee Bale
Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Clemmons
South Central Bancshares of Kentucky, Inc.
In Memory of: Mr. Michael Lyles
Ms. Annice Stone
In Memory of: Mr. Jewett Steenbergen
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Simmons
In Memory of: Captain Bruce
MacFarlane, USA
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Musgrove
In Memory of: Mrs. Helen Stahl Tabor
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Coffey
Mr. Joe Parrish
In Memory of: Mr. Gene Lynn
Mrs. Marianna Harlow
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kingrey
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Nunnally
Ms. Betty J. Thomerson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Young
In Memory of: Mr. Jim Marion
Ms. Ellen Lee Bale
In Memory of: Mr. Murl McClard
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Napier
In Memory of: Mrs. Clara Jean Neill
Mrs. Donna R. Criswell
In Memory of: Mr. Cary Oatts
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis
In Memory of: Mr. Patrick O’Reilly
Ms. Madeline M. Lyons
Mrs. Mary Ann O’Reilly
In Memory of: Mr. C. Richard Panico
Ms. Agnes Merlo
In Memory of: Mr. Donald Pennycuff
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Pennycuff
In Memory of: Ms. Christy Phillips
Mr. Gregory F. Daunhauer
In Memory of: Mr. Alex Johnson
Ms. Ellen Lee Bale
In Memory of: Mr. John Pitchford
Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Smith
In Memory of: Mr. Raymond Keltner
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Cary
Col. and Mrs. Roger F. Murtie, USA,(Retired)
Ms. Sarah Smila
Ms. Annice Stone
In Memory of: Brendon Priddy
Mr. Donald L. Fishman
Ms. Frances D. Parker
Plymouth Tube Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Priddy
Mr. Ryan Priddy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sherretts
In Memory of: Mrs. Joan M. Keefe
Lt. Col. Daniel T. Keefe, USAF(Retired)
In Memory of: Mrs. Ruth King
Mrs. Imogene F. Vick
In Memory of: Mr. Leonard Kingrey
Mrs. Ruth Flener
Ms. Mildred Louise Smith
Travelers Protective Association Post B
In Memory of: Christopher R. Ledford
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Moren
In Memory of: Ms Kathryn Lee-Tyrrell
Ms. Linda W. Wood
In Memory of: Mr. Allan Lilly
Cardinal Health Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Janet Turner
In Memory of: Lexie Makenna Poynter
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Bowles
In Memory of: Mr. Jeff Richey
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Coffey
In Memory of: Mr. David T. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Green
Col. and Mrs. Roger F. Murtie, USA,(Retired)
In Memory of: Ms. Patricia Baskerville Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Cary
Mrs. Donna R. Criswell
Ms. Ginilou DeMarco
Ms. Jayelynn Hume
Col. and Mrs. Roger F. Murtie, USA,(Retired)
In Memory of: Mrs. Jean G. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Wells
In Memory of: Ms. Jo-Ann Tolle
Ms. Ellen Lee Bale
In Memory of: Mr. Larry Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Simmons
In Memory of: Ms. Cathy Weitlauf
South Central Bancshares of Kentucky, Inc.
In Memory of: Mrs. June Wells
Ms. Ellen Lee Bale
In Memory of: Mrs. Trixie West
Mrs. Donna R. Criswell
In Memory of: Mr. Clifton Wilkerson
Ms. Barbara Bricker
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Brock
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Burch
Mr. Joshua Carrier
Mr. and Mrs. Gil R. Cowles
Ms. Nina M. Dorchincez
Ms. Katie Beth Harmon
Mr. Chad Kinser
Ms. Whitney O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Slusher
Mr. and Mrs. Braden Wilson
In Memory of: Ms. Sue Lynn Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Napier
In Memory of: Mr. and
Mrs. Clifton & Vida Wilson
Mrs. Trista Parsons
In Memory of: Ms. Ruby Wimpee
Friends and Neighbors on Old Glasgow Road
In Memory of: Mr. Andrew Young
Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Stone
In Memory of: Mr. and Mrs. Geno Scariot
Mr. John Scariot
In Memory of: Ms. Helen Smith Shipley
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Szekendi
In Memory of: Mr. Aziz Slaieh
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Myers
In Honor of: Mr. and Mrs. Bryan and Lara Acton
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Szekendi
In Honor of: Mr. Roman Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Anderson
Ms. Vicki Kessen
In Honor of: Miss Kylee Arnold
Mrs. Barbara Wilson
In Honor of: Mr. Nicholas A. Atkins
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Atkins
In Honor of: Trenton Beaver
Mr. Gregg A. Miller
Mrs. Jessica A. Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Ridgley
In Honor of: Ms. Michele Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Colonna
In Honor of: Ms. Lyndsey M. Borders
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Michael Borders
In Honor of: Mr. Harper Burkeen
Ms. Melanie S. Burkeen
In Honor of: Mr. Todd Calvert and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Szekendi
In Honor of: Miss Taylor Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tuttle
In Honor of: Holly and Brad Clark & Family
Ms. Ronnie C. Barker
In Honor of: Mr. Clint Cobb
Col. and Mrs. Roger F. Murtie, USA,(Retired)
In Honor of: Laura C. Doti
Mrs. Sandra C. Doti
In Honor of: Ms Claire D. Eaton
Ms. Kathy Stirner
In Honor of: Mr. Walter Edelberg
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Szekendi
In Honor of: Mr. Steven Feldstein
Ms. Kelly A. Martin
In Honor of: Run for the Fight
Col. and Mrs. Roger F. Murtie, USA,(Retired)
In Honor of: Dr. Tracey Gaslin
Dr. and Mrs. J. Whit Boone
In Honor of: Miss Addy M. Gile
Ms. Greta Gile
In Honor of: Mr. Brett Hadley
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Szekendi
In Honor of: Ms. Brooklyn L. Hidalgo-Madrid
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hidalgo
In Honor of: Ms. Millie Horn
Ms. June Honeycutt
In Honor of: Hunter Elliott Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Jones
In Honor of: Miss Jayla M. Key
Ms. Rebecca A. Key
In Honor of: Ms. Jackie Kober
Ms. Louise S. Bradbury
In Honor of: Ms. Abby Kotarski
Mr. Chris Mattson
In Honor of: Ms. Shyla R. Kreager
Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. Kreager
In Honor of: Ms. Elizabeth Leftwich
In Honor of: Ms. Maddy Lyons
Cubby the Courageous Lion
In Honor of: Riley and Cooper Marsh
Hilltop Family Dental Care, PSC
In Honor of: Ms. Beverly Marshall
Ms. Jackie Boykin
In Honor of: Mr. Ed McCoy
Mr. James Manning
In Honor of: Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. McCoy
Mr. Brandon Dempster
Ms. Martha J. Wiser-Partin
In Honor of: Luke McCullough
McCullough Land Improvements, LLC
In Honor of: Ms. Heather J. McDonald
Mr. Brett L. Roberts
In Honor of: Mr. Joseph H. McFarland
Mrs. Susan M. Liske
In Honor of: Mr. Dathan Meredith
Mr. Nicholas J. Whobrey
In Honor of: Morgan Minter
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Minter
In Honor of: Roger & Stormi Murtie
Ms. Jackie Boykin
ETC Foundation
In Honor of: Ms. Holly Neil
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Szekendi
In Honor of: Melanie Newton
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Newton
In Honor of: 8 grandchildren
ODell, McKnight, and Gearhart
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel ODell
In Honor of: Mr. Steven W. O’Neal
Miss Megan A. McCune
In Honor of: Ms. Sandy Oskins
Mrs. Karen P. Murphy
In Honor of: Chloe and Joshua Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Parker
In Honor of: Ms. Jessica Peak
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hancock
In Honor of: Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Pinto
In Honor of: Mr. Alex Rachal
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Pirtle
In Honor of: TJ and Talia Rawlins
AARP Corporate Match
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Rawlins, Sr.
In Honor of: Mr. Beau A. Rickard
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rickard
In Honor of: Tommy and Stephanie Ross
Col. and Mrs. Roger F. Murtie, USA,(Retired)
In Honor of: Mr. Terry G. Scariot
Ms. Susan A. Scariot
In Honor of: Ms. Tyler Servedio
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Servedio
In Honor of: Jayma Jo Shomaker
Mrs. Jo Ellen Starrett
In Honor of: Ronnie & Martha Shomaker
Mrs. Jo Ellen Starrett
In Honor of: R.C. & Hill Shomaker & Family
Mrs. Jo Ellen Starrett
In Honor of: Mr. Keegan Slough
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Slough
In Honor of: Hannah Stanley
Direct Buy Tobacco, LLC.
In Honor of: Staff 2014 Summer
Mrs. Sarah K. Keltner
In Honor of: Ms. Marilyn Szekendi
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Szekendi
In Honor of: Aiden Van Zee
Ms. Denise A. Van Till
In Honor of: Autumn Vance
Ms. Rebecca L. Moore
In Honor of: Lindee Wilson
Mr. Steven Cheredaryk
McDonough Marine Service
In Honor of: Ryan C. Witt
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Richard L. Ardisson,
In Honor of: Sharon and Perry Woodward
Ms. Erin A. Wallace
Mr. George Abas
Ms. Emily Ackemann
Ms. Abigail Adams
Mr. Logan Adams
Ms. Becky Agard
Ms. Adefolarin - Fola Alade
Mr. Kenan Alibegovic
Ms. Andrea Allen
Ms. Whitney Allen
Ms. Bethany Andersen
Ms. Ainsley Anderson
Ms. Alexis Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. David
Mr. Hunter Anderson
Ms. Page Anderson
Ms. Paige Anderson
Ms. Felicia Armstrong
Mr. Ryan P. Armstrong
Ms. Hydie Aroune
Ms. Dana Askar
Mr. Keavash Assani
Ms. Dawn Baker
Ms. Hannah Baker
Mrs. Jamie Baker
Ms. Lexie Baker
Ms. Brenda Ballard
Mr. Michael Ballentine
Ms. Jamie Ballou
Ms. Emily Banks
Ms. Jessica Bardin
Ms. Caressa Bartley
Mrs. Diane Baseheart
Ms. Sarah Baugh
Ms. Lee Baxter
Ms. Susan Baxter
Ms. Emily Beeman
Mr. Will Begley
Mr. Tyler Behymer
Ms. Shelby Beil
Mr. Mack Bekeza
Mr. Rob Belmonte
Ms. Brooke Benninger
Ms. Lindsay Benoit
Ms. Kaylyn Berg
Ms. Mollie Berger
Ms. Nicole Bernard
Ms. Elizabeth Berryman
Ms. Julie Bertolet
Ms. Hanna Bettag
Mr. Zeeshan Bhatti
Ms. Abigail Biddle
Ms. Jennifer Biddle
Ms. Mara Biliter
Mr. Andrew Birkenhauer
Ms. Amy Bischoff
Mr. Zach Biven
Mr. Shane Blaney
Ms. Madelaine Blankenship
Mr. Colin Bloor
Mr. Sean Bloor
Mr. Emmanuel Boateng
Ms. Brooke Boles
Ms. Rachel Bolin
Miss Rebecca A. Boling
Ms. Lauren Booher
Ms. Lorelei Boone
Mr. Ryan Borgemenke
Ms. Alexandra Bowles
Ms. Anna Bowling
Ms. Ashley Bowman
Ms. Lizzie Brand
Ms. Jenni Brashear
Ms. Makayla Braunlin
Ms. Janna Brawner
Ms. Courtney Breving
Ms. Ashley Brown
Ms. Hailie Brown
Ms. Kathryn Brown
Ms. Whitney Browning
Ms. Keri Bryant
Ms. Andria Budwine
Ms. Erin Burch
Mrs. Sarah Burgess
Ms. Denielle Burnett
Ms. Hannah Burton
Ms. Olivia Burton
Mr. Troy Butler
Ms. Jessica Byers
Mr. Fabian Callaham
Mr. Jay Campise
Mrs. Alexia Cannady
Mr. Chris Caress
Ms. Kelsey Carnahan
Mrs. Mary Carrell
Mr. Chris Carrico
Ms. Brandi Carter
Ms. Hollie A. Carter
Ms. McKenna Carter
Ms. Cari Caudill
Mr. Brian Chaffin
Mr. Indudeep Chhachhi
Chi Omega - WKU
Ms. Katherine Citak
Ms. Amber Clark
Ms. Becca Clark
Mrs. Jane Clark
Ms. Ragan Clark
Mr. Rick Clark
Miss Christina Clevenger
Ms. Kimberly Cobb
Ms. Chrystal Coleman
Ms. Anna Collins
Mr. Avrey Collins
Ms. Cailin Collins
Ms. Courtney Collins
Ms. Delaney Coman
Ms. Holly E. Conley
Mrs. Julie Conley
Ms. Paula Conner
Mr. Ryan Conner
Mr. Stanley Conner
Mr. Cody Cook
Ms. Haley Cook
Ms. Marsha Coomes
Ms. Amanda Coons
Ms. Elizabeth Cooper
Ms. Lindsey Copeland
Mr. Jon Coppinger
Mr. David Corn
Ms. Kayla Cornwell
Ms. Macey Cornwell
Ms. Bridget Coyne
Ms. Maria Cozzens
Ms. Angela Crabtree
Mr. Steven Crabtree
Ms. Kimberly Crews
Mrs. Michelle Crewz
Ms. Katy Crockarell
Ms. Paige Crook
Ms. Chole Crumpton
Ms. Sue Cuddie
Ms. Brittney Culver
Ms. Dean Cunningham
Ms. Madeira Curry
Ms. Ianna Dalina
Ms. McKinzie Daniels
Ms. Sarah D’Antonio
Mr. Mike Darnell
Ms. Hannah Davis
Mr. Jonathan Davis
Ms. Sarah Davis
Ms. Tara Denham
Ms. Jessica Denton
Ms. Katie Dick
Ms. Katie DiTommaso
Volunteers Continued
Ms. Jamie Doctrow
Ms. Kaydi Dodd
Mr. Cody Doom
Ms. Samantha Dorsey
Ms. Brooke Duke
Ms. Emily Durham
Ms. Michelle Duvall
Mr. Ronald Dvorsky
Mrs. Leah Eckley
Ms. Zoe Eff
Ms. Amanda Eisenhut
Ms. Shaylene Eitel
Ms. Taylor Emberton
Ms. Ashley Emmitt
Ms. Kaylyn Emmons
Ms. Carissa Engle
Mr. Chris Evans
Mrs. Erin Evans
Ms. Mallory Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Evans
Ms. Laura Beth Eversole
Mr. Allen D. Farmer
Mr. Brandon Farmer
Ms. Kristi N. Farmer
Ms. Shakeela Faulkner
Ms. Eefa Fauzan
Miss Laura Feese
Mrs. Lexi Ferguson
Ms. Shelby Ferrell
Ms. Madison Filzer
Mr. Logan Finley
Ms. Gabrielle Finn
Mr. Michael A. Firquin
Ms. Molly Fiser
Mrs. Jeanne Fisher
Ms. Carolyn Floyd
Ms. Samantha Floyd
Ms. Chelsey Foley
Ms. Mariah Fosdick
Mr. Connor Fowkes
Ms. Miranda Francis
Mrs. Sandra Francis
Mr. Scott Franklin
Ms. Denise Franks
Ms. Heather Franks
Ms. Hayley French
Ms. Nicki Andrea Frost
Ms. Kanisha Frye
Ms. Ashton Fulkerson
Ms. Kimbra Gabhart
Ms. Bethany Galati
Ms. Angela Galli
Ms. Kristen Gallo
Ms. Kennady Galofaro
Ms. Ann Games
Ms. Karla Garcia-Huerta
Ms. Lindsay Garnett
Mr. Collins Garst
Mrs. Alexandria Gatton
Mr. Connor Gerhard
Ms. Maya Gershtenson
Mr. Madison Getch
Ms. Mollie Getzfread
Mrs. Amy Gibson
Ms. Angela Gilbert
Ms. Hallie Gilbert
Ms. Ashley Gilliland
Mrs. Grace Gilliland
Ms. Stevie Gleason
Ms. Jessica Gomez
Ms. Karen Gomez-Lorite
Ms. Krystal Goode
Ms. Ashley Grant
Mrs. Jackee Graves
Ms. Danielle Green
Mr. Travis Green
Mr. Robert Gregg
Mr. Garth Gries
Mrs. Kris Gries
Miss Jennifer Griffith
Ms. Nelly Grigorian
Ms. Mackenzie Grubbs
Ms. Beth Grunberg
Mr. Adam Guernsey
Ms. Elizabeth Gunberg
Ms. Elizabeth Gunckle
Ms. Shelby- Brook Gupton
Ms. Elizabeth Guthrie
Miss Samantha Hadley
Ms. Haley Hagan
Mrs. Sarah Hagan
Mr. Patrick Hagy
Mrs. Ashley Hall
Mr. Charlie Hall
Ms. Sarah Hall
Mr. Brenton Hallden
Mrs. Taylor Halligan
Ms. Courtney Hamilton
Mr. David Hamilton
Mr. Jonathan Hansen
Mrs. Allison Haralson
Mrs. Yvette Haralson
Ms. Meredith Harbison
Ms. Ericka Hardin
Ms. Rebecca Harpring
Ms. Alison N. Harrigan
Ms. Amber Harris
Ms. Ashley Harris
Ms. Erin Harris
Ms. Lacy R. Harris
Ms. Morgan Harris
Ms. Marie Hartke
Mrs. Kristen Hartley
Ms. Kimberly Hatfield
Ms. Sarah Hawkins
Ms. Darhonda Hawthorne
Ms. Claire Hayes
Mrs. Lisa Haynes
Ms. Megan Haynes
Mrs. Beverly Heaton
Ms. Chelsea Hendrick
Ms. Kasey Hendrick
Ms. Belen Hermosillo
Ms. Sarah L. Hermsmeier
Mrs. Linda Cheryl Hernandez
Ms. Kiana Hesse
Mr. Jack Hinders
Ms. Angie Hinton
Ms. Katie Hinton
Mr. Monling Ho
Ms. Abby Hobbs
Mr. Scott A. Hobbs
Ms. Nancy Hogue
Ms. Megan Holl
Ms. Olivia Holloway
Ms. Sydney Holmes
Ms. Abigail Horan
Mr. Andrew L. Hornick
Ms. Julie House
Mr. Adam Howard
Ms. Mercedes Hudson
Ms. Alyssa Huff
Mr. Brian Hunt
Ms. Patricia D. Hurt
Ms. Leslie Hutcheson
Ms. Holly Hyland
Mr. Daniel Irwin
Mr. Jeramie Irwin
Mr. Daniel C. Jackson
Mr. Dalton James
Ms. Karly Jefferson
Ms. Karie Jeter
Mr. James Johnson
Ms. Meredith Johnson
Ms. Michele Jones
Mr. Joey Jose
Ms. Shannon Joyce
Ms. Lucy Juett
Ms. Hannah Jungemann
Ms. Jennifer Kahlhofer
Miss Aneesha Kamath
Mr. Kunal B. Karani
Ms. Miranda Kassinger
Mr. Robert Kassinger
Ms. Ravneet Kaur
Ms. Sadie L. Keefauver
Ms. Jaelyn Keen
Ms. Kaitlyn Keen
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Keen
Mrs. Kristie Kennedy
Ms. Brandi Kenner
Mrs. Sharon K. Kent
Ms. Ariel Keown
Mr. Frank Kersting
Ms. Louise Key
Ms. Mindy Key
Ms. Olivia Key
Ms. Jennifer Kim
Ms. Alyssa King
Sergeant Jeremy King
Miss Lauren Kinser
Ms. Emily Kipness
Ms. Danielle Kitchen
Mr. Chase Knibbe
Ms. Anna Kobbeman
Ms. Jackie Kober
Miss Katherine Koper
Ms. Katie Krog
Ms. Cayla Kunstek
Ms. Zoe Kusnier
Mr. Collini Labak
Mrs. Raechel Mary LaMaster
Ms. Cara LaMotta
Mrs. Brooke Lancaster
Ms. Lee Ann Landis
Ms. Doris Langley
Mr. Bradley Lankford
Ms. Faith LaRocque
Ms. Beth Lash
Ms. Paige Lautzenheiser
Ms. Fredonna Law
Ms. Natalie Lawrence
Ms. Morgan Lawson
Ms. Crystal Ledgerwood
Mr. Albert Lee
Mr. Darien Lee
Ms. Faith Lee
Ms. Kayla Lee
Mr. Sae Lee
Mr. William Lee
Mr. Allen Lemmon
Ms. Emily Lepping
Ms. Cristin Lesher
Ms. Danielle Lillie
Ms. Sonja Lipman
Ms. Margaret -Peggy Logsdon
Mr. Zayne Logsdon
Ms. Patria Lopez
Ms. Danielle Lore
Ms. Tiffany Lovell
Mr. Trevor Lowe
Ms. Rebecca Luterman
Mr. Logan Maag
Mr. Kyle MacDonald
Mr. Cris Macke
Ms. Erin MacLeod
Ms. Ashley Madden
Ms. Brooklyn Madrid
Mr. Carlos Maldonado
Ms. Louisa Bridget Malewitz
Ms. Sara Maley
Mr. Viraj Maniar
Mr. Kyle Mann
Ms. Rachel Mantyla
Mr. Zach Marcum
Ms. Eileen Markert
Ms. Catherine Marrinan
Ms. Shannon Marsh
Mrs. Krista Marshall
Ms. Chandler Martin
Mr. Chris Martin
Ms. Morgan Martin
Mr. Adam Martinez
Mr. Ricardo Martinez
Ms. Carrie Mason
Ms. Jessie Mason
Ms. Sarah Mason
Ms. Stacey Masur
Mr. Mike Matthews
Mr. Chris Mattson
Ms. Mackenzie McAdams
Ms. Brittany McBee
Mrs. Hannah McCandless
Mr. Brad McCrobie
Ms. Harriet McDaniel
Ms. Alison McGaughey
Ms. Courtney McKernan
Miss Rachel McLean
Miss Roxanne McLean
Ms. Tayler McMurtrey
Ms. Brittany McNabb
Ms. Madison McNabb
Mr. Josh McRae
Ms. Kayleigh Mead
Ms. Kristina Medero
Mr. Curtis Mencer
Ms. Lisa Mencer
Ms. Michelle Meredith
Ms. Katie Mertz
Mrs. Lindsey Meyer
Ms. Jill Miles
Ms. Megan Miller
Ms. Shatari Miller
Ms. Jessica Miller-Combs
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Minix
Mr. Bradley Miyagawa
Mrs. Darlene Monday
Ms. Kharis Montgomery
Ms. Destini Moody
Ms. Cadijah Moore
Ms. Lindsey Moore
Ms. Kelsi Moran
Ms. Kellie A. Morgan
Ms. Madeleine Morris
Ms. Meredith Morris
Ms. Mindy Morris
Ms. Hayley Moss
Ms. Mara Muccigrosso
Mr. Brandon Mudd
Ms. Meredith Murrell
Mr. Musa Muwanda
Ms. Anna Dayle Myers
Mr. Daniel Myers
Ms. Tayla Nathoo
Ms. Britany Neal
Ms. Stefany Neal
Ms. Amy Neighbors
Ms. Dena Nelsen
Mr. Azad Neupane
Ms. Kelsey Newcome
Ms. Caitlin Newman
Ms. Kelsey Newsome
Mrs. Nancy Nikfarjam
Ms. Ann Marie Nimmo
Ms. Ashtin D. Nix
Ms. Ariel Norwood
Ms. Kelly Oakley
Ms. Caitlynn Oberhausen
Ms. Megan O’Daniel
Ms. Erika B. Oliver
Ms. Paula Oliver
Mr. Carlos Otero
Mr. Brian Packard
Mr. Nick Paden
Mr. Anthony AJ Pape
Ms. Allison Pare
Ms. Mansi Parekh
Mrs. Kayla Parr
Mrs. Jessica Pasbrig
Ms. Mandi N. Patterson
Ms. Delray Payton
Mr. Jarred Peak
Ms. Brooke Pedigo
Ms. Madison Peerce
Mr. Joshua Pence
Ms. Rachel Pendleton
Ms. Jordan E. Penman
Mr. Jason Perry
Mr. Mike Petravick
Ms. Haley Petri
Ms. Alaina Phelps
Ms. Lona Phelps
Mr. Eric Phillips
Ms. Tiffany Pickering
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Pinto
Ms. Magdalena Plocica
Ms. Erica Plummer
Ms. Valerie Plunkett
Ms. Kayla Pogue
Ms. Tabitha Polley
Ms. Whitney Pool
Ms. Megan Porter
Ms. Mikayla Powell
Ms. Rachel Powers
Ms. Ashton Preston
Ms. Amy Price
Ms. Kelly Price
Ms. Wendy Price
Ms. Leah Prichett
Ms. Leah Pritchett
Mr. Shane Purkerson
Ms. Emily Qin
Ms. Ann Quezada
Ms. Elizabeth Rahm
Ms. Ann Raley
Ms. Rohini Rana
Ms. Allison I. Randall
Ms. Alissa Rashid
Ms. Molly Ray
Ms. Rachel Ray
Ms. Hannah Reckart
Mr. Samuel Reckart
Ms. Melissa Reece
Ms. Emily Reich
Ms. Andrea Reid
Ms. Elise Reinfeldt
Ms. Susan Remington
Ms. Ann-Morgan Reynolds
Ms. Ashley Reynolds
Mrs. Connie Rich
Mr. Fred Rich
Ms. Taylor Ricketts
Ms. Jessica Riley
Ms. Jessica Rinesmith
Ms. Mckaila Rives
Ms. Kristen Robbins
Ms. Grace Robertson
Mr. Jeremy Robinson
Mrs. Mandy Rogers
Ms. Millie Ronkainen
Mrs. Kim Rosenthal
Ms. Cate Rosinski
Ms. Emma Rosinski
Mrs. Mary Rosinski
Mr. Tim Rosinski
Ms. Amanda Rosson
Ms. Jacqueline Rowe
Ms. Shanna Rucker
Ms. Hannah Ruggles
Ms. Alex Russell
Ms. Breanna Russell
Mrs. Jenny Russell
Ms. Destiny Ryan
Ms. Alexandria- Zoo Rydz
Mr. Zach Sales
Ms. Susana Salvador
Ms. Kaitlyn Sanders
Mr. Jake Saylor
Mr. Tyler Scaff
Ms. Sarah Schell
Ms. Kimberly Schmidt
Ms. Barrie Schmitt
Ms. Jean Schoenfelt
Ms. Amanda Schumacher
Ms. Kelsey Schwartz
Ms. Erica Schweinsberg
Ms. Bailey Scott
Ms. Chelsea Scott
Volunteers Continued
Mr. Josh Scott
Ms. Kayla Sears
Ms. Kathryn Seeger
Ms. Sarah Seger
Ms. Kristen Sellan
Ms. Kelli A. Semones
Ms. Faith Sendelweck
Mr. Juan Serna
Mr. Santiago Serna
Mr. Travis Shaffer
Ms. Shanna Sharber
Ms. Diana Shaw
Mr. Gregory Shaw
Ms. Samar Sheriff
Mr. Dakota Sherrick
Mrs. Kristen N. Shive
Ms. Lauren Shivers
Ms. Stephanie Shoop
Ms. Whitney Shoulta
Ms. Kristian Shumate
Ms. Natalie Sierschula
Mr. Chris Sills
Mr. David Simpson
Ms. Cynthia Sitz
Ms. Cassandra Skaggs
Ms. Emily A. Slaton
Mr. Jacob Sloan
Mr. Seth Slone
Ms. Susan Smiley
Ms. Autumn Smith
Ms. Brenna Smith
Mr. Evan Smith
Ms. Hannah Smith
Ms. Katherine Smith
Ms. Laura Smith
Ms. Lauren Smith
Ms. Linda Smith
Ms. Madalyn Smith
Mr. Paul Smith
Mr. Alex Sneed
Ms. Kaitlyn Snyder
Ms. Shelly Sodhi
Ms. Colleen Sokoloski
Mrs. Chelsy Solomon
Ms. Erin Sommer
Ms. Ala Soofian
Mr. Leland Sowards
Ms. Kelsey Sowell
Ms. Kaitlin Spagnoli
Ms. Barbara Sparks
Ms. Brooke Noelle Spatol
Mrs. Kelli Spatol
Mr. Kurtis Spears
Mr. Joshua Spencer
Ms. Summer Spillman
Ms. Katie Spinneweber
Ms. Shelia-Marie Stacy
Ms. Samantha Stallings
Ms. Miranda Stauffer
Mrs. Kristen Steffens
Ms. Casey Stenger
Ms. Kala Stephens
Mr. Michael Stephens
Ms. Murphy Stephens
Ms. Alana Stinnett
Ms. Brooke Stovall
Mr. John Strickley
Mrs. Candace M. Sumner
Mr. Josh Sumner
Ms. Kelli-Mae Sutherland
Ms. Alicia Sweeney
Ms. Anna Tam
Ms. Debra Tartaglia
Ms. Liniya Tauhidul
Ms. Jennifer Taylor
Ms. Jessica Taylor
Mr. Nirguna Thalla
Mr. Bart Theobald
Mr. Rick Thies
Ms. Alexis Thomas
Ms. Lauren Thompson
Ms. Taylor L. Thompson
Mr. Mason Thornton
Ms. Millicent Thornton
Mr. Jordan Todd
Ms. Robin Todd
Ms. Tiffany Tolsma
Ms. Katie Tressel
Mr. David Trinh
Mr. James Trivett
Ms. Jenna L. Trost
Ms. Lee Ann Turner
Ms. Rita Turner
Mr. Jim Tyrie
Ms. Lidia Tzvetanova
Mr. Ryan Ulrich
Ms. Cambry Underwood
Ms. Stephanie Underwood
Ms. Melinda Utterback
Mrs. Caroline Van Voorhis
Ms. Mary Vandiver
Ms. Chloe Vaughan
Ms. Sophie Vaughan
Mrs. Ashley Vazquez
Ms. Anisha Venkataraman
Ms. Amy Verst
Mr. Ricky Vetitoe
Mrs. Imogene F. Vick
Mrs. Sharon Vincent
Ms. Kelli Vittitow
Ms. Kristi Vittitow
Ms. Amanda Vokoun
Ms. DeResha Walkup
Ms. Savannah Wallace
Ms. Diongelia Ware
Mr. Luke Warford
Ms. Christina Warick
Ms. Brandi Warren
Mr. Yonathan Warren
Ms. Sonya Washam
Mr. Austin Webb
Ms. Kristie Webb
Ms. Kaley Weber
Ms. Lindsay Welch
Ms. Taylor Welch
Ms. Machala Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Buell Wheat
Ms. Autumn Whitaker
Ms. Sara White
Ms. Megan Whitmer
Ms. Bethany Wilhelm
Ms. Jessica Wilkinson
Ms. Aqualyn Williams
Mr. Jimmy Williams
Ms. Kelsey Williams
Mr. Leonardo Williams
Ms. Lisa Williams
Ms. Rachel Williams
Ms. Shirelle Williams
Ms. Gretchen Wilson
Ms. Laurie Wilson
Ms. Sarah Wilson
Ms. Megan N. Winstead
Mr. Charles Wix
Mrs. Leatrice Wix
Mrs. Kaitlin Woodrum
Ms. Emilee Woods
Mr. Michael Woods
Ms. Brandy Wooldridge
Mrs. Judy Wooten
Ms. Hanna Wright
Mr. William Wright
Ms. Gail Yacyshyn
Miss Marianne Yacyshyn
Ms. Sara E. Yacyshyn
Ms. Jenna Yarnell
Ms. Audra Yates
Ms. Kelley Yates
Ms. Kitty Yau
Mr. D.J. Young
Ms. Sharon Young
Yum Brands Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Amy Yurkevicz
Ms. Katie Zanone
Brandon Almand, RN
Audrey Ayres, RN
Madison Balentine
Jessica Bardin
Daniel Becker, MD
Ashley Beckett, RN
Nicole Bernard
Brooke Boles
Emily Boone
James Boone, MD
Caitlin Bowman, MD
Jill Bryce, RN
Haley Carter
Kaitlin Cash
Christina Clevenger
Danielle Connor, MD
Casey Cotsones
Bridgett Coyne
Kelly Dawson, RN
Michael Debaum, MD
Allen DeSena, MD
Kendall Diebold, RN
Julianna Dunster, MD
Ashley Emmitt
Kara Everage
Leslie Favier, MD
Jordan Ferguson
Chelsey Foley
Alexandra Froehlich, RN
Chelsey Fuller
Tracey Gaslin, PhD, CPNP, FNP-BC, CRNI
Lindsey Goad
Jenna Gogel
Lisa Gower, LPN
Benjamin Greenberg, MD
Lauren Hall
Deanna Hanson, RN
Katherine Hard, RN
Lana Harder, PhD
Ashley Harris
Jordan Hauskins
Jessica Holloman, MD
Cassidy Horvath
James Johnson
Tiffanie Johnson, MD
Mackenzie Kaiser
Adetola Kassim, MD
Kaitlyn Keen
Doug Kerr, MD
Sonn Khamvongsa
Hahley Kirk, RN
Julia Kluesner
Amanda Lafavers
Morgan Lawson
Joyce McClain, APRN
Roddy McDowell, MD
Allison McGaughey
Melanie Maerten, MD
Emmeline Martin
Musa Mawanda
Elaine May, RN
Michelle Meredith
Jessica Mitchell, RN
Marian Morris, MD
Rachel Oddo
Victoria Ortega
Lauren Pollock
Cynthia Quinn, RN
Laurie Robinson, RN
Destiny Ryan
Susana Salvador
Ali Salvagne, RN
Jennifer Samuelson, RN
Tyler Servedio, RN
Amanda Shyrock
Alex Sneed
Walter Sobczyk, MD
Brittanny Spurrier, RN
Teresa Stidham, APRN
Patricia Subnaik, MD
Rachelle Tandy
Morgan Threlkeld
Katie Todd
Cambry Underwood
Amy Verst, APRN
Karen Weaver, MD
Andrea White, RT
Lindsey Whiteman, MD
Katie Wilcoxen, MD
Jessica Wilkinson
Stephanie Wilson, RN
Brandy Woolridge
Dawn Wright, PhD
Jing-Jing Zhou, MD
The Center for Courageous Kids is involved in many fundraisers each year, all to raise
money for the medically fragile children we serve. We could not continue to provide
once in a lifetime, cost-free, camping opportunities to so many brave children without the
support from the generous people who conduct fundraisers, both in our local community
and across the country. Every unique fundraising event in 2014 made a difference in the
life of a child, whether it was a road race, concert, school organized event or eloquent
dinner and auction. We want to sincerely thank everyone who coordinated an event,
along with the individuals who showed up to participate.
If a school, business or individual is interested in coordinating a fundraiser to benefit
CCK, please contact Sarah Keltner at Listed below are just
a few of the many fundraising events in 2014.
• 10th Annual Halfway Lodge Ham Breakfast
• Aaron’s Bike Show
• Allen County Intermediate School Fundraiser
• Bowling Green’s Penn Station Cubby Mobile Program
• Chick’n ‘N Pick’n Nashville Songwriters Night
• Chuy’s CCK Fundraising Night
• Fifth Annual Holiday Bash
• Fourth Annual All Hit WUHU “Courageous Community Partner” Radio-thon
• Kappa Kappa Gamma See Saw-a-thon (Zeta Gamma Chapter, Centre College)
• Lost River Pizza CCK Night benefiting The Fourth Annual Courageous
Community Partner Radio-thon
• Penn Station CCK Night benefiting The Fourth Annual Courageous
Community Partner Radio-thon
• Ride for Courageous Kids sponsored by Bowling Green Harley Davidson
• Service One Credit Union Shred Day
• Sixth Annual Run for the Fight
• Spencer’s Coffee Annual Latte Art Throwdown
• The Spirit of the Commonwealth “Winter Wonderland” Concert
• Third Annual Houchens Cubby Mobile Program
• Official Rite Aid KidCents Charity
In Kind
3A Composites, Inc.
Aikman Enterprises
Airbrush, Inc.
Ms. Michelle Ambrosia-Singletary
AMC Theatres
American Foundation For Disabled Children,
Mr. Charlie Anderson
Animas Corporation-Johnson & Johnson
Bake with Ginger
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Barnhouse
Barren Co. 4-H Youth Development
Bec Bakes
Mr. Taylor Bennett
Biltmore Estate
Bowling Green Retirement Village
Ms. Sandra Brady
Brinker International
Ms. Sandra Broady
Mr. Dave Brunson
Buck Creek Homemakers
Cabot Creamery Cooperative
Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Calvert
Mr. Jay Campise
Captivating Creations
Caverna Elementary School
The Charley Foundation
The Cheesecake Factory, Inc.
The Cherry Pit
Chi Omega - WKU
Churchill Downs, Inc.
Clarksville Sewing Center
Classic Goodness Bakery
Ms. Jane Cleveland
Consortium on Children’s Asthma Camps
Creative Quilters of Southern KY
Mrs. Donna R. Criswell
Cumberland County Homemakers Club
Cumberland County Quilt Guild
CVS Caremark
The Dale Jr. Foundation
Daymar College
Deemer’s Florist
Dick’s Sporting Goods
DiGiacomo Fine Art
Direct Relief Donation Department
Ms. Laura Dyer
Edible Elegance by Eli
Elizabethtown Community College Nursing
Mr. and Mrs. Don Eversole
Ms. Susan Ferguson
Food Lion #1233
Ms. Hope Fowler
Fruit of the Loom, Inc.
Fulton County Extension Homemakers
Drs. Todd and Tracey Gaslin
Gibson Foundation
Girl Scout Troop 1398
Mr. and Mrs. David William Glye
Ms. Lindsey Goad
Green Turtle Bay
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Guekel
Ms. Vivian Harris
Mr. Howard Hickman
Ms. Linda Hill
Ms. Ruby Hocker
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Hollars
Home Depot Bowling Green
Hotel Inc. Piece Makers
Dr. and Mrs. David Houvenagle
Ms. Estle Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hunley
Indianapolis Colts
Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Store #2419
Jody Richards Elementary School
Johnson & Johnson Diabetes Solutions
Mr. James C. Jones
Mr. David Jones
Kentucky Down Under
Mr. Don Kimbrel
Kings Island
Ms. Anna Kobbeman
Kroger Customer Communications
Kroger-Campbell Lane
Mr. Brad Lance
Mr. Don Larson
Mr. Davis Lee
Macedonia Baptist Church Quilters
Mr. Ken Mack
Makai Glass Creations
Mr. Rick Manarino
Mr. Jim Marota
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mason
Mr. Bill McKeel
Medical Center at Bowling Green
Metcalfe County Girl Scout Troops
Midway College of Nursing
Mr. Ned Miller
Minit Mart #166
Novo Nordisk
Ober Gatlinburg
Otter Products, LLC
Paoli Peaks
Mr. Daniel Pardue
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Pelaski
Perrigo Diabetes Care
Mr. Bill Peterson
Phi Theta Kappa
Pink Apron Confections
Pride Mobility Products
Ms. Pamela A. Queen
RC Components
Red Hat Scrapping Grannies
Mrs. Connie Rich
Ripley’s Aquarium of the Smokies
Mrs. Lisa Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Robinson
Sanofi Diabetes
Mr. Harry Schmidt
Ms. Sally Sue Schu
Scottsville Baptist Church Joy Circle
Scottsville First UMC Women’s Club
Ms. Margaret A. Soule
Southeastern Marketing
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Spaulding
Special Olympics Kentucky
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Stidham
Suga Me Sweet
Sunset World
T&K Medical, Inc.
Tempur-Pedic North America, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Thomerson
Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.
Ms. Woodie Trentham
Turn 2 Foundation
Tylenol Professional Team
Under Armour
Union County Extension Sturgis Homemaker
United Methodist Church
University of Kentucky Athletics
Verdi Restaurant
Ms. Amy Verst
Mrs. Imogene F. Vick
Ms. Vera Vogelsong
W.S. Badger Company
Walgreens Infusion Services
Mr. Clyde Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Young
Our Mission:
To uplift children who have life-threatening illnesses by creating experiences year-round that
are memorable, exciting, fun, build self-esteem,
are physically safe and medically sound.
1501 Burnley Rd.
Scottsville, KY 42164
phone 270.618.2900 fax 270.618.2901
1501 Burnley Road • Scottsville, KY 42164
phone 270.618.2900 fax 270.618.2901