
The Power of Three
is made possible by
grants from The School
Alumni Association and
the Director’s Fund.
of The School of
is to be the recognized
leader in hospitality
business education,
research, and service.
The mission
of The School of
Hospitality Business
Alumni Association is to
provide active leadership
in support of the mission
of The School through
membership participation,
image enhancement, financial
commitment, and promotion
of synergies among students,
faculty, alumni, and friends.
The School of
Hospitality Business
Broad College of Business
Those of you who have been reading this letter for years in The Leader know that The School of
Hospitality Business had humble beginnings in 1927 as Hotel Training Course, when a burgeoning
hotel industry asked the Michigan Agricultural College to educate its future leaders.
Hotel Training Course later became the School of Hotel, Restaurant and
Institutional Management (HRI), and in 1995 the School of HRI
became The School of Hospitality Business—always within
the larger Broad College of Business.
So for 17 years, WE ARE THE SCHOOL.
WE = students (first and foremost),
faculty and staff, alumni, and industry
partners. THE = management, operations,
College of Business
real estate, and thinking like the owner. As
a School, we have a special, unique position
within the Broad College of Business. We are an
industry-specific School which, for 85 years, has
had a remarkable impact on the hospitality industry—
every segment. We are part of the Broad College,
business-based and like-minded, working with the College,
and sharing its vision of preparing a special kind of Spartan.
What is that Broad College vision? It is a vision which sees Spartans
as global leaders—those who understand and collaborate in crossfunctional teams to achieve goals and implement strategies in their
workplaces. Special Spartans are innovative. They are capable of integrating
across functional disciplines. They practice interpersonal relationship skills and
build the capabilities of organizations, others, and themselves.
This is a vision shared by our School and the Broad College, as we move collaboratively
toward being the recognized leader in Hospitality Business education, research, and
service. Ours is a strong, supportive relationship.
But what about our triangle? If The School and the Broad College form its sides, Michigan State
University, our alma mater, is the triangle’s foundation. MSU has a built a reputation since 1855
as an educational institution that develops leaders with a global influence. MSU is about creating
knowledge (the “knowing” part of learning) through research and transforming lives with the practical
application of that knowledge (the “doing” part of learning). MSU Spartans Will... change the world.
The Power of Three: MSU, the Broad College of Business, and The School of Hospitality Business.
This relationship can take our School and our students to the next level. It can invigorate and motivate each
of us. If you think of our alumni, they are products of this special relationship, and they have truly changed
our industry and the world. This has been the vision and the truth for 85 years. Spartans Will... learn, do,
create, and leave a legacy for coming generations—with The Power of Three.
Here’s to the Future!
Michigan State University
645 N. Shaw Lane
Room 232 Eppley
East Lansing, MI 48824-1121
Phone: (517) 353-9211
Ronald F. Cichy (BA ’72, MBA ’77)
Secretary/Treasurer, The School of Hospitality Business Alumni Association
Director and Professor, The School of Hospitality Business
MSU is an affirmative-action,
equal-opportunity employer.
Homecoming 2011........................................................................... 1-5
CBLL Grand Opening................................................................... 2
Celebration of Leadership........................................................ 6
CAREER EXPO.................................................................................. 10
Destination Auction....................................................................... 16
Les Gourmets 2012......................................................................... 18
Vegas Night......................................................................................... 21
Annual Gathering of Leaders................................................. 22
Scholarship Winners and Student News...................... 26
2011-2012 Graduates...................................................................... 40
Hilton Lecture Series..................................................................... 43
Faculty Leadership......................................................................... 44
Alumni News....................................................................................... 51
hey were “glowing”—
with pride, that is, during
Homecoming weekend at
Michigan State University. After an
exhilarating (read: chilly!) alumni/
student golf outing in the afternoon,
alumni and donors of The School
enjoyed a thank you reception in
the revitalized J. Willard and Alice
S. Marriott Foundation Culinary
Business Learning Lab on Thursday
evening, October 20, with the official
ribbon cutting and grand opening
on Friday, October 21 (see page 2).
Three newly developed videos were
on display at each event, effectively
capturing the essence of The School’s
history, values, and brand.
The Homecoming parade, with the
theme “Glow Green,” followed the
grand opening. Over 100 students,
alumni, and faculty marched together
with the Hospitality Association float
(with two “chefs” roasting a stuffed
“badger” at “Bistro 85,” referencing
The School’s 85th anniversary year in
2012). The spirit was infectious. The
parade capped an exhilarating day for
alumni board members of The School,
most of whom had come to campus
the previous evening to celebrate
the opening of the CBLL and kick
off the 2011-2012 Spartan Sponsors
Mentor program. Friday was spent in
alumni board meetings—and these
are NOT typical, boring meetings!
“We really love getting together,”
explained Alumni Board Vice
President Billy Downs (BA ’88).
“It says a lot when over 65 board
members travel back to MSU for a
board meeting and Homecoming.
We get a lot accomplished, but we
have a lot of laughs and good times,
too. We were really pumped by the
time the parade rolled around.”
The news that the students’ float
had won best float—out of 160 parade
units—for the second year in a row
arrived during the annual post-parade
reception at Eppley Center, hosted
by the alumni for the students. Amid
cheers and smiles, the alumni and
students enjoyed delicious food—such
as Alumnus Mike Rice’s (BA ’91) famous
macaroni and cheese—and the students
won prizes from local restaurants, along
with School and MSU memorabilia.
Mike’s own young daughters handed
out the prizes, getting a first-hand
taste of Homecoming Spartan spirit.
The traditional Homecoming lunch/
reception across from the CBLL at
Kellogg Center the following day
was hosted by Professor of Culinary
Business Alan Sherwin (BA ’64) and his
students in HB 485—as well as several
other selfless, dedicated students (who,
by the way, had also produced both
CBLL receptions the previous day!).
Prizes were handed out by Alumnus
Jeff Anderson’s (BA ’90) two children
(future Spartans?). And President Simon
made a surprise appearance, well aware
that in past years her husband, Roy,
has called The School’s Homecoming
reception the “best of all the tailgates.”
Her words fired up the crowd, and,
indeed, the cuisine was outstanding,
fresh, and filling, allowing all of the
alumni, faculty, and students to attend
the game later that evening with even
more of a Homecoming “glow!”
Hospitality Business
of Hospitality Business
This issue of The Leader
Three sides in a triangle... the simplest of geometric figures—yet so strong and
powerful. In our School, we are one-third of a powerful educational triangle which
includes the Broad College of Business and Michigan State University. Taken together,
our powerful relationships produce special Spartans, known for hardworking
excellence, the creation and application of knowledge, and global leadership.
SPARTANS WILL... make a difference.
And what a game! All of the good
things that had happened from
Thursday evening on were omens for
the icing on the cake: an incredible
last-second victory over Wisconsin in
the Homecoming game. A Hail Mary
pass sealed the deal, and capped off a
memorable, “glowing” weekend.
GRAND OPENING: The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation Culinary Business Learning Lab
Students hold ribbons for the official ribbon cutters.
Future Spartans! Carly and Brady Anderson were thrilled with the Grand Opening...
The new CBLL—So special it warranted TWO grand openings!
he J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation Culinary
Business Learning Lab (CBLL) was officially unveiled
in a thank you reception for donors on Thursday,
October 20, and in a ribbon cutting ceremony and reception
on Friday—a special kick-off to Homecoming weekend 2011.
The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation supplied half
of the funding for the CBLL, which occupies 11,158 square feet
in the garden level of the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center.
Renovations to the space began in the fall of 2010, after
$4.1 million was raised to create a revitalized demonstration
theater, teaching kitchens, Alumni Hall of Fame, display
gallery, gathering space, and dining room. An emphasis
was placed throughout on sustainable materials and using
renewable resources.
Stopping by unexpectedly at
Thursday’s donor reception and
formally cutting the ribbon to open
the space on Friday, President Lou
Anna K. Simon was inspiring, saying
that the celebration goes beyond the
wonderful physical facility. “We have
to prepare our students to leave here
with the best network” of alumni and
contacts, she said. Further, employers
need to see the “attributes our
MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon students possess and know that our students will be assets in hospitality
businesses.” Finally, she said, our students need to be seen as
global citizen scholars, people “who can change the fabric of
their communities, their country, and the world.” When this
happens, she explained, “It will rebound back so no one will
ever question why the ‘The’ is in front of The School’s name.”
believed in us. At a tough
“ You
time for our nation’s economy,
Other distinguished guests
and speakers included Jim
Kaufman (BA ’77), COO,
The Americas Region, Marriott
International, Inc.; Stefanie
Lenway, dean of the Broad
College of Business; and John
Theuer (BA ’83, MBA ’83),
president of The School’s
Alumni Association.
At both the Thursday and
Friday events, alumni who
had gathered for Homecoming
weekend festivities and the
alumni board meeting were
amazed at the renovation.
Worth repeating! Words of thanks to CBLL donors, from a presentation at the October 20 Grand Opening...
you dug deep and gave.
In this space, The J. Willard and
Alice S. Marriott Foundation
Culinary Business Learning Lab,
we honor alumni, we display
our history, we educate eager
students, we prepare tomorrow’s
leaders, we shape the future.
John Theuer and Ron Cichy
“It looks like the future—clean and crisp with
up-to-date technology,” said The School’s Alumni
Association President John Theuer.
And at both events, students in The School planned
and prepared receptions with unique food and beverage
offerings, under the guidance of Professor of Culinary
Business Chef Allan Sherwin (BA ’64).
“...no one will ever question
why ‘The’ is in front of
The School’s name.”
Lou Anna K. Simon
Michigan State University
Our desire was to create a
beautiful, sustainable, futuristic
environment—the waves on the
walls—the wall color variations—
the ways the Hall of Fame will
eventually be highlighted—the
way the history is depicted—
the choice of the color scheme—
the equipment in the kitchens—
all make this space unique.
To the Marriott family and the
Marriott Foundation, we owe a
huge debt of gratitude. We are
very aware that you, and all of
our other donors, have many
choices. There are so many
people, places, and causes that
pull on us, needing our time and
our charity. We are very aware
that you could have chosen any
one of those for your generosity.
We are truly honored that you
looked at our mission, you looked
at our history, you looked at our
graduates, and you looked at our
hopes for this Culinary Business
Learning Lab—and you gave.
To our partners at Ecolab
Foundation and Ecolab, Inc.,
THANK YOU. All we had to do was
ask. You were eager to help, eager
to be part of our endeavor. You
made asking easy, and I assure
you, we treasure your friendship.
Our relationship with Panda
Restaurant Group and the Panda
Charitable Foundation is a
wonderful example of the stature
in the industry of our alumni, who
by their leadership and integrity,
create an environment in their
companies that is receptive to
Spartan efforts! John Theuer,
the fact that Peggy and Andrew
Cherng and the Panda Charitable
Foundation found our Culinary
Business Learning Lab a cause
that they could embrace in the
generous way that they have is
a testament to your reputation
and our students’ and alumni’s
“hard-working excellence.”
Houston Striggow, I believe that
the spirit of Dr. Minor is right here
with us. If you listen closely, you
might even hear him cracking a
joke about his Irish friend,
“Murphy.” Your donation in honor
of him is perhaps the best example
of what any educator hopes for:
leaving a deep impression on our
students, influencing the direction
of their lives, even in a small but
positive way. And your success in
the industry made Dr. Minor proud
and happy. He would be proud, as
we all are, that you are one of us.
In the same way, we treasure each
one of you who took seats in this
demonstration theater, or named
a dining room chair or table. We
know you give, not to see your
names on the wall or in print,
but to make a positive difference.
However, your names are here in
this space, the very least we could
do to acknowledge your generous
contribution to The J. Willard
and Alice S. Marriott Foundation
Culinary Business Learning Lab.
There are others that all of us in
The School wish to thank in your
presence. Shelley MacMillan led
our fundraising efforts as associate
director of development, and
joined us specifically to help our
Culinary Business Learning Lab
become a reality.
There is an alumnus who can’t be
with us today due to his travel
schedule with the NRA. But Phil
Hickey (BA ’77) bears as much
responsibility and credit for this
space as anyone I know of. When
this CBLL was just dream, Phil got
the ball rolling by donating the
funds for Shelley’s position, and
used his considerable influence in
the industry and at MSU to help
create a “we can do this” attitude.
There is no way we can thank Phil
enough for his years of support for
his alma mater.
This project had its very own
Volunteer Fundraising Committee.
Phil was co-chair with Richard Farrar
(BA ’73), who will be here tomorrow
and through the weekend. It is hard
to overstate Richard’s dedication.
Close to home, we thank Professor
Mike Rice (BA ’76), who, as a very
patient and wise project manager,
allowed me to sleep at night,
knowing all was in his very capable
hands. Our faculty members
contributed financial donations,
as well as their advice and counsel
regarding nearly every aspect of the
project. Members of the physical
plant at MSU not only helped plan
the physical attributes of this space,
but helped build it as well. TMP, our
architects, and foodservice designer
Ed Whitney, have done a fabulous
job of creating a forward-looking,
fresh, green environment. Professor
Allan Sherwin (BA ’64) and Chef Rick
Brown have provided their expertise
as we planned, demolished, and built.
Lena Loeffler. I think all of you know
this indispensible member of our
School. Her hard work, long hours,
skill, patience, and dedication to
our alumni and our School are truly
extraordinary. Lois Schroeder kept
us all organized and on track.
Here’s to the Future!
GRAND OPENING: The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation Culinary Business Learning Lab
WE thank you
George T. Alley (BA ’60)
Jeffrey D. (BA ’90) and
Jaclyn A. Anderson
Matthew D. Anderson (BA ’09)
Hugh A. Andrews (BA ’71, MBA ’72)
James F. Anhut (MBA ’85)
and Patricia L. Anhut
Mark Auerbach (BA ’65)
Neil F. (BA ’64, M ’65)
and Patricia C. Barnhart
Jeffrey A. and Jill D. Beck
Michael R. and Tracy Behan
John A. (BA ’85)
and Libby M. Belden
Chad Bellville (BA ’95)
Peter R. (BA ’78)
and Kathryn W. Benington
Herman J. (BA ’58)
and Janice C. Berghoff
Carl P. and Barbara H. Borchgrevink
Daniel N. Briks (BA ’04)
Andrew S. Bromley (BA ’11)
Chef John (Rick) Brown
Kevin J. (BA ’77)
and Kristi R. Brown
Richard A. and Sharon A. Bruner
James E. Burba (BA ’77)
Dan E. (BA ’81)
and Cheryl D. Burdakin
JaeMin Cha (MS ’98)
and SeungHyun Kim
James W.
and Susan V. Chamberlain
Ronald F. (BA ’72, MBA ’77)
and Shelley G. Cichy
HA President Jake Dondzila (BA ’12) and
Les Gourmets CEO Brittany Friddell
(BA ’12) represent students at the Grand Opening.
Jeffrey S. Clark
Cleveland Range
Richard C. (MBA ’76)
and Sandra L. Conti
Richard E. (BA ’58)
and Cherrill L. Cregar
Darden Foundation
Dan W. (MBA ’61)
and Lone H. Darrow
Charles L. and Joyce H. Day
Chuck (BA ’91)
and Merri Lee S. Day
Hans Desai (BA ’79)
Horace A. (BA ’60)
and Maxine E. Divine
Billy (BA ’88) and Amy J. Downs
Christopher J.
and Karilee A. Durham
Paul A. Dykstra
Ecolab Foundation
Kris Elliott
Jeffery D and Nancy Elsworth
Richard D. Farrar (BA ’73)
Dennis Faucher
John R. (BA ’80)
and Rebecca J. Flood
George (BA ’54)
and Ingeborg P. Fritz
David C. (BA ’79)
and Lori S. George
Michael C. Gibbons
John G. “Ted” (BA ’75)
and Anne M. Gillary
Marc J. (MBA ’73)
and Darlene C. Gordon
Rose Halle (BA ’12)
Bruce J. (BA ’76)
and Laurie L. Haskell
Authella Collins Hawks, M. Ed.,
and Richard W. Hawks
Joel K. and Maria G. Heberlein
Philip J. Hickey, Jr. (BA ’77)
and Reedy D. Hickey
Kenneth D. (BA ’56)
and Patricia A. Hill
Hillstone Restaurant Group
Philip M. Hoag (BA ’67)
School Director Ron Cichy (BA ’72, MBA, ’77) and Jim Kaufman (BA ’77), representing the Marriott Foundation
Donald F.
and Jacqueline D. Holecek
John L. (MBA ’72)
and Joy L. Huckestein
David T. (BA ’79)
and Phyllis A. Johnstone
Michael L. and Holly L. Kasavana
Judy Zehnder Keller (BA ’67)
and Donald D. Keller
Jason Keusch
MiRan Kim (MS ’05)
and KiWan Park
Song Su Kim (BA ’98)
John H. King, Jr. and Janie King
Kenneth L. (BA ’81)
and Marla Knas
Bonnie J. and Robert N. Knutson
Marc Kuder (BA ’08)
Kurt A. Kwiatkowski (MS ’05)
Steve LaHaie (MBA ’77)
Barry F.
and Elizabeth G. Latoszewski
Thomas W. (BA ’66)
and Barbara J. LaTour
Curtis A. (BA ’91)
and Melony D. Lease
Les Gourmets
Erik Liedholm (BA ’93)
Lena L. and Todd J. Loeffler
John K. Longstreth
Shelley MacMillan
and Gary Decker
Luke Magnini (BA ’12)
Nicholas A. and Anne C. Magnini
The J. Willard and
Alice S. Marriott Foundation
Dan H. Mathews, Jr. (BA ’66)
and Mary N. Mathews
James L. (BA ’75)
and Emmelyn T. McKillips
Jerry A. (BA ’67)
and Diane L. McVety
Ryan Meliker (MBA ’05)
and Tosca DiMatteo
In honor of Dr. Lewis J.
and Mrs. Ruth E. Minor Family
Chef Michael L. Minor
Jeremy J. Mourey (BA ’00)
Michael W. Murray (BA ’81)
Jack D. and Lani Ninemeier
Jeffrey D. Packard (BA ’09)
Panda Charitable Foundation
Kit (BA ’82) and Teri Pappas
Paramount Coffee
Timothy J. (BA ’91)
and Anna E. Pugh
Ray Rabidoux
James F. Rainey
Ernest E. (BA ’57)
and Mary Renaud
H. Michael Rice (BA ’76)
Michael R. Rice (BA ’91)
Mary L. Roszel (BA ’88)
Raymond S.
and Barbara M. Schmidgall
Lois J. Schroeder
Hans (BA ’59)
and Nancy Dziuba Schuler
Bennett J. (BA ’72)
and Sharon G. Schwartz
AJ and Kirti Singh
Zoe P. Slagle (BA ’59, MA ’64)
and James M. Gillespie
Donald and Jacqueline Smith
William E. (BA ’68)
and Lois Spaulding
Stan Setas Produce Company, LLC
Michael R. Stott (BA ’89)
Houston Striggow (BA ’75)
James W. Sukenik (BA ’81)
Sysco Food Service Grand Rapids
The School’s Alumni Association
The School’s
Hospitality Association
John F. (BA ’83, MBA ’83)
and Judith A. Theuer
Thomas J. Thomas (BA ’78)
Julie L. (BA ’94, MS ’05)
and Thomas W. Tkach
John C. Triblo (BA ’10)
Terry Umbreit (BA ’63)
Angelos J. (BA ’51)
and Betty Yeotis Vlahakis
Steve Wagenheim (BA ’77)
Herman Emanuel
and Sonja Rose Weber
Kenneth C. (BA ’77)
and Mary Weber
Lou (BA ’58) and Lynda Weckstein
John R. Weeman, Jr. (MBA ’79)
In memory of Michael F. Wolcott
Stuart G. (BA ’82)
and Elizabeth A. Wolff
William A. (BA ’71)
and Karen R. Zehnder
Michael S. (BA ’67)
and Maxine R. Zelski
Robert B. Zemke, Jr. (MBA ’66)
and Jean A. Zemke
. . . among the many oth
a Loeffler
responsibilities that Len
i event, her
manages with any Alumn
Homecoming effo
impressive this yea
d, and
the three new videos wh
the grand opening
managed the
But that’s not all: early
programs of the CBLL.
h a days-lo
the week, she dealt wit
by bad weather, AND she
at her home, brought on
ry single School hoodie
managed to launder eve
the board meetings,
given to all the Alu
s that it was important
having noticed in the tag
ured: she
wash them before
explain to anyone what
didn’t complain or even
y this extra
was doing. The only wa
ocent conversation with
k about Spartans Will!
known was during an inn
soft hoodie material. Tal
Shelley Cic
coming Board meetings
after managing the Home
And did you know that
a saw to the feeding the
two grand
came to The
ing parade—before she
Band after the Homecom
anged for all the drawin
nner extraordinaire.
prizes? Whew. Event pla
“Team Sp
artan Spir
Board an
MSU Alum earns students life wows
ni Associa
tion mem e
See page 39.
Homecoming 2012
October 11-13
More information is on the website at hospitalitybusiness.broad.msu.edu
Thursday, Oct. 11
Alumni-Student Golf Outing
Forest Akers – West Course
Thursday, Oct. 11 Spartan Sponsors Mentor Program
Alumni meet with students to provide mentoring opportunities,
networking, and more! RSVP is required; contact Authella Collins
Hawks in the SIRC office at (517) 353-9747.
Friday, Oct. 12
Alumni Association
Appointed & Executive
Boards of Directors Meeting
Reservations are required; contact Lena Loeffler
at loeffler@bus.msu.edu
Friday, Oct. 12
Homecoming Parade
and After-Homecoming
Parade Reception
Join us behind the Broad College and Eppley Center Building
for an “After-Homecoming-Parade” celebration.
Please RSVP to Lena Loeffler at loeffler@bus.msu.edu
Saturday, Oct. 13
Homecoming Pre-Game
Tailgate Reception
RSVP is required. Contact Lena Loeffler at loeffler@bus.msu.edu
MSU vs. Iowa
For tickets, please contact (who else?!) Lena Loeffler
at loeffler@bus.msu.edu
Honoring MSU Leadership ... Industry Greats
This year’s Hall of Fame inductees, the “Class
of Coaches,” included four alumni industry
leaders from a variety of hospitality business
segments. Each, through his or her career
success, has burnished the reputation of The
School. And each, with selfless giving and role
modeling, has furthered The School’s efforts to
prepare the next generation of industry leaders.
Bob Habeeb, his guest, and Ron Cichy
n the luxurious setting of The
Waldorf=Astoria Hotel on Park
Avenue in New York City, The School’s
Alumni Association hosted its annual
Celebration of Leadership on Saturday,
November 12. The event honored
the Industry Leader of the Year, Bob
Habeeb, inducted this year’s Alumni
Association Hall of Fame members,
and inaugurated a Spartan Hospitality
Business Champion, Ed Watkins.
In its 85th year, The School marked
the occasion by unveiling a new set of
dynamic videos aimed at highlighting
The School’s unique history and
showcasing its future directions.
Shown at its outset, the videos set
an exciting tone for the evening.
School Director and Professor Dr.
Ron Cichy (BA ’72, MBA ’77) introduced
The Waldorf=Astoria General Manager
Eric Long, who welcomed the gathering
of close to 200 students, faculty, and
Marc Gordon (MBA ’73), John Theuer (BA ’83, MBA ’83), Ed Watkins, Dan Burdakin (BA ’81), and Billy Downs (BA ’88)
alumni by complimenting The School’s
ability to educate so many fine graduates,
dozens of whom have served at
the storied hotel. “Whatever you’re
doing, keep it up,” he said. “You and
the University have become such a
strategic partner.”
Bob Habeeb is president and COO of First
Hospitality Group, a Rosemont, IL-based
hotel development and management
company with a national reputation for
cutting edge “people programs” and
consistent financial growth. FHG has
been named in each of the past five years
among Inc. magazine’s “fastest growing
companies in America.” Bob has devoted
much of his time to the American and the
Illinois Hotel & Lodging Associations,
even serving for two terms as the IH&LA’s
chairman. He has come to the MSU
campus to speak to classes in The School,
and has been named an Honorary Faculty
Member, as well as The School’s Alumni
Association 2008 Honorary Alumnus.
Addressing his remarks to the 60 students
present, each of whom traveled to New
York with funds provided by sponsorships
from alumni and industry supporters,
Bob said, “We are brothers and sisters in
hospitality.” He added, “Do what you love
and love what you do; don’t do it for the
money.” Finally, he reminded the students
to “Ring up your parents and ask them to
laugh out loud. You’ll remember it forever.”
Ed Watkins is executive editor for Lodging
Hospitality magazine, and has supported
The School’s efforts in a number of ways
over many years. He has covered The
School’s increased emphasis on real estate
development and thinking like an owner,
as well as the recent establishment of
MSU’s Hospitality Business Real Estate
Institute. Ed has also helped facilitate
The School’s academic partnership of two
major, annual investment conferences—
the Midwest Lodging Investors Summit
and the LifeSTYLE/Boutique Hotel
Development Conference. Ed spoke to
call out
Ana Maria Viscasillas Aponte (BA ’88), Houston Striggow (BA ’75), Ed Watkins, Robert Habeeb, Bob Pierce (BA ’83), and Phil Hoag (BA ’67)
the students about the “next Steve Jobs”
emerging from among their ranks, who,
with innovation, creativity, and hard
work will “transform” the industry.
This year’s Hall of Fame inductees,
the “Class of Coaches,” included four
alumni industry leaders from a variety
of hospitality business segments. Each,
through his or her career success,
has burnished the reputation of The
School. And each, with selfless giving
and role modeling, has furthered The
School’s efforts to prepare the next
generation of industry leaders.
Each honoree was introduced by officers
of the Alumni Association: Marc Gordon
(MBA ’73), chairman emeritus; Dan
Burdakin (BA ’81), chairman; John Theuer
(BA ’83, MBA ’83), president; and Billy
Downs (BA ’88), vice president. The
awards ceremony was followed by an
elegant reception in the Vanderbilt Room.
“We have a lot to celebrate this year,”
said John Theuer. “Our 85th anniversary,
the new Culinary Business Learning
Lab, MSU’s new Hospitality Business
Real Estate Institute... but we are really
celebrating these individuals. Our
School produces movers and shakers
in our industry, and it also relies on
them. These are some of our finest.”
Celebration of Leadership is an annual
tradition for The School, taking place
during the International Hotel/Motel
& Restaurant Show. The students who
attend from The School spend several
days at the show, participating in
numerous professional development
programs arranged by The School’s
Student and Industry Resource Center
Director Ms. Authella Collins Hawks.
New Hall of Fame Class of Coaches
Phil Hoag
Houston Striggow
Phil Hoag (BA ’67) is president of KB of
Baltimore, Inc. He played football at MSU
for the legendary Duffy Daugherty, along
with legends such as George Webster. But
through many years as an entrepreneur and
restaurant magnate, he has also been a
coach, launching many of his own staff
in ownership of their own businesses and
franchises. Phil has owned and operated 40
Burger Kings in several states; developed
and operated Duff’s Cafeteria, as well as
two “table cloth” restaurants, Richards; and
he is presently growing the Qdoba Mexican
Grills brand in Maryland, with nine stores
opened. Phil has returned to campus
several times as an Honorary Faculty
Member, and when he addressed the
students at Celebration of Leadership,
he had an important message: “Have fun!
Work hard, but enjoy it.”
Houston Striggow (BA ’75) is chief financial
officer with SusieCakes Bakeries, a collection of
six highly successful, all-American, homestyle
bakeries in Northern and Southern California,
founded and led by Houston’s business and life
partner, Susan Sarich. He serves on The School’s
Entrepreneurial Advisory Council, has spoken in
several School classes, and has recruited School
graduates for placement in his companies.
He has been a generous donor to The School,
most recently pledging $30,000 to name the
Professor of Culinary Business’s office in The
School’s newly revitalized Culinary Business
Learning Lab in honor of legendary Professor
Dr. Lewis J. Minor. He told students to study the
book by restaurateur Danny Meyer, Setting the
Table. “At the end of the day,” Houston said,
“our industry is about hospitality and customer
service, not social media.”
Bob Pierce
Bob Pierce (BA ’83) is the area general
manager of The Dearborn Inn—a Marriott
hotel. One of eleven children, Bob worked
his way through the School of HRI at
MSU, and joined Marriott in 1985. He
rose through a number of management
positions at various locations with Marriott,
and has been in Dearborn since 2005.
Upon his return to Michigan, Bob involved
himself more deeply with The School’s
Alumni Association, serving as a crucial
member of its fundraising committee,
and Appointed Board of Directors. Bob
has also hired School students as interns,
openly acknowledging their maturity,
professionalism, and enthusiasm. He
told the students in the room that
“none of us is entitled to anything.
It is important to work hard and earn
success. The possibilities are endless.”
Ana Maria Viscasillas Aponte
Ana Maria Viscasillas Aponte (BA ’88) is
founder of BTS Corporation in San Juan,
Puerto Rico, and until earlier in 2011 was the
president and CEO of the Puerto Rico
Convention Bureau. Her successes in over 17
years in that position are numerous. Under her
leadership, membership in the Bureau increased
58%, and the Puerto Rico Convention Center
was opened in 2005, providing the Island with
the largest facility of its kind in all of Latin
America. It is estimated that the Convention
Center produces over $125 million in business
annually for Puerto Rico’s economy. Ana Maria
is a gracious host to School students who travel
to Puerto Rico for educational spring breaks
designed to feature tourism and international
hospitality. She also serves on The School’s
Alumni Association Appointed Board. She urged
the students to remember three things: “Have
fun, be strong and welcome challenges, and
value teamwork and unity.”
Digging into the Details...
Learning in the Big Apple
2011 Celebration of Leadership
Gold Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
KB of Baltimore, Inc.
Jerry L. Fournier (BA ’68)
Penton Media/Lodging Hospitality
Lori Schafer & Bob Pierce (BA ’83)
The School’s Alumni Association
Mary Jo & Robert A. Wills (BA ’70)
The School’s Director’s Fund
NAMA Executive Development Class
of 2011 and the National Automatic
Merchandising Association
The School’s
Hospitality Association
The Waldorf=Astoria General Manager Eric Long commented on the students’ poise
and professionalism during their stay. “I am so impressed by these young people and
what The School consistently does to make them outstanding leaders in the industry.
They are beyond their years in wisdom and maturity.”
Student leaders who traveled to New York City for the
International Hotel/Motel & Restaurant Show were treated
to the following professional development programs,
which often included wonderful meals generously
provided by their hosts:
• The Waldorf=Astoria Hotel Briefing and Tour—three
hours with hotel executives (including School alumni),
and a continental breakfast
• Hospitality Real Estate Development Conference
at the Roger Smith Hotel, led by Dr. AJ Singh and
Dr. Ray Schmidgall
The School’s Student and
Industry Resource Center (SIRC)
Silver Sponsors
Chesapeake Contracting Group, Inc.
Compass Group USA, Inc./Morrison
Management Specialists
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Susan Bachman (BA ’86)
Jacob Best (BA ’59)
Cheryl & Dan Burdakin (BA ’81)
First Hospitality Group
Brad Cance (BA ’89)
Hilton Hotels/
The Waldorf=Astoria Hotel
Shelley G. & Dr. Ronald F.
Cichy (BA ’72, MBA ’77)
Richard C. Conti (MBA ’76)
IHG (InterContinental Hotels Group)
Jay Dee Cutting (BA ’61)
International Hospitality Enterprises/
LaConcha, a Renaissance Resort
Dan W. Darrow (MBA ’61)
Marriott International, Inc.
Chuck Day (BA ’91)
Charles & Joyce Day
Richard D. Farrar (BA ’73)
Bronze Sponsors
Glenn Isaacs (BA ’87)
• Hilton New York Briefing and Tour, hosted by Mark Lauer,
general manager
American Hotel Register Company
William & Joyce Lazer
Associated Agencies, Inc.
Shelley MacMillan & Gary Decker
ECD Company
John Malone (BA ’82)
Marriott International, Inc./Select
Service and Extended Stay Lodging
Emmelyn & James L. McKillips (BA ’75)
Mesirow Financial
Perkins Coie LLP
• Hospitality Real Estate and Development Mentoring
Session hosted by Ryan Meliker (MBA ’05), vice
president of Morgan/Stanley Research
Warady & Davis LLP, Certified
Public Accountants & Consultants
• Industry Tours (with the 60 students split
into five groups) of the following:
—Starwood Hotels Corporation at the
Sheraton New York Hotel & Towers
AI Fusion Restaurant
—The Marriott Marquis
Hospitality Staffing
—The Plaza Hotel, a Fairmont Management Hotel
UKAI Restaurant
Michael W. Murray (BA ’81)
Kit Pappas (BA ’82)
John Pharr (BA ’69)
James F. Rainey (MBA ’66)
Nate Sahn (BA ’97)
Tom & Julie Tkach (BA ’94, MS ’05)
Lynda & Lou Weckstein (BA ’58)
Blair Wills (BA ’02)
Robert B. Zemke, Jr. (MBA ’66)
—Red Lobster Restaurant
Richard Carpenter (BA ’68)
—Metropolitan Club of New York
Molly Feighan (BA ’07)
—Olive Garden Times Square
Hugh J. VanVeen (BA ’76)
• Three hours at the International Hotel,
Motel & Restaurant Show
The students who traveled to New York did so through
the generosity of alumni and industry donors who
designated funds for student travel.
Alpha Distributors, Inc.
Ann Doré and Melissa Bankroff
Mary & Ken Weber (BA ’77)
• Lunch and tour with Hillstone Restaurant Group at
the Hillstone Midtown Manhattan, with Joel Halperin
(BA ’07), general manager and generous host
• The School’s Celebration of Leadership honoring Alumni
Association Hall of Fame Class of Coaches, Industry
Leader of the Year, and the Spartan Hospitality Business
Champion—each honoree addressed the students and
networked at the Celebration of Leadership reception
MSU Women and Leadership
Betty & Angelos Vlahakis (BA ’51)
than k yo u
A new Graduate
Student Professional
Development program
is underway in The School.
Led by Graduate Programs
Coordinator and Advisor
Melissa Bankroff, it
addresses specific issues
faced by women leaders
in the hospitality industry.
“Well over half of our
students are female,”
explains Melissa. “We
recognize that they
will face certain challenges
and opportunities, both
in their careers and
at home, so we want
them to be as prepared
as possible.”
With that in mind,
women leaders will
be invited to come
and address students,
sharing their career
paths and their stories.
The first alumna leader to come to campus
as part of the new program was Ann Doré
(BA ’04, MS ’07). As a student, Ann was the
very capable CEO of The School’s Auctions in
2002 and 2003. She is now project manager at
the Kellogg Company and a member of the
newly formed Performance Excellence Task
Force in the company’s Customer and Logistics
Services (CLS) Department. In her roles, Ann
is able to use her service-oriented education
and hospitality background, as well as develop
her supply chain knowledge. She has been
recognized for her leadership in providing
excellent customer service, receiving the
first-ever CLS Customer Service Outstanding
Leadership Award in 2008 and the Q2 Peak
Performance Award from the Western Regional
Sales Team in 2009.
Ann spoke to graduate students on March 23,
2012. She gave an overview of her company
and provided time for the students to interact
with her and with each other. Discussing
her own “Leadership Journey and Lessons
Learned,” Ann noted that working at a large
company is similar to a “long group project.”
And in a group project, she said, it is important
to define what you can bring to the team,
communicate effectively, praise your peers in
public, and seek out and respond to feedback.
She encouraged the students to build credibility
early and to deliver what you say you will do.
Maintain a positive attitude—everyday—and
“dig into the details for understanding,”
since, she said, “you will be questioned
and tested.” In this regard, Ann urged the
students to “build your analytical skills, but
remember to ‘zoom out’ to keep the big picture
in mind with perspective and relevance.”
The students were impressed with Ann and
grateful for her insights. “I think Ann is young
enough to relate to us,” said one student.
“And she was specific about how the ‘live’
projects we do in The School actually are
translatable to the work world. I appreciated
her wisdom and her positive attitude.”
“Ann was an outstanding student and
researcher while she was at MSU,” says
Ron Cichy. “We are glad to see that she
is with Kellogg, a company she loves.”
The second leader to speak to the students
was Lynn Myers (MSU BA ’64, MA ’67),
who retired in 2004 after an illustrious and
ground-breaking career with General Motors.
Lynn began her career with Oldsmobile in
1973, and by 1985 was Oldsmobile’s director
of planning. By June of 1989, Lynn was named
general director of North American Car and
Truck Planning for GM. In 1992, she joined
Pontiac, holding several “glass-ceiling-breaking”
leadership positions, including general
marketing manager; general director, brand
management and marketing; and marketing
services manager. Lynn retired in 2004 as
general manager of the Pontiac-GMC Division.
Throughout her career, Lynn received
numerous prestigious awards. She was
named the McCall’s/Ward’s Auto World/New
York International Auto Show’s first annual
“Outstanding Woman in the Automotive
Industry” in marketing in 1994, and one of
the “Top 100 Women in the Automotive
Industry” by Automotive News magazine in 2000.
The Automotive Hall of Fame honored Lynn
with its Distinguished Service Citation in
2003, and in the same year, she received the
Distinguished Woman of the Year Award from
the General Motors Women’s Club of Detroit.
Her service to MSU has been just as
distinguished as her career. Lynn received
the Outstanding Business Alumna Award
in 1989, the MSU Distinguished Alumni
Award in 1999, and in 2003 she became the
first alumna recipient of the 2003 John A.
Hannah Outstanding Alumni Award.
In her post retirement years, Lynn has been
active in a number of nonprofit organizations,
becoming the director of the ATHENA
Foundation Board in 2004. ATHENA is
an organization dedicated to supporting,
developing, and honoring women leaders.
Lynn serves on the Women’s Advisory Group
to Alternatives for Girls, which provides
prevention, outreach, and shelter programs for
young girls and women in the City of Detroit.
In addition, she remains actively supportive of
MSU’s development activities and served on
the advisory board for MSU-CIBER (Center for
International Business Education and Research).
Lynn came to campus to meet with a select
group of young women leaders, representing
undergraduates and graduate students,
and women faculty members in The School.
They had lunch at the University Club of
MSU, with a question and answer period
following Lynn’s informal discussion of her
own career, its opportunities and challenges,
and managing a career and personal life.
She also shared her thoughts on critical
leadership skills, past, present, and future.
Dr. Cichy says, “Lynn is a role model to our
students and faculty. She is a Spartan leader
who continues to mentor others. ”
Industry + Academics = Success
Authella Collins Hawks, Steve Bauman, Ron Cichy, and Alan Tuttle with members of the CAREER EXPO Executive Board
CAREER EXPO recruiters with students...
The School hosted the 33rd CAREER
EXPO November 1-2, 2011, with
59 hospitality business partner
companies, over 130 recruiters,
and over 700 students participating.
The School, industry-specific within
the Broad College of Business, is
known for its close relationship
with the hospitality industry.
Companies from every segment—
restaurants, hotels, private clubs,
hotel development and management,
suppliers, real estate, resorts, and
foodservice management—come
each year to the annual daylong professional development
programs and evening career fair
in the Big Ten Rooms at Kellogg
Hotel and Conference Center.
The second day includes company
interviews at Spartan Stadium.
In fact, the recruiters do more
than seek well-educated and
experienced students as interns
and permanent associates. Many
of the recruiters actually serve as
panelists and presenters in the wide
variety of professional development
programs. (See page 12.)
Despite the economy, company
participation exceeded the previous
year by over 10 percent. The entire
event was expertly led by Student
and Industry Resource Center
Director Authella Collins Hawks and
a student executive board, whose very
capable executive director was Jessica
Wiggins (BA ’12). Several recruiters
commented on the professionalism of
the students, and the attention paid
to every detail. “I look forward to this
event every year,” said Alan Tuttle,
manager, university relations and talent
acquisition for Marriott International,
Inc. “The students are well-prepared
and ready for their careers. It is a
pleasure to work with them.”
Dr. Cichy acknowledged the many ways
Marriott has partnered with The School.
Recruiters participate in CAREER EXPO each
year and speak in School classes; Marriott has
endowed two separate scholarships to aid
needy and deserving students; and numerous
School alumni are leading Marriott executives
who have “given back” to their alma mater
in a number of volunteer leadership roles.
CAREER EXPO XXXIII Student Executive Board
And, referencing The J. Willard and
Alice S. Marriott Foundation Culinary
Business Lab grand opening, he said,
“We are mindful of the Marriott family’s
confidence in our School and their
generosity to us.” The Foundation provided
$2 million—nearly half—of the funding
necessary for the revitalization project.
Victoria Vandegrift........Director of Professional Development Programs
A special feature of CAREER EXPO each
year is the honoring of The School’s
Industry Partner of the Year. This year’s
honoree was Marriott International,
Inc. Marriott’s vice president of
Global Learning Deployment, Steve
Bauman, served as keynote speaker.
Introducing him, Ron Cichy noted
the long and rewarding relationship
between Marriott and The School.
“Established in the same year—
1927—Marriott and our School share
values and vision in collaborating
to prepare our students,” he said.
After addressing the students, Steve
Bauman was joined by Alan Tuttle, as well
as Alumnus Jeff Serocke (BA ’82), area
director of human resources; Pam Birch,
human resources director of the Dearborn
Inn; and Kristie Cannon, regional sales
director. Steve was named an Honorary
Faculty Member, and Marriott International
the 2011 Industry Partner of the Year.
Meghan Clark.................Director of Data Analysis & Surveys
“This is a huge event in the life of our
School,” says Ms. Hawks. “It is a source
of pride for us that so many companies
seek our students, speak so highly of
them—and hire them!”
Jessica Wiggins.............Executive Director
Jacob Dondzila..............Director of Industry Relations & Registration
Paul Finstad...................Director of Industry Relations & Registration
Kristin Randall...............Director of Finance
Lindsey Gintner.............Director of Marketing
Mike Ignaczak................Director of Marketing
Chloe Grost....................Director of Professional Development Programs
Meagan Lutton...............Director of Professional Development Programs
Michelle Mize.................Director of Corporate Ambassadors
Rasheeda Augustine......Director of Corporate Ambassadors
Mike Erlingis..................Director of Student Registration
Katie Weeks...................Director of Student Registration
Companies from every segment
come each year to the annual
day-long professional development
programs and evening career fair.
Mark your calendars for
November 6, 2012.
MSU Research Website
Spotlights 2011 Lodging
Market Potential Index
Spartan Hospitality Business
Much More Than Classrooms
They may be students, but don’t necessarily look for backpacks and
Birkenstocks. Students in The School are known for their hard-working
excellence and career-minded professionalism, in the classroom and out.
Part of the reason for this is their access to effective programs which
prepare them professionally. Fall semester alone, they had the
opportunity to participate in no fewer than 25 professional development
programs. All of the programs were arranged by The School’s Student
and Industry Resource Center (SIRC),
“We are told by
led by Ms. Authella Collins Hawks.
recruiters and
companies that
our students
hit the ground
running when
they’re hired,
which may be
why they tend to
rise fast and have
success in their
careers early.”
“We believe in preparing our students
for careers in every way we can,” says
Ms. Hawks. “We are told by recruiters
and companies that our students hit
the ground running when they’re hired,
which may be why they tend to rise fast
and have success in their careers early.”
In November 2011, The School hosted
its annual, two-day CAREER EXPO,
featuring 12 professional development
programs presented by recruiters and
senior executives. (See related article
on page 10.) Sessions included:
•“Would You Like Wine with That Cheese?” presented by
Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center’s State Room Manager Jon Trasky
•“Marketing Mania” presented by Sodexo
•“The Truth about Events” presented by Michigan Society of
Association Executives, Mission Point Resort, and Sheraton Chicago
•“Join the Club” presented by Baltimore Country Club, Oakland
Hills Country Club, and Westfield Group Country Club
•“Let’s Dish about Food” presented by ARAMARK,
Panda Express, Shake Shack, and U.S. Foodservice
•“The Low-Down on Lodging!” presented by White Lodging Services,
Marriott International, The English Inn, The Waldorf=Astoria, and Drury Hotels
•A keynote presentation by Steve Bauman, vice president of
Global Learning Deployment for Marriott International
•“A Glimpse at Hospitality Careers” presented by Gaylord
Opryland, Baltimore Country Club, The Waldorf=Astoria,
ARAMARK, and The Cheesecake Factory
•“More Than Employees” on the world of human resources, presented
by Steve Bauman
•“Think Like an Owner: Hospitality Business Real Estate and
Development” presented by Jones Lang LaSalle and RockBridge Capital
•“Go Green! All About Sustainability” presented by Wyndham Hotels
•“Movin’ On Up,” a session on careers and goals for seniors and graduate
students, presented by Darden Restaurants, Hyatt Hotels, and Sodexo
Students, alumni, faculty, and industry partners at the 2011 MLIS Alumni Breakfast
Secrets, Strategies,
Lodging Issues, and Trends
—The School as Academic Partner for the
Midwest Lodging Investors Summit...
The Midwest Lodging Investors Summit (MLIS)
drew between 300 and 400 hotel industry
executives to the Hyatt Regency McCormick
Place in Chicago July 17-19, 2011. MLIS is a
leading conference for lodging industry owners,
developers, operators, lenders, consultants,
and brand company marketers.
With The School serving as the MLIS academic
partner, the summit is produced by Lodging
Hospitality in affiliation with HVS.
The MLIS agenda combines general sessions,
break-out discussions, and keynote speakers
on a wide variety of topics related to hotel
development, ownership, operations, and
management, both in the Midwest and
throughout the U.S.
School Associate Professor AJ Singh moderated
a panel titled, “Inside a Development Success
Story,” during which Hotel executives discuss
the most recent findings from the L-MPI©—
Lodging Market Potential Index. (See page 13.)
Panelists at the session included five School
alumni, as well as Justin Epps, from Jones Lang
LaSalle Hotels. Alumni were Michael Kitchen
(BA ’09), associate with Paramount Lodging
Advisors; Steven Marx (BA ’87), president of
Hotel Source, Inc.; Richard Niedbala (BA ’82),
senior vice president – asset management
with Lodging Capital Partners, LLC; Nate
Sahn (BA ’97), first vice president, investment
properties with CBRE Hotels; and John
Weeman (MBA ’79), president of Partners
in Development.
The School’s participation in MLIS and similar
conferences (such as the Lifestyle/Boutique
Hotel Development Conference) is part of a
larger effort to educate all of its students in
the real estate and development segment
of the hospitality industry. (See page 13.)
The MLIS keynote speaker this year was
Stephen Rushmore, president and founder
of HVS. Steve has been a Visiting Leader
at The School, and was named Honorary
Alumnus of the Year in 1988.
Last October, MSU’s research website featured the
Lodging Market Potential Index, a joint research
project between The School of Hospitality Business,
MSU-CIBER, and globalEDGE. As a first step in hotel
development, investment, and acquisitions, the
L-MPI© identifies market areas that show long-term
potential for hotel investment. It enables hotel owners
and developers to conduct a relative comparison of
the 25 largest lodging markets (as tracked by Smith
Travel Research) along ten dimensions. Dimensions
are measured using 30 different indicators and are
weighted to determine their contribution to the
overall market potential index. The Lodging Market
Potential is based on a scale of 1 to 100.
The index was developed by Dr. AJ Singh, associate
professor in The School; Dr. Ray Schmidgall, Hilton
Hotels professor of Hospitality Financial Management
in The School; and Dr. Tunga Kiyak, managing director
of MSU’s Center for International Business Education
and Research (CIBER). Dr. Singh says the L-MPI©
shows that while the hotel market in Detroit ranks
close to the bottom of the 25 markets studied, it
has nonetheless improved.
According to MSU’s website, the index indicates
that Detroit’s tourism has been steadily improving
over the last five years and its hotel market supply
(room inventory) and absorption (new hotel pipeline)
ratio is also relatively positive. Steve Marx (BA ’87),
owner of Hotel Source, Inc., and a member of MSU’s
Hospitality Business Real Estate Advisory Council,
explains, “A low ranking in MSU’s Lodging Market
Potential Index does not mean a particular market
has bad investment opportunities. It might mean
the opposite. Top-ranked cities have more buyer
competition, resulting in lower capitalization rates
and lower returns on investment. Many of the
low-ranked cites can offer much more attractive
investment opportunities.”
Unveiled in Chicago in the Summer of 2009 at the
Midwest Lodging Investors Summit (MLIS), for which
The School serves annually as academic partner, the
index is a systematic and formal analysis developed
with the aid of MSU’s Hospitality Business Real Estate
Advisory Council members. They helped determine
the ten dimensions, associated indicators, and their
corresponding weights. To measure the performance
of each dimension, objective, credible, reliable, and
quantifiable indicators were identified and are listed
below the index.
While the web-based, interactive tool was originally
devised as a teaching tool for students in The School,
the researchers think it could help lodging industry
developers, investors, and owners conduct a relative
comparison of the market potential of various
metropolitan areas. Dr. Singh says, “...this index
will provide both business and civic leaders with a
way to assess the attractiveness of their community
to new investment.”
... Serious networking and the
LifeSTYLE/Boutique Hotel Development Conference
Six students and three faculty
members from The School
traveled in October to Miami for
the LifeSTYLE/Boutique Hotel
Development Conference at the
Fontainebleau, for which The
School served as academic partner.
The conference was produced
by Lodging Hospitality magazine
in affiliation with HVS Hotel
Management. It featured
sessions on a variety of topics,
with titles such as “Greening of
Boutique Hotel Renovations,”
“New Approaches to Boutique,”
and “Boutique Leaders Speak
about Development.”
Dr. Jeff Beck delivered the
welcome, discussing the history
and evolution of The School,
and its current emphasis on real
estate development and thinking
like the owner. Describing The
School’s Hospitality Business
Real Estate and Development
Specialization, he noted the efforts
of Dr. Ray Schmidgall and Dr.
AJ Singh to provide relevant real
estate and finance courses, as
well as networking opportunities
to students with a serious
career interest in real estate,
development, and ownership.
Dr. Beck introduced Alumnus
Richard Farrar (BA ’73) as the
founding director of MSU’s
Hospitality Business Real Estate
Institute, established in 2011.
Dr. Singh moderated the panel
titled “Anatomy of a Boutique
Development,” which provided a
case study of the “ins and outs of
developing a new boutique hotel
To examine this year’s L-MPI©, go to MSU.edu,
click “research” and then “stories.” You may also
use http://globaledge.msu.edu/lmpi.
Student attendees: Michael Erlingis, Paul Finstad, and
Philip Kasischke
Student attendees: Meghan Clark, Olivia Kobayashi, and
Rasheeda Augustine
in East Lansing, MI. It presented
the viewpoints of developer, brand
company, and university professor
using the East Lansing development
as a classroom case study,” according
to the event program. Panelists were
Mary Dogan, with Hotel Indigo;
Scott Chappelle, with Strathmore
Development Co.; and Kirk Domer,
of Michigan State University.
The students, who traveled to the
conference with the aid of scholarship
funds from The School, were all
enrolled in the Hospitality Business
Real Estate and Development
Specialization, and were all members
of The School’s Real Estate Investment
Club. They assisted in conference
set up, information, and logistics.
Nick Diligente, promotions and inside
sales manager for Lodging Hospitality,
was impressed with the students.
“It was a pleasure having the students
at the conference,” he wrote. “They
really took ownership of their
time there, and all were extremely
helpful and professional. They will
all be wonderful alumni of MSU.”
“It was a great experience,”
says Richard Farrar. “Partnering
with Lodging Hospitality and
networking with developers and
owners of this growing and vital
segment of our industry helps
our School and our students.”
For more information about
the LifeSTYLE/Boutique Hotel
Development Conference or
the Midwest Lodging Investors
Summit, please go to www.
midwestlodginginvestors.com or
Spartans Will...
Work Hard • Provide Solutions • Transform Business
What do you get when you marry students’ creativity with an entrepreneurial
spirit, and add a big dose of hard work? A strategy for increasing membership
in the Michigan Lodging & Tourism Association (MLTA).
During Fall Semester 2011, Michelle Uhaze, a member of the Michigan Lodging
& Tourism Association Board, asked seniors in The School’s capstone marketing
course, taught by Dr. Bonnie Knutson, to produce a plan for increasing
membership in the MLTA. During the course of the semester, 15 student teams
researched the competition, analyzed industry trends, surveyed consumers,
examined the strengths/weaknesses of MLTA operations, and ate a lot of late
night pizza in the process.
Each team then developed a strategic marketing plan to address one of three
growth challenges: 1) increasing membership of mid-size properties, 2) engaging
young emerging leaders in Michigan’s hotel industry, and 3) launching the Women
in Lodging (WIL) program. Five teams were assigned to each challenge. They
developed strategic plans to reposition the MLTA and increase revenues. These
plans included revising member benefits, re-evaluating the dues structure, and
persuasive promotional campaigns. The teams presented their plans to the MLTA
Board in both an oral “science fair” presentation as well as in a written report on
Wednesday, November 30.
All of the hard work, creative vision, and entrepreneurial spirit of these students
are coming to fruition. Steve Yencich, president and CEO of MLTA, said that the
association is beginning to implement tactics suggested by the students. “It’s like
the students were professional consultants,” he says. “We were amazed at how
thorough and innovative they were—and at how professionally they presented
their findings.”
As beneficial as this classroom project is to
MLTA, the greater value is to the students
involved. They will take what they have
learned in this real-world, hands-on
learning experience into their careers with
a thinking-like-the-owner entrepreneurial
spirit. “We worked very hard on these
projects,” says Michael Bendert (BA ’11).
“It is so gratifying to have that hard work
actually applied in a real situation.”
Rose Halle (BA ’12) agrees, saying,
“This was such a meaningful, longterm assignment. It felt like something
we would be doing in our careers. Dr.
Knutson not only prepares us for this kind
of challenge, but she motivates us, too.”
Indeed, there is an old adage that says
we learn best by doing. This saying is a
hallmark of President Simon’s Boldness
By Design strategic positioning. It is
also a fundamental principle of MSU’s
land grant philosophy, which brings the
rich resources of the university together
with opportunities to serve people. Such
collaborative efforts support what the
Greek philosopher, Diogenes, said: “The
foundation of every state is the education
of its youth.” If Diogenes is right, what
these students gained through this
educational experience bodes well for
the lodging industry and for Michigan.
Students or professionals?
Dr. Bonnie heard from Kylie Binns,
the MLTA events and operations
coordinator, a few short months
after The School’s Fall Semester HB
476 marketing students made their
strategic planning presentations
to the MLTA Board. She reported
that the MLTA would kick off the
Women in Lodging Chapter in
precisely the way the students had
suggested in their presentations.
The chapter was launched at the
MLTA annual conference, with
a Rosie the Riveter theme. The
evening of June 26 featured an
introductory networking/mixer
event. Kylie said, “We were thrilled
with the students’ ideas and excited
to get rolling!”
The MLTA also decided to use
the ideas from another student
group for its “under-30 gateway
program,” encouraging membership
among younger professionals.
As Dr. Bonnie says, “It’s good to
‘show off’ our seniors and the
value they bring to the economic
growth of the industry!”
Students Connect One-on-One within a Specialized Niche...
Eye-Opening Lodging Investment Realities
Students and faculty
involved in MSU’s
Hospitality Business
Real Estate and
Specialization traveled
to Los Angeles in
January to attend the
Americas Lodging
Investment Summit
(ALIS) at the JW
Marriott and Nokia
Theatre at LA LIVE.
ALIS is the leading and
largest hotel investment
conference in the world,
drawing thousands of
top industry leaders for
an extensive array of
seminars and panels.
Led by hotel industry
experts, discussions
revolved around trends
and new opportunities
for the year ahead.
AJ Singh, Michael Kitchen (BA ’09), Mike Damitio (BA ’96), Olivia Kobayashi
(BA ’13), Meghan Clark (BA ’13), and Paul Finstad (BA ’13)
ALIS is presented by conference Chair—and member
of The School’s Alumni Association Hall of Fame—
Jim Burba (BA ’77), president of Burba Hotel Network.
He and the other hosts of ALIS are committed to
contributing a significant portion of the net proceeds
of the event to educating future leaders in the
hospitality industry and to the American Hotel
& Lodging Educational Foundation.
“The School happily provides scholarships to our Real
Estate and Development Specialization students to
help cover their travel and accommodation costs,” says
Dr. Ron Cichy. Four students were selected for the trip.
Meghan Clark, (BA ’13) says, “The ALIS Conference
proved to me that I have chosen the right industry.
Over a period of four days, I met with the most
influential men and women in this niche field. From
listening to the keynote speech by Donald Trump,
to the small breakout sessions featuring the CEOs
of top companies, I learned more than I could have
ever imagined.”
Olivia Kobayashi (BA ’13) is an Interior Design student
who also saw real value in attending ALIS. The sessions
she attended taught her that “renovations and overall
interior design of facilities are quickly accelerating in a
new direction. Throughout the conference,” she says,
“there were a lot of conversations about catering to
the needs of the X and Y millennium generations. This
includes design, services, technology, and amenities.
It seems that as technology is evolving every day,
other aspects of the industry have to evolve as well.”
A highlight for Olivia was meeting one-on-one with
Trans Inns Management, Inc., Senior Vice President of
Acquisition and Development Mike Damitio (BA ’96),
who was very complimentary of MSU students and
their work ethic.
Paul Finstad (BA ’13) agrees that the networking
opportunities and discussions with CEOs were very
helpful. “The CEO roundtable consisted of a mix of
different executives from across the industry and we
were encouraged to understand their career paths.”
Paul also describes discussions with several other
leaders, including general manager of the Ritz-Carlton
and J.W. Marriott Los Angeles, Javier Cano, who
stressed how important it is to have a sales
background; John Karver, senior vice president
of CBRE, discussed hotel brokerage, saying that the
most important thing to do is put aside everything
you have learned and look at hotels as a guest
does. Paul reports that Richard Millard, CEO of
Trust Hospitality, discussed his most recent success,
the Iron Horse Hotel in Milwaukee and offered key
advice, saying, “First pick a company where you
love their culture; then make sure you have patience
and perception; and finally, learn your business
the best that you can because you are what you
do.” Nancy Johnson, executive vice president of
development for Carlson Hotels and chair of the
American Hotel & Lodging Association, discussed
recent legislation that AH&LA has worked on, as
well as a February lobbying event.
Mike Erlingis (BA ’12), president of The School’s
Real Estate and Investment Club, highlighted the
opportunity The School’s students had to volunteer
at the conference, allowing them to get up close
and personal during major speeches by Mr. Bill
Marriott, who he said “provided insight into the
hospitality financing landscape,” and Donald Trump,
who “shared his expertise on developing unique
properties in resort areas.” Michael explains that
“I spoke with some very important industry
professionals from high profile companies such as
Goldman Sachs, HVS Capitol, Ashford Hospitality
Trust, Hersha Hospitality Trust, Jones Lang LaSalle,
Blackstone Capital, Deloitte, and many others.”
MSU Alumnus and member of The School’s Alumni
Association Hall of Fame John Belden (BA ’85),
president and CEO of Davidson Hotel Company,
graciously hosted a reception for MSU alumni
and students, further encouraging the students
to network with and form relationships with
conference attendees who have Spartan ties. “You
can’t place a high enough value on these kinds of
interactions,” explains Richard Farrar (BA ’73), the
director of MSU’s Hospitality Business Real Estate
Institute, who traveled with the students and
helped arrange for the reception, as well as other
“connecting” opportunities. “If our students want
a career in this segment of the industry, they need
knowledge, internship experiences, and contacts.”
Dr. AJ Singh, who teaches international lodging
and asset management in The School, noted,
“The profile and mix of the 2,500 attendees at
the conference is a good indication of the state—
or expected state—of the industry.”
ALIS’s Lifetime Achievement Award was
given to Marilyn Carlson Nelson, chairman of
Carlson Companies. Dr. Singh says, “At a highly
frenzied deal-making conference like ALIS, it
was refreshing to hear her personal, management,
and leadership philosophy.”
The students who traveled to ALIS all agreed
it was a critical component of their real estate
and development education.
Destination Auction 2012
Another Spartan victory for hoopsters, students, and alumni...
The Game...
The Live Auction and Auctioneer Bob Howe...
hat do you get when you combine
a Michigan State vs. Ohio State
basketball game with an exciting
fundraising alumni/student auction with
vacation packages all over the world?
That’s easy! You get what happened
on Saturday, February 11, 2012, when
11th-ranked MSU defeated 3rd-ranked
OSU in Columbus—and when students
and alumni in The School do what they
do best: host an event where everyone
has fun, goals are exceeded, and
Spartan excellence is on display.
The game began about the same time
that the The School’s 21st Annual Alumni
Association/Student Hospitality Association
“Destination Auction” kicked off. The
latter included a Silent and Live auction at
the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center,
and this year featured six “remote sites”
in Atlanta, Denver, Chicago, New York
City, Los Angeles, and Washington, DC.
“It felt like the students were so
well-prepared and professional
this year,” says School Director
and Professor Dr. Ron Cichy. The
event requires hundreds of student
volunteers and has an 18-member
student executive board that plans
each detail for an entire year.
“I’m one of the Auction advisors,
so you would think the students
couldn’t surprise me. But, honestly,
I have to remind myself that they
are all very young, carrying full
course loads, and working at
outside jobs. And in addition, they
present an evening like this. It’s
unbelievable until you experience
Auction.” Auction attendee and
bidder Barbara Sawyer-Koch,
trustee emerita of the MSU Board
of Trustees, agreed, complimenting
the students “on such a highly
organized and smoothly run event.”
Going remote...with great enthusiasm!
Several remote sites—including restaurants and sports bars—allowed alumni and friends
of MSU and The School to watch their beloved basketball team with fellow fans and to
bid on all the Live Auction items, transmitted live from East Lansing. The remote sites had
their own Silent Auction items, as well. Each location drew more Spartan fans than was
envisioned, and each one had guests who contributed to the bidding action and came
away with great deals on vacations and other packages.
The Food...
The Auction, which offered community
members, faculty, students, and alumni
a choice of 392 (no kidding!) creative
vacations, dining experiences, sports and
theater items, golf getaways—and so much
more—raised funds for students in The
School, as well as for the Junior League
of Lansing and the MSU FCU Institute
for Arts and Creativity at the Wharton
Center. Members of the Junior League
enjoyed a private reception prior to the
Auction, prepared and served by Professor
of Culinary Business Chef Allan Sherwin
(BA ’64) and his HB 485 students. They
also kept all the Auction guests in East
Lansing supplied with tasty appetizers and
beverages throughout the evening. Here’s
where it should be mentioned that the door
donation for the Auction was only $10!
Ginny Brooks, a member of the Junior
League, wrote after the Auction, “The
Junior League of Lansing reception was
extremely well run; I received many, many
compliments on the food and hospitality
from our members and guests. You’ve
set the bar at a high mark! The Auction,
from my viewpoint, was well run and
successful. My husband and I bought
Student and COO of Remote Auction Alyssa Ciapala (BA ’12) was grateful to the alumni at
each site who “took charge.” “Their enthusiasm was amazing,” she explained later. “We not
only had a huge event happening in East Lansing, but we had six additional auctions going
on across the country at the same time—thanks to willing alumni and technology!”
Rose Halle (BA ’12)
The Auction Advisors and Executive Board...
packages in Anaheim, San Francisco, and Chicago.
Many of our guests left with packages under their
arms for the coming year—I am truly appreciative
of the ongoing relationship with The School of
Hospitality Business, and our League is grateful for
your generous donation to our Endowment Fund.”
The Auction’s total donations received topped $161,000,
and Auction sales exceeded $72,000—more than any
of the Annual Auctions since the economic downturn
in 2008. “Our alumni, who donated the great majority
of Auction packages, are the most involved, generous,
remarkable mentors we as students could ever wish
for,” says Rose Halle (BA ’12), director of solicitations.
Laurel Smith (BA ’12), Auction CEO, was happy with
the turnout, the proceeds, and the extraordinary
effort of the alumni and students. She wrote to the
e-board afterward, “I hope you learned as much as I
did. I hope you will take this experience and hold it
close to your heart; we have accomplished some pretty
incredible things, so don’t take your accomplishments
lightly. Each of you played a critical role.”
“We really appreciate the basketball team helping
us out,” laughed Mike Rice (BA ’91), Auction advisor
and raffle coordinator (who just happens to be the
general manager of Lansing’s award-winning Quality
Suites). “The victory over OSU added a celebratory
atmosphere to an already exciting Spartan event.”
...and Destination Bear!
Auction 2012 Student
Executive Board:
Chief Executive Officer: Laurel Smith (BA ’12)
Chief Financial Officer: Phil Kasischke (BA ’12)
Chief Operating Officer of Live and Silent: Erica Weinbaum (BA ’12)
Chief Operating Officer of Remote Bidding: Alyssa Ciapala (BA ’12)
Director of Live Auction: Tierra Lovejoy (BA ’13)
Director of Silent Auction: Zhou Fang (BA ’13)
Directors of Remote Bidding: Katie Lutton (BA ’13) & Patty Anton (BA ’13)
Director of Human Resources: Natalie Fort (BA ’13)
Director of Food & Beverage: Caiti Darish (BA ’14)
Director of Audio Visual: Arielle Hatsios (BA ’13)
Directors of Marketing: Gaojie Zhang (BA ’12) & Ariel Lessens (BA ’14)
Director of Event Design: David Baldwin (BA ’13)
Director of Solicitations: Rose Halle (BA ’12)
Catalog Coordinator: Kevin Pollack (BA ’14)
MSU student singers entertained guests at the start of Auction.
To see a list of this year’s Auction packages,
go to msualumniauction.webs.com/.
For video footage of this year’s event, go to
http://www.you tube.com/watch?v=70se1h-McIQ.
Join us for The School’s
Destination Coast-to-coast Auction
Show your support! See the Auction Donor Form
in the center of this issue.
The Junior League receives its donation as a result of Auction efforts.
The Silent Auction...
“Our alumni, who donated the great majority of our
Auction packages, are the most involved, generous,
and remarkable mentors we could ever hope to have.”
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Les gourmets 2012
Pure Michigan...
P u r e M i c h i g a n St a te
Brittany Friddell, Samantha Patterson, and Nicole Scherff
t was Pure-ly delightful. And it was Pure Michigan. The 61st
Annual Les Gourmets reception and dinner presented by the
students in The School on Saturday, March 31, featured the
foods, music, culture, and ambiance of the State of Michigan—
and it celebrated the talents and hard work of the students at
Michigan State.
Amid incredible fruit and vegetable carvings (one table even
featured a lighthouse atop “underwater” carvings of fish
and flora—you had to see it to believe it!), the reception’s
centerpiece was a handmade “tree,” with branches displaying
the four seasons of Michigan. There was shrimp from the
shrimp farm in Okemos and coney dogs reminiscent of Tigers
games. Faygo pop flowed through a specially constructed ice
carving in the shape of Michigan (yes, the Upper Peninsula was
miraculously balanced at the top) to create a frozen concoction
of Faygo, cream and vodka. A little too delicious!
The reception also featured the many cheeses of the MSU Dairy
Store (chocolate included), and the beers of Michigan-based
Bell’s Brewery—Oberon, Amber Ale and Kalamazoo Stout.
In the midst of the reception, with over 250 dinner attendees
dressed in their finest, a flash mob took over (well, okay,
it was a group of the student volunteers and servers), and,
to the Motor City music of Bob
Seger, thrilled the guests with
an “impromptu” dance to
Each of the seven
“Old Time Rock and Roll.”
This was the signal the dinner
would be served, and the massive
doors to Big Ten Ballroom A opened
for the guests, revealing a room
dressed in the colors and feel of
Michigan. Lightweight tulle draped
from the ceiling, creating a soft,
sumptuous courses
featured ingredients
from Michigan...
and each was served
with Michigan
wine and beer.
cloud-like sensation. Chairs were draped in soft greens and
blues, and all the Big Ten seals that line the walls were
covered and replaced with tapestries of the symbols that
represent the State: the outlines of the Upper and Lower
Peninsulas, the State bird, the cherry, and others. Behind the
podium rose an enormous backdrop of the Mackinac Bridge
over the beautiful waters of Lake Michigan and Lake Huron.
Each of the seven sumptuous courses featured ingredients
from the State of Michigan, and was served with wine and
beer from the State, as well. Though 11 guest chefs helped
to guide the students the evening before and the day of
the event, Les Gourmets is truly a student-led hospitality
experience. Several of the recipes were developed over
several months of experimentation and tasting. Says Heart
of the House Director Nate Redner (BA ’12), “The intermezzo
of apple brandy sorbet took fourteen incarnations to get it
‘just right,’ evoking the warmth of the apples and spices
we all remember from Michigan in the fall.”
The Les Gourmets Executive Board, led by CEO Brittany
Friddell (BA ’12) and CFO Nicole Scherff (BA ’12), saw
to every detail of the evening, including food purchasing
and production, decorations, donations, marketing and
publicity, and entertainment.
And what entertainment! Each course was punctuated
with creative, remarkable performances by MSU students
displaying a true love for the State of Michigan. There was
the a cappela group “Ladies First,” performing Motown’s
“Get Ready;” inspiring and evocative poetry by Korey Hurni;
a jazz saxophone performance by Evan Pedder of Stevie
Wonder’s “Sir Duke;” and a lyrical dance performance by
the Impulse Dance Team. And though certain tables would
occasionally break out in shouts of “Go Green, Go White,”—
and they could be forgiven, being loyal alumni—the entire
evening was purely elegant, and Purely Michigan State.
Nevena Divic with her parents and Ron Cichy
A highlight of the evening was the
attendance and comments by the
A highlight of the
alumnus who originated the Les Gourmets
event at Michigan State back in 1956,
by the alumnus
Hall of Fame member Ernie Renaud
who originated the
(BA ’57). Noting that he was born in
Les Gourmets event
the same year as The School—1927—
Ernie held the guests spellbound as he
at Michigan State
described the birth of the 61-year-old
University back in
tradition, as well as the efforts of his
1956: Hall of Fame
fellow students and school leaders to
member Ernie
establish the School as an enduring
Renaud (BA ’57).
institution at Michigan State College:
building and transporting the School’s
booth to the NRA Show, producing the
“Man in the Kitchen” TV show on WKAR, and working as an
alumnus to help other students as he had been helped by
School legends Don Greenaway (BA ’34) and Les Scott (BA ’35).
Ernie, describing that first Les Gourmets, said the students
did everything: the food... the service... the decorations... the
entertainment. They even had two “cigarette girls” (who gave
out candy cigarettes!) with the trays strapped around their necks.
One of those “girls” was in the audience and has become
a very active and successful alumna—another Hall of Fame
member, Zoe Peckman Slagle (BA ’59, MA ’64).
Addressing the guests, Brittany described the convergence of
the love of the State with the love of Michigan State, and Nicole
described Michigan as the heart of the Midwest, with people
willing to roll up their sleeves and work hard. Both young women
were actually describing the students and the atmosphere they
were able to create during this impressive event.
Four students won Les Gourmets scholarships, based upon their
work on the event and their essays about the experience. Each
was recognized and presented with a check, and all will return
next year to help lead the event again.
Alumni first row (L to R): Beth Perry, Neil Smith, Angelos Vlahakis, Steve Thompson, John Zaffarano,
Brian O’Connor; back row (L to R): Steve Marx, Jonathan Nii, Nancy Koziatek, Angela Vlahakis, Kris Wolf,
Chuck Day, Curt Hilliker, Peter Green, Jeff White, Correne Akarakcian, Gail Arthurs, Martha Small
“You know, whether the students were born and raised in
Michigan or elsewhere, MSU is their home, so the State of
Michigan becomes part of their identities,” said Dr. Ron
Cichy. “This has been true through years and generations
of student leaders. These leaders believed that serving others
is the highest calling. They practiced service with an open
heart and pure intentions. And they teach us to this day
that what we do for others is a measure of our humanity.”
With thanks to the guest chefs
and to their teachers, Chef Allan
Sherwin (BA ’64), Professor of
Les Gourmets
Culinary Business, and Chef Rick
Scholarship Winners
Brown, Culinary Coordinator, the
Meagan Lutton (BA ’13)
executive board and supervisors
of Les Gourmets closed the evening
Sam Patterson (BA ’13)
with “mignardises” of Burgdorf’s
Rebecca Rose (BA ’13)
Winery raspberry wine dark
Lily Shoup (BA ’13)
chocolate truffles and maple
shortbread cookies—all lovingly
handmade by the students—
and a moving video tribute describing what the experience
of Les Gourmets has meant to each one of them. This video, as
well as a beautiful, pre-event teaser, is available for viewing
at http://www.msulesgourmets.com/videos.html.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
(Les Gourmets continues on page 20)
Vegas Night
Les gourmets 2012
Amazing people make it happen...
Even Elvis showed up!
“Our student leaders believe serving others is
the highest calling... They teach us that what
we do for others is a measure of our humanity.”
Les Gourmets Student Executive Board
Chief Executive Officer
Brittany Friddell (BA ’12)
Chief Financial Officer
Nicole Scherff (BA ’12)
Assistant Director
Samantha Patterson (BA ’13)
Front of House Directors
Brett Kane (BA ’12)
Taylor Nichols (BA ’13)
Front of House Supervisors
Jane Yagyoung Kim (BA ’13)
Rebecca Rose (BA ’13)
Andrew Doroh (BA ’12)
Corinne Wysocki (BA ’13)
Heart of House Director
Nate Redner (BA ’12)
Assistant Heart of House Directors
Freddie Wurster (BA ’12)
Nick Schnotala (BA ’12)
Heart of House Supervisors
Joaquin de la Cerda (BA ’15)
Caiti Darish (BA ’14)
Hallie St. Marie (BA ’14)
Brad Peterson (BA ’13)
Marketing Director
Courtney Johnson (BA ’12)
Marketing Supervisors
Nevena Divic (BA ’14)
Michelle Balaj (BA ’12)
Reception Director
Abby Clark (BA ’12)
Les Gourmets
Les Gourmets
Guest Chefs
Student Organic Farm
Chef Jason Strotheide
MSU Culinary Services
Chef Muhammed Siddiqui
Coastal Produce
Chef Scott Miller
Arts and Entertainment Directors
Erin Cardwell (BA ’12)
Lily Shoup (BA ’13)
Northern Lakes
Seafood & Meats
Chef Joseph Nader
Arts and Entertainment Supervisor
Lindsey Bird (BA ’12)
Superior Foods
Wolff Group
Chef Kyle Fouch
Reception Supervisors
Whitney Boulter (BA ’12)
Meghan Clark (BA ’13)
Aly Haney (BA ’14)
Laurie Asava (BA ’13)
Donations Director
Meg Lutton (BA ’13)
Donations Assistant Director
Tom Inners (BA ’12)
MSU University Club
Bell’s Beer
Imperial Beverage
Donations Supervisors
Nora Smart (BA ’13)
Katie Lutton (BA ’13)
Luke Magnini (BA ’12)
Troy Walker (BA ’12)
Graceland Fruit
Human Resources Director
Rebecca Ginsberg (BA ’12)
Abraham & Sons, Inc.
Human Resources Supervisors
Kathryn Kota (BA ’13)
Spartan Hall of Fame
Chef Jason Keusch
Chef Mike Trombley
Chef Victoria Phillips
Chef Tawnya McKinzie
Chef Carl Peabody
Stone Circle Bakehouse
Nestle Minors
Amico Premium Provisions
Buffalo Wild Wings
Pita Pit
Bells Pizza
McAlister’s Deli
Bruegger’s Bagel
Vegas Night is an annual fundraiser for The
School’s student Hospitality Association (HA),
planned and organized by an energetic and
experienced student executive board, several
of whom are seniors who have been active in
the event since they were freshmen. This year,
the East Lansing Marriott—University Place was
the place to be on Saturday, January 28, from
5:00 pm until 1:00 am, where students, as well
as faculty members and community members,
enjoyed Money Wheel, Roulette, Craps, Black
Jack, Poker, and Bingo.
No detail was overlooked. Each “game
director” was responsible for training his or
her volunteers so the atmosphere and games
were as much like a “real” casino as possible.
The food was abundant, and guests could
enjoy it any time throughout the evening. The
black and red decorations evoked a “Vegas”
style, and the Impulse Dance Team members,
dressed in red and black (yes, there were
some feather boas!), were friendly and helpful.
Huge silver “85” balloons announced the 85th
anniversary year for The School. And even the
poker players, sequestered in a quiet portion
of the ballroom space, could have been
mistaken for professionals, some with caps
shielding their eyes, some with sunglasses,
and all with serious intent. The only thing
missing was cigar smoke, thank goodness!
“It’s the one major School event that really
focuses on students getting together and
having fun,” says volunteer and HA Director of
Philanthropy Megan Geist (BA ’14). It is also an
event that highlights the teamwork involved in
those major events. Megan explained that she
volunteered because “we all support each
other,” noting that several other volunteers
were there to help out board members of
Vegas Night who have themselves volunteered
at other School events: CAREER EXPO,
Auction, and Les Gourmets. A few examples:
Erica Weinbaum (BA ’12), director of Black
Jack, was also this year’s Annual Auction COO
of both the Live and Silent Auctions. Laughing
at her busy schedule, Erica said, “But I love
it all!” Alyssa Ciapala (BA ’12), director of
marketing, was also the director of remote
bidding for the Auction, carried 18 credits
and has a job. She admitted, “I really don’t
sleep much!”
And Sam Patterson (BA ’12), just returning
from a six-month internship at Disney World,
working in sales of packages for theme parks,
arrived in time to volunteer as Pit Boss for
Black Jack. Sam was also a Silent Auction
volunteer two weeks later, and was a member
of the Les Gourmets Executive Board.
Country Fresh
Nate Redner with his parents at Les Gourmet
Andrew Blumberg (BA ’12), executive director
of Vegas Night, is one of those students who
has taken a leadership role in the event since
his freshman year. Another veteran Vegas
Night leader is Michelle Balaj (BA ’12), who last
year was director of marketing and this year
The guests appeared to be having a wonderful
time, with frequent cheers erupting from the
roulette tables; School faculty members took
part in the winning. Dr. Michael Kasavana
said he was there “to support students in
a worthwhile cause,” but added, laughing,
“I also want to see how sharp our students
are in mathematics.” He was hoping they
would win at the table games!
Dr. Mi Ran Kim was also on hand showing
support. “This is my first Vegas Night,”
she said. “I wanted to see how my students
prepared and organized the event.”
An unscientific survey revealed that many
of the 400 guests were not just students in
The School—they were MSU students in a
variety of majors who found a fun break in
the winter doldrums, and whose participation
helped raise funds for the students in The
School and their clubs and programs. Xue
Tang Qi (BA ’12), director of Roulette and
Money Wheel, and a member of the Vegas
Night Executive Board said it beautifully:
“We wanted to create a fun casino where
guests could enjoy the games. It is not about
winning or losing. It is about experiencing
a wonderful evening.”
Menna’s Joint
Paramount Coffee
The French Laundry
Chef Kelly Robey
serves as assistant director. Andrew says he
“loves the casino industry,” and that he and
Michelle, as well as all the Executive Board
members, were dedicated to providing an
exciting and fun experience for guests and
a valuable learning experience for all of the
nearly 100 volunteers. Andrew’s internship
last summer at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas
helped confirm his career choice, and it
showed in the professionalism of Vegas Night.
Visit hospitalitybusiness.broad.msu.edu
for information on Vegas Night 2013!
Alyssa Ciapala with Elvis
t the annual winter Vegas Night,
produced by students in The School
, there was something for everyone:
all the traditional casino games, big payouts,
showgirls (members of MSU’s Impulse Dance
Team), lots of good food and beverages,
and yes, even Elvis—walking the floor in his
white jumpsuit, graciously posing for photos
and signing autographs! And all for just a
$5.00 admission!
Executive Director:
Andrew Blumberg (’12)
Assistant Director:
Michelle Balaj (’12)
Chief Financial Officer:
Cara Easterbrook (’12)
Director(s) of Marketing:
Alyssa Ciapala (’12) & Shelby Masen (’14)
Director of Human Resources:
Casey Walter (’14)
Assistant Director of Human Resources:
Anne Marie Khoury (’14)
Director of Arts & Entertainment:
Meredith Barratt (’13)
Director(s) of Donations:
Kristin Vallade (’12) & Minji Lee (’14)
Director of Blackjack:
Erica Weinbaum (’12)
Director of Poker:
T.J. McDermott (’14)
Director of Roulette & Money Wheel:
Xuetong (Sharon) Qi (’12)
Director of Bingo:
Gina DeBruyn (’12)
Director of Craps:
Alex Parke (’12)
2012 annual gathering of leaders
Sense of “Family” Nurtures Success...
There was definitely a
“family” theme—literally
and figuratively—at this year’s
Annual Gathering of Leaders
for The School of Hospitality
Business in Chicago during
the National Restaurant Show.
But she is a family member first. And the
evening truly was a family celebration for
Judy... yet many members of her family
were NOT present. Why? The same
evening, the Frankenmuth Bavarian Inn
Restaurant and its executive chef were
being honored with the International
Foodservice Manufacturers Association’s
prestigious Silver Plate Award! Dorothy
Zehnder, only 90 years young, WAS
present in the audience. Dorothy still
works six days a week, supervising
200 associates, and recently published
her own cookbook. Judy’s sons and
husband were present, too, and are
integral parts of the business. And her
daughter Martha was a fellow honoree,
the Emerging Alumna Leader of the Year.
The event at The Drake Hotel
on Monday, May 7 honored:
• Alumna of the Year
Judy Zehnder Keller
(BA ’67, MA ’73)
• Honorary Alumnus of the Year
Mike Gibbons
• Emerging Alumni Leaders of the Year
Martha Zehnder Keller (BA ’03)
and Dan Briks (BA ’04)
Alumna of the Year
Judy Zehnder Keller
(BA ’67, MA ’73)
Judy Zehnder Keller is president and
owner of Frankenmuth Bavarian Inn
Lodge and part of a fourth generation
which owns and operates a nearly
125-year-old family business—a complex
of restaurants, lodging, and retail
operations located in Frankenmuth,
MI. Her late father, William (Tiny), and
her mother, Dorothy, established the
business in its present location in 1950,
and today three generations of the family
are actively involved in the day-to-day
operations of the Bavarian Inn Restaurant
and Bavarian Inn Lodge. Judy designed,
developed, and leads the Bavarian Inn
Lodge, which opened in 1986, and which,
under her direction, has undergone
four expansions, resulting in today’s
seven-acre, multi-faceted resort. Judy
has pioneered a role for women in the
industry and in her community, serving
as Frankenmuth’s first female City
Council member and Rotary member.
She has earned countless honors and
awards and is a leader in the Michigan
Lodging and Tourism Association.
So, in a first for The School, a mother
and a daughter were honored at
Annual Gathering of Leaders. Martha
Zehnder Keller, a student leader while
at MSU, had already learned much
from her hospitality family before she
even came to MSU. But through her
cousin, Paula, a School graduate in
2000, she found work on campus at
Cowles House, the MSU president’s
residence. When the cousins were asked
to prepare a turkey the weekend before
Thanksgiving, did they contact the
many professionals at MSU who could
have guided them? No, they called their
grandmother! And Dorothy’s instructions
made for a perfect turkey dinner.
Martha began her career with Starwood’s
Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers. In only
eight years, Martha was promoted six
times, becoming director of convention
services and the youngest member of the
hotel’s Executive Committee. She and
her staff have earned several important
distinctions, including “Stellar Leader
of the Year” and “Convention Service
and Catering Team of the Year,” both
from Starwood. Martha loves her work
and her bosses, “all the way to my first
boss, my grandmother!” She gives extra
thanks to her role model and mother
and mentor, Judy, and encourages
current students to find balance in
their work and love what they do.
Mike Gibbons was welcomed into the
Spartan family as Honorary Alumnus
of the Year, in spite of the Ann Arbor
corporate address of his company,
Mainstreet Ventures, for which he serves
as president and CEO. In all seriousness,
Mike and Mainstreet are known for
their creative restaurant concepts,
very high standards in quality and
service, and integrity and care for their
associates. Since 1981, the company has
set the standard for fine dining in five
markets in Ohio, West Virginia, Florida,
Maryland, and Ann Arbor. In fact,
Mainstreet Ventures is one of the reasons
Ann Arbor is known as a place with great
restaurants. Entrepreneurial students have
found a perfect role model in Mike, and
they clamor for internships and placement
with any one of his fine establishments.
Mike explains that when he arrived
in Ann Arbor, his plan was to go to
law school. He found work in a local
restaurant and loved it. Now, Mike
says he is a “restaurant designer,
bartender, host, coach, psychologist, and
accountant.” And all in one day! He is also
an Honorary Professor in The School, and
now is an Honorary Spartan Alumnus—
one The School’s Alumni Association is
proud to welcome as one of its own.
Dan Briks has Spartan family in New
York, where there is an active group
of MSU alumni. He also has Spartan
family at work, where he is the director
of Front Office Operations at The
Waldorf=Astoria. (At least five School
graduates are among the managers
and executives at that historic hotel,
and two new May graduates will soon
be joining the family.) And of course,
Dan is part of The School’s Alumni
Association, which represents thousands
of relationships around the world.
We are proud that Dan is one of ours.
He joined The Waldorf=Astoria after
a stellar career as a student, earning
the prestigious Statler Scholarship of
Excellence and serving as a student leader
for CAREER EXPO and Les Gourmets. He
joined the Management Development
Program when he graduated and in only
three years became the capital projects
manager and assistant director of capital
projects, overseeing the hotel’s multimillion dollar renovations. By 2010,
Emerging Alumnus Leader of the Year
Dan Briks (BA ’04)
he assumed his current position, with
responsibility for both Front Office and
Guest Services. Dan acknowledges the
special relationship between The School
and The Waldorf, and credits much of
his success to the mentoring he received
from Authella Collins Hawks and Dr.
Ron Cichy in The School, and from
General Manager Eric Long, Hotel
Manager Deirmid Dwyer, and Mark Lauer,
general manager at the New York Hilton.
But it all began with his family, who were
present in the audience. Dan explained
that they allowed him to go to MSU from
Atlanta (read: out-of-state tuition!), and
then farther away to New York City.
“Family made it possible,” says Dan.
To close the evening, Dr. Ron Cichy
introduced Dean Stefanie Lenway of the
Broad College of Business, who spoke of
the Spartan values of integrity, humility,
and service and the ways “we are all team
members” who partner together to create
“something distinctively Spartan.”
Annual Gathering of Leaders certainly
celebrates extraordinary leaders in the
hospitality industry. But this year, it also
celebrated family—and the wider Spartan
family shared by every alumnus and
honorary alumnus in The School.
Family Legacies
Martha Zehnder Keller, Judy Zehnder Keller, and Dorothy Zehnder
Emerging Alumna Leader of the Year
Martha Zehnder Keller (BA ’03)
Honorary Alumnus of the Year
Mike Gibbons
(Annual Gathering of Leaders continues on page 24)
2012 annual gathering of leaders
DC High School Students
Many thanks to the companies and individuals
who sponsored Annual Gathering of Leaders.
Your generosity is very much appreciated.
Corporate Sponsors
The School’s Alumni Association
The School’s Director’s Fund
The School’s Hospitality Association
The School’s Student & Industry Resource Center (SIRC)
The Waldorf=Astoria Hotel
• Frankenmuth Bavarian Inn Restaurant & Lodge
• Hilton Worldwide
• Mainstreet Ventures, Inc.
• Rose Pest Solutions
The Annual Gathering of Leaders takes place during the
National Restaurant Show, after the school year ends at MSU.
Nonetheless, a core group of students comes to Chicago to
attend the event and to participate in several professional
development programs and activities, including:
• Tour of Kimpton’s Hotel Palomar
• Tour of Kimpton’s Hotel Burnham
• HIRE: Showcase of the Stars panel discussion and reception
at the Metropolitan Club
• Becky & John Flood (BA ’80)
• Martha Zehnder Keller (BA ’03)
• Tour of The Waldorf-Chicago
• Young Alumni Network Gathering at The Drake Hotel
• Annual Gathering of Leaders recognition ceremony
and reception
Dan E. Burdakin (BA ’81)
Shelley G. & Dr. Ronald F. Cichy (BA ’72, MBA ’77)
Richard C. Conti (MBA ’76)
Lone & Dan W. Darrow (MBA ’61)
Jim Fabiano
Philip J. Hickey (BA ’77)
Joy & John Huckestein (MBA ’72)
Glenn Isaacs (BA ’87)
Curtis Lease (BA ’91)
Dan H. Mathews, Jr. (BA ’66)
Jerry McVety (BA ’67)
Lori Schafer & Bob Pierce (BA ’83)
Bryan Scopel (BA ’77)
Zoe Slagle (BA ’59, MA ’64)
Betty & Angelos Vlahakis (BA ’51)
Blair Wills (BA ’02)
Melissa Moss (BA ’06), Garrett Bond (BA ’03), Dan Wheeler (BA ’03), and
Andrea Mott (BA ’04)
Looking forward to attending college,
the students spent December 1-2
with people at MSU who know a
thing or two about hospitality. In fact,
The School of Hospitality Business
served as host for a number of meals
and informational events, giving the
visitors a taste of student life, and
presenting the academic and career
opportunities available at MSU.
The next day at breakfast, all of
the students met Vice President of
Residential and Hospitality Services
Vennie Gore and again enjoyed a meal
at Brody courtesy of The School.
In the newly-revitalized The J. Willard
and Alice S. Marriott Foundation
Culinary Business Learning Lab,
the students heard a presentation
• Bruce Hubbell (BA ’70)
• Tom & Julie Tkach (BA ’94, MS ’05)
Students from two different Washington,
DC, high schools visited campus in
early December, and were shown a
special brand of Spartan “hospitality.”
The students travelled to East Lansing
from Hospitality High School and
from the Duke Ellington School.
The DC students arrived on Thursday
evening in time for a dinner and a
welcome at the newly redesigned
Brody cafeteria, hosted by The School.
than k yo u
Serving as gracious hosts for the DC students: Executive Board members of NSMH
• Tour of Foodlife Restaurant
Individual Sponsors
Dr. Ron Cichy
• Setting up and representing The School at its exhibit
booth at McCormick Place during the NRA Show
• Attendance at the Keynote Speech by The Honorable
William T. Clinton, President of the United States, 1992-2000
• Philip J. Hickey (BA ’77)
“...generous scholarships from
the Marriott Foundation make
attending MSU a possibility
for many of [the visiting]
students from Washington, DC...”
on MSU admissions, after which
the two groups split up for visits
with either The School (Hospitality
High School) or the MSU College of
Music (Duke Ellington School).
The students met with members
of The School’s National Society of
Minorities in Hospitality (NSMH)
club, who introduced the visitors to
MSU through an interactive exercise.
The School introduced its group of
students to our career services center,
the Student and Industry Resource
Center (SIRC), Director Authella
Collins Hawks, and several student
staff members. After a class taught by
Professor of Culinary Business Allan
Sherwin (BA ’64), the DC students
washed their hands, put on caps and
aprons, and prepared their own pizzas
under the guidance of Chef Rick Brown.
The two high school groups merged
again for dinner, this time at the Spartan
Hall of Fame Café, with The School as
host. They were welcomed by owner
Steve Montayne and enjoyed all of the
Spartan sports memorabilia. Then they
finished the evening and the visit to
MSU with bowling at the MSU Union.
A campus tour followed lunch, as
well as a question and answer session
with Broad College of Business
Associate Dean for Diversity and
Inclusion Dr. Matt Anderson and
Dr. Ernie Betts, assistant dean for
Multicultural Business Programs.
Later in the afternoon, officers from
The School’s student Hospitality
Association and industry-related clubs
showed the students a number of videos
about all of The School’s clubs and
events, Study Abroad programs, the Real
Estate and Development Specialization,
and the Eta Sigma Delta Honor Society.
“We love showing potential students
our Spartan hospitality,” says Ron Cichy.
“And generous scholarships from the
Marriott Foundation make attending
MSU a possibility for many of these
students from Washington, DC. We
want them here, we’ll help them, and we
look forward to seeing their hospitality
business leadership emerge.”
“We look forward
to seeing their
hospitality business
leadership emerge.”
Dean Stefanie Lenway, Kevin Brown (BA ’77), and Broad College Associate Director
of Development Malissa Burke
Michigan State University SPARTAN SCHOLARS
Eric O. Long
New York offers a special
kind of hospitality. That was
evident to Jake Dondzila
(BA ’12) as he entered the
Vanderbilt Suites in the
MetLife Building in New York
City on Tuesday, November
13. A senior in The School,
Jake was attending the 20th
Annual Fred Tibbitts &
Associates “A Fall Evening
in New York with Very
Special Friends” reception
and dinner. Accompanied
by School Director and
Professor Dr. Ron Cichy
and The Waldorf=Astoria
General Manager Eric O.
Long, Jake was introduced
at the reception by veteran
stage actor Osborn Focht,
wearing white gloves,
top hat, and tails.
Fred Tibbitts & Associates
is a leading global wine,
spirits, and hospitality
services consulting agency
for national account chain
hotels, restaurants and event
management companies, based
at Menands, New York, and
Bangkok, Thailand. The dinner
honored the 2011 recipients of
the FTA Hospitality Awards
for Excellence and included
110 hotel and restaurant senior
executives, industry VIPs,
industry press, and sponsors.
Eric was awarded the 2011
FTA Hospitality Award for
Lifetime Excellence, and
donated his award money
to The School, with Jake as
the scholarship recipient.
More Than Just a Title
Senior students:
Andrew Blumberg (BA ’12)
Lou Weckstein Endowed Scholarship Fund in Hospitality Business
(L to R): Joe McInerney,
Ron Cichy, Jake Dondzila,
Eric Long, and Fred Tibbitts
Highly respected throughout
the hospitality industry and
within the Hilton Hotels
Corporation, Eric is only
the ninth general manager
in The Waldorf=Astoria’s
history, dating back to 1893.
Jake served as the 2011-2012
president of The School’s
student-led Hospitality
Association, which oversees
all ten of The School’s
industry-associated clubs, as
well the executive boards of
its four major annual events.
He is a student leader and
scholar who has achieved an
excellent academic record and
completed two internships.
Upon graduation, he chose a
position with The Waldorf.
The reception showcased
the products and services of
the dinner’s sponsors, and
the four-course gala dinner
began with an introduction
by Fred Tibbitts, Jr., president
and CEO of FTA, who urged
those present to do more
for those less fortunate.
Fred then welcomed a prayer
by the Venerable Khenpo Lama
Pema Wangdak, director of
the Vikramasila Foundation,
who chanted in Tibetan.
Robert Thurman, president
of Tibet House U.S. and the
Jey Tsong Khapa Professor
of Indo-Tibetan Studies at
Columbia University, assisted
with an English translation
and elaboration on the subtle
meanings of the prayer.
Eleven loyalty toasts with
Valdo Rose were given
by several of the dinner’s
VIPs, which included Joe
McInerney, president and
CEO of the American Hotel
& Lodging Association,
who presented Eric with his
award. Ron Cichy introduced
both Eric and Jake, first
presenting Fred Tibbitts with
a certificate of appreciation
from The School, noting
Fred’s role as a “connecter,
a relationship-builder.”
Of Eric, Ron said, “He is
the highest caliber hotel
visionary I have met. He
is a deeply passionate and
exemplary developer of
people.” Accepting his
award, Eric noted the quality
and caliber of the students
graduating from The School,
and the close association
between the hospitality
industry and academic
institutions who prepare
future leaders for the industry.
Introducing Jake, Ron said,
“Jake is an outstanding
emerging leader. Look into
his eyes and you will see the
future.” Jake accepted Eric’s
Jacob Dondzila (BA ’12)
Eric O. Long FTA Scholarship and the Thomas LaTour Family Scholarship
Brittany Friddell (BA ’12)
Phillip J. Hickey, Jr. and Reedy D. Hickey Endowment
in The School of Hospitality Business
scholarship graciously, saying,
“Students such as myself
aspire to learn from the best.
I am truly humbled to receive
this scholarship, but I am also
inspired; inspired to enter
the very dynamic and fastpaced industry of hospitality,
inspired to achieve my
biggest dreams, and inspired
to learn from individuals of
excellence like Mr. Long.”
Charities which benefitted
from the dinner included
the United Nations Human
Settlements Program (UNHABITAT) and the work of
Khenpo Pema with Tibetan
refugee youths in Nepal and
India through Tibet House U.S.
It was a remarkable evening
for a college student, a
treasured industry partner,
and a professor. “We are
aware that Eric could have
designated his scholarship
to any school in the country,”
said Dr. Cichy afterward.
“We are deeply honored
that he chose The School of
Hospitality Business at MSU,
and Jake in particular.”
Rose Halle (BA ’12)
Ivon A. and Lois I. English Endowed Scholarship in Hospitality Business
Philip Kasischke (BA ’12)
Schmidgall Family Endowed Hospitality Business
Financial Management Scholarship
Lucas Magnini (BA ’12)
Philip J. Hickey, Jr. and Reedy D. Hickey Endowment
in The School of Hospitality Business and the Joe Perdue
Scholarship of The Club Foundation of CMAA
Scholarship winners with School faculty and staff
The School of Hospitality Business at Michigan State
University is known for students who earn over a quarter
of a million dollars each year in scholarship funds.
This year, The School has placed an emphasis on the
students who have earned scholarships named for living
individuals “who serve as excellent role models” for
the students, according to Dr. Ron Cichy. “Many of the
scholarships our students earn are named for active,
iconic contributors to the hospitality industry and to
our School. To be associated with them is an honor.”
In The School, scholars earn that title not just with excellent
academic records. Learning comes from work experience and
two required internship experiences. It takes place when
nearly one hundred visiting leaders, experts in the industry,
come each year to speak with students and provide a frontline perspective. Professional development programs—almost
25 during Fall Semester alone—contribute to students’
practical understanding of hospitality higher education
and knowledge. Year-round mentoring from successful
alumni around the world is yet another way students
build their knowledge base and actually learn by doing.
Of course, the foundation for student scholarship is the
classroom, led by faculty who write the texts others study,
who conduct the research used by the industry, and who
share their knowledge in innovative and informative ways.
Ron and Shelley Cichy with Khenpo Lama Pema Wangdak and Xinggen Wang at the Spring 2012 FTA dinner
Jane Cerovina (BA ’12)
Philip M. Becker Scholarship
“So in every sense,” Dr. Cichy says, “our students are
scholars.” And the named scholarships listed at right
for the 2011-2012 academic year highlight The School’s
relationships with generous individuals who have chosen
to invest in the future—students who will one day lead
the hospitality industry.
Corbin Martinez (BA ’12)
F. Brooks and Jan Thomas Endowed Hospitality Business
Student Scholarship
Emily McCandless (BA ’12)
Philip J. Hickey Jr. and Reedy D. Hickey Endowment
in The School of Hospitality Business
Kathleen McDonald (BA ’12)
Thomas LaTour Family Scholarship
Nathan Redner (BA ’12)
Philip J. Hickey Jr. and Reedy D. Hickey Endowment in The School of
Hospitality Business and the IFSA Harvey & Laura Alpert Scholarship
Nicole Scherff (BA ’12)
Philip J. Hickey Jr. and Reedy D. Hickey Endowment
in The School of Hospitality Business
Laurel Smith (BA ’12)
Masatoshi Ito Student Scholarship
Jessica Wiggins (BA ’12)
Rodney and Anne Belden Scholarship and the Lou Weckstein Endowed
Scholarship Fund in Hospitality Business
Lauren Wilson (BA ’12)
Lou Weckstein Endowed Scholarship Fund in Hospitality Business
Junior students:
Sophomore students:
Paul Finstad (BA ’13)
John A. and Libby M. Belden
Endowment for Real Estate
and Development Student
Travel in The School of
Hospitality Business
Nevena Divic (BA ’14)
James F. Rainey Endowed Fund
in Hospitality Business
Samantha Patterson (BA ’13)
Richard and Cherrill Cregar
Outstanding Hospitality Student
Endowed Scholarship
Megan Geist (BA ’14)
Alan and Bernice Suitor and
Automatic Products International,
Ltd. Endowed Scholarship in
Hospitality Business
Lily Shoup (BA ’13)
Richard and Cherrill Cregar
Outstanding Hospitality Student
Endowed Scholarship
Over the last year, awards in excess of $292,000 were distributed.
Ambitious Students...
Earning and Learning
The School’s students earn impressive
scholarships each year. The awards come
from The School’s own scholarship accounts—
established by alumni, friends, faculty,
companies, and associations—as well as from
outside of The School, through competitions
conducted by companies and associations.
Top GPA Award
Meghan Clark
Eusun Han
Dominique Johnson
Lisa Malinowski
Suzanna Schmelter
American Hotel & Lodging
Educational Foundation
Creighton Holden
Memorial Scholarship
Rasheeda Augustine
American Hotel & Lodging
Educational Foundation
Steve Hymans Scholarship
Paul Finstad
Laurel Smith
Jessica Wiggins
American Hotel & Lodging
Educational Foundation
Pepsi Scholarship
Jacqueline Hamilton
Philip M. Becker
Jane Cerovina
Michael Erlingis
The John A. and Libby M.
Belden Endowment for
Real Estate and
Development Student
Travel in The School of
Hospitality Business
Paul Finstad
Rodney & Anne Belden
Jessica Wiggins
Lindus L. Caulum II
Memorial Fund Grant
Rebecca Ginsburg
Melissa Alleman
Krystal Bell
Meghan Bean
Erin Cardwell
Alyssa Ciapala
Gina DeBruyn
Michael Erlingis
Zhou Fang
Kelsey Fedewa
Paul Finstad
Natalie Fort
Brittany Friddell
Gina Galli
Megan Geist
Rebecca Ginsberg
Lindsey Gintner
Chloe Grost
Rose Halle
Arielle Hatsios
Elizabeth Hyde
Michael Ignaczak
Thomas Inners
Philip Kasischke
Yagyoung Kim
Ariel Lessens
Mary Lutton
Megan Lutton
Lucas Magnini
Emily McCandless
Kathleen McDonald
Michelle Mize
Courtney Moore
Scott Nuyttens
Alice Ou
Wendy Phillips
Kevin Pollack
Xuetong Qi
Kristin Randall
Nathan Redner
James Rudolph
Nicole Scherff
Eric Slater
Laurel Smith
Luis Suarez
Kristin Vallade
Troy Walker
Erica Weinbaum
Jessica Wiggins
Jake Wisotzkey
Fred Wurster
Joe Perdue –
Scholarship of The Club
Foundation of CMAA
Lucas Magnini
Richard and Cherrill Cregar
Outstanding Hospitality
Student Endowed
Natalie Fort
Kathryn Kota
Lucas Magnini
Samantha Patterson
Lily Shoup
Fred Wurster
Lauren Zehnder
Director’s Fund
Rasheeda Augustine
Meghan Bean
Erin Cardwell
Alyssa Ciapala
Meghan Clark
Gina DeBruyn
Nevena Divic
Jacob Dondzila
Tracey Enners
Michael Erlingis
Kelsey Fedewa
Paul Finstad
Natalie Ford
Brittany Friddell
Gina Galli
Lindsey Gintner
Rose Halle
Arielle Hatsios
Yangyang Huang
Elizabeth Hyde
Thomas Inners
Philip Kasischke
Yagyoung Kim
Olivia Kobayashi
Ariel Lessens
Mary Lutton
Meagan Lutton
Hang Liu
Lucas Magnini
Emily McCandless
Kathleen McDonald
Michelle Mize
Courtney Moore
Michael Nickerson
Scott Nuyttens
Alice Ou
Anthony Pecchia
Wendy Phillips
Kevin Pollack
Xuetong Qi
Kyle Rais
Kristin Randall
Nathan Redner
James Rudolph
Nicole Scherff
Saira Shah
Alyssa Simpson
Laurel Smith
Luis Suarez
Kristin Vallade
Victoria Vandegrift
Troy Walker
Erica Weinbaum
Jessica Wiggins
Yangq Xin
Wen Zhang
Fang Zhou
Clark DeHaven NACUFS
Emily McCandless
The Ivon A. and Lois I.
English Endowed
Scholarship in
Hospitality Business
Sarah Beyer
Meghan Clark
Rose Halle
Kelly Mackie
Kevin Pollack
Suzanna Schmelter
Greater Lansing
Convention and Visitors
Bureau Endowed
Scholarship in The School
of Hospitality Business
Sally Charness
Jessica Garlach
Ariel Lessens
Kristina Loeffler
Samantha Marinez
The Lester A. Gruber
Memorial Scholarship
in Hospitality Business
Lucas Magnini
Nathan Redner
Mildred C. Harris HRIM
Kellogg Center Fund
Rebecca Ginsberg
Stephanie Lariviere
Syed Naqvi
Rebecca Rose
Nora Smart
Troy Walker
Philip J. Hickey, Jr.
and Reedy D. Hickey
Endowment in The School
of Hospitality Business
Lucas Magnini
Corbin Martinez
Emily McCandless
Courtney Moore
Taylor Nichols
Nathan Redner
Nicole Scherff
Sarra Serhane
Hallie St. Marie
Kathryn Weeks
Hospitality Finance and
Technology Professionals
(HFTP) Endowed Finance
and Technology
Paul Finstad
Natalie Fort
International Flight Food
Services Association Harvey and Laura Alpert
Nathan Redner
Xin Yang
Heng Zhang
Wen Zhang
Erik Zmuidins
IFMA International Gold
& Silver Plate Society
Nathan Redner
LaTour Family
Endowment for Student
Travel in The School of
Hospitality Business
Jacob Dondzila
Kathleen McDonald
IHLAEF: J. Patrick Leahy
Emily McCandless
Illinois Hotel and Lodging
Brooke Amelse
Emily McCandless
James McHenry
Illinois Restaurant
Emily McCandless
The H. William and
Elizabeth A. Klare
Memorial Scholarship
Rasheeda Augustine
Samantha Brock
Jenny Burke
Shelby Chessman
Meghan Clark
Kristina Covell
Anne Curto
Kayli Delamielleure
Michael Erlingis
Paul Finstad
Natalie Fort
He Gao
Linkdsey Greenfelder
Rose Halle
Eusun Han
Scot Hoke
YangYang Huang
Woo Jeon
Philip Kasischke
Michelle LeDuke
Fangqi Li
Hang Liu
Jingzhong Luo
Jing Lu
Lucas Magnini
James McHenry
Changchang Miao
Lauren Miller
Brad Peterson
Praneet Randhawa
Nathan Redner
Nicole Scherff
Lily Shoup
Perri Silverstein
Sydney Sims
Laurel Smith
Jue Wang
Yiru Wang
Amy Wayland
Jeon Woo
Yuan Xin
Qiuchen Xu
Dr. William and
Mrs. Joyce Lazer
Endowed Fund in
The School of
Hospitality Business
Meghan Bean
Erin Cardwell
Alyssa Ciapala
Gina DeBruyn
Nevena Divic
Michael Erlingis
Tracy Enners
Kelsey Fedewa
Paul Finstad
Natalie Fort
Brittan Friddell
Gina Glli
Rebecca Ginsberg
Lindsey Gintner
Chloe Grost
Rose Halle
Arielle Hatsios
YangYang Huang
Elizabeth Hyde
Thomas Inners
Philip Kasischke
Yagyoung Kim
Ariel Lessens
Hang Liu
Mary Lutton
Meagan Lutton
Lucas Magnini
Emily McCandless
Kathleen McDonald
Michelle Mize
Courtney Moore
Scott Nuyttens
Alice Ou
Wendy Phillips
Kevin Pollack
Xuetong Qi
Kristin Randall
James Rudolph
Nicole Scherff
Laurel Smit
Luis Suarez
Kristin Vallade
Victoria Vandegrift
Troy Walker
Erica Weinbaum
Jessica Wiggins
Fred Wurster
Xin Yang
Lauren Zehnder
Wen Zhang
Fang Zhou
The Chef Robert H. Nelson
Les Gourmets Endowed
Scholarship – Awarded
for the 2010 – 2011
Academic Year
Brittany Friddell
Nathan Redner
Nicole Scherff
Kathryn Weeks
J. Willard and Alice S.
Marriott Endowed
Hospitality Business
Kristel Bell
Kristina Covell
Matthew Emmorey
Paul Finstad
Natalie Fort
Rose Halle
Arielle Johnson
Rebecca LaDuke
Mindy Mai
Michelle Mize
Tracy McKellar
Lauren McLaughlin
Alice Ou
Alexander Parke
Laurel Smith
Erica Weinbaum
Marriott Michigan State
Alumni Scholarship
Anne Curto
Tracy Enners
Corbin Martinez
Shirley K. Pasant
Endowed Scholarship
in Hospitality Business
Jane Cerovina
Jacob Dondzila
Blair Mesyn
The James F. Rainey
Endowed Fund in
Hospitality Business
Meghan Clark
Nevena Divic
Tracy Enners
Michael Erlingis
Paul Finstad
Jessica Garlach
Megan Geist
Jane Malina
Jessica Munoz
Elizabeth Sandler
Paige Schultz
Anna Wendzinski
David Rudd Scholarship
Emily McCandless
Schmidgall Family
Endowed Hospitality
Business Financial
Management Scholarship
Philip Kasischke
Kristin Randall
George Schumaker
Endowed Scholarship
in Hospitality Business
Jane Malina
Kellie McCormick
Justin Sugerman
Fred A. and Eve G.
Simonsen Scholarship
Megan Petrous
Kayla Howey
Allison Kubek
Jenna Stretanski
Karly Aldridge
Meghan Bean
Samantha Brock
Jenny Burke
Erin Cardwell
Shelby Chessman
Alyssa Ciapala
Kristina Covell
Anne Curto
Gina DeBruyn
Kayli Delamielleure
Nevena Divic
Michael Erlingis
Tracy Enners
Kelsey Fedewa
Paul Finstad
Natalie Fort
Brittan Friddell
Gina Glli
Rebecca Ginsberg
Lindsey Gintner
Lindsey Greenfelder
Chloe Grost
Rose Halle
Arielle Hatsios
Scot Hoke
YangYang Huang
Elizabeth Hyde
Thomas Inners
Philip Kasischke
Yagyoung Kim
Michelle LeDuke
Ariel Lessens
Hang Liu
Mary Lutton
Meagan Lutton
Lucas Magnini
Emily McCandless
Kathleen McDonald
Michelle Mize
Lauren Miller
Courtney Moore
Scott Nuyttens
Alice Ou
Brad Peterson
Kevin Pollack
Xuetong Qi
Kristin Randall
Nathan Redner
James Rudolph
Nicole Scherff
Lily Shoup
Alyssa Simpson
Sydney Sims
Laurel Smith
Jenna Stretanski
Luis Suarez
Allison Turner
Kellie Utsler
Kristin Vallade
Victoria Vandegrift
Troy Walker
Amy Wayland
Erica Weinbaum
Jessica Wiggins
Rachel Wing
Fred Wurster
Xin Yang
Lauren Zehnder
Wen Zhang
Erik Zmuidins
Cathleen Zuzelski
Paul A. Smith Scholarship
Endowment for Domestic
and International
Business Travel
Meghan Bean
Erin Cardwell
Alyssa Ciapala
Meghan Clark
Jamari Clark
Gina DeBruyn
Nevena Divic
Michael Erlingis
Tracy Enners
Kelsey Fedewa
Paul Finstad
Natalie Fort
Brittan Friddell
Gina Glli
Rebecca Ginsberg
Lindsey Gintner
Chloe Grost
Rose Halle
Arielle Hatsios
YangYang Huang
Elizabeth Hyde
Thomas Inners
Philip Kasischke
Yagyoung Kim
Michelle LaDuke
Ariel Lessens
Hang Liu
Mary Lutton
Meagan Lutton
Lucas Magnini
Emily McCandless
Kathleen McDonald
Michelle Mize
Courtney Moore
Scott Nuyttens
Alice Ou
Kevin Pollack
Xuetong Qi
Ivy Qui
Kristin Randall
Nathan Redner
James Rudolph
Nicole Scherff
Courtney Schneider
Lily Shoup
Sydney Sims
Laurel Smith
Jenna Stretanski
Luis Suarez
Allison Turner
Kellie Utsler
Kristin Vallade
Victoria Vandegrift
Troy Walker
Amy Wayland
Erica Weinbaum
Jessica Wiggins
Fred Wurster
Xin Yang
Lauren Zehnder
Wen Zhang
Cathleen Zuzelski
Starwood Foundation
Expendable Scholarship
Meghan Clark
Paul Finstad
Rebecca Ginsberg
Jessica Wiggins
Statler Foundation
Michael Erlingis
Alan and Bernice Suitor
and Automatic Products
International, Ltd.
Endowed Scholarship
in Hospitality Business
Megan Geist
Kathryn Kota
F. Brooks and Jan Thomas
Endowed Hospitality
Business Student
Jennifer Burke
Stefanie Comins
Tourism Cares Academic
Jacob Dondzila
Lou Weckstein Endowed
Scholarship Fund in
Hospitality Business
Rasheeda Augustine
Lindsey Gagneau
Madeline Pappas
Jessica Wiggins
Donald V. Whipp, Jr.
Emily McCandless
Winegardner & Hammons,
Inc., Hotel Student
Endowed Scholarship
Amber Garr
James Rudolph
Victoria Vandegrift
Audrey Wright
Building wealth, Building a life—
HA Members Get VALUABLE Advice
At a November meeting of the full membership of HA,
the students got some expert advice from Alumnus Pete
Benington (BA ’78), Vice President, Financial Advisor,
Wealth Advisory Specialist, and Certified Portfolio Manager
with the Red Cedar Group at Morgan Stanley Smith
Barney. Offering “Financial Advice for the College Grad,”
Pete discussed the important things to consider when
interviewing for a job (wear good shoes, prepare well) and
after securing a job (be careful with your bank account,
establish good credit, find reliable transportation).
Pete also advised the students to check on a company’s
benefits package and disability insurance, and find
out whether a company might offer a matching savings
plan. Begin to pay off student loans, build a reserve
fund, and build a budget plan, he suggested.
The student Hospitality Association (HA),
founded in 1928, has reorganized its
Executive Board to become more effective
as the umbrella brand for The School’s
10 student clubs and four major events.
Goals are important, according to Pete, so to that end he
encouraged students to examine their short-term plans
(Is this where I want to live?) and their intermediate plans
(Do I want marriage? Home ownership?). Pete also discussed
“Continue Your Education,” encouraging the students to learn
about taxes, vehicles, and investments. “Be thinking even now
about long-term goals and try to minimize debt,” he said.
“This type of professional development program helps
us all,” says Jake Dondzila (BA ’12), HA president. It’s
not too early for any of us to consider financial planning
and setting goals. We appreciated Pete’s taking the
time to talk to us and give us his expert advice.”
Megan Geist, Nevena Divic, Paul Finstad, Rose Halle, Jake Dondzila,
and Kathleen McDonald
2011-12 HA Executive Board:
Later in the year, Vijay K. Khetarpal, CLU, ChFC, CFP,
RFC, and president and CEO of Integrity Financial
Group, LLC, spoke to Dr. AJ Singh’s classes, and then
met with several members of the HA Executive Board
to discuss key points in financial planning as the
students prepare to leave college and begin their careers.
The three steps to financial security, he said, are:
Protection: preserving what you already
own, insuring the unexpected
Savings: for short-term needs, cash for liquidity
Growth: for longer-term needs,
investments for opportunities
Jake Dondzila (BA ’12), HA president said Mr.
Khetarpal noted that “the most valuable asset is
yourself,and you need to make sure that, whatever you
do, you keep yourself healthy and able to work.”
CEO - Jake Dondzila
COO - Rose Halle
CFO - Paul Finstad
Director of Events - Kathleen McDonald
Director of Communications - Nevena Divic
Director of Philanthropy - Megan Geist
2012-13 HA Executive Board:
CEO - Paul Finstad
COO - Megan Geist
CFO - Nevena Divic
Director of Events - Katie Lutton
Director of Communications - Libbi Dust
Director of Philanthropy - Alyssa Bellinger
Director of Marketing - Jessica Garlach
Real Estate
Investment Club
Eight students in the REIC traveled to
Chicago early last spring to visit Jones
Lang LaSalle and CBRE. Alumni helped
make the trip possible, and they, as
well as other company executives,
met with the students. The alumni
are Nate Sahn (BA ’97), first vice
president, investment properties,
of CBRE Hotels; Adam McGaughy
(BA ’90), executive vice president
at Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels; and
Stephany Chen (BA ’09), analyst at
Jones Lang LaSalle. Both Nate and
Adam serve on The School’s Real Estate
and Development Advisory Council.
Not only were the students advised
about the best ways to present and
market themselves as candidates
for positions in the real estate and
development field, but executives at
CBRE extensively explained the process
of selling a hospitality property,
provided a case study, and taught
students the processes involved in a
property auction. The leaders at Jones
Lang LaSalle taught the students about
investment sales (brokerage) and
shared the company’s business model.
Interestingly, the executives also
stressed another skill: good writing.
Says Michael Nickerson. “Having the
necessary skills to write well is one of
the most important things for someone
looking to succeed in hospitality
real estate and development.”
“I learned so much—even the various
processes of auctioning off assets,”
says Meghan Clark (BA ’13).
Kyle Rais says the executives explained
that the students need to have a
“good understanding of the cash
flow theory, what goes into a cap
rate and a discount rate, how to
maximize value, and most importantly,
how to write effectively.”
Saira Shah was impressed with the
companies’ interactive and real-life
examples of property valuations
and auction services. “I learned the
importance of reading your client and
that a sales pitch is more successful if
research about clients and their wants
and needs is done beforehand.”
“We are grateful to both companies,
and the alumni who helped arrange for
our trip,” says club president Michael
Erlingis (BA ’12). “We are very fortunate
to have them as mentors and their
companies as examples of success.”
National Society of Minorities in Hospitality
Empowering Trip
for NSMH...
STRENGTH program participants with Dr. Ernie Betts, Dr. Cichy, and Dr. Matt Anderson
Arielle Johnson (BA ’12), the activities/community
service chair of the National Society of Minorities
in Hospitality (NSMH), coordinated the chapter’s
STRENGTH program. “Students Taking Responsibility
in Engineering New Growth Through Hospitality”
allowed chapter members to visit Lansing Sexton
High School twice a month, conducting workshops
for students about the hospitality industry, college
readiness, professional development, and diversity.
The chapter also hosted a
luncheon for the high school
Students Taking
that participated in STRENGTH,
Responsibility in
and held an awards ceremony.
Engineering New
Growth Through
On April 12, the final STRENGTH
activity for the high school students
was a tour of MSU and The School. Says Arielle, “We
started at Eppley, where Ms. Hawks and Dr. Cichy
provided breakfast for the students. They were
shown The School’s offices, and they learned about
SIRC, School Alumni, and the Broad College. We
then went to the MSU Library for a quick overview
of the resources, technology, and people available for
students at MSU. Next, we went to Kellogg Hotel
and Conference Center, where Professor of Culinary
Business Chef Allan Sherwin (BA ’64), Culinary
Coordinator Chef Rick Brown, and I gave a tour of
the new CBLL, and all of its features. The students
were able to learn about all of the classes taught in
that space. We also got to sample the pasta and cheese
bread that was made in the HB 345 Lab class that day!
We ended our trip with a tour of Brody complex and
the students had a chance to eat at the new Brody.”
This program has the potential to help high school
students make life-changing decisions about their
futures. Arielle says, “I was encouraged by the
support we were given from The School’s faculty
and staff during the STRENGTH program.”
Arielle began her career after graduation last spring
as a manager in the MDP program with Marriott
International, Inc.
NSMH members attended
the 23rd National Annual
Conference on February 16
in Washington, DC. The trip,
which included 11 students,
was funded through a generous
grant received from Hilton
Worldwide and chapter
fundraisers held throughout
Fall semester. The conference
proved to be an empowering
experience, inspiring both
leadership in and commitment
to the hospitality industry.
The conference began with an
opening session, where chapters
from each region displayed
their hospitality school spirit.
The next two days in DC
were filled with professional
development workshops,
networking opportunities,
career fairs, and interviewing.
“We were all proud to say we
were students from The School
of Hospitality Business,” says
NSMH vice president Larry
Bryant. “The industry leaders
in attendance were well aware
of The School’s reputation,
and took our comments and
questions very seriously.”
According to chapter
President Lauren Wilson,
“The conference helped us all
to grow both professionally
and personally.” It concluded
with an elegant, Presidentialthemed gala including the
national board members
and leading industry partners.
“We all came back to campus
with lasting memories and
even more enthusiasm for
the limitless possibilities in
our industry,” she says.
“Under the capable leadership
of President Lauren Wilson,
NSMH managed all of their
logistics and participation for
the national conference in DC. It
is heartwarming to see that they
represented The School so well,”
says Authella Collins Hawks,
NSMH advisor and SIRC director.
Best in the Nation!
Spartan Professional Convention Management Association Chapter
The student chapter of the Professional Convention Management
Association (PCMA) in The School was named the Student Chapter
of the Year for 2011/2012 by the PCMA Education Foundation, the
educational arm of the national organization for the meeting and
convention industry. With this designation, the chapter received
$1,000 for educational purposes, which was used to send nine
students to the PCMA Annual Meeting: Convening Leaders in
San Diego, CA, January 8-12, 2012.
MSU’s club was one of only two receiving this distinction—
out of 20 that applied from around the nation. Selections were
made based on a portfolio application demonstrating overall
leadership, academic excellence, community/college involvement,
and membership growth.
“We were so excited to learn about the award,” says Tracy Enners
(BA ’12), vice president of the club. “Our members have a lot of
passion for the industry. We work hard,
and we’re grateful to be recognized.”
Current membership
Over the course of 2011-2012, the
executive board of the student chapter
was busy planning, coordinating, and
recruiting new members, emphasizing
two key goals: experience and education.
includes Hospitality
Business majors
as well as majors in
Communications and
Public Relations.
Current membership includes Hospitality Business majors
as well as majors in Communications and Public Relations.
Members took on leadership roles in the events the organization
coordinated, such as the East Lansing Film Festival (November
11-13, 2011); Like a Fine Wine, LAP Only Gets Better With Time
(April 20, 2012); and, new this year, Mr. and Mrs. Hospitality
(March 16, 2011). Members have also volunteered for bridal shows,
exhibitions, and other community events.
In addition, 15 students traveled to Chicago, IL, for a Greater
Midwest Chapter of PCMA education program in September, and
two students went to Detroit, MI, for a networking event with the
National Association of Catering Executives in November.
Member meetings have focused on educating students about
industry communication (language), news, and trends. The club
officers were excited to share their knowledge of past internships,
and guest speakers from the industry networked and spoke on
professionalism and involvement in the industry.
PCMA was extremely grateful to receive the Student Chapter
of the Year award for 2011-2012 and the $1000 scholarship. The
group’s faculty advisor, Dr. Jeff Beck, says MSU’s PCMA student
chapter has a strong impact on its members, on the campus, and
on the community. “They may still be students,” he says, “but in
many ways they are experienced professionals, as well. This award
shows what they are capable of. I’m very proud of them.”
You know you’ve done something right
when your professor and chapter advisor
sends the following email...
Professor Jeff Beck with PCMA students in San Diego
In early January, soon after receiving the Chapter
of the Year award, the PCMA chapter at MSU sent nine
members to Convening Leaders in San Diego, CA.
Along with the chapter’s award scholarship, chapter
fundraising events and scholarships through The
School helped cover the cost of travel, registration,
and accommodations.
Vice President of the PCMA chapter Tracy Enners
(BA ’12), a senior in The School, was awarded the
PCMA Convening Leaders Scholarship, which covered
all of her expenses for the convention, and also
provided a mentor for the convention and the
remainder of the year. The scholarship was based
on academic achievements, recommendations, and
a written essay. Tracy says, “I valued my experience
at Convening Leaders so much more because of
this award. It allowed me to focus on learning and
developing professional relationships, instead of on
finances. It was a pleasure representing Michigan
State University at the convention.”
The students joined Logan Webster (BA ’10), sales
manager at Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego for an
informal hotel tour and meeting. He shared valuable
advice on choosing the right career path and adjusting
to life after graduation.
With over 3,000 meeting professionals, students, and
planners attending Convening Leaders, MSU’s PCMA
chapter members were exposed to the wide range of
possibilities within in the event, meeting, and hospitality
sales industry. Their convention experience is a valuable
complement to their courses and internships.
“Going to conferences and events hosted by PCMA
inspires me to plan new and creative events,” says
Chief Financial Officer of the student chapter Paige
Schultz (BA ’12). “I like how Convening Leaders
‘test drives’ new meeting strategies and technologies
so planners can experience and then implement
these creative methods. There are so many new
trends I learned about in the industry.”
Double WOW!
Congrats to the
whole chapter.
Awesome job
raising your
Spartan Shield!
Go Green!
Travel safely
coming home.”
World-Class MSU Students
Attend CMAA World Conference
Students in the MSU chapter of the
Club Managers Association of America
(CMAA) did indeed have something
to celebrate after a record number of
its members attended the 85th World
Conference of CMAA in New Orleans
February 24 - February 27. The chapter
took home two awards: Club of the
Future Competition for Event Planning
and the Student Membership Growth
Award for the Highest Percentage
of World Conference Attendees.
Dr. Bonnie Knutson, chapter advisor,
was certainly proud, as was Dr. Ron
Cichy, who traveled with the students.
They made it to World Conference
despite rough travel conditions,
leaving as they did in the midst of a
snowstorm. But they made the best
of the conditions, and the students
were high profile at the conference,
attending numerous educational
sessions and workshops, including
the keynote speech by football great
Archie Manning; networking with
private club executives and managers;
and attending The School’s MSU
Alumni/Student breakfast on Tuesday
morning before all of the competing
chapters received their awards at the
CMAA Student Achievement Breakfast/
Orientation later in the morning.
A student networking event got
everything started for the group on
Friday evening, where dozens of
hospitality programs were represented
across the U.S. The MSU students
were most impressed with a session
titled “What? I’m a Brand?” on
Saturday morning, presented by School
Alumnus Gary Hernbroth (BA ’79),
president of Training for Winners.
“It was a fascinating seminar,” said Luke
Magnini (BA ’12), MSU’s CMAA chapter
president. “We all know that products
have ‘brands,’ and that people make
decisions everyday over which brands
to choose, based on a wide variety of
things. But Gary talked about people,
too, having brands, and little things
go into which ‘brand’ a company will
hire. It gave us a lot to think about.”
Gary was just as impressed with the
students, saying, “It was great seeing the
Spartan students at CMAA. I was proud
to see our contingent there, and the fact
that they took two major CMAA awards
back to East Lansing was great, too. I
was also so proud of them when they
sang the fight song the loudest among
the other hundreds of CMAA student
attendees during my session. All this,
along with the recent PCMA chapter of
the year award last month—and I’d say
that The School is on a major roll!”
“I think the students always benefit
from our alumni, whether it’s through
a session like Gary’s or through our
Alumni/Student breakfast,” said Dr.
Cichy. “The alumni are wonderful
mentors, and I cannot say enough about
the professionalism and maturity of our
students this year. It was a pleasure
attending the conference with this group
of remarkable individuals.” And their two
awards support Dr. Cichy’s contention.
Each student’s travel and registration
expenses were covered with scholarship
funds in The School designated for this
purpose. “I was grateful to be able to apply
for the travel money,” said Natalie Fort (BA
’13). “The experience and the contacts are
invaluable, especially as I prepare to pursue
a career in the private club industry.”
Shining Her Light!
Top Student Employee Winner
Defines Engagement
Last March, it was announced that
School student Ilycia Shaw (BA ’12)
was named Michigan State’s Student
Employee of the Year! Then, last April,
it was announced that Ilycia had
won the State of Michigan Student
Employee of the Year award! Wait—
not done! Ilycia won the Midwest Regional Student Employee
of the Year—and as The Leader went to press, she was entered
in the national competition and awaiting the results.
Immigration Reform...
Technology... Hold/Sell Analysis...
Ilycia was chosen from all of the student employees on
campus, and greatly deserves the honors. She works as
training manager and external philanthropy manager
for the University’s Advancement and MSU Greenline.
Frank Tramble, Ilycia’s boss and the MSU Greenline
and Student Envoy Coordinator, explains her impressive
qualifications: “She has trained over 300 callers and
supervisors. She created a 50-page training manual that
has been the leading reason for new supervisors’ success.
Ilycia piloted an internship as our volunteer coordinator.
She wanted to bring the gift of philanthropy into the homes
of those who truly need it. In only two months, she completed
five different external philanthropy events. She led our team
on the annual AIDS/HIV Awareness walk, organized a group
of staff members to carol at local nursing and retirement
homes, and organized a team of students to help a local
man build a shelter for homeless boys in Lansing.”
“Ilycia’s outreach
has done more
than build our
program. It has
changed people’s
lives in the name
of the University.”
As if that’s not enough, Frank goes
on to say, “Two of her most notable
events were her food drive for
Thanksgiving and her gift drive for
Christmas.” At Thanksgiving, her
efforts yielded over 500 pounds and
over 550 items to give to local families,
all with special needs children, and all with great need.
At Christmas, her work delivered 53 gifts to a household
of nine people living in a one-bedroom apartment. During
the winter, Ilycia organized a coat drive for needy children.
“Her work has led this internship to be a permanent
department,” Frank says, leading to a new “External
Philanthropy Division, and becoming a staple for University
Advancement.” He sums her influence up beautifully, saying,
“Ilycia’s outreach has done more than build our program. It
has changed people’s lives in the name of the University.”
Ilycia is also an outstanding student with an impressive
GPA. She has studied abroad in Belgium, France, and Italy.
She has been featured in numerous letters to MSU Alumni,
and has been individually mentored in The School. And
she completed a successful sales and marketing internship
with the Michigan Lodging & Tourism Association—all
while being employed at MSU. Congratulations Ilycia!
Michael Erlingis, Jim Evans (CEO of Brand USA), Paul Finstad, and AJ Singh
MSU Students Win HAMA Competition
Two students in The School of Hospitality Business’s Real Estate and
Development Specialization have earned top honors in the Hospitality
Asset Managers Association (HAMA) Student Competition.
Paul Finstad (BA ’13) and Michael Erlingis (BA ’12), both officers in The
School’s Real Estate Investment Club (Michael as president), submitted
a PowerPoint presentation focused on immigration reform policies and
how they will affect the hospitality industry. Along with online research,
the pair also used information on tourism and immigration reform
policies—particularly on Brand USA—that they collected at Americas
Lodging Investment Summit (ALIS) this winter in Los Angeles.
And that’s not all. Two additional students, both of whom are also
enrolled in the Real Estate and Development Specialization, won
Honorable Mention. Cindy Tran (BA ’13) submitted an entry titled
“Technology 2012,” and Andrew Steward (BA ’13) submitted “Hold/Sell
Analysis.” Each of their projects is posted on the members-only portion
of the HAMA website where the information can be shared with all
HAMA members, giving the students’ work exposure to approximately
150 of the leading hotel asset management professionals in the world.
Steven Nicholas, principal and executive vice president of Noble
Investment Group, speaking on behalf of the HAMA Board of Directors,
noted that the students’ entries were selected by a panel of HAMA
judges from among “a substantial field of high-quality contenders
from both Cornell University and Michigan State University.”
Paul and Michael received all-expense paid trips to the 2012 Spring
HAMA Conference at the Westin Diplomat Resort & Spa in Hollywood,
FL, on April 11 and 12.
Associate Professor AJ Singh, who helped advise the students on their
project, also serves as faculty advisor for the Real Estate Investment
Club. He was justifiably proud of their achievement, and of the fact that
this is the second year in a row that MSU students have earned such
honors from HAMA. “There is a growing level of interest and knowledge
in this field by our students, and Paul, Michael, Cindy, and Andrew are
great examples of the potential they all exhibit. We are very proud of
these young leaders.”
The Spartan Enology Society
was incredibly active during the
2011-2012 school year. The executive
board has been aptly and
affectionately named the “Cork
Board.” The Cork Board grew from
the original four to the dynamic
six-person team of Nate Redner
(BA ’12), Fred Wurster (BA ’12),
Laurie Asava (BA ’13), Tom Inners
(BA ’12), Christina Cooney (BA ’13),
and Matt Jannette (BA ’13). The
group established a scholarship fund
and purchased books for a library
that is available for members as
they study for the Introductory
Sommelier Exam. The knowledge
members gain from the books is
supplemented with the Student
Sommelier Program, led by Cork
Board member and Introductory
Sommelier Tom Inners.
The Student Sommelier Program,
much like SES itself, is a first of its
kind activity. Members are supplied
with study materials free of charge
to help them become educated
hospitality professionals with a
strong background knowledge of
and passion for wine. Cork Board
members and other wine enthusiasts
volunteered their time to help the
local vintners of Burgdorf’s Winery
harvest their crop. They were then
invited back to the Burgdorf’s home
in Haslett, MI, to privately tour their
entire operation. In only its second
year, SES membership numbers are
relatively small, but a very high
percentage of those members (85%)
anticipate taking the Sommelier
Exam, which is a huge commitment
and an immense undertaking.
“I was interviewed last winter by the
editor of Wine and Spirits magazine
about how a wine club functions on
a purely educational basis without
consumption,” says Nate, president
of SES. “The interview was a learning
experience which perhaps will lead
to additional positive press.” The
club members are proud of their
work this past year, and look forward
to great things.
Guinness World Record!
Demonstration Hall on the campus of Michigan State University was the site of a world recordbreaking line of—believe it or not—tacos. And two students in The School of Hospitality Business
demonstrated their perseverance, persuasive powers, and organizational skills by spending nearly
eight months orchestrating the memorable event, which occurred on Friday evening, September 30,
and indeed fulfilled the Guinness Book of World Records requirements.
Nate Redner (BA ’12) and Luke Magnini (BA ’12) came up with
the idea when they happened to watch a YouTube video detailing
the record set by Dining Services at Emory University, which was
260 tacos, totaling 121 feet.
They worked with School Alumnus and the MSU Culinary Services
Corporate Chef Kurt Kwiatkowski (BA ’96, MS ’05) on the project.
Originally planned to coincide with the “Izzone campout,” where
thousands of students camp out to garner a coveted spot in the
Izzone at MSU basketball games, the record-break attempt was
moved indoors to nearby Dem Hall when inclement weather
cancelled the campout.
150 pounds of beef
+35 pounds of cheese
+50 pounds of
pico de gallo
+853 taco shells
490-foot taco line
Using only MSU ingredients, the line contained 150 pounds of beef, 35 pounds of cheese, and 50
pounds of pico de gallo. The State News on Monday, October 3 quoted Nate, who said, “We made the
tortillas in Brody. The beef is a special project between MSU and Michigan Beef Producers. The cheese
is from the MSU Dairy Store. And the pico de gallo is 100 percent from the Student Organic Farm.”
All the ingredients added up to a 490-foot taco line with 853 tacos—placed on tables in the shape
of a block “S,” and created with the help of almost sixty volunteers. The project covered nearly the
whole length of Dem Hall, which served for years as MSU’s ice hockey rink.
The State News article explained the Guinness Book of World Records logistics: “... culinary officials
were required to record an exact measurement of the taco line. In addition, a video had to be taken
of the line-up and each individual taco had to be counted and documented. Several witnesses and
MSU workers also were required to fill out forms documenting Friday’s event.”
School Director Ron Cichy
was one of those witnesses.
He was amazed, but not
surprised, by the students’
accomplishment and sense
of fun. “It seems as though
there is nothing Nate and
Luke can’t accomplish when
they put their minds to it,”
he said. “And it’s great
to see that they made it
a total Spartan effort.”
And who can resist a free
meal with fresh ingredients,
all from the State of
Michigan and MSU’s
campus? Certainly not
the students who enjoyed
breaking—and then
eating—the world record
taco line!
The School has ten professional clubs
and executive boards for four major
annual events. Overseeing them all is
The School’s Hospitality Association
(HA), which has its own, active
executive board. HA, several of the
clubs, and each event board chose a
charitable project, and made the 2011
holidays happier for many people.
In early December, with
finals looming and papers
and projects due, you
might think students
in The School would be
concentrating solely on
getting the semester over
and heading home for
the holidays.
But they weren’t. Instead,
during that stressful and
pressure-filled time in their
school year, they chose to
think of others.
Director of Philanthropy for HA Megan
Geist (BA ’14) says, “We are so fortunate
to be students in The School. Giving
back is one of the most important things
one can do in life. As students, we get
caught up in our daily lives and often
don’t think about those who are in need.
Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, ‘Life’s
most persistent and urgent question is,
“What are you doing for others?” We can
answer that question by saying, ‘We, as
students, are giving our time, talent, and
treasure to those who need it more.’”
Taking into account all of the student
members of each club and the executive
board members of HA and the four events,
the number of students involved in these
charitable projects was in the hundreds!
While nearly every club and event did
something on its own for a different
charity, together, the Hospitality Business
clubs and events adopted two lowincome families from the Lansing area
for the holidays. Each club was assigned
a family member and was responsible
for purchasing an article of clothing
and a fun toy/gift item. Staff and faculty
also helped raise funds to provide food
items for each family’s holiday dinner.
Two students organized the 2011 holiday
drive: Courtney Moore (BA ’12), member
of HA, and Megan Geist (BA ’14).
The families were adopted through
the Michigan Chapter of Volunteers of
America which is a national nonprofit
organization dedicated to helping people
in need to get on their feet and reach
their full potential. Gifts were due on the
last day of classes and were delivered
to the families’ homes the following
week by the two student coordinators.
Courtney explains, “Last year my Ford
Explorer was filled to the brim with
gifts, and we did the same this year.”
Courtney says that volunteering and
giving back to the community can be
very rewarding. “Of course,” she says,
“the main priority is helping those
that need it, but it’s also a feel-good
activity on the giving end. Many college
students tend to be somewhat removed
from the communities they live in as
everything they need can be found on
campus, and finding ways to be involved
isn’t always convenient. This is why we
wanted to create an easy, meaningful
way for hospitality students to spread
the holiday spirit and help them connect
to the greater community while coming
together and bonding as a student body.”
Penny Wars was another Hospitality
Association fundraising effort. Penny
Wars was a friendly competition among
all of The School’s clubs, events, and
faculty. The goal was to raise $225 for
the Boys and Girls Club of Lansing. The
clubs competed against each other for
one month and raised a record $388.
The Professional Convention
Management Association (PCMA)
took part in Holiday Mail for Heroes,
which is organized by the American Red
Cross. Throughout the holiday season,
the American Red Cross worked with
Pitney Bowes, a mail stream technology
company, to distribute holiday cards to
American service members, veterans, and
their families in the U.S. and around the
world. Members of PCMA made cards and
mailed them before December 9. PCMA
HA Executive Board members
President Corbin Martinez (BA ’13) says,
“We wanted to take part in a charity that
not only gives back to the community, but
is interactive and fun... and what a great
way to spend time together, get in the
holiday spirit, and make holiday cards!”
The executive board of CAREER EXPO,
one of the major annual events in The
School, decided to make their holiday
cards for patients at Clare Bridge of
Meridian – Michigan Alzheimer’s
Care Facility. They made their cards
on December 5 and delivered their
creations the following week.
CAREER EXPO Executive Director
Jessica Wiggins (BA ’12) explains, “Clare
Bridge of Meridian treats each resident
individually, catering to each person’s
needs. The CAREER EXPO team worked
together to make each resident’s holiday
season brighter through our personal
gesture of creating holiday cards.”
Nicole Scherff (BA ’12), an officer of
the Club Managers Association of
America (CMAA), reported that Sparrow
Hospital also benefitted from that club’s
holiday efforts. CMAA donated toys
and gifts to the playroom at Sparrow on
December 10, providing a “way for the
children to get their minds off where
they are and give them some joy and
happiness, if only for the moment.”
The Executive Board of Vegas Night
provided food and other necessities to
the Greater Lansing Food Bank. The
food drive was from December 5-9, and
combined with the Vegas Night fundraiser
at Buffalo Wild Wings on December 7.
Students delivered the items to the Food
Bank on December 9. Co-Director of
Marketing for Vegas Night Shelby Masen
(BA ’14) says, “Vegas Night wants to
help out the people in need around the
Lansing area during the holidays. We
accepted gifts ranging from household
goods to food to outdoor items.”
The Executive Board of Les Gourmets
hosted an educational dinner on
Sunday, December 4 at the Gateway
Community Center, a service center in
East Lansing to assist families, teens,
and struggling youths. The goal was
to educate the youth of the center
about how simple and important it is
to maintain a healthy lifestyle through
home-cooked meals. The Board provided
an interactive pasta dinner to encourage
the youth to eat well and to provide
a sense of community and care.
House provides us the opportunity
to give back to the local community
while recycling at the same time!”
Brittany Friddell (BA ’12), CEO, explains
that “Les Gourmets touches the hearts and
lives of all of the students involved in the
planning process from year to year. Our
Pure Michigan theme this year not only
represents the ways that living in this
state has touched our lives but now will
be able to touch the lives of individuals
in our community. Fully taking to heart
our passion for exceptional food and
great service, we want to share this
love with struggling youth hoping to
spark a passion within them as well.”
Eta Sigma Delta, the international
hospitality business honor society,
conducted a “labels for education”
drive. The group collects Campbell’s
soup labels, box tops, and labels
from other participating products.
These labels are worth points that
elementary schools can exchange for
school products. At the end of the Fall
semester, the labels were donated to
a local elementary school. President
Jane Cerovina (BA ’12) says, “Eta Sigma
Delta chose this drive to demonstrate
our commitment to education.”
The Executive
Board of the 21st
Annual Hospitality
The School of
Business Alumni
Association Auction
helped the Ronald McDonald House
in Lansing by collecting pop can tabs,
which can be turned in at the recycling
center for funding. The group collected
the tabs throughout Fall semester.
The Ronald McDonald House provides
comfort and care to children and their
families who are patients at Sparrow
Hospital in Lansing. Auction CEO Laurel
Smith (BA ’12) says, “We wanted to
give back in a way that didn’t require
asking people to support us by giving
more money. The Ronald McDonald
“We are so fortunate to be students in The School. Giving back is one
of the most important things one can do in life...”
Director of Philanthropy for HA Megan Geist (BA ’14)
Hospitality in Action
The National Society of Minorities in
Hospitality (NSMH) collected mittens
for the Helping Hands drive. The
mittens were donated to local shelters
in the Lansing area on December 6.
NSMH officer Lauren Wilson (BA ’12)
explains, “There is no greater reward
than the feeling you get from making a
difference in the lives of those in need.”
Students in the Society for Foodservice
Management (SFM) hosted an
appreciation dinner for the ROTC on
campus, whom they say is the “future
of the armed forces who protect us as
citizens.” The dinner was December
5 at Demonstration Hall. Drew
Peabody (BA ’12), SFM co-director
of marketing, was in charge of the
dinner, and said, “It was something
close to the heart of one of our E-board
members, and it’s an incredible way
for us to put our passion for food to
good use in a way to give back to the
people who do so much for us.”
It seems that for students in The School,
hospitality extends all the way through
finals week.
Inspired by the students, the selfless and
hardworking office staff in The School gave a
special holiday gift to the faculty. Jamie Lyon,
Chris Moening, Karen Van Atta, and Lois
Schroeder made a donation in honor of
The School’s faculty to the MSU Food Bank,
which supports needy undergraduate and
graduate students in the MSU community.
“It was a wonderful surprise, and such a
generous gesture,” says Dr. Jeff Beck. “I know
I speak for all of The School’s faculty when I
say we were deeply moved by this donation.”
WE are the school students
Glory, Tradition, Family... and Roots
A few blinks later—what a year!
Excerpts from Jake Dondzila’s address at the
Spring Semester 2012 Newest Alumni Brunch...
At the end of Spring Semester 2011, I started
on the journey as president of the Hospitality
Association. On election day, I was studying
abroad in Sydney, Australia, and I was
standing on the balcony with my laptop to
skype in my speech. The Pacific Ocean was
in the background, the sun was shining, and
I was extremely excited. At that point, I had
no idea what I was about to get myself into.
After school finished in Sydney, I headed up
to the Australian rainforest to work at a resort, where I lived in a
tent a quick walk to the beach, and really not a care in the world.
I had a lot of free time and I spent many of my runs on the beach
reflecting on my new role as the HA president.
HA Team Raises Money, Remembers
Just before finals week, students at MSU engaged in a different kind
of test. Hundreds of them gathered on Munn Field at 6:00 pm on
Friday, April 20 until Saturday morning at 9:00 to participate in the
American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life. For an entire weekend,
teams of students raised money, walked or ran the track, honored
loved ones, and tried to stay warm and awake during the unusually
cold and rainy weekend.
Among them was a team from The School of Hospitality Business’s
Hospitality Association (HA). Megan Geist (BA ’13), HA’s director
of philanthropy, explains:
“Our team was made up of Hospitality Business majors, from freshmen
to seniors. Team members had to sign up and donate $10. The HA team
actually earned a ‘pimped’ out campsite for winning a challenge, meaning
that we were able to enjoy an event tent with three walls, tables, chairs,
and even food. As a team, we also sold soup and pulled pork to raise more
money at the event. One of the HA clubs, the Spartan Enology Society,
came up with an even more creative way to raise funds. Their members
had a ‘stomp out cancer’ fundraiser in which, for $1, people could get
in a grape barrel and stomp the grapes.”
What I didn’t know was that as soon as I would get back to East
Lansing, the relaxation and easy-going, carefree lifestyle would
be quickly behind me, and reality would set in. I assembled the
HA Board, and we hit the ground running, with a lot of great
new ideas, and a few blinks later, I’m standing here today,
wondering where the year went. However, looking back, this
graduating class has so much to be proud of. The year was a
tremendously successful one for all the hospitality clubs and
events: best float again at Homecoming; record donations for
Auction; a sellout for Les Gourmets before the invitations were
even mailed; big awards for PCMA and for CMAA; and lots of
travel for students to educational conferences and our School’s
Celebration of Leadership.
“We had students show up and stay for as long as they could bear the
cold. The entire HA executive board stayed until 5:00 am on Saturday,
and our HA President Jake Dondzila (BA ’12), our Auction Chief Executive
Officer Laurel Smith (BA ’12), and our HA Chief Operating Officer Rose
Halle (BA ’12), stayed until the very end and the closing ceremony.”
We participated in a record amount of philanthropy this year,
some of which included adopting two families for the holidays,
raising money for the Boys and Girls Club of Lansing, raising over
$3,000 and having over 50 team members for Relay for Life;
donating over $500 to the Forgotten Harvest Charity in Detroit
– and this is in addition to each club having its own charity
events. Those included helping local schools in various ways,
elderly community members, the MSU ROTC, Sparrow Hospital,
and military service members overseas.
The event was a great success, with games, music, and lots of
friendship. But it was bittersweet, as well. Megan says, “We all
did many laps around the track remembering a loved one who
has or had cancer. It was a very emotional night for many. We are
proud to say that HA exceeded our fundraising goal of $3,000.”
We had the opportunity to have lunch or meet with so many
distinguished hospitality executives, some of whom included
Sally Smith, CEO of Buffalo Wild Wings; Jeff Sinelli, founder of
Which Wich; Jack DeBoer, found of Residence Inns and 3 other
hotel brands; Max Dobens, Billy Downs, Ken Geist, team members
from The Waldorf and other properties, and so many more.
Rose herself has battled skin cancer, and HA’s participation in Relay
for Life was very meaningful for her. “I’ve always been glad, proud,
and passionate that I’m a part of The School, but this has made me
appreciate the interconnectedness even more,” she says. “We’ve
always said that HB is a family, and it really showed when I needed
my friends the most. I’m so appreciative that I’ve had the support
of friends and family and I’m glad that our senior class is so close
and passionate about helping.”
The State News reported on the event on Monday, April 23, noting
that Rose and Samantha Thomas (BA ‘12), are two Hospitality
Business students who have especially close ties to the event.
Samantha was joined by her sister, her father, and her mother,
who has lived with cancer since 1999, in the “survivors lap,”
walking around the outside of the tents and in front of more
than 1,900 total participants from 114 groups.
All of our graduates were involved in these successes in some
form, and each of you has so much to be proud of. But while
these successes were great, what we will truly remember is the
time we all spent with each other, and the memories we created
along the way.
Students in Dr. Bonnie Knutson’s
HB 476 – Applied Hospitality Marketing
in Lodging class were stunned when
the MSU Alumni Association awarded
them with lifetime membership.
Well, the students earned it.
Theirs were the top two class projects
in a “Team Spartan Spirit” assignment
which had them “look at MSU, your
collective experiences here, and the
spirit of being a Spartan ‘from an
out of the box’ perspective in a way
that you have never done before.”
So during the Michigan State
University Alumni Association’s
national board meeting Homecoming
weekend, the two teams of six
students each presented their class
projects to the board. The projects
were so stunning, so creative, and
so memorable, the Association’s
Executive Director, Scott Westerman,
awarded a lifetime membership to
each student. In addition, several of
the board committees incorporated
elements of what the students had
shown into their strategic thinking
about increasing the numbers and
engagement of Association members.
The projects were so stunning, so
creative, and so memorable, the
[MSU Alumni] Association’s
Executive Director, Scott
Westerman, awarded a lifetime
membership to each student.
A little background: Dr. Knutson’s
class is divided into 12 teams. Each
prepared a six- to eight-minute, multimedia presentation using marketing
principles learned in class—AIDA,
Creativity, Focus/Theme, Positioning—
to “rise above the clutter and reach your
audience in order to have them act.”
One team won the “Green Award,”
as determined by guest judges, and
another won the “White Award,” as
determined by fellow students.
Team Pure Spartan invoked the legacy
of former MSU President John Hannah,
who told graduates that once they walked
across the stage at graduation, they were
forever Spartans. The team developed
a strategy themed around the Spartan
“shield.” They discussed the history of
the shield in ancient Greece, and how
it stood for honor, glory, tradition,
family, and bravery. And with the
shield, they said, ancient Greece spread
its civilization throughout the known
world. The students’ campaign then
built a “call to action” for graduates/
alumni to carry the “Spartan Shield”
throughout their worlds, asking:
“Where will you carry your shield?”
Team Shore to Shore structured their
strategy on a mentoring program, with
three target markets as mentors: young
alumni, middlessence alumni, and grand
alumni. The promotional campaign utilized
a tree metaphor called “Roots.” There are
19,000 trees on campus; 6,000 species.
The team used these statistics to integrate
concepts of diversity; deep tree roots,
spreading out to embrace the land; and the
various seasons of a graduate’s life, relating
those seasons to the life of the tree.
Lifetime Spartans rejoice!
After hearing about these two
creative concepts, Westerman invited
the two winning teams to present
their projects at the beginning of
the Alumni Association national
board meeting. Dr. Knutson is
a former president of the MSU
Alumni Association National Board,
and still is a member of the board,
so she was bursting with pride
when the students “WOWed”
the board with their projects.
But she was as stunned as her
students when Westerman
surprised them with their lifetime
memberships. She says, “One student
told me later that morning that he
had never really thought about being
involved as an alumnus, or giving
back. But after that experience, he
just wants to be actively involved
in the Spartan Nation forever!”
An unintended yet positive
result of diligent work in
a demanding class.
Campus is where this Spartan found her flavor...
As I look out at all of you, I see leaders, world changers, faces
of change, innovation, education, policy, and prosperity. I see
those devoted to the service of hospitality. But most importantly,
I see my family. The people I’ve spent the last four years learning
to love. We’ve had our tremendous successes, our challenges, but
most of all, we’ve had each other. So, today, as we begin a new
phase, conquer new challenges, accumulate new successes, start
new families, let us not forget what we have done here. I wish all
of you the best of luck. Please stay in touch. GO GREEN.
Jake Dondzila
President, Hospitality Association, 2011-2012
Earning a Lifetime in the Spartan Nation
The stars were aligned one day in February,
when, in the State News, School students were
featured in articles and photos in two pages
facing each other. On page two, Allison Capili
(BA ’15) was photographed for an article on
international-based businesses and restaurants
in East Lansing. On page three, senior Troy
Walker (BA ’12) was featured in a photo and
an article on internships. In the photo, Troy is
taking a reservation at the front desk of the
Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center.
HA Relay for Life team members battle the chill for a worthy cause.
Informational table squares sitting atop all the tables at the new Brody Complex
dining room featured a photo of Sheila Hanson (BA ’13) cutting fruit in her
position in the kitchen at Brody Square. The accompanying caption stated:
“‘It’s where I found my own flavor.’ She came to MSU in pre-law. But it
wasn’t until she started working on campus that Sheila Hanson really
found her flavor. After working with the crew of professional chefs at
Brody Square, Sheila discovered her passion for food. The kitchen at
Brody Square has become her favorite classroom. It’s teaching her
about leadership (she’s now a student supervisor). It’s teaching her
about people (her co-workers and her customers have become some
of her greatest friends). With her campus job, Sheila’s learning more
than hospitality business—she’s learning about life.”
Onward and Upward
December 2011 graduateS
Over 70 guests enjoyed an elegant meal, as well
as farewell thoughts from HA CEO Jake Dondzila
(BA ’12) and from School Director and Professor
Dr. Ron Cichy. Dr. Cichy discussed the hundreds
of thousands of relationships between students,
alumni (including these brand new ones!),
faculty, and industry partners. He called the
graduates “vessels of hospitality,” which will
pour out to others during their careers.
He encouraged the graduates to create and deliver
“positively memorable experiences” to guests, and
to do so with “openness, courage, and trust.”
“DREAM BIG,” he said. After all, “You are MSU’s
The School of Hospitality Business Spartans.
Spartans Will. . . work hard and achieve their dreams.”
Outstanding Seniors Rasheeda Augustine and Michael Ignaczak with
HA President Jake Dondzila (center)
A record number of graduates and their
families and friends attended the send-off—
nearly 300—to celebrate in what The School
has begun to call, “The Newest Alumni”
brunch. The energy and emotion in the
main dining room were infectious. In her
introductory remarks, Ms. Hawks introduced
the many faculty and staff members who
were present to honor the graduates, as well
as a special alumnus who set a new standard
for mentoring this past year, Coach Billy
Downs (BA ’88), founder of Mongo
Consulting and BD’s Mongolian Barbeque.
She also introduced the speaker for the
afternoon, Alumni Association Hall of Fame
Member and Founding Director of the MSU
Hospitality Business Real Estate Institute
Richard Farrar (BA ’73).
Then Ms. Hawks gave the spotlight to some
important seniors, asking all HA, club, and
event officers to stand, as well as all senior
members of the SIRC staff.
School Director and Professor Dr. Ron Cichy,
welcomed the guests. “First,” he said, “all
family members please stand. Second, all
graduates, look at those family members
and say a sincere, ‘Thank you.’”
“What a great day,” said Rasheeda, who was joined by
17 family members, some from as far away as Jamaica.
The luncheon was followed by commencement at
MSU’s Breslin Center. The School wishes the newest
Spartan alumni the very best in their careers and all
of their endeavors.
The School congratulates December graduates.
Work hard and achieve their dreams...
Spring 2012 Graduates
This was a special group of graduates.
The class of 2012 for The School gathered
one last time before commencement on
Saturday, May 5, for an elegant brunch
at the University Club, sponsored by the
student Hospitality Association (HA) and
planned by The School’s Student and
Industry Resource Center (SIRC) Director
Authella Collins Hawks and her very
capable staff of students.
It was a celebratory day in a celebratory season.
On Saturday, December 10, the newest alumni
from The School gathered with their families at the
University Club of MSU for a graduation luncheon
provided by The School’s Hospitality Association.
Tribute was paid to the two students voted by their
peers as “Outstanding Seniors,” Rasheeda Augustine
(BA ’11) and Michael Ignaczak (BA ’11). Rasheeda
was president of the hospitality honor society Eta Sigma
Delta, and was a member of The School’s Real Estate
Investment Club. Michael served as a student leader
for the Hollywood Auction and for CAREER EXPO.
“You have the knowledge... now bring it to life!”
Dr. Cichy then noted the “Sweet Sixteen”
for these graduates, referring to the three
foundations of their education: The School,
the Broad College of Business, and of
course, MSU; the special relationships among
four groups in The School: students, faculty
and staff, alumni, and industry partners;
the four cornerstones of the curriculum:
management, operations, real estate, and
thinking like the owner; and the five ways
students receive that education: coursework,
internships, mentoring, professional
development programs, and leadership
roles in HA clubs and events. Total? Sixteen!
And because of all this, he said, “Spartans
Will—make a difference.”
Authella Collins Hawks and Dr. Cichy with Outstanding Seniors
Jessica Wiggins and Luke Magnini
After a beautifully prepared and presented
meal, Richard captivated the guests with his
address. “You have the knowledge, now,” he
said. “Bring it to life, or to your life.” You have
had 16 straight years of education, he noted,
and you have learned the skills to manage in
the hospitality industry. But now, he urged, it
is time to take the next step, to bring value to
your new employer, and to grow in wisdom.
Richard explained, “Knowledge is knowing
that tomatoes are fruit; wisdom is not putting
them in a fruit salad.”
The School’s student leaders were selected
by top companies and organizations,
Richard said, not to stay managers, but
to be “tomorrow’s leaders.”
Reminding the students that just a few years
ago, we used rotary phones, and black and
white televisions with only three channels,
Richard spoke of breakthrough technological
changes and asked the graduates how they
will prepare for and stay fresh for the next
40-50 years before they retire.
“Embrace or lead change,” he suggested.
“Think outside the box.” But at the same
time, recognize that the hospitality business
is as old as civilization (after all, he explained,
even Mary and Joseph got “walked”
due to overbooking!), and it’s not all that
complicated. “It is a service business.
We are in the business of serving others—
a noble, kind, enriching endeavor.”
One more way to lead change: “Invest
in yourself.” Richard told the students
to “exercise; read to keep your mind
challenged; invest in MSU and The School;
Spartans Will Change the world...
Dr. Cichy with Spring graduate Michelle Balaj
show leadership at work, even if it’s as simple
a volunteering to organize the summer picnic;
care—about your work, your fellow associates,
your guests, and your boss or owner; choose
to have a good attitude; call your mom and
dad at least once a week(!); and have fun,
since you will spend 75% of your waking
hours at work.”
New Alumnus and HA President
Jake Dondzila (BA ’12), who is an
extraordinary student leader, gave final
remarks. He recapped the many impressive
accomplishments of this group of seniors,
through their work with HA clubs and events.
He noted the dozens and dozens of charitable
efforts of the students. And he shared several
poignant (and funny!) memories of special
classroom and post-event moments. When
he described the remarkable closeness
within the Class of 2012, there weren’t
many dry eyes left in the room.
It was announced that Jessica Wiggins
(BA ’12), CAREER EXPO XXXIII executive
director, and Lucas Magnini (BA ’12), CMAA
student chapter president from 2010-2012,
had been voted by their peers as this class’s
Outstanding Seniors. A fitting tribute to two
“future leaders” destined for great careers.
A final treat for the new graduates was
in store at the end of the brunch. Each of
their names was called individually, each one
walked to the podium for a photo with Dr.
Cichy, and each received a commemorative
“shield” marking The School’s 85th
anniversary with a green and white ribbon
to wear around their necks at the afternoon’s
commencement ceremony. As he had told
them earlier in his opening remarks, “Spartans
Will... change the world.”
Best wishes to the Spring 2012 graduates.
Connecting leaders in the
industry with emerging leaders
in our classrooms...
Bruce Lange (BA ’78)
Managing Director
Westin Kierland Resort & Spa
Kelly Miller (BA ’06)
District Manager
Potbelly Sandwich Works
Lane Cardwell
P.F. Chang’s China Bistro
Erik Nelson (BA ’06)
Managing Partner
The English Inn
Visiting Leaders are a staple of
The School’s life and curriculum.
They add important concepts
and real-life examples to an
already strong and foundational
set of courses. They demonstrate
selflessness and generosity to the
students by taking time out of
busy careers and—at their own
expense—traveling to campus.
And they provide mentorship and
inspiration every step of the way.
Billy Downs (BA ’88)
Mongo Consulting
Jo Tic (BA ’11)
Events Manager
Steve Bauman
Vice President of
Global Learning Deployment
Marriott International, Inc.
Richard Farrar (BA ’73)
MSU Hospitality Business
Real Estate Institute
Mike Gibbons, Owner
CEO, and President
Mainstreet Ventures, Inc.
Marcie Lemke
The Walt Disney Company
Dave Herbel
President & CEO
Aging Services of Michigan
Randy Villareal
Vice President of Operations
MotorCity Casino Hotel
Ray Rabidoux
President & CEO
Glacier Hills, Inc.
Jason Hilliard (BA ’95)
Vice President of Operations
Kosch Catering
Jason Rabidoux (BA ’04)
Director of Real Estate
and Business Development
The Hotel Group
Chuck Day (BA ’91)
Lead Portfolio Revenue Manager
InterContinental Hotels Group
When The School names them as
Honorary Faculty Members, it is
recognizing that they are treasured
partners with the professors in
educating our students. At right is
just a sampling of the hundreds of
leaders who have stepped into our
classrooms during the academic
year and shared their expertise.
THANK YOU to every single one!
Sally Smith
President and CEO
Buffalo Wild Wings Grill and Bar
Chairman of the National
Restaurant Association
Kevin Brown (BA ’77)
President and CEO
Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises, Inc.
Dave Dow
Vice President of Sales
Gordon Food Service Canada Company, Inc.
Deno Yiankes
President and CEO Investments
and Development Division
White Lodging
Dave Sibley
President and CEO
Hotel Management Services White Lodging
Dan Briks (BA ’04)
Director of Front Office Operations
The Waldorf=Astoria
Deanna Walters (BA ’09)
Housekeeping Manager
The Waldorf=Astoria
Brian Dunn (BA ’11)
Hilton Worldwide Corporate Elevator
Management Development Program
Jack DeBoer (BA ’52)
Author, Risk Only Money
Founder, Residence Inn, Summerfield Suites,
Candlewood Suites, and Value Place
Max Dobens (BA ’87)
Executive Vice President/Director of Sales
West Village
Prudential Douglas Elliman
Ted Gillary (BA ’75)
Executive Manager
Detroit Athletic Club
Ken Geist
Executive Vice President/Partner
Sage Hospitality
Jeremy Mourey (BA ’00)
Corporate Operations Director
Premiere Food Service, Inc.
Jim Singerling
Club Managers Association of America
Jeff Sinelli (BA ’90)
Chief Vibe Officer
Which Wich, Inc.
Ann Doré (BA ’04, MS ’07)
Project Manager
Kellogg Company
Lynn Myer (MSU BA ’64, MA ’67)
Retired General Manager
Pontiac-GMC Division
This sampling represents thousands of business connections
and mentoring relationships. Together, WE ARE THE SCHOOL.
ilton Lecture Series
Visiting Leaders
Two perspectives offer clarity for students on current hot topic—
Hilton Lecture Series speakers and guests
Hilton Lecture Series XXII, on campus September 2930, 2011, presented the latest thinking on International
Financial Reporting Standards—and at the same time,
helped inaugurate The School’s newly refurbished
J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation Culinary
Business Learning Lab.
The lecture series, begun in 1991 by The School’s Hilton
Hotels Professor of Hospitality Financial Management
Dr. Ray Schmidgall, addresses a single topic each
year, from both the hospitality industry’s and the
hospitality academy’s viewpoints. Over the years,
many issues have been discussed, including Ethics,
Globalization, Mergers and Acquisitions, Trends in
Franchising, Leadership, and Hospitality Valuation.
This year’s lectures were delivered by Arlene Ramirez,
controller for the Club at Carlton Woods, near
Houston, TX, for the industry viewpoint, and Dr.
Ersem Karadag, associate professor of hospitality and
tourism administration at Robert Morris University,
for the academic viewpoint.
Ms. Ramirez has extensive experience in all areas
of hospitality accounting and finance ranging from
the property level all the way to the corporate
environment—and she has also been an adjunct
professor in the Conrad Hilton College of Hotel
Restaurant Management at the University of Houston.
A member of the Hospitality Financial and Technology
Professionals for over 20 years, Ms. Ramirez has
been president of the HFTP Houston Chapter and
has served on the International Board for three years.
Dr. Ray Schmidgall with Dr. Ersem Karadag
She is an author, speaker, and trainer to several
organizations, and has earned an MBA from Sam
Houston State University, as well as the Certified
Hospitality Accounting Executive (CHAE) and
Certified Hotel Educator (CHE) distinctions.
Dr. Karadag teaches a wide range of hospitality
management courses at Robert Morris, and draws
upon his 16 years of industry experience as a
financial controller and financial director in hotel
properties in the U.S. and internationally. His
research mainly focuses on hospitality managerial
accounting and information technology.
Ms. Ramirez spoke to undergraduate students
and faculty on Thursday morning. Both speakers
clarified the arguments for and against IFRS in
ways students could readily understand. “We are
fortunate to have had Ms. Ramirez and Dr. Karadag
with us,” said Dr. Schmidgall afterward. “They
illuminated a complicated subject.”
Thursday evening, September 29, participants
in the lecture series, faculty members in The
School, and administrators in the Broad College
of Business, including the Dean Stefanie Lenway
and her husband, Tom Murtha, gathered for a
“soft” opening of The School’s J. Willard and
Alice S. Marriott Foundation Culinary Business
Learning Lab. They toured the remodeled space
and enjoyed a reception and dinner prepared and
served by Professor of Culinary Business Chef
Allan Sherwin (BA ’64) and the students in his HB
485 – Hospitality Foodservice Operations class.
Hilton Lecture Series XXIII, scheduled for Thursday, October 4, 2012 and
Friday, October 5, 2012, will focus on “The Evolution of the Uniform System
of Accounts for the Lodging Industry.”
Honorary Professor Max Dobens (BA ’87) with Dr. Cichy
Faculty Leadership in Industry and Academia
Ensuring Student-Athlete Success
AFTER playing days are over...
Dr. Michael Kasavana Honored
by National Football Foundation
One of the pillars of the academic efforts at MSU,
Professor Michael Kasavana, has earned yet another
accolade, this time from the National Football
Foundation, through its Faculty Salutes Initiative
(sponsored by Fidelity Investments). In The School,
Michael is the National Automatic Merchandising
Association Endowed Professor of Hospitality Business.
In Dallas on March 12, Michael, who serves as the
Michigan State Faculty Athletics Representative,
was presented with a plaque and MSU with a $5,000
check in recognition for efforts in fostering excellence
among the student-athletes, as exemplified by 2011
NFF National Scholar-Athlete Kirk Cousins.
The news posted by MSU reported, “Michael Kasavana
has been a critical liaison between academics and
athletics at Michigan State,” according to NFF
President & CEO Steve Hatchell. “We are proud
to join with Fidelity Investments in highlighting
his role in ensuring that the student-athletes at
Michigan State have an educational experience that
prepares them for success long after their playing
days in East Lansing.” The news report continued:
“In December, the NFF announced, in partnership with Fidelity Investments,
that it was expanding its NFF National Scholar-Athlete Awards Program
to recognize the contributions of the faculty athletics representatives at each
of the 16 schools with a member of the 2011 NFF National Scholar-Athlete
Class. As part of the new initiative, the NFF is presenting each of the faculty
representatives with a plaque and a $5,000 check from Fidelity Investments
to support the academic support services for student-athletes at each school.”
“‘Dr. Michael Kasavana has been an integral part of Michigan State
University and its Athletics Department, and his passion for studentathletes is shown by how he represents them at the conference and national
level,’ Michigan State Athletics Director Mark Hollis said. ‘Michael
cares deeply about protecting the student-athlete experience, and has
demonstrated this commitment by leading our Student-Athlete Advisory
Committee for the past 24 years. Personally, I’m thrilled that the National
Football Foundation and Fidelity Investments are giving us this opportunity
to honor and celebrate Michael and his achievements and service. In
addition, the funds given on his behalf will be distributed to our StudentAthlete Support Services office to enhance our tutorial program.’”
“Since 1988, Dr. Kasavana has chaired the MSU Athletic Council as
well as led the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee. In 2000, he was
presented the All-American Football Foundation’s Outstanding Faculty
Athletics Representative Award, and in 2009, Kasavana was named
recipient of the MSU Alumni Association Honorary Alumnus Award.”
“Michigan State was represented in the 2011 NFF National Scholar-Athlete
Class by Kirk Cousins, who played quarterback for the Spartans this past
season while carrying a 3.68 GPA as a kinesiology major. In 2011, Cousins
completed a historic season, becoming Michigan State’s all-time winningest
quarterback and the first Spartan quarterback to defeat Michigan three times.”
In addition to his fine work in athletics, Dr. Kasavana is an integral
part of The School of Hospitality Business, a faculty member
for over 30 years. He is the National Automatic Merchandising
Association (NAMA) Endowed Professor of Hospitality
Business, and in 2011 received the NAMA Industry Person of
the Year Award. He has earned the CHTP (Certified Hospitality
Technology Professional) certification and continues research
into the current and near future developments of electronic
commerce, information technology, and transaction processing
methodology relative to the hospitality industry. Dr. Kasavana
has authored or co-authored six books and a host of academic
and industry journal articles. In addition, he has also created a
series of online instructional materials and software products.
Dr. Kasavana has been actively exploring TCP/IP application (Internet,
Intranet and Extranet) opportunities for various aspects of the
hospitality industry, including virtual cash transactions, application
service providers, e-procurement processes, and effective website
design. He recently completed an innovative research project
dealing with the impact of technology on industry productivity and
competitive advantage and is credited with coining “V-Commerce.”
MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon with Professor Kasavana
Dr. Kasavana is the recipient of the MSU Distinguished Faculty
Award. He has been inducted into the HFTP International
Technology Hall of Fame and was the first recipient of a
Distinguished Achievements Award from FS/TEC. He earned
BS (Hotel, Restaurant and Travel Administration), MBA
(Finance), and Ph.D. (Management Information Systems)
degrees from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.
They say dynamite comes in small packages...
Dr. Bonnie Knutson:
Distinguished Spartan
Anyone who has ever known or worked with Dr. Bonnie Knutson,
professor in The School, knows about her spark and energy. Dr. Knutson
was recognized for her decades-long scholarship, creativity in the
classroom, and Spartan spirit on Tuesday, February 14, earning the
Distinguished Faculty Award at MSU’s annual State of the University
and Awards Convocation.
Dr. Bonnie, as her students have called her over the years, may be
small in stature, but her impact is gigantic, both in the academic world,
and on the hospitality industry. She is widely considered the expert in
emerging consumer lifestyle trends, customer service, brand positioning,
and strategic marketing related to the hospitality industry. She has
led research teams that developed the definitive indices for measuring
service quality and the guest experience in the hospitality industry.
She co-developed a new four-quadrant strategic framework for guiding
and implementing marketing strategy that has been well received in
her executive education programs for the lodging, foodservice, and
private club segments, as well as service businesses around the world.
And her publication record ranks her among the most published and
most cited in her field.
Dr. Bonnie’s consistently high student evaluation scores reflect her
teaching excellence. In a recent College of Business Annual Report,
she was profiled as a top educator in the college, with the article
underscoring the connections between her research and teaching.
In fact, the projects she assigns in her hospitality marketing classes
have earned the students recognition by the industry, trade associations,
and the community. A senior who had recently completed a 60-page
marketing plan for Dr. Knutson’s class stated that although difficult, the
project ensured her competence in this area, preparing her well for a
career in business after graduation.
Even more than the innovative assignments, however, it is Dr. Bonnie’s
delivery that leaves students with the feeling that they have witnessed
something special. “It is impossible to be bored in Dr. Knutson’s
classroom,” says Jake Dondzila (BA ’12), Hospitality Association
president. “Instead, you leave feeling inspired.”
There is more to being a distinguished faculty member, maintains
Dr. Ron Cichy, director and professor in The School. “Bonnie is the
epitome of a team player,” he says. “Her research and her teaching
are well-known. But service is in her nature. I have never heard her say,
‘no’ to any of our requests. School and College committees are simply
better for her having served on them.”
And perhaps it is her famous Spartan Spirit that adds another dimension
to Dr. Bonnie’s influence and leadership. A past president of MSU’s
national Alumni Association, she has a unique relationship with alumni,
who view her as one of their own just as much as the faculty members
do. Her devotion to the Spartan mission of advancing knowledge
and transforming lives is complete, and in The School, the
students and alumni have no doubt about it. She actively
participates in all of The School’s and student events, mentors
early-career faculty members and graduate students, and,
frankly, is the life of the party when alumni come to town!
“There is no question that Bonnie is the full Spartan package,”
says Dr. Cichy. “She is a critical part of The School’s scholarly
reputation; she is an outstanding teacher to undergraduates
and advisor to graduate students; she is one of The School’s
most productive executive education leaders; and she is a
positive, can-do influence on alumni and industry partners
around the world. She is the definition of Spartans Will...”
No wonder, then, that MSU’s prestigious Distinguished Faculty
Award is Dr. Bonnie’s latest accolade. She has earned it. She
deserves it. And The School, the Broad College of Business,
and Michigan State University are fortunate that she is part
of our family. BRAVISSIMO, Bonnie!
It should come as no surprise... The student Hospitality Association and the Executive and
Appointed Boards of Directors of The School’s Alumni Association voted to award the 2011
Faculty/Staff Award to Bonnie Knutson. The information in this publication alone—about her
creative teaching and class projects, her service to MSU and the community, her dedication to
mentoring, and the honors bestowed upon her—all indicate that she is a faculty member who,
without a doubt, deserves this recognition. Congratulations, Dr. Bonnie, and THANK YOU.
Faculty Leadership in Industry and Academia
Advancing Knowledge:
The School’s Dr. Ray Schmidgall
Dr. Ray
Hilton Hotels
Professor of
in The School,
has received
the University of Delaware Michael D.
Olsen Research Achievement Award. The
award honors Dr. Olsen and recognizes his
contributions to the body of hospitality
knowledge and his mentoring of graduate
students. Dr. Olsen died on March 20, 2012.
Dr. Olsen earned both his bachelor’s degree
(1967) and his MBA (1973) from MSU’s
School of Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional
Management, and was professor emeritus
at Virginia Tech. He was awarded with
The School’s Alumni Association Lifetime
Academic Achievement Award in 2009.
Dr. Schmidgall’s award was presented
on January 6 at the 17th Annual Graduate
Education and Graduate Student Research
in Hospitality and Tourism Conference’s
Awards Dinner at Auburn University.
Dr. Schmidgall has taught in The School for
nearly 37 years, and is widely recognized
as an expert on hospitality industry
accounting practices and known for his
work on behalf of the International Council
on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional
Education (I-CHRIE) and its FutureFund.
As Hilton Hotels Professor, Dr. Schmidgall
has hosted the Hilton Lecture Series at MSU
for the past 22 years, bringing to campus
industry and academic experts to discuss
a different, timely topic each fall. His book,
Managerial Accounting for the Hospitality Industry,
is used by hospitality schools throughout
the world. Many of Dr. Schmidgall’s former
students have gone on to great success,
including Rich Conti (MBA ’76), president of
The Plasencia Group, and John Weeman (MBA
’79), president of Partners in Development.
The Michael D. Olsen Research Achievement
Award recognizes an individual “who has made
a significant contribution through sustained
and focused research leading to important
contributions to the body of knowledge in
hospitality and tourism. It considers the overall
contribution to the academy, including serving
on editorial review boards, international
symposia and conferences, graduate education,
and mentoring of graduate students.”
When Ray was honored last January, Dr. Olsen
said, “The award represents the outstanding
productivity of a scholar who has contributed
significantly to the body of knowledge in
hospitality. Dr. Schmidgall’s work demonstrates
how important it is for all hospitality researchers
to pursue the advancement of knowledge and to
share it with academics and practitioners alike.”
Dr. Schmidgall was equally gracious, saying,
“Michael D. Olsen, in my judgment, has
impacted hospitality education in a greater
degree than any other educator I have
known. It is a great honor to receive this
prestigious award named after him.”
Dr. Olsen’s death less than three months later
makes the award even more meaningful. His
life was devoted to the students he taught
and mentored, and he leaves an extraordinary
legacy in the hospitality education.
So deserving...
Dr. Ray Schmidgall
Earns Meek Award
Dr. Ray Schmidgall has earned
one of the most prestigious
honors in hospitality academia.
He was awarded the Meek Award
at the International Council on
Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional
Education (I-CHRIE) summer
conference in Providence, RI,
August 3, 2012.
The Howard B. Meek Award is the
highest individual recognition a
member of ICHRIE may receive. It is
presented to an ICHRIE member in
recognition of the individual’s lifetime
contributions and outstanding service
both to hospitality education and
to International CHRIE. This award
serves as a living memorial to the
late Howard B. Meek, a pioneer in
American hospitality education,
the first dean of the School of
Hotel Administration at Cornell
University, and an executive vice
president of ICHRIE.
An expert on hospitality industry
accounting practices, Ray has long
been a vital member of ICHRIE, having
earned the organization’s John Wiley
& Sons Lifetime Research Award in
1999, and the Stevenson W. Fletcher
Achievement Award in 2001. He is
a founding member of the ICHRIE
FutureFund Committee, responsible
for raising monies for the FutureFund,
an endowment of ICHRIE.
Several School professors joined
Ray in Providence, delivering
presentations, serving on panels,
judging papers, and in other ways
participating in ICHRIE’s 2012
“Sailing into the Future of Hospitality
& Tourism Education” summer
Requiescat in Pace
Dr. Michael D. Olsen (BA ’67, MBA ’73) professor emeritus of hospitality and tourism management in the Pamplin College of Business,
passed away on March 20 in Blacksburg.
Michael was the founding head of Virginia Tech’s hospitality and tourism management department, laying the foundation for that
department’s success. His research interests were in organizational effectiveness; in particular, strategic and financial management in the
global hospitality industry. He was ranked among the world’s top scholars in the discipline, according to the August 2011 Journal of Hospitality
& Tourism Research. He was listed among the top 50 tourism scholars in a study in the December 2008 Tourism Management Journal.
As founding president of the International Academy of Hospitality Research, Michael fostered the worldwide development of research and
graduate education in strategic management of hospitality organizations. He contributed significantly to the field of hospitality management
strategy though numerous research papers, reviews, and book chapters. He was an active member in professional organizations that included the International
Council on Hospitality, Restaurant, and Institutional Education and the American Hotel and Lodging Association.
May he rest in peace.
New Book Focuses on the
State of GREEN Hospitality
Dr. AJ Singh, along with Herve Houdre,
the regional director of operations and
general manager of InterContinental
New York Barclay, has edited a book
titled, Hotel Sustainable Development:
Principles & Best Practices. Published
by the American Hotel & Lodging
Association’s Educational Institute, the
book includes contributions from hotel
company executives, consultants, and
property level managers.
Highly recommended by reviewer Glenn Hasek, the book
provides “an excellent overview of the state of green
hospitality today—something rare in our industry.”
Hasek says that the book
offers four sections: one
addresses the historical
context of environmentalism
in the hospitality industry;
another addresses the
development and
investment perspectives; a
third offers hotel corporate
and property perspectives;
and a fourth provides an
operational perspective.
Part one includes a chapter
on the history of environmentalism in the hospitality
industry, leading up to the International Hotels Environment
Initiative in 1992 and efforts by hotel chains today
to minimize their environmental impact.
Another chapter addresses trends in sustainability
regulation and possible climate change legislation.
And Peggy Berg, founder of The Highland Group, Hotel
Investment Advisors, Inc., is the author of the chapter
titled, “An Overview of Sustainable Development Standards
and Certifications.” In it she notes that “none of the
certification programs has the kind of distribution
that drives consumer recognition yet.”
This section also includes a chapter on LEED and the
growth of green building in lodging.
Part two includes a chapter titled, “Converting Existing
Historic Buildings Into Hotels,” which traces the effort to
convert a former military base (Fort Baker in San Francisco)
into Cavallo Point.
Part three includes contributions from industry leaders
from IHG and Accor, and part four includes chapters titled
“Planning and Delivering Sustainable Meetings and Events,”
and “A Guide to Measuring Sustainability.”
Well organized and filled with information from industry
experts, the book has been well received as a resource
that addresses a vital aspect of today’s hospitality
industry development, ownership, management,
and operations.
The School’s Theda Rudd:
10 Years and 3,000 Students Later—
A Spartan, Through and Through
We claim her as our own, but the reality is that Theda Rudd is much more than
an adjunct professor in The School of Hospitality Business at MSU.
It is true that Theda has taught HB 105 for the past 10 years, focusing on the
practical application of sound business practices and lecturing on human
resources and customer service as they apply to the hospitality industry. She
has forged a special connection with her students, who routinely praise her
classroom presence, dedication, and meaningful advice. Nearly
3,000 students later, it is hard to overstate just how many
impressionable lives she has touched in a positive way.
Perhaps Theda has a certain credibility with the students
because of her success in the industry. An exemplary
entrepreneur for over 20 years, she was the franchisee
of eight McDonald’s restaurants here in the East Lansing
area, and served in a variety of leadership positions in that
31,000-restaurant organization. Among her many other awards is the 1997
McDonald’s Corporation Golden Arch Award, recognizing Theda for her
long-term, system-wide contributions. It is the top award received by only
a select few franchisees worldwide.
In addition, from August 1, 2011, through Spring semester, Theda served
as MSU’s interim director of placement services, overseeing the entire
MSU system of company recruiting on campus, as well as student career
development and advising. The Career Services Network includes 32
professional staff across various colleges and majors.
The School’s Alumni Association named Theda Honorary Alumna of the
Year in 1999, recognizing that she not only exemplifies the character and
credentials that our Alumni are known for, but she also represents the
Spartan “hardworking excellence” that we strive for.
In honor of her late husband, David Paul Rudd, Theda established a scholarship
which helps Michigan State students who currently work in the industry while
they attend MSU. Special attention is given to those students working at a
McDonald’s franchise and who aspire to be entrepreneurs.
Theda is Board Chair Emeritus of the Ronald McDonald House of MidMichigan, and serves on numerous other community service boards of
directors, such as Michigan State University Foundation, Lansing Community
College Foundation, Sparrow Health System, and the Prima Civitas Foundation.
“The past ten years have been so gratifying,” says Theda, who moved with her
husband Robert to Arizona at the end of Spring semester. “We may be leaving
East Lansing, but we’ll always be Spartans. I will miss the myriad students I
have engaged with and taught. They leave me feeling very confident about
the future of our industry—and of our state and country.”
“We have been very fortunate to have an individual of Theda’s ability and
caliber teaching and mentoring our students,” says Dr. Ron Cichy. “She has
been an inspiration to them, and while we are sorry to see her leave, we wish
the very best for Bob and Professor Theda, and know that they will be Spartan
ambassadors in Arizona.”
Cichy Joins FTA Advisory Board
Dr. Ron Cichy (BA ’72, MBA ’77) was appointed to the Fred Tibbitts and Associates (FTA)
Advisory Board after attending “A Fall Evening in New York with Very Special Friends” FTA
dinner in November 2011 with Eric O. Long, general manager of The Waldorf=Astoria and
scholarship winner Jake Dondzila (BA ’12). (See page 26 for related story.)
Faculty Leadership in Industry and Academia
ENGAGEMENT... through research, publication, and participation at conferences is critical to faculty
Staff Transitions...
success and effectiveness. Highlights of some our faculty’s 2011–2012 scholarly efforts include:
A publication by Drs. Seung Hyun Kim and JaeMin
Cha (MS ’98) titled “Comparing e-Service Quality
between Online Travel Agencies and Hotel-Owned
Websites” received the Best Paper Award from the
Korea America Hospitality & Tourism Educators
Association (KAHTEA) Conference from April 7
to 9, 2012, at University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Drs. Kim and Cha, and Drs. Ron Cichy and
Mi Ran Kim (MS ’05), and Julie Tkach (BA ’94,
MS ’05), were the authors of “Effects of Board
Size and Board Involvement on a Private Club’s
Financial Performance,” published in 2012 in
the International Journal of Contemporary
Hospitality Management, 24(1), 7-25. In addition,
Drs. Cha, Cichy, and Seung Hyun Kim authored
“Commitment and Volunteer-Related Outcomes
Among Private Club Board and Committee
Member Volunteer Leaders,” which was published
in Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research.
Dr. Cha has also continued her work with three
undergraduate research fellows and two Broad
Scholars during Fall 2011 and Spring 2012.
Together, they have worked on several research
projects (e.g., food safety, local food, social media
implication in the restaurant industry, etc.). She
won summer research grants for both Summer
2011 and 2012 from the Broad College of Business.
Dr. Seung Hyun Kim also received Broad College
grants for both Summer Semesters, researching
the online Hotel Review and boutique hotel market
analysis. He mentors students through Broad’s
Undergraduate Research Fellow Scholarship
Program, nominating seven School seniors, all
of whom were accepted in the program. Each
received $1,000 for the past academic year to
participate in several research endeavors with
him. He mentored two students who made four
presentations at the 17th Graduate Student
Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism
last January, which Dr. Kim also attended. Dr.
Kim also serves on the editorial board for the
International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism
Drs. Seung Hyun Kim, Jeff Beck, and Ray
Schmidgall authored “The Tiering of Hospitality
and Tourism Journals: Hospitality Program
Administrator Opinion Survey Results,” which
was published in 2011 in the Journal of Hospitality
and Tourism Education, 23(4).
Dr. Mi Ran Kim (MS ’05) is applying the research
she initially began with her Ph.D. dissertation
on Frankenmuth Bavarian Inn Lodge customer
satisfaction, delight, and loyalty to associate
satisfaction, delight, and loyalty. She is also
collaborating with Drs. Bonnie Knutson, Cichy,
Kim, and Cha on research involving the hotel
and private club industries.
Dr. Jeff Beck continues his service to ICHRIE as
chair of the Scientific Paper Review Committee
(reading no fewer than 259 papers!). He was also
interviewed last Spring by Brian Naylor of National
Public Radio regarding his experiences as a
manager for Marriott and Mr. Bill Marriott, Jr.’s
contributions to the industry as a leader in
lodging and hospitality.
The e-text that Dr. Carl Borchgrevink has written
with Dr. Ron Perry, professor in the Horticulture
Department, will be updated to its 3rd edition in
Summer 2012.
Dr. Borchgrevink continues his research (with H.
Borchgrevink and M. Sciarini) regarding alcohol
consumption in general and specifically with
regard to consumption among hospitality
business populations. Some of the findings
indicate that personality typologies are
predictive of alcohol consumption. Additionally,
other data suggest that the current debate
centering on parental and grandparental
consumption being predictive of alcohol
consumption is overstated.
He has also initiated a “Human Resources
Practices in Hospitality Business” five-minute
survey series with Ioana Tic (BA ’11), Jane
Cerovina (BA ’12), and GVSU professor Mike
Sciarini. He is looking for human resources
professionals who would be interested in
receiving the data and participating in the
research series. The purpose for this research
is to bring current HR practices directly back to
the classroom. Interested alumni should contact
Dr. Borchgrevink at carlb@bus.msu.edu.
The handbook Culinology: Blending Culinary Arts
and Food Science, is currently in print. Chapter
15, “Culinology Applications in Food Processing
– From A Chef’s Perspective,” was co-written by
Dr. Borchgrevink, M.A. Uebersax, and M. Siddiq.
Dr. Borchgrevink has also authored a chapter on
the culinary applications of beans for a “Bean
Food Science Text” that M.A. Uebersax, M. Siddiq
Thank you, Ed
devised and edited. And with Professor of
Culinary Business Chef Allan Sherwin (BA ’64)
and a team of students, he is working to
uncover whether dietary patterns can predict
wine preferences. In other words, does a
person’s typical consumption predict which
wine she/he finds to be delicious? This could
lead to a few questions we could ask guests
who are not knowledgeable about wine which
would allow hospitality service staff members
to guide guests to their best choice.
Dr. B’s HB 409 – Introduction to Wine class
enrolled over 1,000 students in 2011–2012!
Dr. Jeff Elsworth has co-developed and taught
an online course titled “Entrepreneurship: The
New Venture Creation Process.” It is offered to
non-Business majors at MSU and to students at
King Khalid University in the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia and in Togo Africa. Jeff also teaches
an online module on restaurant and retail
foodservice security for the Food Protection
and Defense course for the MSU Food Safety
and Toxicology Center. He has also taught a
class on American restaurant history and culture
to a group of Japanese exchange students
attending MSU for one semester as part of
a program with Hosei University in Tokyo.
In addition, Dr. Elsworth participated in a
roundtable discussion on the state of the
restaurant industry at the Restaurant Finance
and Development Conference in Las Vegas
last fall, and in the winter participated in
three panel discussions at the United States
Association of Small Business and
Entrepreneurship (USASBE) conference.
At the same conference, he moderated a
session of case study presentations and
served as a reviewer for academic papers
and case study presentations.
Drs. Ray Schmidgall, Ron Cichy,
Bonnie Knutson, Jack Ninemeier,
and Michael Kasavana
Dr. Jack Ninemeier: An “Old Dog” Retires
Dr. Jack Ninemeier, a fixture in The School for over 30 years, a prolific author (some 70 texts!),
and a widely-known expert in the area of food and beverage management, supervision,
healthcare, and private club management, retired at the end of Spring Semester 2012.
“He has been here longer than I have,” laughs School Director and Professor Dr. Ron Cichy,
who earned his bachelor’s degree in The School in 1972. “He is part of the ‘Old Dogs,’ as we
call ourselves: the faculty who have been here since leisure suits were in style.” The Old Dogs
are Jack and Ron, as well as Drs. Michael Kasavana, Ray Schmidgall, and Bonnie Knutson, who,
collectively have been teaching, researching, and serving over 1,200 (dog) years in The School
(see The Leader, Summer 2011, page 41).
All joking aside, there IS a foundation in The School, a core group of faculty members whose
careers are bound inextricably to The School’s history and its reputation. Jack is a cornerstone
of that foundation. And in addition to teaching more than two generations of students who have
studied food and beverage operations and club management, Jack has had an enormous impact
on the industry through his authorship and presentation of executive education programs.
He serves on the Master Club Manager (MCM) Academic Council of the Club Managers
Association of America (CMAA). He is The School’s Coordinator of the CMAA Business
Management Institute III, a week-long intensive study program that brings a total of
approximately 120 club managers three times each year to the MSU campus.
Jack also works closely with the Professional Development Council of the International
Association of Healthcare Central Service Materiel Management. He has written and edited
several books, student manuals and correspondence courses for this association, writes a
management column in their trade journal and is currently helping to develop certification
procedures and develop strategies to most effectively manage that Association’s numerous
Professional Development programs.
Jack is the project leader of a team that develops annual financial accounting benchmarks
for the indoor tanning industry and is working with the International Spa Association to
undertake its first-ever financial trend analysis.
“Jack has been a wonderful colleague for many years,” says Ron Cichy. “We’ll miss him.”
For several years, Jack and his wife, Lani, have lived most months in Hawaii, where they
will live full time in retirement, with their dog, Luka, and cat, Koa. Jack’s son, Scott (BA
’06), is a graduate of The School, a Certified Club Manager, and is the Assistant Clubhouse
Manager at Medinah Country Club near Chicago. Scott’s wife, Mallory Haslett (BA ’06) also
graduated from The School, and is controller at Sunset Ridge Country Club in Chicago.
After serving as The School’s
undergraduate programs
coordinator since 2008,
Ed Batayeh has taken a new
position with Walsh College,
and we say a sincere, “THANK
YOU,” upon his departure
from MSU. Ed has been an
academic advisor at MSU
since 1996, and before joining
The School, he worked with
the Office of Supportive
Services, Undergraduate
University Division and the
Undergraduate Academic
Services in the Broad College
of Business.
Ed received The Richard J.
Lewis Quality of Excellence
Award in 2008 from the
Broad College of Business
for the improvements
made to the Broad Scholar
Program which supports
undergraduate research in
the college. Ed’s contributions
were also recognized by
NACADA (National Academic
Advising Association) in 2001
and 2006 while he served on
various MSU committees.
As academic advisor for all
the undergraduates in The
School, Ed conscientiously
saw to the needs of each of
the students, and capably
mastered the computerization
of records and advising
session notes. “Ed’s passion
was undergraduate student
advising in The School,”
says Director of Academic
Programs Dean James Rainey.
“Ed was very devoted to
our students and their
academic progress.”
Ed and his wife, Randa,
were regulars at all The
School’s student-led events,
with Ed serving as unofficial
photographer for most of
them. His dedication and
care for the students will
be greatly missed.
To Dr. Ninemeier—WE—students, faculty, alumni, and industry partners—say “Aloha!”
and remind you of the Groucho Marx quote: “Outside of a book, a dog is man’s best friend.
Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.” Keep writing the books, Dr. Ninemeier!
Faculty Leadership in Industry and Academia
The School Earns High Marks at ICHRIE 2011
Nearly all of the full-time faculty members of The School
attended the annual conference of the International
Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education
(ICHRIE), held last year in Denver, CO, July 27–30, 2011.
Laurel Smith (BA ’12)
A student’s work shone brightly at the
conference, when senior Laurel Smith
(BA ’12), with her associate professor from
The School, Jeff Beck, won the HOSTEUR™
Article of the Year Award for their article
titled, “Environmental Certification
Programs for the U.S. Lodging Industry:
A Content Analysis,” which appeared
in HOSTEUR™ Volume 19, No. 2, 2010.
Laurel was the 2012 CEO for The School’s student
Hospitality Association/Alumni Association
“Destination” Auction (see page 16).
In a concurrent session at ICHRIE, Dr. Beck was a
co-author on a research paper discussing “the rating of
hospitality journals for influence on salary, reappointment,
promotion, and tenure decisions in international
hospitality programs.” Other authors were Dr. Seung Hyun
Kim and Dr. Ray Schmidgall, Hilton Hotels professor
of hospitality financial management, in The School.
Dr. Beck, co-chair of the 2011 Scientific Paper Review
Committee for ICHRIE, coordinated blind reviews for
240 papers and posters for the conference, and announced
the “Best Reviewers” at an awards dinner July 29.
Another session was presented by Drs. Carl Borchgrevink and
JaeMin Cha on “handwashing compliance rates and predictors in
a college town environment.” Their co-authors on this research
were Dr. Seung Hyun Kim, graduate student Maria Frangos, and
undergraduate honors students Meghan Clark, and Aaron Bradford.
And Drs. Cha and Kim presented a session on “predicting the
hospitality students’ intent to involve as active alumni,” a result
of their research which was co-authored with Dr. Ron Cichy.
A conference refereed “poster abstract” included “an examination
of alcohol consumption and sense of coherence among hospitality
and non-hospitality college-age population,” presented by Dr.
Borchgrevink and co-authored by Henrik Borchgrevink, counselor
of chemical dependency, and Dr. Michael Sciarini, now with
Grand Valley State University, and a member of The School’s
faculty for 20 years. Another poster abstract, presented by Dr.
Jeff Elsworth, featured the topic “hospitality entrepreneurship
education: students’ knowledge and attitudes.” Dr. Elsworth also
served as moderator for three additional presentation sessions.
Dr. AJ Singh spearheaded an hour-long session of the Financial
Management Special Interest Group (SIG) at ICHRIE. Ten members
from eight hospitality schools discussed a variety of pertinent
topics, including the research symposium scheduled for November
2011, during the New York International Hotel/Motel & Restaurant
Show. Dr. Ray Schmidgall is the Financial Management SIG chair.
Also during the ICHRIE Conference, The School was
thrilled to learn that Dr. Kim had earned an Outstanding
Reviewer award from the Cornell Quarterly for making a
“substantial impact” on the journal’s editorial efforts.
A lifetime of achievement—
2012 ICHRIE conference in Providence
The School’s Alumni Association presented its annual Lifetime
Academic Achievement Awards to Dr. Reginald Foucar-Szocki
(BA ’77), professor of Hospitality Management in the School of Hospitality,
Sport and Recreation Management at James Madison University;
and to Professor Robert B. Zemke (MBA ’66), professor emeritus at
the Culinary Studies Institute at Oakland Community College.
School alumni, supporters, faculty members, and friends gathered
for the annual breakfast award ceremony on August 2, 2012.
The School
of Hospitality
The Numbers Tell a Story...
Most of you know I’m a numbers guy. I’m the CFO, after all, with International Coffee & Tea, LLC, and I am the former
CFO of Panda Restaurant Group, Inc. So yes, I’m very comfortable with numbers. I like making lists, adding things up,
calculating totals, and getting that wonderful sense of accomplishment from checking items off a to-do list.
This year, we—students, faculty and staff, alumni, and industry partners—celebrate a huge accomplishment:
85 years of educating students, preparing future leaders for our industry, and making a global difference.
I am proud to be an alumnus of an 85-year-old institution known for high standards, academic excellence,
connection to the industry, and game-changing alumni.
To celebrate, let’s look at some important numbers in this 85th anniversary year—just a few from a long list
of “checked off” endeavors in the past academic year, 2011-2012:
 Destination Auction, the 21st
Annual Hospitality Association/
Alumni Association Auction,
included 390 guests, 15
executive board student
 A total of 134 students received travel
leaders, over 100 student
scholarships to attend conferences
 65 alumni returned to campus for
volunteers, and donations
such as the New York International
Homecoming 2011 to help open The
totaling $161,000—the highest
Hotel/Motel & Restaurant Show,
J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott
since 2008. There were six
Americas Lodging Investment
Foundation Culinary Business
remote bidding sites: Atlanta,
Summit, the LifeSTYLE/ Boutique
Learning Lab; to kick off the year’s
Chicago, DC, Denver, Los
Hotel Development Conference,
Spartan Sponsors Mentor Program;
Angeles, and New York City.
the National Restaurant Association
to walk with nearly 60 students and
 The 61st annual Les Gourmets
Show, and the Midwest Lodging
faculty in the Homecoming Parade
brought many, many alumni
Investors Summit. They also
(which took the Best Float award—
back to campus for the elegant
attended annual conferences for the
second year in a row!); to connect
reception and dinner, which
Professional Convention Management
with students and faculty at the
sold out before the invitations
Association, National Society of
post-parade reception; to enjoy a
were mailed! Over 30 students
Minorities in Hospitality, and Club
lavish tailgate brunch; and to witness
served on the volunteer
Managers Association of America.
a Spartan Homecoming victory.
executive board, including
 25 alumni in the Southeast
 60 alumni-sponsored students
supervisors being groomed
Michigan area enjoyed a get-together
attended Celebration of Leadership
for leadership in 2013.
hosted by Bob Pierce (BA ’83),
in New York City to honor our
 Nearly 300, including 60
general manager of the Dearborn
Industry Leader of the Year, five new
new graduates, attended our
Inn and member of the Hall of Fame
members of the Alumni Association
Newest Alumni Brunch at the
Class of Coaches.
Hall of Fame (Class of Coaches), and
University Club of MSU before
our very first “Spartan Hospitality
 Four Real Estate and Investment
commencement on May 5, 2012.
Business Champion.”
Club student leaders, one faculty
 17 students traveled to Chicago
member, and the founding director
 Those 60 students took part in
and attended Annual Gathering
of our Real Estate Institute attended
13 professional development
of Leaders to honor our Alumna
the Americas Lodging Investment
programs while in New York.
of the Year, Honorary Alumnus
Summit (ALIS), as well as a student/
 A total of $292,165 in internal
of the Year, and two Emerging
alumni reception hosted by 2010
and external scholarships was
Alumni Leaders of the Year.
Industry Leader of the Year John
awarded to School students.
Belden (BA ’85).
 Over 100 Visiting Leaders—
managers and executives from every
segment of the hospitality industry—
spoke in School classrooms and to
individual students.
 59 hospitality businesses participated
in CAREER EXPO, interviewing 737
students for internships and
permanent positions.
In addition to this “highlights” list, we initiated the first-ever “Spartan Hospitality Business Champion” award,
honoring Ed Watkins, executive editor for Lodging Hospitality magazine, in New York at our Celebration of
Leadership. We also continued our focus on teaching real estate and development across the curriculum,
encouraging all students to “think like the owner.”
Dr. Reginald Foucar-Szocki (BA ’77)
Professor Robert B. Zemke
(MBA ’66)
This list, filled with impressive numbers, is just a teaser! On every page of this magazine and you get an even
bigger picture of all that goes into a year in the life of The School. There is a real satisfaction in sharing these
stories, knowing that we are all a part of the narrative. WE ARE THE SCHOOL!
John Theuer (BA ’83, MBA ’83)
President, The School of Hospitality Business Alumni Association
Chief Financial Officer
International Coffee & Tea, LLC
alumni IN THE NEWS
Southeast Michigan Spartans
Second Bite at the Big Apple
It was a dark and snowy night... and
intrepid Southeast Michigan Spartans
gathered anyway at the beautiful Dearborn
Inn, where School Alumnus and Hall
of Fame Class of Coaches member Bob
Pierce (BA ’83) is general manager.
Last winter Aaron Ide (BA ’98)
became the director of rooms at the
Four Seasons Hotel in New York City,
returning to the city where he began
his career at The Waldorf=Astoria.
Most recently, Aaron was director of
rooms with the Four Seasons Boston,
where he furthered his reputation as
an alumnus able to meet challenges
and succeed beautifully. Aaron says,
“It’s an incredible opportunity... at an
iconic hotel that is the best in town
and is known throughout the world.”
As the gracious host, Bob displayed his
Spartan hospitality on January 17 when a
group of alumni from The School got together
to make donations to the Alumni Association/
Hospitality Association Auction in February;
to reinvigorate The School’s Southeast
Michigan Alumni chapter; and to watch
the MSU vs. U-M basketball game together.
Ron Cichy attended the event and even
shared a “unique” version of the MSU
fight song with the group before a
drawing in which the prizes were a signed
basketball, football, and hockey stick.
“The Southeast Michigan group has a rich
history of involvement and good friendships,”
explained Ron. “Now there are some fantastic
young alumni who are strengthening the
chapter and being mentored by the alumni
who are, ahem, my age!” Kevin Swanquist
(BA ’08), recruiter for Harper Associates in
Farmington Hills, is one of those younger
alumni. Kevin was very instrumental in
arranging the get-together—mentored by
Harper Associates President and Alumni
Association Hall of Fame Class of Originators
member Ben Schwartz (BA ’72).
Despite the weather, the group numbered
over 25 alumni whose careers are in
hotel operations, hospitality executive
search, event planning, and restaurant
management. All appear dedicated to
keeping the chapter actively involved
with The School and proud to be Spartan
hospitality business ambassadors!
American Food Entrepreneurs
In February 2012, Gourmet magazine
named the top 25 American Food
Entrepreneurs since 1986, and the
group included two
Spartans! Jeff Sinelli
(BA ’90), was named
the 2003 winner, with
his Which Wich restaurants. Jeff
was awarded The School’s Alumni
Association Emerging Alumnus of
the Year in 2011. Jeff has been to
campus to speak to students, and his
creativity and energy have inspired
and awed them! As this magazine went
to print, Jeff and his wife, Courtney,
had welcomed a new daughter,
Sky, who joins older sister Story.
Congratulations to the beautiful family.
Tom Ryan (BA ’79,
MS ’82, Ph.D. ’85)
was named in 2007
for his Smashburger
concept. Known for
leading the stuffed-crust-inventingteam at Pizza Hut before becoming
McDonalds’ CMO, Tom founded
Smashburger in 2007 and now has
“$54 million in annual revenues
at 143 locations in 20 states, with
another 450 franchise agreements
on the books,” according to
the Spring 2012 MSU Alumni
Magazine. And according to
Forbes magazine, Smashburger
holds its 2011 “most promising
company in America” title.
Going Gaga for Joanne
According to online news
DNAinfo and an article by Leslie
Albrecht in March 2012, Joe
Germanotta (BA ’79) will re-open
the West 68th Street restaurant
named Vince & Eddie’s, which
closed in March 2011, and in
which he and
his famous
daughter, Lady
Gaga, were
Taking over
the space formerly occupied
by Vince & Eddie’s, the
new restaurant will open by
Thanksgiving this year, and will
be named for Joe’s late sister,
Joanne, also the singer’s middle
name. It is reported that celebrity
chef Art Smith, who has cooked
for the likes of Oprah Winfrey
and Barack Obama, will “craft
the restaurant’s menu” and serve
as head chef. Smith is known for
his southern-style cooking, and
owns Table Fifty-Two in Chicago;
Art and Soul in Washington, DC;
and LYFE Kitchen in Palo Alto,
CA. He recently opened Southern
Art and Bourbon Bar in Atlanta.
The Choice
Yet another accolade
for Mike Rice (BA
’91), general manager,
and his Quality Suites
Hotel of Lansing, which received the
2012 Platinum Hospitality Award
from the Silver Spring, MD-based
Choice Hotels International, Inc.
The honors from Choice just keep
rolling in, and Mike is a deserving
alumnus, and our choice, as well.
SusieCakes Bakes
The February 2012 Entrepreneur magazine
featured a very complimentary article
about Alumni Association Hall of
Fame Class of Coaches member
Houston Striggow (BA ’75). As CFO for
SusieCakes, a home-style bakery with
half a dozen stores across California,
Houston turned to Dropbox for Teams,
a new premium version of the popular
file-sharing application designed
expressly for
business customers.
The article says that
Houston reports that
“Dropbox forced
us as a company to
become more organized. When I talk
to our management teams, they all
say it has made their lives easier.
It has definitely made my life easier.”
Houston goes on, “I’m not a real
technical person. For me, if you
can’t engage applications easily and
quickly, then they’re not as useful
as they need to be. I don’t hire tech
people—I hire people who can bake
well, who can manage well and
who can deliver excellent customer
service... any solutions we adopt have
to be very simple and very useful.”
SusieCakes, known for its customer
services and personal relationships,
likes those same qualities in Dropbox.
Four Generations of
Schuler Hospitality
Hans Schuler (BA ’59), chairman
and CEO of Schuler’s Restaurant &
Pub in Marshall, MI, has been named
National Restaurateur of the Year
by Independent Restaurateur Magazine.
Hans is an Alumni Association
Hall of Fame member, inducted in
2006 with the Class of Owners.
A familiar family name to most
Spartans, the Schulers have come to
embody the very best in hospitality,
and the restaurant and pub are
Michigan landmarks. Hans grew up
in the business—a family-owned
business which was established in
1909 by Hans’ grandfather. It was
during Hans’ father, Win’s, 50-year
leadership that Schuler’s became a
household name, known for legendary,
quality food, imaginative recipes,
and warm and gracious service.
A feature article in Independent
Restaurateur explains Schuler’s
longevity and success, saying, “The
restaurant’s philosophy is the key.
Hans Schuler, the third-generation
owner, points to a unique connection
with his guests, as well as attention
to the changing eating habits of
those guests. “We have a saying at
Schuler’s: The guest shall decide,” he says.
Yes, there is that special guest service—
that genuine hospitality. Hans has
told students at MSU: “It’s about
welcoming people, training staff. We
smile, and we know the dining room by
the guests, not by table numbers. We
make every guest experience special.”
And anyone who has ever been to
Schuler’s Restaurant & Pub knows
exactly what Hans is talking about.
­wants to hear from you!
“We’ll continue to evolve and to
reinvest in order to keep providing
the experience our guests have
come to expect,” he assures.
School Director Dr. Ron Cichy
says, “Hans Schuler is an iconic
leader who represents the best of
gracious hospitality in a family that
has created positively memorable
experiences for 103 years. We
applaud Hans and Nancy Schuler.”
exceptional man and an exceptional
family. The School is proud to
call him one of “ours.”
Super Agent
Mary Ann Ramsey
The September 2011
issue of Travel + Leisure
magazine has provided
its annual “A-list” of
“Super-Agents,” and of course has
included Alumni Association Hall
of Fame Class of Alumni Leaders
member Mary Ann Ramsey (BA ’75),
who, the magazine says, is known
for “tracking down hidden gems and
what’s new in hotels, restaurants, and
cruises.” It also notes that she “spends
days at a destination—always with
advance reports from ground staff
about where to go, from the popular
to the under-the-radar spots.”
We Spartans already know about
Mary Ann’s stellar (and fascinating!)
career as owner and president of Betty
Maclean Travel, and this designation is
the latest in a long list of awards and
honors that confirm her outstanding
reputation in the travel industry.
(Continued on page 54)
Look for the “You Found Me!” section of the insert in the center
of this issue. Share your story there so we can pass it along here!
alumni IN THE NEWS
Spartan of the Year
Norman Award for Phil Hickey
MSU’s 2011 Orange County Alumni Club
golf tournament and dinner fundraiser
on June 6, 2011, featured MSU Athletic
Director Mark Hollis and MSU Hockey
Coach Tom Anastos as guest speakers.
But the program also honored School
Alumnus and Hall of Fame Class of
Owners member Mark Auerbach (BA
’65) as the MSU Orange County Alumni
Club Spartan of the Year! In addition
to his dedication to The School as a
member of its Alumni Association Board
and as a Visiting Leader and Honorary
Faculty Member, Mark and his wife,
Maxine, are members of MSU’s John
Hannah Society, and have graciously
established an endowment in The School
to help Hospitality Business students.
Mark volunteers many hours for the
Orange County Club’s scholarship and
outreach efforts, has mentored many
students, and has connected numerous
alumni in the Orange County area.
Alumnus and Hall of Fame Class
of Givers member Phil Hickey (BA
’77) was recognized
with the 2011 Norman
Award at Nation’s
Restaurant News MultiUnit Foodservice
Operators Conference
September 25-27,
2011. Named for the
late Norman Brinker, the award
honors a restaurant executive for
extraordinary leadership skills.
Winners are selected for their
consistent mentoring of others
and serving as an inspiration for
future industry leaders. Brinker was
chairman emeritus and former chief
executive of Brinker International.
He retired after building it into
one of the world’s leading casualdining restaurant organizations.
and thank you, on behalf of all
your fellow Spartans.
Bless The School
In a beautiful ceremony in Westphalia,
MI, Alumnus Chad Wozniak (BA ’07)
married Ashley Thelan on October 1,
2011. Several groomsmen were also
School graduates, so there was a certain
“Spartan vibe,” but then the priest,
Father Mark Inglot (whose niece,
Rachel (BA ’09) incidentally, is a School
graduate!), actually gave a shout out to
The School, saying that if Jesus had gone
to college, he surely would have enrolled
in The School of Hospitality Business!
Now there’s a vote of confidence!
Chad’s father, Wally (BA ’77) is also
a School graduate, and is executive
director of support services for
Sparrow Hospital in Lansing. Wally
and his wife, Marian, have been
strong supporters. The new couple
has settled in East Lansing.
With over 35 years in the foodservice
industry, Phil has become an icon
himself. He co-founded the Cooker
Bar & Grille and led the rejuvenation
of Rio Bravo Cantina. From 1997
to 2007, Phil was the chairman
and CEO of RARE Hospitality
until it was acquired by Darden
Restaurants. RARE operated more
than 300 restaurants and employed
over 20,000 people, serving over
55 million guest per year.
Randall Friedman, Nation’s Restaurant
News publisher has said that Phil’s
“passion for mentoring has had
a remarkable impact on scores of
up-and-coming restaurateurs.”
Phil has a unique talent for helping
others discover their own leadership
potential, both within the industry
and within The School. He has
mentored many students in The
School, including several who have
gone on to great success in the
restaurant industry. “There can be
no doubt about Phil’s leadership
and his cultivation of leadership
in others,” says Ron Cichy. “I
can think of no one who better
exemplifies the qualities that are
recognized by the Norman Award.”
Last spring, Phil was named vice chair
of the National Restaurant Association,
continuing his long association
with the organization and an even
longer pattern of selfless, insightful
leadership. The School is very proud
of Phil’s outstanding influence on
the restaurant industry and of his
consistent modeling of “giving back,”
both to the industry, and to his alma
Paragon Award
Alumnus Frank Agnello (BA ’80), CMA,
CHAE, in October received the HFTP
(Hospitality Financial
and Technology
Professionals) Paragon
Award. The director
of finance for the
Wyndgate Country
Club, Frank has had
a career spanning
over 30 years, and is known for
his dedication to HFTP and for
his mentoring of colleagues.
Anges DeFranco, Ed.D., CHA, HFTP
global past president and professor
and associate vice president of
undergraduate studies at the University
of Houston’s Conrad N. Hilton
College of Hotel and Restaurant
Management, says, “Frank leads
by example, and he is a man of
few words. So when he speaks, we
all listen intently. As an educator,
watching Frank mentoring young
professionals is most heart-warming.”
Frank has served HFTP in a
number of capacities, including
as part of the group that recently
revised the Uniform System of
Financial Reporting for Clubs.
He has been a participant in The
School’s Hilton Lecture Series,
and serves on The School’s Real
Estate Advisory Council.
Three Generations of Weber Hospitality
Operator of the Year
Weber’s Inn, owned and led by our 2010
Alumnus of the Year Ken Weber (BA ’77), was
host to several families from Dexter, MI, Huron
Farms subdivision, whose
homes were damaged by a
tornado that touched down
on March 15. Weber’s Inn,
about six miles from the subdivision, got so
many calls for rooms after the tornado, the
phone system was knocked out for two hours.
Jeff Hernandez (BA ’04) has been
selected as Operator of the Year by Red
Roof Inns, Inc., for all company-managed
properties. Out of almost 200 locations,
Jeff excelled to capture the secondhighest recognition the company offers.
He traveled to Las Vegas in April 2012
to receive his award from president of
Red Roof Inns Andrew Alexander.
Following the storm, Weber’s went from
35 rooms available to 12, according to frontdesk staff. Photos of the devastation appeared
online on the Detroit Free Press website.
In happier Weber’s Inn news, Ken’s son Mike,
a 2008 graduate of The School, has moved
back to the Ann Arbor area from Florida to
become Weber’s Inn vice president of food
and beverage. “Mike was an outstanding
student leader in our School,” says Ron
Cichy. “He was CEO of the Annual Auction in
2008 and led it to record breaking revenues.
It’s wonderful that he now joins the family
business as the third generation of leaders. And
we’re glad he’s nearer to Spartan Country!”
A Model of Leadership at
Frankenmuth Bavarian Inn
In addition to being named The
School’s 2012 Alumna of the Year
(see page 22), Judy Zehnder
Keller (BA ’67, MA ’73), president
and owner of Frankenmuth
Bavarian Inn Lodge, has been honored
by the Michigan Business & Professional
Association’s (MBPA) Woman and Leadership
in the Workplace Conference. The award was
given on January 26, 2012, at the 16th annual
conference at The Henry in Dearborn, MI. The
Conference aims to promote high professional
standards, encourage leadership, provide
education, and assure equal advantages for
women who have demonstrated excellence in
their professions, place of employment, and
volunteerism. The highlight of the conference
is the awards ceremony where several women
are given the Distinguished Leadership
Award for their achievements in the business
community. Judy’s award was in the small
business category. CONGRATULATIONS
to Judy on this latest recognition!
Ertan Family Honor
It’s all in the family
for the Tekin Ertan
(MBA ’65) family.
A School alumnus
from 1965, Tekin
was awarded MSU’s John S. Moon
Distinguished International Alumni
Award in 2001 during the University’s
International Awards Ceremony
sponsored by International Studies and
Programs. In 2012, his son, Kerim Ertan,
a graduate of the Broad Graduate School
of Management, won the same award!
Furthermore, Tekin’s daughter, Defne,
graduated from The School in 1996!
Tekin, a Hall of Fame Class of Owners
member, teaches courses on front office
and food and beverage management
at Özyegin University in the School
of Applied Science. He traveled from
Turkey last March to witness his son
receiving the prestigious award.
What’s happening with you?
Please complete the “You Found Me!”
section of the insert in the middle of this
issue and let us hear your story.
alumni IN THE NEWS
You can see it in his businesses. You can see it during his triathlons. And it’s there when he interacts with students.
Billy Downs (BA ’88) is passionate about life. And the originator of BD’s Mongolian Barbeque Restaurants is passionate
about helping students in The School. Over the past year, Billy became “Coach” to some of the most fortunate seniors in
School history and took “mentoring” to a whole new level. Read on to learn how.
Coach Downs and the Passionate Foodies
by Luke Magnini (BA ’12)
It was early in spring semester 2011 when
Billy Downs came to speak to my HB
358 – Hospitality Business Ownership
class. As I listened to him tell his success
story, his passion and excitement for the
industry shined throughout. I introduced
myself afterwards and later that evening
emailed Dr. Cichy about how inspiring
Billy was. Unbeknownst to me, Billy and
Dr. Cichy were already piecing together
the outline of the Passionate Foodies
group. They then invited Nate Redner
(BA ’12), Emily McCandless (BA ’12),
and me to a meeting with the two of
them and Dr. Elsworth to discuss the
proposed group. We initially understood
that we were there to help construct
the program, but would not necessarily
be in the program. As the meetings
progressed, we suggested that the 2012
Les Gourmets CEO, Brittany Friddell (BA
’12) and CFO Nicole Scherff (BA ’12),
take part in the planning sessions, as
well. After a few meetings, the semester
neared its end, and Billy, Dr. Elsworth,
and Dr. Cichy officially invited the five of
us to apply for membership in the group,
and we were eventually invited in.
We returned to campus and met as a team
to assess the goals we had developed
and set for the summer. After recapping
our successes and shortcomings, we
then put together SMARTER goals
for the remainder of our time at MSU
and beyond. We used these goals as a
road map for our last year at MSU.
hit the town for dinner at Mario Batali’s
restaurant, Birreria, located on the top
floor of his Italian Marketplace, Eataly.
Joel shared some of his experiences in the
industry and passed on many good lessons.
On September 26, we had the first
of our many sessions with visiting
industry leaders as the five “Passionate
Foodies.” We joined several professors
for dinner with NRA Chairperson
and Buffalo Wild Wings CEO Sally
Smith at Troppo in Lansing.
During Fall Semester, Billy generously
sponsored the Passionate Foodies’
enrollment in the 11-week Dale Carnegie
Course: Effective Communications &
Human Relations/Skills for Success.
The class provided a deep bonding
within the group but also to 30 other
“strangers” who taught us a wide variety
of lessons throughout the course. The
course proved to be incredibly moving
and beneficial for all of us. In fact, a few
of our Dale Carnegie classmates were
so impressed with the Passionate Foodies
that they attended Les Gourmets on March
31 to see our hard work in action.
Later that semester, during Homecoming
weekend, Billy brought Lane Cardwell,
president of P.F. Chang’s China Bistro,
to campus. Over a three-day period, Mr.
Cardwell met with the group more than
a few times, shared a meal with us at
the Lansing Chang’s location, and later
joined the foodies and Billy at a football
tailgate Nate and I hosted so that he
could interact with many students in a
more casual and relaxed atmosphere.
The group reunited with Billy in
November during the annual Celebration
of Leadership at The Waldorf=Astoria
in New York City. We were joined by
Alumnus Joel Halperin (BA ’07), the
general manager of Hillstone Restaurant
– Midtown, and his wife, Michelle, as we
Billy Downs (third from left) presents The School with the cornerstone plaque from his first BD’s Mongolian Barbeque restaurant.
Shown with Billy is his wife, Amy, Ron Cichy, and three of the “passionate foodies.”
Throughout the year, Coach Downs has
proved his passion for coaching and career
guidance as all five foodies searched to
secure careers in the industry. It is with
his careful and wise advice that we have
all accepted full-time positions in the
restaurant industry. Two of us accepted
positions with Lettuce Entertain You
Enterprises, Inc., and the other three
joined Mainstreet Ventures, the French
Laundry, and Capital Grille. Billy’s
expertise and guidance has been
invaluable to us throughout the
year. We may have graduated in
May, but we will never forget
our time with Coach BD, and,
more importantly, we know
that we have found a coach,
mentor, and friend for life.
“Working with the Passionate Foodies this
year was a true pleasure,” says Billy. “It’s very
rewarding to be with young people who show
the kind of commitment to and joy for the
restaurant business that they do. They were
open to advice and up for anything I suggested.
I know they have a bright future ahead, and
they will go on to coach others.”
Eileen Emerson:
Hospitality and
Graciousness Personified
Eileen Emerson,
known to several
generations of
School alumni as
the epitome of
gracious hospitality,
passed away in East
Lansing on March 25,
2012. Eileen and Bob
were institutions in East Lansing, with deep
and abiding friendships through their work at
the Kellogg Center at Michigan State, their
volunteer work at Ingham Medical Center,
their involvement in the Alumni Association
of The School of Hospitality Business at MSU,
and their membership at St. Thomas Aquinas.
Bob, a 1947 School alumnus and member
of the Hall of Fame Charter Class, was the
general manager of Kellogg Center from
1956 to 1974. He passed away ten years ago.
Bob was an “ambassador” for MSU, often
serving as President John Hannah’s righthand man, and serving up Spartan hospitality
to visiting dignitaries and recruits.
Bob and Eileen hosted, with Brooks (BA ’47)
and Jan Thomas, the annual Patriarchs
Breakfast for The School. After Bob and
Brooks passed away, the hosting tradition
continued with Eileen and Jan. The alumni,
as well as the MSU and surrounding
communities, loved and admired Eileen.
With no children of her own, Eileen was
the surrogate mother and grandmother
to many. She was a loving and positive
presence who always walked on the sunny
side of life. Ever the epitome of graciousness
and class, Eileen was also quick to laugh
and share an irreverent joke. She had an
unintentional way of drawing people to her,
simply by being kind and caring, always
thinking of others.
It was noted several times that when she
moved to Burcham Hills Health and
Rehabilitation Center almost a year and a
half ago, the entire atmosphere on the third
floor became happier, more positive, and
friendlier, owing to Eileen’s presence and
personal qualities. She deeply and sincerely
appreciated the care she received there.
“It is hard to describe the void her
passing leaves,” says School Director
Ron Cichy, a close personal friend of both
Bob and Eileen. “Our family, as well as
The School and the MSU family, are
blessed to have known Eileen and to
have experienced her in our lives.”
A Patriarch Who Will Be Missed
We say goodbye to Alumnus George Fritz
(BA ’54), who passed away on April 8, 2012.
As a student, George worked at Kellogg
Center when it opened as a “pot-walloper”
(his words!) and as a bellman. He returned
to the Kellogg Center as its general manager in the 1970s, and taught
in the School of HRIM as an adjunct during that time. He worked with
MSU in various positions for more than 35 years. He and his wife of 57
years, Inge, retired to Venice, FL, after living Okemos, but returned to
campus when they could for what was formerly called the “Patriarchs
Breakfast,” held each June to honor graduates of 50 years or more.
Soon after we learned of George’s passing, Inge also passed away.
George served as a training officer in the U.S. Army Reserves for 40 years.
Recently, as a retired colonel, he served on the Board of Directors of the
Venice Area MOAA Chapter.
“Many of us worked with George, not only at MSU, but with the
Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association,” says
Ron Cichy. “He was a fine and knowledgeable hotel operator, and he was
always enjoyable to work with—we counted on his good nature and quick
wit, no matter what the situation was. We will miss George and Inge.”
Spirit Dazzles
in Dubai
Director Emeritus Don Smith and
Alumnus Sal Haider (MBA ’82)
Pictured in Dubai are Alumnus
Sal Haider (MBA ’82), executive
managing director for the
Hotels Business Unit of Majid
Al Futtaim Holdings (left) and
Professor and Director Emeritus
of The School Don Smith, both sporting MSU Big Ten Championship
t-shirts last Spring. Don, ambassador extraordinaire for The School,
speaks highly of his good friend and former graduate student Sal, whose
company has revenues of almost $10 billion. Sal, says Don, is responsible
for eleven existing hotels with 3,000 rooms and another 2,000 rooms in
various stages of development. Hotels in his portfolio range from 3 to 5
stars. Don goes on: “I have followed Sal’s real estate development career
and successes since graduation. He has an extraordinary entrepreneurial
spirit which landed him in the United States almost 38 years ago and
two years ago resulted in re-locating his family to Dubai.” Indeed, Sal’s
story of coming to the U.S. from Pakistan, alone and without resources,
working his way through an undergraduate and graduate education, and
finding remarkable success in a hospitality career IS an inspiration. And
it is a testament to creativity and Spartan hardworking excellence.
THANK YOU, ambassador Don, and Sal—you have provided
a true Spartan Saga.
alumni IN THE NEWS
Where are they now?
Renaissance and Influence...The School Honors MSU Alumni Educators
Two alumni were honored with Lifetime
Academic Achievement Awards by The
School’s Alumni Association during the annual
conference of the International Council on
Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education
(ICHRIE) in Denver, CO, on July 28, 2011.
enrollments and establishing new and
innovative programs, including chapters of
Eta Sigma Delta. George has been honored
with ICHRIE’s Stevenson W. Fletcher
Achievement Award in 1988, and with its
prestigious Howard B. Meek Award in 1993.
The awards breakfast in the Pinnacle Room
at the Grand Hyatt Hotel was hosted by The
School’s Alumni Association and recognized
Dr. H.A. “Andy” Divine (BA ’60) and Professor
George Alley (BA ’59) for having “guided,
mentored, and taught hundreds of students in
the achievement of their dreams during careers
that span half a century.”
Andy is professor
emeritus and
past director
in the Fritz
Knoebel School
of Hotel, Restaurant
and Tourism
part of the Daniels
College of Business
at the University
of Denver. His
Dr. H.A. “Andy” Divine (BA ’60) influence extends
to several
institutions of higher learning, since before
Denver he served as chairman of the Business
Management Program at Bellevue Community
College in Washington; director and associate
professor of the Seattle Center for Hotel and
Restaurant Administration for Washington
State University; and, from 1983 until 1991,
director and professor in Penn State’s
School of Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional
George is the retired
director of the School
of Food, Hotel & Resort
Management and
retired professor of
Management at the
Rochester Institute
of Technology. A
Renaissance man,
a painter and Julliardtrained musician,
George left a
Professor George Alley (BA ’59) remarkable legacy
at the Rochester
Institute of Technology when he retired there
in 1988. From there, George served as dean of
the School of Hotel and Food Administration
at Boston University, and then as director of
the Food, Hotel and Resort Management
Program at Keuka College in New York. At
each institution, he was a builder, growing
Andy has earned numerous awards and is
a prolific author of publications, research
projects, and presentations. He continues
to serve as consultant and expert witness
in court cases.
Isn’t It Grand?!
These two happy Spartan Grand Hotel
associates are Marty Haines (BA ’97), wedding
coordinator, and Rachel Inglot (BA ’09), sales
manager. Grand Hotel is celebrating its 125th
year in 2012. This photo was taken at a reception
in the historic resort’s honor last spring at
the Detroit Athletic Club. Many School students
have completed internships with Grand Hotel,
and several have become valued staff members.
R.D. (Dan) Musser, Jr., retired at the end of the
2011 season as chairman of Grand Hotel after
60 years of daily involvement. His son, Dan
Musser, III, assumes full control of the beloved
landmark. Both men are Honorary Faculty
Members in The School, having visited campus
and spoken in classes.
Welcoming the guests, who more than
filled the room, School Director and
Professor Ron Cichy introduced George
Fischer (BA ’79), Alumni Association
board member and vice president and
managing director at Destination Hotels
& Resorts, who was on hand to present
each honoree with his award.
He then noted that the honorees
attended MSU during the same time
period and both recall the legendary
professors of that era who influenced
them and their own careers. “And both
educators,” he said, “have spoken of
their students as their inspiration.”
Frank Borsenik (BS ’55, MS ’58, Ph.D.
’64), Lifetime Academic Achievement
Award winner for 2010, recalled in an
email being a teaching assistant for
both Andy and George when he was
just embarking on his academic career.
“Both were potential leaders,” he
explained, “but each has had a different
approach as a distinguished leader.”
Accepting his award, George referred
emotionally to his Greek immigrant
father, who spoke several languages,
was an accomplished violinist, valued
education, and owned a successful
restaurant. He thanked his former
teachers, industry friends, colleagues
and students, with whom, he said, he
shared the award. “It’s been a great
journey,” he said.
Andy also recalled his former
teachers at MSU and in the Kellogg
Center, and jokingly appreciated the
“mercy” they showed him, since he
focused on “athletics, work, and
studies—in that order,” while at
MSU. He talked of his 20 years
with University of Denver, and
noted that six of the past 11
directors there have had
MSU connections.
The friendship between the
two honorees was evident, as
were the good feelings throughout
the room among The School’s
faculty members, alumni (newer,
as well as the more established),
and industry partners.
Jim Anhut (BA ’85) has been named senior vice
president Americas Brand Management for
InterContinental Hotel Group
Randall A. Gudanowski, CCM (BA ’71) is general
manager at Short Hills Club in Short Hills, NJ.
Cindy Braak (BA ’77) is vice president, Global
Finance Services for Marriott International, Inc.,
located in Bethesda, MD.
John C. Guy (BA ’80) is general manager of
Westmoreland Country Club in Wilmette, IL.
Chad Bellville (BA ’95) is now with Boyd
Energy Group in Chicago.
Ashley Carter (BA ’08) is assistant front office
manager for Radisson Blu Chicago.
Jason Carpenter (BA ’93) is real estate broker
and licensed contractor with Blu House
Properties in Grand Rapids, MI.
Marc Cassier (BA ’89) was recently appointed
corporate director of conference services and
catering for Fairmont Hotels Worldwide.
Jackie Collens (BA ’07) has received an award
from Hilton Hotels for being one of the top
sales managers in the entire company. She is
senior events manager at The Waldorf=Astoria
in New York, and she received her award in
Barcelona, Spain!
Ivan Colón (BA ’85) is corporate sales manager
for Newport Mansions in Newport, RI.
Chris Cook (BA ’05) is general manager
of Urban Feast in Grand Rapids, MI.
Gloria Crawford (BA ’05) is convention services
manager with Sheraton Denver Downtown
Hotel in Denver. Gloria.crawford@sheraton.com
Lisa Danno (BA ’09) is housekeeping manager
for Hotel Palomar in Chicago.
Hans Desai (MS ’79) is vice president of
Xanterra Parks & Resorts, located in Greenwood
Village, CO. hdesai@xanterra.com
Alix Dixon (BA ’08) is group and event
coordinator for Lake Toxaway Country Club
in Lake Toxaway, NC. Alix was president of
The School’s chapter of CMAA as a student.
Under her leadership, the chapter won Chapter
of the Year. alix@laketoxawaycc.com
Michael Erlingis (BA ’12) has joined
The Hotel Group after graduating last spring.
Jeff Fisher (MS ’01) is enrolled in the Ph.D.
program at Purdue University’s School of
Hospitality and Tourism Management.
Daniel Fox (BA ’09) is retail manager
for Providence Park Hospital in Novi, MI.
Katelyn Gleason (BA ’05) is conference services
manager at Hotel Palomar in Chicago.
Jeff Packard (BA ’09) is with Ocean Prime
in Indianapolis, IN.
Erica Perry (BA ’08) is catering manager for the
Ross School of Business at University of Michigan.
Patrick Hickey (BA ’06) is general manager of
Rao’s in Las Vegas. phickey@caesarspalace.com
Jason Rabidoux (BA ’04) is director of Real
Estate and Business Development with The
Hotel Group, located in Edmonds, WA.
Russell L. Hickey (BA ’97) is general manager
of Hampton Inn in Marshall, MI.
Sabrina St. Peter (BA ’07) is catering manager
for the Four Seasons Hotel in Chicago, IL.
Jason Hilliard (BA ’95) is vice president of
operations with Kosch Catering Dining Services.
Jeffrey K. Serocke, PHR (BA ’82) is area director
Human Resources, Western Region, for Marriott
International, Inc. jeff.serocke@marriott.com
Nicole Hoffman (MS ’07) is Lieutenant Commander
in the US Navy, stationed at Naval Medical Center
San Diego as the assistant department head of
Nutrition Management. She anticipates enrolling in
the MBA program at Point Loma Nazarene University
in San Diego in Fall 2012.
John Soave (BA ’11) is reservations manager at the
Sky Guest Ranch in Montana. Soavej01@gmail.com
Katie Jehn (BA ’12) is assistant manager of guest
services for Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island.
Davlyn King (BA ’99) is manager of Onboarding
and Talent Development with the Operations and
Planning Team for InterContinental Hotel Group,
located in Chicago.
Robert Kisabeth (BA ’91), general manager of
Embassy Suites Denver – Downtown/Convention
Center, has received the 2011 Harvey Feldman Award
as general manager of the year, for demonstrating
superb leadership, accountability, business sense,
and creativity.
Janet M. Steuk (BA ’80) is senior appraiser for
National Valuation Consultants, Inc., headquartered
in Denver. jsteuck@nvcinc.com
Kelly Therkalsen (BA ’07) is guest services
manager with the Hotel St. Regis in Detroit.
Amanda Toy (Mowry), CTA (BA ’05) is sales
manager for the Greater Lansing Convention
& Visitors Bureau. atoy@lansing.org
Bhavin N. Vivek (BA ’06) is asset manager with
White Lodging’s Asset Management Group, located
in Merrillville, IN. bhavin.vivek@whitelodging.com
Kathryn Wahl (BA ’ 11) is event services manager
with the Eden Roc Renaissance Miami Beach.
Kenneth L. Knas, CMA (BA ’81) is vice president for
finance, controller, and intelligence, surveillance, and
reconnaissance group for the Science Applications
International Corporation. Kenneth.l.knas@saic.com
Jodie Walker (BA ’03) is owner of Jaywalker
Restaurant and celebrated five years in business
this past January. Jaywalker Restaurant is located
in Mottville, MI. www.jaywalkerrestaurant.com
Samantha Lindenbusch (BA ’11) is assistant
executive housekeeper at Gaylord Entertainment
in Nashville, TN.
Deanna Walter (BA ’09) is assistant director
of Housekeeping, overseeing the Waldorf Towers
Housekeeping Operation.
Luke Magnini (BA ’12) is dining room manager
at Gratzi, a Mainstreet Ventures restaurant in
Ann Arbor. lmagnini@gmail.com
Brian Weber (BA ’11) is a junior manager with
Hillstone Restaurant Group in Kansas City, MO.
Lance Margrif (BA ’99) is sales and catering
manager with Lansing’s Quality Suites Hotel.
Matthew Weschler (BA ’08) is with Highgate,
located in Irving, TX. mwechsler@highgate.com
Jack Marvin (BA ’10) is front office manager
at the Burnham Hotel in Chicago.
Michael Mooney, CCM, CCE (BA ’76, MBA ’86) is
general manager of the Village Club in Bloomfield
Hills, MI. His wife is Liz Bosone Mooney (BA ’02).
Michael Moriarty ( BA ’11) is an associate with
Hospitality Real Estate Counselors Investment
Advisors. mmoriarty@hrec.com
Erick Nelson (BA ’85) is managing partner
with The English Inn near Lansing.
Brian O’Connor (BA ’91) is vice president
of North American sales for Princess Cruises
and for Cunard Line in Los Angeles, CA.
Stephanie White (BA ’10) is human resources
assistant for the Lexington Lansing Hotel.
Xian Ya Yang (MS ’11) is supervisor/management
training program with Harrah’s Imperial Palace
& Flamingo. Echo.xianya@gmail.com
Michael Yousif (BA ’09) is an analyst – business
development with Davison Hotels & Resorts, located
in Memphis,TN. myousif@davidsonhotels.com
Morgan Zahul (BA ’11) is catering sales executive
with the Kingsgate Marriott in Cincinnati.
Jonathon Zink (BA ’04) is enrolled in the MBA
program at the International University of Japan.
Advancements in Academic Programs
Decades ago, to better serve students, Dean James
Rainey created an undergraduate advising center in
the MSU College of Business. His timeless principles
are now being used to reinvent undergraduate
academic programs and services for our students
in The School. WE are committed to our students
and their academic skills development.
Melissa Bankroff, Dean Rainey, Jeff Yingling,
and Dr. Shannon Burton
“...my most important
contribution is mentoring
students and helping them
discover their true potential.”
Jeff Yingling
Assistant Director of Undergraduate
Academic Programs
“...[I strive to provide]
students with the ability to
become lifelong learners and
transform both themselves and
their communities in proactive
and positive ways through
critical thinking, engagement,
and responsibility.”
Dr. Shannon Burton
Undergraduate Advisor
Shannon Burton is The School’s undergraduate
advisor. She recently completed her Ph.D. at
MSU in Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education,
and will serve our students half-time while
continuing to work half-time as MSU’s assistant
ombudsperson. She has a wealth of advising
experience at a number of institutions, including
MSU’s Departments of Romance and
Dean Rainey is the
Classical Languages and Criminal
director of academic
Justice. Over the past 15 years, she
programs for The
This past spring and
has worked in higher education,
School, and leads a
with a focus on academic advising
dedicated staff which
and international education.
is committed to both
Additionally, Shannon serves in
Academic Programs
undergraduate and
various leadership roles for the
graduate students.
team: Jeff Yingling
National Academic Advising
This past spring and
and Dr. Shannon Burton.
Association (NACADA), the
summer, two new staff
Michigan Academic Advising
members joined the
Association (MIACADA), and Alpha
Academic Programs
Sigma Tau Sorority. In 2010,
team: Jeff Yingling and Dr. Shannon Burton.
Shannon received the National Academic
Jeff Yingling is the new assistant director of
Advising Association’s Outstanding Advising
undergraduate academic programs. Jeff earned
Award and in 2011 was given their Doctoral
his Master’s degree at MSU in Higher Education
Research Award.
Administration, and was a triple major at Kent
Recognizing an ever-increasing emphasis on
State University in Business Management, Finance,
globalization, diversity, and multiculturalism in the
and Real Estate.
world and in higher education, Shannon explains
Jeff comes to us from Undergraduate Academic
her commitment to a “liberal education” that
Services in the Broad College of Business, where
“provides students with the ability to become
he was an academic specialist from 1999–2005,
lifelong learners and transform both themselves
and was the coordinator of admissions &
and their communities in proactive and positive
information technology since 2005. Jeff advised
ways through critical thinking, engagement, and
Hospitality Business students for two years at
responsibility.” As an advisor, Shannon says she
the beginning of his academic advising career,
adheres “to the greater goals of higher education
assisting with the transition to and systems design
and seeks ways for our students to best manage
for The School’s unique application and admissions
diversity and change in their own lives.” With her
procedures, and, from last April to July, was the
commitment to liberal education, as well as to
interim undergraduate programs coordinator
dialogue, pluralism and intercultural development,
for The School.
challenge and innovation, and support for the
curriculum, she strives to “make my community a
Jeff says, “My undergraduate majors, combined
better place by advocating for my students, being
with over 13 years of being involved with virtually
proactive in my engagement with my institution
every aspect of academic advising in the Broad
and communities, thinking in innovative and
College of Business, has made undergraduate
entrepreneurial ways about my work, and
business education part of who I am.” He has a firm
promoting the global community itself.”
understanding of curricula, policies, and procedures
at the college and university levels. This knowledge,
as well as his skill in collecting and analyzing data,
have allowed him to improve the quality and
quantity of academic services offered to students
in the Broad College. There is no question that
Jeff will bring those same capabilities to his new
position. He says “I enjoy being an early adopter
of new information systems and take great
satisfaction in providing feedback to improve
them for other academic advisors and students.
However, my most important contribution is
mentoring students and helping them discover
their true potential.” His positive outlook, spirit
of cooperation and inclusion, and “how can I help?”
attitude are icing on the cake.
Melissa Bankroff is the veteran of the group, and
for several years has been our graduate programs
coordinator, navigating students through the
graduate programs application process, meeting
degree requirements, the annual Graduate
Student Forum—and much more. Melissa helps
with undergraduate advising, and she teaches The
School’s two professional development courses.
Dean Rainey is very pleased with the entire
Academic Programs team. “I am very confident
about the services we will provide to all our
undergraduate and graduate students. Each day,
with each student, we endeavor to show the same
kind of hospitality that defines our School.”
Please visit The School’s website for the latest
happenings. Press releases are located by clicking
“media center.”
Spartans Will­—stay informed!
Lodging Hospitality Magazine:
The Partnership Continues
The May 2012 issue of Lodging
Hospitality magazine featured an
article titled “The View from
Main Street: Michigan State
Panel Takes on Big Issues.”
Written by The School’s very
first Spartan Champion, Editor
Ed Watkins, the article reports
on the Spring semester gathering
of The School’s Real Estate and
Development Advisory Council.
It has become a tradition for the
Advisory Council to form a panel
discussion about the “state of
the industry” during the annual
meeting in East Lansing, and,
as in past years, Ed has been on
hand to facilitate the discussion
and report on its main themes.
Recognized as the top-ranked hospitality business school,
The School has a unique, industry-specific position within
Michigan State University’s Broad College of Business.
Celebrating its 85th anniversary in 2012, The School’s
values and mission continue to help us lead the field.
Our CORE VALUES are our foundation:
The School serves
as the academic
partner for two annual
conferences hosted by
Lodging Hospitality.
Faculty and students
attended and
presented research
at the Midwest
Lodging Investors
Summit July 16-18
in Chicago, and they
will participate in the
Hotel Development
Conference October
17-19 in Miami.
Ed writes, “While the pace
of the hotel industry’s rebound
may at times seem to be
excruciatingly slow, it is very
real, particularly if you look street corner by street
corner.” Members of the Advisory Council, nearly all
alumni of The School, are leaders in the real estate and
development segment of the industry from around
the nation. Their opinions are well-informed and
insightful, and they provided a real-world perspective
to the students present who are enrolled in The
School’s Real Estate and Development Specialization.
To view the entire article, please go to LHonline.com and
in the search field, type “Another Optimistic Outlook for
the Hotel Business.”
• Treating people right
• Work ethic
• Social responsibility
• Status
• Students
• Integrity
• Individualism
• Merit
• Giving to community
• Honesty
• Hospitality industry
• Collaboration
• Creation of knowledge
• Each other
—is to be the recognized leader in Hospitality Business
education, research, and service.
The MISSION of The School is...
—to INSPIRE continuous learning by empowering present
and future managers to ACQUIRE knowledge, skills,
and global Hospitality Business leadership positions
—to CREATE knowledge by engaging in collaborative
theoretical and applied research for the benefit
of undergraduate and graduate students,
Hospitality Businesses, and the community
of hospitality management scholars
—to ENGAGE our Hospitality Business partners
through outreach and service, and to ENHANCE
global Hospitality Business economic,
community, and academic development
—to CONTINUOUSLY IMPROVE The School’s global
leadership position in Hospitality Business operations,
development, ownership, and management.
Visit The School online at
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Calendar of Events
November 6, 2012
Homecoming Weekend
October 11-13, 2012
Thursday, October 11, 10:30 am
November 7, 2012
Alumni-Student Golf Outing
November 10, 2012
Thursday, October 11, 5 pm – 6:30 pm
(during International Hotel/Motel & Restaurant Show)
Alumni-Faculty Roundtable Discussion
•Alumni Association Executive & Appointed
Boards of Directors Briefing Meeting
Thursday, October 11, 7 pm – 9 pm
•Celebration of Leadership
Spartan Sponsors Mentor Program
Friday, October 12, 8:30 am – 3:00 pm
Alumni Association Executive &
Appointed Boards Meeting
Friday, October 12, 6 pm
Homecoming Parade
Friday, October 12, 7:15 pm – 8:30 pm
December 15, 2012
• Commencement
• Newest Alumni Celebration
January 26, 2013
Vegas Night
February 9, 2013
Annual Auction
After-Parade Reception
March 29 and March 30, 2013
Saturday, October 13, 8:30 am – 11:30 am
April 6, 2013
Homecoming Pre-game Reception
Saturday, October 13, 12 noon
MSU vs. Iowa
Real Estate & Development Advisory Council Meeting
Les Gourmets
May 4, 2013
• Commencement
• Newest Alumni Celebration
May 20, 2013
(during National Restaurant Association Show)
•Alumni Association Executive & Appointed
Boards of Directors Briefing Meeting
•Alumni Network Gathering
•Annual Gathering of Leaders