published by Gustavo Gili Editorial - Barcelona
published by Gustavo Gili Editorial - Barcelona
1 airports Paris Charles-de-Gaulle Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Frankfurt Airport Zurich Airport Unique Canton of Zurich Airport Regions Conference strategic planning urban design architecture events / installations Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - published by Gustavo Gili Editorial - Barcelona Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 2 Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 3 Lisbon – 20.6.2008 Lisbon Airport City the role of airports in the development of cities and regions Mathis and Michael Güller Güller Güller Rotterdam.Zurich what does that change? 1. Airports and Cities 2. From Airport to Airport City 3. ‘Lisboa Cidade Aeroporto’: Challenges / Potentials 4 Paris airport corridor 4. 5. Preliminary conclusions Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 4 Source: Amsterdam airport Schiphol Guatemala City City airport Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 5 30km from city Hongkong London Sky City Frankfurt Remote airport Asiaworld Expo Kowloon Tung Chung Hongkong nce Paris – Ile de Fran Disneyland Resort Amsterdam Sky City 20km from city 10km from city Paris Zurich Airport Corridor ‘Glattal’ city centre Region Ile de France airport city Zurich airport Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 6 “Double Hub” Precondition = integration in regional transportation networks Zurich Lightrail for Airport Corridor Car Î de-centralization Train Î re-concentration Ai Airport t Î poly-centralization l t li ti Public transportation aligned with economic development Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 7 Airport City 1. Airports and Cities 2. From Airport to Airport City 3. ‘Lisboa Cidade Aeroporto’: Challenges / Potentials = an ‘business strategy’ = an ‘urban development strategy’ for a transportation node 4 Paris airport corridor 4. 5. Preliminary conclusions mechanisms not scale! “AirportCity” = additional income with non-aviation activities Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 8 Amsterdam real-estate instead of parking Reorganisation of the airport operator‘s company structure Amsterdam Schiphol Transportation node the railway station as a new focal point Development of office-m2 parallel to nr. of airplane movements Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 9 Vienna Airport City 1 million passengers = • 1000 - 1500 direct workplaces • 10’000m2 of real estate (add. 250 direct / 50 indirect workplaces) • air-connectivity / hotel nights / consumption expenditures / etc. Source: various European airports the potential economic benefits of air-transportation Initiatives of the airport operator to finance its infrastructure Chicago logistic areas centre ville European Airport City = ca. 80-90ha What do we mean by airport city? Which environment, identity, role of the airport area Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 10 Stockholm Sky City Just another generic business park? Frankfurt airport Double hub Frankfurt: complementary to what the city already has Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 11 Frankfurt airport Frankfurt airport AIRrail-terminal AIRrail-terminal Airport City = “Central railway-station” development Frankfurt airport expansion competition 2003 AIRail Terminal Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 12 Piers Terminal + Airport City + ‘Hybrid Airport’ ….a 2nd generation of airport city? Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - ….prizewinning project by Foster (GB) Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 13 - Airport City at a remote airport 1. Airports and Cities - Position of the airport in a polycentric region 2. From Airport to Airport City - Integration in regional/national transportation networks 3. ‘Lisboa Cidade Aeroporto’: Challenges / Potentials - Individual municipal developments 4 Paris airport corridor 4. - Governance of spatial spatial-economic economic developments 5. Preliminary conclusions Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 14 NAL 40km NAL Lisboa 25km Setúbal NAL Airport City – which parts of a differentiated programmatic range? Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 15 Amsterdam Helsinki Stockholm Uppsala Stockholm 40km Stockholm Copenhagen Milano Malpensa Vienna ARN Arlandastad – 660ha 5km Arlanda Airport City – too big, too vague, too far away... Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 16 40km from city Oslo airport Oslo airport AIRPORT CITY AIRPORT CITY a typically ‘Norwegian’ development? An outstanding quality ‘Design Manual’ Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - ‘Design Manual’ Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 17 Oslo airport Airport City on airport platform Airport business parks a ‘specific and airport oriented’ economic profile NAL Zürich - the airport area as a regional ‘Centre Area’ Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 18 Airport trainstation = regional interchange node Airport trainstation = national interchange node 1 Regional Centres ARN 2 2 Airport = ‚platform for heavy infrastructure‘ ARN 1 1 Airport Shuttle 2 National railway line to Stockholm Stockholm County: airport and airport region peripheral? Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 19 Key-branches: clusters and hot-spots in the Stockholm-Uppsala region ARN 40km Uppsala ARN ARN Stockholm ABC-corridor Stockholm: concentration of Science and R&D parks Economic profile of the Stockholm ABC-corridor Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - (1) Accessibility of the platform for passengers / employees Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 20 NAL NAL (2) Possible concentration of larger parts of the economic spin-off (3) Probable role of the new airport as logistic platform Barcelona Barcelona AIRPORT CITY Ciudad aeropuerto 5 4 2 3 1 Ideally at nearby platforms: an equal level of accessibility as inside the city Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - Complementary to what the city already has(!) Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 21 30km from city Hongkong CHAIN OF PEARLS in transportation corridor (dead-end) Coruche B Benavente t NAL Alcochete Montijo Palmela Individual municipal developments? Stockholm Airport municipalities NAL High-quality living environment and attractive business opportunities Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 22 ARN How to match profiles of population and activities? Sigtuna municipality – 4th biggest conference location in Sweden ARN Concurrence between business areas in the 4 municipalities Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - Common area development of the 4 municipalities Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 23 Amsterdam Airport Area Governance Development agency to maximize the spatial-economic potentials Amsterdam Airport Area Governance Governance and partnerships needed! move towards ‘creating added value’ and pursue a “metropolitan planning approach” (accessibility, complementary economic profile, profile sustainable development) development)… …rather than creating a stand-alone airport-facility and peripheral business/logistic sites Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 24 1. Airports and Cities 2. From Airport to Airport City 3. ‘Lisboa Cidade Aeroporto’: Challenges / Potentials 4 Paris airport corridor 4. 5. Preliminary conclusions Triangle de Gonesse …towards a Parisian airport corridor Amsterdam Paris – Ile de France Londres Francfort Güller Güller – DHV – EBP – Van Beek Why? What for? Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - strategic reserve between city and airport which others don’t have anymore Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 25 Ref AXA CS 1 – EPA Plaine de France AXA – potentialité de développement du Triangle de Gonesse, Déc 2006 A- 1er cercle Pôle tertiaire B- 2ème cercle Parc mixte C C- 3ème cercle entrepôts et locaux d’activité _______________________ B A ± 40’000 emplois Take-up of 100’000m2 per year challenge: fragmented development of the Airport corridor Supply 1.5 – 2 million m2 economic development Etablissement Public d‘Amenagement Plaine de France Public Planning Authority ‚Plaine de France‘ Paris airport corridor Governance? Plaine de France Missions of the EPA: Dep Val d’Oise Dep. d Oise Dep. Seine Saint-Denis • Stratégie urbaine • Développement et promotion du territoire • Émergence et montage de projets • Pil Pilotage t ett gestion ti d de projets à la demande des partenaires • Conseil et appui aux communes City of Paris 30 municipalities and 2 departements ‘Val d’Oise’ and ‘Seine Saint-Denis’ Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 26 Gonesse Tremblay Villepinte Aulnay sous Bois tomorrow… today... Le Bourget the Paris’ airport corridor lack of use of the potential and socio-economic inegalities Target groups: 1st, 2nd and 3rd line of airport-related business-activities Concept of an airport corridor: Passenger Terminals Retail (tax free shops) Airport Hotel Aircraft Handling Cargo Terminals 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 High-end Offices Conference Center, Hotels, Shopping Area Bonded Warehouses 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Passenger Terminals Cargo Warehouses Airside C A R G O Cargo Warehouses Landside Activités 1ère ligne g fragmented islands unclear profile airport corridor competitive profile Act. 2ième ligne Act. 3ième ligne CDG; LBG Roissy Pole, ZACs ZACs ? Offices, Back offices ((larger g scales)) Conference Center, Recreation Facilities High Tech Industries, Distribution/ Value Added Logistics Source: DHV one single spatial-economic development strategy Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - Risk: Wrong target groups at wrong business sites Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 27 1‐ AIRPORT CITY Charles‐de‐Gaulle 2‐ metropolitan development pole Le Bourget 3‐ AIRPORT CORRIDOR 4‐ a new logistic platform CDG‐Est 5‐ individual business / industrial parks 5 distinctive economic profiles a new ‘axe de compétitivité’ Triangle de Gonesse metropolitan vision: Identity: 2nd green sector of Paris Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - a contribution to the national competitivity agenda and a new metropolitan development pole Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 28 Economic segregation: distribution of levels of income in the Ile de France Lack of compatibility between noise and urban development Plaine de France Global challenge ‘Liveability’ le golf Chapter 2 Competitiveness, Liveability and Strategic Vision • Dilemma III. Economic dynamism or liveable city? “Concentration of population, which partly account for metro-region’s dynamism, causes also congestion, poor environment, housing shortages and the formation of ghettos. Is there a choice between economic dynamism and having a liveable city?” les plaines agricoles les vallons technopole colline d’energie les parcs urbains in OECD Territorial Reviews: Competitive Cities in the Global Economy, 2006 Collective agricole périurbaine ‘Plaine de France’ de 6000ha Green network Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 29 An opportunity to achieve… • territorial coherence • an efficient internal organization of the airport area • competitive advantages wrt other global city regions • excellency in sustainable development Which type of urban development will be modern and competitive in 10-15 years? Which strategic benefits? Gare RER Gare Sarcelles RER D‐B Bus TCSP Tramway Sud‐ Nord ‘Backbone’ of the economic corridor, and interconnection with the surrounding villages corridor of public transportation Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - an « urban boulevard » instead of a road Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 30 in a city a street is not a road! printemps été automne Campus of the Technopôle Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - Technopole as flagship to the ‘Cœur du Triangle’ Dynamisme économique Différentiation et compacité Création d’emplois et accessibilité Qualité de vie et de travail Innovation et identité Excellence paysagère et réseaux locaux Integrated urbanism Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 31 Roissy en France Gonesse Creating added value by selectivity in programme and scarcity of developpable land… ...and by creating a 2nd green sector of Paris, and an airport corridor strategy Mixity Value creation 1. Airports and Cities 2. From Airport to Airport City 3. ‘Lisboa Cidade Aeroporto’: Challenges / Potentials 4 Paris airport corridor 4. 5. Preliminary conclusions Benefits for the local inhabitants! Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa 32 Key issues for a quantity-quality approach • Potential for airport corridor development • Co-ordination of development around the airport and on strategic sites y following g foreign g examples such as SADC in Amsterdam = of the city linking business parks to airport functions by offering exclusivity and high quality • Selectivity and segmentation: Not everything needs to be in the airport surroundings • Internalization of landscape: potential to create higher added value for Lisbon region regarding to airport businesses and logistics areas, areas by steering the value of land and creating shortages (SCARCITY) some criteria for an integrated ‘cidade aeroporto’ 1. BENEFIT FOR THE CITY: complementary, chance for metropolitan developm. poles? 2. SOCIO-ECONOMIC BENEFIT: quality of live / workplace-generation in the neighbourhood 3. CONTRIBUTION TO THE COMPETITIVITY AGENDA: selective economic profile / sustainability 4. INTEGRATION IN INFRASTRUCTURE NETWORKS: a chance to build up a (public transportation) network 5. IMAGE OF THE AIRPORT CITY: truly Portuguese 6. GOVERNANCE: PPP / development agency Potential methods: Value creation, Quality improvement (environment and accessibility), Steering/ optimizing land use, creating shortages, strengthening the image airport and city – Lisboa cidade aeroporto? Güller Güller architecture urbanism Rotterdam.Zürich - Lisbon Airport City – 20. June 2008 CCDR-LVT Lisboa
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