57th Annual Eastern and Central Oregon Food


57th Annual Eastern and Central Oregon Food
57th Annual
Eastern and Central
Oregon Food Caravan
Saturday, October 22, 2011
See Page 16 for schedule details
Al Kader OASIS
Published Monthly
Al Kader, Shriners International
25100 SW Parkway Ave.
Wilsonville, Oregon 97070-9600
Phone 503-682-4420
Fax 503-685-5080
email oasis@alkadershriners.org
Subscription Price $5.00/Year
Potentate...Greg Jenkins
Chief Rabban...Warren Gray
Asst. Rabban...Bill Newhouse
High Priest & Prophet...Dave Johnson
Oriental Guide...Tom Bland
Treasurer...Robert Keller
Recorder...Hap Baldwin
Asst Recorder...JB Dick
1st Cer. Master...John Nerski
2nd Cer. Master...Skip Stanaway
Director...Richard Schoonover
Marshal...Bernie Stanfill
Capt. of the Guard...Ray Glass
Temple Outer Guard...George Hueth
Chaplain... Noel Keister
Asst. Chaplain…Carson Bailey
Outer Guard...Richard Crist
Outer Guard...Bryan Braun
Outer Guard...Fred Wendt
Outer Guard...Bill Quier
Outer Guard...Vic Morton
Outer Guard...Carey Huckaba
Outer Guard…Tomey Greer
Outer Guard…Gary Dentinger
Outer Guard…John Koch
Outer Guard…Ron Henderson
Executive Aide - IS Dan Moyer ‘08
Chief Aide - Mearl Kroker
Aides - Bob Brown, Frank Brewington,
Tom Chappelle, Jim Conner, David
Cramblett, Steve Dunn, Fred Hardin, Ed
Jud, John Koch, Keith Leamon, Dick
Unruh, Claude Weldin, Chris Woolcock
Director of Units...Gib Thonstad
Assisitant…Phil Strother
Temple Attorney...Richard Lee
Temple Auditor...Brad Henry
Hosp. Transportation...JB Dick
Ken Jubb - Temple Photographer
Roy Armentrout...Recorder
Robert Schulz…Ambassador
Robert Timm…Ambassador
Publisher...Greg Jenkins, Potentate
Editor...Dave Johnson
Photographer...Art Thompson
Items must be received by the 10th of
the month preceding date of issue.
Advertising Rates On Request
October is here, fall is in the air, we have wrapped up all
but one of our annual hospital fund raisers and they have
done pretty good so far. The annual Burns weekend was a
lot of fun as usual, starting with one great Bar-B-Q on
Friday evening in Noble Bill and Sonia Quier’s big backyard.
Central Oregon and Harney Shrine Clubs cooked the
steaks and chicken breasts and supplied all the rest of the
goodies that go with a good meal. Saturday a short downhill
five block long parade, followed by brunch at the local
Indian casino. At 4:30 we meet at the Harney County Fair
Grounds, line up to eat again at one of the best Bar-B-Q’s
Greg Jenkins
any group could ever put on. There is just about any and
everything that is grown or raised in Harney County prepared
by Tiny and his crew. The food is very good, they put more than you can even think of
eating on your plate, but we all seem to do a good job of putting it away. The 4-H – FFA
livestock sale starts at 7:00 PM and this year Harney County Shrine Club bought 1 market
hog and 1 market beef. There were 9 market hogs, 10 market sheep, and 3 market beef
donated to the Shrine by local ranchers and business. Roaring Springs Ranch donated
seven head of livestock back to the Shrine. I presented them with seven of this year’s
cups and a certificate thanking them for all of their donations. I was told that they have two
of their son’s who have played in the E-W football game and have another son who they
hope will make the E-W team in a couple years. They wanted to give back to the Shrine
because of all that we do for the Kids and have done for them and their sons. I even
purchased a rabbit but Mavis said that I couldn’t take it home, so I gave it back, the boy
who raised it was very happy about that.
On October the 6th, 7th & 8th SCFRA will be holding their annual meeting at our Shrine
Center, this will be the first time the meeting has been held on the West Coast. Noble Ron
Ellenson is president of SCFRA and is responsible for this year’s agenda. He hopes our
Nobles will take advantage of the meeting. Any of our Nobles who are involved in fund
raising should think about attending this event, there will be a lot of ideas you might be
able to use in your Clubs and Units future fund raising events. Contact the Shrine Center
for information.
The 57th Eastern Oregon/Central Oregon Food Caravan will occur on October 22, 2011.
It will start in Ontario, then go on to Baker, La Grande, Pendleton, The Dalles, all the way
picking up more drivers and more food that has been donated by some very generous
people. At the Multnomah Falls the Motor Escorts meet the group and escort them back to
the Shrine Center in Wilsonville to unload. The unloading will
be done by some enthusiastic young people from the Job’s
Daughters and DeMolay. Later Saturday night we will have a
social to celebrate all the hard work. The Oasis will start at
5:30 PM, march-in at 6:30 PM, dinner at 6:45 PM, and
presentation of donations at 8:00 PM. Hope to see everyone
there to help celebrate everyone’s generosity
Al Kader OASIS - October 2011 - Page 2
A Social to Celebrate
the 57th Food Caravan
A Social to Honor
The Nobles & Ladies of the Eastern
& Central Oregon Shrine Hospital
Food Caravan.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Al Kader Shrine Center
Wilsonville, OR
Pot Roast or
Oasis - 5:30 PM
The Concert Band
will play before dinner
Potatoes, Vegetables,
March-in - 6:30 PM
Seasonal Desserts
Dinner - 6:45 PM
Presentation of
Donations - 8:00 PM
child care
will be
please RSVP
with numbers
and ages
Range Hens
Rolls, Green Salad
$15.00 per Person
Dress Casual with Fez
#2 for Divan
Reserve on-line at
or call the Shrine Center
at 503-682-4420
Al Kader OASIS - October 2011 - Page 3
Director’s Corner
by Noble Gib Thonstad, Unit Director
Nobles and Shrine Ladies,
October, NO PARADES! This does not mean
the Units have nothing to do. Both the Bands
will keep on playing for our enjoyment. Al
Kader Patrol will still present the colors at our
Stated Meetings and our Socials. The Greeters
will be there at the door welcoming us to the Shrine Center. The
Ritualists will be practicing for the Fall Ceremonial in November.
The Motor Escort will still meet and escort the Food Caravan from
Multnomah Falls to the Shrine Center. The other Units will
continue to help the Shrine Center wherever there is a need.
In October I am asking each Unit to take a deep breath and dig
right back in. Several projects and activities require our support in
October to really be successful. We start off the month with a
garage clean out. Every Unit that stores anything in the garage
needs to be present on Oct. 1st as we empty the garage. On
October 6th thru the 8th Al Kader is hosting SCFRA and the
garage will be used as a “market place” allowing the vendors
attending to display their wares.
The wild game dinner is set for October 15th. This is a great
social event and I encourage everyone to come and take part.
This is a money maker for the Shrine Center so bring your friends.
This is a good place to introduce your prospective candidates to
Shrinedom prior to the Ceremonial in November.
All Units are encouraged to come to the Shrine Center on October
22nd to support the Food Caravan. Be sure and wear your Unit
uniform and be at the center between 3 and 4 PM. There is also a
social that evening honoring the Eastern Oregon Shrine Clubs
that have made the long trek bringing food to the Hospital. It is
very important that the Units are represented in force for this
event to show our support and appreciation for those participating
in the Food Caravan.
The Ceremonial is in November and will be upon us before we
know it. You should have your candidates lined up and ready to
go. We need to continue to push for members in the Shrine but
also a participation with the Units. Growth, as you all know, is so
important for the Units to remain strong. With only about 10
percent of our current membership involved, it continues to
amaze me how much work we get done. I hope to see you at one
of the many events this month.
Remember to wear your FEZ, support your Blue Lodge and be
mindful that “TOGETHER WE ARE BETTER.”
See's Candy sales continuo at the Shrine
Center. We have some candy on-site. However
if we don’t have what you want you can call us
at 503-682-4420 and we'll mail an order form.
Or you can tell us what you would like and
we'll have it sent to you.
2011 Fundraising Update
by Noble Warren Gray, Chief Rabban
A special thank you to the Lincoln County and
Pendleton Shrine Clubs for their assistance with
the Car Raffle. Lincoln County has the highest
dollar total. The Nobles of the Pendleton Shrine
Club provided us with a phenomenal location for
the sale of Raffle tickets. The Car Raffle total is at
$26,025 dollars and counting. There are additional events coming up
where we can still add to the total, but the car shows are starting to
decline with the changes in the weather. We will be at the Portland Car
Expo Friday at the Portland Expo Center Friday –Sunday, October 7th
thru October 9th. I need volunteers to help sell tickets. If you have
checked out tickets and sold some but have not turned in the proceeds
please do so now. Please turn in unsold tickets now. If you would like
to help at some of the last car show events before Chief Rabban Night
please call me at 971-235-4366. Help us have the most successful car
raffle fundraiser yet.
The Wild Game Dinner is just around the corner on October15th at the
Shrine Center. The renowned wild game chef Lady Jennifer Moyer
promises wild game delights for this Center fundraiser. Please call to
make your reservations now since it promises to be a gourmet’s
delight of an evening with fun for all present.
We have just 18 tickets remaining for the Blue Man Group Performance for Friday, October 21 at 7:30 PM at the Keller Auditorium in
Portland. The price of $55 per ticket is significantly less than they will
be at the door so don’t miss your chance for the unique entertainment
experience. Please call the office at 503-682-4420 to get your tickets
continued on page 14
What’s Inside This Month
Pote’s Message
Food Caravan Social
Director’s Corner
Fundraising Update
Wild Game Dinner
Marys Peak Trek
Unit News
History Display
Ladies News
Club News
Al Kader Picnic
Burns Weekend
SCAFRA Seminar
OB Crab Feast
Food Caravan Schedule
Live at the Shrine
Poet Laureate
Al Kader Golf
Birthday Card
Halloween Social
Proofreaders Contest
Chief Rabban Social
Al Kader OASIS - October 2011 - Page 4
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Al Kader OASIS - October 2011 - Page 5
Marys Peak Trek
Marys Peak Trek is one of the oldest, if not the oldest Hospital fundraiser that Al Kader supports. The Clubs
that form the Trek Association not only sell raffle tickets, they run concessions during the rodeo, and the net
proceeds become part of the Trek’s donation to the Hospital. In addition to the Shriners that travel to the Trek,
it has become an outing for our RVers, complete with oases and leisure time to soak your feet when it’s hot. It
Al Kader OASIS - October 2011 - Page 6
has also evolved to be a social…roast beef and salmon smoked in a traditional native style. Then there is the rodeo! We sponsor the final
championship rodeo for the Northwest Youth Rodeo Association. It’s impossible not to enjoy the kids’ efforts. The Potentate awards the
winners with distinctive Trek buckles. Also, this year we had two exceptional performances of the National Anthem. Isabella Trent, a “Shrine
kid” sang on Saturday, and Zachary Duell, grandson of Noble Mearl and Lady Jeanne Kroker, played his trumpet on Sunday.
Al Kader OASIS - October 2011 - Page 7
by Noble Bill Harris
What a perfect day for a picnic. Our chefs, Noble Dana Tawney
and IS Cecil Hammer ‘10, on the grill. Noble Peter Willemse
cooked the corn, and Noble Bob Keller and his Lady Susan
provided perfect adult drinks. Thanks to all the Ladies who
provided the salads, side dishes, and desserts. To Noble Jim
Reeder and Lady Jan, thanks again for providing the perfect
setting at Reeder Beach.
Following our picnic, we held our September Patrol meeting. We
welcomed two new members, Noble Bernie Stanfill and his Lady
Shirley, and IS Greg Jenkins and his Lady Mavis.
The Patrol will present the colors at the SCAFRA opening meeting
on October 6th.
The Patrol Nobles now have the 2012 Entertainment Book for
sale. The price is $25.00. This is the Patrol's annual fundraiser.
You can purchase the Entertainment Book from a Patrol Noble, at
the Shrine Center, or call Noble Dana Tawney 503-761-5468 or
Noble Bill Harris 503-625-5143 .
Thanks to Phil Strother’s son, almost all of the ATV’s are tuned,
repaired and in parade-ready condition. There are one or two
bikes that need to be reassigned or picked up from Nobles who
are no longer participating and the Unit will be back at 100%
capacity. With a large number of “associate members” the bikes
are being ridden on a regular basis. Anyone interested in joining
us need not purchase an ATV, be an “associate” and ride when a
vehicle is available.
Join the Desert Patrol in October for a Halloween costume party
at the Shrine Center. We’re planning an event for kids and adults,
alike. There will be separate entertainment for the children and
“table trick-or-treating” during the evening. We’ll be planning a
ghoulishly good dinner and some haunting escapades for
everyone! Don’t forget to take part in the costume contest, too.
The Al Kader Patrol Presents:
All The Fun at Half The Price
Looking for a Shrine Unit to join? You and your Lady are invited to
our October 3rd meeting at the Shrine Center. Attitude adjustment
5:30 PM, meeting 6:00 PM. Ladies project 6:00 PM. Potluck
dinner and fellowship after the meeting.
by Noble Clem Norton
The Concert Band finished up a busy summer of parades and
sundry other activities with the Al Kader Family Picnic held on
August 28 at Oaks Park in Portland. Playing to a very receptive
audience, we had some 24 Nobles, Ladies and guests among our
ranks on the bandstand. As the breeze wafted through the oak
trees, we filled the park with the sounds of "Those Lazy, Hazy
Days of Summer" and "Rock Around The Clock."
Now with the summer obligations behind us, we will start working
on selections for our fall and winter commitments, which will
appear in future Oases. Fine for now.
The Entertainment Book is now on sale, and it is
filled with hundreds of half-off and two-for-one
coupons. The Entertainment Book is the best
way to save money on travel, dining, shopping,
attractions and much more!
Contact: Bill Harris 503-625-5143 or
Dana Tawney 503-761-5468
Net proceeds benefit Al Kader Shrine
Patrol, not tax deductible
by IS Dan Moyer ‘08, Captain
Labor Day 2011 was, once again, the date for the annual Desert
Patrol meeting and picnic at the home of Bob and Nora Timm.
Great food, good fellowship and a very productive meeting were
the order of the day. Nora prepared a wonderful smoked turkey
and the remainder of the Ladies supplemented with various
salads, side dishes and desserts. The meal was topped off with
birthday cake in honor of Bob’s 75th.
Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade will be added to the roster of events
for the Desert Patrol riders this year. A large number of the
Patrolmen willbrave the November weather and lend a hand at
parade chores prior to the event and then to take part, as well.
Al Kader OASIS - October 2011 - Page 8
by Noble Don Slezak
The next Greeters meeting will be October 3, 2011 at the Shrine
Center. As usual the social hour and potluck dinner with the
Ladies will start at 6 PM with our meeting at 7:00 PM.
The Food Caravan is October 22. We always have things to do
for this event. Our check for the Transportation Fund will be
presented after the dinner. It would be great to have a large
turnout out for this.
Other duties for the month will be discussed. The nominations for
Officers for next year will be an important topic for discussion. All
Officers are elected for 1 year terms so all are up for nomination.
The office of Treasurer will require a new person. Thank you Jim
Hall for your years of service in that office.
Keep selling the Mustang raffle tickets.
Read your Oasis for all future Shrine activities so you don’t miss
Be on the look out for new Greeters. If you are interested please
call me at 503-254-4693 or let the Shrine Center know.
by IS Ard Pratt ‘09, Captain
Well the Motor Escort made the annual trip to the Harney County
Fair and auction. The Central Oregon and Harney county Shrine
Clubs put on a great steak feed with all the fixings and libations
on Friday night. On Saturday morning we rode in parade which is
all down hill and a fun time. After that we did what all Shriners do
best and that’s ride to the Casino for brunch.
After brunch we had our regular meeting (which is always in
Burns). We then had to rush out to the fair grounds for an all you
can eat dinner put on by the 4H and FFA groups. We were, as
always, hosted by the Harney County Shrine Club. This is a small
group of very hard working Shriners that always raises a large
amount of meat for the Hospital.
The weather was a little warm but not that bad and the riding was
great and our friends in Burns are great.
We still have a couple of motorcycles without riders if you’re
interested give me a call 503-253-1573
Al Kader History Display
by Noble John Smith, Historian
Al Kader’s History is Al Kader’s Future
Noble Shrine-Mason Brethren and Family:
What you donate to Al Kader’s History could well become a piece
of Al Kader’s future – or you could say if you do not donate it to
our History, it may not be part of our future and the Al Kader story
will be changed, forever: An example: recently a wife of a
deceased Noble donated to us his badge of being a Shriner (his
Fez); it will soon adorn another esteemed Noble, thus adding to
their legacies and the Al Kader story. Also, sometimes a new
Shriner cannot afford a new Fez, so a donated Fez is often
given/loaned to him.
You see, we Masons and Shriners really do believe in eternal life.
What you do for another really can give you, your loved ones
and/or the Nobility the reality of living forever. What you donate to
Al Kader, really will touch the lives of others and help Al Kader live
for all tomorrows.
You can respond to Al Kader Shrine Center, History, 25100 SW
Parkway Ave., Wilsonville, OR 97070 or call 503-682-4420.
Al Zahrah Court #58
Ladies Oriental Shrine
by Princess Nora Timm
We are continuing our activities such as serving the Scottish Rite
dinners on the first Tuesday each month, providing pizza parties
or banana split parties (alternating months) at the Shrine Hospital,
participating in the Burgerville Fundraisers and preparing to get
back into the regular meeting cycle on the 4th Monday.
The Western Area Unit Meet is only a few weeks away, Oct.
20th-23rd. Several vendors selling a variety of items from jewelry,
purses, scarves and hats, aprons and other fun items will be on
hand at the Jantzen Beach Red Lion Hotel. We are hoping to
have all the Ladies of our Court attend even if they do not yet
belong to a Unit. This is one of the most fun activities each year to
participate in. Our Ladies really enjoy getting to know their
counterparts in other Courts, making new friendships and
connections. Our Fun Night will end with an interesting version of
Bingo called DUCKY Bingo and a drawing for 2 nights
complimentary lodging at the Red Lion. If you belong to LOS and
haven’t ever been to a Western Area Organized Unit Meet, this is
an opportunity that is very affordable and once you go YOU WILL
BE HOOKED and never want to miss another! Saturday
afternoon, Oct. 22 at 1:00 PM all Units will be performing and the
PUBLIC IS WELCOME – come see how much fun we have.
Ladies who are NOT YET members of our group are most
welcome to come check us out at events such as the parties at
the hospital on the 2nd Wednesday each month at 5:00 PM on
the 3rd floor, or at the Red Lion Jantzen Beach Saturday Oct. 22
starting at 1:00 PM. We would love to give you a petition, answer
your questions and get to know you. If you have questions about
membership, please call Nora at 503-654-0726 or Robbie at
Al Kader OASIS - October 2011 - Page 9
Oasis was of the Club at a local parade. We did well and people
were glad to see us. It’s nice to be wanted.
President Mel Shope called the September CCSC meeting to
order. After the customary meeting opening, we were treated to
peach cobbler with ice cream, and lemon and peach iced tea,
thanks to Lady Doris Johnson and Lady Sarah Armentrout.
Last month we started on the food drive for the Hospital. We are
getting ready to hit the ground running next week.
by Noble Ron Ellenson
The business agenda included the approval of a $300.00 donation for the SHC holiday turkeys, which has been a long-standing
Club tradition. This presentation will be made at the Central and
Eastern Food Caravan Social at the AKSC. We will also donate
$1,000.00 to the AKSC building fund, which ensures the maintenance and improvements at the Shrine Center. Although the
Columbia County Shrine Club membership is relatively small, our
heritage and support as a Shrine Club has been noteworthy.
A lengthy discussion of a long-range plan to maintain and manage
our unique building in St. Helens was a major topic of review. We
want to continue the building’s operation in the best interest of the
Club; the St. Helens Masonic Lodge No. 32, Al Kader Shrine
Center and the SHC-Portland. Several suggestions were
proposed and we will peruse them further at our next meeting.
A heartfelt ‘Thank You’ to Juanita Shearer for her dedication in
recording our meeting notes over several years of unselfish
dedication. Without her continued interest in our Club activities,
Roy Armentrout, AKSC Recorder Emeritus, and Club Secretary
would be challenging. A personal and Club thank you to Juanita.
You are appreciated!
Our next meeting is scheduled for October 12th at the Shrine
Building. It will be dedicated to a further discussion of our Club
building. Light refreshments will be served at 6:30 PM, and the
business agenda will follow. Please plan to attend.
The Oasis and Hospital information we received from the Shrine
Center is at or will be in all the lodges in our area by the end of
this month. We hope that you can get a small spot in the Oasis
showing the Desert Shrine Club. I need this to push some
Masons “off the fence” and join the Shrine Club. We have a lot of
older Shriners in the Club and they are burned out! I need new
and younger Shriners as well as the older ones to guide us along
the way.
by Noble Don Slezak
The results of last months important meeting are not
known at press time. All members will have to wait for the
mailing to find out how, when, where and why. You can always
call Donna Dennis at 503-665-3955 or Don Slezak at
503-254-4693 to find out. No matter what the social will be
October 19, 2011.
Several of you have not paid your dues for this year yet. You can
always mail your dues to Wayne Dennis, 239 NE 199th Ave.,
Portland, OR 97230. If you are not paid up you might not get the
mail announcement.
Keep selling or buying the Mustang Raffle tickets, whichever you
by Noble Greg Gorham President
This is a report of our Club at work. The photo shows two of our
Club members Mike Clements & Clayton Orr at a New Junior
High school handing out the Backpack Basics for Healthier Kids
from the Shriners Hospitals. We covered all three of the new
schools in Hermiston that opened up this year.
We handed out a lot of the pamphlet's to the moms, dads and
kids. We also make one contact with a mom to send her kid to the
Hospital to see what they could do. The photo in last month’s
Al Kader OASIS - October 2011 - Page 10
Nobles and Ladies,
Tillamook County Shrine Club’s 2011 Steer Raffle was the most
successful in the 55-year history of the Shrine Club’s fraternal
fundraiser. This year, in addition to selling a record 3,373 raffle
tickets @ $1 each, $290.08 was received in cash donations
during the raffle.
by Noble Gib Thonstad
It is hard to believe that it is October already. There is so much to
do but so little time remaining in the year to get it done. We have
to just keep plugging along. In October we will be holding our
meeting at the Gateway Izzie’s hopefully along with the Gresham
Shrine Club. The times remain the same, we gather at 6:00 PM
and dinner is at 6:30 PM. We will have a short program followed
by an even shorter meeting.
Our main purpose at the moment is purely social. We do honor
the participants in the East West Shrine Game in our area by
hosting an annual dinner. This year we were able also to sponsor
the West Queen partnering with the Gresham Shrine Club. We
committed to help pay for the Queens Reception at Baker City if
additional funds were needed.
by Noble Carey Huckaba
Over half a century ago Shriners living in Tillamook County
decided to raffle a steer at the Tillamook County Fair, and then
use the proceeds from the raffle to purchase Tillamook Cheese
from the Tillamook Cheese Factory for the Portland Shriners
Hospital. The first steer raffle succeeded beyond their
expectations, and as word of this good will venture spread around
Tillamook County, Tillamook-Portland Freight Lines volunteered to
ship all the cheese purchased from Tillamook Cheese Factory to
the Shriners Hospital, free of charge.
We talked about hosting a Screening Clinic for the Hospital some
time in the early year (February or March) of 2012. This and other
programs would give the Club some more substance and a
purpose to help promote growth in Shrinedom and to provide
mentors in the area for new Shrine Members.
We did vote to merge with Gresham Shrine Club providing a
mutual and suitable location to meet and hold our meetings is
found and is agreeable to both Clubs. In that spirit, we have
moved the location of our October meeting. We also decided to
tentatively hold November’s meeting at the Elmer’s Restaurant in
Clackamas pending the outcome of our purposed merger.
Our future is in membership and growth. We can become the
catalyst in the overall formula for success and provide a valuable
service to Al Kader Shriners in the area. Everyone is welcome to
join us and share in this great Shrine experience.
by lady Donna Patterson
The East-West Shrine
Football BBQ for coaches,
players and their families,
and Shriners was once
again put on by the Union
County Shrine Club, on the
GAME. The function was
held this year at Pioneer
Park in La Grande. Randy
Traeger of Mt. Angel
(pictured here) furnished
and cooked delicious BBQ chicken for over 400 people, while the
Nile Ladies assisted the Shriners by dishing out the rest of the
food. Ralph and Donna Patterson co-chair the event.
Thus began a tradition which has not only succeeded year after
year, but each year it seems to get a little bit better. The annual
steer raffle at the Tillamook County Fair each August is not just a
Shrine Club fundraiser; it has become a Tillamook County
Tradition and community event. Not only do local people come in
droves to support the Shrine Steer Raffle, but the Tillamook
Kiwanis Club contributes toward the steer exhibit venue rent,
Boyd Implement Company provided the secure enclosure for the
steer, Mr. Roy Braden a local livestock auctioneer together with
Mr. Tom Elder who manages the Woodburn Livestock Auction
donates the steer each year. Also, Mr. Eric Peterson, a local dairy
farmer stores the steer pen, tent and components, and then
delivers it to the fairgrounds and helps set it up for the fair each
Then there is Noble Dr. Roy Peterson who sold 603 raffle tickets
followed by Nobles Jesse Exton’s 580, Robert Creech’s 550,
David Mathew’s 430, Capt. A.L. “Ole” Olsen’s 230, Ward
Weissenfluh’s 230, H. William Linker’s 220, Carey Huckaba’s
160, Bill Brown’s 150, Wally Alexander’s 140, Sterling
Hanakahi’s 30, Jon Dyk’s 30, and Vince Richard’s 20 raffle
tickets sold.
Al Kader’s Northwest Outpost is working hard to be the best we
can be, as Shriners, and as citizens of our local communities. All
is well in God’s Country.
Al Kader OASIS - October 2011 - Page 11
Picnic 2011
We could not have asked for a better day! The sun was out, but it wasn’t too hot. Both the Concert Band and the
Oriental Band entertained us. You will note that the Oriental Band director took time to give a lesson to her understudy.
Hot dogs, hamburgers, fresh corn, beer and soft drinks…what more do you need? Prizes, and we had lots of those for
both the kids and the adults! See Noble John Nerski’s column for the folks that supported the picnic this year.
Al Kader OASIS - October 2011 - Page 12
Burns was a fun weekend! It started with a steak and chicken dinner at Noble Bill and Lady Sonja Quier’s home with Chef Ande
Stearns at the BBQ. 1st Ceremonial Master John Nerski announced his candidacy for Oriental Guide. We paraded on Saturday
followed by a brunch hosted jointly by the Harney County and Central Oregon Clubs. In the evening, we ate goat, lamb, beef and
pork at the County Fair and went to the Auction where IS Greg bought the rabbit and also gave
(continued on page 14)
Al Kader OASIS - October 2011 - Page 13
by Noble Herb Richardson
Okay, that's it...we are now officially into fall, or autumn, or
whatever. Can Christmas be far away? Speaking of Christmas,
how was that for a segue? Would someone like to start now to
plan a Christmas Party? I will be out of town most of December;
actually I will be out of the country, so I'll not be able to participate.
Therefore, we'll have to find a "party animal" and do something
special. Any takers? Call President Bernie and get something
I am going to have to say again that we had a great picnic way
back in August and I really enjoyed the musical entertainment
provided by Justin Franzino and his electronic accordion. We will
have him back one day soon. I understand he has a small group
of three that put on a wonderful and entertaining show. And again
my very special thanks to all who attended the picnic but most
especially to those folks who provided those tasty side dishes and
desserts. You are the greatest.
We got back to the serious work of Shrinedom with our meeting
on September 21st at the Peppermill Restaurant. At this time I
have no idea what went on at the meeting nor do I know how
many Nobles and Ladies were there. Do you know why? Because
it hasn't happened yet and it won't happen for another 11 days as
of this writing. With all of that nonsense out of the way, our next
business meeting will be at the Peppermill Restaurant, 17455 SW
Farmington Road, (Intersection of Farmington and Kinnaman
Road), Aloha at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, October 19, 2011. We
will plan on our standard buffet style dinner at the Peppermill with
something to excite your palate. I don't know what is lined up for
our evening entertainment but I will assure you, you won't want to
miss it. If anything changes between now and then I’ll let you
know by mail, email or phone call.
Watch out for the goblins, they are on the way.
2011 SCAFRA Seminar
By Noble Ron Ellenson
This is the 25th anniversary of the Shrine Circus and Fund
Raising Association (SCAFRA), which was formed and chartered
as the consulting association for Shriners International. It began
as an Imperial committee of circus chairmen in 1970 along with
circus producers and circus vendors who were to work together in
providing information and coordination at all Shrine operations. In
1986 a formal association was formed with full Imperial support.
The Shrine Circus Association of North America (SCANA)
flourished by supporting the needs of the fund raising committees
of the Shrine. In recent years SCANA broadened its horizons to
include all types of fundraising ideas and was eventually renamed
This year's SCAFRA president, Al Kader's Ron Ellenson, is the
first officer to serve the association from the western United
States, and will preside over this year's seminar and annual
meeting in Portland. Imperial Potentate Michael Severe and Lady
Patty and Imperial Chief Rabban John Cinotto and Lady Margaret, will be in attendance during the October 6 – 8th meetings,
which in and of itself underscores the importance of this Imperial
Ron invites the Al Kader Nobility and Ladies to attend the general
meetings and work shop sessions on Friday and Saturday at the
Shrine center. He especially encourages everyone to attend the
Saturday President’s reception and banquet, to meet and greet
the Imperial officers and extend a hardy welcome to those
attending the seminar from Shrine Centers within the United
States and Canada. The costs are $10.00 for breakfasts, $12.00
for lunches on Friday and Saturday, and $25.00 for the banquet
on Saturday which begins at 5:30 PM for the reception and a bag
pipe escort for the march in and dinner at 7:00 PM.
The Oasis is now
on-line! Go to:
Fundraising - continued from page 4
Sunday, November 27th is the Jazz Social and will be a benefit
for the Chief Rabban. The incomparable Margie Boule will be
We must continue to focus on membership as we move forward.
In this endeavor we are all sales people bringing in our brother
masons and their families into the food, fun, and fellowship of the
Shrine. Let’s have the largest fall ceremonial we can next month
by inviting our brother masons to join us. For those who are not
yet Masons we have our website: beashrinernow.com. The Grand
Lodge also has a new program with advertising on Tri-Met buses
and the Max Transit line which asks the rhetorical question: Got
Light? Please talk to one good man a month about Masonry and
one Mason a month about the Shrine. Follow this approach and
our fraternity will grow.
I would like to close with a quote from our departed brother
Benjamin Franklin:
"Masonic labor is purely a labor of love. He who seeks to draw
Masonic wages in gold and silver will be disappointed. The wages
of a Mason are in the dealings with one another; sympathy begets
sympathy, kindness begets kindness, helpfulness begets helpfulness, and these are the wages of a Mason."
Burns- continued from page xx
certificates and mugs to the people who donated 22 animals to
the Shriners Hospital. The total donation to the Hospital from the
auction was valued at a total of $30,705.20 (including the 2
animals purchased by Harney County Shrine Club).
Al Kader OASIS - October 2011 - Page 14
Don't Miss The Al Kader Oriental Band's Annual
World's Greatest & Best Fresh Crab Feast
A Sit Down Affair At
Al Kader Shrine Center
Saturday – January 28, 2012
Cost Is $25.00 Per Person
(Bring your own crackers & picks)
(Breast of Chicken will be available as
the alternative choice of entree.)
Tables of eight or more may
one name - and full payment
table reservation. Seating is
and prepaid reservations are
ets will be sold at the door.
be reserved in
must accompany
limited to 400
a must! No tick-
This event ALWAYS sells out, so...
get your reservations in early!
Tickets are available from any Oriental Band member or by calling
your credit card (Visa - Mastercharge only) to Ted Schoessler at
503-682-4420, or by calling Ralph Jubb at 503-255-3367, or
Wade Robley at 503-786-3680. Checks payable to the Oriental
Band may also be sent to the Attention of Ted Schoessler at the
Shrine Center, 25100 SW Parkway Ave., Wilsonville, Oregon 97070-9612
There will be a Raffle and Gaming with many prizes
Invite your friends and relatives to this great event
Doors open at 5:00 PM
All net proceeds benefit the Oriental Band & Al Kader
Shrine General Funds. Payments are not deductible as a
charitable contribution.
Al Kader OASIS - October 2011 - Page 15
Food Caravan
October 22,
7:00 AM MDT
Leave Ontario West Exit I-84 N to Baker City through
town to Sunridge Motel
7:30 AM PDT
Arrive at Baker City, Sunridge Motel on North side of
7:45 AM PDT
Leave Baker City for Flying "J” Truck Stop in LaGrande
8:30 AM PDT
Arrive at Flying ''J”. Meet Wallowa and Union Co.
Clubs at truck stop - 20 minutes for Coffee
8:50 AM PDT
Leave LaGrande-proceed through town to North Exit
on I-84
9:50 AM PDT
Arrive at Arrowhead truck Park area on North
side to meet Pendleton and Milton-Freewater
10:00 AM PDT
Leave for Pendleton via I-84
10:10 AM PDT
Arrive in Pendleton, East exit and proceed
through town to I-84 West Exit.
10:20 AM PDT
Leave Pendleton via I-84 West Exit and proceed
through Stanfield to Hermiston
10:55 AM PDT - Lunch
Arrive in Hermiston. Lunch will be served at the
Elks Club upon arrival. Inform Nobles directing
parking if you are going to top off the gas tank.
12:00 PM PDT
Leave Hermiston and proceed to I-84
(departure will be past High School)
1:45 PM PDT
Arrive at The Dalles Exit 85 for coffee break at Swimming Pool.
Pick-up balance of caravan.
2:15 PM PDT
Leave The Dalles via I-84
3:15 PM PDT
Arrive at Multnomah-Falls Exit 31. Move to left lane after going
past the Falls area. Mounted Patrol will escort us the balance of
the way. Please follow their directions.
3:20 PM PDT
Leave Multnomah Falls and follow escorts into Wilsonville - via
I-205 South to I-5
4:15 PM PDT
Arrive at Wilsonville, via I-5
Unload to trailers parked on side of Center
9:00 AM PDT
Depart Bend and proceed over the Santiam Pass, through
Salem, and arrive in Wilsonville at around 2:00 PM
Caravaners are urged to make their own motel reservations early!! The La Quinta (503-682-3184) is just across
from the Center. Wilsonville Inn & Suites is close by (503682-2605). The Super 8 Motel is also close. (503-682-2088).
Holiday Inn is across I-5 (877-863-4780). Please be sure to
advise La Quinta you are a Shriner to get the special rate.
No rate information is currently available for other Motels.
Tickets for the Blue Man
Group performance at Keller
Auditorium on Friday October 21
at 7:30 PM are available through
the Shrine Center as fraternal
fundraiser at $55 each.
Call 503-862-4420
Al Kader OASIS - October 2011 - Page 16
2011 Picnic
by Noble John Nerski, 1st Ceremonial Master
I would like to first and foremost thank everyone who helped out
at the 2011 Shrine Family picnic and especially thank my wife
Lady Patricia. Without all of the assistance I received the picnic
would not have been as successful as it was. A special thanks to
IS Greg Jenkins, Lady Mavis and all of the members of the Divan
that helped with set up, serving and break down. Thanks to the
Motor Escort for all of their help in set up, break down and
cooking, to the Desert Patrol for assisting in loading of the
equipment and set up at the picnic, the Patrol for the presentation
of the flags and serving the beverages, the Greeters for all of their
efforts in manning the gates, greeting people as they came in and
handing out the entry bracelets. Special thanks to IS Ard Pratt and
Lady Carol for selling the ride bracelets, 50/50 tickets and raffle
tickets and to Chaplain Noel Keister for giving the invocation.
Kudos to the Oriental and Concert Bands for their performance
during the picnic and entertaining everyone so well, and finally to
Wizard for entertaining the kids and representing the Kader
Klowns. A very special thanks to IS Ard and Lady Carol’s Granddaughter Maddie, Grandson Nathaniel and his friend Brandon for
all of their help along with Emery Ingram’s daughter Becky who
was invaluable to Lady Patricia. Hopefully I have not forgotten to
thank any one or any Unit or Club that assisted at the picnic, if so
I apologize in advance.
I would also like to thank all of the sponsors and businesses that
donated raffle prizes to the picnic. Whenever you can, please visit
these businesses and support them as they have supported us.
Especially Widmer Brothers Brewing who donated all of the beer,
Woodburn WalMart who donated the two bicycles, Safeway
Bakery who donated all of the buns, Starbucks who donated all of
the coffee, Tualatin Kmart and Tualatin Fred Meyer who gave a
huge discount on purchase of the toys that were raffled off. One
night stay packages were donated by Seven Feathers Resort,
Kah-Nee-Tah Resort, Holiday Inn Wilsonville and The Riverhouse
in Bend. Following is a list of businesses that donated raffle prizes
to make the picnic a fun event for everyone, again please visit
and support them regularly. It would be appreciated that while you
are there you could mention that you are a Shriner and thank
them as well.
Al’s Garden Center - Sherwood
Bob Lamphere Honda - Tigard
Bouncing off the Wall - Bend
Camping World - Wilsonville
Cookies By Design - Beaverton
Dave’s Famous BBQ - Tualatin
Evergreen Aviation - McMinnville
Golfsmith - Tualatin
Krispy Kreme - Clackamas
Napa Auto Parts - Wilsonville
OSAA - Wilsonville
Petco - Tualatin
The Duck Store - Bend
Appleby’s Restaurant - Tualatin
Boston’s Pizza - Bend
Bulwinkle’s Fun Center - Wilsonville
Jim and Cynthia Conner
Costco - Wilsonville
Enchanted Forest - Turner
Fred Meyer - Tualatin
Hillyers Ford - Woodburn
Les Schwab - Wilsonville
New Seasons Market - Portland
Office Depot - Wilsonville
The Pine Tavern - Bend
Wilsonville Lanes - Wilsonville
Live at the SHRINE!
Fall Series
What are You doing on the
Fourth Sunday of the Month?
September 25th: Marilyn Keller
October 23rd: Dave Evans
November 27th: Margie Boule
*December 11th* (Under Construction)
*Note Date Change for December. Moved to 2nd
Sunday starting at 6:00 PM*
With the John Bennett Dance Band Featuring:
John Bennett, Piano Wayne Travillion,
Cornet/Trombone & Music Coordinator, Dave
Duthie, Bass, Dave Johnson, Guitar, Ron Leach,
Drums (The World's Most Dangerous Rhythm
They Know Music! All Standards - Fox Trot Waltz - Swing - Rhumba - Big Band
Song Request?? E-mail Wayne at
wctrav@gmail.com with your song request.
4:00 - 7:00 PM
No Host Bar & Light Dining Menu
Cabaret Style Seating for Your
Enjoyment & Comfort
$10 per person
Net proceeds to Shrine Oriental Band–-not tax
deductible. Support the People Who Help the Kids!
Information??? Call:
Earline @ 503-684-6143
Poet Laureate’s
by W. Dale Burkett
Here it is October,
The food caravan is near,
Food for children's hospital
For the ones we hold so dear.
This is the month of Halloween,
Where ghosts & goblins fly
You can see them flying everywhere,
As they soar through the sky.
Al Kader OASIS - October 2011 - Page 17
66th Annual Al Kader Golf Tournament
by Noble Don Slezak
At 0 dark 30 in the morning things seemed rather ominous. There
was lightning in the east and raindrops in the parking lot. What a
great title for a Country and Western song. By the time we got
underway the skies had cleared and it was a perfect day for golf.
Only 80 golfers played this year.
Dave Johnson, HP&P, was the Master of Ceremonies. After a
great lunch catered by Buster’s BBQ prizes were awarded.
The winning Shrine teams:
Don Slezak
Mike English
Dave Johnson
David Rostad
Bill Hoover
Bob Keller
Mike Hoover
Patrick Wolfe
Gene Stiles
Dana Tawney
Rex Harrison
Jim Nielson III
The winning Guest teams:
Jim Dixon
Wayne Dennis
John Dixon
Mike Dennis
Tony Vos
Glenn Pitts
Jacob Mills
Paul Vodrup
Kyle Olsen
Conner Olsen
Jim Olsen
Josh Peterson
Closest to the Pin:
Closest to the Hole:
#5 – Matt Codino
#12 – Mike Hoover
#14 – Jim Nielson III
#16 – Gary Gray
#9 The Money hole:
Closest – Jeff Johnson - $50
Second – John Dixon - $30
Third – Josh Peterson - $20
2011 Major Sponsors
Platinum Course Sponsor
Bob Brown Tire Center
Gold Course Sponsor
Vic Alfonso Cadillac – Hummer
Les Schwab Tire Co.
Bronze Course Sponsor
Ameriprise Financial
Hole Sponsors
Al Kader Potentate
Al Kader Concert Band
Al Kader Cyclowns
Al Kader 2011 Divan
Al Kader Greeters
Al Kader Oriental Band
Al Kader Patrol
Bob M. Keller, CPA
Calliope Carps
Continental Truck Brokers
Custom Stamping
George’s Corner Sports
Bar & Grill
Gresham Shrine Club
K J Hall, Inc
Landmark Ford, Inc
Lariat Lounge
Legion of Honor
Oregon City Golf Club at Lone Oak
Rostad & English
Royal Order of Jesters
Salem Shrine Club
Salem Shrine Patrol
Scottish Rite – Portland
Tualatin Valley Shrine Club
Vancouver Bolt & Supply
Weston Pontiac GMC
Lunch Catered by Buster’s BBQ
Door prizes were donated by:
Glendoveer Golf Course
Mountain View Golf Course
Original Roadhouse Restaurant - Gresham
Clark’s Barber Shop
Ooh La La Salon - Dee Laplante
Applebees Restaurant – Gresham
Glendoveer Driving Range
Chinook Winds Casino Resort
Long Drive by Age:
Age 39 and under – Jacob Mills
Age 40 – 49 – Mike Dennis
Age 50 – 59 – Matt Codino
Age 60 – 69 – Bob Keller
Age 70 and above – Michael Steben
All golfers- Conner Olsen
Kelly Brown was the winner of the Chinook Winds Casino Resort
door prize.
Golf balls were awarded for birdies and eagles with a maximum of
18 per team.
Thank you to all of the Sponsors and everyone who donated door
prizes. Without your support none of this would be possible.
The following people put in a lot of time and effort to make this
tournament what it is; Gary Scott, Wayne Dennis, Warren Gray,
Jim Hall, Jim Dixon, Gail Scott, Bud James, Mary Hancock, Bill
Hoover and Don Slezak. THANK YOU!
See photos on the folowing page
Chinook Winds Casino Resort
1777 NW 45th Street
Lincoln City, OR 97367-5094
Casino Phone: 1-888 CHINOOK (244-6665) or
(541) 996-5825 Fax: (541) 996-5852
Hotel Address:
1501 NW 40th Place
Lincoln City, OR 97367-4811
Hotel Phone: 1-877-4 BEACH 1 (1-877-423-2241)
or (541) 994-3655
Al Kader OASIS - October 2011 - Page 18
Al Kader’s 66th Annual Golf Tournament
Oregon City Golf Club at Lone Oak, the site of our yearly golf outing,
is an 18-hole, 5872 yard course situated on over 100 acres of gently
rolling terrain with picturesque views. Thanks to Art Thompson, Al
Kader Photographer, and Noble Don Slezak for the photos.
Al Kader OASIS - October 2011 - Page 19
Al Kader Nobles
Celebrating in October
John M. Billups
Harold M. Love
James E. Cross
Gary E. Lockwood
Tommy L. Tucker
Archie C. Ball
Dale A. Billups
Douglas P. Lamprecht
Kenneth R. Palen
Arthur V. Thompson
James D. Conner
Jeff K. Zimmerman
Larry R. Skeen
Daniel H. Sealy
Matt Evans
Kevin L. Clark
Maynard C. Pless
Herbert R. Koessel
Arthur S. Danner
John E. Duckworth
Eugene A. Palmer
James D. Magoon
Wayne A. Dinsmore
Dean P. Inman
Harvey G. Hanson
Bobbie J. Girard
Donald Ray
Joseph Villarreal
Stanley R. Thompson
Lawrence R. Semler
Lewis G. Wiedewitsch
John D. Mills
Wallace J. Carey
Louis A. Wilson
Harold E. Smith
David A. Lammerman
Curtis J. Blackburn
Jeremy L. Klettke
Clayton R. Burkenbine I
Fred W. Renstrom
Don Denton
William L. Ransdall
Jon K. Strecker
Martin R. Patterson
Cliffort R. Hay
Merlin P. Hughes
Greg E. Gorham
Craig E. Gorham
Kevin M. Sealy
Henry L. Seifert
George L. Eldredge
Michael T. Wright
Donald M. Burrows
Dale L. Hermanson
Steven Ritter
Gale R. Wilson
Robert M. Tofte
Fred H. Zipf
Larry T. Lester
Robert M. Kottke
Hollis R. Havnar
Brian D. Wright
Herbert L. Allison
Ladd F. Hunt
Marvin M. Adams
Tony V. Mortensen
Carl R. Benson
Joseph B. Carroll
Sean C. Nikkila
Thomas C. Branstetter
Cecil Rill
Ernest G. Helms
Robert E. Andrew
James D. Gardner
Wayne W. Gilbert
William S. Maplethorpe
Lloyd C. Peterson
Michael S. Brant
R. T. Reeves
Melvin G. Shope, Sr.
Thomas D. Reichstein
John W. Anderson
Michael L. Fowler
Carl D. Thompson
Norman R. Harrison
Benjamin F. Richardson
James R. Lound
Charles W. Motheral
Warren R. Cole
David Bradley
Howard U. Palmer
Daniel C. Haddaad
Frank A. Hays
James A. Shelly
Robert Walliker
David M. Flores
Robert E. Wills
Samuel K. Nobles
Stanley E. Carr
Dan E. Ward
Tommy D. Badley
Richard D. Riley
Roy L. Moore
W R Walters
George W. Bennett
Richard H. Hawley
Ronald V. Dickson
Jerry L. Keller
James W. Eldred
Stephen M. Burleson
Arthur S. Fowler
E C Smith
Clarence E. Christianson
Duane L. Bauley
Ralph E. Moore
George M. Weigel
Dwight W. Irby
W B Wolfe
Jonathan E. Strong
John A. Williford
Edwin H. Shaul
Fred C. Wood
Paul A. Gehrman
Dennis L. Oathes
Rex C. Howe
Gary K. Elhart
Robert T. Wills
This distinctive community offers both Assisted Living
and Memory Care in an elegant setting, tucked into a
quiet residential neighborhood. Interiors are graced with
spacious apartments, comfort and tasteful appeal. 24hour nurses on site, provides peace of mind and security.
The Wilsonville is locally owned and managed.
Contact Jan Pollock
7600 SW Vlahos Drive
Wilsonville, OR 97070
Phone - 503-582-9414
Fax - 503-582-9236
The Hampton at the Wilsonville is specifically designed
for those with Alzheimer's disease or similar dementias,
allowing residents to live a dignified life. Antiques,
cheerful colors and realistic artwork provide a sense of
comfort and familiarity. Life enhancing activities such as
music, exercise, art, and a secure courtyard, contribute to
residents’ health and well being.
Al Kader OASIS - October 2011 - Page 20
Al Kader OASIS - October 2011 - Page 21
Proofreaders’ Contest
Lady Jan Sundeen and
Nobles Clem Norton and Jess
Exton diligently performed
their proofreading tasks this
month. Their names have been
entered into the pool.
The September issue is now closed! However,
this issue has a whole new set of errors. You
can’t win if you don’t play
he Jennings McCall
management has
more than 80 years of
experience in caring for
the needs of aging adults.
Jennings McCall —
amenities, choices and
individual services suited to your needs. Assisted Living
supports your choices, enhances your dignity, and ensures your
privacy and individuality. Retirement Living provides a life of
independence, confidence and freedom.
Call 503-357-4133
for a free lunch & tour
Now save $1,000 on the third month’s rent.
Some restrictions may apply.
Al Kader OASIS - October 2011 - Page 22
George and Martha...
Rhett and Scarlett...
Pioneers... 49ers...
Chief Rabban Warren Gray
and Lady Donna invite you to
a Historical Costume Social.
Choose a Real or Fictional
Character from any Period
in American Hisrory and
Dress as that Person on
Chief Rabban Night!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Al Kader Shrine Center
Oasis - 5:30 PM
March in - 6:30 PM
Dinner - 6:45 PM
Raffle Drawing - 8:00 PM
Also, we will have costume
judging, a sneak peak at 2012
and a presentation of the
2012 Trip
Child care will
be provided.
Numbers and
ages of children
when making
Roast Turkey Dinner:
cranberry sauce,
garlic mashed potatoes,
turkey gravy, stuffing,
baby peas, dinner rolls
For Dessert:
pumpkin pie,
chocolate mousse
or a low sugar option
Catering by Dalton?s Northwest
$ 20.00 per person
Reservations by November 2nd:
503-682-4420 or
on-line - www.alkadershriners.org
Al Kader OASIS - October 2011 - Page 23
Al Kader Shrine
Shriners International
City ______________State ___ Zip ______
NEW Address ______________________
City ______________State ___ Zip ______
25100 SW Parkway Ave
Wilsonville, OR 97070-9600
Name _____________________________
Old Address ________________________
Dated Material
Please Rush
Please add Telephone # (
) __________
Recorder, Al Kader Shrine Center
25100 SW Parkway Ave.
Wilsonville, OR 97070-9600
Please note that all dates and events shown here are subject to change without notice
October 2011
Thursday-Saturday, October 6-8
SCAFRA - Portland
Tuesday, October 11
Long Range Planning - 5:30 PM
Saturday, October 15
Wild Game Dinner
Saturday, October 22
Food Caravan
Sunday, October 23
East-West Association Meeting
Thursday, October 27
Unit Head Meeting - 6:00 PM
Sunday, October 30
Halloween/Costume Party - 5:30
November 2011
Saturday, November 5
Chief Rabban Night
Friday, November 11
Parade - Albany
Tuesday, November 15
Long Range Planning - 5:30 PM
Saturday, November 19
Ceremonial - 11:30 AM
Ceremonial Social - 5:30 PM
Scottish Rite Honors
Monday, November 21
Unit Head Meeting - 6:00 PM
Friday, November 25
Macy’s Parade
December 2011
Saturday, December 3
ABATE Toy Run - 10:00 AM
Parade of Lights
Independence - 4:00 PM
Monday, December 5
Stated Meeting - Elections! - 5:30 PM
Tuesday, December 6
Strategic Planning - 5:30 PM
Sunday, December 11
Children’s Christmas Party
Shrine Center - 11:00 AM-3:30 PM
Tuesday, December 13
Long Range Planning - 5:30 PM
Saturday, December 17
Christmas Honors Social - 5:30 PM
Sunday, December 18
Divan Appreciation Dinner - 5:00 PM
Chase New
Al Kader OASIS - October 2011 - Page 24