r~nRJ~~~~l - Pest Control Products Board
r~nRJ~~~~l - Pest Control Products Board
---- SPHINX EXTRA 713WDG J. 3 ~ ~ t~ '" " "'.' r A fungicide for control of Downey Mildew in roses and late blight in Tomatoes. (Dawa ya kuzuia kuvu kwa mimea ya Waridi na Nyanya) GUARANTEE (DHAMANA): Dimethomorph Folpet , COMMERCIAL AND AGRICULTURAL CLASS (KUNDI LA BIASHARA NA KILIMO) ~ 1 \..~ l13 g/kg ...600 g/Kg ~ . 1iII '?i III READ THE LABELBEFORE USING KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN (SOMA KIBANDIKO KABLAYAKUTUMIA) (WEKA MBALI NA WATOTO) REGISTRATIONNO: PCPB(CR) 1115 (NAMBARIUSAnLI) Expiry ~~ date:..................... (Thmia kabla ya) Batch No: Date of Manufacture:................ (T~he ya kutengenezwa) (Nambariya kifurusi) Shelf life: Two years from date of manufacture .. L~ when stored dry place, in original unopened container in a cooi ~ I: ,1/ Distributor ~ /":"":.r1I. "~ Manufacturer::' MAKHTESHI CHEMICALWOR ,LTD. P. O. BOX60 BEER-SHVAISi Tel:(972)-8-6296611Fax W72} ~ \.- L "'J'1AiRPORT .,.". . .'f'" " " "'£:; .~#, Bbx Kenya Ltd NORTH ROAD, 30327-00100 NAIROBI, KENYA 254.0719095000. Fax:82485617, 824837 Incase of Emergency Ca Toll Free Number:~O(i::::mrankenyacom Wakati wa Dharura Piga Simu Bila Malipo: 0800nOO21/0800730030(Masaa 24) r~nRJ~~~~l r$L[i]~~l~lXJ~ HARMFUL .. General information: Sphinx Extra 713WDG Is fungicide for control ofDowney Mildew in roses and late blight in Tomatoes. Sphinx Extra713WDG is combination of two active ingredients: Dllnethomorph and Folpet and it involves two different mnde of actions which are used to control downy mildew (plasmopara Viticola) in Roses and Blight in tomatoes. MODE OF ACTION Dllnethormoph inhibits the formation of the Oomycete fungal cell wall affecting the sterol biosynthesis. It has local systemic (translaminar) properties with good protectant and antisporulant activity. Dimethomorph moves acropetally up the treated plant stem and into growing leaves. It has antisporulant activity prevents the spread of fungi aBack. Folpet has a protective contact action. It binds to sulphur hydrogen bonds that interferes with the fungi respiIationprocess. DIRECTIONS FOR USE Crop .oses "matnes Nyanya Out dOor crop field: 24 hours. Indoor crops: When the spray mixture has dried. PRE-HARVEST lI'o.ERVAL Tomatoes: 7 days HAZARDSJPRECAUTIONS Handling Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves, face shield/safety goggles and respirator when preparing the spray mixture and in addition impermeable boots when spraying. Avoid, breathing the spray mist, contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Do not apply upwind and stay out of the spray mist. Do not smoke, drink or eat while handling the product. After work Change protective clothing and wash hands thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. Wash the spraying equipment and the contaminated clothing carefully. Storage Store in tightly closed (or sealed) original container, in a cool dry place out of reach of children and unauthorised persons, away from food, drinks and animal feed. Disposal Dispose offby triple rinsing and crushing or perforating empty containers and thmwing them away in an authorised landfill site or hury in a safe place away !Tom water supplies. Do not re-use empty containers for any other purpose.Pesticide spray mixture or rinsate that cannot be used must be disposed off in a safe place wbere it cannot contaminate surface water<D1d ditches or by spraying in a fallow land. Pesticide Leakage and Spillage In event of heavy spillage, collect the contaminated soil layer and bury in an authorised place away !Tom water supplies. Soaking in sand, soil nr sawdust may collect small spillage. Contaminated absorbent material must be stored in marked waste bins prior to disposal in authorised landfill site. The pesticide store must be decontaminated by washing with a lot of water. WIWLIFE AND ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD Sphinx Do not empty FIRST IgIif te bright Preparation of Spray Mixtnre Half fill the spray tank (knapsack) with water. Add the required amount of Sphinx Extra 713WDG and adjuvant as may be required and mix by stirring or agitating, then fill the water to the required level and continue with stirring or agitating until the mixture is thoroughly uniform. Application Tnning and Technique Start application at first signs of disease occurrence Repeat after every 7-14 days as necessary. Use a spray volume of 1,000 to 1,500 L per Ha for ornamental crops depending on the size of crop canopy to ensure thorough coverage. RE-ENTRY PERIOD ( Maelezo Sphinx Extra 7I3WDG ni dawa ya kuangamiza kuvu kwa njia ya mgnso na kusamhaa yenye mchanganyiko wa Dimethomorph na Folpet arnbayo uponya na kuznia kuvn kwenye mimea ya waridi na nyanya. Jinsi inavyofanya kazi Dimethomorph:uzuia utengenezaji wa kuta za chebechebe za kuvn na kuitalifiana na na "sterol Biosytbesis" .Dimethomorph usambaa kuanzia kwa shina yam mmea mpaka kwenye seherou zinazokua za matawi na kuzuia kusambaa kwa kuvn. Folpet: Ni dawa ifanyayo kazi ya kuznia magonjwa kwa njia yamguso.Huangarniza magonjwa ya mimea kwa kuitalaf13D3na utengenezaji wa ngnvn kwenye viumbe vya kuvn vinavyosababisha ngonjwa. JINSI YA KUTUMIA wango cha mammtZl mmea ugoDlwa Waridi Downy Mildew Extra 713WDG is toxic to fish, other aquatic orgauism..1t is moderately harmful to birds, animals and contaminate ponds and waterways by direct application, cleaning of equipment, disposal of wastes and container.. Keep livestock and wildlife out of treated areas. AID INSTRUCTIONS If inhaled: Remove the patient to !Tesh air. Keep the patient warm and at rest. If the patient is not breathing, apply artificial respiration and seek medical attention. If in contact with skin: Remove contaminated clothing and wash off with plenty of water and soap. Consult the dOctor incase the complain persists. If in contact with eyes: Rinse thoroughly with running water for at least 15 minutes. Ifpain persists, consult an eye specialist. If swallowed: Do not induce vomiting. Wash out mouth with plenty of water. Never give anything by mouth to unconscious person. Consult a doctor. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Sphinx Extra 713WDG is slightly irritating to the skin and harmful when swallowed. Symptoms of PoIsoning Irritation of the mucous membranes and skin. May cause ataxia and temporary sensitation may occur in certain individuals charactised by eye redness, hmchial irritation and skin rash Antidote There is no specific antidote. Note to Physician Remove the victim to ftesh air. Keep the victim warm and at rest and give symptomatic and supportive therapy. Incase of emergency eaU toll free number: 0800720020/0800730030 (24hrs) NOTICE TO USERS This pest control product is to be used only in accordance with the directives on the label. It is an offence under the pest control products act to use or store a pest control product under unsafe conditions. WARRANTY Sellers guarantee is limited to the terms set out on the label and subject thereto, the buyer assumes the risk to persons or property arising ITom the use or handling of this product and accepts the prnduct in that condition MUDA SALAMA WA KUlNGIA SHAMBANI Shamba la kawaida:Baada ya masaa 24 J umha la mimea:Baada ya mchanganyiko wa clawaknkauka. Muda salama wa kuvnna Nyanya: siku 7 baada ya knnyunyizia. TAHADIIARI Matnmizi Vaa ngao la kujikinga, vizuizi vya mikono, uso (face shield), kofia na viatu visivyopenya maji nnapotayarisha mchanganyiko wa dawa na maji na nnaponynnyiza dawa. Jihadhari usipurnue mvnke wa dawa, mchanganyiko wa dawa usingie kwenye macho au kumwagikia ngozi na ngno nlizovalia. Usinyunyize dawa hii ukielekeza upande upepo nnakotoka. Usivute sigara na usile wala kunyna wakati nnapotumia dawa hii. Baada ya kazi Vua nguo za kazi na vizuizi vya kujikinga, oga mikono na uso kwa kntumia maji na sabuni. Safisha bomba la kunyunyiza dawa na mavazi yaliyomwagikiwa na dawa kwa uangalifu. Kuhifadhi Hifadhi dawa hii lotilo chombo chake asili ambacho kimefunikwa sawa sawa na kuwekwa mahali pakavn na pasipo najoto, mbali na watoto, watu wasiornhusiwa, vyakula, maji na vyakula vya mifugo. Utnpaji Sunza mkoha ulioisha dawa na maji mara tatu, kisha utoboe au ubonyeze na utupilie au uzike mahali amba~ pameidhinishwa mbali na maji. Usitumie mkoba wa dawa kwa matumizi mengine yoyote. MChanganyikowa dawa na maji amhao hanjatumika an maji yaliyoosha vyombo ni lazima itupiliwe mbali mahall ambapo ni salama,panapokubaliwa, na mbali na chemi chemi ya maji au kwa knnyunyizia seheron ya shamba ambayo haijalimwa. Dawa Ikimwagika au Kuvunja Chnkua mchanga uliomwagikiwa na dawa, uzike mahali ambapo ni salama na mbali na maji. Dawa ikivunja, iloweshe kwenye seherou ndOgoya mchanga au 'sawdust' kisha ufungie mahali amhapo ni salama lobla ya kutupilia mbali mahali amhapo pameidhinishwa. Ghala la madawa ni lazima lioshwe mara kwa mara ili kutoa takataka ya dawa iliomwagika au kuvunja. MADHARA KWA MAZINGIRA Sphinx Extra 7I3WDG ni surnu kwa samaki na viurnbe vingine vya maji.inaweza kudhuru ndege na wanyama.haina madhara kwa nynki.Usichafue mazingira kwa knnyunyiza, kumwaga mabaki ya dawa, kutupa an kusnnza mkoba wa dawa kwa rnito, visima au vidirnbwi na chemicheroi. MAELEZO YAH UDUMAYA KWANZA IkipumuUwa: Toa mgonjwa mahali ponye hatari na urnpurnzishe mahali ambapo ni salama. Kama mjernhi anashida ya kupumua, msaidie apurnue, kisha umpeleke kwa daktari. Ikimwagikia ngozi: Vua mavazi ya kujikinga na uoge kwa kutumia maji safi na sabuni. Iwapo maurnivn yataendelea,muone daktari. Ikingia kwa macho: Fnngua macho na uyasafishe kwa maji safi yanayotiririka kwa muda wa dakika 15. lwapo manrnivn yataendelea, mnone daktari. Ikimezwa: Usirnfunye mgonjwa atapike. Usirnpatie mjernhi amhae amezirahi kilo chochote cha knnyua wala kula. Osha mdomo wa mjeruhi na ompeleke kwa daktari. Maelezo kuhusu sumn Sphinx Extra 7I3WDG inawasha ikirnwangikia ngozi na ni somu ikimezwa. DaUli za knsnmika Inaweza kusahabisha unyonge wa mwili,kufa ganzi,kupoteza hamu ya chakula,kuwashwa kwa omeo la pmnzi na vipelepele lotilo seherou zilizo gnswa na dawa. Makata: Hakuna makata maalurn iwapo dawa irnernezwa. Maelezo kwa daktari Hakuna tiba maalurn. Tibu mgonjwa kulingana na dulili za maurnivn. Wakati Wa Dhararn Piga Simu BiIa Malipo:080072002I/0800730030(Masaa 24), ILANI KW A MTUMIAJI Dawa hi; sharti iturniwe kulingana na maagizo yaliyo kwenye kibandiko.Ni hatia chini ya sheria za madawa ya kuangamiza wadndu waharibifu kutumia au kuhifadhi dawa hii katika hali isiyo salama. THIBITISHO Dhamana ya muuzaji ni maclezo yaliyo kwenye kihandiko ambayo ni lazirna yarnatwe kikamilifu.Mnunuzi ni lazima akubali hatari zozole zinazoweza kutokana na maturnizi ya dawa hii kwa binadamu an mali na lazima ~bali dawa hii katika hali hiyo.Toa mjerohi kwenye hatari na nmpmnzishe mahali pasipo na joto wala maridi. Mtibu mjeruhi kulingana na dalili za maurnivn ."