Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino History


Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino History
Dead Ahead...
August 18:
Crab Feast – Haven Harbor Marina
September 8: Annual Membership Meeting/Officer Elections
September 8: Marina Mixer – Sassafras Harbor Marina
I hope that you
all are having an
summer in spite
of the heat. The
Club has been
quite busy this
summer and
there are plenty
of events
remaining for you this season. One of
the Club favorites, our annual Crab
Feast, is just days away; and Connie
and I look forward to spending the day
with our boating friends.
The Marina Mixers have been a
tremendous success this season with
large turnouts for each event. I would
like to again thank Ralph & Nicole
White for their dedication and
presentation of the June mixer, which
they hosted at Skipjack Marina. The
latest mixer, in August, was a success
as well with many thanks given to hosts
Bob and Rita Enders. Bob and Rita did
a remarkable job hosting this mixer at
Duffy Creek Marina and, again, the
turnout was great.
The Board of Governors (BOG)
was pleased to return a club favorite
this year, after a few years’ hiatus - the
Dingy Poker Run. It was again held as
a charity fundraising event; this year for
Breast Cancer Awareness. Susan
Howard of the Sassafras Harbor Marina
office was presented with $700 toward
her Komen Walk, which will take place
in the fall. Susan has done so much for
the SRYC over the years, and the BOG
felt it fitting to support her and her
daughter in this wonderful charity. I
will take this opportunity to thank
Maura Bidwell for chairing this event.
She put her heart and soul into the
planning. I also thank all of you who
volunteered your time and service
to the Club, as well as all who
participated in this fun day. Thank you
for your generous donations.
This year, the SRYC sponsored it's
first Pig Roast fundraiser in conjunction
with the Sassafras Harbor Marina Yard
Sale. The event proved quite beneficial
to our Club and the BOG hopes that
this will be an annual event. I would
like to extend another HUGE thank you
to Nicole White for taking the
responsibility of organizing and
planning the Pig Roast. This task was a
bit complicated, being that it was the
first year for this event, but Nicole did a
great job. I need to also thank those
BOG members, as well as the other
Club members for working at this event
and helping make this day a
success. Sassafras Harbor Marina
played a huge part in this event, and
many thanks go out to Joe Smith and
Susan Howard for the planning and
commitment on their part for the use of
the marina facility and planning their
portion of the event.
The Club continues to attract new
members and we certainly welcome
those who are holding applications as
potential new members. The
membership continues to increase,
which means the there are more people
to have a good time with and develop
new friends in your boating
community. Please continue to promote
our Club to you friends and dock mates
as one that is ‘for the members, by the
Looking past Labor Day weekend,
we start thinking about our
annual General Membership Meeting
which will be held on Saturday,
September 8, 2012 at 1300 hours in the
Sassafras Harbor Marina Activity
Center. The Board of Governors will
update the membership with the status
of the Club. At this meeting, we will
also hold our annual elections for
Officers of the Board of Governors and
for our 2013 Flag Officers. Your Club
functions year to year on the decisions
of the Board of Governors and input
from our membership. Please plan to
attend this meeting and provide your
support to the Board and help them in
the planning of your 2013 events.
This year’s final Marina Mixer will
be held at Sassafras Harbor Marina on
the evening of September 8. Please
bring a chair, a snack, a drink, and
a potential new member and experience
a fun mixer hosted by Jacqui Wright
and Pat Amato. I cannot wait to see
what our hosts have in store, but just
know that it will be awesome.
Finally, you might have thought
that I would not mention the fact that
we are actively recruiting for the 2013
Fleet Captain. Please consider being the
SRYC 2013 Fleet Captain. The work is
rewarding; and since I have been a
member of the Bridge, we have not had
to fire one Fleet Captain. As a matter of
fact, it is almost impossible to get fired.
I look forward to seeing you at the
upcoming events and wish all
a continued safe and pleasant boating
Commodore Glenn Davis
Nauti News AUGUST 2012
Vice Commodore
Good News!
Our Crab Feast
is just around
the corner! The
Ship’s Store still
has good stock
on the 2012
items and we
will have them
on display
throughout the day. We have some
special “Blowout Bilge” prices on
some of the older items and have
discounted all of the items from 2011.
Stop by and see us at the tables we’ll
have set up, and ask us about the
discounted items. This will be your
last chance this year to shop at the
Ship’s Store. Don’t miss it!
It has been a good summer and we
are hoping to see all of you at the Crab
Feast. Thank you for the support that
you have shown over the past year; it
is truly appreciated. With all the
challenges that have faced us in the
past few months, I would be remiss if I
didn’t take the time to especially thank
Brenda for all that she has done. This is
truly a partnership effort and I don’t
know how I could have done it
without all of her help.
Even if you are not looking to
make a purchase at the Crab Feast,
please stop by our table and say, “Hi”.
Thanks again for a terrific year!
V/C Terry See
Rear Commodore
Slow down the
clocks! Summer
2012 has been
hot and fast as
we are midAugust already.
The dinghy
poker run made
its resurgence to
the annual
calendar with a great turnout.
Skillfully orchestrated by Maura
Bidwell, the club had a fun day and
was able to support the Susan G.
Komen foundation race for the cure.
Last Saturday the SRYC Pig
Roast, in consort with the SHM Yard
Sale, proved to be a huge success. The
weather cooperated; items were
redistributed, and pulled pork platters
were flying. Who said pigs don’t fly?
Kudos to Nicki and Ralph White for
putting together a seamless operation
with the Grillmaster…. Additionally, a
special thank you goes out to Connie
& Glenn Davis, Brenda See, Rick
Burlingame, and my First Mate for
collecting money and serving. Lastly,
to all who jumped in and helped us
break down the site – Thank You!
2012 Husband of the Year
We are excited for our Crab Feast
this weekend. As usual, participation
is great, final preparations are being
made, and we are looking forward to
seeing everyone at Haven Harbour.
So, bring your “Crab Ware” and a
hardy appetite.
Safe seas,
R/C Joe Lynch
Nauti News AUGUST 2012
Fleet Captain
On the weekend
of June 16th,
fourteen boats
from SRYC had
the opportunity to
participate in the
Sailabration’ for
the Centennial
of the events of the War of 1812. It
was a sight to see. The weather was
perfect, and we had a great view atop
our boats to watch the air show
featuring the U.S. Navy’s Blue Angels.
With fireworks, an international
parade of 40 tall ships and naval
vessels, waterside festivities, and the
air show, it was to be a trip we’ll never
forget. Check out the photos on the
SRYC website. Although, Ralph and
Nicki White’s boat, Derailed Assets,
had to be towed into a Baltimore area
boat yard, they managed to make their
way to Baltimore, get a hotel room,
and participate in the festivities. For
the return trip, they hitched a ride
home with Commodore Glenn and
First Lady Connie. All other vessels
returned to port safely.
The raft-out on July 28 went as
scheduled. The lead anchor boat,
Black Swan, with captain Steve Bartelt
and first mate Judy, were joined by:
5 O’clock Somewhere, Paradise Found,
After Hours, and Perseverance.
Dinghy appearances were made by
Mystical, Kentucky lady III, and
Incommunicado. According to Steve’s
report, everything was going great
until a thundershower sprang up around
1630 hrs. All vessels returned safely to
port; the only storm related damage
was to Black Swan.
Steve was going to stay because
he thought the storm would go around,
but changed his mind when he saw the
lightning bolts. Steve reports:
“The only mistake I made, which
turned out to be good thing, was that I
sent my dinghy back to the marina
with John Boyer, and then I had no
way to retrieve my stern anchor. But
Bob Flowers flagged down a passing
speed boat (friends) and talked them
into to helping out.”
“I neglected to remove the
umbrella from my foredeck prior to
the return trip to SHM. Right around
Duffy Creek, the wind started to pick
up and the umbrella acted like it
wanted to take off. The captain asked
the first mate to stabilize the umbrella
until they got back to the marina and
had time to take it down. Within
seconds of grabbing the umbrella, a
strong gust snapped the plastic
supports and the umbrella collapsed
over her like a cocoon. To the screams
of “get me out of here”, the captain,
put the boat in neutral, grabbed a knife
& cut the ropes holding the now
collapsed umbrella. We then returned
to port with no further incident.
Otherwise, it was just another restful
day on the river.”
Respectfully Submitted,
Steven Bartelt
This weekend is the SRYC Crab
Feast at Haven Harbour Marina at
Rock Hall, MD. As of press time, we
have 21 vessels making the trip by
boat. I’m sure a fun time and good
food will be had by all.
Our next trips are to St. Michael’s
on Labor Day weekend, and our
season-end cruise is to Chesapeake
City. The cruise to St.Michael’s is full,
but there are slips available for the
Season-End cruise. So fill out the
cruise form and get your deposit check
into me if you are interested in the last
cruise. Wow, I can’t believe I just
wrote that. Where has the summer
Happy boating,
Barbara Burlingame
Nauti News AUGUST 2012
Sad to believe our boating season is rapidly coming to an end, however, it is never too late
to join Sassafras River Yacht Club. If you need a New Member Application, please contact me
at any time. If you join after Crab Feast, you do not pay dues for 2013.
At our last Marina Mixer, one of our long time past members, Art Nemroff was there. His
wife Phyllis is a past Secretary of the club and is now in assisted living. Art provided me with
her mailing address, and expressed that Phyllis would love to receive a card or note from our
members. You can contact her at:
Phyllis Nemroff
Foulk Manor North
Room 2304
1212 Foulk Road
Wilmington, DE 19803
Hope to see you at Crab Feast.
Margaret Clements, Secretary
Please help me welcome our newest members:
Michael and Noel Japalucci
Boat Name: Summer Wind
Skipjack Cove
Paul and Regina Davison
Boat Name: Transcendence ll
Skipjack Cove
Dave and Diane Torelli
Boat Name: Sun Spot
Duffy Creek
Michael and Michelle Merkelt
Boat Name: Escape Reality
Skipjack Cove
Nauti News AUGUST 2012
Treasurer’s Report
The website is up to date, including
the posting of all photos that have
been given to me. Albeit, I do use a
bit of editorial privilege when
selecting photos to post to the site ;-).
This is my last hurrah, as I will be
stepping down from the Board of
Governors in September. I remember
that when I started as Webmaster so
long ago, the Webmaster and Editor
were not part of the Board of Governors. Yep…, back then
Jim and I were the ‘slackies’, and we had to fetch coffee for
the guys and gals in uniform. And I remember opening up
my big mouth and telling the Board that I could design a
better website. They said go for it, and the rest is history. Not
a bad website ( if I do say so myself ) considering I had zero
web design experience.
It has been great fun serving on the Board, and helping
to drive and shape the club to what it is today. It is hard
work, a bit frustrating at times, but well worth it when the
members gather for the many events that are planned each
year, and everyone has a great time. To the Board of
Governors present and past, I simply say THANK YOU.
And to answer your questions, YES, I plan on being
an SRYC member for the foreseeable future (unless I win
the lottery, in which case I’ll need to hang with those folks
on million dollar yachts), and NO I am not running for
Fleet Captain ;-).
Gus Barreiro
The Sassafras River Yacht Club web site address is: It’s a great site with lots of info; check it
out! For questions about the web site or to submit an item,
email to:
Yacht Club Reciprocity
As a card-carrying member of a yacht club, you are
usually entitled to special courtesies from other yacht
clubs around the country as well as on the Chesapeake
Bay. These courtesies may range from simply being
allowed to enter their facilities, to discounts on slip
SRYC Officers have CBYCA roster books which
have information on member yacht clubs in the
Chesapeake Bay area. Contact a SRYC officer for more
BoatU.S. Membership Discount
Club members can get BoatU.S. membership at halfprice. Our Cooperating Group Number is GA81008Y;
use this number on your BoatU.S. application or
August 14, 2012
Money Market Account
Checking Account
Cruise Escrow Acct.
Cruise Deposits
Escrow Checks Outstanding 200
Checks Outstanding
Credit Card Billings
Net Financial Position
Respectfully Submitted,
John P. Boyer, Treasurer
Support Our Troops
The Club will be collecting donations to purchase
phone cards for our troops overseas. A donation box will
be set up at all Club land events this year, beginning with
the Chili Dinner. Contributions can be cash or check
(made out to SRYC). We will purchase the phone cards
at the end of the season. Your generosity will be greatly
Flotsam & Jetsam
SRYC members are welcome to
place ads in the Nauti News for boating
related items. Send your ad to Jim at:
2004 Mercury 6 hp Outboard, 4-stroke, F-N-R, inc.
tank & hose. Less than 10 hours use. Stored 4 yrs. New
pro-installed carburetor, fuel pump and filter. Runs like
new - $975. Dick Hires, Sassafras Harbor E-18,
H-610-255-4065, C-610-357-3075.
Bacchus Is For Sale: My 1985 40’ Vista Aft Cabin
Motor Yacht is for sale. Twin 330 HP Cummins diesels,
less than 550 hours, cruise at 15 knots, top end 19 knots.
With the semi-displacement hull can run at 9 knots
at less than 8 GPH.
Duffy Grove, 610- 647-4793
Nauti News AUGUST 2012
2012 Dinghy Poker Run
The Dinghy Poker Run was held on Saturday, July 28,
after a two year hiatus. This year the charity of choice was
the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure event that Susan
Howard and her daughter will be walking in October. The
proceeds of their three-day walk benefit breast cancer
The rain held off, though it was a hot day....all the
better to play in the water. We had 15 registered boats that
ventured out to five stops to pick up their poker chips.
When they returned, their hands were tallied to determine
the two top hands and the lowest hand.
The winners, John Boyer, Pat Amato and Abigail
Smith, graciously donated their winnings to the charity.
The total contribution was $700!
I want to thank all of the participants and all of the
people that volunteered to help on land. I couldn't have
done this on my own, and I appreciate your time and
efforts to make the event a success.
Now that this event is back, I look forward to an even
bigger and more successful turn-out next year.
Maura Bidwell
The following Thank You Note to SRYC members
who participated in the Dinghy Poker Run was
received from Susan Howard’s daughter Elizabeth,
who is participating with her mother in the Susan G
Komen 3-Day Walk to fight Breast Cancer.
Hello Everyone at SRYC!! I just wanted to say a
HUGE thank you for your wonderful donation! Mom
and I can't say thank you enough for all that everyone
has done to help us along the way. You have helped me
exceed our goal, now I can just get ready for the walk!
Thanks again,
2012 SRYC Board of Governors
Commodore – Glenn Davis
302-378-3775 /
Oversees the Club and presides at all meetings
of the Club and the Board of Governors
Vice Commodore – Terry See
302-659-0884 /
Keeper of the Ship’s Store (SRYC clothing, et;
alternate delegate to the CBYCA
(Chesapeake Bay Yacht Clubs Assn.)
Rear Commodore – Joe Lynch
610-255-0520 /
Schedules all land-based activities for the Club
(e.g., Snowflake Luncheon, Chili Dinner, Opening Day,
Crab Feast, and Commodore's Ball)
Fleet Captain – Barbara Burlingame
302-737-7111 /
Plans trips and leads the Fleet on all organized cruises
Secretary – Margaret Clements
610-719-8696 /
Handles new and renewal membership dues and
correspondence; maintains the Club roster
Treasurer – John Boyer
717-786-8343 /
In charge of Club funds as directed
by the Board of Governors
Webmaster – Gus Barreiro
620-269-2142 /
Maintains the Club web site information
Editor – Jim Irons
302-376-8688 /
Publishes the Club newsletter & Member Handbooks
Immediate Past Commodore – Craig Solt
302-239-7180 /
Provides previous years’ experience to maintain
consistency in Board of Governors’ policies
Nauti News AUGUST 2012
Sassy Says....
Hard to believe that it’s already
August – where has the summer
The Baltimore Bicentennial
Cruise was a rousing success -- at
least for those members that
actually got there via boat!
Derailed Assets had some prop
issues and limped out of the
harbor accompanied by a friendly SeaTow boat. But after
some negotiations and a ride into the Inner Harbor (by
CAR!!), Ralph and Nicki White were able to enjoy their
accommodations at the Sheraton. They were seen oohing
and aahing over the Blue Angels air show on Someday
Came with our Commodore and First Lady.
The Dinghy Run raised $700 for the Susan G. Komen
Race for the Cure. The raft-out following it started out
swimmingly, but Mother Nature had other plans, and
around 5 p.m. all boats returned to port when a sudden
storm sprung up. The only boating incident was to the lead
boat’s first mate and umbrella! Poor Judy was trapped in
the collapsed umbrella and had to be cut out by Captain
Janet and Glen Forman now know what the expression
“Sh** happens!” means – quite literally! Both handled the
situation with grace, humor and a facemask!!!
Both the Skipjack Cove and Duffy Creek marina
mixers were well attended and garnered 5 new members!!
Bob and Rita Enders set a new record with over 60
attendees – wow!!!
Robin DeRitter celebrated a milestone birthday with a
Skipjack Cove party given by her hubby George. A lady
never mentions age but who says Sassy is a lady?? Happy
“fifty is nifty” birthday Robin!!!!
Our first pig roast, held in conjunction with the
Sassafras Harbor yard sale, was very successful in raising
cash for our treasury. Last time I looked, Gus and Maura
were checking out the two folding bikes for sale. The
Grillmeister, known for his “spankin sauces,” met
everyone’s expectations for delicious pulled pork!! Our
head cashier, Rick Burlingame did a fantastic job of
collecting the cash and keeping customers in line –
literally and figuratively – throughout the day! The three
musketeers – Connie, Helena, and Nicki – had their
rhythm going while preparing those platters. Ralph
worked the docks – selling “spanked” meat to anyone
who looked hungry!!
Brenda See got her exercise
running platters to the main road and selling them to cars
waiting for the bridge to close!! All in all, it was a fun and
profitable day for the club!!
And by the way Gus – there are no such things as
Hope to see you all at the Crab Feast!!!
When Life Gives You Lemons.....