The Old Lucketts School Educates our Children
The Old Lucketts School Educates our Children
Spring 2012• The Old Lucketts School Educates our Children Welcome to the Preschool and Child Care programs at the Lucketts Community Center. Whether the day is sunny or wet, mornings inside the classroom trailers (our temporary home) at the Lucketts Community Center are brightened by the sounds of little ones. Age three to six, they greet the staff with yawns and smiles (mostly) and good mornings to Ms. Donna , Ms. Wendy, Mrs. “M,” Ms. Jo or Ms. Heather. The curriculum is designed to meet the social, physical and educational needs of today’s child. Emphasis is placed on developmentally appropriate activities which embrace both play and learning experiences set in a safe and loving environment. Donna Van Wagoner, the preschool teacher, and Wendy Overton, the child care supervisor, as well as their support staff, bring years of caring experience to their roles, the goal of which is to promote a positive self-image in every single child at the Center. As Ms. Donna stated when asked about her career, “It’s what I do. I do it because I love it. What can I say?” It In This Issue Front pg.-2���Preschool & Child Care 3�������������������The Lucketts Store 4�������������������Lucketts Fair turns 40 5�������������������Ruritan news 6�������������������Community Center Renovations 7�������������������Annual Yard Sale’s coming! 8�������������������Church & School news 9�������������������Lucketts Sampler 10–11������������The Lucketts Mudrats 12�����������������Backroad Safety All photos by Steve Hillebrand by Pat Howder Lucketts News & Notes Circulation 1963, is published jointly by the Lucketts Ruritan Club and the Lucketts Community Center Advisory Board (LCCAB). The Lucketts Ruritan Club is a non-stock 501(c)(3) Corporation in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The LCCAB is also a 501(c)(3) organization. Correspondence should be addressed to: Lucketts News & Notes, 42361 Lucketts Rd., Leesburg, VA 20176 or by e-mailing the coordinator. Photos by Steve Hillebrand Designer & Coordinator Mary Gustafson 703 777-1684 Editor Cynthia Richardson-Crooks cynthiarichardsoncrooks@ Photographers Steve Hillebrand David L. Crooks Lucketts Ruritan Club President Peter Baker Vice President Dan Wiseman Treasurer Steve Scheiblhofer Secretary Gretchen Burgin LCCAB 2012 Officers 703 771-5281 President Ross Mink Vice President Joyce Webb Treasurer Matt Quitter Secretary Hilary Cooley Would you like to contribute an article or give us your comments? Mary Gustafson 703 777-1684 or email G|2 is professionally gratifying to hear from parents of former students and the students themselves as they share their best memories of their experiences at our school! The Lucketts Community Center Preschool offers classes for children at three and four years old. The three year old class meets on Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 am to 11:30 am or 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm. The four year old class meets during the same time but on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Children must be age appropriate by September 30th of the school year and potty trained. The preschool follows the Loudoun County Public School calendar. Lucketts Child Care is a year round program and is open from 7:00 am until 6:00 pm. Program options include full-time and part-time care as well as drop-in. Children must be three years of age and potty trained. Registration for the 2012-2013 Preschool programs begins in late February. Registration for Child Care is ongoing. Both programs are state licensed and meet and exceed the licensure standards set by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Please call the center at 703-771-5281 or e-mail for additional details. Rural Enterprise The Lucketts Store by Doug Fabbioli It seems like the best businesses evolve once a person discovers what they really love to do and then turn that love into a venture of economic viability. Suzanne Eblen, the Lucketts Store, is a perfect example of this! As a youngster, she used to sell her toys at recess. As an adult, she became addicted to auctions as well as yard sales. When having large barn sales at her family farm in Lovettsville was not enough, Suzanne purchased “My Wits End” on Rt.15 north of Lucketts. This was good for a while but she felt the drive to do more and bring other like-minded dealers into one permanent space. Photos by Steve Hillebrand In 1996, with little more than a few nickels and a rough business plan, Suzanne and her husband purchased the Lucketts Store. They simultaneously saved the building from a likely demolition since it had been abandoned for a number of years. It was a combination of Suzanne’s strong determination, her supportive family and a few fellow dealers willing to work with her, that allowed the store to grow. Currently the Lucketts Store is the anchor of Lucketts retail. People travel from many other states to shop at the store. With over 30 vendors, every corner of the building is full of eclectic, interesting and colorful finds. The out buildings have all been merchandised as well. Photos by Steve Hillebrand The sheds and gazebos continue to multiply as more success reigns on this fruitful team. The Design House, located on the north end of the property, opens one weekend a month displaying products and designs that change each month creating a shopping/shabby chic art gallery feel. Prices are reasonable. The music piped throughout is diverse and stylish, and the staff is genuinely happy to be there. Her Ground Hog Day sale in February, the Spring Antiques sale in May and her Holiday Weekend sale in December are enough events to keep things special. G|3 Photos by Steve Hillebrand Photo by David L. Crooks Bottom left to upper right Ground Hog Day Sale held first Friday through Sunday in February; lively sales staff and customers; Christmas time at The Lucketts Store as seen from Mrs. Luckett’s garden; look for the sign of the ground hog for The Ground Hog Day Sale; the inside of the store is packed with beautiful and unique finds; Suzanne Eblen, owner, and furry friend. Photo by David L. Crooks Bring an out of town guest or a neighbor and experience this gem of Lucketts. With the great shops we have in Lucketts, you can see why people come to visit us here. The Lucketts Fair Turns Forty— and I Remember When... This year signifies the 40th anniversary of the Lucketts Fair and a great time for reminiscing. Do you remember the Log Cabin Tour? The early crafters and entertainment? Did it rain cats and dogs? How old were you when you first came to the Fair? Do you have a favorite poster? You can even tell us what you look forward to every year. The Lucketts Community Center Advisory Board (LCCAB) invites you to share your memories by participating in the “I Remember When...” campaign by providing your input on all things related to the Lucketts Fair over the last 40 years. We will compile your contributions and publish them in our summer edition of the Lucketts News & Notes. And, space permitting, some will be included on this year’s Fair booklet. The LCCAB is made up of volunteers from the Lucketts community. By volunteering they give back to a community that serves the many needs of its residents. The LCCAB meets the third Tuesday of each month at 7pm at the Lucketts Community Center. Please join us in supporting the Lucketts Fair and other community events by volunteering. For additional information, please call the Lucketts Community Center 703-771-5281. Please email your “I Remember When...” story of past Lucketts Fairs to Mary Gustafson at Stories may also be hand submitted to the Lucketts Community Center on weekdays between 9-5. You may remain anonymous by so indicating. Deadline for submission is April 16, 2012. We look forward to hearing and sharing the many The Lucketts Fair means something different to just about everyone. To our guests it is about the fun and the time families can be together. For others it is that plus the camaraderie of volunteering side by side with your neighbors to bring to the public a traditional fun-filled weekend for our many visitors. G|4 Photos this page by Steve Hillebrand stories that you have to tell. Our traditional Holiday Party was a smashing success! On December 4, 2011,we gathered at Skills USA and were treated to wonderful live music performed by Mr. David Bilowus. A classically trained pianist, David lives in Leesburg where he owns a piano instruction business. To everyone’s delight, David played his rather large repertoire of holiday music including “Silent Night”, “Sleigh Bells”, and “White Christmas”, and of course the night would not be complete without arousing chorus of “The Twelve days of Christmas” and the “Linus & Lucy Classical Lick.” Top four photos by David L. Crooks We had dinner in the festive dinning room where we sat at round tables adorned with linen cloths, frosted magnolia leaves, holly berries, and candles. Our meal was blessed in a traditional manner by one of our charter members, Mr. John Adams. The food was almost as good as the company we kept and the tainted beverages we consumed. Responsively, of course! The leader of the Ruritan’s acknowledged and thanked those who had been generous with their time and talents throughout 2011. Special tribute was paid to our long-time members who for many years donated their time to our Ruritan Club. Some have been members for decades. A recent member, Steven Scheiblhofer, was honored with the Ruritan of the Year award. This special award is given to the most outstanding member of our organization for 2011. Bottom two photos by Steve Hillebrand Ruritan’s share three common aspirations: Character, Generosity and Compassion. So, it was no surprise that after dinner many of the Ruritan folk lingered, to cleanup and restore the facility to its original form. We will remember this fond night of laughter, handshakes, and holiday good wishes. The Christmas Banquet is a much look forward to occassion for the Ruritan. It is a time of such good cheer, reminiscence of the year and congenial fellowship. The cuisine and refreshments are top drawer, too. Then there’s the trash fun that you can only have if you’re member of the Lucketts Ruritan! I will echo to you once again, “You will find some of the nicest folk in all of Loudoun County right here in this room”. What a great night! We invite you to join our wonderful group of men and women. Email us at to find out more. Brought to you each Saturday 8am–noon by the Lucketts Ruritan. Suggested donation $4 for 4 large trash bags; larger loads—larger donation. You must be from Loudoun County. Recycled boxes must be flattened! Steel, aluminum, plastic may be co-mingled. Not accepted: liquids, yard waste, large furniture, toxic chemicals, car batteries, industrial waste. Trash service closed Christmas and New Year’s Day. Steve Hillebrand by Peter Baker Recycling & Trash Collection Interfaith Relief Drop off canned/nonperishible food every Saturday during trash service. This is extra important during the holiday season. For further info about Interfaith Relief please call 703 777-5911. Join the Ruritans Meetings are held at SkillsUSA during renovations to the Community Center. They are on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm. No invitation needed, just join in. Meetings include dinner (served by ladies of the Furnace Mountain Church), a guest speaker and business meeting. Email us at for more information. G|5 Steve Hillebrand A Ruritan Traditional Gathering Community Center Facelift Update The Lucketts Community Center renovations include geo-thermal lines in the ball field, the storage tank for the sprinkler system and the installation of our newly refurbished windows. Most notably is the arrival of the new bell tower. Our building is topped with solid copper roof. Steve Hillebrand 1. 1 All photos this page by Steve Hillebrand 2. We are delighted that the folks from Falls Church Construction Company have taken such care in renovating our historic icon. They will be able to use our building as a fine example of their magnificent renovation skills. We all look forward to 4. the finished product which is scheduled to reopen in early autumn of this year. 5. 1. The new bell tower is back home after total renovation. 2. The Lucketts bell awaits being retumed to work. 3.Gary Bauserman, the Falls Church Construction (FCC) foreman, recreates a new bell tower by hand. 4.Gary oversees repositioning his special project. 5. FCC workers replace the newly restored windows in the old schoolhouse. 6. Workmen work on the old façade 7. Digging begins for the geothermal heat system. 8. The sprinkler system water tank is put under the building. 9. The ball field is reconditioned after the digging is finished. 6. 3. 7. 8. G|6 9. Annual Yard Sale Reaches 13th Year Thirteen years ago, Boy Scout Troop 1910 held its first Yard Sale. The troop utilized the common collection site at the Lucketts Elementary School and obtained the use of a local barn for additional storage. There, they shared space with cows and pigs and learned to collect, sort and maintain a clean inventory. Next, they used a different local barn that had a wood floor but only housed pigeons and bats. Here, the Boy Scouts honed their skills by covering everything with VERY large tarps. Another move was made to a local barn without inhabitants. Currently, a local business owner graciously loans the Troop a commercial building for collecting and sorting their inventory. This space is equipped with electricity and indoor plumbing! The yard sales have taken on unique themes, based on the donations. Some examples, like the year of Avon bottles (full & empty), the year of tin boxes (all shapes & sizes), the year of baskets, the year of exercise equipment (some used & some not so used), the year of TVs, the year of kid toys, and on and on. The citizens of Lucketts have been extremely generous over the years. Our donations have been from one end of the spectrum to the other. Some of the most memorable donations have been a baby grand piano, a car, a pinball machine and antiques. Beginning Saturday, March 31 flyers announcing the Yard Sale will be distributed at the Ruritan Trash Collection at the Lucketts Elementary School. Collection of donated items will be on Saturday, April 7, 14 & 21 during the hours of trash collection at the school. If you have large items or questions about the sale, please call Matt Quitter (703) 777-8511. Mark your calendar, the Yard Sale is all day Saturday, April 28. All photos on this page by David L. Crooks The proceeds will be used to maintain and support the Troop with their monthly outings and endeavors. G|7 Churches Combine Their Voices Church Calendar Faith Chapel Presbyterian and Christ Church have formed an ecumenical choir. Inspired by small congregations, these two faith-based organizations decided to join their forces and are opening Choir membership to any and all in the Lucketts and surrounding areas. Furnace Mountain Presbyterian Church Worship Service on Sundays at 9:30 am. Current choir members boast of having so much fun! While some can read music, it is not a requirement since the talented Choir Director only wants you to like to sing. The choir sings at both churches once a month during regular services and at Christmas and Easter, but there is no pressure to be there every time. Christ Church’s services are from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and Faith Chapel meets at 11:00 a.m., so there is never a conflict. The Choir meets for rehearsals on Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. at Faith Chapel. Make a Joyful Noise! Faith Chapel Presbyterian Church Worship Service on Sundays at 11 am. 703-777-7836 If you are interested in finding out more about us, please call Pattie Palmer (703-777-1973) or Betty Hutchison (703-777-2944). This Choir would love to see (and hear) you! Christ Episcopal Church Photos by Steve Hillebrand Bible Study every Wed. night from 7:30-8:30 pm in the church house (white house next to church). Sunday morning service start at 9:30 am. All are welcome. 703-771-2196 or visit us at Bethel United Medhodist Church KLB is looking for a co-chair for the Lucketts Community. The Clean Up dates are April 1-30. Bags may be picked up at the Lucketts Community Center in March. If you are interested in helping, call KLB at 703-771-4231. G|8 For the second consecutive year Smarts Mill Middle School (SMMS) was designated as a “School to Watch”! Smarts Mill earned this National Forum honor by maintaining high levels of performance in three categories: • challenging academic environment • environment that is sensitive to unique developmental challenges • a socially equitable environment which provides support to students and teachers The school will receive a banner and will be recognized at the upcoming conference in June. Congratulations to all students and teachers! Photos of Smarts Mill students by Carolyn Mullen Spring is Keep Loudoun Beautiful time! Local School Gets Noticed Photos by Steve Hillebrand Sunday morning service starts at 11 am. All are welcome. 41799 Stumptown Road, Lucketts, VA. Free-will offerings accepted. 703-779-7745 or visit us at www. Recent winners of the Spelling Bee held in January at Smarts Mill Middle School. Two Lucketts students, James Mullen (left) and Sophie Frey (right) performed at the February talent show. 14 11 13 10 1 12 1-3 Parents, students and volunteers 2 3 4 during the recent Book Fair at Lucketts Elementary School; 4 Lucketts ES Principal, Brenda Blue; 5 Santa takes time from his busy schedule to make the day of this young man; 6-7 Music teacher, May Trible leads Lucketts School Christmas sing along; 8-11 Santa ferried by the team from Lucketts Firestation #10 and his helper made the rounds of the back roads of Lucketts; 9 8 Lucketts own, Makayla Benjamin had the opportunity to show at the Winter Equestrian Festival in Wellington, FL February 12 and 13. She won both of her classes in the Low Children’s Jumper Division, and was Champion for the Division. Congratulations Makayla! 12-14 Breakfast with Santa was the yummiest. 7 Thank you to the many volunteers from the Lucketts Community who made possible the events pictured in the Lucketts Sampler. 5 6 All photos by Steve Hillebrand G|9 The Lucketts Mudrats Reprinted from Cora Marshall Heflin Kohlhoss’s “The Lucketts Baseball History” I am Cora Marshall Heflin Kohlhoss and I would like to tell you how the Lucketts Baseball Team was founded. I will be 94 in November, so bear with me about some of the dates. I remember most of the players but I also went through the old score books for the others. Photo by Steve Hillebrand When my brother Walter Brown Heflin came home from the service in WWII in 1945, he and my husband Matt rented Mrs. Emma Willard’s farm that adjoined the Lucketts School. Matt and Walter both worked full time in Washington. DC and traveled back and forth five days a week. Their DC jobs meant the real farming on the Willard Farm was done by my daughter Jane, my son Matthew and me with the guidance and additional help being provided by my father Charles Marshall Heflin. Pictured above is Lucketts’ own Cora Marshall Heflin Kohlhoss as she shared reminiscence of the happy times in Lucketts. She is shown displaying a picture of her “Boys of Summer”, the Lucketts Mudrats, a team which she played a key part in organizing made up of Lucketts men returning from WWII. As of this writing Cora ia now 95 and in excellent fetter. Walter, having played baseball in high school at the old Leesburg High School, loved baseball and wanted to play again. My brother Jim Heflin, who had also just returned from the service overseas, wanted to play baseball, too. Because Lucketts didn’t have a team at the time, Jim and my brother Johnny joined the Ashburn team while Walter and my brother W.C. played for the Leesburg team in 1946. As lots of other Lucketts men wanted to play baseball too, the Heflin brothers joined together to start the Lucketts team in 1947. At first they played their home games at the old Leesburg High School diamond alternating with the Leesburg team. In 1948 Walter decided it would be better to be at Lucketts and the Lucketts Baseball Association (LBA) was formed. The original members included Walter, Jim and W.C. Heflin, Marshall Fleming, Johnny Stocks, Jesse Loy and Cora Kohlhoss. As we needed the consent of the School Board to use the Lucketts School diamond, the LBA sent me to Mrs. Kincaid, who was our District Representative. Mrs. Kincaid met me at the School and said she thought that it would a splendid opportunity for the young men of the Lucketts community and granted the School Board’s approval. This pleased us very much. Walter and Johnny Stocks put up the money to buy the equipment and lay out the diamond. Scorecards, a scoreboard and uniforms were provided by local businesses and individuals. The Loudoun County Baseball League consisted of eight teams including Aldie, Ashburn, Leesburg, Lucketts, Middleburg, Purcellville, Round Hill and Unison. In 1956, Unison withdrew and was replaced by Arcola. Two of the fields, Leesburg and Purcellville had lights allowing for each team to play twice a week with a day game on Sunday and a night game on either Tuesday or Thursday night. Regular season play commenced in late May and continued throughout the summer concluding with a round robin playoff in September. G | 10 The first few years Lucketts didn’t win many games but after that we were more competitive. As the caliber of baseball throughout the League increased annually, so did the attendance and interest throughout the County increased, growing year by year. At the same time, the Lucketts baseball team became more and more successful. In the years ‘53, ‘56, ‘57, ‘59, ‘60, ‘62, ‘63 and ’65 Lucketts was the Loudoun County Baseball League Champions. Every fan had their favorite team and players; and, the contests and battles were always hard fought and memorable. There are many games that I remember but there is one game I will never forget. There had been a major rain throughout the County one Sunday morning that cancelled all the other games. Our Lucketts was a very important game with Purcellville and both teams were determined to play but the field was covered with water. Walter decided to burn off the wet infield with a gasoline-fueled fire. Most people thought he was crazy but it worked and at 2PM the umpire yelled “Play Ball”. It was a tight game but we won 3-2. Admission in those days was only 50 cents but we took in nearly $400 as members of the other teams and fans from all over came to see the Big Game. George Ward who wrote Sports for the Loudoun Times Mirror referred to our team forevermore as the “Lucketts Mudrats” Those were glorious times with many a Sunday meaning a good ball game followed by a great fried chicken dinner and lots of beer and horseshoes. It was a community effort with everyone helping out. Matt and I “Kept the Gates” collecting admissions; and Joe Frye and Jesse Lloyd were the scorekeepers. At the end of the season, whether we won or not, we had a big Baseball Banquet at the Lucketts School with all of the local families furnishing the food to honor our players for their efforts on the field throughout the year. G | 11 Photo by Steve Hillebrand Lucketts Community Center and surrounds Country Road Safety Thru Lucketts Bluegrass. Saturdays Apr. 28 7pm-10:30. $15 at the door at the Living in Lucketts is such a unique experience. And driving on our beautiful country roads is a byproduct of that experience. Over the past few months, several vehicles have gone through fences, into yards, grazed trees and “rutted” grass. In addition to deer, foxes, raccoons, rabbits and squirrels, fences can suddenly “appear” if you are unfamiliar with road and shoulder conditions. Most of our country roads just have dirt, gravel and grass which can be very dangerous during inclement weather. So, please exercise caution as you drive our beautiful roads. The property you save could not only be yours—but also your neighbors! Mar 24 The Great Lucketts Egg Hunt. Lucketts Elementary School. Apr. 2–6 Apr. 10 Apr. 27 Apr. 28 May 8 June 12 10am. $5 per child at the Lucketts Community Center Gazebo. Spring Break Holiday Fun. Trips, crafts, games and fun! 8am–6pm. $50/day or $225/week at the Lucketts Community Center. Lucketts Ruritan meeting 7:30pm at SkillsUSA Deadline for Ruritan Scholarship applications. For more info see your high school guidance department or email The Annual Lucketts Spring Yard Sale. 8am–1pm. $10 to rent a space at the Lucketts Community Center Soccer Field. Lucketts Ruritan meeting 7:30pm at SkillsUSA Lucketts Ruritan meeting 7:30pm at SkillsUSA For more information contact the Lucketts Community Center 703-771-5281. Lucketts Community Center Advisory Board 42361 Lucketts Road, Leesburg, VA 20176 NON PROFIT US POSTAGE PAID LEESBURG, VA PERMIT #42
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