May 1, 2012 - St. Paul`s Episcopal Church


May 1, 2012 - St. Paul`s Episcopal Church
May 1, 2012
On My Heart and Mind
Easter Day was a wonderful celebration of the resurrection with glorious music, a beautifully decorated church, and
a powerful Eucharistic liturgy of the sacrament sending us out into the world rejoicing in the risen Christ.
However, Pastor and writer John Buchanan asks: “What does it mean to live in a world in which resurrection
As I write this, George Zimmerman has been charged with 2nd degree murder for the shooting death of 17 year old
Trayvon Martin in Florida. The circumstances of a state law that allows for deadly force by ordinary citizens who
“reasonably believe” that such force is needed for self-defense, coupled with perhaps racist suspicion and fear of a
black teenager wearing a “hoodie” were a perfect storm for this tragedy.
Fear will drive most of us to do what it takes to protect ourselves and those we love. We are biologically wired to
do so. Jesus knows this about us. He freely goes to the cross to show that we no longer need to act on our innate
fear with violence. Jesus’ resurrection says that the need to use violence stops with him. Instead of handing our
lives over to fear, the resurrected Christ says to hand them over to God. As one writer and theologian says: “That
voice has never promised safety. It has always promised life. It has never offered freedom from pain; it has offered
freedom from fear.”
Easter means for us that everything is different. Entrusting our lives to the resurrected Christ frees us from making
things like preemptive self-defense laws unnecessary and requiring their dismantling.
My love to you for this Eastertide season,
Fred Reynolds,
Cross of Flowers Sunday
St. Paul’s has had a tradition spanning many decades of celebrating the Cross of Flowers
on the Second Sunday of Easter. A barren wooden cross laid on the steps of the
sanctuary is filled with cut flowers by parishioners on their journey to communion during
the service. The cross is then raised up symbolizing the joy of the resurrection while the
church sings the beautiful hymn “Lift High the Cross.”
I would like to thank Dean and Joan Arvan for volunteering their time to prep the flowers
for this celebration with me. Also, I would like to thank Kittelberger Florist and Pittsford
Florist for their generous donation of flowers for this annual event. We are most grateful.
Nancy Andrus, Memorial Altar Flower Coordinator
Vestry Highlights – March 20, 2012 Meeting
Parish Operations Council Report:
 Finance reported both revenue and expenses were slightly below plan resulting in a $1,900 surplus February
year to date.
 Property – the Vestry accepted a gift from Nancy Lee to reupholster the furniture and replace the carpet in
the Bride’s Room.
 Communication Committee has completed a brochure promoting the rental of St. Paul’s space.
 Stewardship continues to follow up on outstanding 2011 pledges and members that pledged in 2011 but
have not yet pledged for 2012.
Parish Ministry Council Report:
 Shared videos relating to social media and how today’s youth view religious institutions and their desire to
follow Jesus.
Outreach Council Report:
 Vestry approved a $15,000 UMO grant to Building Minds in Sudan to help complete a school in South
 Vestry approved a grant request to the Diocese for birthday and vacation books to be given through
Adopt-a- Classroom.
Other Business:
 Suzy Spencer was chosen as an alternate delegate representing St. Paul’s at the 2013 Diocese convention.
Submitted by Bob Frank for the Vestry
9-9:45 a.m. and 11:20 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
hot dishes, fruit, coffee cakes, and more
Just $5 for a full breakfast/$20 for families/free for children under 3
Proceeds support St. Paul’s Choir at Ely Cathedral, UK, Summer 2013
St. Paul’s Reads the Bible
Information and Study Guides at
Sunday, May 6
Paul’s Mission
THE STORY Chapter 29
The Bible: 1 Corinthians through
Sunday, May 13
Mother’s Day
Paul’s Final Days
THE STORY Chapter 30
The Bible: 1 Thessalonians through
Sunday, May 20
Revelation (Kids)/ The End of Time (Adults)
THE STORY Chapter 31
The Bible: Hebrews, I and II Peter, I, II and III John, Jude,
Sunday, June 10 PARISH PICNIC
Celebration of our reading the
Bible in community!
Children work with stories in Church School classes Sundays 9:40-10:40 a.m.
Adults discuss THE STORY Sundays 9 -9:45 a.m. in the Parish Hall. Another group meets 4-5:15 p.m in the
Cadigan Room Sundays through May 20.
A young Indian called Pi – devout Hindu, Christian, and Muslim – survives a shipwreck to live on a boat
in the Pacific Ocean with a Bengal tiger for 227 days. The Life of Pi provides fresh understanding of
animals, including humans, and offers much to ponder and question. Join Faith Club for The Life of Pi
on Tuesdays, 7-8:15 p.m., in the Cadigan Room – May 1 and 15.
The Life of Pi is available at the Diocesan Good Book Store, 935 East Avenue/ (585) 473-8634.
provides community to broaden your understanding of God, the Bible and the church; see
how faith intersects with the world; talk about belief, religion, and what matters most. To
learn about being part of Education for Ministry (lay ministry), see EfM at or call 585-2712240 Ext 17.
Stanley’s Flowers Closes – Provided St. Paul’s
with arrangements for more than 20 years
To all Stanley’s Flowers Customers:
I want to thank you so much for your loyal patronage over the years and to inform you that due to the fact we
could not reach an agreement with our landlord for a new lease that Stanley’s has closed. I have however gone into
all the flower shops that are in proximity to Stanley’s and spoken with several of the owners of those shops. I
realize that the choice of flower designs and styles are a personal choice. To that end I have found that Pittsford
Florist does wonderful traditional style designs, just as we have done at Stanley’s for years.
The owner of Pittsford Florist, Joe Cosentino and his family has been in the flower business for over 90 years!
They own both Pittsford Florist as well as Blossoms by Cosentino in Seneca Falls. We also have forwarded
Stanley’s phone number so our customer calls will continue to be answered by a very reputable florist.
If you have not been into Pittsford Florist, they are located right in the village of Pittsford at 41 South Main St. I
encourage you to stop in to see their beautiful shop and to meet Joe. I am confident that as a Stanley’s customer
you will love their similar style and find Pittsford Florist to be a perfect fit.
Lynn Wilson
Owner of Stanley’s
St. Joseph’s House Needs …
Foods, paper products and toiletries! Donations are collected from the basket at the back of the
sanctuary and from the grocery cart in the Parish Hall. Our support helps give health and dignity
to neighbors who need some help.
Donations to HOUSES FOR CHANGE during Lent totaled $3033.72. This money supports homeless families
working with RAIHN.
SUPPORT OUR GUESTS AT PAUL’S PLACE the week of May 20. Your help means a lot to families staying
overnight as they seek employment and housing. To learn more about what you can do or to sign up, contact Mary
Ellen West at 585-442-9632 or
This year RAIHN marks eight years of service to area families!
Red Cross Blood Drive
On Sunday, June 24th, St. Paul's will host a blood drive. Mark your calendar and plan to donate
blood that will aid others in our community. This event will be held in the Parish Hall from
09:00AM to 01:00PM. Donation sign-up sheets will be made available early in June. If you have
never donated blood, the whole process takes about an hour. If you have questions, you may
contact Hank Kingston at 585-385-3187.
Adopt-a-Classroom News
The Xerox Leadership Association, a community service program, has
awarded Adopt-a-Classroom with a $600 grant toward the purchase of
literacy materials for the School #9 students we serve. This money is a
welcome supplement to the $5,000 Diocesan Mission grant and will help
us give vacation books to all of the 345 students in the program during the
2011/12 school year. A heartfelt thank you to St. Paul's parishioner and
Adopt-a-Classroom tutor, Stan Pietrzykowski, for drawing this
opportunity to our attention, and for shepherding our application through
the vetting process!
Our school year is winding down, and tutoring ends May 11. Our ranks have grown to 64 tutors and volunteers, and
we have worked with seventeen classrooms this year. On June 19 we will celebrate the School #9 Moving Up Day
with the Kindergarteners and their families, providing cake and distributing their vacation book bags. 1st and 2nd
graders, and the 3rd/4th grade Special Education students will receive their vacation book bags too, but with a little
less pomp and circumstance. If you are interested in helping with either task, packing of book bags or serving cake,
please let Patti know.
The work we do is rewarding, as sharing love usually is. It is not always easy, however, as we work with some
students who struggle to overcome terrible personal stories. Many thanks to the parishioners of St. Paul's for your
continued support of and prayers for this vital ministry in our city. We are sustained by you!
We get Letters…
We have received letters from students in a special ed class at School #9, thanking St.
Paul's parishioners for the February vacation books. All are from students in Mrs. Ernst's 3rd/4th grade Special Ed
classroom. This is just a sampling…see them all with original artwork on display in the Parish Hall.
Dear St. Paul's Church,
Thank you for the bags of
books. My favorite book was
Love, Tyrus
Dear St. Paul's Church,
Thank you for our bags of books. My
favorite book was I Spy.
Love, Jaquez
Dear St. Paul's Church,
Thank you for our bags of books.
Good News!
Many of you have been curious about how our former office assistant, Jonathan Jordan, is doing since he left St.
Paul's last spring. We are happy to say that he began a new job at AIDS Care (formerly AIDS Rochester) at the
beginning of April as an office and program assistant. He is very excited about this new position and sends his
good wishes to all at St. Paul's.
A Note on the Ministry of Lay Eucharistic Visitors
An ancient function of members of the Christian community is bringing the Eucharist to anyone who cannot be in
worship on Sunday most often for reasons of illness. St. Paul's offers this ministry through the service of several
individuals who bring Holy Communion to the homebound, elderly and ill on a regular basis when we send them
forth with a communion kit at the end of the service many Sundays. There is power in feeling connected to the
community, especially when we receive the Eucharist outside the church building. However, it has come to our
attention that this ministry is underutilized. A barrier might be medical confidentiality in health care institutions so
that we are not aware of who is ill. Another barrier is often a preference to receive only from an ordained minister.
It is my hope that in the coming year we will have an opportunity to address any questions or concerns regarding
Lay Eucharistic Visitors.
To that end, I am asking both the current Visitors and anyone who has utilized the services of a Visitor to contact
me. I would like to talk with you about your experiences. The purpose of this effort is to gain a better
understanding of what motivates and prevents people from receiving the blessings of this important ministry of the
church. Please contact me at (c) 585-506-1911 or (w) 546-1271, x6329.
Patricia Denham, Vestry Member
Merciful God,
we entrust to your never-failing care and love . .
Peter E. Baltzer
March 31, 2012
Christian A. Soderstrom
April 20, 2012
Ann de Laval Schaefer
April 22, 2012
Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord;
And let light perpetual shine upon them.
May their souls, and the souls of all the departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Save the Dates!!!
Bishop’s Annual Visitation
8 a.m. & 10 a.m.
Confirmations, Baptisms and more…
Plan to have a good time
Paul’s Cross (by the Playground)
Following the 10 a.m. Service
SPY Corner
St. Joseph’s House
May 5, 2012
8:45am to 1:00 St pm
Take a Hike with SPY:
Explore a Hidden Treasure in Rochester with SPY
Sunday, May 20th – 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Wear comfortable shoes and bring a water bottle
Abbott’s following our hike!
As always, friends are welcome.
Welcome New Member
Through Baptism
Lachlan Lewis Knauf Heydon
Son of Iain C.R. Heydon and
Kimberly Shawn Knauf
AA Meetings @ St. Paul’s
Tuesday – 6:00 pm – The Women’s Home Group
Wednesday – 8:15 pm – The Young &
The Reckless
Thursday – 8:15 pm – The Academy Group
Friday – 10:05 pm – Heard It Through the
Saturday – 1:00 pm – Step Sisters
Saturday – 10:00 pm – Last House on the Block
Al-Anon Meeting
Thursday – 7:00 pm – How Al-Anon Works
7:00 PM
Faith Club: Seeing with Interfaith Perspectives
12:00 PM
Holy Eucharist with Healing
4:00 PM
Investment Policy Committee
5:30 PM
Human Resources Committee Meeting
7:00 PM
Confirmation Class
Permit 1338
8:00 AM
Morning Prayer
Rochester, NY
4:30 PM
Holy Eucharist at St. John's Meadows
7:00 PM
Rochester Boys Choir Concert & Reception
Web Site:
8:45 AM
SPY @ St. Joseph's House
10:00 AM
Funeral Service – Peter E. Baltzer
8:00 AM & 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist
9:00 AM
Church School/Child Care/St. Paul’s Reads the
Bible/Adult Bible Study
9:40 AM
Middle School & High School Class
4:00 PM
'The Story' Discussion Group
9:30 AM
EfM (Education for Ministry)
5:30 PM
Outreach Council
7:00 PM
Parish Operations Meeting
12:00 PM
Holy Eucharist with Healing
8:00 AM
Morning Prayer
10:00 AM
4:00 PM
Holy Eucharist at Cloverwood
7:30 PM
"If Music Be The Food..." Foodlink Benefit Concert
8:00 AM & 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist
Mother's Day
9:00 AM Church School/Child Care/St. Paul’s Reads the
& Spring
Bible/Adult Bible Study
«City», «State» «Zip»
9:40 AM
Middle School & High School Class
4:00 PM
'The Story' Discussion Group
9:30 AM
EfM (Education for Ministry)
Newsletter Reminder: The Epistle is
7:00 PM
Stephen Ministry Peer Supervision Meeting
4:30 PM
Newsletter Deadline
published on the first of each month.
7:00 PM
Faith Club: Seeing with Interfaith Perspectives
Submit your articles by the 15th of the
7:00 PM
Vestry Meeting
month to:
12:00 PM
Holy Eucharist with Healing
7:00 PM
Confirmation Class
Newsletter Coordinator: Kathy Kingston
8:00 AM
Morning Prayer
4:00 PM
Holy Eucharist at Valley Manor
5:30 PM
Holy Eucharist
Church Office Hours: M-F – 10 am – 4 pm
5:30 PM
Family Sabbath Night
9:00 AM
CRCDS Graduation Ceremony
RAIHN @ Paul's Place – Sunday 5/20 – Sunday 5/27
8:00 AM & 10:00 AM
Holy Eucharist
9:00 AM
Church School/Child Care/St. Paul’s Reads the Bible/
We pray that all who enter St. Paul’s experience
Adult Bible Study
9:40 AM
Middle School & High School Class
God’s presence in this community of faith, a
1:00 PM
SPY - Hiking - Offsite
community that through Christ strives to be loving,
4:00 PM
'The Story' Discussion Group
joyous, inclusive, transforming and filled with
9:30 AM
EfM (Education for Ministry)
God’s Grace.
12:00 PM
Holy Eucharist with Healing
8:00 AM
Morning Prayer
10:00 AM
8:00 AM & 10:00 AM
Holy Eucharist
Pentecost & 9:00 AM
Church School/Child Care/St. Paul’s Reads the Bible/
Associate Rector
Adult Bible Study
The Rev. Frederic W. Reynolds
The Rev. Jennifer Zogg
9:40 AM
Middle School & High School Class
Assisting Priest
Church Office Closed - Memorial Day Observed
The Rev. Sandra Arrington
12:00 PM
Holy Eucharist with Healing
6:00 PM
Confirmation Class Celebratory Supper & Class
Finance & Operations Mgr.
8:00 AM
Morning Prayer
Dick Stryker
Our Vision
St. Paul’s Ministry Staff
View the full church calendar at:
Visit us on Facebook
Director of Music
Dr. Robert Poovey
Coordinator of
Faith Formation
Barbara Warner
Music Assistant
Justin Maxey
Clergy Assistant
Judy Loveland
Accounting Assistant
Lisa Hubbard
Maintenance Supervisor
Keith Thompson
Maintenance Associate
Bob Potter