so that those quackeries of the new-fashioned en
so that those quackeries of the new-fashioned en
ing of each other; but that this did not apply to so that those quackeries of the new-fashioned enMATTERS IN BALTIMORE. those other congregations who have not yet dis- lightenment may at, last come to an end. Mit. Editor: severed their connection with Judaism. Judaism in America can derive little benefit, The circumstance,that a meeting was held here No other congregation of this city could there- indeed ,from one senseless publication after the yesterday by the reformed congregation to issue fore be induced to take so disgraceful a step, to other being presented to the people, when the a protest against the Board of Delegates,induces which the reverend doctor wished to mislead tendency of the whole is to hurl the torch of disme to make public the opinions generally enter- them; wherefore, also, so far as known to me, coi'd into the midst of the congregations. In his taincd here with respect to the Board and the while as a business man 1 have every opportu latest, number ,the said preacher seems evidently protest against the same which is to be issued nity to bear the sentiments of many persons,- intent to stir up ill-will between the German and by the said preacher and his congregation. It is the protest which is• to issue from the above Portuguese Jews; but here in Baltimore there is true, that at first the delegate affair called forth named source will be looked upon with extreme- seen no inclination to enter into enmity with our the greatest excitement among the Israelites of indi gnation. Portuguese brothers. Those of that class living this place; but it is equally true that it is already The said divine has now learned by experi- here arc the most honorable and worthy men, calmed down. To protest or not to protest was encc, that the Baltimoreans are not greatly in - and every one of these excellent persons has the question which was the subject of general dined to be led by him. The striving forknow- done more for the elevation ofJudaism than the discussion. The fact that the uncertain and in- ledge and enlightenment is, indeed, a universal said preacher with his pretended enlightenment, definite wording of the programme of the Board feeling here; but such enlightenment as he can which has no other tendency than to misropreofDelegates gave to some individuals here, who bring can by no moans tend to 041• edification, sent Judaism,and to place his own proper self are at all times busy to cast suspicion on any while his influence does not reach beyond the into the foreground on the stage ofpublicity. movement ־which promises to elevate the char- limits of Ids own congregation. Mr.Editor,I am far from inclined to take up acter of. Judaism, the opportunity to circulate The people of Baltimore have had enough of arms against the radical tendency which the rethe most malevolent interpretations, suspicions, his abuses and ceaselessprotestations against all verend divine represents in his own congregaand calumnies, so that it was generally believed which is good and excellent; especially onerous tion ; I care little for theological disputes; and, here that the Jews in America would lose their and unbearable are the stale and pointless witti- besides this, we wish to leave every one to do as freedom,if all the Baltimoreans would not rise cisms of his periodical which have for their aim, he pleases in Baltimore. But what affects us finas one man against these Delegates. The author without any relaxation, the Messiah and the pleasantly and disagreeably is, that this little of this view, which jwrtrays both meanness and Talmud. He speaks so much of elevating and luminary will needs shed its light alone, and not cowardice, was no other than the preacher re- ennoblin g Judaism; and this he probably thinks tolerate another near itself, and assails every ferrcd to,the perpetual protestant, who always of attaining by abusing in his magazine every worthy man in the well known magazine to protests against every thing Jewish and sacred, thing that is holy. Ifall the Jews would imitate which I have alluded already. We must regard against God, the Law of Moses, the Talmud, his example,we should have nothing but mock- it as an excrescence on the body politic, that against all things which do not proceed from ery,but no morally trained people. What does a preacher who, while he should,in accordance him. It is only too well known that ho has pro- he mean by elevating J udaism ? Perhaps there with hisoffice, preach of peace and harmony,is tested already against so many things, since Eu- live two hundred thousand Jews in the United always intent to scatter nothing but the seed of ropeau congregations had received an overdose States; but they shall possess nothing in com- hatred and disunion. We condemn and abhor of his peculiar wisdom ,and since ho commenced mon,—no schools—no teachers—no preachers— the lovers of strife from the bottom of'our heart, bis singular doings here, to render the Balti- no hospitals; in short,no public institutions, no and only love truth and jjeace. morcans happy through his fictitious enlighten- Jewish assemblies, no general Jewish represenRespectfully, ment, or, as he calls it in his sermons, to re- tatives. Shall our children become nothing but Jubah. deem the American Israelites, since he regards traders? Shall wo not employ the freedom we Baltimore, February Cth, 1860. himself as a species of Messiah. Ho has taken enjoy here for our moral and religious advanceJSote.—We are sure that no one can accuse us of ever incredible pains to gain over the Israelites of this ment,equally as forour material promotion ? It ]laving given the subject of the above letter any cause of place to issue a protest against the Board ofDele- is, however, precisely this object for which the attacking us or the measureswe defend. We have on the gates, and this precious business had almost said preacher labors,that the.Jews shall sink ־al - contrary studiousl y avoided looking in his magazine,and proved successful, if not a more correct v"rew of together into the materialism of life, that our have refused seeing it, although told that the Board was the tendency of the Delegates,than that diffused children shall know nothing of Hebrew and the- severely attacked in it. We would indeed preferignoring hero through the editors of some papers,had dis - ological sciences, shall only be educated for ma- the existence of such a man and .sucha work. His talents have been so highly spoken of by persons polled the first misconception. terial life, read bis paper, cat whatever they and learning judgment all must confide in, that it is a matter of A panic fairly seized on the spirits of the Is- please, and then be called enlightened ! God has whose deep regret that a man so greatly endowed has placed him raelites of Baltimore, when some weeks ago,in blessed us in this land,we have here all the means self in such a position that we must decline any in a meeting held for the purpose of making a col- of material well-b eing; hut we will also look out tercoursewith lam in any mannerwhatever.having Since we canleetion for the Morocco refugees, the said divine for spiritual goods, we will have a union and a thus not hope to agree with him,we have made it our duty rose with everysign ofanger on his countenance harmonizing ofJewish communities. The discord not to mention his name, if we could avoid it, and studi to leave our mind unoccupied with any thing ema and declared,with an air of self-importance,that and disunion now witnessed shall not prevail for- ously from his pen. For to reply to any remarksof his the liberty of the Jews in America would be joo- ever, and wo must bring about a more solid and nating would 01?ly provoke a bitter rejoinder, and to contradict pardized, if they did not take immediately the suitable state of affairs. We must have institu- any of his statements would expose us to a responseof such most energetic steps against the delegates. But tions for the training of worthy and trusty theo- a nature as we could not match by words at our command. people soon recovered from their fright, the ex- logians, that we may not be compelled to take But while wo have thus for years maintained silence to citement was allayed, and the bitterness against hap-hazard and elect those who have made them- all attacksmade on us, wo are not at liberty to deny to others the right of using the free press directed by us to the Board abated by degrees; they soon became selves ridiculous in Germany by their legordo- expose public evil. The people have rights no convinced,that the necessity to protest against main in the art of enlightening the masses, and less thana crying and when a great wrong has been the newly organized Union existed at most only whom the more healthy public opinion which done by individuals; men who hold an influential station forthe said preacher and his flock,as these would prevails in the congregations in Germany would they have necessarily 0 power over many, it isbyjustwhich and stand isolated, if all the Israelites of America no longer tolerate. O,we need in America a proper thatthe press which professesto uphold principle should unite, and arrive at a better understand - groat deal which would tend to elevate Judaism, thus assailed, shall be made the vehicle to convey to others^ ii vol.xvii.—47. 1 the indignation which the evil-doer has provoked. It is himself was at the moment absent in England ,and just-named chief presides. It is but natural that for this reason solely that we open our columns to "Ju- could, therefore, not have been directly active under the circumstances,the ecclesiastics and all dah." The Board of Delegates is a measure which ought in procuring the arrest of the mere instrument adherents to absolute rule should seek to re-into receive tho countenance of all thinking men. The pco- ot'tyranny. But whether the father had been on state the former order of things, especially as pic daily feel more and more their state of isolation, and the spot or not, we would have condemned the even in this countryand England the Catholics have hourl y more cause to deplore the disunion existing among us. What wonder , then, that they become excited arrest at the instigation of Israelites as both use ־in numerous publications have avowed their senat the haughty demeanor of an ecclesiastic, who for self- less and imprudent. Useless, since, by the pun - timents that the Romagna ought to bo restored ish motives endeavors to stir up a community of six thou- ishment of the mere instrument of a grosswrong, to the Pope, as his patrimony for a number ot sand Israelitesto issue a protest against a measure of the the child would not bo restored to its sorrowing centuries. There is a feeling of unity among greatest necessity! No one would !)lame the gentleman parents; it mi ght inflict suffering indeed on the all the Catholics , who regard even inveterate. if,true to his position as the minister of a separatist soeirecompense (in• the evil ho com - abuses as sacred, provided they have any kind ety, he had declared through the pagesof his magazine guilty ashuta just his unconquerable aversion to the movementjust initiated. mitted, a remedy it could never prove, nor of connection with their religion. What wonder, He !night even have induced legitimately all his hearers means of prevention he realtor. But it would then, that Filclti , who has proved himself so oxto append their signatures to a written protest, as was have, moreover, placed an instrument for farther cellent an instrument of tyranny, should be willdone when the Cleveland Conferencetook place four years into the hands of our enemies,and an ing to lend himself) even at the risk of a species ago. From us not a word should have been said on the oppression for any cruelty with which they might of martyrdom,to serve his master,the Pontiff of topic, except perhaps,to expressourgratificationthatthe excuse Board would be freeto proceed in its deliberations without hereafter deem it best to afflict us. For they Pome,in something more important than stealing having within its inclosure members who ditler so widely mi ght have pointed to the imprisonment of Fi- a Jewish child ? And having then been caught as the representativesof the Occident and Sinn I. For since letti as an act of' revenge on the part of Israel- in the act, so to say, of caballing against the repeace cannot be expected between the extremes,it were ites,and contended that they would act just like volutionary government now holding rule in better that a quiet severance take place, and each side pur - their old tormentors if' they were once again to Bologna, it was also natural enough that Filetti sue its course without interfering with the other or being obtain power. We have all along boasted that should 60seized and imprisoned;and as he had interfered with by it. But the ease assumes quite a dif- our religion teaches us forbearance, prohibits ns become so notorious through a crime against huferentaspect, when misrepresentation and threatsare resorted to in order to influence those even,who differ from from socking revenge, nor to pay one wrong by man kind ,in seizing a child from its parental em the Ultraist in every respect, to unite with hint in this, another. But in this case, since no direct good brace,we can well understand that the circumto pronounce an anathema against a measure of union , could bo gained by the step taken , it would have stance of bis arrest was ascribed by common rein whichall will be benefited if it be properly carried out, appeared as though, failing to obtain a means of port to the wrong cause, and that perhaps the We say,that thepeople have a right to denouncesuch a against a main offender, who is no authorities of the Romagna wore perfectly willcourse,and we would be derelict to our duty as a journal- punishment to let the error be diffused without taking 1st, if from a peculiar squeamishness or too great delicacy other than the irresponsible head of the Catholic ing we should close our columns against an indignant rebuke, church,wo were only too anxious to wreak our the trouble to contradict it.—For our part, we which is the more necessary, as perhaps no other paper in vengeance on an humble satellite who did what repeat,that we fool a great deal of satisfaction tho country would affordthe people of Baltimore the oppor• his soulless office imposes on him, who acted as that this is all so;and to give our readers all the tunity of clearing themselves from the suspicion ,that thc\ a fanatical brutalized monasticinquisitorneccs- information in our power,we copy the subjoined had been led captive by the arrogant tone of their clerical sarily must do,for the glory of his church,in the from the Jewish Chronicleof January the 20th: tyrants. No, this would be a moral cowardice of which we must not be ,guilty. We have for years advocated a manner of the most implicit obedience to the "Arrest op Father Filetti.— The subjoined free union of the people; we have written and spoken commands of his superior. With as much reason copied from the MorningAdvertiser of time and again, urging this measure on readers and hear- may you strike a chair over which you have paragraph, 11th inst.,seems to account forthe arrest of ers; and surely when the end is at length in view,it would fallen, or vent your rage against a lamp-post at the argueastrange absenceofcouragetoletassaultsantound- which you have wounded your head while strik- the inquisitor,who kidnapped the boy Mortara. ed and absurd,bo made against it, and not allow the public ing against it in your imprudent haste. And no It will be seen from this that the family Mortara had nothing to do with this act of retaliation.—? voice to be heard in condemnation. We know that the people in general do not like controversy; nor do we like one would have boon quicker to discover this The abduction of the child Mortara served as a false step than the numerous calumniators of Is but while error is bold enough to avow its sentiments it; for arrest of the 'inquisitor, but this is freely, let the defendersof the truth not bo too timid to racl, and they would have taken all the pains pretext not the real cause thereof. Filetti is only the stand forth in its behalf. It is the business of a freepress possible to make use ofit to our disadvantage in executioner appointed to carry out the behests to speak out boldly,and when thisis no longer permitted, discussion which may arise hereafter re- of the Canonical law. The real culprit is this, it will be time for us to retire from it. Besides all this, any specting our claims to political equality. We the Board of Delegatesis a measure of great significance, are,after all, the minority, and have to bear the and not the inquisitor: estimation of its opponents; and hence even in the it is but proper that it shall be discussed, yes, attacked and disadvantages thereof all over tho world ; and '"The Mortara Case.—Arrest of the Inquisidefended, so that the attention of the whole community therefore prudence on our side is no cowardice. for.—The arrest of the Rev. Father Filetti, may be awakened to its object*,and thus make it familiar nor is it hypocrisy,but a part of the systemof formerly Inquisitorof the tribunal of the Holy to all in all its extent and purposes; so that when it at self-sustaining consciousness of right,which has Office at Bologna, has produced a great senlength goes into full activity, no one shall be able to say, supported us through so many trials,and carried satiou both in the above-mentioned town and that he joined it not knowing what to expect from it. us unscathed through so many persecutions. at Modena. You have not forgotten that it was — For our part, we invite discussion, and will be willing to For all weapons,however truculent, are blunted Father Filetti who received the depositions of admit articles respectfully written for and against it. y the servantgirl,who pretended to have baptised against the indomitable power of endurance Our correspondent, b referringto our last number, will seethatwe wereawareof the movements in Baltimore, which scorns all blows, even the severest;and the Mortara child while she was nursiug him in and thank him thereforenow for the assurance that but while we are in the land of tho stranger, we must bis father's house. It was he who put into exoone congregation will join in a protest against the Board never bo allured by tho lightening of our chains cation the cruel sentence of the holy tribunal, of Delegates, which,let us say,in its first public act, has to forget,that we arc destined yet longer to bear which was 80 promptly approved by the kind shown that it is, even in its infancy, capable of doing much good, since it has served as a medium to gather up the yoke of Heaven under the power of our ad- and paternal heart of his Holiness. After the retirement of the Austrians,Father Filetti ־withtho many little gifts of scattered benevolence forthe re- versaries. lief of the distressed,when many of the sums thus collect- This being the ease, wo are rejoicedto bo able drew into some convent of Romagna. It seems, cd would never have been forwarded, owing to the fact to state,that Filetti's imprisonment is not owing however, that two weeks ago instructions were the donors would not have had the vehicleby which they to Jewish influence,nor to a feeling of revenge sent to him from Rome,by the General of the could forward the amount they could devote. The first the part of tho Mortara family; but it sprung Order, to repair to Bologna, no doubt for the tones it uttered was charity; may it ever announce peace on from quite a different source, namely,political purpose of conspiring against the newly-estaband !rood-will. motiveson the partof probably Buoncompagni, lished governmentof'the country.Although the the present Dictator of the Republic of Central order was secretly despatched to his place of con t Italy for the time being. Our readers must be cealment,I have been told that a rumor of theMORTARA. aware , we take it for granted, that they read mission of Father Filetti was mysteriously sent In our !No• 45,wo mentioned that the Inquisi- political papers,and do not require us to inform to Farini, at Modena. The Governor-General of tor Filetti,who had been the means of taking them of the current events of the day,that the the iEmilian provinces having given the necesthe child Mortara,had been imprisoned on the Romagna,Tuscany,and the Dutchies of Parma sary orders, the Dominican monk was arrested instigation of the family upon whom the outrao-e and Modena,having thrown off the yoke oftheir the day before yesterday, and handed over to had been perpetrated. It struck us at the time sovereigns,including the Pope,have established the criminal tribunal of Bologna, charged with the notice first met our view,that Mr.Mortara a republican form of government,over which the the crime of kidnapping the child Mortara.'" 1 not only the treasurerof the congregation, but pulsion or massacre of German Jews, their Miri(Continued from pago 275, col. 1.) also the president. Isaac refused all. Ho wished am , her voice choked with tears, read the words THE FLAGELLANTS ; OR , FRANKFORT to be independent, and not eat "public bread." of the prophet Isaiah, which foretell tho future IN THE YEAR 1310. If, however, ho was honored, as was often the golden age of the Jewish nation. TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN OP MICHAEL KLAl'P case, with being asked to officiate as god-father, (Tobe Continued.) EXPRESSLY 1'OR THE OCCIDENT, he never refused it, even if some expenses were BY MAYEK SULZBERGER. connected with it, as in case the parcr.ts of tho CHAPTER I. child wore poor. (Continued from ן,aire 273, col.3.1 ISAAC ADLER. His wife Sheba was not at all inferior to him THE SANATORY INSTITUTIONS OF "Zimmes,"spoke Loser Forth, who stood by in goodness of heart and uprightness She was ONTHE HEBBEWS AS BEARING UPON MO his 'grocer's shop,' to his clerk, " who is that known in all Frankfort as a woman of excellent DIUtN SANATORY REGULATIONS. qualities. Being the daughter of a rich Jew of strange follow there, ha?" BY THE REV. DR. ABRAHAM DE SOLA. "The King of Cyprus,or some beggaror other," Worms, she had had opportunities in her youth answered Zimmes , and laughed aloud,as he saw, to obtain such a degree of'education as to be not 1.(נמלgamal)camel* v.4, T.O. ( נמלאGatna to his discomfiture,that no one else would laugh inferior to any nobleman 's daughter of that pes ־la,)"Ho cheweth the cud, but divideth not tho riod. That she had once been very beautiful , hoof." S.J. T.and do R.,camello; G. T. Kaat his poor wit. In the "Mikveh street,"the "fat,broad Jewess," could bo perceived from her not uninteresting mcel ;; B.camelus; D.L. and G. camel as the dealer in spirits,Belle Schwarz, was wont features, although her countenance now showed F. camelus;; C. S. id., M. A. id. The; to bo called on account of her Falstaffianproper- tho marks of advancing age, and Rob Isaac was root denotes retribution or return. As a"N. a lions,was totally beside herself as tho procession often compelled to listen to praises forhis boauti- camel from the revengefultemper of that animal, approached; and,had nof'Golda Dolkesbachor" ful taste. As,however,usually one cannot please which Bochart shows to be so remarkable as even stood by her, who complained to her that honey every body, so Reb Isaac's Sheba was often com - to become a proverb among those nations who cakes were so dear,she would certainly have in - polled to hear very malicious remarks made con- are best acquainted with its nature. Among other vitod the stranger to drink and eat something of corning her in the Kehilla.* To tho pious wo- passagesfrom ancient writers, he cites from Baher store,to discover fromhim who he really was. men,who preferred a prayer-book above every sil. 'But what marine animal can emulate tho "As your grandmother lives,"said the old Moi- thing else,and who bore their God only on their camel's resentment ofinjuries,and his steady and sel to her grandson Reb Feiwish,"that is again lips and not in their hearts, she w?as a stumbling unrelenting anger?' The readerwill be well entersome bochcr* who wishes to become a burden on block, because she was not accustomed to say' tained by consulting the excellent and learned the congregation,"and then she continued to road prayers constantly, but preferred a noble,right- Bochart himself on this animal,v. ii.,&c."—P. in her prayer-book, whore she had stopped. Ma- eons course of conduct above all affectedand ex- "It is not the case with the camel that his foot nifold conjectures arose in the brains of other in- travagant devotion. Since her Isaac was her is covered with a shoe-like hoof,and so with the habitants of the Ghetto; but all agreed in this: model in every thing, wh y should he not be so shafan and arncbet,and therefore tho text cannot that,according to appearances,he must be a very in this? Whore the stem was of such fine growth and does not add the words, 'and is cloven footand so vigorous, it could not be otherwise but ed ;' but in the case of the swine,who does pos poor person. While we have been looking around a little that the branch should be equally so. It was,in- sess such cloven foot,the words are used.f" Com-among the representatives of public opinion ,the deed, nowise astonishing that tho Adlers were procession had arrived at the Meat Market,before blessed with a child, such as Miriam was. Her *In the examination about to bo made, the rendering the house of Isaac Adler,and the Jew, when on. features combined the elegant grace of tho mild of the English version will immediately followthe Hename, while other authorities,for the sake of bre tering, gave one of tho youths a two-groat piece, countenance of her mother, with a touch of tho brew vity, will be expressed by the following initial letters:S.with the understanding that he should divide it manly earnestness of her father. Her figure, J. T. Spanish Jewish Translators, de E. do with his fellows. Full of enthusiasm, the whole slender as the young cedar,her speaking black Eeyna,willG.mean T.German (Christian)Translators, it.Menparty,with the possessor of the two-groat piece, eyes, her blooming complexion,bearingthe traces delssohn, B. Buxtorf, F. Fiirst, D.L.David Levy, P. walked off; and,soon after,they respectfully re- of a southern clime,all united to impress upon Parkhurst, G. Gesenius, M. H. Moosaph Hearuch, K. mcniberod the stranger, while enjoying tho deli- her exterior the seal of'perfect beauty. But her Kimchi, K.Kashi, Ab. Ez.Aben Ezra, Ab. Abarbanel, 0.Targum Onkelos, W.Wessely, S.Serrano, C. S. cacies purchased with his money, at tho shop of mind was not less embellished, thau was her out- T. ward appearance. Miriam Adler was a model of Critica Sacra, Linn. Linnseus, Cuv. Cuvier, Carp.CarGolda. penter ; and so with other authorities already referredto. a loving child. She lived only for her parents; We will now, before we return to our Jew, Where no translation of the foreign are given, who,in the meantime, had arrived at the house her wdiole life was consecrated to them. When they are the same as the Ang. Vers.,sonames also when they saw her industrious father come out of' tho are omitted. for which he had inquired,first make ourselves she of his industry , Serranno observes that the Spanish names by which ho somewhat acquainted with the hero of our story, city with the speaking witness the sweat of his forehead, how gladly would she translatesthe text, are, except in such cases where tradiIsaac Adler, and his amiable family. has decided, only applied because of their composition Isaac Adler was known in all Frankfortas an have relieved him of his burdens,and carry them tion roots representing the characteristics and qualities of honorable and upright man. Though ho was not herself. To her mother she was attached with and the animals whosenamesheemploys, isremarked by any means rich, and had only a moderate the most solicitous tenderness. She would have by Wessely beforegiving a translationThetosame the birds. "We loved to do impossibilities for her. The parents capital empl03־ed in his business,his house was are not familiar with and cannot be assured of their names, neverthelessa home for all the indigent. From did not allow the education of their single trea- so I follow the old commentators, someof whom were also far and near, traveling students and other per- sure to be neglected. It is true that she learned in doubt on the matter. Thus I do not lay down the law a decided thing; but it was necessary to translate sonagos, whoso weakest point was money, came neither French nor English, as the young ladies as " to Frankfort,and ofcourse Reb Isaac was always of our times do before they can speak their mo- them. fB. Wessely,from whose Hebrew comment this is an the first of the householders who took the great- thcr tongue; but to compensate for this she bad extract , next condemns the learned Rashi for his translaest number ofindigent to his table "for the honor learned to be acquainted with the Scriptures.— tion of Paraah. We do not think that it is at all reces of God," as ho was wont to express himself. His She had traveled by means of them with her sary to prolong such an inquiry, having already fairlystrict integrity which ho also displayed toward forefathersthrough tho sandy desert, and ac- given Wessely's reasons fordissent. For our part we do his Christian brethren ,aided yet farther in mak- companied them into the land of lauds, into the not think the great Eashi's remarkable acuteness and rehave atall failedhim. He can in this matter be very ing him the most popular Jew in the neighbor- blessed Canaan; she had rejoiced with the vie- search defended, and were this the place, even we would hood. "When one speaks of Reb Isaac Adler, he tors before Jericho, and wept with the captives easily make an humble attempt so to do. AVe respect W esscly ' must wash his hands," said all the people of the by the proud riversofBabylon. The age in which as a classical Hebrew scholar and able grammarian; but congregation:in short,ho was almost the only one she lived,with its horrible treatment of the Jews, we cannot help feeling that in common with but too many who could boast that no one envied him, which, could not afford her any pleasure; where else, modern Jewish critics, especially with his countrymen— in a large community, where even the smallest then, could she obtain comfort and a hopeful while they display much ingenuity—they are but too apt premisesare set up,in criticising office-holder is envied,may certainly be consid- glance into the future, except in tho inspired to forgetthat, if different did the hearts of some of the old Mcpharashim, very different conclusions ered a rare thing. Neither was Reb Isaac am- songs of the prophets? How that the translation of will be arrived at. We bitious,—a third invaluable quality of this wor- Reb Isaac and Sheba beat with the courage of Kashi, we think,every wayrepeat correct and every way defenthy man. How often did they wish to make him faith and with tho consciousdignity of their de- sible by a mere tyro. But nothing is more probable scent,when,at the receipt ofinformationofan ex- that an expressionshould bo differently understood bythan difA student. ferent parties. T"11m"lienl * *Congregation. sist in educating the poor and need y, whether pare v. 7.—W. "The camel's foot is divided into (Continued from page 274, col. 1.) orphans or otherwise, and in afterwards placing two distinctly marked toes, although not posiSUGGESTIONS TO THE JEWS them as apprentices. As the honesty of their tively cloven, which are fastened to, and rest IMPROVEMENT IN REFERENCE TO THEIR CIIARI- character, and the dili gence with which they upon, the elastic pad or cushion at the end of FORTIES , EDUCATION, AND GENERAL IMPROVEMENT. the foot. From this circumstance, it has been a 'exercise their calling become developed and BY A JEW. known , so will your reputation as honorable nicely balanced question whether tho camel which chews the cud can be reckoned among I would ask tho religious man, be 110 Jew or tradesmen increase. As they will have received the species called cloven-footed. It seems to be not,Is not a proper observance of religion to be the advantage of an education, in which religion a connecting link between those that are and 2xfectcd rather from the instructed than the de- and morality will have been combined with whatthose that are not."—Pic.Illas.Bib. A pecnli- based mind? Putting aside every high command over is neoessary for their support through life, nrity of stomach is also noticed by Buffon. "In- to assist tho needy, is it not a duty to improve no imputation of chicanery—no supposition of dependent of the fourstomachs which arc com - the worldly ־welfare of your fellow-man ,giving dishonesty will attach itself to them, and your monly found in ruminating animals, the camel him ,at the same time,means which will devclopc word will be taken. When their religious obseris possessed of a fifth bag, which serves him as a his mental faculties, and induce hiin to join you vances are known,thoy will be appreciated; and reservoir to retain tho water. The fifth stomach in prayer, and lead him to the better observance your pledge of honor as a Jew will bo guarantee is peculiar to the camel," &c. "Wafer is con- of all his religious duties? To you, then, wor- forthe quality ofyour commodity. Thus everystantl y retained from tho great masses of cells shipper of the Supremo Being,I appeal to join in thing is to be gained, and the accomplishment is which cover tho sides of their paunch,tho other this undertaking: your future hopes,as well as within your own power. Will you quietly sit by ruminants have nothing of the kind.— Cuv. Or- your worldly welfare, are linked with tho fate and hear vituperation heaped upon your creod der vi. Bisulea (Pecora,Lin.)Gen. xxix.—Stew- of tho poor and unenli ghtened Jews. Assist and upon yourselves,without being roused to the art. It is without horns and of the other Rumi - them—instruct them—extend the provision for slightest effort? I will readily admit that it is nantia."—Stark, &e. R.Ab. Ez. and Ab.,—the them in old age—let not tho prejudices which only the prejudicesof the ignorant and vul gar same. AVhero such unanimity of opinion exists, spring from worldly differences,or the rancor of which draw the distinction between yourselfand we cannot but see the correctnessof the Aglican sectarian feeling, blind }'ou to the great good tho Christian; enlighten hull therefore when reyou may achieve. Join early in tho glorious quisite; associate as much as possible with him; version. work—come even singly to combat with dark- let your press address him; prove by your acts, (To be Continued.) noss and disgrace. Every man may be the van? your words and dealings, the falsenessof his asquisherof one illiterate spirit,and bear him from sertionsagainst you,and his sneer loses all its ignorance and evil to knowledge and the bright- sting from its inapplicability. Let the phrase, EXPRESSION OF SPONTANEOUS SENTI- ness of everlasting good. It is your duty espoci- Me is a Jew in liis dealings," be an honorable testiMENTS y, preachers of the word of truth, to dissemi- " monial, equally as desirable to you as that OVER THE COFFIN OF A PIOUS, GOOD BOY, THE all nate these principles from your high places; for, acts like a Christian" is to our fellow-citizens"He of YOUNGEST SON OF MR. HENRY MOSES OF NEW by opening the minds of'the ignorant, you teach ON THE 20111 OF JANUARY YORK, , the faith alluded to; and let those who think that them to laugh to scorn the sophisms of conver- the only worth of the Jewish religion is to bo BY THE REV. DR. BONDI. and enable them to judge better of their measured by the purchase-money offered for It is not with praise that I will announce the sionists,and themselves. Unite yourselves then, apostaoy from it, find that the price they pay is pious and good qualities of tho dear child , who religion pastors; cry aloud,"There is a feeling of hope only a bribe forseeming assent from the outcasts never wounded or grieved tho heart of his pa- ye stirring among the Jews—they seek for instruc- of society, and that the very worst and lowest rents, but rent it by bis death. I will only give tion,let us help them!" Address your exertions Jew is sufficiently informed to know that he will expression to his own last words, which passed to those who know less than yourselves not bo raised by becoming a bad Christian,or an over his dying lips,because they betoken the ex- inform you will have the inestimable satisfaction infidel. It is equally clear that a bad Jew will cellent qualities of tho deceased. lie said, "We —and of perceiving that the precepts of morality and never make a good Christian; and I am not quite must love God above all, then fatherand mother, virtue will make their way with redoubled force sure if we on "lit not to bo thankful for the reand lastly all men," and with these words was to the hearts understandings ofyour hearers; moval of such an excrescence from our body. ended his young life, just in the moment? of a that you will and be enabled to impart to all, what- In turning to those who are sometimes termed blooming development, without being conscious ever religion affords of hope and consolation and our aristocracy,that is to say—the wealthy that these childish words are the spiritual excheering the afflicted in tho hour of his tion of the Jewish community, I would ask,povare pression conveyed in the holy song of Moses gladness; to the doubting spirit that you content that the stigma which unjustly embraced in the portion read this week, ע;יו!מרתadversity—proving and good are one "truth and, in the exercise , " presseson the Jewish name should longer conהאליואנוהואלה־אביוארממנהו1 יהויהי לילישובה, "My of your sacred functions on unclouded minds, tinuc? I am free to admit that the Christians strength and song is the Lord,therefore he bo "Allure to brighter worlds and lead the way." rather than tho Jews require to bo enlightened came my salvation; this is my God,and I will dwell with him,the God of my father,and I will In the prosecution of this scheme many advan- upon this point ; but have you attempted this? extol him. !he short life of the child was ran- tages are offered, which to the trader and mere What has been done by yon for the elevation of sic and song in God. He found no pleasure ni man of the world are of considerable importance , your brethren? But let all that is practicable in childish games, but he found joy only in acquit'- by bringing all our charities to a focus. Setting this respect be attained,and you will ascend with ing knowledge with industry and earnestness. aside the great saving,that could and would be of- them; as the majority become refined in their His spirit was greatly in advance of his age; he fected in the management by united efforts,a much manners, talented in their professions,known in lived,so young as he was,only in God, and so he larger sum might be given to the legitimate ob their dealings,so will you,always the most confound also in Him,while still innocent, his salva- jectofeach charity,and a systematicand efficient- spicuous,be exalted with them. Honor will emation. Thereforedid he say already in his ninth check upon each person receiving relief could bo nate from the people and bo reflected upon the loaders. Every onward movement of the midyear,"This is my God whom I love entirely, I accomplished. will also dwell with Him,will belong to Him alto- The vast sums annually given to established die and lower orders must press you,the more gethor,beforesin and the dangers of earthly life charities and benevolent institutions,form but a advanced,into higher eminence; and it is thereensnare me in their toils; this Being is the God small item in the sum total of expenditure for forenecessary on your parts to procure for the of my paternal house; hero have I learned to charity. Tradesmen, and indeed individuals of body of which you are a portion,the means of know Him, for hero have I seen how one can every class,are in the habit of making continual making its members of every class useful and oxwalk piously and earnestly, without deceit, in donations to persons unknown, and frequently cellent citizens. While the poor are leftto obloGod ; how ono can honor the Sabbath and the unworthy. To those, then, whom these const- quy—no matter who the rich may be—all will Commandments with entire sincerity and not by derations principally affect, I would say,—Put be designated by one common term of reproach. outward appearance,and where ono learnshow all your charitiesunder a salutarycontrol,and (Tobe Continued.) to extol Him as the Creator of tho. Universe; under a united management, sink for'once tho may He then lift me up to himself." The dust of mere desire to be chairman , committee-men,and the departed will soon rest in the cool bosom of managers. Act with others,and not as if you Be candid in speech,thought,and action,ranthe earth,from which it came,but his pure spirit only ?werepatronsand foundersof the institutions dering to every man a recompense ; for nature reposes already,as during his life,in the bosom you wish to see flourish. "Unite for the purpose teaches a just penalty for every act, whether it of (he Spirit of God. of doing good,not forgranting patronage. As- be violation or conformation to her laws. ? 9 nouuecment that ;!Matroniswanted immediately, hopes, that in a few years we may compare fato assume tho charge of'the House. The posi- vorably with any of tho older congregations in tion is, in our op inion ,quite a respectable one,as the Western country." The above is certainly a the training of a largo household of children for cheering prospect of tho new community which , the various pursuits of life, is such as should be though not yet three years old, bids fair to take a confided to no ono who is not morally and men- high rank among us. Five years ago, when we tally qualified to do it full justice. In view of passed up the Ohio, wo in vain inquired for a this,we earnestly request our readers through- congregational union there, although if we had out the country to aid our ladies to obtain a per- found one,we should not have had time to stop. son who is religious, circumspect, patient, and Tho situation of Evansvillo is so far removed intelli gent, willing and able to do what is right, from Louisville and St.Louis,as to affordamp le without needing to be watched over herself. To room for a large commerce to spring up there such a one the office will be the means of mak- without detriment to its sister cities; and it deing herself comfortable, and of being the means pends altogether on the present Israolitish in of doing a great deal of good. Wo should judge habitants,whether they will lay the foundation that a lady of middle age,a widow especially, for a lasting prosperity,and establish on a sure would bo best calculated forthe post. Wo again basis a name for honor and respectability',and request that the utmost possible circulation may raise tho character of their faith in tho ostimabe given to this notice, so that the office may be tion of their fellow-citizens by a line of conduct , which willreflectrenown on the name ofIsrael. filledworthily withoutdelay. Wo wish our brothers the amplest success, and The Jews' Hospital of New York.—At a trust to hear often from them, announcing their meeting of the Board of Directors held this day material progressand spiritual prosperity. the following officerswere elected for the year I860:Benjamin Nathan, President; N. K. Ro- St.Louis, Mo.—Wo learn that the number of' scnfeld,Vice President;Henry Hendricks,Trea- scholars instructed by the Rev.Henry Kuttner surer: Samuel A. Lewis, Secretary; Joseph Fat- amounts to fifty. On the 22d of January an exman ,HarrisAronson and Henry I.Hart,Exeeu- amination was held,which resulted to the genetivo Committee;LewisM.Morrison,Joseph Selig- ral satisfactionof tho audience. Tho children man and William Heller,Inspecting Committee; answered promptly tho questions put to them, Bonjaman Nathan,N.K.Rosenfeld, Henry Hen- road the Hebrew grammatically, translated pordricks and Samuel A.Lewis,Finance Comm ittee. lions of the prayersinto English, and were likeThe Medical Board attached to the Hospital wise examined in Bible,Bible history, and other consists of Willard Parker, M. D.,President; subjects which Israelites ought to be familiar Valentine Mott,M.D.,and T.M.Markoe, M.D., with.—The Judah Touro Society, which was ConsultingSurgeons;Drs.B.W.McCready,E. foundedtwo years ago,has expended nearly one Schilling,A. Jacobi,A. J. Henriques,Alexander thousand dollars during the last year among tho B.Mott, Israel Moses and E. Krackowitzer,At- poor. Mr.Dattelweig has again been elected Pretending Physicians and Surgeons;Dr. S.Teller, sident.—A gentleman connected with the United House Physician and Surgeon; and Julius Ray- congregation told us that their Synagogue is one mond , Superintendent. of the most beautiful in the country,and is regitNew York, February 5th, 1800. larly well attended every7Sabbath. The Rev.Mr. is the Ilazan,and he has organized a Evansvilee, Indiana.— "The Congregation Ritterman choir,and is said to give satisfactionto tho pcoBnai Israel of this place," as wo learn from a plo. private correspondence, "is yet in its infancy, but nevertheless we may be proud of what has Constantinople.—Election of a Rabbi. been accomplished, and I look,as a great friend The French and Italian Israelites residing — at of orthodox Judaism, with bright hope to the Constantinople have elected M.Samson Levy,a NEWS ITEMS. future, and pray constantly to the God of our Frenchman,their Rabbi. It is remarkable, that Ball of the Bnai Beretii.— We cheerfully to give mo strength and wisdom,in or- ono of the circumstances which greatly recomcomply with tho requestof tho committee having fathers dor to lend my aid with that of other men to tho Rabbi to tho notice of the congregatho'matter in charge to call public attention to promulgate our religion, and to protect against mended tion was the gallant conduct of his son,a Zouave, tho Ball to bo given by the Bnai Berith on the innovations our holy laws. This congregation at tho battle of Solferino.— ?Lien d'Israel. evening of February 28th. The objectofthe orestablished July 19th,1857,and now namganization is purely charitable; it aims to watch was forty-one members. Since tho first of last Austria.—Progress.—Bj'an Imperial order over tho widows and orphans of the deceased bers December wo have engaged a teacher, and 08 y published,Jews will be henceforthadmitmembers,and to aid them in tho hour ofdistress; tablished an institution for the education of our- latel fed as witnesses against Christians in all the proand the present social entertainment is only in- youth ;it is under the direction ofa school-board vinccs of Austria, or, to speak more correctly, tended to add to the funds. We have no doubt which is elected annually. Dr. M. Delbanco, their evidence bo received with equal alien but that those whose age and inclination cause formerly of Laporte, Indiana, is the present tion. That thewillcontrary should have been the them to feelpleasure in such matters will have a teacher.—As yet, wo congregate in a rented case in Austria up to tho present day,is a fact so full share ofgratification on this occasion,and we room,twenty feetby one hundred,f or tho pur- discreditable,that it deprives the present act of trust thereforethat tho managers may be honor- pose of divine service; but I hope, that with the any merit that the government might otherwise ed with their presence,and the funds benefited Divine help we shall soon be enabled to build a claim for it.—Jewish Chronicle. by their contributions, indirect though it bo. Synagogue, and I think that the preliminary The members of the order will indisputably be will be taken at tho next regular meeting. Berlin.— Liberality.—A fewdayssince Hen? there with their familieswithout urging on our step Both the cause of education and congregational Berthold Auerbach, tho famous author of the part. matters are at present prospering. The present "Dorf Geschichten"(VillageTales),was invited Jewish Foster Home, Philadelphia.—The officersof the Kahal are:A. Anspacher, Presi- to the Prince Regent's,where he had tho honor of annual meeting of this laudable charity was to dent; L.Frey,Vice President;L.M.Plant,So- reading beforethe illustrious company one of his be hold on Tuesday afternoon of this week (Feb. cretary; I. Shoenfeld, Gabo Beth Hayim; L. latest productions. When I tell you that the ac14th),at the Synagogue Rodef Sholem, in Juli- Kahn, Treasurer; A. Gumberts, H.B.Levy, I. complished doctor is not only a Jew,but a deanna Street. The Rev. Homy Vidavor was to Ilymann ,S.Rothschild and William Loewenthal, cided enthusiast for his race—that he is not a deliver the annual address. Being compelled to Trustees. This city, tho commercial metropolis mere milk-and-water Liberal,but a determined leave the city for a few days, we could npt be of the State of Indiana,is increasing very fastin Radical, though, in the constitutional sense of present.—In our Advertiser will be found an an- population,and,for that reason, I have strong the word ,you will bo able to appreciate the de- THE SHBMANG. BY MBS. CELIA LEVETUS. Note.—The incident on which the following Poem is founded occurred during Napoleon's disastrousretreat from Moscow, and is to be found in Ben Levi's "Matinecs du Samedi." and dying, On the snow, 'midst deadying, Is the wounded soldier l y All his living comrades !l ing— lie is left to\lie. Nearer as the foe advances, He can see their glittering glances, And beforehis sight there lances— A vision of his home. The blessing that his mother said, With her hand laid on his head, In happy hours long since fled— His memory recalls. And the prayer of the Shcmang, That he uttered night and morn, Israel, thy God is One— Low liemurmursnow. While he prays, a Cossack near Comes with his uplifted spear : What shields him in that time of fear— AVhat stays the murderer's hand ? The Shcmang, God's holy word, , He, too in his childhood heard, .Ere he learned to wield the sword— While at his father's knee. The stranger from the battle field He leads, and docs from danger shield Tends him till his wounds are hcal'd— Then aids him to escape. In this world they !notno more: The Frenchman , when the war was o'er, Dwelt in peace beside tho Loire— In his native land. Daily,when his prayershe said, He recalled that time of dread, The Cossack's lanee above his bead— And then the wondrous change. A blessing on the Hebrew tongue, The band of brotherhood among Israel's children, who have clung—? And will ever cling. To their brethren in the faith, Each aiding each in life or death, latest breath—. And murm 'ring with his Israel, thy God is One. Birmingham, January, 1855. greo of tolerance and recognition of literary me- ment from Judaism through which the comma- him was to impress on them three words, as he rits awarded to the widest circle bj ־the family nity sustained its greatest losses. Wo are there- termed it,or three ideas which should lay the of the Prince Regent. 1 should not marvel if'Dr. forerejoiced to learn that it is contemplated to foundation of their future happiness,and these Auerbaeh forms the resolution of making Berlin open a Synagogue somewhere between Islington are Mutual Esteem,Industry and the FearofGod. his place of residence after the encouragement and Highbury,for tho benefit of the very consid- He then proceeded to explain his views. The thus bestowed upon him,and through him upon erable Jewish population residing in that neigh- ardent love of tho young bride and bridegroom all men of his stamp and sentiments. At Dres- borhood. Tho new place of worshi p, wo are told, must, in tho nature of things, sooner or later den, where he has been living for some years will bo a branch of the Spanish and Portuguese pass away,tho stern realitiesof life will assort past,tho King of Saxony would certainly prefer Synagogue, Bevis Marks, of which the promo- their emp ire,and the pleasant paradise of earthly losing his crown to sitting in ono and the same tors are members. Considerable promises of sup- happiness in which it is so pleasant to lead tho room with a Jew and a Radical.—Daily Paper. port have been given,and those interested in the young bride,may bo transformed into a wilderpious work look forward hopefully to its success. ness by the hand of misfortune. If,now ,nothing Palestine.— The scheme to which we alluded May God prosper their exertions, which, if but the ardent desire of early love was the foun last week originating from the Netherland Con- brought to a happy issue,cannot but be produc- dation of the marriage state,the journey will hegregation,to erect dwellings and pilgrim houses tive of great spiritual benefits to the hundreds dreary and toilsome to those, who are no longer in Jerusalem, has, as we believe,stimulated the whoso feelingsnow,forwant ofstimulation ,grad- what they were, when they entered on the marCold Sephardim to send out missionaries to ga- ually cool down fortho ancestral religion.—Lon- riago state. But they should learn ־to form a ther funds for a like purpose in their behalf. It don Jewish Chronicle. mutual esteem for each other,to respect in each is probable enough that some ofthesecollectors other the noble qualities of a good husband and we hope that may reach America likewise. If so, Brunn.—Liberality.— Tho chamber of com- wife, so that when any change should occur in will set their faces congregations all American merco of Brunn , the capital of Moravia, has re- their existence,they may boar together and en against permitting any collections being taken solved to petition the Emperor to grant the Jews courage each other, to encounter jointly tho illsthem over to these men. in order to hand up, — permission to possessreal property,on the ground which life is continually exposed. Mr.V.reWe have beforeexpressed tho fear, that the sys- that tho existing law was very injurious to trade, to to the lives of the fathers and mothers of tem of Palestine relief is a very faulty one; the especially in Moravia, whore tho chief manufac- ferred Israelas examples of conjugal attachment. Ho efforts of philanthropists to ameliorate perma- tures are in the hands of the Jews,whose opera- then took up his second point, Industry. He nontly the great distress of the people there, tious arc much impeded by tho injudicious enact- presented to tho husband the duty of being achave been frustrated, wo honestly believe, by ments forbidding them to buy land. Ibid. tive for the support of the family. It was his the effortsof those who have the distribution of to labor,with Heaven's blessing,to provide the funds collected forthe relief of the poor.— Westphalia,—Intolerance.—Fiveclergymen part the wants of the house,to contribute all in his We are, indeed,not able to point out any remo- lately published an appealin tho Mercuryin which for forthe happiness of tho wifehe had taken. dy by which a better means of' aiding tho dis- they called upon their flocks to abstain buying power ho also exhorted the wife that she must artressed residents of the Holy Land could be de- any article manufactured in the factoriesof Isra- But range and order every thing within her home,to vised ; but one thing we do know,that the cost elites. Religious hatred is stated to be tho only renderit pleasantto her husband when he re oftraveling from Asia hither,and then to spend reason for this extraordinary document. The ag- turns thither from his pursuits,not to let ill hu?time and money here to make collectionsfrom grieved Israelitestook legal proceedings against mor, oi• extravagance, or other unholy acts do? place to place, will leave hut a moderate per the fanatics, who had to pay a heavy fine. An stroy tho fruits of'hishonest industry,or to stimcentago fortho objectsof the mission,should one equal sentence was passed on tho proprietors of ulato him to outlays which his means would not be undertaken. A far better method would be, the journal. Ibid. afford. He demanded, how a wife could accuse to collect, by means of committees in various a husband of wrong,if he should cease to love a places,the sums destined by the pious for Paleswoman who renders his house unpleasant to him ? tine , and then to send them over direct to perMARRIED who neglects to adorn his home by womanly sons residing on tho spot,for whose relief they Ox Sunday,February the 12th,at the .Tuliarma Street bearing and feminine virtues? On tho other are intended, or to tho committees in Amster- Synagogue , by tho Rev. Isidor Moasa Aurams," side, 110 demanded how a husband could expect dam , London, or Fraukfort-on-Maine. As we of San Francisco, California, Erankel, to Helena, daughter of love from a neglected wife,if he seeks abroad hold also tho honorary appointment of one of the Michael Heidelberg,of Philadelphia. the joys which his home should and could afTreasurersofthe Holy Land for the Perushim of The ceremony drew together perhaps the for him ? It thereforebecomesthe duty of both Jerusalem,we will with pleasure transmit what- greatest crowd that ever filled tho largest Syna ford jointly labor to build up tho happiness of the - to ever is confided to us to any point which donors gogue in Philadelphia; persons ofperhaps all the house by active industry,the man by providing may desire. But let our friendsnot bo induced congregations in the city were there,together according to his moans, the woman by duly orto encourage any new messengers, though they with several of'other persuasions. were also dering the household. He then presented his come hither with all the papers and seals imag in- there as a spectator,and had thus theWe last point, the Fear of God. It is this on which able.— It is not, however, out of' opposition to of hearing for the first time tho Rev.opportunity mutual affection and industry should be based, affording relief to those who linger near the davor delivering a regular address, Henry Vi- for having only if the man and woman do their part while graves of the groat names of past ages that we once beforehad the opportunity of listening to a regarding God as their Protector,He would do saj ־this, but to prevent charity being wastefully few extemporaneous remarks of his at a dinner . his part and shed his blessing on them. The applied where it is not needed. Wo would simply state,that Mr. Vidaver's Ian- happiness of men is in their own hands, they A Projected New Synagogue.—Among the gunge is remarkablychasteand correct,his speak- must labor for it, under the direction of the Didesiderata occasionallycommented upon by us, ing slow and deliberate, with sufficient intona- vine will,and if they do,the words of the text there is one to which we attach an importance tion to render listening to him an easy task,and would be fulfilled, that the Lord would build the beyond all others. Wo have more than once not taxing the audience to follow every word he house,and the laborers thereon not toil in vain. pointed out the evils ensuing from the unequal utters.We do not,therefore,wonder that he has —This is a briefsynopsis'of the very pretty addistribution of our Synagogues. Whilst the Jew - thus farsucceeded in making so favorable anlm - dress of tho young Rabbi; we took no notes, ae ish population has spreadfarand wide all over tho prcssion on his flock,and with the natural talents we did not at first think of reporting it ; but on immense metropolis, our places of worship are he possesseshe cannot fail of making his mark returning home,we thought best to commit to confined to the city and the West End. A eo- in the pulpit,when greaterpracticeimparts more paper the outline of what would recall,as due to religionist living at the extreme north or east, fi2־e and rapidity to his utterance,thus enkindling the merits of the speaker,and to stimulate tho may, if he be in robust health,and impelled by a greater enthusiasm with words which will ap- young pair in their journey through life in disstrong religious zeal,walk on Sabbath or Festi- pear to flow more spontaneously. He took forhis tant California, to remember for their edifica? vals the distance of four or five miles to attend text, in addressing the young couple,the words, tion the words of admonition addressed to them Divine service,and then back again; but such a from Psalm exxvii.,"If the Lord build not the by the minister of their God on the day of their featis clearly impossible forwomen and children. house,in vain do its builders toil thereon." Ho union. It is needless to point out how habitual absence proceeded to state,that he would not instruct ,below Miuor Street Printt!devery Thursday by Barnard a Jones,510published from worship must by degrees weaken all Jew• them in their new duties which they were about Market, by where advertisements will be received,aod ish feelings, destroy all religious associations to assume,as no doubt they had reflectedon them IsaacLeesek,No.1227Walnut Street. and thus pave the way forthat gradual estrange? already. But what they were to expect from