The Santinos
The Santinos
The Santinos Missionaries in R.omania www, Summer Camp,.. AGAIN? lii,:i3..5:.::::$.:,:5l Okayl I know that I am getting 407-2L3-9820 old. I'll admit it. Every time I look in the rrrtrror- I've noticed that I don't have the enelgy I once had. But, how did I lose the excitement that tr once had for sulnmer camp? Could it be related to something more than age? Maybe, just maybe, it has to do with the dread of having to journey to an ttnpleasant smelling out-house in the middle of the night. Maybe, that is my real problem! As all of us know, camp has its downside, but it also has its upside! The upside of our camp this yeaq r,vas Pastor David Hennesey, a missionary to South I(orea, who did a tremendous job preaching to the young people. The pictr,rre just above to the right, shows him preaching and our youth director, Daniel Buldea, translating for him. Bro. Dan worked in South I(orea for five years and was saved through Pastor David's mission work there. In 2009 Bro. Dan returned to Romania and has been a great blessing to the lvork here in Constanta. We are grateful to repott that it was one of the best sllmmer camps we have ever llad, in spite of some of the conditions of the camp :) And, it was great seeing teenagers getting right with God and dedicating their lives to the Lord. FELICIA Some of you ntay have met Felicia, or ntay remember things that I have u,riften or said about her in the past. Sire was one of the girls we raised in our home and who grew up in the church here in Constanta. With the economy still struggling in Romania, this past year has been a difficult year for the church. We have seen five families fi'om the church move to other countries in Europe in search of better job opportunities. Felicia and her husband, Adrian, were one of tliose families. They very hard to see them go, it is a great joy to see them serving the Lord in England. They not only founcl good jobs and are growing spilitually, but they have not forgotten the rvork here in Romania. Felicia just came to see us in Ar-rgust and was a tremendous blessing to everyone. She came witli , gifts of food, clothing and whatever there was a need for. It is an unbelievable ioy to watch those we have instructed in the faith, making those truths personal. Generosity, the gift of giving, is such a needed gift in the chut'ch today. Felicia definitely lias this gift and she has a tender head for those ir, need. We are thanlcful for her life, her testimony and her love! .. 1 VBS WITH IONUTI/JOHNNY Another natne that may sound familiar to you is "Johnny"! Johnny is another one of our young people who lived in out'home and grew up in the church. He has been pastoring in Feldioara, Romania for the past three years and we are extremely pt'oud of his faithfulness. We count it a tremendous privilege to have had a part in his life and enjoyed visiting with him, Gabi and Cristian, helping with their Bible school and preaching for his Sunday services. Blessings -+ Summer camp --- Emily got her braces on -> Ner,v visitors to the church Prayer Requests ---> Elizabeth at college --. Lucian and his wife and gils ---+ New mission work at Movila Verde