File - Rajhans Trust
File - Rajhans Trust
Caring for the Ailing Art RAJHANS PRATISHTHAN (TRUST) Regn. No. : E 20192 (Mumbai) • PAN No. : AAATR4420K to Donations Trust an th tis ra Rajhans P tax exemption to d le tit are en under 80G Founder President : Mr. Suhas Kabre Tel. : +91-22-29270148 • Mobile : 9821142502 Email : • Website : We accept foreign fund legally FCRA Registration No - 084020006 • II/21022/68 (0541)/2010-FCRA-II mebieerle-mesJee DeeefCe ªiCe-mesJee keÀjCeejer jepenbme Òeefleÿeve ner mebmLee ieesjsieeJe®³ee meebmke=ÀeflekeÀ Je keÀueeiegCeeb®ee JewYeJeMeeueer Jeejmee peHeCeeN³ee HejbHejsle Yej IeeueCeejer Deens. cee. megefveue ÒeYet (ceneHeewj, cegbyeF&) jepenbme Òeefleÿeve keÀuee Je ©iCe mesJee ³ee oesvner #es$eele keÀjerle Demeuesu³ee keÀe³ee&®es keÀewlegkeÀ keÀjeJes lesJe{s Lees[s®e Deens. cee. GpJeue vee. efvejieg[keÀj (ef®e$eHeì J³eeJemeeef³ekeÀ) Þeer. keÀyejWmeejKes efveëmJeeLe& keÀe³e&keÀlex Deelee ogefce&U®e. l³eeb®³ee keÀe³ee&ves les meceepeele Kej®e jepenbmeemeejKes DeefÜleer³e þjesle. cee. MegYeoe ®eewkeÀj (ceepeer menmebHeeokeÀ, ueeskeÀmeÊee) keÀuee #es$e Je JewÐekeÀer³e #es$e ner oesve efYeVe #es$eb Deensle. Hejbleg ³ee oesvneR®eer, Del³eble ieewjJeemHeo keÀeceefiejer keÀªve jepenbme Òeefleÿeveves megboj meebie[ Ieeleueer Deens. cee. megjsMe Kejs (veeìkeÀkeÀej) jepenbme Òeefleÿeveves DeeHeu³ee Glke=Àä keÀe³ee&ves ieesjsieeJe Heefjmejeleerue veeieefjkeÀebmeeþer mebieerle-mesJee DeeefCe Deejesi³e-mesJee ³ee efÜmet$eerÜejs meJee¥®eer ceves efpebkeÀueer Deensle. jepenbme Òeefleÿeveuee ceveëHetJe&keÀ MegYes®íe! DeeefCe Heg{erue Jeeì®eeueerle menkeÀe³ee&®es Je®eve! efMeJemesvee vesles cee. megYee<e osmeeF& (Deeceoej) `meJexçefHe megefKeveë mevleg, meJex mevleg efvejece³eeë' ³ee YeeJevesves iejpetb®eer mesJee megÞet<ee keÀjCeeN³ee jepenbme Òeefleÿeve, Þeer. megneme keÀyejs lemes®e mesJeeYeeJeer Je=Êeerves meceepemesJee keÀjCeejs l³eeb®es efce$e ceb[U KejesKej®e keÀewlegkeÀeme Hee$e Deensle. meew. DeeMee Kee[eruekeÀj Je Þeer. ceeOeJe Kee[eruekeÀj keÀesCeleerner mebkegÀef®ele DeHes#ee ve þsJelee meelel³eeves keÀe³e&jle Demeuesues Þeer. megneme keÀyejs, l³eeb®es kegÀìgbyeer³e DeeefCe jepenbme HeefjJeej ³eebvee ceer meg³eMe ef®ebeflelees. [e@. Jeer. vee. ÞeerKeb[s (cegbyeF&) jepenbme Òeefleÿeve mebmLesleHexÀ Þeer. megneme keÀyejs ³eebveer peer ceeveJe mesJee Je mebieerle-mesJee meg© kesÀueer Deens, l³eemeeþer osJe l³eebvee MekeÌleer osJees. cee. megosMe Yeesmeues (megÒeefme× iee³ekeÀ) meeceeefpekeÀ Deejesi³e lemes®e keÀuee ³ee oesvneR®ee GÊece mebiece DeeHeu³eeuee jepenbme Òeefleÿeve®³ee keÀe³ee&le Hene³euee efceUlees. cee. keÀeb®eve DeefOekeÀejer (ef®e$eHeì efveefce&leer) efpeLeb kegÀþb keÀesHeN³eele DeeHeCe Demet lees lejer Yeeie DeeHeCe GpeU keÀª, DebOeëkeÀej IeeueJee³e®ee Òe³elve keÀª. ³ee HeCeleer®³ee lelJeeves ®eeueCeeN³ee jepenbme Òeefleÿeve®es keÀe³e& ieewjJeemHeo Demeb®e Deens. cee. jepeoÊe (megÒeefme× ef®e$eHeì efoioMe&keÀ) ªiCe mesJes®ee jepenbme®ee GHe¬eÀce efJeMes<e JeeKeeCeC³eepeesiee Deens. menmee keÀesCeer ns keÀece DebieeJej Iesle veener. HeCe jepenbme®es meelel³eHetCe& keÀe³e& Flejebveener mHetÀefle&oe³eer Demes®e Deens. meew. ceefve<ee efvelemegjs-peesMeer (cenejeä^ ìeF&cme) DeMee DeveskeÀ jepenbme Òeefleÿeveeb®eer meceepeeuee iejpe Deens. cee. DeMeeskeÀ HeeveJeuekeÀj (mebHeeokeÀ, cenejeä^ ìeF&cme) jepenbme Òeefleÿeve mebmLee SkeÀ efoHemlebYe Deens. leer leMeer®e meJee¥vee DeeoMe&Jele þjes ner meefo®íe! cee. SkeÀveeLe þekegÀj (DeO³e#e-meejmJele yeBkeÀ) megnemepeer keÀyejs Je menkeÀeN³eeb®eer efveJ³ee&pe ©iCemesJee ceveeuee YeeJeles. Heg{s Jeeì®eeueermeeþer ceeP³ee MegYes®íe! meew. efceveue ceesneef[keÀj (GÐeespeerkeÀe) meeceev³e ªiCee®³ee iejpee ue#eele IesTve meg© kesÀuesues Demeeceev³e Demes jepenbme Òeefleÿeve®es keÀe³e& Deens. l³ee®³ee GHe¬eÀceeb®eer ceeefnleer DeefOekeÀeefOekeÀ ueeskeÀebvee mecepetve meceepeeleerue meJe& ueeskeÀebveer ³ee mebmLesuee ceoleer®ee nele efouee Heeefnpes. DeMeer ceer DeHes#ee keÀjlees. mesJeeYeeJeer [e@. jJeer yeeHeì Þeer. megneme keÀyejs ³eeb®eer mebieerle-mesJee Je l³eeb®es ©iCe mesJes®es keÀe³e& oeo osC³eepeesies Deens. l³eeb®³ee DeefJejle meceepe mesJesmeeþer MegYes®íe! cee. Deefveue ceesefnues (mebieerle efoioMe&keÀ) jepenbme Òeefleÿeve oeKeJele Demeuesueer ke=Àle%elee DeefuekeÀ[s meceepeele keÀceer efomeles. megneme keÀyejs Je menkeÀeN³eebveer cee$e l³ee ke=Àle%eles®³ee YeeJeves®es Je=#e®e ueeJee³euee Iesleues Deens. p³esÿ He$ekeÀej cee. kegÀceejpeer kesÀlekeÀj Introduction The Rajahans Pratishthan was inaugurated on May 4, 2003 at the auspicious hands of the renowned Marathi poet, Shri. Mangesh Padgaonker. Since its inception the Rajahans Pratishthan has offered whole hearted and selfless services in the fields of art and medical care, and has won appreciation and support from people of different strata of society. The Rajahans Pratishthan has pledged itself to promotion of art and service of the ailing. Looking at the extensive need of medical care in the society the Rajahans Pratishthan has laid a greater emphasis on medical care and medical support. 1 Caring for the Ailing Art Programmes and Activities The multifaceted task undertaken by the Rajahans Pratishthan can be briefly described as follows. The Rajahans Pratishthan i) Lends medical equipment worth 16 Laks to the needy on no-rent-or-deposit basis. ii) Organises camps in rural areas for free eye check-up and on-the-spot distribution of spectacles free of cost. iii) Organises Anaemia and Thalassemia tests for school children in Mumbai. iv) Arranges lectures for sex education for school children. v) Arranges counselling sessions for women over forty, addressing their varied problems. vi) Undertakes special campaigns so as to remove misapprehensions about AIDS vii) Works in collaboration with Shri. Kaka Joglekar and his We-Can-Sir organisation to boost the morale of cancer patients, and to mobilise funds for their medication. vii) Arranges programmes appealing people to come forward for Eye, Blood, Skin, Body donation. ix) Maintains a data base where patients can access information about bureaus to be contacted for Ayas, Wardboys and Nurses, centres providing low cost medical care, trusts offering medical support, contact numbers of cremation grounds. x) Rajhans Award : The Rajahans Pratishthan felicitates eminent personalities in the field of art and other fields of social life. 2 Medical Help Free Medical Camps Smt. Meera Jadhav felicitating famous social worker Mr. Jayant Parab Our advisor Prof. Pangam seen at the Free Blood Testing, Anaemia & Thalassemia camps in the remote areas 3 Medical Help Our President Mr. Suhas Kabre addressing the participants at the Medical Camp Eminent Social Worker Smt. Meera Jadhav addressing Medical Camp Much applauded eye camp and distribution of free spectacles organised at the Ancient Temple in a village 4 Medical Help Eye camp and distribution of free spectacles in remote areas Smt. Meera Jadhav, eminent social worker at an eye camp 10 year old Deepali from Makadwala community who is cross eyed and has weak sight , gets monetary support from Rajhans Pratishthan. Dr. Manohar Advankar & Modak felicitating physically challenged President award winner special child Ms. Manashree Soman alongwith her Mom & Grandpa Mr. Modak child Master Hendre for his achievement as a swimmer 5 Medical Help Mr. Chidanand Jadhav addressing a medical camp. Sarpanch and other eminent personalities from the village on dias Mr. Sunil Prabhu felicitating handicap artist from ‘Hum Kisise Kam Nahi’ programme. MLA Mr. Pravin Darekar giving a speech at inauguration of a Telephone Booth for Cancer Patient (Donated by Rajhans Pratisthan & Asmita) Handicap Students of Asmita and Team of Asmita with Rajhans President Suhas Kabre Temple chief pujari testing his eyes in Rajhans Eye Testing Camp in village 6 Medical Help As seen in the picture ladies in majority for Eye Testing and Free Specs Distribution Camp in a Village Physically Challenged Artists Performing at Rajhans Platform Inauguration of Rajhans Trust Website: Musical Programme by Little Champs of ‘Hou Kase Utrai’ Compering by Mr. Bhau Marathe 7 Medical Help Yes, We - Can - Sir, Kaka Joglekar blessing us. Hon. Ex. Railway Minister Mr. Ram Naik addressing a programme of Cancer Patients We-Can-Sir. Other dignitaries : Music Director Mr. Avdhoot Gupte and Mr. Ismail Darbar One of the Founders of We-Can-Sir Mr. Anil Londhe and other Cancer Survival Patients performing on Rajhans Platform 8 Medical Help Debate on Mercy Killing: Dr. Nikhil Datar, Atul Kulkarni, Uttara Mone, Anuya Mhaiskar, Yadnyopavit Advocate Parulekar HUM BHI KISISE KAM NAHI Physically challenged children performing at Rajhans Platform 9 Cultural Activities Lighting of Lamp : Prabhakar Panshikar and Mangala Khadilkar along with our President Suhas Kabre Musical Programme : ‘Rhuna Govyache, Shabda Suranche’ Release of Granth : Mrs. Vaijayanti Joshi, Marathe, presented by Mangala Khadilkar. Artist from left Sai Bankar, Author Capt. Dr. Anand Bodas, Prof. Yashwant Pathak Neelakshi Pendharkar, Archana Gore, Suresh Bapat, and Sunil Prabhu Neela Sohoni, Mangala Khadilkar. 10 Cultural Activities Sudesh Bhosle and Siddhant Bhosle performing for the Noble Cause Prof. Yashwant Pathak giving discourse on Saint Meerabai & Saint Ramdas Notation Workshop arranged by Rajhans Prathisthan, Suhas Kabre, Shashikant Saliyan, Arvind Mukhedkar, (Workshop Conductor) Ashok Jagtap and Ravindra Sathe Smt. Kanchan Railkar felicitating Ms. Akanksha Palkar (Indian Idol Fame) Kumari Veda Nerulkar winner of state level ‘Gunanidhi’ award, being felicitated by Mrs. Bidaye 11 Cultural Activities An interview of Shri. Sunil Prabhu (Mayor of Mumbai) taken by Mrs. Mangala Khadilkar at Rajhans Platform. Our President Shri. Suhas Kabre handing over cheque of Rs. 11,000 to the Mayor’s Fund. Ms. Manasi Kulkarni (Cancer Survivor student scoring 84% in SSC exam.) felicitated by the Mayor on the occasion, Shri. Subhash Desai (MLA) aslo seen. Child Artist Chinmay Kambli, Shri. Dada Trailokya, Shri. Samant (Asmita), Shri. Sunil Prabhu (Chief Guest), Shri. Dada Patwardhan (Asmita), Dr. Shrikant Badwe, along with Shri. Kaka Joglekar on Rajhans Pratishthan Platform Sri. Sunil Prabhu, Mayor of BMC Felicitates Shri. Dada Trailokya, Master Chinmay Kambli and Shri. Dada Patwardhan (Asmita) 12 Cultural Activities Eminent Poet duo Ashokji Naigaonkar & Mahesh Keluskar Borkar, Mrs. Sangvikar, Chipkar, Khanolkar, Gokhale & Kabre Mrs. Mangala Khadilkar & our advisor Dr. Sudha Datar lighting the traditional lamp Mrs. Pranati Mhatre recital at Ravindra Natya Mandir (Lagan Lagi Shyamse) Bahare Hamko Dhundegi Musical Programme Singers : Aakansha Palkar, Mandar Aapte and Shraddha Vete (Mokashi) 13 Cultural Activities Mrs. & Mr. Shrinivas Khale, Mangesh Padgaonkar, Mrs. Sawant (Sister), Mangala Khadilkar Pt. Shankar Abhayankar, Asha Khadilkar being interviewed by Mohan Kanhere. Prakash Vagal also seen Little Champs of ‘Hou Kase Utarai’ with MLA Gopal Shetty (Chief Guest) in Web Site Launching Programme ‘Manatli Gani’ : Musical Programme Presented by Munjusha Ranade (President, Sanskar Bharati) with the Artists from Goregaon We participate in New Year Swagat Yatra. Mr. Suhas Kabre was President of the Committee for Year 2012. 14 Eminent Personalities at Rajhans Platform Atul Kulkarni, well known stage and film actor Renowned Senior Commentator Harsh Bhogle with our Advisor Suresh Saraiya Sudesh Bhosle & Kumar Ketkar Khale, Padgaonkar & Ketkar during Anniversary Celebrations Suresh Saraiya, Neeta, John and Harsh Bhogle Harsh Bhogle with our President Suhas Kabre 15 Eminent Personalities at Rajhans Platform Padma Bhushan Shrinivas Khale with our President Suhas Kabre Ramesh Kumar - Sr. Economist & Kumar Ketkar - Sr. Journalist Hon. Minister of Rural Development Mr. Jayantrao Patil handing over a donation cheque on behalf of the Tilak Nagar Sarvajanik Ganeshotsav Mandal (Goregaon-East) to Rajhans Pratisthan Trust. Also seen Mr. Shende, Mr. Mahesh Pongurlekar and others 16 Eminent Personalities at Rajhans Platform Pt. Manohar Rege alongwith Smt. Rekha Samant - Winner of International Neonatal Nurse Excellence Award, and Mrs. Geeta Nalawade - The Awardee of The President’s Award for Teachers, Felicitated on Rajhans Platform at the hands of Atul Bhatkhalkar Our Privilege Jagan Mata & Social Worker Mrs. Sindhutai Sapkal with Suhas Kabre and Shashikant Patkar 17 Applauds An appreciation of work of Rajhans Pratisthan by the Shwas Foundation. Our President Mr. Suhas Kabre receiving cheque from Mr. Sarpotdar. Seen in the picture are Mr. Nilu Phule & Shawas Team Jagan Mata & Social Worker Mrs. Sindhutai Sapkal and Suhas Kabre during Uttung Puraskar Function at Dinanath Mangeshkar Natyagruha, Mumbai. Rugna Mitra Puraskar sponsored by Nana Phadke in memory of late Smt. Mangala Abhayankar being awarded to Suhas Kabre by Dandekar (Industrialist) 18 Applauds Uttung Pariwar, Vile Parle, Mumbai presented a 'Sevavrati' Award to Mr. Suhas Kabre for his Outstanding Work in Social Service. From the left Mr. Suresh Prabhu, Mrs. Wagh, Mr. Mohan Wagh, Mr. Prabhakar Panshikar, Mrs. Sindhutai Sapkal and Suhas Kabre Prof. Walavalkar of IDEAL Classes presenting a donation to Rajhans Pratisthan Trust An appreciation of Social Work : Felicitation of Shri. Suhas Kabre by Shri. Eknathji Thakur, also seen in picture Music Director Shri. Anil Mohile 19 Supporters’ blessings 20 Supporters’ blessings 21 Caring for the Ailing Art Achievements The Rajahans Pratishthan, under its Free Medical Services Project, has made available to the society, use of medical instruments and equipment worth 16 lacs. The inventory comprises: Faller beds: 33 • Wheel Chairs: 30 • Oxygen Cylinders: 12 • Suction Machines: 12 • Nebulizers: 10 • Air Beds: 15 • Steam Machine: 1 • Infralight Massage Machines: 2 • Walkers: 60 • Backrests: 20 • Elbow Crutches: 15 • Crutches: 15 • Walking Sticks: 80 • IV Stands: 5 • Blood Pressure Checking Instruments: 2 • Blood Testing Machines: 2 • Oxygen Concentration Machines: 6 • By-pap Machines: 2 • C-pap Machines: 2 • Foot supports: 1 • Back supports: 2 • Traction Sets: 4 • Stretchers: 2 • Electronic Beds: 2. Approximately 20,000 patients provided medical instruments on no rent basis so far • More than 5,000 people in konkan area benefited in the free eye check up camps • Anaemia and Thalassemia Tests conducted for about 8,000 children from rural and urban areas • Felicitation by 'Udyog Rajhans Award' of 50 eminent industrialists of Goregaon who have made their way to success entirely on their own merit. Eminent personalities in different fields of activity honoured with the Rajahans Awards : Awardees • Mangesh Padgaonkar • Kumar Ketkar • Suresh Khare • Nandu Dhaneshwar • Madhav Khadilkar • Pandit Shankar Abhyankar • Pt. Pandharinath Nageshkar • Pandit Dada Bhatkhande • Pandit V. R. Athavale • Kesari Patil • Shubhada Chowkar • Prabhakar Salaskar • Pradeep Kabre • Subhash Desai • Mrinal Gore • Gajanan Kirtikar • Sunil Prabhu • Prabhakar Panshikar • Sudesh Bhosale • Kanchan Adhikari • Dr. V. N. Shrikhande • Dr. Bal Bhalerao • Meenal Mohadikar • Miss Sawant (Paricharika) • Pandit Suresh Talwalkar • Pandit D. K. Datar • Shekhar Dadarkar • Asha Khadilkar • Madhav Khadilkar • Ujwal Nirgudkar • Anil Mohile • Pt. Padma Talwalkar • Rajdutta • Eknath Thakur • Ashok Panvalkar • Shubhash Bhende • Suresh Havre • Dr. Ravi Bapat • Sunil Deodhar • Dhananjay Datar • Bharat Kumar Raut • Pt. Pandharinath Kolhapure • Ashok Panwalkar 22 Rajhans Awards Rajhasn Puraskar: from left standing Ujwal Nirgudkar, Kanchan Adhikari, Shekhar Dadarkar, Meenal Mohadikar, Father of Raju Parulekar, Siting from left : Pt. V. R. Athawale, Prabhakar Panshikar, Smt. Mrinal Gore, Dr. Bal Bhalerao Little champs of 'Hou Kase Utarai' alongwith eminent personalities who were felicitated at the function. 23 Rajhans Awards Shri. Eknathji Thakur being felicitated by Shri. Rajdatta on Rajhans Platform Felicitation of eminent personalities from different fields at the function of Rajhans Pratisthan. From left: Anil Mohile, Pt. Padma Talwalkar, Rajdatta, Eknathji Thakur, Ashok Panvalkar, Subhash Bhende, Suresh Havre, Dr. Bapat, Deodhar 24 Rajhans Awards Masala King Dhananjay Datar being Interviewed by Ms. Mrudula Sawant. Shri. Bharat Kumar Raut (MP) also seeing Felicitation of Sudeshji Bhosle by Bharat Kumar Raut (MP) Felicitation of Dr. Ravi Bapat by Bharat Kumar Raut (MP) Felicitation of Rtd. Add. Police Comm. Mr. Subhash Awate Felicitation of Dhananjay Datar by Bharat Kumar Raut (MP) Rajhans Award to Shri. Dhananjay Datar Felicitation of Bharat Kumar Raut by Mr. Ravi Mallya (Well Known Builder) 25 Rajhans Awards Felicitation of Pt. Shankar Abhayankar by Mr. Suresh Khare (Rajhans Award) Felicitation of eminent personalities from different fields at the function of Rajhans Pratisthan. Shashikant Salian, Subhas Desai, Madhav Khadilkar, Suresh Khare and Dr. Shrikhande 26 Rajhans Awards Mr. Suresh Khare Felicitating our advisor Mrs. Shubhada Choukar, Sr. Journalist Felicitation of Pt. Pandharinath Nageshkar by Suresh Khare Felicitation of Mrs. Asha Khadilkar by Suresh Khare Felicitation of Sunil Prabhu by Suresh Khare Felicitation of Subhas Desai (MLA) by Suresh Khare Felicitation of Madhav Khadilkar by Suresh Khare 27 Rajhans Awards Pt. Pandharinath Kolhapure being felicitated with Rajhans Award at the hands of Padmashree Pt. D. K. Datar also seen welknown actor Ms. Tejaswini Kolhapure 80th Birthday Celebration of Pt. Pandharinath Kolhapure Musical Programme on Birthday Celebration of Pt. Pandharinath Kolhapure, Suhas Kabre (Tabla), Asavari Karambelkar, Dr. Dhorikar, Dinkar Kolhapure and Jayant Phadke (Sanvadini) 28 Rajhans Awards Felicitation of Pt. Suresh Talwalkar and Pt. D. K. Datar (sitting in the middle) jointly organised with Prabhodhan Goregaon. Seen from left Gajanan Kirtikar, Pt. Padma Talwalkar and from right Subhash Desai (MLA) and Dr. Sudha Datar Tabla Jugalbandi by Pt. Suresh Talwalkar and his son Satyajit 29 Rajhans Awards Udyog Rajhans Awards Udyog Rajhans award was presented to some of the Industrialists from Goregaon at the hands of Mr. Kesari Patil of Kesari Tours Seeking blessing of the Divine Lord Ravalnath 30 Pillars of Rajhans jepenbme Òeefleÿeve ì^mì keÀ}e mesJee Ë ©iCe mesJee veeWoCeer ¬eÀ. ë F& - 20192 (cegbyeF&) Sitting from left - Hema Salagare, Prabhakar Gokhale, Bal Chaphekar, Kaka Joglekar, Suhas Kabre, Shantu Pednekar, Harendra Khatu, Standing from left - Shaila Palav, Bhairavi Kabre, Gauri Shetye, Shamal Kabadi, Kanchan Railkar, Sharada Kabre, Smita Vaskar, Anand Joshi, Jyotsna Palekar, Datta Mejari, Bhakti Kabre, Anand Kabadi, Vaibhavi Aagashe, Ravi Kasbekar, Prasanna Bidye, Sandesh Todankar, Bhushan Thakur, Rishikesh Gokhale, Shree Joshi, Sanjay Kulkarni, Jayvant Taki, Vinayak Wadekar, Suresh Prabhu, Suhas Phatak, Suryakant Palekar. 31 Appeal With a spirit of selflessness and devotion the Rajhans Pratishthan has been contributing its mite to a noble cause of dual mode. We provide free medical care and services, medical equipment and counselling to thousands of people who need the same but cannot afford to spend for it. We also organise varied activities so as to convey a message of appreciation and encouragement to artists in different fields. In the year 2013 the Rajhans Pratishthan will complete a decade of its social service. Over the years we have undertaken greater number of activities in medical care and services, explored new avenues to launch our activities, listed greater number of beneficiaries, tried to enlarge our inventory of medical equipment, broaden the data-base of medical information. The Rajhans Pratishthan aspires to set up its own Medical Centre where the medical equipment can be conveniently housed, and all our activities and services can be centrally administered. Our proposed Medical Centre will house • a Dialysis Department • a Pathology Lab • an Ophthalmology Department • Ultrasound Department • ICCU Section with Ventilator • a Body Screening Machine and Free Medical Counseling Facility. These facilities will be made available on No Profit-No Loss basis. We propose to meet the expenses on staff salary, maintenance and other overheads of the medical centre from the pre-deposited funds. The anticipated cost of this project is around 15 Crores. We plan to achieve this target step by step. The Rajhans Pratishthan appeals to all its wellwishers and kindhearted supporters to come forward and extend all the possible financial help for setting up a Medical Centre. Renowned doctors and medical practitioners 32 Appeal can strengthen our hands in yet another way. Their association with charitable hospitals can be immensely helpful to us. With their consent and prior permission we can refer patients to such hospitals where they will get medical services free or on low cost basis. The medical centre of our dreams will come true only if donors support us financially. The Rajhans Pratishthan looks forward to receiving sumptuous donations from all its wellwishers. Donations to Rajhans Pratishthan Trust are entitled to Tax exemption under 80G (cheque should be in favour of Rajhans Pratisthan Trust). We are authorised to accept foreign donations vide permission of Central Government of India (Home Department) under FCRA Registration No.: 08420006. 11/21022/68 (0541) / 2010 - FCRA 11. FCRA A/c No. 009810110003867 in Bank of India, Goregaon (E). Late Prakashbhai Mohadikar Renowned social worker Prakashbhai Mohadikar passed away on May 19, 2012. It was indeed a great fortune that the Rajhans Prathishthan could serve him a little in his last sickness. This selfless social worker had expressed a wish to donate his mite to a few organisations among which Rajhans Prathishthan was one. The Mohadikar family has offered us an amount of 3 11,000/- which we uphold with gratitude as a token of Late Prakashbhai’s grace and love. Rajhans Pratishthan (A Glimpse) Medical Aid Aid From Trust, Hospitals & Associated Doctors Art Financial Assistnace Functions and programs Motivation Awards (A Dream) Rajhans Pratishthan (Trust) Founder President : Mr. Suhas Kabre 4-65, Bhatt Bungalow, Aarey Road, Peru Baug, Goregaon (East), Mumbai - 400063.Tel. : +91-22-29270148 Mobile: 9821142502 • Email : Website: Caring for the Ailing Art
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