WELCOME TO THE FABULOUS LIFE OF CLUBIN’ IT Woodbridge High School 2011-2012 Clubs Handbook Whether it be raising awareness for Invisible Children, or reaching out to others to get more involved about making loans to KIVA, or your love of fishing to celebra ng the everlas ng influences of Classical Languages. Possibly you want to start an Israeli Council to discuss the conflict in the Middle East or increase student par cipa on through the Youth Ac on Team. At Woodbridge HS you have the ability to purse something bigger than yourself. From religious-orientated clubs to art to everything between. Anyone can start a club and it all starts here… WELCOME TO THE FABULOUS LIFE OF CLUBIN’ IT Dear Prospec ve Presidents and Teacher Advisors, Clubs on campus at Woodbridge High School are here to establish a belief that all students should have an opportunity to develop self-worth through involvement in school-sponsored ac vi es. It provides an opportunity to par cipate in the democra c processes necessary for any organiza on. As well as provides students with the experiences that help develop leadership skills. It is further felt that curriculum and non-curriculum based club ac vi es enhance spirit de corps and provide an opportunity for students to be a part of a focused group, and also expand their knowledge and awareness of other people. This upcoming year also brings many new and exci ng addi ons to Clubs at Woodbridge. In an a empt to increase school wide par cipa on in Clubs, a Club of the Month will be established. I hope that through this, smaller clubs as well clubs that have reached a tough patch can revive their organiza on. The clubs will be selected based on requests sent to the ASB Club Director to be approved by ASB. Another exci ng aspect of Clubs is that this year will be the first year that clubs will be recognized on their outstanding achievement and involvement on campus and in the community. Through this I hope to cul vate more enthusiasm regarding clubs and to s mulate friendly compe on to do more. With these, also comes a new policy to regulate and maintain the clubs on campus. I will hold the consistency and enthusiasm of club in high regard. The failure to keep up with guidelines stated in the WHS Club Cons tu on will result in more serious consequences and possible proba on. So, I hope that you’ll consider very carefully the responsibili es and commitment that is necessary in making your club successful. However, don’t be discouraged! There will be people here to help you and workshops available for aspiring clubs. I also encourage new students, and all freshmen to get involved in at least one club. Lastly, you’re wondering “HOW ON EARTH DO I START A CLUB?!” Well it’s easy. Take a look at the steps below. 1. Carefully READ the Club Cons tu on and Club Handbook 2. Pick up a club applica on in Ac vi es 3. Find a faculty sponsor/teacher advisor and hold an informal mee ng where you will complete the following forms a. Club Applica on b. Club Cons tu on c. Club Cabinet d. Contact Sheet with Prospec ve Students 4. If the club is approved by ASB. You’ve just started a club on campus!! **If you are an exis ng club on campus, your club will be required to complete all of the necessary paperwork. I’m really excited for the upcoming year! If you have ques ons feel free to contact me at With Love from Your ASB Club Director, Elizabeth Sengoba 1. Club Applica on completely filled out with a descrip on of the club a ached. *Please, double check all emails and numbers on the Applica on 2. Two TYPED copies of the Club Cons tu on *Any ques ons can be submi ed to either Ms.DeBellis or the Club Director, Elizabeth Sengoba at Applica on Due Date: September 23 by 3:30 in Ac vi es The First InterClub Council Mee ng (ICC) will be September 27th in Ac vi es @ Lunch Club Drive: September 29th (sign-ups/free food only) Oktoberfest: October 20th Winterfest: December 15th Advisor Du es and Responsibili es for Clubs Specific Responsibili es I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. Advisors are responsible for being present at all mee ngs and ac vi es of an organiza on. Supervision of organiza on mee ngs should be arranged so that the advisors in a endance know what has been “going on” in previous mee ngs. Approving and supervising all club-related ac vi es on or off campus a. If the Faculty Sponsor/Teacher Advisor is unavailable a parent chaperone must be in a endance Insuring that policies and procedures that are established for the co-curricular programs are observed. Le ng students “run” the mee ngs, guiding them in the proper use of parliamentary procedures, maintaining mee ng minutes, and keeping a file for year-end audit, organizing and monitoring all club elec ons procedures. The minutes and student rosters must be returned on a monthly basis to the ASB Office. Insuring that students assume the responsibility for their organiza on. Encouraging a sense of order and loyalty. Being familiar with the contents of this handbook. J Insuring that the student president of his/her organiza on is provided with a copy of the by-laws/cons tu on of the club. Approving and comple ng all paperwork related to charters, cons tu ons and finances. Maintaining an accurate student roster of all par cipa ng club members. Approving all adver sing (bulle ns, PA/video announcements, posters, etc.) Informing the principals of his/her designee on any significant or poten ally significant problems with the club or individual club members. General Responsibili es Toward All Students: I. II. III. IV. Interpret the aims and objec ves of the club or organiza on for members and non-members. Help students to develop decision-making skills, iden fy their own problems and goals, plan projects or ac vi es, execute their own plans, and evaluate their own efforts. Aid them in accep ng responsibility for their own ac ons. Welcome and listen to students’ sugges ons and ideas. Toward Organiza on/Club Members: The officer, chair, and members of the organiza on will turn to their advisor for help in a number of specific ways. To aid these students, the advisor will: 1. Help students define long-term and short-term goals. 2. Help counsel students on the best methods to be employed to reach defined goals. 3. Suggest sources of informa on about the organiza on, new ideas for projects and ac vi es, answer ques ons frankly, fairly, and objec vely 4. Help students weigh issues, give considera on to all sides of a controversy, point out alterna ve way to analyze and understand complex situa ons. 5. Follow up a er each mee ng of the organiza on to see if students are carrying out their assignments. 6. Insure that the provisions of the local cons tu on and by-laws are carried out “in-spirit” as well as “in-form” 7. Supervise nomina ons and elec on of officers and members. 8. Train elected officers to serve well. 9. Insure that rights of individual students are respected. WHS Club Cons tu on We the students of the Associated Student Body, in order to ensure fairness and equality, promote diligence, dedica on, leadership and commitment within campus clubs and organiza ons do hereby establish this Cons tu on for the Woodbridge High School Club Handbook. Ar cle I: Name Each club/organiza on on campus must have a school appropriate name that pertains to the club. Ar cle II: Approval Any group wishing to be chartered by the ASB Cabinet shall submit a roster, cons tu on, and budget to the Club Director. The Club Director must then submit the request to the Cabinet and the Cabinet must approve the club by a two-thirds vote prior to the club’s becoming ac ve on campus. The Club Director and ASB have the authority to ques on the intent and purpose of the club/organiza on. Clubs with the same general purpose must join, recognize and/or re-submit their request. a. The ini al club roster must have the names of at least six people excluding club/organiza on cabinet. Any addi onal members must be accounted for and added to the roster that will be turned in along with the Minutes from one of the mee ngs during that month. b. Each club must have a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer at the least. c. Cons tu ons that have been ra fied during the year or altered dras cally must also be submi ed to the Club Director and with pending ASB approval. d. Cons tu ons must explicitly state all rules, du es, responsibili es, etc. e. For organiza ons/clubs that have been on campus for a substan al period of me or would like to may submit a sample budget. f. Clubs/organiza ons shall be designated into four categories: community service, academic/curricular, religious, or other. a. If the club/organiza on is neither community service, academic/curricular or religious or is not a combina on, then it is falls under the category of other. Ar cle III: Membership Any organiza on that limits its membership must submit the following items annually to ASB for approval: 1. Rules and regula ons of the club/organiza on. 2. Qualifica ons necessary for becoming a member. 3. Criteria for selec on. Ar cle V: Minutes Minutes must be recorded at each mee ng. A copy of the Minutes from one at least one mee ng must be submi ed to the Club Director. Along with the minutes will be an updated club roster, and/or Community Service Log. Ar cle IV: Proba on Each club will be required to submit the Minutes from at least one mee ng during each month of the year along with an updated club roster. Failure to turn in Minutes two consecu ve months or failure to plan a mee ng will also result in Club Proba on. When a club/organiza on is on proba on this means that they may not assemble on campus, hold official mee ngs, or par cipate in any fundraising un l the following semester. At the beginning of the new semester the club cabinet will meet with Club Director to discuss the issues that ins gated the inconsistent behavior. If the Minutes are not turned in two consecu ve months during the Spring Semester, the club will be on Proba on un l Spring of the following year. This means that the club will not be officially approved by ASB un l the Spring Semester of the following year. a. If the reason for inconsistent mee ngs is due to the Teacher Advisor being unavailable or another very valid reason, the Club Director and ASB Advisor will reconsider and assist the club. Ar cle V: InterClub Council/InterClub Ambassadors Each club president will be responsible for a ending InterClub Council mee ngs or appoin ng an InterClub Ambassador to speak and advocate on the behalf of the club/organiza on. The InterClub Council will meet in the mornings before school on Late Start days. The exact dates will be decided later on by the Club Director and ASB Advisor. a. The InterClub Ambassadors shall bring up issues that are pressing within the club, school, etc. The Ambassadors will be one of the main resources for communica on between the needs of the club/organiza on and ASB. Ar cle VI: Fundraising Only community service clubs/organiza ons and will have the opportunity to par cipate in ASB sponsored fundraisers. All other clubs/organiza ons wishing to par cipate must fill out Intent to Fundraise Forms in advance to be considered and approved. Spaces will be limited. All clubs do have the opportunity to conduct fund-raisers individually and will have to submit requests to ASB. Ar cle VI: Community Service All Community Service Clubs must keep track of all hours in a Community Service Log. Each club will designate one individual to create a log and accurately, diligently, and consistently record all hours. All projects must have a signature from the Teacher Advisor, or official personnel from the organiza on/group,etc. The logs will be turned in monthly along with the monthly copy of the Minutes. Ar cle VII: Basic Club Requirements Curriculum Related Clubs: These clubs whose charter is directly related to the curriculum of the school or of academics. Specifically, the subject ma er of the group concerns the body of courses as a whole, the subject ma er of the group is actually or will be taught in a regularly offered course. Community Service/Non-Curriculum Related Clubs: Those clubs whose charter does not relate to the curriculum of the school. All of these clubs must meet the following standards: a endance of mee ngs must be voluntary and student ini ated, mee ngs must not interfere with educa onal ac vi es and non-school persons many nor control or a end ac vi es. Religious Clubs: Employees or agents must be present at religious mee ngs only in a non-par cipatory capacity. Employees or agents cannot influence the form or content, must not force any person to par cipate in prayers or other religious ac vi es, and cannot sanc on mee ngs that are unlawful. Ar cle VIII: Formality All student groups must be open to all students, with par cipa on and a endance on a voluntary basis. No student club or organiza on may engage in ac vi es which disrupt or pose an imminent threat of disrup ng the educa onal purpose of the school, including, but not limited to, groups or ac vi es related to hate, intolerance, violence, hazing, or harassment of other students or anything that would be in viola on of the law or district policies. Ar cle IX: Commitment/Purpose Clubs on campus shall maintain and project a sense of purpose. Each club shall do its best to remain commi ed, consistent and involved. If any problems arise, each club can seek out the help of the Club Director and ASB Advisor. Each club shall be accep ng and welcoming to any and all students. Minutes are taken during the mee ng. They include every detail that was discussed in the mee ng and are wri en in a formal manner. The secretary is in charge of recording all of the Minutes and keeping a copy as well. At least one TYPED copy of the Minutes must be turned into the Ac vi es by the end of each month. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The Date/Time when the Mee ng was called to order Secretary reviews the previous Minutes, and approves them Old Business: The topics/discussions from the last mee ng that weren’t men oned but are s ll of issue New Business: Topics/discussions that are new Announcements Everything else that is men oned, in detail, during that Mee ng Budget/Deposits The Time when the Mee ng was adjourned Signature and date on the Final Copy of the Minutes of the Advisor, Secretary, and President a. A copy of the Minutes from at least one mee ng must be turned into Ac vi es with Signatures of the President, Secretary, and Advisor 10. Secretary usually emails a copy to everyone in the club/keeps one hardcopy just for reference ALL MINUTES MUST BE TYPED AND TURNED IN ON TIME!!!! The Last Day to turn in monthly Minutes will be: Monday, October 31st Wednesday, February 29th Wednesday, November 30th Friday, March 30th Friday, December 15th Monday, April 30th Tuesday January 31st Thursday, May 31st It is highly recommended to turn in ALL Minutes from that specific month in a one packet. *The Secretary should keep this for reference! If you would like to see sample Cons tu ons or Minutes from previous years, you can visit Ac vi es, or online at h p:// under Clubs (right hand column)! HAPPY CLUBIN’ J