The Flocker, June 1992
The Flocker, June 1992
i:;:;i;:E ': j:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Table of Contents Cover............,...... Bull RiderJ.T. nailing the Bulls Eye. ..............1Whento Throw, YouHave to Know ............... ..............5 Paragliding safety from Mike Reeder. PresidentialWords........................ 3 A word from Dave Robsory the President of the Rocky Center Spread.. Mountain Hang Gliding Association- .............49 John Coyne pa)ang his dues one mile from Limon. EventsCaIendar............................. 4 Ridge SoaringThe Clouds ........L0 A facinating flightbyJim Yocom. Treasurer's Report ClassifiedAdvertising................ LL Site Committee Report.................4 Find out about our sitesfrom Jim Yocom. Don't Drown Your Gear............... 5 A good tip from Dave Crabb. Officers President Vice President Editor Dave Robson 93U71s8 Terryr Hackbart 2J9-7429 l.T. 42,il559 Treasurer JimYoocm 932-2437 LeifCasey Secretary Dave Brown 73U0457 x&zu2 Flight Director Safety Director MarkFeqgonson 53M940 The Flocker Presidential Words By Dave Robson owdy folks. I hope you all had abetter Memorial day weekend than I. I understand those who made it to Dinosaur had a good time even though cronditionsweren't too fuvomble for X-C fl)ttg. Be sure to mark your calendars for the annual July4th "Weekend on the Mountain" at William's Peak Sincemost companies will be observing the holiday on Friday, it will be a three day weekend affair this year. The annual potluck dinner will be held under the club tent on Saturdaynight. The club will providebeer, sod4 hambuqger and all the hamburger fixins. Pleasecontact Dave Brown (73TM57) andlet him know what you will be bringing to share. He can also let you know what items are needed. The weather hasrft cooperated real well the last couple of years, so hopefully it will turn around, and this year will be the one to attend. Also not to fara-round the corner is Buffalo Bill days coming up on July 17th- 18th. Terry Hacklcart is in charge of putting that together. Pleaselet him know if you c€rnhelp with either the booth or with the flying competition. Terry will have more info at the next meeting. Pleasegive him a call if you have any items of interest for the booth. Pictures are always needed. Finally, thanks to all who attended the last (- t:rN+> ) 7. t 2-_-a meeting with Marlys Wills, if you missed it, you missed some great stories and videos of Chris and Bobby in their younger days. I especially liked the flying motorrycle. We had one of the largest gouPs she has talked to, and she sold more then three times the number of books that she usually does! If you didrt't get a copy of her boolg George Greer has a few more at his shop in Heritage Square. I thinkshe discovered that she should be talking to more hang glider pilots in her travels instead of the book dubs that she has been spending time with. We are a much more captive audience to the subjectthenmost otherpeople and can appreciatesome of the storiesa lot more. I don't have much to say about the flying lately, since I haven't been flying lately. For the most part the weather hasn't been all that great here on the front range anyway. I've also beenbusyadjusting to my new life asabadrelorand doing a little traveling. For the most part that'sbehind me now, and summer is here so let us all get out there and soak up some of the Colorado summer sun. Seeyou at Frogs for the nerctmeeting. @ guorABLE guorDs JttNE 1992 gliders wtll probably never "Hang llst frontat ltft as a PrlmarJr means of soarlng." Dennls Pa$en FLYING CONDITIONS...P.67 The June Club Meeting Where? Senior Frogs, 1 mile west of 66 Avenue on Colfax. When? ]r;lre 77, 7992@7:00pm lure 7992 Events Calendar Sept 5-12 L992U.5.Nationals,Telluride, CO. Triangles, out-and-retums, race to goal. Entry $295. For more info sendSASEto: NickKennedy, P.O.Box 1026 Telluride CO 81435(3[,3)72,e3905. TREASURER'S REPORT By Jim Yoeom s of April V\ 7992we have $1529.80in our checking account, $1383.81in savings ard$/2 in petty cash for total assetsof $3,105.51.For comparison, last year at this time we had $854.59in chechng and 52245.05in savings for a total of $3099.74. We had several new and renewing members last month - Jeff Stutzi& Bob Meyers, Tom Nelson, Terry Hackbart, Craig McMillan" Dave Niemeyer, Greg Pfaff, Kelly & John West, Jeff White Mark Windsheimer, Mark Boys, Terry Patton, John DeGraff, Bob Kooser, Chris Taunt, SteveGlazener, Ted Hughes, Al Godman, john Coyne William Laurene, Henri Werij, Dale L^anan" (98t9435). and Craig Bradley Sorry about Lee Jim getting your phone number wrong in the membership listing Craig! The only experses for the month of April was $45.00for postage for the Flocker, and $7.50dinner bill for our April speaker. The XC seasonis upon us - get into the RMHGA Cross C-ountry Contest. Feesare: $20- ClassA (thosewho have flown more than 100 miles) $20 - Clas.sB (those who have flown more than 50 miles but less than 100) $15- Class C (those who have flown no more than 50 miles) $10 - Paragliding Class $5 - L,ookout Mountain dass (open to everyone, longest flight from Mt. Zon wins) C-an'tpromise what the prizeswillbe thisyear, but in 191 we had prizes from Ball varios, Wills Wing Sept 14-1* L9th Tdluride Hang Gliding Festipal. Speakers, dances,clinics, films, swap meet. C-oupled with Nationals. C-ontact: Hugh Sawyer (303) 72U772 or Joel Parker (303) 72e6070. and Pendulum Sports. The grand prize of a Ball M50 was given to the winner of Class C (Chip Verrill) so you dort't have to be Jim ["ee or Brad Koji to win something nice. @y the way, Chip hasmoved into ClassB this year, so all you novice XC pilots, sign up for Class C!) .d,,& SITE COMMITTEE REPORT By Jim Yocom our RMHGA Site Committee had its first meetng ApnlZ?, 1992.Eleven peoplecame to discuss their ideas and volunteer their time checking out new sites. Presentwere Ansu Crawford, MarkTobias, Tom Nelson" Craig Thompson" David Brown, Greg Pfaff, ScottComeaux,JohnWest, MarkRowland, DougFaude, andJimYocom. A number of ercistingand potential sites were discussed,aerial photos reviewed and detailed maps ocamired. Over the next several months, we hope to look into various sites and determine the availability of additional sites, especially in the fr.ont range area Greg Pfaff volunteered to ched<into Jefferrcn County Open Space land and Boulder County Open Spacefor potential flying sites. We are especially interested in the possibility of flying on Open Spaceland on the north side of North Table Mountain. Access and landing areas will be examined and a report on the feasibility of pursuing flying there will follow. Craig Thompson and Tom Nelson volunteered to check out Denver Mountain parks, especially Red Rocks as a potential site. They have also located what The Flocker seemsto be a very nice site near Castle Rod<,and will be doing more work on actually flying there. Doug Faude volunteered to find out more about flying Blue Mountain, located just south of Coal Creek Canyon. There are several possible launches from about 9fi) ft to a000 ft above the potential T.7-q. Scott Comeaux will be checking out the new construction nearthe Buffalo Bill Memorial. It appears an acces.sroad is being cut down near the old "Spider Web" launch. John West has been and will continue to work with his crcntactin the city of lakewood to develop a hang gliding training program for pilots with special skills. At somepoint we are hopeful this will lead to the reopening of Green Mountain for flying. Nothing is near certain at this time, so don't count on flying there anytime soory but John's work may Bve us the best chance we have seenin many years. We will continue to monitor the situation at Mt. Zion (Lookout) as the new highway corstruction is finally completed and the area becomes more developed. Follow-up workwill also be done regarding the use of the retired landfill areajust south of SeniorFrogs Retaurant. There were several other sites mentioned that could use someoneinterested in futher investigation. I t appears that at one time we had the permission of the ForestServiceto usetheacessroadto thetop of Geneva Basin Ski area, and people launched off the ski runs. Geneva Basin felt the accessgiven to pilots was somewhat of a pain, and the site fell into disuse. If anyone has more information about flying there or is interested in chechng out flying there now, let a member of the site committee know or talkto JohnWest who actually flew there. Therewere other sitesand ideas discussed,but to really find out what is going on come to the next Site Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday June 24ttr, 5:30pm at 855Lupine Stneet,Golden That is one block west of l-70, on the NW corner of Colfa< and Lupine. Don't Drown Your Gear By Dave Crabb ta bit for your knowledge. I have one of those -l- waterbags with the hoseand dip dose valve. L,ast .L July or so it leaked as I was flying. l,ater it leaked again as I transported it in my harness. It didn't seem to do much right away but that was not just the calm before the storm. A crcuplemonths later I flew from the lower launch at Williams to the new I2out by the highway' Jaynewas on launch and crouldnot receive my transmissions. Tums out my printed circuit board had corroded from the wetness. It had taken months to fuil. It also took months to get repaired. The repair time was long becausethe service centerwould find a problem, order parts, and thenbe able to find more problems' Final cost (l suspect this was a deal becar:seof how long it took to rcpatu)was $135. Moral of the story. DON'T carr5rwaterin your harness. Those clip valves only take a small bump to release.If yourbottle leaks it may damage your radio, vario or other things. I have also had my pa::achuteget a little wet from a leak This crculd cause damage or deployment problems. So watch your bottles. Don't er<pectthem to never leak I now carr;r mine outside my harnesswheneverl am not flying. lffi WHEN TO THROW? YOU HAVE TO KNOW! by Mike Reeder tt". of n" are at the l.ookout south launctr, fucing I eastout overDenver. We're readyto go, thermals are coming directly up launch with good crcnsistency and strength and being pr:shed by light southeastwinds. What conerns us is that winds aloft at 9000MSL are out of the southwest at 25 knots directly over the baclg and f Jurc7992 withourlaunchat 7000MSL, we know the potential for a rotor ocndition e><ists. Ninety per cent of the time we flyl,ookout, winds aloft are somecomponentwest, but not usually this strcng. We always joke about the rotor and say that "all we ever fly is a G.D. rotor." As long as the convection is strong enougtL the westerlies are lifted and we usually have light eastwinds. many times we are able to climb up to & punch into the westerly flow aslong asthe thermals are strong enough, and the winds light enough. Paul Ferguson of Ball Variometer leaves the launctr first, flies straight to aknownthermal generator, finds one and begins to dimb. At this point I turn my back and preparc to do a reverse launch. Had I been watdring I would have noted that Paul climbs about 300 feet then gets trashed in some er<tremeturbulene, gets away, and heads for the 12. Some cumulus have covered the sun now and the thermals get light and 5 short. Todd Bibler and I discuss the potentid and decide that the clouds are going to be around for a long timeand thatwe mightaswell laundg fly downandgo backto work I launchfirst, flyout inalight thermalandgain about 100ft. The airfeels real weird, sort of lumpy, and turbulent. I call Paul on the radio and ask for wind direction at lhel .7, he says its due south almost southwest, and becauseof that he fuiled to make the primary lZ. I immediately realize whats happening and it's not good. Sincethe clouds cameover, the lift hasweakened significantly, and the westerlies are dropping and begrnning to spill over the back I immediately head towards the LZ but before I travel even halfway, I feel a forwmd and downward push against my canopy, the leading edge rolls under, and I hit the brakes to recover. As I reinflate the wing I tell Paul on the radio I just had a leading edge tuck I'm irstantly hit ager+ then ag'ain The Flocker People have asked when and how did I decide and the canopygoesinto "parachutage." I shout on the radio twice "l'm in a rotor." "I'm in a rotor." I want Paul to throw the reserve. The decision certainly wasn't a result of some great midair intellectual discourse. I to watch the whole event, so he can learn what being rotored is all about, so we can compare notes later. Since made the decision months ago after watching four other pilots in similar circumstances, continue to fly the canI'm probably only 150ft. AGL, I only have a crcupleof opy all the way into the ground" with the score ground secondsto attempt to get thewingflyingbefore I impact! I'm way too low for the sure fire cure which is a full stall 4 pilots 0. only one of those four was able to walk away, and even he nequired assistance. and re-inflatiorg so I pound thebrakes and leap forward By observing and e><periencingI have learned in the speed seat. All I get for my effort is a slow spin to the left backinto the hill. Suddenly my right hand leaves somebasic lessons. First, when you are in big down air, whether it is a rotor, the controls. I manrel thebackorsinkside of at this, I hadn't told it to a thermal, or just a mimove but it does anycroburst of down air, way, like it has a brain and the glider collapsof its own. Not only a esorparzchutage it is brain, but eyes,because er<tremely difficult to it seeswhere it is going. get the canopy flying The pilot brain is still forward again. If you looking at the glider are high enough, at and trying to make it least 500 ft. AGL you fly. But the hand have a decent chance. knows, sees, and Lower than this and moves. Quickly as a you usually go all the rattlesnake strikg it way to the ground. In grabsthehandleonmy all cases I have reserve, built into my watched, and in my hamess,andthereserve own cese, when you is gone. Later, Paul near the ground probwould tell me I was so ablyaround30to40ft. close to a very nasty the down air sort of rock outcropping on splashes against the the side of lookout, that ground and back up, the reserve actually Paraglider blow back recove4r system. and the canopywill rebounced off and into inflate, dive, and the pilot will surge, beooming the very the air. now the glider, as gliders always seem to do poor substitute for a wrecking ball. Surge and penduwhen they near the ground in these circumstance, lum is no problem whenyou'rehundreds orthousands suddenly re-inflates and instantly dives toward the of feet up. We do it all the time. But when you're close ground. Apin Paul would tell me that at that moment, to the ground it is extremely dangerous. Secondlesso& I shouted the ever popular "oh s- on the radio, but I yor.rlre never too low to at least attempt to throw the don't remember that. My attention is suddenly to the spot where I will impact. My 180lbs.ofbone and tissue reserye. I probably didn't start my throw until I was well below 100ft. I wish I had started soonec but it still is about to become a poor o(cuse for a wrecking ball. worked and stopped myblast into the ground. Thirdly, Just as I accelerate downward I hear a loud pop, the reserves do work! In last years statisresewe has opened and instead of acceleration I'm tie,7 of 11 pilots who deployed were greeted withwonderful deceleration. I could probably uninjured. Much better odds than the 4 make a stand up landing but I'm already prepared for out of 4l witnessed who didnt th-now. a hard probably injuring PLF,so I hit roll to my right and However, the bottom line of when to jump to myfeet, so thatanyonewatchingwill know I'm throw, is YOU have to know. okay. I'm down and safe and the reserve worked. Jurc7992 ffiff ,i.ii but we were going up. The moment had cometo decide to land or ride the surge south. Two hang glider pilots ran a couple miles south and quickly landed at the abandoned dump site behind Senor Frop restaurant. Sincethe area to the south was relatively clear of significant development, I decided that if I stayed in front of the advancing clouds I could always burn to the south and safely land before the gust from the front reached me. StevePhillips in his HPII and Todd Bibler in a Ninja were now the only other pilots in the air- We T-t ver heard those stories about paraglider reached cloudbase at about &500 MSL and decided to .E pilots flying 50 miles under head southwith the frontbefore we found ourselvesin the clouds. cloud streetswithout circling or losThe clouds seemedto be the darkest, and cloudnear the mountains, so I angled to the lowest base the ing altitude? Well, I have heard the southeast into slightly dearer air. Stevewas about half stories and have yet to experience a mile west of me, and Todd right over the front range As we passedby Mt. Morrison a few miles fl)ot g in such a cloud street, but mountains. south of launctg Todd was huti^g trouble keeping flF.g a cold front can be just as aheadof the front and turned directly downwind. I later learned he landed in the mountains near Deer Creek exciting. canyon in someone's drivewaY! The last day of May began in brilliant sunAs I neared Chatfield Reservoir about 15 miles shine, with small cumulus clouds already forming by 9 south of launctr, I radioed to Steve I was heading SE AM. I was at Lookout mountainby 10:30AM' By the toward Sedalia. Steve did not clearly respond so I time I had set up, larry Tudor was in the air, working assumed his radio battery was drained. Ten miles hard to soar. Shortly after, Dave Crabb and Brad Koji further south Steve radioed he was on the ground in launched and climbed out, so I followed' Severalother Roxborougtv just south of Chatfield reservoir. I later hang gliders and paragliders quickly launched making learned that Stevehad stayed too farwest and too high the marginal air even harder to work I was flying a new for too long. Clouds formed around and below him, glider and a Z-1 harness for the first time, so I had little leaving him completely disoriented. He quickly spidesire to mix it up. Searching for thermals away from ralled downbeneath the cloud losing 1500feet,but was the crowd, I spent close to an hour and a half getting no now behind and below the lift band. higher than 1,000feet above launch. Meanwhile, Messrs. I was now the oniy pilot left inthe air. I still had Tudor, Koji and Crabb had slowly worked their way qcntact with other pilots on the ground who kept me south about 15 miles and were talking about trying an appmised of conditionsbehind me Thanldully Jonathan out and retum flight. Miller had been at Golden Wings shop in Golden when Severalpilots at l,ookout had sunkout, the rest he heard me going souttr, and he volunteered to chase of uswere strungoutbetween launchheight (me)and a me in my Suzuki Samur:ai. By now I had angled east to thousand or so above, when I noticed the skies to the larkspur and was flying over I-25' I still was only north becoming increasingly dark Watching it move reaching 9500feet MSL, only about 2500 feet above the toward us, I remembered seeing a fi'ont on the weather ground in the Palmer divide area. It was upon reaching forecast, but hadn't really believed it would crome Monument hill aboutZ)miles northof Colorado Springs through at a useful time of day. As it reached the north that I reached my highest altitude of 10,500MSL. side of Golden, the lift became increasingly stronger It was at this point I began to be conerned and smoother. A pilot driving in from Boulder said that about how much further I could go' My plan had been winds north of the doud line were about 25 mph and to ridge soar the front, making passesup the side of the gusty out of the nortlu By now there were four hang doud punchingout furthersouthas I found myself too glider pilots and one par:aglider pilot still in the air. The far back and high in the cloud bank The plan had iky was getting darker and doudbase coming dowrl RIDGE SOARING THE CLOUDS By Jim Yocom 10 The Flocker Get Your Site Guide llrhile USHGA is arm waving about a national site guide, a Colorado, Utah, Wyoming guide is available from the Rocky Mountain Hang Gliding Association. lllrite to the RMHGA for yours today! $3.75 for members. $5.75 for all others. worked perfect so far. It was unbelievable watching the clouds form around and beneath me, flpng through canyons and around mountains made of clouds. My ecape route was that if the frontbegan to overdevelop I would fly out of the lift to the south and land in front of the fr,ont, giving me time to safely secure me and the I glider before the inevitable gust hit. Now, for the first time, my escaperoute was being cut off. A large thunderstormhad developedover PikesPeakandwas moving to the east.Another storm on the SEsideof Colorado Sp.i.p was already dumping rain violently to the comp with thunder and lightning. At this ground complete gound, 444-5455 7 DAYS/WEEK 8am'8pm YOUR HIGH PERFORMANCEHANG GUDING SOURCE Call for great service, prie and the latest info on gliders, harnesses,and accessories! Dealer for all brands/ NO CITY SALESTAX Hamesses- CG10m, Wills Wing Eric Raymond Ball Varios - in stoclg new & used Demo the recording M50 and M22! Rola radcs - for your vehicle BRS- Rockets and new or used chutes in stock Radiosby MaxorL Icom & Kenwood KevlarFull covefrrgehelmets, In Stock! Used & Demos for sale : HP 71/2, Magrc 3, SPORT767,HPAT 145& 158 Wills Wing Paraglider 1,2,3 All kinds of used equipment! Jurre7992 11 {In FLY IN! July 3rd - 5th. Saturday the 4th will be the potlu& The club will rrpbty the burgers and drinks. C-allDave Bpwn (733'M5n to find out what to bring to make the meal crcmplete. point I decided it was time to take my escape rcute Lefore the thunderstorms cut me off. I put on the speed tobeat the front to the souttg gtiding from the north side of the Air Force Academy to a landing in a field on the SWcomerof I-25and SouthAcademyBoulevard. I even stayed on the east side of l'2,5 to avoid the Air Force Academy airspace! Oncesafely on the ground I unclipped walked the glider to the side of the road and had iust enough timJto hy it flat on the ground before the front caught up to me and the wind gusted to 25 mph. Jonathan arrived about 20 minutes liater to help me break down" 72 Following a meal at Village Inn, we retumed to Denver by 5pm. My flying time from Lookout to Colorado Sp.i.F, a little over 50 miles, was about 90 minutes. And to think the seasonhas just begun! |Y The Flocker Cross Country Entrance Form I I I I Pleasecheck the dass you wish to enter. You may not enter a dass lower than your best flight, l' I Fee I I I I I I I Check Description Class A For those having flown over 100 miles. $zo B For those having flown between 50 & 100 miles. $20 c For those having flown less than 50 miles. $1s D Lookout Class - longest flight from l,ookout Mountain. $s E Pangliding $10 !*u ., Send this form and entrance fee to: R.M.H.G.A- ! Muili"g"*Add.."s I Pnon I USHGAMember# Rating Box 28181 lakewood, CO 80228 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I trrrrrrrrrrr-r _l rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlrd A COPYOFTHISFORMIS ACCEPTABLE June7992 13 CO LORA DOHA NGGLIDINGA ND P A RA G L I DI NG ANDPEBSONAL FULLTIME,PROFESSIONAL FULLSEBVICE, TA XON LY4.2%.. - O P EN5 D A YSA WE EK. SA L E S . O L D ES TL,AR G E ST IV .. IN, R E GION TELE : 303/278'9566 OR F A X : 3 0 3 / 7 5 0 ' 3 2 2 6 . MCVISADISCOVER GLIDEBS. AMEX- WEFINANCE . . 1OO% ONALLPURCHASES GUABANTEE .COME TO TEE SCEOOL TH.AT TAUGET LARRY IN BUSTNESS SINCE L972 T' TUDOR" ' Learn To Paraglide PARASOFT PARAGLIDING SCHOOL .A.P.A. certified instruction .Complete paraglider sales .Weekend introductory courses only $15O .Most experienced paragliding school in the Rockies with over lOO students trained to date. Check it out Specialintroductory classesfor hang glider pilots. 10% discount to RMHGA Members. 494-2820, TTOMorgartDr. Eloulder, CO 80303 14 The Flocker Classified Advertising F'ree to All Members of the RMHGA HP AT 158: Red & White. 57 Hours. 91 model. $2500 obo. Call Cindy (303) 4U3579. Paraglider-Airbow good condition, pink $1050.ffi call Carl (303) 4c.}3012. Tent Sale - Moving to bigger tent must sell 2 person REI dometent. Good condition" grey color. Beready for the season.$50. Call Dave Crabb (303)933-7714 ITV SAPHIR lfr) paraglider$1000.SAPHIRMUST255 $1500 or will trade for hanglider. Let's start learning eachothey's sport. TODD (303) 49-7357 VISION 1& perfect first glider-great shape-crisp sail. Red L.E. rainbow under. Price $900. Call Steve (303) 690-0366(Eves) PAC AIR FORMULA 154 lessthan 50hrs. w/3 downtubes Excellent conditioru $2000 OBO BALL 652Vario-Altimeter & Airspeed Excellentcondition $450OBO Paradrute & swivel 2 yr. old $250 OBO HIGH ENERGY pod harness,2 yr. old, exellent conditiorL 5'10" to 5',4" $300 OBO BELLhangglidinghelmet $70 OBO TOW RELEASElike new $15 RICOH KR10M SLR 35mm c.unera w/28mm wide anglelens, with remote $195 OBO Wind Sock $30 retail $70 Ladder 12'aluminum $10 (good for ra&) Front HG tack, mounts on bumper $30 Call Jim Bunch at {303) 499-ZN7 Wills Z1 harness- includes BRS!Fits 5'7'to 5'10"pilot, 3740 chest size. Cleari cleat-up angle adjustment system for long flights. No pressure points. Has carrybag. $900orbest offer! Call Brad Koji at (303) 9337727 lure1992 Wills Wing Sport American 167- Full race cloth. Blue, optic yellow, white. Ball M30 wrist vario with Ball mount, hiking altimeter, & clock Bell helmet, black High Energycocoonwith new parachute. Ricoh camera and mount with electronic shutter. Call Dale B"gby (303)621275 1990 "Monarrch ?6' - Entry-Level/Intermediate Par:a Glider for the 70 -220 pound pilot. Includes a threeriser system (Big Ears, B-riser stalls), speed bar, and classic swing seat harness. less than 4 hours flying time,. Excellent condition. The safe moderate performanceglider flight testedand readytogo for$1500.Bob Kooser, Evenings (779) 59G53A 1990 Hi-Energy Harness for the 5'6"to 31 1" pilot. Blue with black and white trim. Lessthan 4 hours fl ying time. Cost $400 new. Sacrificing at $280. Bob Kooser, Evenings (719) 595-5382 X-CEL 180 2t) hr:s., Aqua leading adge, Royal blue & white Price $1000. Call Tom (Nq 97A1557 (Eves) COMET C-2765: Dark blue leading Edge, Light blue undersurface, white trailing edge. Wheels, Detachable fairings for downtubes and kingpost. French connection and other miscellaneous parts. Great ino<persive, first double surfaceglider. (303)9317158Dave Robson. Wante& One M/F roommate to southwest suburban house with 2 others. l.argest bedroom in house. [-aundry, off street parking great yard and garden, large dect private bath. Hot tub may soon be added. $250 plus 1/3 utilities. (nq %}7158 Dave Robson. Airctr,eam Harness Yelloy, Good Condition. $95. Thommen Altimeter Very accurate $50. Ted Hughs (303)Z7VCZ74 15 Ca (,) CI tr{ U .|.a (,) t{ orr{ tr >l o € Sa E8 F 6Fr o n1z=fr i oO .t NE U F=u v x 5< d. 0,3 o>r{ E S3