Trinity Lutheran Church


Trinity Lutheran Church
JANUARY 26, 2014
The Annual Congregation Meeting of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church,
Lansdale, Pennsylvania, will take place on Sunday, January 26, 2014.
The meeting will begin at 12:00 p.m. preceded by a brunch in Hyson Hall.
Meeting Agenda
Opening Prayer
Adoption of Agenda
Adoption of Minutes
January 27, 2013 Congregation Meeting
Senior Pastor Remarks— Pastor Lutz
Treasurer’s Report
(see page 4)
Adoption of the 2014 Budget
(see page 5)
Election of Congregation Council Members
Closing Prayer
FAX: 215.368.5844
...we seek participation,
not perfection.
Dear Disciples
at Trinity,
What a
wonderful year
it has been for
our faith
community! I
am so grateful
for the
opportunity to
serve you as Senior Pastor for this
second year. God is about some
amazing things through Trinity. Here are
a few of the God sightings and highlights
from 2013.
First is the frequent mantra heard from
staff and congregational leaders: we
seek participation not perfection. More
and more of you have stepped up to
participate in our life together. That is
wonderful. Some of you are polished
and experienced. Many are simply
brave and daring. All are welcome.
Trinity does not seek perfection but the
participation of all of our disciples, as
they use the gifts they have been given,
to do what matters to God. This mantra
has brought to the staff a helpful change
in perspective. We no longer see
ourselves as the ones who do ministry
but as the ones called to equip the
saints – you – for ministry at Trinity
and in the world.
Another cultural change at Trinity is that
ministry teams, committees, and task
forces are asked to work with whichever
staff person can address their particular
needs. The former model asked them
to relate to only a single staff liaison.
So now, if a ministry team has a
financial question they talk to Cathy
Pezzuti, Financial Assistant. If they are
looking for other disciples who might
be interested in serving with them they
talk with Victoria Seal, Director for
Discipleship Gifts. And if they want to
get the word out about an upcoming
event they reach out to Victoria Thomas,
Director for Communication. It is no
longer advantageous to have one staff
liaison for every ministry team,
committee, or task force.
The staff at Trinity is exceptional. I am
grateful for each one of them. Consider
how, under the leadership of Mike
Scharff, Director for Finance and
Administration, and Cathy Pezzuti, Financial Assistant, Trinity is once
again in a good financial situation experiencing a positive cash flow
and instituting a streamlined budgeting process. Eric G. Gombert,
Director for Music, Andrea Baxter, Associate Director for Music, and
Sue Sheppard, Associate Parish Musician, each continue to engage
Trinity’s many musicians in ways that allow the transforming power of
music to touch all of our lives. Dennis Smith, Manager of Building and
Grounds along with Sarolta “Saci” Bartos, Maintenance, lead the
team and efforts of those who labor to keep our campus clean and
operational for the many community and congregational events.
Victoria Seal, Director for Discipleship, is leading the effort to have all
of our disciples know and use their spiritual gifts in ways that serve
others and bring them joy. Lisa Corr, Director for Early Learning both
administers Trinity’s Preschool’s, dedicated staff and energetic
students, and this year, along with Karen Strobel, oversees our faith
formation activities for children and youth. And of course, because of
their positive personalities and attention to detail, Carolyn Hoagland,
Secretary to the Pastors and Karen Brown, Secretary and Front Desk
Receptionist, take care of the many things that need to be done behind
the scenes to keep Trinity moving along in timely and efficient ways.
Lastly, Trinity is blessed with two other gifted pastors, The Rev. Dayle
A. Malloy and The Rev. Anita London, interim Pastor for Visitation,
who work together with me to provide pastoral care, worship
leadership, and vision at this time in Trinity’s history. Please take
the opportunity to express your appreciation to Trinity’s staff in
this New Year.
All are welcome. Trinity does
not seek perfection but the
participation of all of our
disciples, as they use the gifts
they have been given, to do
what matters to God.
There continue to be some
staff changes. We recognized
Beth Boeh for serving
several months as Director for
Communications in 2013 and
welcomed Victoria Thomas
into that position. In addition
the Search Committee
recommended to the Council
a candidate to serve as
Pastor for Family Ministry,
and the Congregational
Council approved a new
position - Assistant to
Pastor for Family Ministry.
We also celebrated staff
member Sarolta “Saci”
Bartos’s, 30th year as part of
Trinity’s Maintenance Team.
We burned our mortgage in December of 2013. Some of you may
recall that Trinity decided to undertake a major expansion and building
renovation in 1995. The total cost rose to over $7,800,000 and was
paid for through the generous gifts from the congregation over the next
several years of just under $4,000,000. In addition, several tax-free
mortgage notes totaling another $3,900,000 were secured through
Commerce Bank. Although not due until 2018, because of the ongoing
generosity of so many faithful stewards at Trinity, the mortgage was
paid in full on December 8, 2013. We celebrated the retirement of all
debt with the symbolic “burning of the mortgage” and prayers of
thanksgiving. Thank you for your ongoing generosity
to the work of God through the ministry of Trinity.
...your job, as the baptized people
of God, is to get busy – at church,
In many and various ways in 2013 I was reminded that a pastor’s
job is to help you become who you are: disciples of the risen
Lord. And your job, as the baptized people of God, is to get busy
– at church, at home, at work, in the community, and wherever
God sends you -- being God’s people and doing what God leads
you to do. My job, the ministry of all of Trinity’s staff, is to lead you
into the freedom Christ died for, to spark your imaginations, to call
you into the future God has in store for us, to challenge you to
follow where the Spirit leads ,and to equip you to do what God
calls us to do. It is a job I take seriously. It is a job, a vocation,
for which I continue to give thanks.
at home, at work, in the community,
and wherever God sends you -being God’s people and doing
what God leads you to do.
And so as we enter 2014 I invite you to join me in imagining what Trinity could look like if we thought of the church as a
training ground for God’s people to practice doing ministry, so that we are prepared to do it in our homes, workplaces,
neighborhoods, and wherever we are called to be about God’s business. This will be our focus moving forward into
2014 and beyond.
Thank you for your partnership in ministry,
The Rev. Paul Lutz, Senior Pastor
Minutes of Congregation Meeting -January 27, 2013
Trinity Lutheran Church, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446-1998
The meeting, held in Hyson Hall, was called to order at 12:15 p.m. by Teri Lanan, President, with 123 in attendance.
A Thank You was extended to the Hospitality Committee, Maintenance Staff and to Jane Jorgensen, for their help with the meeting. Pastor Malloy
gave an Opening Prayer.
The agenda was presented and approved (Erik Nelson/Mike Scharff). The minutes from the January 22, 2012 Congregation
Meeting were approved (Mark Staples/Dot McHale).
Trinity’s Mission Statement and Four Priorities were reviewed, followed by remarks by Pastor Lutz about the four mission priorities.
The Youth & Family Ministry Visioning Team, and the Call Committee members for a Pastor for Youth & Family, were introduced.
Jackson Simpson, from Student Ministry, spoke on the mission priority of having Trinity’s young people be fully engaged in the life of the
Treasurer’s Report: The report was presented by Ken Banet- Council Treasurer. John Benavage, prior Council Treasurer, was recognized, and
Finance Committee members were introduced. Ken reviewed the 2012 Budget which had deficit reduction support of $112,940. He reviewed the
2012 Budget/Actual Income - which showed $4,470 more income than budgeted, and the 2012
Budget/Actual Expenses, which showed $107,835 less expenses than budgeted. This resulted in only $635 (vs. $112,940) from
debt/deficit reduction fund. Ken then reviewed the 2013 Budget Process and how the income and expenses budget was determined. The Income and
Expenses for 2013 are budgeted to be $1,615,593 – a breakeven budget. A comparison of the 2013 Budget to the 2012 Actual was presented, as well
as a comparison of the Expense Budget 2013 to 2012 Actual. Questions were asked and responded to. Highlight: A motion passed
unanimously to approve the 2013 Budget of $1,615,593 Total Income and $1,615,593 Total Expenses (Warren Ditzler/Al Hanna).
Ken Banet completed the Treasurer’s Report with a review and explanation of Trinity’s Accumulated Deficit and Mortgage
Balance. The December 31, 2012 balance of debt/deficit reduction fund is $74,615, and the Mortgage balance as of 12/31/2012
is $228,208. Questions were asked and responded to.
Beth Kozempel, from Preschool and MOPS, spoke on Trinity’s mission priority of Trinity’s people feel connected to one another and the
congregational community.
Ken Banet reviewed and discussed the Kline Trusts, which were created to provide income for repairs and maintenance of the Church structure and
supporting facilities. He reviewed Trinity’s current significant needs and estimated costs for major repairs and maintenance of the Church structure
and supporting facilities (such as roof replacement, painting, and steeple repairs), which have been delayed for years and are estimated to be around
two million dollars. An approved motion is necessary to use the entire Kline Trusts money. Questions were asked and responded to, such as: why
declare a financial crisis; are there other ways of getting the money or using only part of it; is there a published list of needed repairs and
timelines; could volunteers do some of the work.
Highlight: The following two-part motion passed (with 6 no votes) stating that the Congregation of Trinity Lutheran Church has
determined that a “financial crisis” currently exists with respect to providing for important repairs and maintenance of the Church
structure and its supporting facilities; and the Congregation moves that the corpus of the trust funds established by Edgar and Wilma
Kline amounting to $50,000 be applied toward funding the repairs and maintenance activities of the church and its supporting facilities
( John Benavage/Erik Nelson).
Council Elections: Council candidates were introduced. Incumbent nominees for another Council term are Matt Brown, Jeff Hyson, Deb Neves
and Karen Strobel. New nominee is Kirsten Hatton. Highlight: A motion was made and seconded to approve the Council slate (Bill Meyer/
Cindy Ryan). A written vote was taken and all five nominees were elected by majority vote of the 95 ballots cast. Council officers will be
elected for one-year terms during February Council meeting. Ken Banet, has been recommended by the Finance Committee to serve as Treasurer.
Council Recognitions: The following continuing Council members were recognized: Jean Birenbaum, Dot McHale, Steve Hull, Warren Ditzler,
Al Hanna, Linda Scheckenbach, Jason Laurens, and Hannah Shade. The following Outgoing Council Members were recognized and thanked: John
Benavage, Peter Patkos and Teri Lanan.
Cindi & Tom Kramer, spoke on Trinity’s mission priority of the gifts of Trinity’s people are recognized, valued and utilized.
Staff Recognition: The following staff members who left during the year were recognized – Pastor Eisenhart, Judi Meyer,
Dot Underkoffler and Diane Bachi. The following current staff members were recognized: Pastor Lutz, Pastor Malloy, Interim Pastor for
Visitation- Anita London, Jane Jorgensen, Vicki Seal, Jen Elliott, Andrea Baxter, Eric Gombert, Sue Sheppard, Lisa Corr and the
Pre-School staff, Mike Scharff, Karen Brown, Carolyn Hoagland, Cathy Pezzuti, Dennis Smith, Saci Bartos and Kevin Nees.
Pastor Lutz gave the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned at 2:15 p.m.
Recording Secretary,
Dianne Kalb
2013 PLAN
2014 PLAN
Weekly Giving & Debt Service
Fund Raisers
Support from Other Funds
Staff Expenses
Administration Costs
Council Expenses
Communication Expenses
Other Income
Total Revenue
Ministry Support:
Worship & Music:
Staff Expenses
Worship & Music Expenses
Faith Formation:
Staff Expenses
Christian Education Expenses
PreSchool Expenses
Student Ministry Costs
Social Outreach & Benevolence:
Global Mission Ministry
Social Ministry
Benevolence Synod
Other Ministries
Staff Expenses
Hospitality Expense
Discipleship Ministry:
Singles Ministry
Stewardship Costs
Discipleship Ministry Expenses
Staff Expenses
Buildings & Grounds Expenses
Total All Ministry Expense
Net Surplus (Deficit)
2013 Congregation Council
The Congregation Council is the governing
board of the congregation. It is comprised
of the called pastors, Pastor Paul Lutz and
Pastor Dayle Malloy, and no more than
eighteen but no less than twelve elected
lay members of the congregation. Each
elected member serves for a two-year term
and may serve three consecutive terms.
Ken Banet
Jean Birenbaum
Matt Brown
To the right are the first term nominees—
Mary Kieras, Liz Ricketts, and Amy
Smith—who will be filling the three Council
seats being vacated by Jean Birenbaum,
Dot McHale, and Karen Strobel. Warren
Ditzler, Al Hanna, Jason Laurens, Linda
Scheckenbach, and Hannah Shade are
being nominated for re-election to serve for
a second term and Steve Hull is being
nominarted for re-election to serve for his
third and final term. Returning Council
members are Ken Banet, Matt Brown,
Kirsten Hatton, Jeff Hyson and Deb Neves.
Warren Ditzler
Al Hanna
Kirstin Hatton
Steve Hull
Jeff Hyson
Outgoing Council Members
Jason Laurens
Jean Birenbaum
Pastor Paul Lutz
Dot McHale
Karen Strobel
Pastor Dayle Malloy
Incumbents up for Re-Election
Dot McHale
Warren Ditzler
Debbie Neves
Al Hanna
Linda Scheckenbach
Steve Hull
Jason Laurens
Hannah Shade
Linda Schenkenbach
Hanna Shade
Each Council member can serve a maximum
of three two year terms and must stand for
election at the end of each two year period.
For a FULL Annual Report from all of
Trinity’s Committees, go to
Congregation Council Nominees for 2014
Mary Kieras
Mary, a native Texan, has been a Trinity disciple since 2005. Mary is a retired
elementary school teacher who taught in the Souderton Area School District for thirty
years, served on the Pennsylvania State Education Association Board of Directors for
nine years, and currently serves as the state membership chair of the PSEA Retired.
Mary, a Diakonia graduate and the Adult Forum Coordinator, is passionate about adult
education and would like to see even more opportunities for growth in faith for adults at
Trinity. In addition, Mary co-founded (along with Barbara Miller) the Trinity Quilters and
chaired the Transition Team that eventually resulted in the calling of Pastor Lutz to
Trinity. Currently, Mary serves as an Assisting Minister, Lay Eucharistic Minister, Lector,
and Biblical Storyteller. When asked to serve on Council, Mary said, "Trinity invited me
in and it has been a wonderful experience. I would be honored for the chance to give
back to my church, to serve the welcoming disciples currently a part of Trinity, and invite
in new disciples just as I was."
Elizabeth (Liz) Ricketts
Liz became Trinity disciple in January 2011. Liz was not raised Lutheran and did not
attend church regularly at the time, but she felt compelled to find a faith
community. During a conversation about looking for a church, a friend said, "what about
that great big one down on Main Street?" Liz knew the moment she walked through
Trinity’s doors that she was home. Liz is currently enrolled in the Diakonia program (a
two-year Christian education and faith formation program) and plans to graduate this
June. Liz serves Trinity as a regular presenter for Adult Forum and as an Assisting
Minister and her community as a volunteer at Manna on Main Street. Liz has
participated in small group discussions and has attended the Womens' Retreat for three
consecutive years. She graduated in 1996 from Albright College in Reading, PA with a
degree in Psychology and a minor in Religious Studies. Currently a Lansdale resident,
Liz works for a major generic pharmaceutical corporation in the marketing
department. Liz enjoys traveling, watching movies (particularly sci-fi and action thrillers)
and spending time with close friends (particularly if shoe shopping is involved).
Amy Smith
Amy has been a Trinity disciple since 2004. Amy is a school psychologist and does
trainings and technical assistance in school districts for the PA Bureau of Special
Education. Last year, she took a sabbatical to serve a one year term as the President of
the National Association of School Psychologists. As a disciple of Trinity, Amy serves
the Code Blue Ministry and is an Assisting Minister, Communion Assistant, Lay
Eucharistic Minister, Lector, and Usher. In addition, Amy sits on the Capital Campaign
Steering Committee as the Chair of the Communications Subcommittee. Amy lives in
Skippack together with Julie Kinzel, their two dogs and two cats. Hobbies include
spending time outdoors, woodworking, entertaining and spending time with friends.
NEW Feed and Be Fed Services—Worship services added for a stronger connection between
worship and serving.
Biblical Storytelling—Encourage everyone to learn and tell biblical stories.
Eucharistic Ministers—Thriving program for homebound members that nurtures both the recipient
and giver.
Mentor Program—New disciples are welcomed into Trinity by a mentor.
2nd Annual Picnic—Huge successful congregation picnic with balloons, moon bounce, tattoos and DJ
Winterfest—After weather postponements the 2nd Winterfest was highly attended and enjoyed.
Philadelphia Food Run—Celebrated over 20 years of success feeding the hungry in Philadelphia.
Code Blue—Cooperative between many community churches to help homeless in cold weather.
Vacation Bible School—Athens, Paul’s Dangerous Journey to Share the Truth.
Over 200 children grew in their faith with over 50 disciples who shared God’s love with them.
Keystone Opportunity Grant—Trinity Preschool was the recipient of the grant that furnished 16
iPads for classroom use. The grant also provided our preschool staff 48 hours of professional
development from North Penn School District.
Burning of the Mortgage—We celebrated the retirement of all debt ($7,800,00) and the final
mortgage payment for the mortgage on December 8, 2013
Endowment—Trinity’s endowment reached over $1 million in 2013. Funds approved: windows in
Luther Hall, table carts in Hyson Hall, support for the Congregational Leadership Retreat and a Visitation
Pastor, the repair of the high ropes course at Bear Creek Camp, support of the Joyful Choristers trip to
Pittsburgh, the purchase of hand chimes and support to Lutheran World Relief in the Philippines.
Energy Management Savings—Energy Management Team saved 5% in energy bill costs due to the
lighting changes in 2013. More improvements in 2014 coming to save even more in energy costs.
Lawn Care—New lawn maintenance for weed control and lush lawns on campus.
Two Part Time Maintenance Employees—Added two part time to the staff for evenings.
Discipleship Ministry
This year has been a wonderful year at Trinity Lutheran
Church. Highlights this year include:
New Disciples Class This is a class for anyone
interested in joining Trinity. This year we added a
mentor luncheon to our program. Each of our new
disciples will have a mentor to guide them through
the first six months of their journey here at Trinity.
Discipleship Fair The fair was a great success this
year. Hyson Hall was filled with displays from all the
committees here at Trinity. We encourage our
disciples to learn more and get involved in some
ministries where they might share their gifts and
God is calling us to make
disciples, who make disciples!
Trinity’s picnic What a great success without
rain this year. We had dancing, hula hooping,
three legged race, pony rides, balloon art and
tattoos! Who knew how much our Trinity folks
love air brushed tattoos?
The December Winterfest was a wonderful event
again this year even though we had to postpone a
week due to the weather. We had crafts for kids
and adults with our many gifted crafters. We also
enjoyed a delicious spaghetti meal served by our
many talented cooks here at Trinity.
Wednesday night F.E.A.S.T program which helps
feed homeless and hungry people every week as
well as our Trinity disciples involved in choirs and
small groups. Thanks to our dedicated crew of
kitchen workers.
Our purpose in Discipleship Ministry is to be a friendly
and caring ministry that invites participation not
perfection. Our goal is to teach, mentor and guide so
that we all are better equipped to be disciples of Jesus.
We can be a shining example of grace as we serve and
share together.
In 2014, we hope to introduce some new ministries.
We have talked about a Food Ministry with the help of
Hospitality committee. Another ministry we are excited
about is a Serving Ministry to our disciples in need and
those in our community. Our hope is this ministry would
help those in need of transportation, doctor visits or
visiting someone just home from a hospital stay.
Active Disciples at Trinity
Faith Formation Ministry
Vacation Bible School (VBS) occurs in the summer
each year and takes a village to create this wonderful
opportunity of learning and serving for all ages. This
year many disciples stepped up and took on leadership
roles in various areas of VBS. This gave many folks an
avenue to share their unique gifts with youngsters in our
community, both “in the field of view” and behind the
scenes. We also have a nursery for the very young
where infants and toddlers are loved and cared for ,
giving their parents an opportunity for fellowship or
learning on a Sunday morning.
Faith formation at Trinity provides many opportunities
for disciples of all ages to strengthen their faith through
serving and learning. Using our spiritual gifts such as
teaching, leadership, service, administration and faith is
a great way we all can participate and strengthen our
own faith as well as that of our youngest disciples.
This ministry area strives to help children age 2 through
9th grade learn the stories in the Bible and be able to
translate those into actions in their everyday lives.
We want all of our children to not only know the Bible
but use the lessons provided by those stories to love
and serve our neighbors.
During Sunday School each week, children hear the
same stories that were shared and talked about during
worship that day. We use a lectionary-based curriculum
so that the same message is repeated in both the
worship and learning environments.
The Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) program offers
an amazing opportunity for women in our congregation
and community to gather to share experiences of
raising young children and to learn how to be better
parents by meeting not only the needs of their children
but also of their needs as parents.
This year we introduced a new learning experience for
our 6-7th graders. They are using the art of puppet
ministry to share the stories from the bible. They are
in the process of writing scripts, making puppets and
finding ways to make the stories come alive for our
younger disciples. We also are exploring opportunities
for our 8-9th graders to either serve in our Sunday
Moving forward in 2014 we hope to involve entire
families in our Faith Formation ministry so that they
can learn and serve together and support each other
as they explore new ways to discover how to be in
relationship with God and each other. We invite you
to be a part of the new thing God is doing at Trinity and
welcome your input and energy.
Using our spiritual gifts ...
This ministry area involves a large number of disciples
who willingly provide their time and talents…way too
many to mention by name. If you are interested in
participating or serving in any of these ministry areas,
please contact Karen Strobel at kjjhr98@gmail or
is a great way we can
strengthen our own faith as
Student Ministry
well as the youngest disciples.
Student ministry involves engaging our youth in grades
5-12 in their faith formation by providing opportunities to
learn, serve and build relationships through fellowship
and service events. All of these areas are led by
disciples of Trinity who feel called to share their spiritual
gifts of faith, exhortation, giving, leadership, service,
teaching and wisdom with our community.
school classes or continue the discussion of the
scripture from worship using the Faith Five process
developed by Rich Melheim. Our Seekers group meets
every Sunday during the Faith Formation hour which
helps to spread the good news of Jesus to our adults
with special needs. We invite young adult and adult
disciples to participate in Faith Formation either by
assisting in Sunday School, sharing their talents behind
the scenes or joining their children in events such as
our most recent Family Sunday School event where
families worked together to create an Advent wreath to
enjoy and use at home in their preparations for the
celebration of the coming of Jesus.
In 2013, our youth contributed in many ways by serving
our local community and the broader community.
They took part in service opportunities that assisted the
victims of Hurricane Sandy by cleaning up bog areas
that were devastated by the storm, by going on mission
trips to South Dakota to learn and serve in a community
quite different from our own, to Tennessee to help
repair and restore function to homes of our neighbors in
need and to Philadelphia where they learned about
social justice issues in our community and dispel the
myths about homelessness in our world. A group of
Faith Formation Ministry
middle school youth participated in Keystone Opportunity’s
“Sleepout for Homelessness” where they also learned
about the myths of homelessness and ways they can
serve. Our confirmation program, Dare to Deviate (D2D),
provides opportunities for youth in grades 8-10 to learn
more about what it means to be a Lutheran Christian, what
it means to be in relationship with fellow disciples, and
most importantly, what it means to be in relationship with
God. We accomplish this through bi-weekly Learning
Nights where we gather to learn and get to know each other, weekend retreats where we can get away from our daily
routines and focus on our relationship building and through
service opportunities which help us to bring the message in
the scripture alive and create relevance in our lives.
Trinity also has three very active youth groups: CHAOS
(grades5-6), Here We Go (grades 7-8) and Friday Night
Lights (grades 9-12). These groups meet biweekly to
learn, serve and enjoy fellowship. When groups can
come together to do all these things, our community
benefits by the relationships that are nurtured under the
backdrop of a God who created all of us to love and serve
others. These young people model that for all our
disciples, both young and not so young.
Looking ahead to 2014, we are hopeful to transition
from a Student Ministry focus to a Family Ministry focus
so that entire families can learn and serve together.
We are anticipating the arrival of a new Pastor for
Family Ministry and an Assistant to the Pastor for
Family Ministry that will offer us the ability to allow more
opportunities for families to build relationships and
strengthen their faith.
Trinity Pre-School has been very busy learning and
growing this year. We continue to be part of the Keystone
to Opportunities Grant in the North Penn School District.
Being written into this grant allows the staff to attend
professional development throughout the year and provides
for testing 3 times this school year for the 4 and 5 year olds
which will allow us to have a clear picture of our students’
ability for entrance into Kindergarten. This year, the Grant
allowed for the district to purchase ipads for the preschools involved in the grant. Pre-School staff members
attended ipad training over a two day period to learn the
applications, and tools and procedures to help the children
learn and to keep the ipads in good working condition.
Much time was spent by the North Penn Pre-School
Coordinator gathering and installing appropriate
applications on the ipads. Our students are engaged and
loving learning on the ipads. In 2014 we hope to continue
this type of learning through the district and remain partners in learning with them so that our
students can be fully prepared to enter Kindergarten in
the North Penn School District.
We had our 2nd annual Thanksgiving feast which was
another great success. All families from the school
attended and brought their favorite Thanksgiving dish
to share. All families were able to see what the students
have been working on in November and they were also
able to add to the “I am thankful for….” tree. As part of our
continued effort to reach out to the community, we made
snack bags for Manna on Main Street to distribute to the
Boys and Girls Club and we also collected canned goods
for Manna on Main Street.
I am grateful to have the dedicated and caring Pre-School
staff of Kim Nolen, Lynn Smith, Robin Walter, Beryl
Pugliese, Kelly Ertel, Cathy Grever, and Jenn Czajkowski.
These women always go above and beyond what is expected. This dedication is what makes the Pre-School
and the Pre-Kindergarten such a warm and caring place.
We also have dedicated disciples who have helped us
administer the Grant testing. June Huebner, Marcia Hoffa,
Donna Watson, and Diane Gamble have shared their gifts
to help us, and the students love interacting with them.
Worship & Music
“We want every aspect of worship –
not only what we say and sing, but how
we interact and the ways in which the
environment affects all our senses – to
underscore the awareness that all of
life is a response to a gracious God
who frees us to use our gifts together.”
Worship and music ministry at Trinity is at the heart
of our lives together as disciples of Christ, and one
important way that we grow in our faith. This ministry
seeks to engage worshipers in one of four rich weekly
worship experiences. The 5:30 service on Saturdays
takes place in the chapel and offers a casual, intimate
setting and a complete worship experience with
scripture, hymns and the Christian family meal. The
8:15 service on Sundays provides a lively, vibrant
worship experience with upbeat songs, choral leadership, and a children’s sermon. The 9:30 service offers
a chance to worship in a quiet, contemplative way, also
with hymns and scripture. Finally, the 10:45 service
follows a more seasoned order with the familiar
Lutheran liturgy, children's sermon and choral
~Marva Dawn from her book
“Reaching Out Without Dumbing Down”
Making all these worship services happen requires an
army of disciples with varying skills and gifts! Reaching
out to help and lead others in our worship together is
one way we serve God. Children singing in the choirs,
for example, understand that their role is to help those
who are worshiping hear and see God through their
words, music, and faces. Some worship leaders speak
of profound and moving experiences as they become a
vessel or a tool for the means of grace in worship.
"When I serve as a healing minister, I feel the humbling
and overwhelming love and grace of God flowing between myself and the person I am praying with,”
says Diane Gamble, a communion assistant and healer.
A longtime disciple, Sandy Cottrell, feels renewed when
serving. “When I participate in communion - be it with a
shut-in, as a communion assistant, or as an assisting
minister - I feel as if I have been renewed by God's
grace, allowing me His forgiveness, enabling me to live
my discipleship, and being a part of the priesthood of
services provided an opportunity for those who attended
to immediately serve afterward. Smile Boxes and
lunches were made and donated at the first experience
in April, while many nursing home/hospital residents
were visited following the second in August. These
services are planned to be experiential, participatory,
image-driven, and connective in nature.
Also new in 2013 was the rollout of our new worship
assistant scheduler software. This effort came out of a
desire to streamline the scheduling of disciples who
serve in one or more of the various roles or choirs.
Scheduling previously provided challenges, especially
when multiple family members served in multiple roles/
choirs. This new web-based system allows individuals
to set parameters, receive schedules and reminders,
and find substitutes when necessary.
Feed and Be Fed worship services were new in 2013.
These worship services came out of a desire for a
stronger connection between worship and serving. Both
We plan in 2014
to take about
thirty high school
youth and adults
to North Carolina
where we will be
matched with
emergency home
repair projects
to provide free
repairs to families
who are struggling with limited resources and have nowhere else to turn.
In 1994, Trinity Lutheran Church became a partner with
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the “Adopt-a
Highway” program, a state-wide effort to rid the
highways of litter and to improve the environment.
The Commonwealth assigned the church 1.6 miles
of Allentown Road (SR 1001, LR 46043) in Upper
Gwynedd Township, Montgomery County, PA. Our
Area of responsibility extends from Valley Forge Road
to Sumneytown Pike.
Disaster Preparation
We spent 47 man hours ridding our section of the
highway, collecting about 50 bags of trash. We would
like to choose four days during the year to continue
picking up trash in 2014.
Trinity Disaster Preparation and Response Task Force
This 10-year-old task force works to improve Trinity’s
capacity as an emergency shelter and hospitality center
in the aftermath of natural disasters and trains and
prepares disciples to play a role in long-term disaster
response to assist survivors in need.
Last March the task force, meeting at Trinity with
Lansdale Borough Pennsylvania Emergency
Management Chief Jay Daveler, Borough Police Chief
Bob McDyre, and Borough Council Vice President and
Trinity member Mary Fuller, reaffirmed its commitment
to partner with the Borough and work on a shelter
initiative. In recent years the shelter has been called
into service on several occasions – in the aftermath of
Superstorm Sandy, on the occasion of a Stanbridge
Apartments fire, and after a gas leak in the Borough.
Archive Committee
On April 15 the task force, in a follow-up session,
approved a disaster shelter operational protocol drafted
by task force member Julia Menzo, regional coordinator
for Lutheran Disaster Response and Trinity member.
The protocol was designed to provide support by
disciples in key roles working with Trinity Facilities
Coordinator and Incident Commander Denny Smith.
The protocol does not “reinvent the wheel” but makes
use of the congregation’s best experience with existing
discipleship groups such as Eucharistic Ministers and
Health Ministry. The protocol was later approved by the
Congregation Council. On September 29 the task force
played a key role in organizing a weekend tribute of
gratitude to Lansdale First Responders. Trinity promoted to the neighborhood (about 600 households)its role
as a shelter available to residents in need in the event
of a disaster and invited our neighbors to a preparation
training event led by Julia Menzo and Montgomery
County Public Safety executive Tim Elbertson.
To preserve the rich history of Trinity Lutheran Church.
Continue analyzing, scanning, and copying documents
contained in the 2nd floor Archive Room. Met with a
representative from the Synod on preservation
For 2014, we plan to purchase or build two display
cases in the church’s lobby to place a rotating exhibit of
the church’s treasures. Continue analyzing, scanning,
and copying documents.
Appalachia Service Project Mission Trip
To accept people right where they are, just the way they
are as we make their homes warmer, safer, and drier.
After much planning, preparation, and fundraising, we
took forty-two high school youth and adults down to
Cocke County, Tennessee to work with six families to
help improve their standard of living.
In 2014 the task force plans to run a training event for
its members and others who are interested and sponsor
a second first responders celebration in September.
Finance Committee
The Endowment Committee provides funding to support
projects in the following areas: Scholarship,
Local Outreach, Capital Improvement, Global
Outreach and Discretionary.
The purpose of the Finance Committee is to:
In 2013, the Endowment Committee approved funds for
the replacement of the basement windows in Luther
Hall, the purchase of table carts in Hyson Hall, support
for the Congregational Leadership Retreat and a
Visitation Pastor, the repair of the high ropes course at
Bear Creek Camp, support of the Joyful Choristers trip
to Pittsburgh, the purchase of hand chimes and support
to Lutheran World Relief for their flood relief project in
the Philippines. The committee also oversees the
administration of the Janke Scholarship Trust, which
supports continuing education for high school seniors.
Oversee the accounting and finance functions
operating within Trinity
Recommend to the Congregational Council an annual Ministry Plan for adoption by the congregation
Oversee the investment policies and management
of the Endowment Fund and other similar funds in
the care of Trinity
Oversee an annual audit of Trinity’s financial
Our ministry helps to make Trinity a welcoming
congregation that provides important resources to
our disciples and to the worldwide community.
The Finance Committee is always looking for gifted
disciples who are interested in knowing more about
Trinity’s finances and who would find pleasure in
helping to make Trinity an even more important source
of spiritual and monetary gifts for our worldwide
community. The Committee meets on the third Tuesday
of each month (except when holidays require a change)
at 7:00 PM in Room 264.
A significant milestone was reached at the end of 2013,
when the value of the Endowment Fund exceeded
Energy Management
Trinity has committed itself to be as earth friendly
as possible through its Green Team. The Energy
Management Team is a component of this "green"
effort. The Energy Management Team will investigate
and evaluate how Trinity can best manage its
energy use. Results and recommendation will be
communicated to Congregation Council for their review
and implementation.
During 2013, major accomplishments include the
change of the process for applying contributions to
specific missions and ministries by disciples of the
congregation. This change makes contributions
immediately available to the mission or ministry
designated by the donor. The change will also include
the reporting of all funds contributed to Trinity in the
consolidated monthly financial statements. The Finance
Committee also made important recommendations for
the effective management of its financial resources.
Accomplishments 2013:
Created an Energy Management Policy. Continued the
Re-lamping project which ultimately will result in 300
less florescent bulbs but similar light output. Continued
promotion of Energy awareness and savings.
Evaluation of our entire HVAC system.
In 2014 we hope to make suggestions to the
Congregational Council that will continue to improve the
accounting and investment functions of Trinity and to
assist them in effectively managing its finances.
Goals 2014:
We hope to totally integrate our building temperature
controlled systems with an automated global control
system. New thermostats, multiple sensors and
electronic program scheduling will save a significant
amount of energy and money and also significantly
increase the comfort level, not to mention achieving
an estimated 3 year return on investment (ROI) .
Financial Force
worked with Pastor Lutz and Mike Scharff to define our
roles in the areas of staff changes and job descriptions.
The Financial Force is part of the larger Stewardship of
Life Team. It is responsible for educating, encouraging,
and equipping Trinity’s disciples to grow as faithful
stewards of the financial resources God entrusts to
Goals for 2014 – Update the salary benchmarks for all
staff positions and have it approved by Council. Work
with Mike Scharff and Pastor Lutz as they define new
positions and interview people for these jobs. Look for
new ways to show appreciation for the work of all staff
members. Continue to define the role of our committee
in helping Trinity’s staff.
The Financial Force consists of two standing task
teams, both of which are most active from September
through November each year. The Envelope Team selects the supplier, distribution method, and design for
the annual offering envelopes after exploring the options and collecting competitive quotes. The Commitment Campaign Team plans and conducts the annual
pledge drive that takes place around Thanksgiving each
Monday Counting
What was accomplished in 2013:
An ad hoc task force assessed the need for and
affirmed the feasibility of undertaking a three-year
Capital Campaign at Trinity. Also, after much
discernment, the Envelope Team decided to change the
supplier and distribution method for the 2014 offering
envelopes. Instead of ordering and paying for a full-year
supply of envelope packets that had to be picked-up at
Trinity or bulk-mailed, households will be receiving
smaller envelope packets and important communication
pieces directly from the supplier each month.
The Monday Morning Counting Team is responsible
for opening offering envelopes from each weekend’s
services, counting and reconciling all gifts received,
depositing those funds at Trinity’s bank, and recording
each person’s or family’s gifts to their individual Trinity
records. Each Thursday a subgroup of this counting
team also counts, reconciles and records all gifts
received throughout the week (mid-week services,
memorials, gifts received by mail, etc.) All gifts given
electronically are also recorded by one of the team.
What we hope to accomplish in 2014:
In addition to launching the Capital Campaign, the
Financial Force will be introducing a comprehensive
program for helping Trinity’s disciples grow in their
understanding and practice of Christian stewardship.
We are also planning to explore some additional forms
of electronic giving and compare service providers.
Each week the team completes a report of the
congregational gifts which is given to Cathy Pezzuti
who compiles the financial records for Michael Scharff,
who then prepares a weekly report of giving, which also
compares the week’s receipts with those received in
previous weeks and years.
Human Resources
Beginning in January, 2014, the method of distribution
of offering envelopes will change. Envelope packets
will be mailed to each giving unit monthly, but the
counting and recording on Monday morning will remain
essentially the same. Trinity recently purchased new
software which promises to facilitate all record keeping,
both financial and personal, for all of Trinity’s family.
The Human Resources Committee advises the
congregation regarding its obligations as an employer.
It serves as an agent for the Congregational Council to
develop recommended human resource policies, to
review and evaluate the salary administration programs,
and to promote the general well-being of the staff. We
are a group of disciples who use our talents to help
Trinity’s staff, working closely with Mike Scharff and
Pastor Lutz.
Accomplishments 2013 – Working with Mike Scharff
and Pastor Lutz, we updated Trinity’s Personnel
Policies and Procedures manual. Our revisions
were reviewed internally, presented to Council, and
approved. We also participated in exit interviews, and
Trinity Quilters
Prayer Shawl
Twice a month Trinity Quilters meet to tie quilts created
by the talented disciples who are members of this active
ministry. Using donated fabric and often fabric from our
own "stashes", our sewers create beautiful quilt tops at
home. The tops are then layered with batting and
backing and tied together using square knots by sewers
and non-sewers alike
during the meeting. The
layered and tied quilts are
then finished off at home.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry is a world-wide group of
people in churches of all denominations that make
prayer shawls. These shawls are distributed to people
who need the comfort of God's love. Here at Trinity
Lutheran Church we are a group of yarn stitchers who
use our talents to provide these shawls to anyone who
needs them. The purpose of
the prayer shawl is to give
someone a tangible example
of God's love and care.
This year the Prayer Shawl
Ministry has provided shawls
to the Appalachian Service
Project, the Stitches of Love
Organization and locally to
those who have suffered the
loss of a family member or
friend, the sick and the lonely.
Prayer shawls are also given
to the graduating students at
the end of their senior year.
Baptismal prayer shawls are
given to the family of the
Every quilt made by our
disciples bears a heart
representing Trinity
Lutheran Church (TLC)
somewhere on the quilt so
that whoever receives the
quilt will know the tender
loving care we put into each
quilt we make.
We display the quilts in the church on Mothers' Day for
all to see--and perhaps be inspired. Inspired to join us
in creating the actual quilts: inspired to contribute extra
fabric, some of your time, or even some of your money!
Anyone can join our Prayer Shawl Ministry and we are
always looking for new members. We meet on the third
Wednesday of each month in Room 126 from 6:30PM
to 8PM. Each member provides his/her own materials,
however, we always appreciate donations of yarn.
We pray over the shawls as we are knitting/crocheting
them and at the end of the meeting. The shawls are
then distributed as needed.
The quilts are transported to Windsor, Maryland to be
distributed across the globe by Lutheran World Relief.
Just as in an old-fashion quilting bee, the disciples
enjoy the fellowship of working together and serving
the needs of those who have met misfortune.
This past year our quilters made nearly 100 quilts.
Every year we set a goal to make more than we did the
previous year. You can be a part of this energetic
ministry. We meet twice a month on the second and
fourth Wednesdays. We have two times for you to
choose from--1:00-3:00 p.m. and 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Again, all skill levels are welcomed, and you do not
have to sew to participate.
In 2014 we hope to continue and expand this ministry.
We are always looking for new ideas and patterns for
our shawls and different avenues for distribution.
We have approximately twelve Trinity members
between the two sessions. In addition we have at least
three or four non-Trinity members who chose to donate
their time and talents to this creative ministry.
You can also be a part of this ministry by donating
cotton or cotton/poly woven fabric. Of course, if you are
unable to participate directly, donations of money to buy
the batting are welcomed. We invite you to check us out
--we welcome you to share your gifts with us.
Social Ministry
Trinity’s Social Ministry Committee manages and
publicizes a wide range of initiatives that benefit
deserving children and adults with needs in the
Lansdale community and beyond.
During 2013 the committee helped to organize
congregational support around the following: Harvest
Home Appeal (supporting Manna on Main Street,
Keystone Opportunity Center and the Philadelphia Food
Cupboard with non-perishable foods donated by the
congregation), the Help Appeal (benefitting community
outreach organizations, Lutheran Charities and the
Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod – 14 beneficiaries
altogether), the Wounded Warriors Walk (benefitting
veterans with war-related and disabling injuries), White
Gifts (benefitting infants in need with clothing and
accessories through the Abington Home Health and
Hospice and Abington Health Children’s Clinic), the
CROP Walk for Hunger (benefitting Manna on Main
Street and Church World Service), Mother’s Day
Blanket Appeal (encourages monetary donations for
Church World Service to purchase blankets), the
Father’s Day Appeal(supports initiatives such as
Lutheran Disaster Response), Lenten Hunger Appeal
(monetary donations for the Evangelical Lutheran
Church’s World Hunger Appeal), Manna on Main Street
Thanksgiving dinner baskets, the Christmas Ingathering
(gifts for seniors and children, work gloves for
seafarers), and God’s Global Barnyard (folks
“purchase” an animal given to less fortunate
individuals around the globe).
The committee has also offered encouragement and
support for initiatives like Code Blue, Trinity’s Disaster
Preparation and Response Task Force, the Norristown
Ministries Hospitality Center and the Seamen’s Church
Institute of Southeastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey
and Refugee Resettlement.
In 2014 the committee’s disciples look to continue their
support of the above and are always open to additional
ideas deserving of support. We also welcome new
disciples who would like to join our mission of outreach!