
swiss-ski team guide 1
2 swiss-ski team guide
Im neuen Kleid!
Liebe Schneesportfreunde, es freut
mich, dass Sie den aktuellen SwissSki Team Guide in den Händen halten! Die diesjährige Fassung präsentiert sich
in einem gänzlich neuen Kleid. Die Umgestaltung des traditionellen Werkes gründet auf
dem Gedanken, Ihnen ein zuverlässiges und
handliches Nachschlagewerk bieten zu wollen, das Sie durch den ereignisreichen Winter
begleiten wird. Deshalb ist das Format des
Swiss-Ski Team Guides kleiner und handlicher, die Materialien sind hochwertig und
das Layout modern und dynamisch.
Nebst den Informationen zu allen Athletinnen, Athleten und deren Betreuerstäben
finden Sie im diesjährigen Swiss-Ski Team
Guide die Weltcupkalender sämtlicher acht
Sportarten, die unter dem Dach des Skiverbandes untergebracht sind. Komplettiert
wird das Nachschlagewerk zur Wintersaison
2008/2009 durch die grundlegenden Informationen zum Verband und den verschiedenen
Höhepunkte der Saison 2008/09 werden
nebst den Wettkämpfen in der Schweiz
sicherlich die fünf Weltmeisterschaften sein.
Die alpinen Titelkämpfe anfangs Februar in
Val d’Isère sind in einer Tagesreise aus der
Schweiz zu erreichen, so dass die Athletinnen
und Athleten sicherlich auf die Unterstützung
vieler Schweizer Fans vor Ort zählen dürfen.
Während Snowboarder und Biathleten
für ihre Weltmeisterschaften nach Korea reisen, kämpfen die Freestyler im ebenfalls
fernen Japan um Medaillen. Die nordischen
Athletinnen und Athleten bleiben mit Liberec (Tschechien) zumindest in Europa. Wo
Sie auch immer unseren Athletinnen und
Athleten die Daumen drücken, wünschen
wir Ihnen dabei viel Spass und Spannung.
Und sollten sie in einer Sportart selber das
Wettkampffieber packen, schauen Sie sich
das vielfältige Breitensport-Angebot für
die ganze Familie auf unserer Homepage an.
Wir freuen uns auf spannende und erfolgreiche Wettkämpfe in der Saison 2008/09 und
hoffen, dass Sie unsere Teams am einen oder
anderen Anlass lautstark unterstützen!
Hansruedi Laich
Direktor Swiss-Ski
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4 swiss-ski team guide
Découvrez sa
nouvelle formule!
Chers amis des sports de neige, je
suis ravi que vous puissiez tenir
dans vos mains la dernière édition
du Swiss-Ski Team Guide ! La version de
cette année paraît dans une toute nouvelle
formule. L’idée de la réorganisation de cet
ouvrage traditionnel était de vous offrir un
ouvrage de référence fiable et pratique qui
vous accompagnera tout au long d’un hiver
riche en événements. C’est pourquoi le format du Swiss-Ski Team Guide est désormais
plus petit et plus pratique, les fournitures
de qualité et la mise en page moderne et
A côté des informations sur les athlètes et
leur encadrement, vous trouverez dans la
nouvelle édition du Swiss-Ski Team Guide le
calendrier de la Coupe du monde des huit
disciplines organisées sous l’égide de SwissSki. L’ouvrage de référence sur la saison
d’hiver 2008/2009 est complété par des informations essentielles sur la fédération et sur
les différentes manifestations de sport de
Outre les compétitions qui se tiendront en
Suisse, les cinq Championnats du monde
feront certainement partie des temps forts
de la saison 2008/2009. On compte sur le
soutien généreux des supporters Suisses lors
des courses au titre en ski alpin prévues au
début du mois de février à Val d’Isère.
Tandis que les snowboardeurs et les biathlètes se rendront en Corée pour leurs Championnats du monde, les athlètes du freestyle
se rendront tout aussi loin, au Japon, afin de
remporter des médailles. Toutefois, seuls les
athlètes de ski nordique resteront en Europe,
plus exactement à Liberec (Tchéquie).
Quel que soit l’endroit où vous encouragerez nos athlètes, nous vous souhaitons beaucoup de plaisir et d’amusement. Et si vous
deviez être pris par la fièvre des compétitions
dans l’une de ces disciplines, consultez notre
offre variée de prestations en sport de loisirs
pour toute la famille sur notre page d’accueil
Nous nous réjouissons de vivre des compétitions passionnantes lors de la saison
2008/2009 et espérons que vous encouragerez chaleureusement nos équipes lors de
l’une ou l’autre manifestation.
Hansruedi Laich
Directeur de Swiss-Ski
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swiss-ski Team guide
Alpine Skiing
24 Women
39 Aerials
43 Skicross
83 Men
91 Women
Nordic Combined
ski jumping
Facts & Figures
IMPRESSUM: Herausgeber und Verlag/Editeur Strike Media Schweiz AG, Gösgerstrasse 15,
5012 Schönenwerd, Tel. 062 858 28 20, Fax 062 858 28 29; Verlagsleitung/Directeur
d’édition Wolfgang Burkhardt; Redaktion Swiss-Ski, Muri bei Bern, Kristina Schneider,
Stefanie Gerber Inserate/Annonces Prosell AG, Schönenwerd, Sonja Schnider (s.schnider@, Wolfgang Burkhardt (, Carmen Burkhardt (c.burkhardt@; Design und Produktionsverantwortung/Design et responsable de production
Brandl & Schärer AG, Olten; Copyright Strike Media Schweiz AG, Gösgerstrasse 15, 5012
Schönenwerd Druck/Imprimeur Geiger AG Bern; Nachdruck nur mit ausdrücklicher Genehmigung des Herausgebers gestattet/Reproduction autorisée uniquement avec l’accord
formel de l’éditeur;,,
6 swiss-ski team guide
Alpine Men
Snowboardcross Men
Halfpipe Men
Big Air Men
Alpine Women
Snowboardcross Women
Halfpipe Women
Photo: Keystone
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alpine skiing men
Albrecht Daniel 10
Jaquet Yoan 20
Anthamatten Gabriel 19
Karlen Lukas 20
Bergamin Doriano 19
Kreuzer Ralf 17
Berthod Marc
Küng Patrick 20
Boner Sandro 19
Locher Cristian 21
Brand Olivier
Lüönd Vitus 18
Casutt Giancarlo 19
Oreiller Ami 18
Caviezel Mauro 17
Pleisch Manuel 21
Cuche Didier
Sax Thomas 21
Défago Didier
Singer Thomas 21
Emmenegger Sven 19
Spescha Christian 21
Feuz Beat 17
Testorelli Moreno 21
Fravi Jonas 17
Valsecchi Renzo 22
Gafner Beat 19
Viletta Sandro 18
Gehrig Marc 20
Vogel Markus 18
Gini Marc
Züger Cornel 18
Gisin Marc 20
Züger Diego 18
Grünenfelder Tobias
Zurbriggen Silvan
Hoffmann Ambrosi
Holdener Kevin 20
Rufener Martin 22
Janka Carlo
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alpine skiing WOmen
Abderhalden Marianne 31
Pünchera Jessica 31
Aufdenblatten Fränzi 24
Rothmund Jasmin 33
Berthod Pascale 31
Schild Martina 26
Bonjour Aline 32
Styger Nadia 27
Camastral Aita 28
Suter Fabienne 28
Dettling Andrea 29
Thalmann Alexandra 34
Dumermuth Monika 29
Vogel Nadja 34
Feierabend Denise
Voutaz Mélissa 34
Fuhrer Kathrin 32
Wolf Tamara 32
Gini Sandra 24
Gisin Dominique 30
Hugues Ansermoz 34
Gmür Miriam 32
Grand Rabea 25
Gut Lara 26
Hangl Célina 30
Horrer Steffi 33
Janka Fabienne 33
Kamer Nadja 31
Koehn Anne-Sophie 33
Kuonen Dea 33
Nufer Priska 33
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national team
alpine skiing men
Daniel Albrecht
Date of birth: 25 May 1983
Residence: 3984 Fiesch
Ski Club: Fiesch Eggishorn
Height/Weight: 183 cm/90 kg
In the ski team since: 2000
1st Competition in World Cup:
2003 Schladming
Individual sponsor: Ochsner Sport
Suppliers: Skis: Atomic
Boots/Bindings: Atomic
Poles: Komperdell
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
10 swiss-ski team guide
National Championships
2008 Davos: 1. Slalom,
1. Giant Slalom
2005 Lauchernalp: 3. Downhill
2004 Val d‘Illiez/Les Crosets
2. Giant Slalom, 1. Combined
2003 Verbier: 1. Giant Slalom,
1. Combined
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Bormio: 2. Slalom
Kranjska Gora: 10. Giant Slalom
Val d‘Isere: 7. Super Combined
Chamonix: 9. Super Combined
Wengen: 2. Super Combined,
7. Slalom
Bad Kleinkirchheim:
5. Giant Slalom
Adelboden: 2. Giant Slalom
Beaver Creek: 1. Giant Slalom,
1. Super Combined, 4. Super G
2007 Lenzerheide: 2. Downhill
Wengen: 5. Super Combined
Adelboden: 10. Slalom
Beaver Creek: 4. Slalom
2005 Wengen: 4. Combined
World Championships
2007 Åre: DNF Slalom,
2. Giant Slalom, 1. Super Combined,
3. Team
2005 Bormio: DNF Slalom,
30. Giant Slalom, 7. Combined
2003 St. Moritz: 30. Slalom
Junior World Championships
2003 Brianconnais:
1. Combined, 2. Slalom,
1. Giant Slalom, 1. Downhill
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Turin: DNF Slalom,
DNF Giant Slalom, 4. Combined
Marc Berthod
Date of birth: 24 November 1983
Residence: 7500 St. Moritz
Ski Club: Alpina St. Moritz
Height/Weight: 181 cm/90 kg
In the ski team since: 2001
1st Competition in World Cup:
2003 Kranjska Gora
Individual sponsor: Helvetia
Suppliers: Skis: Atomic
Boots/Bindings: Atomic
Poles: Swix
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
National Championships
2007 Veysonnaz: 1. Giant Slalom
2006 St. Moritz: 2. Slalom,
2. Giant Slalom
2005 Veysonnaz: 3. Slalom,
1. Giant Slalom
2004 Val d‘Illiez/Les Crosets:
2. Slalom   
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Bormio: 10. Slalom
Kranjska Gora: 5. Giant Slalom
Zagreb-Sljeme: 6. Slalom
Adelboden: 1. Giant Slalom
La Villa - Alta Badia: 3. Giant Slalom
2007 Lenzerheide: 4. Slalom,
5. Giant Slalom
Kvitfjell: 9. Super Combined
Kranjska Gora: 7. Slalom
Garmisch-Partenkirchen: 7. Slalom
Schladming: 4. Slalom
Kitzbühel: 4. Slalom
Wengen: 2. Super Combined
Adelboden: 1. Slalom
Beaver Creek: 2. Super Combined
2005 Adelboden: 7. Giant Slalom
World Championships
2007 Åre: DNF Slalom,
11. Giant Slalom, 3. Super
Combined, 3. Team
2005 Bormio: DNF Slalom,
DNF Giant Slalom, DNF Combined
2003 St. Moritz: DNF Slalom,
25. Combined
Junior World Championships
2003 Brianconnais:
1. Slalom, 3. Downhill
2002 Sella Nevea: 2. Slalom
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Turin: 14. Slalom,
17. Giant Slalom, 7. Combined
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national team
alpine skiing men
Didier Cuche
Date of birth: 16 August 1974
Residence: 2058 Les Bugnenets
Ski Club: Chasseral-Dombresson
Height/Weight: 174 cm/89 kg
In the ski team since: 1993
1st Competition in World Cup:
1993 Bormio
Individual sponsor: Ovomaltine
Suppliers: Skis: Head
Boots/Bindings: Head
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Alpina
National Championships
2008 Davos: 3. Giant Slalom
Bad Ragaz: 1. Super G
2007 Veysonnaz: 1. Super G
2006 St. Moritz: 2. Super G,
1. Downhill
2004 Val d‘Illiez/Les Crosets:
2. Super G
12 swiss-ski team guide
2003 Verbier: 1. Super G,
2. Downhill
2002 Visperterminen:
1. Giant Slalom
2000 Fiescheralp: 2. Downhill
1999 Zinal: 2. Downhill
1998 Obersaxen: 1. Super G,
1. Downhill
World Cup (Top 3)
2008 Kvitfjell: 3. Super G, 2. Downhill
Whistler: 2. Downhill
Chamonix: 2. Downhill
Kitzbühel: 1. Downhill, 3. Super G
Wengen: 2. Downhill
Val Gardena/Gröden: 2. Downhill,
1. Super G
Beaver Creek: 3. Giant Slalom,
3. Downhill
Lake Louise: 3. Super G
2007 Kvitfjell: 3. Super G, 1. Downhill
Wengen: 2. Downhill
Bormio: 2. Downhill
Val Gardena/Gröden: 2. Downhill
Beaver Creek: 2. Downhill
3. Downhill
Flachau: 2. Giant Slalom
Alta Badia: 3. Giant Slalom
2004 Garmisch-Partenkirchen:
1. Downhill
2003 Garmisch-Partenkirchen:
2. Downhill
Kitzbühel: 2. Downhill
Beaver Creek: 1. Super G
Lake Louise: 3. Super G
2002 Altenmarkt-Zauchensee:
1. Super G
St. Moritz: 2. Giant Slalom
2. Super G
2. Super G
Kitzbühel: 3. Super G
Adelboden: 1. Giant Slalom
Kranjska Gora: 3. Giant Slalom
Val d‘Isere: 2. Super G
Didier Défago
2001 Garmisch-Partenkirchen:
3. Super G
2000 Kvitfjell: 2. Downhill
St. Anton: 2. Super G
Kitzbühel: 3. Super G
1998 Crans-Montana: 2. Downhill
Kvitfjell: 3. Super G
Kitzbühel: 2. Downhill, 1. Downhill
World Championships
2007 Åre: 3. Giant Slalom,
6. Downhill, 4. Super G
2003 4. Downhill
St. Moritz: 12. Giant Slalom,
11. Super G
St. Anton: 16. Giant Slalom
2001 5. Super G
1999 Beaver Creek:
14. Downhill, 8. Super G
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Turin: 19. Giant Slalom,
12. Super G.
2002 Salt Lake City:
10. Giant Slalom, DSQ Super G,
14. Downhill
1998 Nagano: 2. Super G,
8. Downhill
Date of birth: 02 October 1977
Residence: 1875 Morgins
Ski Club: Morgins
Height/Weight: 184 cm/89 kg
In the ski team since: 1994
1st Competition in World Cup:
1996 Kvitfjell/Hafjell
Individual sponsor: Ochsner Sport
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Lange/Rossignol
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Bollé
National Championships
2005 Lauchernalp: 3. Downhill
2004 Val d‘Illiez/Les Crosets:
2. Giant Slalom, 1. Combined
2003 Verbier: 1. Giant Slalom,
1. Combined
World Cup (Top 5)
2008 Bormio: 2. Super G
Val Gardena/Gröden: 4. Super G
Beaver Creek: 4. Downhill,
2007 Garmisch-Partenkirchen:
4. Downhill
Alta Badia: 3. Slalom
Beaver Creek: 5. Giant Slalom
2006 Are: 5. Downhill
Chamonix: 4. Super Combined
Wengen: 5. Super Combined
2005 Kvitfjell: 2. Super G
2. Super G
Kitzbühl: 4. Super G
Wengen: 3 Combined
World Championships
2007 Åre: 13. Giant Slalom,
10. Downhill, 4. Super Combined,
17. Super G
2005 Bormio: 12. Giant Slalom,
6. Downhill, 14. Combined,
7. Super G
2003 St. Moritz: 22. Giant Slalom,
7. Combined, 21. Super G
2001 St. Anton: 11. Super G
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Sestriere: 14. Giant Slalom,
16. Super G, DNF. Combined,
26. Downhill
2002 Salt Lake City:
14. Giant Slalom, 6. Super G,
21. Downhill
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national team
alpine skiing men
Marc Gini
Ambrosi Hoffmann
Date of birth: 08 November 1984
Residence: 7077 Valbella
Ski Club: Bivio
Height/Weight: 183 cm/82 kg
In the ski team since: 2002
1st Competition in World Cup:
2003 Kranjska Gora
Individual sponsor: Vitalp
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots/Bindings: Fischer
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
Date of birth: 22 March 1977
Residence: 7260 Davos Dorf
Ski Club: Davos
Height/Weight: 180 cm/90 kg
In the ski team since: 1995
1st Competition in World Cup:
1996 Kvitfjell/Hafjell
Individual sponsor: Helvetia
Suppliers: Skis: Head
Boots/Bindings: Head
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Alpina
National Championships
2008 Davos: 2. Giant Slalom
Zinal: 1. Super Combined
2007 Veysonnaz: 1. Slalom
2006 St. Moritz: 1. Slalom,
1. Giant Slalom
2005 Veysonnaz: 1. Slalom
National Championships
2008 Bad Ragaz: 2. Super G
2007 Veysonnaz: 3. Super G
2001 St. Moritz: 2. Downhill
2000 St. Moritz: 2. Downhill
1998 Obersaxen: 3. Downhill
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Reiteralm: 1. Slalom
La Villa - Alta Badia: 7. Slalom
2007 Kranjska Gora: 9. Slalom
Kitzbühel: 10. Slalom
Kitzbühel: 10. Slalom
Beaver Creek: 10. Slalom
World Championships
2007 Åre: DNF Slalom
2005 Bormio: DNF Slalom
14 swiss-ski team guide
World Cup (Top 5)
2008 Kvitfjell: 4. Super G
Val Gardena/Gröden: 5. Downhill
2007 Wengen: 4. Downhill
2006 Val Gardena/Gröden:
3. Super G
Lake Louise: 4. Super G
2005 Kvitfjell: 3. Downhill
2004 Kitzbühel: 3. Downhill
Sestrieres: 4. Downhill
2005 Wengen: 4. Downhill
Beaver Creek: 5. Super G
2002 Altenmarkt-Zauchensee:
2. Downhill
Val d‘Isere: 4. Downhill
World Championships
2007 Åre: 5. Downhill
2005 Bormio: 8. Downhill,
12. Super G
2003 St. Moritz: 20. Giant
Slalom, 7. Downhill, 4. Super G
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Turin: 3. Super G,
17. Downhill
2002 Salt Lake City:
8. Downhill
alpine skiing men
Silvan Zurbriggen
Date of birth: 15 August 1981
Residence: 3902 Glis
Ski Club: Saas-Almagell
Height/Weight: 185 cm/95 kg
In the ski team since: 1998
1st Competition in World Cup:
2002 Kitzbühel
Individual sponsor: Raiffeisen
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Lange/Rossignol
Poles: Komperdell
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
National Championships
2007 Veysonnaz: 2. Slalom
2002 Visperterminen:
3. Giant Slalom
Bad Ragaz: 3. Slalom
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Bad Kleinkirchheim: 8. Slalom
Beaver Creek: 6. Super Combined
2007 Lenzerheide: 10. Slalom
Kvitfjell: 2. Super Combined
Kitzbuehel: 4. Slalom
Wengen: 3. Super Combined
Hinterstoder: 4. Super G
Gardena/Groeden: 9. Super G
Reiteralm: 9. Super Combined
Levi: 10. Slalom
Olivier Brand
2006 Chamonix: 9. Super Combined
Val d‘Isere: 6. Super Combined
Beaver Creek: 10. Slalom
2005 Kvitfjell: 8. Downhill
Wengen: 8. Slalom
Chamonix: 7. Slalom
Bormio: 5. Downhill
Sestriere: 2. Slalom
Lake Louise: 10. Downhill
World Championships
2007 Åre: DNF Slalom, 8. Super
Combined, 14. Super G
2005 Bormio: 7. Slalom,
5. Combined.
2003 St. Moritz: 2. Slalom,
5. Combined
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Turin: 15. Slalom,
DNF Combined
Date of birth: 19 November 1980
Residence: 1246 Corsier
Ski Club: Genève-Satus
Height/Weight: 170 cm/82 kg
In the ski team since: 1996
1st Competition in World Cup:
2004 Val d‘Isère
Individual sponsor: Miauton
Suppliers: Skis: Stöckli
Boots/Bindings: Fischer/Atomic
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Bollé
National Championships
2005 Veysonnaz: 2. Giant Slalom
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Kvitfjell: 25. Super G
Val Gardena/Gröden: 29. Super G
2007 Hinterstoder: 26. Super G
Junior World Championships
2000 Quebec: 13. Giant Slalom,
DSQ2 Slalom, 24. Super G,
28. Downhill
1999 Pra Loup/Le Sauze:
16. Slalom, DNF Giant Slalom,
30. Downhill
1998 Megeve/Chamonix/St. Gervais:
15. Slalom, 16. Giant Slalom
1997 Schladming: 18. Slalom,
24. Giant Slalom
Cup Standings European Cup
2007 1. Super G
swiss-ski team guide 15
alpine skiing men
Tobias Grünenfelder
Date of birth: 27 November 1977
Residence: 8808 Pfäffikon SZ
Ski Club: SC Elm
Height/Weight: 180 cm/89 kg
In the ski team since: 1994
1st Competition in World Cup:
1997 Kranjska Gora
Individual sponsor: Remax
Suppliers: Skis: Stöckli
Boots/Bindings: Head/Atomic
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
National Championships
2008 Bad Ragaz: 3. Super G
2007 Veysonnaz: 2. Super G,
1. Downhill
2006 St. Moritz: 3. Giant Slalom,
1. Super G
2005 Lauchernalp: 1. Super G,
2. Downhill
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Beaver Creek: 8. Super G
Lake Louise: 5. Downhill
2007 Gramisch-Patenkrichen:
6. Downhill
2006 Bormio: 3. Downhill
2005 Lenzerheide: 8. Super G
Kitzbühl: 10. Super G
Beaver Creek: 4. Super G
16 swiss-ski team guide
Carlo Janka
2004 Garmisch-Partenkirchen:
3. Super G
2003 Garmisch-Partenkirchen:
3. Super G
Beaver Creek: 10. Super G
World Championships
2005 Bormio: 16. Super G
2003 St. Moritz:
18. Giant Slalom
1999 Vail/Beaver Creek:
20. Giant Slalom
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Turin: 12. Downhill
2002 Salt Lake City:
DNF Giant Slalom, 12. Super G
Date of birth: 15 October 1986
Residence: 7134 Obersaxen
Ski Club: Obersaxen
Height/Weight: 185 cm/84 kg
In the ski team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2005 Kranjska Gora
Individual sponsor: Ochsner Sport
Suppliers: Skis: Atomic
Boots/Bindings: Atomic
Poles: Exel
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
National Championships
2008 Zinal: 3. Super Combined
Junior National Championships
2005 Haute-Nendaz:
1. Giant Slalom
Wengen: 1.Downhill
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Whistler: 9. Giant Slalom,
25. Super G
Kranjska Gora: 15. Giant Slalom
Kvitfjell: 18. Downhill
Beaver Creek: 18. Giant Slalom
Val d‘Isere: 8. Super G
2007 Alta Badia: 20. Giant Slalom
alpine skiing men
Junior World Championships
2006 Quebec: 3 Giant Slalom, DNF
Slalom, 7. Super G, DNF Downhill
2005 Bardonecchia:
DNF Giant Slalom, 16. Super G,
22. Slalom, 9. Downhill
Cup Standings European Cup
2007 3. Super Combined
Mauro Caviezel
Jonas Fravi
Date of birth: 18 August 1988
Residence: 7078 Lenzerheide
Ski Club: Beverin
Height/Weight: 180 cm/85 kg
In the ski team since: 2006
1st Competition in World Cup:
2008 Kranjska Gora
Individual sponsor:
Ochsner Sport
Suppliers: Skis: Nordica
Boots/Bindings: Nordica/Marker
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Alpina
Date of birth: 06 March 1990
Residence: 7433 Farden
Ski Club: US Tumpriv
Height/Weight: 173 cm/81 kg
In the ski team since: 2008
Suppliers: Skis: Atomic
Boots/Bindings: Atomic
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
Beat Feuz
Ralf Kreuzer
Date of birth: 11 February 1987
Residence: 6197 Schangnau
Ski Club: Schangnau
Height/Weight: 172 cm/79 kg
In the ski team since: 2003
1st Competition in World Cup:
2006 Reiteralm
Individual sponsor: Raiffeisen
Suppliers: Skis: Salomon
Boots/Bindings: Salomon
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
Date of birth: 05 April 1983
Residence: 3932 Visperterminen
Ski Club: Visperterminen
Height/Weight: 190 cm/93 kg
In the ski team since: 2002
1st Competition in World Cup:
2005 Bormio
Individual sponsor: Ochsner Sport
Suppliers: Skis: Salomon
Boots/Bindings: Salomon
Poles: Komperdell
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
swiss-ski team guide 17
alpine skiing men
Vitus Lüönd
Sandro Viletta
Cornel Züger
Date of birth: 22 October 1984
Residence: 6417 Sattel
Ski Club: Hochstuckli Sattel
Height/Weight: 181 cm/87 kg
In the ski team since: 2004
Individual sponsor:
Sattel Hochstuckli AG
Suppliers: Skis: Salomon
Boots/Bindings: Salomon
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
Date of birth: 23 January 1986
7522 La Punt Chamues-ch
Ski Club: Samnaun
Height/Weight: 177 cm/76 kg
In the ski team since: 2003
1st Competition in World Cup:
2006 Levi
Individual sponsor: Helvetia
Suppliers: Skis: Nordica
Boots/Bindings: Nordica/Marker
Poles: Exel
Goggles/Helmet: Marker
Date of birth: 07 August 1981
Residence: 8862 Schübelbach
Ski Club: Altendorf
Height/Weight: 183 cm/89 kg
In the ski team since: 2003
Individual sponsor: Hoch-Ybrig
1st Competition in World Cup:
2003 Gardena/Gröden
Suppliers: Skis: Stöckli
Boots/Bindings: Lange/Atomic
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
Ami Oreiller
Markus Vogel
Diego Züger
Date of birth: 12 April 1987
Residence: 1936 Verbier
Ski Club: Alpina Verbier
Height/Weight: 180 cm/82 kg
In the ski team since: 2006
Individual sponsor: Miauton
Suppliers: Skis: Stöckli
Boots/Bindings: Lange/Atomic
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Giro
Date of birth: 12 January 1984
Residence: 6375 Beckenried
Ski Club: Beckenried Klewenalp
Height/Weight: 184 cm/84 kg
In the ski team since: 2002
1st Competition in World Cup:
2008 Adelboden
Individual sponsor: RailAway
Suppliers: Skis: Stöckli
Boots/Bindings: Lange/Atomic
Poles: Scott
Goggles/Helmet: Scott
Date of birth: 10 January 1986
Residence: 7015 Tamins
Ski Club: RG Alpenarena
Height/Weight: 177 cm/83 kg
In the ski team since: 2006
Individual sponsor: Raiffeisen
Suppliers: Skis: Stöckli
Bindings: Atomic
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Marker
18 swiss-ski team guide
alpine skiing men
Gabriel Anthamatten
Sandro Boner
Sven Emmenegger
Date of birth: 29 July 1991
Residence: 3905 Saas-Almagell
Ski Club: Saas-Almagell
Height/Weight: 181 cm/78 kg
In the ski team since: 2008
Individual sponsor: Ovomaltine
Suppliers: Skis: Atomic
Boots/Bindings: Atomic
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Alpina
Date of birth: 04 January 1988
Residence: 7249 Serneus
Ski Club: Val Müstair
Height/Weight: 178 cm/74 kg
In the ski team since: 2007
Individual sponsor: Toneatti
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Rossignol
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Marker
Date of birth: 27 December 1989
Residence: 6174 Sörenberg
Ski Club: Sörenberg
In the ski team since: 2008
Suppliers: Skis: Salomon
Boots/Bindings: Salomon
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
Doriano Bergamin
Giancarlo Casutt
Beat Gafner
Date of birth: 26 January 1988
Residence: 7078 Lenzerheide
Ski Club: Lenzerheide
Height/Weight: 182 cm/73 kg
In the ski team since: 2009
Suppliers: Skis: Stöckli
Boots/Bindings: Atomic
Poles: Komperdell
Goggles/Helmet: Marker
Date of birth: 21 February 1990
Residence: 7153 Falera
Ski Club: RG Alpenarena,
Crap Sogn Gion
Height/Weight: 181 cm/77 kg
In the ski team since: 2009
Suppliers: Skis: Head
Boots/Bindings: Head
Poles: Komperdell
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
Date of birth: 09 January 1986
Residence: 3762 Erlenbach
Ski Club: Erlenbach
Height/Weight: 186 cm/85 kg
In the ski team since: 2006
Suppliers: Skis: Atomic
Boots/Bindings: Atomic
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
swiss-ski team guide 19
alpine skiing men
Marc Gehrig
Kevin Holdener
Lukas Karlen
Date of birth: 03 December 1988
Residence: 3615 Heimenschwand
Ski Club: Bärgchutze
Height/Weight: 179 cm/73 kg
In the ski team since: 2008
Individual sponsor:
Suppliers: Skis: Head
Bindings: Head
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
Date of birth: 03 February 1990
Residence: 8842 Unteriberg
Ski Club: Drusberg
Height/Weight: 173 cm/73 kg
In the ski team since: 2009
Individual sponsor: Hoch Ybrig
Suppliers: Skis: Head
Boots/Bindings: Head
Poles: Exel
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
Date of birth: 28 January 1988
Residence: 3804 Habkern
Ski Club: Habkern
Height/Weight: 181 cm/80 kg
In the ski team since: 2005
Suppliers: Skis: Head
Boots/Bindings: Head
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
Marc Gisin
Yoan Jaquet
Patrick Küng
Date of birth: 25 June 1988
Residence: 6390 Engelberg
Ski Club: Engelberg
Height/Weight: 197 cm/100 kg
In the ski team since: 2006
Individual sponsor: Engelberg-Titlis
Suppliers: Skis: Nordica
Boots/Bindings: Nordica/Marker
Poles: Swix
Goggles/Helmet: Giro
Date of birth: 16 August 1988
Residence: 1756 Onnens
Ski Club: Vudallaz Epagny
Height/Weight: 176 cm/75 kg
In the ski team since: 2006
Individual sponsor: Miauton
Suppliers: Skis: Salomon
Boots/Bindings: Salomon
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Giro
Date of birth: 11 January 1984
Residence: 8758 Obstalden
Ski Club: Mürtschen Kerenzerberg
Height/Weight: 181 cm/83 kg
In the ski team since: 2001
Suppliers: Skis: Salomon
Boots/Bindings: Salomon
Poles: Scott
Goggles/Helmet: Scott
20 swiss-ski team guide
Cristian Locher
Thomas Sax
Christian Spescha
Date of birth: 01 April 1986
Residence: 3703 Aeschiried
Ski Club: Aeschi
Height/Weight: 175 cm/85 kg
In the ski team since: 2006
Suppliers: Skis: Stöckli
Boots/Bindings: Nordica/Atomic
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
Date of birth: 31 May 1988
Residence: 7135 Obersaxen
Ski Club: Obersaxen
Height/Weight: 184 cm/83 kg
In the ski team since: 2008
Suppliers: Ski: Atomic
Boots/Bindings: Atomic
Poles: Atomic
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
Date of birth: 25 January 1989
Residence: 7135 Obersaxen
Ski Club: Obersaxen
Height/Weight: 182 cm/85 kg
In the ski team since: 2006
Suppliers: Skis: Stöckli
Boots/Bindings: Atomic
Poles: Exel
Goggles/Helmet: Giro
Manuel Pleisch
Thomas Singer
Moreno Testorelli
Date of birth: 23 July 1990
Residence: 7245 Ascharina
Ski Club: Pany
Height/Weight: 177 cm/65 kg
In the ski team since: 2008
Individual sponsor:
2008 Raiffeisen
Suppliers: Skis: Atomic
Boots/Bindings: Atomic
Poles: Atomic
Goggles/Helmet: Atomic
Date of birth: 21 February 1989
Residence: 7206 Igis
Ski Club: Parpan
Height/Weight: 182 cm/81 kg
In the ski team since: 2009
Suppliers: Skis: Atomic
Boots/Bindings: Atomic
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
Date of birth: 05 October 1986
Residence: 7505 Celerina
Ski Club: Trais Fluors Celerina
Height/Weight: 185 cm/85 kg
In the ski team since: 2003
1st Competition in World Cup:
2007 Adelboden
Individual sponsor: Celerina
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots/Bindings: Fischer
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Marker
swiss-ski team guide 21
alpine skiing men
head of Discipline
alpine skiing men
alpine skiing men
Hans Flatscher
Function: Group Coach WC 1
Date of birth: 08 May 1968
Residence: 9434 Au
Hansjürg Kunz
Function: Coach WC 1
Date of birth: 16 April 1955
Residence: 3762 Erlenbach
Renzo Valsecchi
Martin Rufener
Date of birth: 14 September 1989
Residence: 7078 Lenzerheide
Ski Club: Lenzerheide
Height/Weight: 178 cm/77 kg
In the ski team since: 2009
Individual sponsor:
Vitali Haustechnik AG
Suppliers: Skis: Stöckli
Boots/Bindings: Atomic
Poles: Komperdell
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
Date of birth: 04 February 1959
Residence: 3800 Unterseen
Since 2004: Head Coach, Men’s
Alpine Team at Swiss-Ski
2003–2004: Senior Pilot Bohag AG
2003: Men’s Race Organiser at the
2003 World Cup in St. Moritz
1994–2003: Base Manager of
Heliswiss/Air Grischa in Samedan
1991-1993: Head Coach for the
Canadian Ski Federation
1991: Helicopter pilot’s licence
1984–1991: Head Coach for the US
Ski Federation
1980–1984: Women’s European Cup
Coach at Swiss-Ski
Patrice Morisod
Function: Group Coach WC 1
Date of birth: 11 October 1968
Residence: 3961 Zinal
Roland Platzer
Function: Coach WC 1
Date of birth: 16 December 1978
Residence: I-39027 St. Valentin a.d.
Bertrand Dubuis
Function: Coach WC 1
Date of birth: 25 April 1973
Residence: 1965 Savièse
Peter Eichberger
Function: Fitness Coach WC 1
Date of birth: 15 October 1962
Residence: A-2734 Puchberg/
Philippe Pellet
Function: Physiotherapist WC 1
Date of birth: 22 September 1962
Residence: F-74340 Samoëns
Sepp Brunner
Function: Group Coach WC 2
Date of birth: 05 December 1958
Residence: A-8832 Oberwölz
Reto Schläppi
Function: Coach WC 2
Date of birth: 24 October 1969
Residence: 3860 Meiringen
22 swiss-ski team guide
Jörg Roten
Function: Coach WC 2
Date of birth: 13 April 1974
Residence: 3954 Leukerbad
Mario Gussnig
Function: Fitness Coach EC
Date of birth: 14 April 1972
Residence: 8902 Urdorf
Alberto Corbellini
Function: Equipment Technician C
Date of birth: 13 September 1960
Residence: I-11021 Breuil-Cervinia
Michel Burgener
Function: Physiotherapist WC 2
Date of birth: 13 February 1979
Residence: 3906 Saas-Fee
Ernest Amgarten
Function: Equipment Technician EC
Date of birth: 11 October 1952
Residence: 6074 Giswil
Philipp Valier
Function: Equipment Technician C
Date of birth: 22 December 1976
Residence: 7187 Camischolas
Reto Weisskopf
Function: Fitness Coach WC 2
Date of birth: 10 September 1971
Residence: 6048 Horw
Reto Josi
Function: Equipment Technician EC
Date of birth: 11 March 1980
Residence: 3715 Adelboden
Hans Spring
Function: Head Doctor
Date of birth: 26 June 1949
Residence: 3954 Leukerbad
Hans Lippuner
Function: Equipment Technician
WC 2
Date of birth: 27 September 1977
Residence: 8808 Pfäffikon
Peter Mathis
Function: Equipment Technician EC
Date of birth: 06 February 1982
Residence: 3955 Albinen
Andi Puelacher
Function: Group Coach EC
Date of birth: 21 April 1964
Residence: A-6406 Oberhofen i.T
Ivo Caratsch
Function: Coach EC
Date of birth: 01 October 1960
Residence: 7512 Champfèr
Simon Rothenbühler
Function: Coach EC
Date of birth: 31 March 1976
Residence: 7012 Felsberg
Franz Heinzer
Function: Coach EC
Date of birth: 11 April 1962
Residence: 6440 Brunnen
Alexander Walldorf
Function: Equipment Technician EC
Date of birth: 04 November 1972
Residence: 7082 Vaz Obervaz
Andreas Studhalter
Function: Group Coach C
Date of birth: 06 February 1974
Residence: 6048 Horw
Ryan Baumann
Function: Coach C
Date of birth: 04 February 1973
Residence: 3963 Crans-Montana
Marc Leibacher
Function: Coach C
Date of birth: 25 July 1977
Residence: 7492 Avaneu Dorf
Philippe Schwab
Function: Physiotherapist C
Date of birth: 10 April 1965
Residence: 1700 Fribourg
swiss-ski team guide 23
national team
alpine skiing women
Fränzi Aufdenblatten
Date of birth: 10 February 1981
Residence: 3920 Zermatt
Ski Club: Zermatt
Height/Weight: 173 cm/70 kg
In the ski team since: 1997
1st Competition in World Cup:
2000 Sestriere
Individual sponsor:
Zermatt Tourismus
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Rossignol
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Alpina
National Championships
2008 Splügen: 1. Giant Slalom
Bad Ragaz: 1. Super G
2006 St. Moritz: 2. Super G
2. Downhill
2005 Lauchernalp: 2. Super G
2004 Les Crosets: 1. Super G
2000 Flumserberg: 2. Super G
Fiescheralp: 3. Downhill
1999 Zinal: 3. Downhill
24 swiss-ski team guide
Sandra Gini
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 St. Anton: 4. Downhill
St. Moritz: 5. Downhill
Aspen: 8. Downhill
Lake Lousie: 5. Super G
2006 Bad Kleinkirchheim:
3. Downhill
2007 Lenzerheide: 9. Downhill
San Sicario/Sestriere: 8. Downhill,
6. Super G
10. Downhill
2004 Haus im Ennstal: 3. Downhill
World Championships
2007 Åre: 19. Giant Slalom,
14. Downhill, 19.Super G
2005 Bormio: 26. Giant Slalom,
15. Downhill, 18. Combined,
18. Super G
2003 St. Moritz: DNS2 Giant Slalom,
15. Combined, 15. Super G
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Turin: 16. Giant Slalom,
17. Super G, 12. Downhill
2002 Salt Lake:
DNF Giant Slalom
Date of birth: 08 February 1982
Residence: 7012 Felsberg
Ski Club: Bivio
Height/Weight: 171 cm/67 kg
In the ski team since: 2000
1st Competition in World Cup:
2002 Maribor
Individual sponsor: Ochsner Sport
Suppliers: Skis: Head
Boots/Bindings: Head
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
National Championships
2008 Splügen: 2. Slalom
Malbun: 2. Giant Slalom
2007 Veysonnaz: 2. Slalom
Rabea Grand
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Ofterschwang: 9. Slalom
Maribor: 6. Slalom
2007 Sierra Nevada: 10. Slalom
World Championships
2007 Åre: 15. Slalom, 3. Team
Date of birth: 15 June 1984
Residence: 3953 Leuk-Stadt
Ski Club: Albinen Torrent
Height/Weight: 171 cm/69 kg
In the ski team since: 2001
1st Competition in World Cup:
2005 Maribor
Individual sponsor: Helvetia
Suppliers: Skis: Head
Boots/Bindings: Head
Poles: Scott
Goggles/Helmet: Scott
2007 Tarvisio: 20. Super Combined
Sierra Nevada 25. Slalom
24. Super Combined
Kranjska Gora: 24. Giant Slalom
Val d‘Isere: 30. Downhill
Reiteralm: 29. Super Combined
Aspen: 29. Giant Slalom
2006 Levi: 23. Slalom
World Championships
2007 Åre: 25. Slalom,
DNF Super Combined,
13. Super Combined, 3. Team
National Championships
2008 Splügen: 3. Slalom,
Junior National Championships
2004 Leukerbad: 2. Slalom
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Crans-Montana:
11. Super Combined
St. Anton/Arlberg:
10. Super Combined
Whistler: 11. Super Comined
Lienz: 21. Slalom
St. Moritz: 30. Downhill
swiss-ski team guide 25
national team
alpine skiing women
Lara Gut
Date of birth: 27 April 1991
Residence: 6949 Comano
Ski Club: Sporting Gottardo
Height/Weight: 160 cm/57 kg
In the ski team since: 2008
1st Competition in World Cup:
2007 Lienz
Suppliers: Skis: Atomic
Boots/Bindings: Atomic
Poles: Swix
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
National Championships
2008 Malbun: 3. Slalom
2007 Veysonnaz: 1. Super G
Junior National Championships
2008 Arosa: 2. Super G
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 St. Moritz: 3. Downhill,
5. Super G
Martina Schild
Junior World Championships
2008: Formigal: 2. Downhill
2007 Flachau: DNF Slalom
DNF Super G
Flachau: 44. Giant Slalom
2. Downhill
European Cup total
2008 1.
Cup Standings EC
2008 1. Downhill, 1. Super G,
3. Super Combined
Date of birth: 26 October 1981
Residence: 3818 Grindelwald
Ski Club: Grindelwald
Height/Weight: 170 cm/65 kg
In the ski team since: 1998
1st Competition in World Cup:
2001 St. Moritz
Individual sponsor: Griwaplan AG
Suppliers: Skis: Völkl
Boots/Bindings: Lange/Marker
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
National Championships
2008 Bad Ragaz: 2. Super G
2007 Veysonnaz: 3. Super G,
1. Downhill
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Lake Louise: 1. Super G
Crans-Montana: 8. Downhill
St. Moritz: 9. Super G, 7. Downhill
Aspen: 5. Downhill
2007 Reiteralm: 3. Super G
Lake Louise: 10. Super G
2006 St. Moritz: 5. Downhill
2004 St. Moritz: 6. Downhill
World Championships
2007 Åre: 12. Super G
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Turin: 6. Super G,
2. Downhill
Cup Standings World Cup
2002 3. Super G
26 swiss-ski team guide
Nadia Styger
Date of birth: 11 December 1978
Residence: 6417 Sattel
Ski Club: Sattel-Hochstuckli
Height/Weight: 171 cm/70 kg
In the ski team since: 1995
1st Competition in World Cup:
1999 Åre
Individual sponsor: Ovomaltine
Suppliers: Skis: Völkl
Boots/Bindings: Lange/Marker
Poles: Komperdell
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
National Championships
2007 Veysonnaz: 3. Downhill
2006 St. Moritz: 1. Super G,
1. Downhill
2005 Veysonnaz: 3. Giant Slalom
Lauchernalp: 1. Downhill
2004 Les Crosets: 2. Super G
2003 Verbier: 3. Giant Slalom,
1. Downhill
2000 Flumserberg: 1. Super G
Bettmeralp: 3. Giant Slalom
1999 Zinal: 1. Super G, 2. Downhill
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Turin: 24. Giant Slalom,
35. Super G, 5. Downhill
Cup Standings World Cup
2006 3. Super G
World Cup (Top 5)
2008 Whistler: 1. Downhill
Bormio: 4. Super G
Sestriere: 4. Downhill
2007 Lake Louise: 4. Downhill
2006 Hafjell: 1. Super G
Aspen: 1. Super G
Lake Louise: 5. Super G
Bad Kleinkirch: 5. Super G
2004 Sestrieres: 1. Super G
St. Moritz: 4. Downhill
Lake Louise: 5. Super G
World Championships
2007 Åre: DNF Giant Slalom,
4. Downhill, 7. Super G, 3. Team
2005 Bormio: DNF Giant
Slalom, 9. Downhill, 8. Super G
2003 St. Moritz:
20. Giant Slalom
swiss-ski team guide 27
national team
alpine skiing women
alpine skiing Women
Fabienne Suter
Aita Camastral
Date of birth: 05 January 1985
Residence: 6417 Sattel
Ski Club: Sattel Hochstuckli
Height/Weight: 168 cm/68 kg
In the ski team since: 2001
1st Competition in World Cup:
2002 Val d‘Isere
Individual sponsor: Victorinox
Suppliers: Skis: Stöckli
Boots/Bindings: Lange/Atomic
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
National Championships
2008 Splügen: 3. Giant Slalom,
2007 Veysonnaz: 3. Giant Slalom,
2. Super G
2003 Verbier: 1. Giant Slalom,
3. Super G
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Bormio: 1. Super G
Sestriere: 1. Super G
St. Moritz: 7. Downhill, 26. Super G,
14. Super G
Cortina d‘Ampezzo: 8. Super G
Lake Louise: 10. Super G
Lienz: 25. Giant Slalom
Panorama: 21. Giant Slalom
28 swiss-ski team guide
2007 Tarvisio: 23. Super G
San Sicario, Sestriere: 20. Super G,
22. Super G
Semmering: 22. Giant Slalom
Reiteralm: 28. Super G
2003 Bormio: 25. Giant Slalom
World Championships
2007 Åre: 13. Giant Slalom,
11. Super G, 3. Team
2003 St. Moritz:
DNF Giant Slalom
European Cup total
2003 2.
Cup Standings World Cup
2003 2. Giant Slalom
Date of birth: 09 April 1983
Residence: 7504 Pontresina
Ski Club: Bernina Pontresina
Height/Weight: 169 cm/61 kg
In the ski team since: 2000
1st Competition in World Cup:
2006 Aspen
Suppliers: Skis: Atomic
Boots/Bindings: Atomic
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Alpina
National Championships
2008 Splügen: 1. Slalom
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Bormio: 17. Slalom
Maribor: 11. Slalom
Lienz: 13. Slalom
Aspen: 20. Slalom
Panorama: 11. Slalom
Reiteralm: 19. Slalom
Andrea Dettling
Monika Dumermuth
Date of birth: 19 January 1987
Residence: 8840 Einsiedeln
Ski Club: Altendorf
Height/Weight: 170 cm/67 kg
In the ski team since: 2006
1st Competition in World Cup:
2007 Kranjska Gora
Individual sponsor: Hoch-Ybrig
Suppliers: Skis: Stöckli
Boots/Bindings: Lange/Atomic
Poles: Exel
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
Date of birth: 14 March 1977
Residence: 3614 Unterlangenegg
Ski Club: SC Bärgchutze
Height/Weight: 167 cm/65 kg
In the ski team since: 1999
1st Competition in World Cup:
1999 Maribor
Suppliers: Skis: Stöckli
Boots/Bindings: Head/Atomic
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
2007 Tarvisio: 27. Downhill
San Sicario, Sestriere: 14. Downhill,
25. Super G
Cortina d‘Ampezzo: 11. Downhill
Val d‘Isere: 21. Downhill,
13. Downhill
Lake Louise: 26. Super G,
11. Downhill
2006 St. Moritz: 6. Downhill,
28. Super G
Cortina d‘Ampezzo: 22. Downhill
Val d‘Isere: 29. Downhill
World Championships
2003 St. Moritz: 10. Downhill,
24. Super G
2001 St. Anton: DNF Downhill
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Sestriere: 19. Super G
Cup Standings European Cup
2008 3. Downhill
National Championships
2008 Splügen: 5. Giant Slalom
Bad Ragaz: 5. Super G
2001 St. Moritz: 3. Super G,
3. Downhill
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 St. Moritz: 10. Downhill,
19. Super G, 24. Downhill
Crans-Montana: 24. Downhill
Whistler: 28. Downhill
Cortina d‘Ampezzo: 30. Super G,
19. Super G, 14. Downhill
St. Anton: 12. Downhill
Aspen: 10 Downhill
Lake Louise: 22. Super G,
30. Downhill
swiss-ski team guide 29
alpine skiing Women
Dominique Gisin
Date of birth: 04 June 1985
Residence: 6390 Engelberg
Ski Club: Engelberg
Height/Weight: 172 cm/70 kg
In the ski team since: 2006
1st Competition in World Cup:
2005 Lake Louise
Individual sponsor: Electrolux
Suppliers: Skis: Dynastar
Boots/Bindings: Lange/Dynastar
Poles: Swix
Goggles/Helmet: Briko
National Championships
2008 Bad Ragaz: 2. Super G
Junior National Championships
2008 Crans-Montana: 1. Super G
2005 Pitztal: 1. Downhill
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Crans-Montana: 19. Super
Combined, 21. Downhill
Whistler: 20. Super Combined,
21. Downhill
Sestriere: 9. Downhill
St. Moritz: 29. Downhill, 28. Super G
Célina Hangl
Cortina d‘Ampezzo: 28. Super G
St. Anton: 17. Downhill
Aspen: 12. Downhill
Lake Louise: 22. Downhill
2007 Altenmarkt-Zauchensee:
2. Downhill, 22. Super Combined
San Sicario, Sestriere: 6. Downhill
Cortina d‘Ampezzo: 8. Downhill
Val d‘Isere: 9. Downhill, 9. Downhill
World Championships
2007 Åre: 5. Downhill,
DNF Super Combined
Date of birth: 26 September 1989
Residence: 7563 Samnaun Dorf
Ski Club: Samnaun
Height/Weight: 174 cm/63 kg
In the ski team since: 2006
1st Competition in World Cup:
2007 Semmering
Suppliers: Skis: Salomon
Boots/Bindings: Salomon
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
National Championships
2007 Veysonnaz: 3. Slalom
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Zagreb-Sljeme:
14. Slalom
Lienz: 18. Slalom
Aspen: 13. Slalom
Junior World Championships
2008 Formigal: 2. Slalom
2007 Flachau: 6. Slalom,
29. Giant Slalom
2006 Quebec City:
31. Giant Slalom, 10. Slalom
European Cup
2007 Pal: 1. Slalom
Melchsee-Frutt: 2. Slalom, 1. Slalom
Cup Standings European Cup
2007 2. Slalom
30 swiss-ski team guide
alpine skiing Women
Nadja Kamer
Jessica Pünchera
Marianne Abderhalden
Date of birth: 23 July 1986
Residence: 6430 Schwyz
Ski Club: Schwyz
Height/Weight: 180 cm/77 kg
In the ski team since: 2003
1st Competition in World Cup:
2005 Santa Caterina
Individual sponsor: Victorinox
Suppliers: Skis: Völkl
Boots/Bindings: Tecnica/Marker
Poles: Komperdell
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
Date of birth: 11 December 1982
Residence: 7504 Pontresina
Ski Club: Bernina Pontresina
Height/Weight: 165 cm/62 kg
In the ski team since: 2000
1st Competition in World Cup:
2004 Zwiesel
Suppliers: Skis: Head
Boots/Bindings: Head
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
Date of birth: 01 April 1986
Residence: 9622 Krinau
Ski Club: Alt St. Johann
Height/Weight: 176 cm/76 kg
In the ski team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2006 Åare World Cupfinal
Individual sponsor: Raiffeisen
Suppliers: Skis: Head
Boots/Bindings: Head
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
Junior National Championships
2008 Sörenberg: 2. Slalom
Crans-Montana: 4. Super Combined,
6. Super G
Stoos: 10. Downhill
Vichères: 17. Giant Slalom
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Sestriere: 28. Super G
St. Moritz: 25. Super G
Cortina d‘Ampezzo: 22. Super G,
25. Super G
Cup Standings European Cup
2008 2. Downhill
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Whistler: 17. Super Combined
St. Anton/Arlberg:
15. Super Combined
28. Super Combined
Reiteralm: 28. Super Combined
Aspen: 26. Giant Slalom
St. Moritz: 15. Super Combined
Pascale Berthod
Date of birth: 02 April 1987
Residence: 7500 St. Moritz
Ski Club: Alpina St. Moritz
Height/Weight: 162 cm/64 kg
In the ski team since: 2006
1st Competition in World Cup:
2006 Ofterschwang
Individual sponsor: Chicco D‘Oro
Suppliers: Skis: Atomic
Boots/Bindings: Atomic
Poles: Atomic
Goggles/Helmet: Atomic
swiss-ski team guide 31
alpine skiing Women
alpine skiing Women
Aline Bonjour
Tamara Wolf
Kathrin Fuhrer
Date of birth: 05 January 1985
Residence: 1816 Chailly-Montreux
Ski Club: Le Chamois Leysin
Height/Weight: 163 cm/56 kg
In the ski team since: 2002
1st Competition in World Cup:
2006 Maribor
Individual sponsor: Miauton
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Lange/Rossignol
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Bollé
Date of birth: 03 November 1985
Residence: 7505 Celerina
Ski Club: St. Moritz
Height/Weight: 170 cm/63 kg
In the ski team since: 2002
1st Competition in World Cup:
2003 Lillehammer
Individual sponsor: Helvetia
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Rossignol
Poles: Swix
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
Date of birth: 21 March 1988
Residence: 8767 Elm
Ski Club: Elm
Height/Weight: 168 cm/65 kg
In the ski team since: 2004
Suppliers: Skis: Atomic
Boots/Bindings: Lange/Atomic
Poles: Atomic
Goggles/Helmet: Atomic
Denise Feierabend
Miriam Gmür
Date of birth: 15 April 1989
Residence: 6390 Engelberg
Ski Club: Engelberg
Height/Weight: 170 cm/72 kg
In the ski team since: 2006
1st Competition in World Cup:
2008 Zagreb-Sljeme
Individual sponsor: Engelberg-Titlis
Suppliers: Skis: Head
Boots/Bindings: Head
Poles: Scott
Goggles/Helmet: Scott
Date of birth: 01 April 1986
Residence: 8873 Amden
Ski Club: Amden
Height/Weight: 163 cm/59 kg
In the ski team since: 2003
Individual sponsor: STIHL
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots/Bindings: Fischer
Poles: Exel
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
32 swiss-ski team guide
Steffi Horrer
Anne-Sophie Koehn
Priska Nufer
Date of birth: 08 October 1989
Residence: 7250 Kloster Platz
Ski Club: Klosters
Height/Weight: 168 cm/70 kg
In the ski team since: 2009
Suppliers: Skis: Stöckli
Boots/Bindings: Fischer/Atomic
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
Date of birth: 03 April 1990
Residence: 1009 Pully
Ski Club: Blonay
Height/Weight: 175 cm/78 kg
In the ski team since: 2008
Suppliers: Skis: Atomic
Boots/Bindings: Atomic
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Bollé
Date of birth: 11 February 1992
Residence: 6055 Alpnach
Ski Club: Alpnach
Height/Weight: 161 cm/58 kg
In the ski team since: 2009
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots/Bindings: Fischer
Poles: Komperdell
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
Fabienne Janka
Dea Kuonen
Jasmin Rothmund
Date of birth: 01 January 1989
Residence: 7134 Obersaxen
Ski Club: Obersaxen
Height/Weight: 171 cm/62 kg
In the ski team since: 2007
Individual sponsor: Ochsner Sport
Suppliers: Skis: Head
Boots/Bindings: Head
Poles: Exel
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
Date of birth: 29 August 1992
Residence: 3963 Montana
Ski Club: Les Barzettes
Height/Weight: 175 cm/60 kg
In the ski team since: 2009
Suppliers: Skis: Salomon
Boots/Bindings: Salomon
Poles: Scott
Goggles/Helmet: Scott
Date of birth: 27 May 1991
Residence: 9478 Azmoos
Ski Club: Walenstadt
Height/Weight: 172 cm/66 kg
In the ski team since: 2008
Individual sponsor: Helvetia
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots/Bindings: Fischer
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
swiss-ski team guide 33
head of Discipline
alpine skiing Women
Alexandra Thalmann
Mélissa Voutaz
Hugues Ansermoz
Date of birth: 08 August 1992
Residence: 1716 Schwarzsee
Ski Club: Schwarzsee
Height/Weight: 160 cm/59 kg
In the ski team since: 2009
Suppliers: Skis: Stöckli
Boots/Bindings: Lange/Atomic
Poles: Exel
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
Date of birth: 01 February 1991
Residence: 1933 Sembrancher
Ski Club: Sembrancher
Height/Weight: 167 cm/61 kg
In the ski team since: 2009
Suppliers: Skis: Dynastar
Boots/Bindings: Lange/Dynastar
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
Date of birth: 12 October 1963
Residence: 1865 Les Diablerets
Nadja Vogel
Date of birth: 07 August 1990
Residence: 6182 Escholzmatt
Ski Club: Escholzmatt
Height/Weight: 171 cm/68 kg
In the ski team since: 2008
Suppliers: Skis: Head
Boots/Bindings: Head
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
34 swiss-ski team guide
Since 2006: Head coach women’s
Alpine at Swiss-Ski
2004–2006: Head coach women
in Canada
2002–2004: Head of Development
in women’s sector in Canada
2001–2002: Head coach women’s
World Cup technique in Canada
1998–2001: Head coach women’s
European Cup in Canada
1997–1998: Coach young talent
technique in Canada
1992–1997: Head coach women’s
Interregional West
1991–1992: Coach regional
federation «French-speaking team»
1985–1991: Ski servicing technician
for Rossignol
alpine skiing Women
Stefan Abplanalp
Function: Group Coach WC 1
Date of birth: 24 December 1973
Residence: 3600 Thun
Hans-Ueli Bösch
Function: Coach WC 3
Date of birth: 14 January 1960
Residence: 9651 Ennetbühl
Stefan Kaumann
Function: Equipment Technician EC
Date of birth: 14 April 1978
Residence: 3807 Iseltwald
Dominique Pittet
Function: Coach WC 1
Date of birth: 23 December 1971
Residence: 8132 Hinteregg
Ueli Hälser
Function: Fitness Coach WC 3 and
Coach WC 3
Date of birth: 01 September 1956
Residence: 6468 Altdorf
Ulisse Delea
Function: Group Coach C
Date of birth: 29 May 1973
Residence: 6372 Ennetmoos
Andreas Thöni
Function: Fitness Coach WC 1+2
Date of birth: 28 November 1971
Residence: I-39024 Burgeis/Mals
Susanne Pflügler
Function: Physiotherapist WC 1+2
Date of birth: 24 November 1977
Residence: 7430 Thusis
Olivier Pellaton
Function: Equipment Technician
WC 1+2
Date of birth: 12 February 1966
Residence: 2713 Bellelay
Christian Brüesch
Function: Group Coach WC 2
Date of birth: 03 July 1968
Residence: 7074 Malix
Daniele Petrini
Function: Coach WC 2
Date of birth: 23 September 1975
Residence: 6900 Lugano
Beat Tschuor
Function: Group Coach WC 3
Date of birth: 26 August 1968
Residence: 7135 Obersaxen
Ursina Banzer
Function: Physiotherapist WC 3
Date of birth: 31 October 1974
Residence: 6064 Kerns
Stefan Thöni
Function: Equipment Technician
WC 3
Date of birth: 22 January 1979
Residence: 3655 Sigriswil
Reto Nydegger
Function: Group Coach EC
Date of birth: 28 October 1974
Residence: 3807 Iseltwald
Katja Jossi
Function: Coach EC
Date of birth: 10 August 1978
Residence: 3906 Saas-Fee
Christian Szepessy
Function: Fitness Coach EC
Date of birth: 17 May 1977
Residence: 2532 Magglingen
Elke Kleinsasser
Function: Physiotherapist EC
Date of birth: 13 June 1978
Residence: 8887 Mels
Ivano Nesa
Function: Coach C
Date of birth: 17 April 1968
Residence: 1934 Villette
Raphael Schmidiger
Function: Fitness Coach C
and Coach C
Date of birth: 26 May 1978
Residence: 3122 Kehrsatz
Gabriel Candinas
Function: Equipment Technician C
Date of birth: 20 March 1985
Residence: 7173 Surrein
Martin Steiner
Function: Equipment Technician
Date of birth: 03 September 1970
Residence: 7076 Parpan
Joan Stoller
Function: Equipment Technician C
Residence: 2735 Bévilard
Walter O. Frey
Function: Head Doctor
Date of birth: 26 July 1957
Residence: 8008 Zürich
Martin Juen
Function: Equipment Technician EC
Date of birth: 24 April 1970
Residence: A-6780 Schruns
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36 swiss-ski team guide
Photo: Martin Trottmann
swiss-ski team guide 37
Auer Mirco 47
Manetti Mattia 50
Biel Moritz 42
Mani Alois 43
Bumann Nicole 49
Mühlebach Michael 50
Casartelli Davide 50
Müller Katrin 48
Eggen Silvio 47
Müller Manuela 40
Eicher Manuel 48
Murk Seraina 46
Fiva Alex 48
Netzer Conradign 46
Gasser Philip 47
Niederer Armin 48
Gobbi Samanta 50
Peter Jan 42
Gugger Anne-Patricia 45
Schärer Tanja 42
Haab Anja 42
Schmid Michael 43
Hächler Christian 41
Serain Emilie 44
Hilpert Lorenz 49
Spalinger Richard 44
Isler Dimitri 43
Stähli Peter 49
Isoz Andreas 39
Steffen Andreas 45
Kusy Daniel 49
Steffen Franziska 45
Lafranchi Nadir 50
Trummer Renato 48
Lafranchi Pablo
Truaisch Simone 51
Lambert Christopher 41
Ulrich Renato 41
Lambert Thomas 39
Vetsch Enrico 49
Lang Jarno 47
Von Gunten Thomas 47
Leu Evelyne 40
Leuenberger Nadja 42
Perreten Christoph 51
Lüdi Sanna 49
38 swiss-ski team guide
national team
Freestyle Aerials
Andreas Isoz
Date of birth: 17 February 1984
Residence: 8932 Mettmenstetten
Ski Club: Freestyle Comp. Jumpin
Height/Weight: 178 cm/76 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2002
1st Competition in World Cup:
2000 Livigno
Individual sponsor: Curschellas
Gartengestaltung Mettmenstetten
Suppliers: Ski: Atomic
Boots/Bindings: Atomic
Goggles: Progrip
Clothes/Gloves: Ziener
Thomas Lambert
World Championships
2007 Madonna di Campiglio:
5. Aerials
Date of birth: 31 May 1984
Residence: 8932 Mettmenstetten
Ski Club: Freestyle Comp. Jumpin
Height/Weight: 183 cm/75 kg
In the freestyle team since: 1998
1st Competition in World Cup:
2003 Steamboat
Individual sponsor: Raiffeisen
Suppliers: Skis: Völkl
Boots/Bindings: Tecnica/Marker
Goggles: Marker
Clothes/Gloves: Ziener
National Championships
2007 Meiringen-Hasliberg:
2. Aerials
2006 Mettmenstetten: 1. Aerials
2000 Arosa: 1. Big Air
National Championships
2007 Meiringen-Hasliberg:
1. Aerials
2000 Arosa: 1. Big Air
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Davos: 4. Aerials
Moscow: 7. Aerials
Cypress: 9. Aerials
Deer Valley: 5. Aerials
Mont Gabriel: 9. Aerials
Lianhua Mountain: 9. Aerials
2007 Apex: 6. Aerials
2006 Spindleruv Mlyn: 6. Aerials
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Lianhua Mountain: 4. Aerials,
9. Aerials
Mont Gabriel: 6. Aerials
Deer Valley: 10. Aerials
2007 Mont Gabriel: 4. Aerials
2006 Mont Gabriel: 7. Aerials
2005 Mt. Buller: 9. Aerials
World Championships
2007 Madonna di Campiglio:
26. Aerials
2005 Ruka: 8. Aerials
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Sauze d‘Oulx-Jouvenceaux:
14. Aerials
swiss-ski team guide 39
national team
Freestyle Aerials
Evelyne Leu
Date of birth: 07 July 1976
Residence: 8932 Mettmenstetten
Ski Club: Freestyleteam Fricktal
Height/Weight: 167 cm/60 kg
In the freestyle team since: 1995
1st Competition in World Cup:
1994 Meiringen-Hasliberg
Individual sponsor: Raiffeisen
Suppliers: Ski: Head
Boots/Bindings: Head/Tyrolia
Goggles/Helmet: Briko
Clothes/Gloves: Ziener
National Championships
2007 Meirigen-Hasliberg: 1. Aerials
2006 Mettmenstetten: 1. Aerials
2004 Davos: 1. Aerials
2003 Engelberg: 3. BU
2001 Andermatt: Aerials
World Cup (Top 3)
2008 Davos: 1. Aerials
Lake Placid: 3. Aerials
2007 Deer Valley: 1. Aerials
2006 Davos: 3. Aerials
Lake Placid: 1. Aerials
Mont Gabriel: 1. Aerials
2005 Changchun: 3. Aerials
Spindleruv Mlyn: 2. Aerials
Sauze D‘Oulx: 1. Aerials
Changchun: 2. Aerials
2004 Sauze d‘Oulx: 2. Aerials
Harbin/Long-zhu: 2. Aerials
Deer Valley: 3. Aerials
40 swiss-ski team guide
Manuela Müller
2003 Spindleruv Mlyn: 1. Aerials
2001 Sunday River: 3. Aerials
Deer Valley: 1. Aerials
2000 Heavenly: 3. Aerials
1999 Mont Tremblant: 1. Aerials
1996 Tignes: 3. Aerials
World Championships
2007 Madonna di Campiglio:
5. Aerials
2005 Ruka: 2. Aerials
2003 Deer Valley: 9. Aerials
2001 Whistler (Finals): 4. Aerials
1999 Meiringen-Hasliberg:
14. Aerials
1997 Lizuna Kogen: 14. Aerials
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Sauze d‘Oulx-Jouvenceaux:
1. Aerials
2002 Deer Valley: 11. Aerials
1998 Lizuna Kogen: 15. Aerials
Date of birth: 07 October 1980
Residence: 8804 Au ZH
Ski Club: Freestyle Comp. Jumpin
Height/Weight: 163 cm/62 kg
In the freestyle team since: 1998
1st Competition in World Cup:
2000 Piancavallo
Individual sponsor: Tuwag AG
Suppliers: Skis: Völkl
Boots/Bindings: Tecnica/Marker
Goggles: Adidas
Clothes/Gloves: Ziener
National Championships
2004 Davos: 2. Aerials
2002 Lenzerheide: 2. Aerials
2001 Andermatt: 3. Aerials
2000 Arosa: 2. Aerials
World Cup (Top 3)
2007 Mont Gabriel: 2. Aerials
2006 Spindleruv Mlyn: 3. Aerials
Deer Valley: 2. Aerials
Mont Gabriel: 2. Aerials
2002 Mont Tremblant: 3. Aerials
World Championships
2005 Ruka: 25. Aerials
2003 Deer Valley: 14. Aerials
2001 Whistler: 22. Aerials
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Sauze d‘Oulx-Jouvenceaux:
7. Aerials
2002 Deer Valley: 20. Aerials
freestyle aerials
Renato Ulrich
Christian Hächler
Christopher Lambert
Date of birth: 14 December 1983
Residence: 6006 Luzern
Ski Club: SC Horw
Height/Weight: 178 cm/71 kg
In the freestyle team since: 1999
1st Competition in World Cup:
2003 Lake Placid
Suppliers: Skis: Head
Boots/Bindings: Head
Goggles: Bollé
Clothes/Gloves: Ziener
Date of birth: 08 November 1983
Residence: 8932 Mettmenstetten
Ski Club: Freestyle Comp. Jumpin
Height/Weight: 187 cm/78 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2005 Spindleruv Mlyn
Individual sponsor: Kurmann &
Partner AG
Suppliers: Skis: Head
Boots/Bindings: Head
Goggles: Bollé
Clothes/Gloves: Ziener
Date of birth: 15 March 1987
Residence: 8932 Mettmenstetten
Ski Club: Freestyle Comp. Jumpin
Height/Weight: 178 cm/68 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2003
Suppliers: Skis: Völkl
Bindings: Marker
Clothes/Gloves: Ziener
National Championships
2006 Mettmenstetten: 2. Aerials
2004 Davos: 2. Aerials
2002 Lenzerheide: 2. Aerials
2001 Andermatt: 3. Aerials,
2. Big Air
2000 Arosa: 2. Big Air
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Deer Valley, Park City:
3. Aerials
Davos: 5. Aerials
Inawashiro: 4. Aerials
Lianhua Mountain: 10. Aerials
2006 Changchun: 6. Aerials
Mt. Buller: 10. Aerials
2004 Harbin/Long-zhu: 9. Aerials
Ruka: 7. Aerials
World Championships
2003 Deer Valley: 16. Aerials
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Sauze d‘Oulx-Jouvenceaux:
10. Aerials
National Championships
2007 Meiringen-Hasliberg:
3. Aerials
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Lake Placid: 12. Aerials
Davos: 17. Aerials
Moscow: 13. Aerials
Inawashiro: 19. Aerials
Cypress Mtn: 28. Aerials
Deer Valley: 14. Aerials
Mont Gabriel: 23. Aerials
2007 Apex: 22. Aearials
Deer Valley: 14. Aerials, 30. Aerials
Mont Gabriel: 19. Aerials
2006 Davos: 16. Aerials
Spindleruv: 16. Aerials
Lake Placid: 23. Aerials
Deer Valles: 24. Aerials
2005 Madonna die Campiglio:
28. Aerials
Spinderuv: 21. Aerials
National Championships
2006 Mettmenstetten: 3. Aerials
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Lake Placid: 7. Aerials
Davos: 16. Aerials
Moscow: 9. Aerials
Cypress: 25. Aerials
Deer Valley: 12. Aerials
Mont Gabriel: 26. Aerials
swiss-ski team guide 41
freestyle aerials
freestyle aerials
Nadja Leuenberger
Tanja Schärer
Moritz Biel
Date of birth: 15 December 1987
Residence: 8114 Dänikon ZH
Ski Club: Freestyleteam Fricktal
Height/Weight: 163 cm/56 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2004
Individual sponsor: Eisberg Gruppe
Suppliers: Skis: Völkl
Boots/Bindings: Lowa/Marker
Goggles: Briko
Clothes/Gloves: Ziener
Date of birth: 17 June 1989
Residence: 8902 Urdorf
Ski Club: Freestyle Comp. Jumpin
Height/Weight: 167 cm/57 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2008 Davos
Suppliers: Goggles: Alpina
Clothes/Gloves: Ziener
Date of birth: 22 February 1991
Residence: 8933 Maschwanden
Ski Club: Freestyle Comp. Jumpin
Height/Weight: 169 cm/63 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2007
Suppliers: Skis: Head
Boots/Bindings: Head
Clothes/Gloves: Ziener
Jan Peter
Anja Haab
Date of birth: 14 September 1986
Residence: 6005 Luzern
Ski Club: Horw
Height/Weight: 178 cm/69 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2007
1st Competition in World Cup:
2008 Davos
Individual sponsor: Ruedi Rüssel
Suppliers: Skis: Oxess
Boots/Bindings: Fischer/Atomic
Goggles: Adidas
Clothes/Gloves: Ziener
Date of birth: 22 October 1988
Residence: 8932 Mettmenstetten
Ski Club: Freestyle Comp. Jumpin
Height/Weight: 163 cm/54 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2003
Suppliers: Skis: Atomic
Boots/Bindings: Atomic
Clothes/Gloves: Ziener
42 swiss-ski team guide
national team
Freestyle skicross
Dimitri Isler
Alois Mani
Michael Schmid
Date of birth: 15 May 1993
Residence: 5617 Tennwil
Ski Club: Schneesport Club Luzern
Height/Weight: 167 cm/55 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2008
Clothes/Gloves: Ziener
Date of birth: 3 July 1983
Residence: 3700 Spiez
Ski Club: Erlenbach
Height/Weight: 174 cm/75 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2005
1st Competition in World Cup:
2002 Tignes
Suppliers: Skis: Stöckli
Boots/Bindings: Nordica/Atomic
Poles: Scott
Goggles/Helmet: Scott
Clothes/Gloves: Mammut
Date of birth: 18 March 1984
Residence: 3714 Frutigen
Ski Club: Frutigen
Height/Weight: 193 cm/100 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2005
1st Competition in World Cup:
2004 Laax
Suppliers: Skis: Stöckli
Bindings: Vist
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Alpina
Clothes/Gloves: Kjus/Dakine
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Sierra Nevada: 8. Ski Cross
Kreischberg: 3. Ski Cross
2007 Les Contamines: 5. Ski Cross
2006 Sierra Nevada: 8. Ski Cross
Pecp/Snezkou: 8. Ski Cross
Les Contamines: 8. Ski Cross
2005 Les Contamines: 7. Ski Cross
Naeba: 10. Ski Cross
Kreischberg: 10. Ski Cross
World Championships
2007 Madonna di Campiglio:
24. Ski Cross
National Championships
2007 Lenzerheide: 1. Ski Cross
2006 Davos: 1. Ski Cross
2005 Grindelwald: 2. Ski Cross
2004 Davos: 2. Ski Cross
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Deer Valley: 3. Ski Cross
Kreischberg: 2. Ski Cross
Flaine: 9. Ski Cross
Les Contamines Montjoie:
5. Ski Cross
2007 Listel-Inawashiro: 3. Ski Cross
2006 Kreischberg: 2. Ski Cross
World Championships
2007 Madonna di Campiglio:
10. Ski Cross
2005 Ruka: 6. Ski Cross
swiss-ski team guide 43
national team
Freestyle skicross
Emilie Serain
Date of birth: 22 March 1984
Residence: 1854 Leysin
Ski Club: Leysin
Height/Weight: 169 cm/57 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2003 Laax
Individual sponsor: Leysin
Suppliers: Skis: Stöckli
Boots/Bindings: Lange/Atomic
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: POC
Clothes/Gloves: Peak Performance/
National Championships
2007 Lenzerheide: 1. Ski Cross
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Grindelwald: 2. Ski Cross
Deer Valley: 3. Ski Cross
Valmalenco: 9. Ski Cross
Sierra Nevada: 6. Ski Cross
Kreischberg: 8. Ski Cross
2007 Listel-Inawashiro: 4. Ski Cross
Les Contamines: 6. Ski Cross
Flaine: 8. Ski Cross
44 swiss-ski team guide
Richard Spalinger
2006 Sierra Nevada: 10. Ski Cross
Sierra Nevada: 9. Ski Cross
Les Contamines: 8. Ski Cross
2005 Grindelwald: 8. Ski Cross
Kreischberg: 10. Ski Cross
Les Contamines: 7. Ski Cross
Saas-Fee: 6. Ski Cross
2004 Sauze d‘Oulx: 4. Ski Cross
Spindleruv Mlyn: 5. Ski Cross
Laax: 6. Ski Cross
Les Contamines: 9. Ski Cross
Saas-Fee: 7. Ski Cross
2003 Les Contamines: 6. Ski Cross
Laax: 5. Ski Cross
Date of birth: 18 February 1975
Residence: 3770 Zweisimmen
Ski Club: Zweisimmen
Height/Weight: 178 cm/88 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2003 Les Contaimines
Suppliers: Skis: Stöckli
Boots/Bindings: Nordica/Atomic
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Alpina
Clothes/Gloves: Fox/Dakine
World Championships
2007 Madonna di Campiglio:
11. Ski Cross
2005 Ruka: 22. Ski Cross
National Championships
2007 Lenzerheide: 3. Ski Cross
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Flaine: 3. Ski Cross
2005 Kreischberg: 6. Ski Cross
Les Contamines: 6. Ski Cross
2004 Les Contamines: 8. Ski Cross
World Championships
2007 Madonna di Campiglio:
15. Ski Cross
2005 Ruka: 10. Ski Cross
freestyle skicross
Andreas Steffen
Franziska Steffen
Anne-Patricia Gugger
Date of birth: 23 September 1975
Residence: 3792 Saanen
Ski Club: Saanen
Height/Weight: 190 cm/90 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2002 Tignes
Suppliers: Ski: Salomon
Boots/Bindings: Salomon
Goggles/Helmet: Scott
Clothes/Gloves: Thömus/Reusch
Date of birth: 25 August 1981
Residence: 3792 Saanen
Ski Club: Saanen
Height: 165 cm
In the freestyle team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2003 Saas-Fee
Individual sponsor: Grand Hotel
Bellevue, Gstaad
Suppliers: Skis: Blizzard
Boots/Bindings: Lange/Marker
Poles: Leki
Clothes/Gloves: Peak Performance/
Date of birth: 30 July 1983
Residence: 1267 Vich
Ski Club: Le chamois
Height/Weight: 180 cm/72 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2004 Les Contamines
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Rossignol
Poles: Leki
Clothes/Gloves: Rossignol
National Championships
2007 Lenzerheide: 2. Ski Cross
2005 Grindelwald: 1. Ski Cross
2004 Davos: 1. Ski Cross
2003 Engelberg: 1. Ski Cross
2002 Grindelwald: 1. Ski Cross
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Valmalenco: 2. Ski Cross
Sierra Nevada: 3. Ski Cross
2007 Flaine: 9. Ski Cross
2005 Naeba: 7. Ski Cross
Kreischberg: 3. Ski Cross
Pozza di Fassa: 4. Ski Cross
Saas-Fee: 7. Ski Cross
2004 Sauze d‘Oulx: 8. Ski Cross
Pozza di Fassa: 8. Ski Cross
Les Contamines: 6. Ski Cross
2003 Laax: 6. Ski Cross
World Championships
2007 Madonna di Campiglio:
7. Ski Cross
2005 Ruka: 11. Ski Cross
National Championships
2006 Davos: 1. Ski Cross
2005 Grindelwald: 1. Ski Cross
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Flaine: 10. Ski Cross
2007 Flaine: 4. Ski Croos
2005 Naeba: 2. Ski Cross
Kreischberg: 2. Ski Cross
Les Contamines: 3. Ski Cross
Grindelwald: 6. Ski Cross
2004 Pozza di Fassa: 2. Ski Cross
Pozza di Fassa: 1. Ski Cross
Les Contamines: 2. Ski Cross
Sauze d‘Oulx: 9. Ski Cross
Naeba: 8. Ski Cross
Spindleruv Mlyn: 7. Ski Cross
National Championships
2006 Davos: 2. Ski Cross
2004 Davos: 2. Ski Cross
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Kreischberg: 10. Ski Cross
Deer Valley: 19. Ski Cross
2007 Listel-Inawashiro: 7. Ski Cross
2006 Sierra Nevada: 9. Ski Cross
Pec p/Snezkou: 4. Ski Cross
Kreischberg: 5. Ski Cross
2005 Naeba: 8. Ski Cross
Pozza di Fassa: 7. Ski Cross
2004 Spindleruv Mlyn: 9. Ski Cross
Pozza di Fassa: 9. Ski Cross
World Championships
2007 Madonna di Campiglio:
DNS Ski Cross
2005 Ruka: 18. Ski Cross
World Championships
2005 Ruka: 13. Ski Cross
swiss-ski team guide 45
freestyle skicross
Seraina Murk
Date of birth: 18 May 1971
Residence: 7078 Lenzerheide
Ski Club: Lenzerheide
Height/Weight: 168 cm/51 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2003 Saas-Fee
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Rossignol
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: SH+
National Championships
2006 Davos: 3. Ski Cross
2005 Grindelwald: 2. Ski Cross
2004 Davos: 1. Ski Cross
2003 Engelberg: 2. Ski Cross
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Les Contamines Montjoie:
6. Ski Cross
Valmalenco: 6. Ski Cross
10. Ski Cross
Grindelwald: 7. Ski Cross
Deer Valley: 9. Ski Cross
46 swiss-ski team guide
Conradign Netzer
2007 Flaine: 3. Ski Cross
Les Contamines: 4. Ski Cross
Listel-Inawashiro: 6. Ski Cross
2006 Kreischberg: 6. Ski Cross
Les Contamines: 7. Ski Cross
2005 Grindelwald: 7. Ski Cross
Kreischberg: 7. Ski Cross
Pozza di Fassa: 6. Ski Cross
Saas-Fee: 7. Ski Cross
2004 Naeba: 3. Ski Cross
Sauze d‘Oulx: 7. Ski Cross
Naeba: 3. Ski Cross
Pozza di Fassa: 8. Ski Cross,
9. Ski Cross
Saas-Fee: 8. Ski Cross
World Championships
2007 Madonna di Campiglio:
4. Ski Cross
2005 Ruka: 20. Ski Cross
Date of birth: 02 August 1980
Residence: 7425 Masein
Ski Club: SV Andeer
Height/Weight: 182 cm/86 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2005
Suppliers: Skis: Head
Boots/Bingings: Head
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: POC
Gloves: POC
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Valmalenco: 5. Ski Cross
19. Ski Cross
Grindelwald: 16. Ski Cross
Kreischberg: 14. Ski Cross
Les Contamines Montjoie:
26. Ski Cross
2006 Sierra Nevada: 20. Ski Cross,
21. Ski Cross
Pecp/Snezkou: 19. Ski Cross
Kreischberg: 16. Ski Cross
Les Contamines: 25. Ski Cross
2005 Les Contamines: 25. Ski Cross
Grindelwald: 26. Ski Cross
Kreischberg: 25. Ski Cross
Pozza di Fassa: 16. Ski Cross
freestyle skicross
Thomas Von Gunten
Mirco Auer
Philip Gasser
Date of birth: 22 April 1971
Residence: 3778 Schönried
Ski Club: Bärgchutze
Height/Weight: 180 cm/104 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2005
1st Competition in World Cup:
2002 Tignes
Suppliers: Skis: Stöckli
Boots/Bindings: Nordica/Atomic
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Alpina
Clothes/Gloves: Fox/Dakine
Date of birth: 23 April 1977
Residence: 7250 Klosters
Ski Club: Schiers
Height/Weight: 180 cm/80 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2005
1st Competition in World Cup:
2005 Grindelwald
Suppliers: Skis: CORE
Boots/Bindings: Nordica/Marker
Poles: Exel
Goggles/Helmet: Briko
Clothes/Gloves: Mountain Force/
Date of birth: 7 April 1983
Residence: 3714 Frutigen
Ski Club: Frutigen
Height/Weight: 187 cm/86 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2005
1st Competition in World Cup:
2004 Saas-Fee
Suppliers: Skis: Atomic
Boots/Bindings: Atomic
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: POC
Clothes/Gloves: Kjus
Silvio Eggen
Jarno Lang
Date of birth: 24 May 1983
Residence: 3770 Zweisimmen
Ski Club: Zweisimmen
Height/Weight: 181 cm/80 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2005
1st Competition in World Cup:
2005 Pozza di Fassa ITA
Suppliers: Skis: Head
Boots/Bindings: Head/Tyrolia
Poles: Exel
Goggles/Helmet: POC
Gloves: POC
Date of birth: 18 December 1973
Residence: 8115 Hüttikon
Ski Club: Arosa
Height/Weight: 183 cm/83 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2005
1st Competition in World Cup:
2005 Grindelwald
Suppliers: Skis: Head
Boots/Bindings: Head/Tyrolia
Poles: Exel
Goggles/Helmet: POC
Clothes/Gloves: Head/Level
National Championships
2006 Davos: 2. Ski Cross
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Valmalenco: 14. Ski Cross
16. Ski Cross
Grindelwald: 26. Ski Cross
Deer Valley: 24. Ski Cross
Les Contamines Montjoie:
25. Ski Cross
2007 Listel-Inawashiro:
23. Ski Cross
Les Contamines: 18. Ski Cross
Flaine: 30. Ski Cross
2006 Sierra Nevada: 7. Ski Cross
2005 Saas-Fee: 27. Ski Cross
2003 Laax: 9. Ski Cross
swiss-ski team guide 47
freestyle skicross
freestyle skicross
Katrin Müller
Renato Trummer
Manuel Eicher
Date of birth: 31 March 1989
Residence: 6780 Airolo
Ski Club: Airolo
Height/Weight: 168 cm/64 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2008
1st Competition in World Cup:
2008 Les Contamines
Individual sponsor: Jetaviation
Suppliers: Skis: Stöckli
Bindings: Atomic
Date of birth: 14 November 1987
Residence: 3715 Adelboden
Ski Club: Adelboden
Height/Weight: 184 cm/83 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2005
1st Competition in World Cup:
2005 Grindelwald
Suppliers: Skis: Head
Boots/Bindings: Head/Tyrolia
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: POC
Clothes/Gloves: Head/POC
Date of birth: 13 October 1983
Residence: 3604 Thun
Ski Club: Thun
Height/Weight: 178 cm/83 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2005
1st Competition in World Cup:
2002 Tignes
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots/Bindings: Fischer
Poles: Exel
Goggles/Helmet: Oakley/Giro
Clothes: Cross
Armin Niederer
Alex Fiva
Date of birth: 28 February 1987
Residence: 7252 Klosters Dorf
Ski Club: Madrisa
Height/Weight: 175 cm/70 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2007
1st Competition in World Cup:
2007 Flaine
Individual sponsor: Andrea Bärtsch
Innenausbau Serneus
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots/Bindings: Fischer
Goggles/Helmet: POC
Clothes/Gloves: Gotschna Sport
Klosters/POC, Poles: Exel
Date of birth: 29 January 1986
Residence: 7076 Parpan
Ski Club: Parpan
In the freestyle team since: 2008
Suppliers: Skis: Head
Boots/Bindings: Head
Goggles/Helmet: POC
48 swiss-ski team guide
freestyle Moguls
Daniel Kusy
Peter Stähli
Nicole Bumann
Date of birth: 6 April 1984
Residence: 3658 Merligen
Ski Club: Schwanden
Height/Weight: 174 cm/80 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2007
Individual sponsor: Sigriswil
Suppliers: Skis: Stöckli
Boots/Bindings: Atomic
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Cp/Alpina
Clothes/Gloves: Kjus
Date of birth: 20 September 1989
Residence: 3622 Homberg
Ski Club: Homberg
Height/Weight: 182 cm/80 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2008
Suppliers: Skis: Head
Boots/Bindings: Head
Poles: Exel
Goggles/Helmet: POC
Clothes/Gloves: Thömus/POC
Date of birth: 28 February 1986
Residence: 3906 Saas Fee
Ski Club: Freestyleteam Fricktal
Height/Weight: 166 cm/62 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2005
1st Competition in World Cup:
2007 Tignes
Suppliers: Skis: K2
Boots: Dalbello
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Dr. Zipe/TSG
Clothes/Gloves: Below Zero/Defcon
Sanna Lüdi
Enrico Vetsch
Lorenz Hilpert
Date of birth: 17 December 1986
Residence: 4935 Leimiswil
Ski Club: Ahorn Eriswil
In the freestyle team since: 2008
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Bindings: Rossignol
Date of birth: 26 May 1987
Residence: 7223 Buchen
Ski Club: Buchen
Height/Weight: 180 cm/75 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2008
1st Competition in World Cup:
2008 Grindelwald
Suppliers: Skis: Blizzard
Boots/Bindings: Atomic/Marker
Poles: Exel
Goggles/Helmet: POC
Clothes/Gloves: Blizzard/POC
Date of birth: 19 June 1985
Residence: 4310 Rheinfelden
Ski Club: Freestyleteam Fricktal
Height/Weight: 173 cm/69 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2001
1st Competition in World Cup:
2004 Airolo
Suppliers: Skis: Head
Boots/Bindings: Head
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Bollé/Head
Clothes/Gloves: Sub Industries/
swiss-ski team guide 49
freestyle Moguls
freestyle Moguls
Pablo Lafranchi
Davide Casartelli
Nadir Lafranchi
Date of birth: 24 April 1986
Residence: 6539 Via Ai Sassei
Ski Club: SC Tamaro
Height/Weight: 165 cm/62 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2007 La Plagne
Suppliers: Clothes/Gloves: Fablice
Date of birth: 13 October 1991
Residence: 6780 Airolo
Ski Club: SC Airolo
In the freestyle team since: 2009
Suppliers: Clothes/Gloves: Fablice
Date of birth: 29 June 1988
Residence: 6539 Cadenazzo
Ski Club: Monte Tamaro
Height/Weight: 167 cm/53 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2004
Suppliers: Clothes/Gloves: Fablice
Michael Mühlebach
Samanta Gobbi
Mattia Manetti
Date of birth: 27 March 1989
Residence: 5070 Frick
Ski Club: Freestyleteam Fricktal
Height/Weight: 172 cm/68 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2007
Suppliers: Skis: Head
Poles: Leki
Goggles: Dr. Zipe
Clothes/Gloves: Fablice
Date of birth: 06 Oktober 1991
Residence: 6776 Piotta
Ski Club: SC Airolo
In the freestyle team since: 2009
Suppliers: Clothes/Gloves: Fablice
Date of birth: 10 September 1987
Residence: 6803 Camignolo
Ski Club: SC Tamaro
Height/Weight: 175 cm/62 kg
In the freestyle team since: 2007
Suppliers: Boots: Dalbello
Poles: Scott
Goggles/Helmet: Is Design/Protec
Clothes/Gloves: Fablice
50 swiss-ski team guide
head of Discipline
Christian Stohr
Function: Head Coach Moguls
Date of birth: 17 June 1977
Residence: 1227 Acacias
Daniele Mona
Function: Head Doctor
Date of birth: 02 March 1947
Residence: 6924 Sorengo
Simone Truaisch
Christoph Perreten
Date of birth: 14 May 1990
Residence: 6718 Olivone
Ski Club: Olivone
In the freestyle team since: 2007
Suppliers: Clothes/Gloves: Fablice
Date of birth: 28 March 1979
Residence: 3074 Muri b. Bern
Fascination and involvement
with snow sport
2004–2008: Head of Freestyle
2007–2008: Member of FAKO Ski
2005–2008: Swiss-Ski representative on commission for honours
2000–2008: In charge of
freestyle & telemark
2003–2005: Project Manager
Allianz Suisse Trophy
2000–2004: In charge of freestyle,
ski jumping & snowboarding
1995–2000: Swiss-Ski pool
athlete ski jumping
Patrick Vetterli
Function: Fitness Coach
Date of birth: 06 October 1961
Residence: 6616 Losone
Viviane Scherler
Function: Physiotherapist
Date of birth: 20 March 1971
Residence: 4056 Basel
Michel Roth
Function: Head Coach Aerials
Date of birth: 29 March 1963
Residence: 6340 Baar
Christian Kaufmann
Function: Coach and Responsible
for young talents
Date of birth: 09 September 1976
Residence: 6300 Zug
Rolf Schmid
Function: Coach young
talents Aerials
Residence: 3007 Bern
Ralph Pfäffli
Function: Head Coach Ski Cross
Date of birth: 13 May 1967
Residence: 3084 Wabern
swiss-ski team guide 51
52 swiss-ski team guide
Photo: Keystone
swiss-ski team guide 53
Adank Jürg 62
Frei Colin Ammann Hans-Ruedi 58
Frei Sandra 72
Arnold Felix 60
Friberg Daniel 64
Arnold Mario 60
Frieden Tanja 73
Arnold Ruben 60
Fritschi Susanne 74
Arpagaus Seraina 74
Galmarini Nevin 59
Aubry Emilie 74, 77
Haldi Roland 65, 68
Berger Sergio 63
Haller Christian Besancet Tania 74
Haller Ursina 77
Bolli Clemens 60
Heim Corsin 59
Boscacci Nicola 66
Imhof Rafael 66
Brügger Sarah 71
Inniger Heinz 56
Caduff Fabio 61
Iselin Marc 57
Candrian Sina 76
James Marvin 61
Cavigelli Gian-Luca Clavuot Laurin Egloff Philipp Fassnacht Fabian 65, 67
Jenni Reto 64, 68
Käppeli Mario 66
Kummer Patrizia 70
Luggen Levi 65
65, 69
65, 68
Feldmann Mark 62
Lys Marco 59
Feldmann Rolf 63
Mägert-Kohli Fränzi 70
Feldmann Thomas 61
Marty Melanie Fischli Beat 62
Maurer Stephan Flütsch Kaspar 58
Meiler Simona 73
Franc Philippe 66
Mottu Corinne 74
Franc Thomas 65, 67
Müller Stefanie 71
Francon Mellie 72
Nadig Benedikt 69
54 swiss-ski team guide
66, 67
Niederberger Desirée 75
Nobs Olivia 73
Pesko Manuela-Laura 76
Podladtchikov Iouri 64
Purtschert Nadja Reichen Hans 77
59, 61
Robbiani-Branca Sebastiano 62
Schmidiger Carina 71
Schoch Philipp 57
Schoch Simon 58
Schütz Yvonne 71
Schuler Andrea 77
Steiner Reto 61
Van Wijnkoop David 60
Watter Tim 62
Weber Stefan 59
Wuffli Miriam 75
Ziegler Mario 60
Ziörjen David Zogg Julie 63
71, 75
Zürcher Marc 59
Giovanoli Franco 78
swiss-ski team guide 55
national team
alpine men
Roland Haldi
Heinz Inniger
Date of birth: 12 January 1979
Residence: 3778 Schönried
Ski Club: SC Schönried
Height/Weight: 180 cm/79 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2001 Schönried
Suppliers: Board: Black Pearl
Bindings: F2
Goggles/Helmet: Scott
Clothes/Gloves: Oxbow/Reusch
Date of birth: 18 December 1980
Residence: 3713 Reichenbach
Ski Club: Frutigen
Height/Weight: 180 cm/85 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2001 Tignes
Suppliers: Board: Kessler
Boots/Bindings: Northwave/F2
Goggles/Helmet: Alpina
Clothes/Gloves: Thömus/Snowlife
National Championships
2004 Sils: 2. PGS
National Championships
2007 Sils: 3. PGS
2006 Sils: 1. PGS
2004 Sils: 1. PGS
World Cup (Top 3)
2008 Sungwoo: 2 PGS
Nendaz: 3. PS
2007 Bad Gastein: 2. PS
Bardonecchia: 1. PGS
2006 Nendaz: 2. PS
2005 Kronplatz: 3. PGS
World Championship
2007 Arosa: 20. PGS
2005 Whistler: 7. PGS
Whistler: 11. PS
56 swiss-ski team guide
World Cup (Top 3)
2008 Sungwoo: 3. PGS
2007 Bardonecchia: 3. PGS
Stoneham: 1. PGS
2006 Sölden: 1. PGS
Le Relais: 3. PGS
Furano: 3. PGS
2005 Kronplatz: 2. PGS
Bardonecchia: 1. PGS
2004 Stoneham: 3. PGS
Alp d‘Huez: 3. PGS
Mt. Bachelor: 1. PGS
World Championships
2007 Arosa: 3. PGS
2005 Whistler: 11. PGS
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Bardonecchia: 5. PGS
Marc Iselin
Philipp Schoch
Date of birth: 29 April 1980
Residence: 8953 Dietikon
Ski Club: Ski- und Snowboardclub
SATUS Schlieren
Height/Weight: 178 cm/83 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2005 Maribor
Suppliers: Board: Black Pearl
Boots/Bindings: Deeluxe/F2
Goggles/Helm/Gloves: IXS
Clothes/Gloves: Oxbow/IXS
Date of birth: 12 October 1979
Residence: 8496 Steg
Ski Club: Fischenthal
Height/Weight: 183 cm/90 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2000 Ischgl
Suppliers: Bindings: F2
Goggles/Helm: IXS
Clothes/Gloves: IXS
National Championships
2006 Sils: 2. PGS
2003 Sils: 1. PGS
National Championships
2008 Sils: 3. PGS
2005 Sils 1. PGS
World Cup (Top 3)
2008 Landgraaf: 3. PS
2007 Landgraaf: 3. PS
Shukolovo: 1. PS
Stoneham: 3. PGS
2006 Kronplatz: 3. PGS
Shukolovo: 1. PS
World Championships
2007 Arosa: 9. PGS, 9. PS
World Cup (Top 3)
2007 Sölden: 3. PGS
Bad Gastein: 3. PS
2006 Le Relais: 1. PGS, 2. PGS
Kreischberg: 1. PGS
Kronplatz: 1. PGS
St. Petersburg: 3. PS
Lake Placid: 1. PGS
2005 Sölden: 1. PGS
Kronplatz: 1. PGS
Bad Gastein: 1. PS
St. Petersburg: 3. PS
Maribor: 1. PGS
Winterberg: 1. PS
Bardonecchia: 3. PGS
Sapporo: 2. PGS, 1. PS
Sungwoo: 1. PS
Lake Placid: 1. PGS
Sierra Nevada: 1. PS
Tandadalen: 1. PGS
2004 Alpe d‘Huez: 2. PGS
2003 Sölden: 2. PS
Stoneham: 1. PGS
Bad Gastein: 2. PS
World Championships
2007 Arosa: 2. PS,
Arosa: 2. PGS
2005 Whistler 5. PS,
27. PGS
2003 Kreischberg:
10. PGS,10. PS
Olympic Winter Games
2007 Bardonecchia: 1. PGS
2002 Park City: 1. PGS
swiss-ski team guide 57
national team
alpine men
alpine men
Simon Schoch
Hans-Ruedi Ammann
Date of birth: 07 October 1978
Residence: 8497 Fischenthal
Ski Club: Fischenthal
Height/Weight: 184 cm/85 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
1997 Tignes
Suppliers: Bindings: F2
Goggles/Helmet: IXS
Clothes/Gloves: IXS
National Championships
2007 Sils: 1. PGS
2006 Sils: 3. PGS
2003 Sils: 1. PGS
World Cup (Top 3)
2007 Landgraaf: 2. PS
Sölden: 1. PGS
S. Viglio di Marebbe: 3. PGS
Bad Gastein: 1. PS, 2. PS
Nendaz: 1. PS
Furano: 2. PGS
2006 Landgraaf: 2. PS
Sölden: 3. PGS
Le Relais: 1. PGS
Kronplatz: 2. PGS
Nendaz: 1. PGS
St. Petersburg: 1. PGS
Lake Placid: 2. PGS
2005 Winterberg: 2. PS
Bardonecchia: 2. PGS
Sierra Nevada: 3. PS
2004 Whistler: 2. PGS
Sapporo: 2. PGS
2003 Serre Chevalier: 1. PGS
Date of birth: 22 August 1976
Residence: 7000 Chur
Ski Club: Davos
Height/Weight: 180 cm/78 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2006
1st Competition in World Cup:
1997 Zell am See
Suppliers: Board: Kessler
Boots/Bindings: UPZ/Proflex
Helmet: Briko
Gloves: Snowlife
World Championships
2007 Arosa: 1. PS
2005 Whistler: 4. PS
Olympic Winter Games
2007 Bardonecchia: 2. PGS
Kaspar Flütsch
Date of birth: 20 June 1986
Residence: 7242 Luzein
Ski Club: Pany
Height/Weight: 175 cm/77 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2006
1st Competition in World Cup:
2006 Nendaz
Suppliers: Board: Kessler
Boots/Bindings: UPZ/F2
Goggles/Helmet: Briko
Clothes/Gloves: F2/Snowlife
58 swiss-ski team guide
Nevin Galmarini
Marco Lys
Stefan Weber
Date of birth: 04 December 1986
Residence: 7546 Ardez
Ski Club: Insti Razzler Snowboard
Club Ftan
Height/Weight: 170 cm/68 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2006
1st Competition in World Cup:
2006 S. Vigliadi Marebbe
Suppliers: Board: SG Snowboards
Boots/Bindings: Deeluxe/F2
Goggles/Helmet: Alpina
Clothes/Gloves: Ripzone
Date of birth: 04 July 1985
Residence: 7302 Landquart
Ski Club: Rätia Chur
Height/Weight: 185 cm/79 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2007 Nendaz
Suppliers: Board: Kessler
Boots/Bindings: UPZ/Proflex
Goggles/Helmet: Briko
Gloves: Snowlife
Date of birth: 17 May 1988
Residence: 3303 Jegenstorf
Ski Club: Adelboarders
Height/Weight: 169 cm/65 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2006 Nendaz
Suppliers: Board: Kessler
Boots/Bindings: Deeluxe/F2
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex/Giro
Clothes/Gloves: Thömus/Scott
Corsin Heim
Hans Reichen
Marc Zürcher
Date of birth: 12 September 1987
Residence: 3714 Frutigen
Ski Club: Adelboarders
Height/Weight: 175 cm/70 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2007
1st Competition in World Cup:
2007 Sölden
Individual sponsor:
Wandfluh AG, Frutigen
Suppliers: Board: Kessler
Boots/Binding: UPZ/F2
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
Clothes/Gloves: Thömus/Reusch
Date of birth: 17 March 1982
Residence: 3604 Thun
Ski Club: Adelboarders
In the snowboard team since: 2008
1st Competition in World Cup:
2005 Landgraf
Suppliers: Board: Kessler
Goggles/Helmet: IXS
Clothes/Gloves: Oxbow/IXS
See also: B-Pool Snowboardcross
Date of birth: 05 August 1986
Residence: 3713 Reichenbach
Ski Club: Adelboarders
Height/Weight: 174 cm/70 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2005
1st Competition in World Cup:
2007 Nendaz
Suppliers: Board: Oxess
Boots/Bindings: UPZ/F2
Helmet: Uvex
Clothes/Gloves: Thömus/Reusch
swiss-ski team guide 59
alpine men
SnowboardCross men
David Van Wijnkoop
Felix Arnold
Ruben Arnold
Date of birth: 29 March 1988
Residence: 7417 Paspels
Ski Club: Rätia Chur
Height/Weight: 175 cm/68 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2007
Suppliers: Board: F2
Boots/Bindings: UPZ/F2
Goggles/Helmet: Briko
Clothes/Gloves: Phenix/Snowlife
Date of birth: 21 March 1987
Residence: 6463 Bürglen
Ski Club: Edelweiss Bürglen
Height/Weight: 168 cm/65 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2007
Suppliers: Board: Oxess
Date of birth: 12 November 1984
Residence: 9512 Rossrüti
Ski Club: Flawil
Height/Weight: 175 cm/85 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2006
1st Competition in World Cup:
2005 Saas-Fee
Suppliers: Board: Palmer
Boots/Bindings: Burton/Flux
Goggles/Helmet: Scott
Clothes: Eleven
Mario Ziegler
Mario Arnold
Clemens Bolli
Date of birth: 16 June 1989
Residence: 8737 Gommiswald
Ski Club: Rieden
Height/Weight: 168 cm/73 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2008
1st Competition in World Cup:
2007 Nendaz
Suppliers: Board: Oxess
Boots/Bindings: Deeluxe/F2
Helmet: Dainese
Date of birth: 02 May 1986
Residence: 6463 Bürglen
Ski Club: Bürglen
Height/Weight: 186 cm/92 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2006
1st Competition in World Cup:
2005 Saas-Fee
Suppliers: Board: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Rossignol
Goggles/Helmet: Progrip/Free 7
Clothes/Gloves: Rossignol
Date of birth: 11 September 1983
Residence: 8203 Schaffhausen
Ski Club: SC Schaffhausen
Height/Weight: 175 cm/75 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2007
1st Competition in World Cup:
2008 Leysin
Suppliers: Board: K2
Boots/Bindings: K2
Clothes/Gloves: Protest/Dakine
60 swiss-ski team guide
Fabio Caduff
Marvin James
Hans Reichen
Date of birth: 12 September 1985
Residence: 5611 Anglikon
Ski Club: Obersaxen
Height/Weight: 167 cm/70 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2005
1st Competition in World Cup:
2005 Saas-Fee
Suppliers: Board: Oxess
Boots/Bindings: Northwave/
Helmet: Burton
Date of birth: 27 October 1989
Residence: 8246 Langwiesen
Ski Club: Flums
Height/Weight: 159 cm/65 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2006
1st Competition in World Cup:
2008 Leysin
Suppliers: Board: Head
Boots/Bindings: Head
Goggles: Anon
Clothes/Gloves: Bonfire/Anon
Date of birth: 17 March 1982
Residence: 3604 Thun
Ski Club: Adelboarders
Height/Weight: 180 cm/80 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2006
Suppliers: Board: Kessler
Goggles/Helmet: IXS
Clothes/Gloves: Oxbow/IXS
See also: B-Pool Alpine Men
Thomas Feldmann
Reto Jenni
Reto Steiner
Date of birth: 11 February 1988
Residence: 8867 Niederurnen
Ski Club: Schwanden
Height/Weight: 175 cm/70 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2005
1st Competition in World Cup:
2008 Bad Gastein
Suppliers: Board: Palmer
Boots/Bindings: Deeluxe/Flux
Goggles/Helmet: Smith
Gloves: Level
Date of birth: 07 July 1979
Residence: 8783 Linthal
Ski Club: Braunwald
Height/Weight: 170 cm/75 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2006
1st Competition in World Cup:
2007 Furano
Suppliers: Board: Kessler
Boots/Bindings: Northwave/Drake
Goggles: Cp
Clothes/Gloves: Zimtstern/Level
Date of birth: 30 November 1980
Residence: 7235 Fideris
Ski Club: Fideris
Height/Weight: 182 cm/80 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2008
Boots/Bindings: UPZ/Catek
Goggles: Smith
Gloves: Dakine
swiss-ski team guide 61
SnowboardCross men
Jürg Adank
Mark Feldmann
Sebastiano Robbiani-Branca
Date of birth: 14 January 1990
Residence: 7306 Fläsch
Ski Club: SC Bad Ragaz
Height/Weight: 178 cm/68 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2008
Individual sponsor: Zindel Maienfeld
Suppliers: Board: Radical
Date of birth: 12 December 1990
Residence: 8867 Niederurnen
Ski Club: Schwanden
High/Weight: 160 cm/60 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2008
Suppliers: Board: Palmer
Date of birth: 20 August 1988
Residence: 6572 Quartino
Ski Club: Ceccotorenas
Height/Weight: 175 cm/73 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2007
Laurin Clavuot
Beat Fischli
Tim Watter
Date of birth: 13 July 1991
Residence: 7000 Chur
Ski Club: Flims
Height/Weight: 176 cm/78 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2008
Individual sponsor: C + C
Suppliers: Board: Palmer
Boots/Bindings: Northwave/Drake
Goggles: Smith
Gloves: Level
Date of birth: 30 March 1991
Residence: 8773 Haslen
Ski Club: SC Schwanden
Height/Weight: 174 cm/68 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2008
Individual sponsor:
Snowboardshop Station
Suppliers: Board: Palmer
Boots/Bindings: Vans/Ride
Goggles/Helmet: Smith/Giro
Clothes/Gloves: Strom/Level
Date of birth: 27 December 1991
Residence: 8915 Hausen a.A
Ski Club: Icerippers
In the snowboard team since: 2008
Individual sponsor:
Suppliers: Helmet: Free7
62 swiss-ski team guide
national team
halfpipe men
David Ziörjen
Sergio Berger
Rolf Feldmann
Date of birth: 29 November 1988
Residence: 3177 Laupen
Ski Club: Lenk
Height/Weight: 180 cm/70 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2007
Individual sponsor: Ziörjen
Maler- und Gipsfachbetrieb
Suppliers: Board: Head
Boots/Bindings: Head
Goggles/Helmet: Cp
Clothes/Gloves: Eider/Level
Date of birth: 01 January 1983
Residence: 7180 Disentis
Ski Club: Disentis
Height/Weight: 175 cm/72 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2003
1st Competition in World Cup:
2002 Arosa
Suppliers: Board: LIB TECH
Boots/Bindings:DC/Bent Metal
Goggles/Helmet: Quiksilver
Clothes/Gloves: Quiksilver/Snowlife
Date of birth: 19 September 1979
Residence: 3604 Thun
Ski Club: Ceccotorenass
Height/Weight: 171 cm/73 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2002 Laax
Individual sponsor:
Sudden Rush Guarana/Med Well
Medical Center
Suppliers: Board: Nitro
Boots/Bindings: Vans/Burton
Goggles/Helmet: Smith/Burton
Clothes/Gloves: Vans/Snowlife
National Championships
2004 Zermatt 1. HP
2003 Zermatt 3. HP
World Cup (Top 5)
2008 Saas-Fee: 5. HP
2005 Sungwoo: 5. HP
2004 Stoneham: 2. HP
Kreischberg: 3. HP
Bardonecchia: 5. HP
2003 Arosa: 1. HP
World Championships
2007 Arosa: 16. HP
2005 Whistler: 7. HP
Whistler: 28. BA
National Championships
2007 Zermatt: 3. BA
2004 Zermatt: 3. HP
2003 Grindelwald: 1. HP
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Cardrona: 3. HP
2007 Calgary: 3. HP
Bardoneccia: 4. HP
2006 Leysin: 9 HP
World Championships
2007 Arosa: 29. HP
2005 Whistler: 32. HP
swiss-ski team guide 63
national team
halfpipe men
halfpipe men
Daniel Friberg
Iouri Podladtchikov
Christian Haller
Date of birth: 14 September 1989
Residence: 7165 Brigels
Ski Club: SC Brigels
Height/Weight: 180 cm/80 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2006 Saas-Fee
Individual sponsor: Garage Plus
Suppliers: Board: Burton
Boots/Bindings: Gravis/Burton
Goggles/Helmet: Anon/Red
Clothes/Gloves: Analog
Date of birth: 13 September 1988
Residence: 8050 Zürich
Ski Club: Iceripper
Height/Weight: 181 cm/82 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2007
1st Competition in World Cup:
2004 Saas-Fee
Suppliers: Board: Santa Cruz
Boots/Bindings: Vans/Santa Cruz
Goggles/Helmet: Spy/TSG
Clothes: Volcom
Date of birth: 28 October 1989
Residence: 7530 Zernez
Ski Club: SC Zernez
Height/Weight: 174 cm/69 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2005
1st Competition in World Cup:
2004 Saas-Fee
Individual sponsor: Swatch
Suppliers: Board: Burton
Boots/Bindings: Burton
Goggles/Helmet: Anon/Red
Clothes/Gloves: Burton
See also: A-Pool Big Air
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Valmalenco: 2. HP
Sungwoo: 3. HP
Saas-Fee: 1. HP
Cardrona: 2. HP
Stoneham: 4. HP
National Championships
2003 Grindelwald 2. HP
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Valmalenco: 4. HP
Saas-Fee: 9. HP
2007 Stoneham 1. HP
Cargary: 9. HP
Junior Word Championships
2008 Valmalenco: 1. HP
World Championships
2007 Arosa: 43. BA
Arosa: 56. HP
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Turin: 37. Halfpipe
2008 Burton European Open:
6 SS, 6 star
Vans Cup: 3. HP
Rock the Spot: 3. HP, 4 star
O‘neill Davos: 6 star, 10. HP
NZ Open: 5 star, 6. HP
2007 6. Gesamt
2. Davos HP
2. Laax HP
2008 8. HP
64 swiss-ski team guide
National Championships
2006 Zermatt: 2. HP
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Saas-Fee: 3. HP
World Championships
2007 Arosa: 19. HP
2006 Gesamt: 15. HP
Laax: 8. HP
halfpipe men
Gian-Luca Cavigelli
Thomas Franc
Mario Käppeli
Date of birth: 15 June 1988
Residence: 1723 Marly
Ski Club: Davos
Height/Weight: 172 cm/62 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2006
1st Competition in World Cup:
2005 Rotterdam
Suppliers: Board: Nitro
Goggles/Helmet: Spy/Protec
Clothes/Gloves: Nitro/Grenade
See also: A-Pool Big Air
Date of birth: 10 October 1988
Residence: 5430 Wettingen
Ski Club: Davos
Height/Weight: 170 cm/69 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2006 Klagenfurt
Suppliers: Board: Head
Boots/Bindings: Head
Goggles/Helmet: Oakley/Head
Clothes/Gloves: Oakley
See also: A-Pool Big Air
Date of birth: 27 May 1988
Residence: 7214 Grüsch
Ski Club: Davos
Height/Weight: 180 cm/77 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2005
1st Competition in World Cup:
2006 Klagenfurt
Suppliers: Board: Ride
Boots/Bindings: 32/Forum
Googles: Smith
Clothes/Gloves: Special Blend/Level
See also: A-Pool Big Air
Fabian Fassnacht
Colin Frei
Levi Luggen
Date of birth: 31 January 1989
Residence: 8800 Thalwil
Ski Club: Iceripper
In the snowboard team since: 2007
1st Competition in World Cup:
2007 Graz
Suppliers: Board: Santa Cruz
Boots/Bindings: Deeluxe/Santa Cruz
Goggles/Helmet: Smith/TSG
Clothes/Gloves: O‘Neill/Defcon
See also: B-Pool Big Air
Date of birth: 01 November 1988
Residence: 7270 Davos-Platz
Ski Club: Davos
Height/Weight: 171 cm/60 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2005
1st Competition in World Cup:
2007 Graz
Suppliers: Board: K2
Boots/Bindings: K2
Goggles: Oakley
Clothes: Zimtstern
See also: A-Pool Big Air
Date of birth: 01 July 1989
Residence: 3900 Brig
Ski Club: One88
Height/Weight: 187 cm/78 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2007
1st Competition in World Cup:
2006 Leysin
Suppliers: Board: Elan
Boots/Bindings: Deeluxe/Elan
Goggles/Helmet: Dr. Zipe/TSG
Clothes/Gloves: Volcom/Defcon
swiss-ski team guide 65
halfpipe men
halfpipe men
Stephan Maurer
Nicola Boscacci
Philippe Franc
Date of birth: 13 August 1985
Residence: 7205 Zizers
Ski Club: Snowboard Club Davos
Height/Weight: 170 cm/63 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2002 Laax
Suppliers: Board: Burton
Boots/Bindings: Burton
Goggles/Helmet: Oakley/Red
Clothes/Gloves: Burton
See also: National Team Big Air
Date of birth: 22 June 1989
Residence: 6983 Magliaso
Ski Club: Trisnowboarding
Height/Weight: 175 cm/73 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2008
1st Competition in World Cup:
2007 Saas-Fee
Suppliers: Board: Nitro
Boots/Bindings: Nitro/Raiden
Helmet: Protec
Clothes/Gloves: Nitro
Date of birth: 13 June 1991
Residence: 5430 Wettingen
Ski Club: Davos
Height/Weight: 178 cm/73 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2007
Suppliers: Board: Atomic
Boots/Bindings: DC/Atomic
Goggles: Is design
Clothes/Gloves: DC/Drop
Philipp Egloff
Rafael Imhof
Date of birth: 12 June 1990
Residence: 5453 Busslingen
Ski Club: Davos
Height/Weight: 179 cm/70 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2008
Individual sponsor: Pabobi Shop
Suppliers: Board: Santa Cruz
Boots/Bindings: Deeluxe/Santa Cruz
Helmet: TSG
Clothes/Gloves: Cool/Defcon
Residence: 1992 Bettmeralp
Ski Club: Bettmeralp Betten
Suppliers: Board: F2
Bindings: F2
Goggles/Helmet: Smith
Clothes: Eleven
66 swiss-ski team guide
national team
big air men
big air men
Stephan Maurer
Gian-Luca Cavigelli
Thomas Franc
Date of birth: 13 August 1985
Residence: 7205 Zizers
Ski Club: Snowboard Club Davos
Height/Weight: 170 cm/63 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2002 Laax
Suppliers: Board: Burton
Boots/Bindings: Burton
Goggles/Helmet: Oakley/Red
Clothes/Gloves: Burton
See also: B-Pool Halfpipe
Date of birth: 15 June 1988
Residence: 1723 Marly
Ski Club: Davos
Height/Weight: 172 cm/62 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2006
1st Competition in World Cup:
2005 Rotterdam
Suppliers: Board: Nitro
Goggles/Helmet: Spy/Protec
Clothes/Gloves: Nitro/Grenade
See also: B-Pool Halfpipe
Date of birth: 10 October 1988
Residence: 5430 Wettingen
Ski Club: Davos
Height/Weight: 170 cm/69 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2006 Klagenfurt
Suppliers: Board: Head
Boots/Bindings: Head
Goggles/Helmet: Oakley/Head
Clothes/Gloves: Oakley
See also: B-Pool Halfpipe
National Championships
2007 Zermatt: 1. BA, 2. HP
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Valmalenco: 12. BA
Sofia: 14. BA
Stockholm: 13. BA
Saas-Fee: 20. BA
Rotterdam: 20. BA
2007 Bardoneccia: 13. BA
Saas-Fee: 30. BA
2006 Rotterdam: 20. BA
St. Petersburg: 15. BA
Winterberg: 21. BA
Klagenfurt: 14. BA
World Cup (Top 30)
2007 Moscow: 11. BA
Graz: 20. BA
2006 Stockholm: 13. BA
St. Petersburg: 5. BA
Winterberg: 24. BA
Klagenfurt: 13. BA
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Sofia: 7. BA
Stockholm: 9. BA
Rotterdam: 4. BA
2006 Winterberg: 6. BA
Milano: 6. BA
World Championships
2007 Arosa: 10. BA
2008 Champ Open Montana:
4 star, 3 BA
Ski Pass Modena: 1. BA, 3 star
Junior World Championships
2007 Bad Gastein: 2. BA
2008 Snickers Classic Saas Fee:
7. SS, 4 star
2008 1. BA
swiss-ski team guide 67
big air men
Colin Frei
Christian Haller
Mario Käppeli
Date of birth: 01 November 1988
Residence: 7270 Davos-Platz
Ski Club: Davos
Height/Weight: 171 cm/60 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2005
1st Competition in World Cup:
2007 Graz
Suppliers: Board: K2
Boots/Bindings: K2
Goggles: Oakley
Clothes: Zimtstern
See also: B-Pool Halfpipe
Date of birth: 28 October 1989
Residence: 7530 Zernez
Ski Club: SC Zernez
Height/Weight: 174 cm/69 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2005
1st Competition in World Cup:
2004 Saas-Fee
Individual sponsor: Swatch
Suppliers: Board: Burton
Boots/Bindings: Burton
Goggles/Helmet: Anon/Red
Clothes/Gloves: Burton
See also: A-Pool Halfpipe
Date of birth: 27 May 1988
Residence: 7214 Grüsch
Ski Club: Davos
Height/Weight: 180 cm/77 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2005
1st Competition in World Cup:
2006 Klagenfurt
Suppliers: Board: Ride
Boots/Bindings: 32/Forum
Googles: Smith
Clothes/Gloves: Special Blend/Level
See also: B-Pool Halfpipe
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Valmalenco: 28. BA
Moscow: 15. BA
Rotterdam: 28. BA
2007 Moscow: 23. BA
2008 O‘neill Davos: 6 star, 5. HP
Air & Style Insbruck: 5 star, 6. HP
Artict challange Oslo: 6 star
68 swiss-ski team guide
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Stockholm: 22. BA
Rotterdam: 14. BA
2007 Torino: 9. BA
2006 Overall: 15
Laax: 8. BA
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Valmalenco: 11. BA
Moscow: 8. BA
Sofia: 28. BA
2006 St. Petersburg: 6. BA
Klagenfurt: 9. BA
World Championships
2006 JWM Vivaldi Park: 1. BA
2008 Nippon Open: 5 star, 10. Slope
big air men
Benedikt Nadig
Fabian Fassnacht
Date of birth: 19 December 1984
Residence: 7000 Chur
Ski Club: Iceripper
Height/Weight: 184 cm/62 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2005
1st Competition in World Cup:
2003 Arosa
Individual sponsor: Chopp, Laax
Suppliers: Board: Ride
Boots: Adio
Goggles/Helmet: Smith
Clothes: Cappel
Date of birth: 31 January 1989
Residence: 8800 Thalwil
Ski Club: Iceripper
In the snowboard team since: 2007
1st Competition in World Cup:
2007 Graz
Suppliers: Board: Santa Cruz
Boots/Bindings: Deeluxe/Santa Cruz
Goggles/Helmet: Smith/TSG
Clothes/Gloves: O‘Neill/Defcon
See also: B-Pool Halfpipe
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Graz: 6. BA
2006 Milano: 9. BA
St. Petersburg: 9. BA
2005 Winterberg: 8. BA
World Championship
2007 Arosa: 19. BA
swiss-ski team guide 69
national team
alpine women
alpine women
Fränzi Mägert-Kohli
Patrizia Kummer
Date of birth: 31 May 1982
Residence: 3612 Steffisburg
Ski Club: SC Grindelwald
Height/Weight: 171 cm/67 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2002 Sölden
Individual sponsor: Raiffeisen
Suppliers: Board: Kessler
Boots/Bindings: Northwave/F2
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
Clothes/Gloves: Thömus/Snowlife
National Championships
2008 Sils: 1. PGS
2007 Sils 1. PGS
2006 Sils: 1. PGS
World Cup (Top 3)
2008 Lake Placid: 2. PGS
2007 Sölden: 1. PGS
Bardonecchia: 1. PGS
Furano: 2. PGS
Sungwoo: 2. PGS
Stoneham: 1. PGS
70 swiss-ski team guide
2006 Sils: 1. PGS
Shukolovo: 2. PLS
Le Relais: 2. PGS
2005 St. Petersburg: 3. PS
Bardonecchia: 3. PGS
Tandadalen: 2. PGS
2004 Maribor: 2. PGA
World Championships
2007 Arosa: 3. PGS
Arosa: 12. PS
2005 Whistler: 12. PGS
Date of birth: 16 October 1987
Residence: 3995 Mühlebach VS
Ski Club: Rappental
Height/Weight: 170 cm/63 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2003 Arosa
Suppliers: Board: Kessler
Boots/Bindings/Clothes: F2
Goggles/Helmet: Alpina
Gloves: Dakine
National Championships
2007 Sils: 2. PGS
World Cup (Top 10)
2007 Sungwoo: 7. PGS
Nendaz: 4. PS
Bad Gastein: 8. PS
Landgraaf: 4. PS
World Championships
2007 Arosa: 13. PGS, 17. PS
alpine women
alpine women
Sarah Brügger
Stefanie Müller
Yvonne Schütz
Date of birth: 24 October 1988
Residence: 3715 Adelboden
Ski Club: Adelboarders
Height/Weight: 164 cm/64 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2007
Suppliers: Board: Kessler
Bindings: Fritschi
Goggles: Uvex
Date of birth: 05 June 1992
Residence: 7270 Davos Platz
Ski Club: Davos
Height/Weight: 158 cm/54 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2008
Individual sponsor:
STS Immobilien AG
Suppliers: Board: F2; Bindings: F2
Goggles/Helmet: Briko
Clothes/Gloves: Phenix/Snowlife
Date of birth: 16 September 1990
Residence: 3762 Erlenbach
Ski Club: SSC Erlenbach
Height/Weight: 169 cm/56 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2007
1st Competition in World Cup:
2007 Nendaz
Suppliers: Board: Kessler
Boots/Bindings: Raichle/Fritschi
Gloves: Reusch
Julie Zogg
Carina Schmidiger
Date of birth: 01 October 1992
Residence: 9476 Weite
Ski Club: Flums
Height/Weight: 160 cm/59 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2008
Suppliers: Board: Kessler
Boots/Bindings: Deeluxe/F2
Helmet: Uvex
Gloves: Snowlife
See also: C-Pool SBX
Date of birth: 03 February 1991
Residence: 6430 Schwyz
Ski Club: SC Schwyz
Height/Weight: 163 cm/60 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2008
Individual sponsor:
STS Immobilien AG
Suppliers: Board: F2
Boots/Bindings: Deeluxe/F2
Goggles/Helmet: Alpina
Clothes/Gloves: Phenix/Snowlife
swiss-ski team guide 71
national team
SnowboardCross women
Mellie Francon
Sandra Frei
Date of birth: 24 January 1982
Residence: 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds
Ski Club: NeSnow
Height/Weight: 168 cm/58 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2004 Arosa
Suppliers: Board: SG
Goggles/Helmet: Scott
Clothes/Gloves: Scott
Date of birth: 06 August 1984
Residence: 7017 Flims Dorf
Ski Club: SC Flims
Height/Weight: 173 cm/70 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2003
1st Competition in World Cup:
2003 Arosa
Individual sponsor: Flims Electric
Boots/Bindings: Deeluxe/Flux
Goggles/Helmet: Scott/Giro
Clothes/Gloves: Scott/Dakine
National Championships
2008 Cypress: 3. SBX
2006 Sils: 1. SBX
2005 Zermatt: 1. SBX
2004 Andermatt: 5. SBX
Szczyrk: 1. SBX
World Cup (Top 3)
2008 Stoneham: 3. SBX
Gujo-Gifu: 3. SBX
Sugwoo: 3. SBX
Bad Gastein: 2. SBX
Valle Nevado: 2. SBX
2006 Bad Gastein: 1. SBX
2005 Tandadalen: 2. SBX
World Championships
2007 Arosa: 7. HP
2008 Aspen: 5. SBX
2007 Aspen: 8. SBX
72 swiss-ski team guide
National Championships
2008 Cypress: 5. SBX
2007 Sils: 1. SBX
2006 Sils: 2. SBX
2005 Zermatt: 4. SBX
World Cup (Top 3)
2008 Valmalenco: 1. SBX
2007 Lake Placid: 3. SBX
2006 Kronplatz: 1. SBX
Furano: 3. SBX
2005 Sierra Nevada: 2. SBX
World Championships
2007 Arosa: 2. SBX
2008 Aspen: 3. SBX
2007 Aspen: 9. SBX
2006 Colorado: 4. SBX,
Aspen 4. SBX
SnowboardCross women
Tanja Frieden
Simona Meiler
Olivia Nobs
Date of birth: 06 February 1976
Residence: 3600 Thun
Ski Club: Adelboarders
Height/Weight: 174 cm/65 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
1997 Tignes
Suppliers: Board: Head
Boots/Bindings: Head
Helmet: Head
Clothes/Gloves: Chiemsee/Dakine
Date of birth: 13 September 1989
Residence: 7017 Flims-Dorf
Ski Club: Flims
In the snowboard team since: 2005
1st Competition in World Cup:
2005 Saas-Fee
Suppliers: Board: Kessler
Boots/Bindings: Deeluxe/Flux
Helmet: TSG
Clothes/Gloves: Protest/Defcon
Date of birth: 18 November 1982
Residence: 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds
Ski Club: NeSnow
Height/Weight: 169 cm/59 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2001 Tignes
Suppliers: Board: Kessler
Boots/Bindings: Salomon
Gloves: Snowlife
National Championships
2008 Cypress: 1. SBX
2007 Sils 2. SBX
World Cup (Top 5)
2008 Valle Nevado: 5. SBX
2006 Bad Gastein: 2. SBX
Whistler: 2. SBX
Valle Nevado: 5. SBX
2005 Tandadalen: 4. SBX
Saas-Fee: 5. SBX
2003 Berchtesgaden: 1. SBX,
Arosa: 1. SBX
Bad Gastein: 2. SBX
San Candido: 5. SBX
2002 Bardonecchia: 1. SBX
Bad Gastein: 3. SBX
Kreischberg: 5. SBX
Tignes: 5. SBX
National Championships
2007 Sils: 3. SBX
2003 Disentis: 3. SBX
World Cup (Top 3)
2008 Leysin: 3. SBX
Bad Bastein: 3 SBX
2007 Lake Placid: 2. SBX
2005 Sierra Nevada: 1. SBX
Valle Nevado: 3. SBX
2004 Arosa: 3. SBX, 3. SBX
2003 Arosa: 2. SBX
2002 Tignes: 3. SBX
World Championships
2007 Arosa: 7. SBX
2003 Kreischberg: 5. SBX
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Bardonecchia: 1. SBX
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Stoneham: 8. SBX
Valle Nevado: 8. SBX
Sungwoo: 9. SBX
Leysin: 10. SBX
World Championships
2005 Whistler: 17. SBX
2003 Kreischberg: 17. SBX
2008 2. SBX
2007 6. SBX
2005 5. SBX
swiss-ski team guide 73
SnowboardCross women
Seraina Arpagaus
Tania Besancet
Melanie Marty
Date of birth: 01 May 1982
Residence: 9553 Bettwiesen
Ski Club: Snow Eagles Flawil
Height/Weight: 160 cm/55 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2008
Suppliers: Board: Radical
Goggles/Helmet: Arnette
Date of birth: 24 December 1988
Residence: 2207 Coffrane
Ski Club: NeSnow
Height: 170 cm
In the snowboard team since: 2007
Individual sponsor: Micarna
Suppliers: Board: K2
Boots/Bindings: K2
Goggles/Helmet: Bollé/TLD
Gloves: Snowlife
Date of birth: 14 March 1984
Residence: 7134 Obersaxen
Ski Club: Obersaxen
Height/Weight: 168 cm/53 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2007
1st Competition in World Cup:
2004 Arosa
Individual sponsor: Sport Beat
Suppliers: Board: K2
Boots/Bindings: K2
Goggles/Helmet: Electric/Giro
Clothes/Gloves: Below Zero/Snowlife
Emilie Aubry
Susanne Fritschi
Corinne Mottu
Date of birth: 08 April 1990
Residence: 2563 Ipsach
Ski Club: NeSnow
Height/Weight: 165 cm/53 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2006
1st Competition in World Cup:
2005 Saas-Fee
Individual sponsor: Swatch
Suppliers: Board: Roxy
Boots/Bindings: Roxy
Goggles/Helmet: Roxy
Clothes/Gloves: Roxy/Level
See also: B-Pool Halfpipe
Date of birth: 09 November 1983
Residence: 3717 Reichenbach
Ski Club: Adelboarders
Height/Weight: 164 cm/58 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2008
Suppliers: Board: Radical
Boots/Bindings: Burton/Salomon
Goggles/Helmet: Smith/Red
Clothes/Gloves: Bonfire/Level
Date of birth: 16 June 1983
Residence: 1090 La Croix sur Lutry
Ski Club: NeSnow
Height/Weight: 160 cm/55 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2007
1st Competition in World Cup:
2001 Ischgl
Individual sponsor: Télénendaz
Suppliers: Board: Nidecker
Bindings: Nidecker
Goggles/Helmet: Scott
74 swiss-ski team guide
SnowboardCross women
Miriam Wuffli
Desirée Niederberger
Date of birth: 30 June 1991
Residence: 8413 Neftenbach
Ski Club: SC Flums
In the snowboard team since: 2008
1st Competition in World Cup:
2008 Leysin
Individual sponsor:
Zaunteam, Insektol
Suppliers: Board: Kessler
Boots/Bindings: Deeluxe/F2
Goggles/Helmet: Giro
Clothes/Gloves: Subindustries/Level
Date of birth: 02 September 1988
Residence: 6481 Göschenen
Ski Club: Bürden-Oberdorf
In the snowboard team since: 2008
Suppliers: Helmet: Giro
Gloves: Level
Julie Zogg
Date of birth: 01 October 1992
Residence: 9476 Weite
Ski Club: Flums
Height/Weight: 160 cm/59 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2008
Suppliers: Board: Kessler
Boots/Bindings: Deeluxe/F2
Helmet: Uvex
See also: B-Pool Alpine
swiss-ski team guide 75
national team
halfpipe women
halfpipe women
Manuela-Laura Pesko
Sina Candrian
Date of birth: 19 September 1978
Residence: 7078 Lenzerheide
Ski Club: Ceccotorenas
Height/Weight: 168 cm/56 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
1997 Kaprun
Individual sponsor: Tui
Suppliers: Board: F2
Boots/Bindings: Burton/F2
Goggles: Bollé
Clothes/Gloves: Falke/
National Championships
2007 Zermatt: 1. HP
2006 Zermatt: 1. HP
2004 Zermatt: 1. HP
Andermatt: 3. SBX
World Cup (Top 3)
2008 Valmalenco: 1. HP
Stoneham: 1. HP
Gujo-Gifu: 3. HP
Saas-Fee: 3. HP
Cardrona: 1. HP
Overall: 1. HP
2007 Saas Fee: 3. HP
Bardonecchia: 1. HP
Calgary: 1. HP, 1. HP
Lake Placid: 2. HP
Stoneham: 1. HP
2006 Kreischberg: 1. HP
Leysin: 1. HP, 2. HP
Lake Placid: 2. HP
Furano: 1. HP
Overall: 1. HP
76 swiss-ski team guide
2005 Sungwoo Resort: 1. HP
Tandadalen: 2. HP
Overall: 1. HP
2003 Laax: 3. HP
Whistler: 1. HP
Stoneham: 2. HP
Sapporo: 3. HP
Arosa: 3. HP
Overall: 1. HP
World Championships
2007 Arosa: 1. HP
2005 Whistler: 2. HP
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Bardonecchia: 6. HP
2008 NZ Open HP: 5 star, 3. HP
Nippon Open HP: 5 star. 3. HP
Burton US Open: 6 star, 5. HP
Burton European Open:
6 star, 6. HP
Roxy Chicken Jam: 6 star, 4. HP,
6. HP
2007 Roxy Chicken Jam:
1. HP
Davos: 3. HP
Nippon Open: 3. HP
O‘neil Evolution. 3. HP
Date of birth: 21 November 1988
Residence: 7017 Flims Dorf
Ski Club: SC Flims
Height/Weight: 162 cm/51 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2005 Saas-Fee
Suppliers: Board: Burton
Boots/Bindings: Burton
Goggles/Helmet: Anon/Red
Clothes/Gloves: Burton
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Gujo-Gifu: 7. HP
Baardonecchia: 7. HP
2007 Saas-Fee: 12. HP
Cardrona: 12. HP
World Championships
2007 Arosa: 7. HP
2008 Burton Europen Oben:
6. SS, 7. HP, 6 star
Burton US Open: 4. SS, 6 star
Roxy CHicken Jam: 6 star, 3. SS
Nippon Oben: 9. SS, 5 star
NZ Open: 6. SS, 5 star
2007 5. Overall
Davos: 1. HP
halfpipe women
Ursina Haller
Andrea Schuler
Emilie Aubry
Date of birth: 29 December 1985
Residence: 7530 Zernez
Ski Club: Club da Skis Zernez
Height/Weight: 172 cm/58 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2005
1st Competition in World Cup:
2004 Kreischberg
Suppliers: Board: K2
Boots/Bindings: Vans/K2
Goggles/Helmet: Oakley/Burton
Clothes/Gloves: Eleven/Burton
Date of birth: 25 September 1975
Residence: 4127 Birsfelden
Ski Club: Basel
Height/Weight: 154 cm/56 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
2001 Berchtesgaden
Suppliers: Board: Flow
Boots/Bindings: Flow
Goggles/Helmet: Eassun/Protec
Clothes: Protest
Date of birth: 8 April 1990
Residence: 2563 Ipsach
Ski Club: NeSnow
Height/Weight: 165 cm/53 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2006
1st Competition in World Cup:
2005 Saas-Fee
Individual sponsor: Swatch
Suppliers: Board: Roxy
Boots/Bindings: Roxy
Goggles/Helmet: Roxy
Clothes/Gloves: Roxy
See also: B-Pool SBX
National Championships
2007 Zermatt: 2. HP
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Saas-Fee: 4. HP
Valmalenco: 8. HP
Sungwoo: 10. HP
Cardrona: 7. HP
2007 Stoneham: 10. HP
Lake Placid: 8. HP
Bardonecchia: 8. HP
World Championships
2007 Arosa: 27. HP
2008 Roxy Chicken Jam:
6 star, 7. SS
Grand Montana: Champ Open 5star,
1. SS
National Championships
2006 Zermatt: 2. HP
2004 Zermatt: 2. HP
2003 Grindelwald: 1. HP
World Cup (Top 5)
2007 Stoneham: 5. HP
2006 Leysin: 5. HP
2005 Saas Fee: 5. HP
2004 Kreischberg: 5. HP
2003 Stoneham: 3. HP
World Championships
2007 Arosa: 12. HP
2005 Whistler: 6. HP
2003 Kreischberg: 6. HP
Nadja Purtschert
Date of birth: 03 September 1989
Residence: 6432 Rickenbach
Ski Club: Ski Club Schwyz
Height/Weight: 166 cm/51 kg
In the snowboard team since: 2006
1st Competition in World Cup:
2006 Saas-Fee
Individual sponsor: Raiffeisen
Suppliers: Board: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Rossignol
Helmet: TSG
Clothes/Gloves: O‘Neill/Defcon
swiss-ski team guide 77
head of Discipline
Franco Giovanoli
Date of birth: 29 October 1967
Residence: 7503 Samedan
Since 1st June 2004: Head of Snowboarding at Swiss-Ski. Promotion
and management of snowboarding
as a sporting disciline
1998–2002: Responsible for TD
training of the International Snowboard Federation (ISF) in Europe,
Asia and North America
1997–2004: Competition
Technical Director, Swiss Snowboard
78 swiss-ski team guide
1993–1997: Member of the Board,
1992–1997: Alpine Competition
Director, SSBA
1990–2004: Technical Delegate
SSBA (Swiss Snowboard Federation)
1996: Surf teacher
at the Surfing School, Sils
1995: Temporary
worker at Metallbau Giuliani,
St. Moritz
1993: Structural engineering
draughtsman at the architectural
office Hüsler
1992–1997: Head of the Snowboard
School, St. Moritz
1990–1992: Structural engineering
draughtsman at the architectural
office P. Freund + Partner, Bern
1990: Snowboard World Cup Masters
race organiser, St. Moritz
1989–1990: Snowboard teacher
at the Ski and Snowboard school,
St. Moritz
1988–1989: Structural engineering
draughtsman at the architectural
office Ruch und Hüsler, St. Moritz
Harald Benselin
Function: Coach SBX
Date of birth: 29 Oktober 1970
Residence: 1854 Leysin
Jacqueline Poffet
Function: Physiotherapist
Date of birth: 24 September 1968
Residence: 3012 Bern
Marco Bruni
Function: Coach FS, National Team
and A-Pool
Date of birth: 23 May 1969
Residence: 6575 S. Nazzaro
Daniel Stucki
Function: Physiotherapist
Date of birth: 11 August 1967
Residence: 3800 Unterseen
Denis Giger
Function: NW-Responsible
Date of birth: 29 October 1964
Residence: 8026 Zürich
René Hürlimann
Function: Coach Alpine
Date of birth: 30 January 1970
Residence: 7551 Ftan
Pietro Regazzi
Function: Coach B and C Pool
Date of birth: 10 October 1968
Residence: 6574 Vira
Manfred Stucki
Function: Head Doctor
Residence: 3012 Bern
Roger Treichler
Function: Equipment Technician
Date of birth: 19 March 1980
Residence: 8833 Samstagern
Michi Zahnd
Function: Equipment Technician
Date of birth: 14 May 1981
Residence: 8805 Richterswil
Christian Rufer
Function: Coach Alpine
Date of birth: 11 May 1968
Residence: 9642 Ebnat-Kappel
René Van den Berg
Function: Coach SBX
Date of birth: 03 Mach 1965
Residence: 8370 Sirnach
Michelle Fertek
Function: Physiotherapist
Date of birth: 11 July 1977
Residence: 3097 Bern
swiss-ski team guide 79
80 swiss-ski team guide
Photo: menzipics
swiss-ski team guide 81
Baumann Jonas 89
Livers Toni 85
Boner Seraina 92
Lötscher Christine 94
Bucher Silvana 91
Mischol Seraina 90
Bundi Gion-Andrea 87
Perl Curdin
Burgermeister Reto 87
Pichard Léna 93
Camenisch Karin 92
Pichard Lucy 94
Cologna Dario A.
Pralong Candide 90
Cologna Gianluca 89
Rochat Laurence 92
Diezig Thomas 87
Schnider Ueli 90
Eigenmann Christoph 84
Stiffler Tatjana 93
Emmenegger Carmen 94
Tambornino Eliguis 86
Fischer Remo 84
Trachsel Doris 93
Furger Roman 89
Tüfer Noe 88
Gruber Bettina 93
Van der Graaff Laurien 93
Gruber Mauro 87
Volken Dominik 88
Hediger Jovian 89
Von Allmen Peter
Heer Piet 89
Waldmeier Andreas 88
Jäger Martin 88
Kindschi Jöri 88
Iseppi Adriano 94
Leccardi Valerio 88
Lischer Lukas 89
82 swiss-ski team guide
National Team
cross-country men
Dario A. Cologna
Date of birth: 11 March 1986
Residence: 7270 Davos Platz
Ski Club: Val Müstair
Height/Weight: 179 cm/74 kg
In the cross-country team since:
1st Competition in World Cup:
2006 Kuusamo
Individual sponsor: Helvetia
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots/Bindings: Alpina/Rottefella
Poles: Swix
Goggles: Adidas
National Championships
2008 Lac Retaud: 1. Pursuit,
3. Sprint, 4. up to 15 km
2007 Elite Swiss Champion 50 km,
7-times Youth and Junior Swiss
U 23 World Championship
2008 Malles, Val Venosta:
1. up to 30 km
2007 1. 15 km,
1. 30 km Pursuit
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Otepää: 8. up to 15 km
Liberec: 6. up to 15 km
Bormio: 4. up to 5 km
Rybinsk: 8. up to 30 km
Beitostölen: 10. Team
Junior World Championships
2006 Kranj: 22. Pursuit,
3. 10 km C
2005 Rovaniemi: 23. 10 km F,
29. Pursuit
2004 Stryn: 8. Team, 24. 10 km F
swiss-ski team guide 83
National Team
cross-country men
Christoph Eigenmann
Date of birth: 22 May 1979
Residence: 9630 Wattwil
Ski Club: Gardes Frontières
Height/Weight: 176 cm/75 kg
In the cross-country team since:
1st Competition in World Cup:
2000 Lahti
Individual sponsor: Kägi Fret
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Rossignol
Poles: Exel
Goggles: Adidas
Remo Fischer
2006 Duesseldorf: 7. Srint
Changchun: 2. Sprint
Borlaenge: 10. Sprint
2005 Vernon: 7. Sprint
Reit im Winkl: 8. Sprint
Nove Mesto: 10. Sprint
Düsseldorf: 10. Sprint
World Championships
2007 Sapporo: 33. Sprint
2005 Oberstdorf: 29. Sprint
2003 Val di Fiemme: 28. Sprint
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Torino: 30. Sprint
2002 Salt Lake City: 18. Sprint
Date of birth: 13 August 1981
Residence: 7270 Davos Platz
Ski Club: SC Arve Mols
Height/Weight: 173 cm/66 kg
In the cross-country team since:
1st Competition in World Cup:
2002 Davos
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots/Bindings: Alpina/Rottefella
Poles: KV+
Goggles: Adidas
National Championships
2005 Les Diablerets: 2. Relay
2004 Pontresina: 3. Sprint F
2002 Campra: 1. Sprint C
2001 Langis-Glaubenberg:
1. Sprint C
2000 Val de Travers: 1. Sprint C
National Championships
2007 Steg: 1. 152 x 10 km KL +
1 x 10 km F, 2. 50 km KL
2006 Les Diablerets: 3. 3 x 10 km
Relay, 2. 50 km KL; 2. 30 km
2005 Goms: 3. Pursuit 10 km KL +
10 km F, 1. 50 km F Mst,
1. 3 x 10 km Relay
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Canmore: 7. Sprint
2006 München:
1. First overall leader
Tour de Ski 2006/2007
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Oslo: 3. up to 30 km
Rybinsk: 7. up to 30 km
Beitostölen: 10. Team
2007 Davos: 5. up to 15 km
84 swiss-ski team guide
cross-country men
Toni Livers
World Championships
2007 Sapporo: 47. 15 km F
2005 Oberstdorf: 46. Pursuit,
16. 15 km F
Junior World Championships
2001 Karpacz-Szklarska:
35. 10 km C, 17. 30 km F Mst
2000 Strbske Pleso: 32. 30 km C,
28. 10 km F
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Pragelato Plan: 7. 4 x 10 km
Staffel, 21. 30 km F Mst,
36. Pursuit
Date of birth: 02 June 1983
Residence: 7270 Davos Platz
Ski Club: Gardes Frontières
Height/Weight: 182 cm/74 kg
In the cross-country team since:
1st Competition in World Cup:
2003 Davos
Suppliers: Skis: Madshus
Boots/Bindings: Madshus/Rottefella
Poles: Swix
Goggles: Adidas
National Championships
2008 Feutersoey:
1. more than 30 km
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Bormio: 28. up to 5 km
Oslo: 16. more than 30 km
Liberec: 14. up to 15 km
Canmore: 23. up to 15 km,
14. Pursuit
Rybinsk: 14. up to 30 km
Davos: 11. Team
Beitostölen: 6. up to 15 km,
10. Team
2007 Falun: Relay 4 x 10 km
2007 Davos: 1. 15 km F
2006 La Clusaz: 20. 30 km F Mst,
Cogne/Val d‘Aosta: 21. 15 km C,
Oberstdorf: 14. Pursuit
Lago di Tesero: 27. 30 km F Mst
World Championships
2007 Sapporo: 9. Pursuit
2005 Oberstdorf: 21. 15 km F
Junior World Championships
2003 Solleftea: 4. 30 km F Mst
U 23 World Championships
2006 Kranj: 5. 15 km, 5. Pursuit
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Torino:
32. 30 km F Mst, 40. Pursuit,
7. Pursuite 4 x 10 km
swiss-ski team guide 85
cross-country men
Curdin Perl
Eliguis Tambornino
Peter Von Allmen
Date of birth: 15 November 1984
Residence: 7265 Davos Wolfgang
Ski Club: Bernina Pontresina
Height/Weight: 181 cm/74 kg
In the cross-country team since:
1st Competition in World Cup:
2005 Falun
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Rossignol
Poles: Leki
Goggles: Adidas
Date of birth: 25 October 1986
Residence: 7166 Trun
Ski Club: Trun
Height/Weight: 184 cm/70 kg
In the cross-country team since:
1st Competition in World Cup:
2006 Davos
Individual sponsor: TCS
Suppliers: Skis: Madshus
Boots/Bindings: Alpina/Rottefella
Poles: Swix
Goggles: Adidas
Date of birth: 21 January 1978
Residence: 3615 Heimenschwand
Ski Club: SC Bex
Height/Weight: 188 cm/83 kg
In the cross-country team since:
1st Competition in World Cup:
1999 Engelberg
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Rossignol
Poles: Swix
Goggles: Adidas
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Bormio: 29. Pursuite
Liberec: 23. up to 15 km,
11. Team Sprint
Canmore: 25. Pursuit,
24. up to 15 km
Rybinsk: 24. up to 30 km
Davos: 11. Team, 30. Up to 30 km
Beitostölen: 10. Team
2007 Davos: 10. 15 km F
National Championships
2008 Glaubenberg: 1. Sprint,
1. Sprint
Lac Retaud: 1. Sprint
National Championships
2006 Goms: 1. Sprint F
2004 Pontresina: 1. Sprint F
2002 Campra: 2. Sprint C
2001 Langis-Glaubenberg:
2. Sprint C
2000 Val de Travers: 2. Sprint C
World Championships
2007 Sapporo: 30. 15 km F,
30. Pursuit
Junior World Championships
2004 Stryn: 9. 10 km F,
2. 30 km C Mst
2003 Solleftea: 23. 10 km C,
12. 30 km F Mst
86 swiss-ski team guide
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Lahti: 14. Sprint
Rybinsk: 27. Sprint
Düsseldorf: 28. Team Sprint
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Stockholm: 23. Sprint
Canmore: 30. Sprint
Kuusamo: 16. Sprint
Düsseldorf: 28. Team Sprint
2007 Stockholm: 5. Sprint
Rybinsk: 28. Sprint
2006 Changchun: 22. Sprint
Davos: 18. Sprint
Otepaeae: 30. Sprint
Vernon: 15. Sprint
cross-country men
2005 Goeteborg 30. Sprint
Reit im Winkel: 14. Sprint
Nove Meste: 30. Sprint
Bern: 22. Sprint
2004 Lahti: 25. Sprint
Stockholm: 17. Sprint
Nove Mesto: 29. Sprint
Val di Fiemme: 22. Sprint
Duesseldorf: 22. Sprint
2003 Borlaenge: 22. Sprint
Linz: 9. Sprint
2002 Salzburg: 22. Sprint
Cogne: 27. Sprint
Gion-Andrea Bundi
Thomas Diezig
Date of birth: 15 May 1976
Residence: 7276 Davos Frauenkirch
Ski Club: TG Hütten
Height/Weight: 177 cm/67 kg
In the cross-country team since:
1st Competition in World Cup:
1996 Davos
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Rossignol
Poles: Leki
Goggles: Adidas
Date of birth: 07 July 1981
Residence: 7270 Davos Platz
Ski Club: Gardes Frontières
Height/Weight: 186 cm/78 kg
In the cross-country team since:
1st Competition in World Cup:
2002 Davos
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots/Bindings: Alpina/Rottefella
Poles: Swix
Goggles: Adidas
Reto Burgermeister
Mauro Gruber
Date of birth: 07 September 1975
Residence: 7276 Davos Frauenkirch
Ski Club: SC Davos
Height/Weight: 178 cm/66 kg
In the cross-country team since:
1st Competition in World Cup:
1995 Davos
Individual sponsor: Kotexma
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots/Bindings: Salomon
Poles: Swix
Goggles: Adidas
Date of birth: 07 August 1986
Residence: 7000 Chur
Ski Club: Rätia Chur
Height/Weight: 170 cm/67 kg
In the cross-country team since:
1st Competition in World Cup:
2006 Davos
Individual sponsor: TCS
Suppliers: Skis: Madshus
Boots/Bindings: Alpina/Rottefella
Poles: Swix
Goggles: Adidas
World Championships
2005 Oberstdorf: 44. Sprint
2003 Val di Fiemme: 16. Sprint
Junior World Championships
1998 Pontresina: 63. 30 km C
swiss-ski team guide 87
cross-country men
C-Pool U23
cross-country men
Martin Jäger
Valerio Leccardi
Noe Tüfer
Date of birth: 20 December 1987
Residence: 7315 Vättis
Ski Club: Vättis
Height/Weight: 180 cm/81 kg
In the cross-country team since:
1st Competition in World Cup:
2006 Davos
Individual sponsor: TCS
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Rossignol
Poles: Exel
Goggles: Adidas
Date of birth: 28 May 1984
Residence: 7260 Davos Dorf
Ski Club: Gardes Frontières
Height/Weight: 174 cm/70 kg
In the cross-country team since:
1st Competition in World Cup:
2006 Duesseldorf
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Rossignol
Poles: Exel
Goggles: Adidas
Date of birth: 01 February 1988
Residence: 7265 Davos Wolfgang
Ski Club: Davos
Height/Weight: 183 cm/80 kg
In the cross-country team since:
Suppliers: Skis: Madshus
Boots/Bindings: Madshus/Rottefella
Poles: One Way
Goggles: Adidas
Jöri Kindschi
Andreas Waldmeier
Dominik Volken
Date of birth: 08 October 1986
Residence: 7260 Davos Dorf
Ski Club: SC Davos
Height/Weight: 177 cm/70 kg
In the cross-country team since:
1st Competition in World Cup:
2006 Kuusamo
Individual sponsor: TCS
Suppliers: Skis: Atomic
Boots/Bindings: Atomic
Poles: Swix
Goggles: Adidas
Date of birth: 12 October 1982
Residence: 8825 Hütten ZH
Ski Club: TG Hütten
Height/Weight: 182 cm/77 kg
In the cross-country team since:
1st Competition in World Cup:
2004 Bern
Individual sponsor: TCS
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots/Bindings: Alpina/Rottefella
Poles: Exel
Goggles: Adidas
Date of birth: 23 November 1988
Residence: 3984 Fieschertal
Ski Club: Obergoms
In the cross-country team since:
Suppliers: Skis: Peltonen
Boots/Bindings: Hartjes/Salomon
Poles: Exel
Goggles: Adidas
88 swiss-ski team guide
C-Pool U20
cross-country men
Jonas Baumann
Roman Furger
Piet Heer
Date of birth: 27 March 1990
Residence: 7433 Lohn
Ski Club: Tambo Splügen
Height/Weight: 175 cm/65 kg
In the cross-country team since:
Suppliers: Skis: Atomic
Boots/Bindings: Atomic
Poles: Leki
Goggles: Adidas
Date of birth: 10 February 1990
Residence: 6467 Schattdorf
Ski Club: Schattdorf
Height/Weight: 172 cm/64 kg
In the cross-country team since:
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots/Bindings: Fischer
Poles: Exel
Goggles: Adidas
Date of birth: 12 January 1990
Residence: 7270 Davos Dorf
Ski Club: Davos
Height/Weight: 187 cm/72 kg
In the cross-country team since:
Suppliers: Skis: Peltonen
Boots/Bindings: Salomon
Poles: Leki
Goggles: Adidas
Gianluca Cologna
Jovian Hediger
Lukas Lischer
Date of birth: 17 May 1990
Residence: 7532 Tschierv
Ski Club: Val Müstair
Height/Weight: 177 cm/67 kg
In the cross-country team since:
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots/Bindings: Fischer
Poles: One Way
Goggles: Adidas
Date of birth: 17 December 1990
Residence: 1880 Bex
Ski Club: Bex
Height/Weight: 176 cm/76 kg
In the cross-country team since:
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Rossignol
Poles: Exel
Goggles: Adidas
Date of birth: 20 January 1990
Residence: 6196 Marbach
Ski Club: Marbach
Height/Weight: 179 cm/71 kg
In the cross-country team since:
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Alpina/Rottefella
Poles: Exel
Goggles: Adidas
swiss-ski team guide 89
C-Pool U20
cross-country men
national team
cross-country women
Candide Pralong
Seraina Mischol
Date of birth: 24 September 1990
Residence: 1937 Orsières
Ski Club: Val Ferret
Height/Weight: 183 cm/68 kg
In the cross-country team since:
Suppliers: Skis: Ski TRAB
Boots/Bindings: Alpina/Rottefella
Poles: One Way
Goggles: Adidas
Date of birth: 01 December 1981
Residence: 7276 Davos Frauenkirch
Ski Club: SC Davos
Height/Weight: 167 cm/58 kg
In the cross-country team since:
1st Competition in World Cup:
1995 Davos
Individual sponsor: Coop
Suppliers: Skis: Atomic
Boots/Bindings: Atomic
Poles: One Way
Goggles: Adidas
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Düsseldorf: 5. Sprint,
7. Team Sprint
Otepää: 5. Sprint
Kuusamo: 8. up to 10 km
Canmore: 9. Sprint
Stockholm: 9. Sprint
Bormio: 9. up to 5 km
Falun: 9. Team
2007 Lahti: 8. 10 km C
2006 Cogne: 20. 10 km C
Kuusamo: 19. Sprint C
Otepaeae: 6. Sprint
2005 Reit im Winkl: 9. Sprint
2004 Duesseldorf: 10. Sprint
World Championships
2007 Sapporo: 14. Sprint KL
2005 Oberstdorf: 33. Sprint SK,
38. 10 km SK
2003 Val di Fiemme: 33. 10 km KL,
34. 15 km KL
2001 Lahti: 55. 10 km KL
Ueli Schnider
Date of birth: 29 March 1990
Residence: 6173 Flühli
Ski Club: Flühli
Height/Weight: 183 cm/74 kg
In the cross-country team since:
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots/Bindings: Fischer
Poles: One Way
Goggles: Adidas
90 swiss-ski team guide
National Championships
2008 Glaubenberg: 2. Sprint,
3. Sprint
Feutersoey: 1. up to 30 km
2007 Steg: 1. 30 km KL, 2. Sprint F,
2. Pursuit 5 km KL + 5 km F,
1. Relay
2006 3. 10 km KL, 1. Sprint,
3. Pursuit 5 km KL + 5 km F,
1. Relay
2004 Pontresina: 3. 10 km F,
1. Sprint F, 2. 5 km Double pursuit,
3. 30 km C MS
2003 Lötschental: 2. 30 km F,
3. 5 km C/F
2002 Campra: 1. 4 x 5 km Relay C/F
2001 Langis-Glaubenberg:
1. 5 km C/F, 2. 15 km C
2000 La Lécherette:
1. 4 x 5 km Relay C/F
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Pragelato Plan: 32. Sprint SK,
15. 10 km KL
cross-country women
Silvana Bucher
Date of birth: 03 February 1984
Residence: 6170 Schüpfheim
Ski Club: SC Entlebuch
Height/Weight: 164 cm/55 kg
In the cross-country team since:
1st Competition in World Cup:
2006 Oslo
Suppliers: Skis: Atomic
Boots/Bindings: Alpina/Rottefella
Poles: Leki
Goggles: Adidas
National Championships
2008 Feutersoey: 3. up to 30 km
Granaasen: 5. up to 10 km
2007 Steg: 1. 10 km F
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Bormio: 30. Pursuit,
15. up to 5 km
Oslo: 20. up to 30 km
Falun: 9. Team
Liberec: 16. Team Sprint,
29. up to 10 km
Davos: 7. Team
Düsseldorf: 7. Team Sprint
2007 Davos: 30. 10 km F, 9. Relay
Junior World Championships
2004 Stryn: 51. Sprint, 51. Sprint,
33. 5 km F
2003 Solleftea: 46. 5 km C,
19. 15 km F Mst
Holmenkollen Oslo: 48. 30 sk
U 23 World Championship
2006 Kranj: 20. Sprint sk,
37. 10kl, 24. 7.5+7.5 Pursuit
Tarvisio 1. 10 skating,
5. Duathlon 10+10
World Championships
2007 Sapporo: 25. 10 km F,
9. Staffel
swiss-ski team guide 91
cross-country women
cross-country women
Laurence Rochat
Seraina Boner
Date of birth: 01 August 1979
Residence: 1342 Le Pont
Ski Club: SC Vallée de Jonx
Height/Weight: 176 cm/62 kg
In the cross-country team since:
1st Competition in World Cup:
1998 Muonio
Individual sponsor:
Audemars Piguet
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Rossignol
Poles: Exel
Goggles: Adidas
National Championships
2007 Liechtenstein: 1. Sprint K,
1. Pursuit 5 km KL + 5 km F
2006 Goms: 1. 10 km KL, 2. Sprint F,
2. Pursuit 5 km KL + 5 km F,
2. 30 km F Mst
2005 Les Diablerets: 1.30 km K
1. Double pursuit, 1. Sprint
2004 Pontresina: 2. Sprint F, 1. 5 km
Double pursuit, 1.30 km C Mst
2002 Campra:
2.15 km F, 1. 30 km C/F
2001 Langis-Glaubenberg:
2. Sprint C, 3. 5 km C/F
2000 La Lécherette: 1. 30 km C
1998 Urnäsch: 1. 10 km F
92 swiss-ski team guide
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Falun: 9. Team
Liberec: 16. Team Sprint
Canmore: 29. up to 10 km,
20. Pursuit
Davos: 7. Team, 24. up to 10 km
Kuusamo: 27. up to 10 km
2006 Kuusamo: 11. 10 km C/17
Sprint C
Düsseldorf: 11. Sprint F
2005 Vernon: 8. Sprint
World Championships
2007 Sapporo: DNF 30 km C Mst
Sapporo: 25. Sprint
2005 Oberstdorf: 11. 30 km C Mst
Oberstdorf: DNF Pursuit
Oberstdorf: 27. 10 km F
2003 Val di Fiemme: 43. Pursuit,
39. 10 km C
2001 Lahti: 33. 10 km C,
28. 15 km C
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Pragelato Plan: 15. Sprint,
25. 10 km C
2002 Salt Lake City: 21. 30 km C,
22. Pursuit, DNF 10 km C
2002 Salt Lake City: 3. Relay
Date of birth: 11 April 1982
Residence: 7270 Davos
Ski Club: Klosters
Height/Weight: 168 cm/56 kg
In the cross-country team since:
1st Competition in World Cup:
2002 Davos
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots/Bindings: Alpina/Rottefella
Poles: Leki
Goggles: Adidas
Karin Camenisch
Date of birth: 01 March 1980
Residence: 7250 Klosters
Ski Club: SC Klosters
Height/Weight: 162 cm/52 kg
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Rossignol
Poles: One Way
Goggles: Adidas
C-Pool U23
Bettina Gruber
Doris Trachsel
Léna Pichard
Date of birth: 31 January 1985
Residence: 7000 Chur
Ski Club: Rätia Chur
Height/Weight: 169 cm/60 kg
In the cross-country team since:
Individual sponsor: TCS
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Rossignol
Poles: One Way
Goggles: Adidas
Date of birth: 27 April 1984
Residence: 1737 Plasselb
Ski Club: SC Plasselb
Height/Weight: 175 cm/65 kg
In the cross-country team since:
1st Competition in World Cup:
2004 Bern
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots/Bindings: Fischer
Poles: Swix
Goggles: Adidas
Date of birth: 22 January 1986
Residence: 1865 Les Diablerets
Ski Club: Les Diablerets
Height/Weight: 164 cm/57 kg
In the cross-country team since:
Suppliers: Skis: Atomic
Boots/Bindings: Atomic
Poles: Leki
Goggles: Adidas
Tatjana Stiffler
Laurien Van der Graaff
Date of birth: 10 November 1988
Residence: 7260 Davos Dorf
Ski Club: Davos
Height/Weight: 174 cm/64 kg
In the cross-country team since:
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Rossignol
Poles: Leki
Goggles: Adidas
Date of birth: 14 October 1987
Residence: 7270 Davos Platz
Ski Club: Davos
Height/Weight: 166 cm/57 kg
In the cross-country team since:
Individual sponsor: TCS
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Rossignol
Poles: One Way
Goggles: Adidas
swiss-ski team guide 93
C-Pool U20
head of Discipline
Carmen Emmenegger
Lucy Pichard
Adriano Iseppi
Date of birth: 29 January 1989
Residence: 6173 Flühli
Ski Club: Flühli
In the cross-country team since:
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots/Bindings: Fischer
Poles: Leki
Goggles: Adidas
Date of birth: 07 December 1989
Residence: 1865 Les Diablerets
Ski Club: Les Diablerets
Height/Weight: 159 cm/53 kg
In the cross-country team since:
Suppliers: Skis: Atomic
Boots/Bindings: Atomic
Poles: Leki
Goggles: Adidas
Date of birth: 22 March 1973
Residence: 7270 Davos Platz
Christine Lötscher
Date of birth: 27 December 1990
Residence: 6196 Marbach
Ski Club: Marbach
Height/Weight: 163 cm/48 kg
In the cross-country team since:
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots/Bindings: Fischer
Poles: One Way
Goggles: Adidas
94 swiss-ski team guide
Since 2007: Head of Cross-country
Swiss Ski
2007: Swiss Olympic Federation
coach training
Winter 2006/07: Alpine coach
in Norway (Club Nero Alpin)
2003–2006: PE and biology teacher
at the sports secondary school
in Davos
1997–2002: PE teacher II and
biology teacher training at Bern
1994–1997: Working as primary
school teacher
1989–1994: Primary school
teacher training
Markus Cramer
Function: Head coach
and coach women
Date of birth: 09 December 1962
Residence: D-59955 Winterberg
Roger Wachs
Function: Coach equipment
Date of birth: 08 December 1972
Residence: 3294 Büren a/A
Trond Nystad
Function: Sprint coach
Date of birth: 09 June 1970
Residence: A-8972 Ramsau
Andrej Neff
Function: Equipment WC
Date of birth: 23 November 1981
Residence: 9050 Appenzell
Frederik Aukland
Function: Head of Davos centre
and mens‘s distance coach
Date of birth: 24 May 1978
Residence: 7270 Davos
Mario Denoth
Function: Equipment WC
Date of birth: 02 April 1980
Residence: 7551 Ftan
Reto Bachmann
Function: Coach of Davos centre
and Coach Continentalcup
Date of birth: 04 June 1972
Residence: 7477 Filisur
Edi Zihlmann
Function: Head of young talents and
Coordinator Helvetia Nordic Trophy
Date of birth: 09 January 1965
Residence: 6196 Marbach
Isabel Knauthe
Function: Physiotherapist
Date of birth: 04 October 1977
Residence: 7276 Davos Dorf
Sergio Favre
Function: Equipment WC
Date of birth: 01 June 1955
Residence: I-11020 Verrayes
Marco Isenschmid
Function: Equipment Continentalcup
Date of birth: 31 August 1983
Residence: 6005 Luzern
Werner Gohl
Function: Coordinator FIS-Races
Date of birth: 17 July 1940
Residence: 8800 Thalwil
Patrik Noak
Function: Head Doctor
Date of birth: 03 January 1974
Residence: 2532 Magglingen
swiss-ski team guide 95
96 swiss-ski team guide
Photo: menzipics
swiss-ski team guide 97
nordic combined
nordic combined
Bieri Joel 101
Grossen Lars 101
Heer Ronny Hess Ivo 98
Hollenstein Michael 99
Hug Tim 99
Hurschler Seppi 100
Kläsi Felix 101
Schmid Tommy 100
Kempf Hippolyt 102
Ronny Heer
Date of birth: 09 January 1981
Residence: 8840 Einsiedeln
Ski Club: SC Horw
Height/Weight: 175 cm/64 kg
In the nordic combined team since:
1st Competition in World Cup:
2000 Hakuba
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots: Rass/Salomon
Bindings: Salomon
Poles: Swix
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
National Championships
2008 Einsiedeln:
1. 10 km Gundersen
2005 Kandersteg: 2. Gundersen
2004 Hinterzarten: 2. Sprint
2003 Kandersteg: 2. Sprint
2002 Les Tuffes: 2. Gundersen
2001 St. Moritz: 2. Sprint
2000 Premanon: 3. Sprint
98 swiss-ski team guide
World Cup (Top 10)
2007 Lahti: 10. Sprint
Zakopane: 8. Mst
2002 Liberec: 7. Gundersen
Oberwiesenthal: 6. Sprint
Strbske Pleso: 6. Sprint
World Championships
2007 Sapporo: 21. Gundersen
Sapporo: 5. Team, 18. Sprint
2005 Oberstdorf: 31. Sprint, 6. Team,
28. Gundersen
2003 Val di Fiemme: 21 Sprint,
7. Team, 31. Gundersen
2001 Lahti: 10. Team
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Pragelato/Pragelato Plan:
20. Sprint, 4. Team, 24. Gundersen
2002 Utah Olympic Park/Soldier
Hollow: 29. Sprint, 7. Team,
29. Gundersen
Summer Grand Prix
2008 Einsiedeln: 1. Gundersen
Oberstdorf: 5. Gundersen
Hinterzarten: 25. Gundersen
2007 Val di Fiemme: 20. Gundersen
Oberhof: 14. Gundersen
Michael Hollenstein
Tim Hug
Date of birth: 22 September 1984
Residence: 8635 Oberdürnten
Ski Club: SC am Bachtel
Height/Weight: 185 cm/73 kg
In the nordic combined team since:
1st Competition in World Cup:
2004 Oberhof
Individual sponsor: Rothaus-Garage
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots: Rass/Salomon
Bindings: Salomon
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
Date of birth: 11 August 1987
Residence: 4563 Gerlafingen
Ski Club: SC Gerlafingen
Height/Weight: 184 cm/70 kg
In the nordic combined team since:
1st Competition in World Cup:
2008 Seefeld
Individual sponsor: Unifil AG
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots: Rass/Salomon
Bindings: Salomon
Poles: Exel
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
National Championships
2008 Glaubenberg: 10. Sprint,
16. Sprint
Feutersoey: 24. More than
30 Kilometers
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Seefeld: 22. Sprint, 28. Sprint
Val di Fiemme: 23. Sprint,
27. Gundersen
Schonach: 26. Gundersen
Summer Grand Prix
2008 Einsiedeln: 30. Gundersen
Oberstdorf: 36. Gundersen
2007 Val di Fiemme: 22. Gundersen
Klingenthal: 24. Mst
World Cup (Top 40)
2008 Seefeld: 39. Sprint, 32. Sprint
Junior World Championships
2007 Tarvisio: 23. Sprint,
33. Gundersen
2006 Kranj: 26. Sprint,
25. Gundersen
2005 Rovaniemi: 18. Sprint,
34. Gundersen
2004 Stryn: 51. Sprint,
42. Gundersen
Summer Grand Prix
2008 Einsiedeln: 19. Gundersen
Oberstdorf: 21. Gundersen
Hinterzarten: 18. Gundersen
2007 Bischofshofen: 20. Gundersen
Val di Fiemme: 16. Gundersen
Klingenthal: 11. Mst
swiss-ski team guide 99
nordic combined
Seppi Hurschler
Date of birth: 23 June 1983
Residence: 8840 Einsiedeln
Ski Club: SC Bannalp-Wolfensch
Height/Weight: 180 cm/66 kg
In the nordic combined team
1st Competition in World Cup:
2002 Laht
Individual sponsor: Engelberg-Titlis
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots: Rass/Salomon
Bindings: Salomon
Poles: Swix
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
National Championships
2008 Einsiedeln: 2. 10 km
2006 Einsiedeln: 1. Sprint
2002 Les Tuffes: 3. Gundersen
2001 St. Moritz: 3. Sprint
2000 Premanon: 2. Sprint
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Oslo: 23. Gundersen
Liberec: 21. Mst
Seefeld: 14. Sprint, 20. Sprint
Klinenthal: 9. Sprint, 29. Mst
Val di Fiemme: 9. Sprint,
22. Gundersen
Schonach: 26. Sprint
Oberhof: 15. Gundersen
100 swiss-ski team guide
Tommy Schmid
2007 Seefeld: 18. Sprint
Lago di Tesero: 28. Mst
Oberstdorf: 29. Gundersen
Sapporo: 10. Sprint, 7. Mst
Lahti: 11. Sprint, 21. Gundersen
World Championships
2007 Sapporo: 17. Gundersen,
5. Team, 28. Sprint
2003 Val di Fiemme: 35. Sprint
Olympische Spiel
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Pragelato/Pragelato Plan:
24. Sprint, 22. Gundersen
2002 Utah Olympic Park/Soldier
Hollow: 31. Sprint
Summer Grand Prix
2008 Einsiedeln: 7. Gundersen
Oberstdorf: 7. Gundersen
Hinterzarten: 10. Gundersen
2007 Bischofshofen: 4. Gundersen
Val di Fiemme: 18. Gundersen
Oberhof: 25. Gundersen
Klingenthal: 17. Mst
Date of birth: 12 April 1988
Residence: NOR-7091 Tiller
Ski Club: TV Unterstrass
Height/Weight: 179 cm/69 kg
In the nordic combined team since:
1st Competition in World Cup:
2007 Lago di Tesero
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots: Rass/Salomon
Bindings: Salomon
Poles: Swix
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
National Championships
2006 Einsiedeln, Elite: 10
Juneoren: 3
World Cup (Top 20)
2008 Zakopane: 2. Sprint
Oslo: 28. Compact Sprint,
27. Gundersen
Val di Fiemme: 17. Sprint
2007 Lago di Tesero ITA:
8. World Cup Team
Junior World Championships
2008 Zakopane: 2. Sprint,
6. Gundersen
2007 Tarvisio: 16. Sprint, 9. Team,
13. Gundersen
2006 Kranj: 29. Sprint,
8. Team, 22. Gundersen
Sommer Grand Prix
2008 Einsiedeln: 18. Gundersen
nordic combined
nordic combined
Joel Bieri
Lars Grossen
Date of birth: 30 May 1989
Residence: 3718 Kandersteg
Ski Club: SC Kandersteg
Height/Weight: 170 cm/58 kg
In the nordic combined team since:
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots: Rass/Salomon
Bindings: Salomon
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
Date of birth: 03 February 1990
Residence: 3718 Kandersteg
Ski Club: Kandersteg
Height/Weight: 186 cm/69 kg
In the nordic combined team since:
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots: Jalais/Salomon
Bindings: Salomon
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
Felix Kläsi
Ivo Hess
Date of birth: 23 April 1987
Residence: 8630 Rüti
Ski Club: SC am Bachtel
Height/Weight: 176 cm/62 kg
In the nordic combined team since:
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots: Rass/Salomon
Bindings: Salomon
Poles: Leki
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
Date of birth: 05 May 1991
Residence: 6465 Unterschächen
Ski Club: Unterschächen
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots: Rass/Salomon
Bindings: Salomon
Poles: Exel
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
swiss-ski team guide 101
head of Disciplines
nordic combined
nordic combined
Eugen Krügel
Function: Coach WC A
and Head Coach
Date of birth: 29 June 1972
Residence: 8637 Laupen
Hippolyt Kempf
Date of birth: 10 December 1965
Residence: 2532 Magglingen
Since 2002: Once again,
member of NNSK Board
Since May 2002: Head of Nordic
September 2005–December 2007:
Fundamental principles of sport
and industry at the Federal Office
of Sport
2000–2002 Head Coach of the
Swiss Disabled Ski Team Nordic
1996–1998 Co-skier for a visually
impaired athlete, Swiss Disabled
Ski Team
1995–1998: Chairman National
Nordic Ski Centre Kandersteg
(NNSK). Responsible for jumping,
and OC Head of Competitions: incl.
Alpine Grand Prix, Swiss Championships ski jumping and Nordic
1987–1994 Nordic skier
1994–1998 University of Fribourg,
1989–1990 BAFL Innsbruck,
basic training as coach
1982–1986 Schigymnasium
(secondary-level ski school) Stams
102 swiss-ski team guide
Peter Leiner
Function: Coach COC
and Jumping coach
Date of birth: 02 December 1965
Residence: D-87561 Oberstdorf
Torald Rein
Function: Coach Cross-Country
and equipment technicien
Date of birth: 22 October 1968
Residence: 34508 Willingen
Christian Raimund
Function: Coach Alpencup
Date of birth: 17 December 1973
Residence: D-87642 Halblech
Claudio Canova
Function: Head Doctor
and Sports medicine management
Date of birth: 14 October 1963
Residence: 9495 Triesen
Diana Wisler
Function: Sports therapist
Date of birth: 17 June 1980
Residence: 3532 Mirchel
Jörg Wetzel
Function: Psychologist
Date of birth: 18 July 1968
Residence: 3012 Bern
Photo: menzipics
swiss-ski team guide 103
national team
Ammann Simon 104
Anken Vital 107
Deschwanden Gregor 107
Egloff Pascal 106
Français Rémi 106
Fuchs Salome 108
Grigoli Marco 108
Guignard Antoine 107
Küttel Andreas 105
Möllinger Michael 106
Schuler Adrian 107
Windmüller Bigna 107
Gary Furrer
Simon Ammann
Date of birth: 25 June 1981
Residence: Schindellegi
Ski Club: RG Churfirsten
Height/Weight: 172 cm/60 kg
In the skijumping team since: 1993
1st Competition in World Cup:
1997 Oberstdorf
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots: Rass
Goggles/Helmet: Carrera
Gloves: Reusch
National Championships
2008 Einsiedeln: 2. LH
2007 Kandersteg: 2. NH
2006 Einsiedeln: 2. LH
2005 Kandersteg: 3. NH
2004 Hinterzarten: 2. NH
2003 Kandersteg: 2. NH
2002 Les Tuffes: 2. NH
2001 St. Moritz: 3. NH
World Cup (Top 3)
2008 Bischofshofen: 3 LH
Zakopane: 3. LH
2007 Planica: 2. FH, 2. FH
Oslo: 1. LH
Klingenthal: 2. LH
Bischofshofen: 3. LH
Innsbruck: 3. LH
Engelberg: 2. LH
Lillehammer: 1. LH
Kuusamo: 2. LH
2004 Oslo: 2. LH
Lillehammer: 2. LH
Park City: 2. LH
104 swiss-ski team guide
Andreas Küttel
2002 Oslo: 1. NH
Oberstdorf: 3. LH
Predazzo: 2. LH, 3. LH
Engelberg: 2. LH
World Championships
2007 Sapporo: 2. NH,
7. Team LH, 1. LH
2005 Oberstdorf: 7. Team LH,
27. LH, 8. Team NH, 44. NH
2003 Val di Fiemme: 10. NH,
9. Team LH, 17. LH
1999 Ramsau: 26. NH
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Pragelato: 7. Team LH,
15. LH, 38. NH
2002 Utah Olympic Park: 7. Team
LH, 1. LH, 1. NH
1998 Nagano: 39. LH,
35. NH, 6. Team LH
Summer Grand Prix (Top 10)
2008 Zakopane: 4. LH, 3. LH
Pragelato: 5. LH
Courchevel: 3. LH
Einsiedeln: 7. LH
Hinterzarten: 7. NH
2007 Klingenthal: 6. LH
Zakopane: 5. LH
Zakopane: 4. LH
Einsiedeln: 4. LH
Courchevel: 8. LH
Hinterzarten: 7. NH
Hinterzarten: 5. Team NH
Date of birth: 25 April 1979
Residence: 8840 Einsiedeln
Ski Club: Einsiedeln
Height/Weight: 182 cm/63 kg
In the skijumping team since: 1991
1st Competition in World Cup:
1995 Lillehammer
Individual sponsor: Emmentaler
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots: Rass
Goggles/Helmet: Casco
Gloves: Reusch
National Championships
2008 Einsiedeln: 1. LH
2007 Kandersteg: 1. NH
2006 Einsiedeln: 1. LH
2005 Kandersteg: 2. NH
2004 Hinterzarten: 3. NH
2003 Kandersteg: 1. NH
2002 Les Tuffes: 1. NH
2001 St. Moritz: 2. NH
World Cup (Top 3)
2008 Engelberg: 1. LH
Liberec: 3. LH
Lillehammer: 2. LH
2007 Oslo: 2. LH
Garmisch-Partenkirchen: 1. LH
Oberstdorf: 2. LH
Lillehammer: 2. LH
2006 Kuopio: 1. LH
Willingen: 3. LH
Harrachov: 3. LH, 1. LH
Lillehammer: 3. LH, 1. LH
2005 Willingen: 3. LH
2004 Liberec: 3. LH
World Championships
2007 Sapporo: 5. NH,
7. Team LH, 19. LH
2005 Oberstdorf: 7. Team LH,
18. LH, 8. Team NH, 20. NH
2003 Val di Fiemme: 47. NH,
9 Team LH, 47. LH
2001 Lahti: Team NH,1. NH,
12. NH, Team LH, 29. LH.
1999 Ramsau: 39. NH,
51. LH
1997 Trondheim: 50. LH, 21. NH
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Pragelato: 7. Team LH,
6. LH, 5. NH
2002 Utah Olympic Park: 7. Team
LH, 6. LH, 22. NH
Summer Grand Prix (Top 10)
2008 Zakopane: 8. LH
Einsiedeln: 10. LH
2007 Hakuba: 2. LH
Hakuba: 1. LH
Zakopane: 10. LH
Zakopane: 9. LH
Einsiedeln: 5. LH
Courchevel: 9. LH
Hinterzarten: 4. NH
Hinterzarten:l 5. Team NH
swiss-ski team guide 105
Michael Möllinger
Pascal Egloff
Date of birth: 25 October 1980
Residence: 8842 Unteriberg
Ski Club: Einsiedeln
Height/Weight: 186 cm/70 kg
In the skijumping team since: 2004
1st Competition in World Cup:
1999 Oberstdorf
Suppliers: Skis: Atomic
Boots: Rass;
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
World Championships
2007 Sapporo: 40. NH, 7. Team LH
2005 Oberstdorf: 7. Team LH,
34. LH, 8. Team NH, 35. NH
Olympic Winter Games
2006 Pragelato: 7. Team LH,
13. LH, 13. NH
Summer Grand Prix (Top 10)
2007 Hinterzarten: 5. Team NH
Date of birth: 08 August 1992
Residence: 9472 Grabs
Ski Club: Grabserberg
Height/Weight: 174 cm/59 kg
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots: Rass
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
Gloves: Reusch
National Championships
2007 Kandersteg: 3. NH
2006 Einsiedeln: 3. LH
2005 Kandersteg: 1. NH
2004 Hinterzarten: 1. NH
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Kuusamo: 7. LH
2007 Willingen: 4. Team LH
2006 Lahti: 6. Team LH
Willingen: 6. Team LH.
2005 Willingen: 7. Team LH
Kuusamo: 10. LH
Rémi Français
Date of birth: 24 March 1989
Residence: 1007 Lausanne
Ski Club: Les Diablerets
Height/Weight: 181 cm/65 kg
In the skijumping team since: 2002
Individual sponsor: Miauton
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots: Rass
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
106 swiss-ski team guide
Antoine Guignard
Bigna Windmüller
Vital Anken
Date of birth: 30 July 1984
Residence: 1854 Leysin
Ski Club: Le Brassus
Height/Weight: 168 cm/53 kg
In the skijumping team since: 1998
1st Competition in World Cup:
2007 Lahti
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots: Rass
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
Date of birth: 27 January 1991
Residence: 7320 Sargans
Ski Club: Wildhaus
Height/Weight: 166 cm/53 kg
In the skijumping team since: 2008
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots: Rass
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
Gloves: Reusch
Date of birth: 12 February 1992
Residence: 1122 Romanel-surMorges
Ski Club: Le Brassus
Height/Weight: 180 cm/63 kg
In the skijumping team since: 2008
Individual sponsor: Miauton
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots: Rass
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
Adrian Schuler
Gregor Deschwanden
Date of birth: 28 October 1992
Residence: 6418 Rothenturm
Ski Club: Einsiedeln
Height/Weight: 173 cm/61 kg
In the skijumping team since: 2008
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots: Rass
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
Date of birth: 27 February 1991
Residence: 6048 Horw
Ski Club: Horw
Height/Weight: 177 cm/57 kg
In the skijumping team since: 2008
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots: Rass
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
swiss-ski team guide 107
head of Discipline
Martin Künzle
Function: Coach WC Team
Date of birth: 03 February 1980
Residence: 9657 Unterwasser
Marco Grigoli
Gary Furrer
Date of birth: 27 April 1991
Residence: 7500 St. Moritz
Ski Club: Alpina St. Moritz
Height/Weight: 174 cm/61 kg
In the skijumping team since: 2004
Suppliers: Skis: Atomic
Boots: Rass
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
Gloves: Reusch
Date of birth: 28 July 1960
Residence: 8840 Einsiedeln
Salome Fuchs
Date of birth: 13 December 1993
Residence: 8840 Einsiedeln
Ski Club: Einsiedeln
Height/Weight: 160 cm/52 kg
In the skijumping team since: 2008
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots: Rass
Goggles/Helmet: Uvex
Gloves: Reusch
108 swiss-ski team guide
2007-2008: Qualified sports
manager training VMI
Since 1998: Head of Ski Jumping
Swiss-Ski Since 1992: Manager Nordic
intensive training centre, Einsiedeln
1990–1992: Head of Ski Jumping
SC Einsiedeln
1989–1992: Coach at the Nordic
intensive training centre, Einsiedeln
1982–1986: Players’ coach KTV
Wolhusen (punch-ball)
1994: Swiss Olympic young talent
coach of the year (skiing)
1980–1986: National player punchball (junior, elite) / Volleyball NL B
1991–2006: Further education
courses Swiss-Olympic, cantonal
instructor course,
WISPO course
1989–1990: Training as qualified
coach, Swiss Olympic
1981–1985: PE teacher and sports
instructor training Dip. II
Gerhard Hofer
Function: Equipment technician/
Co-Coach WC Team
Date of birth: 11 August 1982
Residence: A-6092 Brigitz
Wytze Bakker
Function: Physiotherapist WC Team
Date of birth: 18 August 1959
Residence: 8844 Euthal
Günther Chromecek
Function: Coach Continental
Date of birth: 16. February 1963
Residence: A-5622 Goldegg
Florian Cuendet
Function: Coach Continental
Date of birth: 11 August 1971
Residence: 1400 Yverdon les Bains
Pipo Schödler
Function: Head of young talents/
Coach women team
Date of birth: 29 October 1973
Residence: 8836 Bennau
Roger Kamber
Function: Centre groupe coach
Date of birth: 17 December 1979
Residence: 8840 Einsiedeln
Sylvie Ackermann
Function: Head Doctor and Sports
Residence: 8044 Zürich
Marc Völz
Function: Physiotherapist/
Coach Air‘sport
Date of birth: 27 March 1974
Residence: D-79739 Schwörstadt
Hanspeter Gubelmann
Function: In charge of sports
Photo: menzipics
swiss-ski team guide 109
national team
Böckli Claudio 112
Cadurisch Irene 113
Cuenot Gaspard 113
Dolder Mario 113
Frei Thomas 112
Gasparin Elisa 113
Gasparin Selina 112
Hallenbarter Simon 110
Joller Ivan 112
Russi Kevin 114
Schnydrig Stephanie 114
Simmen Matthias 111
Weger Benjamin 113
Wiestner Serafin 114
Regli Markus
Simon Hallenbarter
Date of birth: 05 March 1979
Residence: 3988 Obergesteln
Ski Club: SC Obergoms
Height/Weight: 193 cm/89 kg
In the biathlon team since: 2002
1st Competition in World Cup:
1999 Engelberg
Individual Sponsor: Raiffeisen
Suppliers: Skis: Madshus
Boots/Bindings: Madshus/Rottefella
Poles: KV2
Goggles: Adidas
National Championships
2005 Unterwasser: 3. SP, 2. MS
European Championships
2006 Langdorf: 16. PU, 16. SP, 2. RL
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Oestersund: 13. Sprint
2007 Oestersund: 15. IN
Hochfilzen: 19. SP 28. PU
Oslo Holmenkollen: 22. PU
Lahti: 29. SP
2006 Oberhof: 30. IN, 17. RL
Ruhpolding: 11. RL
2005 Antholz-Anterselva: 21. IN
Hochfilzen: 21. IN
Oestersund: 26. SP, 16. RL
Osrblie: 19. SP, 8. IN
Hochfilzen: 7. RL
110 swiss-ski team guide
Matthias Simmen
World Championships
2007 Antholz-Anterselva: 30. IN,
10. SP, 27. PU, 16. RL
2005 Hochfilzen: 16. IN, 23. SP,
30. PU, 18. RL
2004 Oberhof: 19. RL
2003 Khanty-Mansiysk: 15. RL
2002 Salt Lake City: 18. RL
2001 Pokljuka: 17. RL
Olympic Winter Games
2006 San Sicario: 77. IN, 67. SP
Date of birth: 03 February 1972
Residence: 6491 Realp
Ski Club: Gardes Frontière
Height/Weight: 186 cm/84 kg
In the biathlon team since: 2001
1st Competition in World Cup:
1996 Davos
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Rossignol
Poles: Exel
Goggles: Adidas
National Championships
2005 Unterwasser: 1. SP, 1. MS
European Championships
2006 Landorf: 5. IN, 8. ST
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Oslo Holmenkoll: 37. Pursuit,
11. Sprint
Pyeong Chang: 25. Pursuit, 19.
Antholz: 21. Pursuit
Ruhpoldingen: 21. Pursuit,
33. Sprint
Hochfilzen: 29. Sprint
Kontiolahti: 20. Individual
2007 Hochfilzen: 3.SP, 16. SP
Antholz: 10. SP
Oslo Holmenkollen: 16. PU
2006 Hochfilzen: 14. ST
Oberhof: 15. ST
Ruhpolding: 18. ST
Oestersund: 19. ST
Oberhof: 23. SP
Pokljuka: 28. SP
2005 Poklyuka: 26. PU, 24. SP
Hochfilzen: 23. SP, 16. IN
Antholz-Enterselva: 19. PU
Ruhpolding: 17. SP
Oslo Holmenkollen: 16. IN
Oberhof: 16. SP, 9. PU
Khanty-Mansiysk: 16. SP, 14. PU
2002 Brenzo-Osriblie: 26. IN
World Championships
2007 Antholz: 30. IN, 10. SP,
24. PU, 27. MS, 16. RL
2005 Hochfilzen: 16. IN, 18. RL,
23. SP, 27. PU, 30. MS
2003 Khanty-Mansysk: 15. RL,
72. IN, 61. SP
Oberhof: 19. RL, 34. IN, 65. SP
2001 Pokljuka: 17. RL, 82. SP
Olympic Winter Games
2006 San Sicario:
52. IN, 45. SP, 24. PU
2002 Salt Lake City:
78. IN, 67. SP, 18. RL
swiss-ski team guide 111
Claudio Böckli
Thomas Frei
Selina Gasparin
Date of birth: 20 June 1984
Residence: 8604 Seegräben
Ski Club: SC am Bachtel
Height/Weight: 180 cm/76 kg
In the biathlon team since: 2000
1st Competition in World Cup:
2007 Kontiolahti
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Rossignol
Poles: Leki
Goggles: Adidas
Date of birth: 17 April 1980
Residence: 7270 Davos Platz
Ski Club: Davos
Height/Weight: 176 cm/67 kg
In the biathlon team since: 2007
1st Competition in World Cup:
2002 Davos
Suppliers: Skis: Atomic
Boots/Bindings: Atomic
Poles: Leki
Goggles: Adidas
Date of birth: 03 April 1984
Residence: 7504 Pontresina
Ski Club: Gardes Frontière
Height/Weight: 163 cm/54 kg
In the biathlon team since: 2005
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Rossignol
Poles: Leki
Goggles: Adidas
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Hochfilzen: 26. SP
World Cup (Top 30)
2008 Oslo Holmenkollen: 28. SP
World Championships
2008 Oestersund: 62. SP
World Championships
2008 Oestersund: 70. SP, 37. PU,
58. MS, 18. RL
Ivan Joller
Date of birth: 24 April 1983
Residence: 6370 Stans
Ski Club: Bannalp Wolfenschiessen
Height/Weight: 180 cm/72 kg
In the biathlon team since: 2000
1st Competition in World Cup:
2004 Hochfilzen
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots/Bindings: Fischer
Poles: Leki
Goggles: Adidas
112 swiss-ski team guide
Benjamin Weger
Irene Cadurisch
Mario Dolder
Date of birth: 05 October 1989
Residence: 3985 Geschinen
Ski Club: SC Obergoms
Height/Weight: 180 cm/70 kg
In the biathlon team since: 2007
Suppliers: Skis: Atomic
Boots/Bindings: Atomic
Poles: Leki
Goggles: Adidas
Date of birth: 23 October 1991
Residence: 7516 Maloja
Ski Club: Sils
Height/Weight: 165 cm/58 kg
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots/Bindings: Fischer
Poles: Leki
Goggles: Adidas
Date of birth: 22 June 1990
Residence: 4495 Zeglingen
Ski Club: Riehen
Height/Weight: 180 cm/68 kg
In the biathlon team since: 2007
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Rossignol
Poles: Leki
Goggles: Adidas
Gaspard Cuenot
Elisa Gasparin
Date of birth: 30 September 1991
Residence: 2414 Le Cerneux-Péquignot
Ski Club: La Brévine
Height/Weight: 173 cm/63 kg
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots/Bindings: Fischer
Poles: Leki
Goggles: Adidas
Date of birth: 02 December 1991
Residence: 7504 Pontresina
Ski Club: SC Bernina Pontresina
Height/Weight: 158 cm/49 kg
In the biathlon team since: 2007
1st Competition in World Cup:
2006 Oestersund
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Rossignol
Poles: Leki
Goggles: Adidas
swiss-ski team guide 113
head of Discipline
Kevin Russi
Serafin Wiestner
Markus Regli
Date of birth: 18 July 1992
Residence: 6490 Andermatt
Ski Club: Gotthard Andermatt
Height/Weight: 177 cm/64 kg
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Rossignol
Poles: KV2
Goggles: Adidas
Date of birth: 20 July 1990
Residence: 7016 Trin Mulin
Ski Club: Trin
Height/Weight: 186 cm/75 kg
In the biathlon team since: 2007
Suppliers: Skis: Madshus
Boots/Bindings: Madshus/Rottefella
Poles: Leki
Goggles: Adidas
Date of birth: 06 October 1963
Residence: 6490 Andermatt
Stephanie Schnydrig
Date of birth: 06 October 1990
Residence: 3998 Reckingen
Ski Club: SC Obergoms
Height/Weight: 161 cm/53 kg
In the biathlon team since: 2007
Suppliers: Skis: Fischer
Boots/Bindings: Fischer
Poles: Leki
Goggles: Adidas
114 swiss-ski team guide
2006: Competition Manager CISM
Ski World Championships in
Since 2004: Head of Discipline
Biathlon at Swiss Ski
Since 2001: Technical Manager
winter competitions of the army in
Since 1998: Responsible for army
sports centre Andermatt (ASSA)
Since 1997: TD national crosscountry
Since 1995: CISM Head of Discipline
Ski (cross-country, biathlon, Alpine)
1990–1995: Head of Ski Triathlon
national team
1982–1990: Coach and then Head
of Nordic Skiing at SC GotthardAndermatt
Voluntary activity: Head of
Discipline Biathlon at Swiss Ski
Sports education: Diploma Sports
Manager SOA/VMI
Manfred Geyer
Function: Coach WC-Team
Date of birth: 23 May 1951
Residence: D-98528 Suhl
Markus Segessenmann
Function: National Coach
and candidate group coach
Date of birth: 30 May 1971
Residence: 6491 Realp
Peter Birchler
Function:Technical shooting coach
Date of birth: 10 March 1969
Residence: 6343 Rotkreuz
Cyrill Russi
Function: Coach candidate group
Date of birth: 10. March 1976
Residence: 6490 Andermatt
Thomas Uhr
Function: Medical masseur
Date of birth: 27 February 1976
Residence: 8840 Einsiedeln
Bernhard Senn
Function: Temporary
Date of birth: 13 July 1976
Residence: 3097 Liebefeld
Stefan Raschle
Function: Temporary
Date of birth: 22 January 1978
Residence: 8610 Usters
Pascal Huber
Function: Temporary
Date of birth: 17 March 1978
Residence: 3534 Signau
Thomas Schmid
Function: Temporary
Date of birth: 25 November 1979
Residence: 3012 Bern
Pascal Clement
Function: Coach equipment
technician WC
Date of birth: 26 May 1976
Residence: 7522 La Punt Chamues
Frank Schmidt
Function: Equipment
technician WC
Date of birth: 17 January 1976
Residence: D-987147 Stützerbach
Cyrill gross
Function: Kidz Trophy
Date of birth:
Residence: 8706 Meilen
Franziska Keller-Müller
Function: Kidz Trophy/Kidz Club
Residence: 8840 Einsiedeln
Robert Zwahlen
Function: Head of Training
and Education
Date of birth: 06 August 1950
Residence: 2504 Biel
Walter O. Frey
Function: Head Doctor
Date of birth: 26 July 1957
Residence: 8008 Zürich
Cyril Russi
Function: Head Coach equipment
technician EC
Date of birth: 10 March 1976
Residence: 6490 Andermatt
David Meierhans
Function: Equipment
technician EC
Date of birth: 04 January 1979
Residence: 3294 Büren a. Aare
Christoph Burckhardt
Function: Equipment
technician EC
Date of birth: 02 January 1977
Residence: 8057 Zürich
Hartwig Birrer
Function: Head of competitions
Date of birth: 05 January 1964
Residence: 6383 Dallenwil
swiss-ski team guide 115
116 swiss-ski team guide
Photo: Keystone
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National Team
Dayer Bastien 118
Echser Martin 119
Forrer Daniel 119
Metrailler Denis 119
Niederberger Reto 120
Reymond Amélie 119
Birchler Hans-Peter 120
Bonny Michel
Bastien Dayer
Date of birth: 28 December 1987
Residence: 1987 Hérémence
Ski Club: Mouch Pa’ba
Height/Weight: 184 cm/77 kg
In the telemark team since: 2005
1st Competition in World Cup:
2005 Fiss
Individual sponsor: TELE-THYON
Suppliers: Skis: Head
Boots/Bindings: Scarpa/Rottefella
Goggles/Helmet: Giro
Clothes/Gloves: H2O/Level
Poles: Exel
World Cup (Top 10)
2008 Sugarbrush/Lincoln Park:
3. Sprint, 7. Classic
Rjukan: 2. Sprint, 7. Classic
Pyhätuntri: 6. Classic, 10. Classic,
6. Sprint
Dolni Morava: 4. Sprint
Kreischberg: 5. Sprint
Montchavin Les Coches:
9. Classic, 10. Classic, 6. Sprint
2007 Bad Hindelang/Oberjoch:
6. Classic
Gaustablikk, Rjukan: 6. Sprint,
8. Sprint
2006 Schweitzer Mountain Resort
10. Giant Slalom
World Championships
2007 Thyon-Région: 8. Classic,
14. Giant Slalom, 6. Sprint
Junior World Championships
2007 Thyon-Région: 2. Classic,
1. Giant Slalom, 1. Sprint
118 swiss-ski team guide
Amélie Reymond
Martin Echser
Daniel Forrer
Date of birth: 18 June 1987
Residence: 1950 Sion
Ski Club: Mouch Pa‘ba
Height/Weight: 165 cm/60 kg
In the telemark team since: 2007
1st Competition in World Cup:
2007 Trysil
Individual sponsor: TELE-THYON
Suppliers: Skis: Rossignol
Boots/Bindings: Gramont/Rottefella
Goggles/Helmet: POC
Clothes/Gloves: H2O/Level
Poles: Rossignol
Date of birth: 07 July 1979
Residence: 6482 Gurtnellen
Ski Club: Maderanertal
Height/Weight: 178 cm/78 kg
In the telemark team since: 2006
1st Competition in World Cup:
2007 Trysil
Individual sponsor: Regiovit
Suppliers: Skis: Dynastar
Boots/Bindings: Scarpa/Rottefella
Goggles/Helmet: Scott
Clothes/Gloves: H2O/Level
Poles: Exel
Date of birth: 31 July 1981
Residence: 3285 Galmiz
Ski Club: Schwarzsee
Height/Weight: 180 cm/80 kg
In the telemark team since: 2008
Suppliers: Skis: Dynastar
Boots/Bindings: Scarpa/Rottefella
Goggles/Helmet: Giro
Clothes/Gloves: H2O/Level
Poles: Exel
World Cup (Top 3)
2008 Sugarbrush/Lincoln Park:
1. Classic, 2. Sprint, 3. Giant Slalom
Pyhätunturi Ski Resort: 1. Giant
Slalom, 1. Sprint
Rjukan: 2. Sprint, 2. Sprint
Dolni Morava: 2. Sprint
Kobla:1. Giant Slalom
Kreischberg: 2. Sprint
Montchavin Les Coches: 1. Classic,
2007 Bad Hindelang/Oberjoch:
1. Classic
Trysil: 3. Classic
Gaustablikk, Rjukan: 2. Giant Slalom
World Championships
2007 Thyon-Région:1. Classic,
2. Giant Slalom, 2. Sprint
Junior World Championships
2007 Thyon-Région: 1. Classic,
2. Giant Slalom, 1. Sprint
National Championships
2007 Thyon: 3. SC
2005 Tyon: 3. SC
World Cup (Top 30)
2007 Bad Hindelang/Oberjoch:
23. Classic, 29. Giant Slalom,
16. Sprint
Gaustablikk, Rjukan: 28. Sprint,
30. Sprint, 30. Giant Slalom
Trysil: 30. Classic
Junior World Championships
2007 Thyon-Région: 17. Classic,
21. Giant Slalom, 16. Sprint
Denis Metrailler
Date of birth: 20 March 1990
Residence: 1958 St.-Léonard VS
Ski Club: Mouch‘paba
Height/Weight: 178 cm/69 kg
In the telemark team since: 2007
1st Competition in World Cup:
2008 Montchavin, Les Coches
Suppliers: Skis: Head
Boots/Bindings: Garmont/Rottefella
Goggles/Helmet: Giro
Clothes/Gloves: H2O/Level
Poles: Exel
swiss-ski team guide 119
head of Discipline
Michel Bonny
Function: Coach
Date of birth: 01 May 1969
Residence: 3013 Bern
Reto Niederberger
Hans-Peter Birchler
Date of birth: 03 September 1990
Residence: 6383 Dallenwil
Ski Club: Dallenwil
Height/Weight: 179 cm/64 kg
In the telemark team since: 2008
Suppliers: Skis: Atomic
Boots/Bindings: Garmont/Rottefella
Goggles/Helmet: Giro
Clothes/Gloves: H2O/Level
Poles: Exel
Date of birth: 20 December 1955
Residence: 6313 Edlibach
2004: Snow sports teacher with
Swiss federal certificate
1996: Federation Coach Telemark
1995: Telemark instructor
1982: Ski expert
1979: Ski instructor
Since 2004: Head of Discipline
1997–2005: Head Coach Swiss
Telemark team
1996: Swiss Telemark team coach
1989–1995: Manager snow sports
school Zug
1979–1981: Ski teacher/
coach in USA
120 swiss-ski team guide
Photo: Keystone
swiss-ski team guide 121
facts & Figures
20. November 1904 in Olten
Haus des Skisportes
Worbstr. 52
Postfach 252
3074 Muri bei Bern
Telefon: 031 950 61 11
Fax: 031 950 61 12
Swiss-Ski ist eine Verein im Sinne
von Artikel 60ff. des ZGB
Anzahl Mitglieder
– Clubmitglieder: 77 021
– Einzelmitglieder: 10 804
– Jugend Organisationen (JO):
12 699
– Total Mitglieder: 100 524
– Total Clubs:820
Oberstes Organ
Die Delegiertenversammlung ist
das oberste Organ von Swiss-Ski.
Sie setzt sich wie folgt zusammen:
– Vertreter der Club- und
– Vertreter der Clubs und
– Verbände
Die Delegiertenversammlung
wählt den Präsidenten, den Vizepräsidenten sowie zwei weitere
Mitglieder. Die drei Interregionen
(IR) wählen je einen Vertreter ins
Präsidium. Das Präsidium setzt
sich wie folgt zusammen:
– Präsident: Urs Lehmann
– Vizepräsident:
Jean-Philippe Rochat
– Mitglied: Eloi Rossier
– Mitglied: Urs Winkler
– Vertreter IR West:
Pirmin Zurbriggen
– Vertreter IR Mitte:
Johny Wyssmüller
– Vertreter IR Ost: Roger Fehr
122 swiss-ski team guide
Geschäftsstelle Swiss-Ski
Direktor: Hansruedi Laich
Viviane Barandun
Abteilung Kommunikation
Leiterin Kommunikation: Diana Fäh
Projektleiter Kommunikation:
Christian Stahl
Webmaster: Sandra Heiniger
Bereich Breitensport
Chef Breitensport: Hans Bigler
Projektleiterin Breitensport:
Tanja Uhlmann
Projektleiter GP Migros:
Roman Rogenmoser
Bereich Leistungssport
Chef Leistungssport: Dierk Beisel
Leiterin Sekretariat Leistungssport:
Madeleine Erb
Sachbearbeiter Alpin: Roger Hauser
Sachbearbeiterin Langlauf, Biathlon:
Simone Lüthi
Sachbearbeiter Nord. Kombination,
Skisprung: Manuel Bucciolini
Sachbearbeiter Snowboard:
Adrian Schild
Chef Freestyle: Christoph Perreten
Chef Ausbildung/Forschung:
Peter Läuppi
Projektleiterin Ausbildung:
Pia Alchenberger
Sachbearbeiterin Ausbildng:
Simone Murer
Bereich Marketing
Chef Marketing: Stefan Brütsch
Assistentin Marketing:
Susanne Häcki
Leiterin Sponsoring&Events:
Annalisa Gerber
Projektleiter Sponsoring&Events:
Raphaël Wyss
Sponsoring&Events: Olivia Jakob
Leiterin Mitglieder-Services:
Anina Nussbaum
Sachbearbeiterin MitgliederServices: Jolanda Rufener
Telefon/Empfang: Corina Puorger
Telefon/Empfang: Marco Fölmli
Telefon/Empfang: Katharina Imhof
Bereich Dienste
Chef Dienste: Andreas Chr. Wenger
Leiter Finanzen: Christoph Morandi
Assistentin Finanzen und Lehrlingsverantwortliche: Marlène Bircher
Sachbearbeiter Fahrzeuge/Material:
Manfred Liechti
IT-Verantwortlicher: Urs Schneider
Stefanie Gerber 3. Lehrjahr
Céline Hauert 2. Lehrjahr
Sabrina Aebischer 1. Lehrjahr
Sportliche Leitung
Die sportliche Leitung ist für die
Organisation und operative Führung
des Leistungssports zuständig und
besteht aus folgenden Mitgliedern:
– Dierk Beisel, Chef Leistungssport
– Hansruedi Laich, Direktor
– Peter Läuppi, Chef Ausbildung &
Als Konsultativorgan lässt sich die
Präsidentenkonferenz mindestens
zweimal jährlich von der Geschäftsleitung von Swiss-Ski informierten,
pfleget den Gedankenaustausch
unter den Regionalverbandspräsidenten und vermittelt Swiss-Ski
Anregungen. Die Präsidentenkonferenz setzt sich wie folgt zusammen:
– Präsident Swiss-Ski
– Vertreter der Interregionen
im Präsidium
– Präsidenten der Regionalverbände
– Präsidenten der Fachverbände
– Präsidenten der angeschlossenen
Jahresabschluss 07/08
Gesamterfolgsrechnung in CHF
29 956 060,52
29 752 567,87
203 492,65
Weitere Angaben zu Swiss-Ski
Swiss-Ski-Athleten: rund 250
Trainer, Ärzte, und Betreuer:
rund 100
Mitarbeiter Swiss-Ski:
36 (3150 Stellenprozent)
Lernende Swiss-Ski: 3
Ehrenamtliche Mitarbeiter:
rund 10’000
Gönnervereinigungen: 9
Fanclubs: rund 40
und ihre Präsidenten
Bündner Skiverband BSV
Gabriel Casutt
Glennerstrasse 22
7130 Ilanz
Berner Oberländischer Ski-Verband
Johny Wyssmüller
Chalet Sunnried
3778 Schönried
Federazione Sci Svizzera Italiana
Enzo Filippini
Via Cantonale 23C
6928 Manno
Giron Jurassien GJ
Claude-André Marty
Rue du Seu 11
2054 Chézard-St.Martin
Ostschweizer Ski-Verband OSSV
Roger Fehr
Erlenstrasse 7a
8586 Ennetaach
Florence Koehn
Chemin du Stand 6
1009 Pully
Ski Valais
Pirmin Zurbriggen
3920 Zermatt
Schweizerischer Akademischer
Ski-Verband SAS
Alexander Troller
35, rue de la Mairie
1202 Genf
Schneesport Mittelland SSM
Bruno Heiniger
Talweg 6
3150 Schwarzenburg
Skiverband Sarganserland-Walensee
Reinhard Regli
Falknisstrasse 12
7324 Vilters
Zentralschweizerischer Ski-Verband
Hansruedi Fässler
Buchenweg 9
6438 Ibach
Zürcher Ski-Verband ZSV
Helmut Schulz
Bergstrasse 61
8953 Dietikon
und ihre Präsidenten
Swiss Grasski SGV
Armon Saluz
Bitzistrasse 14
6422 Steinen
Speed Ski
Philippe May
1947 Versegères
und ihre Präsidenten
Loipen Schweiz
Daniel Garbely
3988 Ulrichen
Romandie Ski de fond RSF
Laurent Donzé
2336 Les Bois
Verband Schweizer Langlaufschulen
Walter Schuler
Dorfstrasse 50
8849 Alpthal
Swiss Snowsports
Karl Eggen
Staldenstrasse 10
3920 Zermatt
Stiftung Schweizer Skisport
Haus des Skisports
Worbstr. 52
3074 Muri
Präsident: Dieter Syz
Schönegg 43
6300 Zug
Geschäftsführer: Jörg Kaufmann
Baumgartenweg 1
3063 Ittigen
Stiftung zur Förderung des alpinen
Skisports in der Schweiz
Haus des Skisports
Worbstr. 52
3074 Muri
Präsident: Mike von Grünigen
Crystal Club
Seeburgstrasse 26
6006 Luzern
Präsident: Damian Hunkeler
swiss-ski team guide 123
facts & Figures
facts & Figures
Club 2010
Worbstrasse 52
3074 Muri
20 novembre 1904 à Olten
Pro Skisprung
Etzelstrasse 4
8840 Einsiedeln
Präsident: Hermann Kälin
Freunde Skisprung Schweiz
Via Ludains 3
7500 St. Moritz
Präsident: Bernhard Pöllinger
Postfach 461
6260 Reiden 
Präsident: Pierre Portmann
Snowboard Nachwuchsfond
Puoz 12
7503 Samedan
Präsident: Franco Giovanoli
Freunde der Nordisch Kombinierer
Winkelstrasse 11
6048 Horw
Präsident: Herbert Heer
Freunde der Langlauf Nationalmannschaft
Tobelmülistrasse 20
8126 Zumikon
Präsidentin: Trix Heberlein
Vereinigung Biathlon Schweiz
Urteilen 6
8718 Schänis
Präsident: Jost Mächler
Swiss Ski Pool
Pestalozzistr. 2
Postfach 1764
9001 St. Gallen Präsident: Guido Mätzler
Direktor: Peter Hug
Stand: 1. Oktober 2008
124 swiss-ski team guide
Maison du ski
Worbstr. 52
Case postale 252
3074 Muri/Berne
Téléphone 031 950 61 11
Fax 031 950 61 12
E-mail :
Internet :
Forme juridique
Swiss-Ski est une association au
sens de l’article 60ss. du CC.
Nombre de membres
– Membres de clubs: 77 021
– Membres individuels: 10 804
– Organisations jeunesse (OJ):
12 699
– Total membres: 100 524
– Total clubs: 820
Organe suprême
L’Assemblée des délégués est l’organe suprême de Swiss-Ski. Elle
se compose comme suit :
– Représentants des membres de
clubs et des membres individuels
– Représentants des clubs et des
membres collectifs
– Associations
L’Assemblée des délégués élit le
président, le vice-président ainsi
que deux autres membres. Les trois
Interrégions (IR) désignent chacune
un représentant du Présidium. Ce
dernier se compose comme suit :
Président: Urs Lehmann
– Vice-président: Jean-Philippe
– Membre: Eloi Rossier
– Membre: Urs Winkler
– Représentant IR Ouest: Pirmin
– Représentant IR Centre: Johny
– Représentant IR Est: Roger Fehr
Secrétariat général de Swiss-Ski
Directeur: Hansruedi Laich
Assistante de direction:
Viviane Barandun
Département communication
Responsable communication:
Diana Fäh
Chef de projet communication:
Christian Stahl
Webmaster: Sandra Heiniger
Département du sport de loisirs
Chef du sport de loisirs: Hans Bigler
Cheffe de projet sport de loisirs:
Tanja Uhlmann
Chef de projet GP Migros:
Roman Rogenmoser
Département du sport
de compétition
Chef du sport de compétition:
Dierk Beisel
Respons. secrétariat sport de
compétition: Madeleine Erb
Collaborateur ski alpin: Roger
Collaboratrice ski de fond, biathlon:
Simone Lüthi
Collaborateur combiné nordique,
saut à ski: Manuel Bucciolini
Collaborateur snowboard:
Adrian Schild
Chef freestyle: Christoph Perreten
Chef formation / recherche:
Peter Läuppi
Cheffe de projet formation:
Pia Alchenberger
Collaboratrice formation:
Simone Murer
Département marketing
Chef marketing: Stefan Brütsch
Assistante marketing:
Susanne Häcki
Responsable sponsoring & events:
Annalisa Gerber
Chef de projet sponsoring & events:
Raphaël Wyss
Collaboratrice sponsoring & events:
Olivia Jakob
Responsable administr. membres:
Anina Nussbaum
Collaboratrice administr. membres:
Jolanda Rufener
Téléphone / réception:
Corina Puorger
Téléphone / réception: Marco Fölmli
Téléphone / réception:
Katharina Imhof
Département Services
Chef du département services:
Andreas Chr. Wenger
Responsables finances:
Christoph Morandi
Assistante finances et responsable
des Apprentis: Marlène Bircher
Collaborateur véhicules / matériel:
Manfred Liechti
Responsable informatique:
Urs Schneider
Stefanie Gerber 3. Année
Céline Hauert 2. Année
Sabrina Aebischer 1. Année
Direction sportive
La direction sportive assume
la responsabilité de l’organisation
et de la direction opérationnelle
du sport de compétition et se
compose des membres suivants :
– Dierk Beisel, chef du sport de
compétition (président)
– Hansruedi Laich, directeur
– Peter Läuppi, chef formation &
Conférence des présidents
En tant qu’organe consultatif, la
conférence des présidents est tenue
informée au moins deux fois par
année par le Comité directeur de
Swiss-Ski. Elle permet aux présidents des associations régionales
d’échanger leurs idées et de transmettre des requêtes à Swiss-Ski.
La conférence des présidents se
compose comme suit :
– Président de Swiss-Ski
– Représentants des Interrégions
au Présidium
– Présidents des associations
– Présidents des associations
– Présidents des associations
Comptes annuels 07/ 08
Produit d‘exploitation 29 956 060,52
29 752 567,87
Résultat annuel
203 492,65
Autres renseignements
sur Swiss-Ski
Athlètes de Swiss-Ski: environ 250
Entraîneurs, médecins et coaches:
environ 100
Collaborateurs de Swiss-Ski:
36 (3150 pour cent de postes)
Apprentis Swiss-Ski: 3
Collaborateurs bénévoles: environ
10 000
Associations de donateurs: 9
Fans-clubs: environ 40
Les associations régionales
et leurs présidents
Bündner Skiverband BSV
Gabriel Casutt
Glennerstrasse 22
7130 Ilanz
Berner Oberländischer Ski-Verband
Johny Wyssmüller
Chalet Sunnried
3778 Schönried
Federazione Sci Svizzera Italiana
Enzo Filippini
Via Cantonale 23C
6928 Manno
Giron Jurassien GJ
Claude-André Marty
Rue du Seu 11
2054 Chézard-St.Martin
Ostschweizer Ski-Verband OSSV
Roger Fehr
Erlenstrasse 7a
8586 Ennetaach
Florence Koehn
Chemin du Stand 6
1009 Pully
Ski Valais
Pirmin Zurbriggen
3920 Zermatt
Schweizerischer Akademischer
Ski-Verband SAS
Alexander Troller
35, rue de la Mairie
1202 Genf
Schneesport Mittelland SSM
Bruno Heiniger
Talweg 6
3150 Schwarzenburg
Skiverband Sarganserland-Walensee
Reinhard Regli
Falknisstrasse 12
7324 Vilters
Zentralschweizerischer Ski-Verband
Hansruedi Fässler
Buchenweg 9
6438 Ibach
Zürcher Ski-Verband ZSV
Helmut Schulz
Bergstrasse 61
8953 Dietikon
swiss-ski team guide 125
facts & Figures
Les associations spécialisées
et leurs présidents
Swiss Grasski SGV
Armon Saluz
Bitzistrasse 14
6422 Steinen
Speed Ski
Philippe May
1947 Versegères
Les associations / organisations
affiliées et leurs présidents
Loipen Schweiz
Daniel Garbely
3988 Ulrichen
Romandie Ski de fond RSF
Laurent Donzé
2336 Les Bois
Verband Schweizer Langlaufschulen
Walter Schuler
Dorfstrasse 50
8849 Alpthal
Swiss Snowsports
Karl Eggen
Staldenstrasse 10
3920 Zermatt
Fondation pour le ski suisse
Maison du ski
Worbstr. 52
3074 Muri
Président : Dieter Syz
Schönegg 43
6300 Zoug
Directeur : Jörg Kaufmann
Baumgartenweg 1
3063 Ittigen
126 swiss-ski team guide
Fondation pour promouvoir
le ski alpin en Suisse
Maison du ski
Président : Mike von Grünigen
Worbstr. 52
3074 Muri
Organisations de donateurs
Crystal Club
Président : Damian Hunkeler
Seeburgstrasse 26
6006 Lucerne
Internet :
Club 2010
Worbstrasse 52
3074 Muri
Pro Skisprung
Président : Hermann Kälin
Etzelstrasse 4
8840 Einsiedeln
Internet :
Les amis du saut à ski en Suisse
(Freunde Skisprung Schweiz)
Via Ludains 3
Président : Bernhard Pöllinger
7500 St-Moritz
Président : Pierre Portmann
Case postale 461
6260 Reiden 
Internet :
Fonds de la relève en snowboard
(Snowboard Nachwuchsfond)
Président : Franco Giovanoli
Puoz 12
7503 Samedan
Internet :
Les amis du combiné
nordique en Suisse
(Freunde der Nordisch Kombinierer
Winkelstrasse 11
Président : Herbert Heer
6048 Horw
Les amis de l’équipe nationale
de ski de fond
(Freunde der Langlauf
Tobelmülistrasse 20
Présidente : Trix Heberlein
8126 Zumikon
L’association suisse du biathlon
(Vereinigung Biathlon Schweiz)
Urteilen 6
Président : Jost Mächler
8718 Schänis
Swiss Ski Pool
Pestalozzistr. 2
Président : Guido Mätzler
Case postale 1764
9001 St-Gall Directeur : Peter Hug
Etat au 1er octobre 2008
Photo: Keystone
swiss-ski team guide 127
worldcup 2008/09
alpine skiing men
worldcup 2008/09
alpine skiing women
worldcup 2008/09
25.–26. Opening Sölden
25.–26. Opening Sölden
15.–16. Levi
29.–30. Lake Louise
15.–16. Levi
28.–29. Aspen
14. Moscow
18. Meribel
19.–20. Lianhua Mountain
04.–07. Beaver Creek
13.–14. Val d’Isère
19.–20. Val Gardena-Groeden
21. Alta Badia
28. Bormio
05.–07. Lake Louise
13.–14. La Molina
19.–21. St. Moritz
28.–29. Semmering
06. Zagreb
10.–11. Adelboden
16.–18. Wengen
23.–25. Kitzbühel
27. Schladming
31.–01.02 Garmisch Partenk.
03.–15. World Championships,
Val d‘Isère
21.–22. Sestriere
28.–01. Kranjska Gora
07.–08. Kvitfjell
11.–15. Are
128 swiss-ski team guide
04. Zagreb
10.–11. Maribor
17.–18. Zauchensee
23.–25. Cortina d’Ampezzo
30.–31. Garmisch Partenk.
03.–15. World Championships,
Val d‘Isère
20.–22. Tarvisio
28.–01. Bansko
06.–07. Ofterschwang
11.–15. Are
05. St. Johann (Tirol)
10.–12. Les Contamines
14. Flaine
18.–19. Lake Placid
24.–25. Mont Gabriel
29.–31. Deer Valley, Park City
06.–07. Cypress
13.–14. Åre
14. Moscow/StPetersburg
19.–21. Myrkdalen- Voss
21. Kiev
24. Branäs
01.–08. World Championships,
11. Grindelwald
15. Meiringen-Hasliberg
18.–20. La Plagne
worldcup 2008/09
worldcup 2008/09
worldcup 2008/09
nordic combined
06.–07. Cardrona
12.–13. Chapelco
22.–23. Gällivare
29.–30. Kuusamo
29.–30. Kuusamo
10. Landgraaf
18.–19. T.b.d.
25. London
30.–31. Saas-Fee
06.–07. La Clusaz
13.–14. Davos
20.–21. Düsseldorf
27.–28. Oberhof
29. Prague
31.–01.01. Nove Mesto
08.–09. Wittenburg
15. Stockholm
06. Grenoble
14. Limone Piemonte
19.–21. Arosa
07.–10. Bad Gastein
14.–15. Gujo
15.–25. World Championships,
31. Oberland
05.–07. Bardonnechia
12.–15. Cypress
18.–22. Stoneham
27.–01. Sunday River
03.–04. Val di Fiemme
16.–18. Vancouver WOP
24.–25. Otepää
30.–01.02. Rybinsk
13.–14. Val di Dentro
19.–01.03. World Championships,
07.–08. Lahti
12.–14. Trondheim
18. Stockholm
20.–22. Falun
06.–07. Trondheim
13.–14. T.B.C.
20.–21. Ramsau
27.–28. Oberhof
03.–04. Schonach
10.–11. Val di Fiemme
16.–17. Vancouver WOP
24.–25. Ruhpolding
31.–01.02. Chaux-Neuve
19.–28.02. World Championships,
06.–07. Lahti
14.–15. Vikersund
07. Moscow
12.–15. La Molina
19.–22. T.b.d
swiss-ski team guide 129
worldcup 2008/09
worldcup 2008/09
worldcup 2008/09
29.–30. Kuusamo
02.–07. Östersund
11.–14. Hochfilzen
17.–21. Pokljuka
13.–14. Les Houches
17.–19. Thyon
06.–07. Trondheim
13.–14. Pragelato
20.–21. Engelberg
29. Oberstdorf
01. Garm.-Partenkirchen
04. Innsbruck
06. Bischofshofen
10.–11. Tauplitz/Bad Mitternd
16.–17. Zakopane
24.–25. Vancouver WOP
31.–01.02. Sapporo
07.–08. Willingen
11. Klingenthal
14.–15. Oberstdorf
21.–28. World Championships,
07.–08. Lahti
10. Kuopio
13. Lillehammer
14.–15. Vikersund
20.–22. Planica
130 swiss-ski team guide
06.–11. Oberhof
13.–18. Ruhpolding
21.–25. Antholz
13.–22. World Championships,
Pyeong Chang
10.–15. Vancouver
18.–22. Trondheim
25.–29. Khanty Mansyisk
17.–18. Kobla
22.–25. World Championships,
05.–07. Rjukan
10.–12. Bjorli
grand prix migros
rivella family
swiss loppet
11. Schönried
17. Les Crosets
18. Sörenberg
25. Villars
14. Flumserberge – Opening-Event
28. Lungern
04. Attraverso Campra
11. Planoiras Volksskilauf
18. Surselva-Marathon
25. Rothenthurmer Volksskilauf
01. Wengen
08. Davos
15. Airolo
22. Savognin
01. Wildhaus
07. Lenk
15. Lötschental
22. Nendaz
28. Hoch-Ybrig
03.–05. Final Les Diablerets
04. Wildhaus
04. Saanenmöser
11. Savognin
18. Leysin
18. Wangs Pizol
25. Klosters
25. Marbach
01. Diemtigtal
01. Visperterminen
08. Lenk
08. Moléson
14. Axalp
15. Andermatt
15. Thyon
22. Kleine Scheidegg
22. Obersaxen
01. Kandersteg Volksskilauf
08. Einsiedler Skimarathon
15. Marathon des Neiges
22. Gommerlauf
01. Mara Les Rasses sur Ste-Croix
01. Frauenlauf Engadin Skimaraton
08. Engadin Skimarathon
18. Preisverleihung
01. Sörenberg
01. Bosco Gurin
08. Arosa
08. Stoos
15. Villars
15. Braunwald
22. Hoch-Ybrig
29. Hasliberg
29. Anzère
swiss-ski team guide 131
Snow series 08/09
13. Laax Junior Open, Halfpipe
14. Laax Junior Open, Big Air
24. Bettmeralp, BA
25. Hoch-Ybrig, GS
25. Bettmeralp BA
30. Sils, PGS
31. Sils, PGS
31. Davos Bolgen HP
01. Sils, PGS
01. Davos Bolgen, BA
01. Sils, PGS
07. Amden, GS
14. Sedrun, BA
15. Sedrun, SBS
21. Thyon, SBS
21. Davos Parsenn, Snowboardcross
22. Davos Parsenn, Snowboardcros
27. Adelboden, PSL
28. Adelboden, PSL
nordic trophy 08/09
01. Adelboden, PSL
14. Disentis, Snowboardcross
15. Disentis, Snowboardcross
20. Lenk, Snowboardcross
20. Leysin, HP
21. Lenk, Snowboardcross
21. Leysin, HP
22. Lenk, Snowboardcross
22. Leysin, HP
27. Splügen, Snowboardcross
28. Splügen, PGS
Calendar nordic combined
03.–04. Hinterzarten
24.–25. Gibswil
06. Wildhaus
07. Gibswil
26.–28. Berner Tournee
18.–19. Swiss Championships U16,
Les Tuffes
13.–14. open
29.–30. St. Moritz
14.–15. open
14.–15. Final, open
Calendar cross-country
21. Realp
18. Hauteville
07.–08. Swiss Championships U14/
U16, Pontresina
14.–15. Zweisimmen
132 swiss-ski team guide