Summer 2015 - Glen Carbon, IL


Summer 2015 - Glen Carbon, IL
The Village Communicator
Volume 17, Issue 2 - Summer 2015 - Circulation - 6225
Glen Carbon Homecoming
June 19 & 20 2015
The Glen Carbon Community Events Committee is proudly hosting the 2015 Glen
Carbon Homecoming on Friday, June 19 and Saturday, June 20 on Main Street
in Glen Carbon, Illinois. The annual event will open on Friday at 5pm and on Saturday at 4pm. The event will close at midnight on both evenings. Please come
visit Main Street and enjoy the Homecoming!
Village Officials:
Mayor: Robert L. Jackstadt
This year marks our 10th year Homecoming celebration and promises to be an entertainment bonanza for
the entire family. We will have a World Famous Budweiser Clydesdale from 6-8 pm on Friday near the
Glen Carbon Library Gazebo, so pack your camera and take advantage of this incredible photo opportunity!
Fredbird will be present on Saturday to participate in the parade as well as a meet and greet following the
parade! Other signature attractions include 5K Run & 5 mile run, laser tag, carnival rides, Smash a Car,
fireworks both nights, large variety of food booths, 2 beer gardens, along with much more. For your convenience, both beer gardens will utilize the same token system. Our covered hospitality area has expanded so there is plenty of room to bring your friends and family. New additions to our retail and food
booths are arriving daily. Informational Booths and volunteer staff will be available to assist you with any
questions or directions. An ATM will also be provided for your convenience.
Clerk: Peggy Goudy
Village Trustees:
Ross Breckenridge
Jorja Dickemann
Brooke Harmony
Steve Slemer
Discounted advance carnival ride tickets will be available at Glen Carbon’s Village Hall and Sweetie’s Confections until 3pm on Friday, June 19. Regular price ride tickets can be purchased at the Homecoming
ticket booths on Main Street during the entire event.
Micah Summers
Mary Beth Williams
Come sway, clap, sing and dance the night away as featured bands will play on both nights under the Covered Bridge on Main Street. On Friday, the renowned Well Hungarians will be back to perform from 7:3011:30pm. On Saturday evening, Dirty Muggs will entertain us from 7-11pm. Both of our bands bring their
own signature style of entertaining that is worth seeing, so please plan on attending both nights. In addition the Mississippi Valley Barber Shop Chorus performs on both nights from 5:30 to 7:30pm.
Inside this issue:
Public Works
Senior Center
Fire Prot. District
Around the Village
Senior Group
The Homecoming helps booth vendors by providing them an avenue to sell and show off their wares. Fourteen out of the 29 booths participating in the 2015 Homecoming are not for profit organizations that use
the Homecoming as a major fundraiser and advertising avenue for their group! Twenty-one out of 29 of
our vendors are local not for profits or small businesses! The CEC is proud to host an event that helps so
many local not for profit and small businesses in our community!
Pre-registration is now available online for the 5K Run & 5 mile run at or Race day registration is from 6:30am to 7:30am. The 5 mile race will start at 8am & the 5K
Run will kick off at 8:15 am on Saturday. Bring your friends and family and join in the fun!
The Homecoming parade will stage at Glen Carbon Elementary Grade School. To watch the parade, please
line Main Street from the Glen Crossing/Meridian intersection south to the School Street intersection.
The parade begins at 5pm on Saturday. Food vendors will be open during the parade!
To help celebrate our Homecoming’s 10 year anniversary as a thank you to our community, the CEC will
distribute roughly 2,000 glow necklaces both Friday and Saturday nights to children under the age of 10.
The CEC will also provide a complimentary balloon artist Sammy J from 5-8pm on both nights. The fan
favorite Sparky the Clown will return for both nights from 5-8pm. The CEC will also present a complimentary petting zoo on both nights provided by Cindy’s Zoo. Late Friday and Saturday evenings, the CEC will
host a spectacular fireworks display. This is a Homecoming favorite and a must see!
Everyone is welcome, so please come show your support for the Glen Carbon community, meet your neighbors and reminisce with old friends. The Glen Carbon Homecoming is a unique event that offers something
for everyone!
The Homecoming’s main parking will be in Citizen Park behind Fire Station #1 in Old Town. Additional
Village of Glen Carbon, Illinois 62034 • 618-288-1200
Voted One of the Top 100 Best Places to Live in the USA by in 2009!
parking is available at Glen Carbon Elementary School (Friday evening and after 6:30pm on Saturday) as well as at the Village Hall with a shuttle running between there and Old Town. There will be a handicap access point coordinated by the Village Police command post on Main
Street. To facilitate the Homecoming, a portion of Main Street will be closed from Thursday, June 18 at 9am until Sunday, June 21.
The Village of Glen Carbon’s website, is an excellent source of information. For additional assistance, please contact
the Community Events Committee Chairman, Mike West at or call 618-531-3801.
Meet Me on Main Street June 19 & 20, 2015
Administration Pages
From the Mayor’s Desk
Robert L. Jackstadt
It is great that summer time is finally here! Given everyone’s busy schedule, I hope you still can enjoy our
beautiful walking trails, bike trails and parks here in the Village.
2015 Fiscal Year Results
Glen Carbon’s fiscal year ended April 30, 2015. During that period Glen Carbon once again experienced solid
retail sales. Our sales tax receipts represent about 46% of our total general fund revenue. Last year, our Village wide sales tax receipts totaled $3,313,577, an increase of 23.71% over the prior year. The Village sales
tax growth was primarily the result of the additional retail space with the new Sam’s Club and expanded WalMart providing a full year of revenue. Due to the uncertain economic times with the State of Illinois, fiscal
year 2016 budgeted sales tax is $3.2 million.
Last fiscal year, we issued a total of 390 building permits with an estimated value of $24 million dollars. Last
year, Glen Carbon authorized 36 new single family residence permits at an average of $324,447 per unit. In
FY 2015, we issued two (2) new commercial building permits with a combined value of $7,913,848. The new
commercial permits included the construction of the new Jimmy John’s on Route 159 and Father McGivney
Catholic High School at Old Troy Road and Bouse Road.
Last year, the Village’s Equalized Assessed Valuation (EAV) for all property in Glen Carbon increased by
$5.8 million (1.89%), after static growth the last two years. With the increase in the EAV, the Village’s municipal tax rate decreased by $.02 for the 2014 tax year.
Glen Carbon Election Results
Congratulations to Steve Slemer, Micah Summers and Ross Breckenridge who were elected as Trustees for the
Village of Glen Carbon on April 7. If you ever wonder if your vote matters, please note that Mr. Breckenridge
won the third and final Trustee position by just 2 votes over candidate Luke Harris.
The newly elected Trustees were sworn in at the board meeting on May 12, 2015. I look forward to working
with each of them. I want to extend my appreciation to former Trustees Mary Ann Smith and David Smith for
their dedication and service to Glen Carbon
Likewise, congratulations to Amy Gabriel, Kathy Dortch, Anne M. Link, Don McQueen, Robert L. Hormell,
and Robert Morris Paty who were all elected as Glen Carbon Centennial Library District Trustees.
New Village Treasurer Larry Lucy
I want to welcome Larry Lucy who became our new appointed Village Treasurer effective May 1, 2015. Mr.
Lucy, a Glen Carbon resident, has extensive background in financial and investment planning. He recently retired from US Bank where he was a senior
portfolio manager responsible for investing the funds
of many institutional clients and total dollars under
management exceeded $500 million. He has a Bachelor Business degree from Western Illinois with a concentration in Finance. He holds an MBA degree from
Western Illinois as well. He is a CPA and a Certified
Financial Analysis. The Treasurer position is part time
Larry takes over for Lynn Weller, who in December
2014 announced his retirement from the position of
Village Treasurer. Lynn served as Village Treasurer
since 2004. On behalf of the Village residents, employees and board members throughout the past 11
years, thank you Lynn for your service to the Village.
2015 Glen Carbon Homecoming – Friday June 19
and Saturday June 20
In just a few weeks on Fathers’ Day weekend, the 10th
Annual Glen Carbon Homecoming will take place
again in the heart of Glen Carbon on Main Street in
Old Town. I hope that you, your family and friends
will spend some time enjoying the variety of food,
bands, parade, fireworks, carnival rides, petting zoo
and other activities. Everyone – young and old –
should feel welcome to attend this community event.
I want to thank all the sponsors that have once again
helped to make this year’s Homecoming possible and
especially the unpaid volunteer members of the Community Events Committee for their hard work to make
this year’s event a reality.
volunteer to make the Homecomings 2 token booths
and wooden directional signs erected at Collinsville
and Main streets during the event. He also volunteered at the Homecoming every year. Will was instrumental in the old Bell Tower and Glen Carbon
Veterans Memorial projects.
The Village government, employees and volunteers
extend our deepest sympathies to his wife Lola, and
the entire Will Shashack family.
Commission and Committee Members Retired and
I want to thank Jim Stram who recently retired as a
long time volunteer member of our Glen Carbon Historical and Museum Commission.
I also recently appointed or reappointed the following
people to terms on the volunteer Committees or Commissions indicated:
 Victor Smith ~ Planning & Zoning Commission
 Karen Hart ~ Planning & Zoning Commission
 Mary Ann Smith ~ Planning & Zoning Commission
 Joe Hagerty ~ I 55 Corridor Plan Management
 Diane Rasplica Jones ~ Historical & Museum Commission
 Judy Crnkovich ~ Historical & Museum Commission
 Paige Maag ~ Historical & Museum Commission
 Tijuana Ingram ~ Police Commission
 Sarah Shields ~ G.L.E.N. Committee
 Cassie Flynn ~ G.L.E.N. Committee
 Linda Haselhorst ~ G.L.E.N. Committee
 Douglas Dial ~ Cool Cities Committee
 Diane Todd ~ Cool Cities Committee
 Jamie Wilkinson ~ Business Advisory Board
 Dr. Kristen Jacobs ~ Business Advisory Board
 Giles Clower ~ Business Advisory Board
 Carson Maricle ~ Community Events Committee
 Keith Schmidt ~ Community Events Committee
Condolences to the family of Will Shashack
Long time Building and Zoning Administrator Will
Shashack passed away Monday, April 20, 2015. Will
Shashack truly loved Glen Carbon. He grew up in this
area and worked 35 years to make this Village a better
place. Even after retirement, he offered to serve on the
Planning and Zoning Commission to offer his institutional knowledge of the Village.
As always, if you have any questions regarding the
Village or would like to join a Committee or CommisBy starting as a part time inspector in 1976 and retir- sion, please do not hesitate to call me at 288-2609 or
ing as the Building and Zoning Administrator in 2011, email me at For those
Will certainly played a key role in making Glen Car- of you on Facebook, you may follow me at
bon the award winning community it is today. During Please
his time with the Village, Will saw Glen Carbon grow take care and I hope to see you at this year’s 10th Anfrom 1,900 residents to nearly 13,000 residents.
nual Homecoming festival!
Will was an avid craftsman who used his talents to
Public Works Pages
By: PSO Jamie Foster
It all goes downhill…
Please do not blow all your grass
clipping and leaves into the street.
Besides looking terrible, be mindful
of your neighbor at the end of the
street, near the drainage pond, or the drainage easement where this all ends up.
When you blow all that yard waste into the street and
it rains it flows into the storm sewers and at the end of
that storm sewer is a holding pond or another resident
that ends up with a pile of leaves or yard waste not his
own to deal with.
That is if the guy at the bottom of the drainage chain
does not end up with a clogged storm sewer that holds
the water back and floods his house, basement, and or
landscaping. I know there will be some waste from
cutting grass and normal debris fall into the storm
sewers and the storm sewers are designed to handle
some natural waste but to blow all your clippings and
leaves into the street making it someone else’s problem is not how we roll in Glen Carbon.
For anyone that wants to be that inconsiderate or any
of the mowing companies that want to leave a mess in
the street and you won’t abide by rules that are designed for EVERY resident whether at the top of the
hill or the bottom, we can let a judge explain it in
terms that are a little clearer. We have always been a
community of sharing and caring, just don’t share
your mess with someone else, be a good neighbor.
Landscape Waste:
1. Burning Restrictions: It shall be unlawful for any
person, business, firm or corporation to burn refuse,
building materials, landscape waste or any other material outdoors, except at a duly state licensed regional control facility as defined and regulated by
the Illinois environmental protection act.
a. Exemptions:
(1) The burning of wood or charcoal in stoves,
grills or bonfires for primarily cooking or recreational purposes such as bonfires is permitted;
(2) The burning of wood or any other material
after having obtained a permit from the Illinois
environmental agency and complying with such
requirements is permitted.
b. Restrictions:
(1) Burning may not cause a public nuisance;
(2) Burning shall not create a visibility hazard
for motorists;
(3) Burning shall not be allowed on public
streets, alleys, sidewalks, or public rights of
c. Termination: Any burning shall terminate immediately if so directed by an agent of the Village of Glen Carbon.
2. Disposal Other Than By Burning: It shall be unlawful for any person, business, firm or corporation
to store or dump, or cause to be stored or dumped,
any landscape waste on any public or private property, except as follows:
a. At a duly state licensed regional control facility as defined and regulated by the Illinois environmental protection act;
b. At a privately operated compost site, open for
use by the general public;
c. At the site where the landscape waste was
originally cut and/or collected (so as to allow for
private/individual on site composting);
d. At any other specific location designated by
the office of director of public works or any other authorized federal, state or local governmental
unit or agency.
3. Compost Sites: No person, business, firm or corporation may keep or operate a compost site if said
compost site creates or poses any real and immediate
threat to public health or public safety; nor shall any
compost site be permitted if it otherwise poses a
public nuisance. (Ord. 2003-37, 10-14-2003)
Village Street Signs
The Village of Glen Carbon is required by
Federal DOT regulations, to update all
signage within Village boundaries. All
street signs are being updated on an ongoing basis. Please report any stolen
or damaged street signs to the Public Works Department by calling
Monthly Curbside Brush Collection
The curbside brush collection program is offered
to residents starting the first Tuesday of each
month from May through November for storm
damage and light pruning. Residents are asked
to place the brush by the curb no earlier than one
week before pick up. Residents are asked to call
288-2662 to schedule pick up service. Calls will
not be accepted after 7:30am on the first Monday
of the month due to the large volume of calls received.
Pick up service starts the first Tuesday of each
month and continues until collection of the list is
complete. It may take several days to get to
everyone on the list.
All limbs and branches are recycled into woodchips by means of a brush chipper. The wood
chips are stockpiled and are available to our residents by calling 288-2662 between the hours of
7:30AM and 4:00PM, Monday – Friday, except
on holidays.
Other brush collection service may occur after
severe storms when deemed necessary by the
Mayor and Village Board of Trustees.
American Legion Hall is available for
rental for baby showers, birthday
parties, wedding receptions, retirement
parties, etc. Please call for availability
and price.
Road Closures
The following roadways within the Village of Glen Carbon
will be closed to vehicular traffic at the listed times and
dates to facilitate the Village of Glen Carbon Homecoming Event.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015. The Parking lots in Miner
Park, behind the Gazebo and Library and Collinsville
Street will be closed through Sunday, June 21,2015. (The
Events Committee will begin placing fliers on cars on Friday, June 5th).
Friday, June 19, 2015. Main Street will be closed at 9:00
a.m. to through vehicular traffic between Spruce Street
and School Street. South Meridian will be closed at 9:00
a.m. between Guy Street and West Main and Collinsville
Street will be closed between Sunset and Main. West
Rosin will also be closed at Main Street at 9:00 a.m.
Saturday, June 20 2015 The roadways listed above as
closed will remain closed. In addition, Birger, Francis,
Munzert, Clay & Old Glen Crossing Road will be restricted to local traffic, for parking on one side to accommodate the Homecoming Parade Staging between 4 and
5pm. The intersection of Main at Meridian/Glen Crossing will close at 5:00 for the Homecoming parade. The
intersection will reopen at the conclusion of the parade.
Remaining closures will reopen as soon as possible at the
conclusion of the Homecoming Event and no later than
Monday morning, June 22, 2015 at 6:00 a.m.
Detour Routes will be posted
and plainly marked.
Thank you to all that participated in the
2015 Rabies & Micro-chipping Clinic. It
was a huge success. On Saturday, April
25th, almost 100 of your favorite pets
were served and a record number of 42
microchips given in all.
Thanks again PSO Jamie Foster, Admin. Assistant
Cathy Luttrell, Dispatcher Coleen Schaller and Dr.
Olsen and his staff.
Thank you to our 2015 Homecoming Sponsors:
Platinum Sponsors
TheBANK of Edwardsville
MidAmerica Plastic Surgery
Gold Sponsors
Gori, Julian & Associates, P.C.
Silver Sponsors
Allied Waste
Bruckert, Gruenke & Long, P.C.
Capitol Land Company
Bronze Sponsors
Associated Pediatric Dentistry
Brickman Orthodontics
Casey’s General Store
First Clover Leaf Bank
Hurford Architects, Inc.
Maclair Asphalt Sales, LLC
TWM, Inc.
Friends of Glen Carbon
Abstracts & Title, Inc.
Bull & Bear Grill & Bar
Durkin Equipment Co., Inc.
Edwardsville Pet Hospital
Garwoods Heating & Cooling, Inc.
Irwin Chapel of Glen Carbon
Jack Schmitt Chevrolet Wood River
Jackstadt for Mayor Committee
LaBest Mobile Grooming
Scott Credit Union
SIUE Credit Union
Town & Country Gun Club, LLC
Triken Consulting, Inc.
Weber & Rodney Funeral Home
JUNE 19th & 20th, 2015
both nights
5K RUN 8:00AM
5 mile RUN 8:15 AM
5PM PARADE w/Fredbird & Rams Cheerleaders
Vehicular Parking Restrictions
Friday, June 19, 2015 @ 9:00 a.m.
The parade will stage at the Glen Carbon
Elementary School. The parade will still
begin at the Main Street/Glen Crossing
Road/Meridian intersection and proceed
down Main Street, but will end at School
Parade watchers should line up between
Meridian and School Streets and enjoy the
Parking for 2015:
Shuttle bus will be available at Village Hall
Overflow parking will be at the
Bridge Church on Steiss St.
South Side of Guy Street (From South Meridian Road
to Spruce Street)
 West Side of Spruce Street (From Guy Street to Main
 South Side of Rosin Street
(Parking will be restored on Sunday morning, June 21st)
Parade Route
Saturday, June 20, 2015 @ 8:00 a.m.
Both Sides of Main Street (From School Street to
Glen Crossing Road)
 One Side of School Street, Birger Street, Francis
Street, Clay Street and old Glen Crossing Road (local
traffic only)
(Parking will be restored at the conclusion of the parade)
Library Page
Glen Carbon Centennial Library
198 S. Main St.
We are excited to welcome Ron Pauli, our new Library
Director at the Glen Carbon Centennial Library District.
Ron graduated from Chicago’s Dominican University with a
Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science and has
been in the field for over 15 years. Ron is coming to us from
the Aurora Public Library where he was the Branch Coordinator. Ron said he believes in placing customer service at
the forefront of all decision making, while building relationships and responding to the ever-changing needs of the library’s patrons.
Ron, with his late wife Carol have two grown sons and a
daughter who attends college. Ron remarried in 2012 to
Lisha, a high-school English teacher and mother of two teenage daughters. His interests include long distance bicycling,
motorcycle riding, kayaking, and camping. He and his wife
love being outdoors, and spend vacations camping and
kayaking in southern Illinois.
Tech Club ~ Thursdays at 1:00 pm
It’s all about the Tech this summer. Learn
about 3D modeling software and print
your own design on our MakerBot 3D printer donated by the Friends of the Library. Policies regarding 3D printing are available on our website.
Robotics, computer programming, and all that fun
tech stuff for kids? Yes, we’ve got that covered too.
June 4, 11, 25
July 9,16,23,30
Movie Matinees
Drop in Fridays at 1:00 pm
Drop by for a cool summer movie and a
June 5, 12, 26
July 10, 17, 24, 31
Cook A Book Club
6:30 pm
Tues. June 16 and July 14
Registration for Summer Reading begins Mon. May 11 at the Library,
online at,
or by calling 618.288.1212
Reading logs are available at the Library or online from
the Children’s/Teen pages.
Summer Story Times
Mon. & Tues. mornings at 10:00 am
Wed. evenings at 6:30 pm
June 8-10; 22-24
July 6-8; 20-22
Super STEAM Wednesdays
Registration requested
1:00 pm
Sessions focusing on Science, Technology,
Engineering, Art, and Math.
June 3, 10, 24
July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Super Spectacular Saturdays
1:00 pm
May 30 ~ Pint Size Polkas
June 6 ~ Christian the Magician
June 13 ~ Juggling Jeff
June 27 ~ Babaloo
July 11 ~ Oh My Gosh, Josh!
July 18 ~ Bubble Bus and Super Hero Training
July 25 ~ Animal Tales
Jr. Friends of the Library
Open to ages 11 to 18
Monday 6:00 pm
June 8 and 22
July 13 and 27
Kindermusik with Ellen Singh
Drop in Wednesdays at 1:00 pm
June 24, July 1, July 8
To Register, and for more information on Adult Events ,
visit us at
Book Club:
June 9: In the Lake of the Woods by Tim O’Brien
July 14: Bitter Brew by William Knoedelseder
August 1: The Glass Castle by Jeannetter Wells
Cooking: FARMER’S MARKET BRUNCH Instructed by Pam Osley
Enjoy learning how to make the following
demonstrated dishes:
Farm Egg Frittata, Garden Vegetable Orzo Salad, and Mixed Berry
Thursday, June 11 from 6:30-7:30
pm in the Community Room
CRAFT CONNECTION - Join the craft group on
the fourth Thursday of each month from 6:307:30 pm in the Community Room. Bring your
craft, a snack & make new friends. Don't have a
current craft? Visit us online, and use the Craft tab
on the Adult Events Page.
THE IL TREKKERS ~ Meet up with the IL Trekkers at
the Library between 10:00 am – 1:00 pm in the Community Room. Each person will pay $3 at the door, fill out a
start card, and sign in before starting the walk. Walks
must be finished by 4:00 pm. Brochures are available at
the Help Desk.
 Saturday, June 6 from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
by Meaghan Weedon ~ Learn about proper posture while
sitting at a desk, suggested stretches will be demonstrated, recommended length of time to sit/ stand will be discussed, as well as other healthy practices.
 Tuesday, August 25 from 6:30–7:30 pm
Julie Brockmeier ~ You have all this stuff…now what?
Learn how to keep your home and life in great shape
without breaking a sweat by using hacks.
 Tuesday, June 2 from 6:30-7:30 pm
Presented by Master Gardeners Speakers Bureau,
Denise Pott ~ Find out easy ways to protect yourself while you are working in your garden, including general safety tips and safe ways to lift, turn,
carry, and the proper way to operate garden tools.
Monday, June 15 from 6:30-7:30 pm in the Community Room
Metro East Model Railroad Club
CHOCOLATE PLANTS Presented by Master
Gardener Speakers Bureau Betsy Alexander ~
Chocoholic? Discover how to be a chocoholic
gardener! Taste samples and explore the
“chocolate” perennials, bulbs, shrubs and annuals
that can be incorporated into your garden.
Tuesday, June 23 from 6:30 – 7:30 pm in the
Community Room
Fri, June 19, 2015 (5 PM – 8 PM)
Sat, June 20, 2015 (3 PM – 8 PM)
AARP Driver Safety Instructed by Nadine
Verderber ~ This two part workshop will include
a DVD session, a workbook session, and a lecture
session. Visit us online for more information on
participation, participation fee, and information on
insurance discount.
Friday, August 21 and Saturday, August 22 from
12:30 – 4:30 pm in the Community Room
Homecoming Open House
We are located in the old Fire House at 180 Summit
Street, Glen Carbon, Illinois (Corner of Summit and
School Streets)
All are welcome. Admission is FREE!
Snacks too!
Come see the trains on our 18 x 27 foot
HO Scale layout
Bob @ (618) 476-9228
Bill @ (618) 254-6596
Senior Center Page
By Michele Suwe, Administrator
We survived the winter snows, and
the spring rains, so let’s get outdoors
and enjoy the summer!
ters that may arise. If you need a power of attorney,
a simple will, or just have questions please call and
schedule an appointment, at 288-2664.
Getting ready to turn 65, or maybe you just have
questions regarding your current Medicare coverIf you aren’t in the mood to do the driving, but up
age? Senior Service Plus is available here at the
for the fun, Glen Carbon has been invited to particCenter to help! Again, just call and schedule an apipate in trips with Senior Services Plus (SSP) in
Alton. There are day and extended stay trips available. For those trips that we are able to sign-up
Need help with summer cooling bills? If you are
enough people, SSP has agreed to pick-up travelers
an Ameren Illinois customer, and meet other qualifihere at the Glen Carbon Community/Senior Center.
cations, you may qualify for a Cool Friends matchDay trips this summer include: trips to Stages Theaing grant! Call the Center for details!
tre to see Smokey Joe’s Café, Anything Goes, and
the Full Monty. There is a St. Louis Nibble & Nosh
If you are planning a party, the Center is available
trip going to places like Soulard Market, Dad’s
(by reservation only) on weekends for birthdays,
Cookies, Gus’ Pretzels, Ted Drew’s and MORE.
bridal showers, anniversaries, receptions, baby
Extended trips coming up are to 1,000 Islands/
showers, etc. A reservation application and a miniNiagara Falls, and Mackinac Island. Have you almal fee are required. Check the Village of Glen
ways wanted to go to Europe? How about Great
Carbon Website for more details (http://www.glenBritain, or maybe a Bavarian Adventure. Call for or come by the Center between 8A.M.
details! All profits from these trips are given to
& 3P.M. Monday through Thursday.
the area Meals-on-Wheels program!
If you want to stay closer to home, consider joining
in our activities here at the Center. You are always
welcome to participate in our Flexercise class, designed to help with your mobility and strength; it’s a
fun way to spend an hour, from 9-10 a.m. each
Monday and Wednesday; or check out the Glen
Carbon Senior Group which meets on each Tuesday from 12:30-3:00 p.m.; come have a snack, play
cards, board games or shuffleboard on our lovely
lawn! Come meet a few new people or perhaps
catch-up with someone that you have not seen in a
The Glen Carbon Community/Senior Center provides all seniors and physically challenged residents, the service of our Para-transit Bus for your
local transportation needs. The bus operates Monday through Thursday.
Interested in learning how to paint? The Center
will host a beginner’s class on Friday nights from 69 p.m. Classes are free, with only a nominal fee for
supplies. Call Michele at 288-2664 for details.
All eligible veterans are encouraged
to join the V.F.W. or the American
Legion. To find out if you are eligible contact the American Legion at
288-7118 or the V.F.W. at 288-9747
Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance Foundation is
available to provide help for seniors with legal mat-
For further information on any of our activities, to
check availability of the Center, or to make a reservation, please contact me, Michele Suwe here at the
Center at 288-2664.
Fire Protection District
As you are aware the fire district operates an excellent
ambulance service. Last year the paramedics responded to over 1,000 medical calls. This year the medical
Do you know where most house
calls are increasing on a monthly basis. Director of
fires start? If your answer was the the ambulance service Eric Wilson stated the number
kitchen you are correct. Approxi- of medical calls again continues to increase. To meet
mately 40% of house fires begin
this increase 2 additional paramedics will be added
in the kitchen. The fire departbeginning in June.
ment strongly encourage each
home owner to have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen. Assistant Fire Chief Larry Hood informed the district
If you have a hood above the stove, there are many
trustees that 25 firefighters coming from Marine, St
types of fire suppression systems to put out a stove
Jacob, and Glen Carbon received training and class
fire. Firefighters refer to this type of system as “fire in room training when responding to liquefied petroleum
a can”. Fire suppression cans are filled with bicargas. Training also took place at Troy Fire Department
bonate of soda and are opened up by heat sensitive
for firefighters from Troy and Glen Carbon. Assistant
actuator. It takes a minimum of two cans to protect
Fire Chief Hood also is planning a class in Basic Rapone stove top. The suppression cans are secured with id Intervention team approach. As you can see your
magnets. The cans cost approximately $50; seems
firefighters receive very important training. The Glen
like cheap insurance.
Carbon firefighters are responding to over 100 calls a
month! Assistant Fire Chief has installed in both enSpring is here and summer right behind. Along with gine houses a monitor in the bay areas. These monispring and summer comes storms. Here are some
tors enable firefighters and paramedics to see the locaways to prepare for storms. Each family should pur- tion of the alarm and also provide exact times the amchase a weather radio. When going on vacation, study bulance and fire engine leave the engine house and the
the weather at your destination. As a home owner
time the units are back in service.
check your fire extinguisher. Show family members
where the main electric shut off is located. Everyone The firefighters and paramedics encourage the public
in the family should learn CPR and this can be done
to stop by any time and ask questions and explore the
by contacting your fire department. PLEASE stay
engines and ambulance.
away from down power lines.
DID YOU KNOW? In the very early years citizens
A service offered free of charge and continues to grow put out fires using a bucket brigade. This was a very
is child seat inspections and installations. Since the
simple concept. Men formed a line and passed buckbeginning of the year certified inspectors have inets of water to put out the fire. The women would
stalled and inspected 28 child seats. On March 26,
form a line and send buckets to be refilled. Because
2015 child passenger seat skill training which included putting out a fire took a long time this provided men
an 8 hour class time and was sponsored by Safe Ride. and women to get to know each other. The Amish
The district is fortunate to have 3 certified inspectors: elders forbade their unmarried daughters from particifirefighter Carl Walton, firefighter Gary Presswood,
pating in a bucket brigade.
and paramedic Cori Simpson. If you or you know
someone that needs a child seat installed or inspected
please call 288-1225 for an appointment. This service
is provided not only to families in the fire district but
to parents outside the district. Again, this service is
Thomas Kowalski
Around the Village
the history of Glen Carbon. Since collections are the
heart of any museum as they are used in both exhibits
The Glen Carbon Heritage and programming, my first order of business is to asMuseum hired a new Mu- sure the best possible care for the objects entrusted to
seum Coordinator as of
the Village of Glen Carbon and the Glen Carbon HerMarch 24, 2015. I would itage Museum. In doing so, completing the cataloglike to introduce myself
ing, photographing, and computerization of the collecGlen Carbon
Heritage Museum
and encourage anyone to tions will be a priority. However, I am also excited
124 School St.
stop by and visit me at the about the future exhibit potential and possibilities and
Glen Carbon, IL 62034
(618) 288-7271
museum on Tuesday/
look forward to planning some programs and activiNEW Hours of Operation:
Thursday/Saturday beties for both adults and children. So, please keep your
Tues, Thurs, Sat
Summer Hours (May-Aug): tween 9am and 3pm. My eye on the website for further information (www.glen9AM-3PM!
Winter Hours (Sept-Apr): name is Mary Bade and I
have worked in various
museums throughout the Are you in high school/college/retired and looking for
country since 1984. I am originally from southern
a place to volunteer? If so, please contact me about
Wisconsin but started my museum career at the Illifilling out the necessary paperwork to become a munois State Museum in Springfield, IL. I most recently seum volunteer! Whether it’s three days per week or
worked for the University of Alabama Museums in
one day per month I would be happy to have your
Tuscaloosa, AL where I cared for historical, natural
help. You don’t need prior experience working in a
history, and archaeological collections. I have also
museum as I’ll be happy to train you. I can always
worked at the Wisconsin Veterans Museum in Madi- use assistance with data entry, researching object hisson, WI. Upon my husband’s retirement a year ago, tories, inventorying and basic cataloging of objects,
we returned to the Midwest. Not yet ready to retire
photographing of objects, preparing objects for stormyself, I am very excited to have found the Glen Car- age, help with programs and events, assisting with
bon Heritage Museum! I feel that the Heritage Muse- formulating ideas for and installing temporary exhibum has a lot to offer and does a good job of presenting its, and keeping on top of everyday tasks.
Museum News
Yanda Log Cabin News
Spring cleaning was done at the cabin in mid-April. It opened for the 2015 season on
Saturday, April 25th, and will be open on the 4th Saturday of each month thru August
from 10am thru 2pm. The exterior of the cabin has been restored to look like it did in
the mid to late 1800s. If anyone has photographs of what the inside of the Yanda cabin
looked like in the mid to late 1800’s please contact Mary at the Glen Carbon Heritage
Museum (618-288-7271). We would like to work to make the interior look just as authentic as the outside.
148 Main St.
Glen Carbon, IL
(618) 288-7271
Hours of Operation
Fourth Saturday of
Each Month
10am – 2pm
Route 66 Blue Carpet Corridor
Planning is under way for the Glen Carbon Covered Bridge 5K & 5 Mile
Run to promote fun, fitness, community, and family right here in our
very own home town! We have some exciting changes this year! The
route will take runners down the newly paved Ronald J Foster Heritage
Trail. There will be a 5K & a 5 Mile Run. We plan to take runners back
in time to showcase the rich history of this mining town. Volunteers will
be dressed as early settlers, with photo opportunities in black & white
photography. Signs telling the history of Glen Carbon will line the route
with hopes that runners will take a stroll after the run. Old fashioned ice
cream cones scooped at the finish line compliments of Annie's Frozen
Custard. Old fashioned candy samples, compliments of Sweeties Confections. We encourage you to visit the Glen Carbon History Museum
after the run to continue the festivities! As in prior years, the run will be
held in conjunction with the Glen Carbon Homecoming; bringing even
more fun-loving folks to the community we call home! Registration is
open online at Covered Bridge Run 5k & 5 Mile, or you can register via
paper registration at RunWell in Edwardsville located at 100 E. Vandalia
Street, Edwardsville, IL 62025.
Glen Carbon Postmaster Offers
Tips for Mailbox Maintenance
With the spring season well underway, the U.S. Postal
Service is asking all Glen Carbon area homeowners to
inspect and repair their mailboxes. The Postal Service
makes this annual request because of the wear and tear
that occurs to mailboxes every year. This is especially
important after the effects of the winter.
Some of the typical activities that may need to be done
Replacing loose hinges on a mailbox door.
Repainting a mailbox that may have rusted or started
Remounting a mailbox post if loosened.
Replacing or adding house numbers.
If your mailbox is on a street other than the one
where you reside, the street name and number must
be on your mailbox
For more information on the use of names or numbers on
mailboxes, or answer to any other questions, please contact the Glen Carbon Postmaster at 618-288-9503.
Fall Large Item Pick-up
September 21-25.
Glen Carbon Heritage Museum will be
participating in the upcoming Route 66
Blue Carpet Corridor scheduled for
June 13th and 14th. The Museum and
Yanda Log Cabin will be open both
days from 9am to 4pm with special exhibits. The Metro East Model Railroad
Club will also have their trains on display from 9 to 4 during both days of the
weekend. Plans are still evolving.
Check for
more information about the weekend,
cities and towns participating and what
each is offering.
Join the American Legion/VFW Color
Guard on Saturday, June 20th at the
2015 Glen Carbon Homecoming Parade
@ 5 PM!
Please put trash and recyclables at the
curb no later than 6 a.m. on scheduled
trash collection days.
The Parkinson Support Group of Glen Carbon
meets the 3rd Wednesday of every month at
the Glen Carbon Senior/Community Center
from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM.
This is an uplifting support group whose purpose
is to share information, experiences and friendship with Parkinson patients and/or their caregivers from the Metro East area.
New members are always welcome!
For more information, please contact Kathi Jackstadt at 618-920-6296 or email:
Business of the Month
February ~ Traveling Tails Inn
In January 2008, a dream came to fruition when Chris
and Cindy first opened the doors at Traveling Tails Inn.
It has been a journey as entrepreneurs and with all the
things they have learned along the way; they could not
be happier to have the privilege of meeting outstanding
people and pups alike all while becoming proud members of the Glen Carbon and Edwardsville community.
A common truth and great accomplishment about this
community is that it has been listed as the top ten places
to live. We now know that this status was achieved
through hard work, leadership and strong sense of community and pride. It is with these same motivators that
Traveling Tails Inn strives to provide an atmosphere that
is unlike any other, with the quality care, enriching environment, specialized attention and professional atmosphere that the Traveling Tails Inn team provides every
With a combined square footage of 16,000 indoor/
outdoor space, 14 web cameras that customers can access 24 hours a day, daily daycare activity schedules,
kennel-free daycare, luxury boarding suites, it’s easy to
see why customers and pups prefer Traveling Tails Inn.
Although our business is dogs, Traveling Tails Inn is a
proud small business that is honored to be recognized by
its surrounding community. Now approaching its eighth
year in business, Traveling Tails Inn would not be where
it is today, without the support of our community and the
small business community alike. With sincere appreciation and gratitude, thank you for naming our humble
business to be this month’s Glen Carbon’s Business of
the Month.
home construction and remodeling company, now Customizing Living Spaces in the Metro East for over 35
years. Still a family owned business, Jim’s wife, Christy, runs the daily operations and manages the office
while he oversees the projects and crews. Their 5 year
old son eagerly awaits the return of the trucks at day’s
end to help unload and prep for the next day.
Whether looking to add-on to an existing home, remodel
a kitchen or bathroom, finish the basement, update the
interior/exterior, add/replace a deck or covered porch or
just have a small home repair, Ferguson Construction
works with our customers on ideas and affordable solutions. We are known in the area for the “tougher” remodels that don’t seem to have easy solutions.
Customer service is our foundation. We listen to what
the customer wants and needs to help them achieve their
dreams and a quality investment in their home. We are
proud to say, the majority of our work is from repeat
customers and referrals – the biggest compliment anyone
can give.
Ferguson Construction can be reached by calling, 618288-7710, or online,
April ~ European Wax Center
About European Wax Center – European Wax Center
was founded by siblings David Coba, Joshua Coba and
Jessica Coba in 2004, and is now recognized as a leader
in comfortable and healthy body waxing. The Cobas
developed the ultimate wax experience that features the
all natural COMFORT WAX™ developed in Paris and
the 4 Steps to Gorgeous™ process -- Cleanse, Prepare,
Wax, Rejuvenate. As well, features include a clean, proMarch ~ Ferguson Construction
fessional environment, full-privacy Wax Suites, and exFerguson Construction was founded in 1979 by an 18
ceptional service exclusively for EWC guests. Now,
year old entrepreneur, Jim Ferguson, who was working
luxurious waxing can be incorporated into everyone's
in a local lumber yard. The first job he contracted was to
regular skincare regime. European Wax Center enables
paint a barn roof, a very tall and steep barn roof. After
everyone to feel pampered, beautiful and sexy.
discussing the job with his parents, his dad said, “go for
it,” his mom said, “you go to college”. Heeding both
European Wax Center – Glen Carbon located at 3020
their advice, Jim accepted the job and enrolled in colSouth State Route 159, Glen Carbon opened in April
lege. Taking courses at night and working during the
2014 and has a current staff of approximately 12 people.
day, he completed college, earning a bachelor’s in Busi- The Center is open 9 am – 8 pm Mon-Fri; 9am – 6 pm
ness Administration. Word of the quality of work and
Sat; and 10am – 6pm Sun. The Center is owned by
type of person he was spread through town and he acTammy and Chuck Hoeflinger who also own Massage
quired more and more work.
Envy Spa, which is also located in North Glen Center.
Since then, Ferguson Construction has grown into a full
G.L.E.N. Committee
Busy Springtime
After spending the winter finalizing event scheduling and
budget planning the G.L.E.N. Committee has been very
busy. In addition to the many beautiful containers and
gardens already in place containers are being planned for
the Green Space East area. Village Gardener Wendy
Reinacher-Heilig has been busy in the green house and
preparing the garden areas for planting. Volunteers have
assisted with spring clean up including weeding and
pruning. As the weather begins to warm more plant material is going in and mulching and watering begins. If you
would like to help with any of these tasks please contact
either Wendy at 288-2660 or
our committee secretary Debby Stayduhar at 288-7488 G.L.E.N. Committee agendas and
minutes are posted on the Village website. Hope you’ll
check us out and consider spending a few hours in the
Arbor Day 2015
On Friday, April 24, children helped us
plant a tree at the Community/Senior Center as part of our annual Arbor Day Celebration. We had a great time doing art activities and enjoying refreshments. Attendees were also able to take home trees
obtained from the Arbor Day Foundation.
Thank you to committee members Sarah
Shields and Cassie Weber for planning the
children’s activities and potting up the
trees. Mayor Jackstadt read the Arbor
Day Proclamation. Trustee Jorja Dickemann assisted the children and Mayor with
the tree planting.
Planting Potatoes
After waiting for the ground to dry out
enough to till the garden we were able to
plant the potatoes that will be donated to
area food pantries. Our planting day was the
same day as our Arbor Day Celebration so
some of the children that helped plant the
tree joined us in the afternoon to plant potatoes. If you are
out enjoying the beautiful walking trails in green space
north or Schoen Park stop by the garden located close to
the green house. Volunteers are also welcome to help
weed and water the garden. In June we will be planting
G.L.E.N. Award Nominations
G.L.E.N. Award entry forms are due June 8th so you still
have a few more days to nominate properties. The
G.L.E.N. Awards recognize Glen Carbon residents, civic/
neighborhood organizations, and business
owners whose gardening and landscaping
goes above and beyond in beautifying our
community. Winners will receive a plaque
to display in their yard and be recognized
during a meeting of the Village Board.
Annual Scarecrow Contest
Look for your entry form and rules in the
next edition of the Communicator. The
contest held the first weekend in October showcases
the creativity of both young
and old as they show off their
scarecrows. Hope to see you
and your scarecrow there!
Glen Carbon Seniors’ Group, Inc.
Bill Newman, Secretary
Hey, Spring had sprung, the grass had riz, we had wondered where our membership iz. Although we didn’t get a lot of snow, the harsh weather took its toll. As is normal with “older
folks”, we had quite a number of illnesses befall our group over winter and spring. Some of it
is still lingering. Slowly our attendance is rising back to the 60% level we normally enjoy. When I say we
didn’t get a lot of snow, you must consider that I was born and raised in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
where an average annual snowfall is about 200 inches. For those of you that
are familiar with the term, yes I am a “Yooper”. Maybe I should say “was”
since I left there when I was 18, enlisted in the Air Force, retired, then settled
here in Glen Carbon in 1968.
Our first potluck luncheon was another successful event, held on March 31st,
which was the 17th anniversary of our Group. Yes, we met first on March 31,
1998 in the Community Room of the lower level of the Village Hall. Five of
the fifteen Founding members participated in this year’s event.
Our Silent auction has again been delayed for various reasons. At this writing, no specific date has been set,
but it will more than likely be held during the month of July. This event is also open to the public and since it
is held in the Senior/Community Center, don’t worry about the heat.. Silent auction bids will begin around
1:00 pm with closing of the bidding at 2:30, at which time you may pick up and pay for any merchandise for
which you are the top bidder. Check with the Center for the date.
Would you like to join us on a trip to Arthur, Illinois (Amish Country)? Plans are
being made to venture to that area on June 16th. Since this issue is due out by June
1st, responses are time critical. The trip is an all day affair, leaving from The Center
in the morning and returning that evening. Several stops are programmed with
chances to shop, enjoy the culture, as well as witnessing Amish creativity and skills
long lost by our generations. For more information, contact Joann Delaney @ 288-9288, or Bob Brady @ 288
-3804. Reservations need to be made by June 6, 2015.
I know it’s quite early to be thinking about Christmas, but here is a heads up about our entertainment for our 2015 Christmas affair. Our entertainer this year will be Patsy Cline
(impersonator). As we did last year we can handle up to 20 additional people, asking only for a
free will donation to help defray the cost. Anyone, any age, is welcome, but you will need to
call Michelle @ 288-2664, for a reservation.
On a sad note, we lost another of our faithful members, Eldora Chadwick during the past quarter. Since
joining the group in November 2007, she was a regular attendee and participant until illness took over last
year. We know that Eldora enjoyed her time with us as we so enjoyed her company. Rest in Peace, Eldora
If you are interested in any of our activities, I would recommend that you pick up a copy of our newsletter at
the Center or call Michelle (288-2664). The newsletter is usually at the Center by the 1st Tuesday of each
We meet every Tuesday at 12:30 pm. Join us as a member or just visit us as a guest. Play cards, dominos,
bingo or shuffleboard. For more information on the group you may contact Sarah Bouse, President, (Meridian
Village) 806-5464; Barbara Henderson, Vice-president, (Collinsville) 345-9013; Peggy Watson, Treasurer,
(Edwardsville) 692-1714,, or Bill or Sue Newman, (Old Town Glen Carbon) 288-7748,
Did you know that only about
25% of the plastic produced in
the U.S. is recycled?
Plastic products such as milk jugs, juice containers, and water/soda bottles take up a lot of volume in a landfill – as well as your trash cart or
trash container! Do your part and ensure that
your plastic containers end up in recycling containers. Don’t trash that plastic – recycle it!
More recycling information can be found at
Metro East Model Railroad
Trains Will Be Running
for the
Blue Carpet Corridor
Sat, June 13, 2015 (10 AM – 3 PM)
Sun, June 14, 2015 (10 AM – 3 PM)
We are located in the old Fire House at 180 Summit
Street, Glen Carbon, Illinois (Corner of Summit and
School Streets)
All are welcome. Admission is FREE! Snacks too!
Come see the trains on our 18 x 27 foot HO Scale layout.
Bob @ (618) 476-9228
Bill @ (618) 254-6596
Independence Day, July 4th, falls on a Saturday this
year so there will be no change to your trash
pickup schedule.
Labor Day is Monday, September 7th and there
will not be any residential trash, recycling or yard
waste service that day. Therefore, your pickup day
will roll forward one day this week:
Monday route is picked up Tuesday
Tuesday route is picked up Wednesday
Wednesday route is picked up Thursday
Thursday route is picked up Friday
Friday is picked up Saturday
Thank you and have a Safe and Happy Summer!
American Legion Post
#435 Fish Fry
Every Friday Night From 4:30 p.m. to 8
p.m. Dine in or takeout available.
Call 618-288-7119.
New Bethel United Methodist Church
131 North Main Street
BBQ/Open House
Saturday, June 27, 2015.
The United Methodist Men group will be selling
BBQ Pork Steaks, BBQ Pulled Pork, Brats and
Plates and/or sandwiches will be available.
Plates include sides of potato salad, coleslaw,
baked beans and dessert.
A variety of cold drinks will be available also.
Family friendly, ADA accessible. Dine in or
outside (weather permitting). Carry-outs are
These offerings will be served from
11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Prices
range from $1.00 to $7.00.
June 2015
June 7 ~ NAACP Freedom Fund Banquet
June 9 ~ Village Board Meeting 7PM
June 13 & 14 ~ Metro East Model Railroad
Club Blue Carpet Corridor Festival
June 19 - 20 ~ Homecoming 2015
June 19-20 ~ Metro East Model Railroad
Club Homecoming Open House
June 23 ~ Village Board Meeting 7PM
June 27 ~ New Bethel BBQ Open House
10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30
July 2015
10 11
July 3 ~ All Village Offices Closed for
Independence Day
July 14 ~ Village Board Meeting 7PM
July 28 ~ Village Board Meeting 7PM
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31
August 2015
Aug. 11 ~ Village Board Meeting 7PM
Aug. 17 ~ First day of school - ECUSD7
Aug. 25 ` Village Board Meeting 7PM
Aug. 31 ~ Horizon of Hope Dinner @ N.O.
Nelson 5PM
10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31
Share the Hope
Patty J. Navin and Sheri M. Goleanor invite
you and your guests to our Sixteenth Annual
Horizon of Hope® Campaign Dinner to fund
breast cancer research.
Enjoy a special evening of music, food, speakers,
raffle and silent auction
Monday, August 31, 2015
Lewis & Clark Community College
Leclaire Room, N.O. Nelson Campus
600 Troy Road
Edwardsville, Illinois
For important information about your community!
RSVP by August 24, 2015
Tickets - $40.00 per person
Deadline for the Fall 2015 newsletter is
August 1, 2015
E-mail submissions to
Doors Open 5:00 p.m. for Silent Auction & Raffle
Dinner begins at 6:30 p.m.
Patty J. Navin
The Village of Glen Carbon
Voted One of the Top 100 Best Places to Live
in the USA by in 2009.
151 North Main Street
Sheri M. Goleanor
Village Office Hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Village Hall ……………..618-288-1200
Village Hall Fax…………...618-288-1645
Police and Fire Emergency…….911
Police - Non-Emergency……….618-288-7226
Public Works…………..618-288-2612
Senior/Community Center………..618-288-2664
Radiant MS Renegades are having their meetings
every 2nd Thursday of each month at the Glen Carbon Library at 6:30 pm. Anyone with Multiple Sclerosis is encouraged to attend. Any questions, please
call Charity at 618-420-4321
Village Administrator ~ James Bowden
Chief of Police ~ Todd Link
Director of Finance ~ Patty Navin
Building & Zoning Administrator ~ David Coody
Public Works Coordinator ~ Danny Lawrence
Village Treasurer ~ Lawrence Lucy
Senior/Community Center Administrator ~ Michele Suwe
St. Cecilia Knights of Columbus 13216
Kiwanis Club of Glen Carbon
Veterans of Foreign Wars
(VFW) Post 2222
American Legion Post 435
Radon Safety Squad
Call Public Works at 288-2612
Village Board: 2nd & 4th Tues., 7 pm
Building & Development Committee: 4th Mon., 7 pm
Business Advisory Board: 1st Mon., 6:30 pm
Community Events Committee: 2nd Thur., 7 pm
Cool Cities Committee: 4th Wed., 7 pm at Public Safety Facility
Finance & Administrative Committee: 2nd Tues. at 6 pm
G.L.E.N. Committee: 1st Wed., 7 pm at the Public Safety Facility
Historical and Museum Commission: Last Mon. (except when there
is a holiday, meeting will be the following Mon.), 7 pm at the Museum
Planning & Zoning Commission: 1st & 3rd Tues. 7 pm
Police Pension Board: Last Wed. in Jan., Apr., Jul. & Oct., 5 pm
Public Safety Committee: 3rd Mon., 6 pm
Public Services Committee: 1st Tues., 6 pm
Residents’ Advisory Board: 3rd Thur., 7 pm at Public Safety Facility
Zoning Board of Appeals: 3rd Wed., 7 pm (*if there is business to