THE SOUTH AMBOY * * • • SAYREVILLE Date: MAY 6, 2000 PRICELESS Budget Falls Housman In Say re vi lie Remembered The Borough of Sayreville's school By Beverly Kovacs Bill Housman 55. of South Amboy died on May 2 after a long illness. He was a South Amboy Policeman for 23 years, and attained the rank of sergeant prior to his retirement in 1996. Housman received many awards and honors for his outstanding work in law enforcement including the prestigious Middlesex County Blue Badge Award for Valor, which he won in 1978 and 1989. Bill also was awarded a City of South Amboy resolution for his service to the community, and received meritorious service awards from every mayor who served during his career. The South Amboy Lions Club named him 'Policeman of The Year" in 1997. Bill was involved in many organizations and activities, and also coached the Sabres football team, as well as a girls Softball league team. Into our lives on a daily basis, each of us have people who we are proud to call our friends and enrich our lives. Bill was one of these people I was fortunate to know for 22 years. His wonderful wife Cathy is another. Bill was one of the finest in every sense of the word. On and off duty, he was always a person you could rely on when needed, and always with a smile. He is survived by his wife Cathy, four daughters. Lori, Donna, Katie, and Kristen; two sisters Anna, and Kathleen: three grandsons, Kyle, William, and Evan. Bill Housman will always be remembered for the fine work he did in South Amboy, and also for the kindness and caring he showed to anyone in need. • One Newcomer In South Amboy's Primary The South Amboy Primary election will be held on June 6. First Ward Councilman. Russell Stillwagon, and Third Ward Councilman. James Reick will run unopposed. Donald Thomas, Councilman of the Second Ward will be challenged this year by John Szatkowski, who will be making his first bid for an elected office. Kales Promoted To Sergeant South Amboy Police Officer, David Kales who has been on the force for 7 years, was recently been promoted to Sergeant. Congratulations! district budget of $49.4 million was shot down by residents by a close 1,325 to 1.289 vote. The budget will now be reviewed by the Borough Council for recommended cuts. Kevin Ciak. Board President, Danny DiPoalo, and Al Cox ran unopposed for three-3 year terms. Ciak finished on top with 1.814 votes, followed by DiPoalo 1.740. and Cox 1,691. Peter Barone won a one-year unexpired term that was temporarily filled by Cox. Barone chalked up 1.121 votes to top Andrew Golden 472, and Stephen Anonsen 458. Budget Approved In South Amboy The school district's $12.9 million budget was passed by South Amboy voters by a margin of 387-271. The question for a $13,000 work-study program was also approved by a 360-300 count. The establishing of a freshman athletic program which would cost $ 10.000 was turned down by a vote of 344-313. In the competition for three-3year Board of Education seats, Joseph Connors topped the field with 476 votes. He was followed by Deborah Mages 435. and newcomer Anne Marie Trapp 396. who won the third seat from current Board President, Barbara Rone, who tallied 353 votes. Sayreville's Primary Election Lineup The Borough of Sayreville will have two 3-year council seats up for grabs in November's election. The June 6 primary will feature Democratic incumbents Mary Novak and Raymond Skarzynski, will face competition from newcomer, Frank Grippaldi, who will try to win a spot on the Dem ticket for the general election in November.The Republican candidates are Phyllis Batko and John J. Melillo. South Amboy High School's talented senior baseball players, (L-R): shortstop Ed Behnen, pitcher Dan Poulsen, and second baseman Rich Klein are off to an outstanding start in the final year of their brilliant schoolboy careers. (Photo by Tom Burkard) Guvs Fly Over Eagles At Cooperstown By Tom Burkard South Amboy and St. Mary's High School baseball players enjoyed an overnight trip to Cooperstown, N.Y., on Easter Sunday, and played each other on Monday in a game, which for many would be the most memorable of their lives. The Cooperstown version of the city series between the arch-rivals took place two blocks from the National Baseball Hall of Fame at Doubleday Field. South Amboy ace, Dan Poulsen, wove his mastery over the Eagles, by firing an 8strikeouts. 6-hitter. for the 5-0 victory. Although Coach Jim Ka/.anjian' s B irds outhit the Purple & Gold, 6-4, Poulsen was in control throughout the contest. "It was one of my favorite baseball experiences ever, Poulsen said. It was fun in the surroundings, being there, playing against our crosstown rivals, and just being on the same field that some of the all-time greats were. I'll never forget how well our team played. We came up with the plays, as a team together, and experienced the feeling of victory at such a great place!" Coach Rich Klein's contingent scored 4 times in the 5* inning to break a scoreless tie. Three runs scored, when Dan Waldman's fly ball was misplayed for an Sabo Captures 3rd County Title By Tom Burkard Although St. Mary has not fielded a tennis team over the last two years, they just happen to have the greatest player in the county, if not the entire state. Matt Sabo became the first boy to win 3 consecutive Greater Middlesex County Tour- nament championships, by downing Eric Noll of So. Brunswick, 6-2,6-3. Sabo made the first singles finals for each of his four years in school. His career record is an outstanding 49-3. Sabo appears to have a very bright future in tennis, and is a true gentleman on and off the court. Congratulations, Matt! June 3 Call 727-0398 error. Ed Behnen playing his first game since coming off the DL. laced an rbi single for the fourth run in that stanza. Behnen commented, "Once we stepped on the field, it was amazing! Just the sight of the field was breath-taking! There was a big difference from the fields around here. It was like playing on a pro field. I'll always remember, not so much the game, but just going up there with all the guys from both teams." Notes: The players and coaches stayed at the same hotel on Easter Sunday night... .The game which was played at the legendary Doubleday Field, where major league clubs play the Hall of Fame Game each year, during HOF Induction weekend, will go down in history as a major event for both schools. 50th Anniversary of South Amboy Explosion By Diane Norek Harrison 50 years ago on Friday evening May 19, 1950. people were going about their everyday business, when tragedy struck the city of South Amboy. According to reports from Jersey Central Power & Light, the exact time of the blast was fixed by automatic relay switch instruments several hundred feet from the docks at 7:17 p.m. A terrifying 600 tons of ammunition aboard a string of barges were docked at the South Amboy Waterfront, when the explosion occurred. Rumors of an atomic bomb attack ran through the community. The rumble of the explosion was so terrific that reports poured in that it had rocked the earth in 3 states. New Jersey, New York (continued on page 3) Capik Honored By Borough ELECTION DAY/ GRADUATION ISSUE All Deadlines MAY 24 Vol. 9 Issue 8 The City of South Amboy Fire Department's Protection Engine Co No. 1, has added a brand new, 2000 Mack fire engine to its already impressive fleet. Former Fire Chief Ken Walczak said that it is more modem, has the first fully enclosed cab for safety, and has a 10-man seating capacity. It has a 1500 gallon pump and a 350 horsepower engine, with automatic transmission. "It's a big improvement over our current trucks", said Walczak. (Photo by Tom Burkard) The Borough of Sayreville honored the late Julian Capik on the 30* Anniversary of Earth Day. Capik. who resided in Parlin for over 40 years, was the Borough's foremost activist on environmental issues. He worked on many issues, but his main concern was the preservation of the well fields in Sayreville. Capik died last July at the age of 80. The Environmental Commission created a flowerbed, where they planted beautiful flowers, and posted a sign in Capik's honor, on a strip of land near the well fields. His wife Genevvieve was present, and gave a short speech to the many Sayreville residents who turned out for the ceremonv. 2 May 6, 2000 South Amboy-Sayreville Times Talk of The Towns Pleasant Little Trivia By Tom Burkard Local Man Has Heart Surgery On TV Jack Mulvcy of Morgan recently had quadruple bypass surgery performed at St. Michael's Hospital, and it was telecast on Channel 9, with Dr. frank Field (the weatherman) reporting. The good news is that Jack is feeling better, and hopes to back working with the South Amboy First Aid & Safety Squad real soon! Mrs. Grzes and Cousin Geraldine Will Be Missed Stephanie Grzes, of Parlin died on April 19lh. She was a wonderful lady, with a terrific personality and great sense of humor. I was employed by her for several years, when I had my own landscaping business. My cousin Geraldine Baker of South Amboy passed away on April 26. Geraldine was a very energetic person who loved flea markets and yard sales, and was kind to everyone. The two shining stars will be truly missed. They touched many lives with their pleasant ways. God Bless them! Pow Wow At Sayreville The New Jersey American Indian Center will be holding their 15* Annual Pow Wow at Kennedy Park, Washington Rd. in Sayreville, on Fri. May 19. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (show times 10 a.m.-3 p.m.); Sat. May 20. l()a.m.-7 p.m. (show times 12noon-3p.m.); Sun. May 21, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (show 12 noon). Activities will include American Indian food sale, arts and crafts sale, dancing, drumming, singing, story-telling. I lute playing, and much more. Donations are adults$5, children (5-12) $2, seniors $3, students (Fri. only) $2, children under 5 FREE. Everyone is welcomed to this great family event! By Tom Burkard 1 .The commander of the South Amboy VFW in 1950? a.Joseph Ford b.Daniel Kennedy c.James Bowie 2.This nursing home was located in Morgan in '63? a.Weeping Willow b.Sea View c.Oak View 3.South Amboy City Council President in'65?a.Frcd Henry b.RichardSchultz c.J. Peter Rush 4,South Amboy's City Engineer in 1975? a.Albert Miskovich b.Fred Kurtz c.Tim Rokowski 5.President of South Amboy Board of Education in 19507 a.Joseph O'Malley b.Anna P. Novich c.Thomas Koziorski 6.1n 1958, this food store was located where the current Olde Towne Deli is now at 138 S. Broadway, S. Amboy? a. Brown's Market b.Eagle Food Market c.South Amboy Market 7.Sayreville High's class president in '50? a.Charlie Kolakowski b.Jack Pietruski c.Manuel Roman 8.The theme for St. Mary's Christmas Ball in 1969 was? a."Christmas Fever" b."A White Christmas" c.Winter Wonderland 9.This former SA resident was promoted to major in the U.S. Army in 1985? a.Donald McLain b.Harry Coyle Jr. c.Richard Federici 10.The president of the Fireman Relief Association at Melrose Hose Co. #1 in '77? a.Robert Waitt b.John Andrejewski c.John Prusakowski ll.Sayreville's Fire Chief in 1953? a.John Wonkoski b.Ray Washington c.Charles Muth 12.What year did St. Mary's High School start its Pep Club? a. 1906 b.1948 c.l 962 13.St. Mary's first yearbook was printed in 1962. The first Editor was? a.Joseph Jankowskib.Phyllis Anne Speaker C.Mary Louise Nemeth Answers HALL RENTAL NEWLY DECORATED South Amboy K of C #426 Weddings Showers * Parties RESERVE NOW Bar is Open Mon. & Thurs. 7pm - ? Fri. 8 pm - ? Call 721-2025 J a 2c 3a 4b 5c 6b 7b 8b 9b J 0a lie 12c 13c. Atlantic City Boat Excursion Raritan Bay Medical Center Ernest R. Hansen Auxiliary Chapter presents an Atlantic City excursion to Trump Castle aboard the Black Whale Fleet at Beach Haven, Sunday, June 4. Bus leaves Perth Amboy Division at 7:30 a.m. and returns approximately 9 p.m. Coffee, tea, and donuts served in the morning. Live entertainment, dancing, and coffee aboard the ship. Tickets are $42 per person with $15 coin voucher and $5 food voucher upon arrival at Trump Castle. For tickets call Barbara Christie at 634-0447 or Carol Rebovich at 634-0297. '& Saloon SATELLITE DISH WITH ALL THE BASEBALL, BASKETBALL & HOCKEY 5AJ We Have Direct TV on 4 TVs . Sport Channel • Open for Lunch Delicious Daily Specials Tim Norek was recently sworn in as a cadet. With him is his grandfather Frank and Uncle Jamie. Tim is holding a picture of his great grandfather John J. Norek. South Amboy First Aid Welcomes Fourth Generation of The Norek Family By Diane Norek Harrison On March 27, 2000, Tim Norek was sworn in as a cadet member of the South Amboy First Aid and Safety Squad Inc., with his grandfather and uncle looking on. Tim is the 4'h generation of the Norek Family to be a member. He is a 15 1/2 year old high school soph.. His great grandfather, John J. Norek, (now deceased) was a charter member in 1933, when the squad was incorporated. His grandfather, Frank "Grandpop Inky" joined the squad in 1947 after being discharged from the Army and retired in 1976. He has received much recognition in South Amboy through the years for his heroicactions and his dedication as a member of the squad, and is still volunteering 53 years later. In 1977,1 joined the squad for a year and a half, before moving out of the area. Tim's uncle Jamie, has been a member since 1980. Grand pop Inky is now a Life member and Uncle Jamie is still an active member. For the first 6 months. Tim will take first aid and CPR courses and become familiar with the squad equipment, policies and rules. At 15. he can then ride on the ambulance as long as all classes are completed. Congratulations. Tim! We're all proud of you! DuPont Picnic June 17 Court Sancta Maria #382 C.D.A. will meet on May 7 for 8 a.m. Mass at St. Mary's Church. The annual Communion breakfast immediately follows at Laura's Pancake House. The regularmonthly meeting will be at the K of C Home. May 11 at 7:30 p.m. The PEA of the old F & F Division of DuPont in Parlin is holding its Annual Picnic on Sat., June 17 at the Polonka PW V Post#208, William St., South Riverfrom 1 6 p.m. All past site employees are invited to attend. Cost is $5 per person. For info leave a message for Lenny at 613-2201 or e-mail Court Sancta Maria Meeting SOUTH AMBOY SAYREVILLE TIMES I'.o. BOX .'027 • SOUTH AMBOY NJ. OHS79 Tel. 727-0398 Fax 721-5216 St. Stan's to Host 2nd Annual Drive-In Movie On Saturday, May 20th, St. Stan's H.S.A. will bring back the big outdoor screen for it's 2nd Annual Family Drive-in Movie featuring The Wizard of Oz. The show begins at dusk, with gates opening for parking behind the school at 6:15 p.m. The cost is just $10.00 per carload, $15.00 for vans. The kitchen will be open from 6:30 p.m. offering hamburgers, hot dogs, french fries, ice cream and other snacks for sale. Tickets are available in the church lobby before and after masses, and through the church office during office hours. Please call 254-0212 if you need further information. Just follow the yellow brick road to St. Stan's School for a fun family night out! (All tin men, scarecrows, cowardly lions, and munchkins are invited to join the fun too!) Mother's Day Breakfast 8-11:30 am Dinner 11:30am -8:30pm First 350 Mothers Publisher Tom Burkard Research Editor Diane Norek Harrison Feature Writers Virginia Stillwagon Teo Weber Ruth Connors Jorge L. Gonzalez-Gomez Sgt. Jerry Pizzillo Phil Rainone Clem Skarzynski Dr. John Misiewicz Bill McAndrew Lenn Ambroziak Steve Schmid Beverly Kovacs Poet Laureate Albert Gomolka Jr. Opinions and comment*) in printed articles do not KCessaril) reflect the opinion of The Souih Amboy-Sa\rcville Times, c. 1991. This newspaper u, ill not be liahte for enon-appeanng in (fie editorial copy or advertising beyond the cost of space occupied b\ error. Country Buffet Old Bridge Gateway Shopping Center 10011.S. Highway 9 Parlin, NJ 08859 (732) 727-7087 Aether's B r e a k f a s t Sunday 8:00 a.m. -11:30 a.m. Innch: Monday-Saturday 11:00 a.m. -3:30 p.m Dinner: Monday Thursday 3:30 p.m. • 8:30 p.m. (732) 727-4134 HOT DOGS ARE BACK ON MONDAY NIGHTS! 109 SO. BROADWAY SOUTH AMBOY, NJ 08879 Direct TV offers you ALL the BASEBALL. BASKETBALL & HOCKEY GAMES Friday • Saturday 3:30 p.m. • 9:00 p.m. Sunday & Holidays 11:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. lreaklast $6.39 • linen: $6.19 • Dinner. $8.19 Seiiw CM Prices: Breakfast S5.7S • lucb: $5.59 • Diner S7.39 CkUdrea's frieii| Available BANQUET ROOM AVAILABLE South Amboy-Sayreville Times May 6, 2000 3 115 No. FeltusSt. South Amboy (732) Business ofthe Month Upper Cut 1 525-3630 FINE FOOD AND SPIRITS TRY OUR DELICIOUS PIZZA EAT IN OR TAKE OUT AVAILABLE * Homemade Soups Are Back! * Seafood Special On Friday! 5th Anniversary ^ Party & Unco DeMayo Day Linda Barlotta, owner of Upper Cut I, mixes some of the popular Goldwell products. (Photo by Tom Burkard) Now celebrating their 10"' Year Anniversary, Upper Cut 1. located at 152 Main St., Sayreville, is one of the most popular full service salons in the area. Owner Linda Barlotta and her talented staff offer a large variety of specialties and services. The business is open 7 days a week to serve the local communities, and features top-quality expertise in this family-like atmosphere. Upper Cut 1 specialties include; makeovers, color and haircutting, foiling, razorcuts, perms, tanning-in which Wolf System beds, and all-natural California tanning products are used, manicuring, highlighting, pedicures, tips & 50 T H Anniversary of South Amboy Explosion (continued from page I) City, some 30 miles to the north, and across the state line to Pennsylvania, 50 miles West. Practically avery home in South Amboy which was reported at the time to be 2,500, were torn and damaged. At the time it was reported 9,000 people lived in South Amboy. In nearby Perth Amboy on Smith St., amess of broken glass from store windows was all over. Parts of Woodbridge, Sewaren, and Sayreville reported broken windows and damage. South Amboy Memorial Hospital was jammed to capacity. The overflow of patients were taken to St. Peter's in New Brunswick and Perth Amboy General Hospital. City Hall on John St. was turned into an emergency hospital as well as the press area. 14 people were injured on a Pennsylvania Railroad train that was pulling into the station at the time of the blast. It was reported that over 350 people were injured and 31 died. After the explosion, most of the area churches held outdoor services because of the damage inside their houses of worship, while Sacred Heart had to hold Mass in the auditorium. It will be a day the people in the area will never forget. Free Osteoporosis Screening Dr. E. Younes will be offering a FREE Osteoporosis screening at his 246 Main St., South Amboy office on Monday, May 8 by appointment only. Are you at risk for Osteoporosis? Are you postmenopausal? Are you 50 years of age? do you have other risk factors? Bone Density Testing is available through this office. Please call for an appointment 721 -1660. wraps, waxing, and up-dos for proms or other special events. UpperCut 1 owner, Linda Barlotta says, "I consider myself an artist." and it really shows from the fine work she turns out. The patrons well-being is always of the utmost concern for Barlotta and her staff, and they use natural conditioning hair coloring, and the very popular Goldwell products. The Upper Cut 1 staffs all-star lineup consists of Rita, Patricia. Kim. Maggie, and Jonelle. Upper Cut 1. where "Perfection is our motto." Located at 152 Main St., Sayreville, telephone 257-4004. Health &Wellness Fair at Christ Church Raritan Bay Medical Center and The Parish Nursing Program at Christ Church are co-sponsoring a Health and Wellness Fair on Saturday, May 20, 2000 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Free screenings include Tuberculosis, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, blood glucose, vascular, posture, height & weight and take-home colorectal kits. Medical information to be offered include HIV, Cancer, Heart, Addiction Treatment, Nutrition, smoking cessation and Infection Control, also support information on organ donation, advance directives, fire safety and D. A.R.E. Kids can bring their bicycles and take part in a special Bicycle Safety Course and receive a free bicycle helmet. The day will also include door prizes and free gifts. The fair will be held at Christ Church, 220 Main Street, South Amboy. Call 721-6262 for more information. Every Friday RAW BAR Jumbo Shrimp & Clams CLAMS: NEW! Bloody Sunday • Roasted • Drunken • On the 1/2 Shell (starting 11 a.m.) • Kielbasy & Eggs $1.50 • Steak & Eggs $6.25 Check out our new Menu! Try Our Homemade Sangria with Bloody Mary Special ON MOTHER'S DAY, FATHER'S DAY, AND GRADUATION DAY, GIVE THEM WHAT THEY'VE ALWAYS GIVEN YOU . . . THE VERY B E S T . Phillips Elected Commander James Phillips was recently elected Commander of the Sayreville V.F.W. Memorial Post 4699. Other officers chosen were; Eugene Wiecek-Sr. Vice Commander; Donald Patterson-Jr. Vice Commander; Henry Rossi-Quartermaster; Frank Giglio- Advocate; Raymond Gamett-Chaplain; Charles Woods-Surgeon; and Kenneth Kelly-appointed Adjutant and Chief of Staff. Trip To Monmouth Park June 25 South Amboy Knights of Columbus #426 sponsors its annual trip to Monmouth Park Sunday, June 25. The day includes a picnic in the reserved area, train transportation, program, pen. food and beverage. Cost is $25 per person. Reserve now by calling 721-7314 or 721-2025. Don't Forget The Best Jeweler In Town . . . 27 Years of Service and Reliability . . . All Work Done On Premises • ENGRAVING • REPAIRS • APPRAISALS RUYING DIAMONDS & GOLD "Complete Jewelry Service" WILLIAM MORE 80 MAIN STREET • SA\ 0 tEVILLE • 238-5077 4 May 6, 2000 South Amboy-Sayreville Times YearbookHoffman1995 Wisniewski Reintroduces Menhaden Limits By Tom Burkard The 1994-95 school year was a most interesting and busy one for the next-to-thelast graduating class at the old Hoffman High School on John St....The yearbook, titled "Picture This!" was dedicated to Barbara Russell and William Beattie...Dr. Anthony Novembre was the School Superintendent until leavingbeforeChrislmas vacation. Carol Galley did a fine job as the new Acting Superintendent... A few of the faculty members picked randomly included John Bernosky, Lynn Davis, Sheila Inman, Dave lnman, Carol McDonnell, Ray Tomaszcwski, Ocatavia Zampclla, and Bob Dougherty... Social happenings were plentiful for the Class of '95... Who could forget Homecoming '94, where Kevin Manion and Denise Sunderman were chosen King and Queen? How about the always fun Halloween Happening? The Fall Musical "Aladdin"...Spirit Week...The trip to Medieval Times...The plays "Too Hot To Handle," or "Gypsy" which was an overwhelming success... Kevin Manion was the senior class president... Michael Quirk was StudentCouncil President...Ed Welsh and Melissa Paul were yearbook editors.. .EZd Szalkowski and Tara DePasquale were King & Queen of the Prom... In the Hoffman High Class of '95 world of sports, Melissa Paul and Barbara Ust were co-captains of the girls soccer club...Peter Margl, Jr. was the senior captain on boys soccer...Memorable Moment: Kristy Parfianowicz joined the exclusive [,000 points club in basketball... Hoffman's Class of 1995 had many talented senior athletes including Lisa Vigilante, Joy Fngstrup, Kristy Parfianowicz, Kristen Henry, Cheryl Christensen, Melissa Paul, Ed Szatkowski, Kevin Manion, Michael Flaherty, Steve Honimar, Jamie Keeter, Peter Margl, Jr., Karen McNerny, Jennifer Mercado, Barbara Ust...Lisa Vigilante and Cheryl Christensen were also co-captains of the basketball cheerleaders... Some of the 68 graduates of the fine Class of '95, selected randomly include; Patrick Bielak, Monique Cancel. Christine Caro, Jonathan Christie, Joseph Evanski, Michael Felice, Dave Hetzel, Heather Jankowski, Edward Kern, Robert Kovacs, Kelly Krass, Sheryl Krieger, Eileen Krutul, Nancy Kurtiak, John Lawrence, Kathleen Lucovitz, Amy Martin, Colleen McCormick, Lisa Moglia, Jolynn Olszewski, Colleen Pearson, Kristin Pasquale. Michael Quirk, Marie Ramer, Michael Russo. Stephanie Schultz, Erin Seoape, Thomas Simeone I. Mary Skrynka, Kirsten Svenningsen, Mclinda Thomson, Allison Toth. Adrienne Walczak... The Hoffman Class of '95 was a pretty close-knit group which featured fine athletes, actors and actresses, scholars and so much more... Assembly Deputy Minority Conference Leader John S. Wisniewski teamed with Assembly Associate Minority Leader Arline Friscia. South Amboy Mayor Jack O'Leary, Perth Amboy Mayor Joseph Vas, and otherelected officials and several sportfishing enthusiasts to reintroduce legisla- Animal Care By Virginia Stillwagon At the university lab at UCLA researchers take 2 week old kittens away from their mothers, deafen them by mutilating their ears and record their pitiful cries. At the National Institute of Mental Health others are condemned by having their eyelids stitched shut and electrodes sunk into their brains to see how they react to being blind. Millions of cats and other animals are needlessly sacrificed day in and day out in questionable experiments. They are maimed, burned, poisoned, radiated, starved, electroshocked and killed; and the sad fact is animal studies provide little, if any, benefit to human health. Results are misleading because animals are physically, physiologically and metabolically different from humans, and animals differ significantly from species to species. In your mind picture acat. Does it look like you? It doesn't test like you either. Simply put, all species react differently. Doses of morphine that calm humans cause maniacal excitement in cats. The rat killer Morbromide has no effect on any other animals, including man, and a favorite lab animal, the rabbit, can safely eat enough belladonna to kill a human. This year over 70 million animals will be killed in the name of cancer, stroke, heart disease and other ailments. Animal testing is crude, costly, unreliable, and outdated. With today's technology and know-how, animal experimentation should be stopped. A quote from a psychologist referring to brain imaging techniques, "We have in a single afternoon been able to replicate in humans what took 20 years (and millions of tortured dead animals) to do in nonhuman primates." After horrible experiments on baby monkeys at NYU the final outcome was that monkey data differs from human data and that monkey studies are unnecessary for developing human treatment approaches. The sad thing is that these labs will continue to receive millions in grant money from the U.S. Government (our tax money) to perform experiments that have already been done over and over, just so they get the money and continue to torture and kill the animals. Dugou tion that would serve to further stabilize the gamefish population in the Raritan Bay by preventing commercial fishing boats from over-harvesting the bay "s Menhaden stocks. "Last year, I introduced this bill, and it was never considered by the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee or by the full Assembly. If further measures are not taken to protect Menhaden now, there will be little or no food to support the larger game fish which swim in the Raritan Bay in the future." said Wisniewski. "It is time to renew our call to protect Menhaden from commercial interests so they may continue to feed the larger game fish." While Menhaden are not in danger of becoming extinct, overfishing by commercial skimming boats have caused the tiny feeder fish to be in short supply in Raritan Bay. Due to this decreased supply, larger game fish such as "stripers" are migrating out of the bay to where there are more abundant stocks of feeder fish. Wisniewski's bill calls for the prohibition of commercial fishing for Menhaden with a purse or shirred net in the Raritan bay and Sandy Hook bays within one nautical mile of the shore along the Raritan and Sandy Hook bays. The legislation also restricts the time of taking of Menhaden to between sunrise and six hours afterward. The New Jersey Division of Fish, Game and Wildlife promulgated new regulations in January which prohibit the taking of Menhaden within 0.6 nautical miles of the shores of these bays, but they did not restrict the time of taking of these fish. "If we can stabilize the Menhaden population, then the gamefish population of striped bass, bluefish and weakfish will not be in danger of losing their main source of food," said Wisniewski. "The new Fish, Game and Wildlife regulations go nowhere close to alleviating this problem. We are not telling commercial fishermen to stop fishing Menhaden, we are. however, asking them to help us maintain the survival of the larger fish that eat Menhaden in the Raritan Bay. It is important that this legislation is passed so we may protect the larger game fish and the sport of fishing." "Stabilizing the Menhaden population is an extremely important environmental and economic issue for our district." said Friscia. "We are determined to see that this legislation becomes law." "While the new regulations improve the situation for recreational fishermen, they do not go far enough," said O'Leary. '"As the Mayor of a bay shore city, I am pleased that Assemblyman Wisniewski has chosen to reintroduce this legislation that will be a great help to sport fishermen." "This bill will go hand-in-hand with all of the measures being taken throughout Middlesex County to protect our natural waterfront resources. Perth Amboy, along with surrounding municipalities and the Middlesex County Board of Freeholders, has invested enormous amounts of time and money into creating new marinas, expanding our beaches andcultivating new forms of recreation along our waters. This bill would further enhance our efforts and protect the natural order of our environment," stated Perth Amboy Mayor Joseph Vas. Menhaden are small feeder fish which are captured by commercial fishermen and used as bait. They swim close to the surface and are successfully tracked by air as airplanes are often used to track Menhaden and relay information to commercial fishing boats on the sea. In recent years, excessive amount of Menhaden have been taken and the fish that feed off of it have suffered diminishing populations. THIS AIN'T YOUR GRANDMA'S AEROBICS CLASS KARDIO KlCKBOX is high energy, explosive, exciting and motivating; it's the non-contact kickboxing workout with the kicks of martial arts & the punches from boxing. KARDIO KlCKBOX will give you the results you've always wanted, while also learning to defend yourself in any situation. From shoulders to calves you will become lean & strong. You'll tighten, tone & firm your body while building a positive self-image, increasing your self-confidence & reducing your stress level. KARDIO KlCKBOX is for everyone- from those who want to get in shape to those looking for the ultimate workout. FREE INTRODUCTORY CLASS TO ALL WOMEN IN THE COMMUNITY - LIMITED TIME ONLY - MORE FUN . . . INCREDIBLE RESULTS! Call 721-6100 today for schedule. SAYREVILLE MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY 426 Raritan Street, Sayreville STORE HOURS Mon.-Thurs llam-8pm Fri.-Sat. llam-9p«n Closed Sun. except • ~ , for catering • ~ S/tto-rte Free Delivery Servic . 11am-3pm. 200 S. Stevens Ave. South Amboy 727-3988 Open Daily 3PM-2AM; Sat. 12PM-2AM; Sun. 1PM-2AM HAOTHOUR Moa-ftL3-7PM $1.00 Drafts Sundays Free Poo/ Tab/e • SATURDAY AFTERNOON 2-7 P.M. $1 DRAFTS SEE ALL THE METS & YANKEES GAMES HERE 132 So. Pine Ave. So. Amboy, N.J. (908) 525-9262 Fax 525-5355 • • • and more Thurs. Nights Coronas $2 KITCHEN OPEN 6 PM EVERY NIGHT! Will Cater Your Summer Party or Special Occasion & Make it a Moment to Remember COMMUNIONS • GRADUATIONS • ANNIVERSARY • BIRTHDAY • RETIREMENT • ELECTION, and any other special event Call for Details South Amboy-Sayreville Times May 6, 2000 Main Discount Liquors & Wines 533 Main Street South Amboy, NJ 08879 (732)721-1164 Fax (732) 721-8420 SAME LOW PRICES EVERY DAY ON WINE, BEER & LIQUOR CASH & CARRY O N ALL SALES ITEMS OPEN 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. NEW SUNDAY HOURS 11 A.M. TO 7 P.M. OFF THE FLOOR DOMESTIC BEER Budweiser Regular, 30 pack, 12 oz. cans Coors Regular or Light 2x12, 12 oz. cans Miller Lite, Lite Ice, MGD, MGD Lite 30 Pack, 12 oz. cans Coors Extra Gold 30 pack, 12 oz. cans Busch Regular or Light, 30 pack, 12 oz. cans Miller High Life 30 pack, 12 oz. cans Red Dog 30 pack, 12 oz. cans Genny Cream Ale 30 pack, 12 oz. cans Milwaukee's Best Light or ice 30 pack, 12 oz. cans Natural Light or Ice 2x12,12 oz. cans Keystone Light or Ice 2x12,12 oz. cans Schmidt's Reg. or Ice 2x12,12 oz. cans IMPORTED BEER $14.99 Heineken or Corona, i2oz.,N/RCase $12.99 Becks 12oz.,N/RCase $14.99 St. Pauli Girl i2oz.,N/RCase $10.99 Molson Regular, Light, Ice or Canadian 12 oz.,N/R Case $10.99 Bass Ale 12 oz., N/R Case $10.99 Samuel Adams 12 oz., N/R Case $9-99 Grolsch 12 oz., N/R Case $9.99 Harp 12 oz., N/R Case $8.99 Fosters 12 oz., N/R Case $7.99 Killians Irish Red 12 oz.,N/R Case $ 7 . 9 9 Tequiza (New) 12 oz., N/R Case $ 7 . 9 9 JW Dundee Honey Brown 12oz, N/R Case $19-99 $19-99 $17.99 $15-99 $22.99 $19-99 $19-99 $19-99 $18.99 $17.99 $18.99 $13-99 SPIRITS & CORDIALS Canadian Club 1.751 $17-99 Canadian Mist 1.75 L $12.99 William Grant Scotch 1.75 L $20.99 Jim Beam 1.75 L $18.99 Gordons Vodka 1.75 L $13-99 Johnnie Walker Black 1.75 L.... $ 4 9 - 9 9 Johnnie Walker Red 1.75 L $29.99 Southern Comfort 1.75 L $18.99 Carlo Rossi ALL FLAVORS • Soave • Pinot G. Merlot Blush 1 Rhine $10" 4 Liter Chillable Red Chablis Dewar's BLENDED SCOTCH WHISKY $ I.75 L 29 99 Jack Daniels 1.75 L $28" Luna diLuna 1.5 L 750 ML $15" $799 OQNCHAyTORO. 1 1 Cabernet/Merlot Chardonnay/Sauvignon Blanc Merlot Blend 1.5 L $799 $20.99 $19-99 $17.99 $15-99 $19-99 $16.99 $28.99 $26.99 $14.99 Seagrams Gin 1.751 Malibu Rum 1.75 L Drambuie 75OL Whitehorse Scotch 1.751 Romano Sambuca 75OML Majorska Vodka 1.75 L Bailey's Irish Cream 750ML Remy Martin 75OML • Franzia Box Wine - 5 Liter $•799 • Peter Vella BOLLA Val Bard Black &White 1.751 John Begg 1.75 L Old Smugglers 1.75 L Clan McGreggor 1.751 Skyy Vodka 1.75 L Smirnoff 1.75 L Jack Daniels 1.75 L Tanqueray Gin 1.75 L Gordons Gin 1.75 L $ 1.75 L 7 13 White Zinfandel • SUTTER HOME • WOODBRIDGE Beringer White Zinfandel $499 White Grenache Burgundy 750 ML 1.5 ML BACARDI. FINLANDIA RUM VODKA 99 99 $|599 I.75 L Polish Blackberry Brandy $2499 Captain Morga Spiced or Parrot Bay 1.75 L 1.75 L $1599 Gordons Vodka Seagrams 1.75 L H San/a Marnier) '/a Pinot Grigio 750 ML 1.75 L Leroux ABSOLUT VODKA $1799 $13-99 $19.99 $23-99 $20.99 $16.99 $10.99 $15.99 $29.99 $|499 $1399 1.75 L VODKA I.75 L $10" KENDALL-JACKSON WOODBRIDGE Chardonnay Cab, Chard, Marlot $ 750 ML 10 99 1.5 ML $•10" Cash & Carry on all items All Pnces Subject to Sales Tax / We reserve the Right to Limit Quantities / Not responsible tor Typographical Errors Big Savings on Beer. Coolers, Kegs & Beer Balls / Discount Available on Cases of Spirits & Wines: Excluding Sale Items. 5 6 May 6, 2000 South Amboy-Sayreville Times Fishing Flashes JIM COYLE N.J.M.R Lie. # 7189 RupCoe Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. Brian O'Connor Private Guitar and Bass Lessons 732—721-9093 Water Heaters Sewer Cleaning Air Conditioning South Amboy, N.J. D&D WE SPECIALIZE IN - PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE WITH PERSONAL CARE! Free Estimates - Fully Insured Over20 years experience!! Serving >I Sayreville Area 525-8895 ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE GETTING INSURANCE? Muller Contracting \tt\\ 1 -800-760-7199 uoillli A >liiltll<>s<> v < oiuilirs INSURANCE AGENCY MOOD »AUTO • BOAT • MOTORCYCLE HOME • COMMERCIAL • HEALTH Quotes Given Over the Phone We also sell high risk auto insurance. FINANCING AVAILABLE 104 South Broadway South Amboy, NJ 08879 'OPEN Mon-Ixi. 10-4:30 316-9384 (732) 294-8615 MATT GOMOLKA DAVE LORINCZ DAN SCHEREN All Car Tech, Inc. GOMOLKA'S AUTO BODY • FREE estimates Since 1950 • FREE towing for local accidents • Handle Direct - All Insurance Claims Quality Autos Bought & Sold TOP $$$ PAID 1992 Buick Century Custom - V-6, auto, loaded, 97K 1996 Honda Civic - 2 dr., 52K, Custom Pearl paint, nice! 1996 Volkswagen Jetta - 4 cylinder, auto, 62K 1991 International 4700 Tow Truck - Jerr Dan, hydraulic wheel lift 1991 Ford Explorer - 83K orig. miles, 4 dr., V-6, loaded 1991 Ciera-V-6, auto, air 100K, mint 1986 Subaru Wagon - auto, loaded $3,995 $9,999 $9,995 $10,900 $6,995 $2,995 $1,295 Foreign & Domestic Repairs Electronic Fuel Injection Repair Specialist (732)721-5220 Spring has sprung! Get it checked here & now Tune Ups & Oil Changes • New Customers Always Welcome! 401 South Pine Avenue, South Amboy, NJ, "MONAGHAN HOUSE" 4 0 0 SOUTH PINE AVENUE SOUTH AMBOY, NEW JERSEY 727-8606 EXPIRES 6/2/2000 2017 Highway 35 South Amboy, NJ 08879 LARGE PIZZA ONLY$525 (732)721-0109 For AM Your Health Care Needs Peterson Pharmacy "Serving The Community Over 1OO Years" • Money Orders • Greeting Cards Medical/Surgical Supplies • Phone Bills • Notary Ear Piercing • Film Developing • Fax WITH THIS COUPON OIL TANK REMOVERS Now accepting payments for gas, electric, cable & others Now Converting Old Films to VHS Tapes m (\ < A 1 Q * 7 1 3 2 North Broadway / L 1 " U 1 0 /South Amboy, NJ 08879 ;'2i Charles Smith Agency, Inc. 150 Morgan Avenue Sayreville, New Jersey 08879 Business (732) 721-9000 Fax (732) 721-4656 Voice Tel (732) 441-4051 E-mail PeggyYC21 @ Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated Striped bass action has picked up at both SA and Cliffwood Beaches. I saw some nice keepers including a nice 31 -inch bass and saw the first bluefish, a 5-pounder taken on April 20 at Cliffwood Beach. Some SA Beach regulars told me a few blues were caught before that date as bunkers came in early in the Bay. Apparently the blues showed before the mackerel which got started after mid-April and are being caught now in good numbers. They are moving fast and probably will be ending when you read this. Flounder action has picked up somewhat but its only spotty overall. Best action is in the bay by the Navy Pier and Buoy 4 at the mouth of the Shrewsbury River. Party boat bottom fishing is only a slight improvement with some bigger black fish and ling. It's better than it was. Expect the first fluke in mid-May. Fresh Water I limited out on the April 8 Opening Day of the Trout season with the first trout a nice fat 16-inch Brook trout with the other 5 plus a small bass and also lost a few tooa nice way to come into the 21SI century. I fished the North Branch at Far Hills. Stocking is now underway, the only problem has been some bad weather and rain. Overall it looks great for May with lots of nice fish stocked weekly. Shad action in the Delaware has picked up somewhat but so far its not as good as previous years. It's got to be better than last year which was one of the worst on record. Kids-in-the-Park Workshop The Middlesex County Board of Chosen Freeholders and the Department of Parks and Recreation have announced that the KIDS-IN-THE-PARK Creative Drama Workshop for children ages 8-1 1 will again be held in Warren Park in July and August. The program, instituted in 1988, will offer two three-week sessions of theater games, arts & crafts, music and dance, designed to be both a recreational experience as well as an introduction to theater. Children ages 8-11 are encouraged to attend the workshop, which is held at the Warren Park Amphitheater on Florida Grove Road in Woodbridge. The program director, Gary Charwin will once again be joined by three other certified instructors who are Children's Theater Specialists; they have all been with the program for several years. The cost per child for the 3-week session is $30.00. The dates of the workshops are as follows: Session 1: July 10-28, Session 2: July 31-August 18. Children are admitted on a first-come, first-served basis: there is often a waiting list. Those interested in receiving an application by mail or fax may call (732) 5482884: e-mail requests can be sent to Carnival 2000 Peggy Yanuzzelli Broker-Associate NJAR Million Dollar Sales Club 1989-1999 NJAR Silver Million Dollar Sales Club 1989-1999 By Teo "Weebles" Weber Salt Water • TANK REMOVAL • INSTALLATION • TANK TESTING • SANDFILL • ENVIRONMENT SERVICES ASI ADVANCED SITE IMPROVEMENT Our Lady of Victories Carnival will be held at Kennedy Park on Washington Road in Sayreville from Wednesday, June 21 to Saturday, June 24. The carnival will once again offer interesting games and wheels of fortune. Raffles will also be held. Delicious food and refreshing beverages will be served. Children will be able to choose from various interesting rides. There will be entertainment nightly. So mark your calendars to join in on the carnival fun. ST. CLAIRE NOVENA Ask St. Claire for three favors, 1 business, 2 impossible. Say 9 Hail Mary's for 9 days with lighted candles. Pray whether you believe in it or not. Publish on the 9th day . May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised, adored and florified todayand every day. Request will be granted no matter how impossible it may seem. Publication must be promised . . . M.M. South Amboy-Sayreville Times May 6, 2000 7 f Cambridge Inn s GAMELOT CATERING 1 i i i i — ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ — •^^^^WHH^^^H^HHI^HIH^^lHi^' Same Famous Food - Same Great Staff Our Location or Yours Complimentary Glass of Champagne • Fresh Fruit & Assorted Juices Assorted Danish, Bagels, Donuts and Homemade Muffins • Smoked Salmon Scrambled Eggs • Eggs Ranchero • Eggs Benedict • Home Fries • Breakfast Waps Bacon • Sausage • Virginia Ham & Roast Beef Carving Station Omelets Made to Order • Four Hot Lunch Items • Coffee & Tea Adults: $17.95 SJTWW 19 Summerhill Road, Spotswood Children Under 12: $8.95 ffti/h &in/ier Gbuffeb t$om - 6)so/>m Complimentary Glass of Champagne • Soup & Salad Bar • Prime Rib, "Our Food & Service is Second to None" CALL (732)416-0220 OR (732)251-7400 Monday thru Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Try Our New Soft Ice Cream • Shakes "• Sundaes & Much More! Chateau Briand & Roast Turkey Carving Station • Hot Dishes Consisting of: Chicken Francaise • Flounder Virginia • Veal Marsala • Stuffed Shrimp Steak with Mushrooms & Onions • Poached Salmon • Roasted New Potatoes Fresh Vegetables • Pasta Station • Assorted Gravies & Sauces Plus Our Famous Dessert Table Featuring Cherries Jubilee & Bananas Foster .Adults: $27.95 Children Under 12: $12.95 Look For Our Sizzling Summer Specials starting the first week in June! MONDAY FREE APPETIZER WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY From Special Menu 19.95 LOBSTER FANTASY SATURDAY SEAFOOD FEAST CLAMBAKES $ with every Adult Entree FRIDAY All-You-Can-Eat PRIME RIB BUFFET All-You-Can-Eat 1/2 Stuffed Lobster, 1/2 lb. Alaskan Snow Crab, Flounder, Stuffed Shrimp Shrimp & Scallop Scampi & Fried Clams $ FISH & SHRIMP SPECIALS BRUNCH & FAMILY DAY Eight Hot Dishes. Soup. Salad Bar & Dessert Businessperson's Lunch Special Complete Entret Starting at Sunday, July 23rd A Day at the Races at Monmouth Park P " Person Price includes Bus Transfer, 3 Hr. Open Bar. Filet Mignon Dinner 11 Buffet. Watch the races from the Air-Conditioned Omni Room. Your One Source for All Your Catering Needs • Graduations • Weddings • Communions v • Confirmations • Birthday • Picnics • Office Parties Call 257-7400 for details and reservations. COUPON Hawiian Luau SAT., AUGUST 12TH • Polynesian Show • Hula Dancers MONDAY THRU THURSDAY Entree, Salad Bar. Soup & Dessert 10.95 • Anniversaries • Bar Mitzvahs • Funerals • Equipment Rentals Planning a Wedding? Call our Wedding Specialist for a complete menu or appointment! NOW ACCEPTING RESERVATIONS FOR MOTHER'S DAY 19.95 Friday Lunch Buffet $7.95 SUNDAY $ TUESDAY Two Fer 2 Entrees Call for details ' Cambridge Inn L A Camelot Caterers W Proudly Presents r A Charity Golf Outing To Benefit The Ik Boy Scouts of America -Troop 109 Date: Monday, May 22nd, 2000 Where: Meadows At Middlesex Plainsboro, New Jersey Time: 8:00am Shot Gun Start Cost: $95 Per Person Includes: Green Fees, Qirt. Lunch, Soda & Beer at Course. Prime Rib and Lobster Buffet. 3 hour open bar held at the Cambridge Inn. > Buy 1 Sundae I or 8 oz. cup of i I Ice Cream & get J j 2nd for 1/2 price} I. _ „ „, Don't Forget Father's Day, June 18! Cigar Dinner Wed. June 21 7:30-10:30pm • 3 Hour Open Bar • Chateau Briand Dinner • Plus 3 great cigars! *** GREAT Gin FOR DAD*** $ 58 PER PERSON, INCLUDES TIP & TAX 19 SUMMERHILL ROAD * SPOTSWOOD * 732-251-74OO S.A.T. LL — • M i l COUPON MONDAY THRU WEDNESDAY your choice Lunch or DINNER FREE Purchase 2 Entrees and 2 Beverages and receive the lesser Entree FREE. Not valid on holidays and cannot be combined w/other offers. Limit one per table. $15 max. cash only, no credit cards valid thru 6/30/00. Gratuities should be cal-culated prior to discount. SAT ••• -1 8 May 6, 2000 South Amboy-Sayreville Times Happy Mothers BUSINESS DIRECTORY ALBERNS SEAFOOD MORE'S JEWELRY 109 No. Broadway So. Amboy 80 Main Street Sayreville 721-0459 238-5077 CAMBRIDGE INN MULLER CONTRACTING 19 Summerhill Rd. Spotswood SAYREVILLE, N.J. 251-7400 294-8615 SAYREVILLE MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY WHO'S SUBS? ... andmore 132 So. Pine Ave. So. Amboy 426 Raritan St. Sayreville 525-9262 721-6100 TIME; Monthly Giveaway Contest Next drawing: Monday, May 22nd at JACQUELINE'S FLORIST & GIFTS 369 Bordentown Avenue, South Amboy FREDDIE'S S.A.PUB QUICK PIX SUBS-N-MORE 115 No. FellusSt. South Amboy 513 So. Pine Ave. Morgan FREE ADVERTISING 525-3630 721-5990 JACQUELINE'S FLORIST & GIFTS SAYREVILLE BAR pays to advertise! Especially in these hard* 'economic times. Business directory advertisers' have 3 chances to win valuable advertising space in our monthly drawing. For this minimal priced ^directory ad, your business could win (1) quarter, page ad, or possibly win (1) of 2 one-eighth page ads. Odds are great and its easy to win. Many businesses have several times already! 369 Bordentown Ave. So. Amboy 7 Cecelia St. Sayreville 727-5511 257-4110 May Winners: 1/4 pg. - Cambridge Inn; 1/8 pg. Who's Subs: 1/8 pg. Sayreville Martial Arts Academy. Note: Business drawing winners of free ads must purchase their regular size ad from previous issue and MUST use their winning ad in the issue the month of the drawing. The Ruszalas (L-R): Frank, son Michael, Sadie, Nicholas, Susan (Michael's mom) and John. Congratulations to Sacred Heart's "Sweethearts" 2nd and 3rd grade cheerleaders. They took 1st place recently at OLV'scheerleading competition. Pictured are: (bottom row): Leigh Ann Lockwood, Kristen Wagner, Angela Cardaci, Kelly Eberle; (second row): Andrea Herdman, Mary Ellen Lockwood, Katelyn Wrobleski, Courtney Volk; (top row): Asst. Coach Betty McKevitt, Head Coach Liz McKevitt. Not pictured are Assistant Coaches TJ Bogush and Brittany Volk. Andrea Herdman was voted "Most Spirited" and received a trophy! NOVENA TO ST. ANTHONY NOVENA TO ST. ANTHONY Oh Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and charity for his creatures made you worthy when on earth to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on your word, which to you were ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety. (Make request). The answer to my prayer may require a miracle. O gentle and loving St. Anthony whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the sweet Inlant Jesus who loved to be folded in your arms and the gratitude of my heart will be yours. This novena has never been known to fail. Say Our Father; Hail Mary; and Glory Be. P.M. Oh Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and charity for his creatures made you worthy when on earth to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on your word, which to you were ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety. (Make request). The answer to my prayer may require a miracle. O gentle and loving St. Anthony whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the sweet Infant Jesus who loved to be folded in your arms and the gratitude of my heart will be yours. This novena has never been known to fail. Say Our Father, Hail Mary; and Glory Be. B.T.S. Ruszata Becomes Eagle Scout Michael Ruszala, grandson of Sadie Ruszala and the late Anthony Ruszala of South Amboy recently was honored with an Eagle Scout Court of Honor and reception in Liverpool, N.Y., a suburb of Syracuse. He is the son of South Amboy native, Frank, and Susan Ruszala. Frank is a '62 graduate of St. Mary's High School. Grandmother Sadie, Uncle John and his son Nicholas traveled to Liverpool to join in the celebration. Michael is the first member of the Liverpool Troop 400 to attain the Eagle rank. He is a member of the Order of the Arrow, and was recently elected the Troop's Senior Patrol Leader. Congratulations! ST. JUDE May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day for nine days. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Thank you St. Jude. B.S. South Amboy-Sayreville Times May 6, 2000 9 T. Marcinczyk & Son Monuments • Burial Vaults Bronze Plaques Cemetery Stone Lettering Monuments Cleaned • Large Selection of Monuments on Display , DEERFIELD LANDSCAPING 732-257-8218 • • • • • • SHRUBS •TREES •TOPSOIL SEEDING • LAWN RENOVATIONS SHRUBS TRIMMED RE-MULCH SHRUB BEDS SPRING CLEAN UPS SODDING Thomas Marcinczyk, owner 3185 Bordentown Avenue Parlin, NJ 08859 Order Now for Memorial Day Installation FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED 732-721-0800 VAULTS GRANITE-BRONZE Full Service Florist Wedding & Funeral Specialists Full Florist and Green Houses Thousands of MOTHER'S DAY PLANTS - ARRANGEMENTS - HANGING BASKETS ROSES OUR SPECIALTY Multi Colors Always Available Weekly Cash &. Carry Specials Colorful Spring Flags • Plant Holders Wind Chimes • Mini Flags Silk Arrangements • Wreaths .Gifts and much more. • Flowering Planters • Rose Trees • Window Boxes and much more • Hundreds of Shrubs & Trees • Sod on Weekends Order Early IN OUR GREENHOUSES Thousands of Bedding Plants to Choose from Geraniums • Impatients • Marigolds Petunias • Begonias • Salvia Vegetable Plants Much more varieties to choose from Hanging Baskets • Planters OUTDOOR GARDEN DEPARTMENT BAGGED ITEMS Lime • Topsoil • Mulch Pine Nuggets • Cedar Mulch Potting Soil • Peat Moss 3185 BORDENTOWN AVE. PARLIN NJ 08859 732-525-2006 Tfeteflora OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 10 May 6, 2000 South Amboy-Sayreville Times Neumann Construction * Custom Homes * Additions * Alterations * Sun Decks * Roofing & Siding 'Ceramic Tiling * FREE ESTIMATES Randy Neumann 429 David Street, South Amboy, NJ 08879 908-525-9395 FAX: (732) 238-3415 (732)238-3170 VINCE'S EQUIPMENT & TOOL RENTALS SALES, SERVICE & REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION • HOMEOWNER • INDUSTRY HARDWARE « SUPPLIES PROPANE • POOL SUPPLIES • ICE BLUE BIRD POWER RAKES FRONT & REAR TILLERS OPEN 7 DAYS OPEN TUESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 242 MAIN STREET SAYREVILLE, NJ 08872 BRING IN THIS AD FOR 10% OFF YOUR NEXT RENTAL! JOSEPH J. MADURA, D.M.D. General Dentistry 360 Main St. South Amboy, NJ 08879 106 N. Broadway South Amboy, NJ (732) 721-1166 727-2828 CENTRAL JERSEY SCARPAS AUTO & TRUCK CENTER INC. and ALTERNATOR, INC. "COMPLETE SERVICE & REPAIRS" 1809 RTE. 35 1 -800-675-3128 MORGAN, NJ 732-727-4486 AUTO & MARINE ELECTRICAL SPECIALISTS Cars - Trucks - Vans - 4X4's - Heavy Duty Trucks 495 RARITAN ST. SAYREVILLE, N.J. 08872 PHONE: (732) 525-9509 FAX: (732) 525-5820 • Rebuilt Starters & Alternators • Wiring • Shorts CorCo's Pizza & Restaurant (732)721-2666 Old Bridge Gateway Shopping Center Parlin, NJ 08859 ONLY 1 Large Pie With 3 Toppings, Sausage. Pepperoni & Extra Cheese No Exceptions, Must Present Coupon. Not To Be Combined With Other Offers. 1 Coupon Per Customer. With Coupon Expires 6/30/2000 $5 OFF No Exceptions. Must Present Coupon. Not To Be Combined With Other Offers. 1 Coupon Per Customer. With Coupon. Expires 6/30/2000 Domestic & Foreign 1809 Rt. 35, South Amboy • COMPUTERIZED DIAGNOSTIC • • • • • • TUNE UPS • ELECTRICAL SYSTEM HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING BELTS • HOSES • BATTERIES EXHAUST SYSTEM STARTER & ALTERNATORS ENGINE REPLACEMENT N.J. STATE INSPECTION Any Order of $25 or More No Exceptions. Mus! Present Coupon. Not To Be Combined With Olher Offers. 1 Coupon Per Customer, With Coupon Expires 6/30/2000 ONLY $149? ONLY $10f 2 Large Pies plus 1 (1)2 Liter Soda WEBER'S GARAGE 732-721-1280 Any 2 Baked Dishes Choose Baked Ziti, Ravioli, Stuffed Shells or Manicotti No Exceptions, Must Present Coupon. Not To Be Combined With Other Offers. 1 Coupon Per Customer. With Coupon. Expires 6/30/2000 You May Be Entitled to a Tax Return Pallone Web Site Posts the IRS List of Undelivered Tax Refunds for the 6th District of New Jersey Rep. Frank Pallone Jr., D-NJ is urging residents of the Sixth Congressional District who believe they are entitled to a tax return to contact his office. Pallone said a total of 340 current and former Sixth District residents are entitled to tax returns from 1998. but the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has been unable to locate them. (The Sixth District includes most of Middlesex County, as well as the coastal and Bayshore areas of Monmouth County). Pallone has posted the list of taxpayers owed a refund on his web site: Those who see their name on this list should call the IRS at 1-800-829-1040 to get their refund, or fill out Form 3911 (Taxpayer Statement Regarding Refund) and send it to the IRS. Pallone's web site also provides a link to obtain the form on the IRS web site. Area residents can also contact any of Pallone's area offices to see if their name is on the list. For privacy reasons, the list does not indicate how much money the taxpayers have coming to them. Pallone explained that Postal Service rules require that the IRS refunds be returned to the government if the checks are undeliverable. That could happen if a person does not leave a forwarding address, gets married and does not have the check addressed to the new name, or if the address on the lax return in illegible or incorrect. In cases where the taxpayer is deceased, the executor of his or liL'r estate may be unaware that the refund is unclaimed. Federal law prohibits the IRS from releasing on its own the names of those due unclaimed refunds. "These unclaimed or undeliverable checks are just collecting dust at the IRS." Pallone said. "Since current law prevents the IRS from releasing the names on their own. I'm trying to get the word out. "With tax day having just past, I'm sure a lot of people's minds are on receiving their refunds checks for 1999. but there are many who have refunds waiting for them from previous years," Pallone continued. "Some of the refunds may be for relatively small amounts, and people are just not aware that they are entitled. "This money does not get forfeited back to the government. It just sits there until the day someone claims it. "This is the taxpayer's money, and we need to get it back to them." Pallone said he would also support legislation requiring the IRS to post the names of people who are entitled to undelivered tax refunds on their web site. This would allow taxpayers, no matter where they are. to log on to the IRS web site to find out if they have an unclaimed tax refund. The telephone numbers for Pallone's offices are as follows: New Brunswick. 732-249-8892; Long Branch. 732-5711140; Hazlet, 732-264-9104. NOVENA TO ST. ANTHONY KURZAWA FUNERAL HOME FRANK T. KURZAWA Director-Owner 338 Main St. South Amboy, NJ 341 Washington Rd. 721-0475 257-3134 Sayreville, NJ Oh Holy St. Anthony, gentlest ol Saints, your love for God and charity for his creatures made you worthy when on earth to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on your word, which to you were ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety. (Make request). The answer to my prayer may require a miracle. O gentle and loving St. Anthony whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the sweet Infant Jesus who loved to be folded in your arms and the gratitude of my heart will be yours. This novena has never been known to fail. Say Our Father: Hail Mary: and Glory Be. EX ST. JUDE May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day for nine days. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Thank you St. Jude. R.M. South Amboy-Sayreville Times May 6, 2000 11 Frog Hollow Race June 24 Marian Burkard (R) of the St. Bernadette's Altar Rosary Society receives a certificate of appreciation from Pat DeFalco (L), Chancellor of St. Bernadette's Knights of Columbus Council 8478, for her work in helping the Knights on many occasions. She is an avid cake baker. "Marian has been fantastic, very helpful, and imaginative," said DeFalco. (Photo by Tom Burkard) Student Festivals Diabetes Support Groups Parents with children in grades 7 to 12, who are interested in the arts, are especially invited to attend two evening student festivals. Middlesex County Arts High School and Middle School of the Arts students will showcase 13 weeks of work at two upcoming festivals. FREE ADMISSION! The High School Festival open house will be on Tuesday, May 9, at Monroe Township High School in the Richard Marasco Performing Arts Centerfrom 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. The Middle School open house Festival will be held on Wednesday, May 10 at the South Amboy MS/HS auditorium from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. For information call 249-5151. The schools" teaching artists will present studentdemonstrations of what was learned during the season. Included will be art exhibits and slide shows, performing arts, musical presentations, poetry readings and anthologies of poetry and fiction. Free Diabetes Support Groups are being co-sponsored by The Marian Tanzman Diabetes Center of Raritan Bay Medical Center and the American Diabetes Association. Anyone coping with diabetes is invited to attend with a spouse or friend on Tuesday, May 9, from 7-8:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in Auxiliary Hall B&C on the lower level of the Old Bridge Medical Arts Building, adjacent to the medical center off of Ferry Road, between routes 9 and 18. Participants determine agendas and refreshments will be served. Participants must register by calling (800) 6246555. ST. JUDE May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude. helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day for nine days. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Thank you St. Jude. E.P. Music Matching Test Match 1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_ 7_ 8_ 9_ io_ 11_ 12_ 13__ 14_ 15_ By Tom Burkard the following entertainers with the song they performed; Elvis Presley a.Love Hangover b.Papa Don't Preach Frankie Avalon c.Half-Breed Paul Anka Bobby Darin d.To Sir With Love e.You're So Vain Del Shannon f.Superstition Mariah Carey g.Retum To Sender Madonna h.Venus Diana Ros i.Runaway Carly Simon j.Diana Cher k.I Don't Wanna Cry Lulu l.Mack The Knife Stevie Wonder m.Poor Side of Town Frank Sinatra n.New York, New York The Rascals o.Good Lovin' Johnny Rivers Answers tg 2h 3j41 51 6k 7b 8a 9e 10c 1 Id I2f 13n 14o 15m. The Frog Hollow Swim & Tennis Club is proud to announce their 5 mile race through the streets of South Amboy and Sayreville on June 24th. 2000 at 9:00 a.m. Presently. Frog Hollow is in the process of having the Race certified and they have applied for Midland Points. The trophies will be given in different age groups for both men and women. The first male and female overall will receive a free year's membership (2000) to the club (non transferable). The first 200 pre-registered applicants will receive an Independence Day Run 2001). Frog Hollow race shirt. Pre-registration is $15.00 (with a TShirt). For applications and/or information, contact Mickey Gross at 721-5031. A Fun-Run (1 mile) will also be held at 8:30 a.m. for ages five through and includ- 138 So. Broadway ing thirteen for $6.00. Registration for participants starts at 7:00 a.m. on the day of the race. All runners are invited with their families to use the pool and tennis courts on the day of the race. Skate Out On Drugs The South Amboy Elks will be holding its 2"J Annual Skate Out On Drugs on Sun.. July 16 at the South Amboy Roller Rink from 12 noon to 2:30 p.m. Cost is $4 per child and $6 per adult, and skate rental is FREE. Tickets are now available. For info call Mike Green 727-2951 or Steve Makar 566-4960. Immediately proceeding the event. FREE hot dogs, chips and soda will be served at the South Amboy Elks Lodge, 601 Washington Ave. So. Amboy. Come and join the fun! South Amboy 727-0404 SEND OR RECEIVE FAXES FROM HERE 727-9131 Buttered Roll & 10 oz. Coffee 990 Milk 2% • 1 Gal. Only $2.59 2 WEEK COLD CUT SPECIALS 5/7 to 5/20/00 Swiss Cheese Krakus ImportedHam $ 1 . 9 9 1/2 Ib. $ 2 . 6 9 1 / 2 ib. Turkey Breast Bologna $ 2 . 6 9 1/2 ib. $ 1 . 6 9 1/2 Ib. 2 for $5.00 1/2 GALLON FESTIVAL ICE CREAM BUDWEISER - BUD LIGHT - MILLER LIGHT 30 pk. $15.99 Ice Cold BUDWEISER - BUD LIGHT MILLER LIGHT - COORS LIGHT 24 pk. $14.99 Ice Cold GREAT SELECTION OF WINES AT GREAT PRICES! BUDDIES TAVERN CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS Coming Juno 3 For All Your Improvement Needs * Replacement Windows/Doors * Custom Cabinets Additions Bathrooms Painting Ceramic Tiling * Roofing * Siding * Kitchens Remodeled Finished Basements Decks Homt * WE HANDLE STATE & LOCAL CODE VIOLATIONS * (732) 7 2 7 * 6 7 1 9 SOUTH AMBOY, NJ E S T I 9 6 8 Seafood " I Kitchen Now -n Open' ^y • Hall available for rentals for all occasions • Funerals • Christenings • Business Meetings * Confirmations, and more StL Call Kathy at 721-1952 or 727-1482 Seafood 7 i" ^ f 1 " a l tter $7 9 5 t (Eat In O n l y ) • + tax lncl. Coffee, Dessert, French Fries, and Coleslaw . SA Exp. May 30, 2000 Homemade Crabcakes ^ | Clam Chowder* Shrimp\ j FJSh Sandwich •Fish (Fried or Broiled) \ LI A . M . - 8 P . M . * OPEN1 7 DAYS 1 SO95 j (Eat In Only) O + tax - lncl. Coffee, Dessert. French Fries, and Coleslaw . • SA Exp. May 30, 2000 277 Johnson Lane, Parlin (Off Washington Rd.) 794 I AI May 6 , 2000 South Amboy-Sayreville Times The Grateful Life of A Slug Mid Jersey Respiratory Associates, Medical Supplies & Clinical Services, Inc. 106Vi> North Broadway, South Amboy, NJ 08879 (732) 721 -0028 • (732) 721 -0008 Fax Sales • Rentals'- Services • Bathroom Safety Aids • First Aid Supplies • Walking & Living Aids • Ostomy & Urotogic Supplies • Hospital Beds 4 Wheelchairs (located just South of Fun Time America) • Oxygen & Breathing Supplies • T E N S . & Glucometers • Orthopedic & Sport 8races • Offering Pre-Owned Cars, Trucks & SUV's Magnetic Therapy Braces Now Available "We will honor & beat all local & current competitor's prices • We also have in stock and access to all makes & models of off lease vehicles. Since 1959 • BankandC.U.financing available. Constructors of Fine Structures Kitchen & Bath • All vehicles guaranteed 100% with extended warranties available. • We are in the same location for over 22 years. Too Tired to Cook? . . . Sit down and have a hot meal or delicious lunch in a relaxing environment. * Open 7 Days a Week * Party Platters 'We'll Sink The Competition" Call Ahead 721-0100 £ $ mm 1836 Rt. 35 N. South Amboy, NJ 08879 2 Better h Health CHIROPl 12 Formica & Tile Hoffman Hi-Lites 2000 Counter Tops Insulated Windows & Doors 20 VIRGINIA STREET SAYREVILLE, NJ 08872 (732)390-1045 (732)727-6152 (732)727-5135 ROSAR CONSTRUCTION CO. SIDING, ROOFING, WINDOW AND DOOR REPLACEMENT CUSTOM DECKS • INTERIOR PAINTING INSECT AND WATER DAMAGE EXPERTS ALL TYPES OF HANDYMAN & CARPENTRY WORK-LARGE OR SMALL RICHARD A. ROSAR Fully Insured 22 ELM TERRACE PARLIN, NJ 08859 Too Tired or Too Busy to Clean??? KP k • • CALL 1 RELIABLE HOUSECLEANING 19 YEARS EXPERIENCE Better Living R.G. ROOFING (or (he entire family All Types of Roofing • • • • Dr. Timothy Lenahan, DC Specializing in Slate Repair, Shingle Re-flash Chimneys Install Replacement Doors & Windows Replacement Gutters & Leaders 9 Central Mall • 479 Route 79 • Morganville (732) 721-3431 (just 2 miles fruni the Button wood Manor) 732-591-H22 South Amboy, NJ. Amboy CHRISTIAN GIFT SHOP First Holy Communion * Veils * Prayer Books * Gift Items * Greeting Cards * Invitations * Religious Statues * White Ties BANK South Amboy Office 100 North Broadway South Amboy, NJ 08879 721-0187 Administration Office 3500 Route 9 Old Bridge. NJ 08857 591-8700 RICH NEW LIFE BOOKS & BIBLES National Joan Antonucci Tues -Wed.-Fn 10-5 o [<n 7 1 2 3N o r t h Soutn By AlGomolkaJr. Times Poet Laureate c.1998 It's not all that bad being a slug It's rather nice being a terrestrial gastropod I was blessed with a beautiful body Slender, smooth, slippery I spread all my days assisting society And I enjoy my time in doing so My cousin, the snail, must cany his home Whereas, I am as free as a worm I eat to decay and thus make soil I hardly do any harm I may share a bite from one's garden But I strengthen the others of the plant And humans compliment me in return By serving me with a bowl of beerGod made me for what I can give I am grateful for this good life I live Next time you see me I'll welcome a hug And remember the saying "As pretty as a slug." Broadway Amboy, N J . 08879 Sat. 10-4 -»#*.* iirtftA Closed Mondays 721 "1 999 By Lenn Ambroziak One of the staples of the Hoffman High School scene was the annual Senior Class Play. In 1948, "The Community Capers," a musical jamboree in two acts and one of the few musicals ever produced at HHS, was directed by Al Ritter. "The Gas House Gang" consisted of Helen Dziekan, Mary Walczak, Antoinette Reszkowski, Rita Opiola. Louise Clayton. Lillian Zadlock, Frank Zebro, Jack Tice, Howard Wray, John King, Robert Evans, Stanley Kowalewski. Rudolph Pohl. "The Household Harmonizers" were Dorothy Gillis, Betty Wahler. Pat Bogurski, Louise Bloodgood. Lois Becker, Mary Driscoll. Olga Nichols. Marlene Koenig. Gloria Brown, Grace Dill, Grace Kidd. Joan Munck, Anna Komosinski, Evelyn Katz, Dolores Ware. Catherine Lesley. Joan Swiatkowski, Claire Weiss, Edna Marczak. Jean Septor, AnnGelsinoa, Mary Wojtasek, Doris Semoneit. Edna Drews, Claire Dill. Alice Surowka. "The Boy Friends." Sanaford Hardy, Donald Stratton. Julius Kurowsky. Gary Lambertson. Thomas English. Donald Steadman. Stratus Nicholas, Ray Lewandowski. "The Fun-O-Maniacs" were Arthur Burns, Henry Miglin, Chester Binder, Frank Miglin, Robert Haslacher. and Harold Larew (who has film & photos) as "Bojangles." The 50 graduates of '48 had a great time putting this "minstrel" type of musical together. It proved to be so popular that it even went "on the road" to the Veterans Hospital in Menlo Park, where it was performed for WW I and WWII vets. What a wonderful forgotten part of HHS history! * Watch for Part 2 next month! Check out for past Hoffman Hi-Lites articles. Obituaries Baker, Geraldine, 72, of South Amboy died on April 26. Betzler, Charles J., 59, of Morgan died on April 28. Doyle, John M., 44 of South Amboy died on April 21. Fedor, Peter, 77, of Sayrevillediedon April 28. Grzes, Stephanie Puc. 78, of Parlin died on April 19. Housman, William, 55, of South Amboy died on May 2. Popowski, Cecelia A., of Parlin died on April 26. PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN (Never known to fail) Oh, most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, Fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh Star of the Sea, help me and show me, herein you are my mother. Oh. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth! I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in this necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. Oh, show me herein you are my mother, Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse lo thee (3 times). Holy Mary. I place this cause in your hands (3 times). Say this prayerfor 3 consecutive days. You must publish it and it will be granted to You. Thank You. B.T.S. South Amboy-Sayreville Times May 6, 2000 13 Berman/Rossi Eyeglaa 721-3770 Sayreville Plaza - Burger King Shopping Center • 960 Rt. 9 South - Sayreville Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., 10-7:30 Fri. 10-6:00 Sat. 10-5:00 WITH THIS AD ALL Frames inStore with ANY Type of Lenses Pack 391 Cub Scouts proudly held the NJ state flag which was presented to them by Assembly Deputy Minority Conference Leader John S. Wisniewski. Pictured are (Back L-R): Den Leaders Robin Gregg and Linda Fedorka, and Assemblyman Wisniewski. Front (L-R): Alex Fedorka, Kyle Gregg, Philipp Van Horn, David Wilday, John Valdivia, Matthew Heimall, and Ryan Flora. (Photo by Brian S. Berness) Wisniewski Presents State Flag to Scout Troop Assembly Deputy Minority Conference Leader John S. Wisniewski donated a New Jersey state flag to the South Amboy Cub Scouts of Pack 391 at their annual Blue and Gold dinner. "The Cub Scouts provide a great deal of fun, excitement and education for young St. Stan's Carnival St. Stan's Annual Carnival will be held on June 28th, 29th and 30th and July 1 st on the parish grounds at Main Street & MacArthur Avenue. As in the past, the carnival will feature a large variety of rides and games, a Super 50/50, and delicious homemade food. We are anticipating some added attractions this year, so keep a look out for future advertisements. Discounted pre-sale ride tickets will be available shortly. • Single Vision •Bifocals • Trifocals • No Line Progressives boys," said Wisniewski. "I am honored that I am able to assist the Scouts of pack 391 by providing this flag for their use at their meetings, in parades and anywhere else they desire to display the buff and blue of the State of New Jersey." Wisniewski presented the flag to the seven member scout troop at their Blue and Gold Dinner held at the Christ Church in South Amboy. On Saturday, March 18th, the Cub scouts marched with their new flag in South Amboy's St. Patrick's Day parade. COMPLETE Rx up to 4.00 sph 2.00 cyl. +3.00 add. Must be presented at time of purchase. Expires 6/30/2000 EXAM ST. CLAIRE NOVENA EYE EXAMS BY DR. S. ABRAMS, D.O. $1 Ask St. Claire for three favors, 1 business, 2 impossible. Say 9 Hail Mary's for 9 days with lighted candles. Pray whether you believe in it or not. Publish on the 9th day . May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised, adored and florified todayand every day. Request will be granted no matter how impossible it may seem. Publication must be promised . . . S.L.C. Call for Appointment. Expires 6/30/2000 $1 Bud & Bud Light Drafts HAPPY HOUR Monday thru Saturday 12-6 p.m. (During Yankees & Mets Games) OR EIGHTS Chicken Wings during Happy Hour Thurs. & Fri. from 4-6 pm in Bar Area Friday Nights ENTERTAINMENT Starting at 9 p.m. Come Join the Fun! A FAMILY RESTAURANT AND BAR 132 South Broadway • South Amboy, NJ • (732) 721-8191 on the corner of Broadway & John St., one block from the Raman Bay Waterfornt Park Harbor Lights Specials m • Mother's Day Featuring our sensational * RACK OF LAMB * available every weekend . . . and of course of famous * LOBSTER PIE * always available on our daily menu. Sun Jay, May 14 Join Us May 20th Now Accepting Reservations. Come join us for your special day! Among our many selections will be: • Rack of Lamb • Prime Rib • Lobster Pie W_ featuring . , WILLIE LYNCH BAND * , . 9 p.m. til closing 7 * Seniors Remember! 20%Offbefore6p.m. T * m # "7 Now Accepting Reservations for: • Rehearsal Dinners • Bridal/Baby Showers • Communion • Birthday • Graduation • Parties for any and all occasions 14 May 6, 2000 South Amboy-Sayreville Times Bon Jovi Gets Praise For Movie and Music By Tom Burkard Sayreville's favorite son, rock 'n' roll/ acting superstar, Jon Bon Jovi has been getting rave reviews for his outstanding acting ability in his new movie, "U-571, He also received very positive feedback for his band, Bon Jovi. who performed at the Tradewinds in Sea Bright on April 27. Bon Jovi the actor has been making quite an impression on his peers in the movie business. Popular actor, Matthew McConaughey, who also stars in "U-571" said, "Yes, before 1 met him, 1 did wonder about the wisdom of casting a rock star in the role. But he came in respecting the craft. He came in humbled by the craft. That's a great attitude because it shows that he is taking acting seriously. He didn't show up with any of that rock-star baggage." Jonathan Mostow, Director of "U-571 was shocked that Bon Jovi was willing to audition for the role, because of his superstar image in music. "I was impressed with the guy. He came in with none of what you would expect. There was no attitude at all. He wasn't a rock star; he was an actor, and he was an actor who delivered. I was ecstatic with his performance. He's going to be big in this business too." Bon Jovi, the rock 'n' roll legend had the packed house at The Tradewinds pumped up during the two-hour set with his typical high-energy performance. The band consisting of Richie Sambora on guitar, Tico Torres on drums. David Bryan on keyboards, and Hugh McDonald on bass was tighter than ever. During the show, Bon Jovi joked with the crowd by asking, "Seen any good movies lately?" The group played many of their hits, and also some cuts from their new album, "Crush," which will be in stores on June 13. Bon Jovi did a rousing rendition of "Shout" as its encore, and at the conclusion, Jon said, "There's no place like home." Bon Jovi begins its worldwide tour in July, and will be playing in Japan, and throughout Europe in August and September. As of yet, no dates have been set for U.S. shows. Assemblyman John Wisniewski presents a "Women of Achievement" award to Carol Smith of Sayreville in the N.J. General Assembly Chambers. (Photo by Brian Berness) Carol Smith Receives Award Carol Smith was presented with the "Women of Achievement" award at the New Jersey State House this past Monday aftering being nominated for the honor by Assembly Deputy Minority Conference Leader John S. Wisniewski. Smith, a lifelong resident of Sayreville and an active member of the community was one of a select group of women throughout the State who were chosen to commemorate The South Amboy Lions Club will hold spected member of our community, was Women's History Month for their contribuits annual Awards Night at the Charles W. known for his participation in numerous tions and service to their communities. Hoffman Senior Center, Stevens Avenue, civic and charitable organizations. He was on Wednesday, June 7, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. "Carol has formany years demonstrated a Lion for 35 years. The South Amboy Lions Club will honor a tireless commitment to the borough of Interested high school seniors can regstudents from our local schools. This is the ister for the drawing by mailing a copy of Sayreville," said Wisniewski. "as the Chair36th consecutive year the Lions have been woman of the Sayreville Shade Tree Comtheir acceptance from an institute of higher honoring our students. They will also honor mission. Vice Chairwoman of the Sayreville, vocational school, or techTeachers of the Year from our local schools. Democratic Organization and as a life memnical institute to the address below. Please ber of the Arleth School PTA. - to name but A $500 scholarship will be awarded submit your acceptance letter by June 1, a few projects - she has actively shown her that night. A lottery drawing for a South 2000. Franklin D. English Scholarship, c/0 dedication to the progress of Sayreville." Amboy resident graduating from High South Amboy Lions Club, P.O. Box 27, School will determine the winner. South Amboy, N.J. 08879. Carol Smith is currently the ViceThe scholarship is in memory of Chairperson for the Sayreville Democratic For details regarding contributions, Franklin D. English. Franklin, a well-reOrganization as well as the Chairwoman of please call Lion ack Hulsart at 721-1771. the Sayreville shade Tree Commission, a member of the New Jersey Shade Tree Federation and a member of the Sayreivlle Little League Ladies' Auxiliary. "I am delighted to receive this wonderful honor and I would like to thank Assemblyman Wisniewski for selecting me," said 117 ROSEWELL ST., SOUTH AMBOY Smith. "I have always enjoyed the work I do for this community and knowning that the people of Sayreville Appreciate my W E CARRY ONLY U.S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS U.S D.A. efforts is a big enough reward. Hopefully, TENDERNESS GUARANTEED honors like this will encourage more women Free Delivery in South Amboy ($15 Minimum) and young leaders to become involved in their communities." Lions to Hold Awards Night ROSEWELL M AIKE I ;T (732)727-5711 Mother's Day/Memorial Day i &0& Specials yr • • • • • #1 Hits On May 6 1991 -Joy ride- Roxette 1986-West End Girls-Pet Shop Boys 1976-Let Your Love Flow-Bellamy Bros. 1966-Good Lovin'-The Young Rascals 1956-Hot Diggity-Perry Como 1946-Oh! What It Seemed To Be 1936-Last (WHILE SUPPLIES LAST) Black Angus Prime Rib Roasts Rack of Lamb (Frenched) for Crown Roasts Veal Cutlets Fresh American Leg of Lamb Boneless Center Cut Pork Loin Roasts $4.99 $7.99 $6.99 $2.99 $2.79 Ib. Ib. Ib. Ib. Ib. This Day In MusicMay 6 GREAT ON THE GRILL • • • • • • • Black Angus T-Bone or Porterhouse Steaks New York Strip Steak Beef Rib Steak Shell Steaks Boneless Center Cut Pork Chops Fresh Pork Barbecue Ribs Sweet or Hot Italian Sausage 1945-Rocker Bob Seger was born. 1973-Singer/Songwriter, Paul Simon started his first solo tour since splitting with his friend and musical partner of 20 years, Art Garfunkel, with a concert at the Music Hall in Boston, Massachusetts. 1977-L.ed Zeppelin set a record for the largest attendance at a concert with a single headlining attraction, by drawing 76,000 fans to the Silverdome in Pontiac, Michigan $5.99 Ib. $5.99 Ib. $5.99 Ib. $5.99 Ib. $2.99 Ib. $2.19 Ib. $2.19 Ib. (PRICE SWILL VARY DEPENDING ON THE MARKET) PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN p5LBBOXOF^ -«* k r BLACK ANGUS ' -^ STORE MADE «d E r BURGERS K-r S1099 *J FOOD "" STAMPS! :2 r iKililHUIiii'i'li ^^^r Angelus Bairrada Red Wine Reserve 1996 750 M L S 5 " ^ . . ^\ ^~ ^^ to- (Never known to fail) Oh, most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, Fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh Star of the Sea, help me and show me, herein you are my mother. Oh. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth! I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in this necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. Oh, show me herein you are my mother. Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times). Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands (3 times). Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days. You must publish it and it will be granted to You. Thank You. B.T.S. New Music By Phil Rainone Berlin-"Live" Timebomb Recordings 80's New Wave rockers Berlin, has finally released a live album. Recorded in '99 their music still sounds fresh and upbeat! Lead singer Terri Nunn still possesses that sassy vocal prowess that was part of the band's distinctive sound. (Check "No More Words" or "The Metro"). The band has gone through a change in the lineup, but they still sound good. "Take My Breath Away"sounds great! Of the 3 new studio songs, "Shayla" (originally done by Blondie). and "X Girl" are best. The time may be right for a new album of originals. Shelter-"When 20 Summers Pass" Victory Records Shelter is a hardcore band with enough wisdom to let those melodic hooks, and Ray Cappo's vocals come shining through. (Check the titlecutor"Don't Walk Away"). Their music is uplifting and full of hope, which sounds vital and real. Given some radio play, Shelter could easily be on the Top 10 list! The Workhorse "Sons of the Pioneers" Roadrunner Records The band's music is diverse, in that they mix a hard rock style with elements of hip. bop, dark 60's rock and soul. What comes out is original and fresh, with a deep rock groove to it. ("Heavy Traffic" and "Motown" are prime examples). See the band at Birch Hill Night Club May 14 with Glass Jaw (check their new release), and Kittie for some aggressive, hardcore rock. Chuckles By Bill McAndrew *Why is it that night falls but day breaks? *Why is it called lipstick if you can still move your lips? *You can't have everything. Where would you put it? *I wish the buck stopped here, as I could use a few. * As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in public schools. B&ETAXI NOW SERVING: OLD BRIDGE SPOTSWOOD SOUTH AMBOY SAYREVILLE PARLIN PERTH AMBOY SOUTH RIVER EAST BRUNSWICK AIRPORT SERVICE OUR SPECIALTY! 721 -9286 South Amboy-Sayreville Times Tips u May 6, 2000 15 * Wraps $25 Manicure $8 Pedicure $2n At a recent Sports Card Show at Roselle Catholic high, which was organized by former Yankee farmhand, Joe Miller, former big league pitchers Randy Gampert (L) and 1967 Cy Young Award winner, Jim Lonborg were featured guest signers. Gumpert had the distinction of giving up Mickey Mantle's 1 st major league home run on May 1,1951, and Lonborg served the Mick's #536 and final career dinger. Incidentally, both are fine gentlemen and were a pleasure to meet. Lonborg is a successful dentist in Massachusetts. (Photo by Tom Burkard) $5.00 Off Offers expire Highlights 5/31/2000 FREE -Mm UP Appucmox - FREE Linda with our initial consultation TAMING UPPE J CUT 1 VAMONTH TIPS & WRAPS! A FULL SERVICE SALON $ Hiiir - Sails - funning - Hiiu'iti; 152 MAIN STREET, SAYRIVIIII:, \ J 08872 257-4004 Senator Joseph Vitale (L) and Mayor John T. O'Leary (R) honored veteran umpires John "Skeets" Skarzynski (2nd from left) and Joe McCarthy (2nd from right) at the Opening Day ceremonies of the South Amboy Youth League. The two popular umpires received awards for their combined 90 plus years of service and dedication to the youth of South Amboy. The Mayor is holding his son Patrick. (Photo by Tom Burkard) Kids Kornen By Beverly Kovacs Recently, students of Emma L. Arleth School in Sayreville went on class trips to Staten Island Zoo and to the Trenton Museum and the State Capitol building. All were exuberant upon their return, and excited to recount the events of their trip, especially the 4"' graders who were thrilled to meet Governor Christie Whitman. The governor stepped out of a meeting for a few minutes, and spoke with the group, their highlight of the day. After they told me all about their memorable day, I posed the following question, "If you could ask fora class trip for you and yourclassmates within New Jersey, where would you like to go?" Some of these answers might surprise you. The question was asked to students from grades K-4. Get In Touch With Your Kids South AmboySayreville Times 1" Place answers-Tour Sayreville City Hall and meet mayor. See how court and town are run; Tour Rainforest Cafe and see the birds; Liberty Science Center; Six Flags Great Adventure. 2nd Place-Tour Trenton State House and meet Governor & our locally elected state officials; visit state aquarium. 3 rJ Place-Tour Newark Airport; Hershey Park; Spend a day at Kennedy Park; New York boat ride; trip to see Yankees or Mets play; trip to see N.J. Devils play hockey. PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN (Never known to fail) Oh, most beautiful (lower of Mt. Carmel, Fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh Star of the Sea, help me and show me. herein you are my mother. Oh. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth! I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in this necessity, There are none that can withstand your power. Oh. show me herein you are my mother. Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee {3 times). Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands (3 times). Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days. You must publish it and it will be granted to You. Thank You. B.T.S. PRAYER TO ST. RITA SAINT OF THE IMPOSSIBLE Blessed Rita. Saint of the Impossible, I come to you with confidence in my great need. (Mention your request.) You were very pleasing to God on earth and are much more so now in heaven. I promise to you this favor when granted, to better my life, to proclaim God's mercy and to make you widely known and r SESSION FEE or $ W 23 With Free Artwork |1O TANNING SESSIONS AH offers ei hr\'ovrComtniaue M)\\ 0IM \ SI A i m S 10 AM • 2 IMI GET READY FOR SUMMER Free 10 point cooling check • Cooling System Repairs CALL: 727-3868 Plastic Radiator Parts & Repairs' New Gas Tanks & Repairs Rod Outs ^ = = = = ^ Recores^ Expert Auto Air Conditioning Repairs THIS COUPON ENTITLES THE BEARER TO A AUTOMOTIVE HEATING & COOLIN SPECIALISTS $ 1 0 0 0 Discount! off any purchase of S100 or more, or $ 7060 RT. #35 NORTH SOUTH AMBOY (1/2 MILE SOUTH OF VICTORY BRIDGE). 5 0 0 Discount oil any purchase of s;>u or more LIMIT ONE COl PON PER CUSTOMER. 149 W. FRONT STREET • KEYPORT, NJ 07735 (732) 264-1263 loved. Publication must be promised when favor is granted. Thank you, St. Rita P.M. PRAYER TO ST. JUDE (To be said when problems arise or when one seems to be deprived of all visible help, on far cases almost despaired of). Most holy Apostle St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the church honors and invokes you universally as the patron of hopeless cases, of things almost despaired of, pray for me. I am so helpless and alone. Make use I implore you of that particular privilege given to you, to bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come ot my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in alf my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings., and that i may promise God O Blessed St. Judge, lo be ever mindful of this great favor, to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen. (To encourage devotion to St Jude acknowledge in writing favors received.) P.M. Specializing in Seafood, Steak, Chicken & Pasta Dishes Open Year Round Tues., Weds., Thurs. & Sun. 12-10 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 12-11 p.m. Closed Mondays Waterfront dining at it's jinest! All Major credit cards accepted . Open Mother's Vay 12 noon - 8 pm 16 May 6, 2000 South Amboy-Sayreville Times Letters Dear Editor. With all the flack we hear and read directed at bashing Police and the legal system, I respectfully submit to you tor your perusal and disposition what my mother considered a treasure. This poem (not Keats or Browning) has been a part of our family over 54 years, and the sentiments expressed are more applicable today than ever. Respectfully. Ken Rogers South Amboy "The Bachelors Club" as they were called, gathered once a year for a Clambake for many years. Top (L-R): Bill Brennan, Spatsy Bloodgood, Cotty Mundy, Ray Mundy, O'Brien, Middle (L-R): Frank DeLucia, Ziggy Springle, Bob Ritter, Mr. Marcello, Heinz. Bottom (L-R): Bob Letts, Archie Davey, Walter Mickerson, Muff Mundy, Bingo Larsen, Ken Mundy. This photo was taken in the 1940's, probably at the South Amboy Water Works. (Photo courtesy of Sammy DeLucia) St. Stan's students, Melanie and Julianne Good, are holding cards that were made for the veterans at the NJ Veteran's Memorial Home in Menlo Park. Students in grades K-8 have made holiday cards for the veterans throughout the year. CAMBRIDGE INN HOME OF CAMELOT CATERERS 19SUMMERHILLR0AD • SPOTSWOOD, NJ 08884 732-251-7400 Now featuring all new Soft Serve Ice Cream! Shakes • Sundaes and much more! Mon., May 22 - Golf Outing at Meadows at Middlesex $95 per person includes Greens Fees. cart, lunch, soda and beer at course, Prime Rib & Lobster Buffet, 3 hr. open bar held at Cambridge Inn. Wed, June 21 - Cigar Dinner Remember Dad for Father's Day! 3 Hour Open Bar, Chateau Briand Dinner, plus 3 great cigars! $58 per person includes tip and tax. Sun., July 23 - A Day at the Races at Monmouth Park $55 includes bus transfer, 3 hour open bar, filet mignon, dinner buffet. Watch the races from the air-conditioned Omni Room. P.S. Glad to see you enjoyed your vacation trip to Florida. Oops! That's right, it's work The Policeman They may knock him, they may knife him, Take away his rights and pay, But he's just the same old hero On the sidewalks night and day; And the loudest to deride him. While the city sleeps in peace, When a little danger threatens, They're the first to cry "Police!" There's a brave old heart that's beating 'Neath that uniform of blue; There's a life that's ever ready To be sacrificed for you; And they never stop to think of those They love but leave behindThey are only plain policemen. And a plain "cop" doesn't mind. They worshipped him in years gone by, In the days when "cops" were kings; They cheered his every effort And inspired greater things; So when you see him passing by, Just remember he's a man, And remember he would die for you As only "coppers" can. Dear Editor, Please renew my subscription to The South Amboy -Sayreville Times for another year. I love reading your newspaper. It is so different and unique. I especially like the trivia and old high school news articles. Thanks, Phyllis Palfy (formerly of Sayreville Class of '58) Dear Editor, I would like to tell you how I found a long lost cousin through The SA Times ? She was mentioned in "Hoffman Hi-Lites." Her e-mail address was included. This prompted me to get my nephew here in Morgan ville to set me up with an address on his computer. I immediately proceeded to reach out to my cousin Ginny Weisman, who much to my surprise is alive and well in Anchorage, Alaska. We have been e-mailing each other for some time now and have caught up on each other's lives. We lost track of each other over 30 years ago. Every month, I pick up an extra copy of The SA Times , and mail it to her. She e-mails me her appreciation all the time along with many compliments about the paper. Thank You. Jerry Smith, Sayreville Dear Editor. More than 4()().(K)0 people in the United States will die this year from a smokingrelated disease. On April 5 - Kick Butts Day - 15 kids from South Amboy Student Athletes Against Smoking (SASAAS) took a stand to stop youth from getting hooked on deadly tobacco products. We know that 90 percent of smokers started using tobacco regularly at or before 18 years of age. Togi ve kids afightingchance, we SASAAS, held an assembly forour5th to 6th graders. We sported uniforms from each of S AHS's varsity sports teams, which included male and female squad members. We took an anti-smoking pledge and asked these young kids to also lake the pledge. We hope NJ legislators will take a stand with us and earmark funds from the settlement between the state and Attorney General and the tobacco companies for tobacco prevention program that have been proven to work. NJ must act now to counteract the powerful advertising and promotional program of the tobacco companies through school and community-based public education programs. Consider these facts: Each day, more than 3000 kids become regular smokers; one third of them will die prematurely from a tobacco-related disease. Kids are not just part of the problem, we're a part of the solution. And the students from South Amboy want tobacco companies to know that on Kick Butts Day and every day throughout the year, we're going to fight them every step of the way. Sincerely, South Amboy Student Athletes Against Smoking Tony G.. Advisor Looking Back On The Days Gone By In South Amboy A Past Memorial Day: 50 Yrs. Ago By Diane Norek Harrison Back in May of 1950, members of the Luke A. Lovely Post No. 62, the American Legion of South Amboy paid tribute to the 100 unidentified civilians who died as a result of the 1918 Morgan Explosion. The members visited the lonely plot at the Ernston Road cemetery and held the same ritual that was performed at all the veterans graves which dated back to 1920. The mass grave was ordered by the government, and contains all that was found of the estimated 100 dead from the explosion. Part of the task of identifying the bodies or what was left of them fell to Michael Nagle, a past Superintendent of the SA Board of Public Works and a Past Commander of the Legion. Identification was impossible. Under government direction, each body fragment was photographed and Mr. Nagle had to witness each burial in order to certify that an interment took place. On Memorial Day, 1950, members of Post No. 62 cleaned up the grave and placed flags in honor of the deceased. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Sayreville, NJ Wills & Organ Donations Raritan Bay Medical Center's Old Bridge Auxiliary is holding an open meeting on Monday, May 15, at 7:30 p.m. The evening will include a free program, "Living Wills and Organ Donation" given by Eileen Hyle. RN, MA. The meeting will be held at Raritan Bay Medical Center, Auxiliary Hall B and C, One Hospital Plaza, (off of Ferry Road, between Routes 9 and 18), in Old Bridge. The public is invited to attend. For information call (732) 324-5006. Victorian Hall Banquet Facility Available seats up to 250 • newly renovated full catering service Call (732) 257-2061 for more information Perfect for: weddings, showers, birthdays, holidays, Corporate affairs and MORE! South Amboy-Sayreville Times May 6, 2000 17 GRAND OPENING SINCE 1990 59 Main Street Sayreville, NJ 08872 The Best Mandarin, Hunan, Szechuan & Cantonese Cuisine EAT IN • TAKE OUT 432-7700 free Delive The scene was at Yankee Stadium in the Bombers clubhouse in the late 1970's. Pictured (L-R): Tom O'Leary, Bill O'Leary, Lou Piniella (then a star player, now manager of Seattle), John Nebus, and former Yankee great, Allie Clark. The youngsters all from South Amboy were guests of Clark, and had the thrill of a lifetime meeting the pros. (Photo courtesy of June O'Leary) South Amboy Babe Ruth 1-1 Saul, Wisniewski Set Record The South Amboy 13-year old Babe Ruth Prep team #1 won its first game of the season, 9-7 at Matawan #1. Matt Paullus drove in the winning runs with a stand-up double. The winning pitcher was Jeff Uler, who pitched 3 scoreless innings. Matawan#3mauledSA#1,15-8. Matt Paullus blasted a 3-run double, Jeremy Gonsalves and Jeff Lampart added rbi singles for the locals. Sayreville seniors, David Saul and Mati Wisniewski set a meet record for the pole vault in the Group III-IV Divison at the 38"' annual Highland Park Relays. Saul and Wisniewski both achieved personal bests by clearing the bar at 13 feet, for a combined 26 feet, which broke the previous record of 25-6, set by Hunterdon Central in 1997. The Bombers pair easily topped runners-up St. Joseph's, who had 24-0. Congratulations! MIRACULOUS INVOCATION TO ST. THERESA O Glorious St. Theresa, whom Almighty God has raised up to aid and counsel mankind. I invite your miraculous intercession. So powerful are you in obtaining every need of body and soul, our Holy Mother Church proclaims you a "prodigy of miracles. The greatest Saint of modem times." Now I fervently beseech you to answer my petition (mention here) and carry out your promise of doing good upon earth of letting fall from heaven a shower of roses, henceforth. Dear Little Flower. 1 will fulfill your plea to be made known everywhere and I will never cease to lead others to Jesus through you. Amen Say prayer every day for 9 days. By the 4th day ask for a sign if prayer is to be answered between 4th and 9th day you will see a rose in magazine, TV picture, or receive roses, also can get a strange scent of roses in home even if no roses present. Must promise publication. M.C . PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN (Never known to fail) Oh, most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel. Fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh Star of the Sea. help me and show me. herein you are my mother. Oh. Holy Mary. Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth! I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my hean to succor me in this necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. Oh. show me herein you are my mother. Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times). Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands (3 times). Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days. You must publish it and it will be granted to You. Thank You. P.M. (Minimum $10.00) M.S.G. Can Be Eliminated • We Use 100% Vegetable Oil STORE HOURS: Daily: 11:00 am to 10:30 pm Fri. Si Sat.: 11:00 am to 11:30 pm Sun. &. Holiday: 12:00 noon - 10:30 pm Buy 1 Lunch GET 1 FREE ICECREAM Mon.-Sat. (Pickup & Eat In) NOT T O BE COMBINED WITH OTHER OFFERS OK COUPONS. 1 XI'. 5 31 DO 1 Egg Roll 40 <= REGULAR 8 0 < Mon.-Thurs. (Pickup Only) NOT TO BE COMBINED WITH OTHER i >l FERS <)K COUPONS. EXP. 5 31 00 1 c o r PON PER PERSON (1 COt PON PI R it COUPON I'l.R v i s m VIM; Cheese Wonton & ,X-M General Tso's Chicken I Only $1.25 Only $2.25 REGULAR $2.25 Mon.-Thurs. (Pickup Only) REGULAR $4.25 Mon.-Thurs. (Pickup Only) NOT T O BE COMBINED WITH OTHER OFFERS OR COUPONS. EXP. 5 31 <»> NOT TO BE COMBINED WITH OTHER OFFERS OR COl l ' O \ \ EXP. 5 31 00 (1 COUPON PER \TSn • ( 1 COUPON FEU VISIT) I. The Parish Nursing Program at Christ Church and Raritan Bay Medical Center invite you to join us for an INFORMATIVE and FREE HEALTH & WELLNESS FAIR Saturday, May 20,2000 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. • FREE screenings: Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Diabetes Blood Glucose, Posture, Height and Weight and take-home Colorectal Kits. • FREE medical information: HIV, Cancer, Heart, Addiction Treatment, Nutritional, Smoking Cessation, Infection Control and more. • FREE information:Organ Donation, Advanced Directives, Fire Safety, D.A.R.E., NJ Kidcare and the Birthing Center. Christ Church, 220 Main St., South Amboy, NJ 08879 Call (732) 721-6262 for information Open to the Public - Bring the entire family FREE Parking - Refreshments available for purchase FREE Child Care while you visit! i Co-sponsored bv: CHRIST CHURCH The vision of the Kingdom leads to our Mission in the World Raritan Bay Medical Center We Take Pride in Caring" 18 May 6, 2000 South Amboy-Sayreville Times Glory Days In Local Sports T.H.E. GAME South Amboy High School's first tennis team since 1974. Standing (L-R): Jon Bouchard, Jan Kmieciak, Brian Fallon, Dan Nuzzie, Chris Glomski, Coach Gonsalves. Kneeling (L-R): Jay Ziola, Randy Fallon, Tim Ricablanca, Jared Gonsalves, Chris DeLucca. Missing from photo: Neil and David Abadie, Mauricio Cuba. South Amboy Managers Beat New York Teams By Steve It was a proud week for South Amboy baseball fans as two native sons returned to lead their teams past the New York clubs. St. Mary High School graduates Jack McKeon and Tom Kelly both left New York winning 2 of 3 games. Kelly was the first to visit when his Minnesota Twins came to Yankee Stadium Monday April 25. The Twins beat the World Champion Yankees, 7-3 that afternoon, and followed with an impressive 6-1 victory Tuesday night April 26. The Twins were blanked 2-0 the following afternoon. but Kelly and the Twins returned to Minnesota with strong momentum and optimism. Jack McKeon brought his Cincinnati Reds to Shea Stadium Tuesday night April 25. The Reds lost 6-5 in a hard-fought game, but clobbered the Mets, 12-1 Wednesday night April 26. The decisive game of the series went 12 innings the following afternoon, and Cincy outlasted New York, 2-1. McKeon and the Reds headed to Pittsburgh hoping this two game winning Streak could be the start of a strong run at Schmid the National League Central title. McKeon noted the Reds got hot in 1999 after sweeping the Mets at Shea in a 3-game series in late May. By Tom Burkard Year-1941 Sport-Baseball Teams-St. Mary's vs. Sayreville Lineups-SM-Tom Banfield If, Creed 1 b. Ed O'Connell cf, Bockus ss, John "Bing" Miller p, John Norekc, Jack Jankowski 2b. O'Leary if, Kress 3b, Bob Deferson ph; Sayreville-Walt Kwitkowski ss, Blaska2b, Nick DeBiase Sr. p, Pekarski rf. Tom Wisniewski 3b, Kotarski cf, Hager lb, Litz c, Prusakowski If. Recap-Bob Deferson's one out, pinch-hit triple in the bottom of the 7"1 scored Jack Jankowski with the game-winner, as St. Mary's nipped the Bombers, 4-3. Winning pitcher, John "Bing" Miller belted an rbi double, and John Norek and Bockus each poked rbi singles. Walt Kwitkowski blasted a solo home run and single for Sayreville. MVP-John "Bing" Miller Diamond Dust By Tom Burkard 40 Years Ago.. 1960-Sacred Heart CYO baseball team captured the South Amboy Babe Ruth playoff championship after copping 2nd place during the regular season. Ed "Lefty" Zebro was the coach: assistant coaches were Frank "Box" Zebro, Ed Jarusiewicz., and Art O'Donnell Sr. The players; Frank Jankowski, Frank Pauloski, Rich Barglowski. Jim Vida, Ed Suchciki, Tom Trenta. Rich Ambro/'iak. Bill Garaffa. Wayne Olsen, Art O" Donnell Jr., Tom Vona, Ted Wallace, Bob Kukulski. Joe Pohl, Pete Inman. Larry Zamorski, George Jankowski... STORE HOURS Mon. Thurs I lam -ISpin I-'ri.-Sat. ll;un-9pm Closed Sun. except • - , for catering • ~ 1964-S A Little Fellas League-K of C 3 Daylight Bakery 2. Winning pitcher Jim Croddick fired a 4-hitter and also belted a single and double.. .1972 SA Little FellasLions 6 K of C 4. Charlie Gray blasted the first grand slammer of the year, and David Newton notched the pitching victory... Frog Hollow-1971 By Tom Burkard 1925-St. Mary's Cathedral Trenton basketeers blasted the St. Mary' s Eagles, 40-28 to snap their undefeated streak at 10. Phillips tossed in 9 points for the Blue & Gold ...1934-St. Mary's battled Perth Amboy St. Mary's to an unbelievable 19-19 tie in basketball. The contest was called after 2 Overtimes... 1941-Sayreville's football club nipped Passaic Valley Regional, 6-0 on a 2-yard touchdown run by Tom Wisniewski. The victory gave the Bombers an undefeated season, as they finished 6-()-1...1956-Bob Witkowski fired a 4hitter and struck out 15. as Sayreville opened its baseball season with an 8-2 romp over Rutgers Prep. Ron Ciszewski and Jerry Snyder both drilled key singles... 1962-Hoffman creamed Keyport. 7-3, as winning pitcher Paul Nagy notched his fourth straight victory. Jerry Drill and Jim Nemeth both stroked 2-run singles. Manny Formoso laced two singles and had 2 rbi's. and Pete Inman blasted a triple... 1975-Rudy Neumann fired a 7hitter and fanned 7, as Hoffman downed Dunellen, 3-0. Joe "Moose" McCarthy had a sac fly, and Ralph Dante an rbi single... 1984-Hoffman girls basketball team topped Keyport. 43-37. Barbara McCabe and Lynn Ust tossed in 13 points each, and Nancy Garsick scored 10... 1995Jamie Keeter fired a 5-inning O-hitter. and fanned 7 batters, as Hoffman destroyed East Brunswick Tech. 17-0 in softball play... PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN The Frog Hollow Swimming & Diving team dropped a close one to Rivercrest, I 15-1 I I. Winners for our locals were: Cheryl Goerke, Carol Goerke, Mike Goerke. Vinnie Short, Bill McCoy, Andy Kaskiew, Mary McCoy, Charlie Steuber. Donna Keegan, and Kathy Kehoe. (Never known to fail) Oh. most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel. Fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh Star of the Sea, help me and show me. herein you are my mother. Oh. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth! 1 humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in this necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. Oh. show me herein you are my mother. Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times). Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands (3 times). Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days. You must publish it and it will be granted to You. Thank You. M.M. Free Delivery Servic 11am-3pm, Jj"0 | 0 | | 0 | 0 B 0 | 0 | i 3VJK • • • • • 132 So. Pine Ave. So. Amboy, N.J. WWW" • ! * * * * * * * • • • • !• •• (908) 525-9262 Fax 525-5355 « • • • and more Who's "Thin Crust" Pizza * Real Homemade Salads Who Caters All Parties Daily Luncheon Specials & Homemade Soups Subs, Deli Sandwiches, Sloppy Who's Speed Who along by Calling Ahead Who Tries to Accomodate All Special Requests Price Subject to change Without Notice NOTICE The Times will only accept typed, double-spaced or computer copied articles, releases, or other copy. We will no longer rewrite flyers from upcoming events and change them to news releases. If you are looking for publicity, please submit your event in news release form. DO NOT SEND FLYERS. Submitted photos will not be returned unless you send a self-addressed stamped envelope, with the proper postage, affixed. Thank you. These youngsters at Shea Stadium recently got a thrill of a lifetime when Cincinnati Reds manager, Jack McKeon signed his autograph for them. Jack, South Amboy's favorite son, has the Reds in gear and ready to contend for the NL pennant this year (Photo by Tom Burkard) Write to us We like to receive letters to the editor. Mail letters to Letters to the Editor, SA Times, P.O. Box 3027, South Amboy, N.J. 08879 ore-mail to Letters may be faxed to 721-5216. To be published, letters must contain the full name of the author as well as his or her address and daytime telephone number. We reserve the right to edit letters for spelling, grammar, news style, good taste and space available. Quesitons should be directed to the editor at 727-0398. South Amboy-Sayreville Times School Sports By Tom Burkard I) in 2"' singles, and Kenny Chow & Boleslaw Czachor are (3-1) in 2lhl doubles to lead the squad. South Amboy (0-4) This is South Amboy's firs) tennis team since 1974, and even though inexperienced, they sure are a determined bunch of teens. Dan Nuzzie has avictor) in singles action. In doubles. Jared Gonsalves& Randy Fallon, and Jon Bouchard & Jay Ziola have emerged victorious. Golf St. Mary (1-3) Top golfers so far are Craig Kiers, ChrisOsw ik and Casey Woods. Sayreville (1-6) Pat Jensen and Paul Carhonaro are the Bombers best. Boys Track The Sayreville Bombers talented young baseball team features sluggers Michael Parse, Jesse Slavicek, Tony Osmond, Greg Cardilla and Paul Camuto. (Photo by Tom Burkard) Girls Track Baseball Sayreville's rookie coach, Nick Cifelli is doing a nice job with his very young ballclub, and the future looks bright in the land of the Bombers. (Photo by Tom Burkard) By DR. JOHN MISIEWICZ Spring Is In the Air: So Put Your Fat on the Run After a winter of sloth and over-eating, you may be facing a tough road to get into shape. And now with spring coming on fast, summer and swimsuit season, you might be feeling a sense of panic as you stand before the mirror. But before you drop that remote and spring into exercise overdrive, a word of advise: EASE INTO IT. If stemming that southward migration of flab is your top priority. Nick DiNubile. M.D. warns against crash dieting - defined as any weight loss program in which you lose more than about a pound a week. Chances are if you're losing more than that, a lot of it is water, which will come back, and muscle, which you don't want to lose at all because muscles help you burn calories. If you've been relatively sedentary this winter, it means you're now out of shape, which means weaker muscles and tendons that are far more vulnerable to sprains and strains than when you were in top shape last fall. Avoid over training injuries by working into fitness. If you would like to start a walking or running program, for example, start off by walking one mile at an easy pace before increasing the speed. As a rule of thumb, never increase the amount of exercise you do by more than 10 percent a week. This rule applies equally to the numberof repetitions or amount of weight you lift. As you rehabi 1 i tate your outdoor activity program, don't forget about your skin. Dig out that bottle of sunscreen and dust off that hat before heading back out in the sun. Also remember to increase your fluid intake in the warmer weather. You should not exercise if you're sick or injured, but keep to a regular schedule of physical activity. Thirty minutes of exercise three times a week is a good goal. II you miss a session, don't try to make it up with an extra hard workout. Just pick up where you left off. Sayreville (1 -2) Top performers-Brandon Hoyte, Jesse Mesina, R. Mesina. Yazid Jackson, David Saul, Matt Bodak, Jason Jedrusiak. Derek Pugh. Mike Rodriguez, Liam Jones, Kevin Zapata. South Amboy (6-2) Improving each time out, the Guvs, are expected to easily win the Gold Division crown once again. Superstar Ed Behnen made a huge comeback at Cooperstown from his injury, and this should be a very big plus. Ace Danny Poulsen is (4-1), and #1 in the county with a tniniscule 0.29 ERA. The 1999 Gold Division "Player of The Year." Richie Klein is once again stinging the ball at a record-setting pace. Sayreville (4-6) A young club with only one returning starter from last year, the Bombers will have to play extra hard to crack .500 under rookie coach, Nick Cifelli, but wait until next year! Greg Cardilla's .435 batting avg. ranks him among the county's top hitters. Soh pitching ace Ed Goodell looks real sharp, and mixes his pitches welll. St. Mary's (2-5) Off to a slow start, don't count Coach Kazanjian's chargers out of the fight for the Blue Division title. Ed Foley and Tom Boychuk have been providing power far the Saints, and Gerard Pizzillo has stung the ball well. Troy Mellios has 2 victories. Sayreville (3-0) This outstanding club is paced by many terrific athletes including: Lisa DeBiase, Vanessa Rodriguez, Toni Beninato, Jessica Walsh, Jen Didik, Ebony Gray. Claire Inskeep, Bianca Grande, Kathleen Fallon, Candice Fox, Andrea Sarvetnick, Karen Vega. Lauren Mayer, Kristen Dahl. Jen Caro, Kristen Hubela. St. Mary (0-2) Big winners for the Lady Eagles have been Andrea Lio, Danielle Kruame. Stephanie Oels. Melissa Sanders. Monica Lucas. Cari Crawford, Tony Mari Amahile. School Notebook Locals chosen to The Star Ledger's All-Middlesex Girls Basketball team included 1"' team-Sayreville resident, Janet Ust of Sayreville; 2ml team-Kaitlyn KatkoSt. Mar>'; Boys-Is' team-Ed Behnen-South Amboy; 2nd team- DwayneThomas-Sayreville. The All-State choices were All Group I 1SI team-Ed Behnen. S A; All Frosh/SophDwayne Thomas-Sayreville. PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN (Never known to fail) Oh. most beaulilul flower of Ml. Carmel, Fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh Starof the Sea. help me and show me, herein you are my mother. Oh. Holy Mary. Mother of God. Queen of Heaven and Earth! I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor/ne in this necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. Oh, show me herein you are my mother. Oh Mary, conceived without sin. pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 limes). Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands {3 times). Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days. You must publish it and il will be granted to You. Thank You. SIC. New JerseyAmerican Indian Center presents the 15TH ANNIVERSARY Everyone Welcome At This FAMILY Event! POW WOW & FESTIVAL - May 19, 2O & 2 1 , 2OOO at Kennedy Park on Washington Road in the Boro of Sayreville, NJ A Pow Wow is enlightening and entertaining and you will be able to see the diversity of Native American Foods. Crafts, Paintings, Pottery. Rugs. See and hear Traditional Songs and Dances. See many styles of Regalias of Tribes from all over the USA. Come mingle with the Indigenous People of this country. Free parking. Bring family and friends to this joyous festival! Softball South Amboy (4-1) The Lady Guvs should face little opposition in breezing to another Gold Division title. Regan Rone, Kim Peterson, Gina Rae Miller, Melissa Poulsen, and Lisa McCarthy have been providing the offensive fireworks, while Nicole Magnifico, Melissa Rainone, and recently, Peterson (2-0), have been doing a good job pitching. St. Mary (6-7) The Lady Eagles are shooting for a .500 season in the very strong Blue Division. Courtney Kowal, Kelly Rhodes, Diane Unger, Lisa DiBernardo, (3 home runs), Jill Palomo, Jen Ferrara, and Lisa DeMascio have pounded the ball extremely well thus far. Palomo is the ace of the pitching staff. Sayreville (3-5) The experienced Bombers of Coach Janet Ryan will keep improving as the season progresses. Hot hitters to date have been Lauren Switzer, Lisa Oriolo, Justine Robe, and Gina Musella. Sophmore Jessica Small fired a O-hitter against South Brunswick. May 6, 2000 19 Friday - 9am to 5pm Saturday - 10am to 7pm Sunday - 10am to 6pm Certified by: COUNCIL ONTHfc ARTS Funding has been made in part by the Middlesex County Cui.uml and s£$LJ£S$\ /^r/9^$C\ / / (JL? \ \ State Council on the An/Department W - / "/& ^tfffalS&y zr^zr ilJmds) otsmc ^»«»p^ MJKJLVA 1 ivJiNo Ar l u l t c ^OUIIS StllioiS c*j. j ,r> ' j JOHN S. MISIEWICZ, D.C. • INSURANCE ASSOCIATES OF — SAYREVILLE 238-8282 1 MAIN ST., SAYREVILLE, NJ 08872 i $3 tt", Students (Friday only) $2 Sayreville (2-3) Brian Nakielny is (3- CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN $2$3 - Bring Seating - Rain or Shine Boys Tennis <£C Children 5 12 CASES FREE CONSULTATION •SCOLIOSIS NEW PATIENTS SEEN •WORKERS SAMEDAY COMP. OFFICE HOURS: •AUTO MON. -WED.-FRL INJURIES 9-12,3-8 TUES:4-7 SAT: 9-12 NOON •MEDICARE 20 May 6, 2000 South Amboy-Sayreville Times COUPON I BUY 1 LUNCH & I RECEIVE 2ND LUNCH I AT 1/2 PRICE I MONDAY THRU FRIDAY I I I I I S.A. Not valid on advertised specials. 1 I portable. Not valid on holidays. Not be combined with any other offers. I to Exp. 6/2/2000 * COUPON $ 00 5 OFF Dinner Check of $25 or More VISIT US AT OUR WEBSITE Mon.-Fri. Lunch 11-2:30-Dinner 4-10 Sat. Lunch 12-2:30-0inner 4-10:30 Sun. Dinner 3-10:00 S.A. Not valid on advertised specials. 1 per table. Not valid on holidays. Not to be combined with any other offers. Exp. 6/2/2000 tzxp. D/^/^UlAJ MONDAY Exclusive caterers of St. Clement's Banquet Center and Madison Park Banquet Hall "Anything Goes We Make It, You Take It! CHOICE OF TWO SPECIAL DINNERS 19 95 Includes All You Can Eat Soup, Salad & Mussel Bar " " TWO FER NIGHT $ THURSDAY All You Can Eat ST. LOUIS GRILLED RIBS & CHICKEN Trays to Go * Custom Cakes & Fresh Baked Specialties * Party Packages at Sayreville Bar Madison Park Banquet Room *St. Clements Banquet Center BARBECUE 95 7 Cecelia Street • Sayreville, NJ 08872 1-1/2 LBS. GRILLED JUMBO Call (732) 257-4471 or (732) 257-4110 Fax: (732) 257-1652 All-You-Can-Eat $ £ * 5 0 Lunch Buffet O RIB-EYE STEAK 9 5 TUESDAY 11 95 Sunday, May 14 English Cut Prime Rib Serving Brunch 9:30 a.m. -12:30p.m. 95 Kids under 10 $y95 Snow Crab Legs Q C $13 1 1/2 lbs. Delicious Snow Crab Leg SURF & TURF COMBO Featuring 10 oz. Grilled Prime Rib-Eye & 1/2 Ib. steamed Snow Crab Legs with soup, salad & Mussel Bar BUSINESSPERSON'S LUNCH STARTINGAT All You Canjpt $ ^ O 9 5 Fried Shrimp FRIDAY & SATURDAY Special Dinner Menu Starting at $ 1 2 9 5 "Something for Everyone SEAFOOD FEAST CALL FOR RESERVATIONS COMING IN JUNE! Clambake COMING IN JULY! All-You-Can-Eat Maryland Crabs Choice of AIIYouCanEatFresh$J 4 9 5 Fried Flounder ' ' Dinner 1-8 p.m. include soup, salad, mussel bar & potato WEDNESDAY INCLUDES 1/2 STUFFED LOBSTER, STUFFED FLOUNDER, STUFFED SHRIMP. FRIED CLAM STRIPS AND SHRIMP & SCALLOP SCAMPI OVER RICE. Includes All You Can Eat Soup, Salad & Mussel Bar Sayreville Bar Remember our Bar for your SUNDAY Showers • Graduations Confirmations • and much more 1 Ib. Boneless Prime Rib Eye Rooms available for up to 45 people. Call for dates & details. 5 Entrees, * ^ ^ Soup, Salad Bar, Dessert & Coffee Tuesdays - Wednesdays - Thursdays MONDAY& FRIDAY THE MADISON PARK BANQUET ROOM 3011 Cheesequake Road. Purlin. NJ Have Your Elegant Reception At Affordable Prices Without Cutting the Extras Accommodations Up to 170 Guests OPEN HOUSE Mondays 5 pm - 8 pm Call Our Wedding Consultant for More Information and Prices (732) 257-4471 Includes All You Can Eat Soup, Salad & Mussel Bar FRIDAY Prime Rib Night $ Charcoal BBQ Chicken & Ribs NEW HAPPY HOUR Mon.-Sat. 12-6:30 pm 10 pm-Midnight Every Night & All Day Sunday RAW BAR FRIDAY THRU SUNDAY 15c BUFFALO WINGS CAJUN POPCORN SHRIMP S3.95 1/2 LB. 50 4ff You Can Eat Lunch Buffet with Soups, Salads & Desserts Texas Barbecue Featuring Grilled Kielbasy, Steak Kabob, Chicken & Ribs St. Ckrmnt 's 'Banquet Halt Check out the Best Kept Secret in the Bridal Industrj Catering Done by: W.J. Mayer Catering, A Division of Sayreville Bar • Grand Ballroom at Affordable Prices • Garden Room for Cocktail Hour • Private Bridal Suite • Accommodations up to 350 Guests • Wedding Consultant Open House Every Wednesday 4-8pm and every Thursday 4-7 p.m. and Saturday 10am-2pm (732),"591-8180 $ | I 95 Includes salad bar, soup, and mussel bar 172 frmeau Ave •'Matazoan,9{J'. C o m e Play ~^t N TRIVIA! GAME Grilled & smothered with mushroom & onions, t MONDAY ALL DAY & > ALL NIGHT 1/2 PRICE DRINKS
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