1 - Bulls of the Big Sky
1 - Bulls of the Big Sky
Bulls of the Big sky Customers and Friends, On behalf of all of the great folks associated with the Bulls of the Big Sky I would like to personally invite you to be with us on Feb. 15 for our 7th annual bull sale at Billings Livestock. Only through great commitment and uncommon effort can lasting opportunities take shape. The families who make up the Bulls of the Big Sky program have had that kind of medal from the start and it is a big reason why the program has grown in popularity and success. Bulls of the Big Sky offers high value commercial bulls designed to generate profit for their customers and the larger beef business. The right priced bulls you have come to expect from these breeders are bred and developed to last with emphasis on calving ease, efficient growth, maternal and carcass traits. Concentrating on economically important genetics, then following through with committed customer service and warranty are the important factors that define the breeders that make up today’s Bulls of the Big Sky. This year’s offering will be nearly 180 rugged, dependable yearling SimAngus and Simmental bulls. I am confident you will be impressed with the uniformity of the offering and the constant increase in quality of the set each year. Phil and our partners at Veltkamp’s once again have done a wonderful job developing these bulls with longevity in mind and we appreciate the many comments we get each year on how well these bulls hold up. Good feet along with long term rumen and organ health are targets of the ration and development program at Veltkamp’s and important to all of us at Bulls of the Big Sky. Selection and professional development however, are only a couple of the benefits this experienced group of seedstock producers bring to the table. You’ll not find a better set of people to work with on sale details, delivery and post sale warranty. Additionally, by choosing bulls from Bulls of the Big Sky you have the added advantage of being linked to the Allied Genetic Resource system for services far beyond your bull purchases. For a list of opportunities and services offered by Allied, check out our website at www.alliedgeneticresources.com. Bulls will be on display Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday prior to the Monday sale in Billings which starts just after lunch at 1:00 PM on Monday. The entire sale will again be broadcast by DV Auction at www.dvauction.com for those interested in purchasing on line. As always, feel free to stop by to see the bulls in Manhattan MT any time prior to the sale. Our website is www.bullsofthebigsky.com . There you’ll find data on each of the bulls with photos and videos available on nearly 100 of the bulls to give you an idea of what to expect to see sale day. Sincerely, Marty Ropp Allied Genetic Resources Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM Bulls of the Big Sky Monday, February 15, 2016 1:00 pm MDT Billings Livestock Commission 2443 N. Frontage Rd #1 • Billings, MT 406-245-4151/800-635-7364 cattlesales@billingslivestock.com From I-90 take exit 455, North on Johnson Ln and immediately turn West on I-90 Frontage Rd. Schedule of Events: Terms: All cattle sell under the Suggested Terms and Conditions of the American Simmental Association. Before February 13, 2016 Cattle Viewing at Veltkamp Feedlot Manhattan, MT EPDs : The EPDs listed are the new Spring 2016 numbers. Please note the EPD’s may change from the time the sale catalog is printed until registration papers are transferred. Sunday, February 14, 2016 Cattle Viewing at Billings Livestock Commission Monday, February 15, 2016 9 AM-1PM Viewing of cattle 1 11AM-1 PM Lunch sponsored by Bulls of the Big Sky 1 PM—Bulls of the Big Sky Sale Health and Vaccinations: The bulls were vaccinated and boostered at weaning time with BoviShield 5, Inforce, One Shot Ultra 8, (or a Bovi OneShot combo), Somnubac and Dectomax Injectable. They were again poured with an Ivermectin in December. All bulls have been tested and are negative for BVD/PI3. Hotel Accommodations Residence Inn 956 South 25th Street West Billings, MT 406-656-3900 (Block of rooms under Bulls of the Big Sky) Holiday Inn Express 430 Cole St. Billings, MT 406-259-8600 www.hiexpress.com View this catalog online at: Crown Plaza 27 N 27th St Billings, MT 406-252-7400 www.crownplaza.com –mention Bulls of the Big Sky/Lee Enterprises www.bullsofthebigsky.com www.alliedgeneticresources.com www.alliedonlinesales.com Boot Hill Inn 242 E. Airport Rd Billings, MT 406-245-2000 Insurance: Insurance will be available on sale day and is recommended. Bulls of the Big Sky encourage buyers to purchase insurance on the bulls that are not immediately delivered. Warranty and guarantee of the bulls will be covered by the breeder of the individual bulls. Country Inn and Suites 231 Main Billings, MT 406-245-9995 www.countryinns.com Announcements: Announcements made from the auction block during the sale take precedence over printed material in the catalog or other printed material associated with this sale. Anyone attending this sale attends at their own risk. Breeders and sale force will not be held responsible for any personal injury for attending this sale. Air Transportation: Billings is served by Northwest, Delta, United, Horizon, Skywest, and America West, and has excellent facilities for light aircraft. Created by: ASA PUBLICATION, INC 2 Simmental Way, Bozeman, MT 59715 Phone: 406-587-2778 • Fax: 406-587-8853 www.simmental.org 1 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM Bulls of the Big Sky Monday, February 16, 2016 1:00 pm MDT Billings Livestock Commission, Billings, Montana Publication Representatives: Jeff Thomas, The Prairie Star/ASA Publications 406-581-8859 John Goggins, Western Ag Reporter 406-698-4159 Devin Murnin, Western Livestock Journal 406-696-1502 Jared Murnin, Special Assignment 406-321-1542 John Grande, Representing ASA 406-572-3335 Sale Day Phones: 406-581-7835 (Marty Ropp) 800-635-7364 (Billings Livestock Commission) 208-660-2726 (Maureen Mai) 406-581-8859 (Jeff Thomas) 936-714-4591 (Garrett Thomas) Sale Manager: Allied Genetic Resources. Marty Ropp at 406-581-7835 Garrett Thomas at 936-714-4591 Sale Day Trucking: Sam Harroun at 319-325-9389 Gary Liebrand at 406-580-3025 ONLINE Bidding: Cattleusa.com will not be available for sale day. Please sign up at WWW.ALLIEDONLINESALES.COM (Powered by DVAuction) for your online bidding. Auctioneer: Ty Thompson at 406-698-4783 THE SOURCE FOR ONLINE SEEDSTOCK SALES ALLIEDonlinesales.com Bid LIVE online at www.alliedonlinesales.com and preview videos Powered by 2 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM The following information will be available sale day: • Ultrasound Data and Scrotal Measurements. • Sale Order will be posted on www.bullsofthebigsky.com by the evening of Sunday, February 14th. Retaining Semen Interest: The bull buyer will receive full possession, 100% salvage value, and ¾ semen interest of any bull purchased in this sale, while the individual selling ranch (“Seller”) will retain ¼ semen interest in any bull that it sells. Seller’s retained semen interest is a royalty interest that entitles Seller to ¼ of any revenue from the sale of that bull’s semen. Seller’s retained semen interest shall remain even if the bull, or any interest in the bull, is later sold to a third-party; and, the Buyer shall be solely responsible for notifying any later third-party buyer of the Seller’s retained semen interest and for ensuring that Seller’s retained semen interest is satisfied if semen is ever sold. Seller will not be responsible for any expenses directly or indirectly related to semen collection or promotion of a purchased bull, unless the Buyer and Seller agree otherwise in writing prior to semen collection. Seller’s retained semen interest also includes the right of Seller to collect semen on the purchased bull at Seller’s sole expense and at the Buyer’s reasonable convenience. Selling Approximately: 180 Yearling Bulls, 5 Fall Bulls Purebred Simmental and SimAngusTM/Red Angus and Angus Black and Reds Feeding and Delivery: Bulls will be fed free of charge back at Veltkamp’s bull development facility in Manhattan, Montana until April 1, 2016. During that time, we will semen test and give your bulls a Breeding Soundness Exam. If a buyer wishes to keep their bull at Veltkamp’s after April 1st, feed beyond April 1st and freight will be left to the buyer. We begin delivering bulls by the last week of March and early April. If you have special delivery requests, please let us know at the time of the sale. Feed charges will be $3.00 per head per day for those that request their bulls remain at Veltkamp’s after our delivery time. Bulls taken by the buyer immediately after the sale will receive a $150 discount, but we remind you that we will not have had the opportunity to semen test bulls taken by a buyer immediately after the sale, and we recommend that the buyers arrange for semen testing at their ranch prior to turnout. The Bulls of the Big Sky delivery and feed policy is: • Buyer takes purchased bull(s) home immediately after sale: $150 per head discount. Fertility testing is Buyer’s responsibility. • Buyer requests that purchased bulls(s) return to Veltkamp’s after the sale until Breeder delivery on or about April 1, 2016: No Discount on price of bull(s) but no charge for feed and no charge for delivery for the first 300 miles, until on or about April 1, 2016 Breeder delivery. • Buyer requests that purchased bull(s) return to Veltkamp’s after the sale and remain at Veltkamp’s beyond the Breeder delivery date on or about April 1, 2016: No discount on price of bull(s) but no charge for feed up to the Breeder delivery date on or April 1, 2016. After the Breeder delivery date on or about April 1, 2016, Buyer will pay $3.00/head/day for feed and must either pay for delivery (because Buyer requested that the purchased bull stay at Veltkamp’s beyond Breeder’s regular delivery) or pick up the purchased bull(s) himself at Veltkamp’s. • For purchased bulls traveling beyond 300 miles prior to the Buyer delivery date on or about April 1, 2016, the most economical trucking available will be arranged and the buyer will receive a 300-mile credit towards the total delivery cost. • Volume Buyer Delivery Special: Bulls of the Big Sky will make special delivery arrangements and discounts for large volume buyers on an individual basis. Please talk with Dale Miller or Maureen Mai for details. Notice to Canadian Buyers: Bulls of the Big Sky will provide free delivery to the US side of Port of Entry at Sweetgrass, MT and pay for the cost of regular health papers. The Buyer is responsible for the cost of additional Canadian or Provincial Health Requirements. Notice to Out of State Buyers: Please know your state health requirements prior to sale day. If your state requires Trich testing, the bull(s) will not be able to leave Montana immediately after the sale and must return to Veltkamp’s for testing. Though Bulls of the Big Sky pays for the cost of all regular health papers, the cost of Trich testing and other state specific health requirements will be the responsibility of the Buyer and will be billed to the Buyer. 3 Scan to View Website and Link to Digital Catalog Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM Bulls of the Big Sky Sale Group Koch Cattle Jeff and Shere Koch Shane and Kate Koch PO Box 1247 Big Timber, MT 59011 406-860-0211 Jeff (C) 406-860-0659 Shere (C) jskoch@itstriangle.com Rymo Cattle Co Ryan and Maureen Mai 427 Peaceful Way Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 208-267-2668 (H) 208-660-2726 (C) rymocattle@gmail.com Little Bitterroot Ranch Frank and Marilynn Carr 748 Little Bitterroot Rd Hot Springs, MT 59845 406-741-2523 (H) 406-291-6669 (C) momcarr1@gmail.com H & H Livestock Harvey and Leslie Lippert 181 Sunnyside Cut Off Sandpoint, ID 83864 208-290 -7804 (C) handhlivestock@gmail.com Little Bitterroot Ranch Shannon Carr 820 Little Bitterroot Rd Hot Springs, MT 59845 406-741-2769 (H) 406-270-2268 (C) shannoncarr70@hotmail.com Promise Land Ranch Mike and Cathy Stoltey 374 Promise Lane Plummer, ID 83851 208-699-2335 Mike (C) 208-686-1515 Cathy (C) plrlivestock@gmail.com Miller Simmental Dale and Paula Miller PO Box 174 Gildford, MT 59525 406-376-3109 (H) 406-945-0546 (C) 7dm0147@mtintouch.net Lot Identification Key S PB Simmental SA SimAngusTM AN Angus SR Simmental-Red Angus This logo indicates that the bull has been ASA DNA LD tested. Many more of the bulls in the sale have been tested and the results will be available on a supplement sheet on sale day. 4 SR 1 BW 90 846 Adj. YW 1340 ADG 3.20 API 156 BFCK CHEROKEE CNYN 4912 Dam: LBR MS RED CHEROKEEN304 LBRC C-314 BW -0.6 30 WW YW MCE 77.1 113.6 7.8 5 15 MM MWW Stay 25.5 64.1 20 3 SR 3 BW 96 Adj. WW 824 Adj. YW 1283 ADG 3.20 API 140.2 BW 0.1 Adj. YW 1211 ADG 2.94 API 150.1 80 BW -1.7 3 WW 70.9 20 WS BEEF KING W107 Sire: WS PRIME BEEF Z8 HSF MISS SKY 87U RED TITAN HRN315 Dam: LBR RED TAWNI R517 LBR MISS RED SATINN303 YW 104 25 MCE 12.9 15 MM MWW Stay 25 60.4 24.6 25 15 15 CW YG Marb BF REA 28.8 -0.39 0.2 -.036 1.15 15 35 3 Tattoo: C117 ASA# 2998386 WS BEEF KING W107 Sire: WS PRIME BEEF Z8 HSF MISS SKY 87U BROWN-CH ASSURANCE 3567S Dam: LBR MS RED TAMARACK X117 LBR MS POWERLINE R522 80.5 TI CE 11.5 78 777 Tattoo: C517 ASA# 2998407 Prime Beef son who is moderate framed with excellent depth and thickness. He has excellent calving ease in combination with growth. Went from a 78# birth weight to 814# WW. His ten year old dam has been a excellent producer over the years. LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR PRIME CUT C117 Red Homo Polled 1/2 SM 1/4 AR 1/4 CS BD: 2/15/15 BW CE 14.4 5 With a birth weight ratio of 101 and 205 ratio of 109, he has the genetic potential to gain with the best. His 12 year old dam consistently brings in that heavy weaning weight calf. Dam has plenty of easy fleshing with added volume. Red Homo Polled PB SM BD: 2/7/15 Adj. WW TI CW YG Marb BF REA 36.1 -0.38 0.5 -.052 1.11 20 4 25 25 1 LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR HERO C517 S 2 Tattoo: C304 ASA# 2998374 HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K Sire: WS BEEF MAKER R13 DCR MS RIBEYE N72 87.1 TI CE 14.6 15 LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR RED CHEIF C304 Red Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AR BD: 2/7/15 Adj. WW Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM WW YW MCE 77.7 115.3 10.8 4 10 20 MM MWW Stay 22.3 61.2 10 CW YG Marb BF REA 38.1 -0.23 0.32 -.033 0.82 15 15 Lot 3 Dam to this hybrid bull is smaller but production per pound of body weight is at the top. This bull had a WW ratio of 106 and 824 # 205 adjusted WW. Very attractive smooth muscle on a moderate frame. S 4 Red Homo Polled PB SM BD: 2/9/15 BW 90 Adj. WW 737 Adj. YW 1187 ADG 2.89 API 153.5 TI 81.5 CE 10.9 30 LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR JOURNEY C35 BW 0.7 25 Tattoo: C35 ASA# 2998401 WS BEEF KING W107 Sire: WS PRIME BEEF Z8 HSF MISS SKY 87U GW REDESTINED 642X Dam: LBR MS REDESTINED Z35 LBR KISS THIS T74YES WW YW MCE 73.1 105.5 14.1 15 20 5 MM MWW Stay 18.7 55.3 35 CW YG Marb BF REA 33.3 -0.39 0.45 -.042 1.17 30 15 2 2 Lot 4 Dark cherry red Prime Beef son out of a DD free Redestined female. I expect his calves to be able to pack on the pounds. S 6 BW Hetero Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 1/25/15 97 Adj. WW 745 Adj. YW 1191 ADG 2.73 API 141.7 TI CE 9.2 LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR SUPER HOT C753 74.3 BW 2.5 WW 66.5 35 Tattoo: C753 ASA# 2998393 SRS RIGHT-ON 22R Sire: MR ISHEE SUPERSTOUT 014 ISHEE MS LUCKY DICE 312N WS BEEF MAKER R13 Dam: LBR CINNAMON MAKER T753 LBR POWER GIRL R516 YW MCE 99.5 10.6 35 35 MM MWW Stay 21.5 54.7 24.9 10 CW YG Marb BF REA 32.7 -0.41 0.32 -.054 1.14 30 10 10 3 Well balanced, wide top, muscular bull, carrying down in rear quarter with that easy fleshing, moderate frame, smooth fronted show bull attraction. Dam was selected as a donor this past year. She is very docile, perfect udder, moderate and easy fleshing. 5 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM 7 BW 86 681 Adj. YW 1060 ADG 2.53 API 138.9 9 Homo Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 2/22/15 BW 100 Adj. WW 893 Adj. YW 1206 ADG 2.47 API 142.1 TI 79.4 CE 12.3 15 BW 2.5 WW 78.8 4 ACC1 HUSTLER 2N Dam: LBR NEW HORIZON Y151 LBR MAIN FOCUS W919 MCE 9.2 MM MWW Stay 20.3 59.7 15 CW 37 20 WW 49.8 YW MCE 68.9 11.4 25 SA 10 Tattoo: C151 ASA# 2998389 HOOKS TAURUS 24T Sire: HOOK`S YELLOWSTONE 97Y HOOKS SHEYENNE 77S YW 108 15 SS GOLDMINE L42 Dam: LBR MS GOLD MINE P41 LBR NIGHT DREAM M22 MM MWW Stay 22.1 47 23.4 20 CW YG Marb BF REA 10.2 -0.46 0.27 -.061 0.96 3 20 35 20 Looking for outcross red genetics, this calf will fit that bill. Same cow family as the Superman bull that sold to Cross Hair Simmental for $21,000 in 2015. This calf appears like he will be a good calving ease prospect. He is very correct and stylish with excellent depth. LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR VOLCANIC C151 S BW -0.5 10 Tattoo: C41 ASA# 2998405 SRS RIGHT-ON 22R Sire: MR ISHEE SUPERSTOUT 014 ISHEE MS LUCKY DICE 312N 67.2 TI Lot 7 Red Homo Polled PB SM BD: 2/16/15 Adj. WW CE 12.8 15 LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR GOLDEN EYE C41 S BW 87 825 Adj. YW 1233 ADG 2.68 API 157.7 CE 15.5 10 This muscular, long bodied Yellowstone bull had a 205 adj. ratio of 115. Dam milks very well with a perfect udder. Should have plenty of performance. Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 2/3/15 Adj. WW BW -1.6 15 Tattoo: C124 ASA# 2998387 HOOKS TAURUS 24T Sire: HOOK`S YELLOWSTONE 97Y HOOKS SHEYENNE 77S TNT DUAL FOCUS T249 Dam: LBR MS DUALSPECIALTYX124 LBR MS GLIMMER U812 80.4 TI YG Marb BF REA -0.29 0.34 -.056 0.79 10 LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR CREDENTIAL C124 WW YW MCE 67.7 105.2 9.5 25 25 30 MM MWW Stay 24 57.8 30 20 CW 30.2 35 YG Marb BF REA -0.3 0.38 -.055 0.77 15 25 20 EPD's are in the top 45 percentile except 55% for carcass weight. Had a 103 in herd ratio for BW and 106 for 205 weaning. This docile, long bodied, sound structure, 6.6 frame bull was an easy pick for a top herd bull prospect. 11 Homo Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 2/11/15 BW 80 Adj. WW 794 Adj. YW 1232 ADG 2.99 API 157.3 TI CE 15.4 3 78.4 BW -2.1 2 LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR EARTH QUAKE C814 S WW 63.7 Tattoo: C814 ASA# 2998383 HOOKS TAURUS 24T Sire: HOOK`S YELLOWSTONE 97Y HOOKS SHEYENNE 77S LBR MR S448 Dam: LBR MS GOLD LEGACY U814 LBR MISS L119 YW MCE 95.1 9.8 MM MWW Stay 27.6 59.5 10 15 CW 23.3 YG Marb BF REA -0.3 0.37 -.050 0.7 10 I would pick this bull to be in the top 4 of our purebred bulls. He had a BW ratio of 112 and a 205 WW ratio of 102. His performance has been down from expectations because he incurred an injury in the feed lot but is sound now. He would be guaranteed sound on sale day or wouldn't be sold. SA 12 BW 96 817 Adj. YW 1416 ADG 3.92 API 152.4 TI Lot 12 6 Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 2/8/15 Adj. WW CE 13.6 25 83.1 BW 0 LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR CHARMER C226 Tattoo: C226 ASA# 2998381 HOOKS TAURUS 24T Sire: HOOK`S YELLOWSTONE 97Y HOOKS SHEYENNE 77S HOOVER DAM Dam: LBR MISS CHARM Z226 LBR MS MINERS DREAM U853 WW YW MCE 71.6 119.1 10.7 15 10 20 MM MWW Stay 26.2 62 20 10 CW YG Marb BF REA 41.1 -0.37 0.47 -.067 1 10 5 30 15 3 A longer taller performance bull, out of a first calf heifer with a great udder; good milking, fancy, moderate framed maternal female. Bull had a 205 WW ratio of 105 and every EPD is in the top 35% or above. LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR COBALT C30 S 13 Homo Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 2/5/15 BW 87 Adj. WW 687 Adj. YW 1160 ADG 3.25 API 153.5 BW -0.1 15 WW 60.5 YW MCE 96.1 10.4 MM MWW Stay 25.5 55.8 20 35 CW 27.2 83 1204 3.25 144.8 77.9 CE 11.2 25 YG Marb BF REA -0.4 0.38 -.068 0.91 15 5 35 25 15 BW 91 Adj. WW 735 Adj. YW 1070 ADG 2.32 API 148.1 BW -0.3 35 WW 57.6 HOOKS TAURUS 24T Sire: HOOK`S YELLOWSTONE 97Y HOOKS SHEYENNE 77S TNT AXIS X307 Dam: LBR SUMMER RAIN A31 LBR NIGHT DREAM M22 WW YW MCE 68.1 104.9 10.4 30 20 MM MWW Stay 22.3 56.4 30 CW YG Marb BF REA 33.6 -0.35 0.41 -.052 0.96 30 30 3 20 Tattoo: C905 ASA# 2998396 HOOKS TAURUS 24T Sire: HOOK`S YELLOWSTONE 97Y HOOKS SHEYENNE 77S MYTTY IN FOCUS Dam: LBR DESTINY FOCUS W905 LBR MISS DESTINY K27 71.4 TI CE 15.1 15 LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR NEW FOCUS C905 Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 2/19/15 BW 0.8 30 Tattoo: C31 ASA# 2998399 Yellowstone son out of an Axis first calf heifer. This calf has really come on after going on test. EPD's indicate moderate birth weights with good growth. Yellowstone son out of an Olie first calf heifer. His dam is my favorite of last years' first calf heifers. SA Hetero Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 2/16/15 713 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 Dam: LBR AUTUMN A30 LBR MS RIGHT ANSWER Y3 LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR STONE RIDGE C31 S 14 Tattoo: C30 ASA# 2998400 HOOKS TAURUS 24T Sire: HOOK`S YELLOWSTONE 97Y HOOKS SHEYENNE 77S 74.9 TI CE 15.4 3 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM YW MCE 81.6 10.6 20 MM MWW Stay 26 54.8 20 35 CW YG Marb BF REA 17.8 -0.28 0.39 -.045 0.6 20 Lot 15 A Yellowstone bull with that extra thickness with a smooth conformation and smaller frame. SA 16 Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 2/6/15 BW 81 Adj. WW 753 Adj. YW 1121 ADG 2.32 API 161.1 TI 76.3 CE 15.5 10 BW -1.5 15 LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR HORIZON C332 WW 57.6 17 Tattoo: C332 ASA# 2998391 HOOKS TAURUS 24T Sire: HOOK`S YELLOWSTONE 97Y HOOKS SHEYENNE 77S KOCH PB OLLIE 113Y Dam: LBR MS MOON SHINE A332 LBR MS MOON GLOW X118 YW 89 MCE 11.4 15 MM MWW Stay 25.9 54.7 20 35 18 CW YG Marb BF REA 20.8 -0.36 0.45 -.051 0.86 5 30 25 10 BW 97 758 Adj. YW 1228 ADG 2.99 API 130.4 TI CE 11.6 75.6 BW 0.1 86 621 Adj. YW 1045 ADG 2.53 API 147.9 67.3 BW -2.5 10 WW 43.2 Tattoo: C748 ASA# 2998378 HOOKS TAURUS 24T Sire: HOOK`S YELLOWSTONE 97Y HOOKS SHEYENNE 77S B/R NEW FRONTIER 095 Dam: LBR MONTANAFRONTIERT748 LBR MS DAYTONA P410 YW MCE 68.1 9.8 30 MM MWW Stay 24.8 46.4 25 CW 7.3 YG Marb BF REA -0.39 0.43 -.058 0.72 3 35 25 30 Dam to C748 is one of our deepest bodied females with lots of rib and an easy keeper, with plenty of milk. LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR GOLD IMAGE C145 Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 2/2/15 Adj. WW BW TI LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR OLD FAITHFUL C748 Homo Black Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 2/10/15 Adj. WW CE 14.6 15 Here is a medium framed, well muscled bull. All his EPDs are well balanced with all above 50% ranking. SA SA Tattoo: C145 ASA# 2998388 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 Sire: GLS INTEGRATE Z3 GLS MISS BTE W149 BDV IMAGE MAKER 722T Dam: LBR MS IMAGE X145 LBR SHIMMER T757 WW YW MCE MM MWW Stay CW 71.3 115.5 8.3 22.9 58.5 38.9 15 10 15 15 YG -0.3 15 Marb BF 0.23 -.052 25 REA 0.9 10 I would say this bull would be our most naturally docile bull and the heaviest muscled. The sire GLS Integrate gave us that extra performance and C145's dam consistently brings in the keeping kind. Dam has an angular maternal look, with longevity, soundness, excellent udder and wouldn't fault her in any way. Could make a great herd sire. Lot 18 7 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM S 19 Homo Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 2/7/15 BW 97 Adj. WW 805 Adj. YW 1356 ADG 3.45 API 134.6 TI 82.2 CE 9.4 BW 1.2 35 Lot 19 LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR ULTIMATE C861 Tattoo: C861 ASA# 2998395 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 Sire: GLS INTEGRATE Z3 GLS MISS BTE W149 LBR MIDNIGHTS DREAMS117 Dam: LBR MS BEST DREAM U861 LBR MS ALLIANCE S641 WW YW MCE 78.7 134.3 8.4 4 1 MM MWW Stay 21.7 61 18.1 10 CW 52 1 YG Marb BF REA -0.22 0.26 -.048 0.84 20 35 A bigger framed bull with ADG EPD in top 1%. Has the genetics to gain with the best. I have confidence this bull would be an excellent herd sire prospect. His dam has been one of our favorite cows and would not fault her in any way. His sire gives extra growth, docile progeny, with well balanced EPD profile. 20 BW 100 834 Adj. YW 1427 ADG 3.81 API 148.2 BW 1.2 35 Tattoo: C96 ASA# 2998403 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 Sire: GLS INTEGRATE Z3 GLS MISS BTE W149 CCR MR DREAM ON M262R Dam: LBR DREAMWORKS W96 LBR NIGHT DREAM M22 81.3 TI Lot 20 Homo Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 2/10/15 Adj. WW CE 10 35 LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR FORWARDC96 S WW YW MCE 80.5 129.5 9.9 3 1 MM MWW Stay 17.2 57.5 26.4 25 5 CW YG Marb BF REA 48.8 -0.34 0.2 -.070 0.99 3 35 35 20 15 Powerful made Integrate son. He is a little larger framed bull with good thickness. His dam is an excellent cow with good foot and udder structure. With a 875# weaning weight he'll produce calves that will push the scale down. 21 BW 95 712 Adj. YW 1177 ADG 3.09 API 143.5 TI Lot 21 Hetero Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 2/7/15 Adj. WW CE 13 15 WW 61.7 Tattoo: C97 ASA# 2998409 TJ 57J THE GAMBLER Sire: HSF HIGH ROLLER 12T HSF RED FORTUNES SIS 33 WS BEEF MAKER R13 Dam: LBR BEAUTY W97 LBR KISS THIS T74YES 73.6 BW 0.8 30 LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR ROLL ON C97 S YW 89 MCE 13.1 10 MM MWW Stay 31.5 62.4 24.4 2 10 15 CW YG Marb BF REA 23.8 -0.41 0.27 -.052 1.03 10 20 10 One of nicest High Roller sons that I've seen. He is a tank. They don't make them much wider than this one. S 22 BW 99 675 Adj. YW 1076 ADG 2.89 API 124.2 TI Lot 22 Hetero Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 2/12/15 Adj. WW CE 9.6 63.4 BW 1.8 LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR ROLLER C54 WW 54 Tattoo: C54 ASA# 2998408 TJ 57J THE GAMBLER Sire: HSF HIGH ROLLER 12T HSF RED FORTUNES SIS 33 KENCO/MF POWERLINE 204L Dam: LBR SUNRISE R54 LBR NIGHT DREAM M22 YW MCE 76.1 11.7 25 MM MWW Stay 30.1 57.1 23.5 3 25 20 CW YG Marb BF REA 17.9 -0.41 0.13 -.050 0.97 10 15 High Roller son out of a full sister to LBR Crockett. The maternal strengths of this calf should be good. 8 S 23 BW 85 787 Adj. YW 1188 ADG 2.42 API 144.5 BW -2.1 2 WW 58 Tattoo: C923 ASA# 2998385 TJ 57J THE GAMBLER Sire: HSF HIGH ROLLER 12T HSF RED FORTUNES SIS 33 LBR ROYAL DESTINY T27 Dam: LBR BLACK DIAMOND W923 LBR MS CARCASS R547 72.4 TI CE 15.8 2 LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR NUGGET C923 Homo Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 2/16/15 Adj. WW Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM YW MCE 83.9 13.1 10 MM MWW Stay 33.9 62.9 24.5 1 5 15 CW YG Marb BF REA 16.7 -0.39 0.15 -.040 0.98 15 15 Dam has produced smaller BW calves and is easy fleshing with longevity. With BW, CE and Milk at top of breed, this bull would be a good selection to improve those traits. His birth ratio was 105 and weaning in herd ratio of 101. His sire, High Roller is noted for his high accuracy, strong EPD profile. S 25 BW 92 750 Adj. YW 1198 ADG 2.89 API 147.8 BW 0.8 30 WW 66.5 35 Tattoo: C4 ASA# 2998402 HTP SVF IN DEW TIME Sire: LBR CHALLENGER X805 LBR MS BLACK FOCUS U805 SRS RIGHT-ON 22R Dam: LBR SOMETHING SPECIAL Y4 LBR NIGHT DREAM M22 74.8 TI CE 13.1 10 LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR CHALLENGER C4 Hetero Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 3/6/15 Adj. WW Dam of Lot 191 YW MCE 98.6 11 35 30 MM MWW Stay 16.5 49.7 CW YG Marb BF REA 29.6 -0.18 0.38 -.026 0.59 5 Lot 25 LBR Challenger has been one of our herd bulls for the last 5 years. His calves are all consistent in style and type. They all have excellent depth and thickness all wrapped up in a stylish package. This calf has been one of my favorites. His young Right On dam is on the upper end of the cow herd. S 26 Hetero Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 3/3/15 BW 85 Adj. WW 781 Adj. YW 1191 ADG 2.73 API 157.6 BW -1 10 WW 66.2 Tattoo: C702 ASA# 2998404 HTP SVF IN DEW TIME Sire: LBR CHALLENGER X805 LBR MS BLACK FOCUS U805 GCF FIRST DREAM P13 Dam: LBR MISS DREAM T702S LBR NIGHT DREAM M22 75.3 TI CE 16 2 LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR CHALLENGER C702 YW MCE 95.2 12.7 15 MM MWW Stay 17.7 50.8 CW YG Marb BF REA 24.7 -0.23 0.29 -.022 0.73 15 Lot 26 Challenger son with a ton of length, rib and width. His dam, Miss Dream T702S, produced the high selling Superman bull in the 2015 sale. I've used a number of bulls on this cow and the progeny have been very exciting. S 27 BW Hetero Black Polled PB SM BD: 3/4/15 86 Adj. WW 814 Adj. YW 1007 ADG 1.96 API 140.8 TI CE 13.8 10 64.8 BW -1 10 LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR CHALLENGER C48 WW 56.9 Tattoo: C48 ASA# 2998406 HTP SVF IN DEW TIME Sire: LBR CHALLENGER X805 LBR MS BLACK FOCUS U805 LBR TESTIMONY L625 Dam: LBR MS TESTIMONY P48 LBR MISS H-865 YW MCE 63.3 11.8 20 MM MWW Stay 15.7 44.1 CW 5.1 YG Marb BF REA -0.31 0.15 -.042 0.57 Challenger son that maybe the calving ease bull of the group. Take one or all of them, they would make a very good consistent group of bulls. 9 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM 28 BW 85 709 Adj. YW 1039 ADG 4.59 API 149.2 BW 0.8 30 WW 67.9 30 Tattoo: B78 ASA# 2963192 HTP SVF IN DEW TIME Sire: LBR CHALLENGER X805 LBR MS BLACK FOCUS U805 GCF FIRST DREAM P13 Dam: LBR FRESH PAINT T78 LBR NIGHT DREAM M22 74 TI Lot 28 Homo Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 8/16/14 Adj. WW CE 13.9 10 LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR CHALLENGER B78 S YW MCE 95.1 11.9 20 MM MWW Stay 14.1 48.1 CW YG Marb BF REA 27.2 -0.25 0.32 -.031 0.73 10 Challenger son with a little more age. He'll be able to get out and cover a large group of cows. He has been going gang busters since being put on test, gaining 4.45#/day for the first weigh period. I really like this bull, he is the spitting image of his sire. 29 Homo Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 9/14/14 BW 87 Adj. WW 748 Adj. YW 1123 ADG 2.99 API 138.6 BW 1.6 WW 59.5 Tattoo: B01 ASA# 2959117 SRS J914 PREFERRED BEEF Sire: SRS RIGHT-ON 22R SRS G720 GILLIAN LBR ROYAL DESTINY T27 Dam: LBR MISS DESTINY X01 LBR MS CARCASS R547 69.5 TI CE 10.6 30 LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR RIGHT FAVOR B01 S YW MCE 92.9 9.1 MM MWW Stay 26 55.7 25.1 20 35 10 CW YG Marb BF REA 27.8 -0.27 0.24 -.047 0.7 25 His sire Right On sires cattle with plenty natural thickness, females that milk very well and are moderate in frame. SA 30 Lot 30 S 31 BW 92 Adj. WW 732 Adj. YW 1050 ADG 3.40 API 133.5 TI CE 14 10 67.5 BW 1.7 WW 63.5 ES DAKOTA NK68 Dam: LBR DAKOTA MADE T751 LBR MS GOLDIE P448 MM MWW Stay 20.6 52.3 25.1 10 Adj. YW 1058 ADG 3.04 API 144 TI 69.2 BW -0.7 25 WW 50.8 SRS J914 PREFERRED BEEF Sire: SRS RIGHT-ON 22R SRS G720 GILLIAN S A V BRILLIANCE 8077 Dam: LBR MS BRILLIANCEY190 LBR MS CARCASS R547 YW MCE 87.8 8.6 S MM MWW Stay 27.2 52.6 15 CW 22 YG Marb BF REA -0.2 0.41 -.026 0.57 35 BW 88 717 Adj. YW 1050 ADG 3.20 API 136.7 TI 66.9 BW 0 15 LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR OLIE LAD B939 Hetero Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 9/17/14 Adj. WW CE 12.2 15 CW YG Marb BF REA 25.3 -0.43 0.06 -.071 0.98 10 20 15 We used Bettis as a highly proven calving ease sire with good carcass value. 78 637 32 Tattoo: B751 ASA# 2959115 HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K Sire: TRIPLE C BETTIS S72J LUCAS JOSIE 19K YW MCE 89.4 9.1 BW Tattoo: B190 ASA# 2959118 This fall born Right On bull has that balance with good depth and length. Our fall born bulls didn't have any special care and were weaned off cows in March. LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR BETTIS BOY B751 Homo Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 9/7/14 Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 8/31/14 Adj. WW CE 14.9 15 LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR RIGHT GUY B190 WW 54.2 Tattoo: B939 ASA# 2959116 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 Sire: KOCH PB OLLIE 113Y KOCH PB S6894 SS GOLDMINE L42 Dam: LBR MISS W939 LBR DAKOTA DREAM T761 YW MCE 82.8 10.3 MM MWW Stay 23.4 50.5 35 CW YG Marb BF REA 19.5 -0.35 0.26 -.045 0.84 30 20 35 A fall Koch PB Olie bull with that extra age and maturity to work at getting those cows bred. 10 Homo Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 2/10/15 BW 92 Adj. WW 801 Adj. YW 1187 ADG 2.78 API 124.2 64.2 TI BW 0.7 25 CE 11.5 25 LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR BULLS EYE C336 S 33 WW 60.7 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM 34 Tattoo: C336 ASA# 2998398 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 Sire: KOCH PB OLLIE 113Y KOCH PB S6894 LBR BULLS EYE L320 Dam: LBR MS NEWEYEN336 LBR MISS H-855 YW MCE 90.7 9.9 MM MWW Stay 19.7 50 YG Marb BF REA -0.31 0.06 -.056 0.7 Here is a stylish Koch PB Olie bull. Dam is 12 years old and very sound structurally and great udder quality. I believe these older females are a lot better than they appear to be on their EPD's. Should sire those growthy attractive feeder calves. My neighbor picked this bull as his first choice selection this summer. SA 35 BW 86 Adj. WW 732 Adj. YW 1090 ADG 2.11 API 155.1 68.2 TI CE 18.5 2 BW -2.6 10 WW 50.8 MYTTY IN FOCUS Dam: LBR MS BLACK FOCUS U805 LBR MISS J905 MM MWW Stay 20.8 46.2 37 BW 68 663 Adj. YW 1077 ADG 3.14 API 165.3 66.5 TI CE 19.6 1 BW -5.2 1 WW 36.4 39 BW 88 Adj. WW 905 Adj. YW 1217 ADG 2.37 API 161.3 TI CE 16 10 85.4 BW -0.2 35 74.8 BW WW YW MCE MM MWW Stay CW 12.5 15 -0.9 10 57.2 90.3 12.4 15 25.3 20 22.7 -0.36 0.44 -.043 0.95 25 2 20 SA 53.9 YG Marb BF BW 77 766 Adj. YW 1016 ADG 1.55 API 159 RCR AUGUSTUS R54 Sire: ASR AUGUSTUS Z2165 ASR MS JORDAN W916 MYTTY IN FOCUS Dam: LBR MS NEW FOCUS U804 LBR MISS H-850 67.2 BW -2.8 5 WW 48.1 Tattoo: C804 ASA# 2998379 YW MCE 67.3 10.6 20 MM MWW Stay 22.8 46.8 CW 5.9 YG Marb BF REA -0.2 0.34 -.014 0.45 S Homo Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 2/11/15 BW 84 Adj. WW 847 Adj. YW 1158 ADG 2.16 API 122.2 64.1 BW -2.3 1 LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR CAYENNE C313 WW 52.6 Tattoo: C313 ASA# 2998397 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 Sire: LBR MONTANA OLIE Z340 LBR MS MT FRANCHN340 LBR TESTIMONY L625 Dam: LBR MS PEPPER N313 LBR MISS H-850 YW MCE 69.3 10.1 MM MWW Stay 24 50.3 19.6 30 CW 7.4 YG Marb BF REA -0.4 0 -.078 0.6 15 20 This bull had the real masculine bull look at weaning. He had 106 in herd BW ratio and was number 2 out of 24 contemporaries for WW with a 109 ratio. Should sire early maturing, growthy, thick muscular bulls with soundness on feet and legs. Dam is a 12 year old with soundness and longevity bred in. PROMISE LAND SIMMENTAL PLR PROFIT PARTNER 152C Tattoo: 152C ASA# 3007075 G A R US PREMIUM BEEF Sire: GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS GW MISS LUCKY CHARM 410P HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K Dam: PLR MISS OLIVIA 152U PLR BLACK LIV 131S WW YW MCE 72.5 116.5 9.5 15 10 30 MM MWW Stay 21.2 57.5 20 CW 39 15 YG Marb BF REA -0.24 0.66 -.030 0.87 35 10 10 Proven performance with super maternal and phenotype. Full brother to 2012 Midland Bull Test High Performance Bull. API top 5% and TI top 2%. Dam's ratio BW 100 WW 103 YW 105 US 103 USIMF 105 USBF 121. All AI calves, has never repeated and a calving interval of 364 days. Dam's API top is 5% TI top 1%. Dam is truly one of the elite cows of the breed. Incredible disposition. 30K test. REA LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR CENTURY C804 Hetero Black Hetero Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 2/21/15 Adj. WW CE 15 4 YG Marb BF REA -0.46 0.39 -.038 1.01 1 3 Homo Black Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN BD: 2/15/15 TRIPLE C SINGLETARY S3H Dam: LBR SUNLIGHT Z207 LBR MS SUNNY R545 CE TI CW 1.5 This bull would be my first pick for a guaranteed heifer bull coming from Augustus and a smaller frame calving ease first calf heifer. This bull had a 119 ratio for BW and has a EPD in top 1% of breed for BW. SA 152.6 38 Tattoo: C312 ASA# 2998380 HOOVER DAM Dam: LBR MS NICE FIGURES A312 LBR TWO FIGURES T736 MM MWW Stay 23.4 41.6 35 2.63 API ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 Sire: KOCH PB OLLIE 113Y KOCH PB S6894 The dam, another Mytty in Focus female, is very similar in body style to dam of Lot 35. The Augustus sire definitely gave us calving ease and reduced frame. This bull indexed 115 for birth weight and 99 for weaning weight. RCR AUGUSTUS R54 Sire: ASR AUGUSTUS Z2165 ASR MS JORDAN W916 YW MCE 64.2 11.8 15 1155 ADG CE 19.5 1 LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR SHOW BOY C312 Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 1/29/15 Adj. WW Adj. YW TI CW YG Marb BF REA 14.6 -0.26 0.3 -.018 0.72 30 30 These Augustus bulls are smaller frame, thick muscled and are recommended for calving ease. The dam is a Mytty in Focus deep bodied cow with volume. Should produce females that will make great mother cows. SA 86 758 36 Tattoo: C805 ASA# 2998394 RCR AUGUSTUS R54 Sire: ASR AUGUSTUS Z2165 ASR MS JORDAN W916 YW MCE 80.7 10.9 20 BW Tattoo: C207 ASA# 2998390 This cow family has made cattle with calving ease, longevity and carcass value. Should moderate the frame. LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR MAIN FOCUS C805 Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 2/19/15 Homo Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 3/2/15 Adj. WW TI CW 25 LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH LBR LUMINOUS C207 S Lot 39 11 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM SA 40 Homo Black Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN BD: 2/20/15 BW 70 Adj. WW 818 Adj. YW 1191 ADG 3.04 API 175.1 78.8 TI BW -3.8 2 CE 20.2 1 PROMISE LAND SIMMENTAL PLR PREMIUM FORCE 200C WW 54 Tattoo: 200C ASA# 3007070 G A R US PREMIUM BEEF Sire: GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS GW MISS LUCKY CHARM 410P HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K Dam: PLR SHEARPERFECTION 200A PLR KIST BY THE MOON185Y YW MCE 90.1 11.8 15 MM MWW Stay 24 51 30 CW YG Marb BF REA 18.4 -0.39 0.6 -.051 0.93 3 15 25 10 Triple bred calving ease with so much more. CE top 1%, BW top 2%, MCE top 15% with awesome carcass. Yield grade top 3% Marb 15%, BF 25% and REA 10% API 2%, TI 15%. Sleep at night and have a premium carcass with this one. 30K test. Dam of lot 39. Mother of 2012 High Performance Bull at Midland SA 42 BW 77 840 Adj. YW 1137 ADG 1.86 API 134.4 75.4 TI Lot 42 Black Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 2/21/15 Adj. WW CE 12.3 35 PROMISE LAND SIMMENTAL APP PLR GEMSTONE C02 BW 0.4 Tattoo: C02 ASA# 2999558 HOOKS TAURUS 24T Sire: HOOK`S YELLOWSTONE 97Y HOOKS SHEYENNE 77S TJ SHARPER IMAGE 809U Dam: PLR EXTRAVAGANCE 207A PLR BLACK BEAUTY 170X WW YW MCE 69.5 107.5 8.8 20 20 MM MWW Stay 22.7 57.5 20 CW YG Marb BF REA 34.5 -0.19 0.4 -.029 0.65 25 Extremely balanced EPD's. Projected to sire growth. API top 30% TI top 20%. A Yellowstone son out of a real classy Sharper Image daughter. Goes back to a 600U daughter who produced 17 calves for us. 30K test. SR 43 BW 72 858 Adj. YW 1233 ADG 3.35 API 138.8 75.2 TI Lot 43 Red Homo Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AR BD: 2/23/15 Adj. WW CE 13.2 25 BW -2.1 10 PROMISE LAND SIMMENTAL PLR RED MISSION 183C WW 63.3 Tattoo: 183C ASA# 3007076 LJC MISSION STATEMENTP27 Sire: SILVEIRAS MISSION NEXUS 1378 SILVEIRAS DAORV 8399 RFS RED IRON T20 Dam: PLR MISS MIKAYLA 183Y PLR MIKAYLA 155U YW MCE 99.5 8.6 35 MM MWW Stay 27.3 58.9 10 15 CW YG Marb BF REA 26.3 -0.25 0.38 -.037 0.68 30 35 Very solid EPD package. Moderate framed, super uddered dam. Dam's WW ratio 106 YW 103. Granddam is from the TNT program. 3/4 brother to lot 44. We love these Mission Nexus calves. They grow and have unbeatable dispositions. 30K test. SR 44 BW 88 879 Adj. YW 1173 ADG 2.58 API 120.1 TI Lot 44 12 Red Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AR BD: 2/26/15 Adj. WW CE 9 72.2 BW -0.2 35 PROMISE LAND SIMMENTAL PLR ON A MISSION 197C WW 64.1 35 Tattoo: 197C ASA# 3007078 LJC MISSION STATEMENTP27 Sire: SILVEIRAS MISSION NEXUS 1378 SILVEIRAS DAORV 8399 RFS RED IRON T20 Dam: PLR MISS RED BEAUTY 197Z PLR GINGER 54J YW MCE 95.5 5.2 MM MWW Stay 23.2 55.2 30 CW YG Marb BF REA 26.4 -0.24 0.39 -.042 0.61 35 Frame 5 phenotype powerhouse with an incredible disposition. From a cow family that has been with us for 40 years. Balanced EPD package. 3/4 brother to Lot 43. Dam's ratios are WW 105, YW 101 US 102, USBF 120, USRE 100. Granddam had 13 AI calves for us. 30K test. SR 45 BW 70 636 Adj. YW 1009 ADG 3.35 API 135.2 HHL DELIGHT`S TRADER Dam: HHL MISS MARY DELIGHT HHL MISS DANI MIST BW -0.8 25 WW 61.3 YW MCE 94.3 7.8 MM MWW Stay 26.1 56.8 20 25 S 47 Homo Black Polled PB SM BD: 2/7/15 BW 85 Adj. WW 670 Adj. YW 1175 ADG 3.40 API 146.5 BW 0.9 30 85 713 Adj. YW 1141 ADG 2.94 API 122 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 Sire: MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 MS NLC MOJO S6119 B KENCO/MF POWERLINE 204L Dam: HHL MISS RITE N DANDY HHL MISS DANDY DO 77.6 BW 4.1 Tattoo: 211C ASA# 3024214 WW YW MCE 79.3 121.9 4.8 3 4 MM MWW Stay 24.2 63.8 19.5 30 4 CW YG Marb BF REA 48.3 -0.46 0.22 -.085 1.25 3 3 30 10 1 Solid made Upgrade son out of a Powerline dam. H&H LIVESTOCK HHL MR MIST 27C Tattoo: 27C ASA# 3024230 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 Sire: MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 MS NLC MOJO S6119 B HHL BEEFIE MIST Dam: HHL MARYS MISTY WGC M269 PROUD MARY 409P 80.1 TI CE 8.9 BW CE 3.7 Low birth weight 1/2 blood bull sired by one of the top Red Angus sires on the market today. Black Polled PB SM BD: 2/11/15 Adj. WW TI CW YG Marb BF REA 24.9 -0.15 0.48 -.012 0.56 25 H&H LIVESTOCK HHL MR UPRIGHT 211C S 46 Tattoo: 230C ASA# 3024226 ANDRAS IN FOCUS B152 Sire: ANDRAS NEW DIRECTION R240 ANDRAS KURUBA B111 74 TI CE 11.5 H&H LIVESTOCK HHL MR DIRECTION 230C Hetero Black Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AR BD: 2/2/15 Adj. WW Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM WW YW MCE 70 111.1 8.5 25 15 MM MWW Stay 23 58 23.5 20 20 CW YG Marb BF REA 37.5 -0.46 0.35 -.087 1.07 20 3 10 10 10 Lot 47 Super calving ease Upgrade son with a high API. S 48 Black Polled PB SM BD: 2/6/15 BW 80 Adj. WW 661 Adj. YW 1131 ADG 3.87 API 130.3 BW 2.1 Tattoo: 261C ASA# 3024218 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 Sire: MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 MS NLC MOJO S6119 B RC CLUB KING 040R Dam: HHL MISS EFFIE HHL RED REMY 80 TI CE 8.1 H&H LIVESTOCK HHL MR LOOKER 261C WW YW MCE 74.8 115.1 7 10 10 MM MWW Stay 22.2 59.6 17.4 15 CW YG Marb BF REA 41.3 -0.41 0.32 -.076 1.05 10 10 10 20 10 Lot 48 Solid high growth Upgrade son with a blaze face. Very clean fronted and fancy. S 49 BW Adj. WW Black Polled PB SM BD: 2/8/15 642 981 ADG 2.68 API 125.6 TI 73.4 BW 2.8 WW 67.2 35 GWS EBONYS TRADEMARK 6N Dam: MISS LILLY MARK MS LILLY DO IT YW MCE 93.4 3.8 MM MWW Stay 22.2 55.8 19.3 35 Strong numbered Upgrade son out of a Trade Mark dam. S 50 Tattoo: 28C ASA# 3024211 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 Sire: MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 MS NLC MOJO S6119 B 84 Adj. YW CE 7.6 H&H LIVESTOCK HHL MR MARKUP 28C BW 80 Adj. WW 636 970 ADG 1.86 API 137.7 TI 13 72.8 BW 1.3 Tattoo: 134C ASA# 3024207 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 Sire: MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 MS NLC MOJO S6119 B Adj. YW CE 8.5 CW YG Marb BF REA 29.2 -0.52 0.28 -.082 1.21 1 20 10 1 Black Polled PB SM BD: 1/30/15 H&H LIVESTOCK HHL MR GRADE 134C WW 61.3 HHL LUCKY DAN Dam: HHL MISS DANI MIST HHL MARYS MISTY YW MCE 88.3 8 MM MWW Stay 23.2 53.8 23.5 35 20 CW YG Marb BF REA 24.2 -0.51 0.31 -.093 1.04 1 15 3 10 Solid black son of Upgrade with strong numbers across the board. Top 15% API and 10% for TI gives him a great package. Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM S 51 Black Polled PB SM BD: 2/2/15 BW 75 Adj. WW 706 Adj. YW 1055 ADG 2.73 API 130.4 TI CE 7.9 77.5 BW 2.2 H&H LIVESTOCK HHL MR DID IT 22C 52 Tattoo: 22C ASA# 3024219 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 Sire: MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 MS NLC MOJO S6119 B HHL DELIGHT`S TRADER Dam: HHL MISS LILLY DID MS LILLY DO IT WW YW MCE 72.9 105.2 5.6 20 15 MM MWW Stay 23.8 60.2 20 35 15 BW 85 715 Adj. YW 1132 3.09 API 133.6 HHL MR DO IT RIGHT Dam: HHL SKITTLES HHL MISS RED DELIGHT 78.9 BW 2.9 Tattoo: 251C ASA# 3024232 WS BEEF MAKER R13 Sire: WS BEEF KING W107 WS MISS DREAMBOAT T17 ADG CE 8.9 Super growth and carcass bull with 10% WW and top 4% TI. Hetero Black Polled PB SM BD: 2/5/15 Adj. WW TI CW YG Marb BF REA 35.3 -0.48 0.27 -.083 1.15 25 2 20 10 3 H&H LIVESTOCK HHL MR LYNCH 251C S WW YW MCE 80.9 113.3 11.1 10 30 3 MM MWW Stay 17.6 58 22.1 20 35 CW YG Marb BF REA 40.8 -0.37 0.22 -.076 0.94 10 25 30 20 20 Solid made calf out of a Preferred Beef dam. S 53 Red Polled PB SM BD: 2/5/15 BW 76 Adj. WW 618 Adj. YW 1107 ADG 3.45 API 127.4 BW 1.4 Tattoo: 25C ASA# 3024224 THSF FREEDOM 300N Sire: TRAXS RUSHMORE X103 MISS TRAX U850 MLC MR BEEFMAKER X263 Dam: RYMO MS MAKER N63A RYMO MS MISSION A63X 77 TI CE 11.1 25 H&H LIVESTOCK HHL MR MORE 25C WW YW MCE 71.3 114.7 13.2 20 10 10 MM MWW Stay 18.9 54.6 16.1 CW YG Marb BF REA 40.5 -0.35 0.24 -.045 1.13 15 30 25 3 Solid red Traxs Rushmore son out of a good milking Beef Maker dam. TRAXS Rushmore – Sire to Lots 53 & 54 54 BW 78 751 Adj. YW 1218 ADG 3.09 API 153 74.3 TI Lot 54 Red Homo Polled PB SM BD: 1/12/15 Adj. WW CE 14 10 BW -0.9 10 KOCH Cattle KOCH MIGHTY MOOSHOO 501C S Tattoo: 501C ASA# 3044188 THSF FREEDOM 300N Sire: TRAXS RUSHMORE X103 MISS TRAX U850 HOOK`S XPECTATION 36X Dam: RYMO SWEETXPECTATION 21A RYMO MS GUN G21W WW YW MCE 68 100.3 16.1 30 30 1 MM MWW Stay 17.5 51.5 CW 28 YG Marb BF REA -0.32 0.21 -.040 0.91 30 25 Lot 54 Koch Mighty Moo Shoo, Shane and Kate's bull is a very good representation of their red Simmental program. Moo Shoo is very level, thick stout bull, brings calving ease to your heifers, brings high maternal traits along with carcass quality REA Top 25%. Top 1% API 153 and Top 15% TI 74. 30K test. SA 55 BW 71 620 Adj. YW 1176 ADG 3.30 API 166 TI Lot 55 14 Red Homo Polled 5/8 SM 1/4 AN 1/8 AR BD: 2/11/15 Adj. WW CE 18.5 2 73.7 BW -3.8 2 KOCH Cattle KOCH RED NO FAULT 560C WW 45.6 Tattoo: 560C ASA# 3007207 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS Sire: GW NO FAULT 455W GW MISS PREDESTINED 918T GW LUCKY CHARM 084TS Dam: JC MS RED CHARM 386A JC MS 701 036X YW MCE 80.5 10.2 25 MM MWW Stay 27.1 49.9 15 CW YG Marb BF REA 13.1 -0.26 0.62 -.032 0.58 30 10 Lot 55 Outcross pedigree on this red, thick, stout bull. Lots of eye appeal and structurally sound bull. He brings calving ease with 18.7. Top 2% CE, Top 15% Milk, Top 4% API 165, Top 30% TI 72. 30K test. Red Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AR BD: 1/31/15 BW 89 Adj. WW 637 Adj. YW 1065 ADG 2.58 API 135.9 70.5 TI BW 0.2 CE 11.9 35 KOCH Cattle KOCH MR RED BEEF 540C SR 56 WW 57.5 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM 57 Tattoo: 540C ASA# 3007154 HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K Sire: WS BEEF MAKER R13 DCR MS RIBEYE N72 Dam: KOCH MS RED NATIVE 019X NLC T291 TULLY YW MCE 78.7 8.7 MM MWW Stay 27.2 55.9 15 25 58 Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 1/26/15 BW 100 Adj. WW 746 Adj. YW 1365 ADG 3.87 API 123.6 78.1 TI CE 8.5 BW 1.9 WW 78.6 3 78 689 Adj. YW 1148 ADG 2.84 API 155.3 74.6 BW -2.1 2 WW 55 Tattoo: 504C ASA# 3007206 GW PREDESTINED 701T Sire: HOOK`S XPECTATION 36X HOOKS MIKA 141M MLC MR BEEFMAKER X263 Dam: MFSR MBM 824A MFSR LABEL 614U YW MCE 74.8 11.8 20 MM MWW Stay 29.3 56.8 5 30 CW YG Marb BF REA 11.1 -0.39 0.43 -.029 0.98 15 3 15 Lot 57 Thick red bull from a first calf heifer. He is scurred. Top 10 CE , Top 5% Milk, Top 3% Marb, Top 15 % REA, Top 2% API 155, Top 10% TI 75. KOCH Cattle KOCH ROBUST RANCH SA BW CE 13.1 10 Lot 56 Thick Beef Maker son out of a Dunlouise Red Native cow. Thick, growthy bull. Top 10 % REA, Top 30% API 136 Top 30% TI 72. Red Scurred PB SM BD: 1/19/15 Adj. WW TI CW YG Marb BF REA 16.8 -0.37 0.38 -.043 0.89 5 10 KOCH Cattle KOCH MR XPECTATION 504C S Tattoo: 517C ASA# 3007147 TNT TUITION U238 Sire: W/C UNITED 956Y MISS WERNING 956W SAND RANCH HAND Dam: BDV MS RANCH HAND W14 BDV PATTY LOU R108 YW 130 2 MCE 8.4 MM MWW Stay CW YG Marb BF REA 19.8 59.1 50.3 -0.18 0.29 -.036 0.78 15 2 20 Lot 58 Lot 58 Homo Black and Homo Polled by pedigree. This is a thick, stout bull gaining 3.82 pounds on feed at mid test. Growth and style in this bull plus top 10% Weaning, top 3% Yearling , top 20% REA, top 20 % TI 76. Use this 3/4 blood bull on Cows for pounds and carcass! 30K test. 59 Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 2/17/15 BW 95 Adj. WW 775 Adj. YW 1341 ADG 3.35 API 142.5 86.2 TI CE 10.8 BW 1.4 KOCH Cattle KOCH UNITED BEEF SA Tattoo: 576C ASA# 3007118 TNT TUITION U238 Sire: W/C UNITED 956Y MISS WERNING 956W HC HUMMER 12M Dam: SRS R8 SRS LOLLY L1037 WW YW MCE 84.2 139.8 10 1 1 25 MM MWW Stay 20.7 62.8 4 CW YG Marb BF REA 55.3 -0.12 0.44 -.015 0.81 1 30 15 Lot 59 Homo Black tested and polled by pedigree. Here is a high performance son of W/C United by maternal grandsire HC Hummer 12M. Gaining 4.09 pounds on a growth ration. Thick, correct bull with heavy muscle. Top 2% WEAN (82.3), Top 1% Year (137.1), Top 15% REA, Top 20% API 142 Top 4% TI 85. Take a look at this bull for the pounds at weaning and yearling weights. 30K test. SA 60 BW 87 719 Adj. YW 1227 ADG 3.14 API 126.4 TI CE 10.3 76.5 BW 0.7 KOCH Cattle KOCH MR UNITED SH 581C Homo Black Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN BD: 2/18/15 Adj. WW W/C United – Sire to Lots 58-62 Tattoo: 581C ASA# 3007155 TNT TUITION U238 Sire: W/C UNITED 956Y MISS WERNING 956W KAPPES STEAKHOUSE N317 Dam: KOCH MS STEAKHOUSE 931W KOCH PB S6894 WW YW MCE 72.3 111.6 5.9 15 15 MM MWW Stay 19.9 56.1 25 CW YG Marb BF REA 37.2 -0.14 0.42 -.005 0.74 20 35 25 Lot 60 Tested Homo black and polled. Here is another thick, heavy muscled son of W/C United. Growth and style to this bull will put pounds on your weaning, and yearling cattle. Top 15% Wean (72), top 15% Year (111) 20% REA (.74), 20% TI (76). 30K test. Lot 60 15 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM 61 Homo Black Homo Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN BD: 1/29/15 BW 95 Adj. WW 673 Adj. YW 1212 ADG 3.40 API 123 BW 1.2 GWS EBONYS TRADEMARK 6N Dam: KOCH MS EBONY 123Y 611 WW YW MCE 75 117.2 2.2 10 10 Lot 61 Tattoo: 525C ASA# 3007184 TNT TUITION U238 Sire: W/C UNITED 956Y MISS WERNING 956W 79.6 TI CE 9.4 KOCH Cattle KOCH MR UNITED 525C SA MM MWW Stay 20.7 58.2 15 CW YG Marb BF REA 41.3 -0.12 0.5 -.003 0.73 10 25 25 Lot 61 Tested Homo Black and Homo Polled, His full brother was one of our high selling bulls last year, sold for $10,500. Maternal granddam is a daughter of WCC Special Design L309, by a Baldridge Nebraska 901 cow. Longevity in this cow family with his granddam is 10 this year and her dam is 14 and still in the herd. Top 10% Wean, 10% Year, 25% REA, 15% TI. Pounds to add to your calf crop with this bull. 30K test. 62 BW 77 559 Adj. YW 1053 ADG 2.99 API 134.4 SA 63 Homo Black Homo Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN BD: 1/17/15 BW 77 Adj. WW 662 Adj. YW 1100 ADG 2.63 API 133.4 70.7 TI CE 13.3 25 BW 0.4 KOCH Cattle KOCH ROBUST LL 502C WW 63.2 65 BW 83 Adj. WW 694 Adj. YW 1052 ADG 2.37 API 149 TI CE 15.7 10 75 BW -0.8 25 WW 63.7 83 658 Adj. YW 1145 ADG 2.99 API 140.7 KOCH Cattle KOCH 31W ROBUST 524C Tattoo: 524C ASA# 3007162 31W Dam: KOCH MS 31 EXT 262Z JS BEAUTY TIME 512 WW YW MCE 64.3 100.4 9.4 35 35 35 MM MWW Stay 21.9 54.1 35 CW YG Marb BF REA 28.4 -0.25 0.35 -.032 0.77 30 20 16 Homo Black Homo Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN BD: 1/30/15 95 662 Adj. YW 1133 ADG 3.04 API 127.2 71.9 BW 1.3 KOCH Cattle KOCH MR ROBUSTER 532C SA BW CE 11.8 YG Marb BF REA -0.26 0.45 -.025 0.79 30 30 20 Lot 65 Homo Black Homo Polled half brother to Lot 63, 64, 65, 66, 67. Top 10% CE, 15% Wean, 15% Year, 20% REA, 15% in both API and TI. GW Robust out of a Koch LC Monte 803U daughter. Good thick stout bull. REA 0.51 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS Sire: GW ROBUST 605Z GW MISS GPRD 123X 73.5 BW -0.9 25 Adj. WW TI CW 25 CW YG Marb BF 26.6 -0.09 0.39 .001 Black Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN BD: 1/29/15 66 Tattoo: 546C ASA# 3007175 KOCH LC MONTE 803U Dam: KOCH MS MONTE 277Z VERMILION LASS 2046 MM MWW Stay 20.8 52.7 MM MWW Stay 17.7 48.7 Lot 64 Lots of growth in these GW Robust sons with calving ease, Lot 63, 64,65, 66, 67 are all half brothers. Top 15% CE, 30% Wean, 25% Year, 20% REA, 25 % for both API and TI. GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS Sire: GW ROBUST 605Z GW MISS GPRD 123X YW MCE 94.7 10.1 25 YW MCE 99.4 6.5 35 SA BW CE 14.6 15 KOCH Cattle KOCH ROBUST M 546C Homo Black Homo Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN BD: 2/3/15 WW 62 Adj. WW TI CW YG Marb BF REA 26.3 -0.29 0.35 -.036 0.81 20 15 Lot 63 Homo Black and Homo Polled by pedigree, growthy GW Robust son. This bull has been off test as the other bulls pick on him, will be penned by himself at the sale. Top 25% CE, 25% Wean, 25% Year, 15% REA. SA BW -1.9 15 64 Tattoo: 502C ASA# 3007153 LRS LIMELIGHT 5501R Dam: KOCH LL LUCY 012X J S LUCY EXT 3006 MM MWW Stay 21.1 52.7 RC CLUB KING 040R Dam: KOCH MS KING 112Y 4103 Lot 62 Homo Black and Homo Polled by pedigree. Half brother to Lot 58-61. Yearling EPD 104, top 25% TI. Here is a bull to put pounds on your calves also a chance to purchase 5 half brothers. GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS Sire: GW ROBUST 605Z GW MISS GPRD 123X YW MCE 93.8 8.8 TNT TUITION U238 Sire: W/C UNITED 956Y MISS WERNING 956W 72.8 TI Lot 62 Homo Black Homo Polled 1/2 SM 3/8 AN 1/8 GV Tattoo: 514C BD: 1/24/15 ASA# 3007188 Adj. WW CE 12.9 30 KOCH Cattle KOCH KING UNITED SA WW 67.7 25 Tattoo: 532C ASA# 3007115 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS Sire: GW ROBUST 605Z GW MISS GPRD 123X SRS J914 PREFERRED BEEF Dam: KOCH PB S650 50 YW 104 25 MCE 8.1 MM MWW Stay 18.8 52.6 CW YG Marb BF REA 33.7 -0.27 0.34 -.043 0.79 25 25 20 Lot 66 Homo Black Homo Polled by pedigree half brother to Lot 63, 64, 65, 66, 67. GW Robust son out of Preferred Beef daughter. Smooth, attractive, well built bull to put pounds on your calves. Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 2/9/15 BW 95 Adj. WW 740 Adj. YW 1326 ADG 3.66 API 145.5 BW 1.3 Tattoo: 568C ASA# 3007135 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS Sire: GW ROBUST 605Z GW MISS GPRD 123X CCR NELLS DREAM N67R Dam: SRS T28 SRS P17 82.9 TI CE 12.9 30 KOCH Cattle KOCH ROBUST DREAM SA 67 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM WW YW MCE 81.7 126.3 9.5 2 3 30 MM MWW Stay 22 62.8 4 CW YG Marb BF REA 46.7 -0.27 0.3 -.038 1 4 25 3 Lot 67 Homo Black pedigree Polled. Half brother to Lot 63, 64, 65, 66. 3/4 blood maternal grandsire CCR Nells Dream N67R. Top 5% Wean, 15% Year, 3% REA, 20% API and 10% TI. Thick bull with lots of growth. 68 Homo Black Homo Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN BD: 1/26/15 BW 71 Adj. WW 705 Adj. YW 1226 ADG 3.51 API 184.5 BW -4.7 1 WW 59.5 Tattoo: 518C ASA# 3007209 NICHOLS LEGACY G151 Sire: HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K C&D TRACY S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 Dam: ANITA OF THISTLEDEW 2FA2 B C C AMBUSH ANITA 41-101 84.5 TI CE 21.2 1 KOCH Cattle KOCH BUSHWAKER FORCE SA YW MCE 91.4 11.8 15 MM MWW Stay 29 58.7 5 15 CW 17.4 YG Marb BF REA -0.3 0.67 -.001 1.01 15 10 3 Lot 68 Lot 68 Wow. Homo Black and Homo Polled son of Hooks Shear Force out maternal daughter to SAV Final Answer 0035. Been a favorite here for us. Style and thickness out of a first calf heifer birth ratio 119. Calving Ease, maternal, and carcass all in one. Top 1% CE (21), 5% Milk, 3% REA (1.01), 1% API (184), 5% TI (83). This is a great bull herd sire prospect. 30K test. 69 Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 2/6/15 BW 83 Adj. WW 655 Adj. YW 1123 ADG 2.78 API 160.8 CE 75.6 BW WW 16.1 10 -1.1 20 TI KOCH Cattle KOCH BREAK FORCE 558C S 54.9 Tattoo: 558C ASA# 3007164 HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K Sire: S D S IN FORCE 112Y S D S PRINCESS 925W CCR SURE FIRE 5028Y Dam: KOCH MS SUREFIRE 3A5 LRS MS BREAK FREE 147Y YW MCE MM MWW Stay CW 75.5 10.4 25 25.4 20 52.8 26 1 YG Marb BF REA 13.1 -0.29 0.46 -.035 0.67 20 30 35 Lot 69 Homo Black and Homo Polled. CCR Sure Fire , Break Free son out of first calf heifer. Good quite disposition. SA 70 BW 83 648 Adj. YW 1153 ADG 3.30 API 149.8 TI CE 15.7 10 76.6 BW -0.8 25 KOCH Cattle KOCH MR FORCE 533C Hetero Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 1/31/15 Adj. WW WW 55.4 Dam to Lot 40 Tattoo: 533C ASA# 3007109 NICHOLS LEGACY G151 Sire: HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K C&D TRACY ALL/FHG FIRST ASCENT 117Y Dam: HPF BLACKCAP A710 BLACKJACKS BLACKCAP 496 YW MCE 80.6 11.1 15 MM MWW Stay 26.9 54.6 20.1 15 35 CW 16.7 YG Marb BF REA -0.4 0.47 -.035 1.07 3 30 2 Lot 70 Homo Polled and testing for Black. Bull out of a first calf heifer. Great carcass with calving ease and maternal. Top 15% API, 20% TI, and 2% REA. Lot 70 17 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM 71 Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 2/9/15 BW 95 Adj. WW 717 Adj. YW 1277 ADG 3.25 API 147.2 TI CE 13.8 10 75.7 BW 1.2 35 KOCH Cattle KOCH SHEAR ROVER 566C S WW 65.1 72 Tattoo: 566C ASA# 3007123 NICHOLS LEGACY G151 Sire: HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K C&D TRACY SRS LAND ROVER L1007 Dam: SRS U81 HILLS MAX E8 J5 BEEF YW MCE 97.3 10.7 35 MM MWW Stay 26.9 59.4 24.4 15 15 15 BW 90 773 Adj. YW 1271 ADG 3.51 API 127.3 Tattoo: 503C ASA# 3007205 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 Sire: ELLINGSON DOMINATOR W905 ELLINGSON HUMMER T713 SRS TEXT BOOK 50T Dam: MFSR TEXT 917A MFSR JOKER 225W 71.6 BW 2.4 CE 11.3 25 Lot 71 Black, Polled by Pedigree. Out of a thick Land Rover daughter. Top 15% Milk, 10% CE, 2% REA, 10% API (145), 20% TI (73). Really easy going bull. Black Polled PB SM BD: 1/15/15 Adj. WW TI CW YG Marb BF REA 29.5 -0.42 0.29 -.050 1.17 10 15 2 KOCH Cattle KOCH MR DOMINATOR 503C S WW YW MCE 73.8 107.2 14.1 15 20 5 MM MWW Stay 19.4 56.3 22.7 30 30 CW YG Marb BF REA 36.8 -0.31 0.05 -.060 0.81 20 35 Lot 72 This bull's mother really out produced herself as a first calf heifer that weighed off an adjusted WW calf at 773 pounds. Top 15% Wean (73), 20% Year (105). Growth and muscled bull out of a great producing heifer. Black and Polled. 73 BW 75 708 Adj. YW 1176 ADG 2.94 API 175.5 79.9 TI Lot 73 Hetero Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 1/27/15 Adj. WW CE 20.2 1 KOCH Cattle KOCH MR LEGACY 520C S BW -2.9 1 WW 62.9 Tattoo: 520C ASA# 3007097 NICHOLS LEGACY G151 Sire: ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 ELLINGSON MS PSTOCK K58 GW LUCKY BOY 252U Dam: KOCH MS HOOKS BOY HOOK`S YORK 51Y YW MCE 93.7 12.6 15 MM MWW Stay 26.3 57.7 15 25 CW YG Marb BF REA 21.3 -0.47 0.36 -.067 1.08 2 10 35 5 Lot 73 Hetero Black and Homo Polled really good bull with Top 1% CE 20, 15% Milk, 5% REA, 1% API (175), 2% TI (80). Maternal and carcass in this bull. 30K test. 74 BW 93 701 Adj. YW 1206 ADG 3.25 API 130 TI Lot 74 Black Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 2/27/15 Adj. WW CE 12.2 35 72.5 BW 2.1 KOCH Cattle KOCH 195W UP JIPSEY SA WW 65.3 30 Tattoo: 592C ASA# 3007107 HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K Sire: KOCH JIPSEY FORCE KOCH MISS JIPSEY 010X MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 Dam: KOCH MS UPGRADE LC GW MISS SNAKE EYES 195W YW MCE 97.1 7.5 MM MWW Stay 25.6 58.2 20 15 CW YG Marb BF REA 30.8 -0.34 0.43 -.040 1 35 10 35 3 Lot 74 This bull is by a bull we raised, who is thick and very stout with a very calm disposition. He is a top 3% REA (1.00) Good solid bull with muscle and thickness. SA 75 BW 95 732 Adj. YW 1164 ADG 2.63 API 139.7 TI 18 Black Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 2/25/15 Adj. WW CE 13.3 25 70 BW 1.1 KOCH Cattle KOCH MR SHEAR MONTE 589C WW 61.3 Tattoo: 589C ASA# 3007111 HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K Sire: KOCH JIPSEY FORCE KOCH MISS JIPSEY 010X KOCH LC MONTE 803U Dam: KOCH MS MONTE DICE SPRING VALLEY M690 YW MCE 86.4 11.6 15 MM MWW Stay 24.8 55.4 25 30 CW YG Marb BF REA 22.7 -0.26 0.32 -.022 0.8 30 20 Lot 75 Half brother to Lot 74 out of a Koch LC Monte 803U daughter, really nice bull out of a first calf heifer. Calm disposition. Thick and stout from all sides of his pedigree. Black Polled 5/8 SM 1/8 AN 1/8 MA 1/8 MX BD: 2/24/15 BW 94 Adj. WW 771 Adj. YW 1291 ADG 3.20 API 126.2 TI CE 12.1 35 Tattoo: 585C ASA# 3007201 GW LUCKY CHARM 665K Sire: KOCH LC MONTE 803U LRS MS REVOLUTION 656S GW LUCKY CHARM 665K Dam: KOCH LC 346 814U 346 72.9 BW 1.4 KOCH Cattle KOCH MR O MONTE 585C SA 76 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM WW YW MCE 71.7 109.6 7.7 15 20 MM MWW Stay 19.9 55.8 30 CW YG Marb BF REA 37.1 -0.17 0.31 -.049 0.48 20 Lot 76 Lot 76 Son of Koch LC Monte 803U. These Monte sons are great crosses on Angus cattle and all have calm dispositions. Thick and muscle to put pounds on your calves. 77 Hetero Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 3/5/15 BW 100 Adj. WW 763 Adj. YW 1337 ADG 3.45 API 107.2 TI CE 7.2 WW 79.4 4 Tattoo: 598C ASA# 3007152 GW LUCKY CHARM 665K Sire: KOCH LC MONTE 803U LRS MS REVOLUTION 656S ES DAKOTA NK68 Dam: BDV MS DAKOTA U14 BDV FAITH M6 71.7 BW 3.9 KOCH Cattle KOCH MR MONTE D 598C S YW 125 2 MCE 5 MM MWW Stay 16 55.7 35 CW 50.1 2 YG Marb BF REA -0.2 0.11 -.047 0.76 Lot 77 Lot 77 This good son of Koch LC Monte 803U has both his Dakota dam's and his sire's calm disposition. This powerful Monte son will put lots of pounds on your calves.Top 10% Wean and 5% Year. Really like this bull - only thing I would change about him is he is Hetero Black, but Homo polled by Pedigree. Be sure to look this bull up at the sale. 30K test. 78 Homo Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 2/25/15 BW 89 Adj. WW 770 Adj. YW 1268 ADG 2.99 API 136.6 TI 75.8 CE 10.8 30 BW 2.5 KOCH Cattle KOCH LUCKY MONTE 586C S 79 Tattoo: 586C ASA# 3007140 GW LUCKY CHARM 665K Sire: KOCH LC MONTE 803U LRS MS REVOLUTION 656S GW LUCKY MAN 644N Dam: KOCH MS LUCKYMAN 040X SRS U11 WW YW MCE MM MWW Stay CW 76.2 111.2 10.8 14.5 52.6 39.3 10 15 35 15 YG -0.2 80 BW 95 Adj. WW 724 Adj. YW 1285 ADG 3.76 API 127.2 TI CE 9.6 72.4 BW 2.4 KOCH Cattle KOCH MR MONTE U83 5C4 Homo Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 3/8/15 Tattoo: 5C4 ASA# 3007095 GW LUCKY CHARM 665K Sire: KOCH LC MONTE 803U LRS MS REVOLUTION 656S SRS LAND ROVER L1007 Dam: SRS U83 SRS LIPPY L1088 WW YW MCE 72.6 101.7 8.4 15 30 MM MWW Stay 15.4 51.7 CW YG Marb BF REA 33.5 -0.18 0.26 -.040 0.56 30 20 Lot 80 Homo Black Homo Polled by pedigree; here is another Monte son born March 3. One of the younger bulls in the sale gaining 3.55 pounds on mid weight test, bulls are fed a growing ration not pushed for maximum weight gain but to grow and develop to last. BW 94 767 Adj. YW 1326 ADG 3.14 API 139.1 TI 76.2 BW 1.6 Tattoo: 597C ASA# 3007185 GW LUCKY CHARM 665K Sire: KOCH LC MONTE 803U LRS MS REVOLUTION 656S GW LUCKY MAN 644N Dam: MFSR LUCKY 502X 311R WW YW MCE 74.7 113.8 11.2 10 10 30 MM MWW Stay 18.2 55.6 35 CW YG Marb BF REA 39.9 -0.22 0.26 -.043 0.7 15 20 Lot 79 Homo Black Homo Polled by pedigree. Top 20% for CE, WW, YW, DOC. Top 15% API and TI. Dam is a good daughter of GW Lucky Man that really produces nice calves. March born bull with an adjusted weaning weight 767 pounds and weaning ratio 110. Lot 78 Homo Black Homo Polled by pedigree. Top 10% Wean, 15% Year, 15% API and 10% TI. We have 14 half brothers out of Koch LC Monte 803 plus there are 4 more in the sale from other consignors. Another calm, thick good Monte son. S Homo Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 3/2/15 Adj. WW CE 11.6 20 Marb BF REA 0.29 -.044 0.64 15 KOCH Cattle KOCH LUCKY MONTE 597C S 19 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM 81 Homo Black Polled PB SM BD: 3/12/15 BW 89 Adj. WW 750 Adj. YW 1278 ADG 3.56 API 135.3 BW 1.4 Tattoo: 5C11 ASA# 3007143 GW LUCKY CHARM 665K Sire: KOCH LC MONTE 803U LRS MS REVOLUTION 656S TRIPLE C BETTIS S72J Dam: KOCH MS TRIPLE 031X SRS P63 70.5 TI CE 13 15 Lot 81 KOCH Cattle KOCH MONTE 031X 5C11 S WW YW MCE 70.7 101.2 11.6 20 30 25 MM MWW Stay 19.1 54.4 CW YG Marb BF REA 31.8 -0.25 0.12 -.040 0.75 35 Lot 81 Homo black test pending on homo polled. Born March 12, another young bull in the sale with gain of 3.55 pounds on mid weight. Take these half brothers home and raise yourself some calves with pounds and growth. S 82 BW 77 Adj. WW 731 Adj. YW 1276 ADG 3.30 API 149.2 BW -0.1 15 Tattoo: 5C10 ASA# 3007146 GW LUCKY CHARM 665K Sire: KOCH LC MONTE 803U LRS MS REVOLUTION 656S GW LUCKY MAN 644N Dam: KOCH MS LUCKY MAN 030X SRS P6 76.9 TI CE 13.4 10 Lot 82 Black Polled PB SM BD: 3/12/15 KOCH Cattle KOCH MONTE MAN WW YW MCE 69.5 104.9 10.9 25 20 30 MM MWW Stay 15.4 50.1 CW 32 35 YG Marb BF REA -0.22 0.33 -.046 0.6 10 Lot 82 March bull gaining 3.45 and keeping up with the bigger bulls in the pen. Top 4% API and 10% TI. Good Monte son out of GW Lucky Man daughter. 83 Homo Black Polled PB SM BD: 3/15/15 BW 90 Adj. WW 734 Adj. YW 1235 ADG 2.94 API 134.6 71.3 TI CE 11.9 20 BW 1 30 KOCH Cattle KOCH MONTE DREAM 5C13 S Tattoo: 5C13 ASA# 3007100 GW LUCKY CHARM 665K Sire: KOCH LC MONTE 803U LRS MS REVOLUTION 656S CCR MR DREAM ON L17R Dam: SRS T21 SRS P79 WW YW MCE 71.3 104.7 12.3 20 20 15 MM MWW Stay 19.1 54.7 CW YG Marb BF REA 33.4 -0.19 0.13 -.042 0.56 30 Lot 83 Another March bull with Top 20% CE, 25% Wean, 30% Year, 20% API, and 30% TI. Monte crossed with Dream On. KOCH LC Monte – Sire to Lots 76-89 SA 84 BW 70 550 Adj. YW 1021 ADG 2.58 API 133.2 TI Lot 84 20 Homo Black Homo Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN BD: 1/20/15 Adj. WW CE 12.8 30 71.8 BW 0.6 KOCH Cattle KOCH MONTE NEBRASKA 506C WW 65.4 30 Tattoo: 506C ASA# 3007198 GW LUCKY CHARM 665K Sire: KOCH LC MONTE 803U LRS MS REVOLUTION 656S BALDRIDGE NEBRASKA 901 Dam: VERMILION LASS 2046 VERMILION LASS 0281 YW 107 20 MCE 9.2 35 MM MWW Stay 20.4 53.1 CW YG Marb BF REA 34.9 -0.02 0.39 -.005 0.33 25 Lot 84 This bull's dam is 14 years old, raising him and his twin brother. She has raised two sets of twins now and will have calved by sale time. This Monte/Baldrigde Nebraska bred bull with a great disposition and longevity. Top 30% CE and Wean, 20% Year, 35% API and TI. 30K test. Homo Black Homo Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN BD: 3/13/15 BW 95 Adj. WW 778 Adj. YW 1338 ADG 3.92 API 120.6 TI 67 CE 10.7 KOCH Cattle KOCH MR MONTE 611 5C12 SA 85 BW -0.2 35 WW 57.7 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM Tattoo: 5C12 ASA# 3007186 GW LUCKY CHARM 665K Sire: KOCH LC MONTE 803U LRS MS REVOLUTION 656S Dam: 611 YW 83 MCE 4.5 MM MWW Stay 18.4 47.3 CW 18.9 YG Marb BF REA -0.1 0.38 -.008 0.37 Lot 85 Lot 85 March Bull calf gaining 4 pounds per day. Lots of growth and muscle in this bull. Homo Black Homo Polled by pedigree. Dam is Daughter of WCC Special Design out of Baldridge Nebraska (the cow to Lot 84 is the Dam of cow 611). 3/4 Brother to Lot 84. 86 Homo Black Homo Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN BD: 3/17/15 BW 85 Adj. WW 631 Adj. YW 1077 ADG 2.89 API 128 BW -0.3 35 WW 56.7 GW LUCKY CHARM 665K Sire: KOCH LC MONTE 803U LRS MS REVOLUTION 656S YW 85 MCE 7.1 MM MWW Stay 22 50.3 88 BW 95 699 Adj. YW 1166 ADG 2.89 API 122.7 68.6 TI CE 10.2 BW 2 KOCH Cattle KOCH MR MONTE LIGHT 5C15 Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 3/17/15 Adj. WW WW 66.4 30 LRS LIMELIGHT 5501R Dam: KOCH MS LIME 815U JS ALICE TIME 4008 MM MWW Stay 12.6 45.8 90 BW 90 715 Adj. YW 1092 ADG 2.22 API 136.8 TI CE 12 35 75.5 BW 0.8 WW 66.5 30 CW 25 65.8 WW 62.9 O C C EMBLAZON 854E Dam: LRS MS EMBLAZON 0125X LRS MS ELECTRA 539R YW MCE 88.6 6.3 SA MM MWW Stay 11 42.5 CW YG Marb BF REA 25.4 -0.19 0.25 -.014 0.68 35 BW 95 692 Adj. YW 1246 ADG 3.76 API 136.9 73.6 BW 1.1 KOCH Cattle KOCH MONTE 5C19 9245 Homo Black Homo Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN BD: 3/23/15 Adj. WW Tattoo: 5C19 ASA# 3007108 GW LUCKY CHARM 665K Sire: KOCH LC MONTE 803U LRS MS REVOLUTION 656S SINCLAIR NET PRESENT VALUE Dam: TRINITY MIDNIGHT F1 9245 TRINITY CHABLIS 3284 WW YW MCE 64.6 104.9 8.7 35 25 SA MM MWW Stay 14.7 47 CW YG Marb BF REA 34.4 -0.08 0.52 -.009 0.48 25 20 BW 89 644 Adj. YW 1182 ADG 3.30 API 135.9 TI 21 74.8 BW 1 KOCH Cattle KOCH YELLOWSTONE 550C Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/8 AN 1/8 CS Tattoo: 550C BD: 2/3/15 ASA# 3007145 Adj. WW CE 11.9 35 YG Marb BF REA -0.3 0.43 -.035 0.83 15 35 15 Lot 90 Homo Black and Homo Polled by pedigree. This is a growth bull with muscle and dam is a really good producing 1/2 blood cow. Top 15% Wean, 25% Year, 15% REA, and 15% TI. BW 2.1 91 Tattoo: 530C ASA# 3007132 ML BLACK EXCEL J150 Dam: KOCH MS BLEX BUSH 016X JS BEAUTY BUSHWACKER MM MWW Stay 22.6 55.8 30 121.4 GW LUCKY CHARM 665K Sire: KOCH LC MONTE 803U LRS MS REVOLUTION 656S Lot 89 Late March bull whose dam is a thick Angus cow by Present Value. HOOKS TAURUS 24T Sire: HOOK`S YELLOWSTONE 97Y HOOKS SHEYENNE 77S YW MCE 91.4 6.7 2.99 API CE 12.2 35 KOCH Cattle KOCH TRADE YELLOWSTONE Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 1/30/15 Adj. WW 1085 ADG TI CW YG Marb BF REA 31.9 -0.13 0.27 -.028 0.48 30 Lot 88 Mid March bull out of strong producing SimAngus cow, growth and muscle. Top 20% Wean and Yearling. SA Adj. YW 89 Tattoo: 5C15 ASA# 3007203 GW LUCKY CHARM 665K Sire: KOCH LC MONTE 803U LRS MS REVOLUTION 656S YW MCE 99.3 8 35 95 638 Tattoo: 5C17 ASA# 3007190 Lot 87 Another March Bull out of an Emblazon cow we call "Chunky". She is a deep, thick wide cow, with a calm disposition. Crossed with Monte, this bull will grow with depth and thickness. Lot 86 March bull calf out of BCC Bushwacker cow by Monte. These 1/2 SM 1/2 AN bulls out of Monte and 6006 cow are an awesome cross. Young bull with muscle and growth is a proven cross. SA BW CE 11.3 REA 0.43 KOCH Cattle KOCH EMBLAZON MONTE Black Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 3/17/15 Adj. WW TI CW YG Marb BF 20.2 -0.08 0.44 .008 30 SA 87 Tattoo: 5C16 ASA# 3007124 B C C BUSHWACKER 41-93 Dam: PRIDE OF THISTLEDEW 6006 BALDRIDGE PRIDE L156 68.5 TI CE 11 KOCH Cattle KOCH MONTE 5C16 6006 SA HOOKS TAURUS 24T Sire: HOOK`S YELLOWSTONE 97Y HOOKS SHEYENNE 77S KOCH LC MONTE 803U Dam: KOCH MS M 734 032X 734 WW YW MCE 68 104.1 6.6 25 25 MM MWW Stay 19 53 CW YG Marb BF REA 33.3 -0.28 0.32 -.057 0.71 30 20 25 30 Lot 91 Homo Black and Homo Polled by pedigree. Hooks Yellowstone on a Monte daughter, carcass, yearling and weaning EPD's. Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM 92 BW 90 718 Adj. YW 1246 ADG 3.20 API 155.3 81.4 TI Lot 92 Homo Black Polled PB SM BD: 2/1/15 Adj. WW BW 0.8 30 CE 14.1 10 KOCH Cattle KOCH CHARM STONE S Tattoo: 542C ASA# 3007119 HOOKS TAURUS 24T Sire: HOOK`S YELLOWSTONE 97Y HOOKS SHEYENNE 77S GW SNAKE EYES 173T Dam: GW MISS SNAKE EYES 195W GW MISS LUCKY CHARM 832P WW YW MCE 72.8 112.4 10.8 15 10 35 MM MWW Stay 21.6 58 20 CW 37.8 20 YG Marb BF REA -0.3 0.43 -.055 0.84 3 35 Lot 92 Test pending for Black and Polled will have results by sale time. Top 2% API and TI this is an great cross in an attractive package. Bull with style and muscle. SA 93 Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 2/2/15 BW 89 Adj. WW 691 Adj. YW 1235 ADG 3.61 API 157.1 80.6 TI CE 15 15 KOCH Cattle KOCH FOCUS YELLOWSTONE BW -0.2 35 Tattoo: 544C ASA# 3007177 HOOKS TAURUS 24T Sire: HOOK`S YELLOWSTONE 97Y HOOKS SHEYENNE 77S TNT DUAL FOCUS T249 Dam: KOCH MS DUAL 233Z KOCH BLUE LUCKY 026X WW YW MCE 66.1 104.8 9.6 30 25 30 MM MWW Stay 20.5 53.6 CW YG Marb BF REA 32.2 -0.28 0.54 -.043 0.79 30 20 20 20 Lot 93 Homo Black and Homo Polled by pedigree. Hooks Yellowstone, Dual Focus, RAB-EGL Blue Moon, Lucky Ace cross bull. This bull gained 4 pounds on grow ration. Top 15% CE, 30% Wean, 30% Year, 20% REA, 10% for both API and TI. This bull has calving ease and grow power to put pounds on your calves. 94 BW 89 654 Adj. YW 1210 ADG 3.30 API 157.7 80.5 TI Lot 94 SA 95 BW Adj. WW 721 Adj. YW 1267 ADG 3.81 API 141.7 TI 74.2 CE 14.7 15 BW -0.9 25 WW 62.5 KOCH Cattle KOCH LUCKY YELLOWSTONE BW GW LUCKY CHARM 665K Dam: KOCH T743 743 MM MWW Stay 26.9 58.2 15 15 CW 25.3 BALDRIDGE NEBRASKA 901 Dam: JS BEAUTY NEBRASKA JS BEAUTY BUSHWACKER SA MM MWW Stay 25.1 56 25 25 CW YG Marb BF REA 29.8 -0.15 0.66 -.020 0.57 10 YG Marb BF REA -0.3 0.41 -.057 0.68 15 35 25 35 22 90 673 Adj. YW 1222 ADG 3.51 API 139.4 CE 14.2 20 70.8 BW -0.5 30 KOCH Cattle KOCH YELLOWSTONE SH 537C Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 1/31/15 Adj. WW TI Lot 95 Homo Black and Homo Polled by pedigree dam with weaning ratio of 103. Luck Charm cross on Yellowstone. This bull gained 3.58 pound to Mid test. Strong EPD's in this bull. He will work on cows and provide lots of growth. HOOKS TAURUS 24T Sire: HOOK`S YELLOWSTONE 97Y HOOKS SHEYENNE 77S WW YW MCE 61.8 103.1 9.7 30 30 96 HOOKS TAURUS 24T Sire: HOOK`S YELLOWSTONE 97Y HOOKS SHEYENNE 77S YW MCE 95.3 8.4 BW -1.4 20 Tattoo: 521C ASA# 3007122 Lot 94 Homo Black and Homo Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN bull out of a really good cow family that has produced for us year after year. Top 10% for both API and TI. 30K test. Homo Black Homo Polled 5/8 SM 1/4 AN 1/8 MX Tattoo: 529C BD: 1/30/15 ASA# 3007125 89 Homo Black Homo Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN BD: 1/28/15 Adj. WW CE 14.9 15 KOCH Cattle KOCH MR YELLOWSTONE SA WW 59.7 Tattoo: 537C ASA# 3007089 HOOKS TAURUS 24T Sire: HOOK`S YELLOWSTONE 97Y HOOKS SHEYENNE 77S KAPPES STEAKHOUSE N317 Dam: KOCH SH 4011 902W JS ROSEANNE WINDY 4011 YW MCE 90.7 8.2 MM MWW Stay 20.3 50.1 CW YG Marb BF REA 23.3 -0.28 0.32 -.036 0.74 20 25 Lot 96 Homo Black and Homo Polled by pedigree. Top gaining bull for us in to Mid Weight gained 4.18 pounds, take a look at this bull he has muscle, growth and is stout. Homo Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 2/8/15 BW 89 Adj. WW 746 Adj. YW 1181 ADG 2.47 API 139.1 BW 0.3 20 WW 60.6 Tattoo: 565C ASA# 3007106 HOOKS TAURUS 24T Sire: HOOK`S YELLOWSTONE 97Y HOOKS SHEYENNE 77S SRS J914 PREFERRED BEEF Dam: SRS T16 KAPPES LACEY P295 71 TI CE 12.8 15 KOCH Cattle KOCH YELLOWSTONE 565C S 97 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM YW MCE 91.7 10.3 MM MWW Stay 28.8 59.1 10 15 CW YG Marb BF REA 24.9 -0.39 0.24 -.071 0.84 15 25 20 35 Lot 97 Black and polled dam is a quiet Preferred Beef daughter that really out produces herself. Lots 90-97 are all half brothers. SA 98 Homo Black Homo Polled 5/8 SM 1/4 AN 1/8 MX Tattoo: 583C BD: 2/20/15 ASA# 3007165 BW 94 Adj. WW 774 LBR RIGHT FOCUS W271 Sire: NLC YANKEE 34Y NLC W51 WAVERLY Adj. YW 0 ADG 2.89 API 137.4 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 Dam: KOCH MS OLLIE LC 215Z KOCH LC LUCY 813U 71 TI CE 14 20 KOCH Cattle KOCH OLIE YANKEE 583C BW 0.9 WW 64.1 35 YW MCE 96.3 11.3 15 MM MWW Stay 23.7 55.7 35 30 CW YG Marb BF REA 28.5 -0.32 0.34 -.053 0.81 15 25 15 Lot 98 Lot 98 Another great son out of Ollie daughter nice thick bull with muscle and quiet disposition. SA 99 Black Homo Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN BD: 3/2/15 BW 100 Adj. WW 709 Adj. YW 1210 ADG 3.20 API 137 TI CE 11.4 KOCH Cattle KOCH NET YANKEE 596C LBR RIGHT FOCUS W271 Sire: NLC YANKEE 34Y NLC W51 WAVERLY S A V NET WORTH 4200 Dam: KOCH MS LUCKY NET 216Z SRS T3 74.8 BW 2.1 Tattoo: 596C ASA# 3007161 WW YW MCE 66.4 100.7 10.8 30 35 20 MM MWW Stay 25.1 58.3 25 15 CW YG Marb BF REA 32.9 -0.27 0.52 -.036 0.83 30 25 20 15 Lot 99 Lot 99 Son of the bull we purchase from Nelson Livestock. Our "Nelson" bull is a deep, thick, stout, structurally correct bull, with a quiet disposition. "Nelson" is an easy calving bull with growth and thickness that he passes on to his sons. This son of his is a good bull out of a SAV Net Worth, Lucky Man bred cow, she out produces herself time after time. Top 25% WW and YW, 15% REA, 30% API and 20% TI. 100 BW 77 Adj. WW 728 Adj. YW 1168 ADG 2.84 API 143.9 TI CE 12.5 15 71.8 BW 0.1 20 WW 60.1 KOCH Cattle KOCH ROCK YANKEE 593C S Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 2/28/15 Tattoo: 593C ASA# 3007169 LBR RIGHT FOCUS W271 Sire: NLC YANKEE 34Y NLC W51 WAVERLY BLACK SHAMROCK E157 Dam: MISS SPRING VALLEY J499 MISS SPRING VALLEY G399 YW MCE 86.4 11.6 25 MM MWW Stay 28.5 58.6 10 20 CW YG Marb BF REA 21.3 -0.31 0.32 -.044 0.76 10 Lot 100 Half brother to Lot 99 out of a thick deep Black Shamrock cow we bought from Spring Valley. This bull will be one thick, stout, muscle herd bull. Top 10% API and Top 25% TI. Lot 100 23 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM 101 Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 3/8/15 BW 95 Adj. WW 671 Adj. YW 1182 ADG 3.14 API 130.1 70.6 TI BW 2.4 CE 9.4 KOCH Cattle KOCH MR YANKEE AXIS 5C5 S WW 65 Tattoo: 5C5 ASA# 3007202 LBR RIGHT FOCUS W271 Sire: NLC YANKEE 34Y NLC W51 WAVERLY TNT AXIS X307 Dam: LRS MS AXIS 283Z LRS MS DAKOTA 559R YW MCE 95.5 10.4 MM MWW Stay 21.7 54.2 Lot 101 CW YG Marb BF REA 30.2 -0.31 0.3 -.032 0.96 20 15 Lot 101 Another March calf out of our Nelson bull(see lot 99 footnotes). Cow is an LRS cow we purchased. She is a young cow that is producing attractive deep muscled bulls. 102 BW 84 Adj. WW 582 Adj. YW 1051 ADG 3.04 API 137.1 59.4 TI CE 15.4 10 BW -1.9 15 WW 38.9 SA KOCH Cattle KOCH YANKEE 577C Black Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN BD: 2/17/15 Tattoo: 577C ASA# 3007200 LBR RIGHT FOCUS W271 Sire: NLC YANKEE 34Y NLC W51 WAVERLY TFS BLK DREAM L186 5015R Dam: TFS ERICA 0381 2731Z TRINITYERICASILLUSION121 YW MCE 55.8 10 25 MM MWW Stay 24.3 43.8 30 CW 0.8 YG Marb BF REA -0.38 0.34 -.049 0.7 4 30 Lot 102 Out of a moderate frame dam and thick moderate frame bull, this bull should be the same- thick, deep and moderate. Calving ease and REA EPD's. 103 BW 89 Adj. WW 629 Adj. YW 1135 ADG 3.09 API 150.8 71.3 TI CE 15.4 10 Lot 103 BW -0.7 25 WW 55.9 SA KOCH Cattle KOCH YANKEE 5C7 Black Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN BD: 3/9/15 Tattoo: 5C7 ASA# 3007104 LBR RIGHT FOCUS W271 Sire: NLC YANKEE 34Y NLC W51 WAVERLY TFS HUMMER 8003U Dam: TFS FORUM 2730Z TRINITY ERICA 4105 8276 YW MCE 84.4 11.7 15 MM MWW Stay 21.3 49.2 CW YG Marb BF REA 19.3 -0.18 0.51 -.017 0.54 20 Lot 103 Son of our "Nelson" bull out of a moderate frame Hummer 1/2 SM 1/2 AN cow. Strong EPD for API and TI. Attractive, thick bull. 104 BW 83 Adj. WW 746 Adj. YW 1291 ADG 3.71 API 155.7 TI CE 15.6 10 24 79.4 BW -0.7 25 SA KOCH Cattle KOCH FOCUS YANKEE 5C18 Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 3/21/15 Tattoo: 5C18 ASA# 3007138 LBR RIGHT FOCUS W271 Sire: NLC YANKEE 34Y NLC W51 WAVERLY TNT DUAL FOCUS T249 Dam: LRS MS DUAL FOCUS 210Z LRS MS OLIE 065X WW YW MCE 68.7 106.5 11.4 20 25 15 MM MWW Stay 22.5 56.8 25 CW YG Marb BF REA 32.3 -0.27 0.41 -.046 0.75 30 25 35 25 Lot 104 March 21 born bull that is really growing and keeping pace with the older bulls in his group, gaining 3.45 by mid test. Sired by bull we purchased from Nelson Livestock whom is a very deep, thick bull, calves born easy and grow very fast. Top 10% CE, 30% Wean, 10% API, and 15% TI. Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 3/30/15 BW 85 Adj. WW 678 Adj. YW 1243 3.30 API 139.6 72.6 TI BW 0.3 Tattoo: 5C22 ASA# 3007157 LBR RIGHT FOCUS W271 Sire: NLC YANKEE 34Y NLC W51 WAVERLY ADG CE 14.1 20 KOCH Cattle KOCH MR YANKEE 5C22 SA 105 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM WW 63.1 GWS EBONYS TRADEMARK 6N Dam: KOCH MS EBONY FORCE 206Z KOCH IDOL SHEAR 907W YW MCE 93.2 8.1 MM MWW Stay 22 53.6 CW YG Marb BF REA 25.7 -0.33 0.33 -.043 0.87 10 10 Lot 105 Lot 105 March 30 born bull that is really growing and for his age keeping up with the older bulls in his group. Thick bull with lots of room to grow. Black and homo polled by pedigree sire is bull we purchase from Nelson Livestock whom is a very deep thick bull his calves come easy and grow fast. Top 20% CE, Top 25% API 139. 106 Homo Black Homo Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN BD: 2/4/15 BW 95 Adj. WW 731 Adj. YW 1156 ADG 2.53 API 143 BW 0.3 107 Tattoo: 551C ASA# 3007102 HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K Sire: S D S IN FORCE 112Y S D S PRINCESS 925W KOCH LC MONTE 803U Dam: KOCH MS DREAM MONTE KOCH T701 73.5 TI CE 13.9 20 KOCH Cattle KOCH MR M FORCE 551C SA WW 62.2 YW MCE 85.4 9 MM MWW Stay 24.1 55.2 30 30 108 BW 80 Adj. WW 604 Adj. YW 1037 ADG 2.63 API 166.6 TI CE 16.7 10 WW 46.1 1108 ADG 2.42 API 156.1 72.8 BW -0.8 25 WW 54.1 Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 2/6/15 Tattoo: 557C ASA# 3007120 HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K Sire: S D S IN FORCE 112Y S D S PRINCESS 925W KOCH LC MONTE 803U Dam: KOCH MS MONTE W14 349A BDV MS RANCH HAND W14 YW 73 MCE 10.6 20 MM MWW Stay 26.2 53.3 20 CW YG Marb BF REA 11.9 -0.29 0.47 -.049 0.53 20 30 Lot 107 Hooks Shear Force, Koch LC Monte, Sands Ranch Hand-- all this as a nice bull out of a first calf heifer. Homo Black Homo Polled. Top 15 % 20% Milk, 10% API, and 20% TI. Tattoo: 567C ASA# 3007099 HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K Sire: S D S IN FORCE 112Y S D S PRINCESS 925W HTP SVF IN DEW TIME Dam: KOCH MS DEW LUCKY MAN KOCH MS LUCKYMAN 040X 70.9 BW -1.7 15 Adj. YW TI KOCH Cattle KOCH IN DEW FORCE 567C Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 2/9/15 87 703 CE 14.6 15 CW YG Marb BF REA 20.7 -0.21 0.51 -.033 0.52 20 Lot 106 Homo Black Homo Polled Hooks Shear Force, Koch LC Monte bred bull so 3/4 brother to Lot 107, out of a first calf heifer. Top 20% CE, 20% API (134), and 20% TI (75). SA BW Adj. WW KOCH Cattle KOCH M FORCE 557C SA YW 59.3 MCE MM MWW Stay 11.7 25.7 48.8 15 20 CW YG Marb BF REA 2.6 -0.31 0.54 -.036 0.59 15 20 Lot 108 Mother is an In Dew Time, Lucky Man bred cow. Top 10% CE, 4% API, and 20% Milk. Great calving ease bull. 110 BW 89 Adj. WW 721 Adj. YW 1226 ADG 2.94 API 160 TI CE 15.5 10 85.7 BW -1 25 WW 70.3 15 KOCH Cattle KOCH FOCUS INFORCE 543C SA Homo Black Homo Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN BD: 2/1/15 Tattoo: 543C ASA# 3007197 HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K Sire: S D S IN FORCE 112Y S D S PRINCESS 925W TNT DUAL FOCUS T249 Dam: KOCH MS DUAL 31W KOCH MS 31W 140Y YW 106 25 MCE 6.9 MM MWW Stay 23.7 58.9 35 15 CW YG Marb BF REA 31.3 -0.16 0.71 -.024 0.57 35 5 Lot 110 Nice thick, black blaze faced bull with some calving ease. Top 10% CE, 20 % both Wean and Yearling, Top 10% API, and 35% TI. Here is a black blaze faced bull with numbers and calving ease to go with those numbers. 30K test on this bull. Lot 110 25 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM 111 BW 84 Adj. WW 668 Adj. YW 1084 ADG 2.63 API 153.9 Lot 111 112 Hetero Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 2/6/15 BW 89 Adj. WW 691 Adj. YW 1201 ADG 3.25 API 146.7 77 TI CE 12.3 35 BW -0.6 30 WW 64.4 35 HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K Dam: HOOK`S YORK 51Y HOOKS TACEY 104T MCE 11.4 15 MM MWW Stay 26.2 58.4 20 15 114 BW 95 Adj. WW 740 Adj. YW 1164 ADG 2.63 API 134.3 TI CE 8.8 78 BW 1.2 WW 70.6 15 YW MCE 74.5 10.7 20 MM MWW Stay 30.6 55.3 3 30 CW 11 YG Marb BF REA -0.31 0.51 -.043 0.64 15 20 100 812 Adj. YW 1348 ADG 3.56 API 129.6 Tattoo: 563C ASA# 3007142 TNT TUITION U238 Sire: TNT AXIS X307 TNT MISS U27 HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K Dam: PSR MISS FORCE W935 MISS PELTON R534 81.1 BW 2.8 KOCH Cattle KOCH AXIS FORCE 563C WW YW MCE 83 120.7 9.6 2 3 MM MWW Stay 19 60.5 10 CW YG Marb BF REA 45.3 -0.31 0.34 -.030 1.17 5 10 2 Lot 113 This TNT Axis son is out of Hooks Shear Force maternal grandsire, gaining 3.82 by mid test at the feed lot on a growth ration, not pushed for optimal gain. Top 3% Wean, 10% yearling, 2% REA, 30% API, and 3% TI. Nice, thick bull that is very stout. KOCH Cattle KOCH MR AXIS 511C 115 TNT TUITION U238 Sire: TNT AXIS X307 TNT MISS U27 WS BEEF MAKER R13 Dam: LBR MS GINGER MAKER X111 LBR MS RED CHEROKEEN304 MM MWW Stay 20.6 55.9 25 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 Dam: KOCH MS OLLIE PB KOCH PB S6894 Hetero Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 2/7/15 BW CE 7.2 Hetero Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/8 AN 1/8 AR Tattoo: 511C BD: 1/24/15 ASA# 3007172 YW MCE 94.3 8.7 HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K Sire: S D S IN FORCE 112Y S D S PRINCESS 925W S Adj. WW TI CW YG Marb BF REA 24.2 -0.36 0.43 -.029 1.08 5 35 1 LOT 112 Hetero Black, Homo Polled, son of TNT Axis X307 out of a very moderate framed Hooks Shear Force daughter. Great gain and very stout bull. Top 2% REA, 15% Milk, API (140), and 20% TI 76. 30k Test on this bull. SA WW 49.3 113 Tattoo: 555C ASA# 3007174 TNT TUITION U238 Sire: TNT AXIS X307 TNT MISS U27 YW 93 BW -2.4 10 Tattoo: 572C ASA# 3007110 Lot 111 Homo Black Homo Polled by pedigree. Nice heifer bull. Very tame since he was hand raised and loves to be scratched. Moderate framed bull out of moderate frame first calf heifer. Top 10% CE, 3% Milk, 10% API, and 35% TI. KOCH Cattle KOCH AXIS 51Y 555C SA Homo Black Homo Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN BD: 2/10/15 71 TI CE 16.5 10 KOCH Cattle KOCH MR O IN FORCE 572C SA BW 90 Adj. WW 693 Adj. YW 1197 ADG 3.09 $W 47.56 $B CW YG Marb BF REA 27.1 -0.37 0.47 -.026 1.16 5 30 1 CED 6 Lot 114 is a very thick son of TNT Axis. He is hetero black as his dam is a red Beef Maker bred cow. He has really performed on feed and really grown to a thick, stout bull, gained 3.36 pounds by mid weight on feed. He is in the Top 1 % on REA, Top 30 % API and Top 10% for TI. AN Homo Black Homo Polled PB AN BD: 2/18/15 WW 50 Tattoo: 582C AAA# 18332144 PARAMONT AMBUSH 2172 Sire: B C C BUSHWACKER 41-93 R C ANITA T BANDO 918903 S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 Dam: TRINITY ERICA 4105 1270 TRINITY DAYTIME 3283 68.38 BW 1.1 KOCH Cattle KOCH 582C BUSHWACKER 1270 YW 80 CEM Milk 8 21 MW $EN -2.16 30 CW 18 $YG Marb Fat 4.41 0.29 .046 RE 0.56 Lot 115 Purebred Angus Son of BCC Bushwacker. He is out of a really nice Angus that we were hoping for a heifer out of but got this nice bull instead. Dam is a Final Answer cow from Trinity Farms in Washington. EPDs from the American Angus Association. 116 BW 82 Adj. WW 664 Adj. YW 1101 ADG 2.68 API 126.3 TI CE 11.3 25 70.3 BW 1.3 WW 64.9 S Black Polled PB SM BD: 1/15/15 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR FIRE 224/362C Tattoo: 224/362C ASA# 3001645 DIKEMANS SURE BET Sire: CCR SURE FIRE 5028Y CCR MS 4045 TIME 7332T ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 Dam: MFSR OLIE 622Z MFSR MAGGIE 820S YW MCE 89.9 11.2 30 MM MWW Stay 18.6 51 20 CW 25 YG Marb BF REA -0.32 0.17 -.034 0.92 25 Lot 116 is a Sure Fire son that had to get grafted onto a heifer. He is out of an Olie cow. 30K test. 26 117 BW 84 Adj. WW 732 Adj. YW 1310 ADG 3.20 API 119.3 BW 2.7 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR AXIS 110C S Homo Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 1/16/15 Tattoo: 110C ASA# 3001637 TNT TUITION U238 Sire: TNT AXIS X307 TNT MISS U27 SRS RIGHT-ON 22R Dam: MFSR RIGHT-ON 801Y TT-MISS DELIGHT 70.9 TI CE 7.2 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM WW YW MCE 70.2 107.2 9.9 20 25 MM MWW Stay 24.5 59.6 25 15 CW YG Marb BF REA 37.7 -0.26 0.21 -.032 0.91 20 30 25 Lot 117 Here is Axis son that is a better calf than his numbers will indicate. 30K test. MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR RUSH 608/358C S 118 Hetero Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 1/17/15 BW 83 Adj. WW 748 Adj. YW 1260 ADG 3.25 API 129.5 THSF FREEDOM 300N Sire: TRAXS RUSHMORE X103 MISS TRAX U850 BLACK SHAMROCK E157 Dam: MFSR IRISH 415S MFSR 801 210P 70.4 TI CE 11.5 25 BW 0.6 25 WW 66.2 Tattoo: 608/358C ASA# 3001639 YW MCE 99.5 19.4 35 1 MM MWW Stay 23.1 56.2 22.9 30 25 CW 29.9 YG Marb BF REA -0.4 0.05 -.059 1.03 15 10 Here is a black Rushmore son which goes back to Black Irish. This calf was also grafted onto a heifer. 30K test. 119 BW 76 Adj. WW 787 Adj. YW 1331 Hetero Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 1/18/15 3.30 API 130.5 70.1 TI BW 0.3 20 Tattoo: 318C ASA# 3001698 TNT TUITION U238 Sire: TNT AXIS X307 TNT MISS U27 ADG CE 10.7 30 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR AXIS 318C S WW 70.2 25 RAINS LIMIT UP Dam: MFSR LIMIT 141N 905L YW MCE 99.9 12.7 30 15 MM MWW Stay 18.7 53.8 CW YG Marb BF REA 29.4 -0.29 0.08 -.035 0.86 35 Lot 119 Another good Axis son with Limit Up on the dam's side. A good cow family. 30K test. 120 BW 85 Adj. WW 861 Adj. YW 1358 ADG 2.94 API 134 TI CE 11.1 25 80.3 BW 1.7 WW 75.5 10 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR MAKER 824C S Red Hetero Polled PB SM BD: 1/18/15 Tattoo: 824C ASA# 3001612 HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K Sire: WS BEEF MAKER R13 DCR MS RIBEYE N72 REMINGTON RED LABEL HR Dam: MFSR LABEL 614U MFSR BB 404S YW 104 25 MCE 11.5 25 MM MWW Stay 26.7 64.5 18.8 15 3 CW YG Marb BF REA 33.5 -0.39 0.3 -.060 1.05 30 15 15 35 10 Take look here at good red Beef Maker son out of Red Label cow. Good numbers too. 30K test. 27 WS Beef Maker – Sire of Lot 120 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM 121 BW 77 Adj. WW 740 Adj. YW 1322 ADG 3.35 API 113.3 Lot 121 Homo Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 1/18/15 BW 2.3 WW 67.7 30 Tattoo: 361C ASA# 3001608 WHF DESPERADO 212G Sire: ESMJ CONSERVATIVE MJ9365 CNS LISA MARIE J936 MFSR MAGNUM 323S Dam: MFSR M3 724A MFSR JOKER 016T 66.7 TI CE 10.4 35 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR CONSERVE 361C S YW 102 25 MCE 3.1 MM MWW Stay 30.5 64.3 19.9 3 3 CW 34 30 YG Marb BF REA -0.35 -0.06 -.063 0.89 30 35 30 This is one I would recommend for heifers. 30K test. 122 BW 80 Adj. WW 758 Adj. YW 1182 ADG 2.47 API 113.2 TI 61.5 CE 8.3 BW 1.4 WW 61.4 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR MONTE 219C S Homo Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 1/19/15 123 Tattoo: 219C ASA# 3001690 GW LUCKY CHARM 665K Sire: KOCH LC MONTE 803U LRS MS REVOLUTION 656S MR NLC SUPERIOR S6018 Dam: MFSR SUPER 239Z 526M YW MCE 87.8 10.8 35 MM MWW Stay 18.4 49.1 CW 24 BW 77 Adj. WW 735 Adj. YW 1167 ADG 2.89 API 125.7 CE 11.9 20 One of those good Monte calves out of a super Superior cow. 30K test. Black Polled PB SM BD: 1/19/15 BW 1.3 WW 58.9 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR FIRE 023C Tattoo: 023C ASA# 3001652 DIKEMANS SURE BET Sire: CCR SURE FIRE 5028Y CCR MS 4045 TIME 7332T GW LUCKY MAN 644N Dam: MFSR LUCKY 405X JJKP474 67.9 TI YG Marb BF REA -0.27 0.01 -.049 0.63 S YW 80 MCE 9.6 MM MWW Stay 19.6 49 19.4 CW YG Marb BF REA 19.1 -0.32 0.22 -.038 0.81 30 Here is another heifer bull prospect. 30K test. 124 BW 84 Adj. WW 774 Adj. YW 1280 ADG 3.20 API 121 TI CE 7.9 Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 1/19/15 WW 68.5 20 Lot 124 Tattoo: 200C ASA# 3001643 DIKEMANS SURE BET Sire: CCR SURE FIRE 5028Y CCR MS 4045 TIME 7332T APEX FOCUS 053 Dam: MFSR APEX 416Z MFSR 801 133P 70.1 BW 2.2 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR FIRE 200C SA YW MCE 98.2 10.6 20 MM MWW Stay 20.3 54.5 35 CW YG Marb BF REA 31.3 -0.21 0.27 -.018 0.77 35 20 A good SimAngus bull. Better than the numbers would indicate. 30K test. 125 BW 72 Adj. WW 693 Adj. YW 1225 ADG 2.73 API 122.4 TI CE 12.7 15 Lot 125 65.5 BW 1.4 WW 58.4 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR CONSERVE 341C S Homo Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 1/19/15 WHF DESPERADO 212G Sire: ESMJ CONSERVATIVE MJ9365 CNS LISA MARIE J936 SRS RIGHT-ON 22R Dam: MFSR RIGHT-ON 25A 88M YW MCE 89.6 2.9 MM MWW Stay 29.1 58.3 20.6 5 20 Now here is a true easy calving heifer bull. 30K test. 28 Tattoo: 341C ASA# 3001605 CW YG Marb BF REA 25.5 -0.34 0.06 -.060 0.77 35 35 126 BW 78 Adj. WW 706 Adj. YW 1281 ADG 3.14 API 115.8 BW 0.8 30 WW 61.7 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR RUSH 027C S Red Homo Polled PB SM BD: 1/20/15 Tattoo: 027C ASA# 3001691 THSF FREEDOM 300N Sire: TRAXS RUSHMORE X103 MISS TRAX U850 REMINGTON RED LABEL HR Dam: MFSR LABEL 214X 915M 63.8 TI CE 10.8 30 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM YW 92 MCE 16 1 MM MWW Stay 16.7 47.5 20.8 CW YG Marb BF REA 25.8 -0.42 -0.06 -.058 1.05 10 10 Lot 126 This Rushmore son is a herd bull prospect with good birth weight numbers. 30K test. 127 BW 81 Adj. WW 788 Adj. YW 1392 ADG 3.66 API 121.8 S Black Polled PB SM BD: 1/20/15 BW 2.2 Tattoo: 510C ASA# 3001685 SRS J914 PREFERRED BEEF Sire: SRS RIGHT-ON 22R SRS G720 GILLIAN MS MR IRISH 801K Dam: 310R MFSR BB 804N 68 TI CE 10.1 35 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR RIGHT-ON 510C WW YW MCE 66.4 105.5 12.7 35 20 15 MM MWW Stay 27.2 60.5 21.7 15 10 CW YG Marb BF REA 36.2 -0.24 0.04 -.052 0.65 20 Good performance Right-On son. 30K test. 128 BW 73 Adj. WW 769 Adj. YW 1227 ADG 2.78 API 148.1 BW -0.4 30 WW 67.9 25 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR MAKER 201C Red Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AR BD: 1/20/15 Tattoo: 201C ASA# 3001646 HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K Sire: WS BEEF MAKER R13 DCR MS RIBEYE N72 SHOCO DATA Dam: MFSR SHOCO 824Z MFSR LABEL 614U 78.8 TI CE 13.4 25 SR SRS Right On – Sire of Lot 127 YW MCE 92.8 9.2 35 MM MWW Stay 26.6 60.5 15 10 CW 23.9 YG Marb BF REA -0.3 0.44 -.037 0.82 15 30 15 Lot 128 Here is a good red SimAngus son with heifer bull qualities. 30K test. 129 BW 100 Adj. WW 826 Adj. YW 1393 ADG 3.45 API 103.7 TI CE 5.3 67.3 BW 4.1 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR MONTE 836C S Homo Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 1/20/15 Tattoo: 836C ASA# 3001644 GW LUCKY CHARM 665K Sire: KOCH LC MONTE 803U LRS MS REVOLUTION 656S PVF-BF BF26 BLACK JOKER Dam: MFSR JOKER 146U TT MIDNIGHT FORTUNE WW YW MCE 75.4 115.3 9 10 10 MM MWW Stay 16.9 54.6 CW 44.5 5 YG Marb BF REA -0.2 0.06 -.040 0.73 Here was my pick of the bunch! An outstanding Monte son for mature cows. 30K test. Lot 129 29 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM 130 BW 86 Adj. WW 730 Adj. YW 1165 ADG 2.63 API 133 Black Polled PB SM BD: 1/20/15 BW 1.6 WW 62.1 Tattoo: 101C ASA# 3001616 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 Sire: ELLINGSON DOMINATOR W905 ELLINGSON HUMMER T713 TRIPLE C BETTIS S72J Dam: MFSR BETTIS 710Y MFSR JOKER 411T 66.4 TI CE 14 10 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR DOMINATOR 101C S YW MCE 84.7 10.8 35 MM MWW Stay 17.3 48.4 25 10 CW 22.3 YG Marb BF REA -0.4 0.08 -.061 0.91 15 35 25 Good solid Dominator son. 30K test. Ellingson Dominator – Sire of Lot 130 131 BW 78 Adj. WW 745 Adj. YW 1251 ADG 3.30 API 125.5 Lot 131 Homo Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 1/21/15 BW 1.7 WW 63.8 Tattoo: 015C ASA# 3001700 GW LUCKY CHARM 665K Sire: KOCH LC MONTE 803U LRS MS REVOLUTION 656S ES DAKOTA NK68 Dam: MFSR DAKOTA 508X 131R 67 TI CE 11 25 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR MONTE 015C S YW MCE 91.7 8.7 MM MWW Stay 18.4 50.3 CW 26.8 YG Marb BF REA -0.3 0.16 -.061 0.67 35 Another Monte son to match the others with their thickness and growth. 30K test. 132 BW 86 Adj. WW 891 Adj. YW 1373 ADG 3.40 API 118 TI CE 8.8 SA Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 1/21/15 Tattoo: 100C ASA# 3001679 GW LUCKY CHARM 665K Sire: KOCH LC MONTE 803U LRS MS REVOLUTION 656S KMK ALLIANCE 6595 I87 Dam: MFSR ALLI 75Y MFSR MAGNUM 801T 74.7 BW 2.2 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR MONTE 100C WW YW MCE 80.1 118.9 7.6 2 10 MM MWW Stay 16.9 57 20 CW 43.4 10 YG Marb BF REA -0.1 0.19 -.022 0.55 A powerful Monte son that will fit the bill for your performance. 30K test. 133 BW 80 Adj. WW 774 Adj. YW 1273 ADG 3.09 API 129.5 TI CE 10.4 35 Lot 133 76.1 BW 1.2 35 WW 74.8 10 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR KING 102C S Red Homo Polled PB SM BD: 1/21/15 Tattoo: 102C ASA# 3001565 WS BEEF MAKER R13 Sire: WS BEEF KING W107 WS MISS DREAMBOAT T17 MFSR ROD 331U Dam: MFSR HR3 320Y MFSR DASH 013N YW MCE 99.2 14.8 35 3 MM MWW Stay 15.8 53.2 20.3 CW YG Marb BF REA 29.7 -0.37 0.18 -.072 0.82 25 20 An outstanding Beef King son, with some BLING and calving ease too. 30K test. 30 134 BW 87 Adj. WW 855 Adj. YW 1324 ADG 2.58 API 126 S Black Polled PB SM BD: 1/21/15 BW 3.2 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR AXIS 105C 135 Tattoo: 105C ASA# 3001560 TNT TUITION U238 Sire: TNT AXIS X307 TNT MISS U27 LRS TIME ZONE 28U Dam: MFSR ZONE 715Y JJK T704 77.5 TI CE 6.1 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM WW YW MCE 80.1 111.6 10.9 10 30 3 MM MWW Stay 17.2 57.2 25 136 BW 82 Adj. WW 758 Adj. YW 1186 ADG 3.09 API 129.2 TI 68.8 CE 9.5 BW 2.5 WW 61.8 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR RIGHT-ON 119C LRS TIME ZONE 28U Dam: MFSR ZONE 502Y 311R MM MWW Stay 19.9 50.8 22.1 35 BW 90 Adj. WW 688 Adj. YW 1122 ADG 2.78 API 113.4 BW 1.6 WW 63.4 135.5 Tattoo: 123C ASA# 3001614 WS BEEF MAKER R13 Sire: WS BEEF KING W107 WS MISS DREAMBOAT T17 SHOCO DATA Dam: MFSR DATA 222Y 704M 73.7 CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW Stay CW 9.9 1.5 70.4 15 91.3 12.2 10 13.9 25.5 -0.29 0.36 -.047 0.74 20 25 49.1 YG Marb BF REA BW 82 Adj. WW 745 Adj. YW 1261 ADG 2.78 API 119 TI CW 24.4 YG Marb BF REA -0.3 0.26 -.057 0.65 20 Black Polled PB SM BD: 1/26/15 WW 62 Tattoo: 340C ASA# 3001706 WHF DESPERADO 212G Sire: ESMJ CONSERVATIVE MJ9365 CNS LISA MARIE J936 PPSR 69W Dam: JJK MISS A395 69W MISS PRICKLY PEAR 727T 66.8 BW 2.3 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR CONSERVE 340C S YW MCE 93.9 4.7 MM MWW Stay 30.8 61.8 19.4 2 10 CW YG Marb BF REA 29.3 -0.36 0.07 -.056 0.91 25 25 Another one of those easy calving Conservative sons. 30K test. MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR RUSH 106C Tattoo: 106C ASA# 3001674 THSF FREEDOM 300N Sire: TRAXS RUSHMORE X103 MISS TRAX U850 WS BEEF KING W107 Dam: MFSR KING 620Y MFSR HOTTIE 940S 65.4 TI CE 11.6 20 Red Polled PB SM BD: 1/26/15 3.04 API CE 11.9 20 More of those growthy Right-On calves. They never miss. 30K test. 138 1183 ADG 137 Tattoo: 119C ASA# 3001623 SRS J914 PREFERRED BEEF Sire: SRS RIGHT-ON 22R SRS G720 GILLIAN S Adj. YW Red Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AR BD: 1/22/15 Another pretty good Beef King son. 30K test. Hetero Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 1/25/15 YW MCE 85.9 10 86 721 TI CW YG Marb BF REA 40.3 -0.28 0.32 -.032 1 15 10 15 Some different blood lines in this bull. 30K test. SR BW Adj. WW MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR KING 123C SR YW MCE 86.9 15.4 2 MM MWW Stay 15.5 47.2 17.9 CW YG Marb BF REA 23.6 -0.42 0.02 -.057 1.02 10 10 Lot 138 A solid Rushmore son out of good Beef King cow family. 30K test. 139 BW 86 Adj. WW 783 Adj. YW 1339 ADG 3.40 API 121.4 TI CE 10.6 30 66.7 BW 2.3 WW 65.4 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR FIRE 909C S Homo Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 1/26/15 140 Tattoo: 909C ASA# 3001669 DIKEMANS SURE BET Sire: CCR SURE FIRE 5028Y CCR MS 4045 TIME 7332T BW KSU VENOM 101M Dam: MFSR VENOM 221W 034M YW MCE 92.2 11.6 25 MM MWW Stay 15.4 48.1 21.2 Adj. WW 713 Adj. YW 1267 ADG 3.14 API 109.1 TI CW YG Marb BF REA 27.9 -0.27 0.09 -.038 0.75 Another Sure Fire son with moderate birth weight and a great weaning weight. 30K test. CE 4.6 31 100 64.2 BW 5.6 WW 69.4 25 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR FIRE 75C S Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 1/27/15 Tattoo: 75C ASA# 3001558 DIKEMANS SURE BET Sire: CCR SURE FIRE 5028Y CCR MS 4045 TIME 7332T GFI MAGNUM K52 Dam: MFSR MAGNUM 801T TT-MISS DELIGHT YW MCE 94.3 8.9 MM MWW Stay 16.3 51 21 Sure Fire son out of big Magnum cow. 30K test. CW YG Marb BF REA 33.7 -0.27 0.1 -.045 0.78 30 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM 141 BW 83 Adj. WW 658 Adj. YW 1232 ADG 3.40 API 132.9 Lot 141 Red Homo Polled PB SM BD: 2/6/15 BW 1.2 35 Tattoo: 712C ASA# 3001688 WS BEEF KING W107 Sire: CDI PROPOSITION 289A CDI MS HIGH ROLLER 60Y WCS MR HOT ROD 210M Dam: MFSR ROD 417T MFSR NOPHALT 809P 73.1 TI CE 12.4 15 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR PROP 712C S WW YW MCE 67.5 101.8 12.8 30 30 15 MM MWW Stay 25.7 59.4 21.3 20 15 CW YG Marb BF REA 32.1 -0.22 0.18 -.018 0.83 35 First calf out of my new Proposition bull, and I think he will only get better. 30K test. 142 BW 81 Adj. WW 707 Adj. YW 1063 ADG 2.37 API 133.5 TI CE 12.3 15 69.1 BW 0.9 30 WW 61.2 S Red Polled PB SM BD: 2/6/15 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR PROP 350C 143 Tattoo: 350C ASA# 3001576 WS BEEF KING W107 Sire: CDI PROPOSITION 289A CDI MS HIGH ROLLER 60Y TRAXS RUSHMORE X103 Dam: MFSR RUSH 529A 904R YW MCE 81.4 13.3 10 MM MWW Stay 17.7 48.3 23.1 25 CW 19.1 BW 86 Adj. WW 808 Adj. YW 1383 ADG 3.76 API 97 Hetero Black Hetero Polled PB SM BD: 2/7/15 BW 3.8 Tattoo: 716C ASA# 3001567 TOP FUEL U250 HR Sire: MFSR FUEL 614Z MFSR BB 404S RYMO MR PREFERRED P09R Dam: RYMO SHEZA BEEF LABEL RYMO MISS LABEL 943L 67.1 TI CE 5.9 YG Marb BF REA -0.4 0.18 -.037 1.08 15 5 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR 95TF 716C S WW YW MCE 72.7 110.8 11.4 15 15 25 MM MWW Stay 20.7 57.1 13.8 25 CW YG Marb BF REA 41.4 -0.23 0 -.063 0.61 10 35 30K test. Another good Proposition calf with a Rushmore dam. 30K test. 144 BW 86 Adj. WW 719 Adj. YW 1302 ADG 3.97 API 121.6 TI CE 12.2 35 Red Hetero Polled 3/4 SM 1/8 CS 1/8 MX BD: 2/8/15 WW 58.4 Tattoo: 918C ASA# 3001651 SRS RIGHT-ON 22R Sire: LBR ASSURANCE Y702 LBR MISS DREAM T702S CIRCLE S LEACHMAN 600U Dam: MS 717J 239G_ 67 BW 1.4 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR FRANK 918C S YW MCE 96.4 11 20 MM MWW Stay 24 53.2 17.6 30 CW 30 35 YG Marb BF REA -0.15 0.16 -.034 0.46 No homo black here (red calf out of black parents). Possible outcross for those looking for different red bloodlines. 30K test. LBR Assurance – Sire of Lot 144 145 BW 85 Adj. WW 679 Adj. YW 1167 ADG 3.40 API 127.2 TI CE 11.6 20 Lot 145 67 BW 1.4 WW 61.4 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR PROP 028C S Red Homo Polled PB SM BD: 2/9/15 WS BEEF KING W107 Sire: CDI PROPOSITION 289A CDI MS HIGH ROLLER 60Y MFSR MAGNUM 323S Dam: MFSR M3 603X MFSR BB 336S YW MCE 80.2 12.4 15 MM MWW Stay 24.5 55.2 23.1 25 35 25 Another good Proposition calf. 30K test. 32 Tattoo: 028C ASA# 3001689 CW YG Marb BF REA 19.2 -0.34 0.11 -.046 0.81 35 146 BW 92 Adj. WW 729 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR HR3 020C S Hetero Homo Black Polled PB SM BD: 2/9/15 999 ADG 1.80 API 92.5 MFSR ROD 331U Dam: MFSR HR3 410X LBR MS DAYTONA P434 51.1 TI BW 3.9 Tattoo: 020C ASA# 3001659 WCS MR HOT ROD 210M Sire: MFSR ROD 331U MFSR DASH 821N Adj. YW CE 5.6 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM WW 55.2 YW MCE 63.8 10.4 MM MWW Stay 13.8 41.4 20.9 CW YG Marb BF REA 12.9 -0.28 -0.14 -.055 0.46 Lot 146 Lot 146's numbers might not be too good, but this is a good calf form good cow family. 30K test. 148 BW S Black Polled PB SM BD: 2/10/15 677 Adj. YW 1187 ADG 3.35 API 124.4 TI 67.3 CE 11.6 20 BW 1.7 WW 56.7 SRS RIGHT-ON 22R Dam: MFSR RIGHT-ON 720A MFSR TESTIMONY 936T YW MCE 93.4 10.9 30 MM MWW Stay 24.1 52.5 18.2 30 CW 28.7 YG Marb BF REA -0.2 0.23 -.040 0.52 25 BW 95 Adj. WW 780 Adj. YW 1242 ADG 2.68 API 88 Adj. WW Adj. YW 1330 ADG 3.14 API 125.7 SRS RIGHT-ON 22R Sire: LBR ASSURANCE Y702 LBR MISS DREAM T702S HC HUMMER 12M Dam: MFSR HUMMER 823T 823 74.4 CE BW WW 11.3 1.8 68 25 YW MCE 107.2 11.1 20 15 MM MWW Stay CW 23.9 35 36.5 -0.13 0.27 -.027 0.51 20 57.9 20 16.3 YG Marb BF REA MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR 95TF 320C S Red Homo Polled PB SM BD: 2/13/15 Tattoo: 320C ASA# 3001703 TOP FUEL U250 HR Sire: MFSR FUEL 614Z MFSR BB 404S MS DASH 126G Dam: MFSR DASH 013N MS MISS PRIDE 703K 62.8 TI 87 816 Tattoo: 722C ASA# 3001563 Some pretty good numbers in this younger calf. 30K test. Double Right-On in this pedigree. 30K test. 150 Hetero Black Hetero Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 MX BD: 2/12/15 BW TI MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR FRANK 722C SA 149 Tattoo: 365C ASA# 3001670 SRS RIGHT-ON 22R Sire: LBR ASSURANCE Y702 LBR MISS DREAM T702S 79 Adj. WW MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR FRANK 365C CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW Stay CW 5.4 4 69.3 25 99.2 35 13.2 10 18.7 34.6 -0.28 -0.06 -.073 0.61 25 20 53.3 12.5 YG Marb BF REA Lot 150 Old fashion, red calf from a good cow family. 30K test. 151 BW 90 Adj. WW 719 Adj. YW 1219 ADG 3.25 API 117.8 TI CE 10.6 30 60.1 BW 1.5 WW 58.4 S Black Polled PB SM BD: 2/16/15 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR CRUISE 20C 152 Tattoo: 20C ASA# 3001694 CDI ENDEAVOR 13X Sire: CDI CRUISE 230A TJ 4N RAINS LIMIT UP Dam: 807M 603H YW MCE 84.6 10.9 30 MM MWW Stay 19.9 49.1 BW 93 Adj. WW 762 Adj. YW 1218 ADG 2.73 API 101.2 TI CW YG Marb BF REA 22.5 -0.29 0.01 -.042 0.74 First and only calf out of my new Cruise bull, but will sure be a favorite sire group in the years ahead. 30K test. CE 5.8 33 63.1 BW 5.1 S Red Polled PB SM BD: 2/21/15 MILLER SIMMENTAL MFSR HR3 98C Tattoo: 98C ASA# 3001673 WCS MR HOT ROD 210M Sire: MFSR ROD 331U MFSR DASH 821N MFSR LABEL 336T Dam: MFSR RL3 712W MFSR ROD 417T WW YW MCE 73.2 100.8 10.9 15 30 30 MM MWW Stay 15.4 51.9 19.5 CW YG Marb BF REA 36.7 -0.22 -0.06 -.053 0.59 20 A good red calf for being one of the youngest in the sale. 30K test. Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM 153 BW 83 Adj. WW 799 Adj. YW 1335 ADG 3.71 API 124.3 BW 2.7 154 BW 83 Adj. WW 737 Adj. YW 1198 ADG 3.25 API 114.4 TI CE 6.6 155 Tattoo: U62C ASA# 3023563 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 Sire: ALL/FHG FIRST ASCENT 117Y OVAL F NICOLETTE N443 DAUME LEGEND M081 Dam: RYMO GEORGIAS LEGEND RYMO MISS 600U 615K 68.9 BW 2.8 WW YW MCE 70.9 108.5 6.1 20 15 MM MWW Stay 24.2 59.6 20.3 30 15 BW 83 Adj. WW 683 972 ADG 1.96 API 107.5 BW 0.7 25 WW 46.1 BW 74 Adj. WW 824 Adj. YW 1314 ADG 3.35 API 143.7 TI BW 75 832 Adj. YW 1308 ADG 3.25 API 143.2 TI 74.1 CE 15.1 3 BW 0.9 30 RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO LAND FREE F87C ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 Dam: RYMO SHEZA OLIE 087A SRS U87 MM MWW Stay 16.7 54.4 CW 39.7 15 YW MCE 56.8 8 MM MWW Stay 23.5 46.6 16.6 35 CW 4.6 YG Marb BF REA -0.4 0.15 -.063 0.68 15 35 RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO LEGACY BREAK F54C S Homo Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 1/15/15 Tattoo: F54C ASA# 3023603 NLC STETSON 36S Sire: NLC BREAK FREE 72W NLC K7551 KAVALINE ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 Dam: RYMO MISS OLIE 054A RYMO MS RUM CANYON 353U WW YW MCE 70 108.5 11.1 25 15 30 BW 78 Adj. WW 758 Adj. YW 1314 ADG 3.56 API 124.2 TI CE 14 10 YG Marb BF REA -0.4 0.07 -.062 1.13 15 35 3 Lot 157 is a 3/4 brother to 156 out of a first calf Olie heifer as well. She too did an phenomenal job with an 832 lb. Adj. WW and started at 75 lbs. Wow! Very similar in structure, type and EPD's to 156. They would make a great package. 30K test. KSR COALMINER 451R Dam: BDV MS COAL MINER T68 BDV MS SMOKER R68 73.5 BW 0.4 20 158 Tattoo: F87C ASA# 3023607 NLC STETSON 36S Sire: NLC BREAK FREE 72W NLC K7551 KAVALINE WW YW MCE 75.6 115.4 12.9 10 10 15 Tattoo: U67C ASA# 3023612 MM MWW Stay 18 53 CW 35 25 YG Marb BF REA -0.34 0.16 -.058 0.91 35 25 Lot 156 is a stand out. This Break Free son is out of a first calf heifer that did an outstanding job with an 824 lb. Adj. WW and he only started at 74 lbs.! He is very clean fronted and showy. Once you get past his physical strengths, his numbers will make you love him even more. Very solid and usable numbers across the board. 30K test. Lot 156 Adj. WW Black Polled PB SM BD: 1/20/15 Give Miner Ascent a look. His numbers don't do him the justice he deserves. His Coal Miner dam came from Begger's Diamond V and she has produced 4 great bull calves for us. She is very moderate in frame, great udder, and consistently produces the kind of calves you like to have in the feed lot. CE 14.9 4 Homo Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 1/15/15 CW YG Marb BF REA 42.8 -0.34 0.12 -.070 0.92 10 35 20 25 RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO MINER ASCENT U67C S 59.1 CE 8.5 156 157 MM MWW Stay 27.4 65.1 21 10 2 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 Sire: ALL/FHG FIRST ASCENT 117Y OVAL F NICOLETTE N443 Adj. YW TI CW YG Marb BF REA 38.5 -0.33 0.02 -.060 0.92 15 35 25 An Ascent son out of a Legend/600U cow. Shorter in length than lot 153 but has lots of depth and power. Top 3% for Shear along with impressive growth and ADG numbers. 30K test. S GW LUCKY MAN 644N Dam: RYMO LUCKY ROCK L19X RYMO SHEZA SHAMROCK S19U Wow. Here is a super First Ascent calf out of a Lucky Man/Shamrock cow. Very long, balanced and complete. Great growth, maternal, and carcass numbers. Super disposition. 30K test. RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO LEGENDS ASCENT U62C Homo Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 1/29/15 Tattoo: U19C ASA# 3023575 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 Sire: ALL/FHG FIRST ASCENT 117Y OVAL F NICOLETTE N443 WW YW MCE 75.5 116.1 10.2 10 10 Lot 153 S Homo Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 1/25/15 74.9 TI CE 7.3 RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO LUCKY ASCENT U19C S 34 75.7 BW 0.3 20 RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO OLIE MARK 017C S Hetero Black Homo Polled PB SM BD: 1/14/15 Tattoo: 017C ASA# 3023610 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 Sire: DKSR MR OLIE X4 SRS U101 GWS EBONYS TRADEMARK 6N Dam: KOCH MS FIRST 117Y KOCH T701 WW YW MCE 70 108.3 7.8 25 15 MM MWW Stay 20.4 55.4 14.6 35 CW 34.8 25 YG Marb BF REA -0.4 0.15 -.061 1.06 15 35 10 The DKSR Mr Olie calves come out and grow! By week 2 they catch your eye on their thickness and depth. 017C is super strong with his calving ease numbers and really balanced overall. He is out of a nice, moderate framed Trademark daughter we got from Koch's 3 years ago. Nice tight udder. His 79 lb. BW to 758 WW shows his abilities. 159 BW 82 Adj. WW 745 Adj. YW 1144 ADG 2.73 API 132 RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO LUCKY OLIE 033C S Black Polled PB SM BD: 1/18/15 BW 2 WW 64.5 Tattoo: 033C ASA# 3023590 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 Sire: DKSR MR OLIE X4 SRS U101 ACC1 HUSTLER 2N Dam: RYMO MS LUCKYDREAM L33X SRS U33 68.4 TI CE 12.3 15 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM YW MCE 87.2 9.7 MM MWW Stay 22.3 54.6 24.8 15 CW YG Marb BF REA 24.3 -0.45 0.1 -.076 0.98 4 20 15 Another X4 son that shines with his length and thickness. He excels at the CE end and the carcass end of performance and certainly won't hurt you in the growth area. Out of a Hustler cow that has done a nice job year after year for us. 160 BW 82 Adj. WW 734 Adj. YW 1237 ADG 3.45 API 133.1 RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO MIDNITE MONTE M63C S Hetero Black Polled PB SM BD: 1/22/15 BW 1.2 35 WW 65.6 Tattoo: M63C ASA# 3023613 GW LUCKY CHARM 665K Sire: KOCH LC MONTE 803U LRS MS REVOLUTION 656S LBR MIDNIGHTS DREAMS117 Dam: RYMO MS MIDNIGHT 963W LBR MS S632 70.4 TI CE 10.5 30 Ellingson Legacy – Grandsire of Lot 159 YW MCE 99.2 11 35 30 MM MWW Stay 14.3 47.1 CW YG Marb BF REA 30.8 -0.27 0.24 -.064 0.59 25 35 Lot 160 Our only Monte son, but he is a good one. Just as thick and deep as some of Koch's and Miller's bulls. His top 25% API covers him from end to end for usefulness. His dam is a smaller framed cow with a great udder and disposition. 161 BW RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO YELLOWSTONE STAR S Hetero Black Polled PB SM BD: 2/6/15 HOOKS TAURUS 24T Sire: HOOK`S YELLOWSTONE 97Y HOOKS SHEYENNE 77S 81 Adj. WW 749 Adj. YW 1165 ADG 2.78 API 133.2 TI 66.6 162 Tattoo: Y39C ASA# 3023625 HPF/BORNE HEZA STAR Y037 Dam: RYMO SHEZA STAR 129A RYMO CURLY REALITY W29W CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW Stay CW 1 30 59.3 85.4 11.9 20 24.3 30 22.2 -0.35 0.18 -.056 30 163 YG Marb BF REA 0.8 BW 79 Adj. WW 687 Adj. YW 1039 ADG 2.27 API 149 TI CE 12.3 15 72.6 BW 0.8 30 WW 56 1059 ADG 2.58 API 150.1 71.6 BW 0.1 WW 51.9 RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO SUBSTANCEABOVE S09C Hetero Black Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 1/17/15 Tattoo: S09C ASA# 3023594 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS Sire: GW-WBF SUBSTANCE 820Y GW MISS MATERNAL 558P BROOKS ABOVE PAR Dam: RYMO TRAVELS ABOVE 709U CGS MISS E209 YW 77 MCE 8.7 MM MWW Stay 19.6 45.5 CW 16 YG Marb BF REA -0.23 0.58 -.037 0.52 15 This Substance son has a lot to offer. Out of one our smaller framed, easy fleshing cows he has a super maternal side. His grand dam made us many great calves. He was only 82 lbs. at birth and ranks in the top 20% for CE. If you are after carcasses his 1% Shear and top 15% Marb might catch your eye. RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO MR SUBSTANCE S50C Black Polled PB SM BD: 1/22/15 Adj. YW CE 14.1 20 Lot 161 is our only Yellowstone out of a first calf heifer. His Adj. WW was still a 749 out of a CE oriented Entourage dam. He is lighter in frame than some of the Yellowstone's but very correct. Top 20% API. SA 82 667 TI 11.7 20 53.9 BW Adj. WW SA Tattoo: S50C ASA# 3023549 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS Sire: GW-WBF SUBSTANCE 820Y GW MISS MATERNAL 558P RYMO MR ABOVE 715U Dam: RYMO MISS SOCKS 750Z RYMO MS BEEF P50R YW MCE 80.1 10.7 35 MM MWW Stay 25.8 53.8 20 CW YG Marb BF REA 18.7 -0.27 0.5 -.056 0.51 1 Lot 163 pretty well matches lot 162. Out of a smaller framed Above Par 2nd calf heifer. His brother last year was a favorite at the sale. Check out his top 1% Marb, Shear, Doc numbers. Top 4% API and 10% TI. Lot 163 35 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM 164 Hetero Black Polled PB SM BD: 2/1/15 BW 81 Adj. WW 735 Adj. YW 1206 ADG 2.73 API 124.3 TI 63.4 CE 12.8 15 BW 1.1 35 RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO MR ENTOURAGE 158C S WW 58.1 165 Tattoo: 158C ASA# 3023552 CLO LTS ENTOURAGE 72T Sire: HPF/BORNE HEZA STAR Y037 HPF MISS SHEZA STAR U128 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 Dam: BDV MS OLLIE W58 BDV DOLLY T47 YW MCE 88.3 11.9 20 MM MWW Stay 21.6 50.6 23.1 25 BW 80 Adj. WW 781 Adj. YW 1242 ADG 3.30 API 143.3 BW 0 15 CE 13.6 10 Lot 164 is a very showy Entourage/Olie grandson. He is very clean made with lots of muscle all the way through. Great disposition and cow family. His maternal sister was a high selling Bred Heifer at the Montana Choice Sale in December. WW 53.3 BW 83 Adj. WW 740 Adj. YW 1232 ADG 3.51 API 111.9 BW 2.4 WW 63.3 Lot 166 BW 83 Adj. WW 716 Adj. YW 1111 ADG 2.42 API 91.9 TI CE 7.2 58.7 BW 1.5 WW 53 Black Polled PB SM BD: 2/12/15 RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO TANK LITE 823C 169 Tattoo: 823C ASA# 3023599 SSS MR LIGHT STROKE 302H Dam: RYMO MS BLACK LITE 323P RSR MISS 23D MM MWW Stay 22 48.5 12.3 SRS J914 PREFERRED BEEF Dam: SVR S691 N604 YW MCE 79.7 13.9 10 MM MWW Stay 22.7 49.3 25.3 10 CW YG Marb BF REA 17.5 -0.32 0.25 -.047 0.73 25 RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO GOLD TANK 817C S Homo Black Polled PB SM BD: 2/20/15 Tattoo: 817C ASA# 3023578 TNT TANKER U263 Sire: MLC MR TANKER Y673 MLC BRANDO P2 RYMO GOLDMINE G49U Dam: RYMO SHEZ ABOVEGOLD G17Y BDV RENEE T17 YW MCE 94.1 12.7 15 MM MWW Stay 20.6 52.3 18.9 CW YG Marb BF REA 29.5 -0.39 0.07 -.078 0.84 15 20 35 817C is a homozygous black Tanker son. Very square in shape and type. He comes from a solid cow family with Goldmine and Above Par on the lines. We bought his sire from Dakota Express as a growth herd bull. He added a lot of muscle to his calves without a lot of frame. TNT TANKER U263 Sire: MLC MR TANKER Y673 MLC BRANDO P2 YW MCE 74.9 14.7 3 CLO LTS ENTOURAGE 72T Sire: HPF/BORNE HEZA STAR Y037 HPF MISS SHEZA STAR U128 65.7 TI CE 7.1 167 Tattoo: 491C ASA# 3015298 491S out of Y037 is a no brainer for calving ease. His sire never let us down on the heifers. He ranks top 10 and 15% for CE an BW and goes on to be very strong in the carcass areas with top 25% Marbling and top 15% Shear. Very balanced with a top 10% API. A nice blend of outcross blood lines to change things up as well. 166 S Black Polled PB SM BD: 3/4/15 68.1 TI CW YG Marb BF REA 24.3 -0.38 0 -.066 0.83 20 35 RYMO CATTLE CO RL4 RYMO LUCKY STAR 491C S BW 83 Adj. WW 856 Adj. YW 1309 ADG 3.04 API 131 TI CW YG Marb BF REA 16.8 -0.42 -0.01 -.079 0.76 10 20 CE 7.1 Lot 167 is a clean fronted heavy muscled bull. He is out of an older cow family that always produced solid and steady calves. Black Mick, and MV Red Light are not too far back on the pedigree. Homo Black Polled PB SM BD: 2/12/15 Tattoo: U25C ASA# 3023596 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 Sire: HPF/ANGELICH UPGRD Z538 HPF MS EBONYS LADY S089 DIKEMANS SURE BET Dam: RYMO SHEZA BET S25Y RYMO MS TRADE LABEL T25W 78.2 BW 3 RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO SURE GRADE U25C S WW YW MCE 79 121.4 5.8 4 3 MM MWW Stay 21.2 60.7 21.8 10 35 CW 46.3 4 YG Marb BF REA -0.4 0.2 -.079 1.09 15 35 20 5 Sure Grade is a very fancy, clean made, thick bull. He has lots of length and style with a great disposition. His sire (Also lots 170-172) was purchased from Hayes Ranch to be a growth bull. His calves have lots of substance and performance. Lot 169 has an Adj. WW of 856! Top 10% for WW, ADG,CW, YG, and TI. Top 5% for YW, and REA. Lots of potential. 170 BW 90 Adj. WW 810 Adj. YW 1197 ADG 2.68 API 110.9 TI CE 6.2 Lot 170 36 68.9 BW 3.3 RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO POWER GRADE U38C S Black Polled PB SM BD: 3/9/15 Tattoo: U38C ASA# 3023618 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 Sire: HPF/ANGELICH UPGRD Z538 HPF MS EBONYS LADY S089 RYMO POWER DESIGN A60T Dam: RYMO MS POWER J28W RYMO MS WALL W27R WW YW MCE 71.2 103.5 8.8 20 25 MM MWW Stay 23.2 58.8 35 20 CW 36 20 YG Marb BF REA -0.37 0.14 -.077 0.87 25 20 30 Power Grade is another Z538 performer. 810 Adj. WW with a ratio of 111. Weak in calving ease but certainly strong with his growth and carcass traits. Top 25% TI. 171 BW 89 Adj. WW 775 Adj. YW 1262 ADG 3.45 API 121.1 BW 3.5 WW 66.7 35 RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO GOLD UPGRADE U29C S Black Polled PB SM BD: 3/7/15 RYMO GOLDMINE G49U Dam: RYMO MISS GOLD RYMO MS WALL W27R YW MCE 97.9 8.3 35 MM MWW Stay 24 57.4 25.4 30 25 10 173 BW 85 Adj. WW 711 Adj. YW 1161 ADG 2.63 API 114.5 Homo Black Polled PB SM BD: 1/16/15 BW 2.3 WW 66.4 35 824 Adj. YW 1238 ADG 2.58 API 108.5 72.7 BW 4.6 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 Sire: HPF/ANGELICH UPGRD Z538 HPF MS EBONYS LADY S089 RITO 1I2 OF 2536 RITO 6I6 Dam: R014 SPRING VALLEY H650 WW YW MCE 75.5 115.6 8.3 10 10 MM MWW Stay 21.3 59.1 15 CW 45.4 5 YG Marb BF REA -0.2 0.33 -.065 0.56 15 Tattoo: U51C ASA# 3023560 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 Sire: MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 MS NLC MOJO S6119 B SSS STRIKE SHADOW L12L Dam: MISS STRIKE L51S SSS MISS MAXI G51K 72.4 TI CE 6.9 100 Tattoo: U14C ASA# 3023580 U14C will add some bang for your buck. As our largest framed bull, he has huge growth potential for his calves with his adj. WW of 824. If you are looking for pounds at weaning, his top 3% WW and YW EPD's should be looked at. He has loads of muscle and a ton of length out of a Rito cow we bought from Spring Valley. RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO GRAND GRADE U51C S BW CE 4.5 Need a little chrome with your added pounds? U29C is a BWF out of a Goldmine and 3C Wally dam. Not as strong with his growth EPD's as Lots 169,170, 172 but certainly a contender to add profit to your herd. Homo Black Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 1/19/15 Adj. WW TI CW YG Marb BF REA 33.2 -0.46 0.04 -.090 1.02 30 3 3 10 RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO RITO UPGRADE U14C SA 172 Tattoo: U29C ASA# 3023565 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 Sire: HPF/ANGELICH UPGRD Z538 HPF MS EBONYS LADY S089 66.1 TI CE 5.7 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM YW MCE 95.4 9.3 MM MWW Stay 21.1 54.3 14.7 CW YG Marb BF REA 29.8 -0.44 0.26 -.084 0.95 5 20 10 20 Lot 173 This homo black Upgrade son is solid and thick. Very strong with his growth and carcass numbers. Top 15% TI. Out of an older cow family going back to Lucky Strike. 175 BW 81 Adj. WW 738 Adj. YW 1316 ADG 3.35 API 131.9 Homo Black Homo Polled 5/8 SM 1/4 AN 1/8 AR Tattoo: U30C BD: 1/11/15 ASA# 3015300 TNT TUITION U238 Sire: W/C UNITED 956Y MISS WERNING 956W ELLINGSON BLAZER X37 Dam: RL4 MS BLAZER E30A RYMO MS CELEBRATION A30U 79 TI RYMO CATTLE CO RL4 RYMO UNITED BLAZER SA CE BW WW 11.4 0.6 75.6 122.9 10 5 YW MCE 7.3 MM MWW Stay CW 18.8 44.1 -0.15 0.41 -.018 0.73 10 35 25 56.6 25 YG Marb BF REA Lot 175 United Blazer is an exciting calf across the board. Well balanced EPD's top to bottom as well as a very complete structure makeup. He is out of first calf heifer that did a great job. 30K test. 176 BW 79 Adj. WW 707 Adj. YW 1255 ADG 3.35 API 123.6 TI CE 10.8 77.8 BW 0.9 SA RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO UNITED ABOVE H73C Black Polled 1/2 SM 3/8 AN 1/8 CS BD: 1/15/15 177 Tattoo: H73C ASA# 3023576 TNT TUITION U238 Sire: W/C UNITED 956Y MISS WERNING 956W BW RYMO MR ABOVE 715U Dam: RYMO STELLA ABOVE 773X RYMO STELLA L73 WW YW MCE 76.1 122.9 4 5 5 MM MWW Stay 21.6 59.7 15 CW YG Marb BF 44.4 -0.01 0.39 .006 10 796 Adj. YW 1308 ADG 4.23 API 140.4 TI REA 0.51 The United calves are impressive. H73C comes from a working class cow family. His maternal grand dam keeps cranking them out at age 14 and looks exactly as she did at age 3. His dam is following suit as an easy keeper and producer. United calves are thick and attractive. He has super growth numbers. 37 74 Adj. WW 89.9 SA RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO UNITED THUNDER H45C Homo Black Homo Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN BD: 1/5/15 Tattoo: H45C ASA# 3023601 TNT TUITION U238 Sire: W/C UNITED 956Y MISS WERNING 956W CONNEALY THUNDER Dam: RYMO THUNDER BEEF A45A RYMO MS PREFERRED P44U CE BW WW YW MCE 11 -0.1 35 85.6 1 147 1 8.3 MM MWW Stay CW 22.1 57.6 -0.02 1 64.9 2 YG Marb BF REA 0.6 15 .003 0.69 35 So here is one of my favorites. He is thick with lots of muscle and a sweet heart. He is out of a Thunder first calf heifer. He started at 74 lbs. and had an adj. WW of 796. Top 1% for WW, YW, ADG, CW. Top 2% for TI and 25% for API. Can't miss with him. 30K test. Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM 178 BW 88 Adj. WW 817 Adj. YW 1400 ADG 4.12 API 148.2 83.7 TI BW 0.8 CE 11.8 SA RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO PREFER DAYLITE A49C Hetero Black Homo Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN BD: 1/21/15 Tattoo: A49C ASA# 3023591 MCC DAYBREAK Sire: MCC DAYLITE 0005 A G MISS IN FOCUS 7302 RYMO MR PREFERRED P09R Dam: RYMO LIGHT BEEF P49T RYMO MISS MAX LIGHT WW YW MCE 75 123.8 11 4 20 10 MM MWW Stay 21.2 58.7 15 CW 45 5 YG Marb BF REA -0.13 0.61 -.029 0.61 10 This Daylite calf has caught my eye all summer long. Just super wide, long, and attractive. Adj. WW of 817 lbs. He was always growing. His Preferred Beef dam has raised several sets of twins and keeps rebreeding year after year. She comes from my originally purchased cow in 1992. A very good cow family. 30K test. MCC Daylite – Sire of Lots 178 & 179 179 BW 78 Adj. WW 723 Adj. YW 1158 ADG 2.99 API 144.1 72.7 TI CE 13.3 25 Lot 179 BW -0.5 30 WW 61.2 SA RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO SHADOW LITE A11C Homo Black Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN BD: 1/19/15 Tattoo: A11C ASA# 3023555 MCC DAYBREAK Sire: MCC DAYLITE 0005 A G MISS IN FOCUS 7302 RYMO WALLYS QB W60K Dam: RYMO MS QB W11P MISS CORA TOO 114J YW MCE 93.4 12.9 10 MM MWW Stay 22.3 52.9 CW YG Marb BF REA 24.9 -0.31 0.42 -.033 0.89 15 35 10 A11C is a lighter made Daylite calf than Lot 178 but still has lots of potential. His baldy face will add a little chrome to your calves. His 78 lb. BW could be attractive for heifers. Really he has no holes in his numbers so he ranks in the top 20% API and 25% TI. He comes from a cow family that are great producers. 30K test. 180 BW 73 Adj. WW 639 Adj. YW 1119 ADG 3.45 API 158.1 TI CE 14.9 15 77.1 BW -1.8 15 WW 53.8 SA RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO NATIONAL PRODUCT Homo Black Homo Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN BD: 1/13/15 Tattoo: H31C ASA# 3023595 GW PREDESTINED 701T Sire: JC MR NATIONAL 610Y JC MISS USPB 610S CONNEALY FINAL PRODUCT Dam: RYMO SHEZA PRODUCT A31A RYMO MS QB W11P YW MCE 94.6 10.7 20 MM MWW Stay 30.3 57.2 3 20 CW YG Marb BF 24.4 -0.12 0.68 .003 10 REA 0.57 The National calf is a smaller frame and type bull out of a Final Product first calf heifer. I would certainly look at him for your heifers. He was 73 lbs. at birth. He is in the top 15% for CE and BW. Top 10% for Marb and API. 30K test. GW Predestined – Grandsire of Lot 180 181 BW 80 Adj. WW 791 Adj. YW 1263 ADG 3.51 API 121.2 TI CE 8.8 Lot 181 38 72.8 BW 1.2 SA RYMO CATTLE CO RL4 RYMO POWER P21C Hetero Black Polled 5/8 SM 1/4 AN 1/8 AR BD: 1/29/15 Tattoo: P21C ASA# 3015296 S A V NET WORTH 4200 Sire: TJ POWER GRID 363Y TJ 15T MR ISHEE RED 600UNIQUE Dam: RYMO MS RED UNIQUE 621U MISS EBV A21M WW YW MCE 68.3 104.4 7 20 25 MM MWW Stay 23.9 58 35 20 CW YG Marb BF 33.8 -0.01 0.42 .015 25 35 REA 0.45 Power is heterozygous black with an interesting pedigree. No Shear Force, Olie, or Beef Maker in the bloodlines. He is long and deep. Quiet disposition and very strong in growth, milk, marbling, and TI. BW 87 Adj. WW 837 Adj. YW 1335 ADG 3.56 API 125.8 Hetero Black Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 1/25/15 BW 2.9 183 Tattoo: G61C ASA# 3023566 S A V NET WORTH 4200 Sire: TJ POWER GRID 363Y TJ 15T RYMO CROCK LITE C33U Dam: RYMO MS FORKIE 2 C61Y RYMO MISS REALITY 261M 81.7 TI CE 8.2 RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO ROCKET POWER G61C SA 182 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM WW YW MCE 84.3 133.2 7.4 2 1 MM MWW Stay 22 64.2 3 184 BW 82 Adj. WW 697 Adj. YW 1113 ADG 2.73 API 113.9 BW 0.8 Adj. YW 1296 ADG 3.61 API 107.8 Red Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 1/23/15 RYMO DASH QUOR 351S Dam: RYMO MS PLUMERIA 348W RYMO MISS VIOLET 148T WW YW MCE 76.6 124.5 7.5 4 5 MM MWW Stay 19.5 57.8 20 Tattoo: 953C ASA# 3023577 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 Dam: RYMO MISS OLIE 053X RYMO MS RUM CANYON 353U YW 85 MCE 6.3 MM MWW Stay 23.6 50.5 35 CW YG Marb BF REA 22.2 -0.26 0.27 -.049 0.58 30 Lot 184 89 Adj. YW 1204 ADG 3.40 API 109.2 TI 68.8 RYMO CATTLE CO RL4 RYMO HEZA IRON P68C S 185 787 Red Polled PB SM BD: 1/30/15 RYMO MR TJ 251R Dam: RYMO SHEZA REAL TZ 268U MOS MS MAGGIE D61E CE BW WW YW MCE 3.8 67 35 94.7 10 BW 88 Adj. WW 773 Adj. YW 1293 ADG 3.20 API 114.7 TI CE 9.4 73 BW 2.3 Adj. YW 1247 ADG 3.25 API 121.3 MM MWW Stay CW REA 31.5 -0.39 0.18 -.064 0.99 35 15 35 15 9.5 16.2 YG Marb BF Red Hetero Polled PB SM BD: 1/21/15 RYMO MR REAL LIGHT Dam: RYMO MS REAL 276W RYMO MS REALITY 266T MR REALITY 249N Dam: RYMO MS REALITY 226T MISS RED LIGHT 326N 72.2 WW YW MCE 1.4 68.7 30 96 12.2 20 BW 78 Adj. WW 775 Adj. YW 1249 ADG 3.09 API 141.6 TI CW YG Marb BF REA 35.5 -0.35 0.1 -.058 0.93 25 30 20 Real Yukon is dark red with loads of muscle. Similarly bred on the dam side as Lot 186. A smaller built cow that likes to make thick moderate framed calves. Good growth numbers getting him in the top 20% TI. 30K test. WS BEEF KING W107 Sire: HOOK`S YUKON 80Y HOOKS MIKA 141M BW 188 Tattoo: Y76C ASA# 3023564 WS BEEF KING W107 Sire: HOOK`S YUKON 80Y HOOKS MIKA 141M MM MWW Stay 23.2 59.8 16.2 35 15 Tattoo: Y27C ASA# 3023584 MM MWW Stay 24 30 58.4 20 18.8 CW YG 28.6 -0.4 15 Marb BF REA 0.13 -.057 1.01 10 Yukon Cat is a long, deep bodied red bull. His last three brothers have been stand outs at the sale. Just 75 lbs. at birth. Top 20% TI. Dam goes back to the old NLC Tom Cat and Red Light bulls. RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO REAL YUKON Y76C WW YW MCE 73.3 105.5 11.9 15 20 20 75 710 TI P68C is a complete package of muscle and correctness. Solid red. Super disposition, often referred to as Slow Joe. Will be a performer with his top 25% WW, 30% YW and TI. S BW 23.2 35 56.7 30 Red Polled PB SM BD: 1/10/15 Adj. WW CE RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO YUKON CAT Y27C S 186 Tattoo: P68C ASA# 3015299 35R Sire: RFS RED IRON T20 RF RAUL 5.7 187 REA 0.62 P48C could very well be the fancy red outcross bull you have been looking for. No Beef Maker or Rushmore in lineage. He is super sound, solid, and stout to boot. Definitely will perform at top 15% WW and TI and 10% YW and ADG. The Power Grid calves catch your eye in the pasture every time! 30K test. My attempt with this breeding was to make a great show steer. Unfortunately I thought 953C turned out a little too good. Red Hulk has the potential to make these fancy steers. Smaller frame but compact with muscle and thickness. BW CW YG Marb BF 50.9 -0.01 0.29 .011 2 JF MILESTONE 999W Sire: MOHNEN HULK Y2181 MOHNEN JILT 1655 WW 53.8 Adj. WW Tattoo: P48C ASA# 3015304 S A V NET WORTH 4200 Sire: TJ POWER GRID 363Y TJ 15T 72.1 BW 4.5 CE 5.4 REA 0.69 35 RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO THE RED HULK 953C Red Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 1/24/15 62.5 TI CE 10.5 98 764 TI CW YG Marb BF 53.3 -0.02 0.39 .012 1 G61Y is 1 to look at. Top 1% for WW, YW, and CW. Top 2% for ADG and MWW. 837 adj. WW. He is a fancy hetero black bull out of a smaller type female. All summer long he caught my eye in the pasture. SA BW Adj. WW RYMO CATTLE CO RL4 RYMO MR GRID P48W SA CE 11.5 25 39 71.7 BW 0.4 20 S RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO EXPECT MORE R74C Red Hetero Polled PB SM BD: 1/4/15 Tattoo: R74C ASA# 3023586 THSF FREEDOM 300N Sire: TRAXS RUSHMORE X103 MISS TRAX U850 HOOK`S XPECTATION 36X Dam: RYMO MS XPECTATION X64A RYMO MS FREEDOM F64U WW YW MCE MM MWW Stay 69.2 105.3 17.2 16.8 51.4 25 20 1 CW 33 30 YG Marb BF REA -0.38 0.13 -.048 1.08 20 5 Expect More… and you will get it from him. This has been a fun calf to watch out of an Xpectation first calf heifer. He started at 78 lbs. and end up at 775 adj. WW. Super thick and deep. No holes in his numbers all the way through. He is a 3/4 brother to lot 54. They would make a great pair. 30K test. Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM 189 BW 86 Adj. WW 710 Adj. YW 1199 ADG 3.25 API 112.6 BW 1.1 35 WW 62.3 190 BW 83 Adj. WW 736 Adj. YW 1224 ADG 3.04 API 123.9 CE 11.9 20 Lot 190 BW 80 Adj. WW 712 Adj. YW 1084 ADG 2.16 API 118 TI CE 11.2 25 65.8 BW 1.8 WW 58.1 RFS RED IRON T20 Dam: RYMO SHEZE IRON LOC 675A RYMO SHEEZA DASHER 751J MCE 13.6 10 MM MWW Stay 21.7 50.8 18.1 BW 0.4 20 WW 66.3 35 192 Tattoo: R76C ASA# 3023571 TRAXS RUSHMORE X103 Sire: DKSR MR RUSHMORE Z511 DKSR MS GUNNER X12 YW 82 SSS MR LIGHT STROKE 302H Dam: RYMO MISS T2 333N MOS MS MINI F32E YW MCE 89.2 15.5 2 MM MWW Stay 13.4 44.5 16.8 CW YG Marb BF REA 24.5 -0.38 0.05 -.058 0.91 20 25 RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO SHOCKMORE R88C S Red Polled PB SM BD: 1/18/15 Tattoo: R88C ASA# 3023559 THSF FREEDOM 300N Sire: TRAXS RUSHMORE X103 MISS TRAX U850 LAZY S RED SHOCKER 226L Dam: RYMO MS SHOCK CAT 885T RYMO MISS CAT T85K YW MCE 97.8 17.4 35 1 MM MWW Stay 14.5 47.6 20.1 CW YG Marb BF REA 28.6 -0.36 0.05 -.054 0.95 25 20 Shockmore has a lightening strike blaze. He is a bigger framed bull with lots of length and muscle. His numbers are pretty balanced from end to end. Top 20% CE and 25% BW, YW, and ADG make him pretty well rounded. RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO IRON RUSH R76C Red Polled PB SM BD: 2/1/15 THSF FREEDOM 300N Sire: TRAXS RUSHMORE X103 MISS TRAX U850 69.4 TI 191 Tattoo: R33C ASA# 3023587 Lot 189 is a darker red Rushmore son. He is not as cleanly made up front as Lot 188 and 190 but has length and muscling. His dam was 13 last year and has done a tremendous job for us over the years. TRAXS Rushmore – Sire of Lots 188-190 S Red Polled PB SM BD: 1/20/15 65.9 TI CE 10.6 30 RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO LIGHT RUSH R33C S BW 82 Adj. WW 811 Adj. YW 1243 ADG 3.30 API 134.8 TI CW YG Marb BF REA 21.2 -0.45 0.14 -.063 1.04 4 35 10 CE 12.5 15 Lots 191 to 193 are out of DKSR Mr Rushmore that we bought from Dusty Kunkel a few years ago. We certainly have liked his calves and we hope you do too. The Rushmore crossed on the Beef Maker/Shear Force females have made some nice calves. Lot 191 is out of a first calf heifer. He is really a complete package in a very moderate frame. S Red Polled PB SM BD: 2/12/15 Tattoo: R72C ASA# 3023574 TRAXS RUSHMORE X103 Sire: DKSR MR RUSHMORE Z511 DKSR MS GUNNER X12 WS BEEF MAKER R13 Dam: RYMO MISS MAKER B72X RYMO MS LITE EARS 372N 76.6 BW 1 30 RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO MORE BEEFMAKER R72C WW YW MCE 70.4 100.7 12.9 20 30 15 MM MWW Stay 23.2 58.4 20 35 20 CW YG Marb BF REA 30.8 -0.36 0.23 -.056 0.95 25 25 20 R72C is a nice dark red calf that has lots of potential. He started at 82 lbs. and made it to 811 adj. WW with a 109 ratio. His numbers are good top to bottom with a top 20% API and 10% TI. 193 BW 86 Adj. WW 827 Adj. YW 1307 ADG 2.94 API 130.9 TI CE 10.1 35 Lot 193 40 75.8 BW 2.1 RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO RED IRON RUSH R22C S Red Homo Polled PB SM BD: 3/1/15 Tattoo: R22C ASA# 3023609 TRAXS RUSHMORE X103 Sire: DKSR MR RUSHMORE Z511 DKSR MS GUNNER X12 RFS RED IRON T20 Dam: RYMO MS RED IRON 621Z RYMO ROCKET STRIPES C21W WW YW MCE 76.2 112.5 12 10 10 20 MM MWW Stay 25.4 63.5 22.6 20 4 30 CW YG Marb BF REA 39.5 -0.38 0.11 -.051 1.14 15 20 3 Well if you like them thick and compact, look at Lot 193. His dam is a second calf heifer that goes back to Crocket and Red Iron. She is the maternal sister to lot 196. Rush weaned off at 827 adj. WW. He has some great growth, maternal, and carcass numbers to get him to the top 25% API and 10% TI. 194 BW 82 Adj. WW 655 Adj. YW 1133 ADG 2.73 API 105.4 TI CE 8 S Red Polled PB SM BD: 2/15/15 WW 54.7 RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO MR MAKER N27C Tattoo: N27C ASA# 3023602 WS BEEF MAKER R13 Sire: MLC MR BEEFMAKER X263 DWSR MISS NOVA N20 SSS MR LIGHT STROKE 302H Dam: MS LITE CAT 327P SSS MISS TOMCAT T26K 64.6 BW 1.5 Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM YW MCE 77.2 9.3 MM MWW Stay 29.3 56.7 13.7 30 5 CW 18 YG Marb BF REA -0.3 0.17 -.033 0.77 Mr Maker is a strong candidate for the commercial rancher that likes vigorous calves and strong WWs. Solid red, he comes from the great bull X263 that has produced many favorites at the Bulls of the Big Sky sale. His daughters tend to be favorites at the Montana Choice Sale. N27C will provide the same quality and consistency. 195 BW 83 Adj. WW 787 Adj. YW 1398 ADG 3.97 API 118.2 TI CE 8.4 RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO BEEF MARK N29C S Red Homo Polled PB SM BD: 2/27/15 Tattoo: N29C ASA# 3023604 WS BEEF MAKER R13 Sire: MLC MR BEEFMAKER X263 DWSR MISS NOVA N20 RYMO A REAL MARK T61U Dam: RYMO MS LOVE MARK T29Y LBR RED HOT T728 80.7 BW 2.6 MLC Mr Beefmaker – Sire of Lots 194-200 WW YW MCE 78.5 122.2 4.4 5 3 MM MWW Stay 28.9 68.2 12.3 5 1 CW YG Marb BF REA 46.4 -0.24 0.28 -.029 0.96 4 20 20 Lot 195 N29C is a great blend of the fanciness from TradeMark and the power from Beef Maker and Crockett. A strong stand out in the EPD's ranking in top 15% for WW and YW, top 20% for ADG, CW, Marb, and REA. Top 10% for TI, 5% for Milk and 2% MWW. Ratioed 108 for WW. 196 BW 92 Adj. WW 891 Adj. YW 1295 ADG 2.53 API 129.7 TI 79.9 CE BW 4.8 4 WW RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO ROCKET MAKER N21C S Red Hetero Polled PB SM BD: 2/17/15 197 Tattoo: N21C ASA# 3023619 WS BEEF MAKER R13 Sire: MLC MR BEEFMAKER X263 DWSR MISS NOVA N20 LBR CROCKETT R81 Dam: RYMO ROCKET STRIPES C21W MISS FLECK 121S YW 80.6 113.2 3 10 MCE 7.3 CW 31.7 2 42.4 -0.21 0.32 -.019 0.91 10 10 25 72 1 21.4 YG Marb BF REA 198 BW 84 Adj. WW 735 Adj. YW 1273 ADG 3.51 API 126.7 TI 74.2 CE 10.2 BW 1 RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO MR MAKER N58C Red Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AR BD: 1/22/15 1219 ADG 3.40 API 122.9 BW BUF CRK ROMEO L081 Dam: RYMO MS ROMEO A58W RYMO MS LIGHTSHADOW 348R MM MWW Stay 26.2 60.7 20 10 Adj. YW WW 64.2 35 41 84 Adj. WW 732 Adj. YW 1248 ADG 3.35 API 129.7 TI CW YG Marb BF REA 34.3 -0.14 0.32 -.013 0.63 25 N58C is a little extra deep and a little extra wide. X263 on the half Red Angus cows makes some of my favorite calves both for their look and their performance. His top 25% TI gives you that great balance of growth and carcass traits. 72.8 BW 1.4 199 Tattoo: N58C ASA# 3023554 WS BEEF MAKER R13 Sire: MLC MR BEEFMAKER X263 DWSR MISS NOVA N20 WW YW MCE 69 105.7 6.8 20 25 87 719 Tattoo: N73C ASA# 3023620 WS BEEF MAKER R13 Sire: MLC MR BEEFMAKER X263 DWSR MISS NOVA N20 LCC CHEYENNE B221L Dam: RYMO MS CHEYENNE A73W SSS MS WHISTLECAT T73L YW 97.5 MCE MM MWW Stay 5.8 28.4 60.5 10 10 CW 30 35 YG Marb BF -0.18 0.4 -.011 REA 0.7 30 N73C is another X263 son that is worth the look. Very balanced with length and style. Out of a great dam that has produced several full brothers that were favorites at BotBS. She is easy fleshing and has a super udder. Hang on to your boots for this one. Power and performance pretty well sum up N21C. Long, deep and wide cover this structurally correct bull. Top 1% WW and MWW, 2% for Milk and TI, top 10% for ADG and Marbling with an API in the top 25%. Certainly can't fault him for his 123 ratio at Weaning. His full sister was the high selling bred heifer at the Montana Choice Sale. SR BW TI MM MWW Stay Red Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AR BD: 1/20/15 Adj. WW CE 8.6 RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO WHISTLE MAKER N73C SR 70.9 SR RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO CELEBRATE BEEF N12C Red Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AR BD: 2/6/15 Tattoo: N12C ASA# 3023569 WS BEEF MAKER R13 Sire: MLC MR BEEFMAKER X263 DWSR MISS NOVA N20 BROWN-LSF CELEBRATION Dam: RYMO MS CELEBRATE A12U MISS FLECK 121S CE BW WW YW MCE 11.2 0.7 61.5 88.9 8.3 MM MWW Stay CW Marb BF REA 28.2 10 23.7 -0.16 0.43 35 .001 0.68 35 58.9 15 YG N12C is a mate to lot 200. He is a little shorter in length but makes up for it in width. Very clean front end. His maternal side is as strong as it gets with great udders and high performers. His 82 lb. BW to 732 WW is a testament to his dam's ability to make a profitable calf. Bulls of the Big Sky February 15, 2016 – 1:00 PM 200 BW 86 Adj. WW 708 Adj. YW 1219 ADG 3.14 API 128.3 70.3 TI BW 0.8 CE 10.9 WW 59.4 SR RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO CELEBRATE BEEF N64C Red Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AR BD: 2/14/15 Tattoo: N64C ASA# 3023622 WS BEEF MAKER R13 Sire: MLC MR BEEFMAKER X263 DWSR MISS NOVA N20 BROWN-LSF CELEBRATION Dam: RYMO MS CELEBRATION A64U RYMO MS REALITY 264S YW MCE 88.6 6.3 Lot 200 MM MWW Stay 25.1 54.8 35 25 CW YG Marb BF REA 23.8 -0.24 0.38 -.014 0.8 35 20 N64C is a deep red 3/4 SM that will be an asset to your herd. His sire X263 has done a phenomenal job for us and made some of the best females, powerful bulls and stand out steers. His dam is smaller framed cow that gets he job done. Same cow family as lot 204 201 BW 78 Adj. WW 682 Adj. YW 1104 ADG 2.53 API 133 69.5 TI CE 13.3 25 BW -1.4 20 WW 53.6 SR RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO CONVOY MAKER A51C Red Homo Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AR BD: 1/15/15 Tattoo: A51C ASA# 3023572 HXC CONQUEST 4405P Sire: PFFR CONVOY 9Z PFFR SUN CAN 8X MLC MR BEEFMAKER X263 Dam: RYMO SHEZA MAKER N51Z RYMO REALITY FLAG 251N YW MCE 82.8 5 MM MWW Stay 25.4 52.1 20 CW YG Marb BF REA 17.3 -0.18 0.45 -.021 0.47 30 Lot 201 and 202 are very similar. Smaller in stature and super wide. A51C is a dark red bull out of a 2nd calf Beef Maker heifer. Loads of thickness and potential. Just 78 lbs. at birth, he also ranks in the top 25% for CE and 20% for BW. Definitely could work on heifers. His maternal grandsire MLC Beef Maker makes some fabulous females. 30K test. HXC Conquest – Grandsire of Lots 201 & 202 202 BW 72 Adj. WW 766 Adj. YW 1205 ADG 2.78 API 135.5 71.7 TI CE 12.4 30 Lot 202 BW -1.3 20 WW 57.7 SR RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO BEEF CONVOY A04C Red Hetero Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AR BD: 1/4/15 Tattoo: A04C ASA# 3023606 HXC CONQUEST 4405P Sire: PFFR CONVOY 9Z PFFR SUN CAN 8X MLC MR BEEFMAKER X263 Dam: RYMO LIGHT MAKER N04A MISS LIGHT 304S YW MCE 93.3 8.5 MM MWW Stay 28.7 57.5 10 20 CW 24 YG Marb BF REA -0.15 0.43 -.035 0.38 35 Lot 202 is a lighter red power house bull. He is out of a first calf heifer that did her job. He started at 72 lbs. and 766 adj. WW. He has a great disposition and would work anywhere. 30K test. 203 BW 81 Adj. WW 658 Adj. YW 1143 ADG 2.89 API TI CE 11.9 35 129 69.2 BW -1.4 20 WW 56.3 SR RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO MR REDEMPTION A72C Red Homo Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AR BD: 1/16/15 204 Tattoo: A72C ASA# 3023617 BECKTON NEBULA P P707 Sire: BROWN JYJ REDEMPTION Y1334 JYJ MSJOLENE W16 RYMO MR TJ 251R Dam: RYMO MS REAL EARS 272T RYMO MS LITE EARS 372N YW MCE 88.3 5.5 MM MWW Stay 16.7 44.8 76 731 Adj. YW 1191 ADG 3.14 API 151.8 TI CE 14.5 15 CW YG Marb BF REA 20.7 -0.14 0.41 -.033 0.31 35 This Redemption has lots to offer with an interesting pedigree with no Beef Maker or Rushmore bloodlines. Dark red with lots of depth. Top 20% for BW 30% for ADG, 25% for Marb and TI. Ratioed 107 with his 79 lb. BW. BW Adj. WW 42 77.5 BW -2.7 10 WW 58.8 SR RYMO CATTLE CO RYMO REDEEM BEEF A64C Red Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AR BD: 1/15/15 Tattoo: A64C ASA# 3023588 BECKTON NEBULA P P707 Sire: BROWN JYJ REDEMPTION Y1334 JYJ MSJOLENE W16 WS BEEF MAKER R13 Dam: RYMO FREEBEEF B64Y RYMO MS FREEDOM F64U YW MCE 98.8 9.4 35 35 MM MWW Stay 24.8 54.2 25 35 CW YG Marb BF REA 25.2 -0.22 0.54 -.029 0.63 20 Here is a very exciting half blood Red Angus. Solid red with lots of power end to end. Carries down low with lots of muscle. Super EPD's to get him in the top 15% for API and TI. The cow family has great udders and longevity that are always solid producers. Ratioed 111 with his 76 lb. BW. NOTES 44 QUICK GUIDE to ASA EPDs and $ INDEXES Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs): EPDs are the most accurate and effective tool available for comparing genetic levels. In using EPDs, the difference between two sires’ EPDs represents the unit difference expected in the performance of their progeny. For example, if sires A and B have EPDs of +10 and –5, a 15unit difference would be expected in their progeny (moving from -5 to +10 yields 15 units). Key to using EPDs is knowing what units they are expressed in. For example, if the above case referred to weaning weight EPDs, A would be expected to sire 15-pounds more weaning weight than B. If calving ease were the trait, A would be expected to sire 15percent more unassisted births in first-calf heifers; in other words, if B sired 30 assists in a group of 100 heifers, we’d expect A to require 15 assists. A percentile-ranking chart is required to determine where a bull’s EPDs rank him relative to other bulls in the breed. For percentile rankings or more detailed information about EPDs and $ indexes visit www.simmental.org. Listed below are the units ASA EPDs are expressed in: All-Purpose Index (API): Dollars per cow exposed under an all-purpose-sire scenario. (See below for more details.) Back Fat (BF): Inches of backfat. Birth Weight (BW): Pounds of birth weight. Calving Ease (CE): Percent of unassisted births when used on heifers. Carcass Weight (CW): Pounds of carcass weight. Maternal Calving Ease (MCE): Percent of unassisted births in first-calving daughters. Milk (MLK): Pounds of weaning weight due to milk. Marbling (MRB): Marbling score. Maternal Weaning Weight (MWW): Pounds of weaning weight due to milk and growth. Ribeye Area (REA): Square inches of ribeye. Warner-Bratzler Shear Force (WBSF): Pounds of force required to shear a steak. Stayability (STAY): Percent of daughters remaining in the cowherd at 6 years of age. Terminal Index (TI): Dollars per cow exposed under a terminal-sire scenario. (See below for more details.) Weaning Weight (WW): Pounds of weaning weight. Yearling Weight (YW): Pounds of yearling weight. Yield Grade (YG): Yield grade score. $ Indexes: Though EPDs allow for the comparison of genetic levels for many economically important traits, they only provide a piece of the economic puzzle. That’s where $ indexes come in. Through well-conceived, rigorous mathematical computation, $ indexes blend EPDs and economics to estimate an animal’s overall impact on your bottom line. The same technology that led to the dramatic progress in swine, poultry and dairy genetics over the last several decades was used to develop the following $ indexes: All-Purpose Index (API): Evaluates sires for use on the entire cow herd (bred to both Angus firstcalf heifers and mature cows) with the portion of their daughters required to maintain herd size retained and the remaining heifers and steers put on feed and sold grade and yield. Terminal Index (TI): Evaluates sire for use on mature Angus cows with all offspring put on feed and sold grade and yield. Using API and TI: First, determine which index to use; if you’re keeping replacements use API, if not, TI. Then, just as with EPDs, zero in on the unit difference between bulls. (As described above, index units are in dollars per cow exposed.) The difference can be used to determine how much a bull is worth compared to another. Or, put another way, how much you can pay for one bull compared to another. For example, when buying an all-purpose-type sire, you can quickly figure a bull scoring +100 for API is worth an extra $6,000 over a+50 bull if both are exposed to 30 cows over 4 years ($50 diff. x 30 hd. x 4 yr. = $6,000). A percentile-ranking chart is required to determine where a bull’s index value ranks him relative to other bulls in the breed. For percentile rankings or more detailed information about EPDs and $ indexes Created by: ASA PUBLICATION, INC 2 Simmental Way, Bozeman, MT 59715 Phone: 406-587-2778 • Fax: 406-587-8853 www.simmental.org
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