2016 Conference Programme
2016 Conference Programme
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Calgary Transit stops Arrêts de Calgary Transit a J 2 ! 3 ! Campus shuttle Navette du campus 24 Ave NW Usher Road NW J a rive ty D J a i vers Uni NW Upton Place NW Urich Place NW J a 4 ! 10 0 W yN Wa ace Pl pus Hotel shuttle stop Arrêt des navettes d’hôtels Udell Road NW ! J a 5 sity ver Uni 300 W J a Upper Place NW ! 6 Murray Fraser Hall Scurfield Hall 21 G pus eN Gat Rundle Hall Education Tower Education Trailer Classroom A Block Art Building Aurora Hall 27-28 7 ! Lot 3 y rsit Kananaskis Hall ve Uni 31 Dining Centre *Yamnuska Hall D i t y Co u r t N W Professional Faculties Cam Rozsa E Centre Reeve 20 Theatre *Hotel Alma & International House Lot 4 U ni C Food services Services de restauration Administration MacKimmie Block 1-19 NW ad NW o iate R Colleg J a Social Sciences 25 l inscriptions • Information Big Thinking lecture series Série de causeries Voir grand a ce J a Taylor Institute Cas tle legi Col Lot 10 Trailer B • Registration • Expo 500 Cam p ate P C Earth Sciences ICT 23-24 ail d Tr a m p us a J il wch Cro a J D rive N W J a ive NW Campus Dr Cat he 29 NW Congress Hub l Carrefour du Congrès (Jack Simpson Gym) Lot 22 EEEL lace 11 ! J a 12 ! 700 Campus Place NW J a ley T r a il LEGEND l LÉGENDE Capitol Hill Cres NW NW J a 32 Ave NW Mor 31 St J a J a 33 St NW Lot 17 Foothills Stadium Mobility drop-off points Points de débarquement accessible Canadian Society for the Study of Education Société canadienne pour l’étude de l’éducation XLIVth Annual Conference 28 May – 1 June 2016 University of Calgary XLIVe Congrès annuel du 28 mai au 2 juin 2016 University of Calgary ACDE / ACDÉ CACS / ACÉC CAEP / ACP CAFE / ACÉFÉ CASIE / ACÉÉA CASWE / ACÉFÉ CATE / ACFE CCGSE / CCÉÉCSÉ CERA / ACCÉ CIESC / SCÉCI Canadian Society for the Study of Education Suite 204 – 260 Dalhousie Street OTTAWA ON K1N 7E4 Societé canadienne pour l’étude de l’éducation Bureau 204 – 260, rue Dalhousie OTTAWA ON K1N 7E4 Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences Fédération des sciences humaines 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS | TABLE DES MATIÉRES: CSSE Conference Timetable / Calendrier du congress de la SCÉÉ 3 President’s Welcome 4 Le mot de bienvenue du président 6 Le mot de bienvenue du doyen Le mot de bienvenue de la présidente du comité du programme 8 Dean’s Welcome Programme Chair’s Welcome 9 Abbreviations / Abréviations 10 2016 CSSE Program Committee / Comité du programme 2016 de la SCÉÉ 11 Programme 12 Current as of 23 May 2016. Please refer to the APP for the most current information. Datée le 23 mai 2016. Veuillez vérifier APPLI pour les renseignements à jour. Search App Store or Google Play :: CSSE - SCEE Cherchez au App Store ou Google Play :: CSSE – SCEE Web version - http://app.core-apps.com/csse2016_scee2016 Version Web - http://app.core-apps.com/csse2016_scee2016 Twitter #CSSE2016 The majority of sessions will occur in Education Classroom Block (EDC). La plupart des séances aura lieu dans le Education Classroom Block (EDC). 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e |2 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 CSSE CONFERENCE TIMETABLE /CALENDRIER DU CONGRESS DE LA SCÉÉ : Day 1 / Jour 1 Sun. / dim. May 29 mai Day 2 / Jour 2 Mon. / lun. May 30 mai 8:15 – 9:30 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 1 8 Day 3 / Jour 3 Tue. / mar. May 31 mai 15 Day 4 / Jour 4 Wed. / mer. June 1 juin 22 9:45 – 11:00 9 h 45 – 11 h 2 9 16 23 CCGSE Posters and Roundtable Session CCÉDÉ séance et tables rondes MacEwan Hall Faculty Posters and Roundtable Session Séance et tables rondes MacEwan Hall Faculty Posters and Roundtable Session Séance et tables rondes MacEwan Hall 11:15 – 12:15 11 h 15 – 12 h 15 3 10 17 24 12:15 – 1:15 12 h 15 – 13 h 15 4 1:30 – 2:45 13 h 30 – 14 h 45 CSSE AGM SCÉÉ AGA EDC388 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 3:00 – 4:15 15 h – 16 h 15 6 13 20 27 4:30 – 5:45 16 h 30 – 17 h 15 7 14 21 28 6:00 + 18 h + CSSE Plenary Session SCÉÉ Séance plénière Rozsa Centre Naomi Klein CSSE and ACDE Reception Réception de la SCÉÉ et de l'ACDÉ MacEwan Hall uCalgary Reception 5:00-7:00 P.M. 17 h – 19 h Réception uCalgary EEEL Building 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e |3 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 PRESIDENT’S WELCOME: On behalf of the Board of Directors for the associations of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education/ Société canadienne pour l'étude de l'éducation (CSSE/SCÉÉ), welcome to the 2016 CSSE/SCÉÉ conference at the University of Calgary. Given the events in Fort McMurray, this year’s theme, “Energizing Communities” has taken on a much deeper meaning. Many of those displaced by the fires in Fort McMurray are currently being housed throughout the University of Calgary campus. This is a challenging time for the people of Alberta, and this conference is a testament to their dedication and sprit. As members of the CSSE/SCÉÉ community, please find a way to support those from the Fort McMurray Community. Personally, I continue to find the CSSE/SCÉÉ annual conference to be highly energizing. I continue to be amazed by the high quality and variety of educational research occurring across this country. Members of CSSE are engaged in amazing research focused on learning in a variety of contexts, learning science, pre-service and professional learning, research methods, and equity and diversity. We have much to offer, and through our current and ongoing efforts we will help to continue to energize our communities. Dr. Violet Baron and her team of conference organizers have put together an outstanding programme for this year’s conference. Until you have had the experience of putting together such diverse conference, it is very difficult to appreciate the amount of work this organization requires. I am so glad that the University of Calgary selected Violet to lead the organization of this conference. Thank you. Once again, our CSSE/SCÉÉ conference offers a strong selection of pre-conference sessions on Saturday. Our conference officially begins on Sunday that includes a plenary session by Naomi Klein at the Eckhardt Gramatté Hall and the CSSE/SCÉÉ President’s and ACDE Reception and Awards Ceremony. The ACDE/CSSE reception is always a great way to connect with colleagues and friends, and to find new colleagues. Make sure to stop and say hello to the executive members of the CSSE/SCÉÉ who work hard to represent your interests. The Association of Canadian Deans of Education is presenting their ACDE video presentation and reception at the Gallery Hall, Taylor Family Library on Monday. Highlights on Tuesday include the Annual General meeting and the CSSE/CJE: 40th Anniversary Panel/Wine & Cheese Reception. These are special events not to be missed. And of course, we will continue to highlight educational research in Canada through our “Spotlight” sessions during the conference. Take full advantage of our CSSE/SCÉÉ app and our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/CSSEConference2015) to guide you throughout the conference. I am confident this conference will give you much to think about in terms of current and future educational research. For those of you who are new to CSSE/SCÉÉ, enjoy the diversity of educational research and thinking in Canada, and learn more about the associations that makes up the CSSE/SCÉÉ. To our continuing members, thank you for your ongoing commitment to CSSE/SCÉÉ and our 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e |4 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 associations. As I finish my term as the CSSE/SCÉÉ president, I want to express my gratitude to the CSSE Executive and Board of Directors, Katy Ellsworth (Communications Officer for CSSE/SCÉÉ), the editors of CJE Theodore Christou, Christopher Deluca, and Rollande Deslandes, and the CJE editorial board. Finally, my deepest appreciation and gratitude to Tim Howard, our Director of Administration for CSSE/SCÉÉ. The continued success of CSSE/SCÉÉ is largely due to the dedication of these people to represent all of you. It has been an honour to serve the educational research community in Canada and I know that the CSSE/SCÉÉ will continue to be well represented by our incoming president, Dr. Nicholas Ng-a-Fook I wish each of you a successful 2016 CSSE conference. Don Klinger President: Canadian Society for the Study of Education www.csse-scee.ca/ 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e |5 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 LE MOT DE BIENVENUE DU PRÉSIDENT : Au nom du conseil d’administration de la Société canadienne pour l’étude de l’éducation (SCÉÉ), bienvenue au congrès 2016 de la SCÉÉ à l’University of Calgary. Compte tenu des événements à Fort McMurray, le thème de cette année, « L’énergie des communautés », prend un sens encore plus profond. Un grand nombre des personnes déplacées en raison des incendies à Fort McMurray ont trouvé refuge ici sur le campus de l’University of Calgary. C’est un moment difficile pour les Albertains et ce congrès témoigne de leur dynamisme et de leur courage. Je vous invite, vous qui êtes membres de la communauté que forme la SCÉÉ, à trouver une façon d’accorder votre soutien à la communauté de Fort McMurray Pour ma part, je continue de trouver le congrès annuel de la SCÉÉ très énergisant. Je suis toujours émerveillé de la haute qualité et de la variété des recherches en éducation un peu partout au pays. Des membres de la SCÉÉ sont engagés dans des travaux fascinants sur l’apprentissage dans divers contextes, l’apprentissage des sciences, la formation à l’enseignement et la formation professionnelle, les méthodes de recherche ainsi que l’équité et la diversité. Nous avons beaucoup à offrir et, grâce à nos efforts actuels et à venir, nous continuerons à contribuer à l’énergie de nos communautés. La Pre Violet Baron et son équipe ont préparé un programme exceptionnel pour le congrès de cette année. Si vous n’avez jamais eu à organiser un congrès aussi diversifié, il est très difficile d’imaginer tout le travail que cela suppose. Je suis si heureux que l’University of Calgary ait choisi Violet pour prendre la direction de l’organisation de ce congrès. Merci. Encore une fois, le congrès de la SCÉÉ offre une vaste sélection de séances précongrès le samedi. Notre congrès commence officiellement dimanche, journée qui comprend une plénière avec Naomi Klein à l’Eckhardt Gramatté Hall ainsi que la réception et la cérémonie de remise des prix de l’ACDE et du président de la SCÉÉ. Cette réception est toujours une excellence occasion de retrouver des collègues et amis et de tisser de nouveaux liens. N’oubliez pas de venir saluer les membres du bureau de direction de la SCÉÉ qui s’emploient activement à représenter vos intérêts. L’Association canadienne des doyens et doyennes d’éducation présente leurs vidéos et tiennent leur réception au Gallery Hall, Taylor Family Library lundi. À noter au menu du mardi : l’assemblée générale annuelle et la réception vin-fromage à l’occasion du 40e anniversaire de la SCÉÉ et de la RCÉ. Ce sont là des événements spéciaux à ne pas rater. Et nous continuerons, bien sûr, à mettre en lumière la recherche en éducation au Canada par le biais de nos séances « Point de mire » pendant le congrès. Je vous invite aussi à tirer pleinement parti de l’appli de notre congrès et de notre page Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/CSSEConference2015) qui sauront vous guider tout au long du congrès. Je suis convaincu que ce congrès viendra alimenter vos réflexions au sujet de la recherche en éducation aujourd’hui et à venir. Si vous venez de vous joindre à la SCÉÉ, profitez bien de la diversité des recherches et des points de vue au sein de ce vaste pays et prenez le temps de vous familiariser avec les 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e |6 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 associations qui composent la SCÉÉ. Si vous êtes un ou une membre de longue date, merci de votre fidèle soutien envers la SCÉÉ et nos associations. Je profite de la fin de mon mandat comme président de la SCÉÉ pour exprimer toute ma gratitude au bureau de direction et au conseil d’administration de la SCÉÉ. À Katy Ellsworth (responsable des communications pour la SCÉÉ), aux rédacteurs de la RCÉ, Theodore Christou, Christopher Deluca et Rollande Deslandes, et au conseil aviseur de rédaction de la RCÉ. Je tiens enfin à remercier très sincèrement Tim Howard, notre directeur de l’administration pour la SCÉÉ. Le succès continu de la SCÉÉ est largement dû au dévouement avec lequel ces personnes nous représentent tous. Ce fut un honneur pour moi que de servir la communauté des chercheurs en éducation au Canada. Je sais que la SCÉÉ continuera à être bien représentée par notre nouveau président, le Pr Nicholas Ng-aFook. Je souhaite à chacun et chacune d’entre vous un excellent congrès! Don Klinger Président de la Société canadienne pour l'étude de l'éducation www.csse-scee.ca/ 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e |7 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 LE MOT DE BIENVENUE DU DOYEN : C’est avec grand plaisir que nous tous à la Werklund School of Education vous accueillons sur le campus de l’University of Calgary pour le congrès 2016 de la SCÉÉ. Avec un tel afflux de chercheurs venus de tous les coins du pays, cette semaine d’exposés, de dialogue, d’échanges savants et culturels et d’interaction sociale ne manquera pas, nous en sommes convaincus, d’être passionnante. Je tiens à remercier l’équipe qui s’est chargée d’organiser le congrès, notamment la présidente du comité du programme, Violet Baron, et les coordonnateurs locaux, Sharla Mann et Cam Smith. Je vous souhaite un congrès des plus fructueux! Dennis Sumara, Doyen, Werklund School of Education LE MOT DE BIENVENUE DE LA PRÉSIDENTE DU COMITÉ DU PROGRAMME : Au nom de la Werklund School of Education, nous vous souhaitons la plus cordiale bienvenue au congrès 2016 de la SCÉÉ. Nous sommes ravis d’être l’hôte de ce congrès et espérons que vous vous joindrez à nous pour les nombreuses activités qui se déroulent autour du campus. Je tiens à souligner le travail exceptionnel de Sharla Mann et de Cam Smith qui ont fourni l’important soutien logistique qu’a nécessité l’organisation des séances. Merci à Dennis Sumara, Sharon Friesen, Tim Howard et Don Klinger pour l’appui qu’ils m’ont accordé dans mon rôle de présidente du comité du programme. Il me faut aussi exprimer toute ma reconnaissance au personnel, aux étudiants et aux bénévoles qui n’ont ménagé aucun effort au cours des derniers mois pour mener à bien les préparatifs requis pour vous accueillir parmi nous. Nous vous souhaitons un excellent congrès et espérons que vous passerez des moments agréables à Calgary. Cordiales salutations. Violet Baron 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e |8 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 DEAN’S WELCOME: On behalf of all of us in the Werklund School of Education, I’d like to welcome all of you to the University of Calgary campus for the 2016 CSSE Conference. We’re pleased to host so many researchers from across Canada for what we know will be an exciting week of presentations, dialogue, academic and cultural exchange, and social interaction. I would like to thank our conference organizing team, led by Violet Baron, Programme Chair and Sharla Mann and Cam Smith, Local Area Coordinators. My best wishes for a productive, rewarding, and enjoyable event. Dennis Sumara, Dean, Werklund School of Education PROGRAMME CHAIR’S WELCOME: On behalf of the Werklund School of Education, we would like to extend our warmest welcome to the 2016 CSSE Conference. We are very excited to host the Conference and hope you join us for the activities happening around campus. I would like to recognize the exceptional work of Sharla Mann and Cam Smith who provided the extensive logistical support necessary for organizing the sessions. Thank you to Dennis Sumara, Sharon Friesen, Tim Howard and Don Klinger for their support in my role as programme chair. Additionally, I would like to recognize the staff, students and volunteers who have worked diligently throughout the last months in preparation for your time with us. We wish you a great conference, and hope you enjoy your time in Calgary. Regards, Violet Baron 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e |9 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 ABBREVIATIONS | ABRÉVIATIONS : Disc. Discussant(s) Chair Chairperson Org. Organizer(s), Organisateur(s)-trice(s) Comm. Commentateur(s)-trice(s) Prés. Président-e, Présidents-es ACDE / ACDÉ Association of Canadian Deans of Education / Association canadienne des doyens d'éd ucation ARTS / SCEA Arts Researchers and Teachers Society / Société des chercheurs et des enseignants des Arts CAARE / ACRAÉ Canadian Association of Action Research in Education / Association canadienne de la recherchéaction en éducation CACS / ACÉC Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies / Association canadienne pour l'étude du curriculum CAEP / ACP Canadian Association for Educational Psychology / Association canadienne de psychopédagogie CAFE / ACÉFÉ Canadian Association of Foundations of Education / Association canadienne pour l'étude des fondements de l'éducation CAREC / ACRPS Canadian Association for Research in Early Childhood / Association canadienne pour la recherche préscolaire CASIE / ACÉÉA Canadian Association for the Study of Indigenous Education / Association canadienne pour l'étude de l'éducation des autochtones CASWE / ACÉFÉ Canadian Association for the Study of Women and Education / Association canadienne pour l'étude sur les femmes et l'éducation CATE / ACFE Canadian Association for Teacher Education / Association canadienne pour la formation des enseignants CCGSE / CCÉÉCSÉ Canadian Committee of Graduate Students in Education / Comité canadien des étudiants et étudiantes aux cycles supérieurs en éducation CCPA / ACPC Canadian Critical Pedagogy Association / Association canadienne de pédagogie critique CERA / ACCÉ Canadian Educational Researchers' Association / Association canadienne des chercheurs en éducation CERN / RRÉC Citizenship and Education Research Network / Réseau de recherche sur l'éducation et citoyenneté CIESC / SCÉCI Comparative and International Education Society of Canada / Société canadienne d'éducation comparée et internationale CJE / RCÉ Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l'éducation CPES / SCPÉ Canadian Philosophy of Education Society / Société canadienne de la philosophie de l'éducation LLRC / ACCLL Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada / Association canadienne des chercheurs en langue et littératie PHETE / GFEÉPS Physical & Health Education Teacher Education / Groupe sur la formation à l'enseignement en education physique et santé QSEC / ÉAÉC Queer Studies in Education and Culture / L'étude de l’allosexualité dans l’éducation et culture RÉÉFMM / RÉÉFMM Regroupement pour l'étude de l'éducation francophone en milieu minoritaire / Group for the Study of Francophone Education in a Minority Setting SIGEM / GISEM Special Interest Group for Education and Museums / Groupe d'intérêt spécialisé en muséologie TATE / TFEE Technology and Teacher Education / Technologie et formation des enseignantes et enseignants SERG / GRES Science Education Research Group / Groupe de recherche sur l'enseignement de la science SSHRC / CRSH Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council / Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines SSTEP / GAMFE Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices / Groupe sur l'autoapprentissage et les méthodes de formation à l'enseignement 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 10 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 2016 CSSE PROGRAM COMMITTEE / COMITÉ DU PROGRAMME 2016 DE LA SCÉÉ : CSSE / SCÉÉ Violet Baron, Programme Chair | Présidente du comité du programme (Calgary) CSSE / SCÉÉ Sharla Mann & Cameron Smith, Local Arrangements Coordinators | Coordonnateurs des arrangements locaux (Calgary) ACDE / ACDÉ Katy Ellsworth ARTS / SCEA Mindy Carter (McGill), Nane Jordan CAARE / ACRAÉ Manu Sharma (Toronto) CACS / ACÉC Lisa Farley (York), David Lewkowich (Alberta) CAEP / ACP Jessica Whitley (Ottawa), Donna McGhie-Richmond (Victoria) CAFE / ACÉFÉ Lisa Panayotidis (Calgary) CAREC / ACRPS Debra Harwood (Brock) CASEA / ACÉAS Jacqueline Kirk (Brandon), Shelleyann Scott (Calgary) CASIE / ACÉÉA Mark Aquash (Red River) CASWE / ACÉFÉ Lindsay Herriot (Alberta), Saba Alvi (Ottawa) CATE / ACFE Jodi Nickel (Mount Royal) CCGSE / CCÉÉCSÉ Matthew Krüger-Ross (SFU) CCPA / ACPC Lisa Taylor (Bishop's) CERA / ACCÉ Eugene Kowch (Calgary) CERN / RRÉC Doug Fleming (Ottawa) CIESC / SCÉCI Stephen Bahry (Toronto) CPES / SCPÉ Lauren Bialystok (Toronto) LLRC / ACCLL Monica Waterhouse (Laval), Xiaoxiao Du (Western) PHETE / GFEÉPS Michelle Kilborn (Memorial) QSEC / ÉAÉC André Grace (Alberta) RÉÉFMM / RÉÉFMM Jean Labelle (Moncton) SERG / GRES Chris Tippett (Ottawa) SIGEM / GISEM Marie-France Bérard (UBC) SSTEP / GAMFE Julian Kitchen (Brock), Kevin O’Connor (Mount Royal) TATE / TFEE Norman Vaughan (Mount Royal) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 11 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 Pre-Conference / Précongrès 4:00 – 7:00 P.M. / 16 h 00 – 19 h 00 27 May / Le 27 mai 2016 CIESC-SCÉCI “Another tea at the Empress” Taking action: Contesting the institutional colonial agendas in the formal/nonformal curricula. 4:00-7:00P.M./16h00-19h00 Curated arts exhibition & interactive panel: Us-Them-Us: Artists and Social justice Room/Salle : AB 672. Art Exhibiting Artists: Dick Avers, Kim Huynh, Jean René Leblanc, Steven Dept., 6th floor, Arts Nunoda, Kevin Mellis, Marzieh Mosavaradeh, Rachel Thomas (U of C), Building Panelists: Dick Avers, Kim Huynh, Jean René Leblanc, Steven Nunoda (U of C) Chair/Prés. : Jennifer Eiserman (Calgary) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 12 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 Pre-Conference / Précongrès 8:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M. / 8 h 00 – 19 h 00 28 May / Le 28 mai 2016 CIESC-SCÉCI 8:30 AM-9:15/8h30-9h30 Room/Salle : AB 672 09:15-10:45 A.M./9h1510h45 Room/Salle : AB 672 Welcoming ceremony‘My Heart Soars, Chief Dan George’ Leader, Cree Elder, Doreen Spence, Rep. UN Aboriginal Commission and Tsuu Tina representatives Major interactive panel: First Nations initiatives, dilemmas and triumphs Cora Weber-Pilwax, U of A, selected alumnae. Hugh Akagi, Chief, Passamaquoddy, New Brunswick. Representatives from Tsuu Tina. Tiffany Prete, U of A. Sandra Manyfeathers, Educator, Blood Community. Representatives from First Nations communities Chair/Prés. : Cecille DePass (U of C), Doreen Spence (Calgary), Celia Haig Brown (York) 11:00-11:45 A.M./11h0011h45 Small groups, facilitated discussions: ‘Where to from here’? Dialogues, Conversations. Responses. Room/Salle : AB 617, 641, 651, 658 1:00 - 2:45 PM/13:00 14:45 Room/Salle : AB 672 Major interactive panel: Immigration and Minority integration initiatives, dilemmas and triumphs Enid Lee, Santa Cruz. Sunetha Matthews, Winnipeg. Gail Jardine, U of C, selected alumnae. Maria Wallis, York. Kamal Sehgal, Alberta Network of Immigrant Women and Board members. Hilary Robertson Hickling, UWI, Jamaica Chair/Prés. : Enid Lee (California), Sana Fakih (Vancouver) Didi Khayatt (York) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 13 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 Pre-Conference / Précongrès 8:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M. / 8 h 00 – 19 h 00 28 May / Le 28 mai 2016 CIESC-SCÉCI 1:00 - 2:45 PM/13:00 14:45 Participatory session with reflections: Healing our bodies using traditional energies Room/Salle : AB 658 Chair/Prés. : Yan Guo, Rosemarie Bartschak (Calgary) 1:00 - 2:45 PM/13:00 14:45 Small groups, facilitated, dialogues, discussions, dramatizations: Contemporary encounters and experiences Room/Salle : AB 641, 651, 617 3:00-3: 45 PM/15:00-15: 45 Closing Experiences. Part 1.: One World Uniting. Plenary with Open Mike. Ali Abdi, UBC. Enid Lee, Santa Cruz. Magda Lewis, Queen's (to be confirmed). Room/Salle : AB 672 Chair/Prés. : Doreen Spence 4:00-6:00 PM/16:0018:00 Closing Experiences Part 2.: ‘Life is just for living, Ernie Smith’ Elder Spence with Tsuu Tina representatives. Doreen Spence. Cyril Dabydeen. Tania Guerrero. Pamela Mordecai. Room/Salle : AB 672 Chair/Prés. : Enid Lee (California) Ali Abdi (UBC), Patty Hamid (Okotoks) CATE/ACFE 12:00-4:00 PM/12:0016:00 Neoliberalism and Teacher Education: Critical Conversations Room/Salle : 370A 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 14 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 Pre-Conference / Précongrès 8:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M. / 8 h 00 – 19 h 00 28 May / Le 28 mai 2016 CSSHE-SCÉES/CCGSE-CCÉÉCSÉ 9:00-10:30 A.M./9h0010h30 Keynote: How to Survive your PhD Inger Mewburn (editor of ThesisWhisperer.com) (Australian National University) Room/Salle : EDC179 10:45-12:15 P.M./10h4512h15 The Teaching Dossier: Preparing for your Academic Career Now Cynthia Korpan (Victoria) Room/Salle : Scurfield 268 1:15-2:15/13h15-14h15 Joining Scholarly Conversations: Moving from Student to Published Author Michelle K. McGin (Brock) Room/Salle : Scurfield 268 2:15-2:45/14h15-14h45 A Conversation with a Journal Editor Michelle Pidgeon (SFU) Room/Salle : Scurfield 268 3:00-4:00/15h00-16h00 Crafting a Research Agenda George Veletsianos (Royal Roads) Room/Salle : Scurfield 268 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 15 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 Pre-Conference / Précongrès 8:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M. / 8 h 00 – 19 h 00 28 May / Le 28 mai 2016 CERA-ACCÉ 8:15 A.M./8h15 Room/Salle : EDC 280 1:30 P.M./13h30 Workshop: Using the Pan-Canadian Assessment (PCAP) Databases for Large-scale Eduction Studies Kathryn O’Grady (Pan-Canadian Assessment Program for the Council of Ministers of Education) Workshop: From SPSS to R: An emerging migration! Amin Mousavi (Saskatchewan) Room/Salle : EDC 280 LLRC-ACCLL 8:00 A.M./8h00 Registration Room/Salle : EDC 386 8:30-9:45 A.M./8h309h45 Room/Salle : EDC 386 10:00-11:45 A.M. & 1:152:45 P.M./10h00-11h45 & 13h15-14h45 Room/Salle : EDC 270 Keynote: Post-modernizing school learning: An evolving playbook to reread/write language and literacy education for civic engagement Heather Lotherington (York) Breakout sessions Group 1 Chair/Prés. : Lynne Wiltse Using critical literacies to engage Indigenous youth in a collaborative graohic novel project Alexis Brown 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 16 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 Pre-Conference / Précongrès 8:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M. / 8 h 00 – 19 h 00 28 May / Le 28 mai 2016 LLRC-ACCLL 10:00-11:45 A.M. & 1:152:45 P.M./10h00-11h45 & 13h15-14h45 "This is where I grew up": Reflections on language, civic engagement, and pressing for change for ethnic minorities in Hong Kong Casey Burkholder, Jianne Soriano, Alecxis Ramos-Pakit Room/Salle : EDC 270 10:00-11:45 A.M. & 1:152:45 P.M./10h00-11h45 & 13h15-14h45 The techno-literacy practices of young children from diverse backgrounds Nikki Friedrich Room/Salle : EDC 270 10:00-11:45 A.M. & 1:152:45 P.M./10h00-11h45 & 13h15-14h45 Speaking Mennonite at school: A narration analysis of the role of language in immigrant educational experiences Christine Kampen Robinson Room/Salle : EDC 270 10:00-11:45 A.M. & 1:152:45 P.M./10h00-11h45 & 13h15-14h45 Exploring civic engagement through postcolonial readings of children's literature about the refugee experience Lynne Wiltse Room/Salle : EDC 270 10:00-11:45 A.M. & 1:152:45 P.M./10h00-11h45 & 13h15-14h45 Breakout sessions Group 2 Chair/Prés. : Diane Collier Room/Salle : EDC 272 Visualizing families: Visual literacy and photography Diane Collier 10:00-11:45 A.M. & 1:152:45 P.M./10h00-11h45 & 13h15-14h45 Art, charts, and alphabet strips: Searching for literac(ies) on the walls of primary classrooms Wendy Crocker Room/Salle : EDC 272 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 17 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 Pre-Conference / Précongrès 8:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M. / 8 h 00 – 19 h 00 28 May / Le 28 mai 2016 LLRC-ACCLL 10:00-11:45 A.M. & 1:152:45 P.M./10h00-11h45 & 13h15-14h45 Supporting children's multiliteracies at home: A case study of two Chinese families Xiaoxiao Du Room/Salle : EDC 272 10:00-11:45 A.M. & 1:152:45 P.M./10h00-11h45 & 13h15-14h45 Uncovering the myth of English picture books for Chinese parenting Yijuan Ge Room/Salle : EDC 272 10:00-11:45 A.M. & 1:152:45 P.M./10h00-11h45 & 13h15-14h45 Another look at literacy: The role of the museum, synergy, and family's interaction in an Afghani-American refugee family Assadullah Sadiq Room/Salle : EDC 272 10:00-11:45 A.M. & 1:152:45 P.M./10h00-11h45 & 13h15-14h45 Breakout sessions Group 3 Chair/Prés. : Susan Holloway Room/Salle : EDC 276 Multimodal pedagogy and semiotic demands Emma Cooper 10:00-11:45 A.M. & 1:152:45 P.M./10h00-11h45 & 13h15-14h45 Learning through the [XXX] project: Teacher candidates' and graduate students' views on creating pedagogical multimodal tools Susan Holloway Room/Salle : EDC 276 10:00-11:45 A.M. & 1:152:45 P.M./10h00-11h45 & 13h15-14h45 The responses of Canadian and Chinese teachers and university instructors to picture books Jing Jin Room/Salle : EDC 276 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 18 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 Pre-Conference / Précongrès 8:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M. / 8 h 00 – 19 h 00 28 May / Le 28 mai 2016 LLRC-ACCLL 10:00-11:45 A.M. & 1:152:45 P.M./10h00-11h45 & 13h15-14h45 Room/Salle : EDC 276 Bridging the divide: How English and French connections promote biliteracies for critical citizenship Sunny Lau Man Chu 10:00-11:45 A.M. & 1:152:45 P.M./10h00-11h45 & 13h15-14h45 Room/Salle : EDC 276 The development of grade 6 Intensive ESL students' writing skills in both first and second languages Lynn Thomas 10:00-11:45 A.M. & 1:152:45 P.M./10h00-11h45 & 13h15-14h45 Room/Salle : EDC 276 Collaboration and literacy: Pre-service teachers and the process of integrating speech-to-text technology Kevin Wilcox 11:45-1:15 P.M./11h4513h15 Room/Salle : EDC 386 Lunch/Déjeuner 3:00-4:00 P.M./15h0016h00 Room/Salle : EDC 386 Consolidation Monkeyshines Children's Books TATE-TFEE 2:00-4:00 P.M./14h0016h00 Inspiring a Passionate Commitment to Learning Sharon Friesen and Barb Brown (Calgary) Room/Salle : Doucette Library EDC 370 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 19 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 Pre-Conference / Précongrès 8:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M. / 8 h 00 – 19 h 00 28 May / Le 28 mai 2016 CACS-ACÉC Session/Séance 8:15-4:45 P.M./8h15-16h45 Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 287 Session/Séance 8:15-4:45 P.M./8h15-16h45 Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 255 ARTS-SCEA 9:30-11:00 A.M./9h3011h00 ABER, Visual Arts, Communities, and the Self Room/Salle : EDC 284 Utilizing Photography as a Vehicle for Literacy Development Peter Vietgen (Brock) 9:30-11:00 A.M./9h3011h00 Multimodal Visual Arts and Community Literacy Kathy Browning (Laurentian) Room/Salle : EDC 284 9:30-11:00 A.M./9h3011h00 The Role of Community-based Art in Developing Social and Political Literacies for a More Caring and Engaged Future R. Varainja Stock (Lakehead), Dayna Slingerland (Lakehead) Room/Salle : EDC 284 9:30-11:00 A.M./9h3011h00 Lost in Transition: Arts-based Research on the Experience of a First-Year International Graduate Student from the First Person’s Perspective Seonjeong Yi (Concordia) Room/Salle : EDC 284 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 20 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 Pre-Conference / Précongrès 8:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M. / 8 h 00 – 19 h 00 28 May / Le 28 mai 2016 ARTS-SCEA 9:30-11:00 A.M./9h3011h00 Empathy, A/R/Tography, Literacy Room/Salle : EDC 278 Social and Emotional Learning: An Intersectionality between Literacy and the Arts Natalia Archacka (UBC) 9:30-11:00 A.M./9h3011h00 Couplets as Indicators of A/r/tographic Learning Jun Hu (Concordia) Room/Salle : EDC 278 9:30-11:00 A.M./9h3011h00 Room/Salle : EDC 278 9:30-11:00 A.M./9h3011h00 Multiliteracies: A Framework for the Music Education Paradigm Katie Tremblay-Beaton (OISE-UT) How Does the Study of Art Influence the Pedagogical Practices for Children with Cancer? Sahar Fazeli (McGill) Room/Salle : EDC 278 11:10-12:10 P.M./11h1012h10 AGM/AGA Room/Salle : EDC 278 12:10-1:10 P.M./12h1013h10 Room/Salle : EDC 278 1:10-1:40 P.M./13h1013h40 Lunch/Déjeuner Spotlight Session: International Journal of Education Through Art Room/Salle : EDC 278 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 21 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 Pre-Conference / Précongrès 8:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M. / 8 h 00 – 19 h 00 28 May / Le 28 mai 2016 ARTS-SCEA 1:40-3:00 P.M./13h4015h00 Room/Salle : EDC 284 Telling through Experiences: The Place of Literacy Session/Séance 1:403:00 P.M./13h40-15h00 Room/Salle : EDC 284 Interrogating the Other: Zombies in Print, Performance and Popular Culture Mary Ann Richards (VIU) Session/Séance 1:40-3:00 P.M./13h40-15h00 Room/Salle : EDC 284 A Weaving of Pedagogical and Poetic Inquiry into Colonial Relation and Education for Sustainable Development Margaret McKeon (UBC) Session/Séance 1:40-3:00 P.M./13h40-15h00 Room/Salle : EDC 284 Embodying history: A multi-layered experience Shauna Rak (McGill) Session/Séance 1:40-3:00 P.M./13h40-15h00 Room/Salle : EDC 278 Living through the Body: Perceptions and Embodied Literacies The Limits of Literacy Boyd White (McGill) Session/Séance 1:403:00 P.M./13h40-15h00 Room/Salle : EDC 278 I’m Perfect/Imperfect: Multimodal Transformations and Narrations of Body Image Kari-Lynn Winters (Brock), Christine Boyko-Head (Mohawk College), Helen Zdriluk (Brock) Children’s Perceptions of Disability within the Context of Elementary School Dance Education Michelle R. Zitomer (Alberta) Session/Séance 1:40-3:00 P.M./13h40-15h00 Room/Salle : EDC 278 My Somatic Alphabet: Employing the Body to Access Embodied Lessons of the Hidden Curriculum Towani Duchscher (Calgary) Session/Séance 1:40-3:00 P.M./13h40-15h00 Room/Salle : EDC 278 Break it Down: Using Street Dance to Challenge Gender Norms in a Disadvantaged High-School Debora Friedmann (McGill) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 22 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 1 / PÉRIODE 1 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 1.01 ACDE-ACDÉ ACDE AGM | AGA de l'ACDÉ Room/Salle : EDC 370A Breakfast meeting Session/Séance 1.02 CACS-ACÉC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 171 Understanding Teachers' Participation in Nature-based Field Trips: A Study from an Alberta Conservation Area Scott Hughes (Mount Royal), Heather Ray (Mount Royal), Sonya Jakubec (Mount Royal), Joe Pavelka (Mount Royal), Michael Quinn (Mount Royal), Ashok Krishnamurthy (Mount Royal) Living as Mapmakers: Charting a Course with Children Guided by Parent Knowledge Debbie Pushor (Saskatchewan) Uprooting the urban school garden: Planting seeds that make a difference Susan Jagger (Ryerson) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 23 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 1 / PÉRIODE 1 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 1.03 Room/Salle : EDC 156 SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE CAEP-ACP Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Researching Inclusive Education School Principals and Students with Special Education Needs: Leading Inclusive Schools Steve Sider (WLU), Kimberly Maich (Brock), Jhonel Morvan (Brock) Inclusive education and cultural (dis)connect in the Pacific Islands: Conclusions from a 3-year collection of studies. Tim Loreman (Concordia - Edmonton), Philipe Jitoko (Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat), Seta Macanawai (Pacific Disability Forum), Umesh Sharma (Monash University) Session/Séance 1.04 Room/Salle : EDC 152 CAEP-ACP Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Exploring the Connections Meta-moral Cognition: Bridging the Gap between Moral Thinking and Moral Action Mira Bajovic (Brock), Kelly Rizzo (Hamilton Wentworth District School Board) Teaching Adolescents to Think and Act Responsibly Through Narrative Film-making: Pedagogical Strategies for using the EQUIP Approach Christina Garchinski (Brock) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 24 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 1 / PÉRIODE 1 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 1.05 Room/Salle : EDT 450 CAFE-ACÉFÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications History of Education Theory Chair/Prés. : David Scott (Calgary) Shifting Sands: Challenging Social Roles in Community-based History Education Cynthia Wallace-Casey (UNB) History in Canadian Education: Canon or Complexity? Lynn Lemisko (Saskatchewan), Kurt Clausen (Nipissing) Session/Séance 1.06 Room/Salle : EDC 370 SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE CASEA-ACÉAS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Professional Growth Chair/Prés. : Shelleyann Scott () Field Testing An Online Professional Growth Planning Service: Year Two Results Carmen Mombourquette (Lethbridge) Engaging and sustaining professional learning through teacher inquiry teams Sabre Cherkowski (UBC - Okanagan), Leyton Schnellert (UBC - Okanagan) Facilitating Change: Implementing an Individualized Professional Development Program to Support Teachers' Capacity with EvidencedBased Practices Marybeth Fortune (Brock), Tiffany Gallagher (Brock) Flourishing in Schools: Understanding how teachers experience well-being in their work Jennifer Kely (UBC Okanagan), Kelly Hanson (UBC - Okanagan), Keith Walker (Saskatchewan), Sabre Cherkowski (UBC -Okanagan) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 25 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 1 / PÉRIODE 1 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 1.07 Room/Salle : EDC 386 CASIE-ACÉÉA Special Event/Événement spécial CASIE Opening Ceremony | Cérémonie d'ouverture de l'ACÉÉA CASIE Opening Ceremony led by Indigenous Elder Session/Séance 1.08 Room/Salle : EDC 280 CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Practicum Partnerships Practice-and-Theory Integration through School-University Partnerships: Tensions and Triumphs Gladys Sterenberg (Mount Royal), Kevin O'Connor (Mount Royal) Educating associate teachers through professional co-development groups: a posture challenge / Former des enseignants-associés dans des groupes de codéveloppement professionnel : un défi de posture (Bilingual/Bilingue) Marie-Josée Dumoulin (Sherbrooke), Julie Desjardins (Sherbrooke), François Vandercleyen (Sherbrooke) Pre-Service Teacher Mentorship: Exploring changes to teaching practice emerging from mentorship experiences Phil Butterfield (Calgary) Session/Séance 1.09 CATE-ACFE Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 255 Murmurations: Teacher Education Curriculum Conversations in Motion Towani Duchscher (Calgary), Jodi Latremouille (Calgary), Kimberley Grant (Calgary) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 26 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 1 / PÉRIODE 1 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 1.10 Room/Salle : EDC 057 QSEC-ÉAÉC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Queer Community Projects The Comprehensive Health Education Workers Project for Sexual and Gender Minority Youth and Young Adults: Pedagogical and Cultural Work as Advocacy Andre Grace (Alberta), Michel Levesque (Alberta), Jeffrey Hankey (Alberta), Clarissa Cheong (Alberta) Singing Queer: Archiving and Constructing a Lineage Through Song Kate Reid (UBC), Claudia Ruitenberg (UBC) Session/Séance 1.11 Room/Salle : EDC 287 TATE-TFEE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Professional development through the use of digital technologies The ETFO Connected Communities project: A grassroots, online Professional development model for elementary teachers Catherine Hands (Brock), Eleftherios Soleas (Queen's), Janet Grant (Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario) Teachers' Life-long Learning: Mathematics and Technology Professional Development Webinars in an Ontario Community of Teachers Eleftherios Soleas (Queen's), Catherine Hands (Brock) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 27 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 2 / PÉRIODE 2 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 2.01 Room/Salle : EDC 202 ACDE-ACDÉ Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Chair/Prés. : Kim Franklin (TWU) Welcoming 25,000+ Syrian Refugees to Canada: Responses from Canadian Post-Secondary Institutions Kristina Montero (WLU), Richard Schmid (Concordia), Tim Rahilly (SFU) Session/Séance 2.02 CACS-ACÉC Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 171 Nature as educational partner? Diverse research perspectives on a placebased public school Mark Fettes (SFU), Sean Blenkinsop (SFU), Jade Ho (SFU), Stef Block (SFU), Anya Chase (SFU), Laura Piersol (SFU), Michael Derby (SFU) Session/Séance 2.03 Room/Salle : EDC 260 So what's your PGP? The preferred gender pronoun as ambivalent diversity curriculum Lee Airton (OISE-UT) Sex education: Contesting identities, surveillance and homonormativity Adam Davies (OISE-UT), Laura Hughes (OISE- UT) Reading Fantasy in Policy Controversy: A Study of Ontario's New Sexual Health Education Curriculum Lauren Jervis (York) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 28 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 2 / PÉRIODE 2 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 2.04 Room/Salle : EDC 156 CAEP-ACP Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Researching Comprehensive Development of a core indicators and measurements framework for Comprehensive School Health (CSH) initiatives Alicia Hussain (Queen's), Susan Hornby (Joint Consortium for School Health), John Freeman (Queen's University) Supporting Newcomer Students' Psychological Wellbeing: One School's Comprehensive School Health Approach Keith Power (Memorial), Xuemei Li (Memorial), Hua Que (Memorial) Session/Séance 2.05 Room/Salle : EDC 152 CAEP-ACP Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Attitudes toward Disabilities: Perspectives of children and youth Inclusive but not included: Perspectives of secondary school students on the social exclusion of students with learning difficulties Jennifer Richardson (Western), Elizabeth Nowicki (Western), Jason Brown (Western) Factors influencing the Attitudes of Children with Disabilities towards People with Disabilities in General Lily Dyson (Victoria) Session/Séance 2.06 Room/Salle : EDT 450 CAFE-ACÉFÉ Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Critical Media Literacy Chair/Prés. : Marlon Simmons (Calgary) Critical Media Literacy, Democracy and the Importance of Teachers and Education Paul Carr (UQO), Gina Thésée (UQAM), Darren Lund (Calgary), Gary Pluim (Lakehead (Orillia)) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 29 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 2 / PÉRIODE 2 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 2.07 Room/Salle : EDC 370 SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE CASEA-ACÉAS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Aboriginal Educational Leadership Teacher attrition in a northern Ontario First Nation community: A narrative re-storying. Dawn Burleigh (Lethbridge) Success in Nunavut Schools: Insight from Principals and Teacher Leaders Using Features of Appreciative Inquiry Jane Preston (UPEI) Treaty 7 Education: From Treaty 7 to Local Control of Education Jacqueline Ottmann (Calgary), Sheila Carr-Stewart (Alberta) Uncovering Aboriginal Women Educational Leaders' Stories Ingrid Robinson (STFX) Session/Séance 2.08 CASIE-ACÉÉA Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 386 Kress, M., Perley, D., Perley, I., Plaice, E., and Sabattis-Atwin, A. (2015). "Ktuhkelokepon" Awakening our Indigeneity: A Wabanaki Story. Mi'kmaqWolastoqey Center, Faculty of Education. University of New Brunswick. Margaret Kress (UNB), David Perely (UNB), Imelda Perley (UNB), Evie Plaice (UNB), Allan Sabattis-Atwin (UNB) Four Indigenous scholars translating decolonizing principles into pedagogy Dustin Louie (Calgary), Yvonne Poitras-Pratt (Calgary), Jacqueline Ottmann (Calgary), Aubrey Hanson (Calgary) Challenges and Rewards of Success Through Our Eyes: A Photovoice Research Project Karen Rempel (Centre for Aboriginal and Rural Education Studies, Faculty of Education Brandon University), Kathy Moscou (Brandon), Chris Brown (), Chris Beeman (Brandon) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 30 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 2 / PÉRIODE 2 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 2.09 Room/Salle : EDC 287 CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Indigenization in Teacher Education New Immigrant Navigating Multiculturalism and Indigenous Content in Teacher Education Lilach Marom (UBC) Learning what schooling left out: Making an Indigenous case for critical service-learning and critical pedagogy within teacher education Yvonne Poitras Pratt (Calgary), Patricia Danyluk (Calgary) Pedagogical Pathways for Indigenous Education With/in Teacher Education Brooke Madden (UBC) Session/Séance 2.10 Room/Salle : EDC 255 CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Building capacity in assessment The evolution of fourth year pre-service ESL teachers' beliefs and practices related to formative assessment Alexandre Mesquita (Sherbrooke) Building Teachers' Capacity in Authentic Assessment: A Critical Inquiry Approach Kim Koh (Calgary), Colleen Parks (Calgary) Assessing competencies: Supporting teachers (and teacher candidates) in a time of curriculum revision Sheryl MacMath (UFV) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 31 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 2 / PÉRIODE 2 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 2.11 Room/Salle : EDC 278 SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Fostering success in mathematics Investigating mathematics teachers' professional learning through professional learning networks Xiong Wang (Alberta) Fostering meaningful parent engagement in their children's mathematical learning and success Lynda Colgan (Queen's), Penny Patrician (Ministry of Education for the Province of Ontario (Parent and Community Engagement Unit of the Inclusive Education Branch)) Un-numbing: Pre-service teachers' poetic understandings of number, quantity, and scale Limin Jao (McGill), Susan Jagger (Ryerson), Nenad Radakovic (College of Charleston) Session/Séance 2.12 Room/Salle : EDC 284 CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Reflection in Teacher Education A cross-examination of the development of reflection: The case of two initial teacher education programmes Lynn Thomas (Sherbrooke), Enrique Correa Molina (Sherbrooke) "Making"as a Catalyst for Reflective Practice Andrea Sator (SFU), Shawn Bullock (SFU) Fostering Innovative Practice: A model for professional learning. Vandy Britton (UFV), Awneet Sivia (UFV) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 32 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 2 / PÉRIODE 2 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 2.13 CCGSE-CCÉÉCSÉ Workshop/Atelier Room/Salle : EDC 384 A Mentoring-based Approach to Writing for Publication /Accompagnement d'étudiants-chercheurs lors des étapes menant à la publication scientifique Casey Burkholder (McGill), Nancy Allen (UQO), Joelle Nagle-Creston (Western) Session/Séance 2.14 Room/Salle : EDC 280 CERA-ACCÉ Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Large-Scale Assessments in Elementary Schools Talking About Large-Scale Assessments: Elementary Principals’ and Teachers’ Activities and Use of EQAO Materials Monica Paabo (OISE-UT), Tian Tang (OISE- UT), Ruth Childs (OISE- UT) Patterns of Nonresponse Over Time and Their Relationship with Students’ Attitudes and Characteristics Tian Tang (OISE-UT), Saira Shah (OISE- UT), Gulam Khan (OISE- UT), Ruth Childs (OISE- UT) What’s in a Skipped Item? Investigating the Characteristics of Items that are Susceptible to Being Skipped Gulam Khan (OISE-UT), Ruth Childs (OISE- UT) Nonresponse and Teachers’ Use of Assessment Materials Ruth Childs (OISE-UT), Monica Paabo (OISE- UT), Gulam Khan (OISE- UT), Tian Tang (OISE- UT), Saira Shah (OISE-UT) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 33 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 2 / PÉRIODE 2 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 2.15 Room/Salle : EDC 370A CIESC-SCÉCI Bilingual multi-paper/Plusieurs communications bilingue Exploring Rights and Sovereignty of Students and Educators in Public Education / Une exploration des droits et de la souveraineté des étudiant(e)s et des professeur(e)s dans l'éducation publique The Case for a Statement of Rights for International Students in Canada Joe Corrigan (Alberta) Re-thinking Children's Rights in a Global Digital Age: A Critical Narrative Review of the Literature Hoa Truong-White (Ottawa) Les limites à l'inclusion scolaire au Canada : une analyse comparative (Bilingual/Bilingue) Philippe Tremblay (Laval), Stéphanie Belley (présentateur) (Laval) National Councils for Education as a Platform for a Sovereign Education Doron Yosef-Hassidim (OISE-UT) Session/Séance 2.16 LLRC-ACCLL Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 173 Energizing Communities with Children's Literature: Working against a dictatorship of no alternatives. Pam Whitty (UNB), Sherry Rose (UNB) Teaching Literature by Indigenous Authors in Alberta High Schools: Stories from the Field Ingrid Johnston (Alberta), Bill Howe (Edmonton Public Schools), Chandra Hildebrand (Edmonton Public Schools) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 34 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 2 / PÉRIODE 2 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 2.17 Room/Salle : EDC 057 QSEC-ÉAÉC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Queer Issues in Local School contexts "When I Play Soccer, I Feel Free, I Feel as if No One Can Harm Me": Gender Justice and Sports Karleen Pendleton Jiménez (Trent) The Experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer/Questioning (LGBQ) School Personnel in Newfoundland and Labrador Sarah Pickett (Memorial) Gay-Straight Alliances' (GSA) work in Canadian public and Catholic high schools Alicia Lapointe (Western) Session/Séance 2.18 SIGEMM-GISÉMM Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 172 Do retired adults deal with a thematic temporary exhibition in a more superficial way than adults that are still at work? Colette Dufresne-Tassé (Montréal) Les émotions : révélation de leurs effets lors de l'observation d'une œuvre dans un musée d'art (Bilingual/Bilingue) Elisabeth Meunier (Montréal), Colette Dufresne-Tassé (Montréal) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 35 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 3 / PÉRIODE 3 11:15 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. / 11 h 15 – 12h 15 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 3.01 ACDE-ACDÉ/CATE-ACFE Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 179 Are we admitting the right teacher candidates? The future of admission processes for teacher education programs Ruth Childs (OISE-UT), Kim Stegemann (TRU), Mary Jane Harkins (MSVU), Kent Hecker (Calgary) Session/Séance 3.02 CACS-ACÉC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 171 Language program developments in one settlement service agency in Newfoundland and Labrador Barbara Mulcahy (Memorial) Educating and Place in Western Newfoundland: A Narrative and Poetic Inquiry of Decolonization (Bilingual/Bilingue) Margaret McKeon (UBC) Session/Séance 3.03 Room/Salle : EDC 057 CAEP-ACP Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Supporting Adult Learners in Diverse Settings Supporting medical trainees to be self-regulating learners: A case study of a novel feedback program Deborah Butler (UBC), Kimberley MacNeil (UBC), Stephane Voyer (UBC), Cary Cuncic (UBC), Rose Hatala (UBC) A problem-based learning intervention in a professional environmental health and safety department: A case of innovation and its subsequent effects on learners Ugur Parlar (Calgary), Bonnie Shapiro (Calgary) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 36 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 3 / PÉRIODE 3 11:15 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. / 11 h 15 – 12h 15 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 3.04 Room/Salle : EDC 280 Session/Séance 3.05 Room/Salle : EDT 202 Session/Séance 3.06 CAFE-ACÉFÉ Special Event/Événement spécial CAFE Book Celebration | Célébration des livres de l'ACÉFÉ CASEA-ACÉAS Special Event/Événement spécial ICASEA Graduate Session: Interview (Successfully!) for Your First Academic Position Chair/Prés. : Alysha Sloane CASEA-ACÉAS Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 260 International Perspectives on School Autonomy and 21st Century Learning Paul Newton (Saskatchewan) Session/Séance 3.07 Room/Salle : EDT 450 CASWE-ACÉFÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications K-12 Teachers Both sides of the educational fence: Understanding 21st century leadership through duoethnography Lisa Starr (McGill), Charlie Kraig (Grand Prairie Public School District) Portraits of time pressure: Exploring female teachers' research engagement Jennifer Mitton Kukner (STFX) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 37 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 3 / PÉRIODE 3 11:15 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. / 11 h 15 – 12h 15 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 3.08 Room/Salle : EDC 287 SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Partnerships to enhance aboriginal education Increasing Equity and Access for Alberta Rural Pre-Service Teachers Dianne Gereluk (Calgary), Roswita Dressler (Calgary), Sarah Eaton (Calgary), Sandra Becker (Calgary) Exploring Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreements (Bilingual/Bilingue) Andrew Kitchenham (UNBC), Tina Fraser (UNBC), Michelle Pidgeon (SFU), Karen Ragoonaden (UBC) Crossing Borders in Teacher Education: Mapping Dispositions in Global and Local Educational Engagements Jeannie Kerr (UBC), Vanessa Andreotti (UBC) Session/Séance 3.09 Room/Salle : EDC 278 CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Developing autonomy and competence in practicum How Beginning Teachers Negotiate Autonomy During the Practicum Elizabeth Sloat (UNB) Cross analysis of difficulties and obstacles encountered during student teaching experience Adel Habak (Sherbrooke), Jean-François Desbiens (Sherbrooke), Mylène Leroux (UQO), Carlo Spallanzani (Sherbrooke), Stéphane Martineau (UQTR), Claudia Gagnon (Sherbrooke), Enrique Correa-Molina (Sherbrooke), Cécilia Borges (Montréal) Applying the Community of Inquiry Framework to a Teacher Education Practicum Norman Vaughan (Mount Royal) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 38 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 3 / PÉRIODE 3 11:15 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. / 11 h 15 – 12h 15 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 3.10 Room/Salle : EDC 284 CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Mentorship and resilience Visualizing teacher mentorship in British Columbia Ching-Chiu Lin (UBC), Rita Irwin (UBC) Choosing not to break: The daily decisions of teachers who stay Jaime Beck (Alberta) How infusing an Inclusion Education course in a Bachelor of Education Program with an explicit Disability Studies in Education (DSE) and the Social Model of Disability (SMD) Focus Impacts Pre-Service and New InService Teachers' Classroom Practices Chris Gilham (STFX), Joanne Tompkins (STFX) Session/Séance 3.11 Room/Salle : EDC 370A CIESC-SCÉCI Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Educational policy, practice and research: What’s marginal; what’s mainstream? Who puts the Public in Public Scholarship? Manjeet Birk (UBC) US adult literacy education and the frayed cloak of invisibility Ralf St Clair (Victoria) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 39 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 3 / PÉRIODE 3 11:15 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. / 11 h 15 – 12h 15 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 3.12 Room/Salle : EDC 370 LLRC-ACCLL LLRC Multiple-paper session | Séance de plusieurs communications de l'ACLL /Master's Award - Remise du prix à la maîtrise Meaning-making across disparate realities: A new cognitive model for the personality-integrating response to fairy tales Elizabeth Bolton (OISE-UT) Writer’s work/place: The non/fictional pedagogical possibilities of the Canadian landscape. Mary Land (Ottawa) Session/Séance 3.13 SIGEMM-GISÉMM Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 172 De-Constructing Cabinets of Curiosity: Making a Case for Seventh-graders, Historical Thinking, and Community History Museums Cynthia Wallace-Casey (UNB) Les défis de la mise en valeur du patrimoine archéologique sur la côte nord péruvienne Estelle Poirier-Vannier (Montréal) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 40 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 4 / PÉRIODE 4 12:15 – 1:15 P.M. / 12 h 15 – 13h 15 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 4.01 Room/Salle : EDT 450 Session/Séance 4.02 Room/Salle : EDC 057 CASWE-ACÉFÉ Special Event/Événement spécial CASWE Graduate Student Session | Séance pour l'étudiants dipômés de l'ACÉFÉ CERA-ACCÉ Special Event/Événement spécial CERA Sr/Jr Scholar Panel View from the Top: Research Perspectives of Senior Scholars Nancy Arthur (Calgary), Ruth Childs (Toronto), Don Klinger (Queen's), Todd Rogers (Alberta) Session/Séance 4.03 Room/Salle : Eckhardt Gramatté Hall, Rozsa Centre CSSE-SCÉÉ Special Event/Événement spécial CSSE Plenary Session | Séance plénière de la SCÉÉ This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the climate (Held in conjunction with the Congress Big Thinking lecture series. All CSSE delegates are encouraged to attend) Naomi Klein 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 41 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 5 / PÉRIODE 5 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 5.01 CAARE-ACRAÉ Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 278 Le développement professionnel et la mobilisation des compétence Alain Martel (CSDCEO), Paul Cadieux (CSDCEO), Guillaume Racine (CSDCEO), Jean Lamadeleine (CSDCEO) Session/Séance 5.02 CACS-ACÉC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 171 At memory's 'jagged borders': Multidirectionality and pedagogical responsibility in classroom teachers' explorations of post-colonial children's literature Teresa Strong-Wilson (McGill), Amarou Yoder (McGill), Shauna Rak (McGill) Understanding the early years teacher's professional image through the 'subjective apparatus' Sandra Chang-Kredl (Concordia), Gala Wilkie (Concordia) Thoughts on Young Thinkers: Exploring Metaphor as a Mode of Picturing Childhood Through Maurice Sendak's, Where the Wild Things Are Lucille Angus (York) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 42 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 5 / PÉRIODE 5 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 5.03 CACS-ACÉC Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 384 Fostering citizenship through relationships: Urban high schools in a globalized digital world Ruth Kane (Ottawa), Linda Radford (Ottawa), Jesse Butler (Ottawa), Catherine James (Ottawa), Nicholas Ng-A-Fook (Ottawa) Session/Séance 5.04 Room/Salle : EDC 156 CAEP-ACP Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Mental health: Implications for learning A Common Factors Approach to Supporting University Students Experiencing Psychological Distress Tanya Surette (Calgary), Micheal Shier (Toronto) The Interrelatedness of Mental Health and Reading Ability: What do we Know? Jenn de Lugt (Regina), Nancy Hutchinson (Queen's) Mental Health Apps (MHA) in the context of K-12 schooling: A literature review Chris Gilham (STFX), Joseph (Trevor) Whyte (STFX) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 43 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 5 / PÉRIODE 5 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 5.05 Room/Salle : EDT 450 CAFE-ACÉFÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Public Debates and the Law Chair/Prés. : Lorna McLean (Ottawa) Loyola High School v. Quebec: The Historical Significance of the Supreme Court of Canada's Ruling and the Future of Religious Education in Quebec Anthony Di Mascio (Bishop's) Assessing the Impact on Teaching of Section 11.1 of the Alberta Human Rights Act Alix Esterhuizen (Calgary), Dianne Gereluk (Calgary) Session/Séance 5.06 Room/Salle : EDC 370 CASEA-ACÉAS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Challenges of Principals Chair/Prés. : Donald Scott Eroding the Educational Power of School Principals Coral Mitchell (Brock), Rahul Kumar (Brock) School Leaders and the Refugee Crisis: Building Local Capacity and Intercultural Awareness for Successful Integration Caitlin Forsey (Winnipeg), Jan Stewart (Winnipeg) High School Principal as Point of Influence Supporting Student Success Carol Murray (Calgary) The Challenges of Being a Novice Principal in a Decentralized School District in a Remote Community in Northern Canada David Schroeder (Brandon) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 44 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 5 / PÉRIODE 5 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 5.07 CASIE-ACÉÉA Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 386 Preventative Education for Aboriginal Girls Vulnerable to the Sex Trade Dustin Louie (Calgary) Extending self-reflexivity and engaging tacit knowledge: an investigation into a decolonizing method for use with non-Indigenous doctoral students Brent Debassige (Western), Kaitlyn Watson (Western) Kina'muanej Knjanjiji'naq mut ntakotmnew tli'lnu'ltik. (In the foreign language, 'Let us teach our children not to be ashamed of us being Mi'kmaq') Ashley Julian (UNB), Ida Denny (Principal Eskasoni Immersion School, and Eskasoni First Nation community member) Session/Séance 5.08 Room/Salle : EDC 287 CASWE-ACÉFÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Beyond the Gender Binary SuperBoy/Tutu Assemblages: non/fiction writing and new possibilities in gender analysis. Jennifer Moule (UBC) Transphobia and cis-gender privilege: Female pre-service teachers recognizing and challenging rigidity in schools Jennifer Mitton Kukner (STFX), Laura-Lee Kearns (STFX), Joanne Tompkins (STFX) Does It Get Better? Exploring Gendered Language and Gender Identity in Canadian Postsecondary Institutions Amelia Thorpe (UNB) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 45 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 5 / PÉRIODE 5 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 5.09 Room/Salle : EDC 255 CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Equipping teachers to meet the needs of Students with Special Needs The Use of Computer and Assistive Technology for Students with Special Needs Writing Math and Literacy Assessments: What Works? Pei-Ying Lin (Saskatchewan), Yu-Cheng Lin (University of Texas- Rio Grande Valley) Is Full Inclusion working? The Continuum Of Educational Choice in SD73 is an exemplary model Nan Stevens (TRU) Session/Séance 5.10 Room/Salle : EDC 284 CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications The Good Teacher: Professionalism and New Teachers Framework for Enhancing Teacher Candidates' Teaching Professionalism Glenda Black (Nipissing), Kurt Clausen (Nipissing), Barbara Olmsted (Nipissing) The journey of transition: Teacher candidate to first year teacher Norman Vaughan (Mount Royal), Neepin Auger (Tsu Tsina Junior High School) Teachers' Understandings of What it Means to be a Good Teacher: An Interpretive Inquiry Kimberley Grant (Calgary) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 46 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 5 / PÉRIODE 5 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 5.11 CERA-ACCÉ Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 057 Measuring What Matters- re-thinking education measurement and accountability through local and central assessment processes David Cameron (People for Education) Session/Séance 5.12 Room/Salle : EDC 370A CIESC-SCÉCI Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Critical Questions in Meeting Individual and Societal Demands for “Quality” in Education Can education counter violent religious extremism? Ratna Ghosh (McGill) The role of boundary judgements in fostering a critical global education J. Melanie Young (SFU) Socialization practices for immigrant and First Nations primary students : an international comparison Marilyn Steinbach (Sherbrooke), Mirela Moldoveanu (UQAM), Maryse Potvin (UQAM) Towards "Mapping" urban Canada's socioeconomic, sociolinguistic, sociocultural, educational and geographic space: Toronto's complex ecology of literacies Stephen Bahry (OISE-UT) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 47 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 5 / PÉRIODE 5 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 5.13 LLRC-ACCLL Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 388 Exploring the Potential of Participatory Ethnography to Better Understand the Language and Literacy of Linguistically Diverse Youth Burcu Yaman Ntelioglou (Brandon) Academic and social integration of immigrant students Sandra Kouritzin (Manitoba) Negotiating diversity in ESOL classrooms Andrea Rosenfield (Concordia) Session/Séance 5.14 SIGEMM-GISÉMM Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 172 Questioning voice in qualitative art museum educational research: Crafting research as a Deleuzian assemblage Marie-France Berard (UBC) Proposition d'une modélisation de la recherche développement en vue de réfléchir à la recherche collaborative en éducation muséale Catherine Nadon (UQO) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 48 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 6 / PÉRIODE 6 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 6.01 ACDE-ACDÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 280 How might teacher education and K-12 Education employ Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)? Lessons learned and future use Ron MacDonald (UPEI), David Cormier (UPEI), Bonnie Stewart (UPEI) Session/Séance 6.02 Room/Salle : EDC 278 CAARE-ACRAÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Improving Teaching Practices Through Action Research Action Research for Ongoing Improvements in the Master of Education Program Michele Jacobsen (Calgary), Sarah Eaton (Calgary), Barb Brown (Calgary), Marlon Simmons (Calgary), Mairi McDermott (Calgary) Year Two of Going Division-Wide: Expanding Our Teacher Induction Program beyond the Inner City Francine Morin (Manitoba), Katherine Collis (Winnipeg School Division) Towards a pedagogy of Intercultural understanding: Interweaving design thinking and critical pedagogy for decolonizing the present and future Naureen Mumtaz (Alberta) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 49 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 6 / PÉRIODE 6 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 6.03 CACS-ACÉC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 171 "Fifty Shades of Grey" and Classroom Management: The Insidious Problem of Domination Lissa D'Amour (Calgary) Unseen, Educational Bruisings: The Elusive Self of Literature and our Dreaming, (Un)Educational Returns David Lewkowich (Alberta), Jillian Pasieka (Alberta) Making the Passionate Mind: Curricular Responses to Mental Health Crisis Angela Robinson Session/Séance 6.04 Room/Salle : EDC 156 CAEP-ACP Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Issues in post-secondary education A Cross-Case Analysis of Regulatory Processes in a Positive and Negative Group Climate Aishah Bakhtiar (Victoria), Elizabeth Webster (Victoria), Allyson Hadwin (Victoria) The contributions of deixis to the co-construction of discourse in a graduate research seminar David Lemay (McGill), Mark Aulls (McGill), Riona Morgan (McGill) La formation à distance : un travail de coopération ou d'opposition? Nicole Racette (Téluq), Bruno Poelhuber (Montréal), Marie-Pierre Bourdages-Sylvain (Téluq) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 50 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 6 / PÉRIODE 6 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 6.05 Room/Salle : EDT 450 CAFE-ACÉFÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Professional Contexts: Fear and Suffering Chair/Prés. : Cynthia Wallace-Casey (UNB) Fear itself is nothing to fear: An examination into processes of achievement Gerald Walton (Lakehead) Stories of the Whole New Assistant Professor, 2014-15: Broken Lives, Open Possibilities Jonathan Anuik (Alberta), Olivier Michaud (UQAR) Bearing the Weight of Being: An Alchemical Hermeneutic Exploration of Suffering alexandra fidyk (Alberta) Session/Séance 6.06 Room/Salle : EDC 370 CASEA-ACÉAS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Diversity Chair/Prés. : Coral Mitchell Interactive Effects of Race and School Leadership on Mathematics Achievement Jhonel Morvan (Brock) "You Live What you Learn": Identity and Practice among Visible Minority School Administrators Shailoo Bedi (Victoria) Framing Gender Equity in Canadian Education: A Feminist Content Analysis of Ministry of Education Annual Reports from 1975-2012 Heather Syme Anderson (Manitoba) An Analysis of School Leadership and the Saskatoon Newcomer Phenomenon through Wilber's Integral Model Janet Okoko (Saskatchewan) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 51 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 6 / PÉRIODE 6 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 6.07 CASEA-ACÉAS Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 384 Mobilizing Knowledge in Ontario Education: Four Organizational Perspectives Sofya Malik (Ontario Ministry of Education), Michael Johnny (York), Michael Salvatori (Ontario College of Teachers), Robert Brown (Toronto District School Board), David Cameron (People for Education), Ruth Childs (OISE-UT) Session/Séance 6.08 CASIE-ACÉÉA Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 386 Following the Song of q'aad 'aaw (the Dogfish Mother): Explorations of the Role of Identity and Narratives in the Lives of Adolescents Sara Davidson (UBC) Reconfiguring the future through Biskaabiiyang: non-Indigenous elementary students take up reconciliation in the Canadian settler state Daniela Bascunan (OISE-UT) Exploring intergenerational trauma as a factor in Aboriginal postsecondary students' progress. Rainey Gaywish (Algoma/Manitoba), Elaine Mordoch (Manitoba) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 52 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 6 / PÉRIODE 6 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 6.09 Room/Salle : EDT 202 SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE CASWE-ACÉFÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Early Childhood and Elementary School "Girls and Boys", Same or Different: Understanding How Hegemonic Masculinity Influences Early Childhood Educators' Pedagogy Xinyan Fan (Victoria) "I don't like it when boys touch me": Sexual harassment and discomfort in elementary school Jamilee Baroud (Ottawa) Equality Discourses and Unequal Particiaption During Play: Gender Issues in the Preschool Classroom Jessica Prioletta (OISE-UT) Session/Séance 6.10 Room/Salle : EDC 287 SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Aboriginal courses in teacher education Inspiring "Difficult Learning" in Pre-Service Teacher Education Aubrey Hanson (Calgary), Yvonne Poitras Pratt (Calgary), Lyn Daniels (Burnaby School District), Gabrielle Lindstrom (Calgary), Victoria Bouvier (Calgary) Using Collaborative Inquiry to Explore Teacher Educator Practice in Required Indigenous Education Coursework Jan Hare (UBC), Anita Parhar (UBC), Amber Shilling (UBC) Aboriginal Perspectives and Issues in Teacher Education Matthew Etherington (TWU) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 53 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 6 / PÉRIODE 6 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 6.11 Room/Salle : EDC 284 SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Mental health awareness The intersection of Canadian school-based mental health policies with student and teacher wellness initiatives Mary Ott (Western), Katherine Hibbert (Western), Susan Rodger (Western University), Alan Leschied (Western) TeachMentalHealth: Developing Mental Health Literacy in Teacher Education Wendy Carr (UBC), Stanley Kutcher (Dalhousie), Yifeng Wei (Dalhousie), Susan Rodger (Western), Chris Gilham (STFX), Melanie-Anne Atkins (Western), Vanessa Bruce (Dalhousie) Mapping educator identity through the paradigm of disability: A self-study of teacher education practice surrounding the experience of mental illness Susan Docherty-Skippen (Brock) Session/Séance 6.12 Room/Salle : EDC 255 CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Literacy collaborations in teacher education Teacher Candidates as Read-Aloud Tutors: Trajectories of Growth Through a Field Experience Placement Scott Hughes (Mount Royal), Jodi Nickel (Mount Royal), Noura Ismail (Mount Royal) Literacies in Action: in situ Teacher Education Leyton Schnellert (UBC-Okanagan), Donna Kozak (UBC-Okanagan/Central Okanagan School District) An Investigation of Multiliteracies Pedagogies in Language Teacher Education: A Mixed Methods Study Adrienne Vanthuyne (Western) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 54 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 6 / PÉRIODE 6 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 6.13 CCGSE-CCÉÉCSÉ Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 260 What tenure-track implies about graduate studies Timothy Sibbald (Nipissing), Victoria Handford (TRU), Greg Rickwood (Nipissing), Lloyd Kornelsen (Winnipeg), Gabrielle Young (Memorial), Manu Sharma (Windsor), Frank Deer (Manitoba), Peter Milley (Ottawa) Session/Séance 6.14 CCGSE-CCÉÉCSÉ Workshop/Atelier Room/Salle : EDC 152 Insights into academia from multiple Canadian perspectives Lisa Starr (McGill), Theodore Christou (Queen's), Frank Deer (Manitoba), Christopher DeLuca (Queen's), Jackie Kirk (Brandon), Nicholas Ng-A-Fook (Ottawa) Session/Séance 6.15 CERA-ACCÉ Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 057 Situational Analysis: Challenges and Benefits in using recent method Tom Strong (Calgary) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 55 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 6 / PÉRIODE 6 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 6.16 Room/Salle : EDC 370A CIESC-SCÉCI Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Revisiting Multiculturalism and Multicultural Education in Canada: Theories, Policies and Debates Part 1 Multiculturalism and Ethnic Pluralism in Sociology: An Analysis of the Fragmentation Position Discourse Lloyd Wong (Calgary) Multiculturalism, Ethnicity and Minority Rights: The Complexity and Paradox of Ethnic Organizations in Canada Shibao Guo (Calgary) “And He Was Dancing Like No Tomorrow”: Police and Youth 'Getting To Know' Each Other Carl James (York), Selom Chapman (York) Session/Séance 6.17 SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE LLRC-ACCLL Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 388 Exploring the postcolonial: Social justice in the aftermath of colonialism Geraldine Balzer (Saskatchewan), Luke Heidebrecht (Saskatchewan) Towards a Practice of Social Justice: Exploring Residential Schooling and Contemporary FNMI Perspectives through Postcolonial Children's Literature Lynne Wiltse (Alberta), Jinny Menon (Alberta) Low-SES ELLs' New Literacies Outside School: Attitudes, Access, and Agency Guofang Li (UBC) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 56 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 6 / PÉRIODE 6 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 6.18 SIGEMM-GISÉMM Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 172 Bénéfices de l'accueil au musée des non-publics : inclusion sociale, éducation et aspect tridimensionnel des bénéfices tant pour ces publics visés que pour le musée et les autres publics. Lisa Trichet (UQAM) Encountering Culturally Responsive Museum Education if Malawi, Africa Kimberly Baker (UBC) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 57 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 7 / PÉRIODE 7 4:30 – 5:45 P.M. / 16 h 30 – 17h 45 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 7.01 ACDE-ACDÉ Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 280 Mental health literacy in undergradate and graduate teacher education Blye Frank (UBC), Stan Kutcher (Dalhousie), Shelley Hymel (UBC), Susan Rodger (Western), Chris Gilham (STFX), Wendy Carr (UBC) Session/Séance 7.02 Room/Salle : EDC 278 CAARE-ACRAÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Action research and wellness Collaborating to develop a school-wide wellness initiative to improve student health and well-being Erin Cullingworth (Vancouver School Board), Sheila Marshall (UBC), Marion Doull (UBC), Claire Pitcher (UBC), Derek Roelofsen (UBC) Understanding patient engagement and educating interprofessional teams: First Action Research Cycle Kelly Kilgour (Ottawa) The Power of Music: An exploration into the use of background music in the religious education classroom to enhance classroom environment Karina Hussein (University of London) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 58 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 7 / PÉRIODE 7 4:30 – 5:45 P.M. / 16 h 30 – 17h 45 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 7.03 CACS-ACÉC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 171 Shifting School Culture Through Environmental Sustainability:An Ethnographic Study Stephanie Bartlett (Calgary) Science education research in Canada: Questions arising from the consideration of physical maps Dawn Wiseman (Alberta/McGill), Jerine Pegg (Alberta), Carol Brown () Decolonizing scientific literacy: Pedagogically enacting agential literacy and ecologies of relationships through relationally storying nature Marc Higgins (UBC) An ecological argument on the urgency and necessity of using evolutionary perspectives in education Ugur Parlar (Calgary) Session/Séance 7.04 CACS-ACÉC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 384 The Politics of Evil in Social Studies Education Cathryn van Kessel (Alberta) The power of plots and characters: Violence and non-violence in narrative origins Amarou Yoder (McGill) ISIS and the Pedagogy of Pleasurable Death Wisam Abdul Jabbar (Alberta) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 59 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 7 / PÉRIODE 7 4:30 – 5:45 P.M. / 16 h 30 – 17h 45 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 7.05 Room/Salle : EDT 450 CAFE-ACÉFÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Teacher Education and Workplace Learning Chair/Prés. : John Allison (Nipissing) Codes of professional ethics: How good a guide for preservice teaching curriculum? Bruce Maxwell (UQTR), Marina Schwimmer (McGill) How educators learn in peer groups: Bootstrapping understanding about a developmental construct Sam Gardner (York) Where Do We Find Foundations of Education in Ontario Faculties of Education? Shirley Van Nuland Session/Séance 7.06 CASIE-ACÉÉA Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 386 Examining the Integration of Aboriginal Cultural Content in the Elementary School Curriculum in a First Nation in Mid-Northern Ontario Melanie Manitowabi () Un-Silencing Aboriginal Students' Voices: A Critical Reflection Lorenzo Cherubini (Brock) Institutionalizing Reconciliation; Systemic Truth Mobilization & Indigenous Knowledge Transfer Rebecca Sockbeson (Alberta), Sarah Cortez (Alberta), Norma Dunning (Alberta), Rochelle Starr (Alberta) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 60 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 7 / PÉRIODE 7 4:30 – 5:45 P.M. / 16 h 30 – 17h 45 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 7.07 Room/Salle : EDC 284 CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Mentorship "A space of appearance:"Beginning teachers and the potentiality of mentorship as an act of professional freedom Anne Hales (UBC) Exploring Supports for Teachers in their Role as Associate Teachers Glenda Black (Nipissing), Barbara Olmsted (Nipissing), Carla Webster (Nipissing), Sandra Minor (Nipissing) The Role of Prior Experiences in Shaping Preservice Teachers' Ways of Handling Social/Relational Bullying Gordon Djong (OISE-UT) Session/Séance 7.08 Room/Salle : EDC 370A CIESC-SCÉCI Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Revisiting Multiculturalism and Multicultural Education in Canada: Theories, Policies and Debates Part 2 Disc./Comm.: Handel Wright (UBC) Critical and Emerging Discourses in Multicultural Education Literature: An (Updated) Review Anna Kirova (Alberta) Multiculturalism and minority religions in public schools: Perspectives of immigrant parents Yan Guo (Calgary) Further Unpacking Multiculturalism in the Classroom: Continuing to Explore the Politics of Difference Through Current Events Ratna Ghosh (McGill) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 61 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 7 / PÉRIODE 7 4:30 – 5:45 P.M. / 16 h 30 – 17h 45 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 7.09 Room/Salle : MacEwan Hall A/B Session/Séance 7.10 CSSE-SCÉÉ Social Event/Événement social CSSE President's and Deans Reception | Réception du président de la SCÉÉ et les doyens (starts at 6pm/ commence à 18h) LLRC-ACCLL Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 173 Consolidation of learning: Pre-service content area teachers talking literacy Jennifer Mitton Kukner (STFX), Anne Murray Orr (STFX) What does it mean to be literate in Ontario? A principal's reflections on large scale testing, "best practice", and minoritized students Wendy Crocker (Western) Learning about Visual Literacy through Journaling: Undergraduate Teaching Perspectives Terry Loerts (Redeemer University College), Christina Belcher (Redeemer University College) Session/Séance 7.11 SIGEMM-GISÉMM Room/Salle : EDC 172 SIGEMM AGM | AGA de GISÉMM 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 62 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 7 / PÉRIODE 7 4:30 – 5:45 P.M. / 16 h 30 – 17h 45 29 May / Le 29 mai 2016 Session/Séance 7.12 Room/Salle : EDC 255 SSTEP-GAMFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Practicum and Inquiry Teacher Candidates' Learning through Place: An Integrated Teacher Education Model Kevin O'Connor (Mount Royal), Gladys Sterenberg (Mount Royal), David Dillon (McGill) Critical Friendship, Mindfulness and Professional Development (Bilingual/Bilingue) Karen Ragoonaden (UBC Okanagan), Amber Strong Makaiau (University of Hawaii), Jessica Ching-Sze Wang (National Chiayi University, Taiwan), Lu Leng (Guangzhou University, China), Heather Dewoody (University of Hawaii) SSTEP AGM | AGA de GAMFE (Practicum and Inquiry) Session/Séance 7.13 Room/Salle : EDC 287 TATE-TFEE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Tablets: Toys or Tools? Toys or Tools? Using Tablet Applications for Open-Ended Literacy Learning Monica McGlynn-Stewart (George Brown), Tiffany MacKay (Peel District School Board), Nicola Maguire (School of Early Childhood Education George Brown College), Brooke Gouweleeuw (School of Early Childhood Education George Brown College) Instructional use of I-Pads by university instructors in a pre-service teacher education program Gerald Galway (Memorial), Beth Maddigan (Memorial), Mary Stordy (Memorial) Developing Analog Clock Mastery by Integrating Lessons and Apps Tim Pelton (Victoria), Leslee Francis-Pelton (Victoria), Todd Milford (Victoria) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 63 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 8 / PÉRIODE 8 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 8.01 ARTS-SCEA Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 057 A Collaborative Arts-integrated Investigation Into Pre-service Teacher Identity Development (Bilingual/Bilingue) R. Varainja Stock (Lakehead), Pauline Sameshima (Lakehead), Dayna Slingerland (Lakehead), Boyd White (McGill), Amelie Lemieux (McGill), Anita Sinner (Concordia), Cindy Walker (Concordia), Seonjeong Yi (Concordia), Rania Esmat (Concordia), Jennifer Wicks (Concordia) Session/Séance 8.02 CACS-ACÉC Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 171 Radical Youth Pedagogy: flipping the culture of the classroom Nichole Grant (Ottawa), Kelsey Catherine Schmitz (), Jim Hoeppner, Monica Paul, Pamela Rogers (Ottawa), Rachel Rhoades (Toronto), Dirk Rodricks (Toronto), Anastasia Kulpa (Alberta) Session/Séance 8.03 CACS-ACÉC Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 172 Designification of Learning Paula MacDowell (UBC), Stephen Petrina (UBC), Kesiena Chris-Iwuru (UBC), Yu-Ling Lee (UBC), Lesley Liu (UBC), Stella Namae (UBC), Rachel Ralph (UBC), Yifei Wang (UBC) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 64 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 8 / PÉRIODE 8 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 8.04 Room/Salle : EDC 156 CAEP-ACP Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Using universal design to support inclusion Inclusion in High School: Breaking Barriers with Universal Design For Learning (UDL) Jennifer Katz (Manitoba), Laura Sokal (Winnipeg) Using Assistive Technology within the Framework of Universal Design for Learning in Inclusive Elementary Schools Gabrielle Young (Memorial), Christine Careen (Memorial) Session/Séance 8.05 Room/Salle : EDC 152 CAEP-ACP Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Supporting student writing at the secondary level Use and Transformation of Source Content when Writing from Online Sources of Information Lori Kirkpatrick (Brock) Narrative Writing of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder Heather Brown (Alberta) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 65 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 8 / PÉRIODE 8 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 8.06 Room/Salle : EDT 450 CAFE-ACÉFÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Philosophy, History, and the Environment Chair/Prés. : Helen Raptis (Victoria) "As Between Two Curtains That Move Slightly in the Breeze": The Transitional Object as Paradoxical Text Noel Glover (York) Indian Residential Schools as Mandated Curriculum: (But) Why Study the Traumatic Past? Brenda Davis (UBC) Environmental end game: ontos. Christopher Beemanc (Brandon), Sean Blenkinsop (Center for Dialogue) SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE Session/Séance 8.07 Room/Salle : EDC 370 CASEA-ACÉAS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Topics in Ed. Admin. I Chair/Prés. : Carmen Mombourquette Educational Change " and Zombies: Reflections on the Use of the Zombie Apocalypse in Educational Administration David Burgess (Saskatchewan), Paul Newton (Saskatchewan) Overcoming the Obstacles: A Case Study of a 1:1 Computing Initiative in a Rural High School Michael Nantais (Brandon), Jacqueline Kirk (Brandon) Narratives of Educational Technological Champions Doron Yosef-Hassidim (OISE-UT), Ori Eyal (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) The Juridical Construction of Discipline in Schools: Risk management in Ontario schools policies. Theresa Shanahan (York) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 66 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 8 / PÉRIODE 8 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 8.08 Room/Salle : EDC 284 CASEA-ACÉAS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Mentorship, Coaching and PLCs Chair/Prés. : Corinne E. Barret DeWiele Linking multiple legal documents: a way to create a support for an effective pedagogical supervision Alain Huot (UQTR) Pedagogical leadership influences school systems: Lessons from complex systems thinking Gabriela Alonso-Yanez (Calgary), Sharon Friesen (Calgary), Barb Brown (Calgary), Armando Preciado-Babb (Calgary), Jim Brandon (Calgary), Candace Saar (Galileo Educational Network) Improving the pedagogical leadership of school principals: A researchaction training initiative (Bilingual/Bilingue) Yamina Bouchamma (Laval), Daniel April (Laval), Marc Giguère (Laval), Marc Basque (Moncton) Coaching and mentoring communities of practice: Unpacking the terminology in a Canadian context Trista Hollweck (Ottawa) Session/Séance 8.09 CASIE-ACÉÉA Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 386 This is not a field trip: Learning from the Land in the school yard and the playground. Jennifer Davis (UCN), Kate Cook , Malathi Rajendran , Laureen Monias , Frances Bradburn, Shawna Huber Reviving the human in mathematics through Indigenous ways of knowing Kori Czuy (Calgary) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 67 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 8 / PÉRIODE 8 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 8.10 Room/Salle : EDC 280 Session/Séance 8.11 Room/Salle : EDC 260 CASWE-ACÉFÉ Social Event/Événement social CASWE Retrospective Update Meeting: All Welcome CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Studying Rural Teachers The first three years: A case study of an early career teacher in Northern Canada Anne Murray-Orr (STFX), Jennifer Mitton-Kukner (STFX) Beginning Teachers in Rural Schools: Mentorship as Ameliorator of Isolation and Provider of Support Lynn Lemisko (Saskatchewan), Laurie-ann Hellsten (Saskatchewan), Carol Demchuk-Kosolofski (Prairie Spirit School Division) Rural Schools and Teachers: Why Are We Invisible? Dennis Mulcahy (Memorial) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 68 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 8 / PÉRIODE 8 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 8.12 CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Student Engagement and E-portfolios Room/Salle : EDC 287 What is an ePortfolio? Insights from literature, emerging practices and revisioning evaluation in teacher education Tim Hopper (Victoria), Kathy Sanford (Victoria), Hong Fu (Victoria), David Monk (Victoria) It Takes a Village to Prepare a Teacher Candidate: B.Ed. Program Engagement Study David Cloutier (Mount Royal), Norm Vaughan (Mount Royal) Video Diaries of the (Un)Made Diana Petrarca (UOIT), Sabrina Bedjera (Waterloo), Laura Morrison (UOIT) Session/Séance 8.13 Room/Salle : EDC 255 CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Online learning From a Distance: Investigating the Impact of Social Presence and Interaction on Student Engagement in Online Courses Caroline Riches (McGill), Lauren Godfrey-Smith (McGill) Fostering Dialogue and Collaboration in Online Synchronous Graduate Courses Cathryn Smith (Brandon) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 69 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 8 / PÉRIODE 8 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 8.14 Room/Salle : EDC 270 CERN-RRÉC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Citizenship and Ethics/Morality/Spirituality Are religious literacy programs a means for building healthy relationships? Wing Yu Alice Chan (McGill) The role of a moral conscience in developing citizenship in former totalitarian regimes “the case of Ukraine” Olenka Bilash (Alberta) A Miniature League of Nations: Music as Cultural Difference in the Making of Citizens in Toronto's Settlement Houses, 1920-1939 Deanna Yerichuk (Toronto) Session/Séance 8.15 Room/Salle : EDC 370A CIESC-SCÉCI Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications “Travelling” International Standards in Education: Universalizing quality, or postcolonial survivals? International Development Education in the Context of Development Displacement Processes Munyaradzi Hwami (Alberta) Childhood, Globalization and the Right to Universal Primary Education in India Umesh Sharma (Toronto) Leadership standards and transnational policy discourses: A policy transfer analysis Augusto Riveros (Western), Wei Wei (Western) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 70 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 8 / PÉRIODE 8 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 8.16 CIESC-SCÉCI Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 388 Disc./Comm.: Rae Ann Van Beers (Calgary) What does it mean to be a citizen? Youth perspectives on citizenship Rae Ann Van Beers (Calgary), Stefan Rasporich (Calgary Arts Academy), Van Beers Josh (Calgary Arts Academy) Session/Séance 8.17 Room/Salle : EDT 202 CJE-RTÉ Meeting/Réunion CJE Editorial Advisory Board Meeting | Réunion du comité consultatif de la RCÉ Chair/Prés. : Chris DeLuca (Queens), Theodore Christou (Queens) Advisory Board members are cordially invited to attend this breakfast meeting. Meet our new editors, Dr. Chris DeLuca and Dr. Theodore Christou. Session/Séance 8.18 LLRC-ACCLL Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 173 Narrative versus Expository texts for the early grades: A case of nine foundation phase classes in Limpopo province of South Africa Nkhensani Maluleke (University of Zululand, South Africa) Enhancing English learning in an increasingly multilingual classroom Vickie Wai Kei Li (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) A Multimodal Approach to Understanding Conceptions of HIV&AIDS in Rural Uganda in Relation to Gender Maureen Kendrick (UBC), Ava Becker-Zayas (UBC) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 71 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 8 / PÉRIODE 8 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 8.19 Room/Salle : EDC 276 PHETE-GFEÉPS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Programs, assessments and reviews: Supporting student health and wellness The Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy (CAPL): Importance and Implications for Physical and Health Educators Nathan Hall (Winnipeg), Dwayne Sheehan (Mount Royal), Melanie Gregg (Winnipeg) Response to Wearing a Fitbits: Influence of Physical Activity on Student Wellbeing and Achievement Catherine Whalen (UNBC) Healthy Active Living in Labrador: Supporting Wellness for Children and Youth Michelle Kilborn (Memorial), Erin Cameron (Memorial), Erin McGowan (Memorial), Gabrielle Young (Memorial), Megan Cummings (Memorial) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 72 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 8 / PÉRIODE 8 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 8.20 RÉÉFMM Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 272 L’apprentissage des stratégies de mise en texte et de révision chez les élèves francophones en milieu minoritaire : étude de cas contrastée Martine Cavanagh (Alberta), Sylvie Blain (Moncton) Une exploration des savoirs liés au sujet phrastique chez des élèves de sixième année scolarisés dans le sud-ouest de l'Ontario Joël Thibeault (Ottawa), Louise Larouche (Ottawa) Quelles caractéristiques du rapport à l'écrit d'étudiants francophones bilingues peuvent être favorables ou défavorables à leurs compétences rédactionnelles? Brigitte Murray (Ottawa), Marie-Josée Vignola (Ottawa) Rethinking Curriculum and Instruction of French as a Second Language in BC Valia Spiliotopoulos (SFU), Cécile Sabatier (SFU) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 73 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 9 / PÉRIODE 9 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 CCGSE-CCÉÉCSÉ Roundtables /Tables rondes Session/Séance 9.01 Room/Salle : MacEwan Hall A/B Disc./Comm.: Nathalie Pender (Memorial) Disc./Comm.: Caroline Locher-Lo (UBC) 1A :: Language is not merely words: political implications of language as a social practice, a strategic mechanism, and invisible weapon Caroline Locher-Lo (UBC) 1B :: Exploring the Role of Practicum on Pre-Service Secondary School Teachers' Knowledge and Beliefs about Content Area Literacy Britney Lester (Queen's) 1C :: Testing undergraduate students' understanding of concepts of evidence using Adapted Primary Literature Elizabeth Vergis (Alberta) Disc./Comm.: Lynn Thomas (Sherbrooke) Disc./Comm.: Kyle Robinson (Queen's) 2A :: Professional learning and adult learning theory: A connection Jennifer Kelly (UBC - Okanagan) 2B :: Reflection on Online Professional Learning Community for Mathematics Teachers: Complexity Inquiry Xiong Wang (Alberta) 2C :: Teacher Motivation and Professional Development Mahdi Albishi (UPEI) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 74 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 9 / PÉRIODE 9 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 CCGSE-CCÉÉCSÉ Roundtables /Tables rondes Session/Séance 9.01 Room/Salle : MacEwan Hall A/B Disc./Comm.: Chris L. Yuen (SUNY Buffalo) Disc./Comm.: Tasha Ausman (Ottawa) 3A :: Through the lenses of culture and context: How rural parents with low formal education engage their children in mathematics learning Kwesi Yaro (UBC) 3B :: The Value of Pedagogical Content Knowledge in the Mathematics Classroom Meghan Dale (Queen's) 3C :: Playful Mathematical Inquiry in a Primary Classroom Janice Novakowski (UBC) Disc./Comm.: Tim Sibbald (Nipissing) Disc./Comm.: Yan Gao (Victoria) 4A :: Mathematical Modeling Tasks at the Secondary Level and Students’ Mathematical Proficiency Priscila Correa (Alberta) 4B :: Exploring the Impact of Changes in Ontario's Senior Mathematics Curriculum on Student Success in STEM Programs Gurpreet Sahmbi (OISE-UT) 4C :: Implications of Organizational Methods in Problem Solving Vanessa Radzimski (UBC) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 75 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 9 / PÉRIODE 9 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 CCGSE-CCÉÉCSÉ Roundtables /Tables rondes Session/Séance 9.01 Room/Salle : MacEwan Hall A/B Disc./Comm.: Barbara Mulcahy (Memorial) Disc./Comm.: Ugur Marcus Parlar (Calgary) 5A :: Learning Experience of International Students in Tourism and Hospitality Program: An Internationalization Pathway Yuanyuan Zhang (UPEI) 5B :: Learning Experience of International Students in the Master of Education Program at University of Windsor Tian Liu (Windsor), George Zhou (Windsor), Glenn Rideout (Windsor) Session/Séance 9.01 Room/Salle : MacEwan Hall A/B 5C :: Crossing Boundaries: Fostering Community-Engagement in Multiethnic Schools Sonia Aujla-Bhullar (Calgary) Disc./Comm.: Jennifer Moule (UBC) 6A :: Graduate Activities that Facilitate Research Use and Knowledge Mobilization Camille Rutherford (Brock), Jason Ribeiro (Calgary), Rochelle Tkach (Brock), Laura Gleeson (Brock) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 76 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 9 / PÉRIODE 9 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 CCGSE-CCÉÉCSÉ Roundtables /Tables rondes Session/Séance 9.01 Room/Salle : MacEwan Hall A/B Disc./Comm.: Stephanie Tuters (OISE-UT) Disc./Comm.: Berhanu Demeke (Alberta) 7A :: The critical pedagogy of student activism: analyzing the current transnational student movement around Economics education Michelle Gautreaux (UBC), Sandra Delgado (UBC) 7B :: Place-based Education: A Critical Literature Review Geoff Webber (Saskatchewan) 7C :: Braiding Decolonization and Reinhabitation in Place-Based Education: A Discussion on Critical Pedagogy of Place and the Discourse of Decolonization Jade Ho (SFU) Disc./Comm.: Terry Soleas (Queen's) Disc./Comm.: Aloysius Anyichie (UBC) 8A :: Exploring the Connection between Shared Mental Models and Socially Shared Regulation During Collaborative Learning Rebecca Edwards (Victoria) 8B :: Cognitive Diagnosticity of IRT-Constructed Assessments: An Empirical Investigation Junli Wei (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) 8C :: Relationships among Students' Perceptions of Teacher Feedback, Self-regulation, and Academic Achievement in the Chinese Tertiary EFL Context Yongfei Wu (Queen's) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 77 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 9 / PÉRIODE 9 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 CCGSE-CCÉÉCSÉ Roundtables /Tables rondes Session/Séance 9.01 Room/Salle : MacEwan Hall A/B Disc./Comm.: Moon Jeong (Alberta) Disc./Comm.: Keith Power (Memorial) 9A :: Factors Critical to Sustainability of School Improvement Efforts: A Case Study of Two Bangladeshi Secondary Public Schools MD. M. Islam Konok (Waweyekisk Educational Centre) 9B :: Parent Involvement Amongst African and Caribbean Born Immigrants in Saskatoon Alleson Mason (Saskatchewan) 9C :: Treaty Canadians: Educational significances of Treaty understandings for Alberta educators Sara Solvey (Alberta) Disc./Comm.: Valerie Campbell (UPEI) 10A :: Intersecting Experiences in Education Yusra Khogali (OISE-UT), Josue Tario (OISE- UT), Sharmin dadani (OISE- UT), Matthew Morris (OISE- UT) Disc./Comm.: Kurt Clausen (Nipissing) Disc./Comm.: Janelle Brady (OISE-UT) 11A :: "Okay, women existed, but they were useless": The growth of sexism in Spanish history textbooks Maria Espinet Alegre (UBC) 11B :: Negotiating the Truths Between Us: A Duoethnographic Reading of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action Jennifer MacDonald (Calgary), Jennifer Markides (Calgary) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 78 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 9 / PÉRIODE 9 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 CCGSE-CCÉÉCSÉ Roundtables /Tables rondes Session/Séance 9.01 Room/Salle : MacEwan Hall A/B Disc./Comm.: Kelly O'Neill (Athabasca) Disc./Comm.: Kyle Stooshnov (UBC) 12A :: Group Approaches to Problem-Based Learning Online Discussions of Undergraduate Science Learners Using the Community of Inquiry Model. Michael-Anne Noble (Victoria) 12B :: Learning for All: The School Makerspace as Learning Lab Sandra Becker (Calgary) 13C :: Facilitating action research in the context of classroom technology integration: Reflections of a university researcher-participant Katelyn Scott (Brock) Disc./Comm.: Heather Birch (OISE-UT) Disc./Comm.: Xinyan Fan (Victoria) 13A :: Science Education in the Early Years Poh Tan (SFU) 13B :: Opportunities for Character Development in Multicultural Classrooms Laxmi Pathak (Lakehead) 13C :: Mental Health at School: Elementary Classroom Perspectives on Mental Wellness vs. Illness Adam Davies (OISE-UT), Molly Goodis (OISE- UT), Megan Henning (Brock 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 79 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 9 / PÉRIODE 9 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 CCGSE-CCÉÉCSÉ Roundtables /Tables rondes Session/Séance 9.01 Room/Salle : MacEwan Hall A/B Disc./Comm.: Ashwani Kumar (MSVU) Disc./Comm.: Dulani Suraweera (OISE-UT) 14A :: Employee Coaching:Maximizing the Learning Potential Within the Workplace Vicki Woodside-Duggins (Queen's/Canadian Armed Forces) 14B :: Authentic Leadership: Emphasizing the Self Venise Bryan (Calgary), Salvatore "Sal" Mendaglio (Calgary) 14C :: An Administrator's Philosophy: How it Impacts Inclusion in Schools in Newfoundland and Labrador Lisa Weber (Memorial) Disc./Comm.: Lisa Mitchell (SFU) Disc./Comm.: Robert Durocher (OISE-UT) 15A :: Beyond Burnout: Educators' workplace experiences of mental health and addictions issues, and stigma in the workplace Jenny Kassen (Western) 15B :: Problem-Solving Beliefs and Pre-Service Teachers' Practice in STEMBased Contexts Stephen MacGregor (Queen's) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 80 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 9 / PÉRIODE 9 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 CCGSE-CCÉÉCSÉ Roundtables /Tables rondes Session/Séance 9.01 Room/Salle : MacEwan Hall A/B Disc./Comm.: Scott Hughes (Mount Royal) Disc./Comm.: Martha Moon (Lakehead) 16A :: A Mindful Community: A Teacher Inquiry Kelly Hanson (UBC - Okanagan) 16B :: Teachers and ADHD: A look at teachers' perceptions, stigmas and labels Lauren Brick (Queen's) 16C :: Metaphors of Creativity: Striving for a Compound Lens to Recognize Creativity in Classroom Settings (Bilingual/Bilingue) Ayman Aljarrah (Calgary) Disc./Comm.: Todd Rogers (Alberta) Disc./Comm.: Jessica Chan (Queen's) 17A :: Examining How Subthreshold Anxiety Affects Self-Regulated Learning in Adolescents Sarah Davis (Victoria) 17B :: Speech Recognition as Literacy: Multimodal Multiliteracies toward Meaning Making Kevin Wilcox (Nipissing) 17C :: Exploring the Relationship Between Metacognition and Formative Assessment Heather Braund (Queen's) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 81 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 9 / PÉRIODE 9 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 CCGSE-CCÉÉCSÉ Roundtables /Tables rondes Disc./Comm.: Susan Crichton (UBC) Disc./Comm.: Kate Dubensky (Victoria) Session/Séance 9.01 Room/Salle : MacEwan Hall A/B 18A :: Exploring How Learners Choose and Assign Roles in Collaborative Learning Shayla Starcheski (Victoria) 18B :: Digitally Divergent: Online identity construction and cyberbullying Lesley Liu (UBC), Kesiena Chris-Iwuru (UBC) Disc./Comm.: Christine Cho (Nipissing) Disc./Comm.: Michael Fairbrother (Ottawa) 19A :: Communal Art Creation for At-risk Youth Kimberly Eyers (Queen's) 19B :: Complexity theory guiding educational research methodology Michael Fairbrother (Ottawa) 20A :: Holistic Education: The Legacy, The Lack, The Lived Mandy Krahn (Alberta) 20B :: Teachers as Embodied Curriculum Texts: Lessons from International Teaching Marcea Ingersoll (STU) 20C :: Designing an interview protocol focusing on teachers' experiences with using Semiotic theory in the elementary classroom: An instrumental case study Emma Cooper (Western) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 82 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 9 / PÉRIODE 9 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 CCGSE-CCÉÉCSÉ Roundtables /Tables rondes Session/Séance 9.01 Room/Salle : MacEwan Hall A/B 21A :: An Artistic Perspective on Nanotechnology Patti Pente (Alberta) 21B :: Round Pegs in a Square Hole: Radical Hermeneutics and Possibilities for Disrupting Normalization in School Curricula Jill Kovacs (Queen's) 21C :: Educators' preparedness for implementing the Foundations for Learning Campaign in South Africa Samantha Govender (University of Zululand, South Africa) 22A :: Student Expressions of Disengagement Teresa Fowler (Calgary) 22B :: Telling Food Stories: Engaged Environmental Education Erin Sperling (OISE-UT) 23A :: Separate but not alone:Perceptions of mainsteam high school painted by eight urban Aboriginal youth Amber White (Western) 23B :: Learning to Speak Outside the Box: School Administrators, Multilingualism, and International Languages Classrooms Alexandra Granger (Ottawa) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 83 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 9 / PÉRIODE 9 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 CCGSE-CCÉÉCSÉ Roundtables /Tables rondes Session/Séance 9.01 Room/Salle : MacEwan Hall A/B 24A :: "There's [no] place for us": Whiteness and "safe space" in schools Sam Stiegler (UBC) 24B :: A Case Study on Academic Writing Development of Chinese Students at a Canadian University Chunyan Peng (UPEI) 24C :: Designing Mathematical Stories to Encourage Mathematisation Lixin Luo (Alberta) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 84 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 9 / PÉRIODE 9 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 CCGSE-CCÉÉCSÉ Posters /Affiches Session/Séance 9.02 Room/Salle : MacEwan Hall A/B Identity and belonging: Accounts of transition between school contexts as experienced by mothers of Colombian origin Phillipa Myers (Western), Augusto Riveros (Western) Career Mobility and Identity Construction --An Exploratory Study of the Employment Experience of International Master of Education Graduates in Ontario saimou zhang (UBC) Neoliberal Globalization: the Transnational Policy Discourses in Leadership Standards Wei Wei (Western), Augusto Riveros (Western) Chinese Immigrants Parents and Children's Perspectives and Behaviors in Extra-Curriculum Musical Learning Sherry Zhang (Windsor), george zhou (Windsor) Culturally Inclusive Strategies for Diverse Classrooms Munjeera Jefford (Brock) Nigeria's implementation of the United Nations' Millennium Development Goal (MDG) on universal primary education: constraints vs facilitators Rachael Edino (Calgary) Co-creating hybrid discursive spaces that integrate teacher & family funds of knowledge Donna Kozak (UBC - Okanagan) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 85 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 9 / PÉRIODE 9 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 CCGSE-CCÉÉCSÉ Posters /Affiches Session/Séance 9.02 Return to High School: A Real Life Journey Shelley Kokorudz (Brandon) Room/Salle : MacEwan Hall A/B Left vs. right: an interpretive study of teacher ideological orientation and pedagogy in the global History 12 classroom Gregory Hadley (STFX), David Young (STFX) I SEE what you're saying: Visualization and the growth of mathematical understanding Jennifer Plosz (Calgary) The Impact of Cognitive Load on Classroom Assessment Andrew Coombs (Queen's) Physics Education: Understanding the Barriers for Young Women in Ontario Lindsay Mainhood (Queen's) Exploring the Influence of Canadian Teachers' Theory of Mind Ability on Their Bullying Beliefs Heather Woods (Ottawa), Sandra Bosacki (Brock) Aboriginal Education for Preservice Teachers: Examining Preconceptions and Attitudes Katrina Brown (Queen's) Does the Aesthetic Design of Digital Games foster Critical Thinking in Learners? Diali Gupta (Calgary), Beaumie Kim (Calgary) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 86 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 9 / PÉRIODE 9 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 CCGSE-CCÉÉCSÉ Posters /Affiches Session/Séance 9.02 Room/Salle : MacEwan Hall A/B Teaching Children about Complex Systems Using Digital Games Reyhaneh Bastani (Calgary), Diali Gupta (Calgary), Beaumie Kim (Calgary) The Connections Between IQ testing and Current Assessment Michelle Hawks (Alberta) Standardized testing in the primary level in Bangladesh: Friend or Foe? Nasreen Sultana (Queen's) A Comparison of Educational Programs and Assessments across Canada Karen Fung (Alberta), Man-Wai Chu (Calgary) Compassion Fatigue and Burnout in Teachers Working with Students with Exceptionalities Newsha Ziaian-Ghafari (Queen's) Participatory design research with urban Aboriginal and new immigrant/refugee youth: A didactic representation of an interdisciplinary study Naureen Mumtaz (Alberta) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 87 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 10 / PÉRIODE 10 11:15 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. / 11 h 15 – 12h 15 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 10.01 ACDE-ACDÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDT 202 Exploring experiences, issues, and possibilities of diversity and inclusion in practicum placements Randy Wimmer (Alberta), Angela Wolfe (Alberta), Evelyn Steinhauer (Alberta), Blair Niblett (Trent), Vanessa Andreotti (UBC) Session/Séance 10.02 ARTS-SCEA Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 370 Innovative Exemplars & Curriculum Created From On-line Artists' Videos Kathy Browning (Laurentian- Laurentienne) Practicing the Rock: Tuning to Diffraction in Teacher Education Field Experience Valerie Triggs (Regina), Michele Sorensen (Regina) Poster/Affiche What's on the wall? Posters and Visual Resource Choices for Middle School Music Katie Tremblay-Beaton (OISE-UT) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 88 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 10 / PÉRIODE 10 11:15 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. / 11 h 15 – 12h 15 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 10.03 CACS-ACÉC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 171 waltdisneyconfessions@tumblr: Narrative, Subjectivity, and Reading Online Spaces of Confession Tasha Ausman (Ottawa), Linda Radford (Ottawa) Being had by experience: Considering the "ontological turn" with/in Indigenous education Marc Higgins (UBC), Brooke Madden (UBC) "I'm not quite sure that a lot of them are getting it": Questioning Cultural Theories in Aboriginal Education Amanda Gebhard () Session/Séance 10.04 CACS-ACÉC Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 384 A Youth Exchange through Arts & Technology: Stories of Identity, Culture, Community & Place Diane Conrad (Alberta), Dwayne Donald (Alberta), Adriana Boffa (Alberta), Misty Underwood (Alberta), Ramona Big Head (Tatsikiisaapo'p Middle School, Kainai Reserve, Alberta) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 89 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 10 / PÉRIODE 10 11:15 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. / 11 h 15 – 12h 15 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 10.05 Room/Salle : EDC 156 CAEP-ACP Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Learning through play Doing Worksheets, or Playing Card Games in Math Class-That is the Question Sheri-Lynn Skwarchuk (Winnipeg), Harriet Winterflood (Calgary) Exploring the Impact of Feedback Agency on the Enjoyment of Playing an Assessment Game Maria Cutumisu (Alberta), Daniel L. Schwartz (Stanford University) Session/Séance 10.06 Room/Salle : EDC 152 CAEP-ACP Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Cultural diversity in education: Perspectives and implications A Psychology of Relationships Online: Implications for Adult Mediators of Elementary Public Education John Ippolito (York) Supporting Culturally Diverse Students with Self-Regulated Learning Aloysius Anyichie (UBC), Nikki Yee (UBC), Nancy Perry (UBC), Lynda Hutchinson (Western) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 90 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 10 / PÉRIODE 10 11:15 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. / 11 h 15 – 12h 15 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE Session/Séance 10.07 Room/Salle : EDT 450 CAFE-ACÉFÉ Special Event/Événement spécial CAFE Graduate Student Spotlight Session Building on Education Foundations: Uncovering new directions through graduate student work (Moderators: Pamela Rogers, Ottawa; Kate Dubensky) Session/Séance 10.08 CASEA AGM | AGA de l'ACÉAS (lunch/dîner) Room/Salle : EDC 388 Session/Séance 10.09 CASIE-ACÉÉA Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 386 Truth, Reconciliation, and Trauma-informed Practice Kevin Lamoureux (Winnipeg) Onikaniwak - for those who lead - a land based summer institute that develops leadership capacity in the area of Indigenous history, culture and current educational realities and resources Sherry Peden (Manitoba), Dawn Wallin (Saskatchewan) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 91 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 10 / PÉRIODE 10 11:15 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. / 11 h 15 – 12h 15 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 10.10 Room/Salle : EDC 280 CASWE-ACÉFÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Policy and Curriculum Gender Equity Policy Discourses in Canadian Education: A Historical Literature Review from the 1970s to the Present Heather Syme Anderson (Manitoba) "Violence Against College Women: Post-socialist and Transnational Feminist Perspectives" Miglena Todorova (OISE-UT) Young Women's Experiences with Sexuality Education in Atlantic Canada Brittany Jakubiec (UPEI) Session/Séance 10.11 Room/Salle : EDC 278 CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Teacher Well-being Learning, Breathing and Well-Being: Teacher's reflections on pedagogical possibilites through Mindfulness Kimberley Holmes (Calgary) The Emotional Toll of Obligation and Teachers' Disengagement from the Profession Melanie Janzen (Manitoba), Anne Phelan (UBC) Supporting Pre-Service Teachers' Mental Health and Well-being: A Scoping Review Towards Building a Framework for Education Initiatives Heather Coe (Queen's), Aglaia Christou (Queen's), Jessica Chan (Queen's) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 92 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 10 / PÉRIODE 10 11:15 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. / 11 h 15 – 12h 15 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 10.12 Room/Salle : EDC 284 CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Narrative Inquiry and Identity Development New Materiality in the In-between: Pre-Service Teacher Identity Development Ekphrasis Pauline Sameshima (Lakehead), Varainja Stock (Lakehead), Dayna Slingerland (Lakehead) Problematizing Complexities in Teacher Education Programsas a Narrative Inquiry Teacher Education Discourse Community Darlene Ciuffetelli Parker (Brock), Debbie Pushor (Saskatchewan), Jennifer Mitton Kukner (STFX), Anne Murray Orr (STFX), Shelley Griffin (Brock), Courtenay Fleet (Brock) Research Participation as Teacher Learning: Recognizing and promoting the possibilities Stefanie Muhling (OISE-UT) Session/Séance 10.13 Room/Salle : EDC 287 CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Programmatic decision making Evolving Practices: Admissions Policies in Ontario Teacher Education Programs Michael Holden (Brock), Julian Kitchen (Brock), Diana Petrarca (UOIT), Ann LeSage (UOIT) Self-Report Perceptions of Knowledge and Confidence to Engage in the Roles of Teachers Through Two Program Routes: Consecutive and Concurrent Anna-Liisa Mottonen (Nipissing) Curriculum and Assessment Alignment - Theory to Practice Susan Hill (St. Mary's), Paolina Seitz (St. Mary's) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 93 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 10 / PÉRIODE 10 11:15 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. / 11 h 15 – 12h 15 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 10.14 Room/Salle : EDC 179 CERA-ACCÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications CERA President Session Growing the Assessment Triangle to Include Explanation Jacqueline Leighton (Alberta) Session/Séance 10.15 SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE CERN-RRÉC Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 270 Multicultural Education and Education for Democracy: Comparative Perspectives Paul Carr (UQO), Gina Thésée (UQAM), Gary Pluim (Lakehead (Orillia)), Darren Lund (Calgary) Session/Séance 10.16 CIESC-SCÉCI Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 370A (Ethical) Internationalization of Higher Education: Intersecting Ideologies, Teacher Candidates Perceptions, Implications for Pedagogy Karen Pashby (Alberta), Paul Tarc (Western), Lisa Taylor (Bishops University) Session/Séance 10.17 LLRC-ACCLL Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 173 The Social Worlds of Young Children in a Community of Resettled Karen Refugees Nicola Friedrich (UBC) Playing their way into literacies: A case study of children's multimodal literacy explorations in the community Xiaoxiao Du (Western) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 94 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 10 / PÉRIODE 10 11:15 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. / 11 h 15 – 12h 15 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 10.18 Room/Salle : EDC 255 PHETE-GFEÉPS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Play, Wellness and Mental Health An Evidence-Based Mental Health Literacy Curriculum Resource for Secondary Schools Stan Kutcher (IWK Health Centre/Dalhousie), Yifeng Wei (IWK Health Centre/Dalhousie) Examining the Impacts of Ottawa Forest School & Mud Lake Project Nature-based Learning on Student Achievement and Wellness in Primaryaged Students Lisa Glithero (Ottawa) Lost in play (Bilingual/Bilingue) Jeanne Kentel (UBC) Session/Séance 10.19 RÉÉFMM Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 272 Une collaboration école-université pour accompagner des élèves francoontariens avec leurs choix postsecondaires : L'impact d'un camp d'anticipation Sylvie Lamoureux (Ottawa), Megan Cotnam-Kappel (Ottawa) Une communauté d'apprentissage professionnelle pour le changement des pratiques pédagogiques en enseignement des sciences Nicole Lirette-Pitre (Moncton), Marianne Cormier (Moncton), Nicole Ferguson (Moncton) Langue de scolarisation et intégration des élèves nouveaux arrivants dans les écoles de langue française en contexte minoritaire Francis Bangou (Ottawa) E = MC2 où E = Énergie d'un communauté francophone minoritaire Jean Labelle (Moncton), Philippe Jacquin (Moncton), Angela AuCoin (Moncton), Mireille LeBlanc (Moncton) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 95 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 10 / PÉRIODE 10 11:15 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. / 11 h 15 – 12h 15 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 10.20 Room/Salle : EDC 057 SERG-GRÉS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications PCK and Teacher Needs Documenting Pedagogical Content Knowledge of a High School Science Teacher: An Application of Narrative Analysis Saiqa Azam (Memorial), Bonnie Shapiro (Calgary) Working from teacher needs to design APL resources for teaching the Nature of Science Emily Ng (Calgary), Marie-Claire Shanahan (Calgary) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 96 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 11 / PÉRIODE 11 12:15 – 1:15 P.M. / 12 h 15 – 13h 15 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 11.01 Room/Salle : EDC 156 CAARE-ACRAÉ Special Event/Événement spécial CAARE Book Launch Session/Séance 11.02 Room/Salle : EDC 057 CERA AGM | AGA de l'ACCÉ (time slots 11 and 12/créneaux horaires 11 et 12) Session/Séance 11.03 CERN AGM | AGA de RRÉC (lunch/dîner) Room/Salle : EDC 287 Session/Séance 11.04 PHETE AGM | AGA du GFEÉPS Room/Salle : EDC 255 Session/Séance 11.05 RÉÉFMM AGM | AGA du RÉÉFMM Room/Salle : EDC 272 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 97 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 12 / PÉRIODE 12 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 12.01 Room/Salle : EDC 202 ACDE-ACDÉ Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Chair/Prés. : David Mandzuk (Manitoba) Navigating complex relationships in the dean's role Prof. Airini (TRU), Cathy Bruce (Trent), Marianne Cormier (Moncton), Dilson Rassier (McGill), Jennifer Tupper (Regina) Session/Séance 12.02 ARTS-SCEA Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 384 Educational Opportunities in the Arts: Unequal Access to Specialized Public Arts Schools Ju-Hye Ahn (OISE-UT) Global citizenship: "Reading the word and the world" Natalia Archacka (UBC) Life Phenomenology: Movement, Affect & Language Rebecca Lloyd (Ottawa), Stephen Smith (SFU) Shadows of history, echoes of war: Performing alongside veteran soldiers and prison inmates in two applied theatre projects Monica Prendergast (Victoria), George Belliveau (UBC) Session/Séance 12.03 CAARE AGM | AGA du ACRAÉ Room/Salle : EDC 156 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 98 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 12 / PÉRIODE 12 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 12.04 CACS-ACÉC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 173 Embracing online curriculum play and imagination in an early childhood education graduate classroom Euthalia Panayotidis (Calgary), Carolyn Bjartveit (Calgary) Let's play: Invitations to learning in digital game culture Catherine Burwell (Calgary), Tom Miller (Calgary) Engaging Teacher Candidates in Digital Collaborative Currere: Curriculum, Autobiographies and Narrative Inquiry Cristyne Hebert (York) Session/Séance 12.05 CACS-ACÉC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 172 Using Comic Improvisation to Build Skills Towards Generative Dialogue Teresa Farrell (VIU) Humour in the Urban Classroom: Shifting Constellations of Affect and Embodied Possibilities for Re-contouring Literacy Learning Mairi McDermott (Calgary), Kim Lenters (Calgary) Moments of Contradiction: Student Humour and Silence as Forms of Engagement in Drama Pedagogy and Social Justice Teaching Antonino Giambrone (OISE-UT) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 99 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 12 / PÉRIODE 12 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE Session/Séance 12.06 CAEP-ACP Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 179 Critical Perspectives for Advancing Research and Practice on SelfRegulated Learning Silvia Mazabel (UBC), Nancy Perry (UBC), Ben Dantzer (UBC), Elina Määttä (University of Oulu, Finland), Sanna Järvelä (University of Oulu, Finland), Gigi Hofer (UBC), Nikki Yee (UBC), Lorena Restrepo (UBC) Session/Séance 12.07 Room/Salle : EDT 450 CAFE-ACÉFÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Race and Social Justice Chair/Prés. : Darren Lund (Calgary) A monster mash: What antiracism could learn from cultural monsters Nichole Grant (Ottawa) Post-racialism and the production and negotiation of blackness at university Philip Howard (McGill) Exploring the Social in Social Justice Jacqueline Barreiro (SFU) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 100 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 12 / PÉRIODE 12 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 12.08 Room/Salle : EDC 370 SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE CASEA-ACÉAS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Provincial Policy Development Chair/Prés. : Gus Riveros Exploring the Aftermath of Educational Reform Marian Fushell (Memorial), Janice Tucker (California Lutheran University) An analysis of a horizontal public policy approach involving Education: A case study of the Healthy Child Manitoba strategy Jean-Vianney Auclair (Manitoba) From Accountability to Public Assurance: A Policy Text Analysis Brenda Spencer (Calgary) Nurturing Excellence in Instruction and Leadership Jim Brandon (Calgary), Candace Saar (Calgary), Sharon Friesen (Calgary) Session/Séance 12.09 Room/Salle : EDC 284 CASEA-ACÉAS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Students and Higher Education Chair/Prés. : Jerome Cranston The role of the principal in pre-service teacher education: The missing link Amy Burns (Calgary) Redesigning Decision Making in Pre-Service Teacher Education: Encouraging Engagement and Knowledge Growth Brianna McElroy (Ottawa), Stephanie Chitpin (Ottawa) (In)accessibility at University: Graduate Students' Insights Sarah Baker (Brock), Renee Kuchapski (Brock) Unequal Power Dynamics and Inter-Organizational Relationships: A Students’ Union and University Administration in Western Canada Josephine Steeves (Saskatchewan) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 101 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 12 / PÉRIODE 12 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 12.10 CASIE-ACÉÉA Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 386 Growing with Language and Culture: a Holistic Investigation of an Anishinaabemowin Immersion School Lindsay Morcom (Queen's) Restor(y)ing Approaches to Urban Indigenous Wellness: Returning to Our Medicines Karlee Fellner (Calgary) Indigenizing Initiatives and Indigenous Academic Staff: Sage Advice Marie Battiste (Saskatchewan), Rainey Gaywish (Algoma) Session/Séance 12.11 CATE-ACFE Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 280 Creating Inclusive Imagined, Local, and Virtual Communities in Teacher Education Antoinette Gagné (OISE-UT), Clea Schmidt (Manitoba), Sreemali Herath (The Open University of Sri Lanka), Victorina Baxan (Toronto), Marlon Valencia (Toronto) Session/Séance 12.12 CATE-ACFE Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 278 Supporting Teacher Candidates' Learning in Teacher Education Programs: A Pan-Canadian Perspective Lynn Thomas (Sherbrooke), Andrea Martin (Queen's), Karen Goodnough (Memorial), Ronald MacDonald (UPEI), Tom Russell (Queen's), Shawn Bullock (SFU), David Dillon (McGill), Thomas Falkenberg (Manitoba) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 102 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 12 / PÉRIODE 12 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 12.13 Room/Salle : EDC 255 CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Playfulness and learning Chronicles of Playful and Regressive Thought: Proliferating Representation in the Language Arts Teacher Education Classroom David Lewkowich (Alberta), Vicki Macris (Alberta) Variation Theory as a Pedagogical Tool to Promote Preservice Teachers' Learning and Teaching Diana Royea (UBC) Promoting Gamefulness in Design Activities with a Role-Playing Game Beaumie Kim (Calgary), Diali Gupta (Calgary), Jerremie Clyde (Calgary) Session/Séance 12.14 CCGSE-CCÉÉCSÉ Workshop/Atelier Room/Salle : EDC 260 From the student desk to the teaching podium: Teaching strategies to aid new instructors Pamela Timanson (Alberta), Deborah Hicks (Alberta), Theresa Schindel (Alberta) Session/Séance 12.15 Room/Salle : EDC 270 SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE CERN-RRÉC Special Event/Événement spécial CERN Keynote presentation Citizenship Education in a Time of Truth and Reconciliation Jennifer Tupper (Regina) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 103 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 12 / PÉRIODE 12 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 12.16 CIESC-SCÉCI Bilingual symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel bilingue Room/Salle : EDC 370A Broadening Perspectives: International Doctoral Research Collaboration between Canada, Australia, and China/ Élargir nos horizons: Collaboration de recherche internationale de doctorants au Canada, en Australie et en Chine Lisa Fedoruk (Calgary), Jonathan Woodend (Calgary), Avis Beek (Calgary), Janet Groen (Calgary), Xueqin Wu (Calgary), Sylvie Roy (Calgary), Xiang Li (Calgary) Session/Séance 12.17 Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 276 A case for where in educational discourse and practice Hartley Banack (UBC) Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel The "Unspeakables" of Environmental Education: Overpopulation, Scientific Ethics, and the Pursuit of Happiness Yi Chien Jade Ho (SFU), Dave Chang (SFU), Lee Beavington (SFU) Session/Séance 12.18 CSSE-SCÉÉ;CASIE-ACÉAS;CSSHE-SCÉÉS Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EEEL 210 Special event co-hosted with CSSHE /événement spécial organisé conjointement avec la SCÉES Addressing the Truth and Reconciliation Recommendations in Education: K-12 and Postsecondary Responses and Possible Futures (Streaming available on the CSSHE website: https://csshescees.ca/conference/current/) Kevin Lamoureux (Winnipeg), Dwayne Donald (Alberta), Jacqueline Ottmann (Calgary), Marie Battiste (Saskatchewan) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 104 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 12 / PÉRIODE 12 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 12.19 LLRC-ACCLL Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 146b Littératie en contexte franco-canadien : avancées de la recherche/Literacy in the French-Canadian Context: Research Developments Disc./Comm.: Lizanne Lafontaine (UQO) Le jeu symbolique : lieu de développement de la langue orale à la maternelle en milieu plurilingue et pluriethnique Christian Dumais (UQTR) Des outils pédagogiques destinés à accompagner les enseignants en contexte d’apprentissage en littératie – compétences à orthographier et à écrire des textes chez les élèves du primaire André C. Moreau (UQO), Christian Dumais (UQTR) Les nouvelles technologies numériques et mobiles au service du développement des habiletés reliées à la littératie Martine Pellerin (Alberta) L’heure du conte pour les élèves de la maternelle issus de familles exogames : une étude du développement du langage et de la littératie Sylvie Blain (Moncton), Julie Lafrance (Moncton) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 105 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 12 / PÉRIODE 12 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 12.20 Room/Salle : EDC 388 SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE QSEC-ÉAÉC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Queering Educational Discourses Representing and Reading "The Plunge" in Graphic Queer Representations of Adolescent Sexuality Michelle Miller Stafford (OCADU) Researching & Reclaiming Edmonton's Queer History Kristopher Wells (Alberta), Michelle Lavoie (Alberta) The challenges of enacting change through 'equality' politics: An examination of Social Justice 12 LJ Slovin (UBC) Session/Séance 12.21 RÉÉFMM Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 272 Pratiques déclarées d'enseignants en contexte minoritaire et pluriethnique relativement à l'enseignement de la grammaire Louise Larouche (Ottawa), Joël Thibeault (Ottawa) L'insécurité linguistique à l'écrit chez des étudiants francophones bilingues Brigitte Murray (Ottawa), Marie-Josée Vignola (Ottawa) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 106 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 12 / PÉRIODE 12 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 12.22 Room/Salle : EDC 252 SERG-GRÉS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications ICT: Social Media, Interactions, and Relationships Using a Survey to Explore Science Students' Social Media Learning Behaviours Rachel Moll (VIU), Wendy Nielsen (University of Wollongong) Canadian science education research: Co-author relationships beyond academic and geographical borders Jerine Pegg (Alberta), Dawn Wiseman (McGill), Michael Montgomery (Alberta), Sam Cheng (Alberta) Exploring the Issue of Scientists Being Encouraged to Directly Engage the General Public G. Michael Bowen (MSVU), Richard Zurawski (MSVU), Rob Thacker (St Mary's), Kimberley P Good (Dalhousie) Filmmaking as a way of teaching and learning nature of science Alena Kottova (Victoria) Session/Séance 12.23 Room/Salle : EDC 287 TATE-TFEE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Professional learning plans – the new ePortfolios Bachelor of Education Professional Learning Plan Digitally Connecting Personal, Classroom, and Field-Based Learning Experiences Norman Vaughan (Mount Royal), Tanya Stogre (Mount Royal), Rachel Cool (Mount Royal), Kristen MacIssac (Mount Royal) Guidelines for developing critical reflection among online MEd students through e-portfolios Debra Hoven (Athabasca University) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 107 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 13 / PÉRIODE 13 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 13.01 ARTS-SCEA Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 278 Creating educational music for strings: What makes it unique? Bernard Andrews (Ottawa), Maia Giesbrecht (Ottawa) Creating a "Transitional Space" through Art: Significance, Challenges, and Promises Anna Ryoo (UBC) Speak to Me Through My Fingertips: Exploring Dance as a Hermeneutic Interpretive Practice Towani Duchscher (Calgary) Session/Séance 13.02 CACS-ACÉC Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 171 Engaging education as a recollection of what is already known but un recognized: Student's Prior Knowledge as pedagogical opportunities Raphaël Gani (Ottawa), Kent den Heyer (Alberta), David Scott (Calgary) Session/Séance 13.03 CACS-ACÉC Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 172 Storying Historical Consciousness in Times of Reconciliation Nicholas Ng-A-Fook (Ottawa), Kristina Llewellyn (Waterloo), Lisa Taylor (Bishop's), Timothy Stanley (Ottawa), Lisa Farley (York), Tasha Henry (Selkirk Montessori School), Jennifer Tupper (Regina), Aparna Mishra Tarc (York) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 108 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 13 / PÉRIODE 13 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 13.04 CAEP-ACP Special Event/Événement spécial Room/Salle : EDC 179 CAEP Past President's Address Session/Séance 13.05 Room/Salle : EDC 370 CAFE-ACÉFÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Internationalization and Student Learning Chair/Prés. : Shirley Van Nuland (UOIT) A Systematic Review of the International Service Learning (ISL) Literature: Definition, Theory and Strategies for Creating Sustainable ISL Program M. Saidur Rahman (Victoria), Dr. Andrew Allen (Windsor) Education policy, state formation, and globalization: A review of China's state policy on internationalization of higher education (1949-2012) Jie Zheng (McGill) Session/Séance 13.06 Room/Salle : The Den, MacEwan Hall CASEA-ACÉAS Poster/Affiche CASEA Book Launch and Poster Session Chair/Prés. : Heather Syme Anderson () Results-based management: Friend or foe to teacher supervision in Québec schools? Daniel April (Laval), Yamina Bouchamma (Laval) An Enviormental Scan of Research Impact Resources That Exist in Public Service Sectors in Canada, the US, and UK. Samantha Shewchuk (Queen's), Amanda Cooper (Queen's) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 109 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 13 / PÉRIODE 13 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 13.07 CASIE-ACÉÉA Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 386 Re-told stories: A duoethnographic exploration about working in the field of Indigenous education Sarah Burm (Western), Dawn Burleigh (Lethbridge) Literacies of Land: Narrative, Storying and Literature Sandra Styres (OISE-UT) Session/Séance 13.08 Room/Salle : EDC 255 CASWE-ACÉFÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Women & Queerness Queer memory. Using critical arts practices to revise our pasts. Claire Robson (SFU), Dennis Sumara (Calgary) "My voice shook": Being a queer researcher discussing non-normative gender and sexuality in the elementary school classroom Kate Paterson (UBC) Sexual Exploration and Sexual Orientation Certainty of Women who Engage in Sexual Behaviour with Women Lucinda Brown (Victoria) Session/Séance 13.09 CATE-ACFE Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 280 CATE panel: Critical Discourses on the Impact of Neoliberalism in Teacher Education John Portelli (OISE-UT), Claudia Ruitenberg (UBC), Renee Kuchapski (Brock), Peter Grimett (UBC) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 110 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 13 / PÉRIODE 13 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 13.10 CERA-ACCÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 057 Examining Teachers' Use of Bundled Accommodations for Students with Special Needs Pei-Ying Lin (OISE-UT), Yu-Cheng Lin (University of Texas- Rio Grande Valley) Students Explain How an Intervention Changed their Thinking in Science: Using Mixed Methods for Causal Description and Explanation Henry Schulz (Memorial) Language learning by design: Feedback and language proficiency for future FSL teachers June Starkey (OISE-UT) Session/Séance 13.11 Room/Salle : EDC 270 CERN-RRÉC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Citizenship and Identity Good citizenship education and the future of the world: Tensions between the local and the global Adeela Arshad-Ayaz (Concordia) Canadian Youth's Civic attitudes and Behaviours Catherine Broom (UBC) Deleuze, Becoming, Gender, Second Language Research and Citizenship Douglas Fleming (Ottawa) Canadian Citizenship Exam: What relationship to land? Lucy El-Sherif (OISE-UT) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 111 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 13 / PÉRIODE 13 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 13.12 Room/Salle : EDC 370A CIESC-SCÉCI Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Global and local effects of internationalizing Higher Education Glocalization and International Student Retention in Higher Education Hasan Kettaneh (TRU), Victoria Handford (TRU), Prof. Airini (TRU) Ethical Internationalisation in Two Schools of Education: Coherence or Confusion Colleen Kawalilak (Calgary), Susan Ledger (School of Education Murdoch University Perth, West Australia) Internationalization within a Canadian University: A narrative inquiry of transborder students Edward Howe (TRU), Polina Denisova (TRU) Knowledge Production in International Research Collaboration: A Comparative Study of Canadian and Colombian Research Networks Clara Tascon (Western) Session/Séance 13.13 CPES-SCPÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 284 The Democratic Defence of the Humanities and its Problems Shadi Afshar (OISE-UT) Is Levinson's Concept of Autonomy Consistent with its Normative Priority? Nicolas Tanchuk (Columbia) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 112 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 13 / PÉRIODE 13 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 13.14 LLRC-ACCLL Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 173 Writing-as-problem-solving: Teaching for Transfer in Secondary School English David Slomp (Lethbridge), Rita-Marie Leask (Vauxhall High School), Keith Miller (Vauxhall High School), Taylor Burke (Lomond Community School), Kacie Neamtu (Erle Rivers High School), Sean Dupuis (Taber Mennonite School), Jaimie Vanham (Chamberlain School), Lindsey Hagen (RI Baker Middle School), Crystal Hegedus (Westwind Outreach School) Approaching The Graphic Narrative as an Embodied Form of Reading: Comics, Interpretive Freedom, and The Challenges of Multimodality Michelle Miller Stafford (OCADU), David Lewkowich (Alberta) The Expansion and Construction of Thoughts: Shared Reading of Print, Electronic, and Digital Books Ji Eun Kim (UBC) Session/Séance 13.15 RÉÉFMM Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 272 Favoriser l'autonomie et l'autorégulation chez les élèves à travers la collaboration : un projet d'écriture collaboratif dans le but d’accroître leurs compétences comme scripteurs Marie Hebert (École Joseph-Moreau au Conseil Scolaire Centre-nord) L'émergence du concept de la construction identitaire en milieu minoritaire francophone : un pur hasard? Marilyne Gauvreau (Moncton) Identité, appartenance et participation communautaire des membres des communautés fransaskoises (immigrants et membres de longue date). Laurie Carlson-Berg, Paulin Mulatris (Alberta) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 113 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 13 / PÉRIODE 13 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 13.16 Room/Salle : EDC 287 SERG-GRÉS Special Event/Événement spécial SERG Keynote and Poster Session Brief History of SERG - Its Raison d'Être and Formation Anthony Bartley (Lakehead) Poster/Affiche A discourse approach to examining the identities of biology teachers who incorporate the outdoors: Comparison of Alberta high school teachers Julieta Delos Santos (Alberta) Poster/Affiche Pedagogy for 21st Century STEM Education Shaily Bhola (Calgary), Gale Parchoma (Calgary) Poster/Affiche British Columbia's New Science Curriculum: Potential Consequences for Grade 8 Teachers as They Prepare to Teach Topics of Quantum Mechanics Goksenin Sen (Victoria) Poster/Affiche What Does It Mean to be Feminist Physics Laboratory Researcher: Autobiographical Experiences and Lessons for Girls in STEM Education Angela Rutakomozibwa (UBC), Samson Nashon (UBC) Poster/Affiche Students' Experiences in Inquiry-Oriented Science Education Krista Ritchie (MSVU), Frank LaBanca (Westside Middle School Academy), Michael Bowen (MSVU), Bruce M. Shore (McGill) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 114 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 14 / PÉRIODE 14 4:30 – 5:45 P.M. / 16 h 30 – 17h 45 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 14.01 Room/Salle : Gallery Hall, Taylor Family Digital Library SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE ACDE-ACDÉ Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Panel with wine & cheese reception to follow until 7:00 pm Chair/Prés. : Sal Badali (MSVU) Ten Years of ACDE Accords: What progress have we made? What challenges lie ahead? Blye Frank (UBC), Kris Magnusson (SFU), David Mandzuk (Manitoba), Ann Sherman (UNB) Session/Séance 14.02 Room/Salle : CASSIO A/B, MacEwan Hall Session/Séance 14.03 CACS-ACÉC Social Event/Événement social CACS Scholarly Celebration (from 7 pm until 9 pm) CACS-ACÉC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 171 Extending the History Curriculum: Cold War Encounters through Cinematic Narratives Kurt Clausen (Nipissing), Todd Horton (Nipissing) School History and Fictional Representations of the Past: A Double-Edged Sword Penney Clark (UBC), Alan Sears (UNB) Absent futures, darkened presents: a study into the role of futures thinking in science and social studies curriculum Kent den Heyer (Alberta) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 115 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 14 / PÉRIODE 14 4:30 – 5:45 P.M. / 16 h 30 – 17h 45 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 14.04 CACS-ACÉC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 172 Oh Canada, Whose Home and Native Land? Negotiating Identities of in "Between(ism)" Momina Khan (Saskatchewan) Revisiting Home: Contingency, Hybridity, Haunting Robert Nellis (Red Deer College) Settler homonationalism and the Native Child Neil Ramjewan (Toronto) Session/Séance 14.05 Room/Salle : EDC 179 / 150 CAEP-ACP Social Event/Événement social - Special Event/Événement spécial CAEP Wine and Cheese/Dunlop Awards/EEI Book Award Session/Séance 14.06 CASIE AGM and Keynote | AGA et conférence de marque de l'ACÉÉA Room/Salle : EDC 386 Session/Séance 14.07 CATE AGM and Awards | AGA et remise des prix de l'ACFE Room/Salle : EDC 280 (dinner to follow) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 116 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 14 / PÉRIODE 14 4:30 – 5:45 P.M. / 16 h 30 – 17h 45 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 14.08 Room/Salle : Workshop Kitchen and Culture CATE-ACFE Social Event/Événement social CATE dinner (off campus) (The event will take place at 7pm) CATE dinner at Workshop Kitchen and Culture (608 1st SW, Calgary, T2P 1M6 - For more information, contact Jodi Nickel, jnickel@mtroyal.ca) Session/Séance 14.09 CCGSE-CCÉÉCSÉ Workshop/Atelier Room/Salle : EDC 260 A Narrative Conception of Professional Development as a Community of Choice Hiroko Kubota (Alberta), Jinny Menon (Alberta), Dorit Redlich-Amirav (Alberta), Muna Saleh (Alberta) Session/Séance 14.10 CERA-ACCÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 057 Supporting Student Choice Using Differentiated Examinations Richelle Marynowski (Lethbridge) Problems with High School Grades Being Used for University Admissions Man-Wai Chu (Calgary), Karen Fung (Alberta) What are the Learning Values of Grades? Exploring Grading Policies in Canada and China Liying Cheng (Queen's), Christopher DeLuca (Queen's), Heather Braund (Queen's), Yi Mei (Queen's), Adelina Valiquette (Queen's), Wei Yan (Queen's), Deyu Xing (Queen's) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 117 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 14 / PÉRIODE 14 4:30 – 5:45 P.M. / 16 h 30 – 17h 45 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 14.11 Room/Salle : EDC 270 CERN-RRÉC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Citizenship and Social Justice Learning to Teach Citizenship: Collaborative Partnerships and ServiceLearning in Teacher Education Lorna McLean (Ottawa), Hoa Truong-White (Ottawa), Jennifer Bergen (Ottawa), Lisa Glithero (Ottawa), Jenn Rottmann (Ottawa) History Education, Historical Consciousness and Narrating the Nation Stephanie Anderson Redmond (UBC) Social justice through citizenship: Is social justice a component of youth's conceptions of good citizenship? Luz Molina (Regina) Session/Séance 14.12 Room/Salle : EDC 370A CIESC-SCÉCI Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Towards critical comparative and international analysis of education in faith-based institutions The Catholic Closet: A comparative study of homophobia in Canadian and British Catholic schools Tonya Callaghan (Calgary), Alix Esterhuizen (Calgary), Zachary Wierzbicki (Calgary) Madrassa Reform Efforts in Pakistan - A Brief Comparative Analysis Aamir Taiyeb (OISE-UT) Faith-based Higher Education Internationalization: A comparative case study Christina Hwang (OISE-UT) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 118 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 14 / PÉRIODE 14 4:30 – 5:45 P.M. / 16 h 30 – 17h 45 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 14.13 CPES Early Career Lecture Room/Salle : EDC 388 Session/Séance 14.14 LLRC-ACCLL Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 173 Building FSL student proficiency and confidence: Using the CEFR to identify areas of strength and ways forward Katherine Rehner (UT - Mississauga) The Use of Gesture in a Bilingual Preschool Classroom Kelly Brennan (SFU) Biological, linguistic and cultural change and education: The lived experience in one coastal community in Newfoundland and Labrador Barbara Mulcahy (Memorial) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 119 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 14 / PÉRIODE 14 4:30 – 5:45 P.M. / 16 h 30 – 17h 45 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 14.15 RÉÉFMM Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 272 Les mots pour grandir: la francisation en contexte minoritaire francophone Rachelle Gauthier (Moncton), Marianne Cormier (Moncton) Étude des conditions d'implantation d'une approche expérientielle de formation à l'enseignement des sciences en milieu minoritaire francophone Louis Trudel (Ottawa), Abdeljalil Métioui (UQAM) Quand la communauté minoritaire rencontre la communauté universelle Mathieu Lang (Moncton) Parents non-locuteurs de français qui on choisi une école minoritaire française Mary MacPhee (UPEI) Session/Séance 14.16 Room/Salle : EDC 370 SERG-GRÉS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Diversity and Equity in Science Education Communication Models of ELL Science Instruction Alandeom Oliveira (State University of New York at Albany), Molly Weinburgh (Texas Christian University) "I want to be a doctor, not a scientist!"Marginalized student engagement with science Lydia E Carol-Ann Burke (OISE-UT), Gurpreet Sahmbi (OISE- UT) Research on teacher thinking and practices to address student diversity in science education: Researchers collaborate to identify research themes and issues to guide professional practice Bonnie Shapiro (Calgary), Saiqa Azam (Memorial), Kamal Johal (F E Osborne School) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 120 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 14 / PÉRIODE 14 4:30 – 5:45 P.M. / 16 h 30 – 17h 45 30 May / Le 30 mai 2016 Session/Séance 14.17 Room/Salle : EEEL Building CONGRESS Social Event/Événement social uCalgary President's Reception | Réception du président de l'uCalgary (starts at 6pm/commence à 18h) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 121 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 15 / PÉRIODE 15 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 15.01 ARTS-SCEA Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 057 Exploring a Framework for Understanding Young Innovative Learners Engaged in Musical Activities in a Technologically Evolving Age Deanna Peluso (SFU) What's Next?: Examining the Musical and Non-Music Roles Held by Alumni of Undergraduate Music Programs Julia Brook (Queen's), Sue Fostaty-Young (Queen's) A Poetic Exploration of Music Teachers' Conceptions of InternationalMindedness Lisa Mitchell (SFU) Session/Séance 15.02 CACS-ACÉC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 171 Formation des formateurs universitaires à l'offre active : un nouveau concept clé en soins de santé et services sociaux aux personnes vivant en situation linguistique minoritaire Claire-Jehanne Dubouloz (Ottawa) Évaluation de l'effet de la pratique scolaire des jeux de société, sollicitant des habiletés en mathématiques, sur la réussite éducative des élèves témiscabitibiens du deuxième cycle du primaire Christine Marcotte (UQAT), Thomas Rajotte (UQAT) Évaluation de l'effet de la résolution de matrices de Raven sur le développement des habiletés en mathématiques des garçons du deuxième cycle du primaire Thomas Rajotte (UQAT) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 122 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 15 / PÉRIODE 15 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 15.03 CACS-ACÉC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 152 Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Critical Thinking Hagop Yacoubian (Haigazian University, Beirut, Lebanon) Asking, telling, challenging, and listening: Curriculum theorizing of teacher education programs Lisa Starr (McGill), Kathy Sanford (Victoria), Kristin MimickIMCK (Victoria) Interrogating Our Practice Mary Ann Richards (VIU), Teresa Farrell (VIU) Pre-service Teachers' Multimodal Mathematics Autobiographies: Emotion and Learning and Teaching Mathematics Miwa Takeuchi (Calgary), Kori Czuy (Calgary), Jo Towers (Calgary) Session/Séance 15.04 CACS-ACÉC Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 384 Games and Learning in the Wild Jen Jenson (York), Kelly Bergstrom (York), Suzanne de Castell (SFU), Cristyne Hebert (York), Emily Flynn-Jones (York) Session/Séance 15.05 CAEP AGM | AGA de l'ACP Room/Salle : EDC 179 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 123 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 15 / PÉRIODE 15 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 15.06 Room/Salle : EDT 450 CAFE-ACÉFÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Histories of Institutions and People Chair/Prés. : Paul Stortz (Calgary) German Culture and Canada: The Goethe Institute and Education, 19502000 John Allison (Nipissing) Scientist, spiritualist, and educationist: The curious case of Sir Oliver Lodge Shawn Bullock (SFU) Education at the Prison for Women: A History Katie-Marie McNeill (Queen's) SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE Session/Séance 15.07 Room/Salle : EDC 370 CASEA-ACÉAS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Topics in Ed. Admin. II Chair/Prés. : Jacqueline Kirk An examination of how school principals on Prince Edward Island understand and enact principles of social justice in their work Tim Goddard (UPEI), Brittany Jakubiec (UPEI), Yuanyuan Zhang (UPEI) Success of PEBS in Rural Nova Scotia Secondary Schools: Teacher and Administrator Voices Matthew Meyer (STFX), David Young (STFX) Academic Achievement in Effective Schools Marc Basque (Moncton), Yamina Bouchamma (Laval) Parents' Stories of Teens on Drugs: Where is the School in their Stories? Susan Reschny (Saskatchewan) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 124 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 15 / PÉRIODE 15 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 15.08 Room/Salle : EDC 388 CASEA-ACÉAS Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Chair/Prés. : Gus Riveros Beyond the Adjectives: Theorizing Educational Administration and Leadership Augusto Riveros (Western), Paul Newton (Saskatchewan), Stephanie Chitpin (Ottawa), Robin Mueller (Calgary), Bonnie Stelmach (Alberta), Dawn Wallin (Saskatchewan) Session/Séance 15.09 CASIE-ACÉÉA Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 386 Honouring Indigenous Ways of Knowing in a Grade 1 Math Class Ruth Beatty (Lakehead) Decolonizing Curriculum and Student Resistances Dawn Zinga (Brock), Sandra Styres (OISE- UT) Session/Séance 15.10 CASWE AGM | AGA de l'ACÉFÉ Room/Salle : EDC 280 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 125 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 15 / PÉRIODE 15 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE Session/Séance 15.11 Room/Salle : EDC 287 CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Social Justice in Teacher Education If Bourdieu Were a Teacher Educator: Introducing Prospective Teachers to Social Theory in Education Jennifer Tupper (Regina), Kathy Nolan (Regina) Pedagogical practices in a teacher education program with commitments to diversity, equity and social justice Victorina Baxan (OISE-UT), Antoinette Gagné (OISE-UT) Preparing Teachers for Changing Times and Changing Schools: Developing Agency and Taking Action Towards Embedding Diversity and Equity in Teacher Education Ann Lopez (OISE-UT) SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE Session/Séance 15.12 Room/Salle : EDC 278 CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Matching mentors and student teachers An enumeration of skills contributing to successful teachers for use within intern-mentor compatibility calculations Jeff Solheim (Saskatchewan) Continued Innovations from the Dating Scene: Promising Potential of Online Internship Matching for Partnered Placements Michelle Prytula (Saskatchewan), David Burgess (Saskatchewan), Jeff Solheim (University of Saskatchewan) Pratiques favorables à l'intégration des élèves présentant des difficultés comportementales : perception des futurs enseignants sur leur efficacité. (Bilingual/Bilingue) Marie-France Nadeau (Sherbrooke) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 126 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 15 / PÉRIODE 15 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE Session/Séance 15.13 Room/Salle : EDT 202 CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Learning outside four walls Being/Teaching/Learning in the Woods-Exploring the Enactment of Forest School Pedagogies Debra Harwood (Brock), Diane Collier (Brock), Farhanna Khan (Brock), Sinead McElhone (Niagara Region Public Health) Cultivating essential capacities through innovative practicum experiences: Pre-service teaching on a construction site Amy Burns (Calgary), Patricia Danyluk (Calgary) Enriching Students' Experiences in a Teacher Education Program: Exploring Community-based Practicum Placements Mary Jane Harkins (MSVU), Jeanette Schlatman (MSVU) Session/Séance 15.14 CCPA-ACPC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 156 Is it "bad"kids or "bad" places? Where is all the violence originating from? Youth Violence in the City of Toronto Ardavan Eizadirad (OISE-UT) Popular culture in the classroom: Promoting critical social literacy Dawn Currie (UBC), Deirdre Kelly (UBC) Imagining a New 'We': Students' complex connections when learning Canadian history Samantha Cutrara (Independent) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 127 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 15 / PÉRIODE 15 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 15.15 CERA-ACCÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 272 Results from the Classroom: Understanding Educational Innovation through the use of a Collaborative Impact Research of a One-to-One Device Project Michelle Searle (Queen's), Lori Kirkpatrick (Brock), Adrienne Sauder (Western), Heather Brown (Alberta), Jane Morris (Avon Maitland District School Board), Ted Doherty (Avon Maitland Distric School Board), Eric Smiley (Western), Mark Henshaw (Western), Kari-Ann Chow (Western), Rachael Smyth (Western), Emily Ready (Western) Predicting Off-task Multi-tasking in Classes Involving Technology Amna Mirza (WLU), Eileen Wood (WLU), Lindsay Shaw (WLU), Lucia Zivcakova (WLU) Developing a measure of beliefs about diversity and social justice Amanda Ferguson (Toronto), Ruth Childs (Toronto) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 128 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 15 / PÉRIODE 15 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 15.16 Room/Salle : EDC 370A CIESC-SCÉCI Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications What is our home? Perspectives of Students on Citizenship, Identity, Language, Belonging, Disruption and Education Global Citizenship Through the Eyes of the Grade Seven Elementary Students: A Case Study Eva Jaberi (Western) A youth club as site of resources: a girls' alternative to school and family Imogen Feld (University of Hamburg) Transnational migrations and the politics of language and belonging: A case study of refugee- immigrant students from Africa learning in a Canadian secondary school Wambui (Jane) Gichuru (UPEI) Disruptive Learning Narratives in International Placements: Disidentification, Dislocation, and Displacement Manu Sharma (Toronto), Andrew Allen (Windsor), Awad Ibrahim (Ottawa) Session/Séance 15.17 CPES-SCPÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 276 On the Margins and Marginality of Philosophy of Education Claudia Ruitenberg (UBC) Summoned to Look: The Facing of Images Louise Azzarello (York) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 129 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 15 / PÉRIODE 15 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 15.18 LLRC-ACCLL Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 173 When Words and Love Fail: Jillian and Mariko Tamaki's SKIM and the Adolescent's Desire to Sublimate David Lewkowich (Alberta) Reality as a genre Claire Ahn (UBC), ErnestoPeña (UBC) Virtual Narrative Inquiry into New Narrative Kyle Stooshnov (UBC) Session/Séance 15.19 Room/Salle : EDC 284 SERG-GRÉS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Science in Early Childhood (Pre-K to Grade 3) Re-defining professional learning and practice in primary science: An Activity Theory analysis Karen Goodnough (Memorial), Keith Power (Memorial) The four causes of children's technology and engineering in science classrooms Mijung Kim (Alberta), Wolff-Michael Roth (Victoria) A Case Study Exploring the Regulatory Questions asked by Early Childhood Education Teachers to their Students Rebecca Edwards (Victoria), Lindsay McCardle (Victoria), Allyson Hadwin (Victoria), Todd Milford (Victoria), Christine Tippett (Ottawa) Environmental Education in Kindergarten: The Turtle Who wanted to Fly Barbara McMillan (Manitoba) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 130 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 15 / PÉRIODE 15 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 15.20 Room/Salle : EDC 255 TATE-TFEE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Creating empowering learning spaces through the use of digital technologies Designing a Makerspace with Youth: Ways, Means, Ends, and Beginnings Paula MacDowell (UBC) The Collective Learning Paradigm and ICT in Teacher Education Robert Campbell (UBC) Investigating in-service teachers' self-efficacy for teaching with technology during a collaborative action research project Katelyn Scott (Brock) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 131 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 16 / PÉRIODE 16 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 16.01 CACS-ACÉC Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 171 Hacking Curriculum Theory: Refracting the Past Toward Digital Futurities Nicholas Ng-A-Fook (Ottawa), Linda Radford (Ottawa), Walter Gershon (Kent State), Bryant Griffith (College of Education, TAMUCC), Margaret Bérci (School of Education College of Staten Island), Ian Winchester (Calgary) Session/Séance 16.02 CACS-ACÉC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 384 Creativity and Education: A Poet's Meditation Carl Leggo (UBC) Becoming Transdisciplinary Brent Davis (Calgary), Veronika Clarke (Calgary) Where Metaphors Might Roam: Aesthetic Experience and Associative Play as Paths to Analogical Attention Michael Lockett (SFU) Session/Séance 16.03 Room/Salle : MacEwan Hall A/B Association Roundtables Tables rondes des associations 1A:: CAEP-ACP Deciding Who is "At-Risk" in the Early Learning Classroom: A Literature Review of Best Practices and Current Methods Suzanne Gooderham (Ottawa) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 132 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 16 / PÉRIODE 16 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 16.03 Association Roundtables Tables rondes des associations 1B:: CAEP-ACP Room/Salle : MacEwan Hall A/B Teachers' Understanding of Attachment Paradigms in Centre Based Care Margaret MacDonald (SFU), Janine Hostettler Schärer (SFU) 2A:: CAEP-ACP Four secondary teachers' perspectives on enhancing the inclusion of exceptional students Kyle Robinson (Queen's), Nancy Hutchinson (Queen's) 2B:: CAEP-ACP Who is failing the provincial reading test in Ontario? Edith van der Boom (Toronto) 3A:: CAEP-ACP The Ratty Shoe Case: When and Why Do Chinese Youth Consider Taking Compassionate Action as a Good and Bad Idea? Xu Zhao (Calgary), Robert Selman (Harvard University) 3B:: CAEP-ACP Friendships in Inclusive Drama, Dance and Visual Arts Environments Between Youth with Mixed Abilities - In Dialogue with One Another Lorna Sutherland (Alberta) 4A:: CAEP-ACP Counselling Clients Who are Gifted Sal Mendaglio (Calgary) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 133 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 16 / PÉRIODE 16 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Association Roundtables Tables rondes des associations Session/Séance 16.03 4B:: CAEP-ACP Room/Salle : MacEwan Hall A/B A literature review research project: Bringing together early reading and teacher learning and change research Michael Fairbrother (Ottawa) 5A:: CAREC-ACRPS Re/Creating Worldviews with Children Michelle Gray (Regina) 5B:: CAREC-ACRPS Multiliteracies for Young Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Children: Literature Review Xing Meng (Western), Mi Song Kim (Western) 6A:: CAREC-ACRPS Getting the Support You Need: An Investigation into a Pilot Induction Program for Early Childhood Educators in British Columbia Laura Doan (TRU) 6B: CAREC-ACRPS Parental role in prevention of chronic absenteism in early elementary school Michelle Nilson (SFU), Margarita Karpilovski (Surrey Schools (SD36)) 6C:: CAREC-ACRPS Fairy Tales: Not So Happily Ever After? Miranda MacDougall (Brock) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 134 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 16 / PÉRIODE 16 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Association Roundtables Tables rondes des associations Session/Séance 16.03 7A:: CASEA-ACÉAS Room/Salle : MacEwan Hall A/B Leading Teacher Learning: Implementing a Professional Learning Model Lori Cooper (Calgary) 7B:: CASEA-ACÉAS Understanding the Lived Experience of the Principal: Leading Professional Learning to Enhance Professional Practice Lori Pamplin (Calgary) 7C:: CASEA-ACÉAS Educational Administration and LGBTQ Educators: Outlining New Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes Necessary for the 21st Century Tonya Callaghan (Calgary), Robert Mizzi (Manitoba) 8A:: CATE-ACFE Borderlands of Possibility: An Interpretive Case Study Exploring the Construction of Professional Identity with Intern Teachers Sharon Allan (Medicine Hat College) 8B:: CATE-ACFE L'inclusion et l'encadrement des finissants de l'immersion française à une université francophone de l'Ouest : Les compétences linguistiques et socio-affectives Krystyna Baranowski (St-Boniface/Manitoba), Sylvie Berthelot Dilk (StBoniface) 9A:: CATE-ACFE Exploring Teaching Conceptualization of Pre-Service Teachers Through Creative Drama Derya Kici (Toronto) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 135 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 16 / PÉRIODE 16 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Association Roundtables Tables rondes des associations Session/Séance 16.03 9B:: CATE-ACFE Room/Salle : MacEwan Hall A/B How's That Working for You? The examination of preservice teachers' preparation to teach language arts to elementary students Sherry Woitte (Medicine Hat College) 10A:: CATE-ACFE Struggle, tension and community building: Toward a critical capacity for teaching marginalized populations Paul Betts (Winnipeg), Lee Anne Block (Winnipeg), Cathy Smith (Brandon) 10B:: CATE-ACFE Teacher Professional Development and Self-Regulated Learning Chloe Weir (Western) 11A:: CATE-ACFE Out In The Cold: Addressing rural teachers' lack of knowledge on LGBT topics Anthony Jeethan (Lakehead) 11B:: CATE-ACFE Wild Teacher Education: Outdoor learning, Teacher Education and the BC Context Hartley Banack (UBC) 12A:: CATE-ACFE Understanding the Perceptions of New Teachers as They Construct Their Understanding of Teaching Christie Petersen (Manitoba) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 136 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 16 / PÉRIODE 16 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Association Roundtables Tables rondes des associations Session/Séance 16.03 12B:: CATE-ACFE Room/Salle : MacEwan Hall A/B My grandparents used to flirt right there!: Active and experiential learning for novice teacher professional efficacy across cultures Verna McDonald (UNBC), Ed Harrison (UNBC) 13A:: TATE-TFEE Elementary Artists as Scientists: Educational Technology as a Catalyst David Cloutier (Mount Royal), Norm Vaughan (Mount Royal) 13B:: TATE-TFEE The Development of Online Teaching Capacity: perspectives of instructors, academic leaders, and educational developers Luciano da Rosa dos Santos (Calgary) 14A:: TATE-TFEE Literacy with ICT K-12 in Manitoba: Implementation from the Grassroots-Teacher Education Eva Brown (Calgary/ Red River College), Michele Jacobsen (Calgary) 14B:: TATE-TFEE Social Media for Teaching and Learning in a Rural Canadian School Michael Nantais (Brandon) 14C:: TATE-TFEE Le développement des compétences numériques à l'école et à l'université : souhaits VS réalité (Bilingual/Bilingue) Manon LeBlanc (Moncton) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 137 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 16 / PÉRIODE 16 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Association Posters Présentations visuelles des associations Session/Séance 16.04 CAEP-ACP Room/Salle : MacEwan Hall A/B Universal Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Thriving in General Classroom Teachers Newsha Ziaian-Ghafari (Queen's) CAEP-ACP A Graphic Portrayal of Assistive Technology Use within the Framework of Universal Design for Learning Christine Careen (Memorial), Gabrielle Young, PhD (Memorial) CAEP-ACP La qualité des interactions dans les classes d'éducation préscolaire et les fonctions exécutives des enfants de cinq ans Stéphanie Duval (UQAC), Caroline Bouchard (Laval) CAEP-ACP Reconceptualizing the educational support for students with Learning Disabilities in the Classroom Ian Matheson (Queen's), Kyle Robinson (Queen's), Derek Berg (Queen's) CAEP-ACP Executive Functioning and Working Memory in Children with an Arithmetic Disability Pamela McDonald (Queen's), Derek Berg (Queen's) CATE-ACFE A Longitudinal Study of Prospective Teachers' Critical Thinking: Case-Based Pedagogy Lorenzo Cherubini (Brock) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 138 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 16 / PÉRIODE 16 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Association Posters Présentations visuelles des associations Session/Séance 16.04 CATE-ACFE Room/Salle : MacEwan Hall A/B Mentoring in the Graduate Diploma Program: Support Structures and Resources for Community Building Paula Rosehart (SFU) CATE-ACFE Exploring the Design Process and Components of an Elementary Literacy Guide in an Ontario School Board Initiative Krissa Donahue (Brock) CATE-ACFE Post-Pre Assessment of the Effectiveness of a Two-Year Graduate Diploma Program in Arts Education Paula Howarth (SFU) TATE-TFEE "You totally invaded my privacy miss!" "But Joey, your Instagram account is public!" Stories from the classroom about youth media practices, privacy, and identity. Giuliana Cucinelli (Concordia), Junesse Christianns (Concordia) TATE-TFEE Designing a Quality Graduate Supervision MOOC For Faculty Development Hawazen Alharbi (Calgary/ King Abdulaziz University), Michele Jacobsen (Calgary) TATE-TFEE Understanding The Nature of Out-of-School-In-School Technological Divide in Uganda Stella Namae (UBC) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 139 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 16 / PÉRIODE 16 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 16.05 Room/Salle : EDT 450 CAFE-ACÉFÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Pedagogy and Learning Chair/Prés. : Anthony Di Mascio (Bishop’s) Working to Experience: Precarity and Pedagogy in the Cultural Industry Elizabeth Sarjeant (SFU) Christianity, Apostasy, and Curriculum Crises: Education in Fourth Century Byzantium Theodore Christou (Queen's) Revisiting Student-centered and Teacher-centered Pedagogy by the Comparative Studies of Deconstruction and Daoism Jing Mao (Victoria) Session/Séance 16.06 Room/Salle : EDC 388 CASEA-ACÉAS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications CASEA CRC Lecture Chair/Prés. : Gus Riveros Promising Directions for Bridging Macro-Micro and Research-Policy Divides Scott Davies (OISE-UT) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 140 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 16 / PÉRIODE 16 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 16.07 CASIE-ACÉÉA Poster/Affiche Room/Salle : EDC 386 Perceptions and teaching practices of Inuktitut teachers regarding the instruction on the structure of the language and the use of corrective feedback Maria-Lourdes Lira Gonzales (UQAT) Poster/Affiche Moving the Mountain: An alternative educational program for young Aboriginal women Stacey Keeler (Alberta), Diane Conrad, Jacquie Pei, Chelsea Hobbs, Aamena Kapasi Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Pedagogies of Settler-Indigenous Alliance-building in the Post-Secondary Classroom Lisa Taylor (Bishop's), Lyne Davis (Trent), Lindsay Morcom (Queen's), Chris Hiller (Algoma) Session/Séance 16.08 Room/Salle : EDC 287 SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Social Justice Education Breaking Barriers and Crossing Boundaries: Research in Social Justice Teacher Education in Canada Catherine McGregor (Victoria), Allyson Fleming (Victoria), David Monk (Victoria) Unresolved: An Investigation on the Stubbornly Persistent Deficit Thinking Manu Sharma (Toronto) Effect of Islamophobia on Current Teachers' Teaching Practices Afshan Amjad (Alberta) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 141 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 16 / PÉRIODE 16 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE Session/Séance 16.09 Room/Salle : EDC 278 CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Language Learning Preparing Pre-service Teachers to Teach English Language Learners: Case study of a Teacher Education Program Guofang Li (UBC) "Figure it out for yourself!"•: Feedback that makes a difference for future FSL teachers' language learning June Starkey (OISE-UT) Engaging Teacher Candidates in Intercultural Competence Activities in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Class Preparation: Experiences from Action Research in Colombia. Yecid Ortega (OISE-UT), Liliana Guarnizo (Universidad Antonio Narino) Session/Séance 16.10 CCPA-ACPC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 156 The Interdisciplinary Disability & Inclusion Research Collaborative: Origins & Evolution Pamela Richardson (Royal Roads), Leyton Schnellert (UBC - Okanagan), Rachelle Hole (UBC -Okanagan), Earllene Roberts (UBC -Okanagan), Sara McDonald (UBC -Okanagan), Jewelles Smith (UBC -Okanagan), Assunta Rosal (UBC- Okanagan) Extracting Value from Oppression: Dilemmas in Qualitative Research Gulzar R. Charania (Toronto) Uncomfortable by Design: Whiteness, Vulnerability and Reconciliation in the classroom Michael Cappello (Regina), Claire Kreuger (Prairie South School Division) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 142 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 16 / PÉRIODE 16 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 16.11 CERA-ACCÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 057 Transcultural Competence as Transformative Learning that Fosters an Inclusive Society Sinela Jurkova (Calgary) Using interviewing and arts-based methods as complementary qualitative methods in a mixed-methods research framework to study transmale youth Michel Lévesque (Alberta), André Grace (Alberta), Jeffrey Hankey (Alberta), Clarissa Cheong (Alberta) Queering the Survey: Developing a Questionnaire to Explore How Sexual and Gender Minority Youth Grow into Resilience as an Intricate Process Jeffrey Hankey (Alberta), Andre Grace (Alberta), Michel Levesque (Alberta), Clarissa Cheong (Alberta) Session/Séance 16.12 CIESC-SCÉCI Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 370A Experiences of internationalization: Staff in 'third space' Kumari Beck (SFU), Roumi Ilieva (SFU), Chelsey Laird (SFU), Camila Miranda (SFU), Kazem Zabihollahi (SFU) Session/Séance 16.13 CPES-SCPÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 276 Questioning the Stakes of Nostalgic and Utopian Thought in Education Eleonora Joensuu (SFU) Education and the Pathos of Wonder: Arendt's Limiting and Enabling Sense of Wonder Mario Di Paolantonio (York) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 143 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 16 / PÉRIODE 16 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 16.14 LLRC-ACCLL Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDT 202 Textes multimodaux en contextes majoritaires et minoritaires francophones canadiens / Multimodal texts in Francophone minority and majority contexts in Canada (Bilingual/Bilingue) Geneviève Brisson (UBC), Amélie Lemieux (McGill), Nathalie Lacelle (UQAM), Sara Schroeter (UBC) Session/Séance 16.15 Room/Salle : EDC 284 SERG-GRÉS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Strategies for Teaching Science Methods Courses A Study of Impact of Science Methods Courses on Teacher Candidates' Self-efficacy in Teaching Science and Their Interest in Becoming a Science Teacher George Zhou (Windsor) Collaboratively designing and implementing a STEM Education course Krista Francis (Calgary), Sharon Friesen (Calgary), Dianne Gereluk (Calgary), Armando Paulino Preciado Babb (Calgary), Pratim Sengupta (Calgary), Gabriela Alonso-Yanez (Calgary), Lissa D'Amour (Calgary), Miwa Takeuchi (Calgary), Dianne Dodsworth (Calgary), Gina Cherkowki (Calgary), Jeff Turner (Calgary), Mary-Anne Mitchell-Pellett (Calgary), Polly Knowlton Cockett (Calgary), Sandy Last (Calgary) Methods and Strategies: Using Technology to Connect Theory and Practice and Encourage Learning Communities in Science Education Graduate Courses Jerine Pegg (Alberta) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 144 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 16 / PÉRIODE 16 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 16.16 Room/Salle : EDC 255 SSTEP-GAMFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Self-study and Identity Finding our voices: Teacher education as resistance, resilience and restoration Leyton Schnellert (UBC-Okanagan), Kim Ondrik (Vernon School District), Danica Hardy (Vernon School District), Tyler Cernak (Central Okanagan School District) Locating who (I am) in what (I) do: An autoethnography of a teacher educator Lisa Starr (McGill) DisPlacing Myself: Decolonizing a Settler Teacher-Educator Emily Root (Cape Breton University) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 145 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 17 / PÉRIODE 17 11:15 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. / 11 h 15 – 12h 15 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 17.01 CSSE AGM | AGA de la SCÉÉ Room/Salle : EDC 388 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 146 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 18 / PÉRIODE 18 12:15 – 1:15 P.M. / 12 h 15 – 13h 15 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 18.01 CACS AGM | AGA de l'ACÉC Room/Salle : EDC 171 Session/Séance 18.02 CCGSE AGM | AGA du CCÉDÉ Room/Salle : EDC 287 Session/Séance 18.03 CIESC AGM | AGA de la SCÉCI Room/Salle : EDC 370A Session/Séance 18.04 Room/Salle : Education Tent Werklund School of Education Social Event/Événement social Werklund School of Education barbeque lunch Werklund School of Education barbeque lunch: Werklund School of Education is hosting a barbeque lunch for CSSE delegates. (There will be seating for approximately 200 people and boxed lunches for approximately 250 people.) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 147 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 19 / PÉRIODE 19 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 19.01 Room/Salle : EDC 287 ACDE-ACDÉ Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Chair/Prés. : Jennifer Tupper (Regina) Responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action: A conversation for education Cathy Bruce (Trent), Sharon Murray (St. Thomas), Rebecca Luce-Kapler (Queen's), Lindsay Morcom (Queen's), Dennis Sumara (Calgary), Jennifer Tupper (Regina) Session/Séance 19.02 ARTS-SCEA Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 173 Indigenous Métissage: Art, Ecological Activism, Education, and Place Greg Lowan-Trudeau (Calgary), Vicki Kelly (SFU) Breaking the line: Using poetry and hybrid texts to enhance students' literacy development Adam Vincent (UBC) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 148 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 19 / PÉRIODE 19 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 19.03 CACS Presidential Panel Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 171 Community, Cosmopolitanism and Creativity: On the Mobility of Shared Time and Curricular Conversation (A Series of Moderated Discussions) Chair/Prés. : Cathryn van Kessel (Alberta) Kent den Heyer (Alberta), Kristina Llewellyn (Waterloo) Chair/Prés. : Lauren Jervis (York) Catherine Burwell (Calgary), Jennifer Jenson (York) Chair/Prés. : Kiera Brant (Ottawa) Dwayne Donald (Alberta), Timothy Stanley (Ottawa) Chair/Prés. : Mitchell McLarnon (McGill) Suzanne de Castell (UOIT), Nicholas Ng-A-Fook (Ottawa) Session/Séance 19.04 Room/Salle : EDC 156 CAEP-ACP Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Issues in literacy education The effects of diagnostic feedback intervention on the literacy skills of struggling learners Edith van der Boom (Toronto), Eunice Jang (Toronto) Reflections on Construction of a Cognitive Diagnostic Reading Assessment Junli Wei (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Reading with expression: Mapping the role of prosodic awareness in early reading achievement. Jessica Chan (Queen's) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 149 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 19 / PÉRIODE 19 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 19.05 Room/Salle : EDC 152 CAEP-ACP Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Exploring cognition in learning Examination of Ontario Teachers' Beliefs and Understandings of Metacognition in Elementary Science Education Heather Braund (Queen's) Cognitive learning outcomes in elementary students as a function of multimodal science and literacy integration Tiffany Gallagher (Brock), Xavier Fazio (Brock) Session/Séance 19.06 Room/Salle : EDT 450 CAFE-ACÉFÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Histories of Teachers and Teaching Chair/Prés. : Amy von Heyking (Lethbridge) From Challenging Times Comes Opportunity: The 1930s and Teachers' First Steps in Gaining Increased Job Security Catherine Broom (UBC - Okanagan) An Analysis of Records of New Brunswick Teachers with Third Class Certificates Frances Helyar (Lakehead (Orillia)) The 'Bionic Beaver', SchoolNet, and Laptops: Computer Technology and the Growth of School-business partnerships, 1980s-2000s Catherine Gidney (STU) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 150 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 19 / PÉRIODE 19 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 19.07 Room/Salle : EDC 370 CASEA-ACÉAS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Governance Chair/Prés. : Jon Young Alberta School Principals' Use of Professional Portfolios in Teacher Hiring Darron Kelly (Lethbridge), Stephanie Hancock (Lethbridge), Elizabeth Hodgson (Lethbridge) An Examination of School Board Leadership in Ontario Sachin Maharaj (OISE-UT) Urban District Reform for Equity: The Case of the Model Schools for Inner Cities Program in the Toronto District School Board Vidya Shah (OISE-UT) "We're all in the same ball pit"• : Organizational Structures and Mircopolitics in Teachers' Organized Work Rachael Nicholls (OISE-UT) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 151 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 19 / PÉRIODE 19 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 19.08 Room/Salle : EDC 284 CASEA-ACÉAS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Higher Education Chair/Prés. : Marc Basque Mapping the Current Offerings of Leadership Development in Higher Education Donald Scott (Calgary), Shelleyann Scott (Calgary), Linda Dudar (St Mary's), Abdoulaye Anne (Laval) La gouvernance des institutions universitaires : Les défis de la fonction de doyen de faculté ou de directeur d'institut universitaire assimilé à un décanat (Bilingual/Bilingue) Abdoulaye Anne (Laval) Understanding Universities and the Complexities of Formal Academic Leadership: A Review of the Literature Shelley Scott (Calgary), Donald Scott (Calgary), Linda Dudar (St Mary's), Abdoulaye Anne (Laval), Kathryn Dixon (Curtin University) Exploring Leadership Process for Social Innovation In and Through Higher Education Peter Milley (Ottawa) Session/Séance 19.09 CASIE-ACÉÉA Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 386 The Self-Portrait: A Narrative Inquiry into the Experiences of an Indigenous Post-secondary Student Trudy Cardinal (Alberta), Shelby Wolfe-Goulet () Storied way of learning science and exploring the possibilities: filmmaking in education. Alena Kottova (Victoria) Whiteness and Land in Indigenous Education in Canadian Teacher Education Alexa Scully (Lakehead) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 152 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 19 / PÉRIODE 19 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 19.10 Room/Salle : EDT 202 CASWE-ACÉFÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Women in the Academy I: The (Gendered) Student Experience Motivated to Speak: Being a Woman in Academia Rae van Beers (Calgary), Sonia Aujla-Bhullar (Calgary) Case study: Why did you quit? A female international Ph.D. student dropped out school in a Canadian university Yan Gao (Victoria) Embracing Lived Multiplicities as Diverse Women and Beginning Narrative Inquirers Dorit Redlich-Amirav (Alberta), Jinny Menon (Alberta), Muna Saleh (Alberta), Hiroko Kubota (Alberta) Session/Séance 19.11 Room/Salle : EDC 260 CATE-ACFE Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel CATE francophone panel/Colloque francophone de l'ACFE CATE Francophone Panel: Discussion ouverte sur la place de la recherche en français, ses difficultés et les solutions qui pourraient y être apportées (Discussion on the Challenges and Possibilities of Educational Research in French) Natalie Pender (Memorial) Session/Séance 19.12 CATE-ACFE Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 280 Paving the Way: Transitions to PSE for Disabled Students Neita Israelite (York), Karen Swartz (York), Eugenie Choi (York), Samahra Zatzman (York), Kaeisha Gagnon (York) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 153 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 19 / PÉRIODE 19 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 19.13 CATE-ACFE Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 146b "More than a big liberal hug": Building racial literacy through critical race praxis in education Rosalind Hampton (McGill), Ashley DeMartini (McGill), Lerona Lewis (McGill), Philip Howard (McGill), Emily Yee Clare (McGill) Session/Séance 19.14 CCGSE-CCÉÉCSÉ Workshop/Atelier Room/Salle : EDC 276 Personal Branding and Knowledge Mobilization Jason Ribeiro (Calgary) Session/Séance 19.15 CCPA-ACPC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 278 Hope Despite Hopelessness: Applied Theatre As Intervention In Lives Of Urban Youth Dirk J. Rodricks (OISE-UT), Kathleen Gallagher (OISE- UT) Raising the silence through grassroots arts-based literacy practices: An ethnographic case study of a community-engaged festival Jing Li (SFU), Suzanne Smythe (SFU) Rethinking environmental education: A Critical Animal Studies Perspective Meneka Thirukkumaran (Calgary) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 154 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 19 / PÉRIODE 19 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 19.16 CERA-ACCÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 057 Frequency of bimodal classrooms in Ontario Timothy Sibbald (Nipissing) Benjamin D. Wright and his Contributions to the Rasch Model Peter MacMillan (UNBC), Stefanie Sebok Evaluation of Program Impacts in Education: Reconciling Views on Validity Andrew Jaciw (Empirical Education Inc.) Session/Séance 19.17 Room/Salle : EDC 370A CIESC-SCÉCI Bilingual Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Haiti Since the Earthquake / Haïti depuis le tremblement de terre: Perspectives on Democracy, the Environment, and Education / Regards sur la démocratie, sur l'environnement, et sur l'éducation Disc./Comm.: Wayne Ross (UBC) La vulnérabilité de l'environnement en Haïti comme produit de la démocratie "mince", de la colonisation, et de l'injustice sociale / Environmental Vulnerability in Haiti as a Product of Thin Democracy, Colonization, and Social Injustice Gina Thésée (UQAM) Perspectives of Democracy and Its Role in Education Through the Eyes of Members of the Montreal Haitian Diaspora Paul Carr (UQO) Democratic Possibilities in Education in Haiti During and After the "Reconstruction" Gary Pluim (Lakehead (Orillia)) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 155 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 19 / PÉRIODE 19 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 19.18 CPES-SCPÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 255 Contrasting Views of Emotion in Learning: Alfred North Whitehead and Jerome Bruner Howard Woodhouse (Saskatchewan) All Ryle'd Up; implications of Gilbert Ryle's key ideas for education Sandra Bruneau (ABCDE Association of BC Deans of Education) Session/Séance 19.19 LLRC AGM | AGA de l'ACCLL Room/Salle : EDC 384 Session/Séance 19.20 Room/Salle : EDC 252 SERG-GRÉS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Aspects of Curriculum and Planning Programming in K12 Science Classrooms: From the Teachers' Perspective Pratim Sengupta (Calgary), Amy Farris (Vanderbilt), Amanda Dickes (Vanderbilt University) STEM education: Is this really our Sputnik moment? Connecting lessons learned from Post-Sputnik science education reform to the present STEM movement Sharon Pelech (Lethbridge) Instructional Time for Science in Elementary Schools Allison Dow (Brock) Influencing factors on curriculum policy in an era of increased accountability, surveillance and regulation Marietta Bloch (Independent Scholar) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 156 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 20 / PÉRIODE 20 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 20.01 CACS-ACÉC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 171 When Mindset Meets Practice: Narratively Deconstructing Unconscious Assumptions of Poverty and Mental Health in Secondary School Education Darlene Ciuffetelli Parker (Brock) Brief Focused Inquiry: Metaphor as a framework for small-scale research studies Bernard Andrews (Ottawa) Session/Séance 20.02 CACS-ACÉC Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDT 450 Complicating Care, Humility, & Love in Contemplative & Transformative Curriculum Claudia Eppert (Alberta), Cynthia Stratulat (Alberta), Robert Piazza (Alberta), Karen Jacobsen (Alberta) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 157 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 20 / PÉRIODE 20 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 20.03 Room/Salle : EDC 156 CAEP-ACP Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Social-emotional learning in teacher education Reflections on circling as a pedagogical tool to build teachers' socialemotional competencies Karen Bouchard (Ottawa), Trista Hollweck (Ottawa), David Smith (Ottawa), Ruth Kane (Ottawa) Is it fair to require students in education classified as alexthymic to complet a course on the development of metaemotional competencies? René Langevin (Alberta), Angélique Laurent (Sherbrooke) «I can do this! »: Motivation and feedback for future FSL teachers June Starkey (OISE-UT) SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE Session/Séance 20.04 Room/Salle : EDC 152 CAEP-ACP Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Issues in counsellor education Medicalizing influences and tensions within Canadian Counsellor Education Tom Strong (Calgary) Engaging the Reflexive Self: The Role of Reflective Practice in Counsellor Education and Professional Identity Development Toupey Luft (City University of Seattle in Canada), Robert Roughley (City University of Seattle in Canada) Using the Repertory Grid to explore changes on the personal and professional construction of counselling trainees: a Longitudinal Study Gloria Dada Sanchez (Calgary) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 158 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 20 / PÉRIODE 20 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 20.05 CAFE AGM | AGA de l'ACÉFÉ Room/Salle : EDC 179 Session/Séance 20.06 Room/Salle : EDC 370 CASEA-ACÉAS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications International Education Chair/Prés. : Bonnie Stelmach Exploring the Canadian Curriculum Schools Overseas: Transnational Teacher and Administrator Perspectives on Teacher Work and Identity Robert Mizzi (Manitoba), Alysha Sloane (Brandon) So many children left behind: discourses of Gabonese youth on schooling Christine Immongault (Laval), Claire Lapointe (Laval) A Qualitative Study of the Impact of Campus Services on Chinese International Students' Competency with Interpersonal Communication Jingzhou Liu (Calgary) Schools at the Centre: Lessons from Administrators Zeenat Janmohamed (George Brown College), Kerry McCuaig (OISE- UT) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 159 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 20 / PÉRIODE 20 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 20.07 Room/Salle : EDC 284 SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE CASEA-ACÉAS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Leadership for Social Justice Chair/Prés. : Jane Preston Revisiting Parentocracy: A phenomenon that leads to educational advantage for the middle class, to social reproduction and to challenges for school principals Corinne Barrett DeWiele (University of Manitoba/Saint-Boniface), Jason Edgerton (Manitoba) The Art of War: Five Fundamentals in Social Justice Leadership Fei Wang (UBC) Strategy and Emotion in Social Justice Leadership Jim Ryan (OISE-UT), Stephanie Tuters (OISE- UT) The Effect of the School Principal in Creating an Inclusive School Culture during Times of Change and Challenge Ayodeji Osiname (Brandon) Session/Séance 20.08 CASIE-ACÉÉA Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 386 The Nationalistic Impulse: How Primary and Secondary Schools Reflect the Canadian Indigenous Experience Frank Deer (Manitoba) Indigeneity in the Virtual spaces Sandra Styres (OISE-UT), Dawn Zinga (Brock) Autochthonous education: moving deeper into 'indigenizing' by considering ontos Christopher Beemanc (Brandon), Robert Hamilton (Brandon) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 160 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 20 / PÉRIODE 20 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE Session/Séance 20.09 Room/Salle : EDC 287 CASWE-ACÉFÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Women in the Academy II: The (Gendered) Professor Experience Part-time female professors' experiences in hiring in higher education Elida Sanchez Cruz (Colegio de Veracruz), Jose Luis Soto Ortiz (Colegio de Veracruz) Women Reflect on Being Well in Academia: Tensions and Supports Michelle Kilborn (Memorial), Gabrielle Young, Saiqa Azam, Cecile Badenhorst, Karen Goodnough, Leah Lewis, Xuemei Li, Heather McLeod, Sylvia Moore, Sharon Penney, Sarah Pickett Women and adult education: Knowing their place? Katherine Sanford (Victoria), Darlene Clover (Victoria), Nina Morgan (Independent), Shauna Butterwick (UBC), Nancy Taber (Brock) Unfinished business in the academy: Women, men, family, tenure and promotion Lynn Thomas (Sherbrooke) Session/Séance 20.10 CATE-ACFE Room/Salle : EDC 280 CATE Keynote Dimensions of Teaching Sharon Friesen (Calgary) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 161 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 20 / PÉRIODE 20 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 20.11 CCGSE-CCÉÉCSÉ Workshop/Atelier Room/Salle : EDC 276 Naviguer la double identité de professeure-doctorante - ABD and Professor: Navigating the double identity Joanne Lehrer (UQO), Catherine Nadon (UQO), Stéphanie Duval (UQAC), Julie Bergeron (UQO) Session/Séance 20.12 CCPA-ACPC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 278 From Reticence to Resistance: Exploring Educators' Engagement with Indigenous Environmental Activism Gregory Lowan-Trudeau (Calgary) Becoming-political in cramped spaces: Adult learning, media assemblages and environmental movements Marcelina Piotrowski (UBC) Creating appropriate Indigenous content: Decolonization training programs in Poplar Hill First Nation Brian Beaton (UNB) Session/Séance 20.13 CERA-ACCÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 057 The Evolving Culture of Large-Scale Assessment on Prince Edward Island Yan (Lizzie) Yan (UPEI), Tess Miller (UPEI) Assessing and reporting Learning Skill and Work Habits: A cross-Canada survey Stefan Merchant (Queen's), Don Klinger (Queen's), Alexander Love (Queen's) Impact of a high-stakes test on education: Evidence from public media Yi Mei (Queen's), Liying Cheng (Queen's) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 162 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 20 / PÉRIODE 20 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 20.14 Room/Salle : EDC 370A CIESC-SCÉCI Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Dynamics of Marketization, Ethics and Plurilingualism in China’s Contemporary Education Changes in Parent-Teacher Relationship under China's Market Economy Yan Guo (Calgary), Xueqin Wu (Calgary), Xiaoli Liu (Calgary) Interpretations and practices of social sciences research ethics in China: Perspectives of faculty members Bailing Zhang (Western), Dongyan Blachford (Regina) Plurilingualism and English as Foreign Language Education: Exploring the Strategies Meilan Piao Ehlert (SFU), Simon Xianri Zheng (Yanbian University (China)) Session/Séance 20.15 LLRC-ACCLL Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 173 Tuning out, tuning in and fine-tuning: Video inquiry for multimodal formative assessment Mary Ott (Western) Grade Ten Students' Agentic Engagement Within Project-Based Learning Selvi Roy (UPEI) Improving language learning: A new modality combining regular classes with autonomous learning. Patricia Houde (Universidad de Guanajuato/McGill), Emily Marzin (Universidad de Guanajuato), Fabian Steuernagel (Universidad de Guanajuato) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 163 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 20 / PÉRIODE 20 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 20.16 Room/Salle : EDC 255 SERG-GRÉS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Teaching and Learning in Science Science learning environments and innovation: Towards a better understanding Xavier Fazio (Brock) Exemplification in Science Instruction: Teaching and Learning through Examples Adam Brown (Ottawa), Alandeom Oliveira (State University of New York at Albany) Perspectives Underlying Students' Understanding of Choking Through Web-Based Learning Experiences Samson Nashon (UBC), Douglas Adler (UBC), Sandra Scott (UBC), Jeffrey Ludemann (UBC) Impact Analysis of LabMS on Student Laboratory Learning, Collaboration, and Engagement Joseph Engemann (Brock) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 164 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 21 / PÉRIODE 21 4:30 – 5:45 P.M. / 16 h 30 – 17h 45 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 21.01 ARTS-SCEA Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDT 202 Writing Art and Life with Hélène Cixous: A Paris Studio Residency Nane Jordan (University of Paris 8), Barbara Bickel (Southern Illinois University) Session/Séance 21.02 CACS-ACÉC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 171 Understanding Parent Expectations of Mathematics Curriculum Janelle McFeetors (Alberta), Lynn McGarvey (Alberta), Yin Yin (Alberta), Eliza Pinnegar (Alberta) Education and exacerbation/prevention of conflict: The role of curricula, pedagogy and textbooks Muhammad Naseem (Concordia) Session/Séance 21.03 Room/Salle : EDC 280 CAEP-ACP Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Supporting student mental health Understanding How Sexual Gender Minority Youth Grow into Resilience: Findings from a Pilot Study Clarissa Cheong (Alberta), André Grace (Alberta), Jeffrey Hankey (Alberta), Michel Lévesque (Alberta) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 165 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 21 / PÉRIODE 21 4:30 – 5:45 P.M. / 16 h 30 – 17h 45 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 21.04 Room/Salle : EDC 370 CAFE-ACÉFÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Learning and Schools Chair/Prés. : Kurt Clausen (Nipissing) Energizing Contentious Public Debate: Ontario's Revised Sex Education Curriculum, Youth Sexualities, and Community and Parental Consent Jessica Wright (OISE-UT), Lauren Bialystok (OISE- UT) Fixed Game Consultations and the Rural Sociological Imagination: A Review of the Nova Scotia School Review Process Jennifer Tinkham (Saskatchewan), Michael Corbett (University of Tasmania) Session/Séance 21.05 CASIE-ACÉÉA Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 386 Early Career Teachers, Teacher Identity, and Aboriginal Education Across Institutions Brooke Madden (UBC) "Implementing policy is very complicated"•: Tracing the strategic and relational practices of the Ontario FNMI policy framework through the stories shared by educators Sarah Burm (Western) The Aboriginal Enhancement Schools Network: Transformational Leadership in Action Catherine McGregor (Victoria) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 166 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 21 / PÉRIODE 21 4:30 – 5:45 P.M. / 16 h 30 – 17h 45 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 21.06 CATE-ACFE Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 287 Students Discovering Diversity: Teacher Preparation for Social Justice Tonya Callaghan (Calgary), Mairi McDermott (Calgary), Marlon Simmons (Calgary), Miwa Takeuchi (Calgary) Session/Séance 21.07 CATE-ACFE Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 255 Canadian Research in Initial Teacher Education: Where We Are "“ Where We Could Go Thomas Falkenberg (Manitoba), Enrique Correa Molina (Sherbrooke), Frank Deer (Manitoba), David Dillon (McGill), Karen Goodnough (Memorial), Mark Hirschkorn (UNB), Julian Kitchen (Brock), Catherine McGregor (Victoria), Jodi Nickel (Mount Royal), Anne Phelan (UBC), Tom Russell (Queen’s), Clea Schmidt (Manitoba), Elizabeth Smyth (Toronto), Lynn Thomas (Sherbrooke), Jon Young (Manitoba) Session/Séance 21.08 Room/Salle : EDC 278 CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Professional Learning Considering the Potential of K-12 Teacher Education to Foster A More Generous Attitude Toward Vocational Education and Training Deb Carter (UBC), Susan Crichton (UBC) Beyond the Workshop: A Case Study of the Professional Learning of a Mid-Career Elementary Music Teacher Jody Stark (Alberta) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 167 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 21 / PÉRIODE 21 4:30 – 5:45 P.M. / 16 h 30 – 17h 45 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 21.09 Room/Salle : The Den, MacEwan Hall Session/Séance 21.10 CCGSE/CCÉÉCSÉ Social Event/Événement social CCGSE/CCÉÉCSÉ Reception (the event will start at 6pm) CCPA-ACPC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 156 Hackucation's neoliberal complicities and 'neoLuddite' digital humanities potential Lisa Taylor (Bishop's), Catherine Burwell (Calgary) Scaffolding for Enhanced Agentic Engagement Within Project-Based Learning Selvi Roy (UPEI) Session/Séance 21.11 Room/Salle : EDC 057 CERA-ACCÉ Special Event/Événement spécial CERA Graduate Student Session | Séance pour l'étudiants dipômés de l'ACCÉ Getting Published: A Panel on Academic and Alternative Publishing Venues and How to Leverage them Effectively 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 168 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 21 / PÉRIODE 21 4:30 – 5:45 P.M. / 16 h 30 – 17h 45 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 21.12 Room/Salle : EDC 370A CIESC-SCÉCI Bilingual multi-paper/Plusieurs communications bilingue Challenges of Access, Diversity and Perseverance in Higher Education / Les défis de l'accès, la diversité et la persévérance dans l'enseignement supérieur Post-Secondary Access and Marginalized Students in British Columbia and Ontario: A Comparative Analysis of Education Policies Neila Miled (UBC), Annette Henry (UBC), Karen Robson (York), Rhonda George (York) Abandon et persistance d'étudiants haïtiens aux trois cycles universitaires / Abandonment and persistence of post-secondary study of Haitian students Chantale Jeanrie (Laval), Nathan Joachin (Université Autonome de Port-auPrince), Alix Délice (Université Autonome de Port-au-Prince), Wilfrid Azarre (Laval) The Diversity Gap: A comparison between Canadian military colleges and civilian post-secondary institutions Grazia Scoppio (Royal Military College of Canada), Ilka Luyt (Queen's) Session/Séance 21.13 CPES-SCPÉ Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 276 Les éthiques enseignantes : du vertuisme au déontologique Denis Jeffrey (Laval) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 169 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 21 / PÉRIODE 21 4:30 – 5:45 P.M. / 16 h 30 – 17h 45 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 21.14 SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE CSSE/SCÉÉ;CJE/RCÉ Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDT 450 40th Anniversary Panel and Wine & Cheese reception (until 7pm) Chair/Prés. : Dr. Ted Hewitt (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)) The Impact of Educational Research: Celebrating 40 Years of the Canadian Journal of Education Ted Hewit (SSHRC), Blye Frank (UBC), Fernand Gervais (Laval), Ann Sherman (UNB), Fern Snart (Alberta), Dennis Sumara (Calgary) Session/Séance 21.15 Room/Salle : The Atrium, Administration Building Session/Séance 21.16 Room/Salle : EDC 260 OISE Social Event/Événement social OISE Alumni & Partners Reception (from 6pm until 8pm) | Réception de l'IÉPO des diplômés et partenaires (de 18h à 20h) PHETE-GFEÉPS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Physical Education Teacher Education Programs New Frontiers in PETE: Digital Knowledge Mobilization through Adobe Connect Wendy Barber (UOIT) Mission unknown: Investigating the mission statements of physical education and/or kinesiology academic units in Canada Hayley Morrison (Alberta), Jenna Lorusso (Western) Cultivating a Win-Win Opportunity: Engaging Pre-Service Teachers With First Year University Students in an Authentic Learning Community Nancy Francis (Brock), Marybeth Fortune (Brock) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 170 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 21 / PÉRIODE 21 4:30 – 5:45 P.M. / 16 h 30 – 17h 45 31 May / Le 31 mai 2016 Session/Séance 21.17 SERG AGM | AGA du GRÉS Room/Salle : EDC 284 Session/Séance 21.18 Room/Salle : Bianca Room, MacEwan Conference and Event Centre UBC Social Event/Événement social UBC Reception (from 6.30pm until 8pm) | Réception de l'UBC (de 18h30 à 20h30) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 171 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 22 / PÉRIODE 22 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 22.01 ARTS-SCEA Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 384 Matrice disciplinaire de l'enseignement-apprentissage de l'art postmoderne dans le cadre de la formation en arts visuels au collégial Catherine Nadon (UQO) Apple inside Apple: A story of novice teacher-educator in a collaborative teaching team Eun-Ji Amy Kim (McGill) Session/Séance 22.02 CACS-ACÉC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 276 "This is Your Brain On Devices": A Close Reading of Media Accounts of Children's Use of Digital Technologies Linda Laidlaw (Alberta), Suzanna Wong (Alberta) Towards a Pedagogy of Glitch: Disruptive meaning-making and the revaluation of error Kedrick James (UBC), Ernesto Peña (UBC), Liam Doherty (UBC) Critical Media Education for Interrogating "Molson Multiculturalism" Masayuki Iwase (UBC), Marc Higgins (UBC) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 172 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 22 / PÉRIODE 22 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 22.03 CACS-ACÉC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 260 Modes of Being--Mobilizing Narrative Inquiry Margaret Macintyre Latta (UBC - Okanagan), Leyton Schnellert (UBC Okanagan), Kim Ondrik (Vernon Community School), Murray Sasges (Veronon Community School) Divergent Perspectives on Arts Integration: Examining Elementary Teachers’ Perceptions of their Integrative Practice Paul Vernon (Queen's) School-based youth participatory action research (yPAR): Opportunities and dilemmas Leila Angod (OISE-UT), Cristina Guerrero (TDSB/OISE- UT) Session/Séance 22.04 Room/Salle : EDC 156 CAEP-ACP Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Addressing exceptionalities in post-secondary settings Double Time? Examining Extended Testing Time Accommodations (ETTA) in Post-secondary Settings Laurie Anne Vermette (Manitoba), Laura Sokal (Winnipeg) Addressing the Fairness Question in Meeting the Needs of Post-Secondary Students with Anxiety Disorders Laura Sokal (Winnipeg) The impact of fatigue on students who are deaf or hard of hearing (D/HH) in educational settings: A pilot study. Natalia Rohatyn-Martin (Alberta), Denyse Hayward (Alberta) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 173 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 22 / PÉRIODE 22 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 22.05 Room/Salle : EDC 172 CAEP-ACP Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Supporting learning for students with exceptionalities Learning Experiences of Gifted/ASD Students: Using a Success Case Method C. Owen Lo (UBC), I-Chen Wu (University of Arizona), Kuei-Fang Tsai (National Pingtung University (Taiwan)) Individual Education Plan (IEP) Development for Children with Developmental Disabilities in Ontario's Schools: A Narrative Case Study Inquiry Karen Gregory (Western) The Success and Science behind the "Boxed Program"called PALS Chris Mattatall (Lethbridge) Session/Séance 22.06 Room/Salle : EDC 370 CASEA-ACÉAS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Topics in Ed. Admin. III Chair/Prés. : Ken Brien Ethical leaders across borders: validating the Ethical Leadership Questionnaire Claire Lapointe (Laval), Lyse Langlois (Laval) Advocacy Research and School Administrators: Is it a Problem? Darryl Hunter (Alberta), Bonnie Stelmach (Alberta) Four Interdisciplinary Principles for Leading Adaptable, Post Industrial Era Education Systems Eugene Kowch (Calgary) CASEA guest BELMAS 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 174 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 22 / PÉRIODE 22 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 22.07 Room/Salle : EDC 057 CASEA-ACÉAS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Leadership outside the box Chair/Prés. : Amy Burns Professional development: A study of the career paths of graduates from Manitoba Bachelor of Education programs Jonathan Young (Manitoba), Jerome Cranston (Manitoba), Catherine Neumann (Manitoba) Supporting Beginning Teachers Through Induction and Mentoring: An International Systematic Review Keith Walker (Saskatchewan), Benjamin Kutsyuruba (Queen's), Lorraine Godden (Queen's), Leigha Covell (Queen's), Ian Matheson (Queen's) Using A Bio-ecological Model to Frame School Change Richelle Marynowski (Lethbridge), Carmen Mombourquette (Lethbridge), David Slomp (Lethbridge) Voices of Racialized and Indigenous Leaders in Canadian Universities Leena Yahia (TRU), Victoria Handford (TRU) Session/Séance 22.08 CASIE-ACÉÉA Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 386 From ostrich feathers to fishygoo: Group process and identity in First Nations youths' scriptwriting. Janice Victor (Lethbridge), Linda Goulet (First Nations University), Lacey Eninew (Indigenous Peoples' Health Research Centre), Warren Linds (Concordia), Jo-Ann Episkenew (Indigenous Peoples' Health Research Centre) Transforming education through relational Nehinuw (Cree) concepts Keith Goulet (First Nations) Identity development now and historically in one Indigenous context Satoru Nakagawa (Winnipeg) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 175 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 22 / PÉRIODE 22 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 22.09 Room/Salle : EDC 287 CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Social Studies Education Mapping the silences: A study on Ontario history teacher candidates' narratives of Canadian history Christiana Fizet (University of Edinburgh) Teacher preparedness for geography teaching: a national perspective. Lynn Moorman (Mount Royal) Session/Séance 22.10 CATE-ACFE Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 255 Diversifying the Canadian Teaching Force: Critical Conversations Clea Schmidt (Manitoba), Robert Mizzi (Manitoba), Christine Cho (Nipissing), Roumi Ilieva (SFU), Lilac Marom (SFU), Paula Rosehart (SFU) Session/Séance 22.11 CCPA-ACPC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 171 Cultural Narcissism and its Implications for Curricular Studies Jason Carreiro (SFU) Sunny Ways, Justice, and Transformative Critical Pedagogy Misha Abarbanel (OISE-UT) Democracy and Its Discontents Critical Literacy across Global Contexts Robert White (STFX), Karyn Cooper (OISE- UT) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 176 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 22 / PÉRIODE 22 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 22.12 Room/Salle : EDC 370A CIESC-SCÉCI Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Globalization, Identity and Voice in Educational Change in China How does global economic competition influence national education reform and shape youth development in China? Xu Zhao (Calgary) Racial Identity and Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL) Learning in China Li Mao (Alberta) Teachers' Voices On Adapting Western Language Pedagogy In One Chinese College Xi Wu (Western) Session/Séance 22.13 CPES AGM | AGA de SCPÉ Room/Salle : EDT 450 Session/Séance 22.14 SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE LLRC-ACCLL Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 388 What's app? Negotiating the good, bad, and ugly of apps for (English and other) language learning. Heather Lotherington (York) Exploring Complex Intertextual Interactions in Videogames: Connecting Informal and Formal Education for Youth Katherine Sanford (Victoria), Tim Hopper (Victoria), Jamie Burren (Victoria) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 177 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 22 / PÉRIODE 22 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 22.15 Room/Salle : EDC 280 SERG-GRÉS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Contemporary Issues in Science Education Developing a Checklist for the Draw-a-Computer-Scientist Test (DACST): Building on Draw-a-Scientist and Draw-an-Engineer (Bilingual/Bilingue) Christine Tippett (Ottawa), Todd Milford (Victoria), Kaitlin Town (Ottawa) Examination of Community of Inquiry-Based Indicators of Critical Thinking in Archival Problem-Based Learning Online Discussions of Undergraduate Science Learners. Michael-Anne Noble (Victoria) An etymological approach to the learning of scientific terminology: an exploratory study on lexical access, knowledge transfer and meaningful learning. Giuliano Reis (Ottawa), Adam Brown (Ottawa) Session/Séance 22.16 SSTEP-GAMFE Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 284 Teacher Educators' Journeys of Becoming Julian Kitchen (Brock), Tom Russell (Queen's), Shawn Bullock (SFU), Susan Elliott-Johns (Nipissing) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 178 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 22 / PÉRIODE 22 8:15 – 9:30 A.M. / 8 h 15 – 9 h 30 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 22.17 Room/Salle : EDC 278 TATE-TFEE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Online learning environments Implementing Universal Design for Learning in Online Learning Environments Jennifer Lock (Calgary), Luciano da Rosa dos Santos (Calgary), Noha Altowairiki (Calgary), Carol Johnson (Calgary), S. Laurie Hill (St Mary's), Chris Ostrowski (Calgary) "Sometimes They Completely Ignore Me:" Instructors' Perspectives on the Interactions that Indicate a Sense of Community has Developed among Online Learners Krystle Phirangee (OISE-UT), Jim Hewitt (OISE-UT) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 179 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 23 / PÉRIODE 23 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 23.01 Room/Salle : EDC 255 CAARE-ACRAÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Mad, I'm mad: Action Research Into Parenting Improving Motivation through Gamification Kyle Sutter (Brock) Unearthing Their Voices: Using Aboriginal Texts to inspire student writing Laryssa Gorecki (Toronto Catholic District School Board) "Mad I'm mad:" Action Research into Parenting Cher Hill (SFU) Session/Séance 23.02 CACS-ACÉC Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 384 Indigenizing Ivory Towers: Rethinking our Faculties as Sites of Reconciliation Nicholas Ng-A-Fook (Ottawa), Kiera Brant (Ottawa), Julie Vaudrin-Charette (Ottawa), Keri-Lynn Cheechoo (Ottawa), Jesse Butler (Ottawa), Tricia McGuire-Adams (Ottawa) Session/Séance 23.03 CACS-ACÉC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 276 Collaborative inquiry: A partnership between public libraries and teachers to promote 21st century learning Kathy Hibbert (Western), Mary Ott (Western), Melanie Southern (Hamilton Public Library) Hopeful Conversations: Interpreting Teachers as Public Intellectuals (Bilingual/Bilingue) Jodi Latremouille (Calgary) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 180 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 23 / PÉRIODE 23 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 23.04 Room/Salle : EDC 156 CAEP-ACP Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Exploring the connections between social-emotional wellbeing and academic success Self-compassion and the impostor phenomenon: Implications for academic success Alexandra Patzak (SFU) Caring for our adolescent students: the curriculum-relationship dialectic Erin Cullingworth (Vancouver School Board) Session/Séance 23.05 Room/Salle : EDC 450 CAFE-ACÉFÉ Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Chair/Prés. : Penney Clark (UBC) Social Studies Futures: Searching for and Sustaining a Field Pamela Rogers (Ottawa), Bryan Smith (Ottawa), Scott Pollock (Toronto) Association Roundtables Tables rondes des associations Session/Séance 23.06 CASEA-ACÉAS Room/Salle : MacEwan Hall A/B Changing The Face of Ontario's Teacher Workforce David Jack (OISE-UT) CASEA-ACÉAS Enacting Successful Leadership in Rural Schools: A Literature Review Jane Preston (UPEI), Kristopher Barnes (UPEI) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 181 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 23 / PÉRIODE 23 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Association Roundtables Tables rondes des associations Session/Séance 23.06 1A:: CASEA-ACÉAS Room/Salle : MacEwan Hall A/B Student Dropouts and Delinquency William Smale (Trent) 1B:: CASEA-ACÉAS Regulating Social Media Technology in Schools William Smale (Trent), Jason Hill (Saskatchewan) 2A:: CASEA-ACÉAS A Critical Comparative Analysis of School Fees and Special Education Assessment Wait Times in Ontario: Advocacy, Context, and the Policy Cycle Lauren Jervis (York), Michelle Milani (York), Sue Winton (York) 2B:: CASEA-ACÉAS Exploring Current Tensions, Challenges and Dilemmas in the Principalship James Murray (Queen's) 3A:: CASEA-ACÉAS Equity & Excellence in Public Education: How Superintendents Influence the Closing of Gaps for Students with Special Educational Needs Kimberly Walke (OISE-UT) 3B:: CASEA-ACÉAS Understanding of the Principal as Counsellor Jacqueline Kirk (Brandon) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 182 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 23 / PÉRIODE 23 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Association Roundtables Tables rondes des associations Session/Séance 23.06 4A:: LLRC-ACCLL Room/Salle : MacEwan Hall A/B Hidden in Vancouver: A community-based Participatory Research Proposal in Heritage Language Maintenance, and English Language Dominant Supremacy Caroline Locher-Lo (UBC) 4B:: LLRC-ACCLL Fostering 21st Century Literacies through Multi-Modal Technology Rochelle Tkach (Brock) 4C:: TATE-TFEE Videolog and reflective practice in student teachers Maria-Lourdes Lira-Gonzales (UQAT), Glorya Pellerin (UQAT), Simon Collin (UQAM), Anderson Araujo-Oliveira (UQAM) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 183 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 23 / PÉRIODE 23 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 23.07 Room/Salle : EDC 386 CASIE-ACÉÉA Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Promising Research Directions in Indigenous Education and Schooling. What Can We Learn from Researching the On-Reserve Indian Day Schools? Helen Raptis (Victoria) Understanding the Sixties Scoop as a Decolonization Resource for Educators within the Reconciliation & Resurgence Discourse Sarah Wright Cardinal (Victoria) Storywork with three kokum/professors: Creating institutional interfaces for FN/M/I equities in PSE Marlene Atleo (Manitoba) Session/Séance 23.08 Room/Salle : EDC 287 CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Enrichment through Technology and the Arts Using the arts to become pedagogical in 21st century learning Mitchell McLarnon (McGill), Sean Wiebe (UPEI) A School Board-University Partnership to Co-create Knowledge for Datadriven Action: Year 1 Implementation of a 21st Century Learning Vision in Ontario Kamini Jaipal-Jamani (Brock), Candace Figg (Brock), Julie Mueller (WLU), Dana Liebermann (Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 184 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 23 / PÉRIODE 23 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 23.09 Room/Salle : EDC 278 CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Global Perspectives in Teacher Education A Narrative Inquiry into Two Chinese Beginning Teachers' Induction in Southwest China through Cross-Cultural Teacher Development Ju Huang (Windsor) A Brazilian, Canadian, Pakistani and South African Perspective: How do Novice Teachers become Teacher Leaders Elizabeth Majocha (Independent Researcher), Catherine Whalen (UNBC) Concept Study with Tanzanian Primary School Pre-Service Teachers Ratera Mayar (Tanzania Institute of Education/Alberta) Session/Séance 23.10 CCPA-ACPC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 171 "We have to be really careful with what we say": Is Diverse Teacher Education Teaching Diversity? Lilach Marom (UBC) Just Call Me 'Moe': Exploring Identity and Name Pronunciation Idil Abdulkadir (Ottawa), Mozynah Nofal (Ottawa) Assessing the Impact of a Graduate Level Mindfulness in Education Course on In-Service Teachers Chris Gilham (STFX) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 185 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 23 / PÉRIODE 23 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 23.11 CERA-ACCÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 057 Exploring Assessment for Learning in Secondary Mathematics Classrooms Allison Chapman (Queen's/BC Ministry of Education) Schools with Promising Practices in Mathematics Learning and Teaching: A Case Study Fraser McGuire (Ontario Ministry of Education), Jacqueline Herman (Ontario Ministry of Education) Session/Séance 23.12 Room/Salle : EDC 370A CIESC-SCÉCI Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel International Service Learning: Engaging Host Communities Southern Perspectives on ISL Volunteers: Reframing the Neo-colonial Encounter Barbara Heron (York) Host Village Voices: Exploring the Impact of ISL on the Receiving Communities. Michael O'Sullivan (Brock), Harry Smaller (York) I Am Because We Are: Rethinking Service Learning and the Possibility of Learning from Ubuntu Allyson Larkin (Western) International Service Learning: Ethical Relationships and Responsibility to the Other Marianne Larsen (Western) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 186 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 23 / PÉRIODE 23 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 23.13 CPES-SCPÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 252 Shingwauk's Vision Re-Constituted: (Epistemic) World-Sharing Beyond Reconciliation G. Alexandrova (Toronto) Epistemic Humility and Generosity in Dialogue Across Religious Difference Ann Chinnery (SFU) SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE Session/Séance 23.14 Room/Salle : EDC 388 QSEC-ÉAÉC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Queering Theoretical Perspectives Exploring Gay Fatherhood Identity Development: A Constructivist Grounded Theory Robert Roughley (City University of Seattle in Canada) Fluidsexuality and binarysexuality: navigating labels in social spaces Roger Francis (Calgary) Hitting, Hugging, and High-Fiving: Exploring Touch/No-Touch Discourse From the Perspective of Queer Teachers Blair Niblett (Trent) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 187 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 23 / PÉRIODE 23 9:45 – 11:00 A.M. / 9 h 45 – 11h 00 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 23.15 Room/Salle : EDC 280 SERG-GRÉS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Perspectives on Science: Wonder, Creativity, Ethics and Aesthetics Positing an(other) ontology within science education: Towards differential practices of ethical accountability Marc Higgins (UBC) Aesthetics-Based Science Education for Environmental Responsibility Tomo Nishizawa (Victoria), David Blades (Victoria) Integrating creativity as a strategy to enhance science teaching in primary schools Natacha Louis (Ottawa) A Case for the Inclusion of Philosophical Wonder in School Science Josie Melton (UBC) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 188 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 24 / PÉRIODE 24 11:15 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. / 11 h 15 – 12h 15 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 24.01 ARTS-SCEA Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 384 A Schooling in Slowness: (Re)turning to the Poetics of Being Anar Rajabali (UBC) Navigating memories of homophobic trauma: A constructed conversation, using dance and poetry, to explore the advisee/advisor relationship Tyler Hall (Acadia), John J. Guiney Yallop (Acadia) Session/Séance 24.02 CAARE-ACRAÉ Room/Salle : EDC 255 CAARE Keynote panel Session/Séance 24.03 CACS-ACÉC Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 276 Explicit Oral Communication Practices in Elementary Schools in Disadvantaged Communities Lizanne Lafontaine (UQO), Christian Dumais (UQTR), Joanne Pharand (UQO) Guiding students to pursue French: The guidance counsellor's role in the decision to continue FSL Jessica McGregor (Ottawa) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 189 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 24 / PÉRIODE 24 11:15 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. / 11 h 15 – 12h 15 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 24.04 Room/Salle : EDT 450 CAFE-ACÉFÉ Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel School Choice and Reform Chair/Prés. : Sharon Cook (Ottawa) School Choice and Education Privatization Ee-Seul Yoon (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Rob Brown (Toronto District School Board), Scott Davies (University of Toronto), Roger Pizarro Milian (), Maria Ahmed (Toronto), Ayesha Ali (Toronto), Zahide Alaca (Toronto), Leib Irons (Toronto) Session/Séance 24.05 Room/Salle : EDC 287 CAREC-ACRPS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Policies, Processes, and Professionalism Participatory Processes in Early Childhood Curriculum Meaning Making Jane Hewes (MacEwan), Tricia Lirette (MacEwan), Lee Makovichuk (MacEwan University) What Happened to Everything I Learned in College? Examining Experienced Early Childhood Educator's Ideas about Professionalism in PEI Alaina Roach O'Keefe (UPEI), Brittany Jakubiec (UPEI), Sonya Hooper (ECDA) "How do you expect me to write a thesis?": Supporting the Transition from College to University Karen Julien (Brock) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 190 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 24 / PÉRIODE 24 11:15 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. / 11 h 15 – 12h 15 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 24.06 Room/Salle : EDC 278 CASEA-ACÉAS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Topics in Ed. Admin. IV Chair/Prés. : Shelleyann Scott Extending Instructional Leadership to Higher Education Robin Mueller (Calgary), Meadow Schroeder (Calgary) Exploring Capacity Building of Ontario Dental Hygiene Educators during National Curriculum Reform Coral Mitchell (Brock), Laura Perri (Brock) Re-Imagining Culturally Responsive Leadership: Preparing Educational Leaders for Diverse Contexts Ann Lopez (OISE-UT) How Women Directors of Education Manage the Pressures of Leadership Katie Higginbottom (OISE-UT) Session/Séance 24.07 CASIE-ACÉÉA Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 386 Young Indigenous Women's Circle of Leadership: Language and cultural immersion in an urban setting Heather Blair (Alberta), Rochelle Starr (Alberta), Linda Pelly (Alberta) The impact of Indigenous knowledge in science education on urban Indigenous students' engagement and attitudes toward science Jeff Baker (Saskatchewan), Michelle Whitstone (Saskatchewan), Nancy Barr (Saskatoon Public Schools), Tracy Roadhouse (Saskatoon Public Schools) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 191 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 24 / PÉRIODE 24 11:15 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. / 11 h 15 – 12h 15 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 24.08 Room/Salle : EDC 284 CATE-ACFE Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel CATE Graduate Student Panel | Panel pour les étudiants diplômés de l'ACFE CATE Grad Student Panel: What education graduate students need to know about publishing in refereed journals James Corcoran (Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education), Christopher DeLuca (Canadian Journal of Education), Marianne Larsen (Comparative and International Education), Sandra Mathison (Critical Education), Sylvie Wald (McGill) SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE Session/Séance 24.09 CATE-ACFE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 260 Insights From Five Years of International Internships in a Bachelor of Education Program Paula Kristmanson (UNB), Karla Culligan (UNBC) Examining the Pedagogical Distinctiveness of a Short-Term International Service Learning Program in Tanzania for Teacher Candidates at the University of Windsor Andrew Allen (Windsor), M. Saidur Rahman (Victoria), Hassan Adan (Windsor) Preparing Canadians to Teach Outside of Canada Mark Hirschkorn (UNB), Alan Sears (UNBC), Marcea Ingersoll (STU), Grace McCallum (Canadian International School of Beijing), Amanda Lagace (UNB) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 192 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 24 / PÉRIODE 24 11:15 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. / 11 h 15 – 12h 15 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 24.10 CERA-ACCÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 057 Assessment, Institutional Capital and Educational Inequality: Exploring the contributions of classroom assessment practices to inequality in Canadian Education Angela Moon (UBC) Enhancing Teacher designed Classroom Assessment through Rigorous Construct Representation David Slomp (Lethbridge), Jen Scott (Lethbridge Collegiate Institute), Aaron Stout (Lethbridge Collegiate Institute), Keith Griffioen (Wilson Middle School), Landon Kowalzik (Ecole Sir John Franklin High School, Yellowknife) Measuring Teachers' Approaches to Assessment: An Instrument Development Study Christopher DeLuca (Queen's), Danielle LaPointe-McEwan (Queen's), Adelina Valiquette (Queen's), Andrew Coombs (Queen's), Agnieszka Chalas (Queen's) Session/Séance 24.11 Room/Salle : EDC 370A CIESC-SCÉCI Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Who gets on and who drops out? International Students’ Accommodation to Study in Canadian Universities A Study of Drop-out Chinese International Students from a Canadian PreUniversity English Language Improvement Program: Acculturation Experiences and Challenges Peiyu Wang (Windsor), George Zhou (Windsor) International students settling in Canada: Exploring the experiences of graduates of one TESL program Aisha Ravindran (), Kristina Berynets (), Roumi Ilieva (), Sepideh Fotovatian (SFU) Canada's International Students' Adaptation Gordon Djong (OISE-UT) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 193 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 24 / PÉRIODE 24 11:15 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. / 11 h 15 – 12h 15 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE Session/Séance 24.12 CPES-SCPÉ Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 252 Book panel on Questioning the classroom: Philosophical perspectives on Canadian education Bruce Maxwell (UQTR), Christopher Martin (UBC), Norris Trevor (Brock), Dianne Gereluk (Calgary) Session/Séance 24.13 LLRC-ACCLL Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 172 Digital literacies and interculturality: Engaging language learners in critical dialogues Angelica Galante (OISE-UT) Challenging the media through multiple literacies: A collaborative graphic novel project Deborah Begoray (Victoria), Alexis Brown (Victoria) Session/Séance 24.14 SERG Graduate Student Roundtables Room/Salle : EDC 280 Assessing Theoretical Mathematics with Science Applications Ellen Watson (Alberta) Discourse and the Construction of the Science-Teacher-Subject: An Examination of why we say the Science Teacher is Elite Mark Wernikowski (Regina) Mobile Survey App for Children's Interpretive Design at Museums and Science Centres Michael Hammond-Todd (Victoria) Weighting on Time: Finding New Metaphors in the Emergence of Equitable Assessment Communities in Support of Inquiry in Science Kevin Riffel (Saskatchewan) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 194 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 25 / PÉRIODE 25 12:15 – 1:15 P.M. / 12 h 15 – 13h 15 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 25.01 CAREC AGM | AGA de ACRPS Room/Salle : EDC 287 Session/Séance 25.02 Room/Salle : Eckhardt Gramatté Hall, Rozsa Centre CONGRESS Special Event/Événement spécial Congress Big Thinking Lecture: Leroy Little Bear 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 195 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 26 / PÉRIODE 26 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 26.01 ARTS-SCEA Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 384 Building a Tripartite Urban Arts High-School Partnership: School, University, and Community Bronwen Low (McGill), Mindy Carter (McGill), Elizabeth wood (McGill), Claudia Mitchell (McGill), Melissa Proietti (McGill), Debora Friedmann (McGill) "You're not hardcore, unless you live hardcore"•: Exploring the pedagogical encounters in School of Rock. Mitchell McLarnon (McGill), Sean Wiebe (UPEI) Session/Séance 26.02 Room/Salle : EDT 450 CAFE-ACÉFÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Textbooks and Literacy Chair/Prés. : Frances Helyar (Lakehead) The Trade of Printing at Nineteenth-Century Indian Residential Schools in Canada Jane Griffith (OISE-UT) "The school book question is a farce:" Texbook Provision in Nova Scotia, 1864-1944 Katie Gemmell (UBC), Penney Clark (UBC) Rugg's Social Studies in Alberta Amy von Heyking (Lethbridge) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 196 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 26 / PÉRIODE 26 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 26.03 CAREC-ACRPS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 287 Exploring Teachers use of Language in Foundational Mathematics Education. Code Switching as a Valuable Pedagogical Tool Gabriela Arias de Sanchez (UPEI) Social Purposes of Young Children's Language in Dramatic and Block Play in Northern Rural and Indigenous Canadian Classrooms Shelley Stagg Peterson (OISE-UT), Nazila Eisazadeh (OISE- UT), Shakina Rajendram (OISE- UT), Christine Portier (OISE- UT) Session/Séance 26.04 CASEA-ACÉAS CASEA Conversation Session Room/Salle : EDC 284 Public Assurance: A New Discourse for Leading Education? Pam Adams (Lethbridge), Jim Brandon (Calgary), J-C Couture (Alberta Teachers' Association), Brenda Spencer (Calgary), Bonnie Stelmach (Alberta) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 197 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 26 / PÉRIODE 26 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 26.05 Room/Salle : EDC 370 SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE CASEA-ACÉAS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Policy Development Chair/Prés. : Robin Mueller Policies and the Problems of Practice: Implementing Community Involvement Policies in Districts, Schools, and Classrooms Catherine Hands (Brock), Karen Julien (Brock), Katelyn Scott (Brock) Adaptive Learning Systems in Seven Redesigned High Schools Sharon Friesen (Calgary), Michele Jacobsen (Calgary), Barb Brown (Calgary), Gabriela Alonso-Yanez (Calgary) Comparing the use of research and evidence for policy decision-making in Canadian school districts and ministries of education Gerald Galway (Memorial) A Social Network Perspective on Developing Evidence-Informed Policy in Ontario School Districts Joelle Rodway (OISE-UT) Session/Séance 26.06 CASIE-ACÉÉA Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 386 20 Years After RCAP: Improving Educational Outcomes for Indigenous Children in Care Kevin Lamoureux (Winnipeg), Frank Deer (Manitoba) Grafting Indigenous ways of knowing onto non-Indigenous ways of being Cash Ahenakew (UBC) Following the Corn Peoples: A Conceptual Framework of Intergenerational Learning Misty Underwood (Alberta) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 198 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 26 / PÉRIODE 26 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 26.07 Room/Salle : EDC 388 CASWE-ACÉFÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Girls' Resilience and Success in Schools Black Girls' Schooling Experiences in Canada Rowena Linton (Ottawa) The Contribution of Pro-Social Role-Modeling and Peer Mentoring to the Development of Self-Esteem and Positive Social Skills in Young Females: A Longitudinal Study of the creation and implementation of an intervention program Chris Gilham (STFX), Betsy MacDonald (Antigonish Women's Resource Centre), Stephanie Ruckstuhl (New Brunswick Community College) Session/Séance 26.08 CATE-ACFE CATE-ACFE Town Hall Room/Salle : EDC 255 Emancipation through education: The role of teacher education in international contexts Session/Séance 26.09 CCGSE-CCÉÉCSÉ Workshop/Atelier Room/Salle : EDC 260 Spice up your pedagogy: Instructional Strategies and tactics for the university classroom. Trista Hollweck (Ottawa) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 199 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 26 / PÉRIODE 26 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 26.10 CERA-ACCÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 057 Automated Evaluation of Psycho-educational Assessment Reports in School Psychology using Deep Features of Writing Syed Muhammad Fahad Latifi (Alberta), Mark Gierl (Alberta), Damien Cormier Pre-Interview Activities in Hermeneutic Inquiry Jody Stark (Alberta) Session/Séance 26.11 Room/Salle : EDC 370A CIESC-SCÉCI Bilingual Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Situating Self in Community as Researcher / Positionnement du soi en communauté en tant que chercheure Disc./Comm.: Minha R. Ha (York) The good, the bad, and the ugly: Doing educational research with multicultural communities in China and Canada Yao Xiao (UBC) Defining oneself: Do I choose my identity or does society? Frances Kalu (Calgary) Les communautés francophones de l'Ouest canadien: Exploration d'un modèle de gouvernance communautaire / Francophone communities in western Canada: Exploring a model of community governance Yvonne M. Hébert, Professor Emerita (Calgary) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 200 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 26 / PÉRIODE 26 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 26.12 CPES-SCPÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 252 A Need for Stronger and Bolder Statements about Education's Place in Society Doron Yosef-Hassidim (OISE-UT) Oil & Water? Assessment and the Pursuit of Wisdom in Education Sean Steel (Ambrose University College) Session/Séance 26.13 LLRC-ACCLL Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 172 Telling stories of violence in adult immigrant ESL classrooms: disrupting safe spaces Monica Waterhouse (Laval) LLRC-ACCLL Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Life trajectories in literacy: Charting the literacy values and feelings of teen mothers and their children Sharon Murphy (York), Marva Headley (Aga Khan Early Learning Centre, Dubai) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 201 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 26 / PÉRIODE 26 1:30 – 2:45 P.M. / 13 h 30 – 14h 45 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 26.14 Room/Salle : EDC 280 SERG-GRÉS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Outdoor Education and Sustainability Science Education in Canada: Toward a New Orientation to the Sustainability Sciences John Murray (Brandon/Manitoba) Place-based Pedagogies in Science Teacher Education Kevin O'Connor (Mount Royal) Exploring Practice-linked Identities Construction in Culturally Diverse Urban Youth Through an Intergenerational Garden-based Learning Project Tathali Urueta-Ortiz (UBC) Session/Séance 26.15 Room/Salle : EDC 278 TATE-TFEE Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications A problem-based learning (PBL) approach to learning through the use of digital technologies A Case Study About The Implementation of Mobile Technologies Through Problem-Based Learning In a Teacher Education Program In a Developing Country Ann-Louise Davidson (Concordia), Roland van Oostveen (UOIT), Wilma Suarez (Universidad Technica de Ambato), Nadia Naffi (Concordia) Exploring Problem-Based Learning in Higher Education: Case Studies About the Changing Roles of the Teacher and the Learner Roland vanOostveen (OISE-UT), Ann-Louise Davidson (Concordia), Nadia Naffi (Concordia), David Price (Concordia), Todd Blayone (OISE-UT) Moving beyond read, post, repeat in online courses: the integration of PBL methodologies into online learning courses and programs Elizabeth Childs (Royal Roads), Roland van Oostveen (UOIT) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 202 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 27 / PÉRIODE 27 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 27.01 Room/Salle : EDT 450 CAFE-ACÉFÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Art and Theory Chair/Prés. : Alexandra Fidyk (Alberta) The Politics of Framing: Images as Transitive and Judith Butler's call to an Ethics of Responsibility Amber Merucci (York) "Performing Testimony: James Luna and the Pedagogy of Historical Trauma" Louise Azzarello (York) Whose Viewing Who? Challenging Otherness through Postcolonial Documentary Film in, Two Laws Ryan Koelwyn (York) Session/Séance 27.02 Room/Salle : EDC 287 CAREC-ACRPS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Sustainability and outdoor learning programs Sharing Space with Other Animals: Early Childhood Education, Engaged Philosophical Inquiry, and Sustainability Margaret MacDonald (SFU), Warren Bowen (UBC) Nature-Based Community Program: Children's Learning and Development Ji Eun Kim (UBC), Lyndsay Moffatt (UPEI), In Ae Kim (UBC), Jim Anderson (UBC) Young Children's Multimodal Representations of their Outdoor Learning Jodi Streelasky (Victoria) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 203 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 27 / PÉRIODE 27 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 27.04 CASIE-ACÉÉA Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 386 Indigenous Education, Relational Pedagogies, and Autobiographical Narrative Inquiry: A Reflective Journey of Teaching Teachers Trudy Cardinal (Alberta), Sulya Fenichel (Alberta) Teaching as the Creation of Ethical Space Dawn Zinga (Brock) Identifying the wording and concept of education in Treaty Agreements in the 18-20 centuries Sheila Carr-Stewart (Saskatchewan), Irene Oakes (Saskatchewan) Session/Séance 27.05 CATE-ACFE Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 255 Re-envisioning a Curriculum Course in Teacher Education Through a Design Thinking Lens (Bilingual/Bilingue) Jodi Latremouille (Calgary), Kimberley Grant (Calgary), Mary-Ann MitchellPellet (Calgary), Polly Knowlton Cockett (Calgary) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 204 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 27 / PÉRIODE 27 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 27.06 CERA-ACCÉ Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 057 Social Science Funding Agencies' Support and Promotion of Knowledge Mobilization: An International Study. Maha Al Makhamreh (Queen's), Amanda Cooper (Queen's) What Do Scholarly Peer Reviewers Value, Really? Susan Elgie (Independent Scholar) Evidence Use in Ontario Child Poverty Policy Formation: Mapping the Terrain of Organizational Influence Jacqueline Sohn (OISE-UT) Session/Séance 27.07 CIESC-SCÉCI Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 370A Exploring African Canadian women's agency and engagement: The creation of the decolonizing/decolonized subject Thashika Pillay (Alberta) Social Media Literacy for Adult Chinese immigrants in Transformative Learning in Calgary Jingzhou Liu (Calgary) Session/Séance 27.08 SPOTLIGHT/POINT DE MIRE CPES-SCPÉ Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 252 Irreducible complexities: complicating the lives and educational experiences of "at-risk" marginalized youth beyond a single narrative. David Pereira (OISE-UT) High School Philosophy in Ontario Trevor Norris (Brock), Lauren Bialystok (OISE- UT), Laura Pinto (UOIT) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 205 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 27 / PÉRIODE 27 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 27.09 LLRC-ACCLL Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 172 The exclusionary function of inclusive language use: Reinforcing established science student role perceptions Marie-Claire Shanahan (Calgary), Lydia E Carol-Ann Burke (OISE- UT) Teacher talk of native and non-native English teachers in the EFL classroom Youngeun Jee (UBC) Ethnicity, positionality and code-switching: Oral Participation in university groups Jia Fei (SFU) Session/Séance 27.10 Room/Salle : EDC 388 QSEC-ÉAÉC Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Chair/Prés. : Andre Grace (Alberta) Sexual Health Education in Schools in Alberta: Making It Comprehensive and Universal Pam Krause (Alberta), André Grace (Alberta), Maryanne Doherty (Alberta) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 206 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 27 / PÉRIODE 27 3:00 – 4:15 P.M. / 15 h 00 – 16h 15 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 27.11 Room/Salle : EDC 280 SERG-GRÉS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Issues of Diversity in Science Education Exploring the Influence of Stereotype Threat for Women in the Physical Sciences and Engineering Kaitlin Town (Ottawa) Tackling Culture-imposed Biases in Science and Mathematics Classrooms: A Case of Vancouver Teachers Latika Raisinghani (UBC) Black Women in the Physics Academy: Sociocultural Theories of Learning and Black Canadian Feminist Thought Thelma Akyea (Toronto) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 207 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 28 / PÉRIODE 28 4:30 – 5:45 P.M. / 16 h 30 – 17h 45 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 28.01 Room/Salle : Taylor Institute Foyer CAFE-ACÉFÉ Special Event/Événement spécial CAFE keynote panel Re-examining Foundations in Social Studies Education in Canada: An Invitation to Dialogue * The panel will start 5 pm and will finish at 8pm Session/Séance 28.02 Room/Salle : EDC 287 CAREC-ACRPS Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Professionalism in the 21st Century Scaffolding Strategies in an Early Childhood Teacher Education Program for Immigrants and Refugees Christine Massing (Regina) Session/Séance 28.03 CAREC-ACRPS Symposium|Panel/Colloque|Panel Room/Salle : EDC 255 Because it's 2015: Will Canada implement a federal, public early childhood education and care system? Monica Lysack (Sheridan College), Jane Hewes (MacEwan), Patrick Lewis (Regina), Pam Whitty (UNB), Sherry Rose (UNB) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 208 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 TIMESLOT 28 / PÉRIODE 28 4:30 – 5:45 P.M. / 16 h 30 – 17h 45 1 June / Le 1er juin 2016 Session/Séance 28.04 CASIE-ACÉÉA Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications Room/Salle : EDC 386 Non-Indigenous Researchers in Indigenous Education: Listening and Learning Martha Moon (Lakehead) Working together to develop the Inuit Bachelor of Education in Labrador Sylvia Moore (Memorial), Kirk Anderson (Memorial) 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 209 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 Post-conference / Post-conférence 8:45 – 1:30 P.M. / 8 h 45 – 13 h 30 2 June / Le 2 juin 2016 8:45-9:45 A.M./8h459h45 Room/Salle : EDC 388 9:50-10:30 A.M./9h5010h30 Room/Salle : EDC 388 CAREC-ACRPS CAREC post-conference Keynote Dancing Rainbows; Naughty Rainbows: Reflection on Teaching, Learning and Researching in the Arts with Young Children Patricia Tarr (Calgary) CAREC-ACRPS Mosaics of Possibilities: Researching & Teaching through the Arts in Early Childhood Education Holding Space for Voice: Musings, Metaphors, and Creative Openings in Teaching and Learning Marni Binder (Ryerson) 10:40-11:20 A.M./10h4011h20 Room/Salle : EDC 388 11:20 A.M.-12:10 P.M./11h20-12h10 Room/Salle : EDC 388 Éducation musicale 0 - 5 ans : représentations sociales et interventions éducatives d’éducatrices en services de garde au Québec (bilingual presentation) (9:50-10:30) Catherine Messier (UQAM) Literacies, Languages and Learning Through the Arts (10:40-11:20) Lana Kostiuk (Calgary Board of Education) Play and Projects in the Learning Mosaic: Advancing Education in Early Childhood (10:40-11:20) Selvi Roy (UPEI) Circle ‘Round The Zero: Singing, Circle Games, and Having Musical Fun in the Early Years (11:20-12:10) Scott Hughes (Mount Royal) Mud Fairies: Supporting fantasy play with natural materials (11:20-12:10) Sayward Wilkinson (Calgary Nature Kindergarten), Lisa Menzies (Calgary Nature Kindergarten) 12:10-13:30 P.M./12h1013h30 Room/Salle : EDT 450 CAREC post-conference Lunch & Networking 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 210 44th CSSE Conference 44e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2016 85th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 85e Congrès des sciences humaines P a g e | 200