April 2015 - Elkhorn Public Schools
April 2015 - Elkhorn Public Schools
April 2015 UPCOMING DATES: This is a LENGTHY newsletter filled with exciting student accomplishments, PTO information and end of the year dates to remember. 3rd, 4th and 5th grade parents please take note of the NeSA and MAP testing dates on page 3. Students and teachers have worked hard this year, it’s time to show what we know! You can support your child by helping them get good rest and a healthy breakfast before testing. Thank you to all of the parents who attended PTO last month. We had a great turn-out! Please consider attending the PTO end of year planning meeting on May 27th. It’s a great opportunity to offer ideas and input regarding PTO events next year. Although Spring is definitely here, we still have chilly mornings at Walking Club. Please remind your child to dress appropriately. Please feel free to call or email with questions or concerns. Jen Coltvet West Bay Principal APRIL 3rd 9th 8th -22nd 13th 16th 17th 28th -May 8th MAY 4th 8th 11th 12th 14th 20th 22nd ERMS Staff Visit West Bay 5th Grade 12:45 Bids for Kids-Elkhorn Foundation Event NeSA Testing grades 3-5 (See schedule) PTO Meeting-West Bay Art Room Kdg (6:00)/ 1st Grade (7:00) Music Programs West Bay Skatedaze Night 6:00 WE DO HAVE SCHOOL!! It’s an “E” day!! MAP Testing grades 3-5 5th Grade Visits ERMS 9:30 6:30 Parents Visit ERMS 5th Grade Track and Field Day 11:00-2:30 Final PTO Meeting of 2014-15 7:00 West Bay HyVee Shopping Day (180th and Q) 4th & 5th Career Fair 12:45 West Bay Fun Day Last Student Day- It’s a “C” Day! 9:00 ALL School Awards Assembly 10:15 5th Grade Celebration 11:30 DISMISSALWest Bay PTO Family Fun Day at Dairy Queen (171st and Center) 27th PTO 2015-16 Planning Meeting 6:30 April 2015 WEST BAY ELMENTA RY Congratulations to Ella Guido, our school Geography Bee winner! She was invited to compete in the 2015 Nebraska National Geographic State Bee at UNO on Friday, March 27. Ella was one of 107 students in the state selected to participate. Thanks for all of your hard work and preparation, Ella! Make-up Days for Missed School Days As a reminder, EPS students will have regular classes on Friday, April 17 and Friday, May 22. These two days were built into the school calendar to account for the first two missed school days due to inclement weather. There are no other make-up days scheduled at this time. Congratulations to our Battle of the Books Teams representing West Bay in the District Battle on Monday, March 30th at Fire Ridge Elementary! Brynn Wilczewski, Jacob Walter, Jack Dolan, Luke Richards Ella Guido, Morgan Foote, Sydney Godkin, Lindsey Johnson Mitchell Goss, Zach Ourada, Landen Fogle, Ethan DeLorge Gabby Mastellar, Kennedy Christoffels, Alyx Schieber, Haley Willman Our School Battle was a success thanks to all the great sportsmanship from all of our Battle of the Books members. Way to go! el khorn we b.o rg/w estbay 2 32 20 S . 188 th Avenu e 40 2- 28 9- 90 45 April 2015 WEST BAY ELMENTA RY IMPORTANT Please Read!!! 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade NeSA Testing Schedule Wednesday, April 8th Thursday, April 9th Science Session 1 Science Session 2 9:00 5th Strohman/ 5th Tosic 9:00 5th Strohman/5th Tosic Tuesday, April 14th Tuesday, April 14th Reading Session 1 Reading Session 1 9:00 3rd Watson/ 3rd Pflaum/ 5thStrohman 12:45 4th Hibbard/4th Eisenbacher/ 5th Tosic Wednesday, April 15th Wednesday, April 15th Reading Session 2 Reading Session 2 9:00 3 Watson/ 3rd Pflaum/ 5th Strohman 12:45 4th Hibbard/4th Eisenbacher/ 5th Tosic Tuesday, April 21st Tuesday, April 21st Math Session 1 Math Session 1 9:00 4th Hibbard/4th Eisenbacher/ 5th Tosic 12:45 3rd Watson/ 3rd Pflaum/ 5thStrohman Wednesday, April 22 Wednesday, April 22 Math Session 2 Math Session 2 9:00 4th Hibbard/4th Eisenbacher/ 5th Tosic 12:45 3rd Watson/ 3rd Pflaum/ 5thStrohman Spring MAP Testing Dates Tuesday, April 28th Wednesday, April 29th Reading Math Monday, May 11th Tuesday, May 5th Wednesday, May 6th Thursday, May 7th Friday, May 8th Science Reading Math Reading Math 8:30 5th Tosic 8:30 5th Tosic 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 5th 3rd 3rd 4th 4th Tosic/ 5th Strohman Watson/ 3rd Pflaum/ 5th Strohman Watson/ 3rd Pflaum/ 5th Strohman Hibbard/4th Eisenbacher Hibbard/4th Eisenbacher The best way to prepare your child for standardized assessments is to help them get a good night’s rest, eat a healthy breakfast or lunch and encourage them to do their best work! Please consider scheduling dental and doctor’s appointments at times that will not conflict with testing. 3 April 2015 WEST BAY ELMENTA RY Destination Imagination at WEST BAY Congratulations to our Destination ImagiNation teams on their performance in the regional tournament! The West Bay Twixie Pixie Rockstars received 12th place in their challenge. Team members include: Lindsey Gruwell, Dominic Xydakis, Ella Valleley, Gabrielle Masteller, Alexis Wendt, and Kalin Gray. In their challenge, Team Kittens of Insanity received 5th place and have been invited to participate in the State Finals later in April. Team members include: Lindsey Kenkel, Josh Fee, Mitchell Goss, Sam Helzer, Avah Johnson, Lindsey Johnson, and Katya Vana. Nice work, Teams! A special thank you to the DI coaches and co-coaches, Dena Johnson, Mindy Valleley, and Tanya Langton, for their time and dedication this school year! West Bay Twixie Pixie Rockstars: Lindsey Gruwell, Dominic Xydakis, Ella Valleley, Gabrielle Masteller, Alexis Wendt, and Kalin Gray Summer Activity Camps Each summer Elkhorn coaches and sponsors offer a variety of sports/activity camps for students of all ages. Available camps will be posted online at elkhornweb.org/antlers and elkhornweb.org/storm by April 1, 2015. Parents can go online to browse camps and download registration flyers. Please note: Elkhorn Public Schools only posts summer camp information for camps hosted by an EPS coach or sponsor as related to his or her duties within the school district. Kittens of Insanity: Lindsey Kenkel, Josh Fee, Mitchell Goss, Sam Helzer, Avah Johnson, Lindsey Johnson, and Katya Vana. OUR M ISS IO N: Through a collaborative and safe environment, West Bay Elementary is dedicated to ensuring each student’s development and educational achievement by encouraging students to become responsible citizens and life long learners in a diverse and ever changing society. el khorn we b.o rg/w estbay 4 32 20 S . 188 th Avenu e 40 2- 28 9- 90 45 April 2015 WEST BAY ELMENTA RY West Bay PTO WEBSITE: www.WestBayPTO.com EMAIL: westbaypto@gmail.com FACEBOOK: West Bay PTO- Parent Teacher Organization Jen Hammond: President Steph Paulsen: Treasurer Liz Fogle: Community Liaison Katy Bode: Vice President Julie Wohlers: Secretary NOTICE - PTO Bylaw Update At the Monday, March 9th meeting the PTO Board read a proposed amendment to the West Bay Parent Teacher Organization Bylaws Adopted December 10, 2102 to change the office of Secretary from a one (1) year term to a (2) year term. The Office of Secretary under Article IV (c) would read: The secretary shall keep all records of the organization, take and record minutes, prepare the agenda, handle correspondence, and send notices of meetings to the membership. The secretary also keeps a copy of the minutes book, bylaws, rules, membership list, meeting attendance sheet, and any other necessary supplies, and bring them to the meetings. The secretary term is two (2) years. The change will be voted upon at the Monday, April 13th PTO meeting at 7:00 pm held in the West Bay art room. March 30 – April 3 – Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week o Special thank you to all of the families for helping to make this week special for the West Bay Staff! o For more information, check out the online Staff Appreciation Info Sheet! April 9 – Bids 4 Kids Ladies Night Out-Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation Event • Tickets may be purchased online at www.elkhornfoundation.org for $20 prior to April 8th or for $25 at the door the night of the event. o April 9, 6:00 – 9:00 at The Ridge Banquet Facility (right across the street from Elkhorn High School) o Food, drinks and silent auction gift baskets to bid on v April 13 – PTO Meeting at 7:00pm – Art Room o Only 2 PTO meetings remaining for the school year! o Free daycare provided in the gym o Special guests as the 1st Grade Teachers will present o Voting on 2015-2016 PTO Board positions v April 16 – West Bay Night at Skate Daze 6:00 - 8:00pm o Details will be sent home in your student’s Friday Folder 5 April 2015 WEST BAY ELMENTA RY "Save The Date" Mark your calendars now for the PTO Planning Meeting for 2015-2016 school year on Wednesday, May 27th at 6:30 pm, Location TBD. Help put together the PTO Schedule of Events and share your ideas and thoughts of what you would like to see the PTO do next year. An invitation and RSVP will be sent out in May so we can get a head count for meeting space needed. Looking forward to hearing your ideas and planning a fun year for the West Bay staff and our students. "Lend a Helping Hand in 2015-2016" The PTO is currently filling committee positions for next school year. Want to get involved and learn more about your children's school? A committee position is perfect for you! The open positions are Back To School 101 Co-Chair, Apparel Co-Chair, PTO Trophy Case Display Chair and Co-Chair, Cookie Dough Sales Co-Chair (2), Fall Fundraiser Co-Chair, Family Fun Night Coordinator Chair, Overall Classroom Party Chair and Co-Chair and Yearbook Committee Member. For a description of the committee responsibilities go to www.westbaypto.com and click on COMMITTEES. If you are interested in signing up please email Liz Fogle at fogleliz@gmail.com or Katy Bode at katy.bode@gmail.com. West Bay Rocked Recap and Thank You Thank you to the families that attended, donated and volunteered their time to the West Bay's Got The Beat fundraiser. The fundraiser held on Thursday, March 5th raised $3,386.95 to go towards the purchase of the outdoor West Bay Elementary Marquee. The West Bay PTO wants to especially thank the following West Bay teachers and staff and parents that volunteered their time the night of the event: Aimee Limongi, Christie Dean, Carla Farley, Cheera Hibbard, Chloe Kelly, Derek Strohman, Liz Berger, Emily Bortol, Erin Gangwish, Jan Brink, Jane Greve, Jenny Oligmueller, Jenn Tosic, Kelly Eby, Leslie Kassmeier, Patrice Kruger, Stephanie Radda, Lisa Bell, Jen Coltvet, Don Justice, Michelle Foote, Colleen Trogdon, Amy Walter, Katie Keber, Mark & Maria Michaelis, Linda Deegan, JP & Sarah Schieber, Keli Seder, Suzi Hoeft, Katy Bode, Steph Paulsen, Julie Wohlers, Jen Hammond and Liz Fogle. The Teacher Appreciation Week Committee has planned several fun events for the West Bay staff and students. To help your student celebrate their teacher please have them do the items listed below on the specified day. The list of favorites can be found on www.westbaypto.com and click on "Teacher's Favorite Things 2014-2015" in the far right column. Monday, March 30th - Wear your teacher's favorite color & bring a note of appreciation Wednesday, April 1st - Wear your teacher's favorite sport team's shirt or colors Friday, April 3rd - Wear your West Bay Apparel tor a school wide spirit day! el khorn we b.o rg/w estbay 6 32 20 S . 188 th Avenu e 40 2- 28 9- 90 45