past, present and future of herb medicine in
past, present and future of herb medicine in
PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE OF HERB MEDICINE IN RHEUMATOLOGY Nyoman Kertia Section of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta - Indonesia WHO Non western medicinal method should be included to the national health plan for growing the primary health care INTRODUCTION Traditional Medicine Definition (WHO,2010) Original medicine in certain country used for generations in that country or in other countries. Used at least in three generation and proven to be beneficial and safe. The main ingredient in traditional medicine are herbs. HERB MARKET IN THE WORLD (2000) 34% 22% 39% 5% EUROPE Source : Randy J. Dannin, 2001 NORTH AMERICA ASIA OTHER PREVENTIVE HERBS MEDICINE PREVENTIVE CURATIVE CURATIVE STANDARDIZED EXTRACT MODERN DRUGs TRADITION / CULTURE SCIENTIFIC APPROACH TRADITIONAL TIME RESEARCHES AND DEVELOPMENT THE TRADITIONAL AND MODERN MEDICINE Traditional treatment models generally focused on relieving symptoms of illnesses suffered by patients (symptomatic). In contrast, modern medicine is more focused on the cause of the illness THE HERBS MARKET The use of herbs in Asia Pacific countries have a 2-dimensional correlative aspects, that are medical and economic aspects. Herbal market in the developing countries continue to increase because most people use herbal medicine. HERBS MARKET IN THE WORLD (2000) China : US$ 9 B West Europe : US$ 6,6 B USA : US$ 3 B Japan : US$ 2 B Canada : US$ 1 B The use of herbal medicine in the field of Rheumatology in early time (before 1900 A.C.) CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) in rheumatology has been known since long time ago in other parts of the world, ranging from China, India, Africa, and South America, since 2000 years B.C. Script about the oldest herbal medicine was found in Babylon more than 60.000 years In 11th century, in Scotland, had been using the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) and marijuana (Cannabis sativa) as Painkillers and anesthetics (History and development ofHerbal Medicine-Rajaa Abuiedeh) Papaver somniverum India Ayurvedic or the science of life is an ancient holistic system for diagnosis and treatment. It has already existed since 1000 BC in India. Ayurvedic is probably the oldest system of medicine known by human CHINA Herbal medicine was used since 5000 years ago The oldest book of herbal medicine were Huang Di Nei Jing (The Yellow Emperor) and WaiTai Mi Yao (Secret Recipe). The most famous old book is a compendium of Materia Media, which was published in 1590. These books was written by Li Shizhen and continued by Zhan Xueim, contains 1,892 useful substances in medical world. The development of traditional medicine in the country is relatively advanced because of the government's fully supports KOREA The system of traditional medicine in Korea has been known as Korean Oriental Medicine (KOM) or more popularly known as hangbang. KOM development was visible from many high schools that was specialized for KOM. Not surprisingly, that it is easy to find doctors and pharmacists specialized in KOM The Use of Herbal Medicine in Rheumatology in Indonesia Indonesia has about 35 thousand species of higher plants, 3500 of which are reported as a medicinal plant. As many as 90% of Asian medicinal plants were grown in Indonesia. . Jamu is a term, refers to the ingredients of the herbal medicinal plants. Herbal medicine derived from ancient Javanese language, spell or Usodo. The utilization of natural herbs for health purposes has existed since hundred years ago. Healers and traditional healers are dispensing various types of plants to cure diseases. Evidence of herbal medicine use in the past can be seen through the scripts in palm leaf, prasasti, and temple reliefs (Sujarwanto, 2012). USE OF HERBS MEDICINE IN POPULATION DI NEGARA SEDANG BERKEMBANG SEBAGIAN BESAR MASYARAKAT TERUS MENGGUNAKAN OT USE OF HERBS MEDICINE IN DEVELOPED COUNTRIES Current Use of Herbal Medicine in Rheumatology (1900-2013 A.C.) Currently, traditional medicine has been developed to modern medicine using standards of scientific testing as modern medicine. This modernized traditional herbal medicine can be used as an alternative way to treat rheumatic diseases The Examples of AntiInflammatory Plants Curcuma domestica Val. and Curcuma longa L (tumeric) Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. (temoelawaq) Zingiber officinale Rosc. (Zingiberaceae) Colocassia esculenta (Shah et al.,2007) Momordica charantia (Shah et al.,2008). The use of herbal medicine, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) have been increased in rheumatologic patients. Approximately 47% of patients sufferred from osteoarthritis use CAM to treat their illness, and they feel comfortable using those treatment. The Legalization of Herbal Medicine Republic of China: Chinese government has integrated TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) in mainstream health services. Chinese government supports the load TCM herbal medicine in their constitution. TCM clinical trials have been conducted in 40 local hospitals. Japan: Japan is one of the example of developed countries that utilize herbal medicine in their healthcare system. A total of 140 herbal remedies were included in health insurance’s drug list, so that physicians can give herbal medicine prescriptions. Korea: Korean Government mandates herbal medicine through the National Health Act since 1952. Herbal medicine was included into the health insurance’s drug list since 1967. ASEAN: The governments in ASEAN countries has harmonized the regulation of herbal medicines. USA: American government make the legalization of medicinal herbal through including herbal medicine as dietary supplement group. Those regulation were stated in Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (Oshea). European Union: regulation of herbal medicine was conducted in herbal medicine pharmacopoeia assessment through Europe and EMEA (European Medicine Agency) in London (WHO, 2002). HERBAL CLINIC OF DR. SARDJITO HOSPITAL YOGYAKARTA - INDONESIA DR SARDJITO HOSPITAL THE “A CLASS” (HIGH LEVEL) HOSPITAL WHAT LEVEL IS THE HERB MEDICINE ?? CAM CLINICs ARE IN FRONT OF HOSPITAL TWO TYPES OF MEDICINE KONVENTIONAL VS TRADITIONAL KONVENTIONAL CALM KONVENTIONAL CONCEITED CONVENTIONAL CALM TRADISIONAL HURT TRADITIONAL CALM TRADITIONAL CALM TRADITIONAL CONCEITED CONVENTIONAL HURT NATURAL MEDICINE DEVELOPMENT TEAM OF DR. SARDJITO H0SPITAL ADVISOR KETUA PFT (ex officio) HEAD Dr.dr. Nyoman Kertia,SpPD-KR CONSULTANTS Prof.Dr Samekto W.P.Far.K.,Sp.FK(K),Sp.S(K) Prof.DR.phil.nat.Sudarsono, Apt Prof. DR.Suwijiyo Pramono, Apt Prof.dr.Moh.Hakimi,PhD,SpOG(K) Prof.dr.H.A.H.Asdie SpPD-KEMD Prof.dr. Ngatijan,MSc,SpFK(K) DEPUTY Dr. Sumadiono, PhD, SpA (K) Quality Assurance System Prof.DR.phil.nat. Sudarsono, Apt SERVICES Dr. I Dewa Putu Pramantara SpPD-KGer Dr. Ishandono, SpBP SECRETARY Dra. Eni Purwaningtyastuti,Apt EDUCATIONAL & RESEARCH Dr. Cecep Kristanto, SpKJ Dr. Luthfan SpPD-KEMD Dr. Rukmono Siswihanto, MKes, SpOG(K) Prof.Dr Samekto W.P.Far.K.,Sp.FK(K),Sp.S(K) Dr. Paryono, SpS Dr. Fajar Waskito, SpKK, MKes Dr. Bambang Jarwoto SpPD-KGH (Peny Dalam) Dr. Diah Rumekti SpOG Dra. Rosita Mulyaningsih, Apt, SpFRS Dra. Nurul Ambariyah, Apt Dr. Cecep Kristanto, SpKJ Dr. Retno Sutomo, PhD SpA Yeni Prawiningdyah,SKM,MKes Drg. Goeno Soebagyo, SpPM Dr. Umi S. Intansari, Mkes, SpPK Prof.Dra. Mae Sri Hartati, Apt, MSc, Prof.Dr. Sunartini PhD, SpA(K) Dr. Mahar Agusno, SpKJ(K) Dr. Sulanto Saleh Danu, SpFK Prof.Drs. Mustofa Apt,MKes, PhD Dr.Med.dr.Indwiani Astuti Dr. Rustamaji, MKes DR med. Dr. Putrika PRG Dr. Ahsanudin SpOG Dr. Setyo Purwono MKes, SpPD DOCUMENTATION PUBLICATION & MARKETING Dr. H.Sunardi Radiono, SpKK(K) Dr. Suharsana Drs. Trisno Heru MKes Dra. Sri Kadarinah, Apt Dr. Bambang Sigit R. SpPD-KP Dr. Irwan TR SpOG Dr. Rizka Humardiyanti, SpPDKPTI HERBS SERVICES BASED RESEARCH 1. informed consent 2. Name tag of the doctors using herb 3. Herbs Formularium Book 4. Herbs Medical Services Standard Book 5. Herbs Standard Operational Procedure 6. Herbs training for doctors and pharmacists THE HERBS FORMULARIUM FIGURE 6 CHANGE OF THE SYNOVIAL FLUID BIOCHEMISTRY AND IMFLAMMATORY IN THE TREATMENT OF PIROXICAM VS CURCUMA 16 14 12 PRE PIROXICAM 10 POST PIROXICAM DELTA PIROXICAM VALUES 8 PRE CURCUMA 6 POST CURCUMA 4 DELTA CURCUMA 2 0 V IS C O S IT Y ( C M ) LE UC O C Y T E C OUN T ( X 1 0 0/ uL) P M N (%) LY M P H OC Y T E ( X 1 0 %) M O N OC Y T E ( %) -2 -4 VARIABLES M A C R OP H A G ( %) P R OT E OG LY C A N ( X 1 0 M G/ L) M DA (N .M O L/ M L) FIGURE 1 AIMS SCORES IN THE TREATMENT OF PIROXICAM VS CURCUMA 4.5 4 3.5 3 AIMS SCORES PRE PIROXICAM POST PIROXICAM 2.5 DELTA PIROXICAM PRE CURCUMA POST CURCUMA 2 DELTA CURCUMA 1.5 1 0.5 0 PHYSICAL ACTIVITY SOCIAL ACTIVITY AFFECTIVE VARIABLE OF AIMS PAIN ABILITY TO WORK FIGURE 3 EFFECT OF PIROXICAM VS CURCUMA ON AST, ALT, UREA & CREATININE LEVEL 40 35 30 25 PRE PIROXICAM 20 POST PIROXICAM LEVEL DELTA PIROXICAM PRE CURCUMA 15 POST CURCUMA DELTA CURCUMA 10 5 0 AST (U/L) ALT (U/L) UREA (MG/DL) -5 -10 VARIABLES CREATININE ( :10 MG/DL) FIGURE 4 GAIN AND RISK OF THE PIROXICAM VS CURCUMA TREATMENT PROXICAM CURCUMA 12 FREQUENCY (%) 10 8 6 4 2 0 DISPEPSIA CONSTIPATION INCREASE APATITE EXCITING GAIN AND RISK FEELING FRESH FEELING WARM URETER COLIC RATIONAL DRUG / HERBALS HERBALS MEDICINE QUALITY TO ENSURE THE RELIABILITY & REPEATABILITY EVIDENCE BASED MEDICINE QUALITY ASSURANCE OF THE TRADITIONAL MEDICINE GOOD AGRICULTUREAL PRACTICE GOOD MANUFACTURING PARCTICE FOR HERBS MEDICINE Five key strategies to be conducted by WHO for the development of herbal medicine 1. Included traditional medicine into national healthcare system 2. Promoted safety and efficacy in using traditional drug 3. Improved access to get safety and efficacy information about herbal medicine 4. Promoted protection against the use of traditional drug 5. Strengthened cooperation in rheumatologic field between science development and traditional treatment MUST WE DO THIS SCENARIO ? PLEASE REMEMBER THE GENOMIC PATERNS ! INTEGRATED MEDICINE (HARMONIZATION) WESTERN MEDICINE STANDARDIZATION, PRE CLINICAL & CLINICAL TRIAL EASTERN MEDICINE MOVE EASILY WITH HERBS THANK YOU VERY MUCH INCREASING THE DIURETIC EFFECT Familia : Gramineae Effects : Antipiretic, diuretic, haemostatic Using : Root for fever, Urinary tract infection, Hematuria, Hemaptoe, Epistaxis SIDE EFFECT OF PARACETAMOL << Family : Acanthaceae Effects : Analgetic, anti inflammatory, antipiretic The Use of Herbal Medicine in the Field of Rheumatology Inflammatory diseases - including various rheumatologic diseases - can cause morbidity and daily activity disturbance, that often called as King of Human miseries (Shahet al.,2006) Curcuma longa The active substances contained inCurcuma longa Lis curcumin. Its clinical potential in inflammation treatment was by inhibiting COX andNitric Oxide Synthetase(NOS) activity (Shahet al.,2011) Curcuma longa Aristolochia The anti-inflammatory effect of Aristolochia species is resulted from direct interaction between aristolochic acid and phospholipase A2 derivatives. Aristolochia indicaL, andAristolochia Aristolochia kaempferi recurvilabra are now used in anti-inflammatory conditions. Aristolochia indica L Medicinal caprifoliaceae Caprifoliaceae family consists of approximately 400 species, some of which are used as antiinflammatory therapy in Asia and Pacific region, Lonicera japonica, Lonicera affinis, Lonicera confusa, Sambucus javanica, Sambucus sieboldiana, and Weigela floribunda. Further researchs will be conducted by expanding other species that have the possibility of inhibiting phospholipase A2 with biflavonoid content. One herb that has been studied is ochnaflavone of Lonicera japonica Lonicera japonica Lonicera japonica:anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent ofLonicera japonicaare found in their active substance including biflavonoid and ochnaflavone, that are strongly inhibiting phospholipase enzyme activity COX Inhibitor Some types of plants in Apocynaceaefamily in Asia are commonly used for the treatment of inflammation but not all of them have been studied whether they have COX inhibition mechanism or not. The example of these plants are Alstonia scholaris, Plumeria rubra, Ervatamia divaricata, Trachelospermum jasminoides and Trachelospermum asiaticum Alstonia scholaris Zingiber officinaleinhibits TNF-α, prostaglandin, and leukotriene synthesis, and currently still has limited efficacy in osteoarthritis therapy Zingingiber officinale Research of herbal medicine use in rheumatology In a study involving 232rheumatologic patients, one thirdof them had been using CAM during6-12 months during research period.Forty-four procents of themstillused CAM, 12% of them werenew user, 22% of them used CAM as maintenance, and 22% of them hadstopped using CAM (Setty, 2005). Suyanto Hadi, 2011 Hadi Suyanto (2012) had studied the benefit of herbal extract derived from black cumin (Nigella sativa),bay leaves(Syzigum polyanthum)and celery (Celedri folia) for four weeks in patients with hyperuricemia. The patients in this study were divided into 3 groups; 32 patients used herbal medicine, 28 patients used allopurinol, and 31 patients used placebo. This study concluded that herbal extract could lowered uric acid level better than allopurinol and placebo at week-4.Herbal extracts could also decrease the value of musculoskeletal pain compared to placebo.The side effects of herbal extracts were notsignificantly different thanallopurinoland placeboatweek-4 of this study (Kertia, 2011). Black Pepper Nyoman Kertia, et al Kertia et al (2009) studied about the anti- inflammatory activities and safety of Curcuminoid from Curcuma domestical Val. rhyzome extract compared to diclofenac sodium for osteoarthritis treatment in 80 patients with osteoarthritis. Administration of 30 mg three times daily of curcuminoid from Curcuma domestica Val. extract significantly reduced the secretion of COX-2 and ROI by synovial fluid monocytes, leucocyte count, MDA level and joint pain score, while no significant difference compared to 25 mg three times daily of diclofenac sodium treatment. There was no significant difference in adverse events during the study in both groups, either on head, chest, gastrointestinal tract or urinary tract complaints. Ginger rhizome Curcuma longa Linn Further researchs are needed to systematically and scientifically validate the effectiveness of CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) in clinical practice. The knowledge of the mechanism of action of CAM therapies required by physicians for deciding and explaining the effectiveness, indications, contraindications, drug interactions, side effects and anticipate their toxicity. CAM therapies are widely use, especially in rheumatic diseases. Herbal remedies are often used without much knowledge or information from physicians. Future research is expected to find the new molecular targets for therapeutic efficacy of herbal medicine in rheumatic diseases. Most people believethatherbal medicines were safer, because of their naturality and considered safer than conventional treatment. Mostpatients using CAM thought that herbal medicine use for long periodremainedsafe, withoutthe knowledgeabout their clinical benefit and side effects. Someherbal products may contain heavy metal or harmful drugs which were not mentioned in their composition lists, like glyburide, sildenafil, colchicines, ephedrine,phenacetin or phenilbutazone. The concommitant use of herbal medicines with other conventional drugcanraise their side effectand drug interaction, especially in elderly patients who oftenget polypharmacy. The knowledge aboutherbal medicine andtheir interaction with conventional drugis veryimportantto beunderstanded (Setty. 2005). Table 3. The use of CAM research in Rheumatology The Future Use of Herbal Medicine in Rheumatology The development of traditional medicine use in rheumatology depends on regulation framework, wisdom, and government development programs. The use of herbal medicine must be implemented from standard practice and production rules, quality assesmentguide, safety, andefficacy, education and training, a fair attitude toward herbal medicine products, monitoring of herbal products safety in one countries. The threat for most countries in using herbal medicine is lack of financial supports and limitation of capable human resources (WHO, 2012). Omic Methodologies Omic future methodology will evolve rapidly to address the need for information, strategy development of molecular biology, and can be applied to research on CHM for standardization and quality control of herbal formulas, and the characteristics of the target mediated downstream effect, identification of molecular mechanisms to predict side effects and interactions with other drugs (Buriani, 2012) . Thank You . Powerpoint Templates STRATEGI WHO PERLU DIJABARKAN DALAM KEBIJAKS NASIONAL YG KOMPREHENSIF • TCM MEMPUNYAI AKAR SEJARAH JAUH LEBIH TUA DIBANDING WESTERN MEDICINES • TELAH PULUHAN ABAT MENYEBAR LUAS KESELURUH DUNIA (CHINESE OVERSEASE) DLM KONTEKS PENGGUNAAN OBAT HERBAL YG TERUS MENINGKAT WHO MENGELUARKAN STRATEGI OBAT TRADISIONAL: 1) INTEGRASI SECARA TEPAT OT DLM SISTEM PELAYANAN KES. NASIONAL 2) MENINGKATKAN SAFETY, EFFICACY DAN MUTU DG MEMPERKUAT KNOWLEDGE BASED, REGULASI DAN QA STANDARD 3) KETERSEDIAAN & KETERJANGKAUAN TERUTAMA UNTUK MASY TIDAK MAMPU 4) MEMPROMOSIKAN PENGGUNAAN OT SECARA TEPAT KPD PROFESIONAL MEDIK MAUPUN KONSUMEN BERDASARKAN PENGGUNAAN DAN PENGAKUAN OBAT TRADISIONAL PADA SISTEM PELAYANAN KESEHATAN, MENURUT WHO ADA 3 SISTEM YANG DIANUT OLEH NEGARA-NEGARA DI DUNIA: SISTEM INTEGRATIF SISTEM INCLUSIVE SISTEM TOLERAN • RRC : INTEGRASI TCM DALAM MAINSTREAM YANKES KONSTITUSI RRC MEMUAT TCM UJI KLINIK TCM DI 40 RS • JEPANG ; NEGARA MAJU YG MEMANFAATKAN OT DALAM MAINSTRAEM YANKES 140 OBAT HERBAL DLM LIST OBAT ASKES DOKTER MENGGUNAKAN OBAT HERBAL • KOREA : UU KESEHATAN NASIONAL 1952 MENGAMANATKAN OBAT TRADISIONAL SEJAK 1967 OBAT TRADISIONAL MASUK LIST ASKES • ASEAN : HARMONISASI REGULASI OBAT TRADISIONAL • USA • UNI EROPA: ASSESMENT OT MELALUI FARMAKOPE EROPA DAN EMEA DI LONDON ; DIETARY SUPPLEMENT DIATUR DALAM DIETARY SUPPLEMENT HEALTH AND EDUCATION ACT (DSHEA) RANKING PASAR DUNIA AGROMEDISIN EKSTRAK NABATI TUNGGAL TAHUN 1999 Gingko Ginseng Garlic Echinaceae St. John’s Wort Saw Palmetto Grape Seed Extract Evening Primrose Oil Cranberry Valerian Bilberry Milk Thistle Kava-kava Source : Randy J. Dannin,2000 USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD 90,197,288 86,048,080 71,474,288 49,189,576 47,774,792 18,381,592 9,965,772 7,299,353 6,182,210 6,104,450 4,555,723 3,037,672 2,950,132 STRATEGI WHO PERLU DIJABARKAN DALAM KEBIJAKS NASIONAL YG KOMPREHENSIF • TCM MEMPUNYAI AKAR SEJARAH JAUH LEBIH TUA DIBANDING WESTERN MEDICINES • TELAH PULUHAN ABAT MENYEBAR LUAS KESELURUH DUNIA (CHINESE OVERSEASE) DLM KONTEKS PENGGUNAAN OBAT HERBAL YG TERUS MENINGKAT WHO MENGELUARKAN STRATEGI OBAT TRADISIONAL: 1) INTEGRASI SECARA TEPAT OT DLM SISTEM PELAYANAN KES. NASIONAL 2) MENINGKATKAN SAFETY, EFFICACY DAN MUTU DG MEMPERKUAT KNOWLEDGE BASED, REGULASI DAN QA STANDARD 3) KETERSEDIAAN & KETERJANGKAUAN TERUTAMA UNTUK MASY TIDAK MAMPU 4) MEMPROMOSIKAN PENGGUNAAN OT SECARA TEPAT KPD PROFESIONAL MEDIK MAUPUN KONSUMEN Negara-negara Penghasil Herbal di dunia Cina •Sejak 5000 th silam, kitab tertua : Huang Di Nei Jing (Kitab Kaisar Kuning) dan Wai Tai Mi Yao (Resep Rahasia). •Kitab tua yang paling terkenal adalah Kompendium Materia Media, yang diterbitkan pada tahun 1590. Buku yang ditulis oleh Li Shizhen dan diteruskan oleh Zhan Xueim ini memuat 1.892 zat medis yang berguna dalam dunia pengobatan. •Perkembangan pengobatan tradisional di negara ini relatif maju karena pemerintahnya mendukung penuh India •Ayurveda atau ilmu tentang kehidupan adalah sistem holistik kuno untuk mendiagnosis serta mengobati, sudah ada sejak 1.000 SM di India. •Ayurveda mungkin merupakan sistem kedokteran tertua yang dikenal manusia. Korea • Sistem pengobatan tradisional di Korea dikenal dengan nama Korean Oriental Medicine (KOM) atau lebih populer dengan sebutan hangbang. •Perkembangan KOM terlihat dari banyaknya sekolah lanjutan tinggi yang khusus mempelajarinya. Tak heran jika di Korea mudah dijumpai dokter dan apoteker khusus KOM Powerpoint Templates