Staff meetings of the Mayo clinic
Staff meetings of the Mayo clinic
Pno" s.*$p r1""F flo1o r-{,r," Jq t^\ ; zh Tt,T .T, February 2, 1949 :ral pattern is ily disccrnible. :mal-appearing of early ana- noderate pleomatisnr of the rral pattern is tbout one half :ytes. The ren of the cytoN{itotic figures ;h-porver fielcl gnancy r!cc-yeaf urvival rate, Er cent 79.3 28.6 1 l.l 9.1 eæ figures represeni rumber of the :tural patterns ole presents a ce of marked hromatism of rr 5 per highrich operation rger than one Lvailable rvere a.lignancy rvas rerative duractors, such as ', were applic- rle operations ittle effect on Fcl-rruary 2, 1949 STAFF ITEETINGS OF THE MAYO CLINIC a i1 SUIITMAI{Y AND CONCLUSIONS study of irilracranial epenclymomas, a method of gracri'g .l'ras.flInonthis rhe concept of anaprasia àr aedimere"ii"ti"r,'."ùJ, inon on the.-concept of histogenesis_, is presented."riu-ioi i"", !àa", malignancy have been delineaied. Grade -"rij."r.y iu, n".n"i correlated *'ith postoperative.survival period; "rthe reïuits-'suifort our original concept. we have discarded ihe t"rm ,,ependymoËlastoma" from our classification of gliomas, inasmuch as the;.t;rJ;;racring ependymomas rvhich has been presented herein i, ; ;;;""àËnoi,iu" index of malignancy. A SI]IPLIFIED CLASSIFICATIOI{ OF THE GLIO]IAS James W. Kernohan, trI.D., M.A. in_Anatomy and pathology, Section on Pathologic Robert f. iU"Uoi, li.n,-l,f .S. i" Neurosurgery. Fellow .Ana_tomy, Neurôiurgery, ÀIay" È""ria"ll*,' Hendrik .in J. Svien, lI.D., M.S. in_surgery uia-Âttr.a W- Àà.",\ M.D., trLS. in Surgery, Section on Neuro-iogic surgery: The classificatio' of the glioma.- group of brain tumorJ uy B"aiÉy r..n generally accepted by neuropath-ôlogists, neurologists "rJ c".ll"gl"tu. and neurosurgeons- Little has been added to theii outstanà'ing coniribution. on the other hand, generar pathorogists have not ;"k; tJ'tinaty ,o the nomenclarure introduced by Bai-iley ur.t curr,i"g,;;à";"; simpri_ fication of this might be wercomed by-pathorogists is *n"iJ. The current concept of the diffeient types of brain " tumors is based on the resembrance of the uiriou. ..ri, in giio-as to embrvonic cells in the differentiarion of the developir;;";;J;'rysrem. This approach to the crassificarion of the griomas h; b;";;riticizeci b.r .1eu1o-e.mbryologists and neuro-anatomiits because oi-iir"-ru.r. or similarity berrveen the celrs in most of the ,.ii.àrù""nî gtio,ou= and any cell in the developing embryo. In ,eceni y"'uË-on" oi u, (J-w.K.) has been accustomed to thin[ and teach trr"i tr,. ."iis in the mos.t rapidly growing glio-mas represent different phases o] a.àiri"r.n_ tiation rather than undifferenfiâtion. rnu., o, u glioblastoma multiforme simply represents various "rr'urt.Joiu.à-riu d;g;;;;i-àediffer_ entiation of astrocytes. An increasing number of path-ologists feel that astrocytoma, astro_ blastoma and glioblastoma murtiforrie represent differenr degrees of malignancy of the same type of neoplasm. we have iounJui int"._ mingling of astrocytes with more anaplastic astrocyt". ln-uri.obrastomas and rve have noted compretery anaprastic tr.à. l"rrrin trre '' oiliial..ï;'"J"ilu-1:n*:i%#,'.mu 1926, 175 pp. t,f;;"'1.ïl:!,;j,,,.'.Âï,T;:i"f;lj5.oJ:"ff""";ï,i .&: ti '* Ë = E.ïÊË $Ë'#!EË{i ËiiiËiËii*il;lË i'i{Ëiiâi z ,l O à iË:Ë|â€Ë!ç ;ËË;ÈFîisÉ*ç,ri Fi z glgggËiisËËi;ig*iitiiiigi tr rrl F a o N à cd âo €EEiË:ËÉÉ ==Ë i, *:'*Ëlig U) p ËEE i1; EËFiËËi;ï 'Ë ËËEËËgËËgËtu i+ irii ïB'Ëft *E;ï;ËgËEl ïËi€iËËË: *iz g;ËËËI:ËËËisËËiËâilsââggigËË ËlËËËËï Pà cÉ'Ë {?;ii ;;;;: o o ..i ËËËr'î ËlËffËËtt îËëËÊfiËËâËË:ts:Ë3 ,a ;:r () z I flËgiâ, g! âË â;ËE ï ËtË zËt U) z =O û1< lËçi! 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