annual report: 2013-2014 - Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship


annual report: 2013-2014 - Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship
ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 • Annual Report, 2013-14 • Page 1
The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
Walter W. Buckley, Jr., Chair
Co-Founder and President, Buckley Muething Capital Management
Lauren Maddox
Principal, The Podesta Group
Thomas C. Hudnut, Chair-Elect
Partner, RG175
Nancy Weiss Malkiel, WW Fellow, Chair Emerita
Professor, Princeton University
Jane Phillips Donaldson
Co-Founder, Phillips Oppenheim
Karen Osborne
Senior Strategist, The Osborne Group
Carl Ferenbach III
Chairman, High Meadows Foundation
Matthew Pittinsky
Chief Executive Officer, Parchment Inc.
Frederick L.A. Grauer, WW Fellow, Chair Emeritus
Private Investor; Senior Advisor to BlackRock
Deborah H. Quazzo
Founder and Managing Partner, GSV Advisors
Jennifer Gruenberg
John Rice
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Management Leadership for Tomorrow
N. Gerry House
President and Chief Executive Officer, The Institute for Student Achievement
John Katzman
Founder and Chairman, Noodle Education, Inc.
Shirley Strum Kenny, WW Fellow
Former President, Stony Brook University, State University of New York
Jan Krukowski
President, Jan Krukowski & Company
Arthur Levine
President, The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
William Lilley III, WW Fellow
Chairman and Founder, iMapData, Inc.
Frank Lorenzo
Chairman, Savoy Capital
Judith A. Rizzo
Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer, The James B. Hunt, Jr.
Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy
Suna Said
President, Nima Capital
Jeffrey L. Skelton
Managing Partner, Resultant Capital Partners
Luther Tai
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Roberts Bay Marina
Jay P. Urwitz
Partner, WilmerHale
George A. Weiss
President, George Weiss Associates, Inc.
Jessie Woolley-Wilson
Chair, President, and CEO, DreamBox Learning
On the cover: 2011 Woodrow Wilson Indiana Teaching Fellow David Byron (Ph.D. in entomology) works with students at Carpe Diem Charter School in Indianapolis, Indiana.
ANNUAL REPORT, 2013–2014
Dear Friends of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation:
The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation had an exceptionally successful year in 2013–14. On behalf of the
Woodrow Wilson Board of Trustees, it is my privilege to present this update on the year’s work, as well as the Foundation’s
audited financial report for fiscal year 2013.
The Woodrow Wilson Foundation has long been committed to excellence
in education and in educating leaders. Since 1945, the Foundation has
sought to identify and develop leaders and institutions to meet the nation’s
critical challenges. Over the course of nearly 70 years, Woodrow Wilson
has supported the preparation of more than 21,000 Fellows, including
college professors, leaders in public policy and foreign affairs, scholars of
religion, ethics, and gender, and—most recently—skilled K–12 educators.
This group of distinguished Fellows today includes 14 Nobel Laureates,
35 MacArthur “Genius Grant” Fellows, 16 Pulitzer Prize winners, and
accomplished people in all walks of life.
national needs, especially in high-need urban and rural schools, for better
education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics—the
STEM fields. Moreover, these Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowships,
by requiring a full year of rigorous practical preparation in classrooms
like those where Fellows will ultimately teach, are also helping to reshape
the way universities prepare teachers for the next generation. The new
Woodrow Wilson MBA Fellowship in Education Leadership will now
do the same for school and district leaders, blending an education-based
business curriculum with leadership preparation and clinical experience in
schools, corporations, and nonprofits.
Even as the Foundation continues to support achievement in several
traditional academic fields, it has also built new emphases. Under the
leadership of Arthur Levine, Woodrow Wilson has spearheaded graduatelevel teacher preparation programs that are helping to meet urgent
The Board of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation is proud to share with
you this report on some of the Foundation’s recent activities. We are
also grateful for the generosity of friends and funders like you, who help
make this work possible. Your interest and support are essential to us.
Walter W. Buckley, Jr.
Chair, The Board of Trustees
The Woodrow Wilson
National Fellowship Foundation • Annual Report, 2013-14 • Page 1
In the digital age higher education, willingly or unwillingly, will undergo disruptive change. Existing institutions can lead the change
or become its victims. If higher education resists, new digital institutions will be established to meet the needs of the time.
This observation isn’t a matter of advocacy; rather, it
is a conclusion based on the experience of disruptive
change in two industries—the silent film industry,
transformed by the advent of sound, and the news
media, still being reshaped for the digital age. In each
case, the major and highest-status companies resisted
the change with dramatically different results.
the first major Hollywood “talkie,” The Jazz Singer. Even
then, senior studio executives scoffed: Harry Warner
famously asked, in 1927, “Who the hell wants to hear
actors talk?” Jesse Lasky, producer and a founder of
Paramount, said patronizingly of his wife’s oil painting of trees blowing in the wind, which hung over his
desk, “Do you have to hear the wind to appreciate the
artist’s intention?”
In news media, the powerhouse companies were slow
to respond, and the changes they made were small
Almost universally, the new companies that pioand inadequate. The rapid emergence of the Internet
neered in sound failed. One of the few anomalies
and cable news spawned an array of popular alternawas Warner Brothers, which made The Jazz Singer—
tives and replacements such as Yahoo!, CNN, and
ironically, Harry Warner’s company. Its success was
The Huffington Post, as well as many more that failed.
dependent upon merging with the weakest of the big
Between 1990 and 2012, daily newspaper circulafive as controlling partner.
Arthur Levine, former president of Teachers
tion dropped by more than 30 percent. Perhaps most
College, Columbia University and a
How were the major studios able to thrive in the
telling: In 2011 The Huffington Post (as an online-only
nationally noted leader in education reform,
face of a new technology, while the historic leaders
has been president of the Woodrow Wilson
news outlet) sold for $315 million. Two years later, The
National Fellowship Foundation since 2006.
in press were largely undone by new technology?
Washington Post was purchased for $250 million and The
The difference is that the studios controlled film
Boston Globe was acquired for $70 million. Adjusting for
production, talent (actors, writers and directors), film
inflation, the sale price of the two traditional newspapers, combined, was
distribution, and exhibition (theater chains). They had a monopoly on
still less than that of The Huffington Post.
all of the elements required to disrupt the industry. In contrast, news
But what happened in Hollywood was the reverse. The five major studios
media controlled none of these things in the digital age. Anyone could
grew stronger despite eschewing sound for decades. It was 27 years
produce content; talent is mobile; distribution occurs via the Internet,
between the first public exhibition of films with sound and the release of
and exhibition requires only a mobile device.
Page 2 • Annual Report, 2013-14 •
Why Higher Education Can’t Avoid Disruption
This brings us to the future of higher education. Its situation is much
the same as that of the news media. Content, often of high quality, can
be produced by a multiplicity of knowledge organizations, including
libraries, museums, software makers, think tanks, and media companies,
among others. Talent (professors and other knowledge workers) are free
agents. Distribution can be face to face, online, or a blended version of
the two. Exhibition can occur on a campus owned by a college or on a
digital device owned by the consumer.
The lesson for higher education is that, unlike the studios that resisted
the arrival of sound and perpetuated a previous technology, it cannot
cling to an analog history. Institutions can’t wait until they are dragged
into the digital world. The greater danger is that they will be pushed
out as were newspapers.
In the future, higher education will be a blend of brick, click, and
brick-and-click institutions. Every college and university—even
those that choose to remain primarily brick—must thoughtfully and
comprehensively plan its place on that continuum. Too often the
response has been frantic: try this, try a little of that, adopt the flavor
du jour. At a recent meeting of liberal arts college board chairs, the first
question asked was, “Should we offer MOOCs?” This is a shortsighted
question in the face of a shift that demands a broader and longer view.
It’s critical that states and their institutions of higher education take this
longer view, and make strategic choices now. The future depends upon it.
A version of this essay originally appeared on • Annual Report, 2013-14 • Page 3
Dear Friends of the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation:
For the 2013 fiscal year (July 1, 2012–June 30,
2013), the Mercadien Group of Princeton, New
Jersey audited the Foundation’s financial records and
activities, and issued a clean opinion regarding the
Foundation’s finances. The statement of financial
activity on the next page provides an overview of the
audit report. A full copy of the Foundation’s 2013 audit
report may be found on the Woodrow Wilson website
This audit report was accepted by a unanimous vote
of the the Board of Trustees of the Woodrow Wilson
Foundation at its meeting of October 10, 2013.
Executive Vice President
and Chief Operating Officer
The Career Enhancement Fellowships
The Woodrow Wilson MBA Fellowship in Education Leadership
The Mellon Mays (MMUF) Dissertation and Travel/Research Fellowships
The Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship
(five states: Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, New Jersey, Georgia)
The Mellon Mays Fellows Professional Network
The Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships
The Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowships
The Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowships in Women’s Studies
The Woodrow Wilson Teaching and Learning Lab
(under development)
The Woodrow Wilson Higher Education Policy Fellowship
(under development)
The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation identifies and develops leaders to meet the nation’s most critical challenges.
In 1945, the Foundation was created to meet the challenge of preparing a new generation of college professors.
Today Woodrow Wilson offers a suite of fellowships to address national needs, including the education of teachers and school leaders.
Page 4 • Annual Report, 2013-14 •
The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
Statement of Activities • Year Ended June 30, 2013
Public Support and Other Revenue
Public Support
$ –
Management and General
Change in net assets
Net assets, beginning of year
Net assets, end of year
Net assets released from restrictions
Total Public Support
Other Revenue
Investment income
Miscellaneous income
Total Public Support and Other Revenue
Program Services
Higher Education Fellowships
Teaching Fellowships
School Partnerships
Total Program Services
Supporting Services
Total Supporting Services
Total Expenses • Annual Report, 2013-14 • Page 5
($10,000 - $24,999)
($100,000 and over)
Walter W. Buckley, Jr. TR, Chair
Frederick L.A. Grauer TR, WF ‘69
Jennifer Gruenberg TR
and Bud Gruenberg
George A. Weiss TR
($25,000 - $99,999)
Anonymous Trustee
Christel DeHaan TR
Robert Horwitz and Catherine Redlich
John Katzman TR
Jan Krukowski TR
Arthur E. Levine TR
William Lilley, III TR, WF ‘59
Frank Lorenzo TR
Janine Luke, in memory of Elly Elliott
Harry L. Sawatzky WF ‘61, deceased
Jeffrey L. Skelton TR
Paul J. Weissman TR
Thomas C. Hudnut TR
Carl F. Kohrt TR, WF ‘65 H
Nancy Weiss Malkiel TR, WF ‘65
Enid and Lester Morse
Jane Phillips Donaldson TR
Myron S. Scholes FT
Luther Tai TR
Jay P. Urwitz TR
Karen M. Walowit WF ‘64, deceased
LEADERS ($5,000 - $9,999)
Elizabeth A. Duffy TE
and John Gutman
Susan C. Fawcett WF ‘67 H
Stephanie Hull ST
Rachel Jacoff WF ‘59
Betty P. Shellenbarger WF ‘59
Marvin J. Suomi TR
Cynthia Walk WF ‘67
Richard R. West WF ‘61
John C. Wilcox TR, WF ‘64
STEWARDS ($2,500 - $4,999)
Ernest Z. Adelman WF ‘61
Michael H. Armacost WF ‘58
Dan D. Crawford WF ‘63
Caryn and Craig Effron
Alex Gold, Jr. WF ‘67
Karen Osborne TR
and Robert Osborne, Sr.
PATRONS ($1,000 - $2,499)
Anonymous (2)
Arlin M. Adams VF
S. Wyndham Anderson
and Huldah Anderson FS
Karen Arenson
Dede Thompson Bartlett TE
Donald S. Barton WF ‘63
Frank A. Bolden MLK ‘69
Lois E. Bueler WF ‘61
Jeffrey C. Cohen MN ‘86
Virginia P. Dawson WF ‘66
Elliot J. Feldman WF ‘69
Peter R. Formanek AF ‘68
Tim Freeman ST and Rachel Clarke
Four States Name Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellows
In June 2014, more than 200 Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellows were named in four of the
program’s five states — Indiana, New Jersey, Michigan, and Ohio. The announcements included
the first-ever class of WW Teaching Fellows in New Jersey. The 2014
class included former cancer researchers, aerospace engineers, and
conservation managers, as well as top recent graduates. The state of
Georgia will welcome its first Fellows in 2015.
Left: Jarred Phillips, Yale Class of 2014 (molecular biology), speaks about
his commitment to teaching during a June 10, 2014 event in New Jersey
Governor Chris Christie’s office. Photo: Tim Larsen/Governor’s Office.
Page 6 • Annual Report, 2013-14 •
James Gadsden ST
William R. Gage WF ‘64
Herbert E. Gishlick WF ‘60
Rita B. Goldberg WF ‘70
William J. Gorman, III WF ‘59
Peter Harnetty WF ‘53
N. Gerry House TR
Helen M. Hunt WF ‘65 H
Warren F. Ilchman WF ‘55
Maurice J. Katz WF ‘58
Shirley Strum Kenny TR, WF ‘56
Eleanor Kline WF ‘47,
in memory of Earl O. Kline
John and Pat Klingenstein
Eugene M. Lang, in honor of
Arthur Levine’s leadership
James U. Lemke WF ‘59
Carlotta E. Lockmiller WF ‘63
Edith M. Lord WF ‘70
Lauren M. Maddox TR
Pamela McGuire WF ‘69
David C. Mulford WF ‘61
Eng Fong Pang WF ‘70, DS
Joseph A. and Susan E. Pichler Fund of
the Greater Cincinnati Foundation
(Joseph A. Pichler WF ‘61)
Sonya L. Pryce PP ‘94
Haskell Rhett TE, in memory of
Douglas Knight, former Chair of the
Woodrow Wilson Foundation
Donald M. Roberts
Joel M. Rodney WF ‘59
Beverly A. Sanford ST
Emily J. Sano WF ‘66
Susan H. Smith WF ‘68
Betsy M. Stern
Saul H. Sternberg WF ‘54
Barry Sullivan WF ‘70 and
Winnifred Sullivan CN ‘92
Carey G. Wall WF ‘58
Larry H. Whiteaker WF ‘68
Lynton R. Wilson WF ‘65
BENEFACTORS ($500 - $999)
Anonymous (2)
E. Brooke Alexander WF ‘60
Joseph M. Allen
Richard H. Ault WF ‘64
Karen K. Bahnick WF ‘62
Bernard Bate CN ‘97
Judith F. Bell WF ‘63
Bruce P. Bengtson WF ‘64
James W.B. Benkard
Jamie Berg Wright ST
Donald M. Brown MN ‘89
Diana L. Chapin WF ‘64
Shirley M. Clark WF ‘61
Reatha C. King WF ‘58 and N. Judge King
Walter B. Denny WF ‘64
Dennis J. Diestler WF ‘64
Roger L. Dixon WF ‘70
Carolyn M. Edwards WF ‘64
Ezekiel J. Emanuel CN ‘86
Peter Fortune WF ‘67
Joe K. Fugate WF ‘54
Sarah A. Fuller-Lessard WF ‘61
Edward Gray
Roderick P. Hart WF ‘69, DS
William R. Harvey AF ‘80
John J. Horvath, Jr. WF ‘64
Kathleen A. Imholz WF ‘65, in memory of
Dorothy Imholz
Gerald E. Kadish WF ‘59
Susan J. Koch WF ‘64
William A. Lovis, Jr. WF ‘73
Keith B. MacAdam WF ‘65
Jun Makihara and Mimi Oka
Jody L. Maxmin WF ‘71
Kristin Morrison WF ‘58
Bill and Judith Moyers
Thomas F. Mullaney, Jr. WF ‘61
Alice M. O’Connor RU ‘89,
on behalf of California
Oren T. Pollock WF ‘49
Lois D. Rice FT, WF ‘54
Beverly S. Ridgely WF ‘46
Judith A. Rizzo TR
Harold H. Saunders
Donors and Funders, 2013
David W. Sharp WF ‘60
Judith M. Stanley WF ‘59
Andrew S. Szegedy-Maszak WF ‘70,
in honor of Robert Weisbuch
Laurence Thomas
Robin Torrence WF ‘71
Martha M. Watts WF ‘60
Thomas S. Weisner WF ‘65
FRIENDS ($250 - $499)
Anonymous (2)
Gerald P. Alldredge WF ‘58
Jonathan Arac WF ‘67
David B. Arnold WF ‘58
Herbert B. Asher WF ‘66
George B. Baldwin WF ‘47
Ronald R. Basham WF ‘59
Paul H. Bergeron WF ‘60
Marice C. Bezdek WF ‘62
Susann R. Bodkin WF ‘59
P. Richard Bohr WF ‘67
Laura L. Bolton WF ‘66
Robert F. Brammer WF ‘68
Kathryn J. Burns CN ‘92
Caroline W. Bynum WF ‘62
James P. Carson CN ‘84
Joseph E. Chevalier WF ‘61
Scott D. Colby WF ‘66 H
Pierce S. Corden WF ‘63
Neal E. Cutler WF ‘65
Michael P. D’Ambrosio WF ‘70, in
memory of John & Eleanor D’Ambrosio
James A. Dator WF ‘54
Karen K. De Valois WF ‘65
George T. Dewey, III WT ‘89 and
Rebecca Dewey WT ‘82
Nicole G. Discenza MN ‘91
Waltraut F. Dube WF ‘63
Cynthia D. Dunn MN ‘90
Roy E. Ekland WF ‘65
Theopolis Fair WF ‘63
David C. Fannin WF ‘68
Deanne Farrell
Joseph J. Fins VF
Judith D. Freyer WF ‘70
Patrick J. Furlong WF ‘61
Ronald N. Giere WF ‘60
Lori D. Ginzberg CN ‘82
R. Barbara Gitenstein
Roe W. Goodman WF ‘58
Everett C. Goodwin WF ‘72
Jacques J. Gorlin WF ‘69, DS
William J. Gould CN ‘89
Scott A. Harris WF ‘70
Roger E. Haugo WF ‘58
David C. Hoaglin WF ‘66 H
F. James Hodges, Jr. WF ‘61
Ira Horowitz WF ‘55
Olga T. Impey WF
Joseph F. Johnston WF ‘56
Carol R. Kapsner WF ‘69
Senator Tom Kean
Edmund L. Keeley WF ‘50
Tiiu Kera WF ‘67
Gayla A. Kraetsch Hartsough AF ‘78
Joseph H. Kupfer WF ‘70
Sylvia G. Lenhoff WF ‘53, in memory of
Dr. Howard Lenhoff
Ann M. Liacouras WF ‘58
Jerry B. Lincecum WF ‘63
Frank W. Lloyd, III WF ‘63
James P. Louis WF ‘60
Charles E. Marks WF ‘62 and
Sandra J. Marks WF ‘64
Patricia S. Martin WS ‘75
Florence E. McArdle WF ‘60
J. Andrew McCammon WF ‘69
Richard A. Meserve WF ‘66
Charles R. Middleton WF ‘65 H
Richard H. Miller WF ‘67
Anne M. Milling WF ‘62
Diane P. Mines CN ‘91
Arnold L. Mitchem WF ‘66
John W. Moore WF ‘61 H
Sandra O. Moose WF ‘63
Lester R. Morss WF ‘65
Deane E. Neubauer WF ‘62
Anthony A. Newcomb WF ‘63
Horace M. Newcomb WF ‘64
Lela G. Noble WF ‘61
Mary Beth Norton WF ‘64
Jean M. O’Grady WF ‘64
Lawrence Parkus WF ‘58
Gail W. Pieper WF ‘65
Barry V. Qualls WF ‘70
Vivian S. Ramalingam WF ‘60, in memory
of Elizabeth & George C. Chast
Evelyn S. Rawski WF ‘61
Jacqueline H. Rogers WF ‘63
Dorothy R. Ross WF ‘58
Nan Rossien ST
William M. Ruddick WF ‘55
Jon G. Rush WF ‘69
Jeffrey L. Sammons WF ‘58
Thomas J. Schaefer WF ‘67
Richard Scheuch WF ‘46
W. Richard Scott WF ‘54
Peter C. Sederberg WF ‘68
Judith R. Shapiro WF ‘63 H
Stephanie J. Shaw WS ‘84
Carol Simpson Stern WF ‘63
Erin A. Smith MN ‘91
Ronald J. Stern WF ‘68
Catharine R. Stimpson TE, WF ‘58 H
John R. Stroik WF ‘70
Patrick J. Sullivan WF ‘60
Cecil W. Talley WF ‘67
Nora S. Thornber WF ‘62
Ellen Tremper WF ‘63
Catherine Truong GFAF ‘06
Frederick P. Van De Pitte WF ‘60
Susan R. Van Dyne WF ‘67
Karl von den Steinen WF ‘64
John C. Warman WF ‘61
Randolph Williams MLK ‘69
Robert F. Wiseman WF ‘63
Thomas P. Wolf WF ‘59
Cynthia L. Wolloch WF ‘64
Ruth B. Yeazell WF ‘67
Harvey G. Young WF ‘65
SUPPORTERS ($100 - $249)
Hubert G. Aaron WF ‘63
Jerome Abarbanel AF ‘68
Lillian A. Ackerman WS ‘78
Barbara A. Adams WF ‘64
David S. Adams WF ‘61
Milton B. Adesnik WF ‘64
Ralph W. Alexander, Jr. WF ‘63
Robert T. Allen, III WF ‘64
Robert B. Alter WF ‘57
Jennifer L. Andersen MN ‘89
Elizabeth S. Anderson CN ‘86
Arthur L. Anger WF ‘59
John P. Anthony WF ‘64
Robert A. Armitage WF ‘70
Powell W. Arms, Jr. WF ‘63
Louise E. Arnold WF ‘55
Elaine S. Avner WF ‘60
Gale W. Bach WF ‘55
Sylvia A. Bailey-Charles PP ‘90
Stanley Bailis WF ‘58
Anne N. Baldwin WF ‘59
David Banks-Richardson TF ‘12
Alexis Baratoff-Fernegg WF ‘59
Kenneth D. Barkin WF ‘60 H
Wayne C. Bartee WF ‘58
Barbara J. Bartholomew
Susan D. Bartholomew WF ‘60
George F. Bass WF ‘55
and Ann S. Bass WF ‘59
James L. Battersby WF ‘61
Mia E. Bay MN ‘86
Sue Beard WF ‘58
Sheila M. Belcher WF ‘58
Anthony E. Bengel WF ‘65
Carole A. Bennett WT ‘87
Christina C. Bennett PP ‘90
Robert B. Bennett WF ‘64
Alan E. Berger WF ‘68
First Woodrow Wilson MBA Fellows in
Education Leadership Announced
Fifteen WW MBA Fellows in
Education Leadership have
begun their preparation at
the University of Indianapolis—the first class in this new
program. Fellows are current
educators, selected by their
districts, who complete a rigorous academic program that
combines leadership perspectives and executive skills with
tailored education courses and a year of clinical experience.
Above right: Dominic Day and Sara Hunter, two of the first WW
MBA Fellows in Indiana, flank Woodrow Wilson President Arthur
Levine at the June 2014 announcement event. • Annual Report, 2013-14 • Page 7
Overton B. Berlin WF ‘59
Virginia P. Bernhard WF ‘60
William W. Bernhardt WF ‘60
Paul Betz, in memory of Dorothy Betz WF ‘61
F. William Biglow WF ‘62
Susan E. Billmaier ST
Barbara K. Birshtein WF ‘66
Mary M. Bishop WF ‘67
Sharon L. Bishop WF ‘62
Patricia L. Bizzell WF ‘70
Brent F. Blackwelder WF ‘64
Allison Blakely WF ‘62
Edward H. Bloomfield WF ‘60
James D. Blumenthal WF ‘63
Ralph C. Bohlin, Jr. WF ‘66
Morris Bol WF ‘58
Nancy Bookidis WF ‘60
Lara Bovilsky MN ‘95
Robert J. Bowerman, Jr. WF ‘70
Mary Ellen Boyet WF ‘58
Carolyn R. Brandt WF ‘63
Doris R. Bray WF ‘59
Christopher N. Breiseth WF ‘58
Robert J. Bresler WF ‘59
Leonie M. Brinkema WF ‘66
H. Jane Brockmann WF ‘68
Charles N. Brown WF ‘63
Cynthia S. Brown WF ‘63
David G. Brown WF ‘64
Mary Brown Bullock WF ‘66
Donald W. Bruckner MN ‘92
Leslie D. Bruning WF ‘66
Woodrow Wilson Fellows Receive
National Humanities Medals
Two Woodrow Wilson Fellows — William G.
Bowen WF ‘55 and Robert D. Putnam WF
‘63—received National Humanities Medals in
a White House ceremony in summer 2013.
Dr. Bowen, former President of Princeton
University and of the Andrew W. Mellon
Foundation, was recognized for his leadership and research in higher education, on issues ranging from access to higher education
for women and students of color to digital
education. Dr. Putnam, a political scientist
in the Kennedy School of Government at
Harvard University, was cited for his studies
of community and engagement in the United States.
At top: William G. Bowen, WF ‘55. At bottom: Robert D. Putnam WF ‘63.
Page 8 • Annual Report, 2013-14 •
Truman C. Bullard WF ‘60
Bert A. Bunyan MLK ‘71
Charles T. Burge WF ‘67
Allan M. Burke WF ‘71 and Linda E.
Burke WS ‘78, in honor of Dr. Burke
Gregory G. Burnham WF ‘69
George E. Bushell WF ‘69
H. Scott Butler WF ‘68
and Susan Butler WF ‘68
Anne H. Cahn WF ‘70
Andrea M. Cameron GFAF ‘02
Robert L. Cannon WF ‘61
Catherine B. Cant WF ‘64
Carolyn E. Canzano WT ‘84
Charles H. Capwell WF ‘63
Claudia Card WF ‘62
George Cardona WF ‘56
John B. Carman WF ‘50
Halbert H. Carmichael WF ‘59
Crawford T. Carpenter MLK ‘69
Hugh J. Carr WT ‘88
Carleton W. Carroll WF ‘61
Jessica R. Cattelino WS ‘01
Susan E. Cernyak-Spatz WF ‘68
Gilbert D. Chaitin WF ‘62
Julius L. Chambers WF ‘58, deceased
Richard N. Chapman WF ‘67
Floyd Cheung CEF ‘02
Richard A. Chrisman WF ‘65
Anne E. Christeson WF ‘71
Thomas B. S. Chun WT ‘94
Victor K. Chung WF ‘62
Clifford E. Clark, Jr. WF ‘63
James S. Clegg WF ‘58,
in memory of Professor Hubert Frings
Kathleen C. Coffee WF ‘63
Patricia C. Cohen WF ‘68
John R. Cole WF ‘63
SuzAnne C. Cole WF ‘62
John E. Coleman WF ‘61
Nancy L. Coleman WF ‘66
Rosemary G. Coleman WF ‘59
Thomas L. Colville WF ‘65
Terrence R. Colvin WF ‘64
Joel O. Conarroe WF ‘56
Cynthia A. Cook WF ‘65
Henry J. Copeland WF ‘60
Judith L. Coplin WF ‘64
Linda D. Cornell WF ‘68
Richard C. Cortner WF ‘56
Graham A. Cosmas WF ‘60
L. William Countryman WF ‘62
Nathan Cox AF ‘74
George P. Croal WF ‘63
Robert L. Cross WF ‘64
Philip W. Crutchfield MLK ‘69
Joel L. Cunningham WF ‘65 H
Marjorie N. Curson WF ‘58
Gerald L. Curtis WF ‘62
Carol K. Cyganowski WF ‘69
William J. Daniels WF ‘62
Richard E. Darilek WF ‘67
Sarah B. Daugherty WF ‘69
Karl H. David WF ‘69
Roger H. Davidson WF ‘58
Chester V. Davis, III WF ‘64 D
Paul B. Davis WF ‘56
Jeffrey Dean WF ‘69
Patty T. M. Debardeleben WF ‘59
David R. Derbes WT ‘88
Valerian J. Derlega WF ‘71
Roger V. Des Forges WF ‘64
John A. DeSanto WF ‘62
Joyce L. DeYoung WF ‘69
Suzanne Dickie WF ‘71, DS
Morris Dickstein WF ‘61
David J. Diephouse WF ‘69
Myra S. Dietz WT ‘94
Jack T. Dillon WF ‘70
Andrew C. Dole CN ‘02
David B. Dollenmayer WF ‘67
Norma D. Dominguez IP ‘99
Frederick D. Dorsey MLK ‘69
Gordon K. Douglass WF ‘50
Susan B. Downey WF ‘60
Jodi L. Dungan ST
Alexandra W. Dunietz MN ‘84
Jon Michael Dunn WF ‘63
Thomas H. Dunning, Jr. WF ‘65
Maurice R. Duperre WF ‘61
Robert J. Durham, Jr. WF ‘62
James R. Durig WF ‘58
Anthony G. Dworkin WF ‘64
Walter Eckhart WF ‘60 H
Elizabeth Edwards WF ‘64
Robert R. Edwards WF ‘71
William U. Eiland WF ‘70
Adolph H. Eisner WF ‘58
Ruth V. Elcan WF ‘61
Richard P. Elinson WF ‘67
Sheldon H. Elsen WF ‘50
Carol R. Ember WF ‘65
Hildegard E. Enesco WF ‘58
Richard A. English WF ‘58
Richard D. Erb WF ‘63
Philip J. Erdelsky WF ‘66
Garret J. Etgen WF ‘59
Sandra M. Faber WF ‘66 H
Salvador J. Fajardo WF ‘63
David Falk WF ‘64
Daniel M. Farrell WF ‘65
Clarence H. Fearn MLK ‘68
Roger J. Fechner WF ‘59
Jerry A. Fedeler WF ‘65
Nicholas W. Fels WF ‘64
Doris I. Fenske WF ‘61
Richard C. Figge WF ‘64 and
Susan C. Figge WF ‘64
Peter G. Filene WF ‘60
Elizabeth C. Fine WF ‘71
Frank J. Fiorina WF ‘61
Morris W. Firebaugh WF ‘59,
in memory of Morris J. Firebaugh
Wendy Fisher-House WF ‘65
George A. Fisk WF ‘62 H
Lorraine L. Foster WF ‘60
Robert A. Foster WF ‘58
James A. Francis CN ‘89
Robert E. Frank WF ‘64
Richard A. Frankel WF ‘58
Norman Freed WF ‘58
Doris A. Friedensohn WF ‘58
Judith N. Friedlander WF ‘66
Merwyn M. Friedman WF ‘62
Donald K. Fry, Jr. WF ‘59
Donors and Funders, 2013
Charles Alton Frye WF ‘58
Nelly Furman WF ‘63
Frank F. Furstenberg, Jr. WF ‘61
William A. Galston WF ‘67
Ann M. Gantz WF ‘67
Lloyd C. Gardner WF ‘56
William J. Gedale WF ‘64
John C. Gibert MN ‘83
Dorothy S. Ginter WF ‘58
Charles M. Glashausser WF ‘61 H
Steven C. Glogger WF ‘64
Allan P. Gold WF ‘67
Judith K. Golden WF ‘58
Sheldon Goldman WF ‘61
Jacqueline D. Goldsby MN ‘90
Elliott H. Goldstein WF ‘61
Sidney M. Goldstein WF ‘66
Jay S. Goodman WF ‘61
A. C. Goodson WF ‘68
John S. Gordon WF ‘67
Howard E. Gorman WF ‘65
John A. Gorman WF ‘60
Nancy D. Grasmehr WF ‘59
Susan C. Greenfield MN ‘84,
on behalf of Joan Scott
Amy E. Greenstadt CN ‘99
G. Jonathan Greenwald WF ‘64
Charles E. Gribble WF ‘57
Frank D. Grosshans WF ‘63
Marcia A. Grumme WF ‘65
Wynne A. Guy WF ‘66 H
Karl E. Gwiasda WF ‘68
J. Thomas Haigh WF ‘65
John R. Hailman WF ‘65
Raziel S. Hakim WF ‘67 H
R. Stanton Hales, Jr. WF ‘64
Mary Louise Hallauer WF ‘66
Michael F. Hamm WF ‘70
Pamela S. Hammons MN ‘91
Eleonore E. Hansen WF ‘59
Karen V. Hansen WS ‘87
Frank E. Hanson, Jr. WF ‘60
George M. Happ WF ‘58
Karsten Harries WF ‘58
Jonathan Harris WF ‘57
Paul M. Hasvold WF ‘55
Sherry L. Hatcher WF ‘65
Gilbert A. Hawkins WF ‘69
Charles W. Haxthausen WF ‘69
James L. Haynes WF ‘58
Eleanor J. Hedley WF ‘66
Frederick Heldring
Elizabeth K. Helsinger WF ‘70 DS
Kenneth S. Hempel WF ‘59
Susan J. Herlin WF ‘61
William E. Higgins WF ‘66
Edwina W. Hill Miles WF ‘59
Michael G. Hillinger WF ‘64
Carol L. Hinds CN ‘82
Alexander L. Hinson WF ‘64
J. Michael Hittle WF ‘60
Lynn T. Hoggard WF ‘66,
in memory of Robert Fagles
Kenneth C. Holland WF ‘59
Mark Hollins WF ‘66 H
Mary Hollinshead WF ‘69
Elizabeth R. Holloway WF ‘59
D. Leigh Holt, Jr. WF ‘64
William W. Holt WT ‘84
John T. Howald WF ‘65
Douglas R. Howland CN ‘87
Ralph W. Huenemann WF ‘61
John D. Hunley WF ‘63
Elizabeth W. Hunt WF ‘61
Eunice J. Hyer WF ‘64
Ellen L. Idler CN ‘83
Anna M. Ingalls WF ‘62
Ron Isaacs WF ‘63
Martin H. Israel WF ‘62 H
Thomas H. Jackson WF ‘54
Jeanne Vanecko and Michael Jacoff WF ‘65
A. Dobie Jenkins WF ‘61
Alessa Johns MN ‘83
Karen H. Johnson WF ‘67
Martha N. Johnson WF ‘65
Nolan E. Jones WF ‘72
Ralph T. Jones WF ‘65
Richard S. Jorgensen WF ‘64
Jose R. Juarez WF ‘57
Vincent Jubilee WF ‘65
Lori Kaiser, in honor of Michael Kaiser,
a great teacher
Niki H. Kantzios MN ‘91
Marjoleine Kars WS ‘91
Joshua T. Katz MN ‘91
Victor J. Katz WF ‘63 H
Herbert C. Kay WF ‘59
John T. Kearns WF ‘58
Vida C. Kenk WF ‘61
Charles F. Kennel WF ‘59
William C. Kerr WF ‘62
Peter R. Killeen WF ‘64
Larry G. Kincaid WF ‘61
Alton R. Kirk MLK ‘70
Mike Kitay WF ‘52
Judith P. Klink WF ‘59
Theodore Knipe, Jr. WF ‘61
Gary G. Koch WF ‘63 H
Tia M. Kolbaba MN ‘86
Neil K. Komesar WF ‘63
Eileen R. Kott WT ‘87
Conrad P. Kottak WF ‘63
Michael J. Kraus WF ‘59
Joseph E. Kruppa WF ‘60
Allan J. Kuethe WF ‘62
Nessim Lagnado WF ‘63
William G. Laidlaw WF ‘59
Barry Lam MN ‘01
Rudy Landesman WF ‘59
Sara B. Landon WF ‘64
Marc B. Lange MN ‘85
Richard S. Lanier WF ‘65
Alan D. Latta WF ‘62
William E. Laukaitis WF ‘61
Kathryn Y. Laurent WT ‘94
Judith R. Lave WF ‘61
Charles S. Layman CN ‘82
J. William Leasure WF ‘58
Maurice d. Lee, Jr. WF ‘46
Andrew Lees WF ‘63
and Lynn Lees WF ‘63
Gordon E. Legge WF ‘71
Laura Lein WF ‘69
Margaret A. LeMone WF ‘67 H
Annabelle L. Lerch WT ‘84
Marina A. Leslie CN ‘89
James A. Levine WF ‘67
Robert J. Lewis WT ‘87
Sher-shiueh Li CN ‘98
William F. Lichliter WF ‘65
William D. Liddle WF ‘59
James W. Liebert WF ‘68
Thomas M. Liggett WF ‘65
Benjamin G. Liles, Jr. WF ‘61
Patricia H. Lin WF ‘64
Wayne A. Linder WF ‘65
Lawrence Lipking WF ‘55 and Joanna
Lipking WF ‘58
James L. Livingston WF ‘62
William A. Longacre WF ‘59
Frank K. Lorenz WF ‘59
John K. Lottinville WF ‘60
Joseph L. R. Love WF ‘60
Paul A. Lucas WF ‘63
Deborah Lustig WS ‘93
David J. Lutzer WF ‘64
Gary Luxton WF ‘64
Anthony Luzzi AF ‘80
James R. Maar WF ‘65
George Macinko WF ‘53
Judith S. Mack WF ‘60
Elaine Maclachlan WF ‘55
Wayne H. MacVey WF ‘66
Paul P. Maffei WF ‘63
Charles S. Maier WF ‘60 H
Donald C. Main WF ‘68
Helen A. Manfull WF ‘55
Anne M. Mannion WF ‘58, deceased
Rita M. Mantel WF ‘70
Janet E. Marott WF ‘66
Sanford E. Marovitz WF ‘60
Antoinette M. Marrero ST
Dominic F. Martia WF ‘62
Julia J. Marvin CN ‘95
Myra Marx Ferree WS ‘74
Carol A. Mason WF ‘67
John C. Mather WF ‘68
Stuart M. Matlins WF ‘60
Joyce B. Maxwell WF ‘63
Leila S. May MN ‘85
Monica E. McAlpine WF ‘62
John B. McClatchey WF ‘72
John S. McConnell WF ‘66
James N. McCord, Jr. WF ‘60
Thomas J. McCormack WF ‘54
Charles H. McCormick WF ‘59
Gerald W. McFarland WF ‘60 and
Dorothy McFarland WF ‘60
James E. McGahan WT ‘90
J. Sears McGee WF ‘64
William F. McHugh WF ‘62
Sharon McLaughlin WF ‘61
Patricia L. McMahon WF ‘64
Neil R. McMillen WF ‘63 H
William M. McNabb WT ‘96
Sarah C. McPhee MN ‘86
John P. McWilliams, Jr. WF ‘63
Richard H. Meadow WF ‘68
David G. Meissner WF ‘60
Sharon B. Meltzer WF ‘61
Maria Menor PP ‘93
Lori A. Merish CN ‘91
Kathleen T. Merkin WF ‘66
Mary H. Metz WF ‘60
Doris L. Meyer WF ‘63
Jonathan Middlebrook WF ‘61
Dolores A. Miller WT ‘90
Gerald M. Miller WF ‘70, DS
Lewis D. Miller WF ‘66
Florence E. Mills WF ‘65
Vicki E. Mistacco WF ‘64 H
Daniel J. B. Mitchell WF ‘64
James B. Mitchell WF ‘60
Ormond S. Mitchell WF ‘65
Rebecca W. Mlynarczyk WF ‘67
A. Perry Morgan, Jr. WF ‘49 and
Elizabeth H. Morgan
Helen E. Moritz WF ‘66
William K. Morrill, Jr. WF ‘59
Celia B. Morris WF ‘62
Karl F. Morrison WF ‘56
John M. Morriss WF ‘59
Carolyn R. Morrow WF ‘58
George L. Morse WT ‘93
Lawrence B. Morse WF ‘64 • Annual Report, 2013-14 • Page 9
Robert A. Mortimer WF ‘61
Morris Moscovitch WF ‘66
Richard M. Mosk WF ‘60
Philip I. Moss WF ‘69
L. J. Patrick Muffler WF ‘58
John H. A. Munro WF ‘60
Robert L. Munroe WF ‘58
Dennis E. Murphy WF ‘64
and Norma Murphy
Alexander J. Nagel WF ‘66 H
Tetsuo Najita WF ‘58
Barbara A. Nakata WF ‘58
A. E. Keir Nash WF ‘58
Carol T. Neely WF ‘61
Paul D. Nelson WF ‘65
M. Patricia Noel WT ‘89
Joyce M. Norden WF ‘61
Julius L. Novick WF ‘60
Susan F. O’Connor WF ‘63
Carl D. Offner WF ‘64
Rosanne B. Ogles WF ‘63
Victor N. Okada WF ‘64,
in memory of Doris M. Okada
Maartje E. Oldenburg MN ‘96
James Oliver MLK ‘69
Samuel A. Oppenheim WF ‘62
Philip Oppenheimer WT ‘86
Sandra L. Osborn WF ‘58
George T. Oser WF ‘58
Thomas J. Osler WF ‘62
Robert C. O’Sullivan WF ‘68 H
Yoshihiko Otani WF ‘68
D. Eugene Overton WT ‘84
Johann G. Paasche WF ‘61
Susan E. Palo WF ‘62
J. Anthony Paredes WF ‘61, deceased
Nicholas Passell WF ‘62
William S. Pate WF ‘59
Peter A. Pav WF ‘60 H
Katherine L. Pedersen WF ‘59
B. Thomas Peele, III WF ‘69
Marc M. Pelen WF ‘68
Carla G. Pestana CN ‘86
Andrew R. Peterson WT ‘92
Carroll V. Peterson WF ‘58
Dale E. Peterson WF ‘63
Donald S. Petrey, Jr. WF ‘62
John D. Phillips TE, WF ‘59
Judith R. Phillips WF ‘64
Sandra S. Phillips WF ‘67
Susan R. Phipps-Yonas WF ‘71
Marcia L. Pierson WF ‘62
Ronald E. Pilatowski WT ‘02
Jack T. Pitzer WF ‘72
Joe W. Popow ST
David H. Porter WF ‘58
David Price WF ‘67
George D. Pryjma WT ‘90,
on behalf of John Cooper
Kathleen M. Quinn-Miller WF ‘61
Charles F. Raikes WF ‘52
Roopchand D. Ramgolam PP ‘92
Fred V. Randel WF ‘61
Judith S. Rasminsky WF ‘62
Ronald L. Rayevich WF ‘64 H
Jesse R. Rea WF ‘69
David P. Redlawsk AF ‘83
Arden B. Reed WF ‘70
Elizabeth K. Reedy WF ‘61
Roy L. Regozin WF ‘64 H
Linda M. Reilly WF ‘70
Craig Reinarman CN ‘82
Margaret A. Rejto WF ‘58
Audrey L. Reynolds WF ‘65
Raymond P. Rhinehart WF ‘62
Susan B. Richardson WF ‘58
Melvyn P. Richter WF ‘61
Louise E. Rickard WF ‘67
Richard D. Rippe WF ‘66 H
John E. Roberts WF ‘64
Thomas M. Robertson WF ‘67
Clyde O. Robinson, Jr. WF ‘56
Tobias D. Robison WF ‘62
and Elaine Robison WF ‘63
Geronimo M. Rodriguez, Jr. PP ‘89
Margaret C. Root WF ‘69
Lawrence Rosen WF ‘63
Rosalind Rosenberg WF ‘67
Edward Ross WF ‘59
Gene W. Ruoff WF ‘61
Louis A. Ruprecht, Jr. CN ‘89
Michael J. Rust WF ‘65
Page 10 • Annual Report, 2013-14 •
Jeremy B. Rutter WF ‘67
Russell K. Rutter WF ‘64
Nancy L. Ruyter WF ‘64
Joseph F. Ryan WF ‘59
Carol A. Ryder WF ‘58
Jeffrey Sack WF ‘61
Dorothea B. Sager WF ‘59
Shawn C. Salmon MN ‘99
David H. Sanders WF ‘59 H
J. Stephen Sapp WF ‘68
Rose-Mary Sargent MN ‘83
James E. Savage, Jr. MLK ‘68
Mark D. Savin WF ‘67
Patricia A. Scalzi WF ‘63
Jennifer R. Scanlon WS ‘87
Richard A. Scaramelli WF ‘69
David L. Schalk WF ‘58
Michael Schick WF ‘61
Joel L. Schmiegel WF ‘58
Richard C. Schmitt AF ‘72
David I. Schneider WF ‘59
Caroline T. Schroeder CN ‘00
Fred E. H. Schroeder WF ‘60
Sonja L. Schutz MN ‘90
Eli A. Schwartz WF ‘59
Kenneth E. Scott WF ‘49
Stephen H. Scott WF ‘63
Don G. Scroggin WF ‘66,
in honor of Professor Lee Morgan
George Sebouhian WF ‘59
Robert P. Sedlack WF ‘59
Mary A. Seeger WF ‘61
Marcia T. Segal WF ‘61
Barry L. Shank MN ‘86
Marshall S. Shapo WF ‘59
Robert Sharlet
David N. Shear WF ‘55
Kay K. Shelemay WF ‘70
Jo-Ann R. Shelton WF ‘66
Carole R. Shlipak WF ‘60
and Louis Shlipak
Robert K. Shope WF ‘61
Mary Anne Siderits WF ‘57
Jay Siegel WF ‘64
Sheldon W. Simon WF ‘58
Lisa M. Siraganian MN ‘97
Karlton D. Skindrud WF ‘59
Jonathan B. Skinner WF ‘63
Arthur J. Slavin WF ‘58
Clifford L. Slayman, Sr. WF ‘58 H
Alexander K. Sleght WF ‘59
Ann M. Smith WF ‘65
Gaddis Smith WF ‘55
James A. Smith WF ‘70
Joseph Smith WF ‘59
Robert L. Smith, Jr. WF ‘67
Harriet L. Snyder WF ‘64
Janis L. Solomon WF ‘60
Judith C. Sonntag WF ‘65
Samuel W. Speck, Jr. WF ‘59
Eric V. Spencer MN ‘87
Kenneth J. Spengler WT ‘85
Timothy R. Stahmer WT ‘88
Craig W. Stapert MN ‘89
William F. Steel WF ‘65 H
David J. Steinberg WF ‘61
Carl H. Stem WF ‘57
Paula E. Stephan WF ‘67
Gary R. Stephens WF ‘65
Thomas W. Stinson, III WF ‘67
Landon R. Storrs MN ‘87
Susan M. Stout WF ‘67
Linda L. Strauss WF ‘64
Walter B. Stults WF ‘46
William M. Sullivan WF ‘68
Michael W. Sundberg WF ‘69
Melvin A. Sweet WF ‘70
Michael A. Taber WF ‘65
Lisa Tarpley PP ‘93
Barbara G. Taylor WF ‘64
Lester D. Taylor WF ‘60
J. David Teal WF ‘59
Robert H. Thalmann WF ‘61
Richard A. Thomas WF ‘70
David C. Tiemeier WF ‘69
Keith Tornheim WF ‘68
Trysh A. Travis MN ‘90
John R. Trimble WF ‘62
Phillip R. Trimble WF ‘58
Eugene A. Troxell WF ‘62
Carson L. Tucker WF ‘70
Patricia Tung PP ‘93
Frances D. Van Keuren WF ‘71
Michael G. Vater WF ‘66
William M. Vaughn, III WF ‘63
Carson W. Veach WF ‘59
Robert A. Venefra WT ‘83
David L. Verdeyen WT ‘85
Edmond D. Villani WF ‘68
Arlen E. Viste WF ‘58
Judith G. Voet WF ‘63
Edward C. T. Walker WF ‘65
Marilyn E. Walsh WF ‘69
Thomas J. Walters WT ‘93
Victor Waluch WF ‘66
Robert H. Warde WF ‘65
Audra Watson ST
Emily A. Watts WF ‘59
Eugene Webb, III WF ‘60
J. Warren Webb WF ‘67
Margaret R. Weeks CN ‘84
Donna E. Weistrop WF ‘65
Thomas A. Werge WF ‘63
Mark R. Wicclair WF ‘66
John A. Williams WF ‘59
Robert C. Williams WF ‘60
Gladys J. Willis WF ‘66
Carolyn A. Wilson FS,
in memory of Robert M. Beckman
Bruce H. C. Winquist WF ‘64
Robert H. Winter WF ‘62
Claude E. Wintner WF ‘59
Janet A. Wise WT ‘87
Claus Wittich WF ‘58
Donna C. Wonnacott WF ‘58
Beulah M. Woodfin WF ‘58
Douglas W. Woods WF ‘62
Richard S. Wortman WF ‘58
Woodring E. Wright WF ‘70
Kenneth S. Yalowitz WF ‘62
Nolan J. Yamashiro ST
Samuel H. Yamashita WF ‘68
Madelyn G. Yeo WF ‘70
Timothy S. Young MN ‘86
Michael J. Zavelle AF ‘71
Fred Zemke WF ‘70
Donors and Funders, 2013
Appleton Associates
AYCO Charitable Foundation
Baker & Hostetler LLP
Bucks Digital Printing
Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation
Educate America!
High Meadows Foundation
The Horizon Foundation for NJ
Independent Charities of America
The Richard & Natalie Jacoff
Foundation, Inc., on behalf of the Board of
Directors and Rachel Jacoff
Jaffe Family Foundation
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
Alan G. and Jane A. Lehman Foundation
Eli Lilly and Company Foundation
Makioka Foundation
Louis Nayovitz Foundation
The William Penn Foundation
PepsiCo Foundation
Pfizer Foundation
Redlich Horwitz Foundation
Say Yes to Education
TisBest Philanthropy
The Winston Foundation
Winston Salem Foundation
Heidi M. Brooks PP ‘92
Norma F. Broude WF ‘62
Jennifer A. Chalsty
Nancy N. Chen CN ‘92
Thomas B. S. Chun WT ‘94
Jennifer Gruenberg TR and Bud
Henry J. Gwiazda, II WF ‘66
Frances S. Hasso WS ‘96
Frank Knobloch WF ‘70
William Lilley, III TR, WF ‘59,
to carry forward the Woodrow Wilson
Teaching Fellowship, in honor of
Walter Buckley and Arthur Levine
Janet Lysaght WF ‘61, deceased
M. Brian and Sandra Maher
Albert W. Merck, deceased,
and Katherine K. Merck
LeRoy J. Mottla WF ‘65
John and Laura Overdeck
Charles A. Scudder WF ‘58
Marci B. Sternheim WS ‘84
Margaret A. Strobel WS ‘74
Frank E. Taplin TE, deceased, and
Margaret Taplin, deceased
John Voll
Paul W. Zitzewitz WF ‘64, deceased, and
Barbara Zitzewitz
The Annenberg Foundation
C.E. and S. Foundation, Inc.
Citizens Charitable Foundation
The Cleveland Foundation, Inc.
The Columbus Foundation (CF)/
Battelle Foundation Fund
Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation
Drug, Chemical & Associated
Technologies Assn.
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
Educational Testing Service
Sidney E. Frank Foundation
GAR Foundation
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The George Gund Foundation
Indiana University
Jaffe Family Foundation
The Martha Holden Jennings Foundation
Jobs for the Future, Inc.
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
The Kern Family Foundation
Lilly Endowment, Inc.
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Newark Trust for Education
The Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation
Ohio Board of Regents
Ohio Department of Education
PSE&G Foundation
Rockefeller Brothers Fund Inc.
The Schumann Fund for New Jersey, Inc.
William E. Simon Foundation
Henry & Marilyn Taub Foundation
U.S. Department of State
Victoria Foundation, Inc.
Walton Family Foundation
LIFETIME SUPPORTERS (Cumulative $25,000+, 1945 - June 30,
Anonymous Trustee
Letitia Baldrige FT, deceased
Dede Thompson Bartlett TE
William A. Bomberger WF ‘71
Walter W. Buckley, Jr. TR, Chair
Forty New Pickering Fellows Announced for 2014–15
In June 2014, the Foundation announced the selection of the 21st class of Thomas R. Pickering
Undergraduate Foreign Affairs Fellows and the 18th class of Pickering Graduate Foreign Affairs
Fellows—a total of 40 new Pickering Fellows. Over the past quarter-century the Pickering
programs, administered by the Woodrow Wilson Foundation for the U.S. Department of State,
have named more than 650 exceptionally qualified candidates who enter preparation for careers
in the Department’s Foreign Service.
Left to right: New Pickering Undergraduate Fellows Emmanuel Laboy and Nobuko Maybin; new Pickering
Graduate Fellows Atanda Oluwadamisi and Elizabeth Trobaugh. • Annual Report, 2013-14 • Page 11
SUPPORTING WOODROW WILSON Donors and Funders, 2013
Two Longstanding
Dissertation Fellowships
Continue to Support Ph.D.
Work in Humanities and
Social Sciences
The Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral
Dissertation Fellowships and the Woodrow
Wilson Dissertation Fellowship in Women’s
Studies have supported outstanding doctoral candidates for decades. The recently
restructured Women’s Studies Fellowships
have just celebrated their fortieth year,
with more than 500 Ph.D.s supported since
1974. Ten new Women’s Studies Fellows
were named in 2014. The Newcombe
Fellowships were awarded this year to 22
doctoral candidates working on questions
of values in religion and ethics. Funded by
the Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation of
Princeton, the Newcombe Fellowships have
provided funding for more than 1,100 candidates’ dissertation work since the program
was launched in 1981.
Top to bottom: 2014 Newcombe Fellows Amy
Hyne, Yazan Doughan, and Divya Cherian.
2014 Woodrow Wilson Women’s Studies
Fellows Tamika Richeson, Ghassan Moussawi,
and Laura Hughes.
Page 12 • Annual Report, 2013-14 •
Jennifer A. Chalsty
John S. Chamberlin TE
Edward T. Cone
James R. Connor TE, WF ‘51
Esther W. Couper, deceased
Richard W. Couper TE, deceased
Dan D. Crawford WF ‘63
Christel DeHaan TR
Donald L. Drakeman FT
Ernest H. Drew FT, WF ‘58
Elizabeth A. Duffy TE and John Gutman
Eleanor Thomas Elliott,
Chair Emerita, deceased
Susan C. Fawcett WF ‘67 H
Charles E. Fiero TE
Julia E. Fishelson
Walter F. Gips TE, deceased
Robert F. Goheen TE, WF ‘45, deceased
Alex Gold, Jr. WF ‘67
Juliet Goodfriend FT
Frederick L.A. Grauer TR, WF ‘69
Patricia Green
Jennifer Gruenberg TR and Bud Gruenberg
Ethan Hawke
J. Roderick Heller TE, WF ‘59
Carleton A. Holstrom FT
Robert Horwitz and Catherine Redlich
Thomas C. Hudnut TR
Helen M. Hunt WF ‘65 H
Jaffe Family Foundation
John Katzman TR
Jan Krukowski TR
Richard A. Levao TE
Arthur E. Levine TR
William Lilley, III TR, WF ‘59
Frank Lorenzo TR
Janine Luke
and Melvin R. Seiden, deceased
M. Brian and Sandra Maher
Nancy Weiss Malkiel TR, WF ‘65
Seymour L. Meisel TE
Albert W. Merck, deceased,
and Katherine K. Merck
Marie D. Moore WF ‘63, deceased
Enid and Lester Morse
John and Laura Overdeck
Scott E. Pardee FT, WF ‘58
Jane Phillips Donaldson TR
George W. Pitcher
Charles T. Price WF ‘60, deceased
Philip D. Reed, Jr. FT, deceased
Mina Rees TE, deceased
Dennis R. Reigle TE, AF ‘69
Haskell Rhett TE
Howard S. Richmond
James M. Rosser,TE
Harry L. Sawatzky WF ‘61, deceased
Myron S. Scholes FT
The Querrey Simpson Charitable Fund
of the Chicago Community Trust
(Louis A. Simpson TE, WF ‘58)
Roy B. Simpson
Jeffrey L. Skelton TR
Wilson and Kathryn Smith
Marvin J. Suomi TR
John W. Sweetland FT
Luther Tai TR
Frank E. Taplin TE, deceased,
and Margaret Taplin, deceased
Ward C. Thorne, deceased
Virginia Townley
Jay P. Urwitz TR
Karen M. Walowit WF ‘64, deceased
Robert A. Weisbuch FT
George A. Weiss TR
Paul J. Weissman TR
Stephen A. Weiswasser TE, WF ‘62
Richard R. West WF ‘61
John C. Wilcox TR, WF ‘64
Michael R. Winston TE, WF ‘62
LEGACY CIRCLE (Planned Giving)
Archie E. Albright VF, deceased
Morris Bol WF ‘58
JoAllen Bradham WF ‘59
William R. Brainerd WF ‘61
George P. Croal WF ‘63
Edmund S. de Chasca WF ‘66, deceased
Norman H. Dill WF ‘60, deceased
Eleanor Thomas Elliott,
Chair Emerita, deceased
Richard E. Fauber WF ‘58, deceased
Susan C. Fawcett WF ‘67 H
Mary Ann Feldman WF ‘55
Jean F. Fox O’Barr WF ‘64
Kate G. Frost WF ‘65 P, deceased
Daniel J. Geagan WF ‘59, deceased
Robert F. Goheen TE, WF ‘45, deceased
Elizabeth R. Holloway WF ‘59
Helen M. Hunt WF ‘65 H
Karl H. Kaiser, deceased
Douglas M. Knight TE, deceased
Eugene M. Lang
Marie D. Moore WF ‘63, deceased
Michael E. O’Donnell WF ‘66
Oren T. Pollock WF ‘49
Charles T. Price WF ‘60, deceased
James E. Reed WF ‘67
Philip D. Reed, Jr. FT, deceased
Haskell Rhett TE
Harry L. Sawatzky WF ‘61, deceased
Charles A. Scudder WF ‘58
Carol Simpson Stern WF ‘63
Frank E. Taplin TE, deceased, and
Margaret Taplin, deceased
Ward C. Thorne, deceased
Mary V. Trent VF, deceased
Karen M. Walowit WF ‘64, deceased
Kenneth J. Wilson WF ‘66
David Alexander TE, deceased
James R. Connor TE, WF ‘51
Joseph J. Fins VF
Alice B. Hicks
Phyllis L. Levin
Janine Luke and Melvin R. Seiden, deceased
Anne C. Thomas and Tony Siesfeld
Frank W. Wadsworth TE, WF ‘46, deceased
President’s Office
Arthur Levine, Carolyne Marrow
The Career Enhancement Fellowship
Caryl McFarlane, Ina Noble
Office of the Executive Vice President/
Chief Operating Officer
Stephanie J. Hull, Jane Foran
The MMUF Dissertation Grants
and Travel/Research Grants
Caryl McFarlane, Ina Noble
Financial Staff
Jamie Berg Wright, Ray Clark, Joye Nagle,
Nan Rossien, Bina Sahijwani
The Mellon Mays Fellows
Professional Network
Claire Balani, Rafael Vizcaino
Information Technology
Jason Cremer, Mike Nalbone, Sue Lloyd,
Joseph Popow
The Charlotte W. Newcombe
Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
Susan Billmaier
Beverly Sanford, Patrick Riccards,
Amanda Edelman, Antoinette Marrero
The Thomas R. Pickering
Foreign Affairs Fellowships
Ambassador James Gadsden, Caryl
McFarlane, Bethelehem Baissa, Laurie
Hardy, Jeré Smith
Peggy Moorhead Seas, Jodi Dungan,
Maria Stigale, Nolan Yamashiro
Senior Fellows
Richard Lee Colvin, James Fraser, Richard
Hope, Judith Pinch, Marue Walizer
The Woodrow Wilson MBA
Fellowships in Education Leadership
LeAnn Buntrock, Helen Hatton
AF = Administrative Fellow
CEF = Career Enhancement Fellow
The Woodrow Wilson Teaching
Jose Ochoa, Eric Bedel, Tom
Bordenkircher, Ed Crowe, Brian Hayes,
Chelsea Hancock, Celia Rostow, Lindsay
Smith, Audra Watson, Ramik Williams
CN = Charlotte Newcombe Fellow
The Woodrow Wilson Teaching and
Learning Lab (under development)
David Zarowin, Helen Hatton
H = Honorary
The Woodrow Wilson Dissertation
Fellowship in Women’s Studies
Susan Billmaier
MLK = Martin Luther King, Jr. Fellow
DS = Dissertation Fellow
FS = Former Staff
FT = Former Trustee
GFAF = Pickering Graduate Foreign
Affairs Fellow
IP = Institute for International Public
Policy Fellow
MN = Mellon Fellow
PP = Public Policy Fellow
RU = Rural Policy Fellow
ST = Staff
TE = Trustee Emeritus
TF = Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellow
TR = Trustee
VF = Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow
WF = Woodrow Wilson Fellow
WS = Women’s Studies Fellow
WT = Leadership Program for Teachers • Annual Report, 2013-14 • Page 13
Street Address: 5 Vaughn Drive, Suite 300 • Princeton, NJ 08540
Mailing Address: Post Office Box 5281 • Princeton, NJ 08543-5281
Telephone: 609-452-7007
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On Facebook: woodrowwilsonfoundation
On Twitter: @wwfoundation
Learn more about how to follow the various Woodrow Wilson
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