POV July 2013 final


POV July 2013 final
Electronic Chickasaw Point of View
July 2013
Despite the threat of rain, the Community
Picnic and Fireworks, hosted by the Men’s
Club, was a hit with people of all ages.
Gary Coffman and Mike Peterson don
their patriotic shirts and collect tickets at
the cookout.
Grill Masters (from left) included Bob Holmes,
Tim McFall, Marty Genuise and Roy Whiddon.
Chickasaw Happenings
At the Quarterly POA
meeting, the Board presented the accomplishments and the concerns
of the community.
The ladies of Chickasaw Point have the
opportunity for fellowship at the monthly
Ladies’ Night Out Dinner.
Ready for a fishing lesson are (from the
left) Richard Remigailo, Jr.; David
Remigailo, Richard Remigailo, III;
Annalise Remigailo, Suzanne Jones, and
Jason Jones. The Kenley and Margaret
Jones families own the property at 103
Briar Court. Photo courtesy of Margaret
A family of foxes romp and play
on Hole #16. Photo courtesy of
Pam Stercay
Communications and Public Relations
By Gene Blair, Director
Summer is here, the lake is full and the visitors are arriving regularly. So... I am keeping this short and getting
back to my little granddaughters!
We continue to try to get the word out about our community and its wonderful amenities. One very effective
way to do that is to have an excellent community website.
Having said that, we revisited our own site and decided it was time for a makeover. We needed to focus more on the water aspects of Chickasaw Point and what
it contributed to our community. We also needed to have a crisper look that reflected who we are. I think you will agree that we have accomplished that when
you go to the updated site at www.chickasawpoint.org. Be sure to start with the
revised video that begins with a flyover of our community, showing the shoreline
and all the water that surrounds us. Then take in the well-ordered description of
our amenities. Easily navigate through the information that describes what makes
us unique and appealing.
This makeover is a work in progress, and you will be seeing some more subtle
changes in the immediate future. For example, we are bringing in some new video
footage interviewing some younger members of our community. We are also adding additional functions to the site for our residents. Stay tuned, and we will communicate, via email, when we have made the additional changes.
Meantime, please have a safe and enjoyable summer in this great community.
Chickasaw Point SC
A Welcoming Place to Call Home!
A gated community where lake living, golf, tennis and a friendly community come together.
By Gerry Large, ACC Director
Weather seems to have a profound effect on property improvements in our community. This spring things were sort of slow for the ACC. A roof here, a driveway
there, some landscaping projects, and a few tree removals, the type of things that
just continue to make our community better. Then things started to pick up, and
we are once again in full swing. The ACC has approved two home additions, several decks, some major landscaping projects and have had several requests for
auxiliary buildings. Business has picked up to say the least. It is always a good
feeling to see folks improving their homes and feeling secure that they made a
good investment in a viable community.
Tim McFall is the Director of Community Safety, and his article, in this addition
of the POV, addresses community security and entrance gate procedures. The
tightening of existing gate procedures makes it extremely important that gate personnel are aware of your improvement projects. When you complete an Application For Miscellaneous Exterior Changes or Additions for your project, and it is
approved by the ACC, your project information is given to gate personnel and
your deliveries and workers will be approved for entry. Without an approved
form, that load of lumber or cement, the carpenter or landscaper could be detained
or turned away at the gate. Check with the POA office on any outside improvement project to determine if an ACC approval is required.
Summer brings many more property owners and guests into the community to
use the lake and our many community amenities. The holiday weeks are especially busy. Often times, parking becomes a problem and it is not uncommon to
find boats, personal water craft, trailers and multiple cars parked on the side of
our roads. Some of our roads are narrow, some have small or pitched shoulders
and in some cases there is just no place to safely park anything. Please ensure that
your toys and vehicles are not obstructing our roadways and are safely parked in
designated areas.
Your ACC is always here to help you with your exterior projects. Give us a call
to help you get started.
By Lynn Callahan, Amenities Director
When Chickasaw residents see a need,
they are quick to collaborate, reach out to
others, and make things happen! Due to the
concerted leadership of dedicated community members, the purchase and installation
of a safe replacement carousel at Papoose
Park has been completed. The goal was for
it to be ready for use this month. Hooray for
this addition to our existing amenity! In addition to the new carousel, the teeter-totters
have been refurbished and new picnic tables have been installed. All of these improvements make Papoose Park a safer and
more enjoyable place for “folks” of all ages.
When you are out on the Point, be sure to
stop and admire the new walkways, patio and
grass at the Pavilion. The Property Owners
Association (POA) realized the need to improve the access to the Pavilion. They approved the addition of two sloping concrete
walkways and a concrete patio. Once the work
was finished, new sod was laid in front of the
Pavilion. Now, mobility will not be a factor
for anyone using the Pavilion. Another great
amenity for our community!
Rain, rain, rain, but no leaks have sprung in
the new roofing at our clubhouse. What a
huge sigh of relief this is for us all! Our
swimming pool is up and running, with
water aerobics, swim lessons, and cool
dips! Tennis and Pickleball courts are being used daily by players of all ages.
Lastly, our beach is looking great!
Wishing you all a safe and fun-filled
summer right here in Chickasaw Point,
all summer long!
Financial Report
by Doug Young, POA, CUCO and CPGA Treasurer
Below are the summarized financial results for the
Chickasaw Point Property Owners Association (POA),
Chickasaw Utility Company (CUCo), and Chickasaw
Point Golf Association (CPGA). For all three of our
financial entities, as in the first quarter, the June YTD
net income is better than budget.
The POA assessment collections are still over
$18,000 better than budget. The POA cost savings of $15,000 comes from the
road repair budget. The extensive road patching project has been delayed by the
weather. The special projects expense included clubhouse roof repairs, repairing
lavatory flooding problems in the clubhouse, a new picnic shelter walkway and
new playground equipment. CUCo is essentially on budget for both income and
For the CPGA, we normally do not report financial results. That information is
available at the office for POA members. CPGA revenue was moderately under
budget, mostly because of the weather and some lost tournament revenue, while
expenses and assessment collections were better than budget. The expense savings
were in golf course expenses and inside operations. The golf course expense variance of $3, 073 was a budget timing issue involving chemical purchases, and we
were $2,347 better in irrigation maintenance.
None of the 2013 financial results have been audited. The complete financial
statements are available at the office for property owners to review. I would encourage all POA members to attend the next quarterly meeting for a more thorough discussion of the financial results.
POA YTD 06/30/2013
CUCO YTD 06/30/2013
CPGA YTD 06/30/2013
By Sandra Jones, Roads Director
Hubbard Paving has been selected as the contractor for road repairs and should begin work in the
next few weeks. Lisa will send an email reminder
when we know a more specific date. Please be alert
and drive carefully around the machinery and workers.
Have a fabulous and safe summer!
By Tim McFall, Safety Director
As you are probably aware, we have had a series of break-ins
in homes and vehicles on Point Place Drive and Chickasaw
Drive on May 25. As a result of our security system at the
gate, the perpetrators have been identified and have confessed.
According to The Seneca Journal, the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office has a total of 24 charges, including burglary and
grand larceny, against Blake Christian Maness, 18, of 110
Lake Drive, Fair Play and Ahmed Nedal Mefleh, 17, of 188 Campbell Road,
Westminster. The pair has been charged with two counts each of burglary in the
second degree, two counts each of grand larceny, four counts each of petit larceny
and four counts each of breaking into a motor vehicle, according to warrants released by the sheriff’s office.
The issue of having Oconee County Law Enforcement vehicles patrol our community met with favor in the Long Range Planning Questionnaires that were returned by our residents. As a result of this, a ballot will be included in our mail
out for the election of new officers for the POA Board, asking for an “official”
vote. If more than 50% are in favor, the county will begin patrolling Chickasaw
on a periodic basis around the first of September.
We have taken steps to increase security at our gate by beginning to STRICTLY
enforce procedures that have been in place for some time. All residents must have
yearly stickers on their vehicles. Failure to comply will result in denying access to
the community and/or fines. If you have workers scheduled to go to your residence, you MUST notify the gate or they will not be allowed entry. A call will be
made to your home, but if there is no response, the worker will be turned away.
You may advise the gate if your workers will be on the job for several days. You
may also notify the gate of scheduled workers up to three weeks in advance. All
guests and workers must display their “Guest Pass” from their windshield.
We recently had an accident at the gate. Please remember that vehicles in the
left lane always have the right of way. Please use the right-hand lane with CAUTION when other vehicles are present.
We have the results of the speed radar that was placed in various locations in the
community, and these results will be made public at our Annual Meeting.
When out and about in the community keep an eye out for snakes. The local
television stations have reported an above average snake population this year.
Chickasaw Marina Association
By Bob Adams, Marina Chairman
With 18.57 inches of rain falling since June 1, Lake Hartwell’s water level has
reached a historic high. Beaches and docks around the lake are under water. The
water level is near the flood stage level of 665.0 feet.
As some of you may be aware, the “D” Dock walkway is under water and unstable. The rising water has done some damage to the walkway. With continual runoff, the lake level is expected to rise more. This will make conditions even more
hazardous, and this is without more rain. It will probably take until the first of August to drop the lake to full pool at a rate of 3” per day which is the Corps’ maximum release rate.
Please do not attempt to walk out to “D” Dock, as the walkway to the dock
is extremely dangerous. For safety reasons, the electric power has been
turned off on “D” Dock and “C” Dock. The “C” Dock walkway is also
slightly underwater, but currently passable (with caution) without shoes on.
Please note that we will continually monitor the situation and will advise boat
owners when it is safe to use the “D” Dock walkway. Information will be updated
by email. If anyone has any questions, please call Bob Adams at 972-1384.
D Dock
Courtesy Dock
Chickasaw Point Men's Club
By Gary Heck, President
Join the Chickasaw Point Men’s Club. Men who are property owners or residents in good standing with the Chickasaw Point POA are eligible for membership in the Men's Club. Membership is only $10.00 per year. We hold monthly
meetings on the third Wednesday of the month at the Chickasaw Point Clubhouse.
Our meetings start with a social hour at 5:30 PM, followed by a meal cooked by
the chef of the month at 6:00 PM, and a short business meeting at 7:00 PM. The
cost for the meal is only $6.00. Beverages are available for purchase.
The purpose of the Men's Club is for the betterment of Chickasaw Point. We donate money to projects such as Papoose Park, the Golf Course, the kitchen at The
Grill, the POA Clubhouse, the Picnic Pavilion, the Pool, and any other community
We also put on community get-togethers such as Eagle Watch, Pancake Breakfast, Fourth of July Picnic and Fireworks, Pasta Dinner, Baseball and Hockey,
Steak Fry, and Christmas Dinner.
Come join us in making Chickasaw Point a better place in which to live. We are
a friendly group and welcome old members to rejoin us, old and young residents
who have never been members, and any new residents to Chickasaw Point to become members.
If you are interested, please contact Gary Heck at 972-1953, Ralph Yates at
972-2641, Ralph Manee at 972-7725 or John Stankiewicz at 972-9024.
Chickasaw Point Women’s Club
By Bonnie Craft, Vice-President
In honor of Mother’s Day, members were asked to bring a photo of
their mother or the significant woman in their lives for display. Kathy
Warner, Jean Coffman, Beth Keener, Joan Manee and Lois Meseroll
hold photos of the women who were influential in their lives.
As Spring has come and gone, and Summer is just beginning, the Women’s Club
remains dedicated to creating fellowship among the residents of Chickasaw Point
and working to support our community. Women’s Club currently has 74 members
who work together on projects and activities to benefit others.
On Friday, April 26, the Women’s Club, under the leadership of the Socials
Committee, organized and hosted a retirement party for William Ligon, the fulltime security guard at the gate. With over 150 residents attending, the party was a
special tribute to a special man.
The Women’s Club held its biennial Yard Sale at the South Union Fire Station
on May 11. Under the leadership of Debbie Allen, Peggy Herda, Sheila Holley
and Sheila Wolcansek, the
Women’s Club sold spaces for
individual sellers, as well as
collected and priced donations
for the Women’s Club tables.
The fundraiser netted more than
$450.00, which enabled the donating of $100 to the Fire Station for the use of their facilities
Chickasaw Point Yard Sale 2013
and property.
The next project was held on
Saturday, June 1, at the Clubhouse. Benefitting the Safe
Harbor project in Oconee
County, the Share Your Talent
Auction raised $5,100. The auction was spearheaded by Carol
Holmes, Joan Manee and Bonnie Yache, and supported by all
of those who donated talents or
items. Auction items included
At the auction, you could bid on
dinners, lake cruises, lessons,
a variety of talents on display.
cookies of the month, cheesecakes, handcrafted items, gift
baskets and much more. Gene Blair and Dave Hageman served as auctioneers.
In addition to the regular monthly meetings, the ladies enjoy getting together for
the monthly Lunch Bunch. For the May Lunch Bunch, Cindy Davis and Pam Stercay hosted the ladies at The Starving Artist Café in Easley. The café displays and
sells the paintings, jewelry, and pottery of local artisans. De French hosted the
June Lunch Bunch at Chin Chin Chinese Restaurant in Seneca. The lunch-goers
enjoyed conversation and authentic Chinese food.
Upcoming events include a Murder Mystery Dinner on August 10 and The Second Annual Chickasaw Point Arts and Crafts Fair on September 22. Watch for detailed information in the future.
All ladies who reside in Chickasaw Point are encouraged to become members of
the Women’s Club. It provides an opportunity for fellowship and to support
Chickasaw Point and the local communities. The Women’s Club does not meet in
July and August. The next meeting will be September 12 at the Clubhouse. The
social time begins at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. If you are not
currently a member, please come to the next meeting and discover what we have
to offer.
From left: Lucille Adams, Pat Bair and Helen
Meinhold took their turn at managing the
Women’s Club table at the Yard Sale.
Auction-goers spent
time examining the
talents offered.
At the Share Your Talent Auction, auctioneers, Gene Blair (left) and Dave Hageman, kept the bidding lively and fun.
William's Farewell Party
By Lynn Holley
Talk about a crowd! Friday, April 26, saw one
of the largest, if not the largest, gathering of
residents at the clubhouse in a tribute to William Ligon, our wonderful gate attendant who
retired at the end of April. William, his wife Annie, their three lovely daughters with their families and William's brother, Bob, were the guests
Annie and William Ligon
of honor for the evening. Several residents
spoke tributes to William for his kindness and always uplifting spirit. Tables
stretching the length of the dance floor provided plenty of food for those assembled. Music for dancing for the evening was supplied by Ralph Manee.
William had been manning the gate at Chickasaw for several years before this
retirement. His first retirement was from the military. During his tenure here, he
easily made many, many friends with his constant smile, friendly wave, and often
times, hugs for the ladies. If you happened to stop at the gate, there was always
pleasant conversation, as William made time for everyone. Anyone who passed
through our gates, whether resident or guest, was made to feel as though they had
arrived at a very special place. I'm not sure, but I would bet that William knew the
names of everyone living in Chickasaw.
If you happened to be playing golf while William was on duty, you were often
greeted by him, as you approached the eighth green, with a friendly wave. A cheer
and applause were common when a putt was made. William's gracious smile and
friendliness will be missed.
Chickasaw Point Ladies Golf League
By Sheila Holley, Vice-President
Tuesday, May 7, was the Safe Harbor golf tournament at Keowee Key. We had
four teams from Chickasaw Point who participated in the event. The team of
Donna Kosciusko, Sue Chamberlain, Polly Doss and Jo McKenna came in first
place. Over $4,000.00 was raised from that tournament for Safe Harbor.
Guys and Gals Tournament, Thursday, June 20
The annual Guys and Gals Tournament at Chickasaw Point Golf Course, scheduled for June 6, was rained out and rescheduled for Thursday, June 20. Fifteen
foursomes, made up of Guys and Gals, participated in the tournament. The
weather couldn’t have been more perfect.
At the conclusion of the tournament, the participants enjoyed lunch prepared by
The Grill at Chickasaw Point. During lunch, the following winners were awarded
their prize money:
1st place: Harriet Murphy, Gerry Large
Donna Kolciusko, Wayne Banting
2 place: Mollie Woodson, Phil Ellis,
Carolyn Messenger, Randy Woodson
Second Flight: 1st place: Maxine and Mike Dunn
Kathy and Carl Taylor
2 place: Cindy and Tom Davis
Bev and Don Dexheimer
First Flight:
Chickasaw Point Men’s Golf League
By Pat Craft, Vice-President
The Men’s Golf League continues during the summer with between 20 and 30
players each week.
With summer coming on and the temperature rising, it is important that the golfers (all golfers) make sure that they stay hydrated during play. Drink plenty of water, Gatorade, Powerade, etc. I have found that it is very helpful to take along a
cold towel to occasionally wipe your face and head.
I want to add a vote of thanks to Patrick Martin and his course maintenance
crew. The course is in beautiful condition and seems to get better each week. I
also want to mention two other groups, whose contributions add to the beauty and
excellent condition of the course. First, the volunteers (Skip Holden and the gang)
who work on the course to consistently make things better. Secondly, Sonny and
Rita Petty who maintain the flower beds, bushes, etc.
We (all golfers) could do our part to help their efforts by continuing to pickup trash on the course and
disposing of it properly, fixing ball marks on the
greens, and sanding divots on the fairways.
Keep up the good work. It is paying off. It is easy
to see why Chickasaw Point Golf Course is rated
“Best in the Upstate.”
We want everyone to continue to enjoy the competition, and we look forward to welcoming new members/players as well. You can contact me, Pat Craft at
972-4890, if you are interested in the league and want
to join us.
Cole Yache
Come on out! See you there.
Currently Scheduled Tournaments
at Chickasaw Point Golf Course
July 31
August 15
August 17
September 20
October 7 - 9
East Cobb Classic
Friendship Force
Itron Company
Celebrate Christmas with a Hero
Annual Hillbrooke Rider Cup
Joe’s New York Pizza Golf Tournament
Raises Nearly $12,000 for The Salvation Army
By Sandi Agnew
“Put your money in the pot
Red kettle donations help a lot”
The second annual Joe’s New York
Pizza golf tournament on May 4 was a
success inspite of inclement weather.
Clouds persisted, but the rain that
eventually came didn’t dampen the
spirits of 112 golfers. The successful
tournament raised nearly $12,000 for
the local Salvation Army, exceeding
the funds raised at the first tournament
one year ago.
Joe’s New York Pizza was the major Salvation Army Majors Shelly and Grady
Pearson and Breann Szmurlo at the registratournament sponsor, providing 140
tion table with Paul Agnew
lasagna dinners following the event.
Edwards Auto Sales of Walhalla sponsored its hole-in-one Ford package. Golf
course partners across the Upstate donated rounds of golf so that 18 of the 28 participating teams earned golf for a foursome. Additional donations by 41 hole and
business sponsors, and 22 individuals and couples as “Friends of The Army” supplemented the tournament entry fee paid by golfers.
Following the tournament, rain-soaked golfers warmed
up with a delicious lasagna dinner, including an awesome
dessert, prepared and donated by Chickasaw resident John
Roberts of Joe’s New York Pizza. While golfers dined,
winners were announced. First place winners for the Captain’s Choice format were:
Flight One - Gary Heck, Polly Doss, Luke Watkins and
Leon Watkins
Flight Two - Charlie Argue, Robert Kay, Mike Joyce and
Dean Olin
Flight Three - Duncan Erickson, Gary Baker, Frank Juhasz
and Allen MacKinnon.
Nick Vitale sets up for
A total of 18 teams in three flights were awarded prizes.
the Longest Drive
Closest to the Pin winners were Joan
Manee and Joyce LeGore for women
and Charles Caine and Ron Stercay for
men. Prizes for contests held prior to the
tournament were won by Pat Iafigliola,
putting; Skip
Holden, chipping; Polly Doss, long drive
for women, and Vance Crook, long drive
for men.
Coming at a time when local Salvation
Army funds run low, the successful secTournament Director, Paul Agnew (center)
ond annual tournament proceeds will
congratulates Vance Crook and Polly
carry the work of The Army through the Doss, winners of the Longest Drive Consummer months. All funds raised will be test.
spent directly in Oconee County.
Special thanks go to the staff and volunteers of The Trails at Chickasaw Point,
John Roberts of Joe’s New York Pizza, Majors Shelly and Grady Pearson of The
Salvation Army, Edwards Auto Sales, business and golf course partners, “Friends
of The Army,” tournament director Paul Agnew and all the players.
The major sponsor for the tournament is John Roberts of Joe’s New
York Pizza.
Rain-soaked golfers were grateful for their delicious meal at the Chickasaw Point Clubhouse.
“With heart to God and hand to man,
The Salvation Army helps as many as they can.”
Memorial Weekend Tennis
By Bob Holmes
The 2013 Memorial Day weekend will be remembered for the cool morning
temperature, and the clear blue sky. It was a beautiful morning. An American flag
at the court entrance reminded the 31 players of one of the real reasons for our
three-day weekend.
Tables of water and ice and an array of snacks met the players as they registered
with Lynn Holley and Kaitlin Skawinski and began court warm-ups. Snacks included peanut and chocolate tarts, double chocolate cookies, cinnamon sugar coffee cake, lemon tart mini-cakes and bananas. And you thought that we just
came to play tennis?? Thank you, ladies.
Play began at nine o’clock and the two courts, refurbished last fall with a
color scheme matching the US Open, were kept busy with teams of four players
on each court matched up in a mixed doubles format. Play was spirited as usual,
as were the “helpful” comments from those awaiting their next match. After playing four matches and the hour approaching noon, the hungry players found the
freshly grilled hot dogs that Peggy Herda had prepared. Sheila Holley supplied
her baked beans, made from her special recipe, and everyone enjoyed a bowl of
sweet, juicy watermelon. Our thanks also to Carol Holmes for keeping the tables
full and ice water fresh in between her matches.
Yes, without a doubt, Memorial Day at Chickasaw signals the beginning of the
summer picnic season.
Along with our faithful players of many years, we welcomed two new players,
Bev Brauer and Ken Grabowski to the festivities. After Kaitlin totaled the scores
of each player, we recognized:
Tournament winners: Jill Skawinski (daughter of Carol and Dave Martin) and
Marc Menigo
Runners up, separated by one point: Sheila Holley, Pam Anderson and
Heidi Martin (daughter-in-law of Carol and Dave Martin)
For the men: John Metzer (son-in-law of Joanne and Bob Stearns), Phil Ellis and
Tim Gannon (friend of the Andersons)
As we wound down our tennis morning, Lynn Holley arranged to have some
players introduce the group to an exhibition of the newest sport in Chickasaw
Point, Pickleball; the paddle and whiffle ball game played regularly three and four
times during the week.
The next Tennis Tournament is scheduled for the Labor Day weekend,
September 1. See you then. If you are available Sunday afternoon, a group plays
at 4 o’clock. Come join us.
Community Spotlight
Emily Ewing
Chickasaw Point resident, Emily Ewing, recently graduated
with high honors from West Oak High School. In the fall, she
will attend Furman University. She is the daughter of Anne
Ewing and resides at 105 Fairway Lane. Emily is the granddaughter of Pat Garretson and great-niece of Sandi and Paul
Agnew. Congratulations, Emily!!
Pursuing a Dream
While most of us are spending our summer traveling, playing golf, or just relaxing, Kyle Auffray is spending his summer in camp. This is not just any camp, because Kyle is working hard to show the NFL’s Arizona Cardinals that he deserves
to become a member of their team.
In May, Kyle received the opportunity of a lifetime by being invited to the Cardinal’s mini-camp, followed by the signing of a 3-year free agent contract. Kyle is
a tight end, but he is also being included on special teams for kickoff returns, field
goals and punt returns. At age 26, Kyle is a NFL rookie, so the road to the NFL
has not been an easy one.
Kyle began his collegiate career at Mississippi State, but an injury resulted in his
transferring to the University of New
Hampshire. From 2008 to 2010, he played
tight end and punter for the New Hampshire Wildcats. Since graduation, Kyle’s
dream has been to play professional football.
His journey has taken him to combines
and showcase games in many places such
as Myrtle Beach, South Carolina; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Florence, Alabama;
Atlanta, Georgia; the country of Poland and finally, Dallas, Texas. During all this
time, Kyle worked diligently to maintain his strength, speed and conditioning.
Kyle is the son of Kim and Thierry Auffray, who are currently residing at 1202
Chickasaw Drive and are in the process of building a new home at 333 Chickasaw
I am sure that all of Chickasaw Point wishes Kyle the best in the pursuit of his
Volunteerism, Answering the Call to Serve
Quoted from the Kappa Alpha Theta E-Newsletter
“Lynn Callahan, Delta Zeta/Emory, is the advisory board
chairman (ABC) at Delta Phi/Clemson. Lynn originally answered an advertisement for facility corporation board
members, but was quickly recruited into the ranks of the
advisory board. Lynn's first role at Delta Phi in 2007 was
as the recruitment advisor. At that time, the board was
without an ABC. Lynn saw how hard that was on the college officers. A group of
Delta Phi alumnae, along with some of the college members, convinced Lynn to
take on the job.”
“Today, under Lynn's advisory board supervision, the chapter has healthy finances, follows bylaws, and makes deadlines. Lynn is proud to report that Delta
Phi was awarded the Bronze Kite at the last two conventions, and has been
awarded the Chapter of Excellence at Clemson two of the four years the award
has been given. The chapter has not only been recognized by its peers but also
within the international Fraternity, which is validation for all the hard work the
college women have put into their chapter.”
“Lynn's time at Delta Phi has been incredibly rewarding. She enjoys hearing
about Delta Phi members who go on to become advisors at different chapters all
over the U.S. As ABC, Lynn aspires to make each officer's job easier, so the collegian has a more positive experience and eventually gives back to the Fraternity as
an alumna.”
“In addition to the time she dedicates to helping shape Theta's college members,
Lynn also serves in an elected position on her property owner's association board,
and has the privilege of babysitting her grandbaby.”
Lynn resides with her husband, Dr. Bill Callahan DDS, at 102 Indian Hills
Drive. She supports Chickasaw Point by serving as the Amenities Director.
Deep South Sports
Carla Cumminskey and Shaun Snow moved to Chickasaw Point in last August,
and are really enjoying living here! Collectively, they have 5 children. Two are
adults and the younger three are in middle and high school. The family resides at
114 Tulip Lane. Carla shared, “The residents are very friendly, and the scenery
and the lake are absolutely beautiful!”
Shaun and Carla own a local sports merchandise store in the Anderson Mall
called Deep South Sports. They carry MLB, NCAA, NBA, NHL, and NFL
clothing and gifts. They have many fun, usable items with all of your favorite
team logos! Shaun is a disabled Army Veteran, and they will give a 10% discount
to all active and retired military customers. They also invite all Chickasaw residents to come visit them at the store. Introduce yourself, as a Chickasaw resident,
and they will give you a 10% discount as well!
Shaun and Carla look forward to meeting you and hope to stay in Chickasaw for
a very long time.
From left: Shaun’s son, Logan and
Carla’s son, Collin and daughter,
Check out the interior of Deep South Sports in the
Anderson Mall.
The Kirby Family: Colliding with the Bunker
By: Tricia Kirby
When we first drove
through the front gate of
Chickasaw Point and past
holes 8 and 9, we admired
the welcoming canopy of
trees and the colorful totem
pole. We turned and made
our way to Bunker Lane.
Driving up that steep driveFrom left: Shane Kirby, Taylor Kirby, Emilee Moore,
way for the first time felt like
Sydney Kirby, Kailey McGuffin and Jesse Butts
coming home for the last
time. The house was locked, but we all instantly fell in love. Even my teenage
stepdaughter said it already felt like home, and we had not even stepped over a
threshold! It was perfect to us. That was the beginning.
When we decided to start looking for a house in Westminster, there were not a
lot of options that caught our eye. Since I was still living in Atlanta full-time
(we’ll come back to that later), my then boyfriend set up appointments one Saturday for the few houses we wanted to see. We started out early to make our first of
a couple walk-throughs, and while we saw potential, we did not feel anything.
Then we finally got to walk through the doors of the “Bunker”. We all fell more
in love and knew there was no other option for us. I stood in the kitchen, still
strangely the coziest room in the house to me, and knew we were destined to
make it a home and so we have.
If you have not met us yet, we are the Kirby’s of 104 Bunker Lane. Shane and I
met in November 2011, pretty much becoming one heart that day. We were engaged in October 2012 and married this past winter. I am extremely blessed, because not only do I have a wonderful husband, I have the great fortune of being a
part of my stepdaughters’ lives, too.
While we both work in corporate America, Shane and I have a passion for our
faith that we have shared since day one. Shane has had a heart for the youth of
this community, since he became a part of
it. So this year we stepped out in faith and
started Collision Ministries.
Our Mission is to reach the youth of our
community through love, fellowship, and
faith-based community service, with the
ultimate goal of having a fun, safe, and
Bible-based youth center, where teens can
meet in a supervised environment while
being influenced by God’s word and His
people. We have participated in Mayberry Days, organized a community work day
and held a Future Warrior Softball Camp (softball is a big part of my life now –
who knew?).
We need the support of our community to improve the lives of our youth. Look
us up on collisionministries.net or connect with us on Facebook http://
www.facebook.com/CollisionMinistries828 for more information.
So I am now looking forward to soon becoming a full-time wife, stepmom and
ministry partner as I transfer to Greenville for my new job. But not only that, I
will get to end my day driving through the front gate of Chickasaw Point, past
holes 8 and 9, admiring the welcoming canopy of trees and the colorful totem
pole, headed home to the “Bunker.”
Arlie W. Johns, Jr.
Former resident, Arlie Johns, passed away at his Tennessee Mountain home on May 30. When in Chickasaw
Point, Mr. Johns resided at 102 Wausau Lane. He was a
United States Navy veteran who served during the
Korean Conflict.
Surviving Mr. Johns are his wife, Dorothy, of Roan Mountain, Tenn.; son, Arlie
W. Johns III and wife, Donna, of Hilliard, Fla. and daughters, Donna Hough and
husband, Ron, of Chickasaw Point, Westminster, S.C. and Delilah Spivey and
husband, Edward, of Corning, N.Y. He is also survived by seven grandchildren
and 11 great-grandchildren. Condolences may be sent to Mrs. Dorothy Johns, 126
Shadow Mountain Road, Roan Mountain, TN 37687 or Mrs. Donna Hough, 112
Tulip Lane, Westminster, S.C. 29693.
Funeral services were held on June 7 at Garden of Memories Funeral Home.
James Howard McElwaney
Mr. McElwaney passed away on May 11 and was preceded in death by his wife, Bobbie Compton
McElwaney. He and his wife retired to Lavonia, Ga. and
later moved to Chickasaw Point. Mr. McElwaney is survived by his niece, Connie Bergin of Foley, Ala. A memorial service was held on May 26 at the South Union Baptist Church, Westminster, S.C. Memorial donations may be made to the South Union Baptist Church or
the Salvation Army, Seneca, S.C.
Frances McSwain
Part-time resident, Frances “Fran” Fili McSwain,
passed away, following an illness, on June 9 in Shelby,
N.C. Mrs. McSwain and her husband’s home in Chickasaw Point is located at 322 Nicklaus Road. She was a
public school teacher and later an Early Intervention Service Coordinator for the
State of North Carolina. It was said, “Her greatest gift to all her students and their
parents was her unwavering belief in their own strength and abilities”.
Mrs. McSwain is survived by her husband, Hartsel; daughter, Danielle
McSwain, of Columbia, S.C. and son, Walter McSwain III, of Charlotte, N.C.
Fran’s sisters, Betty Miles and husband, Jim, of 320 Nicklaus Drive and Sharon
Rexford and husband, Joel, of 340 Oconee Avenue are Chickasaw Point residents.
A memorial service was held on June 13 at Shelby Presbyterian Church. Condolences may be sent to Hartsel McSwain, 128 Brookhill Road, Shelby, N.C.
28150. Memorial donations may be sent to Shelby Presbyterian Church Missions
Programs or Children’s Programs, P.O. Box 1444 Shelby, N.C. 28151 or to
Cleveland County Hospice, 951 Wendover Height Drive, Shelby, N.C. 28150.
Martha Lee Ripple
Former resident, Martha Lee Ripple, passed away due
to complications from Alzheimer's on April 14 in the
Health Care Center at Rolling Green Village, Greenville,
S.C. While living in Chickasaw Point, her home was located at 202 Chippewa Drive. Mrs. Ripple was preceded
in death by her husband of 63 years, Ivan.
Mrs. Ripple is survived by son, Randy and wife, Louise, of Charlotte, N.C. and
son, Brad, of Elberton, Ga. Condolences may be sent to her sons, Randy and Brad
Ripple, 2432 Hartmill Court, Charlotte, N.C. 28226
Her memorial service was held on April 20 at the Center at Rolling Green Village, Greenville, S.C. Memorials may be made to Alzheimer’s Association, SC
Chapter, 4124 Clemson Blvd – Ste L, Anderson, S.C. 29621 or Mauldin United
Methodist Church, 100 East Butler Road, Mauldin, S.C. 29662.
Harold West
Long-time resident, Harold West, passed away April 28
at the Cottingham Hospice House. Mr. West and his wife
reside at 329 Chickasaw Drive, Westminster, S.C. Mr.
West was a veteran of the United States Navy, serving
during World War II.
Survivors include his wife, Dorothy “Dottie” West, of the home; daughter,
Jeanne West, of Hendersonville, N.C. and daughter, Carol Welte, and husband,
Phillip, of Janesville, Wisconsin. His family also includes three grandchildren,
four great-grandchildren, three step-grandchildren and six step-great-grand children.
A memorial service was held on May 3 at Fair Play Presbyterian Church. Donations in his memory may be made to the Charles McGee Byrd Post #120, 575 N.
Fairplay Street, Seneca, S.C. 29678; Habitat for Humanity, P.O. Box 685, Seneca,
S.C. 29679; Fair Play Presbyterian Church, 201 Church Street, P.O. Box 191, Fair
Play, S.C. 29643 or Hospice of the Foothills, Attn: Foundation Office,
298 Memorial Drive, Seneca, S.C. 29672.
Upcoming Events
17th Annual Pasta Dinner
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Chickasaw Point Clubhouse
5 P.M. Social—6 P.M. Dinner
$8.00 per person
BYOB—Set-ups provided
Your dinner includes Salad, Pasta, Meatballs,
Wine, Soft Drinks and Dessert
Get your tickets now by contacting:
Marty Genuise at 972-5832
Bob Holmes at 972-4891
Norm Bein at 972-5341
Join the fun and support your community.
Sponsored by the Chickasaw Point Men’s Club
The Second Annual Chickasaw Point Arts and Crafts Fair
on Sunday, September 22 from 1 to 5 p.m.
If you are an artist or crafter, it is time to reserve your table for the Arts
and Crafts Fair. The cost of reserving space is $10.00 per table.
Contact Lee Ann Pressley at 973-8182 to reserve your table or if you have
If you are not an artist or crafter, get ready to shop. You
will find great gifts for birthdays and the holidays. There
will be displays by Chickasaw artisans as well as artisans
from the surrounding area. The Arts and Crafts Fair will
be open to the public and advertised in the surrounding
communities. Mark you calendar with the date and time.
Dates to Remember
Brush Pick-up—Call POA Office
Men’s Club—5:30 p.m. social / 6:00 p.m. dinner at the Clubhouse
Greenville Drive Baseball Game—Game time 7:05 p.m.
Sponsored by the Men’s Club
2 First Friday Dinner—at The Grill
10 Murder Mystery Dinner—SOLD OUT—Sponsored by Women’s Club
14 Men’s Club—5:30 p.m. social / 6:00 p.m. dinner at the Clubhouse
17 Pasta Dinner—5:30 p.m. social / 6:30 p.m. dinner at the Clubhouse
24 POA Annual Meeting—10 a.m. at the Clubhouse
6 First Friday Dinner—at The Grill
12 Women’s Club—6:30 p.m. social / 7:00 p.m. meeting
18 Men’s Club—5:30 p.m. dinner / 6:00 p.m. dinner at the Clubhouse
22 Arts and Crafts Fair—1:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the Clubhouse
4 First Friday Dinner—at The Grill
10 Women’s Club Soup and Salad Dinner Meeting—5:30 p.m. social /
6:00 p.m. dinner / 7:00 p.m. meeting
16 Men’s Club—5:30 p.m. social / 6:00 p.m. dinner at the Clubhouse
19 POA Quarterly Board Meeting—9:00 a.m.
POV Staff
Gene Blair, Communications and Public Relations Director
Bonnie Craft
Harriet Murphy
Shari Waldo