THE NEW VIRGINIAN - American Medical Technologists


THE NEW VIRGINIAN - American Medical Technologists
Fall/Winter 2014
Volume XLXXIII Issue
Hello to all my AMT Family,
Inside this issue:
Meet your officers
Southern District Council- 3
Magnolia Meeting
Editor’s Message and
Order of the Golden Mi-
When I attend the AMT meeting it is like a family or class reunion. AMT is like one big family and we want to invite every member to come and join us. We will make you welcome because no
one is a stranger to us.
This summer was very exciting at the National Convention in Chicago. Our meeting was at
the Drake Hotel and the facilities were beautiful and very elegant. The educational sessions were very
professional and interesting. We are very proud of the awards our members received. Nancy Barrow
received the Order of the Golden Microscope which is the highest honor bestowed by AMT in the
field of medical technology. Shannon Newman received the Gem Award for “going the extra mile”.
Congratulations to both of these ladies.
This fall we will be in Gatlinburg, Tenn. for the Magnolia Treasurers Seminar on October
17th and 18th, 2014.This will be near the peak leaf season in the Smokey Mountains so come on out
and join us for a chance to enjoy educational sessions, good fellowship , and good food while you
enjoy fall in the mountains of Tenn..
In 2015, the AMT National Convention will be in HAWAII. This promises to be a fun filled
week for all of us. If this week isn’t enough time in Hawaii, you can join a cruise to see more of the
islands. Just contact me for information on this. Flyers are available for this exciting week.
I invite all VSSAMT members to join us for our meetings and educational opportunities.
Special points of interest:tional Dental
Assistants Recognition Week March 28, 2014
 Magnolia Educational
Treasures Oct. 17-18,
Thanks for allowing me to serve as your President. It has been an honor.
Patty Harris
President VSSAMT
A great big thank you to the
Illinois State Society for hosting AMT's 76th Educational
Program and National Meeting at the Drake Hotel Chicago, Illinois. Great speakers
and very interesting educational topics was the perfect
recipe for 303 attendees to
enjoy an outstanding week
of education and fellowship.
It was very fitting for AMT
to celebrate 75 years of Certifying Excellence in nine
different Allied Health Profession Fields in their city
they call home, Chicago,
Illinois. The new hard-
bound AMT History book
was available for purchase
for $ 59. I hope you picked
up your copy in Chicago. If
not, you can order from the
AMT store on-line.
Page 2
P.O. BOX 262
(CELL) 336-657-1770
(W) 336-657-1914
(H) 276-676-7133
5001 S 7TH ROAD T-1
SALEM VA 24153
(H) 276-638-2427
(CELL) 540-536-4209
(W) 540-776-476
5001 S 7 TH ROAD T-1
(H) 276-755-4171
(C) 336-755-9265
103 Ford Avenue
GALAX VA 24333
(H) 276-236-3152
(H) 703-830-3823
4954 Hopedale Drive
Nashville, TN 37211-4853 (h) 615-833-3427 (m) 615-424-0550
The New Virginian is the official publication of the Virginia State Society of American Medical Technologists and is published twice a year. Articles published are the opinions of the author and may not reflect the views of the state society. Submitted
articles are welcomed.
Page 3
AMT national board welcomes two new
AMT board members: Ken Hawker, MT
and Deborah Westervelt, RMA. Everett
Bloodworth, MT was re-elected to a three
year term. The officers are Everett Bloodworth, MT President; Jeffery Lavender, MT
Vice-President; Heather Herring, MT, RMA
Secretary; and Jeanette Hobson, RMA
Treasurer. New AMTIE Board Members: Kay Fergason, MT and Arthur Contino, RMA.
For those of you who wanted a national
meeting in Hawaii, your wish has come true!
Hawaii will be the site of the 2015 National
Meeting at the Hapuna Beach Prince Hotel
in Kohala Coast, Hawaii June 22-25, 2015.
Room rates are $ 169 plus tax brings your
room rate to $ 191.67 per night. Make sure
you make those flight reservations to fly into
Kona International airport. Every room has
an ocean view and your very own lanai.
Rooms are spacious and beautifully decorated and include marble bathrooms with separate tub and walk-in shower. Each room
includes a coffee maker, mini-refrigerator,
iron and ironing board, hair dryer and safe.
Complimentary internet in guestrooms, admission to the fitness center and self parking.
There is an outdoor pool with cabanas and a
heated whirlpool. Attire is casual wear for
for all information and costs at (h) 307-3474835, (c) 307-272-5087 or email
son Boe, Ph.D. from South Carolina
The Southern District proudly presents Magnolia Educational Treasures Meeting at the
beautiful Edgewater Hotel in the heart of
Gatlinburg, Tennessee October 17-18, 2014.
Make your reservations now by calling 1-800
-423-9582 or visiting the web at Be sure to
mention reservation code Magnolia to get
the special room rate of $ 109.00 /night plus
12.75 % tax for single or double occupancy.
Room rate includes complimentary continental breakfast and free parking. Information is
available on TN, NC, SC, FL, AL, GA & KY
Order of the Golden Microscope: Nancy
Barrow, MT from Virginia
Technologist of the Year: Kaye Tschop, MT
from Tennessee
Thanks for all your hard work and dedication
to AMT.
I also wanted to inform everyone that state
societies can nominate anyone for the
Friends of AMT Award. There are no forms
to fill out. All you need to do is write a letter
explaining why the individual is deserving of
the award and send it to the AMT office.
Remember to record all your continuing
education credits in AMTRAX. Make sure
you retain your documentation in case of an
This is a special time for me to say how very audit. The program is free to all AMT memproud I am of the Southern District and to
bers. Those AMT members that fall under
congratulate all my district award winners:
Certification Continuation Program (CCP),
Honor Roll states: Alabama, Florida, Geor- please make sure you have the proper points
gia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Caroli- to remain certified.
na, Tennessee, and Virginia.
Let’s not forget to recognize and celebrate
Publication Award: Kathleene Hardy, RMA Medical Assistants week. This year the National Medical Assistants Recognition Week
from Florida for 2nd place newsletter.
(NMARW) is October 20-24, 2014.
Distinguished Achievement Award: CatheI want to remind everyone to complete your
rine Brock, RMA from North Carolina,
award nomination forms in plenty of time
Marvin Matthews, MT from Georgia, and
and send them to the AMT office to ensure
the entire week. No formal attire please! Kay Burnett, MT from Tennessee.
they arrive prior to the deadline date of DeFor you golfers there is the 18 hole Hapuna Exceptional Merit Award: Jerry Hudgins,
cember 1, 2014. Forms that arrive after the
Golf Course designed by Arnold Palmer and MT from Tennessee
December 1 deadline date will not be considEd Seay. There are 10 restaurants to choose Pillar Award: Jose Guethon, MT from Flori- ered for the award. Every year deserving
from on the premises! Free transportation
members are not considered for awards
to the sister resort or for a $ 5-$10 fee you
simply because their nomination form arcan hop on the shuttle to the Hilton Waiko- Silver Service Award: Pearl Campbell, RMA rived after the deadline.
from Florida, Hattie Gallon, MT from Georloa and shop till you drop at the connected
gia and
In closing, I would like to say thank you to
shopping mall. State gift baskets will be
each of you for all your hard work and deditaking a hiatus for the 2015 Hawaii meeting due to shipping logistics. Visit Volca- GEM Award: Kay Fergason, MT from Flori- cation to AMT throughout the year and
no National Park or the Kona Coffee Planta- da, Mary Midkiff, MT from North Carolina, making the Southern District shine. Each of
you truly are the "Pride of the Profession". I
tion. There is so much to see and do. There Peggy Oiler, MT from Georgia and Shanlook forward to working with each of you in
will be more information coming soon so
non Newman, MT from Virginia
the coming year and visiting your state. If I
watch your AMT Events magazine and start
Friend of AMT Award: David Brown, Ala- can be of service in any way, please do not
saving those pennies!
hesitate to contact me at
If you are interested in taking a seven day
Legacy Tribute: Carole Miller, MT from Vir- or phone me at (h)
cruise to neighboring Hawaiian islands after
615-833-3427 or (c) 615-424-0550.
AMT's National Meeting, then this cruise is
President's Award: Kay Fergason, MT from Respectfully submitted,
for you. This cruise is not affiliated with
AMT in any way so if you are interested,
Kaye A. Tschop, MT
please contact Marty Hinkel, MT (Wyoming) Special Recognition Award: Charlotte HudAMT Southern District Councillor
Page 4
The New Virginian
I want to thank all VSSAMT members for allowing me to be a delegate at the AMT National Convention in July. I
was honored to represent Virginia for this exciting week.
The National AMT Educational Program and National Meetings were held at the Drake Hotel in downtown Chicago. This hotel was beautiful and the very elegant. From the time I arrived on Sunday afternoon until I left Friday morning the
week was packed with fun, learning, and seeing old friends. The educational sessions were outstanding as usual. The AMT
staff did a wonderful job with their planning as usual. The entire meeting and all activities were well planned so you could
pack lots of activities in these few days.
Besides the educational sessions we had lots of fun. At the Welcome Reception we had delicious food, good entertainment, and saw our AMT family. This is one of my favorite activities because I only get to see some of these friends only
once a year. The more formal dinner I attended was the Awards Banquet. This is where we honor our members for their dedication and outstanding service to AMT. I was very proud of Shannon Newman and Nancy Barrow for their awards. I was
also proud that Virginia was an Honor Roll State Society. This was the f first time I attended the Lunch of Champions. The
food was wonderful again, but I was proud to be with so many distinguished AMT members.
Thursday was the AMT Annual Business Meeting with elections of Board Members. This is when you realize that
every member is an important part of this society. This is also, when you realize that this society is indeed run by its members and each of us is a valuable part of AMT. Next, was the AMTIE meeting and we saw several deserving folks receive
scholarships so they can further their education in their chosen field in the medical profession.
This is an exciting week and I urge every AMT member to attend a national convention. Next year would be a good
time to start because the 2015 Convention will be in Hawaii. Hope to see you there.
Patty Harris
VSSAMT Delegate 2014
The 75th National AMT meeting was a great time for all Virginian delegates. The delegates were busy getting
educated and celebrating the award winners. The lectures were most informative. Opening ceremonies is always special to all attending. Linda Jones, BS,MT was busy with the silent auction trying to raise money for
scholarships and educational grants. A new program has been initiated "Be a Friend of AMTIE" By donating
you are a friend. How exciting to participate in helping students continue their education. Please plan to attend
the Fall Southern District Meeting , the Magnolia Conference, in Gatlinburg, TN . Oct 16-18th.
Linda Jones
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Page 5
T H Emembers!!
N E W V I R Gday,
I N I AI Ncredentialed to be seated as a del- acclaimation. After a brief break, we
what a wonderful convention you
missed in Chicago if you weren't there!!
AMT celebrated it's 75th anniversary in
grand style! The hotel was beautiful and
historic; every banquet was just delightful and, as always, it was so good to see
our AMT family from all over the United States and all around the world.
I served as a state delegate this year and
I thank the Virginia State Society for
once again giving me this opportunity. I
attended all required meetings and sessions, as well as many other sessions and
The opening ceremony was moving and
exciting. This is the official beginning
of the week.
The Keynote Address was excellent;
television commentator and producer
Bill Kurtis spoke and presented video
clips of some of his work. He is currently working with the History Channel and
CNBC. He is very interested in conservation work.
On Monday, July 7, I also attended
"Brain Mapping in Health and Disease",
"Alternate Blood Products-What's New,
What's in the Future", "Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders" and the Future
Planning/Membership Committee
meeting. Then we all attended the Welcome Reception for Chicago World's
Fair-themed decor and food. The state
basket drawings were held during this
function and there was music and dancing.
Tuesday morning, July 8, our first general session was "Understanding and
Identifying Renal Disease" presented by
representatives of the American Kidney
Fund. At the end of the session, AMT
President Mary Burden and Executive
Director Chris Damon announced
AMT's collaboration with the American
Kidney Fund to further education and
raise public awareness of kidney disease. You will see more about this in
future AMT publications and how the
state societies can be involved. Tues-
egate and attended the AMT Resolutions Presentation and Meet the Candidates. Tuesday night was the Order of
the Golden Microscope dinner, which
was just wonderful. I was honored to
receive this award this year and it was
just an incredible, special week for me.
Wednesday, July 9, I attended the General Session "DNA in Forensic Investigation" presented by Katherine Sullivan,
a forensic scientist with the Illinois State
Police. She was a very interesting speaker and showed us some of the new technology they are using to isolate and
identify DNA from crime sites. Then I
attended a session on retirement planning presented by speakers from the
Lenox Advisors, Inc. They spoke to us
about various topics of concern, such as
long term care and insurance needs.
On Wednesday afternoon, I moderated
the session "Molecular Methods in Microbiology" presented by Joel Mortenson. As always, he had a very interesting and informative session. Later that
afternoon, I attended the General Session "Laboratory System Response to
the First US Case of MERS" presented
by Judith Lovchik, Assistant Commissioner Public Health and Laboratory
Services, Indiana State Department of
Health. She had an excellent visual
presentation to accompany her remarks,
showing the timeline of the inital patient
visit and hospitalization and recognition
of MERS; then she had the response
timeline also.
After Wednesday's day of sessions, we
attended the AMT Awards Banquet,
where so many of our members were
recognized and we had another delicious
meal. It was another opportunity to get
all dressed up and spend time with
Thursday, July 10, we attended the District Meeting for our state and then the
AMTIE Organizational Meeting; Kay
Fergason and Art Contino were elected
to the AMTIE Board of Trustees by
went into the Town Hall Session of the
meeting with the annual reports and
legislative reports presented. For lunch,
several of us from Virginia attended the
Lunch of Champions, which recognizes
and honors the current and previous
Technologist of the Year, RMA of the
Year and RPT of the Year. After lunch,
we went back into the AMT Annual
Business Meeting. Everett Bloodworth
was re-elected to the National Board
and Deborah Westervelt and Kenneth
Hawker were also elected to the board.
The board met and Everett Bloodworth
was chosen as the new national president. We also attended the AMTIE
business meeting. Later that evening,
we all attended the President's "Sweet
Suite" Dessert Reception.
Another wonderful convention week
was over; so many educational opportunities and opportunities to help with the
work of keeping our organization functioning and growing--now it's time to
plan for next year and save your money
for a dream trip to Hawaii!!
I urge each of you reading this to come
out to your state meetings--the next one
is Magnolia Conference in October--and
become an active state member. Becoming an active state member makes
you eligble to serve as a delegate to the
national convention and receive financial assistance for attending the convention.
Nancy B. Barrow, MT(AMT)
Page 6
Page 7
Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Virginia,
Kentucky and Florida)
Visit for a comprehensive listing of the Gatlinburg scene.
Date: 17 and 18 October 2014
Reservation cut-off: 16 September 2014
Room Rate: $109.00/night (plus 12.75% tax) (Singles (Max 2 adults) and Doubles
(Max 4 adults))
Complimentary continental breakfasts
Free parking
Call: 1-800-423-9582 (Reserve with the name Magnolia)
Meeting Registration Fees, speakers and topics: To follow
Page 8
Editor’s Message
Finally, fall is just around the corner!!!! Our newsletter is published two times a
year by June 30th and December 31st. If there is anything that you would like to see in
our newsletter or would like to write an article, please email me at
An important date to remember is our fall meeting will be during the Magnolia
Educational Treasures on October 17-18 in Gatlinburg, TN. I hope many of our
VSSAMT members will be able to attend this meeting.
Shannon H. Newman, BSMT, VSSAMT Editor
We are proud to announce that AMT has partnered with the American Kidney Fund (AKF) to foster and promote collaborative work focusing on the role of allied health professionals in the prevention and treatment of Chronic Kidney
Disease and End-Stage Renal Disease. This relationship was formalized at our annual meeting in July, which was
attended by AKF leadership and staff.
We’ve taken this step as a result of requests from you, our members, for a national charitable platform that will “Do
Good” for our community while simultaneously elevating the profile of allied health professionals.
Chronic kidney disease is a common and often preventable disease which affects 31 million Americans. The AKF
fights kidney disease through direct financial support to patients in need; health education; and prevention efforts.
We are partnering with AKF to fight this disease, and YOU will be our greatest resource. Together, we will raise
awareness of kidney disease through professional and public education and communications, and through fundraising for AKF’s programs and services.
Check out our new partnership page for the press release announcing the partnership and to learn more and get
involved. Also, check out photos from the Kidney Action Day in Chicago on August 27, the first joint effort between
our organizations, where members of our Illinois State Society volunteered to conduct health screenings, while also
promoting AMT and their professions.
We are truly excited for this opportunity
zation, and we look forward to your con-
to grow, unify and strengthen our organitinued participation.
national awards
The highest honor bestowed by AMT for outstanding organizational and professional
contributions in the field of medical technology
and to AMT. Recognizing consistent
superior performance throughout the years.
Order of the Golden Microscope
Nancy B. Barrow, MT(AMT)(HHS), Martinsville, VA, was certified
in 1973. She is a former AMT Board member (treasurer, secretary) and
served on the Virginia state society Board (past president, vice-president,
secretary, editor). She also served on many national and state
level committees; served as a representative to Clinical Laboratory
and Standards Institute; and attended licensure hearings - Virginia
State Board of Health Professionals. Honors include AMT Exceptional
Merit, Pillar Award, and Technologist of the Year. Ms. Barrow also
received many technical writing awards on the state and national levels
through the years.
She attended Northern Hospital of Surry County School of Medical
Technology, Mt. Airy, NC, and is a Generalist, Safety Officer at
AMT Educational Program & National Meeting • June 22–25, 2015
K Kona side of Hawaii is known for its sparkling resorts, world-class golf
courses, white sand beaches, big-game sport fishing and home-grown
Kona coffee.
K Hilo side of Hawaii is the gateway to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park,
historic small-town flavor and interesting shops, restaurants and museums,
tumbling waterfalls and towering banyan trees.
K Punalu’u Black Sand Beach is part of a habitat of turtles
who can often be found basking on the sand in the
morning sun.
K Hawaii Volcanoes National Park — more than 333,000
acres and still growing — is a UNESCO World Heritage
site. To appreciate the volcanoes, plan to spend a day
exploring the Park.
Hapuna Beach Prince Resort
• Resort is located 30 minutes from Kona International Airport.
• Beachfront resort faces spectacular Hapuna Beach with white sand beach
(named “Number One Beach in America” by Conde Nast Traveler magazine).
• Each guestroom has a private lanai with ocean view.
• Spacious marble bathrooms with separate tub and walk-in shower
• In-room coffee maker, mini-refrigerator, iron & ironing board, hair dryer, safe
• 10% discount on spa service | 20% discount in hotel restaurants excluding
alcoholic beverages
• Complimentary self-parking, Internet in guestrooms and admission to
Fitness Center
• No resort fees
• Outdoor pool with cabanas and heated whirlpool
• Hapuna Golf Course designed by Arnold Palmer & Ed Seay (18 holes)
• Group room rate also valid for pre- and post extensions at nearby Mauna
Kea Resort and sister hotel in Honolulu
AMT Convention room rate:
$ 169.00
single or double occupancy
+ 13.416% tax.
Rate valid June 18 to June 30, 2015.
Third person charge is $60.00 per night which includes a rollaway
bed. Maximum guestroom capacity is three adults, or two adults
and two children 17 years of age and under. Children 17 years of
age and under while traveling with an adult are complimentary
when they utilize existing bedding in the same room.
Hapuna Beach
Prince Resort
62-100 Kauna’oa Drive
Kohala Coast, Hawaii 96743
Toll-free reservations
1-866-PRINCE6 (774-6236)
Hotel phone: 808/880-1 1 1 1
For additional Information:
Contact AMT:
10700 West Higgins Road, Suite 150
Rosemont, IL 60018
Phone 847/823-5169 • Fax: 847/823-0458