February 2014 - Council On Aging
February 2014 - Council On Aging
SONOMA SENIORS COUNCIL ON AGING February 2014 Aging Well: It Takes Planning COPA series explores how to make a roaring success of old age in a youth-dominated culture by Bonnie Allen A lively audience of more than 25, ranging in age from midbaby-boom to mid-eighties, attended the first session of the Collaborative on Positive Aging’s first Petaluma session of 12 monthly workshops. Many nodded as COPA presenter Rabon Saip speculated that civilization began when people lived long enough to be grandparents. During introductions, each participant gave a reason for being there: is also when fear, anger and competitive “I’m here because this is my passion— ness begin to diminish, and cooperation positive aging, aging well.” comes to the fore. There is an increasingly “I’m a single woman and I have important role for elders to play. concerns when I retire how to fill my life.” “We live longer and work longer than “I’m 84, and I’m here because there are any generation in history. You will spend so many people my age who don’t know three decades as an older person.” what’s going on.” A typical participant, Rita Warth, 71, “I’m reaching a confused state and I explained, “I’m a hair-stylist by trade; I’m a don’t know how to handle it.” salon owner, in this industry for 51 years; “I’m here to learn.” I’m single, unmarried, no children, and the “I’ve never planned much in my life, reason I came to the workshop is that I was because I’ve always been young!” concerned that I might be very lonely, that “I want people around me who are also there is going to be a retirement shock aging positively.” syndrome setting in. I plan to attend every The group included several lifelong meeting. I think this is a pioneer group, and singles and at least three married couples. we’re learning as we go along.” Some were retired, some still working at a Warth is concerned that her finances last profession. Many expressed a desire to through her lifetime. “Getting old, you may return for the full 12 months of workshops. become disabled for various reasons; you Saip’s introduction presented the don’t know when it happens, but it concept of happens in “adultism.” cases. It’s “I’m having a better time now than I did most “We are very costly, and dominated by I want to have in my entire life.” —Rabon Saip, 75 an adult my dignity—I culture. Negative views of aging are don’t want to be homeless.” internalized when we are little. These views Warth has been on her own since she come forth when we age.” came to America at age 17, and she has But old age, Saip suggested, “is the planned her life carefully, and she plans to coming of a whole new stage of life. We continue supplementing her income as long need scriptwriters and architects.” as she is able. At the same time, she says, “I The mind is at its peak about age 60; this want to have fun now.” Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage Permit No. 341 Santa Rosa, CA 95401 Permit No. 341 Santa Rosa, CA 95401 PAID 30 Kawana Springs Road Santa Rosa, CA 95404 PAID Planning for Your Longevity meets monthly, on the second Wednesday in Petaluma and the third Tuesday in Santa Rosa. (See page 8 for location and time.) You don’t have to attend all the workshops, and drop-ins are welcome. A $3 to $5 donation is requested to cover materials, but is not required. The topics evolved through many meetings with seniors, and the goal is a personal longevity plan for each participant. Session Two, “Exploring Values,” will identify personal values, interests and strengths, and clarify priorities for planning. Participants will recognize their current strengths/passions/values and how these may change as we age. Session Three, “Financial Concerns in Planning,” will address planning ahead; beliefs about money; how much is enough; strategies for living on what you have; and estate planning. Participants will gain an overview to help guide and carry out their own research, explore how to prioritize their own needs, and how to start the financial conversation with family members. Future session topics are: • Relationships: Interdependence and Change • Self Care and Balance • Housing and Living Arrangements • Aging Well: Exploring Resources for Well-Being • Work and Volunteerism • Legal issues: Empowering Choices • Meaning, Purpose and Legacy • Spiritual Living • Your Personal Longevity Plan: Review and Next Steps The Collaborative on Positive Aging is a project of the Council on Aging, with the goal of promoting and supporting positive aging in Sonoma County. Its membership is open to anyone interested in joining. For information, call 525-0143. 6 ...... page z e r a lv A 6 argarita ts.............. page M e e y h lo Emp page 7 Highlig .. r .. .. e .. t .. n .. e .. C ....... Senior Sudoku ion.......... page 8 & d r o Crossw ws” Pet Adopt ........... page 8 a .... “Silver P ate..................... eD Save th * Active Adults 55 and Better Luxury Apartments for 1 Bdrm. from $999 2-Bdrm. from $1,275* TOLL &2%% Studio, 1 & 2-Bedroom Homes with Views of the Sonoma Hills Elevators & Controlled-Access Clubhouse with Library, Theater and Computer Center 24-Hr. Fitness Center Lifestyle & Wellness Program Year-Round Heated Pool & Spa On-Site Salon & Day Spa Washer/Dryer (Some Plans) Smoke-Free Pet Friendly On-site Storage Available Sonoma Seniors Today published monthly by Enjoy Life! /AK6IEW#IRCLEs2OHNERT0ARK#! WWW/AK6IEW!PTSCOM 30 Kawana Springs Road Santa Rosa, CA 95404 707-525-0143 • 800-675-0143 Fax 707-525-0454 www.councilonaging.com President and CEO Marrianne McBride Board of directors Jeff Beeson, Chair Corrine Lorenzen, Vice Chair Bonnie Burrell, James DeVore, Joseph Huang, Chuck McPherson, Jeanne Miskel, John Pearson, John Reyes, Deborah Roberts, Debby Roumbanis, Carl Vanden Heuvel and David Vicini Editor: Bonnie Allen, (707) 763-2544 SonomaSeniorsToday@gmail.com Contributors: Bonnie Allen Proofreading Assistance: Steve Della Maggiora Estate EstatePlanning PlanningService Service Distribution Manager: Jeramon Shade Providing Providing revocable, revocable,simple simpletrusts truststoto SoSonoma County residents who owna ahome home noma County residents who own and and wish wish to to avoid avoid probate probate of of their their estate. estate. Advertising 525-0143, ext. 146 $800 single trust trust $800for for aa single $ 1,150 2 person $1,150 for a 2-persontrust trust $300-500 Amending current $300–$500 for amending currenttrust trust Sonoma Seniors Today is a publication of Council on Aging, 30 Kawana Springs Road, Santa Rosa, CA 95404, (707) 525-0143 information@councilonaging.com www.councilonaging.com For orto tomake makeanan Formore more information information or appointment please please call at at appointment, callBarbara BarbaraSwary Swary Council on Aging, 707-525-0143 x 143 Council on Aging, 707-525-0143, ext. 143 Sonoma Seniors Today strives to share a variety of viewpoints on subjects of interest to a broad range of its readership. Opinions and viewpoints expressed by contributors and those interviewed for articles do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Council on Aging. Readers are invited to share their ideas, opinions and viewpoints by writing to this publication. Suggestions for improving this publication are given careful consideration, and letters to the editor are welcomed. Photographs may also be submitted. Subscriptions: 525-0143, ext. 112 Fees: Fees: Editor’s note: Publication of all material is at the discretion of the editor; originals become the property of SST and cannot be returned. Mail all submissions to Sonoma Seniors Today c/o Council on Aging, 30 Kawana Springs Road, Santa Rosa, CA 95404, or email to SonomaSeniorsToday@gmail.com. Like us on ! All rights reserved. © 2014 Council on Aging We’d like as many of you to be friends as possible. Add your name to the 634 friends we already have. To find us, go to your Facebook page and type “Council on Aging” in the search window at the top. Not a Facebook member? It’s easy and free to sign up. Go to www.facebook.com and follow the directions to set up your home page. page 2 ◆ February 2014 Sonoma Seniors Today Council on Aging Donors Many thanks and appreciation to our generous donors who gave gifts of support to our 17 programs and services during the month of December, 2013. Holiday Appeal Doris Aaker Charles and Margaret Abramowitz Ronald G. Addis Robert and Darlene Adiego Damon and Alice Ainsworth Bruce Albert Martin Albini Karen Albright Verne P. and Judith R. Alexander Jill Alger James and Lynda Allen Dee Almanzo Lisa Amaroli-Strifler Mary L. Ambrose Robert Amend Norman and Susan Amidon Richard J. Andersen Dorothy Anderson John and Lisa Anderson Louise and A.D. Anderson Kerry and Steven Andrade Aileen A. Andresen Joyce Andrews Karin L. Andrews Anonymous Diana J. Ardley Christine Arneson Deneene Tull Arnone and William Arnone Jr. Francis S. & Carol A. Aspinall Dennis and Dona Asti Rosa Ataiigan Jack and Yvonne Atkins Harold & Mary Auble Sandi and Stan Augustine Kamran Azmoudeh, DDS Jess Babcock, Jr. William Babula Suzanne and Emil Bacilla Sharon and Bruce Badgley Anthony M. Bahno Bennye Gatteys and Richard Bail Robert and Sandra Barclay Edward amd Susan Barich Timothy Barnes Elijah Barnsten Jo Barrington Anthony and Patti Bassignani Carol Bauer Bernice Baxter Chester and Jeanne Beall Ellen Beck Martha J. Beck Norma A. Beck Sid and Jeanne M. Behler Susan K. Bennett Randy Benson Laura and Allan Bernstein Donna E. Bertagnolli Marlene J. Bertram June L. Best Rita A. and William Bevans Doni L. Bird Barbara Blair Helen and Brad Blodow Suzanne and Gerald L. Blue Pat Boblitt June Bogdan Diane Boggie Abby L. Bogomolny Nathalie J. Bohn Judith A. Bowser Donald Bradley Helen Bradley Mary Brandt Marilyn Brant Eve Bressler and Walt Hale Margaret Briare Wayne and Sylvia Brigden Judith Bright Bill and Geraldine Brinton Wesley and Martha Brooks John Broughton Brown Leaseholds Malcolm R. and Gwen Brown Ruth R. Browning-Scheuermann Sharon Brownley Bruce Aspinall & Associates Angela Brunton Gloria Brusnahan Geraldine Bryan Brett Bryars Gail J. Bullard Brian and Claudia Burgo Ritchie and Marcia Burkart John B. Burns Mary Burns Oliver and Carole Burns Herbert G. Buss Janice L. Byram Margaret Byrd Rita K. Cadwell Nancy Calavan Marilyn G. Calderon Mark & Janet Calhoon Susan Callagy William Campana William and Juna Carle Carrie and Art Carney Ashley M. Carollo Arthur Carpenter Bernie Carpenter Carol A. Carr Gregory and Cynthia Carr Janice Carr Allan and Cathy Carstensen David R. Cartee Sara B Castagnetto Clifford D. and Patricia K. Castle Robin and Duane Chase Thomas M. Chelini Frank and Rita Citti Allan B. Clark Francine M. Clayton Joseph Clendenin Leslie Cohen Phillip and Mary Beth Cohen Raymond M. Colby Janet Lowry-Cole and Donald Cole Commoncents Bernadette Compton Julie Conger Don Connolly Jonni Conway Carolyn J. Cooper Henry C. and Ruth J. Cooper, Jr. Rebecca Corder Donna Cornett Yvonne C. Corzilius Ron Cox Patrick W. Coyle Patti and James Crandall Brigitta M. Crews Mr.& Mrs. Cecil W. Crowe Reynolds Crutchfield Susan and Henry P. Culp Jim E. Curtis Diane Cushman Bonnie J. Cusimano Dwight and Christina Daley Charles and Christine Daniels Marcia DaPont Lawrence and Elaine Darling Marjorie Davis Lee and Stanley Davis Joan A De Alejandro Roland F. and Barbara De Conti Richard and Carol Dean Victor DeBeck Kristen Decker DeDe’s Rentals Vivian Dehay Robert & Darliene Del Sarto Dianna R. Del Secco F. E. and Jasmine DeMange Joanne DeMarco Linda DeMartini ributes Pamela J Deming Bill and Cynthia Denton Donald and Renee Deorsey In Memory of Joan Cameron Joseph and Carol DePond Al & Beverly Cameron Diana J. Dias Lorraine Diaz In Memory of Greg Dahl Thomas Dickey Delores Hatfield Nancy Dill Kathleen Diller In Honor of Randy McBride David and Kathryn Dillwood Al & Susan Wilcox Jan Dimick Janice C. DiVita In Memory of Frank Palmieri Susan M. Dochtermann Antoinette & Dennis Sousa Shishir Doctor Jim A. Dolinsek In Honor of Joe Rush Janis Dolnick John & Kay Spurr Eugene W. Donner Jackie and Frank Dono In Memory of Bert Spence Margaret Doolittle Mark & Alexandra Grandy Mark Doran Betty Doty Dave and Sharon Dowdy Prudence Draper Edmund Dubois Nyla Fleig Dulsto Properties Harry and Sherree Fogel Nichole Duncan Kenneth and Janet Foote Jeffrey C. Dutcher Lucy Forest E J Gallo Winery Sylvia and Lew Forrest Ann Eckelhoff Roger and Denise Fortain Deena and Carl Edwards Helen and Jacob Foster Lewis B. Edwards and Paula Burks Ruth Fotouhi Sharon T. Egberts Farida K. Fox Irene R. Eggleton Sandra Franceschi Michele and Larry Eichner George L. Franceschini Carl and Judy Ellis Genevieve and David Freedman Kathleen A. Emery Robert and Ruth Freis Mike English Helen Freund Eunice and Reynold Escola Arlene and Jerry Fritsch Dominick A. Esposito Dennis and Susan Fujita Estes Heating and Cooling Larry and Karen FurukawaDonald and Rebecca Estreich Schlereth Mr. and Mrs. Russell Etchell Lynda K. Fuselier Beth Eurotas Carlo D. Galazzo Melinda I. Evans Joan E. Galindo Scott and Sally Evans Elva Gallagher Denise Facendini Phyllis M. Gallaway Spirito and Josephine Falco Arthur and Andrea Gambini Gary and Debra Farrell John W. Gardner Michael and Judith Farrell Jamila Garrecht David Louis Favot Joan Gates Thomas and Mary Feige Shirley and Waheed K. Ghauri Jan Fernandez GHD Pamela Field Elizabeth Giacomelli Judy and Jake Finley Raymond F. Giampaoli Donna Yock, D.M.D. & Thomas Rosalind Giannecchini Fitzgerald Mary Gibson Michael E. and Lorraine N. Mrs. Naida Gift Fitzpatrick Robert I. Gilford Dona and B. Michael Fitzsimons T Continued on page 4 Joy Lovinger (707) 292-9998 joy@joycares.net Mary Farrar (707) 888-2423 mary@joycares.net Has living alone become too challenging? Overwhelmed caring for an older loved one? Any errors or omissions in these listings are inadvertent. If your name was omitted, please accept our apologies and let us know by calling Amy Crabb, Development Manager, 525-0143, ext. 146. Let an expert help you find a place your senior-in-need can call home – All at no cost to you or your loved one. SST Subscriptions Make GREAT Gifts (especially for yourself) A portion of each Sonoma Seniors Today subscription will go toward providing senior services. And your gift keeps giving through the year. Mail this form with check for $24 (1 year, 12 issues) or $12 (6 months, 6 issues), payable to Council on Aging, to: SST Subscriptions, c/o Council on Aging, 30 Kawana Springs Road, Santa Rosa, CA 95404. Name________________________________________Telephone__________________ Mailing Address__________________________________________________________ City__________________________ State/Zip_________Date ___________________ For additional subscriptions, please use a separate sheet of paper. Council on Aging Mission Statement To enhance the quality of life for our aging community by providing services that promote well-being and maintain independence. Sonoma Seniors Today February 2014 ◆ page 3 Donors, continued from page 3 Glen and Kathleen A. Gillis Sandra Ginger Kenneth C. Giovannetti Gerard and Susan Gloisten Jane Gnarini Torres Dennis Goitein Ellen Goldstone and Cynthia Fleischer Deborah S. Goldyne Mary and Fernando Gomez Sheila Gondola Michael D. Goodnight Marilyn T Goodwin Mary V. and George W. Gosiak Geraldine Gottbrath Robert and Lucile Grady Khatiba Grais and Howard Ballinger Mark and Alexandra Grandy James R. Grant Steve and Robin Gray John and Melanie Greaves William and Joyce Greer Walter and Cynthia L. Griffith Betty Groce Rick Groff Barbara and Walter C. Gruber Gregg and Jeanne Grubin Rhonda Guaraglia Adelaido Guerrerosoto Patricia A. Guildford Doug and Carolyn Guion Melissa and Timothy Gulley Terry and Paul Gutsch Michael and Deborah Haarstad Janice and Joel Hadary Minerva Haddad Lena Hahn-Schuman Marjorie J. Hall Marilyn E. Halvorsen Robert and Gloria Hamilton Leslie Haney-Fessler Sally Hanhy Shelly Hanlon John Hannah Jack and Lydia Hansen Gary C. Hansford June M. Hargis Janice Harnisch Alice M. Harris Jenifer A. Harris Mark & Jeannine Harris Mildred Harris Phyllis Harris Victoria Arguello Harris Darryl Hart Shireen Hartmann David Hastings Robert G. Hauge Jacqueline Hayes Michael A. Hazen Stephen Heidl Marilyn Rae Heinen Kelly & Debby R. Hendershot Nancy I. Henry Neil Herring and Dena Bliss Joan and Gerald Herzog Harold and Barbara Heth Bryant and Diane Hichwa Manuel Hidalgo Carol Hintze Doris Hobin David L. Hobler Mary Louise Hocking Charles B.and Sara J. Hoefer Peter W. Hogan Phillip Holm Raymond Holmes Gudrun E. Hommer James and Petra Horlbeck Michael and Cretia Horn Charles and Melissa Hosey Larry G. Houghton Loren and Lorrel Hovland Edson R. and Ann L. Howard William H. and Grace Eva Howard Marie Howarth George R. and Toni Hower Linda Huff Gilia Humrich Courtney G. Hundley Louis E. Hunt Donna and Daniel Hussey, Jr. Linda Hutchinson Thomas J. and Patricia Iles Lori and Richard Illia William A. and Judy Ingels Inner Harmony Robert Iorg Richard and Barbara Iverson Linda and Allen Jackson L. M. Jacobson M. Susan Jacoby Mary Louise Jaffray Elizabeth and Gene Jemail James and Beverly Johnson Blanche and Marshall Johnson Shannon Johnson Stan Johnson and Sandra Rubin William and Cheryl Johnson Abdol Jooyaandeh Craig S. Jordan Lorraine Jordan Lisa A. Joslen Penny Jue Richard and April Kahnberg Kaiser Home Health Ms. Mary Kalfos Clarence and Sandra Kates Mary Kaufmann Jim Kaumeyer Jacek Kedziora Christine A. Keller Kelley Rentals Property Management, Inc. Greg Kennison Rita and Stuart Kesler Peter F. Ketcham Dana Kettmann Renne Kientz Kilcor Builders & Design, Inc. Elizabeth A. Kirk Maria Maite Klein Richard B. Klein Mr.and Mrs. Leland S. Kolb Jenny Konnoff Eileen Kortas Joachim Kothe James and Violetta Kowalik John and Virginia A. Kraft Marilyn Kramer Stephen and Susan Krimel Judith R. Krozek Corinne Krzesowiak Margaret Kullberg Barbara Lamb and John Taylor Landmark Concrete Construction Karen Larsen Warren and Marjorie Larson Barbara Lynne Lawrence Robert I. Lawrence, Jr. George Lawson Mary E. Lawton Betty L. Lazzini Sam F. Leader II Louisa Leavitt Ardath Lee Sun H. Lee Robert Lelouarn Joel LeMaitre Joe M. Lenci Eleanor V. Leoni Jane B. Levin Judith Levy Patricia S. Lewis William and Sherri Lewis Howard and Suzanne Limoli Harry and Janet Linder Sheldon Losin Terry C. Loucks Julie A. Low George and Cynthia Loyer Robert and Dana Lozano Ralph and Amelia Lozinto Cathleen and Ivan Lukrich Donald and Frances Lum Lunt Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Sandra Lydy William Mac Donald Kenzie Mac Innes Robert and Wendy Maccario Holly C. Macheras Ann and Martin Madsen Norman K. Mahan Ronald G. Makabe Homer and Helene Malaby, Jr. Greer Malone Diana M. Mambretti Al and Blanche Mansoor Gale Manwaring Spencer Marcil Joanne L. Marion Phillip and Theresa Marquand Kenneth Marshall Kenneth N. Marshall Connie and Bruce Martin Wayne and Irmgard Martin Dennis Martino Betty Masolini William A. Mathieu Robert Mathison Gail A. Mattei Marguerite Matthews Viola P. Mattioli Joni and John Mattos Timothy and Phyllis Mayer Dena M. Mayfield Patricia Mc Caffrey Andrew T. and Barbara L. Mc Carthy Wilma McAdams Stephanie McAllister page 4 ◆ February 2014 Roger McBerty Paul McBride Timothy and Laurie McBride Michael McClung Richard P. McClurkin Judith C. Heiler Ezra McCon Nancy E. McKean George W. and Marie McKinney Joseph Lee and Lisa N McNaughton Carol D. McReynolds Gary and Mary Meagher Joseph and Gloria Menchini John R. Messineo James H. Metcalfe Hilda E. and Henry M. Metz Lawrence Metzger, PhD Mary Michael and Serge Zimberoff Dan Michalka Eugene and Carole A. Michel Helen Miles Michael A. Millar Claire Miller Judy Miller Gary Mills Anthony Mitchell Mary Jane Mittelstadt Brent and Diane Moore James and Cynthia Moore Jason B. Moore Elliot Morrison Janet Moshin Kathie Mucklin Jacquelyn Mujica Ellen and Michael Mundell Charles and Glee Murphy Fern C. Naber Ramakrishna and Christina Nadendla Kenneth Y. Nakagawa David and Annadare Nelson Katherine and Ronald Nelson Lea Nelson Laurina and Stanley Nelson Jeanne and Thomas Nelson Thomas Nemcik Winifred Newill William and Catherine L. Newman June Newton Gunter Niehage Kathleen E. Nielsen Lois Nimmo Andrea Noble Geraldine and Richard Norton Randy Nunes Oakmont Travel James and Barbara O’Donnell Billie S. Ogles Jean Oliveira Janet and Philip Olsen Richard J. Olufs Diane O’Neal Angela Orr Maxine Osborne Judith Ann Osiecki Diane C. Osten Mary K. Oswald, CPA Claire Oudermeulen Jeannette Pacchetti John F. Palacios Herbert R. Palmer Elizabeth Park Jiku and Tamra L. Park Michael S. Parker Mark C. Parnell Roberta Paskos Jane A. Patrick Juanita Pena Lori Pennato-Westerhold Anne Percival Bruce Perotti Leslie R. Perry Steve and Diane Pestell Arthur J. and Pat A. Petersen Kenneth and Nancy Petersen Gene and Kathy Petrini Rick and Anne Petteford William and Margaret Pfeffer Monica Piasecki Winnifred Piccolo Charles and Hertha Pippus Placement Options Betty Pommon Patricia Poncia Ann L. Possinger John Potter George and Cheryll Powers Gloria Powers and Barney Shelley Gary A. Pratt Merton F. Preston Andrew Price P. Doreen Proctor James E. Purtell Anne Quilici Noel Quinn Don R. and Mary S. Raker Adrian and Shellie Ramazzotti Gordon E. Ramsey Lynn Ravazzini Jill Ravitch Cynthia Raymond Deanna G. and Thomas L. Read Ann Reed Carrie E. Reed Ken Reeder Fred and Virginia Reich Kathleen Renz Margo Requarth John T. Ricketts Kenneth and Victoria Riner Martin Robbins Donald and Betty Ann Roberts Douglas A. Roberts Leroy and Denise Roberts Robert M. Roberts Robin Aitken-Bullard Insurance Agency, Inc. Ruth Robinson Frances L. Roby Barbara Rodgers Amy Rodney Dr. Gregory and Kathleen Rosa Celso S. Rosales Bernice and Ernest Rose Julie Ross Barbara Doyle Roy Sandra Rubin Charlene R. Rundstrom Marcy and James D. Russey R.C. Jake Rutherford and Kathy Timberlake Verna Ruvalcaba Robert D. Ryan R. S. and Patricia J. Ryerson Diane and Harold Sackett Rick Samuels Ernesto Sandoval and Maria Sanroman Thomas and Karen Sanfillippo Ruth Sanford Claire F. Sapiro Carol Ann Sawyer Thomas R. Sawyer Diana Schaefer Gwen Schafer Irma and Charles Schelter Irby and Tricia Schexnaydre Nancy and John Schiller Margarete Schmidt Joan and Henry Schmutz Christopher Schober Craig D. and Jessica L. Schorr Joanne Schroder Laurie Schryver Mr.and Mrs. Otis J. Schubel Jean F. Schulz Jack D. Schweitz James and Sandra Scotchler Robert B Scott Robert D. and Celeste Scott Betty Seacord Gary and Peggy Searby Helen Sedwick Alice and Geroge Selivanoff Randall Sequeira Constance Seymour Trish and Peter Shapiro Shari’s Management Corporation Robert Shaw Laura Shenoy Charles and Lindsey Shere Linda J. Sherman Gerald Shikada Richard Shipps James Shotwell Anneke H. Shurtleff Michelle Sikora Carla J. Silva Brown Joan R. Silver Lynn Simeone Joan Simon Trudy Simonton Charles E. & Judith Sims Velma Sims Luel Simson Metha Singleton Karen Siroky Linda Siskind Judith and Riley Sittner Cynthia D. Skavdal Jerry and Sharron Skinner David Skopp Nadine A. Smedshammer Amanda Smith James and Cathleen Smith Leo and Ella Rose Smith M. J. and Teresa M. Smith Richard and Emilee Smith Susan Snodgrass H. Snow Richard A. Solar David and Christine Solheim John D. Sonderman N.J. and A.H. Sonnega Sonoma Produce Marketing Dr. and Mrs. L. Robert Sorensen Edward Z. Sornstein, CLU Henry Spaletta Richard Speakes Faye J. Speed Choi Ling Spellacy Gail Dubinsky Spielman Kevin Spiller Morris and Helga Spizman William Springer Sprint Printing Francis X. St. Peter Kaye Stack Gary and Gail Starling Lawrence and Linda Stavosky Megan E. Stefanki Edward and Joan Steiger Janna S. Stein Robert R. and Barbara Steiner Stems Floral Design Heloise Stewart Wallace Stewart Lorraine M. Stickney Kay Stiefel William H. Stites Thomas and Marilyn Stoddard Charles and Betty Stolte Edmund F. and Maureen E. Storck Chris and Sandra Stribling Shirley and Marlin Strickland Janet Strobel Rudolf Stueck Frederick and Anne Styles Susan C. Sudduth Margaret and Gordon Suits Sunoco, Inc. Catherine Sunseri Vikki Sutherland Marilyn Swanson Willard Swanstrom Scott Swehla Carolyn Szwed William and Carol Tait Justo S. Tapia Don & Marilyn Taylor John P. and Joanne H. Taylor Margaret and Martin Terschuren The Clip King Sylvia Thorne George Thow Billie Thrower Roy Thylin Jeffewy C Tiedeman Michael and Jody Tobin Donna and Walter Tom Brian D. Torr Felice F. Torri Carol Toth and Donna Wheeler Gabor and Mary Jo Toth Joyce A. Tracy David & Nadine Traversi David M. Traversi Robert and Marjorie Trombetta Ruth Marie Trout Charles G. Tsegeletos and Ms. Nancy Granger Mary Anne Turbeville Neva Turer Michael and Sandra Turner Ransom B. Turner Elinor and John Twohy P J. Tyler Jack and Patricia Underwood Paul R. Valente Beverly Vandeweg Tamas and Eleonora Varadi Randall and Laura Verniers Eric and Virginia Vetter Katherine Vickery Louis Villalovos Maria Villarreal Margarite A. Villavicencio Randall and Kathryn Vincent Carol Vines Loren and Elyce Voll Jean Von Trende Matthew and Eileen K. Vukicevich Marianne Vye Lucia M. Wade Jerome Wagner Richard and Susan Wagner Katrina Waite Marilyn Walker Leota and Robert Wallace Everett & Marjorie Walsn Mark A. Walsvick Dotty Walters Mark and Pamela Walton Tim & Robin Wann Elizabeth Ward Carole and Marshall Ward, III B. J. and Barbara Watkins Ronald Watts Analee Weaver Howard & Lillian Weil Barbara Weir Nelson and Jane Weller William and Katherine Wells Allan and Betty Wendt Lauren R. Wendt John M. Werner Jeff and Jill Wesselkamper Dorothy Wheeler Judy L. White Laura A. Whooley and Paul Poirier Laffayette and Ruthe Wicht Wildman Family Living Trust Albert and Barbara Wilford Mr.and Mrs. Gary Wilkening Dorian and Gwynneth Williams Jan Wilmore Bobbi Wilson Colleen Wilson Simone M. Wilson Carl and Donna Wiuff David B. Wolf Terry L. Wolfe Leslie and Kevin Wolski Roseanna Woods Sharon and Richard Worden Don Yeates William E. Yoes Barbara Yorton Howard U. Young John Youngblood Marion Yourick Beverly N. Zahl Tara S. Zamacona Carol and Louis Zanardi Alice and Don Zanini Joy L. Zindell Holiday Appeal: Meals on Wheels Monica Aguirre At Home Nursing Robert Atkins Dianne E. Blake Patricia Brittle Gerry Camarata Joseph Corbin David and Elizabeth Covert Donald Phillip Flowers Guy French Donald Gardina Elizabeth and C.A. Garritson Eleanor R. Griffin Thelma Groom Cadet Hand Robert W. Harris Darlene Talbot Helner Richard and Lisa Higgenbottom Elaine M. Hirt Michael F. Hoey Donald and Yvonne Humphrey Jeanne and John Johnson James and E. Lynne Joyce Jan Lawson Barbara Lester Kathleen D. Linstedt Chance Massaro Susan P. Melvin Merner Land Company Shirley Merrill Rachel Ann Migliacci Leonard Mittelstadt Kathleen A. Mouat Valerie D. Mulcaire Raymond A. Oliver Charlotte L. Paulling Mark L. Pedroia Lisa Peters Lorna Peters Julia Pollock James Reinemer Jayne A. Rosenberg Don and Elizabeth Rowell Carla Schoenthal Ann Sebastian Bruce and Barbara Simpson David Sowell John H. Spurr Alan K. Tupman Pamela Ann Turner W. Bradley Electric, Inc. Clinton and Katherine Weaver Michael D. Wright Paul T. Wycoff Sylvia Zensen Holiday Appeal Meals on Wheels, Healdsburg Steven and Laura Baker Sonoma Seniors Today Sustaining Member Alpha Fire Suppression Systems, Inc. Jo Ann Ambrosini Lynn and Candy Anderson Stephen and Sylvia Andreis Patricia Ballard Kristie Bartlett Chester and Jeanne Beall Alex S. Bendahan Richard and Carolyn Bischof Michael Bistline Bonnie Lu Cahill Tammera and Paul Campbell Carrie and Art Carney Lewis Castleberry James W. & Lygia A. Charlton Carol and John Chenoweth Barbara Coen Jim Cooney Beatrice Couzens Mark and Amy Crabb Cheryl C. Cummins Carin and Thomas Cutler Noelle Dangremond Elyse and Dana Devon Judy Erney Donald Farries Susan Hagen Marna and Richard Hill Judith Johnston Stephany Joy Tina Kelly James Kopriva Louisa Leavitt Lionel and Gerry Lennox Joan Linney Gib and Janice C. Linzman Major Eugene L. Meade, USA-Retired Joyce and David Miller Jeffrey and Phyllis Miller Jeanne Miskel Stani and Raymond Moore William and Carolyn Morrissey Kathleen S. Mouat Bill and Pam Oakes Patti O’Brien Victoria O’Hare Robert L. and Susan S. Owen Mary Pagnano Myrtleann Pappas Connie Pearson Mark and Cindy Pendergraft Gary Penders Karen Powell Steven and Elizabeth Richards Kay F. Rogers Eve Romero John J. and Mary Ann Rovai William and Patricia Ruehmann Steve Sagehorn Manuel & Dolores Salidivar George D. Salomon Susan Savonis Mr.and Mrs. Robert Schoenberger Chere Secrist Patricia Solem Helge Stepanoff Jack and Marilyn Swire Gary and Barbara Tatman Nancy Turner Rhea Voge Mark and Sandra Walheim Carla Wedemeyer Tom D. and Elizabeth A. Whitaker Steven Whiteley and Maralee Joseph Paul Zarn Brad Zigler Ann and Richard Zimmer Sustaining Member: Legal Services Barbara Swary & Stewart Lauterbach Sustaining Member: Meals on Wheels Susan B. Dixon Jane Doroff Tom and Sandra Glover Dana House Jeanne Huffman Nephrology Associates Medical Office Clarice Palomares Theron and Maria Prentiss Dennis Rhodes Don and Elizabeth Rowell Marianne and Gary Saxe Sustaining Member: Social & Financial Services Connie Aust Dottie Shields General William and Diane Amos Anonymous Ken and Pauline Barnhart Bonnie Bastianon Bill and Pat Bean Patricia Bean Debby Belansky James and Jeanie Benefield Paul V. and Carol Berlant Joyce Blakley Yana Bogosian George Bohan Kenneth L. Bolding Clara Bowman Tom Boylan Louis Bruni Carol and Ren Buzzini Al Cameron Dan and Dorothy Canet Louise V. Canfield Jim Carlson Kimberly Cassat Evelyn and Paul Christensen III Donald and Gloria Christie April Ciapusci Pat Ciston Erin E. Clark Marjorie Clark Wayne and Shirley Clark Adrena Clemmer Laura Close Michael and Jayne Cohill Louis Colombano Colonial Park Inc. Julia L. Grant Joan Cooper Kathleen M. Corcoran Gale and Jeanne Corson Michael Costa John and Nora Courtright Mrs. Glenn Coxe Katharyn and John Crabbe Lisa DeMartini Crawford Josephine Credo Jennifer A. Creeth Robert J. Cresta Ralph Curran Sharon Cussins Debra Cutting James and Merrilee Dadaos James and Susan Danner Betty Davidson Bob Davis Jacquelyn Didier Julie Dinkins Herbert and Katy Dower Thomas and Susan Duly Judy Farrell Barbara and Richard Ferrington Kristie Gardner and Eric Fessenden Fidelity Charitable Forestry Crab Feed Edward Gerrans Mark and Judith Giampaoli Margaretha and Robert Hamerschlag Victoria Arguello Harris Janyce Haseltine DeLores Hatfield Stephen Heidl Shirley Hepburn Beth Hitchcock Walter D. and Jeraldeen Johnson Dwight Jones Mary Keith Lisa Kranz and Brian Meuser John Lounsbery Delphine Mangan Michael Martin Kathleen McGreevy Lynn and Michael Nacey Lorraine and Joseph Ording Steven B. Pearce William B. Pearson Gayle McKinney Peterson Mr.and Mrs. Alan Y. Phinney Joann and Mike Pierre David and Kathleen Pitou Maryjane I. Rizzitello John and Lois Jean Rupple Hilma Schaffer Lynn M. Scuri John and Ruth Self Virginia Smith Dennis and Antoinette Sousa Douglas and Karen Steelman Keith and Linda Taylor Ward M. and Pat Thompson Truist Al Wilcox Margret B. Williams Petrilla Wright and Thomas Babcock Dickson Yeager Laura Zink Meals on Wheels Big John’s Market Colonial Park Inc. Julia L. Grant Louise Crawford Ruth Hoaglund Mabel Horrigan Foundation Lamb & Barnosky, LLP Leff Construction G. Harry Morse Susanna and Eric Pennes Paul Scrimgeour Mike Steinberg The J. Ralph and Lois Stone Family Foundation Meals on Wheels, Healdsburg Gillian Morris Social & Financial Services Madolyn J. Bemis Les and Diane Brabetz Laura M. Martin Bequests Raymond and Luise Laurie We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies. Sonoma Seniors Today —Martin Luther King, Jr. February 2014 ◆ page 5 Employee of the Month: Margarita Alvarez E ach month nomination forms are filled in by employees who feel a member of the staff has exhibited exceptional qualities and contributions to their department. A committee then reads the nominations and votes for the winner. Margarita Alvarez is the COA January Employee of the Month and was overwhelmingly nominated by her peers. Margarita has been a dedicated employee of Council on Aging for nine years and works in the main kitchen. Margarita continuously goes above and beyond in her job and is very much an asset to the daily requirements of the kitchen. Her main responsibility is dish washing, but when needed out on the floor she helps out prepping meals and working the food assembly line. At the end of the day everything used in the kitchen passes through Margarita’s hands. When she goes home for the night, the kitchen is always spotless. Bennett Valley Senior Center “Margarita is a true treasure,” says Laura Colgate, Director of Senior Nutrition Services. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” —Martin Luther King, Jr. page 6 ◆ February 2014 Senior Center Highlights 704 Bennett Valley Rd., Santa Rosa, 543-4624 • Fridays, 9–10 am: Chair Yoga. New class with Marian Weed, Certified Sunlight Chair Yoga instructor. $4 drop in. • Thu, Feb 13, 10:30–11:30 am: New Technologies to Keep Us Independent. The cost of in-home care is on the rise. How can we continue to live independently, when costs are getting so high? Stan Lawson from Sequoia Solutions will present information on how to remain independent and in our own homes at incredibly low costs. FREE, but RSVP to 545-8608 to reserve a seat. • Sat, Feb 15, 5:30 pm: Annual Crab Feed Fundraiser. $45 tickets sold in advance only, cover crab, pasta, salad, French bread, soft drink and dessert. Beer and wine can be purchased. Bid on fabulous silent auction items. All proceeds benefit senior programming. Call to reserve. Petaluma Senior Center 211 Novak Dr, Petaluma, 778-4399 cityofpetaluma.net/parksnrec/senior.html Get fit at the Cavanaugh Pool, through March 30! • Aqua Therapy and Fitness: Weekdays except Wednesday: 11 am–Noon; Weekdays, Mon-Fri, Noon–1 pm. Instructor-led classes with low-impact water exercises designed to increase core strength, flexibility, balance, range of motion while protecting joints. $6 drop-in or $60/month pass. • Aqua Zumba: Wed, 6–7 pm; Sat, 8:30–9:30 & 9:35–10:35 am. Integrating the Zumba formula and philosophy with traditional aqua fitness disciplines, blending it all into a safe and challenging water-based workout and “pool party.” $7/class or $20 for 3 classes. • Self-guided exercise: Mon, 9:30–11 am & Wed 9:30 am–Noon; Tue & Thu, 6–7 pm; Sat, 11 am–1 pm. Location: 8th & G, Petaluma. Call 778-4536 for schedule updates. Sebastopol Senior Center 167 N High St, Sebastopol, 829-2440 www.sebastopolseniorcenter.org • Wednesdays, Feb 12–April 2, 3 pm: Improving Your Standing and Walking Balance. If you’ve taken a fall, stumble a little, or lose your balance but don’t understand how, this class is for you. These 8 classes will teach you to have more control of your balance. The 8-week course is taught by Sonoma County physical therapist Julie Smith. It is highly recommended to stick with the entire course; you will be pleased with your results if you do. By learning to control your balance, you won’t have to be afraid of moving and limiting your daily activities. Please register by calling Sebastopol Area Senior Center. $8 per class. • Wed, Feb 26, 9:30 am: Out and About Day Trip. We’ll depart by chartered bus from Mt. Olive Lutheran Church to visit City of Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery Sonoma Seniors Today and Restaurant in Ukiah. Tour this interesting religious site and its museum and serene grounds with a pond, rolling hills, peacocks and deer roaming around. The monastery is one of the first Zen Buddhist temples in the United States. The famous vegetarian restaurant is unique; it has a great selection of diverse dishes and is very inexpensive. Sign up by February 18. $25 covers trip, buy your own lunch. • Tue, Feb 25, 2 pm: Let Go and Forgive. How to Start Releasing Resentments and Enjoy Life with a Peaceful Heart. Loraine Segal teaches conflict resolution at Sonoma State. Loraine explains that if you don’t practice forgiveness, you might be the one who pays most dearly. By embracing forgiveness, you can also embrace peace, hope, gratitude and joy. Letting go of resentment and grudges can make way for compassion, kindness and peace. A Mayo Clinic study finds that forgiveness can lead to healthier relationships; psychological well being; less anxiety, stress and hostility; lower blood pressure; fewer symptoms of depression; and a lowered risk of alcohol and substance abuse. FREE. Windsor Senior Center 9231 Foxwood Drive, Windsor, 838-1250 • Sun, Mar. 9, 8–10 am: Flapjack Fundraiser. The senior center is hosting a pancake breakfast at Applebee’s in Windsor! $8 covers pancakes, bacon, potatoes, coffee and juice. Purchase tickets by March 3. Proceeds benefit programs for seniors. Your support is greatly appreciated! “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” —Martin Luther King, Jr. February Crossword Puzzle Across 1 5 10 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 25 26 28 31 32 33 34 37 38 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 49 50 51 52 55 56 59 61 62 63 64 65 66 Heroic tale Early Mexican Buddy Throng Put on a scale Boxer Muhammad “__ of Two Cities” Mushrooms, yeast, etc. and Pierrne’s refusal Time for Denver Advantage Mill Chilly Cure-all Hardy Lure Nonsense Stable gear Tangle Small particle Strange Dock Whiskeey or bread ingredient Boat bottom Asian capital Lace mat Roadside assistance task Sonoma ___ Today Ther are seven of them Office worker Buck Algeria-Niger dir. Lyric poem Potato state Cake topping Nourished Swiss mathematician Boredom Fast food morsel Prepared Members of the elite Down 1 Fraud 2 Branch of learning 3 Kid’s mom 1 2 3 4 13 5 14 17 20 21 Solution on page 8 6 7 29 10 12 34 35 36 52 53 54 18 19 22 23 26 30 24 27 31 33 37 38 41 39 40 42 43 44 47 11 16 32 46 9 15 25 28 8 45 48 49 50 51 55 56 61 62 64 65 57 58 59 60 63 66 www.CrosswordWeaver.com 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Hole punching tool Terrible Greek top god Can metal Future chicken Hair knot Terror Solitary Singer Ronstadt Testify under oath Record Shaft of light Positive aging grp. Equal Vinegar or lemon juice Cooking instruction Helen of __ Ritual Sarcastically 34 35 36 38 39 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 57 58 60 Small prefix Billions of years Math subj. River dam Snaky fish ___ for Love Foundation More odd Poor boy Leader, for short Coffee alternative Jeer Church leader Poor Tale Cast off Asian prefix Rebuff auspices (var.) Unpaid In the style of Cable news org. Supply the missing numbers so that every row, column and 9-digit square contain only one of each number. No math skills are required, and no guesswork. For hints on doing Sudoku puzzles, visit www.websudoku.com, or send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Sonoma Seniors Today, 30 Kawana Springs Rd., Santa Rosa, CA 95404. (Solution on page 8.) Sonoma Seniors Today February 2014 ◆ page 7 Save the date...(Events are free unless otherwise indicated) ◆ Yearlong: Exploring Values. Part 2 Working for You Information & Assistance/ Case Management: Do you need help with senior resources? Call us any time for information, assistance and case management services. Call 525-0143, ext. 101. Sebastopol seniors only: call the Russian River Senior Center at 869-0618. Senior Financial Services: Our bonded and insured counselors assist seniors who are unable to handle bill paying, checkbook reconciliation, eligibility documentation for retirement programs, and other financial needs relative to their daily money management. This program is especially designed for the forgetful senior or the senior with poor vision and often protects them from financial abuse and late fees associated with forget ting to pay their bills. For peace of mind, call Connie Aust, Director, at 525-0143, ext. 108. Senior Peer Support: This program is to help seniors struggling with serious mental illness access services and programs that help them develop skills and social support, leading to a more constructive and satisfying life. After an assessment visit by COA case managers and a licensed marriage and family therapist, clients are matched with trained volunteers for 12 weekly support sessions to develop a care plan solution with the client’s approval, then follow-up with progress notes. Sponsored by the Department of Mental Health Services. Call Michele Leonard, Director of Volunteers, 525-0143, ext. 147, for information. Lawyer Referral Service: If you are 60 or older and need an attorney, you will be referred to a panel of elder law attorneys experienced in working with seniors. An initial half-hour consultation is $40. If you retain the attorney for further services, fees will be at the attorney’s usual rate. The service is certified by the California State Bar, Certification #0111. Call 525-1146. Senior Meals: Council on Aging Meals on Wheels Program personally delivers over 260,000 fresh meals to seniors each year. We also staff ten dining sites that provide nutritious meals as well as companionship. Therapeutic meals and nutritional counseling are available for seniors with special needs. Call 525-0383 for information on home delivery or dining site locations. Stage: Available at your local G & G Markets in Santa Rosa and Petaluma, Stage is the Council on Aging’s affordable gourmet option that offers restaurant-quality, fine dining entrees prepared fresh and ready to be warmed in the microwave or oven. Stage can also be delivered to your home. To learn more about this program, call 525-0383. Senior Social Club: This service has helped hundreds of people to reconnect with others through our Social Club Activities program, offering the opportunity to gather for meals, exercise, entertainment, companionship, and arts and crafts. The programs are held in Healdsburg, Sonoma, Sebastopol and Santa Rosa. Call Laurel Anderson at 525-0143, ext. 103. Senior Legal Services: Legal consultation and representation in matters of housing, consumer fraud, Social Security and SSI, MediCal and Medicare, and elder abuse are provided. Also available are simple trusts, wills and durable powers of attorney for health care and finance. Sorry, no walk-ins. Please call 525-0143, ext. 140, for an appointment. Senior Care Coordination: Our experienced staff provides advocacy-based long-term care management for seniors who are having difficulty navigating the local senior service delivery system. Our Senior Care Coordinator creates an individualized and thoughtful care plan to reflect and preserve the senior’s values and lifestyle choices, while maximizing opportunities for positive change and maintaining quality of life. We work in collaboration with home health care agencies and provide integrated services through other Council on Aging services. Our fees are very competitive with private care managers in our community. Call 525-0143. page 8 ◆ February 2014 of Planning for your Longevity. An exciting new 12-month workshop series from The Collaborative on Positive Aging to explore and develop your personal plan. Two locations and times: • Feb 12 (second Wednesday), 6–7:30 pm: Petaluma Health Care District, 1425 N. McDowell Blvd, Petaluma. • Feb 18 (third Tuesday), 6–7:30 pm: ShareSpace, 533 5th St, Santa Rosa. Drop-ins welcome; for info: 525-0143 ◆ Feb. 1: Parkinson’s Support Group. Dr. Julie Andersen, research scientist at the Buck Institute, with updates on some of the latest Parkinson’s Disease research. 1717 Yulupa Ave., Santa Rosa, 1–3:15 pm. People w/Parkinson’s, families & caregivers welcome. 538-5178 or 887-7451. ◆ March 1: Parkinson’s Support Group. Physical therapist Robert Leavitt will do an interactive presentation about the Lee Silverman physical therapy “BIG” approach for people w/Parkinson’s. 1717 Yulupa Ave., Santa Rosa, 1–3:15 pm. People w/Parkinson’s, families & caregivers welcome. 538-5178 or 887-7451. ◆ Saturdays: Call Kira About Aging. 2–3 pm on KSRO Radio, 1350 am. Eldercare advisor Kira Reginato interviews experts on aging and answers your questions. 636-1350 during showtimes, or ask questions online at www.callkira.com/call-kira. ◆ First Tuesdays: Santa Rosa Stamp Club. Monthly meeting, 7 pm, Lodge at Paulin Creek, Building D, 2nd floor, 2375 Range Ave, Santa Rosa. 538-9294. ◆ First Thursdays: Free Movies for Seniors. Four films to choose from each month through June 5 for seniors age 60 and older. Starts at 10 am; doors open at 9:30 am. Third Street Cinemas, 620 Third St, Santa Rosa (between Santa Rosa Ave and D St., 1-1/2 block from the Transit Mall). Two parking garages charge 75 cents per hour. For movie titles, call 522-0330, ext. 3# after the previous Friday. Sponsored by Santa Rosa Memorial Park & Mortuary/Eggen & Lance Chapel; Kobrin Financial Services; Synergy Medical Group. Info: Gwen Adkins, 523-1586, ext. 21. ◆ First Thursdays: Kidney Support Group. Monthly meeting Kaiser Medical Office Building East, 3rd floor, room E3, E4 or E5, depending on availability. 6–7:30 pm. Caregivers also invited. For info call Michael Beery at 393-4301 or visit www. kidneycrowd.org. ◆ Attention Readers: Like to share a FREE event with others? Tell us by the 10th of the preceding month, and if it’s appro priate, we’ll put it on our calendar. Call 7632544, write Sonoma Seniors Today, 30 Kawana Springs Rd., Santa Rosa, CA 95404, or email SonomaSeniorsToday@gmail.com. Seniors: Adopt a Senior Pet—Pay No Fees T he Paws for Love Foundation, a Santa Rosa nonprofit, has introduced “Silver Paws for Love,” a program that matches citizens 55 and over with pets 6 years and older, adopted from Sonoma Co. Animal Care & Control, the Petaluma Animal Shelter, or Green Dog Rescue Project. This program serves a dual purpose by placing harder-to-adopt needy pets into the homes of seniors who will benefit from pet ownership, but who may otherwise find the adoption fees prohibitive—the Foundation covers the full adoption fee for any senior. “Too often the older pets in shelters are overlooked, but the unselfish act of bringing a senior pet into our lives may be S C A M A R T S S T I R T R O Y S E C L OD F E FR GA A Z OW D W E A L E F U T P L U S COOL RONG D I P E R TA WE I E K E E L DO I L Y N I OR S E R K S E I D A H D E U L E Y RE A D the greatest gift we will ever give—and with the greatest rewards! The gentle look they give us—that look of experience, wisdom, and unconditional love—inspires courage and grace in our own lives,” says Ellyn Boone, founder of Paws for Love. For more information on adopting a senior pet through Silver Paws for Love, please visit the website at www. pawsforlove.info, or contact: • Sonoma County Animal Care & Control, Santa Rosa, 565-7100 • Petaluma Animal Shelter, Petaluma, 778-PETS • Green Dog Rescue Project, Windsor, 433-4377 T E C P A L I GH A L I NG I NON GR I N D P A N A CE A E COY E I N MA T R D P I E R H A NO I T OW I N G S E A S T A G S S E O I C I NG R E N NU I Y N OB S Sonoma Seniors Today
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