Mc-M. - Oshkosh Public Library
Mc-M. - Oshkosh Public Library
HAS JUST COMPLETED ITS ANNEX .Er f 1 1 T .inI1 . JJ l WHERE < "EPPjLAR 206 LADIES CAN WRITE, VISIT n/ |AND READ FREE OF CHARGE. I J. E. HOLDEN & CO., BUNN & PHILIPPI'S OSHKOSH CITY DIRECTORY. McAdam Charles T, wks Dr G M Steele, res 102 Central av. McAllan Thomas, lab, res 205 Ninth. McAllester Silas M, res 133 Vine. McArthur Geo B, wks Paine L Co, res 99 Willow. McArthur Neil, lab, res 99 Willow. McArthur Robert A, lab, res 99 Willow. McArthur Thomas, lumberman, res 99 Willow. McBroom Miss Mary, dress mkr, res 66 High. McCabe Cornelius, res 179 Washington. McCABE, JOHN, register of deeds of Winnebago County, office Court House, res Winneconne, Wis: McCabe John, ship elk B & C, res 179 Washington. McCabe John, carp, bds American House. McCabe Miss Mollie, waitress The Arlington, res same. McCabe Miss Nellie, vest mkr, res 238 Central av. McCabe Mrs Bridget E, wid of Peter, res 238 Central av. McCabe Mrs Margaret, wid of Francis, res 133 School. McCabe Richard, carp, bds 143 Tenth. McCallan R George, plumber, res 204 Otter. McCallan James, salesman F A Hayward, res 204 Otter. McCallan Thomas, foreman F A, Hayward, res 205 Ninth. McCammond Charles, carp, res 234 Seventh. McCarthy John, wks Paine L Co, res 668 High. McCarthy Michael, lab, res 29 Winnebago. McCarthy Thomas S, wks Paine L Co, res 668 High. McCarthv Wmi, horse shoer H C Nelson, res 210 Eleventh. McCarren Mrs Sarah, wid of Robert, res 15 Winnebago. McClanathen F A, painter, res 99 Bird. McClanathen Mrs J B, res 99 Bird. McConithey John, riverman, bds Phoenix House. McCool John, riverman, res 335 Pearl. McCool Patrick, riverman, res 335 Pearl. McCool Patrick Jr, riverman, res 335 Pearl. McCorison Guy, salesman McCorison & Osborn, res 405 Main. McCORISON, ORRIN, (McCorison & Osborn), res 405 Main. McCORISON & OSBORN, (O McCorison and A K Osborn), furniture, carpets and curtains 80-82 Main. McCourt W H, carp, res 133 Waugoo. McCoy Charles, engineer W C Ry, bds 250 Sixth. McCoy Charles C, wks Paine L Co, res 253 Eleventh. McCoy William, res 240 Bowen. McCrane Nicholas, res n s Sterling, 1 w Arnold. McCurdy James H, lumberman, res 366 Algoma. & BARKMAN. WYMAN ~-,_139 MAIN STREET. 2- 139 MAIN STREET. DNG |, HATTERS THE T=^AGENTS' FURNiSHERS' AJ GENDGRN- DBoys and G(ildlcp s SuLis a SpeGialbLH at tle UTIGT GLOTHd1NG STORE, 141 Maiop Strbo, BUNN & PHILIPPI'S OSHKOSH CITY DIRECTORY. 207 McCurdy Mrs Louisa W, wid of James, res 366 Algoma. McCusker Cornelius, policeman, res 36 Wright. McDaniel Francis, lab C Foster & Co, res 324 Bowen. McDaniel Frank, doormkrJ P Gould, res 324 Bowen. McDaniel Miss Jennie, hair dresser Miss E G Fox, res 324 Bowen. McDaniel Miss Mary E, dressmaker, res 324 Bowen. McDermott Patrick A, lab, bds 136 Church. McDonald Alexander, logging foreman, bds Sheridan House. McDonald Daniel, riverman, res 46 Maple. McDonald George, cook, res 25 W Irving. McDonald George A, wks R McM & Co, res 64 Catharine. McDonald James, res 36 Ford. McDonald Laurence, mason, res 25 W Irving. McDonald Mrs J, wid of Angus, res 46 Maple. McDonald Mrs Nora, wid of Dennis, res 25 W Irving. McDonald Thomas, road commissioner, res 112 Eagle. McDonald Thomas D, cook, res 99 Wisconsin av. McDonald William, mach hand C Foster & Co, res 207 Division. McDonald William M, wks Paine L Co, res 380 W Algoma. McEnary Daniel, riverman, bds Sheridan House. McFarland John, lab R Bros & Co, res 323 Ninth. McFerson George, riverman, bds St Paul Hotel. McFetridge Robert, lab, res 527 Ninth. McFetridge Robert W, lab, res 249 Central av. McFetridge William, lab, res 27 Arnold. McGee Miss Maggie, bds 147 Merritt. McGee Miss Maggie, dressmkr, bds 206 Scott. McGinnis Ronald, riverman, bds Sheridan House. McGinnis Miss Maggie, tailoress S Eckstein & Son, res 35 Hudson. McGinnis Miss Sarah, domestic, res 205 Merritt. McGinnis Mrs Ann, res 205 Merritt. McGinnis Wm, lab, res 35 Hudson. McGivern Miss Ella, res 57 Algoma. McGivern Peter, wks R McM & Co, res 231 Elm. McGregor James, blacksmith J L Clark, res 62 Frederick. McGregor Joseph, blacksmith J L Clark, res 62 Frederick. McGregor Joseph E, finisher J L Clark, res 69 Frederick. McGregor Mrs Algina, wid of Duncan, res 127 Division. McGuire Barney, lab S A & Co, res 58 Wisconsin av. McGuire James B, painter J L Clark, res 436 High. McGuire Patrick, lab, res 249 Bowen. McHugh Patrick, engineer C & N W Ry, bds 162 Seventh. McHugh Wm, lab, res 28 Vinland. McIntyre Daniel W, wks C H Damuth, bds 252 Main. LEADIM+ ooU DEALERS IN hoes t: "'E hOADLERS,,,,,,,.12,.MAIN a.aS & ST. J E.HOLDEN &GO 208 IN DRY GOODS, E BRGINGO RS' CARPETSANDM ILLIN ERY. THE POPULAR 87 f BUNN & PHILIPPI'S OSHKOSH CITY DIRECTORY. MclNTYRE, JOHN T., proprietor of The Gem sample rooms, where fine wines, liquors, cigars and fresh beer are dispensed. 182 Main, res 315 Merritt. McIntyre Thomas, res 379 Main, McIntyre Wm A, salesman Frank Percey, res 82 Merritt. Mclntyre Wm W, furrier 8 Waugoo, res 82 Merritt. McKenney Daniel, engineer 0 E L & Power Co, res 373 Oregon, McKENZIE, F. J., (McKenzie & Crawford), imparts vital power in treatment of disease, res Seymour House. McKENZIE & CRAWFORD, (F. J. McKenzie and John H. Crawford), dealers in coal, wood and salt. Proprs of the Fox river line of steamers. Office 2 Main. McKenzie George, machinist Geo C's Sons, bds 308 High. McKenzie Hugh, carp, res 70 Eagle. McKeown Miss Esther, dressmkr res 22 Custer. McKeown Miss Sarah, res 22 Custer. McKone Terrence, expressman, res 675 Algoma. McKoy Horace W, stock dealer, res 64 Mt Vernon. McLane Daniel, riverman, res 45 Ford. McLaren John H, yeast agt, res 577 Main. McLaughlin Arthur H, teamster B E & Co, bds 169 Thirteenth. McLaughlin Eugene, carp, res 290 Pearl. McLaughlin Thomas, riverman, res 41 Cross. McLean Duncan S, teamster C & B Lime Co, res 212 Pearl. McLERAN, JAMES B., (Palmer & McLeran), vice-prest Oshkosh Pump Co, res 336 New York av. McLeran John, bds 32 W Polk. McManamy Miss Lizzie, res 20 School. McMillan David H, res 97 High. McMillen Mrs Sophia A, wid of John H, res 124 Jefferson av. McMILLEN, ROBERT, (R McMillen & Co), prest Oshkosh Mutual Fire Insurance Co, res 621 Algoma. McMILLEN, R.& CO., manufacturers of lumber, shingles, sash, doors, blinds, moulding and dressed lumber, office 633 High. McMillen Robert Jr, lumberman, res 337 W Algoma. McNABB, WILLIAM J., Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. General agent for the Union Mutual Accident Association, of Chicago, III. Office sw corner Main and High, Commercial Bank building, bds Revere House, rooms 55 Otter. McNair James, logger, res 307 Jackson. McNair John, lumberman, res 38 Park. McNair Miss Cora, saleslady F W Smith dep store, res 307 Jackson. McNair Miss Estelle, dressmaker, res 307 Jackson. gpecial BargainE IN FINE GOODS, at WYMAN & BARKMAN, r, WYMA & BARKMAN, MAIN ST. Ppua WE ARE MANUFACT'JRERS AND CAN SAVE YOU ONE PROFIT. EN' OVUTFITTEBRS. UTICA CLOTHING STORE. BUNN & PHILIPPI'S OSHKOSH CITY DIRECTORY. 209 McNaughton Daniel C, cashier M L S&W Ry, res 142 Waugoo. McNeil M B, propr and publisher Signal-Record 196 Main, res 68 Frederick. McNulty Patrick, fireman W C Ry, bds 234 Seventh. McPartlin Charles, drayman, res 124 Ford. McPartlin Charles Jr, lab, res 124 Ford. McPartlin Frank A, res 32 Grove. McPartlin Henry, salesman J E Holden & Co, res 32 Grove. McPartlin J Wall, clk J Lowenstein, res 32 Grove. McPartlin James, butcher James Edwards, res 124 Ford. McPartlin John A, land explorer, res 147 Merritt. McPartlin John H, res 32 Grove. McPartlin Miss Agnes A, saleslady J E Holden & Co, res 32 Grove. McPartlin Miss Lizzie, bds 147 Merritt. McPartlin Patrick, res 32 Grove. McPARTLIN, WILLIAM C., salesman L 0 Rumery Jr, res 32 Grove. McPeck Daniel, cook, res 265 Main. McPeck Joseph, cook, res 41 Ford. McPeck Mrs Eleanor, res 41 Ford. McRobert Wm J, lab, bds 185 w Algoma. McWalters Geo I, barber, bds 225 Main. McWilliams Herbert G, clk J McWilliams, res 106 Oregon. 'McWilliams J, groceries 112 Oregon, res 106 Oregon. M Maas Wm, plumber, res 165 Tenth. Maas Wm F, miller, res 165 Tenth. Maass Charles, saloon 51 Oregon, res same. Maass Fred, lab W C Ry, res 148 Twelfth. Mace Edward, carp M L S &W Ry, res 181 Eleventh. Macho John, lab C Bros & C, res 49 Dakota. Macho John Jr, wks Paine L Co, res 49 Dakota. Mack Alonzo L, lab, res 287 Ninth. Mack Louis, elk Robert Hellard, res 154 Mt Vernon. Mack Mrs Alice, wid of Holmes, res 154 Mt Vernon. Mack Rufus M, teamster, res 65 Myrtle. Macke Charles F, wks Paine L Co, res 140 Vinland. Macke Henry G, wks R McM & Co, res 140 Vinland. Macke Henry J, wks Paine L Co, res 140 Vinland. Macke Miss Anna S, dress mkr, res 140 Vinland. Mackie Alexander, drayman, res 70 Central av. Mackie John, machinist Geo C's Sons, bds 331 Pearl. Mackeway John, cook, bds St Paul Hotel. Madden Miss Abbie, comp Wm M Castle, res 96 Central av. as6 tkar e \ WILL SAVE YOU MONEY ON pon. BBOOTS &SHOES. 125 MAIN STREET. AT COTTON CLOTH PRICES FINE MILLINERY AND CARPETS BELOW J E. HOLDEN & CO. EVERYBODY'S PRICES, AT 210 BUNN & PHILIPPI S OSHKOSH CITY DIRECTORY. Madison Charles, photographer, res 62 Frederick. MADISON. GEO. L., stenographer and real estate dealer, office 91 Main, res 262 Merritt. Madison Hans, res 262 Merritt. Madison James, wks Paine L Co, bds 465 Elm. Madison James, taw student Gary & Forward, res 262 Merritt. Madl Frank, wks Paine L Co, res 408 Ninth. Madl Joseph, lab, res 328 Sixth. Madl Joseph, lab, res 408 Ninth. Madl Matthias, round house foreman W C Ry, res 59 Dakota. Madl Michael, teamster, res 334 Sixth. Madl Michael Jr, wks Paine L Co, res 334 Sixth. Madl Mrs Caroline, wid of Joseph, res 408 Ninth. Madl Wenzel, lab C Foster & Co, res 59 Dakota. Madler Fred, lab B E & Co, res 198 Fifth. Madler Jacob, wks Paine L Co, res 429 Eleventh. Madsen Jens, drayman, res 473 Ceape. Madsen Louis P, wks R McM & Co, res 425 Jefferson av. Madsen T Chris, turner A San Mfg Co, res 385 Wisconsin av. Magee James, riverman, res 40 Boyd. Magee Miss Harriet C, teacher Normal School, bds 381Jackson. Magaloski Mrs Wilhelmina, wid of John, res 151 .Eleventh. Magnussen John, sash foreman R Bros & Co, bds 234Seventh. Maguire Mrs Eliza, wid of James, res 384 Main. Mahan Mrs Ellen, wid of William, res 154 Mt Vernon. Mahnke Miss Lizzie, bds 250 Ninth. Mai Miss Louisa, wid of Fredrick, res 23 Arnold. Maier Leo, wks Paine L Co, res 175 Warren. MAIER, see Meyer, Meier, Mayer and Myers. Mailahn John, lab W & L L Co, res 381 Pearl. MAINLAND, WILLIAM, treas and supt Oshkosh Gas Light Co, bds Tremont House. MALCHOW, see Melchow. Malkowski Mrs Alma, wid of Dr Rudolph, res 252 Ceape. Mallery Joseph E, carp, res 88 Franklin. Maloy Michael, sec foreman C M & St P Ry, res 161 Tenth. Maloy Mrs Margaret, wid of Sprague, res 94 Minnesota. Malmberg Nels, lab, res 145 New. Malone Arthur, messenger J E Holden & Co, res 240 Jefferson av. Malone Dennis, fireman R McM & Co, res 240 Jefferson av. MALONEY, MICHAEL, (Hollister & Maloney), res 137 Mt Vernon. Malz Joseph, lab R Bros & Co, bds 185 Warren. Mand Anton, res 33 Mill. Mand John, wks W & L L Co, res 33 Mill. Mand Joseph, log jacker C A Thompson, res 33 Mill. -, •"' LEADING FURNISHERS Wgmaq Bar man, 139 MAIN STREET. Carry a Fine Line of Men's Furnishings Uticua Glothinqgntoe and Everything Pertaining to Men's Wear. FpiCdi141 MAIN STREET. BUNN & PHILIPPI'S OSHKOSH CITY DIRECTORY. 211 Mand Matthias, teamster C A Thompson, 51 Mill. Mand Miss Maggie, domestic, res 33 Mill. Mand Nicholas, res 33 Mill. Mand Nicholas Jr, lab, 33 Mill. Mandau John, lab, res 184 Ford. Mandelkow Mrs Augusta, wid of Henry, res 259 Fifth. MANNING, A. E., a resident of Oshkosh since 1870. Carpenter, contractor and builder. Estimates given on all kinds of frame work and buildings. Personally oversees the fulfillment of all his contracts. All work guaranteed. Office at residence 331 Pearl. Manning Everett, carp, bds 331 Pearl. Manning Miss Myra, teacher High School, res 703 High. Manross Harvey, teamster S A & Co, res 393 High. Manser Wm, foreman Paine L Co, res 226 W Irving. Manske Julius, peddler, res 122 Doty. Manske Miss Augusta C, dress mkr, res 122 Doty. Manske Miss Hulda, tailoress S Eckstein & Son, res 122 Doty. Manski Julius, lab, res 250 School. Manson Wm J, teamster R Bros & Co, res 90 Wisconsin av. Manuel Herman E, (Doman & Manuel), res 524 Main. Manzer 0 H, photographer 158 Main, res 36 W Polk. MAPLE CITY CHAIR CO., C. H. Comstock, secretary and treasurer. Manufacturers of close woven cane seated and upholstered chairs. Marion near Main. Marble Edgar A, machinist C C Paige, res 30 Bird. Marble Miss Ella G, school teacher, res 30 Bird. Marble Mrs Annie B, wid of Levi, res 30 Bird. March Albert, teamster M Bros & Co, res 245 Waugoo. March Fred, sorter M Bros & Co, res 106 Frankfort. March Fred Sr, res 134 Harney. March Robert H, shoe mkr, 259 Otter, res same. Marden Edward, wks Paine L Co, res 322 Elm. Marden Lewis A, wks Paine L Co, res 192 W Algoma. Marden Mrs Mary, wid of Edward, res 192 W Algoma. Marelcel Joseph, lab, bds St Paul Hotel. Marheine Anton, fisherman, res 113 Rosalia. Marheine August, wks R Bros & Co, res 113 Rosalia. Marheine Mrs Rolina, wid of Henry, res 361 Otter. Marin Henry, principal Smith School, res 61 School. Marks Julius, lab, res 110 Boyd. Marks Peter, bartender C Schuri, res 306 Eighth. Marks Wm, watchman R Bros & Co, res 306 Eighth. Markus Philip, blacksmith G Streich, res 403 Eighth. Marole Mrs E, wid of Otis L, res 958 Algoma. Stock, LSON Larse HAASE & and Shogs, GHAS Boots 125n~e MTGHA HAASE &SON, 125 MAIN STREET. * Splendid Bargains. 'B * "'P" . ~<- KI 7' fV THE ANNEX 212 FREE LIBRARY, READING ROOM, DESK, WRITING MATERIAL AND LADIES' "COMPLETE TOILET ROOMS. *"THEtPOPULARt?87? J. E. HOLDEN & CO. BUNN & PHILIPPI'S OSHKOSH CITY DIRECTORY. Maronda August, wks J P Gould, res 321 Michigan. Maronda John, res 189 Fourth. Maronda William, wks J P Gould, res 321 Michigan. Marquardt Chas J, tinsmith W H Crawford, res 194 Bowen. Marquardt Fred W, blacksmith G Streich, res 458 Eleventh. Marsh Edwin C,"salesman, res 74 Hannah. Marsh Geo L, gardener, res 366 Bowen. Marsh Miss Sarah E, school teacher, res 366 Bowen. Marsh W C, clk Paine L Co, res 125 Washington. Marshall Anton, wks R McM & Co, res 77 Wisconsin av. Marshall E, salesman F A Hayward, bds Fowler House. Marshall Herbert E, painter J L Clark, res 20 W Irving. Marshall Joseph, lab, res 31 Elm. Martens Ferd, canvasser, res 63 Winnebago. Martin Bert E, student Dr Oviatt, res 32 Mt Vernon. Martin Bruno, policeman, res 18 Kansas. Martin Charles, teamster, res 18 Custer. Martin Charles, lab, res Main, 5 s Georgia. Martin Fred, wks R Bros & Co, res 267 Pearl. Martin John, tailor, res 182 Main. Martin John C, lab R Bros & Co, res 307 Sixth. Martin John G, res 22 Doty. MARTIN, JOHN, a native of Oshkosh. Bridge and pavement contractor and builder. Contractor of truss and pile bridges and pile driving work, also contractor of granite and cedar block paving. Office at residence, Main, 4 s Georgia. See advt. Martin Joseph, lab, res Main, 5 s Georgia. Martin Julius, groceries and saloon 50 Kansas, res same. Martin Miss Maggie, tailoring, cleaning and repairing, res 182 Main. Martin Miss Minerva, domestic, 438 Algoma. Martin Miss Minnie, domestic, 378 Jackson. Martin Mrs Eva, res 188 Twelfth. Martin Robert, wks C Bros & C, bds 142 Sixth. Martin Thomas, shipper R Bros & Co, res Main, 5 s Georgia. Marx Joseph Jr, lab, res 154 Winnebago. Marx Joseph Sr, lab, res 154 Winnebago. Marx Matthew, coffee house 104 Main, res same. Marx Miss Mary, domestic R E Bennett, res same. Marx Nicholas, clk A Lichtenberger, bds 282 Main. Marx Peter, bartender, res 154 Eighth. Masse Miss Jennie, tailoress Hollister & Maloney, residence 41 W Irving. Masse Miss Phenie, saleslady J E Holden & Co, res 41 W Irving. Masse Nelson, res 41 W Irving. V#A Dunlap Hat, * * * * POPULAR GOODS. _. ALL THE LATESTSTYLES IN FURNISHINGS at W4mq Banran U1UU ^ J UiU llll D m' $ @ t in pin ± M 14-1l MANUFACTURERS OF MEN'S, BOYS' O n TnTAND CHILDREN'S WEAR, HENCE Opel WE SAVE THE CONSUMER THE i J j MAKIN JOBBERS PROFIT. STLI3ETUr. BUNN & PHILIPPI'S OSHKOSH CITY DIRECTORY. 213 Masterson James A, lab, res 629 Main. Mathe Ferdinand, lab C Bros & C, res 297 Fifth. Mathe Joseph, blacksmith J L Clark, res 415 Eighth. Mathe Theodore, blacksmith J L Clark, res 423 Eighth. Matheisl Jacob, shoemkr A C Nolte, res 242 Eleventh. Mathews Arthur E, teamster Wm H Ternouth, res 200 Otter. Mathews John, lab, bds 124 Central av. Mathews Mrs Kate, wid of James, res 1,29 Fremont. Mathwig John G, wagonmkr G Streich, res 274 Twelfth. MATLER, see Madler. Matsche John, wks R Bros & Co, res 416 Ninth. Matscheck Erank J, barber, res 46 E Irving. Matschek John, res 197 Eleventh. Matson John, carp, res 21 Cross. Matson John C, lab Paine L Co, res 146 Fremont. Matter Mrs Wilhemina, wid of August, res 50 Eveline. Matter Wm, trimmer J L Clark, res 50 Eveline. Matteson Mathew, ship carpenter, res 497 Ceape. Mauel John J, millwright, res 232 Twelfth. MAULICK CHARLES, (Maulick & Wahle), res 162 Main. MAULICK & WAHLE, (Charles Maulick and Frank Wahle), proprietors of Schlitz's Beer Hall and sample rooms. Fine wines and liquors dispensed. 162 Main. See advt. Maurice Robert W, carp Paine L Co, res 22 Willow. Mauritz Anton, wks B E & Co, res 242 Ohio. Mauritz John, wks R Bros & Co, res 416 Eighth. Maxson Levi, res 136 Church. Maxson Watson, wks 0 St Ry Co, res 191 Mt Vernon. Maxwell Charles H, painter G Streich, res 101 Pearl. Maxwell Harry G, sign painter, res 101 Pearl. Maxwell Mrs Helen C, wid of Frank W, res 259 Twelfth. Maybe Miss Alice, domestic, 574 High. Mayer Eugene G, jeweler Birely & Son, res 31 Main. Mayer Fred J, confectioner, res 61 Bay. Mayer George, watchmkr 31 Main, res same. MAYER, GEORGE JR., watchmaker and jeweler. Dealer in watches, clocks, jewelry and novelties. Scientific repairing and engraving promptly attended to. The best of satisfaction guaranteed in all transactions. 156 Main street, res 162 Pearl. Mayer Gottlieb, res 232 Oregon. MAYER, LEONARD, a resident of Oshkosh since 1852. Dealer in staple and fancy family groceries, provisions, fruits, vegetables and canned goods, confectionery, cigars and tobacco. 53 Main, res 166 Ceape. CHAS. HAASE & SON, BOOTS & SHOES. 125 MAIN STREET. THEBEST PLACE IN THE CITY TO BUY GOODS AT PRICES TO SUIT HAS JUST COMPLETED ITS ANNEX AWHERE LADIES CAN WRITE, VISIT OUbAR 8 214 AND READ FREE OF CHARGE. J. E. HOLDEN & CO., BUNN & PHILIPPI'S OSHKOSH CITY DIRECTORY. Mayer Miss Rosa, bkpr Leonard Mayer, res 166 Ceape. MAYER, see Maier, Meier, Meyer and Myers. Mayher Thomas, filer, res 291 W Algoma. Mlaylohin John, wks W & L L Co, res 381 Pearl. Maynard Winden, corn traveler J E Kennedy & Son, res 78 Franklin. Meachem Geo N, lab, res 136 Pearl. Meachem Sylvester W, teamster, res 136 Pearl. Meacker Louis, elk D S Schrag, res 297 Main. Mead Frank A, lab, res 222 Main. Mead Frank R, teamster M C Chair Co, res 262 High. Mead Geo W, lab, res 541 Main. Mead Joel L, retired lumberman, res 262 High. Mead Mrs S L, wid of Almerin S, res 222 Main. Mears Miss Louisa M, artist, res 71 E Polk. Mears Mrs Elizabeth, wid of J H, res 71 E Polk. Mechler Joseph, chair mkr B E & Co, res 149 Rosalia. MEDBERRY, ALVIN B., (Medberry & Bemis), res 67 W Irving. MEDBERRY & BEMIS, (A. B. Medberry and E. E. Bemis). Wholesalers and jobbers in papers and notions, 11-1 3 Algoma. Medberry Chauncy J, con trav J L Clark, res 120 Light. Measeler Fred, lab J P Gould, res 185 Eleventh. Meeleus Gottlieb, saloon 342 High, res 350 High. Mehder Louis F, tailor, res 223 School. MEHLMANN, A., cigar manufacturer 7 Main, res 138 Oregon. MEHLMANN BROS., A. Mehlmann, proprietor. Manufacturer of fine Havanna and domestic cigars. 7 Main. Mehlmann Mliss Matilda, milliner J E Holden & Co, res 174 Bay. Mehlmann Robert, cigar mfr, 22 Waugoo, res 736 Algoma. Mehnert Bruno, chair mkr B E & Co, res 201 Eighth. Meichen Nicholas, tailor, res 104 Pearl. MEIDL, see Madl. Meier Andreas, lab J Kusche & Bro, res 474 Ninth. Meier Bernhardt F, pattern mkr, res 336 Washington. Meier Henry, wks Paine L Co, res 189 Boyd. MEIER, see Maier, Mayer, Meyer and Myers. Meinert Gottleib, shoe mkr, res 340 Otter. Meisinger Joseph, lab, res 202 Fifth. Meissner Adolph, insurance, notary public, 42 Main, res same. Meitinger I, wks R McM & Co, res 83 Waugoo. Meitzen Mrs A, wid of William, res 222 Sixth. Meixl John, lab R McM & Co, res 248 Fourteenth. Melcher Alphonso M, carp, res 185 Central av. Melchow Fred, fisherman, res 114 Lake. Melchow Ludwig, fisherman, res 70 Lake. WYMAN & BARKMAN ^ 139 MAIN STREET. HATTERS, N I- RNGENTSJ oyHs and Gbicldrcps SLiLs a SpoGialitH aLt tb UTIGA G6LOTqdNG STORE, 141 Mcip Sbro BUNN & PHILIPPI S OSHKOSH CITY DIRECTORY. 215 Mellin M, physician, office 150 Main, res same. Memmler Mrs Carrie, wid of F W, res 31 Main. Memmler Wm F, wks Daily Northwestern, res 31 Main. Mentch Moronia, machinist F E Worden & Co, bds 271 High. Mentzel Mrs Minnie, wid of Robert, res 249 Seventh. MENTZEN, JOHN, a resident of Oshkosh since 1869. Sample Room. Dealer in pure wines, fine Kentucky whiskies, ale, porter. etc. Imported and Domestic Cigars, If in need of anything for refreshing the inner man, don't fail to call for the same at John's parlors at 57 High, res same. Menzel J G, res 178 Thirteenth. Menzel Miss Clara, dressmkr, res 178 Thirteenth. Menzel Miss Minnie, dressmkr, res 178 Thirteenth. Merchants Dispatch Fast Freight Line, W Colvin, agent, 9 Main. Merrill Harvey, teamster R McM & Co, res 554 Algoma. Merril James H, atty at law Union Nat bank, res 123 E Irving. Merriman Mrs Lucia A, wid of Wm T, res 450 Main. Merritt Chas E, sashmkr C Foster & Co, res 88 Division. Merritt David A, lab C Foster & Co, res 88 Division. Merritt John E, lab, res 88 Division. Merritt Mrs Ann, wid of Alvin, res 88 Division. Merritt Mrs Mary, wid of John J, res 76 Frederick. Merry Mrs P H, wid of Frank, res Hancock, bet Jay and Pine. Merten John C Jr, filer Conlee Lumber Co, res 160 Main. Merten John C, foreman Conlee Lumber Co, res 160 Main. Merten Andrew, res 312 River. Mertz Wm C, wks Conlee L'Co, res 258 Thirteenth. Meske Albert A, lab, res 296 Minnesota. Meske Ferdinand L, lab Conlee L Co, res 296 Minnesota. Meske Fred, mach hand R Bros & Co, res 296 Minnesota. Metropolitan Mfg Co of N Y, Geo Gilbert, manager. Household specialties, 10 Otter. METZ, AUGUST. (Metz & Schloerb), res 223 Ceape. METZ & SCHLOERB, (August Metz and Geo C Schloerb), leather and shoe findings, hides, etc, 102 Main. METZ, FRANK, (Fugleberg & Metz), bkpr Metz & Schloerb, res 236 Ceape. Metze Horace B, elk Williamson & Libbey L Co, res 333 Central av. Metze Mrs Amelia, wid of Frederick, res 333 Central av. Meyer Albert H, clk L Strauss & Co, res 224 Merritt. Meyer Anton, mechanic A Sanford Mfg Co, res 366 Bowen. Meyer Charles R, mason, res 360 Michigan. Meyer Charles Jr, wks C Foster & Co, res 360 Michigan. Meyer Edward, mason, res 360 Michigan. LhEAmINT\ B o~otg e hoes oes, LEADING B25 DEALERS IN MAIN ST.STon, 25Chas, JE. HOLDEN 216 &GO GO `1-T1HE OARGAIN GIVERS'1 N DRY GOOS, CARPETSANDM ILLIN ERY. THE POPULAR87' BUNN & PHILIPPI'S OSHKOSH CITY DIRECTORY. Meyer Emil, mach hnnd C Foster & Co, res 320 Tenth. Meyer Ernest, mason, res s s Fifth, 2 e Oregon. Meyer Frank, blacksmith A Streich & Bro, bds 162 Seventh. Meyer Fred, wood wkrJ L Clark, res 31 Boyd. Meyer Fred A, foreman B & C, res 197 Thirteenth. Meyer Fred F, cigar mkr H Derksen, res 186 Main. Meyer Fred H, policeman, res 182 Thirteenth. Meyer Gustav B, chair mkr, B E & Co, res 170 Thirteenth. Meyer Henry, c igar mks H Derksen, res 218 Ford. Meyer Henry F, cigar manufacturer 178 Main, res 191 Ford. Meyer Herman A, confectionery 102 Oregon, res same. Mever John, helper A Sanford Mfg Co, res 125 Boyd. Meyer Miss Tilda, elk H A Meyer, res 102 Oregon. Meyer Mrs Mary Ann, res 366 Bowen. Meyer Mrs Johanna, wid of Casper, res 174 Bay. Meyer Miss Louisa, wid of Charles, res 170 Thirteenth. Meyer Rudolph J, door moulder, res 286 Twelfth. Meyer Wm A, door mkr J P Gould, res 182 Thirteenth. MEYER, see Mayer, Maier, Meier and Meyers. Michell Joseph, chair mkr B E & Co, res 146 Ford. Michels John, trunk mkr, res 225 E Polk. Michels Martin, res 225 E Polk. Michels Matthias, mach hand S Bros T Co, res 204 Ford. Michels Thomas, wks R McM & Co, res 349 New York av. Micklajeski Constantine, teamster C & B Lime Co, res 156 6th. Micklajeski Mrs Mary, wid of Valentine, res 340 Minnesota. Mierswa Charles, wagon wkr G Mierswa, res 155 Ninth. MIERSWA, DANIEL, a resident since 1855, with GMierswa, res 28 Ceape. Mierswa E George, (Mierswa & Levy), res 238 School. Mierswa Fred W, barber Geo W Simpson, res 28 Ceape. Mierswa & Levy, ( George Mierswa and Wm Levy ), barber shop 9 High. Mierswa Gottlieb, res 161 Ninth. MIERSWA, G., manufacturer of wagons, carriages, etc., blacksmithing, etc., 28 Ceape, res 161 Ninth. MIERSWA, GUSTAV, blacksmith G Mierswa, res 28 Ceape. Mierswa Miss Jennie, saleslady J E Holden & Co, res 28 Ceape. Mierswa Rudolph, asst supt 0 Water Wks Co, res 141 Oregon. Mierswa Win, clk Knox & Wilner, res 155 Ninth. MIERSWA'S WAGON WORKS, manufacturer of wagons, carriages, sleighs, bobs and lumbermen's supplies. All kinds of blacksmithing. 28 Ceape, cor. Moore. Mies Joseph, yard foreman R McM & Co, res 296 Pearl. Miesbauer Wenzel; wks R Bros & Co, res 206 Fourth. j pecial Bflrgain IN FINE GOODS, _ at WYMAN & BARKMAN, ppu MAIN ST. OUTFITTERS' MENS JENS OUTFITTERS. WE ARE MANUFACTURERS AND CAN SAVE YOU ONE PROFIT. UTICA CLOTHING STORE. BUNN & PHILIPPI'S OSHKOSH CITY DIRECTORY. 217 Mihleisen Adolph, harnessmkr A P Allen, res 203 Waugoo. Mihleisen George, harnessmks 0 L Brow, res 89 Broad. Milhaus, Miss Emma, servant, res'63 Church. Miles George, florist I Miles, res 76 Frankfort. Miles Isaac, florist, 76 Frankfort, res same. Miles Miss Hettie, teacher High School, res 76 Frankfort. Miles Miss Minnie L, printer Northwestern, res 76 Frankfort. Millard Frank H, lab, res 101 Leaf. Millard Napoleon, pine land explorer, res 110 Nebraska. Miller Albert, wks W C Ry, res 477 Ohio. Miller Andrew J, mach hand C Foster & Co, res 209 Seventh. Miller Anton F, carp, res 15 John. Miller Charles, riverman, bds Sheridan House. Miller Charles, wks W & L L Co, res 24 State. Miller Chas M, painter, res 750 Jackson. Miller Conrad, blacksmith J L Clark, res 444 Ninth. Miller Edward, bartender J A Allen, res 164 Ackerman. Miller Edward W, carbonman O E L & Power Co, res 253 Winnebago. Miller Frank A, engineer J A Barnes, res 216 Ceape. Miller Henry, lab C & B Lime Co, res 64 Eighteenth. Miller Henry J, woodwkr J L Clark, res 209 Seventh. Miller Herman, brewer Horn & Schwalm, res 36 Doty. Miller Jacob, res 750 Jackson. Miller James K, peddler, res 217 Oregon. Miller John, wks C M & St P Ry, res 524 Tenth. Miller John, boots and shoes 208 Eighth, res 209 Seventh. Miller John L, wks Conlee L Co, res 327 Tenth. Miller John P, carp, res 85 Fulton. Miller Col L M, real estate, res Lake View, nr Merritt. Miller Louis, wks B E & Co, res 278 Sixth. Miller Miss Auguta, servant, res 49 Mt Vernon. Miller Miss Mary, laundress Tremont House. Miller Mrs Anna, wid of Anton, res 424 Seventh. Miller Mrs C J, wid of Alexander, res 291 W Algoma. Miller Mrs Mary Ann, wid of Joseph, res 216 Ceape. Miller Mrs Maria C, wid of Peter, res 85 Fulton. Miller Mrs Susie, wid of Casper, res 339 Ninth. Miller Romeo, carp, bds Phoenix House. Miller Silas W, wks J P Gould, res 354 Tenth. Miller Thomas, bell boy Revere House, res same. Miller Win, upholsterer McCorison & Osborn, res 277 Minnesota. Miller Wm, lab, res nw cor Rosalia and Winnebago. Miller Wm, sawyer Conlee Lumber Co, res 327 Tenth. Miller Wm C, chair mkr B E & Co, res 150 Winnebago. WILL SAVE YOU MONEY ON EaS.On. BOOTS & SHOES. 125 lMIAIN STREET. AT COTTON CLOTH PRICES FINE MILLINERY AND CARPETS BELOW EVERYBODY'S PRICES, AT 218 J E HOLDEN & CO. BUNN & PHILIPPI S OSHKOSH CITY DIRECTORY. Miller Wrn G, farmer, res 341 EleVenth. MILLER, see Moeller and Mueller. Mills John, bottler T A Getchius, res 241 Algoma. Milott Irving, hostler L D Goldberg, bds same. Minahan Miss Ella L, res 362 Main. Minehan Miss Grace E, teacher, res 362 Main. Minahan Wm B, teacher, res 362 Main. Minor C V, trimmer J L Clark, res 170 Vine. Minor Erastus C, carpenter, res 315 Wisconsin av. Minor Frank 0, painter J L Clark, res 315 Wisconsin av. Minors Harry R, bkpr Schmit Bros Trunk Co, res 61 Frederick. Minkenberg Brother Ignatius, Brother Superior Alexian Brothers Hospital, res same. Minton Miss Mary E, res 346 New York av. MIRACLE, CHARLES, (Miracle & Johnson), res 102 Hannah. MIRACLE & JOHNSON, (Charles Miracle and Robert Johnson). Tonsorial artists. Shaving and hair cutting done to suit the most fastid. ious. 211 Main. Miracle Miss Tessie, ironer 0 Steam Laundry, bds 248 Main. Mirkes Nicholas, door mkr C 'oster & Co, res 234 Oregon. Mirkes Peter, barber shop 45 Oregon, res 230 Oregon. Mischler Mrs George, saloon and restaurant 140 Main, res same. Misfeldt Henry, carp, res 457 Ceape. Misfeldt Miss Lila, milliner, res 457 Ceape. Mitchell Michael, wks R McM & Co, res 369 Wisconsin av. Mitchell Mrs Carrie, wid of Albert, res 369 Wisconsin av. Mittelstaedt August, lab, res 450 Bowen. Mittelstaedt Edward H, meat market 372 Main, res 387 Main. Mittelstaedt Miss Hulda, dress mkr, res 450 Bowen. Mobbs Mrs Mary A, wid of James F, res 56 Sixth. Moede Fred A C, teamster, res 76 Audabon. Moeft Daniel, lab C & N W Ry, res 206 Seventeenth. Moeller Henry A, teamster, res 164 Ackerman. Moeller Miss Mamie, dress mkr, res 164 Ackerman. MOELLER, see Miller and Mueller. Moews Albert, harnessmkr, 43 Oregon, res 214 Sixth. Moll Charles J, tinsmith S M Hay & Bro, res 86 State. Moll Gottlieb, lab, res 83 Melvin. MOLLON, HARRY H. printer Oshkosh Times, res 373 Waugoo. Monaghan John, switchman W C Ry, res 270 Washington. Monahan Frank, alderman Fourth ward, tlumberman, res 52 E Irving. Monahan Hugh, riverman, 241 Twelfth. Monahan Hugh E, farmer, res 263 Eleventh. Monahan James, retired, res 211 Eighth. LEADING ^FURNISHERS lqmq& BapLman, 139 MAIN STREET. Utica liothinqg to0 e U~a u Carry a Fine Line of Men's Furnishings and Everything Pertaining to Men's Wear. a 141 4 MAIN STREET. BUNN & PHILIPPI'S OSHKOSH CITY DIRECTORY. 219 Monahan James A, groceries 65 Oregon, res 211 Eighth. Monahan John, machinist, res 211 Eighth. Monahan John F, lumberman, res 245 Tenth. Monaban John H, farmer, res 263 Eleventh. Monahan Mrs Susan, wid of Patrick, res 207 Division. Monahan Thomas, baggagemaster W C Ry, res 211 Eighth. Monahan Wm E, lumberman, res 263 Eleventh. Monahan Thomas, brakeman W C Ry, res 211 Eighth. MONDAY, see Montag. Mondl Anton, door moulder C Foster & Co, res 252 Seventh. Mondl Frank, door moulder C Foster & Co, res 142 Sixth. Monigan Miss Maggie, trimmer Thos Neville. bds 147 Merritt. Mongrain Frank, blacksmith J L Clark, res 335 Main. Monroe E D, second hand goods 177 Main, res 233 Tenth. Monroe John, retired, res 233 Tenth. Montag Andrew, wks George Thompson, res 410 Jefferson av. Montag Bernard, doormkr J P Gould, res 198 Twelfth. Montag Bernard Jr, trunkmkr, res 198 Twelfth. Montag Christian, lab, res 198 Twelfth. Montag John, sashmkr J P Gould, res 198 Twelfth. Montag Wm, lab, res 198 Twelfth. Montgomery Chas E, supt Street Ry Co, res 151 Pearl. Montgomery D H, boat house foot of Broad, res 151 Pearl. Montgomery Thos W, lab, res 151 Pearl. Montgomery Wm H, tel opr Western U Tel Co, bds 151 Pearl. Montgomery Wm S, carp, res 151 Pearl. Moody Fred, teamster, res 76 Audabon. Moody Henry, elk Goddard & Dugan, res 76 Audabon. Moody Ira, ship carp, res 150 Court. Moody Ira W, engineer C & B Lime Co, res 171 Ford. Moody Mrs C S, wid of Alfred, res 150 Court. Moody S D, dry goods and clothing 16 Kansas, res 34 Union. Moody Samuel R, abstracter, res 11 Pine. Moon James, wks S A & Co, res 36 Graham. Moon Jeremiah, wks S A & Co, res 391 Pearl. MOORE, J. J., vice-president Union National Bank, marble dealer, 157 Main, res 149 High. Moore James, wks Paine L Co, res 48 Walnut. Moore James M, res 88 Waugoo. Moore John; painter B E & Co, bds Phoenix House. Moosman Wm W, engineer W C Ry, res 339 Ninth. Moran James, wks C & N W Ry, res 180 Eleventh. Moran John, wks C M & St P Ry, res 180 Eleventh. Moran Thomas P, lab, res 46 Main. Morehouse Fred E, ship clk D Match Co, res n s llth 1 e Knapp. Lare Stock, Boots and Shoes, gHAS, H MN _ASd 15 125 MAIN STREET. GHAS, HA_ _ SONn. ai Splendid .Bargains. A^iIXEXl MATERIAL AND LADIES' *"TH.EPOPULAR 87"* TIE ANNEX , -^ THE . & ~i , 4 FREE LIBRARY, READING ROOM, DESK, COMPLETE WRITING TOILET J. E. HOLDEN & CO. ROOMS. BUNN & PHILIPPI'S OSHKOSH CITY DIRECTORY. 220 MOREY, REV. LEWIS H., pastor First Presbyterian Church, nw cor Church and Division, res 42 Church. Morey Mrs A A, res 216 W Irving. Morey Mrs Ida, wid of Charles, res 154 Mt Vernon. Morgan A H, engineer O Water Wks, res 409 Washington. MORGAN, ALBERT T., (Morgan Bros & Co), res 19 Franklin. MORGAN BROS. & CO., (R T,J Rand A T Morgan), manufacturers of lumber, lath and shingles, office to saw mill and yard, 168 Marion. MORGAN, J. EARL, bkpr Morgan Bros & Co, res 116 Church. Morgan John, lab C Foster & Co, bds 131 Pearl. Morgan John, horse shoer William Morgan, res 154 Twelfth. MORGAN, JOHN R., (Morgan Bros & Co), res 116 Church. Morgan Louis, saloon 42 Main, res 183 Waugoo. Morgan MTiss Lottie L, teacher Second ward school, res 22 Mt Vernon. Morgan Miss Lutie E, teacher High school, res 22 Mt Vernon. Morgan Mrs L, wid of Ienry C, res 22 Mt Vernon. MORGAN, RICHARD T., (Morgan Bros & Co), res 214 Jackson. MORGAN, T. R., (Carlton Foster & Co), res 32 Franklin. Morgan Wm. horse shoer, 68 State, res 79 Central av. Morley Capt Aden, steamboat captain, res 59 Peck Court. Morrill W S, carp, res 102 Franklin. Morris Anton H, painter, res 75 Fremont. Morris Charles B, wks R McM & Co, res 184 W Algomnca. Morris Edward, tailor, res 201 Central av. Morris Edward, plumber Webb & Rundle, res n s New York av, 1 w Jackson. Morris John G, lab, res New York av, 1 w Jackson. Morris Mrs Grace, res 105 Central av. Morris Price, cutter Chicago Tailoring Co, res n s New York av, 1 w Jackson. Morris Wm J, mach hand R Bros & Co, res 73 Willow. Morrison Elmer J, res 65 Otter. Morrison James, farmer, res 65 Otter. Morrison James H, res 65 Otter. Morrison Miss Maud, res 215 Main. Morrow John, sawyer, bds St Paul Hotel. Morrow Miss Kate, dress mkr, res 34 Central av. Morrow Miss Mary, tailoress, bds 88 Ford. Morse Anton, carp R Bros & Co, res 363 Main. Morse Fred A, machinist, res 324 Ceape. Morse Miss Addie, bds 324 Ceape. Mortensen Jorgen, lab, res 88 Bay. Mueza Anton, fisherman, res 80 Lake. Moser Tobias, res 182 Oregon. un-1 .# ' tluntap '«' Ifitt ! htat, P 0fi POPULAR GOODS. .i U k ALL THE LATESTSTYLESIN FURNISHINGS t W maq & Br n, d44. 4 . MANUFACTURERS OF MEN'S, BOYS' WE SAVE THE CONSUMER THE PROFIT. -:'-, -'t : {. ¢,I -i LAVIN. STIEET. U . U1 llll U i j ez - JJOBBERS l: -V ,' 'C{*' 141 BUNN & PHILIPPI'S OSHKOSH CITY DIRECTORY. 221 Moses H W,?stenographer Paine L Co, bds 574 High. Mosher Allen, veterinary surgeon 140 Main, res 415Jefferson av. Moulton Miss Mary E, res 171 Ford. Mover Simeon, farmer, res 18 School. Mueller A, clk National Hotel, res same. Mueller Albert, binder C A Thompson, res 48 Bay. Mueller Albert, wks J P Gould, res 48 Bay. Mueller August, stone cutter James M Reynolds, res 36 Knapp. Mueller August F, house mover, res 80 Seventeenth. Mueller F A, groceries and saloon 236 Waugoo, res 242 Waugoo. Mueller Frank, printer Daily Northwestern, res 242 Waugoo. Mueller Frank, lab C Bros & C, bds 310 Sixth. Mueller Fred, wks R McM & Co, res 253 Otter. Mueller Fred H, cooper, res 253 Otter. Mueller George, plumber W I Crawford, res 48 Bay. Mueller Gustav, tailor A C Ehrmann, res 238 Fourth. Mueller Henry, wks R Bros & Co, res 239 Otter. Mueller Henry, cabinetmkr B & C, res 295 Waugoo. Mueller Herman, tinsmith, res 293 Otter. Mueller John, turner B & C, res 419 Seventh. Mueller John M, wks W & L L Co, res 48 Bay. Mueller Jorgen, res 30 Lake. Mueller Joseph A, lab, res 122 Boyd. MUELLER, JOSEPH C., a resident of Oshkosh since 1868. Proprietor of the National Hotel. The public will find this a splendid stopping place at reasonable rates. Board can be obtained by the day, week or meal. 33-35-37 Kansas, res same. Mueller Joseph N, (Mueller &- Heisinger), res 122 Main. Mueller & Heisinger, (Joseph N Mueller and Emil Heisinger), meat market, 122 Main. Mueller Louis, door moulder R McM & Co, res 126 Boyd. Mueller Miss Clara, bkpr Mueller & Heisinger, res 122 Main. Mueller Miss Emma, domestic, res 253 Otter. Mueller Miss Emma, clk F A Mueller, res 242 Waugoo. Mueller Miss Mary, domestic, res 253 Otter. Mueller Miss Sophia, clk S Heymann, res 242 Waugoo. Mueller Mrs Caroline, wid of Wm, res 293 Otter. Mueller Mrs Caroline, wid of Jacob, res 267 Washington. Mueller Mrs Rosa, wid of Michael, res 264 Fourth. Mueller Peter P, corn trav Banderob & Chase, res 56 Otter. Mueller Wm, bartender John Peterson, res 80 Seventeenth. Mueller Wenzel, saloon 280 Sixth, res 282 Sixth. Mueller Wm, lab, res 317 Otter. Mueller Wm H, teacher, res 146 School. Mueller Wm, lab, res 253 Otter. CHAS. HAASE & SON, BOOTS & SHOES. 1 NST 125 MAIN STREETAT THEIETY TO BUY GOODS SUIT TO SU PRICES TO AT PRCES fm l n1lf1TT i f Tlfhl l f l. 15 I ". P.ULIR 222 HAS JUST COMPLETED ITS ANNEX WHERE LADIES CAN WRITE, VISIT AND READ FREE OF CHARGE. J.. E HOLDEN & CO., BUNN & PHILIPPI'S OSHKOSH CITY DIRECTORY. Mueller Wm, elk E A Horn, res 48 Bay. MUELLER, see Miller and Moeller. Muenster Henry, (Buttman & Muenster), bds 367 Main. Mullaly John F, wks B E & Co, bds Saratoga House. Mullaly Miss Bridget, nurse, res 207 Eighth. Mullaly Miss E, res 207 Eighth. Mullen Mrs Mary, wid of Michael M, bds 122 Pearl. Mulva James V, capt Brooklyn Engine House No 4, res 175 Ninth. Mulva John, door foreman R Bros & Co, alderman Third ward, res 168 Fourteenth. Mulva Miss Maggie, waitress Tremont House, res 168 14th. Mulva Patrick, res 168 Fourteenth, Mulva Thomas, mach hand R Bros & Co, res 168 Fourteenth. Mulvey Jon, blacksmith J L Clark, res 496 High. Mulvey Wmr S, machinist, res 496 High. Mumper Wm N, teacher Normal School, res 100 Union. Munche Fred, riverman, bds St Paul Hotel. Munger John E, com trav C Foster & Co, bds Tremont tHouse. Munger Mrs H E, wid of John E, res 150 High. Munsche Charles, wks B E & Co, res 57 Seventeenth. Murdock Miss Genie, teacher Dale School, res 130 Washington. Murdock Miss Mary E, teacher High School, res 130 Washington. Murdock Miss Mattie, music teacher, res 130 Washington. Murdock Mrs Margaret, wid of James, res 130 Washington. Murphy Frank, glazier J P Gould, res 116 Kansas. Murphy James, lab, res 88 W Irving. Murphy Jeremiah, teamster S Bros T Co, res 70 Ackerman. Murphy Mrs Anna, dressmkr 116 Kansas, res same. Murphy P, wks J P Gould, bds Fowler House. Murphy Thomas, res 164 Jefferson av. Murray Chas H, woodwkr J L Clark, res 81 Leaf. Murray Frank S, shoemkr Thos Murray, res 152 School. Murray Frank M, clk J N Hoaglin, res 81 Leaf. Murray Fred, clk J N Hoaglin, res 81 Leaf. Murray John B, riverman, res 246 Eleventh. Murray Thomas, shoemkr 23 High, res 130 Winnebago. Murray T, painter, res 170 Eighth. Muth Andrew, lab R McM & Co, res 257 Elm. Muth Emil, shingle sawyer R Bros & Co, res 257 Elm. Muttart George, well driller, res 251 Wisconsin av. Muttart Wm, well driller, res 106 Central av. Myers Thomas, res 135 Ceape. MYERS. see Meyer, Mayer, Maier and Meier. WYMAN &139-MAIN BABRKMAN. ---STRET -- 139 MAIN STREET. *NDGE^NSTS' lD LEADING HATTERS FURNISHERS. AE ^.~,GENTS' F URN EiR--'
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