online guide - Home Box Office
online guide - Home Box Office
ONLINE GUIDE JULY 2012 PROGRAM SCHEDULE 25 MONDAY 5:20a MAX 5:30 HBO 7:00 HBO 7:30 MAX 9:15 HBO 9:20 MAX 10:45 HBO 11:30 MAX 12:30p HBO 1:30 MAX 2:30 HBO Hereafter Chicken Run Runaway Jury Hanna Happy Gilmore Cape Fear 50 First Dates The Debt Arthur Houseguest Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel Hanna Lottery Ticket Unstoppable Action Jackson Real Time With Bill Maher The Debt Me @ The Zoo Little Fockers The Hangover Part II Bikini Time Machine The Ricky Gervais Show Endure Unknown Set It Off Hatchet II Me @ The Zoo The Crush 3:20 MAX 3:30 HBO 5:15 HBO MAX 7:00 HBO MAX 8:00 HBO 9:00 MAX 9:30 HBO 10:40 MAX 11:15 HBO 11:45 HBO 12:05a MAX 1:20 HBO 2:00 MAX 3:25 HBO 3:30 MAX 26 6:30 7:00 8:10 9:00 9:50 11:00 MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO 11:30 HBO 12:00 MAX 1:40p MAX 1:45 HBO 2:00 HBO 3:20 MAX 4:00 HBO 5:00 MAX 6:00 HBO 7:00 MAX 8:00 HBO 9:00 MAX 9:15 HBO 9:45 HBO 10:00 HBO 11:10 MAX 11:15 HBO 11:40 MAX 11:45 HBO 12:30a MAX 2:00 HBO MAX 3:40 HBO 4:45 HBO ME @ THE ZOO 8:00P TUESDAY 5:00a HBO Yogi Bear MAX Flipped 6:25 HBO Renee Fleming: 9:15P A YoungArts Masterclass Fletch Lives Crazy, Stupid, Love Virus Dolphin Tale Bridesmaids The Fight Game With Jim Lampley The Lost World: Jurassic Park Live! Due Date Making The Newsroom Life As We Know It Charlie St. Cloud Crazy, Stupid, Love The Saint Dolphin Tale Knight and Day The Newsroom Bridesmaids The Fight Game With Jim Lampley 2 Days: Nonito Donaire The Newsroom Femme Fatales The Ricky Gervais Show Strike Back X-Men: First Class Forbidden Science Feature Horrible Bosses Titanic Dennis Miller: The Big Speech HBO First Look Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter THE FIGHT GAME WITH JIM LAMPLEY 27 WEDNESDAY 5:00a HBO Back Nine at Cherry Hills 5:20 MAX Fletch 6:05 HBO Cats & Dogs: 7:00 7:30 8:35 9:00 10:05 10:15 12:00 MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX 1:30p HBO 1:45 MAX 3:15 HBO 3:30 MAX 5:00 HBO 5:15 MAX 6:00 HBO 7:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO MAX 10:00 HBO 10:45 MAX 11:00 HBO 12:00 MAX 12:15a HBO 12:30 MAX 1:00 MAX 1:15 HBO 1:45 HBO 3:10 MAX 3:25 HBO The Revenge of Kitty Galore Kissing a Fool Antz Beatdown One Nation Under Dog Welcome to Mooseport My Big Fat Greek Wedding Liar Liar Intolerable Cruelty Mr. Popper’s Penguins Predators 50 First Dates Going the Distance Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel 2 Days in the Valley Runnin’ Rebels of UNLV The Hangover Part II Predators True Blood Your Highness Real Time With Bill Maher Zane’s Sex Chronicles Feature One Nation Under Dog Femme Fatales Real Sports w/Bryant Gumbel Zane’s Sex Chronicles Rising Sun Katie Morgan on Sex Toys Hard Rain Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Cabin Fever JUNE/ JULY 2012 28 THURSDAY 5:00a HBO 5:15 MAX 7:00 HBO 7:05 MAX 8:30 HBO 9:00 MAX 10:30 HBO MAX 12:15p HBO MAX 1:30 HBO 2:45 MAX 3:00 HBO 4:35 MAX 4:45 HBO 6:30 HBO MAX 7:00 HBO 9:00 HBO MAX 10:15 HBO 11:00 MAX 11:15 HBO 12:10a HBO 12:40 1:05 2:25 2:50 4:00 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO 4:20 MAX PREDATORS 7:00P The X-Files Grind Jonah Hex The Debt Crazy, Stupid, Love The Pool Boys It’s Kind of a Funny Story Taking Lives The Loving Story Inception Glee: The 3D Concert Movie Gloria Unstoppable The Debt Larry Crowne The Fight Game With Jim Lampley Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Crazy, Stupid, Love The Newsroom The Art of War True Blood Life on Top Feature Taxicab Confessions 3 The Fight Game With Jim Lampley Too Big to Fail Broken Lizard’s Club Dread Dreaming of Joseph Lees The Ice Harvest Mel Brooks and Dick Cavett Together Again Forces of Nature 29 30 SATURDAY 1 SUNDAY The Lost World: Jurassic Park Turner & Hooch Nick of Time One Nation Under Dog Bridesmaids The Fight Game With Jim Lampley Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel Crazy, Stupid, Love Unknown Happy Gilmore I Know What You Did Last Summer The Adjustment Bureau Hanna Jonah Hex Bridesmaids Arthur Due Date Final Destination 5 Strike Back True Blood Recoil Unstoppable Strike Back Final Destination 5 Femme Fatales Emmanuelle’s/Pleasures A Real Sex Xtra: Pornucopia The Hangover Part II Recoil Blink The Adjustment Bureau Melinda and Melinda 5:00a HBO 6:30 HBO MAX 7:50 MAX 8:15 HBO 8:30 HBO 9:50 MAX 10:15 HBO 12:00 HBO MAX 1:00p HBO 1:50 MAX 3:00 HBO The Brady Bunch Movie Envy Dr. Seuss’ The Cat in the Hat Alien 3 2 Days: Nonito Donaire Men in Black The Town Megamind Real Time With Bill Maher Bird on a Wire Dolphin Tale Black Swan Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1) Bruce Almighty Making The Newsroom Paul X-Men: First Class Galaxy Quest True Blood The Newsroom The Rundown True Blood Femme Fatales The Newsroom Femme Fatales Femme Fatales Real Time With Bill Maher Borderline The Ricky Gervais Show Me @ The Zoo What’s Love Got to Do With It Femme Fatale Somewhere 10:00 HBO MAX 10:30 MAX 11:00 HBO 11:20 MAX 11:30 HBO 12:50a MAX 1:20 HBO 2:40 MAX 3:25 HBO HBO SATURDAY NIGHT 9:00P REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER 7:00P MAX 1:15 HBO 3:00 HBO 3:40 MAX 5:00 HBO 5:15 HBO MAX 7:00 HBO 7:15 MAX 8:15 HBO 8:45 HBO 9:00 HBO MAX 9:45 MAX CRAZY, STUPID, LOVE 7:00P FRIDAY Exporting Raymond Prince Valiant Made in America The Sixth Man McEnroe/Borg: Fire & Ice Major League II Rise of the Planet of the Apes Win a Date With Tad Hamilton! Breakdown HBO First Look Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Gladiator Lottery Ticket Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son Eurotrip HBO First Look Prometheus 41 Green Lantern The Newsroom Rise of the Planet of the Apes The Ricky Gervais Show Making The Newsroom Real Time With Bill Maher Strike Back MAX on Set: Going the Distance Real Time With Bill Maher Femme Fatales Strike Back The Ricky Gervais Show Emmanuelle’s Sexy Bite Machete Big Stan 187 Born on the Fourth of July Two Girls and a Guy 5:00a HBO 6:10 MAX 6:30 HBO 7:45 MAX 8:30 HBO 9:30 HBO 9:35 MAX 11:15 HBO 11:20 MAX 1:00p HBO 5:00a HBO 5:05 MAX 6:50 MAX 7:15 HBO 8:20 MAX 8:30 HBO 9:00 HBO 10:00 HBO 10:30 MAX 12:00 HBO 12:30p MAX 1:30 HBO 2:15 MAX 3:30 HBO 4:10 MAX 5:00 HBO 6:20 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 MAX 8:30 HBO 9:00 MAX 9:30 HBO 10:35 MAX 11:15 HBO 11:20 MAX 11:50 MAX 12:50a HBO 1:20 HBO MAX 3:00 MAX 3:05 HBO 4:45 MAX FINAL DESTINATION 5 3:45 MAX 5:30 HBO MAX 5:45 HBO 7:15 MAX 8:00 HBO 9:00 HBO MAX 10:00 HBO 10:45 MAX 11:00 HBO 11:15 MAX 11:45 MAX 12:00 HBO 12:15a MAX 1:00 HBO 1:30 HBO 1:50 MAX 3:05 HBO 3:50 MAX HBO SUNDAY NIGHT TRUE BLOOD® 8:00P PROGRAM SCHEDULE 2 5:00a HBO 5:30 MAX 6:30 HBO 7:30 MAX 8:00 HBO 9:05 MAX 9:30 HBO 11:00 HBO 11:10 MAX 1:00p HBO MAX 2:50 MAX 3:00 HBO 4:45 MAX 5:00 HBO 7:00 HBO 7:15 MAX 8:00 HBO 9:00 MAX 9:45 HBO 10:00 HBO 10:30 HBO 10:50 MAX 11:30 HBO 12:05a MAX 1:30 HBO MAX 1:45 HBO 3:15 MAX 3:25 HBO MONDAY Bean Jane Eyre Mr. Bean’s Holiday Despicable Me Johnny English Out of Sight Chasing Papi Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Alien Resurrection Chasing Liberty Clean Slate The Hard Way Crazy, Stupid, Love Sex and the City 2 The A-Team Real Time With Bill Maher Mr. Baseball Marina Abramovic the Artist Is Present Rise of the Planet of the Apes George Lopez: The Road to It’s Not Me, It’s You The Ricky Gervais Show Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel Busty Coeds vs. Lusty Cheerleaders Crazy, Stupid, Love Bruno George Lopez: The Road to It’s Not Me, It’s You The French Connection American Wedding Mo’ Better Blues Never Let Me Go 3 TUESDAY 5:15a HBO Angus 5:30 MAX Oh, God! Book II 6:45 HBO John Grisham’s 7:05 MAX 9:00 HBO MAX 10:30 MAX 11:30 HBO 12:00 MAX 1:30p HBO 1:40 MAX 3:45 HBO 4:00 MAX 5:35 MAX 6:00 HBO 7:00 MAX 8:30 HBO 9:00 MAX 10:00 HBO 11:00 HBO 11:15 MAX 11:30 HBO 12:00 MAX 12:30a MAX 1:05 2:00 2:55 4:05 4:30 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO The Rainmaker Gang Related The Tree of Life Gulliver’s Travels Gossip Something Borrowed They Live Hereafter Aliens X2 Recoil Devil The Tree of Life The Debt Final Destination 5 Die Hard The Newsroom The Ricky Gervais Show Strike Back Me @ The Zoo Femme Fatales Emmanuelle Through Time: Rod Steele 0014 & Naked Agent 0069 My Soul to Take 3000 Miles to Graceland Final Destination 5 The Great Train Robbery Transmission Test JULY 2012 4 WEDNESDAY 5 THURSDAY 6:00a HBO MAX 6:45 HBO 7:30 MAX 8:45 HBO 9:00 HBO 9:45 MAX 10:15 HBO 11:45 HBO 12:00 MAX 1:00p HBO 1:30 MAX 2:15 HBO 3:20 MAX 3:30 HBO 4:55 HBO 5:00 MAX 6:00 HBO Saving Face The Money Pit Dolphin Tale Thelma & Louise Making The Newsroom John Adams Part 1 Bridesmaids John Adams Part 2 John Adams Part 3 DOA: Dead or Alive John Adams Part 4 Bull Durham John Adams Part 5 Event Horizon John Adams Part 6 John Adams Part 7 The Rite Jim McKay: My World in My Words Dolphin Tale Water for Elephants True Blood Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Real Time With Bill Maher The Hangover Part II Femme Fatales Sex Games Cancun Feature 127 Hours Bound Speed Bad Girls From Valley High Jim McKay: My World in My Words The Maker Rio Monte Carlo Men in Black The Fourth Kind How to Train Your Dragon Stakeout Little Fockers Breakin’ All the Rules 2 Days: Nonito Donaire Nanny McPhee Returns In & Out Megamind Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps Men in Black The Rundown Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel Little Fockers Arachnophobia 2 Days: Nonito Donaire The Newsroom The Town True Blood Cathouse Sex Games Cancun Feature George Lopez: The Road to It’s Not Me, It’s You Marina Abramovic the Artist Is Present Sex Games Cancun Ffolkes Fargo Lorenzo’s Oil Wishcraft 7:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO MAX 10:00 HBO 11:00 HBO 11:35 MAX 12:05a MAX 12:45 HBO 1:30 MAX 2:20 HBO 3:20 MAX 4:20 HBO 4:45 MAX 5:20a HBO 6:30 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:20 MAX 8:45 HBO 10:00 MAX 10:30 HBO 12:00 MAX 12:15p HBO 12:30 HBO 1:30 MAX 2:30 HBO 3:00 MAX 4:15 HBO 5:15 MAX 6:00 HBO 7:00 HBO MAX 8:45 HBO 9:00 HBO MAX 10:00 HBO 11:00 HBO 11:05 MAX 11:30 HBO 11:45 HBO 12:30a MAX 1:00 MAX 1:35 HBO 2:40 MAX 3:15 HBO 6 FRIDAY 5:00a HBO Anastasia MAX Gold Diggers: The Secret 6:35 MAX 6:40 HBO 8:30 HBO 9:00 HBO 9:50 MAX 10:45 HBO 11:45 MAX 12:30p HBO 2:00 3:00 4:15 5:00 7:00 MAX HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX 8:00 HBO 8:30 HBO 9:00 MAX 9:45 MAX 10:00 MAX 11:00 HBO MAX 11:30 HBO 11:45 HBO 11:50 MAX 1:15a HBO MAX 2:45 MAX 3:05 HBO 4:20 MAX 4:50 HBO of Bear Mountain Titanic The Beautician and the Beast Flight of the Conchords Envy Love & Other Drugs The Man in the Moon Die Hard Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1) Die Hard With a Vengeance Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Pulp Fiction Recount The Newsroom Mercury Rising The Ricky Gervais Show Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1) Strike Back MAX on Set: Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps Femme Fatales The Ricky Gervais Show Strike Back 2 Days: Nonito Donaire The Replacement Killers Teenie Weenie Bikini Squad Hesher Sniper 2 Pavement Get Carter People I Know 2 Days: Nonito Donaire 7 5:10a HBO 6:00 MAX 7:00 HBO 7:15 HBO 7:20 MAX 9:00 MAX 9:15 HBO 10:30 MAX 11:15 HBO 11:30 HBO 12:30p MAX 1:30 HBO 2:20 MAX 3:15 HBO 4:00 MAX 5:15 HBO 6:00 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 MAX 8:45 HBO 9:00 HBO MAX 10:45 MAX 11:00 HBO 11:15 HBO 11:35 MAX 12:05a MAX 12:15 1:30 2:00 2:15 3:15 4:05 HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX HBO SATURDAY 8 SUNDAY Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit Ice Age What to Watch Crazy, Stupid, Love Cutting Edge: Going for Gold Fast Times at Ridgemont High Game Change Green Lantern 2 Days: Nonito Donaire Dolphin Tale Alien Resurrection Rio A Nightmare on Elm Street Crazy, Stupid, Love Road House Megamind The Girl Next Door The Big Year Strike Back 2 Days: Nonito Donaire HBO Boxing After Dark: Donaire vs. Mathebula The Thing Strike Back 2 Days: Adrien Broner True Blood Femme Fatales Busty Housewives of Beverly Hills The Big Year The Thing George Lopez: Road to... Terminator 3 The Wood Cedar Rapids 5:00a MAX 5:40 HBO 7:05 MAX 7:15 HBO 8:45 HBO 9:00 HBO MAX 10:45 MAX 11:00 HBO 12:20p MAX 1:00 HBO 2:45 HBO 3:00 HBO 3:15 MAX 4:15 HBO 5:00 MAX 5:55 HBO 7:15 MAX 8:00 HBO 9:00 HBO MAX 10:00 HBO 10:45 MAX 11:00 HBO 12:00 HBO 12:15a MAX 1:05 MAX 1:35 HBO 2:05 HBO 2:30 MAX 4:10 MAX 4:15 HBO Coal Miner’s Daughter Bean The Eagle Mr. Bean’s Holiday 2 Days: Nonito Donaire Boxing After Dark The Thing Judge Dredd The A-Team The Horse Whisperer Cheaper by the Dozen The Making of The Big Year One Nation Under Dog Red Riding Hood The Big Year Aliens The A-Team The Thing True Blood The Newsroom Hall Pass True Blood Lingerie Feature The Newsroom Final Destination 5 Femme Fatales A Night in Heaven The Ricky Gervais Show Seven Witness Protection Great Balls of Fire! Triangle: Remembering the Fire HBO SATURDAY NIGHT MARINA ABRAMOVIC 8:00P THE ARTIST IS PRESENT HBO Documentary Films® THE TREE OF LIFE 6:00P WATER FOR 7:00P ELEPHANTS THE TOWN 9:00P 8:00P THE RICKY GERVAIS SHOW HBO SUNDAY NIGHT THE BIG YEAR 7:00P THE NEWSROOMSM 9:00P JULY 2012 PROGRAM SCHEDULE 9 5:00a HBO 6:00 MAX 6:45 HBO 8:30 HBO 9:05 MAX 10:15 HBO 11:00 MAX 12:00 HBO 1:35p MAX 2:00 HBO 3:15 MAX 4:00 HBO 5:05 MAX 6:15 HBO 7:15 MAX 8:00 HBO 9:00 HBO MAX 11:00 HBO MAX 11:30 HBO 12:20a MAX 1:30 HBO 1:45 HBO 2:05 MAX 2:35 MAX 3:30 HBO 3:45 HBO 4:00 MAX 8:00P MONDAY Sister Act Dances With Wolves The Prince of Egypt Major League: Back to the Minors The Rite Love Don’t Cost a Thing Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Crazy, Stupid, Love Coupe de Ville Something Borrowed Black Swan Hereafter Die Hard With a Vengeance Megamind The Thing Hard Times: Lost on Long Island Crazy, Stupid, Love Kalifornia The Ricky Gervais Show Sexy Wives Sindrome Boxing After Dark The Rundown 2 Days: Adrien Broner Your Highness Sex Games Cancun Stag Night George Lopez: The Road to It’s Not Me, It’s You 127 Hours Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex But Were Afraid to Ask HARD TIMES: LOST ON LONG ISLAND HBO Documentary Films® 10 5:30a HBO MAX 7:30 HBO MAX 8:00 HBO 9:30 MAX 10:00 HBO 10:15 HBO 11:45 MAX 12:00 HBO 1:15p MAX 1:45 HBO 3:15 4:15 5:15 6:15 7:00 8:00 9:00 9:45 MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO 10:00 11:00 11:10 11:30 HBO HBO MAX HBO 12:00 MAX 12:50a MAX 1:20 HBO 2:15 MAX 3:05 HBO 4:00 MAX TUESDAY 11 WEDNESDAY Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit The Education of Little Tree Flight of the Conchords Legal Eagles Dolphin Tale Bridesmaids The Making of The Big Year Men in Black Black Sheep The Big Year Alien 3 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1) Love & Other Drugs Dolphin Tale Rise of the Planet of the Apes How to Train Your Dragon Monte Carlo The Big Year Bridesmaids George Lopez: The Road to It’s Not Me, It’s You The Newsroom The Ricky Gervais Show Strike Back Marina Abramovic the Artist Is Present Femme Fatales Life on Top Feature The Hangover Part II Shaft Freejack The Alarmist 5:00a HBO 5:30 MAX 7:00 HBO MAX 8:30 MAX 9:00 HBO 10:35 MAX 11:00 HBO 12:00 HBO 12:15p MAX 1:45 MAX 2:30 HBO 3:30 MAX 4:15 HBO 5:15 MAX 6:00 HBO 7:15 MAX 7:30 HBO 9:00 HBO MAX 10:00 HBO 10:35 MAX 11:30 MAX 11:45 HBO 12:50a MAX 1:35 HBO 2:45 MAX 3:10 HBO 4:20 MAX 12 5:45 HBO 6:00 MAX 7:40 MAX 8:00 HBO 9:35 MAX 10:30 HBO 12:15p MAX 12:30 HBO 1:00 HBO 2:00 MAX 2:45 HBO 3:00 HBO 3:30 MAX 4:45 HBO 5:20 MAX 7:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO MAX 10:00 HBO 11:00 HBO 11:50 HBO 12:15a MAX 1:20 HBO 1:45 MAX 3:05 HBO LITTLE FOCKERS 10:00P THURSDAY 5:00a HBO Triangle: 3:20 HBO 3:40 MAX MONTE CARLO 7:00P Nanny McPhee Returns Catfish Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Cool as Ice The Town Sucker Punch Bruce Almighty Hard Times: Lost on Long Island The Tree of Life Gulliver’s Travels Win Win Little Fockers Paul Rio Green Lantern Lombardi King Ralph Final Destination 5 True Blood Recoil Little Fockers Femme Fatales Teenie Weenie Bikini Squad Life The Getaway Final Destination 5 Shattered Glass Hesher Return of Maxwell Smart (The Nude Bomb) Remembering the Fire X2 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules Dinner for Schmucks Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World Pulp Fiction Something Borrowed Hall Pass Flight of the Conchords Love Don’t Cost a Thing DOA: Dead or Alive 2 Days: Adrien Broner Envy The Girl Next Door X2 A Nightmare on Elm Street Something Borrowed What’s Love Got to Do With It The Newsroom Titanic True Blood Real Sex 20 Cedar Rapids Forbidden Science Feature Never Let Me Go The Debt George Lopez: The Road to It’s Not Me, It’s You Consequence The Left Hand of God 13 FRIDAY 5:00a HBO The Making of How to Train 5:10 5:15 6:45 6:50 8:30 MAX HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX 10:10 MAX 11:00 HBO 11:50 MAX 1:15p HBO 1:30 MAX 3:00 HBO 3:15 MAX 5:00 HBO 5:15 MAX 7:00 HBO MAX 8:00 HBO 8:30 HBO 9:00 MAX 9:45 MAX 10:00 MAX 10:30 MAX 10:45 HBO 11:00 HBO 11:20 MAX 11:30 HBO 12:40a MAX 1:30 HBO 2:10 MAX 3:20 HBO 3:50 MAX TITANIC 9:00P 8:00P Your Dragon The Indian in the Cupboard Flubber Street Fighter How to Train Your Dragon Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1) The Cutting Edge: Going for the Gold Red Riding Hood Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 2) Terror Tract Megamind The Fourth Kind Stuck on You The Eagle Game Change The Thing The Newsroom Road House The Ricky Gervais Show Harry Potter/Hallows (Part 2) Strike Back MAX Final Cut Wall Street... Femme Fatales Strike Back George Lopez: Road to... The Ricky Gervais Show Dark Fantasies Crazy, Stupid, Love Fast Times at Ridgemont High My Soul to Take Carrie The Order The Underneath THE RICKY GERVAIS SHOW Season Finale! 14 SATURDAY Chasing Liberty First Daughter Hereafter Galaxy Quest Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone 9:15 HBO 2 Days: Adrien Broner 9:30 HBO Dolphin Tale 11:30 HBO Hard Times: Lost on... 11:35 MAX Wall Street: Money Never... 12:30p HBO The Tree of Life 1:50 MAX Die Hard 3:00 HBO What to Watch 3:15 HBO The A-Team 4:05 MAX Die Hard With a Vengeance 5:15 HBO Men in Black 6:15 MAX The Rundown 7:00 HBO In Time 8:00 MAX Strike Back 9:00 HBO George Lopez: It’s Not Me... MAX Fast Five 10:00 HBO HBO World Championship Boxing: Khan vs. Garcia 11:15 MAX Strike Back 11:35 HBO 2 Days: Adrien Broner 11:50 HBO George Lopez: It’s Not Me... 12:00 MAX Femme Fatales 12:50a MAX Voyeur’s Web 12:55 HBO True Blood 1:45 HBO Making The Newsroom 2:00 HBO Taxicab Confessions 4 2:15 MAX Fast Five 3:00 HBO In Time 4:30 MAX 200 Cigarettes 4:50 HBO The Making of In Time 5:05a HBO 5:30 MAX 7:00 HBO 7:15 MAX 9:00 MAX HBO SATURDAY NIGHT HBO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 10:00P BOXING® 15 5:05a HBO 6:15 MAX 6:40 HBO 8:00 MAX 8:30 HBO 10:00 HBO MAX 10:15 HBO 12:15p HBO MAX 2:05 MAX 2:15 HBO 2:30 HBO 3:30 MAX 4:15 HBO 5:30 MAX 6:05 HBO 7:00 MAX 8:00 HBO 9:00 HBO MAX 10:05 HBO 11:00 HBO 11:10 MAX 12:05a HBO 1:00 MAX 1:35 MAX 1:45 HBO 2:15 HBO 3:00 MAX 4:10 HBO 4:45 MAX SUNDAY Rio Rookie of the Year Nanny McPhee Returns Water for Elephants HBO World Championship Boxing: Khan vs. Garcia 2 Days: Adrien Broner Fast Five Sucker Punch Something Borrowed Mr. Baseball Devil The Making of Little Fockers The Big Year Stakeout Rio Sniper 2 In Time Green Lantern True Blood The Newsroom Fast Five True Blood The Newsroom Sin City Diaries Feature The Big Year Femme Fatales Bruno The Ricky Gervais Show United 93 Heaven Help Us Assault in the Ring Demetrius and the Gladiators MONDAY HBO SUNDAY NIGHT TRUE BLOOD® 8:00P JULY 2012 PROGRAM SCHEDULE 16 5:35a HBO 6:30 MAX 7:00 HBO 7:25 HBO 8:30 MAX 9:00 HBO 10:45 MAX 11:15 HBO 12:00 HBO 12:05p MAX 1:30 MAX 2:30 HBO 3:00 MAX 4:15 HBO 4:30 MAX 5:30 HBO 6:45 MAX 8:00 HBO 9:00 HBO MAX 9:45 HBO 10:00 HBO 10:30 HBO 10:45 MAX 12:00 HBO 12:10a MAX 12:15 HBO 2:00 HBO 2:15 HBO 3:05 MAX 3:45 HBO MAX 8:00P MONDAY Naked Gun 33 1/3 Mask I Can Be President The Ant Bully Fast Five X2 Supercross Saving Face Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World Bad Girls From Valley High Three O’Clock High How to Train Your Dragon Gulliver’s Travels One Nation Under Dog Bridesmaids Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1) Fast Five Birders: The Central Park Effect The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom Paul 2 Days: Adrien Broner The Ricky Gervais Show HBO World Championship Boxing: Khan vs. Garcia Life on Top Feature 2 Days: Adrien Broner Love & Other Drugs Once Upon a Time in Mexico Making The Newsroom Cedar Rapids Young Adam The Union The Lost Weekend BIRDERS: THE CENTRAL PARK EFFECT HBO Documentary Films® 17 TUESDAY 5:15a HBO The Making of How to Train 5:30 HBO MAX 7:05 HBO 7:30 MAX 8:45 HBO 9:00 HBO 9:15 MAX 10:30 HBO 11:05 MAX 12:30p HBO 1:00 MAX 2:15 HBO 4:00 HBO 4:15 5:00 6:00 7:00 9:00 MAX HBO MAX HBO HBO 10:00 11:00 11:05 11:30 MAX HBO HBO MAX HBO 11:55 MAX 12:25a HBO 12:30 MAX 1:50 MAX 2:10 HBO 3:10 HBO 4:30 MAX 4:50 HBO Your Dragon Anastasia Without a Trace Megamind Housesitter 2 Days: Adrien Broner Spill Black Swan In Time Bird on a Wire Cheaper by the Dozen Titanic You Got Served Hard Times: Lost on Long Island Hall Pass Chasing Liberty The Horse Whisperer In Time Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel The Town The Newsroom The Ricky Gervais Show Strike Back Hard Times: Lost on Long Island Femme Fatales The Order Teenie Weenie Bikini Squad Pulp Fiction Real Sports w/Bryant Gumbel Consequence Transmission Test Flight of the Conchords 18 WEDNESDAY 5:30a HBO 6:00 MAX 7:30 HBO 7:45 HBO MAX 9:30 HBO 9:40 MAX 11:15 HBO Stuck on You Hearts in Atlantis The Making of The Big Year Death Becomes Her The Eagle The Big Year Arachnophobia The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom Mercury Rising Game Change Secret Window Crazy, Stupid, Love Dinner for Schmucks Something Borrowed Road House Derek Jeter 3k The Big Year The Girl Next Door 2 Days: Adrien Broner True Blood Die Hard With a Vengeance Final Destination 5 Femme Fatales Your Highness Busty Coeds vs. Lusty Cheerleaders Plato’s Run Marina Abramovic the Artist Is Present Doctor Detroit 2 Days: Adrien Broner Switch Greenberg 11:30 MAX 12:00 HBO 1:20p MAX 2:00 HBO 3:00 MAX 4:00 HBO 5:00 MAX 6:00 HBO 7:00 HBO MAX 8:45 HBO 9:00 HBO MAX 10:00 HBO 11:10 MAX 11:35 HBO 11:45 MAX 1:00a MAX 1:20 HBO 2:40 3:10 3:25 4:10 MAX HBO HBO MAX 19 THURSDAY 5:15a HBO 6:00 HBO MAX 7:20 MAX 7:30 HBO 9:00 MAX 9:30 HBO 10:45 MAX 11:00 HBO MAX 1:00p HBO MAX 2:00 HBO 3:15 MAX 4:00 HBO 5:00 5:15 7:00 7:15 8:00 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO 9:00 HBO MAX 10:00 HBO 10:45 MAX 11:00 HBO 12:00 HBO 12:05a MAX 1:05 HBO 2:00 MAX 2:40 HBO 4:30 MAX Saving Face Dirty Work Devil They Live Dolphin Tale Paul Johnny English MAX on Set: Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Green Lantern Real Sports w/Bryant Gumbel Aliens Sucker Punch Alien 3 Birders: The Central Park Effect Dolphin Tale Alien Resurrection Real Sports w/Bryant Gumbel Galaxy Quest George Lopez: It’s Not Me, It’s You The Newsroom The Thing True Blood Sexy Wives Sindrome Taxicab Confessions 4 George Lopez: It’s Not Me, It’s You The Hard Way Final Destination 5 Sex and the City 2 State of Grace The Return of the Living Dead Part II 20 5:00a HBO 6:00 MAX 7:00 HBO 7:30 MAX 9:00 HBO 10:05 MAX 10:30 HBO 11:50 MAX 12:45p HBO 1:30 MAX 3:00 HBO MAX 4:30 MAX 5:00 HBO 6:45 HBO MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 HBO 9:00 MAX 9:45 MAX 10:00 MAX 10:15 HBO 10:30 HBO MAX 11:20 MAX 12:30a HBO 12:50 MAX 2:10 HBO 2:30 MAX 4:05 MAX 4:40 HBO FRIDAY Star Trek Generations DOA: Dead or Alive Star Trek: First Contact Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone The Brady Bunch Movie The Rundown Hereafter A Nightmare on Elm Street X2 Stay Tuned The A-Team In & Out Fast Five Men in Black 2 Days: Adrien Broner Die Hard The Newsroom X-Men: First Class Strike Back MAX on Set: Despicable Me Femme Fatales 2 Days: Adrien Broner The A-Team Strike Back Emmanuelle Through Time: Rod Steele 0014 & Naked Agent 0069 American Wedding Judge Dredd Man on Fire Recoil The Seven-Per-Cent Solution Flight of the Conchords 21 5:15a HBO 6:00 MAX 7:00 HBO 7:40 MAX 9:00 HBO 9:35 MAX 10:00 HBO 11:00 MAX 11:45 HBO 12:00 HBO 1:00p MAX 2:30 HBO 2:35 4:30 5:00 6:15 7:00 8:00 9:00 MAX MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX 10:45 MAX 11:30 MAX 11:45 HBO 12:05a MAX 12:45 HBO 2:00 MAX 2:35 HBO 2:50 HBO 3:45 MAX 4:20 HBO SATURDAY 22 SUNDAY Love Don’t Cost a Thing K-9 Something Borrowed The Rite Birders: Central Park Effect Stag Night The Big Year The Getaway 2 Days: Adrien Broner Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1) Sgt. Bilko Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World Love & Other Drugs Rise of the Planet of the Apes Something Borrowed Bruce Almighty Contagion Strike Back HBO Boxing After Dark: Broner vs. Escobedo Horrible Bosses Strike Back Femme Fatales True Blood Zane’s Sex Chronicles Feat. Contagion Horrible Bosses What to Watch The Replacement Killers Mulholland Drive Birders: Central Park Effect 5:20a HBO 6:15 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:10 MAX 9:45 HBO 10:20 MAX 11:45 HBO 12:00 HBO 12:05p MAX 1:00 HBO How to Train Your Dragon Baby Boom Boxing After Dark Bridesmaids In Time Horrible Bosses The Making of In Time Real Sports w/Bryant Gumbel Gang Related Hard Times: Lost on Long Island Recount Gulliver’s Travels Titanic Game Change Contagion Bridesmaids True Blood The Newsroom Horrible Bosses True Blood Femme Fatales The Newsroom Femme Fatales In Time Femme Fatales Teenie Weenie Bikini Squad George Lopez: It’s Not Me, It’s You The People Under the Stairs Life Fever HBO SATURDAY NIGHT DIE HARD WITH A VENGEANCE IN TIME 7:00P 9:00P 8:00P GEORGE LOPEZ: IT’S NOT ME, IT’S YOU 2:05 MAX 3:00 HBO 3:50 MAX HBO SUNDAY NIGHT CONTAGION X-MEN: FIRST CLASS 8:00P 2:00 HBO MAX 3:30 MAX 4:00 HBO 6:05 HBO 6:45 MAX 8:00 HBO 9:00 HBO MAX 10:00 HBO 10:50 MAX 11:00 HBO 11:40 MAX 12:00 HBO 12:15a MAX 12:40 MAX 1:55 HBO 7:00P THE NEWSROOMSM 9:00P JULY 2012 PROGRAM SCHEDULE 23 MONDAY 5:00a HBO The Making of Scott Pilgrim 5:15 HBO 5:30 MAX 7:00 HBO 7:20 MAX 8:45 HBO 9:00 HBO 9:30 MAX 10:45 HBO 11:15 MAX 12:30p HBO 1:50 MAX 2:30 3:35 4:30 5:20 6:15 7:30 8:00 9:00 9:45 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO 10:00 HBO 11:00 MAX 12:30a MAX 12:45 HBO 1:45 2:00 2:20 3:50 4:05 HBO HBO MAX HBO MAX vs. the World The Scout Harry and the Hendersons Rio 3000 Miles to Graceland The Making of Little Fockers Cheaper by the Dozen Hall Pass Envy Pulp Fiction Stuck on You Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead Dolphin Tale Red Riding Hood Little Fockers The Town Rio The Money Pit Vito Alien 3 HBO First Look The Bourne Legacy Boxing After Dark Co-Ed Confidential Feature The Girl Next Door Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel The Making of In Time My Soul to Take The Cooler One Nation Under Dog Charade 24 TUESDAY 5:05a HBO 6:00 MAX 6:40 HBO 7:30 MAX 8:15 HBO 8:45 HBO 9:20 MAX 10:30 HBO 11:10 MAX 11:30 HBO 1:00p MAX 1:30 HBO 3:00 MAX 3:15 HBO 4:00 HBO 4:40 MAX 6:00 7:15 8:00 9:00 10:00 10:45 11:00 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO 11:30 MAX 12:00 MAX 12:05a HBO 12:35 HBO 2:10 MAX 3:05 HBO 3:35 MAX A Pig’s Tale Fatal Instinct Flubber Mercury Rising Flight of the Conchords Can’t Hardly Wait Horrible Bosses Birders: The Central Park Effect The Jewel of the Nile Contagion Green Lantern Death Becomes Her The Fourth Kind The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Sucker Punch Horrible Bosses Contagion The Thing The Newsroom Strike Back Birders: The Central Park Effect Femme Fatales Die Hard With a Vengeance Cathouse Man on Fire Sex Games Cancun Feature Femme Fatale The Company 25 WEDNESDAY 5:00a HBO 5:30 MAX 6:30 HBO 7:00 HBO 7:15 MAX 9:30 HBO MAX 10:30 HBO 11:45 MAX 12:30p HBO 12:45 HBO 1:35 MAX 2:30 HBO 3:30 MAX 4:15 HBO 4:30 5:15 5:30 7:00 7:30 9:00 HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX HBO MAX 10:00 HBO 11:05 HBO 11:15 MAX 11:20 HBO 11:40 MAX 1:05a HBO 1:10 MAX 3:10 MAX 3:15 HBO The Ant Bully Heart and Souls I Can Be President Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1) Fast Five Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps The A-Team Alien Resurrection The Making of In Time Men in Black Love & Other Drugs The Big Year Galaxy Quest HBO First Look The Bourne Legacy Real Sports w/Bryant Gumbel Die Hard Namath The A-Team Fast Times at Ridgemont High True Blood Fast Five George Lopez: It’s Not Me... HBO First Look The Bourne Legacy Femme Fatales The Big Year Lingerie Feature Seven Kalifornia Ordinary People United 93 26 THURSDAY 5:15a HBO The Making of Scott Pilgrim MAX 5:30 HBO 7:00 HBO 7:05 MAX 8:30 HBO 10:00 MAX 10:15 HBO 10:30 HBO 11:40 MAX 1:00p HBO 1:30 MAX 3:00 HBO 3:30 MAX 4:45 HBO 5:30 MAX 7:00 HBO 7:15 MAX 8:45 HBO 9:00 HBO MAX 10:00 HBO 11:00 HBO MAX 11:50 HBO 1:15a MAX 1:25 HBO 2:45 MAX 3:15 HBO vs. the World The Prisoner of Zenda The Brady Bunch Movie Mr. Bean’s Holiday The Horse Whisperer You Got Served A Nightmare on Elm Street The Making of The Big Year The Tree of Life Bull Durham Game Change The Eagle Vito Water for Elephants Hereafter The Cutting Edge: Going for the Gold Your Highness The Rundown HBO First Look The Bourne Legacy The Newsroom Road House True Blood Real Sex 33 Bridesmaids Vito Co-Ed Confidential Feature Hesher Thelma & Louise Game Change 27 5:00a MAX 5:15 HBO 6:40 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:20 MAX 9:00 HBO 9:45 MAX 11:00 HBO 11:30 MAX 1:00p HBO 1:30 MAX 2:40 HBO 3:00 HBO 3:15 MAX 5:00 HBO MAX 6:45 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 HBO 9:00 MAX 10:00 HBO MAX 10:30 MAX 11:20 MAX 11:50 HBO 12:40a MAX 1:35 HBO 2:30 MAX 3:10 HBO 4:35 MAX FRIDAY Love Story Sister Act King Ralph Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit Bad Girls From Valley High Chasing Liberty Rise of the Planet of the Apes In Time The Rite Rio Mr. Baseball The Making of How to Train Your Dragon Contagion Bruce Almighty Sucker Punch Horrible Bosses Aliens The Newsroom In Time Strike Back Contagion Femme Fatales Strike Back Busty Coeds vs. Lusty Cheerleaders Once Upon a Time in Mexico Black Swan 127 Hours Out of Sight Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines Terror Tract 28 SATURDAY 5:00a HBO The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom 5:45 HBO I Can Be President 6:15 HBO Can’t Hardly Wait MAX Monte Carlo 8:00 HBO Little Fockers 8:05 MAX Arachnophobia 9:45 HBO Real Sports w/Bryant Gumbel 10:00 MAX Dinner for Schmucks 10:45 HBO How to Train Your Dragon 12:00 MAX In & Out 12:30p HBO The Big Year 1:30 MAX Pulp Fiction 2:15 HBO The Tsunami and... 3:00 HBO In Time 4:05 MAX The Town 5:00 HBO HBO First Look The Bourne Legacy Little Fockers Hall Pass What’s Your Number Strike Back True Blood Dream House What’s Your Number Strike Back Femme Fatales Sexy Wives Sindrome X-Men: First Class Dream House Ricky Gervais: Out of England 2 - The Stand Up Special 2:40 MAX Gossip 3:20 HBO Speed 4:15 MAX Cherry Falls 5:15 6:15 7:00 8:00 9:00 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX 10:00 HBO 10:30 MAX 11:20 MAX 11:45 MAX 11:50 HBO 1:05a MAX 2:05 HBO HBO SATURDAY NIGHT 8:00P VITO HBO Documentary Films® THE THING 9:00P FAST FIVE 9:00P YOUR HIGHNESS 7:00P ALIENS 6:45P 7:00P WHAT’S YOUR NUMBER? 29 SUNDAY 5:30a HBO 5:50 MAX 7:30 HBO 8:50 MAX 9:00 HBO 10:30 MAX 11:15 HBO 12:20p MAX 1:00 HBO Stuck on You Dances With Wolves Vito The Fourth Kind X2 The Hard Way Megamind The Debt Birders: The Central Park Effect Contagion Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Scott Pilgrim vs. the World The Girl Next Door What’s Your Number Die Hard True Blood The Newsroom Die Hard With a Vengeance True Blood The Newsroom Femme Fatales Dark Fantasies Contagion Event Horizon State of Grace Surviving Christmas Vito Supercross 2:00 HBO 2:15 MAX 4:00 4:50 6:05 6:45 8:00 9:00 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX 10:00 HBO 11:00 HBO 11:10 MAX 11:40 MAX 12:00 HBO 1:00a MAX 1:50 HBO 2:40 MAX 4:10 HBO MAX HBO SUNDAY NIGHT TRUE BLOOD® 8:00P JULY/AUGUST 2012 PROGRAM SCHEDULE 30 5:30a MAX 5:45 HBO 7:15 MAX 7:30 HBO 9:00 MAX 9:30 HBO 11:00 MAX 11:30 HBO 12:35p MAX 1:00 HBO 2:00 MAX 3:00 HBO 3:45 MAX 4:45 HBO 5:00 HBO 7:00 HBO MAX 8:00 HBO 9:00 MAX 9:15 HBO 10:30 HBO 10:45 MAX 11:30 HBO 12:05a MAX 1:20 HBO 2:00 MAX 2:30 MAX 3:50 HBO 4:20 MAX MONDAY 31 The Wizard Osmosis Jones K-9 City Slickers The Legend of Curly’s Gold What’s Love Got to Do With It Sucker Punch Sniper 2 Johnny English Devil In Time Horrible Bosses The Big Year Titanic The Making of In Time Something Borrowed The Newsroom Bird on a Wire About Face: Supermodels Then and Now Horrible Bosses George Lopez: It’s Not Me, It’s You Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel Teenie Weenie Bikini Squad In Time Green Lantern Man on Fire Life on Top Mercury Rising Fargo Win Win TUESDAY 5:30a HBO 6:00 HBO 6:10 MAX 7:30 MAX 8:00 HBO 9:30 HBO 10:00 MAX 11:30 HBO MAX 11:45 HBO 1:30p HBO MAX 1:45 3:15 3:30 5:00 MAX HBO MAX HBO 5:15 6:00 7:30 8:00 9:00 10:00 10:45 11:00 11:30 12:00 MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX 1:30a HBO MAX 3:05 MAX 3:20 HBO 4:45 MAX Flight of the Conchords Star Trek: First Contact Dudley Do-Right Sex and the City 2 Angus Game Change Dream House HBO First Look The Bourne Legacy Road House Vito Envy MAX on Set Sex and the City 2 The Rundown How to Train Your Dragon Judge Dredd Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel Fast Five Game Change Dream House What’s Your Number Galaxy Quest The Newsroom Strike Back True Blood Femme Fatales Cedar Rapids Voyeur’s Web What’s Your Number A Nightmare on Elm Street Red Riding Hood American Wedding Spy Hard 1 5:00a HBO 6:10 MAX 7:00 HBO 7:30 MAX 8:30 HBO 9:40 MAX 10:15 HBO 11:35 MAX 12:00 HBO 1:30p MAX 2:00 HBO 3:20 MAX 4:00 HBO 5:00 MAX 5:30 HBO 7:00 HBO 7:15 MAX 9:00 HBO MAX 10:00 HBO 11:00 MAX 11:30 MAX 11:45 HBO 12:05a MAX 1:15 HBO 1:40 MAX 2:10 MAX 3:00 HBO 3:45 MAX WEDNESDAY For Richer or Poorer Yogi Bear The Medallion Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 2) Grind The Dream Team Benny & Joon 28 Days Later Contagion Conviction Bend It Like Beckham The Nutty Professor Vampires Suck Waterworld The Art of Getting By Contagion Larry Crowne True Blood The Haunting Beginners Lingerie Lingerie The Pool Boys Mad Max American Psycho Femme Fatales Endure The Limits of Control Dreaming of Joseph Lees 2 THURSDAY 5:00a HBO Waking Ned Devine 5:20 MAX The Adventures of 6:30 HBO 6:50 MAX 8:30 HBO 9:30 MAX 10:00 HBO 11:30 MAX 12:00 HBO 1:15p MAX 1:30 HBO 3:15 HBO 3:30 MAX 5:00 HBO 5:10 MAX 7:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO MAX 10:00 HBO 11:00 HBO 11:15 MAX 11:30 HBO 12:00 HBO 12:50a MAX 2:20 MAX 2:40 HBO 2:50 MAX 4:20 MAX 4:30 HBO Rocky and Bullwinkle In Time Amistad Gulliver’s Travels Air America Crazy, Stupid, Love The Thing Another Earth Love Actually Intolerable Cruelty Ramona and Beezus Unstoppable In Time Grosse Pointe Blank Crazy, Stupid, Love Almost Famous The Newsroom X-Men: First Class True Blood Cathouse: Frisky Business Zane’s Sex Chronicles Feat. A Real Sex Xtra: Pornucopia: Going Down in the Valley Boogie Nights Child’s Play 3 Life on Top Girl 6 House of the Rising Sun She’s the One The UCLA Dynasty 3 FRIDAY 5:30a HBO 6:00 MAX 6:15 MAX 7:45 HBO 8:00 MAX 9:30 HBO 9:50 MAX 11:15 HBO 11:30 HBO 11:40 MAX 1:30p HBO 1:40 MAX 3:20 MAX 3:30 HBO 4:45 HBO 5:00 5:05 6:45 7:00 8:00 9:00 9:45 HBO MAX MAX HBO HBO MAX HBO 10:00 HBO MAX 10:30 MAX 11:15 MAX 12:00 HBO 12:40a MAX 1:40 HBO 2:15 MAX 3:05 HBO 4:15 MAX 4:45 HBO Up Close & Personal MAX Final Cut Tower Heist Eddie Glitter The Dilemma In America The Adjustment Bureau Boardwalk Empire: Back to the Boardwalk Welcome to Mooseport Life As We Know It Evening 50 First Dates The American About Face: Supermodels... HBO First Look The Bourne Legacy The Saint Hard Rain Fast Five The Newsroom Due Date Strike Back Boardwalk Empire: Back to the Boardwalk The Art of War Femme Fatales Strike Back Baby Dolls Behind Bars Live! Ruthless People Hatchet II In the Cut I Know What You Did... Mean Streets Broad Street Bullies 4 SATURDAY 5:45a HBO I Can’t Do This 5 SUNDAY 5:15a HBO HBO First Look But I Can Do That 6:10 MAX The Chronicles of Narnia Voyage of Dawn Treader 6:15 HBO Legend of the Guardians: 8:00 HBO 8:05 MAX 9:30 MAX 10:00 HBO 11:30 MAX 12:00 HBO 1:15p MAX 2:00 HBO 3:40 HBO 3:45 MAX 5:25 HBO 6:00 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 MAX 8:30 HBO 9:00 MAX 10:30 HBO 11:05 MAX 11:30 HBO 11:50 MAX 12:20a MAX 1:40 HBO 1:45 MAX 3:20 HBO 3:35 MAX The Owls of Ga’Hoole Contagion Liar Liar Alien 3 Hanna The Rage: Carrie 2 In Time Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1) Vito Contagion Die Hard With a Vengeance Shrek Forever After Unknown Puss in Boots Strike Back Hanna Answers to Nothing True Blood Strike Back Bridesmaids Femme Fatales Naughty Reunion Confidence Sanctum The Kids Are All Right Set It Off HBO SATURDAY NIGHT 5:30 5:40 6:00 8:00 8:20 HBO MAX MAX HBO MAX 9:30 HBO 10:10 MAX 11:00 HBO 11:50 MAX 12:30p HBO 1:30 MAX 3:00 HBO 3:20 MAX 4:30 HBO 5:40 5:45 7:15 8:00 9:00 MAX HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX 10:00 HBO 10:45 MAX 11:00 HBO 12:00 HBO 12:15a MAX 12:50 MAX 1:50 HBO 2:20 MAX 3:20 HBO 4:00 MAX The Bourne Legacy For Love of the Game Salvation Road Seabiscuit Gulliver’s Travels Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son The Medallion 48 HRS. Vampires Suck Another 48 HRS. Inception Arthur Puss in Boots The Matrix About Face: Supermodels Then and Now Dream House Bridesmaids The Whole Nine Yards True Blood The Newsroom Horrible Bosses True Blood Life on Top Feature The Newsroom What’s Your Number Femme Fatales Cabin Fever The Pool Boys The Heist Civil Brand The Guardian HBO SUNDAY NIGHT Portrait © Timothy Greenfield-Sanders 8:00P ABOUT FACE: SUPERMODELS THEN AND NOW HBO Documentary Films® DREAM HOUSE 7:30P LARRY CROWNE 7:15P ALMOST FAMOUS 7:00P DUE DATE 8:00P THE NEWSROOMSM PUSS IN BOOTS 7:00P 9:00P JULY 2012 PROGRAM GUIDE: A-Z THIS MONTH ON HBO AND CINEMAX A ABOUT FACE: SUPERMODELS THEN AND NOW HBO Documentary Films Iconic supermodels look back at their careers and the changing world of fashion. (AC,AL,N) TV14/S,L,D-1:12. HBO July 30 H THE ALARMIST Two burglar alarm salesmen create a demand for their product in this comedy. Stanley Tucci, David Arquette. (AC, AL,BN) R-1:31. MAX July 10 CSEH ALIENS James Cameron’s knockout sequel to Alien finds Sigourney Weaver off to save a space colony on the planet where the first alien reigned. (AL,GV) R-2:17. MAX July 3,8,19,27 CDEH ALIEN 3 Sigourney Weaver battles another alien predator after her spacecraft crashlands on a remote prison planet. (AC,AL,V) R-1:54. MAX July 1,10,19,23 CDEH ALIEN RESURRECTION Space captain Ripley’s clone is created to hatch a batch of aliens in this fourth Alien film. Sigourney Weaver, Winona Ryder. (AC,AL,V) R-1:49. MAX July 2,7,19,25 CDEH AMERICAN WEDDING The third film in the American Pie series finds Jason Biggs preparing to walk down the aisle with his beloved band camp babe. (AC,AL,N,V) R1:36. HBO July 2,20,31 CSEH ANASTASIA A young orphan might be the last of Czarist Russia’s bluebloods in this musical fable of royalty, risk and romance. G-1:34. HBO July 6,17 C5EH ANGUS An awkward teen finds himself in the running to pick up the hottest girl in school in this comedy. (AC,AL) PG13-1:30. HBO July 3,31 C5EH THE ANT BULLY Ants shrink a naughty boy down to their size in order to teach him a valuable lesson in this animated tale. (MV) PG-1:29. HBO July 16,25 C5EH ARACHNOPHOBIA A deadly tropical spider begins breeding in the yard of a smalltown doctor. Jeff Daniels. (AL,V) PG131:50. MAX July 5,18,28 CDEH ASSAULT IN THE RING HBO Sports Documentary The tragic events that resulted from a 1983 boxing match. (AL,V) TV14/V,L-1:23. HBO July 15 CSEH THE A-TEAM Action-packed update of the classic ’80s TV series. Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper, Jessica Biel. (AC,AL,BN,V) PG131:59. HBO July 2,8,14,20,25 C5EH B BABY BOOM Corporate superwoman Diane Keaton’s career threatens to come off the fast track when she suddenly inherits a baby girl in this comedy. (AC,AL) PG-1:50. MAX July 22 CSEH BAD GIRLS FROM VALLEY HIGH Three devious high-school vixens get their comeuppance in this tale. (AC,AL,MV) R1:24. MAX July 4,16,27 CDEH BATTLE FOR TOBACCO ROAD: DUKE VS. CAROLINA College basketball’s fiercest rivalry—Duke and North Carolina—is explored in this HBO Sports documentary. TVPG-:59. HBO July 15 CSEH BEAN The bumbling Mr. Bean brings his screwball antics Stateside in this outrageous comedy. Rowan Atkinson. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:31. HBO July 2,8 C5EH THE BEAUTICIAN AND THE BEAST Wacky Fran Drescher goes to the tiny nation of Slovetzia to tutor the president’s kids. (AC) PG-1:47. HBO July 6 C5EH THE BIG YEAR Life goes to the birds— literally—for obsessed avian enthusiasts Jack Black, Steve Martin and Owen Wilson in this comedy. (MV) PG-1:40. HBO July 7,8,10,15,18,21,25,28,30 C5EH BIRD ON A WIRE Protected witness Mel Gibson goes on the lam with Goldie Hawn to avoid the drug lord. (AC,AL,V) PG131:50. MAX July 1,17,30 CSEH BIRDERS: THE CENTRAL PARK EFFECT HBO Documentary Films The hidden world of birds and ‘birders’ in New York City’s Central Park. (AL) TV14/L-1:00. HBO July 16,19,21,24,29 C5Eh BLACK SHEEP Chris Farley is a political candidate’s bozo brother and David Spade is his keeper in this comedy. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:26. MAX July 10 CSEH BLACK SWAN Obsession drives devoted ballerina Natalie Portman to the brink of madness in this film. (AC,GL,GV,SC) R1:48. MAX July 1,9,17,27 CDEH BORDERLINE A prison psychiatrist gets into big trouble thanks to one of her patients. With Gina Gershon. (AC,AL,BN, RP,V) R-1:34. MAX July 1 CDEH BOUND Mob moll Jennifer Tilly and sultry ex-con Gina Gershon get hot and heavy while plotting to rob a gangster. (AC,AL, N,V) R-1:48. MAX July 4 CDH BOXING Former champion Amir Khan takes on 140-lb. titlist Danny Garcia in this championship bout. (AL) TVPG/L-2:12. HBO July 14,15,16 Cseh BOXING AFTER DARK Adrien Broner vs. Vicente Escobedo in a 130-lb title fight; Marcos Maidana vs. Keith Thurman; plus, Omar Figueroa Jr. vs. TBA. (AL) TVPG/L1:57. HBO July 21,22,23 Cseh BOXING AFTER DARK Nonito Donaire takes on Jeffrey Mathebula in a 122-lb title unification fight; plus, another fight. (AL) TVPG/L-1:57. HBO July 7,8,9 Cseh THE BRADY BUNCH MOVIE It’s the ‘90s, but the Bradys are stuck in the ‘70s in this spoof that has those zany kids trying to raise money to save their house. (AC,AL) PG13-1:28. HBO July 1,20,26 CDEH BREAKIN’ ALL THE RULES Jamie Foxx becomes a break-up guru for men in this amusing comedy. Morris Chestnut. (AC, AL) PG13-1:25. MAX July 5 CDEH BRIDESMAIDS Kristen Wiig leads soon-tobe-wed best friend Maya Rudolph down a comically disastrous path to the altar in this smash-hit comedy. (AC,AL,MV) R-2:05. MAX July 4,10,16,22,26 CDEH BRUCE ALMIGHTY Jim Carrey is a reporter whose lack of faith prompts God to endow him with all of His powers. Morgan Freeman, Jennifer Aniston. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:41. MAX July 1,11,21,27 CSEH BRUNO Sacha Baron Cohen is Bruno, an outrageously flamboyant Austrian fashionista who has come to L.A. (AC,GL,N,V) R1:21. MAX July 2,15 CDEH BULL DURHAM A hot rookie pitcher and a veteran catcher of a minor league team fall for a baseball groupie. Kevin Costner, Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins. (AC,AL,N,V) R1:48. MAX July 4,26 CDEH BUSTY COEDS VS. LUSTY CHEERLEADERS Passion and competition collide when sexy contestants come together in the “Hottie of the Year” contest. (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/ S,L-1:15. MAX July 2,18,27 CSH BUSTY HOUSEWIVES OF BEVERLY HILLS A man inherits a Beverly Hills mansion along with an amulet that gives him power over women in this erotic tale. (GL,MV,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-1:22. MAX July 7 CSH C CAN’T HARDLY WAIT A high school graduation bash sets the stage for love and laughs. Jennifer Love Hewitt. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:41. HBO July 24,28 C5EH CARRIE Sissy Spacek is the telekinetic teen who turns prom night into an unforgettable bloodbath in this horror classic based on Stephen King’s book. (GV,N) R-1:38. MAX July 13 CEH CATFISH A Facebook friendship takes a strange series of turns that leads a youth on an emotional and disturbing trip. (AC, AL) PG13-1:27. MAX July 11 CDEH CATHOUSE: WELCOME ABOARD Infamous madam Heidi Fleiss helps assess the new working girls at the Moonlite BunnyRanch in this special. (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L:27. HBO July 5,24 CSEH CEDAR RAPIDS A weekend insurance convention proves to be a hotbed of sex, booze and buffoonery for a naive young man in this comedy. Ed Helms. (AC,AL,BN,V) R-1:27. HBO July 7,12,31 C5EH CHARADE Cary Grant helps widow Audrey Hepburn in a dangerous search for a missing fortune in this twist-filled 1963 adventure-comedy classic. (AC,AL,V) TVPG/V,L,D-1:53. MAX July 23 CEH CHASING LIBERTY A U.S. President’s daughter enjoys an anonymous European holiday on the arm of a handsome British youth. Mandy Moore. (AC,AL,MV) PG131:51. HBO July 2,14,17,27 CDEH CHASING PAPI A Latino Casanova courts three Hispanic women in three different cities until they find out about one another. Roselyn Sanchez, Sofia Vergara. (AC,AL, MV) PG-1:20. HBO July 2 CDEH CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN A married couple’s 12 offspring strain family bonds to a comical breaking point in this remake. Steve Martin, Bonnie Hunt. (AC,AL,MV) PG-1:39. HBO July 8,17,23 CDEH CHERRY FALLS Virgins beware! A psychopath begins slaughtering the celibate in a small town. (AC,AL, N,V) R1:31. MAX July 28 CSEH CITY SLICKERS: THE LEGEND OF CURLY’S GOLD Billy Crystal is back as a city dweller who treks across the American West on a gold expedition in this sequel. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:56. HBO July 30 CSEH CLEAN SLATE A private eye (Dana Carvey) suffering from memory loss is the key witness in a gangster’s murder trial. (AC, AL) PG13-1:47. MAX July 2 CSEH COAL MINER’S DAUGHTER Sissy Spacek won the 1980 Best Actress Oscar® for her spirited, moving portrayal of country singer Loretta Lynn. Tommy Lee Jones. (AC,AL, MV) PG-2:04. MAX July 8 CEH CO-ED CONFIDENTIAL 2: SOPHOMORES: FEATURE 01: BACK 2 SCHOOL Sizzling erotic series. (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L1:29. MAX July 23 CSH CO-ED CONFIDENTIAL 3: SPRING BREAK FEATURE 03: SEX ON THE BEACH Sizzling erotic series. (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L1:27. MAX July 26 CSEH THE COMPANY A renowned ballet company in Chicago takes on a challenging new dance project. Malcolm McDowell, Neve Campbell. (AC,AL) PG131:52. MAX July 24 CDEH CONSEQUENCE A recently-sued oral surgeon fakes his death and assumes the identity of his dead brother. Armand Assante, Rick Schroder. (AC,AL,N,V) R1:37. HBO July 12,17 CDEH CONTAGION Steven Soderbergh directed this harrowing thriller about the outbreak of a deadly virus. (AL,MV) PG13-1:46. HBO July 21,22,24,27,29 C5EH COOL AS ICE Vanilla Ice seeks the affections of a pretty honors student while wearing outrageous attire. (AC,AL) PG1:31. MAX July 11 CDEH THE COOLER William H. Macy is a Las Vegas casino employee who doles out bad luck for a living until he meets a pretty waitress. Alec Baldwin. (AC,AL,N,V) R1:42. MAX July 23 CSEH COUPE DE VILLE Three estranged brothers reunite for a cross-country road trip. Daniel Stern, Patrick Dempsey. (AC,AL,SC,V) PG13-1:37. MAX July 9 CSEH CRAZY, STUPID, LOVE Love and heartbreak land a middle-aged man and the people around him in a crazy tangle. Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling. (AC,AL,MV) PG131:58. HBO July 2,7,9,13,18 C5EH THE CUTTING EDGE: GOING FOR THE GOLD Fiery figure skaters heat up the ice in this sequel. (AC,AL,BN) TV14/S,L,D1:38. MAX July 7,13,26 CSEH D DANCES WITH WOLVES Kevin Costner’s Oscar®-winning Best Picture about a Civil War soldier who finds himself as a member of the Lakota Sioux tribe. (AC,AL,BN,V) PG13-3:01. MAX July 9,29 CSH DARK FANTASIES College students get more than they bargained for while doing a sleep experiment. (AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L1:21. MAX July 13,29 CSH DEATH BECOMES HER Aging beauties Meryl Streep and Goldie Hawn wage war for the affections of Bruce Willis. (AC,AL,N,V) PG13-1:43. HBO July 18,24 CSEH THE DEBT Taut espionage thriller centering on the capture of a notorious Nazi war criminal by Israeli intelligence agents. Helen Mirren, Sam Worthington. (AC,AL,V) R-1:53. MAX July 3,12,29 CDEH DEMETRIUS AND THE GLADIATORS Victor Mature and Susan Hayward star in this lavish 1954 sequel to The Robe. TVG1:41. MAX July 15 CSEH DEREK JETER 3K Step behind the scenes with Derek Jeter as the baseball superstar makes history by smacking his 3,000th hit. TVPG-:59. HBO July 18 CSEH DESPICABLE ME A supervillain discovers he has a heart while using three tots for his latest scheme in this animated hit. (AC, MV) PG-1:35. MAX July 2 CDEH JULY 2012 PROGRAM GUIDE: A-Z THIS MONTH ON HBO AND CINEMAX DEVIL Five strangers are stuck in an elevator in a Philadelphia high-rise...and one of them is Satan. (AC,AL,V) PG131:20. MAX July 3,15,19,30 CDEH DIARY OF A WIMPY KID: RODRICK RULES Young underdog Greg Heffley is back for torment at the hands of his brother Rodrick and more in this second flick in the series. (MV) PG-1:40. MAX July 12 CDEH DIE HARD Super cop Bruce Willis battles terrorists inside a Los Angeles skyscraper in this action classic. (AL,BN,V) R-2:12. MAX July 3,6,14,20,25,29 CDEH DIE HARD WITH A VENGEANCE Rogue cop Bruce Willis plays a deadly game of hide and seek with a mad bomber in NYC. Samuel L. Jackson. (AL,GV) R-2:08. MAX July 6,9,14,18,24,29 CDEH DINNER FOR SCHMUCKS An aspiring exec finds the perfect loser to bring to his boss’ monthy misfit party in this comedy. Steve Carell, Paul Rudd. (AC,AL,BN,MV) PG131:54. MAX July 12,18,28 CDEH DIRTY WORK Two slacker buddies devise a revenge-for-hire business that becomes a big success in this comedy. (AC,AL,BN, V) PG13-1:22. HBO July 19 CSEH D.O.A: DEAD OR ALIVE A group of talented martial artists are called to compete in the deadly DOA tournament. (AC,AL,V) PG131:26. MAX July 4,12,20 CDEH DOCTOR DETROIT Snooty college professor Dan Aykroyd assumes the identity of an outrageous pimp in this comedy. (AC, AL,N) R-1:30. MAX July 18 CEH DOLPHIN TALE An injured dolphin makes a huge splash in the hearts of a young boy and the team that helps it. Harry Connick Jr., Ashley Judd. (MV) PG-1:53. HBO July 1,4,7,10,14,19,23 C5EH DON’T TELL MOM THE BABYSITTER’S DEAD A teenage girl and her four siblings are left to their own devices when their babysitter croaks. Christina Applegate. (AL) PG13-1:45. MAX July 23 CDEH DR. SEUSS’ THE CAT IN THE HAT Dr. Seuss’ fantastical feline is brought to frenzied life. Mike Myers stars. (AC,MV) PG-1:22. MAX July 1 CDEH DREAM HOUSE An idyllic suburban home hides the dark secrets from a writer’s past in this thriller. Daniel Craig. (AC,AL) PG131:32. MAX July 28,31 CDEH DUDLEY DO-RIGHT The classic cartoon Canadian Mountie comes to life in this liveaction family film. Brendan Fraser and Sarah Jessica Parker star. (AC,AL,MV) PG-1:23. MAX July 31 CDEH E THE EAGLE A Roman soldier ventures into treacherous British lands to recover an icon—and his family’s pride—in this adventure. Channing Tatum. (V) PG131:54. MAX July 8,13,18,26 CDEH THE EDUCATION OF LITTLE TREE A halfbreed orphan boy learns some valuable life lessons in 1930s Tennessee. (AL) PG1:56. MAX July 10 CSEH EMMANUELLE THROUGH TIME: ROD STEELE 0014 & NAKED AGENT 0069 Time-traveling Emmanuelle must pose as a secret agent. (AL,MV,N,SC) TVMA/S,L1:27. MAX July 3,20 CSH ENVY Envy drives a stake between two buddies in this twisted comedy starring Ben Stiller and Jack Black. (AC,AL) PG13-1:39. HBO July 1,6,12,23,31 CDEH EVENT HORIZON A space crew enters a world of nightmarish evil when they happen upon an abandoned spacecraft. Laurence Fishburne and Sam Neill star. (AC,AL,N,V) R-1:36. MAX July 4,29 CDEH “EVERYTHING YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT SEX” *BUT WERE AFRAID TO ASK Woody Allen delves inside the subject of sex in this ribald 1972 comedy. (AC,SC) R-1:28. MAX July 9 CEH F FARGO The Coen Brothers’ memorable classic about kidnapping, extortion and a grisly wood chipper massacre in Minnesota. Frances McDormand. (AC,BN,V) R-1:38. HBO July 5,21,30 C5EH FAST FIVE Vin Diesel and Paul Walker burn up the streets of Rio in this fifth ‘Fast & Furious’ film. (AC,AL,V) PG13-2:10. MAX July 14,15,16,20,25,31 CDEH FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH The 1982 comedy classic that follows a group of teens in their natural habitat: high school and a shopping mall. Sean Penn. (AL,N) R1:30. MAX July 7,13,25 CSEH FATAL INSTINCT Director Carl Reiner plays on the action-thriller greats in this comedic take on Fatal Attraction, Basic Instinct and Body Heat. (AC,AL,MV) PG131:30. MAX July 24 CSEH FEMME FATALE Rebecca Romijn-Stamos is a dangerous blonde whose picture attracts the attention of a paparazzo–and exposes her sordid past. (AC,AL,N,V) R1:54. HBO July 1,24 CDEH FEMME FATALES Strong, sexy females are caught up in intriguing mysteries in this twist-filled series. 17: Extracurricular Activities (AC,GL,N,SC,V) TVMA/V,S,L:27. MAX July 1 CDH; 18: Killer Instinct (AC,GL,N,SC,V) TVMA/V,S,L-:28. MAX July 1 CDH; 19: Bad Science (AC,GL,N,SC,V) TVMA/V,S,L-:30. MAX July 1,3,4,7 CDH; 20: Family Business (AC,GL,N,SC,V) TVMA/V,S,L:47. MAX July 6,8,10,11,14,22 CDh; 21: Jail Break (AC,GL,N,SC,V) TVMA/V,S,L-:33. MAX July 13,15,17,18,21,22 CDh; 22: Crazy Mary (AC,GL,N,SC,V) TVMA/V,S,L:25. MAX July 20,22,24,25,28 CDh; 23: One Man’s Death (AC,GL,N,SC,V) TVMA/V,S,L-:29. MAX CDH July 27,29,31 FEVER HBO Original Movie An ex-con and a lawyer team up to save the woman they both love. Armand Assante. (AL,N,V) R-1:39. MAX July 22 CSEH FFOLKES Roger Moore runs into risky action on the North Sea when a terrorist threatens to blow up a major oil rig. (AC, AL,V) PG-1:40. MAX July 5 CEH FINAL DESTINATION 5 Death returns to claim the survivors of a bridge collapse. Nicholas D’Agosto. (AC,AL,GV) R-1:32. HBO July 3,8,11,18,19 C5EH FIRST DAUGHTER A president’s daughter seeks normalcy within the confines of a prestigious university. Katie Holmes. (MV) PG-1:45. MAX July 14 CDEH FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS HBO comedy series. 03: Mugged (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:27. HBO July 17 CSE; 08: Girlfriends (AC,AL) TV14/L,D-:28. HBO July 6,10,31 CSE; 11: The Actor (AC,AL) TV14/L,D:28. HBO July 12,20,24 CSE FLUBBER Absent-minded professor Robin Williams invents a green glop that gives anything it’s applied to the ability to bounce super high and fast. (AC,MV) PG-1:34. HBO July 13,24 C5EH FORBIDDEN SCIENCE FEATURE 03 Passion and science collide in this sizzling erotic series. (AC,AL,N,SC,V) TVMA/V,S,L1:27. MAX July 12 CSH THE FOURTH KIND A psychologist fears alien abductions are taking place. Milla Jovovich stars. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:38. MAX July 5,13,24,29 CDEH FREEJACK Racecar driver Emilio Estevez is suddenly zapped into the 21st century in this action-packed sci-fi thriller. (AC,AL,V) R-1:50. HBO July 10 C5EH THE FRENCH CONNECTION Gene Hackman stars in this 1971 Best Picture Oscar® winner about a maverick cop. (AC,AL, BN,V) R-1:44. MAX July 2 CSH G GALAXY QUEST The cast of a cult sci-fi TV show is called upon to help out an alien race in this spoof. Tim Allen. (AC,AL,V) PG1:42. MAX July 1,14,19,25,31 CDEH GAME CHANGE HBO Original Movie The presidential campaign of John McCain and Sarah Palin . (AC,AL) TVMA/L-1:58. HBO July 7,13,18,22,26,31 C5EH GANG RELATED Crooked cops James Belushi and Tupac Shakur hatch an illfated scheme in this thriller. (AC,AL,N,V) R-1:52. MAX July 3,22 CSEH GEORGE LOPEZ: IT’S NOT ME, IT’S YOU Comedy superstar George Lopez performs live in front of a packed house at the Nokia Theatre in L.A. (AC,AL) TVMA-1:00. HBO July 14,19,22,25,30 CSh GEORGE LOPEZ: THE ROAD TO IT’S NOT ME, IT’S YOU Preview of the HBO special George Lopez: It’s Not Me, It’s You. (AC,AL) TVMA-:15. HBO July 2,5,7,9,10,12,13 h GET CARTER Sylvester Stallone plays a criminal enforcer who suspects his brother’s death was foul play. With Mickey Rourke and Michael Caine. (AC,AL,V) R-1:43. HBO July 6,23 CDEH THE GETAWAY Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger are thieves running for the Mexican border with a suitcase full of loot after a heist goes bad. (AC,AL,N,V) R1:55. MAX July 11,21 CDEH THE GIRL NEXT DOOR A bookish highschool teen falls for a porn star who moves next door to him. Emile Hirsch, Elisha Cuthbert, Timothy Olyphant. (AL,MV,N,SC) R-1:49. MAX July 7,12,18,23,29 CDEH GOLD DIGGERS: THE SECRET OF BEAR MOUNTAIN Two teenage girls set out on a quest to find gold buried in Bear Mountain in this family film. Anna Chlumsky. (MV) PG-1:33. MAX July 6 CDEH GOSSIP Inspired by a course in journalism, a group of college students generate a piece of gossip to see where it leads. James Marsden, Lena Headey. (AC,AL,V) R-1:30. MAX July 3,28 CDEH GREAT BALLS OF FIRE! Dennis Quaid shakes nerves and rattles brains in this biography of early rock-’n’-roll bad boy Jerry Lee Lewis. With Winona Ryder. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:48. MAX July 8 CSEH THE GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY A trio of clever crooks plot what would become history’s first train heist in this thrilling crime-caper. Sean Connery stars. (AC,AL) PG-1:51. MAX July 3 CSEH GREEN LANTERN Ryan Reynolds brings the phosphorescent comic-book superhero to life as he leads the fight against an evil alien force. (AL,MV) PG13-1:54. MAX July 7,11,15,19,24,30 CDEH GREENBERG Ben Stiller is a neurotic New Yorker who brings his toxic personality to his brother’s palatial Hollywood estate. Greta Gerwig, Rhys Ifans. (AC,GL,N,V) R1:47. MAX July 18 CDEH GULLIVER’S TRAVELS Jack Black finds himself in the land of Lilliput where he towers over its tiny citizens in this adaptation of the classic novel. (MV) PG1:25. MAX July 3,11,16,22 CDEH H HALL PASS Owen Wilson and Jason Sudeikis are buddies whose long-suffering wives give them a week off from marriage in this comedy. (AL,MV,N,SC) R-1:45. MAX July 8,12,17,23,28 CDEH THE HANGOVER PART II Bachelor party survivors Phil, Stu and Alan endure another night of debauched revelry. Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Galifianakis. (AC,AL,MV, N) R-1:42. HBO July 4,10 C5EH HARD TIMES: LOST ON LONG ISLAND HBO Documentary Films The realities of unemployment are seen by way of jobless Long Islanders. (AC,AL) TVPG/L,D-:53. HBO July 9,11,14,17,22 CSEH THE HARD WAY Hard-nosed cop James Woods’ hunt for a serial killer is impeded by method-acting movie star Michael J. Fox in this riotous comedy. (AC,AL,MV) R1:51. MAX July 2,19,29 CSEH HARRY AND THE HENDERSONS A family returns from their camping trip with a new house pet: a friendly, seven-foot-tall Bigfoot! John Lithgow stars. (AL,MV) PG1:51. MAX July 23 CDEH HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS: PART 1 Harry and his friends leave Hogwarts behind to battle the evil Voldemort. (AC,V) PG13-2:26. HBO July 1,6,10,13,16,21,25 C5EH HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS: PART 2 The eighth and final installment in the hit film series. (AC,V) PG13-2:10. HBO July 13 C5EH HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER’S STONE The boy wizard of J.K. Rowling’s blockbuster series is brought to life in this first film in the series. (AL,MV) PG-2:33. MAX July 4,9,14,20,24,29 CSEH HBO FIRST LOOK: The Bourne Legacy See where the ‘Bourne’ series is headed in this preview of the action-packed fourth installment starring Jeremy Renner. TVPG:15. HBO July 23,25,26,28,31 CSh HEART AND SOULS Robert Downey Jr. is a city-slicker type who is trailed by four feisty angels in this comedy. (AC,AL) PG13-1:43. MAX July 25 CDEH JULY 2012 PROGRAM GUIDE: A-Z THIS MONTH ON HBO AND CINEMAX HEARTS IN ATLANTIS A boy befriends a clairvoyant man in this tale based on Stephen King’s novel. Anthony Hopkins. (AC,AL,RP, V) PG13-1:41. MAX July 18 CDEH HEAVEN HELP US Andrew McCarthy stars in this comedy about the misadventures of coming of age in a Catholic boys’ high school. Donald Sutherland. (AC,AL,BN) R1:44. MAX July 15 CH HEREAFTER Three stories of life and death converge in this Clint Eastwood film. Matt Damon stars. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-2:09. HBO July 3,9,14,20,26 C5EH HESHER A foul-mouthed, head-banging anarchist enters the life of a boy and his family. Joseph Gordon-Levitt. (AC,GL,V) R1:46. HBO July 6,11,26 C5EH HORRIBLE BOSSES Three long-suffering office professionals concoct a hairbrained plot to murder their bosses in this comedy. Jason Bateman. (AC,AL,MV) R-1:38. MAX July 21,22,24,27,30 CDEH THE HORSE WHISPERER Robert Redford plays a cowboy who helps a girl and her traumatized horse. (AC,AL,V) PG13-2:49. MAX July 8,17,26 CDEH HOUSESITTER Steve Martin discovers that con artist Goldie Hawn has moved into his house while posing as his wife. (AC,AL) PG-1:41. MAX July 17 CSEH HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON A Viking boy befriends a young dragon in this animated hit. (AC,AL,MV) PG-1:38. HBO July 5,10,13,16,22,28,31 C5EH I I CAN BE PRESIDENT: A KID’S-EYE VIEW HBO Family Documentary Kids share their thoughts on what it would be like to become the President of the U.S. TVY-:22. HBO July 16,25,28 CSEH ICE AGE Ice Age mammals attempt to return a human baby to its tribe in this Oscar® nominee for Best Animated Feature. Voices of Ray Romano, John Leguizamo. (V) PG-1:21. MAX July 7 CDEH IN & OUT Kevin Kline plays a straight schoolteacher who is ‘outed’ on TV by a former student. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:30. MAX July 5,20,28 CDEH IN TIME A lone man sets out to shake up a disturbing future world in which time is the ultimate currency. Amanda Seyfried, Justin Timberlake. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:49. HBO July 14,15,17,22,27,28,30 C5EH THE INDIAN IN THE CUPBOARD A boy discovers his new cupboard has magical powers when a toy Indian comes to life. (AL, MV) PG-1:36. MAX July 13 CDEH J JANE EYRE Mia Wasikowska and Michael Fassbender star in this scintillating take on Charlotte Bronte’s romantic classic. (AC,V) PG13-2:00. MAX July 2 CDEH THE JEWEL OF THE NILE Kathleen Turner and Michael Douglas star in this high-speed sequel to Romancing the Stone. (AL,BN,V) PG-1:46. MAX July 24 CSEH JIM MCKAY: MY WORLD IN MY WORDS HBO Sports Documentary The life and achievements of the legendary broadcaster. (AL) TVMA/L-:59. HBO July 4 CSE JOHN ADAMS HBO Miniseries about the U.S. Founding Father. Part 1: Join or Die (AC,V) TV14/V,D-1:11. HBO July 4 C5EH; Part 2: Independence (AC,V) TVPG/V,D-1:32. HBO July 4 C5EH; Part 3: Don’t Tread on Me (AC,GV) TV14/V,D-1:09. HBO July 4 C5EH; Part 4: Reunion (AC) TVPG/D-1:06. HBO July 4 C5 EH; Part 5: Unite or Die (AC) TVPG/D-1:04. HBO July 4 C5 EH; Part 6: Unnecessary War (AC) TVPG/D-1:19. HBO July 4 C5EH; Part 7: Peacefield (AC,BN,V) TV14/V,S,D1:02. HBO July 4 C5EH JOHN GRISHAM’S THE RAINMAKER Rookie lawyer Matt Damon battles a big insurance company. Claire Danes. (AC,AL,V) PG13-2:15. HBO July 3 C5EH JOHNNY ENGLISH Riotous James Bond spoof starring British funnyman Rowan Atkinson as a screwball spy. (AC,AL,V) PG-1:27. HBO July 2,19,30 CDEH JUDGE DREDD Sylvester Stallone is a cop on a violent mission to prove he is innocent of murder. Armand Assante, Diane Lane. (V) R-1:36. MAX July 8,20,31 CDEH K KALIFORNIA A true-crime writer and his girlfriend discover their ride-share companion is a killer. Brad Pitt, Juliette Lewis, David Duchovny. (AC,AL,GV,N,SC) R-1:57. MAX July 9,25 CSEH KING RALPH A struggling Las Vegas lounge performer (John Goodman) discovers he is the heir to the British throne in this comedy. Peter O’Toole. (AC,AL,BN) PG-1:36. MAX July 11,27 CDEH K-9 Police officer James Belushi partners with a clever pooch to pounce on an illegal drug ring in this comedy. (AC,AL) PG131:41. MAX July 21,30 CSEH L THE LEFT HAND OF GOD Soldier of fortune Humphrey Bogart poses as a priest in wartorn China in this 1955 classic. Lee J. Cobb. TVG-1:27. MAX July 12 CSEH LEGAL EAGLES Robert Redford and Debra Winger are bantering, romancing New York lawyers working on an art theft/murder case. Daryl Hannah co-stars. (AC,AL,MV) PG-1:56. MAX July 10 CSEH LIFE Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence are two 1930s New Yorkers sentenced to spend their lives in jail. (AC,AL,V) R-1:48. HBO July 11,22 C5EH LIFE ON TOP Erotic series. 17: Sextacular (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:28. MAX July 30 CSH; Feature 05: (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-1:26. MAX July 16 CSH; Feature 06: (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L1:24. MAX July 10 CSH LINGERIE Red-hot erotic series. Feature 07: Let Threesome Ring (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-1:28. MAX July 25 CSH; Feature 08: Runway Love (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-1:29. MAX July 8 CSH LITTLE FOCKERS Robert De Niro and Ben Stiller star in this third film in the Meet the Parents series. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:38. HBO July 5,11,23,28 C5EH LOMBARDI HBO Sports Documentary The career and life of football’s most revered coach, Vince Lombardi. (AL) TVPG/L-1:30. HBO July 11 CSEH LORENZO’S OIL The parents of a boy with a rare, fatal disease make it their mission to find him a cure in this moving drama. Nick Nolte, Susan Sarandon, Peter Ustinov. (AL) PG13-2:15. MAX July 5 CSEH THE LOST WEEKEND Billy Wilder’s 1945 Oscar®-winner about an alcoholic writer (Ray Milland) on a three-day booze binge. Jane Wyman, Phillip Terry. (AC) TVPG/D1:41. MAX July 16 CEH LOVE & OTHER DRUGS Slick Viagra salesman Jake Gyllenhaal falls for elusive Parkinson’s patient Anne Hathaway in this romantic comedy. (AC,AL,N) R-1:52. MAX CDEH July 6,10,16,21,25 LOVE DON’T COST A THING A nerdy teen cuts a deal with a popular girl to have her act as his girlfriend. Nick Cannon. (AC,AL) PG13-1:42. HBO July 9,12,21 CSEH LOVE STORY Ali MacGraw and Ryan O’Neal star as young lovers whose passion transcends their different backgrounds but can’t change their fate in this classic. (AC, AL) PG-1:40. MAX July 27 CSH M MAJOR LEAGUE: BACK TO THE MINORS A hapless minor-league baseball coach tries to lead his team from worst to first. Corbin Bernsen, Scott Bakula. (AL,V) PG13-1:40. HBO July 9 C5EH THE MAKER An adopted teenager joins his long-lost brother in a life of thievery and grift in this suspense-thriller. (AC,AL,N,V) R-1:39. MAX July 4 CDEH THE MAKING OF... Behind-the-scenes featurettes. The Big Year(MV) TVPG/V:13. HBO July 8,10,18,26 CSEH; How to Train Your Dragon (MV) TVPG/V:13. HBO July 13,17,27 CSEH; In Time (AC,V) TVPG/V,D-:12. HBO July 14,22,23,25,30 CSEH; Little Fockers (AC,MV) TVPG/V,D-:12. HBO July 15,23 CSEH; Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (AC,MV) TVPG/V,D-:13. CSEH HBO July 23,26 MAKING THE NEWSROOM Go behind the scenes of Aaron Sorkin’s compelling HBO drama series with Jeff Daniels. (AC) TVPG/ D-:13. HBO July 1,4,14 CSEH THE MAN IN THE MOON Two teenage sisters fall for a handsome young farmer until fate gets in the way in this moving coming-of-age tale. (AC,AL,BN,MV) PG13-1:40. HBO July 6 CSEH MAN ON FIRE A bodyguard metes out brutal punishment to a little girl’s kidnappers. Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning, Christopher Walken. (AC,GL,GV) R-2:26. HBO July 20,24,30 CDEH MARINA ABRAMOVIC THE ARTIST IS PRESENT HBO Documentary Films The groundbreaking artist creates a retrospective of her work. (AC,AL,MV,N) TVMA/S,L1:45. HBO July 2,5,10,18 C5Eh MASK A free-living woman and her facially deformed son learn courage and selfrespect from each other. Cher. (AC,AL) PG13-2:00. MAX July 16 CEH MASTER AND COMMANDER: THE FAR SIDE OF THE WORLD Russell Crowe stars in this ocean-faring epic. (AC,V) PG132:18. HBO July 12,16,21 CDEH MAX FINAL CUT: Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps A chat with Oliver Stone and the cast of this hit sequel. (AC,AL) TV14/L,D-:12. MAX July 13 CSH MAX ON SET Behind the scenes. Despicable Me (MV) TVPG/V-:13. MAX July 20 CSEH; Sex and the City 2 (AC) TVPG/D-:12. MAX July 31 CSH; Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (AL) TVPG/L-:12. MAX July 6,19 CSEH ME @ THE ZOO HBO Documentary Films Inside the life of controversial web blogger/ Internet celebrity Chris Crocker. (AC,AL,N) TVMA/S,L-1:30. HBO July 1,3 CSEh MEGAMIND A nefarious alien evildoer is surprisingly lured to the side of good in this fun-filled animated hit. (MV) PG-1:36. HBO July 1,5,7,9,13,17,29 C5EH MEN IN BLACK Sci-fi comedy with Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith as alien-handling secret agents. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:38. HBO July 1,5,10,14,20,25 C5EH MERCURY RISING Maverick federal agent Bruce Willis protects an autistic boy from assassins in this thriller. (AC,AL,V) R-1:51. MAX July 6,18,24,30 CDEH MO’ BETTER BLUES Denzel Washington stars as a troubled trumpeter in a New York jazz band swinging toward their big break in this drama from Spike Lee. (AC,AL,SC) R-2:09. MAX July 2 CSEH THE MONEY PIT Tom Hanks and Shelley Long buy a crumbling mansion for a song, only to have repairs turn their lives into a slapstick nightmare. (AC,AL) PG-1:31. MAX July 4,23 CDEH MONTE CARLO Three young women get the upgrade of a lifetime on a post-high school trip to Paris in this comedy. Selena Gomez, Leighton Meester. (AL,MV) PG1:49. MAX July 5,10,28 CDEH MR. BASEBALL A baseball star’s ego takes a hit when he’s traded to a Japanese team in this comedy. Tom Selleck. (AC,AL) PG131:48. MAX July 2,15,27 CSEH MR. BEAN’S HOLIDAY The befuddled Mr. Bean of the TV series wins a French excursion in this sequel. Rowan Atkinson. G-1:27. HBO July 2,8,26 C5EH MULHOLLAND DR. David Lynch’s surrealistic film noir set in the dark underbelly of Los Angeles. (AC,AL,N) R2:27. MAX July 21 CDEH MY SOUL TO TAKE Wes Craven’s chiller about a serial killer who returns from the grave to slaughter seven kids born on the day he died 16 years earlier. (AC,GL,GV) R-1:47. HBO July 3,13,23 C5EH N NAKED GUN 33 1/3: THE FINAL INSULT Lt. Frank Drebin comes out of retirement to rescue the Academy Awards® from a mad bomber! Leslie Nielsen stars. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:22. HBO July 16 C5EH NAMATH HBO Sports Documentary New York Jets Hall of Fame QB Joe Namath is the focus of this HBO Sports documentary that looks at his fascinating journey. TVPG1:28. HBO July 25 CSEH NANNY MCPHEE RETURNS Nanny McPhee is back with her warts, wit and magic walking stick to spark better behavior in five quarrelsome kids in this family sequel. Emma Thompson. (MV) PG1:49. HBO July 5,11,15 C5EH JULY 2012 PROGRAM GUIDE: A-Z THIS MONTH ON HBO AND CINEMAX NEVER LET ME GO A love triangle develops among three human lab specimens. Carey Mulligan, Andrew Garfield and Kiera Knightley. (AC,BN,MV) R-1:44. HBO July 2,12 C5EH THE NEWSROOM All-new HBO drama series from Aaron Sorkin about a nightly cablenews anchor and his staff. Jeff Daniels stars. 02: News Night 2.0 (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:58. HBO July 1,3,5,6 C5Eh; 03: The 112th Congress (AC,AL) TVMA/L:59. HBO July 8,10,12,13 C5Eh; 04: I’ll Try to Fix You (AC,AL) TVMA/L1:00. HBO July 15,17,19,20 C5 Eh; 05: Amen (AC,AL,MV) TVMA/L:54. HBO July 22,24,26,27 C5 Eh; 06: Bullies (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:58. HBO July 29,30,31 C5Eh A NIGHT IN HEAVEN A married teacher risks everything when she runs into a young student at a nightclub. Christopher Atkins, Lesley Ann Warren. (AL,MV,N) R1:23. MAX July 8 CEH A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET Dream slasher Freddy Krueger stalks a group of tired teens in this remake. (AL,GV) R-1:35. MAX July 7,12,20,26,31 CDEH O OH, GOD! BOOK II God seeks an innovative way to reach His people in this sequel to Oh, God! George Burns stars. (AC) PG1:34. MAX July 3 C EH ONCE UPON A TIME IN MEXICO El Mariachi rides again. Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Johnny Depp. (AC,AL,GV) R-1:42. HBO July 16,27 CDEH 127 HOURS James Franco plays a rock climber Aron Ralston who was trapped for five days in a desolate canyon. (AL,GV) R1:34. HBO July 4,9,27 C5EH ONE NATION UNDER DOG: STORIES OF FEAR, LOSS & BETRAYAL HBO Documentary Films The sobering realities of America’s obsession with dogs. (AC,AL) TVMA/L-1:13. HBO July 8,16 CSEH THE ORDER A priest’s investigation into his mentor’s death leads to an ancient sect with supernatural ties. Heath Ledger. (AC,AL,V) R-1:42. HBO July 13,17 CDEH ORDINARY PEOPLE The powerful 1980 Best Picture Oscar®-winner about a family caught in an overwhelming emotional crisis. Donald Sutherland, Mary Tyler Moore. (AC,AL) R-2:04. MAX July 25 CEH OSMOSIS JONES A man’s ailing body becomes the battlefield for a war between an evil virus and a white blood cell in this live-action/animated comedy. (AC,AL) PG1:35. HBO July 30 CDEH OUT OF SIGHT George Clooney is a charming crook and Jennifer Lopez is the sexy federal marshal he falls for in this witty action-comedy. (AC,AL,V) R-2:03. MAX July 2,27 CDEH P PAUL It’s ‘Close Encounters of the Screwball Kind’ for two sci-fi geeks when they aid a pot-smoking alien fugitive. Simon Pegg, Nick Frost. (AC,AL,V) R-1:44. MAX July 1,11,16,19 CDEH PAVEMENT Lauren Holly stars as a beautiful homicide detective who teams up with a wilderness expert to stop a shrewd serial killer in this thriller. (AC,AL,V) R1:31. MAX July 6 CDEH PEOPLE I KNOW Al Pacino stars in this engaging drama that follows 24 stressedout hours in the life of a tired New York City publicist. Kim Basinger. (AC,AL) R-1:39. CDEH MAX July 6 THE PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS Horror master Wes Craven (Scream) unleashes a bloodthirsty terror from beneath a maniac couple’s floorboards in this shocker. (AC, AL,GV) R-1:42. MAX July 22 CSEH A PIG’S TALE A shy teen comes out of his shell to lead his misfit bunkmates in battle against the supercool camp kids. (AC,AL) PG-1:34. HBO July 24 CSEH PLATO’S RUN Ex-Navy hero Gary Busey calls on his mercenary pals to help rescue his kidnapped daughter. Roy Scheider. (AL, V) R-1:36. MAX July 18 CSEH THE PRINCE OF EGYPT The story of Moses is brought to vivid life in this stunning animated film. Voice cast: Val Kilmer, Ralph Fiennes, Michelle Pfeiffer. (AC,MV) PG1:39. HBO July 9 CDEH THE PRISONER OF ZENDA Peter Sellers plays multiple roles in this 1979 spoof of the classic swashbuckling tale. (AC,MV) PG-1:48. MAX July 26 CEH PULP FICTION Quentin Tarantino’s modern classic that weaves together a series of interrelated stories. John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson. (AC,AL,GV,N,RP) R-2:34. MAX July 6,12,17,23,28 CDEH R REAL SEX 20 A visit to a Philadelphia strip show where the male dancers provide “the full monty,” and more. (AC,GL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:49. HBO July 12,16 CSE REAL SEX 33: STOCKS DOWN, SEX UP A sizzling look at how men and women are enhancing their sex lives in today’s lean economic times. (AC,GL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L:44. HBO July 26 CSEH REAL SPORTS WITH BRYANT GUMBEL Emmy®-winning HBO sports magazine. 183: (AL) TVPG/L-:58. HBO July 2,5 CS Eh; 184: (AL) TVPG/L-:58. HBO July 17,19,22,23,25,28,30,31 CSEh REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER HBO comedy/ talk series hosted by Bill Maher. 254: (AC, AL) TVMA/L-:57. HBO July 1,2,4 CSh RECOIL After his family is murdered by a biker gang, an ex-cop (Steve Austin) turns into a vigilante to avenge their deaths. (AC, V) R-1:34. MAX July 3,11,20 CDEH RECOUNT HBO Original Movie Kevin Spacey stars in this look at the controversial 2000 presidential election. (AC,AL,MV) TVMA/ L-1:56. HBO July 6,22 C5EH RED RIDING HOOD A bloodthirsty werewolf terrorizes a rural village in this terrifying take on the classic fairy tale. Amanda Seyfried, Gary Oldman. (AC,V) PG13-1:40. MAX July 8,13,23,31 CDEH THE REPLACEMENT KILLERS Chow YunFat is a hitman who becomes hunted when he can’t kill a child. Mira Sorvino. (AC,AL, V) R-1:28. HBO July 6,21 C5EH THE RETURN OF MAXWELL SMART (THE NUDE BOMB) Don Adams is back as Agent 86 and out to stop a KAOS crazy whose latest weapon will eliminate clothing! (AC, MV) PG-1:33. MAX July 11 CEH RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD PART II Two young graverobbers puncture a drum filled with “living dead” gas that resurrects another legion of hungry zombies. (AL,GV) R-1:29. MAX July 19 CSEH THE RICKY GERVAIS SHOW HBO comedy series based on the popular podcasts of Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant and Karl Pilkington. 37: Wartime (AC,AL) TVMA/L:25. HBO July 1,2,3 C5EH; 38: World Cup (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:26. HBO July 6,8,9,10 C5EH; 39: The Year (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:27. HBO July 13,15,16,17 C5EH RICKY GERVAIS: OUT OF ENGLAND 2 THE STAND-UP SPECIAL Ricky Gervais pokes fun at the recession, heroin, famine, animal homosexuality and more in this stand-up comedy special. (AC,AL) TVMA/L-1:14. HBO July 28 CDH RIO The bird is the word in this animated tale about a nerdy macaw on the run for his life in Rio de Janeiro. G-1:36. HBO July 5,7,11,15,23,27 C5EH RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES Chimpanzees revolt against mankind in this action-packed film. James Franco, Freida Pinto, John Lithgow. (AC,AL,V) PG131:45. MAX July 2,10,21,27 CDEH THE RITE Evil makes a believer out of a skeptical seminarian who is given a crash course in the rite of exorcism by veteran priest Anthony Hopkins. (AC,AL,MV) PG131:54. MAX July 4,9,21,27 CDEH ROAD HOUSE Bouncer-for-hire Patrick Swayze sets out to clean up the baddest honkytonk in a Missouri town. Ben Gazzara, Kelly Lynch, Sam Elliott. (AL,GV,N) R-1:54. MAX July 7,13,18,26,31 CSEH ROOKIE OF THE YEAR An accident turns an inept Little Leaguer into a pitching phenomenon for his beloved Chicago Cubs. Thomas Ian Nicholas, Gary Busey. (AL) PG-1:44. MAX July 15 CSEH THE RUNDOWN The Rock lays the smackdown as a bounty hunter whose search for an archeology student turns into a brawlfilled race to find a priceless artifact. Seann William Scott. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:44. MAX July 1,5,9,14,20,26,31 CDEH S SAVING FACE HBO Documentary Films Oscar®-winning film about women disfigured by acid attacks in Pakistan and a plastic surgeon dedicated to helping them. (AC) TVPG/ D-:40. HBO July 4,16,19 C5EH SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD Dweeby rocker Michael Cera must battle his dream girl’s Seven Evil Exes in this comical fantasy tale. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:52. HBO July 2,6,11,19,24,29 C5EH THE SCOUT A New York Yankees scout is packed off to Mexico where he stumbles on a fireball-throwing phenomenon. Albert Brooks and Brendan Fraser star. (AL) PG13-1:42. HBO July 23 CSEH SECRET WINDOW A slumping author’s is confronted by a sinister stranger’s claim of plagiarism in this thriller based on a Stephen King novella. Johnny Depp. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:36. MAX July 18 CDEH SEVEN Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman hunt a serial killer whose brutal murders depict twisted variations on the Seven Deadly Sins in this harrowing thriller. (AC,AL,BN, GV) R-2:07. HBO July 8,25 C5EH THE SEVEN-PER-CENT SOLUTION A drugaddicted Sherlock Holmes is taken to be treated by Sigmund Freud in Vienna where he gets involved in a new mystery. (AC,AL, V) PG-1:53. MAX July 20 CEH SEX AND THE CITY 2 It’s off to the exotic desert locale of Abu Dhabi for Carrie and the girls in this sequel. (AC,AL,BN) R2:26. MAX July 2,19,31 CDEH SEX GAMES CANCUN Erotic series. 06: Hot Stuff (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:29. MAX July 9 CSH; 13: When Cal Met Mona (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:30. MAX July 5 CSH; Feature 02: (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-1:24. MAX July 5 CSH; Feature 03: (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-1:25. MAX July 4 CSEH; Feature 04: (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-1:25. MAX July 24 CSH SEXY WIVES SINDROME A doctor works at a clinic where erotic role-playing is used to save troubled marriages. (AL,N,SC) TVMA/ S,L-1:19. MAX July 9,19,28 CSH SGT. BILKO Steve Martin stars as the riotous title character in this hilarious update of the classic television series. (AC, AL) PG-1:34. MAX July 21 CDEH SHAFT The 1971 blaxploitation classic with Richard Roundtree as a NYC private eye who takes on the mob. (AC,AL,BN,V) R-1:40. MAX July 10 CEH SHATTERED GLASS A young reporter fabricates stories for The New Republic and other magazines. Hayden Christensen, Peter Sarsgaard, Chloe Sevigny. (AC,AL) PG13-1:34. MAX July 11 CDEH SIN CITY DIARIES FEATURE 02: INSIDE OUT Las Vegas high-rollers live out their fantasies in this series. (AC,AL,MV,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-1:48. MAX July 15 CSH SISTER ACT Whoopi Goldberg shakes things up in a Catholic convent where she hides out before testifying as a key witness in a murder trial in this comedy. (AC,AL,V) PG-1:40. HBO July 9,27 CSEH SISTER ACT 2: BACK IN THE HABIT In this tuneful sequel, Sister Mary Clarence is back to help rouse disaffected students with music. Whoopi Goldberg. (AL) PG1:47. HBO July 7,10,27 CSEH SNIPER 2 Tom Berenger is back as an exMarine sniper who gets hired to assassinate a rogue general. (AC,AL,V) R1:31. MAX July 6,15,30 CDEH SOMETHING BORROWED A sweet New York girl must choose between true love and friendship. Kate Hudson, Ginnifer Goodwin. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:53. HBO July 3,9,12,15,18,21,30 C5EH SOMEWHERE A burned-out Hollywood actor has his eyes opened during a trip with his daughter. Stephen Dorff. (AC, AL,N) R-1:38. MAX July 1 CDEH SPEED Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock frantically try to stop a bus that is rigged to explode if its speed drops below 50 mph. Also with Dennis Hopper. (AC,AL,V) R1:56. HBO July 4,28 CDEH SPILL Secret Service agent Brian Bosworth discovers a toxic chemical leak in Yellowstone Park in this action-thriller. (AL,V) PG13-1:27. HBO July 17 CSEH JULY 2012 PROGRAM GUIDE: A-Z THIS MONTH ON HBO AND CINEMAX SPY HARD Leslie Nielsen stars as Secret Agent WD-40, a retired spy called back to duty in order to stop a global villain in this hilarious action-comedy spoof. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:21. MAX July 31 CDEH STAG NIGHT Bachelor party revelers are hunted by mutant cannibals in the labyrinth of New York City’s subways. (AC,AL,GV,N) R-1:23. MAX July 9,21 CDEH STAKEOUT Richard Dreyfuss and Emilio Estevez are Seattle cops who mishandle a simple stakeout operation. (AC,AL,N,V) R1:57. MAX July 5,15 CDEH STAR TREK GENERATIONS Captains Kirk and Picard team up to save the universe in this smash installment of the film series. Patrick Stewart, William Shatner. (MV) PG1:58. HBO July 20 C5EH STAR TREK: FIRST CONTACT The Next Generation crew are pitted against their deadliest foe: the half-human, halfautomaton Borg. Patrick Stewart. (V) PG131:51. HBO July 20,31 CDEH STATE OF GRACE Sean Penn finds his allegiances torn upon returning to his Hell’s Kitchen roots in this gangland drama. Ed Harris, Gary Oldman co-star. (AC,AL,N,V) R-2:14. HBO July 19,29 CSEH STAY TUNED John Ritter and Pam Dawber star in this hilarious comedy about a couple of couch potatoes who get zapped into TV land by a devilish salesman. (AL) PG-1:28. MAX July 20 CDEH STREET FIGHTER Jean-Claude Van Damme kicks some serious tail as an Allied Nations commander on a quest to save abducted relief workers. Raul Julia. (V) PG13-1:41. MAX July 13 CDEH STRIKE BACK Two crack secret agents hunt terrorists in this Cinemax series. 04: Episode 04 (AC,AL,BN,GV) TVMA/V,L-:46. MAX July 3 CDEH; 05: Episode 05 (AC,AL,GV,N) TVMA/V,S,L-:47. MAX July 6,7,10 CDEH; 06: Episode 06 (AC,AL,GV,N) TVMA/V,S,L-:47. MAX July 13,14,17 CDEH; 07: Episode 07 (AC,AL,GV,N) TVMA/V,S,L-:47. MAX July 20,21,24 CDEH; 08: Episode 08 (AC,AL,GV,N) TVMA/V,S,L-:47. MAX July 27,28,31 CDEH STUCK ON YOU Conjoined twins head to Hollywood so one can take his shot at stardom in this outrageous comedy. Matt Damon, Greg Kinnear. (AC,AL) PG13-1:59. HBO July 13,18,23,29 CDEH SUCKER PUNCH A young woman creates a fantastic alternate world to help her escape the horror of the mental institute where she’s trapped. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:50. HBO July 11,19,24,27,30 C5EH SUPERCROSS: THE MOVIE Two brothers ride a death-defying road to stardom on the motorbike circuit. Steve Howey, Mike Vogel, Cameron Richardson. (AC,AL) PG131:20. MAX July 16,29 CDEH SURVIVING CHRISTMAS A rich, but clearly disturbed young man pays a family to take him in for the holidays in this comedy. Ben Affleck, James Gandolfini. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:31. MAX July 29 CDEH SWITCH A dead man is not allowed to enter Heaven unless he can go back as a female and find a woman on Earth who likes him. Ellen Barkin, Jimmy Smits. (AC, AL) R-1:43. HBO July 18 CDEH T TAXICAB CONFESSIONS 4 America Undercover Cab riders open up during latenight rides in Las Vegas! (AC,BN,GL) TVMA/L-:57. HBO July 19 CDE THE TEENIE WEENIE BIKINI SQUAD Sexy secret agents go undercover (and under the covers) at an erotic magazine to catch a saboteur in this romp. (GV,N,SC) TVMA/V,S1:21. MAX July 6,11,17,22,30 CSH TERMINATOR 3: RISE OF THE MACHINES Arnold Schwarzenegger is sent back in time to protect a young man who may be mankind’s last hope. Nick Stahl. (AC,AL,N, V) R-1:49. HBO July 7,27 CDEH TERROR TRACT Full disclosure requires realtor John Ritter to reveal the terrifying tales behind three houses he’s showing in this creepy horror anthology. (AC,AL,N,V) R-1:37. MAX July 13,27 CSEH THELMA & LOUISE Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis are best friends on the run from the law in a 1966 T-Bird. (AC,AL,BN, RP,V) R-2:10. MAX July 4,26 CSEH THEY LIVE “Rowdy” Roddy Piper leads a surly band of rebels against alien invaders who have begun to take over the world. (AC, AL) R-1:34. MAX July 3,19 CSEH THE THING A team of scientists uncover a shape-shifting monster in remote Antarctica in this prequel to John Carpenter’s 1982 classic The Thing. (AC,AL,BN,V) R-1:43. MAX July 7,8,9,13,19,24 CDEH THREE O’CLOCK HIGH A nerdy teen offends a big bully who threatens to break his face at 3 pm. Casey Siemaszko. (AL,V) PG13-1:30. MAX July 16 CSEH 3000 MILES TO GRACELAND A gang of ex-cons stage a heist during Elvis Impersonation Week in Las Vegas. With Kevin Costner, Kurt Russell. (AC,AL,V) R2:05. MAX July 3,23 CDEH TITANIC James Cameron’s epic telling of the 1912 tragedy with Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet as star-crossed lovers on the illfated voyage. (AC,AL,BN,V) PG13-3:15. MAX July 6,12,17,22,30 CDEH THE TOWN Ben Affleck directed and stars in this acclaimed thriller as a Boston bank robber who finds himself trying to get out of the game. Rebecca Hall. (AC,AL,V) R-2:05. MAX July 1,5,11,17,23,28 CDEH THE TREE OF LIFE Terrence Malick’s dazzling, heady tale of a family in 1950s Texas. Brad Pitt, Sean Penn and Jessica Chastain star. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-2:19. HBO July 3,11,14,26 C5EH TRIANGLE: REMEMBERING THE FIRE HBO Documentary Films This film recounts a catastrophic 1911 industrial fire in NYC and the reforms that came in its wake. (AC) TVPG/D-:39. HBO July 8,12 C5EH TRUE BLOOD All-new episodes of the hit HBO series. 52: We’ll Meet Again (AC,AL, BN,V) TVMA/V,L-:56. HBO July 1,4,5,7 C5Eh; 53: Let’s Boot and Rally (AC,AL,BN,V) TVMA/V,L-:47. HBO July 8,11,12,14 C5Eh; 54: Hopeless (AC,AL,BN,V) TVMA/V,L-:52. HBO July 15,18,19,21 C5Eh; 55: In the Beginning (AC,AL,N,V) TVMA/V,S,L-:57. HBO July 22,25,26,28 C5Eh; 56: Somebody That I Used to Know (AC,AL) TVMA-:57. HBO July 29,31 C5Eh THE TSUNAMI AND THE CHERRY BLOSSOM HBO Documentary Films Oscar®-nominated film about the impact of cherry blossom season in Japan in the wake of the devastating 2011 tsunami. (AC) TVPG/D:40. HBO July 16,18,22,24,28 C5E 2 DAYS: ADRIEN BRONER Follow rising boxing star Adrien Broner in the 48 hours leading up to a fight. (AL) TVPG/L-:14. HBO July 7,9,12,14,15,16,17,18,20,21 CS 2 DAYS: NONITO DONAIRE Follow threedivision champion Nonito Donaire in the 48 hours leading up to a fight. (AL) TVPG/L:14. HBO July 1,5,6,7,8 CSH 200 CIGARETTES A group of young New Yorkers search for sex, love and a big bash in the East Village on New Year’s Eve, 1981. (AC,AL) R-1:41. MAX July 14 CDEH U THE UNDERNEATH A drifter returns home to Austin and rekindles his romance with an old flame while getting mixed up in a robbery scheme. Peter Gallagher. (AC,AL, BN,V) R-1:39. MAX July 13 CDEH THE UNION HBO Documentary Films The remarkable collaboration of pop superstar Elton John and his early-career idol Leon Russell on their 2010 album. (AL) TVPG/L1:27. HBO July 16 C5EH UNITED 93 The horror and heroism of September 11, 2001, is seen from the perspective of the one hijacked airplane that did not reach its target. (AL,V) R-1:51. HBO July 15,25 C5EH V VITO HBO Documentary Films A profile of gay-liberation movement founding father Vito Russo. (AC,AL) TV14/L,D-1:33. HBO July 23,26,29,31 CSEH VOYEUR’S WEB A hungry young journalist is drawn into a tale of sex and murder in this erotic tale. (GL,MV,N,SC) TVMA/S,L1:25. MAX July 14,31 CSH WATER FOR ELEPHANTS An old man recalls his time working in a Depressionera circus. Reese Witherspoon, Robert Pattinson, Christoph Waltz. (AC,MV) PG132:00. MAX July 4,15,26 CDEH WHAT’S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT Angela Bassett stars as Tina Turner in this rock bio-pic detailing the singer’s tempestuous marriage to Ike Turner. (AC,AL,V) R-1:57. MAX July 1,12,30 CDEH WHAT’S YOUR NUMBER? Anna Faris is a ditzy blonde who decides to track down her 20 exes to see if she missed out on Mr. Right. Also with Chris Evans. (AC,AL) R1:46. HBO July 28,29,31 C5EH WIN WIN Paul Giamatti is a hard-luck lawyer/wrestling coach who takes in a troubled, but talented teen. (AC,AL,BN,MV) R-1:46. MAX July 11,30 CDEH WISHCRAFT A high-school nerd is granted three wishes, but as they come true, his classmates begin dying. (AC,AL,V) R1:42. HBO July 5 CDEH WITHOUT A TRACE A six-year-old boy disappears, prompting a massive search in this chilling drama. Kate Nelligan stars. (AC, AL) PG-2:01. MAX July 17 CEH WITNESS PROTECTION HBO Original Movie Tom Sizemore takes his family into the witness protection program. (AC,AL,V) R-1:41. MAX July 8 CDEH THE WIZARD A teen and his autistic brother journey to the National Video Game Championships in L.A. Fred Savage. (MV) PG-1:40. MAX July 30 CSEH THE WOOD When a bridegroom panics and disappears only hours before his wedding, his two best friends try to find him. (AC,AL, MV,N) R-1:47. MAX July 7 CDEH X W X-MEN: FIRST CLASS The uncanny mutants come together for the first time to face a power-mad ex-Nazi. (AC,AL,MV) PG132:12. HBO July 1,20,28 C5EH WALL STREET: MONEY NEVER SLEEPS Michael Douglas is Wall Street moneyman Gordon Gekko in this stellar sequel. (AL) PG13-2:13. MAX July 5,14,25 CDEH X2 An uneasy co-existence between humans and mutants threatens to explode in this hit sequel. (AC,AL,V) PG13-2:14. HBO July 3,12,16,20,29 CDEH Y YOU GOT SERVED A street-dancing troupe struggles to hit the big time. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:35. HBO July 17,26 CDEH YOUNG ADAM A vagrant is wrapped up in the discovery of the body of a drowned woman. Ewan McGregor. (AC,AL,N,SC,V) NC17-1:38. MAX July 16 CDEH YOUR HIGHNESS Danny McBride stars in this sword-and-sorcery comedy. (AC,AL,MV) R-1:42. HBO July 9,18,26 C5EH Z ZANE’S SEX CHRONICLES FEATURE 03: LIBERATION A compilation of episodes from the sizzling series. (AC,GL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-1:54. MAX July 21 CSH PLEASE NOTE: We now use the following new TV Parental Guidelines. We hope that, used in conjunction with our usual content advisories, they will help you make more informed viewing decisions. TVY Appropriate for all children TVY7 Directed to older children TVG For General audiences TVPG Parental guidance suggested TV14 Parental guidance strongly suggested TVMA Mature audiences only Below is a detailed list of content advisories for our programs to help you make more informed viewing decisions for you and your family. They also appear on HBO at the start of each program. AC Adult content BN Brief nudity AL Adult language N Nudity GL Graphic language SC Strong sexual MV Mild violence content V Violence RP Rape GV Graphic Violence C indicates closed-captioned programs. Special decoder needed. s indicates programs in stereo, where available. d indicates programs with Dolby Surround Encoding, where available. Registered TM of Dolby Laboratories. Used with permission. E indica programas en español, donde fuesen disponibles. h indicates high definition (HD) version will air on HD feed, where available. 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HARRY POTTER, characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of and © Warner Bros. All rights reserved. Flight of the ConchordsSM service mark and trademarks are used by Home Box Office, Inc. under license. GREEN LANTERN TM & © DC Comics. X-Men Character Likenesses TM & © 2011 Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved. COMING IN AUGUST THE CHANGE-UP ON HBO COWBOYS & ALIENS ON CINEMAX PUSS IN BOOTS ON HBO TOWER HEIST ON CINEMAX