trittico® original by bravo a whole workshop in a single machine
trittico® original by bravo a whole workshop in a single machine
TRITTICO® ORIGINAL BY BRAVO A WHOLE WORKSHOP IN A SINGLE MACHINE TRITTICO® STARTRONIC PREMIUM TRITTICO® STARTRONIC PLUS In 1974, I invented and patented your satisfaction: the Trittico® system for making gelato - traditional Italian gelato. I invented Trittico® starting from what I believe to be most important factor: your satisfaction when tasting the results of your work, creativity and professionalism - in a word, your gelato. I turned to technology to develop what is more than a simple machine: an innovative production philosophy, now enriched by forty years of experience, increased reliability and additional useful inventions. All new inventions, if they can be called such, must have two basic features: · THEY ARE DERIVED FROM THE CLOSE OBSERVATION OF NATURE AND ITS LAWS · THEY BECOME USEFUL INSTRUMENTS OF DAILY USE. Both features are found in the Trittico® philosophy. We start from nature and create added value for gelato makers. THE NATURE OF GOOD TRADITIONAL GELATO HAS TWO FUNDAMENTAL ASPECTS: BODY AND STRUCTURE. Basically, the BODY of gelato is its formulation, the select ingredients that give gelato its flavour and fragrance. The STRUCTURE, on the other hand, depends on the entire production cycle: cooking, sanitizing by thermal shock, cooling and whisking, all carried out so to obtain tiny, regularly-shaped ice crystals. This will make gelato as it is meant to be: healthy, balanced, soft, creamy and stable in the shop window. The Trittico® philosophy does precisely that: its respects the nature of gelato and your own creativity, and applies technology to guarantee perfect gelato structure every day. DISCOVER THE TRITTICO® PHILOSOPHY. 1 1 Cooking and heating pasteurization 2 Sanitizing by cooling thermal shock 3 Freezing while mixing whisking 2 3 1 Cooking and heating pasteurization Good gelato is HEALTHY, BALANCED, dry, soft, creamy and stable in the shop window. The production process is important right from the pasteurizing stage, which must: · RESPECT THE FORMULATION AND MONITOR AT ALL TIMES, SO THAT THE INGREDIENTS CAN ADDED AT THE RIGHT MOMENT; · REACH THE RIGHT TEMPERATURE FOR COOKING THE INGREDIENTS AND SANITIZING THE MIX WITHOUT DEVELOPING THERMAL INERTIA, WHICH WOULD BURN INGREDIENTS AND SPOIL THE TASTE OF THE END PRO DUCT BY DISRUPTING THE PROPERTIES OF THE HIGH-QUALITY PROTEINS OF MILK; · BE QUICK, SO TO PRESERVE BOTH THE FLAVOUR DEFINITION AND THE SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FLAVOURS IN THE FORMULATION. 4 Vertical upper tank with a transparent lid, equipped with a safety switch and an air valve to control condensation. THIS MEANS THAT YOU CAN CONSTANTLY MONITOR ALL PROCESSES AND ADD THE INGREDIENTS AT THE RIGHT TIME. The tank is heated by patented resistance sheets: unlike the bain-marie system, the tanks reach the desired temperature quickly and precisely, they do not store heat and prevent thermal inertia. Internal probes control the exact temperature of the entire mix (even at the centre). THIS MEANS THAT THERE IS NO RISK OF SPOILING THE TASTE BY SCALDING THE INGREDIENTS (e.g., milk proteins), AND YOU CAN MAKE CUSTARD, SAUCES AND OTHER DELICATE PREPARATIONS EASILY AND IN FULL RESPECT OF HYGIENE REGULATIONS. The patented mixer closely scrapes the tank walls, blending the mixture thoroughly. THIS MEANS THAT THE MIXTURE DOES NOT STICK TO THE TANK AND DOES NOT GET SCALDED; EVEN THE MOST DELICATE PRODUCTS COME OUT PERFECTLY SMOOTH AND WITH NO LUMPS. FLAVOR DISPENSER SUPPLIED. 5 2 Sanitizing by cooling thermal shock Good gelato is HEALTHY, balanced, dry, soft, creamy and stable in the shop window. The mixture passes from the upper tank into the lower tank through a patented internal passage, with no chance of contamination from the outside. The thermal shock is produced by the direct, immediate passage into the cooling tank. The mixture’s temperature drops from 85°C to 4°C within minutes, eliminating any remaining bacteria and providing a product that is absolutely safe. Cleaning the machine is quick and easy: water is heated in the upper tank and then passed into the lower tank, sanitizing the entire machine. Trittico® completely changed the concept of ice cream aging, improving the final quality of the product. The rapid cooling process starts when the mixture’s temperature is 85°C and its solid and liquid ingredients are all in solution. Fast freezing and the simultaneous mixing prevents mixture components from separating, which guarantees a smooth, homogeneous mixture and determines the final quality of the gelato. 6 7 3 Freezing while mixing whisking Good gelato is healthy, balanced, dry, SOFT, CREAMY AND STABLE IN THE SHOP WINDOW. These properties depend on the size of the ice crystals that form during whisking, which must be as small as possible and have a regular structure. To obtain these results, whisking must be rapid and the mixer must be effective in breaking the ice; also, there should be a reliable total control system to determine when each flavor is dry and ready to be drawn. 8 BATCH FREEZER COOLING AREA BATCH FREEZER IN CONFORMITY WITH TRITTICO® PHILOSOPHY INACTIVE AREA Patented cooling system with multipoint injection and direct expansion on the curved walls of the cylinder. Horizontal cylinder with long walls and limited diameter to increase the cooling surface. THIS MEANS THAT COOLING IS HOMOGENEOUS, FAST AND EFFECTIVE. Triple-blade ice-breaking mixer, all in solid steel (which has high thermal conductivity), with a socket joint connection to the front door to keep the mixer aligned at all times. Interchangeable self-adjusting scrapers that closely scrape the cylinder walls. THIS MEANS THAT NO ICE FORMS ON THE CYLINDER WALLS, WHICH MAINTAIN THEIR FULL COOLING CAPACITY. THE SCRAPERS BREAK THE ICE CRYSTALS, MAKING THEM EVEN SMALLER. Polycarbonate heat-insulating door to insulate the cylinder from external heat. THIS MEANS THAT LOW TEMPERATURES ARE BETTER MAINTAINED, AND WHISKING IS FASTER, ENERGY CONSUMPTION IS REDUCED AND THERE IS NO DRIPPING WHEN THE GELATO IS DRAWN. Patented plate condenser provides much better heat exchange than commonly used coil condensers. THIS MEANS THAT WATER CONSUMPTION IS LOWER AND THE CONDENSERS ARE BETTER PRESERVED FROM LIMESCALE DEPOSITS. WHISKING CONTROL DATA ARE GATHERED BY SPECIAL PROBES AND A PATENTED IONIC ® SYSTEM SHOWS EXACTLY WHEN EACH FLAVOUR IS DRY AND READY TO BE DRAWN. FIND OUT HOW IT WORKS... 9 Good gelato is dry, soft, creamy and The invention of the Ionic ® System has revolutionized the concept of whisking, by introducing an objective scientific parameter to determine precisely when the ice cream is dry and ready to be drawn. All the previous systems (drawing temperature, time, resistance, etc.) are empirical, that is they ignore many important variables, such as the formulation and the properties of different flavors (as well as machine wear, gases, electric energy and others). The Ionic ® System is based on scientific principles and is always reliable. It derives from a simple consideration: all gelato is made starting from a liquid mixture; the mixture contains water, which is frozen into ice, a solid. TRY IT WITH 10 healthy, balanced, stable in the shop window. The Ionic ® System measures ionic migration, a natural physical phenomenon which occurs differently in liquids and solids. During the whisking process, the Ionic ® System probes constantly monitor the gradual reduction of ionic migration. A patented software processes the data from the probes and decides from time to time when the water has changed into ice and the gelato is truly dry and ready to be drawn. In addition, the Ionic ® System lets you increase the mixing speed in the initial stages so to incorporate more air, and to reduce speed at the end of the whisking process to prevent the gelato from running. This is done automatically by another patented device: the inverter. YOUR OWN TRAY 11 Thanks to the Trittico® philosophy and the patented Ionic ® System, your gelato will be dry and contain exactly the right amount of air. This will make it stable in the shop window for a long time and prevent the gelato from dripping in the consumer’s hands, while preserving the creaminess and softness that are typical of traditional Italian gelato. The incorporated air ensures perfect scoop ability and the right temperature on the palate, heightening the flavour definition of each individual flavour. 12 TRITTICO® STARTRONIC PREMIUM: THE FIRST AND ORIGINAL MULTIFUNCTIONAL GELATO EQUIPMENT. SINCE 1974, 40 YEARS OF PATENTED EXPERIENCE. Table top model (122 - 183) TRITTICO® STARTRONIC PLUS: AN EXCLUSIVE SOFTWARE AND DIFFERENT SPEEDS ACCORDING TO EACH WORKING PHASE, TO OBTAIN A CREAMY AND DRY GELATO, WITH REGULAR STRUCTURE AND VERY THIN ICE CRYSTALS. MODEL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 122* 183 305 457 610 1015 Prod. for cycle Lt 2,5 3 5 7 10 15 20 Average hourly production (1) Lt 8/12 12/18 20/30 30/45 46/60 60/90 75/120 400/50/3 400/50/3 Volt/Hz/ Ph Voltage (2) 400/50/3 400/50/3 400/50/3 400/50/3 3,2 230/50/1 3,3 5,3 5,4 5,8 6,3 9 Water Air Water Air Air+ Air+ Air+ Air+ Water Air+ Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water 36 68 --70 50 79 --78 50 79 --78 51 51 51 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 80 97 95 95 95 100 100 115 115 95 87,5 103,5 102,5 102,5 102,5 102,5 107,5 107,5 122,5 122,5 140 140 140 141 141 141 141 141 144 144 --- Prem 114 Plus 120 --- kW Power Refrigeration condenser Width (A) Cm Depth (B) Cm Depth (C) Height (H) Cm Cm 36 68 --70 Weight (3) Kg Plus 91 Prem 238 Plus 252 5,9 --- Prem 295 Plus 291 6,5 --- Prem 329 Plus 341 9,2 --- 11,2 Prem 369 Plus 389 11,5 18,6 --- B 1020 Prem 495 Plus 515 A H 18,9 C --- Rev. 0412 (*) Available only for Trittico® Startronic Plus. (1) Hourly production may change according to type of mixture and finished product density. (2) Also available in 60 Hz. (3) The weight of the air cooled machines will be estimated before the shipment. Water or Air: cooled system self contained. Air+Water : cooled system self contained. Air+Water : incorporated water condenser and remote air cooled condenser. Data can be changed at any time without notice by the manufacturer. Point the QR code and discover Trittico® Startronic Plus BRAVO SPA Montecchio Maggiore (VI) - Italy Tel. 0039.0444.707.700 • • •