A Wellspring of Modernity Opening Doors with your Mobile Phone


A Wellspring of Modernity Opening Doors with your Mobile Phone
The L atest News from the World of GANTN E R
Opening Doors with your Mobile Phone
Ready for the Future
Recognising Trends
Security Management With a Smartphone
A cc e s s a n d a l a r m
wh i l e o n t h e r o a d
B o o k i ng
o ver vi e ws
A ct i ng q u i ck l y i n
t h e event o f l o s t
d a t a c a rri er s
D o o r co nt ro l
a nd s t a t u s d i s p l a y
U s er
a d m i ni s t ra t i o n
Easy, secure access and visitor management
when you‘re out of the office – that‘s what
you get with the new GAT Mobile Access
smartphone app from GANTNER. It makes
mobile by allowing you to control and
monitor your access system with your
smartphone using the Apple iOS or Android
operating system. All security-related functions
are available via a single application whatever
your location. The functions are displayed really
clearly on the screen and can be selected directly.
This enables the external management of operational
round-the-clock security.
The GAT Mobile Access Management app
provides four main functions:
Door status display and control
Alarm handling
ID blocking
Access log overview
The password-protected app clearly displays
the status of defined online doors (open, closed,
locked, generally left open, etc.). It is easy to
trigger the short-term or long-term opening or
blocking of these doors with the smartphone app.
The blocking function allows IDs to be blocked at
any time from your smartphone (e.g. if somebody
loses their ID).
Number 2/2012
The access log overview shows a list of the most
recent access log entries. This function allows
you to determine who last used a particular
entrance, for example.
Alarm management is also mobile with
GAT Mobile Access. The app allows you to
accept, clear or acknowledge alarms and to
activate or deactivate the alarm system.
For the first time, the new GAT Mobile Access
app also enables round-the-clock operational
security management from your home.
There is a growing need for security, efficiency and
convenience in all areas of our lives, including the
organisation of businesses. At GANTNER, we have
detected an extremely distinct rising demand or trend
for integrated multi-application system solutions such
as those we offer.
Controlled and organised access to sites and offices,
systematic and clear time recording, networked billing
systems and intelligent software solutions tailored
to customer requirements give added value to the
corporate organisation of any company. Customers
expect these functions to be available online and in
real time. Due to the changing nature of the business
environment, the need for interoperability between
divergent systems is growing relentlessly. It must
be possible to combine diverse technologies, for
example by using just one reader for different
transponder technologies.
GANTNER systems support all commonly used
technologies, which makes them compatible with
existing systems and allows them to be integrated
into existing technological environments. We also
develop intelligent products which can be adapted in
line with changes in the corporate environment. Our
products are extendable and upgradeable – take, for
instance, the example of our GAT Matrix, for which three
additional modules have just been released.
Our aim is to always keep pace with current trends
or even be one step ahead. We develop solutions
to meet tomorrow‘s requirements today – and we‘ve
been doing so for 30 years. That‘s a great source of
pride for us.
Your Mag. Elmar Hartmann
A Wellspring of Modernity
KärntenTherme Warmbad-Villach spa enchants visitors with its architecture,
services and technology
The futuristic exterior architecture of the new
KärntenTherme Warmbad-Villach spa facility
promises a totally new spa experience on four levels
with an area of 11,000 square metres. Extravagant
spa highlights, advanced fitness equipment and a
comprehensive wellness portfolio make the new
KärntenTherme Warmbad-Villach spa one of the
most modern centres of its kind in Austria. Nestled
between Italy and Slovenia, the 40-million-euro
project offers an innovative range of attractions in
three areas: Fun, Fitness and Spa.
Thanks to the modern GANTNER access control
and billing system, easy access to all three areas is
ensured using Chip Band technology as the data
carrier. The locker system with its free choice of
lockers, car park management system and cashless
We organise companies.
payment transactions for beauty treatments and
services are also handled by this data carrier. Guests
can enjoy meals and refreshments without any need
to carry cash, since everything they consume is
recorded directly on the chip. Checking in and out is
easy and convenient with the GANTNER hotel and
web interface, and this can also be done from the
neighbouring hotels. Guests pay their total bill when
they leave the spa.
Along with the technical advantages of the
GANTNER spa and fitness package, the modern
design of the visible products – such as the access
and information terminals – makes a favourable
impression. The GANTNER system is integrated
into the architectural masterpiece elegantly,
inconspicuously and conveniently.
Where Little Hearts Beat Faster
Lutzmannsburg Solar Spa expands Services and Improves Convenience
The Lutzmannsburg Frankenau solar spa in
Austria‘s Burgenland region is regarded as one
of Europe‘s leading spas for babies and small
children. It offers an unrivalled range of services.
Families looking for fun and action are just as much
at home here as those looking for peace and relaxation.
To raise the standard even higher, around 22.5
million euros were made available for extensive
measures to expand and increase the attractiveness of the solar spa and Hotel Sonnenpark.
The solar spa has been using GANTNER technology for entry for many years already. As part of the
expansion measures, the operators now wanted to
implement GANTNER‘s complete access control
and billing system. All access control terminals
and the armband return machine were renovated.
Some 1,000 lockers in the changing rooms were
Two Systems in a Single Solution
fitted with freely selectable, battery-operated locks.
An info terminal was also installed. The spa‘s food
and drink area and the two tanning studios are
now connected directly to the GANTNER billing
system, and all transactions are cashless for the
guests. Day visitors use a terminal to charge a certain amount of money to their access cards, which
are debited accordingly when facilities or services
are used. Hotel guests can conveniently charge
their expenses to their hotel rooms.
The central settlement node of the GANTNER
system provides a direct link to Hotel Sonnenpark
and to external accommodation providers. In
addition to controlling the facility, the GANTNER
system provides the operators with comprehensive
reporting and delivers valuable marketing data.
Good Got Better!
New Indoor Swimming Pool at AQWA Park Walldorf (Germany)
A Triple Boost for the Tried-and-Tested GAT Matrix
The construction of a new indoor swimming pool
and extensive renovation of the outdoor pool
area have transformed Walldorf‘s former pool
centre into today‘s AQWA Park Walldorf.
GANTNER‘s tried-and-tested GAT Matrix
access software has been expanded by three new
modules. These innovative modules provide easy
visitor management, optimised staff management
and flexible door control. What‘s more, existing
GAT Matrix solutions can be easily upgraded with
no loss of previous functionality.
When planning access control measures,
existing technology had to be combined with
the latest organisational solutions. For this
reason, GANTNER implemented two different
systems. Barcodes are used for access to
the indoor pool and the outdoor pool area,
while electronic data carriers are used for
access to the sauna and wellness area. GANTNER
installed two terminals in the turnstiles in order to
simplify access using these two different systems.
The changing rooms for the indoor pool have
550 coin-operated lockers, while the sauna area
has 190 battery-operated lockers.
The „Light“ scheduling module, which simplifies
booking management, is used for scheduling
slots at the medical wellness and spa centre.
The GANTNER billing system rounds off the
overall package at AQWA Park and ensures
precise visitor management.
Visitor Management
What was previously only possible for staff
management is now also possible for managing
visitors. For the first time, the new management
module enables detailed visitor data capture including access management. Authorisations can
be granted individually and for restricted periods.
They can also be defined using preconfigured
groups. The module stores access options and
the duration of card authorisations. The system
also supports the management of deposited objects.
Optimised Staff Management
To optimise staff management, GAT Matrix now
has freely definable fields for staff data entry. In
addition to master data, they can be used for
the systematic entry and administration of other
relevant data such as driving licence groups and
Flexible Door Control and Status Display
The enhanced GAT Matrix door control function
is a module for remotely controlling online doors
and displaying their status. The module displays
the status of doors (open, blocked, locked, etc.)
and door alarms (open for too long, forced entry
or exit, threat, etc.). The door control function
enables short-term or long-term opening as well as the
general enabling or blocking of doors. The
door management function provides information on current alarms and allows alarms to be
Fingerprint Access to Corporate Premises
Home-Grown Security Technology at innovative Enterprise Starlim
starlim//sterner, a specialist in the processing
of liquid silicones with headquarters in the
Upper Austrian town of Marchtrenk, has some
500 employees at a complex with a total floor area
of nearly 40,000 square metres. The firm needed
an effective and completely reliable access and
time recording system appropriate for a complex
of this size, building on the GANTNER biometric
time stamp system implemented in 2009–10.
As part of a new build in 2011, starlim//sterner
opted for a comprehensive GANTNER time
recording and access system, making the greatest
possible use of existing cabling but installing new
wiring where necessary. The end result was a
system for three different buildings that must be
able to operate in both stand-alone and networked
Time recording for starlim//sterner employees
is now based entirely on fingerprints read by
seven time recording terminals. The employee
data used for this comes from the new GANTNER
GAT Matrix software, which also supports the full
administration of access authorisations. The 133
doors which are integrated into the online system
and a further 16 reserve doors are also managed
with this software. Biometric features have been
stored and badges have been issued for 550
authorised persons.
The new system has been very well received
since it has decisive advantages over all previous
solutions for the administration of authorisations
and personal data.
It Couldn‘t Be Easier!
Where the Traditional Meets High Technology
Compact Time Recording Terminal with Docking Station
Extensive Renovation and Extension of the
Spain Municipal Baths
provides powerful interoperability
integrated encryption package.
Armbands of different colours are used for access
to each of the integrated zones. Unlike members,
day visitors return their access armbands to an
armband deposit machine when they leave. In
cooperation with partner Torring A/S, electronic
locker systems with free locker selection, an alarm
function and self-explanatory information terminals
were installed in the pool area and fitness centre.
The GANTNER system also enables cashless
payment throughout the facility.
GAT eco.time is also suitable for installation
directly at workstations. The high-contrast
graphic LC display provides a user-friendly interface using symbols, which also enables languageindependent use (e.g. in international companies).
Employees can easily identify themselves with a
contact-free RFID data carrier or via the optional
fingerprint reader. The
The recording of working hours using a compact
system and extremely easy installation are key
features of the new GAT eco.time ST 370 PoE.
It provides all necessary functions of a time
recording device in a very small package.
GAT eco.time ST 370 PoE is easy to install,
operate and use.
Thanks to the new docking station, the installation
of the GAT eco.time ST 370 PoE is easier than
ever. The docking stations can be fitted even
before the walls are finished. And placing a unit
into service is simple: just clip it to the docking
station and secure it.
The Spain Municipal Baths in Aarhus (Denmark)
were built in 1933. Along with an indoor pool, they
provided extensive bathing facilities for residents
who did not have their own bathroom. The Spain
Municipal Baths were designed from the start to
foster public health and welfare. This is still the
main focus today, following extensive renovations
and a modern extension. An up-to-date wellness
area and an exclusive fitness centre now round off
the services available at the baths.
If the Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) variant is chosen,
a single network cable is the only wiring needed
for the docking station. It supplies power to the
unit and enables data communication. The LEGIC
advant SM-4200 reader IC used in the unit
To enable use of the three areas either individually
or as a package, a secure check-in/check-out
module was needed. Using RFID armbands,
the GANTNER access control system enables
convenient access to the appropriate areas.
Lady Line Finland
GANTNER at the Olympic Centre
The GANTNER System in Ladies‘ Fitness Clubs
Swimming Pool and Wellness Extension in Liepaja
Lady Line is the largest fitness chain in Finland,
with over 30 clubs throughout the country.
It offers women of all ages a wide range of
sporting activities and services. The clubs are
characterised by modern furnishings, high-quality
training equipment, a variety of courses and the
fact that there is no need to take out a long-term
All new Lady Line clubs have a Technogym wellness
system which works together with the GANTNER
access and locker system perfectly. Club
members receive Technogym keys that save
personal training data. This is an additional service for
members and encourages customer loyalty
to Lady Line. The GANTNER system, club
management software and Technogym wellness
system are optimally coordinated and integrated
with each other. As soon as a member is registered by the club management software, she is
automatically registered in the wellness system
and receives authorisation for the GANTNER
access terminals and the freely selectable,
battery-operated lockers via a key code issued by
GAT Writer.
The Key to Good Training Results
EasyFit Fitness Chain relies on GANTNER
To make members‘ visits to the EasyFit studio
convenient and secure, the operators rely on a
comprehensive access control and locker system
by GANTNER. This ensures that only current
members can enter the club.
EasyFit is Finland‘s fastest growing fitness chain
in the low-cost sector. The high-quality, user
friendly and stylishly furnished sports centres are
open to both men and women. On the basis of
Technogym wellness system technology, EasyFit
offers members intensive personal attention,
precise data analysis, individual encouragement
and long-term support.
Battery-operated GAT Lock 6010 locks secure
the freely selectable changing room lockers.
EasyFit uses Technogym keys to log personal
training sessions and store member data The
Technogym keys can be used as check-in or
locker keys in the GANTNER system.
The Olympic Centre in Liepaja (Latvia) combines
sports and culture under the same roof. The
extensive range of training and event services
has now been rounded off by the addition of an
indoor swimming pool and wellness area. A stateof-the-art indoor pool complex and the largest spa
area in the region have been created in a threestorey structure with a floor area of 3,200 square
metres. Two swimming pools, a relaxation area,
water massage pools, bubble baths, three saunas
and a large play area for children offer something
for everybody.
if they forget it. The armbands are returned to a
deposit machine when users leave. The car park
system is also controlled by GANTNER. The
GAT check-in/check-out system gives the club
operator valuable data which enables effective and
optimised marketing, minimises administrative
effort and, in conjunction with the GANTNER
locker system, offers guests extremely high
security with maximum convenience.
During the detailed design process, the
operators looked for a secure, convenient and
effective access control and locker system. They
found what they were looking for at GANTNER.
Armbands with integrated RFID chips control the
GAT check-in/check-out terminals, interior doors
and lifts. The clothes lockers are equipped with
battery-operated GANTNER locks. Customers
can choose the locker they want to use and
lock it using their armband. A user-friendly info
terminal helps users to find out their locker number
Climbing the Walls
German Alpine Association opts for a GANTNER system solution
The German Alpine Association, founded in
1869, is the world‘s largest association of
climbers and mountaineers with 940,000
members in 355 independent sections.
The Freiburg-Breisgau section in BadenWürttemberg, with over 8,000 members,
is the largest association in Germany‘s
southernmost metropolis. As part of the
expansion of the section house, a new
climbing hall with over 1,000 square metres
of climbing area and a wall height of around
15 metres has been built.
A hall of this type must be organised and
managed in the best possible way. The FreiburgBreisgau section needs secure access control
for the entry area and the meeting room.
The billing system, check-in and check-out
system, day ticket sales, locker system and member registration must also be integrated. The
installed GANTNER system fulfils all of these
The 8,000 section members were entered
into the system using in-house software. Their
member cards store access and billing data
and keep track of their entire session in the
hall, from check-in to check-out. The networked
lockers can be freely selected. Shop and day
ticket sales are also integrated into the billing
system. Along with detailed documentation,
the GANTNER system allows the unattended
operation of the facility during low-use periods.
The Springs of Nijmegen
With a GANTNER system, you can leave your cash at home
when you visit the spa!
The futuristic, award-winning Scandic Sanadome
in Nijmegen (Netherlands) is a four-star-plus hotel
with a large spa and wellness centre. Its success
is due to the fact that the hotel has its own fresh
water and hot salt water springs. Measuring over
2,500 square meters, the facility offers guests
a wealth of spa, beauty and wellness services
which leave nothing to be desired.
The spa was included in the hotel‘s switch to
MICROS Fidelio software. The aim was to offer
guests a completely cashless stay in the entire
spa facility.
This was made possible by the GANTNER access,
billing and locker system. Access for both day visitors and hotel guests is handled by MIFARE RFID
chips. These chips also allow guests to choose
freely from 518 battery-powered electronic
Welcome to the GANTNER Family
New Partner Company in Sweden
sales and the general provision of GANTNER
Naturally, our new partner is receiving
comprehensive support directly from our
headquarters in Austria, where intensive product
training has already taken place. We wish
our new partner Gantec AB all the best in its
business activities. Welcome to the team!
Gantec AB is the new Swedish partner
company of GANTNER Electronic GmbH. In
August 2012, Robert Adolfsson and Peter
Magnusson took over the sole distributorship for
GANTNER products in Sweden. This includes
Humboldt University Berlin
The university library of Humboldt University
Berlin was looking for a locker system which
could be operated by the students‘ meal cards
(Mifare Classic). As the university had plans to
introduce new student cards using Mifare DESfire
EV01 technology, the lockers needed to support
mixed-mode operation with both technologies. The
university library especially wanted to reduce the
staff workload involved in looking after the lockers.
In this case, the locks also monitor a maximum
lockers and to use the massage couches and
tanning studio. The entire restaurant and food
area is equipped with cashless payment stations
and integrated into the system.
The software interface to the hotel allows
holidaymakers to conveniently charge their food
and beverages to their rooms. In the case of
day guests, expenditure is recorded on the data
storage device and the bill is paid when the guest
leaves the spa.
Guests can check their personal data such as
their locker number, length of stay and charges
at any time on the GANTNER info terminals.
The GANTNER system offers guests and the
operator enhanced convenience as well as an
easily understandable billing system and history.
Award-Winning Apprentices
Women making waves in
apprenticeship company for many years and
successfully pursues a high-quality training
programme. Electronics, formerly a man‘s world,
is increasingly making way for successful women.
In the nationwide Elektro I competition for
apprentices studying electronics, communication
technology and telecommunication electronics,
Kathrin Dönz tied with another apprentice for
first place, thereby defending GANTNER‘s
top-place finish last year. Ramona Bargehr and
Mario Taumberger also scored very well, finishing
8th and 9th in a total field of 19 participants. We
warmly congratulate all three.
usage time. This prevents long-term usage and
ensures that lockers are always available to new
Impressum: GANTNER Electronic GmbH, Montafonerstr. 8, A-6780 Schruns, +43 (0)5556 73784-0, info@gantner.com, www.gantner.com