naa: d4878, greek - abelas f


naa: d4878, greek - abelas f
These copies are provided for research or study purposes. Before making use of the material for other purposes (for
example publication) you should familiarise yourself with any copyright obligations.
Series number: D4878
Control symbol: GREEK - ABELAS F
Barcode: 30253820
Number of pages: 11
ABELAS Fotini - Nationality: Greek - Arrived Melbourne per Flaminia 6 June 1958 Also known as nee
. _ COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA. 1P - _.i.__i _ .<Rb _ "l.2-‘oiil-C'l!§ ii"i I-'00-.IJ~,I.H Aliens Act I947—I952. 1 er ‘ NOTIFICATION OF MARRIA* Tue Commouwmnm MIGRATION OFFICER, ~ In-~ MI »-»-=~ ln compliance
with Section l0A of the Aliens Act 1947 ‘flntlucueull1 43¢7 .. . being an alien registered under that Act, wliose certicate of registration number is ..... ,and residing at ............ .......... ................................................... hereby notify
the following particulars in respect of my marriage :— _Full name before the marriage'|' ....... ..EQT[J.i/j\/.11.’. ....... Full name of spouse ..... .... Nationality of spouse......... ................................... Certicate of registration number
any) of ..... ..Date and place of marriage. Marriage certicate number. . .. . Signature of alien (married name) .... ...... .. Date of signature...Q.2.:.4ll2...Z.S.8 ............ ..Mom-mi ii» tandem!’ edb IHIIIIQ " 1 \-new-5.1 withposted under
regulo‘ :3“ to Mag:-1?». Olin! hmlironuiphl‘ i of the 5:23.: 13%? din‘:reai:Iing,wizhintlzirtyahyaafterthedahofmcrriap,togeurwillaneoriuhofrgh-atian(ifmy)nfbotlnpulinbn!Ill!‘IilI8ll’ldl|l9lIll!'l'ilIBO¢l'liCli6.
Twoidenuulpaupontypophohgnphaahn beluypliellwbemunufunwnmnnI-I I§lIlld-FOR OFFICE USE ONLY.A New cenicate No.“,(a.i1.§.$.3.'3....ilaued....i..,..... Dane of Supervising oicer ...... ................ ........................ Federal
Fjectorate. . . , ._¢ ”.,_,_ -,--- -I-|Local Government Area - ' U‘ ml-i‘H~ Entered in Register ......... .. . i l ‘l “'l‘:‘i‘Jl ii’L'l~'X - -----—'~~—-'~—-'Records relating to lxllfeband amended. ll.§l_\l:_i=>Jl1(,;“e\;»;v_ __ Filed
....................................... .. . ........................... AA 1 <\*;];~_*, '1 _’ \_, I Lil‘. ll _ » ‘ 2927.... ' By Authority L I‘ Jounrow Qommonwenni Government Printer, Clam-rra. Form‘ RA 8.. _ COMMONWEALTH OF " AUSTRALIA.‘u..‘\Aliens Act 1947-1952.fer '""§aT G _____iIQ- QEATIII“*5” NOTIFICATION OF MARRIAGE.Tue Commouwmnm MIGRATION Omcan.P' I'M" Ill" "We In compliance
with Section IUA of the Aliens Act |947—l952, l,"'../EO.'l:l..ll/l... .. being an alien oi....$.R.E.E.e€....nationality,registered under that Act, whose certicate of registration number and residing .... ............................. hereby notify the
following particulars in respect of my marriage :—- \H':“;':_n°_"° °" Full name before the marriage1'.........EQTI1:/M1:.........:XS.H.Q(ZS.1./QO.(..Z............ ./Full name of spouse .... Nationality of spousc......... ................................
Certicate of registration number any) of spouse ...... .... .,Date and place of .. Marriage certicate number... . .. . ................ ..Signature of alien (married name) .... ..... .. .... .,Dale of s1'gnature...¢Q.2..-...1.(.?...T.uorr.-rm-r ‘be magm-1' by llinwhomanuc.‘ u u-|»|.a;.apm¢-npo|_te§lund_er_regi§te:el-cllnezzltc ofiesnuinarun‘I|ng,w|thmIlurtydayIn£\nr§hodataalmamnge.tegvtherw|tl&aeIrhiealuoilrauan(|{any)ofrnanugeandthemnnageeariacata.
Twoidannealpauponlypcplloblrqinc bowpphedlllllnueonecrned,a Q E12. 525% FOR OFFICE USE ONLY._ New certicate No....l::..._‘.3§.Z.‘3....inuec|...............Issuingoicer ....... Date of iuue ....... Supervising Federal Electorate.
...... .. _ __ __ _.____. ...__.-. ‘Low] Govemmmg Am, __ 3 r.\‘i‘ '>NDi¥ Entered in Register .......... .. 7 _ "ml lllUEX---~~~ - ~~—-~~-~-—--—~~~Records relating to aleblnd amended... li\{'lIl‘,"(|pA|E __‘______%Z____'r 'i + ~> * T
,4 EL_5cm_:nE A g _____ 2087.... ' By Authority: L. I‘. Joanne! Lommonweallh Government Printer, Canberra.
TII J . ' “ci , ‘ I;2LNL°&T___- l .As the holder oi this certificate you are regis-tered under the Alien: Ac! l947—195Z.You are required lay law to notify the De rt-mmt of lmmigration it you change your adtliiasa,occupation or
employment. Pre-paid post card:may be obtained for this purpose from theDepartment of Immigration or any Poet Oice.You may not use any aumame other than theone shown on this certicate. but you may applyto the
Department cl lmmigration for permissionIn change your name.You must retain posiiesaion of this certificatewhile you are an alien and remain in Australia.ll you leave Australia, you must surrender thiacerticate to the Custom: or
immigration Qllicerin attendance at the vessel or aircraft at the timeof einharlcation.:~.-awn-—.<g --e-_-‘Your children, it not British aubjecb, muetmply for a I.=PI.rlt= Certicate when they reachage ol sixteen years.You must not
malre I false statement withregard ho registration or this certicate._ You must not alter this certicate or any entryin it. \You must not rene to produce this certicatewhen lawfully required to’ do so._You may not lave in your poueuion
or uaewithout lawful authority any certicate other thanthat issued to you. or any forged, altered orirregular certicate or any other document con-nected with registration.Failure to comply with theoe or any otherrequirements of the
Aliens Act or Regulationswill render you liable to a ne oi up to £50 orimprisonment for three months.lfthilcurtiuteeomeaintothepoueasiuq uiypanonoaerit mull immediately be handed to the nearest out Oco or amtMigration Onar in
the Capital City in the State in vrliidi itewna found.V eq-‘fl!itCOMMONWEALTH of AUSTRALIAAim Act I947-I952CERTIFICATE of REGISTRATIQNDepartment of llllllllultlllE5PiitasN° 663774
‘H M/‘I Dxn: or f4 ‘V J xM,u:rr/u; S1-xrusm... Pucc or Bm'rnv........,. 05,;DATE or DISEMBARKAHON,......,,_‘,........, P“‘5°N‘\1- —"+=--“MM ‘ ’ ' 'PORT i
ins.VESSE1./AIRCRAI-‘r.flS5Ul.I;g .. .Colour of Eyes......._ 4
Colour of Hair.‘ . . ‘ . . . . . ‘ . . _ ..,Rzmrucs . .. \ C1‘ ' _Place of lssue...... .. ’ Signature of Holder. Date./ATTENTIE.De houier van it certicnat is keregistreerdunder de “Aliens Act H!--1!)-'11!" en is wettelijkrerplicht bij verzmduring
van mlres, beruep ofwerkgevor hjervan hat Department of Immigrationhe verwittigcn. Vuor dit. duel zijn gefrnnkcerdeinrmulicren verkrijgbaur bij hat Department. oflmuligratinu en dc yostkentorun.-ZUR BEACHTUNG.Alb der
Eigentmer (liner Bescheinigung sinzlSie gamiiss Aliens Act 10411052 rngistrh-rt undsiud laut Gesctz \'er|1flicl\lut, dam Department ofImmigration YD!) jwler itnderung Ihrer Anscllrift,Ihrer Tiitigkeib odor Ihrcr Arlleitsslulle in KLnntniszu semen. Portufreie I-‘urmulnre sind filr disenZweck bei (‘lam Department of Immigrunn oderjedcm Puslamt erhilltlirh.ATTENZIONE.Qunle porialure di qm.-=Ln cer£iv:\L0 Vuirisultnte registrato in ‘(mac all‘ ALIEXS ACTdc] l174952 e Biete hegaillxmntc {mute a nnticaraml Dipurthueuto i Immigruzinue se cnmhinte ilvustro indlrizzo, la vostru. ucvupuzinnc ml impiego.A tale scope, pnlute oltmwre dnl Dipartimenbudi Immigtnziong Q lwesso qunlunquc
Uicioo guutuledogli oppositi moduli, liberi da spese pasta i.Fl P O Z O X H '‘Q; M1010; 111; m1uo\‘:m1; Tmndmvnlg QQ9¢5"éyyzyqmmévog cl; rd nae‘ huh Mmqmu d\>|A¢@'vwg min Auauiypuul; 11:21 ’AMo6a..1&v 1941 1958.Evgzwdzvwg tint]; mi: uou, nqézm ll; Mqhmmvkluvfig b\zu0\‘>vos<b;_ nag, brayyiluatbg an; nulrbnou Q-main; cu; vu. YV(Bd‘I0lI0li\l!E1l I '_Yn0w-ysiov Memvuuru’:czv.u;. El6o:mn|n1q\u, nu Onohlév d.1lu\toi'v vqupguxéunuov
xoqmvofnmn bu‘ u\’n0vuh amnbv Gab 1 ‘Ynouqylwv Ma‘mvu11!lv)0ml€(1 <2.-<1‘: <\:\o\ovb|‘pzo1:z rulubqomiov.
. ,_ | ‘Pun: or ....... .. MDAT‘! or \ 4/“ IMmmu. DATE or D|snMnmm1'|oN....... _.Pom Vzssu./Amcurr. 5 vF vi»\ :‘\‘\ lssuig OPlace of lasue....... A.L _Colour ofColour of .... ..0 _!.?,..1/AMSignature of Holler. Dale./AITENTII. '.D0
mi.» van dit. mtiaat in blii-l\l’Q§'dunder do “Aliens Act 1947-1952" en in wettahjkit verandering van ad:-as, beroep ofgnvar man hat Dapnrtment__of Immigrationtn vurwitgen. Voor diz §_oal mu gehnukeerduformulieren verkrijgbnar
bu] bet Department 0!linmigratiou an de postkentorm.~ZUR BEACHTUNG. _ _Alh clur Eigentmnr diesel’ Beacheungqng mindSi: gumiian Aliens Act 10474952 regiatnert uudnd laut Genet: _ve1-pichtet, ns Depmtment_oiImmigration von yeder lnderupg Ilu-ex-_ Anaclu-1f_t,,15"; Ttztigkeig mien; 21Bre;_A:bei:sstell;15n(I§ren:;;:\;. or o 1- ormu re a§“m'§ bgi dem Depnrtwnent of Immigration 0601'jelli Postamt erhlltlich.ATTENZIUN E.\ fat d."
1. ticnh Voi=:§;‘f&L $§g';m‘l§Z 1; ;,El‘§'1’w°fIums ACTdd 1047-1952 a gieta !ega1ment_e tunuto n nugziearaml Diplrtimento di Ilmnigrazmno sa camlnate ll'°f,“°@.1‘§“*"“.¢o,,n"j §;Z¢Z?Z".i@§,°.Z?E “?1§‘1“°1>§§Q1'§£‘§.°.§?$di
Immigruiom 0 prgssq qualunque UM on goohlodegli oppuaiti modnh, hbcri da apese post!!-l'| P O Z O X H '‘Q; xwxog ; lttwlli TIIAIIIWYITQC Qhwh***'z.#.-"*~“L\...@.rJ§::=*:. *m.,..,**""".1*<::.'. W". .....nuEugqdavmgbbduqg ugh
18%| I01!!!‘ 5|-G $§,§L',]"L§,W,§;'.,; Q5: fdasvceznummnn Y3 ‘WWW-yuwv Mzmvu<ns6umG- U-5W'°"\WlWl~ "5 5"“bév dxunoirv yqa u¥5<1'I|lWV Z°\'l‘I°i"‘"" 5" “hmtbv ononbv 61:6 3‘ ‘Y"""Q‘!‘|7' n"m““'k‘“I1 dab bnowviwu
1v_ ' “ Q \ ItNATIONAL ....... . ‘ \~‘ I‘J1. Pno'roc1w>u.' ~= I.14 > ‘IPLACE or BIRTI-L........ .. DATE or K40, IMuzrm. S-rA1-us.....' .... Dm: or Dxsswmmumou........4§..=.....,.,.."'FL’] OURNEPour , ..._Li .Visa./Amcurr. " ' '_\‘ K-'\\\E ‘
~ +=§+‘ ' 4Z\ i,lssuig OPlace of ]ssue,...... .._...‘Q.N...BQ;,,R.£;_,Pazsorm. Drscnxmom .... Colour of ¥‘:yea4.....; .... .... ..Colour of Hair..... , . . . . . _ _ _ ___Rmvuuucs 4Signalure of Hulda. Date../ATIENTIK. _De houfer van dit
eerticnt. is geregiatraardunder do “_§lienu Act 19474952” en is Wu!-telijkvar§licht In; verandering van adres, beroep ofwar gavel‘ hiervau het\DapnrLment of Immigrltionta verwittigcn. Von: dit don] zijn gefnnkeerdulnrmulieran
verkrijgbaar hij het Department oflgnmigraliou en de puatkentoren.-ZUB. BEACHTUNG.A111 dar Eigentmar dieuer Beecheinigung sindSis gnmilss Aliens AM: 19474952 registriert undsinzl lnut Gesetz verpichtct, due Department
ofimmigration von jedu nclerung Ihrer Anschrift,lhrer Tltigkcis odor Ihrer L1-beitsstelle in Kenntuilnu setzen. Portuireie Formulare sind fur diamZweck bei dam Department of Immigration odarjeclem I‘ostanit__erh§1It1ich.'
AITENZIOSE.Qunle portatcra di quesm certicnto Voirisultata registrato in bane all‘ ALIENS ACTrlel 194'!-1952 a gieba Iegnilmente teuubo a noticarell Dipntimento di Immigmzlone se cambiate 1!voatru lmlirizzo, la voutra.
uccupazlone od impiego.A talc pcopo, potete ottenc-re dal Digartimentodi Immignziane 0 presao qualunque Ucloo gootnlgdegli oppositi moduli, liberi dn spas: poatli.n l'1 P O I O X? hm '‘ gxiuoxog 1'71 nu g an o;wl0I¢9lId ‘ M
ll5.::'::.'.":¢:".'a=,,:§2; ,.:2"PA’*»:.#‘?..¢:“2?.,Euupéavoag Lnlun; wi: 1:140», xqbm slg Xl0\I"l¢“'Mu g blnvlhnedig 011;, hdylpm 005 llthrouviqyuaiug pug vs‘: Yvonwrotunl _ 'Ymw|rgeiov Mzmvua-nréulmq. Elbovmmvlwm, IQ, Mvlciv
dmmoiv wan utlwmwv goqnyohrmx Bu mmtbv 0-nozxbv dab ‘I: 'Ym)uQYIl0V Mrnrvundmm:F; dab bnowvbhnou xuxvbqopnwv._ _A__ ______ ____
§_QMIll1l1 .4 1'O1 .rl1l51:3’? 5)“ A5' in >’'_ »._.-‘P l V I Formlil 2.. . S'I‘t'T‘_'~\.~l§‘1‘"" ~:1;§%‘3‘ONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA =2Aliens Act 1947-1952..2? O A2‘,-iif ljl}_ltTA‘N.E!1B§?<H’E'G|STHAT|0N av tutu ENTERIN
AUSTRALIA.l . ._ ,5°Inb1oc1<lett£_;s£ j _;_f ;.._(_>SURNAME or MAIN NAME.“ CHRISTIAN OTHE‘Ql.».!-I"-91VJBUNKASS"l‘State whethermarried, sin gle,widowed ordivorced.Y_“i ': -'-R~_-_‘.*\ -L‘; '__1='.1=Q<70;ldlgintedbu_ /J
;9'§\rf§‘ ’ >§§F_ 51471,1./€9€.;7‘ tur R NAMES. °1- Ah ,-TSAOTTQIWOU / FUTITT /I, the above-mentioned person, being an alien who has entered Australia, herebymake application to be registered under the Aliens Act 19471952 as an alien andfor the purpose of this application I hereby furnish the following informati0n:—Pr 'evious name or alias (if any). . .. .. . ..Intended address i Australia... - ' pi“? 1:... .9 -.z.......' /Nationality .. .. . ..1' r .
Previous nationality (if a 'r 7 - _ iBirthplace. l czsztglr Clty Gl__..?C,3 / } Date of Sex. F /Height feet........../(...:..............incl1es. Colour of eyes. Brown . /Colour of Marks OI . .. . . .. . Passport or Certicate of Identity Ne. .Date
of Place of issue . ..By whom Dlate of last renewal (if any). . .. . Date of disembarkation in Australia lsort of dlS6l'I1l)8l'l(EitlOl1.....mB.Ou.KNE. ,./Name of ship or identication marks of aircraft...
.........3,/5L...4,;{,A&.I.§.1..A."......,<. .. Number and place of issue of visa or at ' ulars of document anthoriz' dmission to Australia .. Length of intended stay in Australia .Name and address of nearest relati f ' d h 've, rlen or
usiness onnexiou ‘ str . Name and address of employer (if any‘ . . . . Occupation or profession..........Tl°‘1“e‘-"9. 5’ .. Intended occupation in AustraliaMarital status “l' .. . . . Details (if any) of accompanying wife or husband and
accompanying children under theage of sixteen years-__ ¢--, ."_ ¥ if NameWife Children .. Sex Birthplace Date of Birth.or husband .. . .DateDateof departure from Australial . .. ..of departure from Australial .. Signature of
applicant 971021 V 1; . me. ~/.5"/....v[a LA. Date of signature .... l.FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.lCerticate Oi registration Signature of issuing 0 / . . l“* 7 V ~ t8C6... ‘.': P. :.. Date. .. .Remarks . ....... . . .. ............ Federal
Electorate....... V Local Government Area .. 4;‘ ALL Li; A5555 454A".5 1‘__,.., -U2923...Forinstructions concerning the completion of this form see back hereof._\.IIlV41'itTl\\¢v‘A}_ ,,__._lI4.
p yr I Form an 2.. rl O | 8%‘ A Cola ONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA = "2-32/52$‘ _ ‘tr $8?» , Aliens Act 1947-1952.l ~ 7 ‘v ~ t l' |.|l}Il’TAl_Np__’El]l§}Il’li|STliAT|llN BY ALIEN ENTEHIN AUSTRALIA. I' In block or MAIN NAME. °
CHRISTIAN "‘QI-=51kl-‘Q%U981ASS" ']'State whethermarried, sin gle,widowed ordivorced. _.1 fr;P"l ..11» _' »-\>‘"* ‘F,,, ¢ 3 .1,.o=F-1ON Hill]47/,/,5‘or OTHER NAMES.Tsronslnon / rownrr /_I, the above-mentioned person, being
an alien who has entered Australia, herebymak l__ _€_‘.|e app ication to be registered under the Aliens Act 1947-1952 as an alien and Af . . . . .or the purpose of this application I hereby funush the following
infom1ati0n:—Previous name or alias (if any). . . ., Intended addressi Australia... . * .' .3‘ . '.7.....r.' ../Nationality . . Previousinjonaty (if a . .. T. .Emmi @232; of he »»»»»» F /l , -Hei ht ..... feet......r.../L.:.,......,.....inches.
Colour of e es.. .BI‘0WI.1...t,/g YColour of hair...,.4...,,.,. Marks Or scars“.Passport 01 Certicate of 1;i';;§;};-}y NA. T.l'.1'.'v‘.'.i'."i.'.in VG I HDate of Place of issue ....... /By whom ma of as
,ene;;i"{;}"I;';{§§j§IfII..“fj"TI"'II"TI_ff..1IIII’"IFU\Date of disembarkation in Australia J lmlort f chName of ship or identication marks of“"m“%::'§kP1n;z‘ 0 sembarkation .m§QuB“E..aircraft I./N ullnilllg" ' ul s of ocument author" '
dmission to AustraliaLength of intended stay in Australia Name and address of nearest relative, friend or business onnexionName and address of employer (if any]Occupation or profession .........rTTl°u3 e‘.”i.f 9 sllntended
occupation in Australia ‘Marital status + .t .... .... Details (if any) of accompanying wife or husband and accompanying children under theage of sixteen years-Name___‘__ _ ,_, ,,__ - __ j, Se‘ Bi‘1P1=*°° D_‘_‘F°£f_L"‘-Wife or
husband. .. .. . Children 4 , staged Date of departure from Australia .av] “S1 Date of de arture from Austr‘gogig SK P 3.11511 > ,Signature of applicant» ¢,UZ5; V1,. . ,. ¢<.a.M.£1....Q[p..¢.¢....lFOR OFFICIAL USE
ONLY.Certicate Oi registration \ -1*Z‘? LA_ Signature of issuing -'i=' F ace.‘ Date of \’[_\.;C‘? ‘ "eixi _l1 tl5-..._Idl II1t '\. ,6“A I it '! it FD' lI Federal Electorate ....... )-sa-_u Local Govemment Area 2923...For instructions
concerning the completion oi this fonn see back hereof.4>4-_,______,_,__ __i_____ _A _ /- _ .. A4
llLL1tr:if "J" g; \Ni__§~r/'4 ’9?‘z€'?*?7; 171.1, 5%/Q» 1 Ii‘\i=i°L|ci1li1i| rn1yYu|srnA1|nN av ALIEN rmrnm AUSTRALIA.r . I. : Form RA 2. I T '35. ".1. W\. d . 2 E 2so‘ A colvr ONWEALTH or AUSTRALIA 1 1 \W, \q‘§<> . Aliens Act
1947-1952.' mb1m or MAIN NAME. ° cnnrsrmu or ornrzn mmas. =‘QI.-A-I|-.-AS838" 'l'State whethermarried, sin gle,widowed ordivorced.zrrf)Fritililagi >UN5E.onlyp revi' esidTSAOUSIUOU / FOTINI /pI, the above-mentioned
person, being an alien who has entered Australia, herebymake application to be registered under the Aliens Act 1947-1952 as an alien andfor the purpose of this application I hereby furnish the following informati0n:—Previous
name or alias (if any).. . . .Intended address i Australia.. * .. '.:.._.....' ../Nationality r .. . Previousin/ationality a . . . T- Kannutior , , i 533;’ ?fT’....ii;11111iii;;1;11L111;1§§1;1;i;§iii;11z;ii } We of Se» F ’ Height ...... ..inches.
Colour of eyes... BI‘°WI.1../ V JColour of hair..a..,....... Marks Or scars.................,...,..,..,,...,.~.....,,.,. .. .. . rPassport or Certicate of Identil_y_N0 .. .. . I V I. ‘ 'Date of Place of issue ...... .. By whom Date of last renewal (if any)...
. . .. . .. Y .Date of disernbarkation in Australia of disembarl<ation,....m]-ggggug. ,/ Name of ship or identication marks of aircraft ........... .1%)]...,.|;g;,Au.§.u.i.*"..... . N b d f ‘ f ' ' l E th ' ’ dmi ' A alium rgrahnekpléesg
l§ScU§e(;neV1S o:€}a'1:§cr1’;;i'viJit;;;?%t}u : .}1on to ustr a ‘K...... Alli . . t ‘Length of intended stay in Australia .. . .Name and address of nearest relative, friend or business onnexion ' str 'a...l.. .. .. 444444 .Name and
address of employer (if any‘ .. .. . . .. . ._»@a_;.;a .1, Occupation or profession..........,li9113ewglg ..lntended occupation in Australia... . Marital status 'l' .. Details (if any) of acwmpanying wife or husband and accompanying
children under theage of sixteen years-iqh 7* V Name. \Sex Birthplace Date ofBirth. iWife or husband .. . . . .. I:Children .. r vDate of departure from Australiai . /Date of departure from Australial .. .. 'Signature of applicant.
9¢,_,Z£/ V1; . %¢4.p..¢..;.¢.l¢Z,,..-.4 .. Date of signature ....... __--1.; _~_FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.Certicate Oi registration ‘Signature of issuing 0 .. 9 ace. rt‘PHOTOGRAPH» Date .. ,...'»:..5..|...u.r1.. 58...... ... =--—""" “‘ “M”
l W? H f Remarks .. .. il<\ 11-'»~~»~ 1" ~ ‘*"“\‘ l~7W l__ Federal Electorate........................ ......... ..\.._ H .PE v ‘ Local Government Area...... "2993...For instructions concerning the completion of this form see back hereof.
5\7? _ __ . _ _.__ __-¢__-__-.__.'_ '~__ 77 _ 7
(O ‘ Received this day Alien Registration Certificate"°- ..... ..... ..P.The Commonwealth Migration Officer,Box l783N, G.P.O. ,SignaturDate : ._ ........ The abovemcmtioned. Certificate has been delivered to the ‘per-son named,
signed by him/her, and his/her receipt is forwarded.herewith,1 ., ‘I’/> ‘\r'xxLi.w =__ . ‘.' Iv-0*5-9+E?1 1+ B 6 ‘E;M.'3"-5 cr : f1 '9Post Offiee:...,.,._4,_“' 4. _.\ }*"",3§ Date ~- VI1--
——-?-TELEPHONH COMMONWEALTH 0? AUSTMLIA ‘ ‘J V "'='=".°5"YP'**‘?‘*"'i"* ILA 3681 . ' I , ' ,' ' - A. 25 _ FTl h. H _ DEPARTMENT CF |MM|G‘RAT|ON ' ' teegrap lc ‘dress.-~ PAssP0M‘s " ADELAIDE _Pl ‘dd I _ CRESCO
HOUSE.ease a ress re to :COMMONWEAIFTL MIGRATION OFFICER, 106 NORTH TERRACE-sox 1783N, G.P.O. ADELAIDE. S.A.ADELAIDE=4/~/=*/,1” /9/.’>’E'L'9S80 'é/t’./QnrywntwDear vA'7a.»¢4\---JGertificate of
Registration No,. ,,..._has been' prepa/Iieg i your favour and forwarded to the Postmaster at H "Pow. shodlgnnnleelhllllgersonally at the Post Office (butnot before three days after receipt of this letter) to takedelivery of the
certificate.When calling at the Post Office please present thisletter to the Postmaster. .. .... >1 ...... .. ..... .__ t._ . .,..l_.......m...............,... ........ .._._._. ............................ ...._,_,,___.lSgeurs faithfully,\ ' V G. A. MQEDSON,