March/April 2015 - Wichita and Affiliated Tribes


March/April 2015 - Wichita and Affiliated Tribes
ka:si:h ke?etara:kwa:ri
“I’m going to tell you something“ - A publication of the Wichita and Affiliated Tribes
Volume 1 Edition 2
P.O. Box 729
Anadarko, OK 73005
Submissions are welcome and
can be made at
March/April 2015
Distributed April 9, 2015
Phone: 405-247-2425
Fax: 405-247-2430
This edition features
the following:
Page 2
President’s Report
Editor’s Note
Page 3
Anadarko, OK
March/April 2015
After-School Program Takes Spring Break Trip to Sia,
The Comanche Nation Ethno-Ornithological
On March 16th, the After School Program youth
were taken on a field trip to Comanche Nation
Sia eagle repository. Located in Cyril, OK, Sia
(Comanche for feather) works to increase cultural understanding of the Eagle through history,
science, and spirit. Together with governmental, tribal, and institutional partnerships, the
Comanche Nation has developed this program
of research, education, and conservation. They
house and breed many species of eagles and raptors, hold an archive of Comanche history including historic photos from glass plate negatives and
a library of books on eagles and raptors, and disseminate legally produced and held feathers and
parts to federally recognized tribal members. Sixteen children from our program were able to attend and enjoyed a picnic in the park following.
Page 4
Profiles of Our People
Page 5
Ordinance (cont.)
Page 6
WEC Report
Page 7
WEC Report (cont.)
Ordinance (cont.)
Page 8
Page 9
Page 10
Fitness Center
Southern Nazarene
University Chorale Concert to
Feature Wichita Hymns
Page 11
Community News
Page 12
Page 13
Community News
Page 14
Wichita Executive Committee
Terms Expire 07/2016
Terri Parton- President
Jesse E. Jones- Vice President
Myles Stephenson Jr.- Secretary
S. Robert White Jr.- Treasurer
Shirley Davilla- Committee Member
Karen Thompson- Committee Member
Gladys Walker- Committee Member
James Nelson Jr.-Tribal Administrator
Editor- Amber Luke
With songs provided in
part by Wichita tribal
member Stuart Owings
and in cooperation with
this event is of note to our
people. The concert will
be April 16 at 7:30 in the
Cantrell Music Hall, and
will feature a Wichita Baptist Hymn, Wichita Ghost
Song, and Morning Song.
More information is found
in the flyer posted at right.
Wichita Tribal News
Spring is finally here. I am sure
that we are all glad the winter
is behind us. Our storm season started out strong during
the last week of March. Please
be safe during the storm season. As we head into spring,
we will be celebrating graduations and many milestones
in the lives of our young tribal
members. As we pursue economic development and create jobs and opportunities for
our people, it is important to
educate our youth and provide
a wide range of opportunities
for them so that we make sure
that they know the Tribe and
their people and want to come
back to work here someday. It
is our hope that one day they
come back and are well prepared to take on the roles of
the President, Vice President,
Secretary, Treasurer, Committee Members, directors, staff,
managers, and other executive
offices in our businesses.
I hope that as this newspaper evolves that I can begin
to report on the bigger issues
within our Tribe and also with
things happening in Indian
Country. Things take time
to grow. Everyone has this
idea or that idea at one time
or another and sometimes it
just takes longer to get some
things done than others because of various reasons such
as resources, time and funding. We have worked on our
infrastructure internally but
still have a long way to go. I
do have a few things to update
you on.
Education Banquet
and Incentive Awards
Our Committee and staff over
the past few years have done
our best to continue to promote education and develop programs for our youth.
Our After School Program,
Summer Youth Program, internships with the Tribe and
Anadarko Industries were the
projects that we implemented
last year. This year we have
an internship with the casino
and we will also be hosting an
Education Banquet in May.
This has been discussed over
the last few years and we were
able to implement it this year.
In this newspaper, we also
have incentive award information for those who have maintained certain grade point averages.
Community Meeting
Tribes has been selected to
participate in Tribal Climate
We will be having a Commu- Planning Initiative-Pilot Proj•
nity Meeting on April 11, 2015. ect. The Tribe will receive an
Quarter-January 1 to March
We really hope that our trib- initiative award for tribal par31, 2015. The number in front
al members will attend. We ticipation in meetings, providrepresents the number of
don’t intend the meeting to ing resources and information
last more than 4 hours. In this and travel costs to meetings
Health Board •
newspaper, we have included held in state. The project will
the topics of discussion. We be a P.L. 638 Contract and
encourage you to bring old pic- the research will be conducted
02/12/2015 (IHS-Lawton),
tures of Wichita’s to the meet- by the OU Regional and City
03/12/2015 (IHS-Anadar- •
ing to share. We will have a
scanner available so that you USGS South Climate Science
• 3-WCD-01/08/2015
can share the photos so that Center.
Delaware Nation Com- •
we can incorporate them into
the Wichita History Center in
Wichita Tribal Complex,
some way. This will give us a Our people have had several
03/18/2015 at Delaware •
good idea of what is available. losses over the last month. As
Nation Complex (Discuswe lose our tribal members,
sion held-Wichita Tribe
it brings on an urgency to see
did not have quorum.)
our people move forward to
• 1-Staff Meeting-01/07 and
promote education and eco•
In this newsletter, we have in03/02, 2015
nomic development. While
cluded a draft of the Member• 1-Guernsey-Water & Sewthose are very important, there
ship Ordinance that the Comer-01/27/2015
is an even bigger urgency to
mittee will be proposing to
• 7-Wichita
Language •
promote health and wellness
pass. We will accept your comClass-Sundays from 3:00
among our people. Diabetes
ments until April 30, 2015. All
to 4:30 p.m.-01/25, 02/01, •
has always been high among
written comments should be
02/08, 03/08, 03/15,
all Indian people but cancer
emailed to me at terri.parton@
03/22, 03/29, 2015
has begun to be more We will also
• 1-Certified Healthy Busi- •
lent at various ages. Creating
be discussing the ordinance at
ness Award Conference
jobs, economic development
the Community Meeting on
Luncheon-Norand working together as tribe
April 11, 2015. The Committee
will help us to move forward
will take the comments under
• 1-BIA Regarding Superin- •
in addressing ways to be able
consideration before passing.
tendent-Oklahoma Cityto provide proper health care
9:30 a.m.-02/05/2015
for our Indian people. I hope
• 1-Sugar
CasiCommittee Meeting
that we can continue to work
no-Food Consultant-Sugar
together to make good things
Creek Casino-12:00 p.m.- •
happen for our people. Please
The December 2012 newslet- keep all those who have lost
ter was the first newsletter that loved ones in your thoughts • 1-Western Histories Collection-Norman-02/11/2015
we offered information re- and prayers. Please also con•
garding the Committee Meet- tinue to keep our Committee • 1-Amerind-Wichita Tribal
ings. We started providing in your prayers as we make
that information on a quarter- decisions for our Tribe. God
ly basis and have continued to bless each of you in this spring
provide the information. The season.
information gives our tribal
members a better understandWEC
ing of the various issues that
Meetings and
come before the Committee.
We have continued to evolve
that information and provide
that on a quarterly basis. In
this newspaper, we have be- Meetings:
As you may have noticed, this edition is March/
gun providing the votes on 13 Special Meetings-JanuApril. Historically, the newsletter was distributed at
the various actions taken. We ary 1-March 31, 2015
the end of named month. With format changing to
continue to try to improve our 1 Regular Meeting-January
the newspaper, we have decided to distribute at the
communication and the infor- 12, 2015-In accordance with
beginning of said month. This issue was combined
mation that we put out to our Governing Resolution.
to accommodate that schedule.
Compensation for Meetings
for Elected Officials:
I want to take a moment to be humbly grateful
for the outpour of compliments and support that
Committee Members are
I have received on the change of format with this
I really want to commend the compensated $300 per
new publication. I am proud to have been a part of
majority of our staff for the meeting. President is comthis and appreciative of all the emails, visits by the
things that they have been pensated $300 if meeting
office, and mentions in passing that you all have
doing. We have some step- is after 5:00. Most meetgiven me. I want to especially thank the Anadarko
ping out and working on new ings are after 5:00. Many
Daily News for making this transition possible.
grants, doing more things Committee Members work
Also, Gary McAdams and Doris McLemore for
with their programs, coming outside of being Commitcollaborating with me on heading translations and
together to take care of our tee Members which is compage numbers. I am trying to use our language as
people during times of loss mon with other tribes. As
much as possible in this periodical.
and coming together to work approved 09/30/2014 with
on things like the Communi- FY-15 Budget.
This month we have added obituaries and birth
ty Easter Egg Hunt. We really
announcements. Please contact me at 405-247salary
appreciate all the work that President’s
2425 ext 165 or with
$54,080.00 includes COLA.
they do.
any such announcements (graduations are coming)
On average 55-60 hours
to include any milestones of your own. Also, if you
per week. As approved
have any suggestions on stories or profiles that you
Climate Change
09/30/2014 with FY-15
would like to see, please let me know.
Thank you,
The Wichita and Affiliated
By Terri Parton,
March 30, 2015
Hall of Fame in Oklahoma
2-Finley & Cook Training-Wichita Tribal Complex-02/18/2015
1-All Hazards Preparedness
Training-OCAITHB-Comanche Nation
1-Indians for Indians Program-Myles Stephenson
Jr., Secretary was also
1-Sugar Creek Casino
Event Center Walk Thru02/26/2015
1-Met with Caddo Chairwoman-Caddo
1-BIA Law Enforcement
1-Ben Hatfield and Jesse
Jones-Water & Sewer Issue-03/02/2015
1-UINOKT Meeting-Tulsa-03/06/2015
1-Meeting Regarding Local Emergency Planning
1- Meeting with HSDW10:00 a.m.-03/13/2015
1-Meeting with Archeologist-10:00
Community Easter Egg
Hunt-03/09/15, 03/16/15
and 03/18/15
Preliminary Hearing-B. Foreman-03/19/2015
Amber Luke
Wichita Tribal News
Membership Ordinance
membership ordinance of the
Wichita and Affiliated Tribes
of Oklahoma is enacted by the
Executive Committee pursuant to the provisions of Article
II, Section 4 of the Governing
Resolution of the Wichita and
Affiliated Tribes.
purpose of this membership ordinance is to establish
guidelines, rules and an orderly procedure to maintain
a current membership roll of
all persons eligible for membership pursuant to Article II
of the Governing Resolution
of the Wichita and Affiliated
following terms and phrases,
when used in this ordinance,
shall have the meaning ascribed to them.
A. “Adopted child” –
one whose natural parent’s
parental rights have been terminated by a court and given
to another.
B.“Adoption” – Either
(1) the legal action whereby parental rights of natural parents
are terminated by court order
and assigned to another, or (2)
the granting of membership in
a tribe by some special provision to a person who does not
meet the basic membership eligibility criteria. The context
will show clearly which definition is intended.
C.“Allottee” – those individuals from whom all persons applying for membership
must prove direct descent.
For this Tribe, the allottees
are those persons of Wichita,
Keechi, Waco, or Tawakonie
Indian blood who received
an allotment of land as members of the Wichita and Affiliated Tribes (Wichita, Keechi,
Waco, and Tawakonie), and
which were included as full
blood members of the Tribe.
D.“Applicant” – a person who has submitted an application for membership in
the Tribe prior to final action
on the application.
E. “Base Enrollees” –
those individuals from whom
all persons applying for membership must prove direct descent. For the Wichita and
Affiliated Tribes the base
enrollees are those persons
of Wichita, Keechi, Waco or
Tawakonie Indian blood enrolled, or who were entitled to
be enrolled on the official census roll of the Tribe, who received an allotment of land as
members of the Wichita and
Affiliated Tribes and included
as full blood members. March
2, 1895 (28 State. 895).
“Base Roll” – all persons of Wichita, Keechi, Waco
and Tawakonie Indian blood
who received an allotment of
land as members of the Wichita and Affiliated Tribes (Wichita, Keechi, Waco and Tawakonie) shall be included as full
blood members of the Tribe.
“Blood Degree” – the
amount of Wichita blood or
total Indian blood.
H. “Direct descent” or
“direct lineal descent” – biological descent where lineage
can be traced from parent to
child in each generation.
I.“Disenrollment” –
an official act by the Executive
Committee to remove an individual from the Tribal Membership Rolls.
– the supply of legal evidence
to support a statement of fact.
No enrollment action shall be
taken without documentation
to support the decision.
K. “Emancipated Minor” – an individual under
the age of eighteen years who
is totally self-supporting.
Committee” – The legislative/
executive branch of the Tribe
established by Article V of the
Governing Resolution and authorized to make enrollment/
disenrollment decisions pursuant to Article II, Section 3 of
the Governing Resolution.
M. “Family tree chart”
– the form used to show the
line of descent of an applicant
from an allottee.
N. “Governing Resolution” – The governing document of the Wichita and Affiliated Tribes of Oklahoma
ratified May 8, 1961 and all
amendments added thereto.
persons who have been legally
determined to be mentally incapable of taking effective and
appropriate actions on their
own behalf.
P. “Legal
– An individual who has the
legal authority to take enrollment actions on behalf of another person of age or incompetence. Documentation on
legal guardianship must be
provided to the Tribe.
Q.“Member” – an individual who has met the membership criteria of an Indian
tribe and is officially enrolled
with that tribe.
R.“Minor” – a person
under the age of eighteen
S. “Notarized
Document” – a statement of declaration attested before or authenticated by a public officer
(a notary) who witnesses the
signature and certifies that it
is authentic.
– personal, voluntary action
taken by a tribal member or an
individual legally authorized
to act on the member’s behalf
to terminate the member’s enrollment with the Tribe.
U.“Resolution” – a formal statement of a decision by
a tribal entity.
V.“Secretary” – Secretary of the Wichita and Affiliated Tribes – the Secretary is
responsible for keeping an accurate account of all proceedings and official records of the
Council and of the Executive
W. “Share of Land or
Money” – as used in Article
II, Section 1, of the Governing
Resolution, means that the
individual received a tract or
tracts of land directly from the
other tribe or received money from a per capita payment
distributed only to members
of the other tribe. This phrase
does not refer to land inherited from an individual member
of the other tribe, nor does it
refer to acceptance of funds
for non-tribally funded services such as education or social services. It also does not
refer to the receipt of per capita payments distributed to all
descendants of a tribe rather
than to members only.
X.“Tribe” – The Wichita
and Affiliated Tribes of Oklahoma.
Y.“tribe” – a federally
recognized Indian tribe other
than the Wichita and Affiliated
IV. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA – Article II – Membership, of the Governing
Resolution of the Wichita and
Affiliated Tribes states:
Section I. The
membership of the Wichita and Affiliated Tribes shall consist of the
following persons, providing
they have not received a share
of land or money by virtue of
being enrolled as a member of
another Tribe:
(a) All persons of Wichita,
Keechi, Waco and Tawakonie
Indian blood who received an
allotment of land as members
of the Wichita and Affiliated
Tribes (Wichita, Keechi, Waco
and Tawakonie), shall be included as full blood members
of the Tribe.
(b) All living lineal descendants of allottees eligible for
membership under the provisions of Section (I) (a) of this
Article born on or before the
date of adoption of Amendment I (6-24-72).
(c) All persons of at least
one-eighth (1/8) degree Wichita Keechi, Tawakonie or Waco
Indian blood as defined by and
derived from Section I (a) and
Section II of this Article born
after the date of adoption of
Amendment I (6-24-72).
Section 2. All persons who
possess no less than oneeighth (1/8) degree Wichita,
Keechi, Waco, or Tawakonie
Indian blood, who elect to be
enrolled as members of the
Wichita and Affiliated Tribes,
and who possess Indian blood
of another tribe or a combination of tribes shall be considered as possessing Wichita,
Keechi, Waco or Tawakonie
Indian blood equal to their full
amount of Indian blood for
the purpose of computing the
eligibility of their descendants
for membership in the Wichita
and Affiliated Tribes.
Section 3. All
for membership in the Wichita and Affiliated Tribes whose
names do not appear on the
membership rolls as of the date
of adoption of Amendment
III (5-21-77) must submit an
application for membership
to the Wichita and Affiliated
Tribes Executive Committee.
Application for membership
must be supported by birth
certificates or other records as
required by the circumstances
of each applicant. All evidence
will be retained by the Wichita
and Affiliated Tribes to sup-
port the record.
Section 4. The Tribal Executive Committee shall have
the power to make ordinances
covering loss of membership,
future membership, and adoption into membership subject
to review by the Secretary of
Who must file?
All persons not listed on the
Wichita and Affiliated Tribes
membership roll must file an
enrollment application. Applications for minors or incompetents must be filed by parents
or legal guardians. A separate
application must be filed by
each individual seeking enrollment. If it is discovered that
any person on the current tribal roll, who is not an allottee,
did not file an application and
submit documentation before
being placed on the tribal roll,
that person may be requested
to provide such an application
and documentation. Allottees
are members pursuant to the
Governing Resolution and are
not required to provide applications and documentation.
When and where to file
an application.
All enrollment applications
must be filed with the Wichita
and Affiliated Tribes. Application forms may be obtained
by oral or written request from
the Wichita and Affiliated
Tribes of Oklahoma, P.O. Box
729, Anadarko, OK 73005,
(405) 247-2425. There is no
deadline for filing enrollment
applications for membership
purposes. However, the Executive Committee may from
time to time establish a deadline for filing of enrollment
applications for specific purposes.
What the application
must contain.
Each enrollment application
must be completed in its entirety and must contain sufficient personal information
to properly determine the applicant’s eligibility for enrollment. The enrollment application shall show the following:
All names by which
the applicant is or has been
The mailing address of
the applicant.
The applicant’s telephone number.
Date of applicant’s
Applicant’s social security number.
The name of any tribe(s)
other than the Wichita and Affiliated Tribes from which the
applicant is descended.
The name of the allottee through whom the applicant is claiming eligibility for
The requirement of a
“yes” or “no” answer to the
question: Is the applicant an
enrolled member of another
The requirement of a
“yes” or “no” answer to the
question: Is the applicant adopted?
10. Certification that the
information given on the application is true and accurate
as known by the applicant,
parent or legal guardian.
11. Signature of applicant,
parent or legal guardian (with
relationship to the applicant).
12. Date the application
was signed.
Documentation to accompany all applications
Since the burden of proof is on
the applicant, the application
must be accompanied by the
following documentation:
Family tree chart –
This is located on the back of
the enrollment application.
State Issued Certificate of Live
Birth. The Certificate of Live
Birth must contain a state
file number. If an amended
birth certificate is provided,
the original birth certificate
shall also be provided. An indication of an amended birth
certificate is a reduction in
the size of the numbering on
the top right hand side of the
birth certificate. The Wichita
parent’s name must be on the
birth certificate.
The following may be accepted: In cases where the father’s
name does not appear on the
Original State Issued Certificate of Live Birth or Amended
State Issued Certificate of Live
Birth then the following may
be accepted:
(a) A notarized affidavit of
paternity signed by both the
applicant’s natural mother
and natural father.
(b) In special situations
where the mother or father is
unable to sign a paternity affidavit or appear in court to
establish paternity, signed,
notarized statements from the
mother’s or father’s three closest living relatives respectively
may be accepted.
(c) A Court Order of competent jurisdiction declaring
a specific tribal member to
be the natural father. This
does not apply to default cases where the father was determined to be the natural father
because of his failure to appear
in court.
(d) A DNA or genetic
marker test (obtained at the
applicant’s sole expense) determining the probability that
a specific tribal member is the
natural father of the applicant
to be not less than 97%.
Parents CDIB cards/
letters verifying possession
and degree of Indian blood.
Documentation proving the direct descent of each
Wichita ancestor from an allottee, if neither the applicant’s father nor mother is an
enrolled member of the Tribe.
membership in any other
tribe, band, or Indian community of which the applicant is a
Additional documentation to accompany application
of applicant who is adopted
In addition to those items identified in subsection D above,
an applicant who has been
adopted, must also submit
documentation proving that a
natural parent is a descendant
of an allottee. Usually this
documentation will consist of
a copy of the adoption decree
together with either the Original State Certified Certificate
of Live Birth showing the natural parent(s) or a legal document identifying the natural
(continued on page 5)
Wichita Tribal News
Profiles of Our People
Georgia Williams East
Born to Frank D Williams and
Louise Pickard on the family
farm on her grandfather’s allotment North of Gracemont.
Louise was a fluent Wichita
speaker, but not in the home.
She currently lives in a home
on her mother’s original allotment
Georgia attended school at
Camp Creek and then Anadarko before graduating from Ft.
Cobb in 1940. She spent one
year at OCW before gaining
employment with Boeing in
Wichita, KS. She was a riveter and/or assembler between
1942 and 1944.
Work ID photo from the 1940’s
In November 1945, she married Jesse P. East, a construction worker whom she had
met on a train from Hydro to
California, where her sisters,
Helen and Aileen, lived. The
two had four children, David,
Phillip, Arthur, and Patricia.
They moved back to Oklahoma in August 1956.
Georgia attended tribal meetings in the 70s. She spent her
marriage as homemaker and
helped keep the books for
Frank’s construction business. She never learned the
language, as it was frowned
upon in school.
Georgia photographed with her mother, Louise Pickard
Georgia was recently diagnosed with conjenitive heart
failure and is cared for by
daughter, Patricia.
I am looking for suggestions on people to
profile for this section. Do you know a
tribal member that
would be of interest
for a similar piece? So
far, I have been interviewing eldest tribal
members and have
begun with Executive
Committee members.
I am open to new
ideas and am asking
for nominations.
Please contact me at
405-247-2425 ext. 165 or
ne wsle tter@w
-Amber Luke
to turn anyone down, but
the funds and time are
limited and, therefore,
not every request can be
granted. He feels that he
tries to do what is best for
the greater of the tribe.
Helping tribal members,
Challenges face him hold- and children especially,
ing multiple positions, is his favorite part of the
including the separation position.
of duties between work
and the Executive Com- His biggest asset to the
mittee duties. He stated WEC, in his opinion, is
that he was lucky to have the availablity to give
the position that he does his opinion and that he
with Housing. “Ben (Hat- is not easily persuaded.
field) allows me to take He also believes that he
off if necessary to help my brings good ideas to the
people,” he says, adding table. One of the biggest
that his job (with Hous- reasons that he is detering) still comes first, be- mined to run for re-eleccause it is what provides tion in 2016. He feels that
he has started many projfor his family.
ects that he would like to
He mentioned that tribal see completed and, theremember input is always fore, wants to remain in
welcome and that his office to do so.
door is always open for
such. He says that many The biggest success that
of the better ideas for he sees currently for our
expansions and/or pro- tribe is our stability, addgrams have been gained ing that he feels that we
from tribal member in- are the most stable in the
put, adding, “I don’t feel area and is proud of our
that any person should implementation of probe on the (Executive) grams and ventures. The
committee if not willing downfall is the disgrunto listen or answer ques- tled membership that
can only see one side of
the argument. He wants
He feels that his biggest us all to unite and work
challenge has been de- together for the betterciding on tribal member ment of all.
requests. He doesn’t like
been Treasurer for the
Industrial Development
Commission since 2009,
Chairman of Wichita Industries since 2011, and
Vice President of our
tribe since 2012.
Unable to have hobbies as of
late, but kept chickens, pigs,
and cows along with gardening in her younger years. She
loves irises. She was active in
the church and stressed education on her children.
Georgia on her most recent birthday
Jesse E. Jones
Jesse E. Jones was born
Jeffry Dean Mayhan
to Ula Thum Ross and
Stanley Mayhan. He
was then adopted by
Jesse Lee and Corrine
Butler Jones. The adoptive parents both have
passed in 2008 and
2000, respectively. He
did not know that he was
adopted until he was 21
years old and received a
probate letter that listed
his birth parents.
Jesse graduated from
high school in 1994. He
attended Wright Career
College and recieved his
certification in Accounting. During his time
there, he was President
of the Accounting Club,
President of the Student
Body Function Committee, received Perfect Attendance awards, and
was on the Dean’s Honor Roll. He graduated in
2007 as Valedictorian.
As he was raised by his
adoptive parents, Caddo and Caucasian, he
does not know much of
our Wichita culture and
language, but is learning more as of late, having recently reconnected with a few of his birth
He has six children, Zack,
Jessica, Julius, Justine,
Hunter, and Halynn. The
latter two are with his
current wife Sara.
He has worked as Maintenance
at Wichita Housing for
the past five years, has
Wichita Tribal News
Membership Ordinance Cont.
However, a certification from
the Secretary of the Interior
or his/her authorized representative pursuant to the
Indian Child Welfare Act of
1978 (P.L. 95-608) shall be
conclusive evidence of the
relationship to the natural
There are two ways in which
membership in the Tribe may
be lost. One is voluntary and
is called relinquishment and
the other is involuntary and
is called disenrollment.
By an adult member
– Any adult member of the
Wichita and Affiliated Tribes
may voluntarily relinquish
his/her membership. Such
relinquishment must be in
writing, and submitted to the
Secretary of the Tribe. The
Enrollment Office shall note
the date of the receipt of the
By a minor member
– The membership of any
member of the Wichita and
Affiliated Tribes who is not
at least 18 years of age may
be relinquished by his/her
parent or legal guardian. The
relinquishment must be notarized. The Enrollment Officer shall take great care to
determine that the individual
who signed the form has legal
custody of the affected minor
member. The minor’s relinquishment shall then be processed the same as one for an
Forms and effective
dates – Any member desiring
to relinquish shall be advised
to do so on a conditional relinquishment form. In such
case, the relinquishment shall
become effective upon the acceptance of that individual
into the membership of another tribe. The member’s
name shall not be removed
from the Wichita and Affiliated Tribes current membership roll until documentation
of the acceptance into the
other tribe’s membership is
Upon receipt of the above
documentation, the Enrollment Office shall notify the
Secretary of the Tribe and request the official removal of
the individual from the Tribal
roll. The Secretary will comply with the member’s wishes and direct the Enrollment
Office to remove the name
from the Tribal roll. The Enrollment Office will notify the
Executive Committee of the
actions taken. The individual
requesting to be relinquished
will then be removed from
the Tribal roll by action of
the Executive Committee by a
Should a member insist upon
relinquishing in writing without using the conditional relinquishment form, the Secretary will comply with the
member’s wishes and direct
the Enrollment Office to remove the name from the current tribal roll with the effective date being the date the
relinquishment was received
by the Enrollment Office. the
Enrollment Office will pres-
ent the written request to
the Secretary and Executive
Committee and the individual will be removed from the
Tribal roll by a Resolution.
relinquishment – An adult
member who relinquishes
his/her membership with the
Wichita and Affiliated Tribes,
waives his/her rights to future Tribal membership. A
minor member having his/
her membership relinquished
by a parent or guardian may
submit an application for
membership after he/she becomes 18 years of age. Such
application shall be processed
as though the individual had
not previously been a member.
The burden of proof in
disenrollment actions rests
with the Tribe.
Who may be disenrolled – A tribal member
shall be disenrolled when it is
discovered that he/she:
has been erroneously
enrolled in that he/she did
submit fraudulent documentation in proving he/she met
the Governing Resolution
membership criteria at the
time of enrollment.
was erroneously enrolled due to mistakes in
blood degree computations
or inadequate research.
is found to be currently enrolled with another Indian tribe and does not relinquish the membership in the
other tribe within thirty (30)
days of receipt of certified
letter from Secretary of the
Executive Committee Enrollment Officer of the Wichita
and Affiliated Tribes informing him/her of the necessity
to submit the required relinquishment.
is determined to have
received a share of land or
money as a member of another tribe as defined in this ordinance.
Procedure for disenrollment – A member identified as subject to disenrollment pursuant to Section B
shall be notified by certified
mail, in accordance with section VII of the Membership
Persons who have
been disenrolled – may submit new applications for
membership when adequate
documentation of eligibility
has been obtained. Such applications will be processed
as though the individual had
not previously been a member.
Eligible Appellants –
The following persons shall
be eligible to file an appeal:
Any applicant who has
been declined for membership.
Any person who has
been disenrolled.
Any person whose
blood degree has been
changed and such change results in loss of membership
eligibility of their descendants.
What is the Wichita
and Affiliated Tribes’ Executive Committee required to
do if they decide to:
1. Decline an application for
2. Disenroll an individual
from tribal membership rolls.
3. Change a Tribal members
blood degree.
In all of the above stated
decisions the Executive Committee is required to :
(a) Advise the individual
in writing of the Committee’s
decision including the reason
and what the decision was
based upon.
(b) Advise the individual
in writing of the right to appeal the decision as described
in Section VII of the Membership Ordinance.
How does an individual know where and when to
file an appeal of the decision
by the Executive Committee?
The notice provided to the
individual on the decision
of the Executive Committee,
shall tell the individual where
and when to file the appeal.
Each decision shall include
the following statement:
“Within 30 days of the receipt
of the decision, you may appeal this decision under Section VII Appeal, Part D of
the Membership Ordinance
of the Wichita and Affiliated
Tribes. Should you decide
to appeal this decision, you
may request a hearing on
the record. An appeal to the
Executive Committee under
VII Appeals, Part D shall be
filed with the Secretary of the
Tribe by certified mail to the
Wichita and Affiliated Tribes,
P.O. Box 729, Anadarko, OK
73005 or delivered in person to the Tribal Administration Building, 1 ¼ Miles
NW of Anadarko. You shall
serve copies of your notice
of appeal to the Enrollment
Office and the President of
the Wichita and Affiliated
How does an applicant
appeal the initial decision?
(a) If the individual decides to appeal, the notice of
appeal must be filed with the
Secretary of the Tribe within
30 days of receiving the initial decision.
(b) The individual may either hand-deliver the notice
of appeal to the Tribal Office
or mail it by certified mail, return receipt requested. If the
individual mails the notice of
appeal it will be considered
filed on the date the individual mailed it by certified mail.
(c) The notice of appeal
(1) Briefly state why the
individual thinks the initial
decision is wrong.
(2) Briefly identify the issues involved in the appeal;
(3) State whether the individual wants a hearing, or
whether the individual wants
to waive the right to a hearing.
May an individual get
an extension of time to file a
notice of appeal?
If the individual needs more
time he/she can request an
extension of time to file his/
descretion in using and/or releasing information from the
roll for the benefit of tribal
members or tribal programs.
The folders – Information in individual folders shall
be considered confidential. It
shall not be available to anyone except that individual
member (or his/her parent
or legal guardian) and to the
Enrollment Office, the Executive Committee and the tribal
court when such examination
is necessary in considering
enrollment decisions.
Special concern – An
adopted person’s eligibility
for enrollment is determined
through one or both of the
natural parents. The information concerning adopted
persons shall be recorded as
confidential and shall not be
made available to any person. This information shall
be stored in locked file cabinets and adequate safeguards
shall be installed to ensure
that the confidentiality of
these records shall not be violated.
Upon receipt of appropriate
documentation, the Enrollment Officer is authorized to
update the information on
the tribal roll. The following
documentation is deemed adequate for such actions to be
Name change –
(1) Marriage license
(2) Divorce Decree – showing order to change name
(3) Court Order changing
(4) Amended birth certificate
Address change(1) Written
signed by the tribal member
over 18 years of age.
(2) Notarized statement
or affidavit stating custody of
minor with address change
(3) Postal Address Correction
(4) Updated information
provided by Tribal programs
Death –
(1) Death Certificate
(2) Bureau of Indian Affairs records
(3) Mortuary records
(4) Hospital records
Relinquishment –
(1) Wichita and Affiliated
Tribes Relinquishment Form
(2) Letter from the Tribe
approving Individual’s Relinquishment
Blood Degree Change
(1) Additional documentation on parents possession
of Indian blood
Any change for which none
of the above documents is
available must be authorized
in writing by the Executive
Committee stating the reason for the change without
usual documentation. A copy
of that written authorization
shall be place in the individual’s folder.
Initial Computation –
Pursuant to Article II, Section
I (a) of the Governing Resolution, all persons who received
an allotment of land as members of the Wichita and Affiliated Tribes shall be included
as full blood members of the
Wichita and Affiliated Tribes.
her notice of appeal, within
30 days of receiving the initial
decision. The request of the
individual shall be in writing,
and shall give a reason for not
filing his/her notice of appeal
within the 30-day time period. If the individual has a
valid reason for not filing his/
her notice of appeal on time,
he/she may receive an extension from the Secretary of the
What Happens after
an individual files an appeal?
Upon receipt of an appeal,
the Executive Committee
shall obtain the appellant’s
file from the Enrollment Office for review. The Executive
Committee shall set a date
not less than twenty (20) not
more than sixty (60) days
from the date of mailing the
notice for a hearing on the
appeal. The Executive Committee shall notify the appellant of the hearing by certified mail. This notice shall
outline clearly again the basis
for the rejection of the appellant’s application or the basis
for the appellant’s disenrollment or the change in blood
degree and shall inform the
appellant of his/her right to
be heard in person or by representation. This notice shall
also inform the appellant that
new evidence may be presented for consideration. Following the hearing, whether or
not the appellant makes any
appearance or response, the
Executive Committee shall
document its decisions by a
resolution and notify the appellant by certified mail of its
decision. The decision of the
Executive Committee shall be
What rights does an
appellant and the Tribe have
during the appeal?
Both parties have the same
rights which include the right
(a) Be represented by legal counsel;
(b) Receive a copy of the
transcript of the hearing and
copies of all documentary evidence which is introduced at
the hearing;
What happens after
the hearing?
Within 30 days of the end of
the formal hearing the Secretary of the Tribe shall send
the appellant the decision, by
certified mail, return receipt
requested. The decision shall
contain the Wichita Executive Committee’s findings of
fact and conclusions of law on
all of the issues. The decision
of the Executive Committee
shall be final.
Access to records:
The Tribal Membership Roll – The Tribes’ membership roll (containing only
the names of tribal members)
may be viewed by any member of the Tribe who comes
into the tribal enrollment
office. However, neither the
roll nor any portion thereof
may be copied and/or distributed to any person or organization except upon written
permission of the Executive
Committee. The Executive
Committee shall exercise its (continued on page 7)
Wichita Executive Committee
Activity Summary
January 1-March 31, 2015
Submitted by: President Terri
Please note that this is just to give
you a summary of the various issues discussed by the Committee
and in some cases the things approved. This is not all inclusive
but it is being provided to you
to give you an idea of the various things that come before the
Committee. Listed are the main
topics with brief listings of things
01/06/2015-Special Meeting
Tribal Administrator-Executive
Session-Discussion and action
taken regarding Tribal Administrator position, 5-0-0.
Minutes-Approved Minutes presented-2 sets, 5-0-0.
Resolutions for Approval-Approved Resolution WT-15-28Approving Enrollment Applications-4-0-1; Approved Resolution
WT-15-29-BIA AIPRA Oil & Gas
Lease #502A-5-0-0; Approved
Resolution WT-15-30-Transfer
of Funds to Tribally Funded Account-5-0-0; Approved Resolution WT-15-31-Transfer of Funds
to Indirect Cost Account-5-0-0;
Approved Resolution WT-15-32Payment of Insurance Premium
for WEC-5-0-0.
Old Business– Discussion was
held on individual insurance,
Hinton Travel Inn, HUD ELOCCS, consulting firm inquiry, insurance benefits quote, renewable
energy information, trust property town lot cleanup information,
waterline update and wage scale
update. Sugar Creek Casino was
discussed including food consultant, attendance bonus plan,
trailer, server quotes, payments
made to vendors for event center,
and AIA document of substantial
completion. Approved purchase
of a new cash dispenser for casino
cage, 5-0-0. Property discussion
with motions to table approval of
signage and surveys, both 5-0-0.
Wichita Tribal Enterprises and
Cemetery update.
New Business-Approved appointment to OCAITHB Steering
Committee, 4-1-0. Denied TSSF
request, 5-0-0. Approved education request, 5-0-0. Discussion
on request and will get more information. Motion to deny waiver of fee for AoA Program for
Community Building use, 5-0-0.
Approved opening Community
Building on May 22 for all graduates to share with no fee, 5-0-0.
Discussion on TERO fee, land for
sale and casino manager evaluation. Denied Apache Senior Nutrition request, 5-0-0.
01/12/2015-Regular Meeting
Tribal Administrator Report-Discussion with staff regarding Tribal
Administrator position. Updates
from Directors.
Finley & Cook-Discussion on
checks, emergency check runs,
budgets, detail reports, workflow
system, EPA contract, HUD and
ELOCCS. Approved designation
of tribal employee to ELOCCS,
5-0-0. WTSC deposits, other deposits and discussion on LIHEAP
and FDPIR. Sugar Creek Casino
discussion on food & beverage
discounts, vendor breakdown
Wichita Tribal News
Special Diabetes Program for
Indians grant due on the 31st.
Discussion on directors meeting, procurement and finance,
Community Building, storage in
Multi-purpose building, budge
modifications are all done but
three, CHR Program and Cell
Tower suspense line item.
Minutes-Approved Minutes presented-3 sets, 6-0-0.
Resolutions for Approval-Approved Resolution WT-15-34Approving Enrollment Applications-6-0-0.
Old Business-Consensus to pursue building purchase for CCDF
New Business-Approved tribal
member education request, 6-0-0.
Approved tribal member request
for education purposes, 5-0-0.
Discussion was held on trainings, brush burning, Sugar Creek
Casino general manager evaluation, funding opportunities and
discussion on the new marijuana
policies which the tribe will not
pursue but should consider implementing laws, tribal administrator position description, WHA
swimming pool, check from
WTIDC to tribe for 20% share
from Wichita Tribal Enterpris01/13/2015-Special Meeting es revenues, Wichita Travel PlaWichita History Center-Discus- za Financials, EPA information,
sion was held the Wichita History WTSC and trailer.
Center including elder pictures,
Camp Creek pictures, gift shop, 01/27/2015-Special Meeting
grass house and items from other Acting Tribal Administrator-Cynmuseums. Discussion was held thia Billy-Employee Issue-Apon having a Community Meeting proved continuation of employwith our tribal members to dis- ment, 6-0-0. Motion approved
cuss other items for the Wichita to hire temporary transporter
History Center. Discussion was while Cassandra McAdams is on
held on the TERO Fee. Approved maternity leave, 6-0-0. Update
waiving the TERO Fee for the on HR issues. Discussion on 638
Wichita History Center, 5-0-0.
reports due, AoA invoices, FinResolutions for Approval-Ap- ley & Cook budget and suspense
proved Resolution WT-15-33- list, outstanding purchase orders,
Approving Enrollment Applica- evaluations due, SDPI grant due,
grants compliance, bids for gator,
Old Business-Discussion on the AoA office space and EPA grants.
bid for cleanup on the town prop- Wichita Tax Commission-Reerty lot with motion to approve quest by Wichita Tax Commispayment, 5-0-0. A report from sion to waive nepotism for Wichthe grant writer was submitted to ita Tax Commission Accounting
the Committee.
position for Pamela Pogue whose
New Business-Information pro- sister sits on the board. Motion
vided on the Hinton Chamber of passed 6-0-0.
Commerce Banquet. Approved Minutes-Approved Minutes prethe disposal of the old blue jeep sented-1 set, 6-0-0.
and the old white truck with the Old Business-Sugar Creek Casino
best offer accepted, 5-0-0. Ap- update. Discussion and approval
proved education request, 5-0-0. to three EPA grants with matchApproved compensation for Mr. es and supplements with the unJones for travel to look at trailer, derstanding that the President
5-0-0. Discussion on advertising will work with the director on the
for Assistant Manger at casino, budgets to lower the supplements
AoA Program and Community lowered, 5-0-1 (Ms. Davilla abBuilding.
stained.) Discussion on trailer.
Discussion on gaming operations
01/14/2015-Special Meeting including TICS, MICS, Policies
Hobbs, Straus Dean & Walker, & Procedures. Update on Home
LLP-Executive Session-Discus- Improvement Program for elders.
sion was held on land exchange, New Business-Discussion on Tribfederal charter, trust applications, al Administrator salary. Motion
property, liquor ordinance, litiga- approved to compensate Acting
tion and Wright Properties.
Tribal Administrator the TA salSugar Creek Casino-Glen Cole- ary back to the date of appointman-Discussion was held on the ment as Acting TA, 6-0-0. Motion
event center and accounting firm. to deny Anadarko Public Schools
Approved purchase of a new shut- request for Indian Policies and
tle, 3-0-0.
Procedures waiver letter for the
Merit-Discussion on proposal.
Anadarko Public Schools Impact
Other Economic Development Op- Aid application, 6-0-0. Denied
portunities-Presentation by con- donation request for pregnancy
sulting company.
support center, 6-0-0. Approved
Old Business-Approved OHCA donation to Oklahoma Native As(MFP-TI) Initiative, 3-0-0.
sets Coalition, 4-1-1. Approved
New Business-Approved TSSF the purchase of a full page VYPE
Request, 3-0-0.
Ad, 6-0-0. Information provid01/20/2015-Special Meeting ed on meeting in Oklahoma City
Acting Tribal Administrator-Cyn- with Tribes to discuss Anadarko
thia Billy-Employee issue dis- Agency Superintendent position.
cussed and voted on. 638 reports Approved education request, 6-0needed from Education and In- 0. Discussion on tribal member
dian Child Welfare. Discussion request and consensus regardon AoA accounts payable issues. ing the request that orthodonof items, audit, P&L statements,
variances, gas credit card, Hinton
Travel Inn and vault purchases.
Wichita Tax Commission-Discussion on financials, audit of Oil &
Gas Severance Tax, Smokeshop
expansion and alcohol permitting.
Approved severance pay for former Tribal Administrator, 4-1-0.
Wichita Tribe Industrial Development Commission-Discussion on
the purchase of other percentage
of Wichita Tribal Enterprises,
8(a) certification, managers and
other 8(a) opportunities. Discussion was held on the Wichita
Travel Plaza including third party
management and tax rebate.
Wichita Housing Authority-Update provided on home improvement program for elders. 18 applications have been received.
Discussion on turnover in homes,
need for homes in Hinton, swimming pool and generator.
Wichita Gaming Commission-Discussion on plans for renovations
on former maintenance area at
Sugar Creek Casino. Discussion
on Surveillance changeover, office
new hires for gaming, Hinton office trailer and revision of TICS.
tics program was not designed
as a reimbursement program for
orthodontic work done prior to
implementation of the program.
Motion approved to accept proposal by Arledge & Associates, PC
for Indirect Cost Proposal. Approved payment for funeral cost
of Wichita infant, 6-0-0. Discussion on Membership Ordinance.
01/29/2015-Special Meeting
Interviews were held with four
applicants for the Tribal Administrator position. One of the interviews was a phone interview.
The Wichita Executive Committee selected James Nelson as the
Tribal Administrator.
02/03/2015-Special Meeting
Acting Tribal Administrator-Cynthia Billy-Tribal Member David
Leonard joined the meeting presented things he was doing and
then left the meeting. Discussion
was held with Ms. Billy on the
following: bids for tailer, bids for
gator, bids for blade for backhoe,
bids for copier, the need for AoA
and SPDI budget supplements,
purchasing a TV for the AoA
program and AoA outstanding
Sugar Creek Casino-Glen Coleman-Discussion and/or update
was held on the remodel of old
maintenance room, server racks,
liquor (beer) permitting, audit
and FDIC insurance, mentorship
program, employee surveys including update that the POS system is being installed and the ice
cream machine has been installed,
event center dirt pile removed,
sidewalk repaired, café food consultant and trailer. Reviewed 3
bids and approved sign package
for casino, 6-0-0. Reviewed 3 bids
and approved floor bid for casino,
6-0-0. Approved request for R&B
entertainment for casino, 6-0-0.
Discussion on training and casino
department managers needing to
document their time.
Resolutions for Approval-Approved Resolution WT-15-35Approving Enrollment Applications-6-0-0; Approved Resolution
President to Sign Game Lease Agreement for SCC-6-0-0; Approved
WT-15-37-Authorizing President to Sign Engagement Letter for FY-2015 IDC
Proposal-6-0-0; Approved Resolution
the Scope of Services with USACE for Wichita History Center-6-0-0; Approved Resolution
Roberson to WTSC-6-0-0; Approved Resolution WT-15-40-Reappointing Joneil Tahmahkera to
WTSC-6-0-0; Approved Resolution WT-15-41-Reappointing
Mike Snyder to WTSC-6-0-0;
Approved Resolution WT-1542-Approving Release of Supplemental 2nd Quarter Funds for
WGC-6-0-0; Approved Release of
Funds for 2nd Quarter for WTC6-0-0; Approved Resolution
WT-15-44-Authorizing President
to Sign MOU for EPA Data Quality Assurance and Data Analysis-6-0-0.
Old Business-Discussion was held
on the grant information provided, sole sourcing the water and
sewer project, getting more information on the truck bids, wage
scale, SCC manager evaluation
and F&C Navigation Workflow
New Business-Discussion was
held on elder payment for deceased elder. Approved payment
to HSDW for legal fees, 6-0-0.
Approved letter of support for
the Caddo Kiowa Tobacco Education Coalition, 5-0-1. Approved
graduation honor dance in Community Building for Tara Tartsah,
02/10/2015-Special Meeting
Minutes-Approved 1 set, 5-0-0.
Resolutions for Approval-Approved Resolution WT-15-45Approving Enrollment Applications-5-0-0; Approved Resolution
WT-15-46-Approving Increase in
Gift Shop Budget-5-0-0.
Tribal Member Presentation
Acting Tribal Administrator-Cynthia Billy-Discusssion was held
on the Special Diabetes budget,
Health Programs budget and
AoA budget. Approved moving
funds in AoA Supplemental budget to food line item to cover food
cost, 6-0-0. Approved temporary
hire for AoA beginning immediately, 6-0-0. Discussion on AoA
outstanding invoices and need for
lease options with copier bids.
Old Business-Discussion on SCC
manager evaluation and approval of merit increase, 5-0-1. Discussion on mentorship program,
audit and food consultant buffet prices. Approved changes to
Communication Manger position description, 6-0-0. Discussion on Hinton Travel Inn financials, Hinton Travel Inn signs and
building for CCDF. Reviewed 3
bids and approved gator purchase
from Cemetery budget, 6-0-0.
Tabled truck bids, 6-0-0. Tabled
trailer bids for the backhoe, 6-00. Approved HSDW invoice for
legal fees for October 2014, 6-00. Approved HSDW invoice for
legal fees for November 2014,
6-0-0. Approved legal review of
Membership Ordinance, 6-0-0.
President to check into security
cameras. Treasurer presentation
and information on IDP demand
deposit accounts which will be
discussed at WEC quarterly
meeting. Discussion on grants information, wage scale and LOI.
New Business-Information provided on Wills Clinic. Information provided on WCD meeting
on February 12, 2015 to include
the Wichita, Caddo and Delaware
SPRO, BIA Agency and Riverside. Approved letter of support
for BLING, 6-0-0, Discussion
on phone quote. Denied tribal
member/employee request for
insurance related request, 6-0-0.
Approved tribal member medical
request, 6-0-0. President to check
on lights for arena and east side of
complex. Approved support for
Great American Clean Up Grant,
6-0-0. Discussion on mosaic for
front entrance, SCC issue and
Dylan Williams, Tribal member,
and his team winning medals in
academic meet.
02/23/2015-Special Meeting
Finley & Cook, PLLC-Discussion was held on financials ending January 31, 2015. Discussion
was held the Navigator Workflow
System along with the training
on info anywhere and budgets.
Discussion was held on the Sugar Creek Casino financials ending
January 31, 2015 which included
marketing, food, table games and
hot seat drawing.
Hobbs, Straus, Dean & Walker,
LLP-Executive Session-Discussion included Membership Ordinance, federal charter, properties,
signage, trust applications, land
exchange, water rights and other
(continued on page 7)
WEC Cont.
02/24/2015-Special Meeting
Tribal Administrator- UpdateJames Nelson Jr.-An update was
given on the Tribal Government
Services position, directors meeting, employee issues including
evaluations, wage scale, BIA programs, wood chipper purchase,
multipurpose building plumbing
problem, lights on complex and
time on Paycom.
Sugar Creek Casino- Glen Coleman-Discussion on complaints,
changes to policies, work orders,
mentorship program and hiring
an assistant manager. Discussion was held on the surveys that
were filled out on December 9,
2015 by the employees. Most of
the suggestions were more training and communications along
with a list of other suggestions
for improving the casino. Discussion was held on the event center
walk thru, getting information to
remodel the café, signage, trailer,
staff training, FY-2015 audit and
the remodel of old maintenance
room at the casino.
Resolutions for Approval-Approved Resolution WT-15-47Approving Enrollment Applications, 6-0-0; Approved Resolution
WT-15-48-Approving Those Authorized for Tribal Credit Card
(TA and Accounting Liaison not
an actual credit card to carry but
to reserve hotels for travel and
other specific purchases), 6-0-0;
Approved Resolution WT-1549 Confirming Signatories on
Wichita Service Club Account,
Approved Resolution
WT-15-50-Authorizing the President to Sign Master Agreement
for Phone Services.
Old Business-Approved advertisement for an archeological survey,
6-0-0. Discussion held on the
April 11, 2015 Community Meeting with tribal members. Discussion on youth shelter and intern
program. Approved purchase of
signs for Hinton Travel Inn. Discussion held on water and sewer
Business-No nomination was made
for the Native Veterans Council.
Approved donation to Red Cross,
6-0-0. Approved purchase of laptop and recorder for Secretary,
6-0-0. Approved travel for President to the National Indian Gaming Association tradeshow and
convention in San Diego, 6-0-0.
Consensus for President to send
letter to V.V. regarding submission of letter of interest for the
Wichita Tribe Industrial Development Commission concerning
previous removal by the WEC
from the same board. Approved
OU student request for carbon
dating, 6-0-0. Consensus to submit Climate Change opportunity
letter to BIA. Discussion on a
tribal member request no action
taken. Notice given of meeting
with SBA on Wednesday. Approved changes to AoA Van Driver position description, 6-0-0.
03/03/2012-Special Meeting
Tribal Administrator UpdateJames Nelson, Jr.-Tribal member
presentation. Approved re-advertising for Tribal Government
Services Specialist, 4-1-0. Grant
writer resignation submitted
and will advertise. Maintenance
working on light issue for east
side of complex and area. Discussion held on F&C training. Approved not to purchase backhoe
trailer at this time, 5-0-0. Discussion on Multipurpose building
sewer issues, AoA program office,
AoA budget still needed, Special
Diabetes Program budget still
needed, leave request, transportation for AoA meals, wage scale
and youth archery contest by Juvenile Services. Denied by consensus, TSSF director request for
staff. Denied TSSF client request,
5-0-0. Denied use of Community Building for after hours cardio
class, 5-0-0. Discussion on staff
meeting regarding time, dress
code, budgets, clocking in and out
for lunch and receipts.
Wichita Tribal News
scale, evaluations and need to
complete AoA, SDPI and CHR
budgets, need for directors meeting, time issues to address with
employees and AoA van driver
Resolutions for Approval-Approved Resolution WT-15-58-Authroizing Participation in Climate
Change Initiative Project with
BIA-6-0-0; Approved Resolution WT-15-59-Approving Bid
for Archeological Survey-6-0-0;
Approved Resolution WT-15-60Approving Extension of Waiver of Sales Tax for WTP; Approved tabled resolution from
03/03/2015 meeting Resolution
WT-15-52-Authorizing the Use
of Bridge Program Funds for Keechi Creek County Bridge-6-0-0;
Approved tabled resolution form
03/03/2015 meeting Resolution
WT-15-57-Approving the Task
Order for the Design of Waterline, 6-0-0.
Old Business-Discussion on LOI.
Approved putting Membership
Ordinance in newspaper for
comments, 6-0-0. Information
provided on groundwater permitting. Approved SCC policy
change for full-time hours to 32
hours or more, 6-0-0. Tabled SCC
policy for outside employment,
6-0-0. Approved HSDW invoice
for December 2014, 6-0-0. Approved payment for Event Center
minus amounts for work still outstanding or needed correction,
6-0-0. Approved bid for drywall
fix for Hinton Travel Inn, 6-0-0.
Approved to move forward with
getting more information on the
language app, 6-0-0.
New Business-Discussion on
NAFOA and phone conversation regarding LOI. Approved
Administrative Leave for State
Playoffs, 6-0-0. Approved Community Easter Egg Hunt, 6-0-0.
Denied TSSF request for a car
payment, 6-0-0. Approved donation to little league team, 5-0-1.
03/10/2015-Special Meeting Denied donation to OKC Indian
Tribal Administrator Update- Clinic, 6-0-0. Discussion on deJames Nelson, Jr.-Updates given velopment of Veteran Program
on light project, Multipurpose which will be discussed at Comsewer, AoA program office, wage
b.I f
a determ i made that a member’s blood
degree has been erroneously nation is made that a blood
computed, a resolution shall quantum shown on the base
be prepared for Executive roll is incorrect, a resolution
Committee action document- shall be prepared for Executive
ing the basis for the change Committee action requesting
and authorizing the Enroll- the Bureau of Indian Affairs to
ment Officer to make the approve the change and docchange for the member and umenting the basis for the refor all other persons affected quested change. BIA approval
is required since the census
by the change.
The member requesting roll is a BIA official roll adoptthe change, and all other per- ed by the Tribe as its base roll.
When BIA approval
sons affected by the change, c.
the member reshall be notified of the change
by the Tribal Enrollment Offi- questing the change, and all
cer. Any person whose blood other persons affected by the
quantum has been changed change, shall be notified of
has the right to appeal pur- the change by the Secretary
suant to Section VIII of this of the Executive Committee.
ordinance only if the change Any person affected by such a
results in disenrollment or a blood degree change shall have
decrease in total Indian blood the right to appeal the change
or Actual Wichita blood there- pursuant to section VIII of this
fore affecting the membership ordinance only if the change
eligibility of their descendants. results in disenrollment or the
If the change does in- decrease in the total Indian
volve a change in the base roll: blood or actual Wichita blood.
Changes in the blood X. ADOPTION
quantum shown on the base
roll can be made only when Although the Governing Resorequested by the base enrollee lution provides that this ordior a direct lineal descendant of nance may include procedures
a base enrollee. When such a whereby persons may be adrequest is received, the Enroll- opted into membership in the
ment Officer shall research the Tribe, the Tribe has not yet
experienced any circumstancrequest.
Tribal Member- Sandra Wilson-Tribal member presentation.
Resolutions for Approval-Approved Resolution WT-15-51Approving Submission of ANA
Grant for SEDS Tribal Government-5-0-0; Tabled Resolution
WT-15-52-Authorizing the Use of
Bridge Program Funds for Keechi
Creek County Bridge-6-0-0; Approved Resolution WT-15-53-Authorizing Transfer of Funds for
Tribal Funded Programs-5-0-0;
Approved Resolution WT-15-54Approving Transfer of Funds for
Indirect Cost Supplemental Budget-5-0-0; Approved Resolution
WT-15-55-Approving Program
for Hot Water Tanks-5-0-0; Approved Resolution WT-15-56Amending Tax Commission Act
Allowing Purchase of Two Veteran Tags at Half Price-5-0-0; Tabled Resolution WT-15-57-Task
Order for Design of 6 Inch Waterline, 6-0-0 to table.
Old Business-Discussion on an
LOI and motion not to move forward at this time, 5-0-0. Discussion on Hinton Travel Inn issues,
membership ordinance, groundwater permits and Wichita Housing Authority home rehab program for elders. Denied the use of
Community Building for Princess
dance unless the fee is paid and if
the dance is only for the Wichita
Tribal Princess, 4-0-1.
New Business-Denied employee
request regarding leave, 5-0-0.
Approved tribal member/enterprise employee donation to family due to accident, 5-0-0. Denied
tribal member request, 5-0-0. Approved legal fee payment to other
vendor for close of Texaco Property, 5-0-0. Tabled HSDW legal
fee payment, 5-0-0. Approved
donation to NAFDPIR, 5-0-0.
Approved donation to language
fair, 5-0-0. Denied ONABEN
sponsorship request, 5-0-0. Tabled SCC policy changes, 5-0-0.
Membership Ordinance Cont.
The blood degrees shown on
that roll shall be used in computing the degree of Wichita
and Affiliated Tribal blood for
applicants for membership in
the tribe.
Consolidation of Indian Blood – Pursuant to Article
II, Section 2 of the Governing
Resolution of the Wichita and
Affiliated Tribes, “ All persons
who possess no less than oneeighth (1/8) degree Wichita,
Keechi, Waco, or Tawakonie
Indian blood, who elect to be
enrolled as members of the
Wichita and Affiliated Tribes
and who possess Indian blood
of another tribe or a combination of tribes shall be considered as possessing Wichita,
Keechi, Waco, or Tawakonie
Indian blood equal to their full
amount of Indian blood for
the purpose of computing the
eligibility of their descendants
for membership in the Wichita
and Affiliated Tribes.
An individual must be
an enrolled member of the
Tribe in order to consolidate
his/her total Indian blood for
the purpose of computing the
eligibility of descendants.
An individual must
possess at least 1/8 degree
Wichita, Keechi, Waco and/
or Tawakonie Indian blood in
order to consolidate his/her
total Indian blood.
shall only be performed for
the purpose of computing the
eligibility of descendants for
Tribal enrollment.
Exceptions – The Executive Committee reserves the
right to make exceptions that
are not in violation of Article II
of the Governing Resolution.
e.g. Loss of life prior to adoption of the Governing Resolution (May 8, 1961).
Changing Blood Degrees – Once the degree of
Tribal Indian blood has been
recorded for a member on the
tribal roll, it shall be changed
only when one of the following
procedures has been completed.
If the change does not
involve a change in the 1937
base roll:
Whenever a member
requests a change in his/her
blood degree, the Enrollment
Officer shall research the request. The Enrollment Officer
is also authorized to initiate
research into the accuracy of
blood degrees shown on the
tribal roll as time permits.
If a determination is
munity Meeting on April 11.
03/17/2015-Special Meeting
Minutes-Tabled Minutes, vote
Resolutions for Approval-Approved Resolution WT-1561-Stating Use of 80 Acre
Tract-3-0-0; Resolution WT15-62-Stating Use of Hydro
Tract-4-0-0; Resolution WT15-63-Submission of Trust Application-4-0-0.
Old Business-Updates were
given to the Committee on the
LOI, water rights memorandum, Community Meeting,
tabled SCC policy change and
Customer Service Training,
vote 4-0-0, casino employee
survey from December, Event
Center, Hinton Travel Inn audit, water line and seal for Administration Office.
was provided on the AARRP OK Indian Elders request
for nomination and a consultant proposal for grant writing. Approved comp time for
Community Easter Egg Hunt
event, vote 4-0-0. Approved
donation of sick leave, 4-0-0
and will work on policy. Information provided on bank
proposal and donation request.
Approved credit application
with Seminole Chemical for
supplies, 4-0-0. Approved records disposition for health
programs with files saved to cd,
4-0-0. Consensus to move forward with the Kitikiti’sh Announcement. Information on
the Wichita, Caddo, Delaware
population distribution calculations which the President will
prepare a response.
es under which there is a desire to implement this option.
Therefore, no person may become a member of the Tribe
through adoption.
Pursuant to Article II, Section 4, of the Governing Resolution, this ordinance may
be amended by the Executive
Committee at any regularly
called meeting subject to review by the Secretary of the
We the undersigned, as President and Secretary of the
Executive Committee of the
Tribe, do hereby certify that a
quorum was present at a regularly called meeting of the
Executive Committee of the
Wichita and Affiliated Tribes
on the __________ day of
_____________,2015, and
that the foregoing ordinance
was adopted with the affirmative vote of _____________
for, ____________ opposed
and ___________ abstentions. Therefore, the ordinance is duly enacted and the
date of this meeting shall be
the effective date of the provisions of this ordinance.
Wichita Tribal News
AoA Menu for April
Hinton Travel Inn
Seeks Desk Clerk and
Starting pay is $10/hr.
Apply in person at 5716 N. Broadway next to
I-40 behind Loves and see manager.
(405) 542-6011 for more information.
Tribal Enrollment
As of April 1, 2015
Wichita Tribal News
Ti?isa hike?etactateth
2015 Wichita and Affiliated
Tribes Education Banquet
Thursday, May 14, 2015
6:00 -8:00 p.m.
Wichita Tribal Dance Building,
Wichita Tribal Complex
Honorees: Kindergarten, 8th Grade, High
School Senior, and College Graduates, and
other outstanding achievements.
Corey Reeder, tribal member and SDPI
Assistant, with Wichita JOM student
Elias Ataddlety
For more information please call the Education
Office # (405) 247-8612.
Gracemont Johnson
Science Museum
Oklahoma Field Trip
Our Spring Break field trip was a huge success! We
were able to take 21 students to tour the wonderful
interactive exhibits at the Science Museum Oklahoma (Omniplex).
Gravity was tested by climbing the tree house and
dropping balls. Some students laid on a bed of nails
while others experienced new transportation by
driving segways.
We were all taken far, far away when we went to the
Dome Theater to watch “Beyond Space”. This film
recapped our space program beginning with unmanned rockets, Apollo missons, the first steps on
the moon, and building the space station What’s
next? A colonly of humans on Mars! Or stay here
and explore the uninevers through the Hubble telescope. Our heads where spinning after that show.
-Louisa Riffel, Education Secretary/JOM
With Storm Season
Approaching, WCDC
Shows the Adequate
Precautions Taken for
With all the discussion of safe rooms in schools,
here is the Wichita Child Development Center a step
ahead of the discussion in 2008. Is super interesting
to see it in progress. Rick McKinney the construction
manager was always happy to explain any questions
I had. Construction company owner and manager
Rick Mckinney supervising the concrete flow for safe
room. He said that the building was strong enough
to withstand pretty much anything but if something
ever were to happen to it the safe room would still be
there. When we had the tornado go through Anadarko in 08, the tornado tried to pick up the center. We
could tell by the concrete and brick pillars outside
the front entry. They were cracked and had to be
replaced but the building itself did not move. The
center wasn’t open yet.
-Kathy Hopen, Child Care Development
Fund Director
(Photos at Right)
Kelby Edge (Caddo) and Yelena
Gonzalez (Wichita) with the JOM
program field trip
Wichita JOM students Kristina Wright and
Senaida Brown
Tribal members Corwin Ataddlety and Julio
Wichita Child
Center Hires New
Leondre Head (pictured at right with
some program children), tribal member
and son of Diane Pewo and grandson of
Judy Arnold Roulain, was recently hired
by the Wichita Child Development Center
as an assistant teacher. He is the first male
employee of this facility. He has enjoyed
his first six weeks and so have the children
he helps. This is the first job for the 2014
Anadarko High School graduate. When
looking for employment, he realized that a
casino job wasn’t really for him and is glad
to have found this position as is seems a
natural fit. He currently works with the
after-school group and enjoys it, although
keeping the group corralled can prove
to be challenging. He is up to the task.
Leondre plans to continue his education in
Business Administration, as he is applying
for admission to Haskell in the fall.
Fitness Center
When you come to the fitness
center for the first time, you can
sign up for the barcoded tags,
which allow for clocking in and
out, store demographic data,
and vital information to your
account for tracking. If you
have any additional concerns
or challenges. Robin White,
program director, will be glad
to then take you on a tour of
facility, provide information
on improving fitness, weight
loss, or diabetes education
as necessary, teach you how
to use any of the equipment,
and measure your weight or
BMI if requested. She says
that she feels she is here to
help members to achieve
their goals and will do what
is possible to assist. Being in
her position since September,
she is in the process of trying
to provide new opportunities
to encourage fitness and
health. Potential plans include
new activities or classes in
the fitness center, starting
sponsoring youth sports teams
or individual runners, and she
would love to see a walking
trail at the complex. Robin will
be attending training at the
end of this month to receive
certification in Native Youth
Fitness Leadership.
The second employee in the
fitness center, Corey Reeder,
has been in that position
for about three years. He is
very knowledgeable about
the equipment and is willing
to help with meal planning,
provides chair exercises at
the AoA program. Above all,
he wants to motivate you. His
goals with the position are to
recruit new gym members
and to encourage facility
Recently, the program held
an Employee Weight Loss
better nutrition and fitness
within our tribal complex and
entities. There were about
70 participants from the
complex, Wichita Housing,
Sugar Creek Casino, Wichita
Child Development Center,
and the Wichita Travel Plaza.
The challenge was six weeks
long and included weekly
weigh-ins. Prizes for the
winners included gym bags,
water bottles and coolers,
along with the over $600 pot
paid in by participants for
entry as grand prize. Many
employees saw significant
change during this period, and
modified eating and exercise
habits to encourage health.
The challenge was a great
success, and another similar
event is planned for the
summer. Congratulations to
the winners and participants
for making this so successful.
WINNERS of the weight loss
Grand Prize
Amber Luke,
Manager, Tribal Complex
6.96% weight loss
Runners UP:
Tito Saldana,
Maintenance Supervisor,
Tribal Complex
5.79% weight loss
Cynthia Billy, Social
Services Director, Tribal
5.37% wt loss
Wichita Tribal News
choose MyPlate
10 tips to a great plate
Education Series
Making food choices for a healthy lifestyle can be as simple as using these 10 Tips.
Use the ideas in this list to balance your calories, to choose foods to eat more often, and to cut back on foods
to eat less often.
balance calories
Find out how many calories YOU need for a day
as a first step in managing your weight. Go to to find your calorie level. Being
physically active also helps you balance calories.
enjoy your food, but eat less
Take the time to fully enjoy
your food as you eat it. Eating
too fast or when your attention is
elsewhere may lead to eating too
many calories. Pay attention to hunger
and fullness cues before, during, and after meals. Use
them to recognize when to eat and when you’ve had
avoid oversized portions
Use a smaller plate, bowl, and glass. Portion out
foods before you eat. When eating out, choose a
smaller size option, share a dish, or take home part of
your meal.
foods to eat more often
Eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fat-free
or 1% milk and dairy products. These foods have the
nutrients you need for health—including potassium, calcium,
vitamin D, and fiber. Make them the
basis for meals and snacks.
make half your plate
fruits and vegetables
Choose red, orange, and dark-green vegetables like
tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and broccoli, along with other
vegetables for your meals. Add fruit to meals as part of
main or side dishes or as dessert.
Janny Williams, Health
Program Receptionist,
Tribal Complex
5.18% weight loss
Pam Stewart, Sugar Creek
4.58% weight loss
Mary Botone, Cell Tower
4.47% weight loss
switch to fat-free or
low-fat (1%) milk
They have the same amount of
calcium and other essential nutrients as
whole milk, but fewer calories and less
saturated fat.
make half your grains whole grains
To eat more whole grains, substitute a whole-grain
product for a refined product—such as eating wholewheat bread instead of white bread or brown rice instead of
white rice.
foods to eat less often
Cut back on foods high in solid fats, added sugars,
and salt. They include cakes, cookies, ice cream,
candies, sweetened drinks, pizza, and fatty meats like ribs,
sausages, bacon, and hot dogs. Use these foods as
occasional treats, not everyday foods.
compare sodium in foods
Use the Nutrition Facts label
to choose lower sodium versions
of foods like soup, bread, and frozen
meals. Select canned foods labeled
“low sodium,” ”reduced sodium,” or
“no salt added.”
drink water instead of sugary drinks
Cut calories by drinking water or unsweetened
beverages. Soda, energy drinks, and sports drinks
are a major source of added sugar, and calories, in American
DG TipSheet No. 1
June 2011
United States
Department of Agriculture
Center for Nutrition
Policy and Promotion
Go to for more information.
USDA is an equal opportunity
provider and employer.
Fitness Center
Hours of Operation
Friday 8:00am-5:00pm
Larry Snake, Compliance
Officer, Wichita Gaming
2.46% weight loss
Yvonne Goetsech,
Juvenile Services
Director, Tribal Complex
2.45% weight loss
Debra Lonewolf,
Accounting Liaison,
Tribal Complex
1.88% weight loss
Corey leading chair exercises in the AoA building
Corey Reeder with some of the prizes given to the winners of the Weight Loss
Chair Exercises are held on
Mondays and Wednesdays in the
AoA building following lunch
Wichita Tribal News
Ti?isati:c?as ti?irih
Community News
Sweet Sixteen Honor Dance for
Wichita Tribal Princess Joli Angel Herrera
Pow-wow will be outside, weather permitting,
otherwise in Community Building
Head Staff
Emcee- Cy Ahtone
Head Singer-Patrick Cozad
Head Man- Trace Totherow
Head Boy- Thomas Totherow
Head Lady- Mary Stephenson Tselee
Head Girl- Trudie Taylor
Head Gourd Dancer- Lorenzo “Bo” Beard
Security- William Bedoka
May 9, 2015 at
Wichita Tribal Park
1 1/2 miles North
on Hwy 281
Anadarko, OK
2 pm- Gourd Dancing
6 pm- Indian Taco Dinner
7 pm- War Dancing & Social Dancing
Co-host- Anadarko Indian Education
Special Invited Youth Drum- Riverside Ramblers
Special Invited Guests- Wichita Service Club,
Comanche Nation Princess Sorority, Kuduks-hudi OKC N.A.S.S. Youth Gourd Clan, OKCPS ResoNative Youth Dance Troupe
Iskhiri?awa::s chi?as hakikitakih
Kitikiti’sh Scholarship
The Wichita and Affiliated Tribes will be offering the Kitikiti'sh Scholarship to two outstanding college students that are enrolled with the Wichita and Affiliated Tribes. The word Kitikiti'sh is the spelling for "Wichita"
in the Wichita language. Criteria will be based on 1) Cumulative GPA (2)
ACT Composite Score (3) Description of Future Plans and (4) Description of Accomplishments, Leadership Roles, and Attributes (5) Financial
Need. The Education Department will be mailing out the applications to
high school graduating seniors that apply for their graduation incentive
and current college students in the Higher Education Program who enroll for the fall semester. The applications will be mailed out as a courtesy but it is the applicant’s responsibility to obtain the application and
submit prior to the deadline. Please contact the Education Department
at (405) 247-2425 ext. 106 or 112 for the application and instructions.
The deadline to submit the application will be June 5, 2015.
Come Dance With Us!
Honored Veteran- Elanor McDaniels
Honored Wichita EldersShirley Davilla, Myles Stephenson,
Doris McLemore, Leslie “Odie” Standing
All Princesses, Organizations, & Vendors are welcome. For more information,
call Marilyn Tiger at 405-933-4310
Tribal Members Are New Home
Owners Through Mutual Help Program
With Wichita Housing Authority
Congratulations to tribal member Betty Kauley and
her husband Darrell (far left) and tribal member Dawn
Autaubo and her husband Cecil (pictured at left). Their
homes have been recently conveyed and they are full
homeowners now. The mutual help program allows
the Wichita Housing Authority to carry the note initally and pays taxes and insurance. The Authority has
developed 59 single family residences under the Mutual Help Program. The program is a rental program
wherein participants are referred to as “homebuyers”.
Homeownership is acquired at the completion of the
program requirements. These homes were developed
under the 1937 US Housing Act. Now that the loan has
been conveyed, these happy people own their homes
solely. For more information on this program and others offered through Wichita Housing, call 405-2477470.
Pictured with the new homeowners are Jesse Jones,
Maintenance Administrator for WHA and Vice President of the Wichita Executive committee, and Katherine Cunningham, Housing Specialist.
Wichita Tribe
Industrial Development
Anadarko Industries LLC
and Wichita
Tribal Enterprises LLC
Scholarship Program for
Summer Interns
Anadarko Industries (AI) and Wichita Tribal Enterprises are putting together a summer intern program that will be specifically set-aside for Wichita
Tribal members. This will be an 8-week program
scheduled between June and August for a Wichita student who is in at least their 3rd year of college. The student will spend eight weeks at AI’s
and WTE’s corporate offices in Houston, TX. The
first half of the program will allow the student to
observe and participate in all areas of the business
from new business development to proposal submittals to contract operations. The second half of
the program will allow the student to work more
in depth in a specialized area based on his or her
background and current company activities. For
example, an intern might help with market research, proposal development, financial reporting,
mid-year company performance review, or assist
with a specific NASA contract. If timing allows,
each intern will also have an opportunity to present
the company’s annual report at the Wichita annual
meeting that is typically held in July.
If you have an interest in being considered for this
program, please contact Kenn Hall (, AI’s Vice President of Operations. Include a resume, a letter explaining why
you wish to be considered for the program with an
overview of your career goals and objectives, and
a copy of your college transcript or report cards.
In the event you need assistance with your submittal information, please contact the WTIDC Office Manager, Jerri Davis, at 405/247-5009 or at
1503 Mission Blvd., Suite D, Anadarko, Oklahoma
WTIDC Economic
Development Director
(Project Manager)
Persons applying must have a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited four-year college
with major course work in business finance, commercial real estate, business valuation or a similar
field of study relating to the area of assignment.
Prior professional experience in real estate development, business development, marketing, and
business assessment practices is desired. Applicants applying must have practical experience using computer software such as MS Office Professional 2013 and GIS mapping applications, possess
a valid Oklahoma drivers’ license, be able to pass
a background check and must be drug free. Send
Resumes to WTIDC P.O. Box 682 Anadarko, OK
73005. Resumes must be postmarked no later than
April 30, 2015 to be considered
WTIDC Administrative
Wichita Tribal News
Sugar Creek Casino
Mentorship Program
Iskhiri? awa::s wic hakicare:s?ih
Wichita Tribe
Summer Intern
The Wichita and Affiliated Tribes is currently accepting applications from enrolled Wichita Tribal members who are interested in participating in
the summer intern program located at the WichThe Wichita and Affiliated Tribe is currently acita Tribal complex. This program is established
cepting applications from enrolled Wichita Tribal
for Wichita graduating seniors and Tribal college
members who are interested in participating in our
students that will be attending college in the fall of
Mentorship program located at Sugar Creek Casi2015. This will be an 8-week program scheduled
no. This program is established for Wichita Tribal
between June and July time frame. The program
Members wishing to obtain career development in
will be held at the Wichita Tribal Complex where
gaming. Programs are developed for Mid-Level
the intern will work with the SummerSmart Youth
and Executive Level training depending on educaProgram and within Tribal programs.
tion, management experience and qualifications.
The program will vary between 12 months up to a 2
The student will be required to work with the Sumyear program.
merSmart Youth Program the first part of the day
The mentee will be required to work in all areas of
and occasionally attend field trips. The second half
every department within the casino. They must be
of the day the intern will work, observe and parable to work a variety of shifts during the program.
ticipate in all programs including Administration,
The program will include research and completion
Education, AoA, Social Services, Health, Culture,
of courses in conjunction with interdisciplinary,
Environmental Protection, Food Distribution,
cross departmental trainings, critical thinking and
Transportation and TERO Programs along with
decision making and effective interpersonal skills
any other programs not listed. The interns will be
that add value to the casino and tribe as a whole.
rotated among the departments. The week of June
The mentee will have the responsibility of having
29, 2015, the intern will be required to write and
adequate transportation to and from Sugar Creek
research other Tribes and do a comparison to the
Casino. Hours will vary on the department they are
Wichita and Affiliated Tribes programs. The secmentoring. Mentee’s will be given the opportunity
ond half of the program, beginning in July, will
to attend training that is needed for the growth and
allow the intern to work more in depth in a spethe success of this program.
cialized areas based on their interest in the various
The purpose of the mentorship program is to develdepartments of the Tribe. For example, an intern
op the Wichita Tribal member to gain experience,
might be interested in the Social Services fields so
knowledge and professional development required
they would be assigned to work with that director
to attain positions in management.
or within those programs for a specific amount of
time. Each intern will also have an opportunity to
Deadline for applications: May 1, 2015
present their experiences with the intern program
Prerequisites: Educational requirements vary deat the Annual Meeting to be held on July 18, 2015.
pending on the program enrolled.
A final presentation with a written report will be
Application Requirements: Submit application onprovided to the Wichita Executive Committee.
line, college transcript, current resume and a letter
explaining why you wish to be considered for the
The intern will have the responsibility of having adprogram and an overview of your career goals.
equate transportation to and from the Tribal ComBackground Investigation: Applicants must be
plex. Hours will be from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
drug free; submit and pass a FBI background inwith a 1 hour lunch break. The intern will also be
vestigation and receive a Key gaming license in orrequired to go through an application and resume
der to work for Sugar Creek Casino in this program.
writing course offered by the Human Resources
Those interested should submit application requirements to Human Resources, Shannan MehThe purpose of the intern program is to give experinger, at
rience to the intern but to also get a perspective of
the Tribe from our youth. This is a nine (9) week
program with a few days of orientation in May. The
intern program will run from June 1, 2015 to July
31, 2015.
Deadline for applications: May 1, 2015.
Prerequisites: Qualifies as at least a senior in high
school or an undergraduate attending college
during the fall 2015.
Application requirements: College transcript or
report card with courses and grades, current resume, and a cover letter explaining why you wish
to be considered for the program and an overview
of your career goals.
Background Investigation: Applicants must submit and pass a background investigation in order
to work with the SummerSmart Youth Program.
Commissioner Vacancy
The following Commission has one vacancy and will
remain open until filled.
Persons applying must have a high school diploma
Wichita Industrial Development Commission
(some higher level of education is desired), prior If you are interested in serving on this Commission,
professional experience, strong organizational then please submit a cover letter and resume, no later
and computer skills, the ability to interact with than April 30, 2015 to:
the public in a professional and courteous manner, be able to pass a background check and must
Wichita and Affiliated Tribes
be drug free. A valid Oklahoma drivers’ license
Attn: Secretary
is also required. Send Resumes to WTIDC P.O.
P.O. Box 729
Box 682 Anadarko, OK 73005. Resumes must
Anadarko, OK 73005
be postmarked no later than April 20, 2015 to be
Fax: (405) 247-2430
Wichita Travel Plaza
Applicants must possess a valid Oklahoma drivers’ license, have reliable transportation and be able to
work flexible schedules. Apply in person at The Wichita Travel Plaza 1 mile North of Anadarko. Applications are available onsite. Indian preference applies.
Those interested should submit application requirements to Human Resources, Breezy Prince, at Interviews and
selection will be held prior to May 15, 2015 and
those selected will be required to attend orientation
on May 28 and 29. This will include a visit to each
of the programs and the various entities owned by
the Tribe within Caddo County.
Commissioner Vacancy
The following Commission has one vacancy and will
remain open until filled.
Wichita Tax Commission
If you are interested in serving on this Commission,
then please submit a cover letter and resume, no later
than April 30, 2015 to:
Wichita and Affiliated Tribes
Attn: Secretary
P.O. Box 729
Anadarko, OK 73005
Fax: (405) 247-2430
Wichita Tribal News
Ti?isati:c?as ti?irih
Iskhiri?awa::s ta:w hakicsare:s?ih
Community News
Orren Herbert
Michael Gilbert
Roulain, 73, of Anadarko, Oklahoma, Cramer (Davilla), Sr.,
was called home
by the Lord on
Tuesday, March 3,
2015 in Anadarko.
Orren was born
April 5, 1941 in
Gracemont, Oklahoma to Lirl and
was raised by
his Aunt, Mary
his life upon growing up. He also lived in Kansas
and Texas. He married Freda George on March 30,
1984 in Wichita Falls, Texas. Orren was a loving
husband, father and a great uncle. He had a love
for life and always made you feel welcome around
him. Orren was a proud Veteran of both the Navy
and the Army. He was also a member of the Wichita and Affiliated Tribes.
Left to cherish his memories are his wife, Freda of
the home; step son, Clifton George; a granddaughter he raised as his daughter, Britany Lynn Hunter;
2 brothers: Donnie Ross and wife, Carol of Binger,
Oklahoma and George Wright Jr. and wife, Lois of
Gracemont, Oklahoma; 1 sister, Connie Mandujano and husband, Ignacio of Anadarko, Oklahoma;
several niece, nephews, cousins and friends.
Orren is preceded in death by his mother, Jean
Louise Ross Wright; 3 sisters: Shirlene Ross Leisering, Cheryl D. Wright and Bell Marie Wright Moss;
3 aunts: Myrtle Luther, Virginia Collins and Mary
Woosypitti; 1 uncle, Russell Ross and grandmother,
(Crete Mason) Kis-chis-ne-kits-ne.
Prayer service was at 7:00 P.M., Friday, March 6,
2015 at Smith Funeral Home Chapel. Funeral service were at 1:00 P.M., Saturday, April 7, 2015 at
Smith Funeral Home Chapel. Rev. Marvin Delaware will be officiating. Burial followed in the
Memory Lane Cemetery in Anadarko under the
direction of Smith Funeral Home, Anadarko, Oklahoma.
Pall Bearers were George Wright Jr., Donnie
Wright Jr., Jason Ross, Tommy Wright, Christopher Wright
60, passed away
on Friday, March
20th, 2015, in
He was born on
March 2nd, 1955,
in Lawton, OK to
and Raymond Davilla, Sr. He lived
all of his life in this
area and graduated from Anadarko
High School. He
attended Southwest
Oklahoma Inter-Tribal
Trade School in Apache, OK where he learned the
trade of brick laying. His trade of brick laying took
him to many states across the United States. His
passion in life was spending time with his children
and grandchildren and all of his family. He was a
member of the Wichita and Affiliated Tribes.
He is survived by:
His mother, Shirley Davilla, Anadarko, OK
6 sons: Erin Littlechief, Tahlequah, OK; Paul Michael Littlechief, Tishomingo, OK; Jason Cramer,
Tahlequah, OK; Michael Cramer, Jr., Anadarko,
OK; James Cramer, Anadarko, OK; Ricky Bedoka,
Lawton, OK
4 daughters: Alicia Johnson, Anadarko, OK; Cassandra (Rosie) Cramer Domebo, Anadarko, OK;
Jericca Cramer, Tahlequah, OK; Autumn Bedoka,
Lawton, OK
17 Grandchildren: Kristen, Brianna, Julian,
Glyddia, Macy and Mikalyn Domebo, Jada and Jaleel Reddick, Sarah, Jason Jr., Natalia and Michael
Cramer, Asher Cramer, Shayna, Dayton, Michael
and Ayden, McCathern, Jayden Lynn, Erin Dashon,
Oscar Vaughn, Avery and Malena Rose Littlechief.
2 Great-Grandchildren: Anthony Josiah Domebo,
Jordan Craig Scott, Jr
3 brothers: Darrell Ray Davilla, Wichita, KS, Raymond Davilla, Jr., Albuquerque, NM, Daniel Davilla, Anadarko, OK
2 sisters: Sandra Wilson, Gracemont, OK Betty
Kauley, Anadarko, OK
1 uncle: Johnathan Querdibitty
Host of nieces and nephews
He was preceded in death by his father, Raymond
Davilla, Sr. and his sister, Cheryl Vance.
Dustin Davilla,
enrolled tribal member, son of Danny Davilla
and Owassa Davilla and grandson of Shirley Davilla, was recently awarded as one of Who’s Who
Among American Universities and Colleges for
his performance at Southwestern Oklahoma State
University. To receive this honor, he was nominated by his department, completed a lengthy
application process, and selected by a group of
faculty members representing his University. He
was proven as hard-working, perservering, determined, and capable. We are proud of his performance and accomplishments at SWOSU.
Patricia Chalepah,
an enrolled Wichita tribal member, has qualified
to attend the Riverside Indian School Incentive
trip 2015. Patty is eligible because she has attended school all year, has reported good grades,
and has not received any Incident Reports for the
school year. The school has over 500 students
and there are only 34 remaining. That is an outstanding accomplishment that she has obtained.
We are proud of her because this means that she
has displayed strong character, dedication to her
education, and has not given in to peer pressure.
Do You Have
Any Community
News to Share?
If you have a birthday, graduation, award or other significant event to share, please contact me
at 405-247-2425 ext. 165 or at newsletter@ We want to celebrate with
you. Please include any information of note including dates, lineage, photos (in digital format
or original photos) and contact information.
-Amber Luke
Adrian Nawa
was born at 2:06 pm on February 18, 2015
at Comanche Memorial Hospital in Lawton, Oklahoma. She was 8lbs 19 inches
long. Her parents are Cassandra McAdams
and Adrian Spottedhorsechief. Cassandra
is the daughter of Gary and the late Ardina McAdams. She is a patient transporter
for health programs at the tribe and leads
the Kitti’kitti’sh Little Sisters and Wichita Young Men’s Society. Adrian is from
the Pawnee Nation. He was raised by his
grandparents, Levi and Cody Horsechief.
He is currently a member of the Pawnee
Business Council. He’s active in all his
Pawnee ceremonies, and both parents participate in the Pawnee/Wichita visitation.
Autumn Luther,
a 6th grader at Anadarko Middle School, was accepted into the National Junior Honor Society
(NJHS). NJHS serves to honor those students
who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of
scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship and
character. She is the daughter of Breezy and Jason Prince, and Darren Luther. She is the granddaughter of Irene and Aaron Quoetone, Ladonna
French, and Kay and Vincent Ahtone.
Wichita Tribal News
Iskhiri?awa::s ta:kwic hakicsare:s?ih
Stanley R. Holder, III
Stanley R. Holder, III, Wichita tribal member,
of Lawrence, KS, is the son of Stanley R. Holder,
Jr. (Wichita, Oglala Lakota, Osage, and Northern
Cheyenne) and Melissa R Holder (Winnebago and
Sac & Fox), originally from Sioux City, IA. He is the
grandson of Stanley R. Holder, Sr. of Albequerque,
NM, and the great-grandson of the late Berdina
This thirteen year old eighth-grade student is very
active in sports while maintaining a 3.0 GPA. He
has been wrestling and playing football for two
years, with a cummulative wrestling record of 3615 with 31 pins with the Lawrence Elite Wrestling
Club. He recently won sub-district competiton in
the 130 lb. weight class and will be an alternate on
Team Kansas,
against teams
from across
He will be
competing in
freestyle and
wrestling this
year. Notice
the wrestling
photo at right.
He represents
during these
the tribal seal
featured on
the right thigh
(photo’s left)
of his singlet.
He also runs
and Stan at recent wrestling meet. Note the
tribal seal on thigh.
plays baseball.
Pictured with friend and teammate Dakota Bruner
Stanley with father/coach Stanley R. Holder Jr.
and mother Melissa Holder after a recent win
Fourth place win at Brute Nationals
Good luck,
Stanley, we
look for more
great things
for you in the
Competing in high jump at recent track meet
Stan leads the group in this photo from recent meet where he placed 2nd in the
400, and 3rd in the 200
Kelsi Smith
Kelsi Smith is an enrolled tribal member. The
daughter of Kacy and Keith Miller, sister of Ivory Miller, grand-daughter of Karen and Robert
Thompson, James Roberts, and Leonard and Earnestine Miller, and great-granddaughter of the late
Mary Yummit, she played basketball this season
for the Anadarko Lady Warrior team and recieved
a silver medal for their State Championship Tournament.
Photo from last baseball season
Cara Osceola and
Callie Goombi
Wichita descendant, Cara
Osceola (far left) and enrolled tribal member Callie
Goombi (left) both made
it through the first round
of the Oklahoma All-State
tryouts. Congratulations to
the Anadarko Lady Warrior
Basketball team on an outstanding season!