August to September 2015 Issue - Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox
August to September 2015 Issue - Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox
Trinitarian Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, 10 Mill Road, New Rochelle, New York 10804 August to September 2015 Edition · Greek Food and Pastries ·Live Music, DJ & Dancing · Flea Market ·Bakaliko (Greek Deli) ·Marketplace with Jewelry, Clothing, Giftware, Toys & More ·Expanded Rides & Games September 10, 11, 12 & 13 Thur: 6-11pm; Fri: 6-12am; Sat: 2-12am; Sun: 1-9pm Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 914.235.6100 · 10 Mill Road, New Rochelle Come Rain or Shine - We’re Covered! Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America HOLY TRINITY GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 10 MILL ROAD, NEW ROCHELLE, NEW YORK 10804 – (914) 235-6100 Fax # (914) 235-0708 PRIEST: Rev. Nicholas Anctil EMERGENCY PHONE: Cell # (914) 522-6732 ASSOCIATE PRIEST: Rev. Sami Baroody OFFICE MANAGER : Gigi Longo OFFICE and RENTALS: Mat. Robyn Hatrak 2015 PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESIDENT: Dino Yotides VICE PRESIDENT: George Manolakis TREASURER: Art Prifti SECRETARY: Jon Kohilakis Gregory N. Apostle, John Copulos, Marios Damianides, Thomas Dushas, Bill Gianaris, Evan Graf, Cynthia Herzegovitch, Dennis Kouloumbis, George Kourakos, Helen Morik, Ron Nicholas, Joseph Pantginis, Cornelia Pappas, Nikolaos Skubas, George P. Williams, James Zafiros Honorary Members: John Daskos, Philip Koutsis, Nicos C. Los, Nicholas Lyras, and Zachary Marantis SCHOOLS Greek School: E. Romoudi Sunday School: E. Pappas, Director COMMITTEES Archdiocese Liaison : Executive Board Parliamentarian: B. Gianaris, N. Lyras Capital Projects: G. Williams, G. Manolakis, D. Yotides, G. Kondos Rental Liaison: J. Dos Santos, J. Copulos Choir Liaison : H. Morik, J. Copulos Scholarships: N. Skubas, H. Morik, A. Prifti Compensation: G. Kourakos, E. Graf, A. Prifti Senior Citizen: D. Kouloumbis, G. Apostle Dinner Dance: H. Morik, J. Pantginis, D. Yotides Stewardship: D. Yotides, H. Morik Auction: M. Damianides Sunday School: C. Herzegovitch Easter Feast: P. Constantinides, P. Koutsis Youth: J. Dos Santos, C. Herzegovitch, N. Skubas Elections: G. Kourakos Audit: M. Damianides, A. Prifti Board of Elections: D. Soukas, E. Zoulis Festival: G. Manolakis, C. Papademetriou, J. Dos Santos Finance & Banking: M. Damianides, E. Graf E. Louros , A. Prifti, G. Kourakos, G. Kondos, M. Zannelli Greek School: J. Kohilakis Festival Raffle: E. Graf, B. Gianaris, N. Skubas, G. Apostle Gym: B. Gianaris, N. Skubas Landscaping: G. Apostle, J. Karagandis, C. Canelos Insurance: M. Damianides, G. Hatjygeorge Web Design & Maintenance: A. Prifti, N. Dallaris Maintenance:G.Williams, G. Manolakis, J.Copulos, D. Kouloumbis Journal: A. Soukas, Fr. N. Anctil, D. Yotides, G. Longo Narthex: G. Manolakis, D. Kouloumbis, G. Kourakos Agape: J. Kohilakis, D. Kouloumbis, J. Daskos, T. Dushas Office: J. Dos Santos, A. Prifti Philoptochos Liason: C. Pappas, H. Morik ORGANIZATIONS Philoptochos: M. Sirras Young at Heart: C. Canelos Sr. Choir: H. Hiotakis Sr. Organist: S. Papaioannou Jr. Choir: G. Mavrovitis Psaltis: A. Lampousis, J. Pantginis “Mommy & Me” S. Resvanis GOYA: F. Cossifos A. Cossifos JOY: M. Fotiadis HOPE: R. Karounos YAL: M. Graf, M. Zoulis Mr. & Mrs. Club: M. Kohilakis Festival Cooking: Marina Sirras, Philoptochos Festival Volunteers: M. Scaros-Mercado, E. Primavera Westchester Co. Greek Orchestra: T. Kokkalos Greek School Director: E. Romoudi AHEPA: J. Keane Library: C. Canelos Greek School PTA: T. Maravegias Cub Scouts: K. Kingsley-Mulder Boy Scout: D. Kerwick Brownies: H. Dallaris, H. & M. Fotiadis Girl Scouts: H. Dallaris, H. & M. Fotiadis, T. Pinou Youth Division Basketball A: P. Sinis, D. Varsou Youth Division Basketball B : J. Resvanis, D. Varsou JV Division Basketball: C. Papademetriou Varsity Division Basketball: B. Gianaris, E. Ziogas Senior Division Basketball: C.J. Kanelopoulos JV & Varsity Volleyball: C. Herzegovitch, R. Verdina The TRINITARIAN is a publication of HOLY TRINITY GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH and is published on the 1st of every other month approximately 6 times per year. Deadline for each publication is the 8 th of the previous month. EDITORS: Mat. Robyn Hatrak, Gigi Longo, Fr. Nicholas Anctil Program of Services - August and September, 2015 Sunday August 2nd Tuesday Thursday August 4th August 6th Sunday August 9th Tuesday Thursday August 11th August 13th Friday August 14th Saturday August 15th Sunday August 16th Sunday August 23rd Sunday August 30th 9th Sunday of Matthew. Orthros, 9:00am Divine Liturgy, 10:00am Paraklysis, 6:00pm HOLY TRANSFIGURATION. Orthros, 9:30am, Divine Liturgy, 10:00-11:00am 10th Sunday of Matthew. Orthros, 9:00am Divine Liturgy, 10:00am Paraklysis, 6:00pm Parkalysis, 6:00pm Great Vesper of Dormition. Only at Dormition Church in Danbury CT, 7:00pm DORMITION OF THE THEOTOKOS Orthros, 9:00am, Divine Liturgy 10:00-11:30am 11th Sunday of Matthew. Orthros, 9:00am Divine Liturgy, 10:00am 12th Sunday of Matthew. Othros, 9:00am Divine Liturgy, 10:00am 13th Sunday of Matthew. Orthros, 9:00am Divine Liturgy, 10:00am ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sunday Sept. 6th Tuesday Sept 8th Sunday Sept 13th Monday Sept. 14th Sunday Sept 20th Sunday Sept 27th 14th Sunday of Matthew. Orthros, 9:00am Divine Liturgy, 10:00am NATIVITY OF THE THEOTOKOS, Orthros, 9:30 Divine Liturgy, 10:00am-11:00am Sunday before the Holy Cross. Orthros, 9:00am Divine Liturgy,10:00am EXALTATION OF THE CROSS. Orthros, 9:30am. Divine Liturgy & Procession of the Cross, 10:00am Sunday after the Holy Cross. FIRST DAY OF WINTER SCHEDULE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL. Orthros, 9:00am Divine Liturgy, 10:00am 1st Sunday of Luke Orthros, 9:00am, Divine Liturgy and Sunday School, 10:00am SIGN UP SUNDAY FOR ALL YOUTH PROGRAMS AFTER CHURCH Πρόγραμμα Ακολουθιών - Αύγουστος και Σεπτέμβριος, 2015 Κυρ 2 Αυγ Τρι Πεμ 4 Αυγ 6 Αυγ Κυρ 9 Αυγ Τρι Πεμ 11 Αυγ 13 Αυγ Παρ Σαβ 9η Κυριακή τού Ματθαίου. Όρθρος, 9.00πμ Θεία Λειτουργία, 10.00πμ Παράκλησις, 6.00μμ Η ΜΕΤΑΜΟΡΦΩΣΙΣ ΤΟΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ Όρθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία, 9.30-11.00πμ 10η Κυριακή τού Ματθαίου. Όρθρος, 9.00πμ Θεία Λειτουργία, 10.00πμ Παράκλησις. 6.00μμ Παράκλησις. 6.00μμ 14 Αυγ 15 Αυγ Κυρ 16 Αυγ Κυρ 23 Αυγ Κυρ 30 Αυγ ΜΕΓΑ ΕΣΠΕΡΙΝΟ μόνο στό Danbury CT, 7.00μμ ΚΟΙΜΗΣΙΣ ΤΗΣ ΘΕΟΤΟΚΟΥ. Όρθρος, 9.00πμ Θεία Λειτουργία, 10.00πμ 11η Κυριακή τού Ματθαίου. Όρθρος, 9.00πμ Θεία Λειτουργία, 10.00πμ 12η Κυριακή τού Ματθαίου. Όρθρος, 9.00πμ Θεία Λειτουργία, 10.00πμ 13η Κυριακή τού Ματθαίου. Όρθρος, 9.00πμ Θεία Λειτουργία, 10.00πμ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Κυρ 6 Σεπτ Τρι 8 Σεπτ Κυρ 13 Σεπτ Δευ 14 Σεπτ Κυρ 20 Σεπτ Κυρ 27 Σεπτ 14η Κυριακή τού Ματθαίου. Όρθρος, 9.00πμ Θεία Λειτουργία, 10.00πμ Η ΓΕΝΝΗΣΙΣ ΤΗΣ ΘΕΟΤΟΚΟΥ. Όρθρος, 9.30πμ Θεία Λειτουργία, 10.00πμ-11.00πμ Προεόρτια Υψώσεως. Όρθρος, 9.00πμ Θεία Λειτουργία, 10.00πμ Η ΥΨΩΣΙΣ ΤΟΥ ΤΙΜΙΟΥ ΣΤΑΥΡΟΥ. Όρθρος, 9.30πμ Θεία Λειτουργία καί περιφορά του Σταυρου, 10.00πμ Κυριακή μετά τού Σταυρού. Όρθρος, 9.00πμ ΘΕΙΑ ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΊΑ ΚΑI ΠΡΩΤΗ ΗΜΕΡΑ ΤΟΥ ΚΑΤΗΧΗΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ, 10.00ΠΜ 1η Κυριακή τού Λουκά. Όρθρος, 9.00πμ Θεια Λειτουργία και Κατη. Σχολείο, 10.00πμ Published: July 9, 2015 by Melissa Edgington Every Sunday my regular front row at church is filled with little girls (and Sawyer). I’m not really sure why these sweet little gals like sitting on the front row during worship, but I’m glad they do. They all bring their little notebooks and pens, and they draw during the sermon. No one is playing on iPads or cell phones. No one is sleeping. No one is eating or drinking. There isn’t a single entertaining thing happening (except for my husband’s brilliant and lively sermons), but still they come to me week after week and sit there. I know that many of us worry that our children will be bored during church. We fear that if they are bored they won’t want to go, and if they don’t want to go, then that doesn’t bode well for their future as good little Christians. For this reason we have created all kinds of awesome children’s church programs designed to keep them busy and interested. I think those things are great if they’re available to you. But, I say it’s okay for kids to be bored at church. Yes, you did just read that. If you polled most church-going kids, I doubt that many would say that the sermon is their favorite part of the worship service. I don’t expect my kids to jump and down with excitement when it’s time to sit still and listen to talking for 40 minutes. But, I do expect them to sit still and be quiet. And, they do. My whole little pew of tiny church -goers do. They draw to pass the time, and then when the service is over, everyone goes home. But, I’ve noticed something about my front row crew. When Chad tells a joke, they laugh. When he raises his voice, their pens stop moving. They look up. And, when I get my kids home and ask them what the sermon was about, they know exactly what was said, down to specific details. They may appear to be bored. (Continue Next Page) By: (Continue) They may appear to be concentrating on their drawings instead of hearing a sermon. But, the truth is that they are listening to every word that is being spoken. I like and have often taught children’s church. At our church we don’t do children’s church during the summer, and I like that, too. Because kids also need the opportunity to learn how to be a part of the regular worship service. They need to be sitting with their parents, watching us as we worship. They need to begin building an understanding of how to be part of the service, how to function in a church environment that is not kids-only. They will benefit from having chances to worship as a family, and not exclusively in age-graded environments, even if it’s not their favorite type of church. Even if they would rather have a rock band and cool videos and games and jumping around. If we give kids the opportunity, they will learn to appreciate the beauty of corporate worship that isn’t created exclusively with them in mind. They’ll begin to see what it is to be a church family. God’s word is living and active. His Spirit is always at work, even in the lives of some sweet little girls (and one boy) on the front pew week in and week out. It’s okay for kids to be bored in church here and there. Let them color. Let them draw. And, if they wake up one morning and tell you they don’t want to go to church because it’s boring, don’t panic. Just keep being faithful. There is never any harm in exposing kids to biblical teaching, even if it’s not in their favorite format. We never know what kind of truth is being planted in their hearts while they sit quietly and draw. Not everything at church has to be a big show or a major production. Let’s stop living in fear of our kids having a single moment of boredom. Take them to church. Let them sit. See how the truths they hear work their way into tiny hearts. And watch God work through the preaching of His word. By: · Greek Food and Pastries ·Live Music, DJ & Dancing · Flea Market ·Bakaliko (Greek Deli) ·Marketplace with Jewelry, Clothing, Giftware, Toys & More ·Expanded Rides & Games September 10, 11, 12 & 13 Thur: 6-11pm; Fri: 6-12am; Sat: 2-12am; Sun: 1-9pm Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 914.235.6100 · 10 Mill Road, New Rochelle Intersection of Mill Road and North Avenue From the Hutch Pkway: Southbound-Exit 18E; Northbound-Exit 17 From Route 22: Southbound-Left onto Mill Road & follow to end; Northbound-Right on Mill Road & follow to the end Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Free Shuttle Bus Offsite Parking Provided Donation: $2.00 (under 12 free when accompanied by a parent) Come Rain or Shine - We’re Covered! 2015 Festival COOKING Volunteer Sign-Up (please return to Church Office or email to Name: (print)________________________________________________________________ Home Phone:_______________________Cell Phone:________________________________ Email Address:_______________________________________________________________ I would like to donate $_________ towards supplies. Baking will start at 10:00am unless otherwise noted. 2015 Festival Volunteer Sign-Up (please return to Church Office ASAP or email to Elaine Primavera at Name: (print)_________________________________________________ Home Phone:__________________Cell Phone:_______________________ Email Address:________________________________________________ Booth Preference #1__________________ #2___________________ #3______(no preference) Date Time Thursday, September 10th (open to public: 6-11pm) 5p.m. to 7 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. Indicate “Yes” with an “X” _____________ _____________ _____________ 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. 10 p.m. to 12 p.m. _____________ _____________ _____________ Saturday, September 12 (open to public: 2pm-12am) 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ Sunday, September 13th (open to public: 1-9pm) 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ Friday, September 11th (open to public 6pm-12am) th MONASTIRAKI (FLEA MARKET) The time has come to start saving and working for our Festival. PLEASE MAKE SURE THE ITEMS HAVE BEEN CLEANED, IN VERY GOOD CONDITION, AND NOT BROKEN OR CHIPPED. Please note, the final day to drop off items is September 8th 2015. Candlesticks China Crystal Dishes (Sets) Figurines Glassware Kitchenware Mirrors Silver (Plate & Sterling) Cookbooks New Books (No Textbooks) Paperbacks Children’s Books Paintings / Pictures Prints Frames Tapestries Rugs (Large & Small) Handbags Jewelry (Real & Costume) New Clothing Cameras Electrical Appliances Lamps Luggage Radios / Stereos Also, small pieces of furniture, outdoor furniture, tools for gardening and all sorts of other tools, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, vacuum cleaners. ************************************** *THE CHURCH IS UNABLE TO PICK UP FURNITURE, PLEASE MAKE YOUR OWN ARRANGEMENTS TO DELIVER FURNITURE TO THE CHURCH. *NO COMPUTERS OR TELEVISIONS, PLEASE! Please call our Flea Market Chairperson, George Skoufalos at (914) 835-7438 before bringing donations to church or with any questions related to the Flea Market. Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Annual Car Raffle 2015 $100 per ticket · Drawing Date SEPTEMBER 13, 2015 2015 3 Yr Lease- BMW 528xi with 2.0 liter 240 HP Twin power Turbo Courtesy of BMW of Mamaroneck The lucky ticket drawn will win choice of: FIRST PRIZE: PREPAID THREE YEAR LEASE ON A 2015 BMW 528XI OR $20,000 cash SECOND PRIZE: $1,000 cash THIRD PRIZE: NY Yankees tickets Winner will be responsible for all federal, state and local taxes. Winner will also be responsible for license fees associated with registration of the vehicle. The winner need not be present to win. Festival 2015 Raffle Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address :_______________________________________________________________________________________________ City/Town /State/Zip Code:__________________________________________________________________ Number of Tickets Requested:_____________________________________________________________ Total Check Amount :___________________________________________________________________________ YOUTH SIGN-UP DAY 2015 th Sunday, September 27 (Join us in the social hall during coffee hour after church.) Sunday School Altar Boys Jr. Choir MOMMY & ME H.O.P.E. J.O.Y. G.O.Y.A. Young Adult League (YAL) Greek Afternoon School Girl Scouts Boy Scouts Cub Scouts Brownies Basketball Volleyball Westchester County Greek Youth Orchestra Attention All H.O.P.E. & J.O.Y. Kids!!! HOPE & JOY Meeting Friday, October 9th November 13th 6:30pm –8pm **Meetings will be the second Friday of every month, unless informed otherwise.** H.O.P.E. (Kindergarten to 3rd grade) *Arts & Crafts* J.O.Y. (4th to 7th grade) *Bible session with Fr. Nick* *Pizza and refreshments will be provided* Youth Christmas Party: Friday, December 4th Who plans for December in August…. Attention All GOYAns!!! 8th to 12th grade **Upcoming GOYA Activities** Fall Events HOLIDAY HILL D.A.D. GOYA EVENT– SATURDAY 11am-7pm, Prospect, CT September 19 Please see Insert for more information GOYA MEETING DATES - MONDAYS 7:00pm at Holy Trinity October 5 (GOYA & GOYA Parents) November 2 December 7 GOYA “LET’S GET COOKING” DATES - 3rd MONDAY of the Month In the Church Kitchen 6:30pm to 8:30pm October 19 November 16 December 14 GOYA LOCK IN – FRIDAY-SATURDAY More information to follow GOYA NYC WALK More information to follow Contact Felicia with any questions at or Holy Trinity Greek Afternoon School 10 Mill Road, New Rochelle, NY 10804 GREEK SCHOOL REGISTRATION INFO Registration must be completed by September 18th either by mail or in person during office hours 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. (Office closed for lunch between 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.) First Day of Classes; Tuesday, September 22, 2015 Classes meet on Tuesdays and Fridays from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Registration fees are $65 per child for members and $80 per child for non-members. Tuition for the school year 2015-2016 is as follows: Parish Members: Non Members: First child: $580 $840 Second child: $450 $475 Each additional child: $355 $355 Members - $65 per child ╬ Non-Members - $80 per child HOLY TRINITY GREEK AFTERNOON SCHOOL PTA The Greek School is devoting to developing literacy and fluency in the Greek Language and to cultivating knowledge and understanding of Greek cultures and traditions. The PTA’s role is to enhance and support the Greek School’s mission through volunteering and fundraising events. To enable the Greek School to begin operations on solid footing, we are now collecting $30.00 per family-membership dues for the present school year. Don’t get frightened and think you have to come to meetings every month! We only have two to three meetings the entire year. One for elections and the other two are general meetings. Kindly fill out the information and membership form below and have a cash payment or check made payable to “Holy Trinity Greek School PTA”, as you register your child/ children to Greek School this year. It will make the start to the school year run smoothly. HOLY TRINITY GREEK SCHOOL PTA DUES $30.00 To download the PTA form, please go to our website 2015-2016 Greek School Registration Form 1. Registration Form for Students of Pre-Kindergarten through Regents Level 2. EARLY REGISTRATION will take place May 4th to June 29th – during office hours 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Please note: Office is closed between 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. Call office before you come in to register. 3. Classes meet promptly on Tuesday and Fridays, from 5:00 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. 4. Remember: Your “Stewardship” must be current for 2015 in order to register your child. Student’s Name: English: __________________________________ Grade______ Greek: ___________________________________ Student’s Date of Birth ______________________ Student’s Social Security Number: _______________________________________ Second Student’s Name: English: __________________________________Grade_______ Greek: ___________________________________ Student’s Date of Birth______________________ Student’s Social Security Number: _______________________________________ (For Graduating Class Only) Home Address: ______________________________________________________ House number, Street, City, State, Zip Code Phone: Home: _________________________ E-mail Address: ______________ Business: Mother: ________________ Mother’s Cell Phone: _________________ Business: Father: _________________ Father’s Cell Phone: __________________ Parent’s Names: ______________________________________________________ ____ I wish to serve as a classroom volunteer. Church Membership Number: ________ Registration Fee: (Amount) _______ for ______ students. Registration paid on: ________________ (X) by ___ check number ________________ Amount on check __________________ (X) by ___ cash Amount paid: ________________ (x) by ___ credit card Amount paid: __________ Holy Trinity Greek Afternoon School 10 Mill Road, New Rochelle, NY 10804 _________________ (date) Dear Holy Trinity, We have enrolled our child/children in the Greek Afternoon School Program for the School Year 20__ to 20__. We are paying our Registration today. We will be paying our Tuition as follows; ___ Registration only $_______ ___ Full Payment at Registration $_______ ___ Half payment at Registration and Half Payment on January 15th $ _______ ___ One Quarter Payment at Registration One Quarter on Nov. 15th One Quarter on January 15th Final Payment on March 15th $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ PLEASE NOTE: 1. No refunds will be made after the first two (2) weeks of Greek School. ____ (Parent’s Initials) 2. A student will not receive a Certificate of Promotion or Graduation Diploma, if tuition is not paid in full by May 31st.____ (Parent’s Initials) ___ Credit Card ____________________________________ Exp. date ___________ I give my permission to charge Greek School tuition on the above stated due dates.___________________________ _____________________________ Parish Representative ________________________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian SUNDAY SCHOOL REGISTRATION 2015-2016 For we walk by Faith. 11 Corinthians 5:7 Please fill in the form below and return it to the church office by Sunday, September 20. SUNDAY SCHOOL BEGINS ON SEPTEMBER 20, 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Date ____________________ NAME OF STUDENT 1) __________________________________________________ Last First Middle Date of Birth __________ Age _____ Grade _______________ Public _________________ Previous Sunday School Year 2) __________________________________________________ Last First Middle Date of Birth __________ Age _____ Grade _________________ ______________ Public Previous Sunday School Year 3) ___________________________________________________ Last First Middle Date of Birth __________ Age _____ Grade __________________ Public _______________ Previous Sunday School Year ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Code HOME TELEPHONE _____________________ WORK #_____________________ PARENTS’ CELL 1) ________________________ 2) _______________________ PARENTS’ EMAIL 1)________________________ 2)________________________ PARENTS’ NAMES ______________________ Father ___________________________ Mother THE REGISTRATION FEE TO PARTIALLY COVER THE COST OF BOOKS AND OTHER MATERIAL IS: ONE CHILD ………………...$30 TWO CHILDREN ………$50 THREE CHILDREN ……$60 ALLERGIES/CONCERNS: Westchester County Greek Youth Orchestra invites you to audition The Westchester County Greek Youth Orchestra would like to gather talented young musicians in the Greek Orthodox community. Together we will explore different genres of music such as Greek, Classical, Broadway and Film music. This will be a great opportunity to showcase the musical talent of the younger members of the community and have it be enjoyed by the community as a whole with performances during holidays and special occasions. The orchestra will rehears once a week and run from September 2015 to June 2016. We are accepting all instruments and auditions will be held on September 1st & 2nd. HOLY TRINITY GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH Invites you to our 87th Annual Dinner Dance SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22ND AT 5:30 P.M. ·THE FOUNTAINHEAD · NEW ROCHELLE · NEW YORK 2015 YEAR AT A GLANCE: MINISTRIES OF THE PARISH 2016 NEW ROCHELLE – COOKING FOR HOPE – We cook in our kitchen once a month and provide a delicious hot meal to the young and old who depend on HOPE for a hot meal. Our cooking dates for 2016 are Jan 14, Feb 11, March 10, April 7, May 12, June 9. NEW ROCHELLE COMMUNITY FOOD DRIVE – Starting on September 27, we will start collecting food donations for Hope Community Services where those in need can pick up a bag of food. Your donations of staples such as rice, canned tuna, peanut butter, breakfast cereal, canned vegetables and pasta are always in great need and help provide a meal for an individual or family who would otherwise go hungry. A drop off bin is located outside the Church office. MANHATTAN HOMELESS OUTREACH – We serve homemade food, provide clothing, shoes and toiletries, along with conversation and compassion, to 125 homeless on the sidewalk of 33rd Street in Manhattan once a month during our “soup run”. Your donations of seasonal clothing, new men’s underwear and toiletry items are welcome. Our next soup runs are on Aug. 27, Sept. 24, Oct. 29, Nov. 19, Dec. 17, Jan. 28, Feb. 25, March 31, April 21, May 26, June 30. and we meet in the Church kitchen at 6:30 p.m. Contact Despina Kartson (; 914.779.5543/917.603/7854) or Maria Scaros-Mercado (; 203.531.5500/ 203.743.1819) if you would like to join us, have questions or would like to sponsor a soup run for $150. MIDNIGHT RUN – Dates TBD KNITTING FOR CHARITY- Please join us on the following Wednesdays, Sept. 30, Oct. 28, Nov. 18, Jan. 27, Feb. 24, March 30, April 20, May 25 & June 29 at 7:00pm. Contact Anthoula DeKnatel with any questions or 914-7236285. AHEPA Please join our men’s group on Sept. 23, Oct. 22 Nov.17, Dec.10, Jan. 21, Feb 18, March 17, April 14, May 19, June 16 at 7:30pm in our social hall to promote friendship in brotherhood. YOUNG AT HEART - promotes a happy and friendly environment for our seniors through monthly meetings and travel trips. Join us on Thursday, Oct. 1, Nov. 5, and Dec. 10. Contact Cleo at 914-686-3005 for more Info. THE PHILOPTOCHOS BOOK GROUP will meet on the following Thursdays; Sept. 17, Oct 22, Nov. 19, Jan. 21, Feb. 25, March 17, April 14, May 19, June 16 at 7:30pm. GREEK ORTHODOX LADIES PHILOPTOCHOS SOCIETY- GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Thursday, October 15th at 7:00pm— The Ladies Philoptochos Board would like to say Welcome to a new year! Join us for cocktails and mezedakia. Everyone is invited, bring a friend, meet new friends and re-connect with old friends. Join us for our first General Membership meeting of the season and find out what’s happening this year! Holy Trinity Sacrament & Social Calendar AUGUST Saturday, August 22nd 10:00 a.m. Baptism – Child of Gregory C. & Cheryl Apostle SEPTEMBER THURSDAY-SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10-13TH HOLY TRINITY FESTIVAL th Saturday, September 5 3:00 p.m. Wedding – Cameron Mengel & Anna Antoniou OCTOBER Saturday, October 3rd 4:00 p.m. Wedding – Joseph Aceto & Alexandra Doupis NOVEMBER Sunday, November 8th 12:30 p.m. Baptism – Child of Fr. Sotirios & Pres. Oana Baroody st Saturday, November 21 12 Noon Baptism – Child of John & Alexandra Karpathios Sunday, November 22nd 5:30 p.m. 87th Annual Dinner Dance at FountainHead Saturday, November 28th 4:00 p.m. Wedding – Michael Omanoff & Julia Maxwell DECEMBER Saturday, December 12th 3:30 p.m. Wedding – Dominic Sciame & Gena Skoufalos MAY Saturday, May 7th Friday, May 13th 2016 5:00 p.m. Wedding – Dean Graf & Justine Brisacone 4:00 p.m. Wedding – Rocco Aloe & Lorin Richardson JUNE Sunday, June 26th 1:30 p.m. Wedding – Claud Cornetti & Eugenia Gorea JULY July 2nd 2017 3:00 p.m. Wedding – Anthony Berni & Helen Canaras New Members Alexander Gregory Marianna Gregory Semelia Trikedes Donations Soterios Tzourellas Nicholas L. Dimopulo Anastasios Lazarakis – Easter Mageritsa Fr. John & Presv. Melissa Mamangakis Taddeo Foundation - (Toward the Restoration of the Pantocrator) Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Zervoglos Holy Trinity Sacraments Baptisms June 7th June 13th June 20th The son of Mario and Sophia Piccolino was baptized and named John Philip by his godparents, George and Christina Tsesmelis. The daughter of Craig and Despina Molson was baptized and named Zoe Panayiota by her godparents, Harry and Thalia Georgiou. The son of Albert and Stephanie Jenicek was baptized and named Alexander George by his godparents, John Livanos and Nicole Livanos The son of Alexander and Roxana Soures was baptized and named Samuel Armando by his godparents Nicholas and Adamandia Zervoglos. The son of Christian and Joanna Berczely was baptized and named Dean Michel by his godparents John and Alexandra Karpathios. The son of Constantine and Ismini Dimopoulos was baptized and named William James by his godparents John and Elena Tsolomitis. Na Sas Zisoun Weddings June 27th June 28th July 2nd July 11th July 23rd The marriage of Peter George and Christina Kyriakos was blessed with Melanie Graf as sponsor. The marriage of Peter Lerchen and Cristina Skamangas was blessed with Georgia Dyer as sponsor. The marriage of Patrick Poats and Katy Byron was blessed with Stella Los Paiz as sponsor. The marriage of Chris Zervoudis and Eleni Pappas was blessed with Vasili Tziolis as sponsor. The marriage of Ronald Latz and Ariana Baudouin was blessed with Christina Poulos as sponsor. Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Brides & Grooms Holy Trinity Funerals June 19 June 20th June 20th July 9th th Spyro George Andreas Spanakis Nick Spyreas Vasiliki Yancopoulos May Their Souls Rest in Peace Spiro George Mary C. Metaxatos Memorial Donations Emily Resvanis – (Toward the Restoration of the Pantocrator) Georgette Loizou Nick Spyreas Stavroula Spyreas Vassiliki Yancopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Halpin-Healy Please support our 2015 Sponsors (914) 498-4675 Please support our 2015 Sponsors YARANUSH MEDITERRANEAN FOODS IMPORTED GREEK SPECIALTIES 322 CENTRAL AVENUE, WHITE PLAINS, NY 10606 914 682 8449 WWW.YARANUSH.COM Please support our 2015 Sponsors SUNNY the CLOWN (914) 715-7329 PARTIES & SPECIAL EVENTS BIG FUN FOR EVERYONE! Member of Holy Trinity · Puppets · Clown Magic · · Face Painting · Glitter Tattoos · · Balloon Sculpture · · Group Dancing · · Games & Activities · Mention this add for a special rate Serving Holy Trinity Church and Westchester County for ALL pest control needs. Family owned & operated Please support our 2015 Sponsors