þÿPowersFasteners®Bang-It(tm)and Wood-Knocker(tm)-
þÿPowersFasteners®Bang-It(tm)and Wood-Knocker(tm)-
Product Submittal/Substitution Request TO: PROJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: SPECIFIED ITEM: Section Page Paragraph Description P R O D U C T S U B M I T TA L / S U B S T I T U T I O N R E Q U E S T E D : Powers Fasteners® Bang-It(tm) and Wood-Knocker(tm) - The attached submittal package includes the product description, specifications, drawings, and performance data for use in the evaluation of the request. S U B M I T T E D B Y: Name: Signature: Company: Address: Date: Telephone: Fax: FOR USE BY THE ARCHITECT AND/OR ENGINEER ■ Approved ■ Approved as Noted ■ Not Approved (If not approved, please briefly explain why the product was not accepted.) By: Date: Remarks: Questions or inquiries? Contact us at engineering@powers.com, or call 1.800.524.3244 1 ©2015 Powers Fasteners Table of Contents Powers Fasteners® Bang-It(tm) and Wood-Knocker(tm) Submittal Section: Product Pages: - General Information - Installation Instructions - Design Tables - Ordering Information Code Reports & Agency Listings: - ICC-ES Approval: ESR-3657 (For Cracked And Uncracked Concrete) Offline version available for download at www.powersdesignassist.com. Powers Fasteners developed the Powers Design Assist (PDA) anchor software to enable users to input technical data into a dynamic model environment-to visualize, consider, and specify anchors in today's changing engineering climate. For a demonstration of the latest version of PDA, contact us at www.powers.com or call (800) 524-3244. 2 General Information Mechanical Anchors Section contents General Information Bang-It /Wood-Knocker ™ ™ Concrete Inserts Product Description Bang-It and Wood-Knocker concrete inserts are specifically designed to provide hangar attachments for mechanical, electrical, plumbing (MEP) and fire protection. Bang-It concrete inserts are designed for installation in and through composite steel deck (i.e. “pan-deck”) used to support newly poured concrete floors or roof slabs. General Information.......................1 Anchor Materials............................1 Material Specifications..................2 Installation Instructions.................2 Installation Specifications.............3 Reference Data (ASD).....................4 Strength Design (SD)......................6 Ordering Information...................11 After installation, the protective sleeve of the insert protrudes below the surface of the deck. The sleeves are color coded by size and allow overhead attachment of steel threaded rod in sizes ranging from 1/4" to 3/4" in diameter. The sleeve prevents sprayed fireproofing material and acoustical dampening products from clogging the internal threads of the insert. It also prevents burying, masking or losing the insert location. A hex impact plate offers resistance to rotation within the concrete as a steel threaded rod is being installed. Wood-Knocker concrete inserts are installed onto wooden forms used to support newly poured concrete floor slabs, roof slabs or walls. Bang-It Steel Deck Insert When the forms are stripped, the color-coded flange is visibly embedded in the concrete surface. The inserts allow the attachment of steel threaded rod or threaded bolts in sizes ranging from 1/4" to 3/4" in diameter. The hex impact plate offers resistance to rotation within the concrete as a steel threaded rod or threaded bolt is being installed. General Applications And Uses • Normal-Weight Concrete • Lightweight Concrete ION ZO IC REG N CON C N A LIF I O ED QU K SM IO NS NE CSI Divisions: 03 15 19 - Cast-In Concrete Anchors and 03 16 00 - Concrete Anchors. Concrete inserts shall be Bang-It and/or Wood-Knocker as supplied by Powers Fasteners, Inc., Brewster, NY. Suitable Base Materials C Guide Specifications • 1/4" to 3/4" threaded rod for Bang-It Concrete Inserts • 1/4" to 3/4" threaded rod for Wood-Knocker Concrete Inserts CRA TECH MANUAL – Mechanical Anchors ©2015 POWERS Volume 1 – rev. e 1 • International Code Council, Evaluation Service (ICC-ES), ESR-3657 for concrete. Approved for seismic and wind loading (all diameters) • Code compliant with the 2012 IBC, 2012 IRC, 2009 IBC, 2009 IRC, 2006 IBC and 2006 IRC • Tested in accordance with ASTM E 488 and ICC-ES AC446 for use in concrete under the design provisions of ACI 318 (Strength Design method) • Evaluated and qualified by an accredited independent testing laboratory for recognition in cracked and uncracked concrete • Underwriters Laboratories (UL Listed) - File No. EX1289, see listing for sizes. Also UL listed and recognized for use in air handling spaces. • FM Approvals (Factory Mutual) – File No. J.I. 3015153 Rod/Anchor Size Range (TYP.) I Approvals And Listings • Carbon Steel and Engineered Plastic SE ++ Fast and simple to install, low installed cost ++ Color coded by size for simple identification ++ Bang-It can be installed in lower flute of steel deck as little as 1.5" topping thickness (see details) ++ Wood-Knocker can be installed in wood form pours only 3.5" thick ++ Hex head does not rotate when set ++ Insert design allows for full thread engagement ++ All sizes suitable for tension and shear loading Anchor Materials TE Features And Benefits Wood-Knocker Wood Form Insert RE • Mechanical Unit Overhead Utilities • Conduit and Lighting System • Seismic Loading and Cracked Concrete TE • Hanging Pipe and Sprinkler Systems • HVAC Ductwork and Strut Channels • Suspending Trapeze and Cable Trays ICAT Code listed ICC-ES ESR-3657 Concrete This Product Available In ® Powers Design Assist Real-Time Anchor Design Software www.powersdesignassist.com www.powers.com 3 Material Specifications Bang-It Wood-Knocker Anchor Component Component Material Anchor Component Component Material Insert Body Flange Spring Protective Sleeve AISI 1008 Carbon Steel or equivalent AISI 1008 Carbon Steel or equivalent Steel Music Wire Engineered Plastic ASTM B 633 (Fe/Zn5) Min. Plating requirements for Mild Service Condition Insert Body Flange AISI 1008 Carbon Steel or equivalent Engineered Plastic ASTM B 633 (Fe/Zn5) Min. plating requirements for mild service condition Zinc Plating Zinc Plating Material Properties for Threaded Rod Steel Description Steel Specification (ASTM) Rod Diameter (inch) Minimum Yield Strength, fy (ksi) Minimum Ultimate Strength, fu (ksi) Standard carbon rod High strength carbon rod A 36 or A 307, Grade C A 193, Grade B7 1/4 to 3/4 1/4 to 3/4 36.0 105.0 58.0 125.0 Mechanical Anchors Material Specifications Allowable Steel Strength for Threaded Rod Allowable Tension Allowable Shear Anchor Diameter d in. (mm) Nominal Area of Rod in.2 (mm2) ASTM A36 lbs. (kN) ASTM A307 Grade C lbs. (kN) ASTM A193 Grade B7 lbs. (kN) ASTM A36 lbs. (kN) ASTM A307 Grade C lbs. (kN) ASTM A193 Grade B7 lbs. (kN) 1/4 (6.4) 3/8 (9.5) 1/2 (12.7) 5/8 (15.9) 3/4 (19.1) 0.0491 (1.2) 0.1104 (2.8) 0.1963 (5.0) 0.3068 (7.8) 0.4418 (11.2) 940 (4.2) 2,115 (9.5) 3,755 (16.9) 5,870 (26.4) 8,455 (38.0) 940 (4.2) 2,115 (9.5) 3,755 (16.9) 5,870 (26.4) 8,455 (38.0) 2,160 (9.7) 4,375 (19.7) 7,775 (35.0) 12,150 (54.7) 17,495 (78.7) 485 (2.2) 1,090 (4.9) 1,940 (8.7) 3,025 (13.6) 4,355 (19.6) 485 (2.2) 1,090 (4.9) 1,940 (8.7) 3,025 (13.6) 4,355 (19.6) 1,030 (4.6) 2,255 (10.1) 4,055 (18.2) 6,260 (28.2) 9,010 (40.5) 1. Allowable tension = fu (Anom) (0.33); Allowable shear = fu (Anom) (0.17) Installation Instructions Create Hole Position Prepare Attach Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Cut (e.g. drill/punch) a hole in the steel deck to the hole size required by the insert. Place the plastic sleeve of the insert through hole in steel deck. Step on or impact the insert head to engage. Optionally, base plate of insert can also be screwed to steel deck. After concrete has reached design strength, install threaded steel element (rod/bolt) into the insert. Trim away for shear load application and attach fixture as applicable (e.g. seismic brace). Installation Instructions for Wood-Knocker Position Drive Prepare Attach Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Position insert on formwork nails down. Drive insert down until flush with the form. After formwork removal, remove nails as necessary (e.g. flush mounted fixtures). After concrete has reached design strength, install threaded steel element (rod/bolt) into the insert or attach fixture as applicable (e.g. seismic brace). 4 www.powers.com TECH MANUAL – Mechanical Anchors ©2015 POWERS Volume 1 – rev. e Installation Instructions for Bang-It 2 Material Specifications Bang-It Wood-Knocker Anchor Component Component Material Anchor Component Component Material Insert Body Flange Spring Protective Sleeve AISI 1008 Carbon Steel or equivalent AISI 1008 Carbon Steel or equivalent Steel Music Wire Engineered Plastic ASTM B 633 (Fe/Zn5) Min. Plating requirements for Mild Service Condition Insert Body Flange AISI 1008 Carbon Steel or equivalent Engineered Plastic ASTM B 633 (Fe/Zn5) Min. plating requirements for mild service condition Zinc Plating Zinc Plating Material Properties for Threaded Rod Steel Description Steel Specification (ASTM) Rod Diameter (inch) Minimum Yield Strength, fy (ksi) Minimum Ultimate Strength, fu (ksi) Standard carbon rod High strength carbon rod A 36 or A 307, Grade C A 193, Grade B7 1/4 to 3/4 1/4 to 3/4 36.0 105.0 58.0 125.0 Mechanical Anchors Material Specifications Allowable Steel Strength for Threaded Rod Allowable Tension Allowable Shear Anchor Diameter d in. (mm) Nominal Area of Rod in.2 (mm2) ASTM A36 lbs. (kN) ASTM A307 Grade C lbs. (kN) ASTM A193 Grade B7 lbs. (kN) ASTM A36 lbs. (kN) ASTM A307 Grade C lbs. (kN) ASTM A193 Grade B7 lbs. (kN) 1/4 (6.4) 3/8 (9.5) 1/2 (12.7) 5/8 (15.9) 3/4 (19.1) 0.0491 (1.2) 0.1104 (2.8) 0.1963 (5.0) 0.3068 (7.8) 0.4418 (11.2) 940 (4.2) 2,115 (9.5) 3,755 (16.9) 5,870 (26.4) 8,455 (38.0) 940 (4.2) 2,115 (9.5) 3,755 (16.9) 5,870 (26.4) 8,455 (38.0) 2,160 (9.7) 4,375 (19.7) 7,775 (35.0) 12,150 (54.7) 17,495 (78.7) 485 (2.2) 1,090 (4.9) 1,940 (8.7) 3,025 (13.6) 4,355 (19.6) 485 (2.2) 1,090 (4.9) 1,940 (8.7) 3,025 (13.6) 4,355 (19.6) 1,030 (4.6) 2,255 (10.1) 4,055 (18.2) 6,260 (28.2) 9,010 (40.5) 1. Allowable tension = fu (Anom) (0.33); Allowable shear = fu (Anom) (0.17) Installation Instructions Create Hole Position Prepare Attach Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Cut (e.g. drill/punch) a hole in the steel deck to the hole size required by the insert. Place the plastic sleeve of the insert through hole in steel deck. Step on or impact the insert head to engage. Optionally, base plate of insert can also be screwed to steel deck. After concrete has reached design strength, install threaded steel element (rod/bolt) into the insert. Trim away for shear load application and attach fixture as applicable (e.g. seismic brace). Installation Instructions for Wood-Knocker Position Drive Prepare Attach Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Position insert on formwork nails down. Drive insert down until flush with the form. After formwork removal, remove nails as necessary (e.g. flush mounted fixtures). After concrete has reached design strength, install threaded steel element (rod/bolt) into the insert or attach fixture as applicable (e.g. seismic brace). 5 www.powers.com TECH MANUAL – Mechanical Anchors ©2015 POWERS Volume 1 – rev. e Installation Instructions for Bang-It 2 Installation Specifications Mechanical Anchors Installation Specifications Wood-Knocker Cast-In-Place Inserts for Form Pour Concrete Bang-It Cast-In-Place Inserts for Concrete Filled Steel Deck Floor and Roof Assemblies 1.50" 1.50" WOOD KNOCKER Head Plate φ1.50" A WOOD KNOCKER Thread Size Marking Internal Thread 1/4", 3/8", or 1/2" 2.0 φ1.75" BANG-IT Head Plate φ1.50" A Thread Size Marking Internal Thread 1/4", 3/8", or 1/2" 2.0 Internal Thread 5/8" or 3/4" Thread Size Marking BANG-IT φ1.75" Thread Size Marking Internal Thread 5/8" or 3/4" Base Plate Plastic Sleeve A Nail A SECTION A-A SECTION A-A SECTION A-A SECTION A-A Plastic Sleeve tsh Bang-It Dimension Notation Metal Hole Saw Diameter (in.) Metal Hole Saw Drilling Speed (rpm) Height of Spring (in.) Insert Thread Length (in.) Length of Sleeve (in.) Thread Size, UNC Overall Length (in.) Steel Flange Thickness (in.) dbit hs ℓsl ℓ tsh Nominal Rod/Anchor Size 1/4" 3/8" 700-900 1-7/8 3/8 3-3/8 1/4-20 5-7/16 1/8 13/16 or 7/8 700-900 1-7/8 5/8 3-3/8 3-3/8 5-7/16 1/8 1/2" 700-900 1-7/8 11/16 3-3/8 1/2-13 5-7/16 1/8 5/8" 3/4" hs 1-3/16 or 1-1/4 500-700 500-700 1-7/8 1-7/8 15/16 1-1/8 3-3/8 3-3/8 5/8-11 3/4-10 5-7/16 5-7/16 1/8 1/8 ℓ ℓsl tsh Wood-Knocker Dimension Insert Thread Length (in.) Plastic Flange Dia. (in.) Plastic Flange Thickness (in.) Thread Size, UNC Overall Length (in.) Break-Off Nail Length (in.) Steel Flange Thickness (in.) Notation dpf ℓ ℓn tsh Nominal Rod/Anchor Size 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 3/8 1-3/8 7/64 1/4-20 2 3/4 1/8 5/8 1-3/8 7/64 3/8-16 2 3/4 1/8 11/16 1-3/8 7/64 1/2-13 2 3/4 1/8 15/16 1-5/8 7/64 5/8-11 2 3/4 1/8 1-1/8 1-5/8 7/64 3/4-10 2 3/4 1/8 dpf TECH MANUAL – Mechanical Anchors ©2015 POWERS Volume 1 – rev. e 3 www.powers.com 6 Reference Data (ASD) Ultimate and Allowable Load Capacities for Bang-It Inserts Installed in Sand-Lightweight Concrete or Nominal Weight over Steel Deck1,2,3 Rod/Insert Diameter d in. (mm) Nominal Embedment Depth hv in. (mm) 1/4 (6.4) 2 (50.8) 3/8 (9.5) 2 (50.8) 1/2 (12.7) 2 (50.8) 5/8 (15.9) 2 (50.8) 3/4 (19.1) 2 (50.8) f´c ≥ 3,000 psi (20.7 MPa) Flute Location in Deck Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Insert Spacing in. (mm) End Distance in. (mm) 6 (152) 6 (152) 6 (152) 6 (152) 6 (152) 6 (152) 6 (152) 6 (152) 6 (152) 6 (152) Ultimate Load 6 (152) 6 (152) Allowable Load Tension lbs. (kN) Shear lbs. (kN) Tension lbs. (kN) Shear lbs. (kN) 4,450 (20.0) 3,320 (14.9) 5,750 (25.9) 3,320 (14.9) 7,110 (32.0) 3,320 (14.9) 8,810 (39.6) 3,960 (17.8) 8,810 (39.6) 3,960 (17.8) 2,500 (11.3) 2,500 (11.3) 3,350 (15.1) 3,350 (15.1) 3,350 (15.1) 3,350 (15.1) 3,350 (15.1) 3,350 (15.1) 3,350 (15.1) 3,350 (15.1) 1,115 (5.0) 830 (3.7) 1,915 (8.6) 830 (3.7) 2,370 (10.7) 830 (3.7) 2,935 (13.2) 990 (4.5) 2,935 (13.2) 990 (4.5) 835 (3.8) 625 (2.8) 1,115 (5.0) 840 (3.8) 1,115 (5.0) 840 (3.8) 1,115 (5.0) 840 (3.8) 1,115 (5.0) 840 (3.8) Mechanical Anchors Reference Data (ASD) 1. Allowable load capacities listed are calculated using an applied safety factor of 3.0 for installations in the upper flute and 4.0 for installations in the lower flute. 2. The allowable working load must be the lesser of the insert capacity or the steel strength of the threaded rod. 3. For 1/4", 3/8" and 1/2" Bang-It Inserts: The allowable tension load for a single insert installed in the upper flute must be adjusted as follows for spacing less than 6 inches. When the insert are spaced 2" center-to-center across the flute the insert tension capacity must be reduced by 40 percent. When the insert are spaced 2" center-to-center along the flute the insert tension capacity must be reduced by 50 percent. The allowable tension load for a single insert installed into the lower flute must be adjusted as follows for spacing less than 6 inches. When the insert are spaced 2" center-to-center across the flute the insert tension capacity must be reduced by 30 percent. When the insert are spaced 2" center-to-center along the flute the insert tension capacity must be reduced by 35 percent. SAND-LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE OR NORMAL WEIGHT CONCRETE OVER STEEL DECK (MINIMUM 3,000 PSI) Upper Flute (Valley) 2" Clearance Min. 3" Steel Protective Sleeve Lower Flute (Ridge) Deck No. 20 Gage Min. TECH MANUAL – Mechanical Anchors ©2015 POWERS Volume 1 – rev. e Min. 3" Bang-It Insert (Typ) Threaded Rod (Typ) Min. 1" Min. 1" 7 www.powers.com 4 Reference Data (ASD) Mechanical Anchors Ultimate and Allowable Load Capacities for Wood-Knocker Inserts Installed in Normal-Weight Concrete1,2,3 Minimum Concrete Compressive Strength (f´c) Rod/Insert Diameter d in. (mm) Nominal Embedment Depth hv in. (mm) Insert Spacing in. (mm) End Distance in. (mm) 1/4 (6.4) 3/8 (9.5) 1/2 (12.7) 5/8 (15.9) 3/4 (19.1) 2 (50.8) 2 (50.8) 2 (50.8) 2 (50.8) 2 (50.8) 6 (152) 6 (152) 6 (152) 6 (152) 6 (152) 6 (152) 6 (152) 6 (152) 6 (152) 6 (152) 3,000 psi (20.7 MPa) Ultimate Load 4,500 psi (31.1 MPa) Allowable Load Ultimate Load Allowable Load Tension lbs. (kN) Shear lbs. (kN) Tension lbs. (kN) Shear lbs. (kN) Tension lbs. (kN) Shear lbs. (kN) Tension lbs. (kN) Shear lbs. (kN) 3,720 (16.7) 4,820 (21.7) 4,820 (21.7) 4,650 (20.9) 4,650 (20.9) 1,490 (6.9) 5,330 (24.0) 7,400 (33.3) 11,360 (51.1) 11,360 (51.1) 1,240 (5.6) 1,605 (7.2) 1,605 (7.2) 1,550 (7.0) 1,550 (7.0) 495 (2.2) 1,775 (8.0) 2,465 (11.1) 3,785 (17.0) 3,785 (17.0) 4,250 (19.1) 7,190 (32.4) 7,190 (32.4) 8,440 (38.0) 7,350 (33.1) 1,610 (7.2) 5,620 (25.3) 8,590 (38.7) 13,010 (58.3) 14,590 (65.9) 1,415 (6.4) 2,395 (10.8) 2,395 (10.8) 2,815 (12.7) 2,450 (11.0) 535 (2.4) 1,875 (8.4) 2,865 (12.9) 4,335 (19.5) 4,865 (21.9) 1. Allowable load capacities listed are calculated using an applied safety factor of 3.0. 2. The allowable working load must be the lesser of the insert capacity or the steel strength of the threaded rod. 3. Linear interpolation may be used to determine ultimate loads for intermediate compressive strengths. Ultimate and Allowable Load Capacities for Wood-Knocker Inserts Installed in Sand-Lightweight Concrete or Normal-Weight Concrete1,2 f´c ≥ 3,000 psi (20.7 MPa) Rod/Insert Diameter d in. (mm) Nominal Embedment Depth hv in. (mm) Insert Spacing in. (mm) End Distance in. (mm) 1/4 (6.4) 3/8 (9.5) 1/2 (12.7) 5/8 (15.9) 3/4 (19.1) 2 (50.8) 2 (50.8) 2 (50.8) 2 (50.8) 2 (50.8) 6 (152) 6 (152) 6 (152) 6 (152) 6 (152) 6 (152) 6 (152) 6 (152) 6 (152) 6 (152) Ultimate Load Allowable Load Tension lbs. (kN) Shear lbs. (kN) Tension lbs. (kN) Shear lbs. (kN) 3,570 (15.9) 4,270 (19.2) 4,270 (19.2) 4,600 (20.7) 4,600 (20.7) 1,380 (6.1) 5,280 (23.8) 7,180 (32.3) 7,590 (34.2) 7,590 (34.2) 1,190 (5.3) 1,425 (6.4) 1,425 (6.4) 1,535 (6.9) 1,535 (6.9) 460 (2.0) 1,760 (7.9) 2,395 (10.8) 2,530 (11.4) 2,530 (11.4) 1. Allowable load capacities listed are calculated using an applied safety factor of 3.0. 2. The allowable working load must be the lesser of the insert capacity or the steel strength of the threaded rod. 6" 6" 2" Min. 3-1/4" TECH MANUAL – Mechanical Anchors ©2015 POWERS Volume 1 – rev. e 5 Wood-Knocker Insert (Typ) Threaded Rod (Typ) www.powers.com 8 Strength Design (SD) Wood-Knocker Insert Design Information1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Design Information Symbol Insert O.D. da (do) Insert head net bearing area Abrg Effective embedment depth hef Minimum member thickness hmin Effectiveness factor for cracked concrete kc Modification factor for tension strength in uncracked concrete Nominal tension strength of single insert in tension as governed by steel strength Nominal seismic tension strength of single insert in tension as governed by steel strength Nominal steel shear strength of single insert ΨC,N Nsa,insert Nsa,insert,eq Vsa,insert Nominal steel shear strength of single insert for seismic loading Vsa,insert,eq Units 1/4-inch 3/8-inch 1/2-inch 5/8-inch 3/4-inch in. (mm) in2 (mm2) in. (mm) 0.7 (18) 1.20 (762) 1.75 (45) 3.5 (89) 24 (10) 1.25 10,270 (45.7) 10,270 (45.7) 10,550 (47.0) 10,550 (47.0) 0.7 (18) 1.20 (762) 1.75 (45) 3.5 (89) 24 (10) 1.25 10,270 (45.7) 10,270 (45.7) 10,550 (47.0) 10,550 (47.0) 0.7 (18) 1.20 (762) 1.75 (45) 3.5 (89) 24 (10) 1.25 9,005 (40.1) 9,005 (40.1) 10,550 (47.0) 10,550 (47.0) 1.0 (25) 1.30 (839) 1.75 (45) 3.5 (89) 24 (10) 1.25 12,685 (56.4) 12,685 (56.4) 9,075 (40.4) 9,075 (40.4) 1.0 (25) 1.30 (839) 1.75 (45) 3.5 (89) 24 (10) 1.25 13,370 (59.5) 13,370 (59.5) 9,075 (40.4) 9,075 (40.4) (SI) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) Mechanical Anchors Strength Design (SD) For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 inch = 635 mm , 1 pound = 0.00445 kN, 1 psi = 0.006895 MPa. For pound-inch unit: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches. 1. Concrete must have a compressive strength f'c of 2,500 psi minimum. 2. Design of headed cast-in specialty inserts shall be in accordance with the provisions of ACI 318 Appendix D for cast-in headed anchors. 3. Strength reduction factors for the inserts shall be taken from ACI 318-11 D.4.3 for cast-in headed anchors. Strength reduction factors for load combinations in accordance with ACI 318 Section 9.2 governed by steel strength of the insert shall be taken as 0.65 for tension and 0.60 for shear; values correspond to brittle steel elements. The value of φ applies when the load combinations of Section 1605.2 of the IBC or ACI 318 Section 9.2 are used in accordance with ACI 318 D.4.3. If the load combinations of ACI 318 Appendix C are used, the appropriate value of φ must be determined in accordance with ACI 318 D.4.4. 4. The concrete tension strength of headed cast-in specialty inserts shall be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 Appendix D. 5. Insert O.D. is the outside diameter of the headed insert body. 6. Minimum spacing distance between anchors and minimum edge distance for cast-in Wood-Knocker anchors shall be in accordance with ACI 318 D.8. 7. The strengths shown in the table are for inserts only. Design professional is responsible for checking threaded rod or bolt strength in tension, shear, and combined tension and shear, as applicable. See Steel Design Information table for common threaded rod elements. 2 2 Bang-It Insert Design Information1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 Symbol da (do) Insert head net bearing area Abrg Effective embedment depth hef Minimum member thickness Minimum spacing and edge distances Upper flute Lower flute Effectiveness factor for cracked concrete hmin smin, cmin smin, cmin kc Modification factor for tension strength in uncracked concrete Nominal tension strength of single insert in tension as governed by steel strength (4-1/2" W-Deck, B-Deck, 3-7/8" W-Deck) Nominal seismic tension strength of single insert in tension as governed by steel strength (4-1/2" W-Deck, B-Deck, 3-7/8" W-Deck) Nominal steel shear strength of single insert in the soffit of concrete on steel deck, (4-1/2" W-Deck) Nominal steel shear strength of single insert in the soffit of concrete on steel deck, for seismic loading, (4-1/2" W-Deck) Nominal steel shear strength of single insert in the soffit of concrete on steel deck, (B-Deck, 3-7/8" W-Deck) Nominal steel shear strength of single insert in the soffit of concrete on steel deck, for seismic loading, (B-Deck, 3-7/8" W-Deck) ΨC,N Nsa,insert Nsa,insert,eq Vsa,insert,deck Vsa,insert,deck,eq Vsa,insert,deck Vsa,insert,deck,eq Units 1/4-inch in. (mm) in2 (mm2) in. (mm) (SI) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) 0.7 (18) 1.20 (762) 1.75 (45) 24 (10) 1.25 10,440 (46.4) 10,440 (46.4) 2,280 (10.2) 2,280 (10.2) 2,080 (10.2) 2,080 (10.2) 3/8-inch 1/2-inch 5/8-inch 0.7 0.7 1.0 (18) (18) (25) 1.20 1.20 1.30 (762) (762) (839) 1.75 1.75 1.75 (45) (45) (45) See Deck Figures as applicable See ACI 318 Section D.8.1 and D.8.2 See Deck Figures as applicable 24 24 24 (10) (10) (10) 1.25 1.25 1.25 10,440 8,240 13,415 (46.4) (36.7) (59.7) 10,440 8,240 13,415 (46.4) (36.7) (59.7) 2,280 2,280 3,075 (10.2) (10.2) (13.7) 2,280 2,280 2,695 (10.2) (10.2) (12.0) 2,080 2,080 2,975 (10.2) (10.2) (13.2) 2,080 2,080 2,695 (10.2) (10.2) (12.0) 3/4-inch 1.0 (25) 1.30 (839) 1.75 (45) 24 (10) 1.25 11,985 (53.3) 11,985 (53.3) 3,075 (13.7) 2,695 (12.0) 2,975 (13.2) 2,695 (12.0) For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 inch = 635 mm , 1 pound = 4.45 N, 1 psi = 0.006895 MPa. For pound-inch unit: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches. 1. Concrete must have a compressive strength f'c of 2,500 psi minimum. 2. Design of headed cast-in specialty inserts shall be in accordance with the provisions of ACI 318 Appendix D for cast-in headed anchors. 3. Strength reduction factors for the inserts shall be taken from ACI 318-11 D.4.3 for cast-in headed anchors. Strength reduction factors for load combinations in accordance with ACI 318 Section 9.2 governed by steel strength of the insert shall be taken as 0.65 for tension and 0.60 for shear; values correspond to brittle steel elements. The value of φ applies when the load combinations of Section 1605.2 of the IBC or ACI 318 Section 9.2 are used in accordance with ACI 318 D.4.3. If the load combinations of ACI 318 Appendix C are used, the appropriate value of φ must be determined in accordance with ACI 318 D.4.4. 4. The concrete tension strength of headed cast-in specialty inserts in concrete filled steel deck assemblies shall be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 Appendix D and Deck Figures. 5. Insert O.D. is the outside diameter of the headed insert body. 6. Minimum spacing distance between anchors and minimum edge distances for cast-in Bang-It anchors shall be in accordance with Deck Figures, as applicable, and noted provisions. 7. The strengths shown in the table are for inserts only. Design professional is responsible for checking threaded rod strength in tension, shear, and combined tension and shear, as applicable. See Steel Design Information table for common threaded rod elements. 8. The tabulated insert strength values are applicable to installations in the lower flute or upper flute of the steel deck profiles; see Deck Figures. 2 2 9 www.powers.com TECH MANUAL – Mechanical Anchors ©2015 POWERS Volume 1 – rev. e Design Information Insert O.D. 6 Strength Design (SD) Mechanical Anchors Wood-Knocker Insert Installed in Soffit of Form Pour Concrete Floor and Roof Assemblies Normal Weight Concrete Or Lightweight Concrete (Minimum 2,500 PSI) Min. Thick hef Wood-Knocker Insert (Typ) Bang-It Inserts Installed in Soffit of Concrete Filled Steel Deck Floor and Roof Assemblies, 4-1/2 -inch W-Deck1,2,3,4 Sand-lightweight Concrete Or Normal Weight Concrete Over Steel Deck (Minimum 3,000 PSI) Min. Thick. Min. 12"(Typ) hef Min. 4-1/2" (Typ) Max. 3" Bang-It Insert (Typ) Min. 4-1/2" (Typ) Lower Flute (Ridge) Upper Flute (Valley) No. 22 Gauge Steel Deck Min. Min. 1-1/8" Flute Edge Bang-It Inserts Installed in Soffit of Concrete Filled Steel Deck Floor and Roof Assemblies, B-Deck1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Sand-lightweight Concrete Or Normal Weight Concrete Over Steel Deck (Minimum 3,000 PSI) 6" C.C. (Typ) Max. 3-1/2" (Typ) Min. 2-1/2" (Typ) Min. Thick hef 1-1/2" Bang-It Insert (Typ) Min. 1-3/4" (Typ) Upper Flute (Valley) Lower Flute (Ridge) Min. 3/4" No. 22 Gauge Steel Deck Min. Flute Edge Bang-It Inserts Installed in Soffit of Concrete Filled Steel Deck Floor and Roof Assemblies, 3-7/8 -inch W-Deck1,2,3,8 Sand-lightweight Concrete Or Normal Weight Concrete Over Steel Deck (Minimum 3,000 PSI) Min. Thick. Min. 12"(Typ) hef 3" TECH MANUAL – Mechanical Anchors ©2015 POWERS Volume 1 – rev. e 7 Min. 3-7/8" (Typ) Upper Flute (Valley) Bang-It Insert (Typ) Min. 3/4" Min. 3-7/8" (Typ) Lower Flute (Ridge) No. 22 Gauge Steel Deck Min. Flute Edge 1. Inserts may be placed in the upper flute or lower flute of the steel deck assembly. Inserts in the lower flute require a minimum 1.5” of concrete topping thickness (min. thick) from the top of the deck at the location of the installation. Upper flute installations require a minimum 3" topping thickness concrete (min. thick) from the top of the deck at the location of the installation. 2. Axial spacing for Bang-It inserts along the flute length shall be minimum 3hef. 3. Upper flute Bang-It inserts are not subject to steel deck dimension limitations, or the minimum steel deck gauge limitations. 4. Inserts in the lower flute of 4-1/2-inch W-Deck may be installed with a maximum 1-1/8 -inch offset in either direction from the center of the flute. The offset distance may be increased for flute widths greater than those shown provided the minimum lower flute edge distance of 1-1/8 -inch is also satisfied. 5. Inserts in the lower flute of B-Deck may be installed with a maximum 1/8 -inch offset in either direction from the center of the flute. The offset distance may be increased for flute widths greater than those shown provided the minimum lower flute edge distance of 3/4 -inch is also satisfied. 6. Lower flute installations of B-Deck with flutes widths greater than 1-3/4 -inch are permitted. 7. Lower flute installations of B-Deck in flute depths greater than 1-1/2 -inch are permitted provided the minimum edge distance of 3/4 -inch is met and the minimum lower flute width is increased proportionally (e.g. applicable to a lower flute depth of 2-inch with a minimum lower flute width of 2-1/4 -inch). 8. Inserts in the lower flute of 3-7/8-inch W-Deck may be installed with a maximum 1-3/16 -inch offset in either direction from the center of the flute. www.powers.com 10 Specifications And Physical Properties Of Common Carbon Steel Threaded Rod Elements1 Threaded Rod Specification Carbon Steel ASTM A36/A36M2 and F15543 Grade 36 ASTM F15543 Grade 105 ASTM A193/A193M4 Grade B7 Units Min. Specified Ultimate Strength, Futa Min. Specified Yield Strength 0.2 Percent Offset, Fya psi (MPa) psi (MPa) psi (MPa) 58,000 (400) 125,000 (862) 125,000 (860) 36,000 (248) 105,000 (724) 105,000 (720) Futa - Fya Elongation Minimum Percent5 Reduction Of Area Min. Percent Related Nut Specification6 1.61 23 40 (50 for A36) ASTM A194 / A563 Grade A 1.19 15 45 1.19 16 50 ASTM A194 / A563 Grade DH For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa. For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inch, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi. 1. Inserts may be used in conjunction with all grades of continuously threaded carbon steels (all-thread) that comply with code reference standards and that have thread characteristics comparable with ANSI B1.1 UNC Coarse Thread Series. 2. Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel. 3. Standard Specification for Anchor Bolts, Steel, 36, 55, and 105-ksi Yield Strength. 4. Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High Temperature or High Pressure Service and Other Special Purpose Applications. 5. Based on 2-inch (50 mm) gauge length except ASTM A193, which are based on a gauge length of 4d (drod). 6. Where nuts are applicable, nuts of other grades and style having specified proof load stress greater than the specified grade and style are also suitable. Mechanical Anchors Strength Design (SD) Steel Design Information For Common Threaded Rod Elements Used With Concrete Inserts1,2,3,4 Design Information Symbol Threaded rod nominal outside diameter drod Threaded rod effective cross-sectional area Ase Nsa,rod,A36 Nsa,rod,A36,eq Nsa,rod,B7 Nsa,rod,B7,eq Vsa,rod,A36 Vsa,rod,A36,eq Vsa,rod,B7 Vsa,rod,B7,eq 1/4-inch 3/8-inch 1/2-inch 5/8-inch 3/4-inch in. (mm) in2 (mm2) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) 0.250 (6.4) 0.032 (21) 1,855 (8.2) 1,855 (8.2) 4,000 (17.7) 4,000 (17.7) 1,115 (4.9) 780 (3.5) 2,385 (10.6) 1,680 (7.5) 0.375 (9.5) 0.078 (50) 4,525 (20.0) 4,525 (20.0) 9,750 (43.1) 9,750 (43.1) 2,715 (12.1) 1,900 (8.4) 5,815 (25.9) 4,095 (18.2) 0.500 (12.7) 0.142 (92) 8,235 (36.6) 8,235 (36.6) 17,750 (78.9) 17,750 (78.9) 4,940 (22.0) 3,460 (15.4) 10,640 (7.3) 7,455 (34.2) 0.625 (15.9) 0.226 (146) 13,110 (58.3) 13,110 (58.3) 28,250 (125.7) 28,250 (125.7) 7,865 (35.0) 5,505 (24.5) 16,950 (75.4) 11,865 (52.8) 0.750 (19.1) 0.335 (216) 19,430 (86.3) 19,430 (86.4) 41,875 (186.0) 41,875 (186.0) 11,660 (51.9) 8,160 (36.3) 25,085 (111.6) 17,590 (78.2) For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 pound = 0.00445 kN, 1 in = 645.2 mm . For pound-inch unit: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches. 1. Values provided for steel element material types based on minimum specified strengths and calculated in accordance with ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-2) and Eq. (D-29). 2. φNsa shall be the lower of the φNsa,rod or φNsa,insert for static steel strength in tension; for seismic loading φNsa,eq shall be the lower of the φNsa,rod,eq or φNsa,insert,eq. 3. φVsa shall be the lower of the φVsa,rod or φVsa,insert for static steel strength in tension; for seismic loading φVsa,eq shall be the lower of the φVsa,rod,eq or φVsa,insert,eq. 4. Strength reduction factors shall be taken from ACI 318-11 D.4.3 for steel elements. Strength reduction factors for load combinations in accordance with ACI 318 Section 9.2 governed by steel strength shall be taken as 0.75 for tension and 0.70 for shear for ductile steel elements; values correspond to ductile steel elements. The value ofφ applies when the load combinations of Section 1605.2 of the IBC or ACI 318 Section 9.2 are used in accordance with ACI 318 D.4.3. If the load combinations of ACI 318 Appendix C are used, the appropriate value of φ must be determined in accordance with ACI 318 D.4.4. 2 2 11 www.powers.com TECH MANUAL – Mechanical Anchors ©2015 POWERS Volume 1 – rev. e Nominal tension strength of ASTM A36 threaded rod in tension as governed by steel strength Nominal seismic tension strength of ASTM A36 threaded rod tension as governed by steel strength Nominal tension strength of ASTM A193, Gr. B7 threaded rod in tension as governed by steel strength Nominal seismic tension strength of ASTM A193, Gr. B7 threaded rod tension as governed by steel strength Nominal shear strength of ASTM A36 threaded rod in shear as governed by steel strength Nominal seismic shear strength of ASTM A36 threaded rod in shear as governed by steel strength Nominal shear strength of ASTM A193, Gr. B7 threaded rod in shear as governed by steel strength Nominal seismic shear strength of ASTM A193, Gr. B7 threaded rod in shear as governed by steel strength Units 8 Strength Design (SD) Mechanical Anchors Tension and Shear Design Strengths for Wood-Knocker Insert Installed in the Soffit of Form Poured Concrete and Roof Assemblies - Uncracked Concrete1,2,3,4,5,6 Minimum Concrete Compressive Strength Nominal Anchor Diameter 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 Embed. Depth hef (in.) 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 f'c = 3,000 psi fNn f'c = 4,000 psi fVn fNn f'c = 6,000 psi fVn fNn Tension (lbs.) Shear (lbs.) Tension (lbs.) Shear (lbs.) Tension (lbs.) fVn Shear (lbs.) 2,665 2,665 2,665 2,665 2,665 2,420 2,420 2,420 2,665 2,665 3,075 3,075 3,075 3,075 3,075 2,795 2,795 2,795 3,075 3,075 3,765 3,765 3,765 3,765 3,765 3,425 3,425 3,425 3,765 3,765 ■ - Anchor Pullout/Pryout Strength Controls ■ - Concrete Breakout Strength Controls ■ - Steel Strength Controls Tension and Shear Design Strengths for Wood-Knocker Insert Installed in the Soffit of Form Poured Concrete and Roof Assemblies - Cracked Concrete1,2,3,4,5,6 Minimum Concrete Compressive Strength Nominal Anchor Diameter Embed. Depth hef (in.) 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 f'c = 3,000 psi f'c = 4,000 psi f'c = 6,000 psi fNn Tension (lbs.) fVn Shear (lbs.) fNn Tension (lbs.) fVn Shear (lbs.) fNn Tension (lbs.) fVn Shear (lbs.) 2,130 2,130 2,130 2,130 2,130 1,730 1,730 1,730 2,130 2,130 2,460 2,460 2,460 2,460 2,460 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,460 2,460 3,015 3,015 3,015 3,015 3,015 2,445 2,445 2,445 3,015 3,015 ■ - Anchor Pullout/Pryout Strength Controls ■ - Concrete Breakout Strength Controls ■ - Steel Strength Controls 1- Tabular values are provided for illustration and are applicable for single anchors installed in normal-weight concrete with minimum slab thickness, ha = hmin, and with the following conditions: - ca1 is greater than or equal to the critical edge distance, cac. - ca2 is greater than or equal to 1.5 times ca1. 2- Calculations were performed following methodology in ACI 318-11 Appendix D. The load level corresponding to the failure mode listed [steel strength of insert (Nsa,insert, Vsa,insert), concrete breakout strength, or pryout strength] must be checked against the tabulated steel strength of the corresponding threaded rod type, (Nsa,rod, Vsa,rod), the lowest load level controls. 3- Strength reduction factors (ø) for the inserts are based on ACI 318-11 D.4.3 for cast-in headed anchors. Condition B is assumed. Strength reduction factors for load combinations in accordance with ACI 318 Section 9.2 governed by steel strength of the insert are taken as 0.65 for tension and 0.60 for shear; values correspond to brittle steel elements. 4- Tabular values are permitted for short-term static loads only, seismic loading is not considered with these tables. 5- For designs that include combined tension and shear, the interaction of tension and shear loads must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318-11 Appendix D. 6- Interpolation is not permitted to be used with the tabular values. For intermediate base material compressive strengths please see ACI 318-11 Appendix D and information contained in this product supplement. For other design conditions including seismic considerations please see ACI 318-11 Appendix D. Tension and Shear Design Strength of Steel Elements (Steel Strength)1,2,3,4 Steel Elements - Threaded Rod Nominal Rod Diameter (in. or No.) TECH MANUAL – Mechanical Anchors ©2015 POWERS Volume 1 – rev. e 9 ASTM A36 and ASTM F1554 Grade 36 fVsa,rod Shear (lbs.) fNsa,rod Tension (lbs.) fVsa,rod 1,390 3,395 6,175 9,835 14,550 720 1,750 3,210 5,115 7,565 3,000 7,315 13,315 21,190 31,405 1,550 3,780 6,915 11,020 16,305 Tension (lbs.) 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 ASTM A193 Grade B7 and ASTM F1554 Grade 105 fNsa,rod Shear (lbs.) ■ - Steel Strength Controls 1. Steel tensile design strength according to ACI 318 Appendix D, φNsa = φ • Ase,N • futa 2. The tabulated steel design strength in tension for the threaded rod must be checked against the design strength of the steel insert, concrete breakout and pullout design strength to determine the controlling failure mode, the lowest load level controls. 3. Steel shear design strength according to ACI 318 Appendix D, φNsa = φ • 0.60 • Ase,N • futa 4. The tabulated steel design strength in shear for the threaded rod must be checked against the design strength of the steel insert, concrete breakout and pryout design strength to determine the controlling failure mode, the lowest load level controls www.powers.com 12 Tension and Shear Design Strengths for Bang-It Inserts Installed in the Soffit of Uncracked Concrete Filled Steel Deck Floor and Roof Assemblies1,2,3,4,5,6 Minimum Concrete Compressive Strength f'c = 3,000 psi Nominal Anchor Diameter Embed. Depth hef (in.) 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 4-1/2" W-Deck Upper Flute B-Deck Lower Flute 3-7/8" W-Deck Upper Flute Lower Flute Upper Flute Lower Flute fNn Tension (lbs.) fVn Shear (lbs.) fNn Tension (lbs.) fVn Shear (lbs.) fNn Tension (lbs.) fVn Shear (lbs.) fNn Tension (lbs.) fVn Shear (lbs.) fNn Tension (lbs.) fVn Shear (lbs.) fNn Tension (lbs.) fVn Shear (lbs.) 2,665 2,665 2,665 2,665 2,665 1,370 1,370 1,370 1,845 1,845 1,340 1,340 1,340 1,340 1,340 1,370 1,370 1,370 1,845 1,845 2,265 2,265 2,265 2,265 2,265 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,785 1,785 595 595 595 595 595 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,785 1,785 2,265 2,265 2,265 2,265 2,265 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,785 1,785 1,145 1,145 1,145 1,145 1,145 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,785 1,785 ■ - Anchor Pullout/Pryout Strength Controls ■ - Concrete Breakout Strength Controls ■ - Steel Strength Controls Tension and Shear Design Strengths for Bang-It Inserts Installed in the Soffit of Cracked Concrete Filled Steel Deck Floor and Roof Assemblies1,2,3,4,5,6 Mechanical Anchors Strength Design (SD) Minimum Concrete Compressive Strength f'c = 3,000 psi Nominal Anchor Diameter 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 Embed. Depth hef (in.) 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 4-1/2" W-Deck Upper Flute fNn fVn B-Deck Lower Flute fNn fVn 3-7/8" W-Deck Upper Flute fNn fVn Lower Flute fNn fVn Upper Flute fNn fVn Lower Flute fNn Tension (lbs.) Shear (lbs.) Tension (lbs.) Shear (lbs.) Tension (lbs.) Shear (lbs.) Tension (lbs.) Shear (lbs.) Tension (lbs.) Shear (lbs.) Tension (lbs.) fVn Shear (lbs.) 1,810 1,810 1,810 1,810 1,810 1,370 1,370 1,370 1,845 1,845 1,070 1,070 1,070 1,070 1,070 1,370 1,370 1,370 1,845 1,845 1,810 1,810 1,810 1,810 1,810 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,785 1,785 475 475 475 475 475 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,785 1,785 1,810 1,810 1,810 1,810 1,810 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,785 1,785 915 915 915 915 915 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,785 1,785 ■ - Anchor Pullout/Pryout Strength Controls ■ - Concrete Breakout Strength Controls ■ - Steel Strength Controls 7- Tabular values are provided for illustration and are applicable for single anchors installed in sand-lightweight concrete with minimum slab thickness, ha = hmin, and with the following conditions: - ca1 is greater than or equal to the critical edge distance, cac. - ca2 is greater than or equal to 1.5 times ca1. 8- Calculations were performed following methodology in ACI 318-11 Appendix D. The load level corresponding to the failure mode listed [steel strength of insert (Nsa,insert, Vsa,insert), concrete breakout strength, or pryout strength] must be checked against the tabulated steel strength of the corresponding threaded rod type, (Nsa,rod, Vsa,rod), the lowest load level controls. 9- Strength reduction factors (ø) for the inserts are based on ACI 318-11 D.4.3 for cast-in headed anchors. Condition B is assumed. Strength reduction factors for load combinations in accordance with ACI 318 Section 9.2 governed by steel strength of the insert are taken as 0.65 for tension and 0.60 for shear; values correspond to brittle steel elements. 10- Tabular values are permitted for short-term static loads only, seismic loading is not considered with these tables. 11- For designs that include combined tension and shear, the interaction of tension and shear loads must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318-11 Appendix D. 12- Interpolation is not permitted to be used with the tabular values. For intermediate base material compressive strengths please see ACI 318-11 Appendix D and information contained in this product supplement. For other design conditions including seismic considerations please see ACI 318-11 Appendix D. Steel Elements - Threaded Rod Nominal Rod Diameter (in.) 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 ASTM A36 and ASTM F1554 Grade 36 ASTM A193 Grade B7 and ASTM F1554 Grade 105 fNsa,rod Tension (lbs.) fVsa,rod Shear (lbs.) fNsa,rod Tension (lbs.) fVsa,rod 1,390 3,395 6,175 9,835 14,550 720 1,750 3,210 5,115 7,565 3,000 7,315 13,315 21,190 31,405 1,550 3,780 6,915 11,020 16,305 Shear (lbs.) ■ - Steel Strength Controls 1. Steel tensile design strength according to ACI 318 Appendix D, φNsa = φ • Ase,N • futa 2. The tabulated steel design strength in tension for the threaded rod must be checked against the design strength of the steel insert, concrete breakout and pullout design strength to determine the controlling failure mode, the lowest load level controls. 3. Steel shear design strength according to ACI 318 Appendix D, φNsa = φ • 0.60 • Ase,N • futa 4. The tabulated steel design strength in shear for the threaded rod must be checked against the design strength of the steel insert, concrete breakout and pryout design strength to determine the controlling failure mode, the lowest load level controls. 13 www.powers.com TECH MANUAL – Mechanical Anchors ©2015 POWERS Volume 1 – rev. e Tension and Shear Design Strength of Steel Elements (Steel Strength)1,2,3,4 10 Ordering Information Mechanical Anchors Idealization of Concrete Filled Steel Decks for Determination of Concrete Breakout Strength in Accordance with ACI 318 ANCO ANCO ANC ANC ANC ANC Steel Deck ANCO Steel Deck ANCO Ncb Ca,min Ncb Bang-It Insert (Typ) Bang-It Insert (Typ) Threaded Rod (Typ) Ca,min Idealization of Standard Steel Deck Profiles Threaded Rod (Typ) Idealization of B-Deck Steel Deck Profiles Ordering Information Bang-It Deck Insert (UNC) Cat.No. Description Color Code Pre-Drilled Hole Std. Box Std. Pallet 7540 7542 7544 7546 7548 1/4” Bang-It 3/8” Bang-It 1/2” Bang-It 5/8” Bang-It 3/4” Bang-It Brown Green Yellow Red Purple 13/16" or 7/8" 13/16" or 7/8" 13/16" or 7/8" 1-3/16" or 1-1/4" 1-3/16" or 1-1/4" 100 100 100 50 50 4,000 4,000 4,000 2,400 2,400 Bang-It Installation Accessories Cat.No. Description Std. Box 7560 7562 7564 7566 Bang-It Stand Up Pole tool 13/16" Carbide Hole Saw for 1/4", 3/8" and 1/2" sizes 1-3/16" Carbide Hole Saw for 5/8", 3/4" and 7/8" sizes Extra Carbide Hole Saw Center Bit 1 1 1 1 Wood-Knocker Form Insert (UNC) TECH MANUAL – Mechanical Anchors ©2015 POWERS Volume 1 – rev. e 11 Cat No. Description Color Code Std. Box Std. Pallet 7550 7552 7554 7556 7558 1/4" Wood-Knocker 3/8" Wood-Knocker 1/2" Wood-Knocker 5/8" Wood-Knocker 3/4" Wood-Knocker Brown Green Yellow Red Purple 200 200 200 150 150 9,600 9,600 9,600 6,000 6,000 Threaded Inserts are color coded to easily identify location and diameter of the internally threaded coupling, allowing multiple trades on the same job to suspend their systems with various size steel threaded rods. www.powers.com 14 Ordering Information Mechanical Anchors Idealization of Concrete Filled Steel Decks for Determination of Concrete Breakout Strength in Accordance with ACI 318 ANCO ANCO ANC ANC ANC ANC Steel Deck ANCO Steel Deck ANCO Ncb Ca,min Ncb Bang-It Insert (Typ) Bang-It Insert (Typ) Threaded Rod (Typ) Ca,min Idealization of Standard Steel Deck Profiles Threaded Rod (Typ) Idealization of B-Deck Steel Deck Profiles Ordering Information Bang-It Deck Insert (UNC) Cat.No. Description Color Code Pre-Drilled Hole Std. Box Std. Pallet 7540 7542 7544 7546 7548 1/4” Bang-It 3/8” Bang-It 1/2” Bang-It 5/8” Bang-It 3/4” Bang-It Brown Green Yellow Red Purple 13/16" or 7/8" 13/16" or 7/8" 13/16" or 7/8" 1-3/16" or 1-1/4" 1-3/16" or 1-1/4" 100 100 100 50 50 4,000 4,000 4,000 2,400 2,400 Bang-It Installation Accessories Cat.No. Description Std. Box 7560 7562 7564 7566 Bang-It Stand Up Pole tool 13/16" Carbide Hole Saw for 1/4", 3/8" and 1/2" sizes 1-3/16" Carbide Hole Saw for 5/8", 3/4" and 7/8" sizes Extra Carbide Hole Saw Center Bit 1 1 1 1 Wood-Knocker Form Insert (UNC) TECH MANUAL – Mechanical Anchors ©2015 POWERS Volume 1 – rev. e 11 Cat No. Description Color Code Std. Box Std. Pallet 7550 7552 7554 7556 7558 1/4" Wood-Knocker 3/8" Wood-Knocker 1/2" Wood-Knocker 5/8" Wood-Knocker 3/4" Wood-Knocker Brown Green Yellow Red Purple 200 200 200 150 150 9,600 9,600 9,600 6,000 6,000 Threaded Inserts are color coded to easily identify location and diameter of the internally threaded coupling, allowing multiple trades on the same job to suspend their systems with various size steel threaded rods. www.powers.com 15 ICC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-3657 Issued December 2014 This report is subject to renewal December 2015. www.icc-es.org | (800) 423-6587 | (562) 699-0543 DIVISION: 03 00 00—CONCRETE Section: 03 15 19—Cast-In Concrete Anchors Section: 03 16 00—Concrete Anchors A Subsidiary of the International Code Council ® manufactured specialty anchorage products (WoodKnockers and Bang-Its) used in concrete; reference to “steel elements” refers to threaded rods or bolts; reference to “anchors” in this report refers to the installed inserts in concrete with threaded rods or bolts. The inserts are alternatives to cast-in anchors described in Sections 1908 and 1909 of the 2012 IBC and Sections 1911 and 1912 of the 2009 and 2006 IBC. The anchors may be used where an engineered design is submitted in accordance with Section R301.1.3 of the IRC. 3.0 DESCRIPTION 3.1 Wood-Knocker and Bang-It Inserts: REPORT HOLDER: POWERS FASTENERS, INC. 701 EAST JOPPA ROAD TOWSON, MARYLAND 21286 (914) 235-6300 or (800) 524-3244 www.powers.com engineering@powers.com EVALUATION SUBJECT: The Wood-Knocker inserts are cast-in concrete form inserts. The insert consists of a steel internally threaded headed insert (body), an outer plastic sleeve and nails used to attach the insert to the inside surface of concrete formwork. The insert is illustrated in Figure 1 and Figure 6. The internally threaded inserts are manufactured from low carbon steel. The Wood-Knocker inserts have minimum 5 μm (0.002-inch) zinc plating. The plastic sleeve is fabricated from polypropylene. TM POWERS WOOD-KNOCKER CONCRETE INSERTS TM CONCRETE INSERTS FOR STEEL AND BANG-IT DECK IN CRACKED AND UNCRACKED CONCRETE 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE Compliance with the following codes: 2012, 2009, and 2006 International Building Code® (IBC) 2012, 2009, and 2006 International Residential Code® (IRC) Properties evaluated: Structural 2.0 USES The Powers Wood-Knocker concrete inserts are used to resist static, wind, and seismic tension and shear loads in cracked and uncracked normal-weight concrete, sandlightweight, and all-lightweight concrete having a specified compressive strength, f′c, of 2,500 psi to 10,000 psi (17.2 MPa to 68.9 MPa). The Powers Bang-It steel deck concrete inserts are used to resist static, wind, and seismic tension and shear loads in the soffit of cracked and uncracked normal-weight concrete and sand-lightweight concrete on steel deck having a specified compressive strength, f′c, of 2,500 psi to 10,000 psi (17.2 MPa to 68.9 MPa). There are seven models for the Wood-Knocker inserts; 1 3 five fractional and two metric: /4-inch, /8-inch, M10, M12, 1 5 3 /2-inch, /8-inch, and /4-inch, corresponding to the sizes of the threaded rods or bolts used for the inserts. There are seven models for the Bang-It inserts; five 1 3 1 fractional and two metric: /4-inch, /8-inch, M10, M12, /25 3 inch, /8-inch, and /4-inch, corresponding to the sizes of the threaded rods or bolts used for the inserts. Reference to “inserts” in this report refers to the The Bang-It steel deck inserts are cast-in concrete inserts. The insert consists of a steel internally threaded headed insert (body), an outer spring, a plastic sleeve and a washer (base plate). The insert is illustrated in Figure 2 and Figure 6. The internally threaded insert and washer are manufactured from low carbon steel. The Bang-It inserts have a minimum 5 μm (0.002-inch) zinc plating. The spring is manufactured from steel music wire. The plastic sleeve is fabricated from polypropylene. The anchor assembly is comprised of a Wood-Knocker or Bang-It insert with a threaded steel element (e.g. rod or bolt). The Wood-Knocker insert is installed on the inside surface of wood formwork and the nails driven into the form until the insert base sits flush on the form. The BangIt insert is installed in a predrilled hole in the topside of the metal deck, and impacted with sufficient force to compress the spring and drive the flared plastic fins of the sleeve completely through the hole. Concrete can then be cast over the insert. 3.2 Steel Elements: 3.2.1 Threaded Steel Rods and Bolts: Threaded steel rods (all-thread) or bolts must be threaded on their embedded end in diameters as described in Table 5 of this report. Specifications for grades of common threaded rod or bolts, including the mechanical strength properties are described in Table 4 of this report. Carbon steel threaded rods or bolts must be furnished with a minimum 0.0002inch-thick (0.005 mm) zinc plating. ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implied, as to any finding or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report. 1000 Copyright © 2015 16 Page 1 of 12 ESR-3657 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 12 3.2.2 Ductility: In accordance with ACI 318 D.1, in order for a steel anchor element to be considered ductile, the tested elongation must be at least 14 percent and the reduction of area must be at least 30 percent. Steel elements with a tested elongation of less than 14 percent or a reduction of area less than 30 percent, or both, are considered brittle. Values for common steel threaded rod elements are provided in Tables 4 and 5 of this report. Where values are nonconforming or unstated, the steel element must be considered brittle respectively, must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 D.5.2 as applicable for cast-in headed bolts, with modifications as described in this section, and with Figures 3, 4A, 4B and 4C of this report, as applicable. The basic concrete breakout strength in tension, Nb, must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 D.5.2.2, using the values of hef given in Tables 2 and 3, and with kc = 24. The nominal concrete breakout strength in tension in regions where analysis indicates no cracking in accordance with ACI 318 D.5.2.6 must be calculated with Ψc,N = 1.25. For the Bang-It inserts installed in the soffit of sand-lightweight or normal-weight concrete filled steel deck assemblies, the contribution of the steel deck strength must be ignored and the calculation of ANc / ANco in accordance with ACI 318 D.5.2.1 and ca,min (minimum edge distance) must be based on Figures 4A, 4B and 4C. 3.3 Concrete: Normal-weight, sand-lightweight, and all-lightweight concrete must conform to Sections 1903 and 1905 of the IBC. 3.4 Steel Deck Panels: 4.1.4 Requirements for Static Side-Face Blowout Strength in Tension: For the Wood-Knocker anchors, the nominal side-face blowout strength of a headed insert, Nsb, must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 D.5.4.1 for the cast-in headed insert, in cracked and uncracked concrete, as applicable. Steel deck panels must be in accordance with the configuration in Figures 4A, 4B and 4C and have a minimum base steel thickness of 22 gage [0.034 inch (0.864 mm)]. Steel must comply with ASTM A653/A653M SS Grade 33 minimum and have a minimum yield strength of 33,000 psi (228 MPa). For the Bang-It inserts installed in the soffit of sandlightweight or normal-weight concrete on steel deck floor and roof assemblies as shown in Figures 4A, 4B and 4C, calculation of the concrete side blowout strength is not required. 4.0 DESIGN AND INSTALLATION 4.1 Strength Design: 4.1.1 General: Design strength of anchors complying with the 2012 IBC as well as Section R301.1.3 of the 2012 IRC, must be determined in accordance with ACI 318-11 Appendix D and this report. 4.1.5 Requirements for Static Steel Strength in Shear: For Wood-Knocker anchors, the nominal static steel strength in shear, Vsa, of a single anchor must be taken as the threaded steel element strength, Vsa,rod, given in Table 5 of this report. The lesser of Vsa,rod in Table 5 or Vsa,insert in Table 2 shall be used as the steel strength in shear, and must be used in lieu of the values derived by calculation from ACI 318-11, Eq. D-28. Design strength of anchors complying with the 2009 IBC and Section R301.1.3 of the 2009 IRC must be determined in accordance with ACI 318-08 Appendix D and this report. Design strength of anchors complying with the 2006 IBC and Section R301.1.3 of the 2006 IRC must be in accordance with ACI 318-05 Appendix D and this report. For Bang-It anchors, the nominal static steel strength in shear, Vsa,deck, of a single Bang-It insert, in the lower flute and upper flute of concrete filled steel deck assemblies, must be taken as the threaded steel element strength, Vsa,rod, given in Table 5 of this report. The lesser of Vsa,rod in Table 5 or Vsa,insert,deck in Table 3 shall be used as the steel strength in shear, and must be used in lieu of the values derived by calculation from ACI 318-11, Eq. D-28. Design parameters provided in Tables 2, 3, and 5 of this report are based on the 2012 IBC (ACI 318-11) unless noted otherwise in Sections 4.1.1 through 4.1.12. The strength design of anchors must comply with ACI 318 D.4.1, except as required in ACI 318 D.3.3. Strength reduction factors, , as given in ACI 318-11 D.4.3 for cast-in headed anchors, must be used for load combinations calculated in accordance with Section 1605.2 of the IBC and Section 9.2 of ACI 318. Strength reduction factors,, as given in ACI 318-11 D.4.4 must be used for load combinations calculated in accordance with ACI 318 Appendix C. An example calculation in accordance with the 2012 IBC is provided in Figure 8. The value of f′c used in the calculations must be limited to a maximum of 10,000 psi (68.9 MPa), in accordance with ACI 318-11 D.3.7. 4.1.6 Requirements for Static Concrete Breakout Strength in Shear: For Wood-Knocker anchors, the nominal concrete breakout strength of a single anchor or group of anchors in shear, Vcb or Vcbg, respectively, must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 D.6.2. The basic concrete breakout strength, Vb, must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 D.6.2.2 based on the values provided in Table 1. The value of ℓe used in ACI 318 Eq. D33 must be taken as no greater than the lesser of hef or 8da. The pullout strength in tension is not decisive for design and does not need to be evaluated. For the Bang-It inserts installed in the soffit of sandlightweight or normal-weight concrete on steel deck floor and roof assemblies, as shown in Figures 4A, 4B and 4C, calculation of the concrete breakout strength in shear is not required. 4.1.2 Requirements for Static Steel Strength in Tension: The nominal static steel strength in tension, Nsa, of a single anchor must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 Section D.5.1 for the threaded steel element, Nsa,rod, as illustrated in Table 5 of this report. The lesser of Nsa,rod in Table 5 or Nsa,insert provided in Tables 2 and 3 shall be used as the steel strength in tension. 4.1.7 Requirements for Static Concrete Pryout Strength in Shear: For Wood-Knocker anchors, the nominal concrete pryout strength of a single anchor or group of anchors, Vcp or Vcpg, respectively, must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 D.6.3. 4.1.3 Requirements for Static Concrete Breakout Strength in Tension: For the Wood-Knocker and Bang-It anchors, the nominal concrete breakout strength of a single anchor or group of anchors in tension, Ncb or Ncbg, 17 ESR-3657 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 3 of 12 4.1.9 Requirements for Interaction of Tensile and Shear Forces: For designs that include combined tension and shear, the interaction of tension and shear loads must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 D.7. For the Bang-It inserts installed in the soffit of sandlightweight or normal-weight concrete filled steel deck assemblies, as shown in Figures 4A, 4B and 4C, calculation of the concrete pry-out strength in accordance with ACI 318 D.6.3 is not required. Due to the projection of the internally-threaded end of the Bang-It insert when installed in concrete filled steel deck assemblies (approximately 3/4-inch), for anchors or groups of anchors that are subject to the effects of combined tension and shear forces, the design engineer must verify the validity of the interaction equation in ACI 318 D.7. 4.1.8 Requirements for Seismic Design: General: For load combinations including seismic, the design must be performed in accordance with ACI 318 D.3.3. For the 2012 IBC, Section 1905.1.9 shall be omitted. Modifications to ACI 318 D.3.3 shall be applied under Section 1908.1.9 of the 2009 IBC, or Section 1908.1.16 of the 2006 IBC. The anchors may be installed in Seismic Design Categories A through F of the IBC. 4.1.10 Requirements for Minimum Member Thickness, Minimum Anchor Spacing and Minimum Edge Distance: Requirements on headed cast-in specialty anchor edge distance, spacing, member thickness, and concrete strength must be in accordance with the requirements in ACI 318 as applicable for cast-in bolts. For Wood-Knocker anchors, the nominal concrete breakout strength and nominal concrete side-face blowout strength for anchors in tension; and the nominal concrete breakout strength and pryout strength in shear, must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 D.5 and D.6. For Bang-It inserts installed in the soffit of sandlightweight or normal-weight concrete over profile steel deck floor and roof assemblies, the anchors must be installed in accordance with Figures 4A, 4B and 4C and shall have a minimum axial spacing along the flute equal to 3hef. For Bang-It anchors, the nominal concrete breakout strength for anchors in tension; and the nominal concrete breakout strength in the upper flute of concrete filled steel deck assemblies for anchors in shear, must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 D.5 and D.6. 4.1.11 Requirements for Critical Edge Distance: The critical edge distance, cac, must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 D.8.2. The modification factor cp,N = 1.0 in accordance with ACI 318 D.5.2.5. Seismic Tension: For Wood-Knocker anchors, the nominal steel strength in tension, Nsa, of a single anchor must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 Section D.5.1 for the threaded steel element, Nsa,rod,eq, as given in Table 5, not to exceed the corresponding values of Nsa,insert,eq in Table 2 of this report; the nominal concrete breakout strength for anchors in tension must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 D.5.2, as described in Section 4.1.3 of this report; the nominal concrete sideface blowout strength must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 D.5.4.1 and D.5.4.2, and Section 4.1.4 of this report. 4.1.12 Sand-lightweight Concrete: For ACI 318-11 and 318-08, when the Wood-Knocker anchors are used in sand-lightweight or all-lightweight concrete, the modification factor λa or λ, respectively, for concrete breakout strength must be taken as 0.85 for sandlightweight or 0.75 for all-lightweight according to ACI 31811 D.3.6 (2012 IBC) or ACI 318-08 D.3.4 (2009 IBC). For ACI 318-05, the values of Nb and Vb determined in accordance with this report must be modified in accordance with the provisions of ACI 318-05 D.3.4. For Bang-It anchors, the nominal steel strength in tension, Nsa, of a single anchor must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 Section D.5.1 for the threaded steel element, Nsa,rod,eq, as given in Table 5, not to exceed the corresponding values of Nsa,insert,eq in Table 3 of this report; the nominal concrete breakout strength for anchors in tension must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 D.5.2, as described in Section 4.1.3 of this report; the nominal concrete pullout strength calculations in accordance with ACI 318 D.5.3.1 and D.5.3.4 are not required. For Bang-It inserts in the soffit of sand-lightweight concrete-filled steel deck, λa or λ shall be taken as 0.85 and applied to the concrete breakout strength in tension only as applicable. Values are shown in Table 3 and installation details are shown in Figures 4A, 4B and 4C. 4.2 Allowable Stress Design (ASD): 4.2.1 General: Design values for use with allowable stress design (working stress design) load combinations calculated in accordance with Section 1605.3 of the IBC, must be established as follows: Seismic Shear: For Wood-Knocker anchors, the nominal concrete breakout strength and pryout strength in shear must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 D.6.2 and D.6.3, as described in Sections 4.1.6 and 4.1.7 of this report. In accordance with ACI 318 D.6.1.2, the nominal steel strength for seismic loads, Vsa,eq, must be taken as the threaded steel element strength, Vsa,rod,eq, given in Table 5 of this report, not to exceed the corresponding values of Vsa,insert,eq, in Table 2. For Bang-It anchors, the nominal concrete breakout strength and pryout strength in shear, calculations in accordance with ACI 318 D.6.2 and D.6.3, as described in Sections 4.1.6 and 4.1.7 of this report, are not required. In accordance with ACI 318 D.6.1.2, the nominal steel strength for seismic loads, Vsa,eq, must be taken as the threaded steel element strength, Vsa,rod,eq, given in Table 5 of this report, not to exceed the corresponding values of Vsa,insert,deck,eq, in Table 3, for lower flute or upper flute of the concrete filled steel deck assembly, as applicable. Tallowable,ASD = N n Vallowable,ASD = V n where: Tallowable,ASD = Allowable tension load (lbf or kN). Vallowable,ASD = Allowable shear load (lbf or kN). Nn = Lowest design strength of an anchor or anchor group in tension as determined in accordance with ACI 318 D.4.1, and 2009 IBC Section 1908.1.9 or 2006 IBC Section 1908.1.16, as applicable (lbf or N). = Lowest design strength of an anchor or Vn 18 ESR-3657 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 4 of 12 anchor group in shear as determined in accordance with ACI 318 D.4.1, and 2009 IBC Section 1908.1.9 or 2006 IBC Section 1908.1.16, as applicable (lbf or N). α = Bang-It insertion in deck, a threaded rod or bolt element must be inserted through the plastic thread protector nozzle until contact is made with the inner steel barrel. The threaded rod or bolt element must then be screwed into the Bang-It internal threads. The rod or bolt must be tightened until fully seated in the insert, which will result in a thread engagement equal to a minimum of one rod diameter. The plastic sleeve must be cut and trimmed to the surface of the insert following the concrete pour if the insert is intended to resist shear loads. Bang-It inserts are permitted to be installed in either the upper or lower flute of the steel deck. Conversion factor calculated as a weighted average of the load factors for the controlling load combination. In addition, α must include all applicable factors to account for non-ductile failure modes and required over-strength. The requirements for member thickness, edge distance and spacing, described in this report, must apply. Examples of allowable stress design values for tension and shear for illustrative purposes are shown in Tables 6 through 9. The values presented in Tables 6 through 9 are only valid when all of the conditions given in the footnotes to the respective tables are applicable. Installation of Wood-Knocker and Bang-It inserts must be in accordance with this evaluation report and the manufacturer’s published installation instruction (MPII) as provided in Figure 7 of this report. In the event of a conflict between this report and the MPII, this report governs. 4.2.2 Interaction of Tensile and Shear Forces: For designs that include combined tension and shear, the interaction of tension and shear loads must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 D.7 as follows: Periodic special inspection is required in accordance with Section 1705.1.1 and Table 1705.3 of the 2012 IBC, or Section 1704.15 and Table 1704.4 of the 2009 IBC, or Section 1704.13 of the 2006 IBC, as applicable. The special inspector must make periodic inspections during installation of the headed cast-in specialty inserts to verify insert type, insert dimensions, concrete type, concrete compressive strength, insert spacing, edge distances, concrete member thickness, insert embedment, threaded rod fully seated into insert, and adherence to the manufacturer’s printed installation instructions. The special inspector must be present as often as required in accordance with the “statement of special inspection.” Under the IBC, additional requirements as set forth in Sections 1705, 1706 and 1707 must be observed, where applicable. 4.4 Special Inspection: For shear loads Vapplied ≤ 0.2Vallowable,ASD, the full allowable load in tension must be permitted. For tension loads Tapplied ≤ 0.2Tallowable,ASD, the full allowable load in shear must be permitted. For all other cases: , + , ≤1.2 (Eq-1) Due to the projection of the internally-threaded end of the Bang-It insert when installed in concrete filled steel deck assemblies (approximately 3/4-inch), for anchors or groups of anchors that are subject to the effects of combined tension and shear forces, the design engineer must verify the validity of the interaction equation in ACI 318 D.7 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE The Wood-Knocker and Bang-It concrete specialty anchors described in this report are acceptable alternatives to what is specified in the codes listed in Section 1.0 of this report, subject to the following conditions: 4.3 Installation: For the Wood-Knocker inserts, installation parameters are provided in Table 2 and in Figures 3 and 7. Wood-Knocker inserts must be positioned on wood or similar formwork with all three nails in contact with the form. The head of the Wood-Knocker must be impacted with sufficient force to drive nails all the way into the formwork until the plastic base sits flush and tight against the form. From beneath the deck, following the concrete pour and form removal, a threaded rod or bolt element must be screwed into the internal threads of the Wood-Knocker until fully seated in the inserts, which will result in a thread engagement equal to one diameter. The threaded steel rod or bolt element must have a minimum thread engagement equal to one steel element diameter. 5.1 Specialty inserts are limited to dry interior locations. 5.2 Specialty insert sizes, dimensions, minimum embedment depths, and other installation parameters are as set forth in this report. 5.3 Specialty inserts must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s published instructions and this report. In case of conflict, this report governs. 5.4 Specialty inserts must be limited to use in cracked and uncracked normal-weight concrete, sandlightweight concrete and all-lightweight concrete having a specified compressive strength, f'c, of 2,500 psi to 10,000 psi (17.2 MPa to 68.9 MPa) for the Wood-Knocker inserts, and in cracked and uncracked normal-weight or sand-lightweight concrete filled steel deck assemblies having a specified compressive strength, f'c, of 2,500 psi to 10,000 psi (17.2 MPa to 68.9 MPa) for the Bang-It inserts. For the Bang-It inserts, installation parameters are provided in Table 3 and in Figures 4A, 4B, 4C and 7. A hole must be made in the steel deck using a step-drill, hole saw, deck punch or equivalent in accordance with the following hole diameters: Bang-It 1/4-inch, 3/8-inch, M10, M12, or 1/2-inch [13/16-inch (21 mm) diameter] and Bang-It 5 /8-inch or 3/4-inch [13/16-inch (30 mm) diameter]. The BangIt plastic sleeve must be placed in the hole, and following this, the head of the insert must be impacted with sufficient force to compress the outer spring and drive the flared plastic fins of the sleeve completely through the hole in the steel deck. The Bang-It metal base plate may be screwed to the deck for additional stability (optional). Before or after 5.5 The values of f'c used for calculation purposes must not exceed 10,000 psi (68.9 MPa). 5.6 Strength design values must be established in accordance with Section 4.1 of this report. 5.7 Allowable design values accordance with Section 4.2. are established in 5.8 Specialty insert spacing and edge distance as well as 19 E ESR-3657 | Most M Widely Acc cepted and Tru usted Pa age 5 of 12 minimum m member thic ckness must comply c with ACI A 318 Section D.8 for cas st-in-place hea aded anchors been evaluated for resisstance to fire e exposure in accordancce with recognized standards. o installation n, calculations and deta ails 5.9 Prior to demonsttrating complia ance with this report must be submitte ed to the code e official. The calculations and a details must m be prep pared by a re egistered desiign professio onal where re equired by the e statutes of the t jurisdictio on in which the e project is to be b constructed. Headed ccast-in specialty inserts are e used to resist wind d or seismic forrces only. Headed ccast-in specialty inserts are e used to support no onstructural ele ements. 5.14 U Use of zinc-co oated carbon ssteel anchors iss limited to d dry, interior loccations. 5.10 Since an n ICC-ES acc ceptance criterria for evaluatiing data to determine the e performance of the specia alty inserts subjected to fatigue or shock loading is able at this time e, the use of the ese inserts und der unavaila such con nditions is beyo ond the scope of o this report. 5.15 S Special inspecction must be provided in a accordance w with Section 4..4. 5.16 S Specialty insserts are ma anufactured under an a approved qual ity control prog gram with insp pections by IICC-ES. 5.11 Specialty y inserts may y be installed d in regions of concrete e where analysis indicates cra acking may occ cur (ft > fr), subject s to the conditions c of thiis report. 6.0 EV VIDENCE SUB BMITTED 6.1 D Data in accorrdance with tthe ICC-ES A Acceptance C Criteria for H Headed Cast--in Specialty Inserts in C Concrete (AC4 446), dated Jun ne 2013. 5.12 Specialty y inserts may be used to resist short-term loading due to wind or seismic forrces in locatio ons designatted as Seismic c Design Categ gories A throu ugh F of the IBC, subject to o the conditions s of this report. 6.2 Q Quality control documentation n. t code, Woo od5.13 Where not otherwise prohibited in the er and Bang-Itt inserts are permitted p for use u Knocke with fire e-resistance-ra ated construction provided th hat at leastt one of the follo owing condition ns is fulfilled: 7.0 ID DENTIFICATIO ON The iinserts are ide entified by pacckaging labele ed with the manu ufacturer’s nam me (Powers) a and contact in nformation, insertt name, insert size, lot numb ber and evalua ation report numb ber (ESR-3657 7). The insertss have the lettters WoodKnockker or Bang-Itt and the speccific size embo ossed atop the h head of the iinsert, visible prior to insta allation for verificcation. Hea aded cast-in specialty s inserts that support a fire-resistancef -rated envelo ope or a fireresis stance-rated membrane arre protected by approved fire-resis stance-rated materials, m or ha ave FIGURE 1— WOOD-KNOCKE W ER CAST-IN-PLA ACE INSERTS FIGURE 2— —BANG-IT CAS T-IN-PLACE INS SERTS FOR CO ONCRETE FOR FORM POUR CONCRETE E FILLE D STEEL DECK K FLOOR AND R ROOF ASSEMBL LIES TABLE E 1—DESIGN US SE AND REPOR RT TABLE INDE EX DESIGN STRENGTH1 Steel Concrete WOOD-KN NOCKER INSERT TS BANG-IT S STEEL DECK INS SERTS THRE EADED STEEL ELEMENTS Nsa, Vsa Table 2 Table 3 Table 5 Ncb, Ncbg Table 2 Table 3 Not applicable Vcb, Vcbg, Vcp, Vcpg Table 2 Not applicable Not applicable Table 2 Not applicable Not applicable Side-face Blowou ut Nsb CONCRETE TYPE T Normal-weightt and lightweight CONCR RETE STATE INSERT / STEEL L ELEMENT NOM MINAL SIZE Cracked C 1 Un ncracked 1 3 1 5 3 /4", /8", M10, M M12, /2", /8"", /4" /4", 3/8", M10, M M12, 1/2", 5/8"", 3/4" SEISMIC DE ESIGN CATEGOR RIES2 A through F A through F F For SI: 1 inch = 25 5.4 mm. For poun nd-inch units: 1 mm m = 0.03937 inch h. 1 Reference ACI 31 18-11 D.4.1.1. The e controlling stren ngth is decisive fro om all appropriate e failure modes (i.e e. steel, concrete,, pryout and side-fface b blowout, as applica able) and design assumptions. a The e pullout strength in tension is not d decisive for design n and does not ne eed to be evaluate ed. 2 S See Section 4.1.8 8 for requirements s for seismic desig gn, where applicab ble. 20 E ESR-3657 | Most M Widely Acc cepted and Tru usted Pa age 6 of 12 FIGURE 3— WOOD-KNOCK KER INSERT INS STALLED IN SO OFFIT OF FORM POUR CONCR ETE FLOOR AN ND ROOF ASSEMBLIES FIGURE 4A—BA ANG-IT INSERT TS INSTALLED IN I SOFFIT OF CONCRETE C FILL LED STEEL DEC CK FLOOR AND D ROOF ASSEM MBLIES 1,2,3 4 FIGUR RE 4B—BANG-IT T INSERTS INSTALLED IN SOF FFIT OF CONCR RETE FILLED ST TEEL DECK FLO OOR AND ROO OF 1,2,3,5,6,77 ASSE EMBLIES FIGURE 4C—BA ANG-IT INSERT TS INSTALLED IN I SOFFIT OF CONCRETE C FILL LED STEEL DEC CK FLOOR AND D ROOF ASSEM MBLIES 1 1,2,3,8 Inserts may be pla aced in the upperr flute or lower flutte of the steel deck assembly. Inse erts in the lower flu ute require a minimum 1.5” of conccrete topping th hickness (min. thick in Figures) from m the top of the up pper flute. Upper flute installations require a minimu m 3" concrete top pping thickness fro om the top of th he upper flute. Ins serts in upper flute e may be installed d anywhere across s upper flute. 2 A Axial spacing for Bang-It inserts alo ong the lower flute e length shall be minimum m 3hef. 3 eck dimension lim mitations, or the miinimum steel deckk gauge limitations. Upper flute Bang--It inserts are not subject to steel de 1 4 Inserts in the lowe er flute of Figure 4A 4 may be installe ed with a maximum m 1 /8 -inch offsett in either direction n from the center of the flute. The o offset d distance may be in ncreased for flute widths greater tha an those shown provided p the minim mum lower flute ed dge distance of 11/8 -inch is also sa atisfied. 5 Inserts in the lowe er flute of Figure 4B 4 may be installe ed with a maximum m 1/8 -inch offset i n either direction from the center of the flute. The offfset distance m may be increased for flute widths grreater than those shown provided th he minimum lowe er flute edge distan nce of 3/4 -inch is a also satisfied. 6 Lower flute installations of Figure 4B 4 with flutes widths greater than 13/4 -inch are permiitted. 1 7 Lower flute installations of Figure 4B 4 in flute depths greater than 1 /2 -inch are permitted d provided the mi nimum edge dista ance of 3/4 -inch iss met and the m minimum lower flute width is increas sed proportionally y (e.g. applicable to t a lower flute de epth of 2-inch with a minimum lower flute width of 21/4 -inch). 8 er flute of Figure 4C 4 may be installe ed with a maximum 13/16 -inch offse et in either directio on from the centerr of the flute. Inserts in the lowe 21 ESR-3657 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 7 of 12 TABLE 2—WOOD-KNOCKER INSERT DESIGN INFORMATION DESIGN INFORMATION Insert O.D. Insert head net bearing area Effective embedment depth Minimum member thickness Minimum spacing and edge distances SYMBOL UNITS in. da (do) (mm) in2 Abrg (mm2) in. hef (mm) in. hmin (mm) smin , cmin kc Effectiveness factor for cracked concrete Modification factor for tension strength in uncracked concrete Nominal tension strength of single insert in tension as governed by steel strength Nominal seismic tension strength of single insert in tension as governed by steel strength Nominal steel shear strength of single insert Nominal steel shear strength of single insert for seismic loading ΨC,N Nsa,insert Nsa,insert,eq Vsa,insert Vsa,insert,eq 1 /4-inch 3 /8-inch 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 M10 1 /2-inch 5 /8-inch 0.7 (18) 1.20 (762) 1.75 (45) 3.5 (89) 3 /4-inch 1.0 (25) 1.30 (839) 1.75 (45) 3.5 (89) See ACI 318 Section D.8.1 and D.8.2 (SI) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) M12 10,270 (45.7) 10,270 (45.7) 10,555 (47.0) 10,555 (47.0) 10,270 (45.7) 10,270 (45.7) 10,555 (47.0) 10,555 (47.0) 10,270 (45.7) 10,270 (45.7) 10,555 (47.0) 10,555 (47.0) 24 (10) 1.25 10,270 (45.7) 10,270 (45.7) 10,555 (47.0) 10,555 (47.0) 9,005 (40.1) 9,005 (40.1) 10,555 (47.0) 10,555 (47.0) 12,685 (56.4) 12,685 (56.4) 9,075 (40.4) 9,075 (40.4) 13,370 (59.5) 13,370 (59.5) 9,075 (40.4) 9,075 (40.4) For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 pound = 0.00445 kN, 1 psi = 0.006895 MPa. For pound-inch unit: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches. 1 Concrete must have a compressive strength f 'c of 2,500 psi minimum. Installation must comply with Sections 4.1.10 and 4.3, and Figure 3 of this report. Design of headed cast-in specialty inserts shall be in accordance with the provisions of ACI 318 Appendix D for cast-in headed anchors. Strength reduction factors for the inserts shall be taken from ACI 318-11 D.4.3 for cast-in headed anchors. Strength reduction factors for load combinations in accordance with ACI 318 Section 9.2 governed by steel strength of the insert shall be taken as 0.65 for tension and 0.60 for shear; values correspond to brittle steel elements. The value of applies when the load combinations of Section 1605.2 of the IBC or ACI 318 Section 9.2 are used in accordance with ACI 318 D.4.3. If the load combinations of ACI 318 Appendix C are used, the appropriate value of must be determined in accordance with ACI 318 D.4.4. 4 The concrete tension strength of headed cast-in specialty inserts shall be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 Appendix D and Figure 1. 5 Insert O.D. is the outside diameter of the headed insert body. 6 Minimum spacing distance between anchors and minimum edge distance for cast-in headed Wood-Knocker anchors shall be in accordance with ACI 318 D.8. 7 The strengths shown in the table are for inserts only. Design professional is responsible for checking threaded rod or bolt strength in tension, shear, and combined tension and shear, as applicable. See Table 5 for steel design information for common threaded rod elements. 2 3 TABLE 3—BANG-IT INSERT DESIGN INFORMATION DESIGN INFORMATION SYMBOL hmin - See ACI 318 Section D.8.1 and D.8.2 Lower flute smin , cmin - See Figures 4A, 4B and 4C as applicable kc (SI) Abrg Effective embedment depth hef Minimum member thickness Effectiveness factor for cracked concrete Modification factor for tension strength in uncracked concrete ΨC,N Nominal tension strength of single insert in tension as Nsa,insert governed by steel strength (Figures 4A, 4B & 4C) Nominal seismic tension strength of single insert in tension as Nsa,insert,eq governed by steel strength (Figures 4A, 4B & 4C) Nominal steel shear strength of single insert in the soffit of Vsa,insert,deck concrete on steel deck, (Figure 4A) Nominal steel shear strength of single insert in the soffit of Vsa,insert,deck,eq concrete on steel deck, for seismic loading, (Figure 4A) Nominal steel shear strength of single insert in the soffit of Vsa,insert,deck concrete on steel deck, (Figures 4B & 4C) Nominal steel shear strength of single insert in the soffit of Vsa,insert,deck,eq concrete on steel deck, seismic loading, (Figures 4B & 4C) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) M10 M12 /2-inch 5 smin , cmin Insert head net bearing area /8-inch 1 Upper flute da (do) /4-inch 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 3 UNITS in. (mm) in2 (mm2) in. (mm) - Insert O.D. Minimum spacing and edge distances 1 /8-inch 0.7 (18) 1.20 (762) 1.75 (45) 3 /4-inch 1.0 (25) 1.30 (839) 1.75 (45) See Figures 4A, 4B and 4C as applicable 10,440 (46.4) 10,440 (46.4) 2,280 (10.2) 2,280 (10.2) 2,080 (10.2) 2,080 (10.2) 10,440 (46.4) 10,440 (46.4) 2,280 (10.2) 2,280 (10.2) 2,080 (10.2) 2,080 (10.2) 10,440 (46.4) 10,440 (46.4) 2,280 (10.2) 2,280 (10.2) 2,080 (10.2) 2,080 (10.2) 24 (10) 1.25 9,850 (43.8) 9,850 (43.8) 2,280 (10.2) 2,280 (10.2) 2,080 (10.2) 2,080 (10.2) 8,240 (36.7) 8,240 (36.7) 2,280 (10.2) 2,280 (10.2) 2,080 (10.2) 2,080 (10.2) 13,415 (59.7) 13,415 (59.7) 3,075 (13.7) 2,695 (12.0) 2,975 (13.2) 2,695 (12.0) 11,985 (53.3) 11,985 (53.3) 3,075 (13.7) 2,695 (12.0) 2,975 (13.2) 2,695 (12.0) For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 pound = 4.45 N, 1 psi = 0.006895 MPa. For pound-inch unit: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches. 1 Concrete must have a compressive strength f 'c of 2,500 psi minimum. Installation must comply with Sections 4.1.10 and 4.3, and Figure 3 of this report. Design of headed cast-in specialty inserts shall be in accordance with the provisions of ACI 318 Appendix D for cast-in headed anchors. Strength reduction factors for the inserts shall be taken from ACI 318-11 D.4.3 for cast-in headed anchors. Strength reduction factors for load combinations in accordance with ACI 318 Section 9.2 governed by steel strength of the insert shall be taken as 0.65 for tension and 0.60 for shear; values correspond to brittle steel elements. The value of applies when the load combinations of Section 1605.2 of the IBC or ACI 318 Section 9.2 are used in accordance with ACI 318 D.4.3. If the load combinations of ACI 318 Appendix C are used, the appropriate value of must be determined in accordance with ACI 318 D.4.4. 4 The concrete tension strength of headed cast-in specialty inserts in concrete filled steel deck assemblies shall be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 Appendix D and Figures 4A, 4B and 4C, as applicable. 5 Insert O.D. is the outside diameter of the headed insert body. 6 Minimum spacing distance between anchors and minimum edge distances for cast-in headed Bang-It anchors shall be in accordance with Figures 4A, 4B or 4C, as applicable, and noted provisions. 7 The strengths shown in the table are for inserts only. Design professional is responsible for checking threaded rod strength in tension, shear, and combined tension and shear, as applicable. See Table 5 for steel design information for common threaded rod elements. 8 The tabulated insert strength values are applicable to installations in the lower flute or upper flute of the steel deck profiles; see Figures 4A, 4B and 4C. 2 3 22 ESR-3657 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 8 of 12 TABLE 4—SPECIFICATIONS AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF COMMON CARBON STEEL THREADED ROD ELEMENTS THREADED ROD SPECIFICATION Carbon Steel UNITS MIN. SPECIFIED MIN. SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH ULTIMATE STRENGTH, futa 0.2 PERCENT OFFSET, fya futa fya ELONGATION REDUCTION OF AREA MINIMUM PERCENT6 MIN. PERCENT 1 RELATED NUT SPECIFICATION8 ASTM A36/A36M2 and F15543 Grade 36 psi (MPa) 58,000 (400) 36,000 (248) 1.61 23 40 (50 for A36) ASTM A194 / A563 Grade A ISO 898-15 Class 4.6 MPa (psi) 400 (58,000) 240 (34,800) 1.67 22 -7 ISO 4032 Grade 4 psi (MPa) psi (MPa) 125,000 (862) 125,000 (860) 105,000 (724) 105,000 (720) 1.19 15 45 1.19 16 50 3 ASTM F1554 Grade 105 ASTM A193/A193M4 Grade B7 ASTM A194 / A563 Grade DH For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa. For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inch, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi. 1 Inserts may be used in conjunction with all grades of continuously threaded carbon steels (all-thread) that comply with code reference standards and that have thread characteristics comparable with ANSI B1.1 UNC Coarse Thread Series or ANSI B1.13M M Profile Metric Coarse Thread Series. Tabulated values correspond to anchor diameters included in this report. See Section 3.2.2 of this report for ductility of steel anchor elements. 2 Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel. 3 Standard Specification for Anchor Bolts, Steel, 36, 55, and 105-ksi Yield Strength. 4 Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High Temperature or High Pressure Service and Other Special Purpose Applications. 5 Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel – Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs. 6 Based on 2-inch (50 mm) gauge length except ASTM A193, which are based on a gauge length of 4d. 7 Minimum percent reduction of area not reported in the referenced standard. 8 Where nuts are applicable, nuts of other grades and style having specified proof load stress greater than the specified grade and style are also suitable. TABLE 5—STEEL DESIGN INFORMATION FOR COMMON THREADED ROD ELEMENTS USED WITH CONCRETE INSERTS ESIGN INFORMATION SYMBOL UNITS 1 /4-inch 3 /8-inch M10 M12 1 /2-inch 5 /8-inch 1,2,3,4 3 /4-inch in. 0.250 0.375 0.394 0.472 0.500 0.625 0.750 Threaded rod nominal outside diameter drod (mm) (6.4) (9.5) (10) (12) (12.7) (15.9) (19.1) 2 in 0.032 0.078 0.090 0.131 0.142 0.226 0.335 Threaded rod effective cross-sectional area Ase (mm2) (21) (50) (58) (85) (92) (146) (216) Nominal tension strength of ASTM A36 threaded rod in lb 1,855 4,525 5,220 7,600 8,235 13,110 19,400 Nsa,rod,A36 tension as governed by steel strength (kN) (8.2) (20.0) (23.2) (33.8) (36.6) (58.3) (86.3) Nominal seismic tension strength of ASTM A36 threaded lb 1,855 4,525 5,220 7,600 8,235 13,110 19,400 Nsa,rod,eq,A36 rod tension as governed by steel strength (kN) (8.2) (20.0) (23.2) (33.8) (36.6) (58.3) (86.3) Nominal tension strength of ASTM A193, Gr. B7 threaded lb 4,000 9,750 11,250 16,375 17,750 28,250 41,875 Nsa,rod,B7 rod in tension as governed by steel strength (kN) (17.7) (43.1) (50.1) (72.9) (78.9) (125.7) (186.0) Nominal seismic tension strength of ASTM A193, Gr. B7 lb 4,000 9,750 11,250 16,375 17,750 28,250 41,875 Nsa,rod,eq,B7 threaded rod tension as governed by steel strength (kN) (17.7) (43.1) (50.1) (72.9) (78.9) (125.7) (186.0) Nominal shear strength of ASTM A36 threaded rod in lb 1,105 2,695 3,130 4,560 4,940 7,860 11,640 Vsa,rod,A36 shear as governed by steel strength (kN) (4.9) (12.0) (13.9) (20.3) (22.0) (35.0) (51.8) Nominal seismic shear strength of ASTM A36 threaded lb 780 1,900 2,190 3,190 3,460 5,505 8,160 Vsa,rod,eq,A36 rod in shear as governed by steel strength (kN) (3.5) (8.4) (9.7) (14.2) (15.4) (24.5) (36.3) Nominal shear strength of ASTM A193, Gr. B7 threaded lb 2,385 5,815 6,750 9,825 10,640 16,950 25,085 Vsa,rod,B7 rod in shear as governed by steel strength (kN) (10.6) (25.9) (30.0) (43.7) (7.3) (75.4) (111.6) Nominal seismic shear strength of ASTM A193, Gr. B7 lb 1,680 4,095 4,725 6,880 7,455 11,865 17,590 Vsa,rod,eq,B7 threaded rod in shear as governed by steel strength (kN) (7.5) (18.2) (21.0) (30.6) (34.2) (52.8) (78.2) For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 pound = 0.00445 kN, 1 in2 = 645.2 mm2. For pound-inch unit: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches. 1 Values provided for steel element material types, or equivalent, based on minimum specified strengths; Nsa,rod and Vsa,rod calculated in accordance with ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-2) and Eq. (D-29) respectively. Vsa,rod,eq must be taken as 0.7Vsa,rod. 2 Nsa shall be the lower of the Nsa,rod or Nsa,insert for static steel strength in tension; for seismic loading Nsa,eq shall be the lower of the Nsa,rod,eq or Nsa,insert,eq. 3 Vsa shall be the lower of the Vsa,rod or Vsa,insert for static steel strength in tension; for seismic loading Vsa,eq shall be the lower of the Vsa,rod,eq or Vsa,insert,eq. 4 Strength reduction factors shall be taken from ACI 318-11 D.4.3 for steel elements. Strength reduction factors for load combinations in accordance with ACI 318 Section 9.2 governed by steel strength of ductile steel elements shall be taken as 0.75 for tension and 0.65 for shear. The value of applies when the load combinations of Section 1605.2 of the IBC or ACI 318 Section 9.2 are used in accordance with ACI 318 D.4.3. If the load combinations of ACI 318 Appendix C are used, the appropriate value of must be determined in accordance with ACI 318 D.4.4. Idealization of Steel Deck Profile (e.g. see Figures 4A and 4C) Idealization of Steel Deck Profile (e.g. see Figure 4B) FIGURE 5—IDEALIZATION OF CONCRETE FILLED STEEL DECKS FOR DETERMINATION OF CONCRETE BREAKOUT STRENGTH IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACI 318 23 ESR-3657 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 9 of 12 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 TABLE 6—EXAMPLE ASD ALLOWABLE TENSION DESIGN VALUES FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES CONCRETE THREADED ROD STRENGTH SPECIFICATION (f’c) A36 A193, Gr. B7 A36 A193, Gr. B7 A36 A193, Gr. B7 A36 A193, Gr. B7 A36 A193, Gr. B7 A36 A193, Gr. B7 2,500 3,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 WOOD-KNOCKER IN CONCRETE 1 3 /4-INCH (lbs) /8-INCH (lbs) M10 (lbs) M12 (lbs) 1,640 1,640 1,800 1,800 2,080 2,080 2,295 2,545 2,295 2,940 2,295 3,285 1,640 1,640 1,800 1,800 2,080 2,080 2,545 2,545 2,645 2,940 2,645 3,285 1,640 1,640 1,800 1,800 2,080 2,080 2,545 2,545 2,940 2,940 3,285 3,285 940 1,640 940 1,800 940 2,025 940 2,025 940 2,025 940 2,025 1 5 /2-INCH (lbs) 3 /8-INCH (lbs) 1,640 1,640 1,800 1,800 2,080 2,080 2,545 2,545 2,940 2,940 3,285 3,285 /4-INCH (lbs) 1,640 1,640 1,800 1,800 2,080 2,080 2,545 2,545 2,940 2,940 3,285 3,285 1,640 1,640 1,800 1,800 2,080 2,080 2,545 2,545 2,940 2,940 3,285 3,285 For SI: 1 pound = 4.45 N. For pound-inch unit: 1 inch = 25.4 mm. Illustrative Allowable Stress Design Values in Table 6 are applicable only when all of the following design assumptions are followed: 1 Concrete compressive strength, f'c, given for normal weight concrete. 2 Single anchors with static tension load with installation in accordance to Figure 3 for Wood-Knocker. 3 Concrete determined to remain uncracked for the life of the anchorage. 4 Load combinations from ACI 318 Section 9.2 (no seismic loading). 5 30% dead load and 70% live load, controlling load combination 1.2D + 1.6 L. 6 Calculation of the weighted average for α = 1.2*0.3 + 1.6*0.7 = 1.48. 7 Assuming no edge distance influence (ca1 ≥ 1.5hef) and no side-face blowout in tension for Wood-Knocker. 9 h ≥ hmin according to ACI 318 Section D.8. 10 Values are for Condition B where supplementary reinforcement in accordance with ACI 318-11 D.4.3 is not provided. TABLE 7—EXAMPLE ASD ALLOWABLE SHEAR DESIGN VALUE FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES CONCRETE THREADED STRENGTH ROD (f’c) SPECIFICATION A36 A193, Gr. B7 A36 A193, Gr. B7 A36 A193, Gr. B7 A36 A193, Gr. B7 A36 A193, Gr. B7 A36 A193, Gr. B7 2,500 3,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 WOOD-KNOCKER IN CONCRETE 1 /4-INCH (lbs) 490 1,055 490 1,055 490 1,055 490 1,055 490 1,055 490 1,055 3 /8-INCH (lbs) 1,195 1,640 1,195 1,800 1,195 2,080 1,195 2,545 1,195 2,570 1,195 2,570 M10 (lbs) 1,375 1,640 1,375 1,800 1,375 2,080 1,375 2,545 1,375 2,940 1,375 2,965 M12 (lbs) 1,640 1,640 1,800 1,800 2,005 2,080 2,005 2,545 2,005 2,940 2,005 3,285 1 5 /2-INCH (lbs) 1,640 1,640 1,800 1,800 2,080 2,080 2,170 2,545 2,170 2,940 2,170 3,285 3 /8-INCH (lbs) 1,640 1,640 1,800 1,800 2,080 2,080 2,545 2,545 2,940 2,940 3,285 3,285 /4-INCH (lbs) 1,640 1,640 1,800 1,800 2,080 2,080 2,545 2,545 2,940 2,940 3,285 3,285 For SI: 1 pound = 4.45 N. For pound-inch unit: 1 inch = 25.4 mm. Illustrative Allowable Stress Design Values in Table 7 are applicable only when all of the following design assumptions are followed: 1 Concrete compressive strength, f'c, given for normal weight concrete. 2 Single anchors with static shear load with installation in accordance with Figure 3 for Wood-Knocker. 3 Concrete determined to remain uncracked for the life of the anchorage. 4 Load combinations from ACI 318 Section 9.2 (no seismic loading). 5 30% dead load and 70% live load, controlling load combination 1.2D + 1.6 L. 6 Calculation of the weighted average for α = 1.2*0.3 + 1.6*0.7 = 1.48. 7 Assuming no edge distance (ca1 ≥ 1.5hef) or corner distance influence (ca2 ≥ 1.5ca1) for Wood-Knocker anchors. 8 Shear loads may be applied in any direction. 9 h ≥ hmin according to ACI 318 Section D.8. 10 Values are for Condition B where supplementary reinforcement in accordance with ACI 318-11 D.4.3 is not provided. WOOD-KNOCKER 1 /4-INCH Brown 3 /8-INCH M10 M12 Green Green Yellow 1 /2-INCH Yellow BANG-IT 5 /8-INCH Red 3 /4-INCH Purple 1 /4-INCH Brown 3 /8-INCH M10 M12 Green Green Yellow 1 /2-INCH Yellow 5 /8-INCH Red 3 /4-INCH Purple FIGURE 6—WOOD-KNOCKER CONCRETE INSERTS AND BANG-IT INSERTS FOR CONCRETE-FILLED STEEL DECKS 24 ESR-3657 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 10 of 12 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 TABLE 8—EXAMPLE ASD ALLOWABLE TENSION DESIGN VALUES FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES THREADED CONCRETE ROD STRENGTH SPECIFICATION (f’c) 2,500 3,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 A36 A193, Gr. B7 A36 A193, Gr. B7 A36 A193, Gr. B7 A36 A193, Gr. B7 A36 A193, Gr. B7 A36 A193, Gr. B7 THREADED CONCRETE ROD STRENGTH SPECIFICATION (f’c) 2,500 3,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 A36 A193, Gr. B7 A36 A193, Gr. B7 A36 A193, Gr. B7 A36 A193, Gr. B7 A36 A193, Gr. B7 A36 A193, Gr. B7 CONCRETE THREADED STRENGTH ROD SPECIFICATION (f’c) 2,500 3,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 A36 A193, Gr. B7 A36 A193, Gr. B7 A36 A193, Gr. B7 A36 A193, Gr. B7 A36 A193, Gr. B7 A36 A193, Gr. B7 BANG-IT IN CONCRETE-FILLED STEEL DECK (FIGURE 4A) 1 /4-INCH (lbs) Upper Lower 940 830 1,395 830 940 905 1,530 905 940 940 1,765 1,045 940 940 2,025 1,280 940 940 2,025 1,475 940 940 2,025 1,650 3 /8-INCH (lbs) Upper Lower 1,395 830 1,395 830 1,530 905 1,530 905 1,765 1,045 1,765 1,045 2,160 1,280 2,160 1,280 2,295 1,475 2,495 1,475 2,295 1,650 2,790 1,650 M10 (lbs) Upper Lower 1,395 830 1,395 830 1,530 905 1,530 905 1,765 1,045 1,765 1,045 2,160 1,280 2,160 1,280 2,495 1,475 2,495 1,475 2,645 1,650 2,790 1,650 M12 (lbs) Upper Lower 1,395 830 1,395 830 1,530 905 1,530 905 1,765 1,045 1,765 1,045 2,160 1,280 2,160 1,280 2,495 1,475 2,495 1,475 2,790 1,650 2,790 1,650 1 /2-INCH (lbs) Upper Lower 1,395 830 1,395 830 1,530 905 1,530 905 1,765 1,045 1,765 1,045 2,160 1,280 2,160 1,280 2,495 1,475 2,495 1,475 2,790 1,650 2,790 1,650 10 5 /8-INCH (lbs) Upper Lower 1,395 830 1,395 830 1,530 905 1,530 905 1,765 1,045 1,765 1,045 2,160 1,280 2,160 1,280 2,495 1,475 2,495 1,475 2,790 1,650 2,790 1,650 3 /4-INCH (lbs) Upper Lower 1,395 830 1,395 830 1,530 905 1,530 905 1,765 1,045 1,765 1,045 2,160 1,280 2,160 1,280 2,495 1,475 2,495 1,475 2,790 1,650 2,790 1,650 BANG-IT IN CONCRETE-FILLED STEEL DECK (FIGURE 4B)11 1 /4-INCH (lbs) Upper Lower 940 365 1,395 365 940 400 1,530 400 940 465 1,765 465 940 570 2,025 570 940 655 2,025 655 940 730 2,025 730 3 /8-INCH (lbs) Upper Lower 1,395 365 1,395 365 1,530 400 1,530 400 1,765 465 1,765 465 2,160 570 2,160 570 2,295 655 2,495 655 2,295 730 2,790 730 M10 (lbs) Upper Lower 1,395 365 1,395 365 1,530 400 1,530 400 1,765 465 1,765 465 2,160 570 2,160 570 2,495 655 2,495 655 2,645 730 2,790 730 M12 (lbs) Upper Lower 1,395 365 1,395 365 1,530 400 1,530 400 1,765 465 1,765 465 2,160 570 2,160 570 2,495 655 2,495 655 2,790 730 2,790 730 1 /2-INCH (lbs) Upper Lower 1,395 365 1,395 365 1,530 400 1,530 400 1,765 465 1,765 465 2,160 570 2,160 570 2,495 655 2,495 655 2,790 730 2,790 730 5 /8-INCH (lbs) Upper Lower 1,395 365 1,395 365 1,530 400 1,530 400 1,765 465 1,765 465 2,160 570 2,160 570 2,495 655 2,495 655 2,790 730 2,790 730 3 /4-INCH (lbs) Upper Lower 1,395 365 1,395 365 1,530 400 1,530 400 1,765 465 1,765 465 2,160 570 2,160 570 2,495 655 2,495 655 2,790 730 2,790 730 BANG-IT IN CONCRETE-FILLED STEEL DECK (FIGURE 4C)12 1 /4-INCH (lbs) Upper Lower 940 705 1,395 705 940 775 1,530 775 940 890 1,765 890 940 940 2,025 1,090 940 940 2,025 1,260 940 940 2,025 1,410 3 /8-INCH (lbs) Upper Lower 1,395 705 1,395 705 1,530 775 1,530 775 1,765 890 1,765 890 2,160 1,090 2,160 1,090 2,295 1,260 2,495 1,260 2,295 1,410 2,790 1,410 M10 (lbs) Upper Lower 1,395 705 1,395 705 1,530 775 1,530 775 1,765 890 1,765 890 2,160 1,090 2,160 1,090 2,495 1,260 2,495 1,260 2,645 1,410 2,790 1,410 M12 (lbs) Upper Lower 1,395 705 1,395 705 1,530 775 1,530 775 1,765 890 1,765 890 2,160 1,090 2,160 1,090 2,495 1,260 2,495 1,260 2,790 1,410 2,790 1,410 1 /2-INCH (lbs) Upper Lower 1,395 705 1,395 705 1,530 775 1,530 775 1,765 890 1,765 890 2,160 1,090 2,160 1,090 2,495 1,260 2,495 1,260 2,790 1,410 2,790 1,410 5 /8-INCH (lbs) Upper Lower 1,395 705 1,395 705 1,530 775 1,530 775 1,765 890 1,765 890 2,160 1,090 2,160 1,090 2,495 1,260 2,495 1,260 2,790 1,410 2,790 1,410 3 /4-INCH (lbs) Upper Lower 1,395 705 1,395 705 1,530 775 1,530 775 1,765 890 1,765 890 2,160 1,090 2,160 1,090 2,495 1,260 2,495 1,260 2,790 1,410 2,790 1,410 For SI: 1 pound = 4.45 N. For pound-inch unit: 1 inch = 25.4 mm. Illustrative Allowable Stress Design Values in Table 8 are applicable only when all of the following design assumptions are followed: 1 Concrete compressive strength, f'c, given for sand-light weight concrete for Bang-It anchors. Single anchors; static tension load with installation in upper and lower flute locations in concrete-filled steel deck in accordance with Figures 4A, 4B or 4C, as applicable, and noted provisions. 3 Concrete determined to remain uncracked for the life of the anchorage. 4 Load combinations from ACI 318 Section 9.2 (no seismic loading). 5 30% dead load and 70% live load, controlling load combination 1.2D + 1.6 L. 6 Calculation of the weighted average for α = 1.2*0.3 + 1.6*0.7 = 1.48. 7 h ≥ hmin according to ACI 318 Section D.8. 8 Values are for Condition B where supplementary reinforcement in accordance with ACI 318-11 D.4.3 is not provided. 9 Assuming no edge distance influence with Ψed,N = 1.0 and no side-face blowout in tension for upper flute Bang-It anchors. 10 For lower flute Bang-It anchors, the near edge distance, ca,min, is 1.125-inch (see Figure 4A). 11 For lower flute Bang-It anchors, the near edge distance, ca,min, is 0.75-inch (see Figure 4B). 12 For lower flute Bang-It anchors, the near edge distance, ca,min, is 0.75-inch (see Figure 4C). 2 25 ESR-3657 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 11 of 12 TABLE 9—EXAMPLE ASD ALLOWABLE SHEAR DESIGN VALUE FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES CONCRETE THREADED STRENGTH ROD (f’c) SPECIFICATION 2,500 to 10,000 A36 A193, Gr. B7 CONCRETE THREADED STRENGTH ROD (f’c) SPECIFICATION 2,500 to 10,000 A36 A193, Gr. B7 THREADED CONCRETE ROD STRENGTH SPECIFICATION (f’c) 2,500 to 10,000 A36 A193, Gr. B7 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 BANG-IT IN CONCRETE-FILLED STEEL DECK (FIGURE 4A) 1 3 /4-INCH /8-INCH M10 M12 (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower 490 490 925 925 925 925 925 925 925 925 925 925 925 925 925 925 1 /2-INCH (lbs) Upper Lower 925 925 925 925 5 3 /8-INCH /4-INCH (lbs) (lbs) Upper Lower Upper Lower 1,245 1,245 1,245 1,245 1,245 1,245 1,245 1,245 BANG-IT IN CONCRETE-FILLED STEEL DECK (FIGURE 4B) 1 3 /4-INCH /8-INCH M10 M12 (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower 490 490 845 845 845 845 845 845 845 845 845 845 845 845 845 845 1 /2-INCH (lbs) Upper Lower 845 845 845 845 5 3 /8-INCH /4-INCH (lbs) (lbs) Upper Lower Upper Lower 1,205 1,205 1,205 1,205 1,205 1,205 1,205 1,205 BANG-IT IN CONCRETE-FILLED STEEL DECK (FIGURE 4C) 1 3 /4-INCH /8-INCH M10 M12 (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower 490 490 845 845 845 845 845 845 845 845 845 845 845 845 845 845 1 /2-INCH (lbs) Upper Lower 845 845 845 845 5 3 /8-INCH /4-INCH (lbs) (lbs) Upper Lower Upper Lower 1,205 1,205 1,205 1,205 1,205 1,205 1,205 1,205 For SI: 1 pound = 4.45 N. For pound-inch unit: 1 inch = 25.4 mm. Illustrative Allowable Stress Design Values in Table 9 are applicable only when all of the following design assumptions are followed: 1 Concrete compressive strength, f'c, given for sand-light weight for Bang-It anchors. Single anchors; static shear load with installation in upper and lower flute locations in concrete-filled steel deck in accordance with Figures 4A, 4B or 4C, as applicable, and noted provisions. 3 Concrete determined to remain uncracked for the life of the anchorage. 4 Load combinations from ACI 318 Section 9.2 (no seismic loading). 5 30% dead load and 70% live load, controlling load combination 1.2D + 1.6 L. 6 Calculation of the weighted average for α = 1.2*0.3 + 1.6*0.7 = 1.48. 7 Assuming no edge distance (ca1 ≥ 1.5hef) or corner distance influence (ca2 ≥ 1.5ca1) upper flute Bang-It anchors. 8 Shear loads may be applied in any direction. 9 h ≥ hmin according to ACI 318 Section D.8. 10 Values are for Condition B where supplementary reinforcement in accordance with ACI 318-11 D.4.3 is not provided. WOOD-KNOCKER 2 1.) Position insert on formwork nails down. BANG-IT POSITION 1.) Cut (e.g. drill/punch) a hole in the steel deck to the hole size required by the insert. CREATE HOLE 2.) Drive insert down until flush with the form. 3.) After formwork removal, remove nails as necessary (e.g. flush mounted fixtures). DRIVE PREPARE 3.) Step on or impact the insert head to engage. Optionally, base plate of insert can also be screwed to steel deck. 2.) Place the plastic sleeve of the insert through hole in steel deck. POSITION PREPARE FIGURE 7— WOOD-KNOCKER AND BANG-IT CONCRETE INSERTS MANUFACTUER PUBLISHED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (MPII) 26 4.) After concrete has reached design strength, install threaded steel element (rod/bolt) into the insert or attach fixture as applicable (e.g. seismic brace). ATTACH 4.) After concrete has reached design strength, install threaded steel element (rod/bolt) into the insert. Trim away plastic sleeve for shear load applications and attach fixture as applicable (e.g. seismic brace). ATTACH E ESR-3657 | Most M Widely Acc cepted and Tru usted Given: 3 nsert with ASTM A A36 rod One /8” Bang‐It in installed in the lo ower flute of steel deck Steel deck in accordance with Figure 4C 7 of this report (3 /8” min. flute widtth) 3 Anchor is 1 /16” offfset from center o of flute 3 1 edge, 3 /8 from farr edge) ( /4” from close e Sand‐lightweight cconcrete with ength: (f’c) = 3,000 0 psi compressive stre No supplemental reinforcement: (Condition B per ACI 318‐11 D.4.3 cc) eismic Assume cracked concrete and no se ha = 5 in. (2” topping thickness) hef = 1.75 in. ca1 = ca,min = 0.75 in n. ca2 ≥ 1.5hef (∴take en as 1.5hef) Pag ge 12 of 12 Calculate the facttored resistance design strength in ttension and equivvalent allowable sstress design load for the anchor in the given configu uration. Calculation in accordance with ACI 318‐11 and this report: Cod de Ref. Rep port Ref. D D.8 Taable 3 Figgure 4C D.55.1.1 D.55.1.2 §§4.1.2 Table 3 and Table 5 Step 2a. Calculate e steel strength of the insert in tension: Nsa,insert = 0.65 • 10,440 lbs. = 66,785 lbs. D.55.1.1 D.55.1.2 §§4.1.2 Table 3 Step 2b. Calculate e steel strength of the threaded rod in tension: Nsa,rodd,A36 = 0.75 • 4,5255 lbs. = 3,395 lbs. D.55.1.1 D.55.1.2 §§4.1.2 Table 3 Step 2c. Nsa,rod,A366 < Nsa,insert ∴ threaded rod capacitty controls steel sttrength in tension D.55.1.1 D.55.1.2 §§4.1.2 D.5.2.1 (b) §§4.1.3 D.5.2.1 (b) §§4.1.3 Figgure 4C D.55.2.5 §§4.1.3 Taable 3 Figgure 4C Step 3c. Calculate e ψc,N = 1.0 (for cracked concrete) D.55.2.6 Taable 3 Step 3d. Calculate e ψcp,N = 1.0 (for caast‐in anchors) D.55.2.7 ‐ D.55.2.2 D D.3.6 Taable 3 D.5.2.1 (a) §§4.1.3 Step 4. Calculate n nominal pullout sttrength of a single anchor in tension n: N/A (not applicaable) D.55.3.1 §§4.1.1 Step 5. Calculate n nominal side‐face blowout strength of the anchor: N//A (not applicable)) D.55.4.1 §§4.1.4 D D.4.1 §§4.1.1 Step 7. Calculate aallowable stress design conversion ffactor for loading condition: Assume controlling load combination: 1.2D + 1.6L ; 30% Dead d Load, 70% Live Looad 0.3) + 1.6(0.7) = 1..48 α = 1.2(0 99.2 §§4.2.1 Step 8. Calculate aallowable stress design value: = 620 lbs. , 99.2 §§4.2.1 Step 1. Verify min nimum member thickness, spacing and edge distance: ha = 5.0 in. (2” topping thickness, lower flute) ≥ hmin = 4.5 in. (1.5” topping thickkness, lower flute) ∴ OK A (not applicable) sa = N/A ca1 = 0.75 in. ≥ ca,min = 0.75 in. ∴ OK Step 2. Calculate ssteel strength of the anchor in tension: Calculate Nsa,insert and Nsaa,rod and determine e the controlling stteel strength in tennsion Step 3. Calculate cconcrete breakoutt strength of the anchor in tension: , , , Step 3a. Calculate e ANco and ANc 2 2 2 ANco = 9h hef = 9 • (1.75) = 27.6 in. 2 Anc = (ca11 + (1.5hef)) • (ca2 + + 1.5hef) = (0.75 + 2 2.625)•((2.625 + 2.625)) = 17.7 in. ∴ ∴ANc = 17.7 in.2 Step 3b. Calculate e ψed,N = 1.0 if ca,minn ≥ 1.5hef ; ψed,N = 0 0.7 0.3 , . if ca,min < 1.5hef a ca,min = 0.75 in. < 1.5hef ∴ ψ ψed,N = 0.7 + 0.3•(0 0.75/2.625) = 0.79 Step 3f. Calculate Nb = . ′ = 24 0.85 √3,000 • 1.75 . = 2,587 lbs. Step 3g. Calculate e concrete breakou ut strength of the anchor in tension: Ncb = (17.7/27.6) • 0.79 • 1.0 • 1.0 • 2,587 = 1,310 lbs. Calculate concrete breako out capacity = Ncbb = 0.70 • 1,310 = 9 917 lbs. Step 6. Determine e the controlling re esistance strength h of the anchor in ttension: Nn= min| , | = Ncb = 917 lbs. . FIGURE 8— EXAMP PLE STRENGTH H DESIGN CALC CULATION FOR R TENSION CAP PACITY OF BAN NG-IT ANCHOR IN CO ONCRETE-FILLE ED STEEL DEC CK ASSEMBLIES S 27
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