2012 12 BP Sac-Placer News December
2012 12 BP Sac-Placer News December
Bereaved Parents of the USA Sacramento-South Placer County Chapter December 2012 Gatherings & Activities Inside this issue December 2012 Gatherings November Gatherings 1 Welcome 2 Keys to Recovery 2 Hope for the Holidays Part 2 3 Certain Events Change Our Lives Forever 3 2012 Candle Lighting 4 Lost but Not Forgotten 5 2013 National Gathering 6 The Day After 7 Reader’s Choice 7 Family Bulletin Board 8 BP/USA Guiding Principles 9 Chapter Contacts 9 Donations 9 Local Resources 10 Resources for Young Adults, Teens & Children 11 Internet Resources 12 Moms Sacramento Valley Area (First Thursday) Date & Time: Thursday, December 6, 6:00 p.m. Location: Linda’s home in Roseville. For address, RSVP to ChrisHarder@heritageoaksmc.com or 916-768-3891. Linda has a lovely dinner planned for us. Please bring a dessert to share. Linda will provide the rest of the dinner. Bring a photo of your child. South Placer County Foothills Area (Second Thursday) Our Auburn moms group will be taking a break during November and December. With sufficient interest, this group will resume in January 2013. If you are located in the Auburn area and would like to participate as a co-leader of this group, call Chris at 916-768-3891 or email ChrisHarder@HeritageOaksMC.com. Dads Sac Valley/South Placer County Areas (Second Thursday) Date & Time: Thursday, December 13, 6:00 p.m. Location: Carrow’s Restaurant, 100 N Sunrise Ave, Roseville. Details: Dinner ordered individually from the menu. RSVP to RonHarder@HeritageOaksMC.com or 916-806-7305. “…whatever you decide to do this year may change on an annual basis, or it may become a tradition, depending on how you feel at the time.” Kay Bevington, Alive Alone 2012 Holiday Newsletter Save the date! January Parent Groups Moms 1/3; Dads 12/10 National Gathering, 7/26-28/ 2013 Bereaved Parents of the USA 2012 Worldwide Candle Lighting Watch for new information in our newsletter December 9, 2012, 6:00 p.m. The Worldwide Candle every month. Lighting gives families everywhere the opportunity to Remember their child…that their light may always shine! Lost But Not Forgotten – Sunday Dec. 16 A Warm and Understanding Welcome to Our Newcomers If you are reading our newsletter for the first time, we hope you will find the information to be helpful. During the holidays, bereaved parents often need more help and encouragement than at other times during the year. We are here for you. KEYS TO RECOVERY Part 12 of a series Emotional Investments Grief is a process. Recovery is a choice. The way we grieve is a decision. We wonder why the holidays are so difficult. We may our every wish, we enjoyed a huge dinner, and life was continually be on the verge of tears, go on impulsive good. As parents, we invest a lot of emotional energy shopping sprees, or we may want to escape alone to a dark into giving our children the best Christmas we can room. Regardless of our behavior, many of us dread this imagine. Some of us start our holiday shopping as early season because we miss our child who has died. as October, so for 3 months we invest our emotional Throughout our lives, we make emotional investments energy into finding the perfect gifts for the people on into people and experiences. The experiences we our list. For many of us, our investment into the holiday remember more clearly are those into which we invested season is huge. more emotional energy. Have you ever purchased a new So, what happens when our child is abruptly car? Hopefully you did the research to find out what make snatched from our holidays? If they are away at college and model would best suit your needs. Was gas mileage an and can’t come home, we may hope that they will issue? How about the color? What level of comfort were surprise us and show up at the door on Christmas you looking for? Making all the decisions about your new morning! But if our child has died, then we may be car required a lot of emotional investment. And when you crushed with the thought that we have nothing to hope drove your new car off the lot, you probably felt a great for. We may feel as if all of the emotional energy that deal of satisfaction. This is one of those experiences you we poured into our child, and into the holidays, has been are likely to remember. rendered of no value. Our loss is overwhelming and it’s We make a similar investment into people. As parents, out of our control! Until we are able to work through we invest an immeasurable amount of emotional energy our grief, the holidays may have turned into the most into our children. We are responsible to care for them and painful time of the year for us. provide their needs. Our children are the focus of our love So, what happens when the connection with the and affection. We want them to have the best, so we invest person we have invested so much emotional energy into our time, money, and emotional energy for many years into is severed? Our emotional reaction is called grief. The trying to make it happen for them. larger the investment, the deeper the grief experience. In considering the holidays, our emotional investment How can we help but feel emotionally destroyed during may have been negative or positive. Growing up, we may the holidays after our child has died? If our past holiday have had negative experiences at Christmas time because experiences were positive, as time passes and we work of abuse or a parent that was absent.. Or we might have through our grief, our joy and excitement about the been disappointed at not receiving the gifts we wanted holidays will likely return… but maybe not to the same which could have led to anger or jealousy. These emotions degree as before. Part of this process will be finding a could have led to negative behavior, or feelings that we new focus for our emotional investment. It could be a may have had to stuff. The holidays are lonely for many greater emphasis on the religious aspect of the holidays, people who are alone which often leads to depression. or involvement in a service project, or an opportunity to Because of negative emotional investments, some people give a gift in memory of your child. may want to avoid the holidays altogether. Understanding how our emotional investment affects our grief is helpful as we consider the impact the In contrast, perhaps our holiday experiences were holiday season has on us. positive. We visited with loving family, Santa gave us our every visited with lovingGRIEF family, Santa gavefeeling exhausted the day after the holiday, don’t over estimate STEPSpositive. TO WORKWe THROUGH HOLIDAY : 1) To avoid us what you’ll feel up to doing on the holiday. It’s better to plan too little than too much and end up feeling overwhelmed. Plan for relaxation, rest and good nourishment. 2) Include a time of tribute to your child during the holiday. 3) Realize that mild depression usually follows big events. Understand that this will probably pass quickly and you may actually feel relieved when the holiday is over. BP/USA Sacramento-South Placer County Chapter Newsletter – December 2012 – Page 2 Hope for the Holidays CERTAIN EVENTS CHANGE OUR LIVES FOREVER Part 2 Here are a few more suggestions for surviving the holidays, continued from our November 2012 newsletter. Your Wish List You may choose to send your “wish list” of requests to friends and family to let them know some of the ways they can help you or things they can do to honor your child. This will help alleviate the stress for them as well. Let them know what would be most comforting for you… a hug, a prayer, talking about your child, or not saying a word. THE DEATH OF A CHILD, A SPOUSE, A CLOSE FAMILY MEMBER, OR ANY LOVED ONE MAKES A PERMANENT MARK ON THE LANDSCAPE OF OUR LIVES. CERTAIN TRAGEDIES TAKE US TO PLACES WHERE WE Escape Route You may want to escape all the hustle and bustle and holiday cheer. That’s ok! Pick a nice quiet location where you can have some time to yourself. HAVE NEVER BEEN AND FROM WHICH WE CAN NEVER – NOR SHOULD WE WISH TO. THE OBJECT OF GRIEVING SHOULD NOT BE TO “GET OVER” THE LOSS OF A LOVED ONE BUT INSTEAD TO COMPLETELY RETURN INCORPORATE BOTH THE LOVE AND THE LOSS INTO OUR Reach Out to Others Helping someone else during this emotionally packed season is often the most rewarding and helpful thing we can do for ourselves as bereaved parents. This time of year provides many opportunities to help others enjoy their holiday. When we are able to turn our grief into a way to help others, it will lift our spirits as well as theirs. Christmas Feast Preparing a holiday meal may be difficult for you this year. Consider serving food your child enjoyed or eating out at a restaurant you ate at with your child HEARTS…SO THAT WE MIGHT LEARN TO LIVE AGAIN. MANY YEARS AFTER THE LOSS OF A LOVED ONE, LONG AFTER WE HAVE “PROCESSED” OUR GRIEF AND “MOVED ON” WITH OUR LIVES, WE MAY FIND OURSELVES REDUCED TO TEARS AT THE SIGHT OF AN OLD PHOTOGRAPH OR THE FIRST BAR OF AN OLD FAMILIAR SONG. DOES THIS MEAN THAT WE ARE IN SOME WAY DEFICIENT OR THAT OUR MOURNING IS SOMEHOW INCOMPLETE? NO. IT SIMPLY REMINDS US THAT SOME LOSSES STAY WITH US FOREVER AND THAT OUR LOVED ONES ARE TOO IMPORTANT TO EVER BE ERASED FROM OUR HEARTS. Include Your Child In your Holiday Perhaps prior to the death of your child, your family had settled into a routine for the holidays that hadn’t changed for the past several years. Obviously, it’s difficult to imagine enjoying the same activities that used to be so much fun! There are ways that you can include your child in this year’s activities such as a balloon release, a stop at the cemetery on the way to Grandpa’s house, adding a new decoration to your tree with one of your favorite photos of them, or asking each family member to write a personal note to them to place in their Christmas stocking on Christmas Eve. The Trade Off There are some positive trade offs that come with acknowledging and accepting that things will never be the same. A new world of creativity will open up to us that will be rewarding. Considering what we can do to honor our child during the holidays will help us cope with this difficult season. AND THAT’S GOOD. BECAUSE IN OUR – AND IN GOD’S – IS PRECISELY WHERE OUR LOVED ONES BELONG FOREVER.” HEARTS A Journey with God Beyond Grief Dr. Crisswell Freeman Umbrella Ministries December 2011 Newsletter “Love’s flame may flicker, but it never dies. May this candle’s flame that we light during the Christmas Season help us reflect the treasured memories of the life and love that we shared with our child; a symbol of hope and a reminder that they are here with us in our hearts and in our memories. The time was too brief, the experiences too few, but the love and memories will last forever.” “For you will light my candle: The Lord my God will enlighten my darkness.” PSALM 18:28 UMBRELLA MINISTRIES DECEMBER 2011 NEWSLETTER BP/USA Sacramento-South Placer County Chapter Newsletter – December 2012 – Page 3 Annual World Wide Candle Lighting Presented by the Sacramento-South Placer County Chapter Bereaved Parents of the USA Hope Our theme is “Hope.” Our special guest speaker this year is Reverend Master Senior Chaplain Mindi Russell who currently serves as Executive Director of the Sacramento Law Enforcement Chaplaincy. Please invite your family members and friends. Our desire is that those who attend will be encouraged and leave with hope in their hearts. Things to Remember To have your child listed in the printed program for the Candle Lighting, please email the following information to ChrisHarder@HeritageOaksMC.com no later than December 4: 1) Your child’s full name, date of birth, date of loss. 2) If your child served in the US military at any time, please include their branch of service and rank. 3) Parent(s) and sibling(s) names. Information will be needed by December 4. Framed Photos to Display Please bring a framed photo of your child to display in the front of the auditorium. Refreshments You are encouraged to bring your child’s favorite holiday snack to share during our refreshment time. May our children’s memories burn forever like a candle in our hearts. Montage DVDs Available Copies of the Montage/slide show of our children will be available for a donation of $12.50 each. DVDs ordered early will be available to take home at the close of the evening. Payment will be received upon delivery. Proceeds will benefit our local Chapter. If your DVD needs to be shipped, please add $3.00 to offset the cost of shipping. Sunday, December 9, 2012 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. Hope This is a beautiful event that you won’t want to miss! Hosted by Creekside Church 290 Technology Way, Rocklin 95765 History of the Worldwide Candle Lighting The Worldwide Candle Lighting started in the USA in 1997 by The Compassionate Friends (TCF) as a small Internet observance. It has since grown as word about the remembrance has spread throughout the world. During the memorial service, candles will be lit from 78 p.m. local time, creating a virtual wave of light as it moves from time zone to time zone around the world, commemorating and honoring children who have died. You are invited to post a message in the Remembrance Book which will be available on December 9 on line at www.compassionatefriends.org. Every year, thousands of messages are posted in memory of children. This year will be the seventh candle lighting sponsored by the Sacramento-South Placer County Chapter of the BP/USA (formerly Sean Sullivan Project). Our local children will be remembered during this very beautiful and touching memorial service. Families are invited to bring friends. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide child care. Donations There is no charge to attend this event, however donations are received with gratitude to help defray costs. 501(c)(3). A donation basket will be available at the event. Please write checks to BP/USA. BP/USA Sacramento-South Placer County Chapter Newsletter – December 2012 – Page 4 Lost But Not Forgotten Linda, Rob & James Warn, Sponsors In Honor of Rob and Lil Chris Robert “Rob” Charles Warn 3/5/1984 – 8/18/2008 Christopher “lil Chris” Lee Baker 6/5/1979 – 9/19/2008 Santa is coming! Turkeys & Food Baskets, Christmas Stockings, Clothing from Famous Stars and Straps, Gifts for the Family Members, Pizza for the Party! All this and more for 50 local under-privileged children and their families. What a blessing to help these families that have been identified and screened by the Roseville Police Activities League (RPAL). Event Date & Time: December 16, Sunday afternoon, 1:00 p.m. Location: Police Activities League Gym, 110 Corporation Yard Rd, Roseville (Behind Roseville Police Dept off Washington Blvd.) There is excitement among many of the moms in our support group, and we appreciate your involvement. Sponsors, gifts, food and donated items are still needed for these families. Mark your calendar and get involved! Gift Wrapping & Set Up dates in the RPAL Gym Saturday, December 8, 8:00 am til noon - Gift wrapping Saturday, December 15, 9:00 pm til finished – Gift wrapping & set up for event Sunday, December 16, 1:00 pm - The Party! Contact Linda Warn to let her know how you will participate. Call 916-783-0731 or email to lwarn@surewest.net. Attend this event and participate in brightening the holidays for one of our local under privileged families. You’ll be glad you did! BP/USA Sacramento-South Placer County Chapter Newsletter – December 2012 – Page 5 Golden Nuggets of Hope 2013 National Gathering of the Bereaved Parents of the USA Lions Gate Hotel & Conference Center Sacramento, CA July 26-28, 2013 For workshop applications visit www.bereavedparentsusa.org/gathering Watch upcoming newsletters for more exciting news about this National Gathering! Featured Speakers Dr. Darcie Sims Dr. Gloria Horsley Dr. Heidi Horsley Dr. Bob Baugher Mitch Carmody Susan Levy Darryl Hutson Kris Munsch of The Birdhouse Project Workshops Attend workshops on many topics related to grief after losing a child. Other things to look forward to Sharing sessions, sibling programs, California Café, and Wings of Hope Boutique. Why attend a national gathering for bereaved parents? • If you have attended one of our bereaved parent gatherings and have received the help and encouragement you were looking for, you can be confident that you will gain much much more from this conference than you did from the support group. • Hear outstanding speakers and learn from some of the leading experts in the nation about key topics related to your grief journey. • Receive helpful tools you need to transition from mourning to living again after the loss of your child. • Learn along with other parents from across the USA how to enjoy life again after the loss of a child. Registration opens in January www.bereavedparentsusa.org or www.sspcc.org Other things to look forward to Sharing sessions, sibling programs, California Café, and Wings of Hope Boutique. Many ways to get involved Contact ChrisHarder@HeritageOaksMC.com or Denise@angelsacrosstheusa.com to find out how you can help. I look around the table and see those who mean the most to me. So why are my eyes filled with tears? Because I also see those who are not there. - Author unknown BP/USA Sacramento-South Placer County Chapter Newsletter – December 2012 – Page 6 The Day After Dec 26 There are many books and articles full of information that will help us as we prepare for the holidays. But what about after it’s over? How are we going to feel then? With the first or second holiday season after our loved one died, we don’t have a good track record as to how we felt “last time.” Fear of the unknown often causes anxiety because we don’t know what to expect. If the previous year was really difficult for us, it’s normal to assume that this holiday season will be the same. Many of us just resign ourselves to the anticipation that it’s going to be horrible. Undoubtedly throughout the day, we may experience thoughts of sadness or moments of anxiety, but we should also allow ourselves to be joyful. It’s not likely to be 24-hours of intense grief. Many of us have discovered that the better prepared we are for “The Day,” the easier the next day will be for us. If we include a time of remembrance for our child during “The Day,” or serve one of their favorite holiday treats, we won’t have regrets later that we neglected our child and wish that we had made different plans. It’s not unusual the next day or two following a special day to feel a bit blue or depressed. Our energy has been depleted and we may be exhausted both emotionally and physically. Lack of proper nourishment and sleep will magnify the negative effects of depression. By planning a simple day and allowing time to rest, we are likely not be so drained the next day. After the day is over, we may look back and think, “That wasn’t as difficult as I thought it was going to be.” Now that it’s over, we can move forward knowing that the worst is in the past. Anticipating a better day gives us the hope that we can make it through the next one. Today I cried because you died. Today I smiled for just awhile. Today I laughed, and then I gasped. Today I cried…because I laughed. © Christine Ross In Memory of Lucas Christopher Ross 1979-2001 Reader’s Choice Open to Hope, Inspirational Stories for Handling the Holidays After Loss By Gloria Horsley Getting through the hectic holiday season can be especially tough when you’re grieving the loss of someone you love. How do you get through the busy days ahead, filled with social gatherings, gift shopping, and Christmas cheer you may not be feeling? You’ll find practical advice and encouragement from these heartfelt stories and articles contributed by the wonderful writers at the Open to Hope Foundation. They have navigated many of the same confusing, anxiety-producing decisions you may be coping with now, so let them guide you. They have been there before you and made it, and you can, too. 100% of proceeds from all books go to the Open to Hope Foundation. To order visit www.opentohope.com/FeaturedBooks BP/USA Sacramento-South Placer County Chapter Newsletter – December 2012 – Page 7 Family Bulletin Board Donna Woodard will help you celebrate your memories Spend a day with Donna, making a scrapbook that you will treasure. Preserve your memories of your child. Bring wallet size photos. Materials provided at no charge. Call Donna at 916-338-3521 to schedule your scrapbooking date! The deadline for submitting your child’s name for the Candle Lighting printed program is December 4. Details are on page 4. Be kind to yourself Join us! This year do your holiday shopping on line. Go to www.BereavedParentsUSA.com and access Amazon.com through the link at the bottom of program designed to give you hope CandleAforradio the home page. All purchases made through the future, healing for your journey and this link will benefit the Bereaved Parents of help with your grief and other life issues. the USA national organization with 4%-13% of Saturday mornings each sale. Thank you, Amazon! 11:00 til Noon Pacific Time KFIA Radio AM 710 Hope, Healing & Help 2013 National Gathering of the Bereaved Parents of the USA Lions Gate Hotel & Conference Center Sacramento, CA July 26-28, 2013 Host Chapter: Sacramento-Placer County For workshop applications, registration forms, and to donate visit ww.bereavedparentsusa.org/gathering Look for new information each month in our chapter newsletter – www.sspcc.org ! Radio Show Host Ron Harder of Heritage Oaks Memorial Chapel Listen on line: www.iheart.com/#/live/6015/ http://www.kfia.com/ click on “Listen Live: http://hopehealinghelp.com Our Auburn moms group needs a coleader who lives in the Auburn area. Call Chris at 916-768-3891 or email ChrisHarder@heritageoaksmc.com to find out how you can be involved. BP/USA Sacramento-South Placer County Chapter Newsletter – December 2012 – Page 8 Bereaved Parents of the USA Guiding Principles Sacramento-South Placer County Chapter We are the parents whose children have died. We are the grandparents who have buried grandchildren. We are the siblings whose brothers and sisters no longer walk with us through life. We come together as Bereaved Parents of the USA to provide a haven where all bereaved families can meet and share our long and arduous grief journeys. We attend monthly gatherings whenever we can and for as long as we believe necessary. We share our fears, confusion, anger, guilt, frustrations, emptiness and feelings of hopelessness so that hope can be found anew. As we accept, support, comfort and encourage each other, we demonstrate to each other that survival is possible. Together we celebrate the lives of our children, share the joys and triumphs as well as the love that will never fade. Together we learn how little it matters where we live, what our color or our affluence is, or what faith we uphold as we confront the tragedies of our children’s deaths. Together, strengthened by the bonds we forge at our gatherings, we offer what we have learned to each other and to every more recently bereaved family. We look forward to printing your articles and We are the Bereaved Parents of the USA. We welcome you. tributes to your child in our newsletter. Contact Chris Harder, 916-768-3891 or ChrisHarder@HeritageOaksMC.com ******************************* Back issues of our newsletter are posted on our chapter website: www.sspcc.org Our Chapter Contacts Chris Harder (son, 22, drowning) – 916.768.3891, chrisharder@heritageoaksmc.com Corinne Summers (son, 22, murdered) – 916.296.2045, corinnesummers7946@comcast.net Marchelle Meyer (son, 23, motorcycle accident) – 916.947.6767, marchellemeyer@comcast.net Rinda Pope (son, 19, military active duty Iraq) – 916.524.1939, rindapope@comcast.net Ron Harder (son, 22, drowning) – 916.806.7605, ronharder@heritageoaksmc.com Have you had your bear hug today? Donations Accepted With Appreciation This holiday season, consider making a donation in your child’s name to The Sacramento-South Placer County Chapter of the Bereaved Parents of the USA (BP/USA). Checks to Bereaved Parents of the USA, 330 Vernon Street #123, Roseville, CA 95678. Tax deductible receipts upon request. We appreciate and will use wisely any and all donations for the support of bereaved families. BP/USA Sacramento-South Placer County Chapter Newsletter – December 2012 – Page 9