The Shredder


The Shredder
March 2016
Wishing everyone a very
Happy and
Blessed Easter
Happy St. Patrick's Day
May the Irish hills caress you.
May her lakes and rivers bless you.
May the luck of the Irish enfold you.
May the blessings of Saint Patrick
behold you.
~Irish Blessing
By March, the worst of the winter would be over.
The snow would thaw, the rivers begin to run and the
world would wake into itself again.
Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead
Sunday, March 13
“I Have A Dream” Foundation– Idaho, Inc.
Are you interested in learning more about your cell phone or
working on your computer or iPad? Do you have a
curiosity about Facebook to connect with your friends?
The "I Have A Dream" Dreamers would like
to teach you all about it!
Two classes will be offered with one on one instruction.
It’s FREE!
Saturday, March 26 & Saturday, April 2 both classes are
10am-11am at The Connection 721 Third Ave S. Hailey
There will be coffee!
Wood River Sustainability Center
2nd Spring Into Action Iron Chef Cook-off
Great Night , Fabulous Food, Wine and
Good Friends!!
Insurance Specialists is a Sapphire Guardian
State Farm is a Sapphire Guardian Sponsor
Are You On The Best Plan For You?
Michelle Sandoz is offering free evaluations
of your Medicare health insurance plan.
Medicare Annual Enrollment is
October 15- December 7, 2015.
This is a good time to evaluate your
health insurance plan.
416 South Main Street, Suite 204
Hailey, ID 83333
Call her for a free
Michelle Sandoz
Independent Agent
Your Les Schwab
Tire Center
A full-service Deli available at all three
locations along with the freshest produce, meat,
seafood and bakery.
Thank You to All Our Sponsorship
You to can be a sponsor/advertiser and
help provide vital services for the
homebound and disabled in our
Call Barbara at 788-3468 ext. 4
for more information.
Shocks &
520 N River St.
Hailey, Id.
We Are Proud To Support
The Connection
Both of these companies are Turquoise Sponsors
Scott Miley Roofing
Association Construction Services,
Re-Roofs/Repairs—New Roofs
Carpentry-Remodels-Snow Removal
Sheet Metal Fabrication
Transportation Fees
Fares: Fares are subject to change and are based
on per person Monday – Friday 10am- 3pm
Charitable Giving basic facts:
Make the donation of a lifetime!
By Michael Walton
Monthly fare to The Connection and designated
destinations such as grocery store and post office
included in monthly fare price.
Do you have a special place in your heart for The Connection? You can truly make a difference with a
donation. A donation of any kind is always appreciated.
Hailey & Bellevue - $25.00 per month or $5 per day
Please be sure to consider The Connection as part of
your Estate Planning. Charitable giving using Life
Insurance and/or Annuities, enables you to one day
make a substantial gift for a modest cost, while leaving
your assets intact for your heirs. Individuals may
designate Annuity payments and/or remaining benefits
to go to Charitable Organizations. Individuals may also
purchase permanent life insurance policies and/or
allocate portions of existing policy benefits to the
charitable organization of their choice. Please be sure
to notify The Connection of the policy location and
beneficiary designation.
Mid-Valley & St. Lukes area - $35.00 per month or $10
per day
Ketchum, Sun Valley, Carey and Picabo – price to be
Individuals and non/members not attending lunches and
Connection activities do not qualify for special rate and
must pay $25 per hour.
Special Transport – doctor’s appointment, hospital,
therapy, shopping, hair appointments, etc are billed at
$25per hour. Trips must be scheduled with
Director of Transportation, Terry Sheehan, 721-1527
Members with financial difficulties, please talk to
director about scholarship programs.
Your Business Could Be A Guardian
This program is a great way to advertise your
business, be it established or new. Your Guardian
Scholarship would help a senior, disabled person or
provide a scholarship for The Connection Club.
Call Barbara at 788-3468 with your questions.
The Shredder
If you have any personal or private
documents, old check, or anything with your name and
address on it, bring to The Connection .
The Shredder will take care of it, $5 per box
Time & Place for Pick Up
At The Hunger
Monday: Bellevue 1pm-6pm.
121 Honeysuckle St.
Tuesday: Hailey 4pm-5pm. 1060 Fox Acres Road,
Thursday: Ketchum Presbyterian Church of the
Would you like to see your money do as much good as
possible? Call Michael Walton for your free charitable
giving review. I can be reached at the Patrick Buchanan
State Farm Agency in Hailey via phone at 208-928-7888
or email;
Thank you in advance. Together we can ensure The
Connection continues to help as many of our current and
future friends as possible.
Be Our Business For The Day
The Connection is inviting local businesses to celebrate
aging in our community while enjoying a delicious
lunch prepared by Chef Erik Olsen.
Your business will have a reserved table (s) for you and
your staff to enjoy lunch at a discounted price of $5 per
person. The business will donate an additional tax
deductible $50 to feed low-income seniors.
The Connection will add your business name to the
newsletter plus plug you on Facebook.
Table markers and a banner with your name will be
posted all week.
Help others while advertising your business.
For more information call Barbara at Activities
The Connection is non-profit
501(c)3 Tax Id-820315917
Connection Club News
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a brain condition associated with repeated
blows to the head. Potential signs of CTE are problems with thinking and memory,
personality changes, and behavioral changes including aggression and depression. People may
not experience potential signs of CTE until years or decades after brain injuries occur.
A definitive diagnosis of CTE can only be made after death, when an autopsy can reveal
whether the known brain changes of CTE are present.
What causes CTE? Emerging evidence suggests that individuals who have experienced repeated traumatic brain
injuries (concussions) or multiple blows to the head without loss of consciousness, such as professional athletes and
combat veterans, are at higher risk of developing CTE than individuals who have not experienced repeated brain injuries.
Physical evidence connecting football and CTE was first discovered by Bennet Omalu, M.D., a forensic neuropathologist who performed an autopsy on Mike Webster, the Hall of Fame center for the Pittsburgh Steelers. His story
was made into the movie "Concussion," which has heightened awareness of CTE.
Previously, CTE had been associated with boxing and was called dementia pugilistica or "punch-drunk syndrome".
The risk of CTE in boxers seems most closely tied to the number of rounds boxed, not to the number of times a boxer
was knocked out, suggesting that even repeated blows to the head that don't cause unconsciousness may increase
CTE risk.
Symptoms; Physicians and researchers are only beginning to understand many aspects of CTE. More time and research are needed. For that reason, consensus has not yet been reached on the symptoms of CTE. However, based on
present knowledge, the signs of CTE may sometimes be similar to those of other conditions that involve substantial
loss of brain cells, including Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Memory loss, confusion,
personality changes (including depression and suicidal thoughts), erratic behavior (including aggression) problems paying
attention and organizing thoughts, difficulty with balance and motor skills.
Researchers believe CTE is related to the buildup of an abnormal form of a protein called tau in the brain. This
buildup, which is also an Alzheimer’s hallmark, leads to brain cell death. Deposits of a protein called beta-amyloid
that are another Alzheimer’s hallmark are found in some individuals with CTE, but are not common.
How many hits to the head does it take? There's no evidence that a single concussion increases CTE risk, and not
everyone with a history of recurring concussions will go on to develop CTE.
Researchers strongly suspect that CTE is most likely to occur following a large number of traumatic brain injuries,
even without loss of consciousness, a small number of more severe traumatic brain injuries, or some other pattern of
head trauma.
There is evidence linking moderate and severe traumatic brain injuries to a higher risk of developing other brain
conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease.
Diagnosis; Currently, there is not a test to determine if someone has CTE. Because CTE is a relatively new area of
exploration for researchers and physicians, formal clinical guidelines for diagnosing and managing CTE do not yet
exist. A definitive diagnosis can only be made through an autopsy after death.
Scientists are working to further understand CTE and to identify ways to diagnose CTE during life.
When CTE is suspected, a thorough medical history, mental status testing, neurological exams, brain imaging and
further diagnostic tests may be used to rule out other possible causes.
Treatment; Today, there is no treatment and no cure for CTE. The only known way to prevent it is to avoid repeated
head injuries. Those with potential signs of CTE may benefit from some of the same types of care provided for people with Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia.
By Alzheilmer’s Weekly
Beauty Benefits of Exercise
By Nicole Blades — everyday Health
Working out not only helps your figure, but also improves your complexion. Learn why
exercise may be one of the best skin remedies for acne, wrinkles, dull skin and more.
Instant Glow; When you get your heart pumping from aerobic exercise, you’re supplying your skin with a nice dose
of oxygenated blood, says Noëlle S. Sherber, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist based in Baltimore, Maryland.
“It gives you that great post-workout glow.”
Wrinkle Reduction; “Exercise actually supports the production of collagen,” says Amy Dixon, a
Los Angeles–based exercise physiologist and celebrity trainer. “The boost in this protein helps to keep your skin
firm, supple, and elastic.”
Acne Relief ; Regular exercise boosts circulation. “It nourishes your skin, bringing more blood flow and oxygen to
it,” says Mauro C. Romita, M.D., a board-certified plastic surgeon and founder of Ajune Center for Beauty Synergy
in New York City. “This will help draw toxins out of the body.” Plus, all that sweating cleans out the pores of
congested skin. “Working out corrects the hormonal imbalance that can cause adult acne,” Romita says.
Healthier Hair; The improved blood flow helps keep your hair stronger and healthier, Dixon says. This blood, full
of nutrients, stimulates the hair follicles and promotes growth. “Exercise is also a big stress reliever,” she says.
“Lower stress means your hair is less likely to be brittle and, worse, fall out.”
As for the best type of exercise for your skin, Dixon says it’s all good. “Every modality will improve circulation and
reduce stress,” she says, “but it’s a wise move to mix up your workouts as often as possible.” Try adding 30 minutes
of a few simple yoga postures or a brisk walk to your day three times a week, Dixon says, to see the beauty returns in
your hair and skin.
Do Whitening Toothpaste
Actually Whiten?
Whitening toothpaste can appear to whiten
teeth slightly by removing surface stains, such as those
caused by drinking coffee or smoking. However,
whitening toothpastes can't change the natural color
of your teeth or lighten a stain that goes deeper
than a tooth's surface. Some whitening toothpastes
contain the chemical blue covarine, which adheres
to the surface of the teeth and creates an optical illusion
that can make teeth appear less yellow.
Ask your dentist or dental hygienist about other
tooth-whitening options such as over-the-counter or
professional bleaching products. Mayo Clinic
Vicks VapoRub and Nasal
Vicks VapoRub doesn't relieve nasal
congestion. The strong menthol odor of VapoRub
tricks your brain, so you feel like you're breathing
through an unclogged nose. By contrast, decongestant
tablets and nasal sprays sold over-the-counter appear to
narrow blood vessels in the lining of your nose, leading
reduced swelling in your nasal passages.
VapoRub has drawbacks other than its ineffectiveness
as a nasal decongestant. It's unsafe for any use in
children under 2 years of age. In children under the age
of 6, use it only on the neck and chest.
J. L. Hoecker MD
5B Pedicure Hearts & Soles Foot Care Clinic
he Foot Clinic will be at The Connection, 10am-2pm Tuesday, March 8 and Tuesday, March 22.
Kay offers a sliding fee payment scale based on your income.
She is also offering a 20% discount off your first appointment.
Other discounts for your second and future appointments will be offered if you
schedule in advance and keep your appointment.
Call 208-309-1568 for appointment
1Letter from the Executive Director:
I wanted to thank all the members, volunteers and staff for such a warm welcome to
The Connection. I told my mom after the first week of work “Mom, I think I have forty new
friends. I just love my job.” My favorite part of the day is right before lunch is served and the
quiet of the dining rooms comes to life with people coming through the doors with smiles on
their faces and by 12 noon, there is this living roar of conversation. THANKS for always
inviting me to join you at your respective tables. What fun stories I have heard thus far!
I am SO EXCITED for the fall trip to Sante Fe – who is coming with Al, Birdie and myself?
In March, we are celebrating MARCH For MEALS. You should all receive a letter to your homes. I do hope you
will consider supporting the effort. EVERY size gift is meaningful and makes a difference. If each one of us
contributed $5, we would make a significant impact on the number of folks we serve with home delivered meals.
Speaking of meals, I spent Friday February 12th at the Center for Aging earning about our contract with them for
in-home care, Meals on Wheels and Congregate meals. We cannot charge less than the true cost (direct and indirect)
of producing a meal to those 59 years of age and under. They must pay the full price without exception for our
site to receive nominal reimbursement for meals served to those 60 and over. THUS, come March 1st, we need to
charge the 59 and under lunch attendees the full amount. Right now, we post the total cost is $8.28 and we only
charge $7. First things first, Karen (our accountant) and Erik (our chef) along with myself need to crunch some
numbers for true costs. Erick has managed to reduce our food costs by 21% in his first year – remarkable savings.
Once we determine that, you will see some new pricing and some new signage. Thanks for your understanding on
this manner.
You will all be given the opportunity to complete a Satisfaction/Feedback Survey. Remember, being a member of
The Connection comes with privileges, but also responsibility. Please take the time to share with me and others what
you would like to see us doing to better serve you.
I am going to be out of the office for 9 days in March. Erik and I are attending a Site Manager/Chef training at the
Center for Aging in Twin Falls on the 15th, then I head to Minnesota for a family wedding and then to Scottsdale
Arizona to take my annual Spring Break trip with my mom and my family – Dave, Lizzie and Winston!
Full-Fat Foods You Should Eat Every Day
Peanut butter. Choose natural peanut butter with no added hydrogenated fat and eat it in moderation.
Serving size: 2 tablespoons. Spread on whole-grain toast and top with dried fruit, eat with sliced
banana or stir into steel-cut oatmeal.
Pro tip: When using natural peanut butter, don’t pour off the heart-healthy oil, store the jar upside down for a
day, then open and stir the oil back into the peanut butter.
Eggs The verdict is in: Feel free to eat the whole egg, including the yolk.
Serving size: 1egg, or 6 per week.
Cookies & muffins Good news for sweet carb-aholics. When you crave cookies, cakes, muffins and the like,
experts say it’s best to eat small portions of the real thing.
Serving size suggestion: Eat half of whatever you crave and either save the rest for another day or dispose of it.
Good fat can be treated like a really tasty, satisfying garnish that you should enjoy fully. Pay attention to
your satiety and eat slowly, so you recognize when you’re full. Eating smart is not about the food as much
as it’s about how you’re feeling. By nextavenue
What Causes Your Bad Breath
Does eating more apples and oranges improve your breath?
Eating more fruits and vegetables may decrease bad breath. Fruits and vegetables contain a
lot of water, which can help keep your mouth moist. Saliva is nature's way of keeping your
breath fresh.
What ingredient in green tea shows promise as a treatment for bad breath?
There’s growing evidence that the polyphenols in green tea can protect drinkers against cavities and bad breath.
If you brush, floss and rinse every day will that stop bad breath?
Bad breath can be a symptom of a medical condition, including a respiratory infection, diabetes, or liver or kidney
disease. If your dentist looks at your mouth and your bad breath isn’t coming from a problem with your teeth or
gums, you might have to see your doctor about one of these or some other medical condition.
Can eating hamburgers and steak worsen your bad breath?
Eating red meat can worsen your breath; eating less meat may improve your breath. The decay of the leftover bits of
proteins in meats and cheese can create odors in your breath.
Can the amount of saliva in your mouth affect your breath?
Normally, saliva washes particles of food out of your mouth, so people with dry mouth may have bad breath because
they still have food particles stuck in there. The medical name for dry mouth is xerostomia.
Can certain medications make your breath bad?
About 400 prescription drugs and some over-the-counter meds cause dry mouth. The lower amount of saliva contributes to an overgrowth of bacteria, which can produce an unpleasant breath smell.
Do people with dentures need to worry about bad breath?
Dentures that are not cleaned properly can harbor bacteria and food particles, which cause bad breath. Removable
dentures should be brushed and soaked in a disinfecting solution overnight.
Why does garlic can make your breath smell bad even after you’ve brushed your teeth and rinsed with
After being digested, a smelly substance in garlic is absorbed into your bloodstream and then transferred to your
lungs, where it is expelled as a gas making your breath smell! Brushing your teeth and rinsing with mouthwash only
temporarily hide the odor.
Can your tonsils be a reason for your bad breath?
Bad breath, a sore throat, trouble swallowing, and fever are all symptoms of tonsillitis, an infection of the
Debris caught in your tonsils also can be a factor in bad breath. So can those smelly gray or yellowish deposits, called
tonsillitis or tonsil stones. Gargling may help ease the problem. By WebMD
AARP Free Tax Preparation
Tax Preparation-for low to moderate income, all ages welcome.
Every Wednesday starting February 3 through April 13,1pm-4:30pm
Please call 1-208-726-5856 to make an appointment. Leave a message and phone number,
your call will be answered in the evening. This tax preparation is for state and federal taxes.
Bring a photo ID and Social Security card and last years tax return.
Please make lunch reservations.
It helps keep our
food costs down.
Lunch is served Mon. thru Fri.
11:30 am - 1 pm.
1 Connection
2 Fit & Fall
Club 11am
Caregiver Mtg.
Kiwanis Lunch
Afternoon Card
Games 1pm
Afternoon Card
Games 1pm
8 Finance Mtg. 9 Fit & Fall
Foot Clinic
Fit & Fall 11am 10 am - 2pm
Kiwanis Lunch
Trip to Hunger
Club 11am
Coalition 1pm
Bingo 1pm
10 Connection
Club 11am
11 Connection
Club 11am
Afternoon Card
Games 1pm
Fit & Fall 11am
14 Connection
Club 11am
17 Happy St.
18 Strickland
Ear Clinic
21 Connection 22 Foot Clinic 23 Fit & Fall
Club 11am
10 am– 2pm 11am
24 Connection
Club 11am
25 Connection
Club 11am
Fit & Fall 11am
Music At Lunch Fit & Fall 11am
by Ken
Teck Class
10am-11am at
15 Connection
Club 11am
Bingo 1pm
Trip to Hunger
Coalition 1pm
Trip to Hunger
Coalition 1pm
Club 11am
16 Board Mtg.
Fit & Fall 11am
Kiwanis Lunch
Bingo 1pm
Happy Easter
29 Connection
Club 11am
Bingo 1pm
Connection Club
Club 11am
Kiwanis Lunch 11am
Fit & Fall 11am
Afternoon Card
Games 1pm
Afternoon Card
Games 1pm
4 Connection
Club 11am
Fit & Fall 11am
3 Connection
Club 11am
7 Connection
Club 11am
March 2016
30 Fit & Fall
31 Connection
Club 11am
Kiwanis Lunch
Afternoon Card
Games 1pm
“I Have A
March 2016
Café Connection
Fresh Salad
Asst. quiche,
biscuits and
lemon orzo
Chicken mole,
Spanish rice,
refried beans
Braised pork
Honey ginger
glazed salmon,
lime rice
potato and
Baked coconut
basmati rice
Breaded pork
Alfredo, garlic
Chicken fried
potato, white
cous cous
Carved ham,
scallop potato
Maple Dijon
pork loin,
savory bread
Happy Easter
Sweet and
Corned beef
sour chicken, and cabbage,
Fish and chips
fried rice,
boiled red
pot stickers,
egg rolls
Guinness stew
Coq au vin,
roasted potato
toasted Israeli
cous cous
potato and
BBQ chicken,
Tender pot
roasted garlic
Organic Foods You Should Buy
The following fruits and vegetables have been identified
by the Environmental Working Group as requiring
high levels of pesticide use when
conventionally grown. So as a general rule they
are safest to eat when grown organically.
Apples, bell peppers, celery, cherries, grapes, kale,
spinach, nectarines, peaches,snap peas, strawberries,
cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, and potatoes.
Foods That Don’t Have to Be Organic
Asparagus, avocado, cabbage, eggplant, kiwi, mango,
onions, papaya, pineapple, grapefruit, cantaloupe,
cauliflower, sweet corn, sweet peas, and sweet potatoes.
But How Can You Tell if It’s Really Organic?
Organic labeling can sometimes be deceiving. Only the
"100 percent organic" label denotes a completely
organic product. Under USDA guidelines, however,
products that contain 95 percent organic ingredients can
also be labeled "USDA Organic." To qualify for a
"Made With Organic Ingredients" label, the product
must be made with 70 percent organic ingredients,
while products with less than 70 percent organic
ingredients must limit organic labeling to the
ingredients list.
A commitment to organic eating can be an important
one for you and your family, but before shelling out extra money for all organic foods, it's
wise to pay attention to labeling and
what’s worth the cost.
By everyday Health
Broccoli Salad With Creamy
Feta Dressing
1/3 cup (s) cheese, feta, crumbled
1/4 cup (s) yogurt, fat-free plain
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 clove (s) garlic
1/4 teaspoon pepper, black ground
8 ounce (s) broccoli crowns, trimmed and finely chopped
7 ounce (s) beans, garbanzo, rinsed
1/2 cup (s) pepper (s), red, bell, chopped
Whisk feta, yogurt, lemon juice, garlic and pepper in a medium bowl until combined.
Add broccoli, chickpeas and bell pepper; toss to coat.
Serve at room temperature or chilled.
Nutrition Details: per serving
Calories 122, Fat 3g, Cholesterol 11mg, Sodium 260mg,
Saturated Fat 2g, Protein 7g, Fiber 4g,
Carbohydrates 18g
This is a splendid springtime Meatless meal. You’ll get a
huge dose of filling, vegetarian-friendly protein, plus
plenty of fiber and antioxidants from the colorful mix of
sweet red bell peppers and chopped broccoli. The simple
creamy feta dressing is one you’ll can use on other
salads, as a dip for your favorite crudities or even as a
sandwich spread. With fat-free yogurt as its base, it’s a
much healthier alternative than most creamy dressings.
By everydayHealth
Fruit, Bread, Seasonal Veggies, Dessert, Coffee, &
Juice served daily with all meals. On days
when fish is on the menu, there will be another choice.
Milk on Request
All Meals Exceed 1/3 RDA Daily
All Meals Subject To Change.
Family Caregiver Meeting
Every third Monday of the month at 4pm.
Hospice WRV
507 1st Ave N.
Ketchum, Id
Winter Weather!
If it’s cold, snowing or you just don’t want to drive to
The Connection for lunch or an activity, call Terry in
transportation by 8:30am and he’ll get you here.
Tips for Staying Mentally Sharp as Age
Promising research indicates that taking the following steps can help keep your
mind sharp as you age:
Control cholesterol problems and high blood pressure. These conditions can increase your risk
for heart disease and stroke, which are thought to contribute to the development of certain types of
dementia. Cardiovascular health having healthy blood sugar, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure, along with being
physically active, eating a nutritious diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and not smoking was associated with better
cognitive function.
Exercise regularly. Regular physical activity is thought to help maintain blood flow to the brain and reduce your risk
for conditions such as high blood pressure that are associated with the development of dementia. Consistent
vigorous exercise helps lower the risk for dementia, according to a study published in Annals of Medicine in 2015.
Stimulate your brain. People with less education are at higher risk for dementia, according to the Alzheimer’s
Association, because mental stimulation throughout your lifetime is important for your brain health. Keep your mind
active by increasing your level of social interaction,learning new skills, playing challenging games, and doing other
activities that require an engaged mind. People who are more socially and intellectually involved are less likely to
develop dementia.
Eat a healthy diet. People who consume plenty of vegetables and fatty fish and keep away from saturated fats are
thought to have a lower risk for cognitive decline.
Don't smoke or drink excessively. Because these are both seen as putting you at increased risk for dementia, kick
the habit if you smoke and, if you drink, do so only in moderation. By everydayHealth
The ‘Low’ Diet: 4 Simple Rules for Weight Loss Success
To lose weight and keep it off forever, you might want to try the “Low Diet.” Don’t confuse this with diets that have
extensive “allowed” and “avoid” lists. On this diet you can eat anything (as long as you don’t have a medical condition that dictates otherwise). To succeed, you’ll have to keep in mind that your stomach is only the size of two fists
put together and each bite you swallow falls into this pouch, so to speak. Your stomach gets full more quickly than
your mouth and mind, so being mindful of portion sizes is key. Basically, supersize, and you won’t wear your favorite size.
If you want to lose weight without missing out on your kid’s birthday cake or the croissant from the bakeshop in
Paris or that hot dog at the stadium, here’s what you need to do:
Don’t ditch the foods you love … just cut down from the amount you’d typically
Compare yourself to yourself.
Boost weight loss results further by writing down every morsel of food you put in
your mouth.
Don’t wait until the end of the day to chart.
Just eat when you eat. Avoid eating while watching TV, driving in a car, opening
the mail, or texting.
Don’t avoid mirrors or scales. You may not need to weigh yourself daily or stare at
yourself in a mirror from every angle, but don’t avoid the body that keeps you company every day of your life.
No diet is easy. It’s hard work to take care of yourself, but you are so worth your
time and attent Give it a shot, what have you got to lose? By everydayHealth
Habits That Are Making You Tired
Breakfast Without Carbs: It’s a myth that if you eat carbohydrates, that can zap your energy later
on. In reality, your body needs carbs to produce fuel.
A study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that low-carb dieters experienced greater fatigue
and reluctance to exercise than dieters who ate more carbohydrates. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic found similar
The key here is the kind of carbs you’re eating. Sugary cereals and white toast are not so good for you. Natural,
unprocessed carbs (whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are your best sources). And if you don’t get them, your brain
will steal energy that is stored in your muscles. Over time, this causes a loss in muscle mass and a slower metabolism.
You’ll feel slower altogether.
Vitamin-Enhanced Water: Vitamin drinks trick your body, especially those with B vitamins and taurine,
another energy enhancer. They can actually have the reverse effect by making you tired. This is because the body
doesn’t easily metabolize B vitamins taken in an isolated form — as in energy drinks. The drinks can overexcite you,
causing a jittery, wired, and yes, tired feeling. Before you buy, check the labels carefully.
Not Eating Your Veggies: Simply put, micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, and plant nutrients found in fruits and
vegetables) are necessary for optimal health. Antioxidants found in veggies protect our bodies from free radical damage, which can lead to everything from accelerated aging to a lack of energy to cancer. So eat your spinach, kale, red
grapes, and papaya — all vital sources of energy.
Too Much Exercise: Everyone tells you to exercise to feel better. But overdoing it can overtax
your adrenal glands by causing your body to release too much cortisol. This can lead to fatigue,
which can sap your energy for days. On a scale of 1 to 10, the Mayo Clinic recommends your
exercise exertion should be a 6 or 7. This is moderate exercise. Anything less is too mild; anything close to an 8 or 9 leads to burnout. Know your body and your level of fitness. You should
be able to wake up the next day and repeat the same activity without substantial effort. If you
can’t do that, you’re overdoing it. By nextavenue
LIVE! One Night Only
Cowboy Singer, Songwriter and Poet
Ernie Sites!
Saturday, March 12, 2016 at New life Community Church
800 W. Main in Wendell, ID.
Proceeds benefit the new Wendell Senior Center.
Come on out and pack the auditorium to help give The Wendell Senior Center
a new start at there new location!!
Tickets are $15 per person & $25 per couple
$7 for 12 & under, kids under 2 years are free
Doors open at 6:00 pm. Ernie’s show starts at 7:00pm
Ken Worthington’s band Fiddlers Inc.
will be playing after Ernie’s performance.
Refreshments will be served.
You can pick up tickets at The Connection.
If you can not attend the performance, a donation would much appreciated.
Lessons in Personal-Boundary Building
A personal boundary is an energetic line in the sand. It is what communicates to the world, “Here
I am, and this is my limit.” It is a soft separation between your own energy and the energy of
those around you. Maintaining that boundary is not to be confused with putting up a wall or a defensive guard. It’s more of a mechanism of self-preservation to maintain your sense of self without giving it away.
Every interaction with another person involves the exchange of energy, so why not make it pleasant and fulfilling?
Here’s How to Draw Your ‘Energetic Line in the Sand’
Practice saying no. Exercise the choice to say no when necessary or appropriate, rather than being in the
habit of saying yes and over-committing yourself.
Schedule self-nurturing time. This is about what you need to feel fulfilled or taken care of that day, and being
present in the moment of surrendering to your own needs. This boundary starts with you — and will then honored by
the people around you.
Speak up. From a kind and loving place, please. People cannot always guess how you feel about their actions or
words that cross your boundary. It is your responsibility to share with them and let them know how you feel.
Create a way out. If you are caught in a conversation with people who just don’t stop talking, or you’re not in the
space or don’t have time to listen, create your way out.
Surround yourself with protection. Oftentimes, people behave as sponges and absorb other people’s stress and
worries. Ask yourself ,“What is a color that reminds me of protection?” Then envision that color around you, and
practice, practice, practice. At first it may seem silly and like it is all in your imagination, but rest assured, if it’s in
your intention and on your mind, it will become a reality.
Be aware. Repetitive thoughts or non-beneficial thoughts can continuously circulate in your mind. Put a stop to this
way of thinking.
Commit to your bedtime. Sleep is a vital part of feeling rested and well, which is the best place to be in to make
good decisions. When it’s time for you to go to bed, wrap it up and get under the covers.
By Anu Abraham, PT, DPT, Special to Everyday Health
How Harmful Is Sitting To Much?
Research has linked sitting for long periods of time with a number of health concerns, including
obesity and metabolic syndrome, a cluster of conditions that includes increased blood pressure,
high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist and abnormal cholesterol levels. Too much sitting also seems to increase the risk of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Sitting in front of the TV isn't the only concern. Any extended sitting, such as behind a desk at work or behind the
wheel can be harmful. What's more, spending a few hours a week at the gym or otherwise engaged in moderate or
vigorous activity doesn't seem to significantly offset the risk. The solution seems to be less sitting and more moving
overall. You might start by simply standing rather than sitting whenever you have the chance or think about ways to
walk while you work.
The impact of movement, even leisurely movement can be profound. For starters, you'll burn
more calories. This might lead to weight loss and increased energy. Even better, the muscle
activity needed for standing and other movement seems to trigger important processes related
to the breakdown of fats and sugars within the body. When you sit, these processes stall, and
your health risks increase. When you're standing or actively moving, you kick the processes
back into action. By Mayo Clinic,
Thank You Angels
The Connection Directory
Company of Fools
Colleen Pace
Karen Johnson
WEB page
Meals on Wheels of the Wood River Valley
Teresa Beahen Lipman – Executive Director
Becky Duncan
Key Club Kids
Anna Aspin - Client Services Director
Anna Aspin - Connection Club Coordinator
Betty Schneider
Barbara Espedal -Activities Coordinator
Katie Phillips – Administrative Assistant
Karen Lukes - Accounting
Erik Olson - Chef
Terrence Sheehan -Transportation
Gus Griffin
Diana Landis
Richard Fife
Otis and Ora lee Disbennett
George L. Snyder, Estate
Jorjan Sarch, Executor
The Connection (208) 788-3468
721 Third Ave. S. Box 28
Hailey, Id. 83333
Hours of operation:
Monday thru Friday 8am-4pm
2015 Board of Directors
Acting Chairperson: Michael Beck
Secretary: Michael Walton
Treasurer: Michael Beck
Board of Directors: Craig Aberbach,
Steve England
ex officio Shelly Seibel
This facility is operated in accordance with
Federal law and US Dept. of Agriculture policy.
This institution is prohibited from discriminating
on the regard to race, color, citizenship, national
origin, sex, age, disability, marital status, sexual
orientation, religion, veteran or current military
status. To file a complaint of discrimination, write
USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room
326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence
Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or Call
(202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD).
To support The Connection and its many programs please
do your shopping at:
This link will take you directly to and right to The Connection account.
Amazon will donate 0.5% of purchase price back to us.
Thank you for supporting The Connection and the
programs we provide.
Are you a Caregiver???
The Caregiver Support Group is provided by Hospice and
Palliative Care of the Wood River Valley and is
JUST FOR YOU!! You will share the joys and trials of caregiving with others, just like you. You will receive
professional guidance and support from registered nurses
familiar with illnesses and caregiving and who understand.
You will learn how to balance your own life with caregiving.
Join us on the first Tuesday of every month from
11am to 12:30pm at The Connection
This Was Our Third Painting Class Wow!!
We are getting better with each class. Everyone does have natural talent, but having
Ralph Harris teach us will give us all that creative edge. Oh! Yeah!
The Connection Club Makes Dog Treats For Their Friend Pal
Dog Treat Recipe
2 C. unbleached wheat flour
1/2 C. wheat germ
1/2 C. corn meal
Pinch salt
1 egg
3T. vegetable oil
2t. chopped parsley
3/4 C. low-sodium chicken broth
Preheat oven to 400 F.
Mix flour, wheat germ
& salt together.
In bowl beat egg with oil,
parsley, and chicken
Add to flour and form
soft dough. Knead and roll
out to about 1/2 in.
Cut out with cookie
cutter and bake
about 15min.
or until golden brown.
721 Third Ave S.
PO Box 28
Hailey, Id.
Thank you so much for the beautiful
handmade Valentines.
The seniors loved them,
and so appreciated
your thoughtfulness.
From the Fabric Granary
in Hailey
Isabel, thank you for thinking of the
seniors. Your handmade cards
were lovely.