guide to reference in genealogy and biography
guide to reference in genealogy and biography GUIDE TO REFERENCE IN GENEALOGY AND BIOGRAPHY ALA Editions purchases fund advocacy, awareness, and accreditation programs for library professionals worldwide. GU I D E TO R E F E R EN C E IN GE N E AL O G Y A ND BIO G R AP HY MARY K. MANNIX, FRED BURCHSTED, a n d J O B E L L W H I T L AT C H , E d i t o r s AN IMPRINT OF THE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION CHICAGO • 2015 © 2015 by the American Library Association Extensive effort has gone into ensuring the reliability of the information in this book; however, the publisher makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein. ISBNs: 978–0-8389–1294–2 (paper); 978–0-8389–1295–9 (PDF); 978–0-8389–1296–6 (ePub); 978–0-8389–1297–3 (Kindle). Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Guide to reference in genealogy and biography / Mary K. Mannix, Fred Burchsted, and Jo Bell Whitlatch, editors. pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-8389-1294-2 (print : alk. paper) — ISBN 978-0-8389-1295-9 (pdf) — ISBN 978-0-8389-1296-6 (epub) — ISBN 978-0-8389-1297-3 (kindle) 1. Biography— Bibliography. 2. Genealogy—Bibliography. 3. Biography—Reference books—Bibliography. 4. Genealogy—Reference books—Bibliography. 5. Biography—Computer network resources— Directories. 6. Genealogy—Computer network resources—Directories. I. Mannix, Mary K., editor. II. Burchsted, Fred., editor. III. Whitlatch, Jo Bell, editor. Z5301.G85 2015 [CT104] 016.9291072—dc23 2014045259 Cover design by Alejandra Diaz. Image © Karin Hildebrand Lau / Shutterstock, Inc. Text composition by Scribe, Inc. This paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48–1992 (Permanence of Paper). Printed in the United States of America. POD v1. C O N T E N TS FOREWORD VII CONTRIBUTORS XI ACKNOWLEDGMENTS XIII GENEALOGY 1 Introduction: Genealogy Sources 3 Mary K. Mannix 1 International 2 North America 11 3 Latin America 42 4 Europe 5 Asia 6 Australia and Oceania 7 Heraldry 8 Names 7 44 68 69 71 76 v CONTENTS 9 African Americans 10 Hispanic Americans 11 Jews 12 Native Americans 13 Quakers 86 88 89 92 93 BIOGRAPHY 95 Introduction: Biography Sources 97 Fred Burchsted and Anna Esty 14 International 15 North America 16 Latin America and the Caribbean 17 Europe 18 Africa 19 Asia 20 Australia and Oceania INDEX 101 147 213 288 300 324 329 vi 193 FOREWORD The American Library Association has long been a source for authoritative bibliographies of the reference literature for practicing librarians, library educators, and reference service trainers. ALA’s Guide to Reference Books was printed in eleven editions over nearly a century, and was succeeded in 2009 by the online Guide to Reference (www.guideto The Guide to Reference segments, drawn from the online Guide, continue that tradition with expertly compiled, annotated bibliographies of reference works and serve as snapshots of the evolving content of the Guide. Although intended for use largely in North American libraries serving institutions of higher education, the segments will also be valuable to public and school librarians, independent researchers, publishers and book dealers, as well as librarians outside North America, for tasks such as identifying sources that will answer questions, directing researchers, creating local instructional materials, educating and training LIS students and reference staff, and inventorying and developing reference collections. These guides provide a usably comprehensive, rather than exhaustive, repertory of sources as the foundation for reference and information services in today’s higher education settings. They include works that can most usefully satisfy the vast majority of demands made on a reference service, while not altogether excluding “exotic” or little-known works that will meet only the unusual need. In addition to providing classified annotated bibliographies, topical sections include editors’ guides that orient readers to each subject, its scope and concerns, and the types of sources commonly consulted. The editors’ guides will be useful to the generalist librarian and to the LIS student as background to the bibliographies or as intellectual frameworks for addressing reference questions. vii FOREWORD The reader will find entries for works that are, for the most part, broadly focused; works on individual persons or with a narrow geographical or chronological focus are generally not included. Selection criteria favored titles published in the last twenty years; the reader may consult earlier printed bibliographies and indexes, such as the numerous print editions of the Guide to Reference Books, for many earlier and still important works. As libraries shift their print reference works to the general stacks or to remote locations, the online Guide and its older print editions may help to identify reference works that are no longer close at hand. Sources in the Guide include websites, search engines, and full-text databases as well as the traditional array of encyclopedic, bibliographic, and compendious works. Online sources have replaced their printed versions for most librarians under most circumstances. A source only appears in one format; its annotation will identify the format options and describe the relationships between online and print versions. New reference works or editions are not automatically included in the Guide. Selection criteria favor sources that have stood some test of time and utility, as well as sources that are free but authoritative or sources that require purchase or licensing and are held at enough libraries to be reasonably available to readers of the Guide. The reader is encouraged to peruse the annotations of entries in the same subcategory as known items. An annotation may contain extensive cross references to related sources that are not described separately as well as comparisons to related sources, indications of appropriate audiences for the source, and other details that provide significant added value. In the online Guide to Reference, titles mentioned in the annotations of sources are linked electronically to citations; however, readers using the segments need to consult WorldCat or a similar source to obtain full citations for titles. In an attempt to balance inclusion and exhaustion, a source may be included in several but not necessarily all relevant subcategories. This segment on Genealogy and Biography Sources includes sources for each patron and librarian in every type of library. Biographies are central to any general reference collection. When a person cannot be found in standard biographical sources, genealogical sources offer excellent starting points for research. Also, genealogists often consult biographical sources as part of their family history research. Biographical and genealogical reference have been revolutionized by online indexing tools such as Biography and Genealogy Master Index and online full-text sources, including World Biographical Information System, Biography in Context, and Biography Reference Bank. For biography, initial searching is usually electronic, but the online sources often lead to stillvaluable printed sources. Reference sources have grown tremendously in biography and genealogy. In biography, online sources frequently supplement rather than replace printed resources; whereas in genealogy, online viii FOREWORD sources more frequently replace printed resources. The primary areas in genealogy where print is still important are research manuals, heraldry, and onomastics. In the future, new electronic biographical and genealogical sources and digitalized versions of old print sources will become increasingly important. Reference librarians have a responsibility for developing valuable reference collections, regardless of format. Local needs and circumstances should determine the final set of core works for individual libraries–– which sources in your library are basic sources that would be frequently used for certain types of queries as a place to start in locating information. Within these limitations, this segment will be useful in evaluating and updating basic reference collections. Guide to Reference in Genealogy and Biography will assist instructors and LIS students as well as paraprofessional staff in learning basic reference sources. For professionals, keeping up in the field has always been important. But rapid changes in technology require even more emphasis on professional development in the 21st century. Yet, knowledge of reference sources still remains an important factor in many successful reference transactions. Along with search engines and search techniques, reference sources are continually evolving. Thus, knowledge and skills require constant updating. Experienced reference librarians will want to use this annotated list of sources to assess their knowledge of sources and to become acquainted with sources they have not previously used. We on the Guide to Reference team hope you find the segments helpful, and we welcome your comments at To get the full benefit of the comprehensive compilation in a wide range of subject areas as well as updates to each segment, we also encourage you to subscribe to the online Guide, where you have access to updated entries, annotations, user comments, and special features such as personal notes and lists. We regularly seek new editors, especially those who believe they can improve existing sections or develop new ones. Please check the website at for details on subscribing or volunteering to participate in the continuing development of the Guide to Reference. Jo Bell Whitlatch Guide to Reference Division Editor for General Reference Works ix C O N T R I BU TO R S Fred Burchsted, Research Librarian at Widener Library, Harvard University, serves as Contributing Editor for the Biography section of the Guide to Reference. Mary K. Mannix, Maryland Room Manager, C. Burr Artz Public Library, Frederick County Public Libraries, serves as the Contributing Editor for the Genealogy section of the Guide to Reference. Jo Bell Whitlatch, Faculty Emeritus, San Jose University Library, serves as Division Editor for General Reference Works of the Guide to Reference. xi A C K N O W LED G M EN TS Mary K. Mannix, Genealogy Subject Editor, and Fred Burchsted, Biography Subject Editor, are responsible for the annotated sources included in this volume. However, many present and past contributors have generously contributed their time and expertise to make the Guide to Reference possible; we would like to acknowledge their efforts. For Genealogy, Mary Mannix would like to thank David Langenberg, the previous Genealogy contributor to the Guide for his extensive contributions. For Biography, Fred Burchsted thanks Joe Bourneuf (Harvard University), editor of the biography chapter in the 11th edition of Guide to Reference Books, for finding and annotating many newly published works and for valuable advice. Fred is indebted to Anna Esty (Harvard University) for coauthoring Tips for Biographical Searching. He thanks Donald Altschiller (Boston University) for comments on a draft of the Introduction. We especially thank the contributors of the biographical material in the other sections of the online Guide for their careful work. Jo Bell Whitlatch thanks her previous co-editor of the General Reference Works division, Charlotte Ford, and her colleagues on the Guide to Reference Editorial Board, Denise Beaubien Bennett, Robert H. Kieft, Steven W. Sowards, and Sarah G. Wenzel, for their advice, ongoing support, and contributions to enriching the annotations in their areas of expertise. xiii Genealogy Introduction: Genealogy Sources Genealogy continues to be a vocation, an avocation, and a scholarly field of study for many across the United States and around the world. Not only is interest in genealogy not waning among stereotypical family historians (retirees traveling the country collecting names), but as a discipline of history, genealogy is being used with increasing regularity in classrooms at all levels. Instructors find it to be a straightforward way to introduce students to the importance, use, and interpretation of primary sources. It is nearly impossible for public historians and local historians to ply their trades without using genealogy materials. Health and medical professionals use family history to uncover emotional, psychological, and genetic patterns across generations. And, individuals looking for living people, whether adoption seekers or skip tracers, are doing genealogy. The spectrum of researchers in all library types who need genealogy instruction and access to family history resources is broad. One of the many reasons genealogy flourishes in today’s world is the Internet. Many sources, though certainly not all, are available online. And the numbers increase almost daily. Included in the offerings are many significant document types. Some are available without cost, often the work of other genealogists; Find A Grave is a well-known example. Others are commercial products accessible to individual subscribers and\or libraries. Not that long ago researchers were severely limited as to where, how, and when they could access primary sources. The passionate no longer need to wait for long weekends and retirement to stay current with their research. Fee websites, such as, are available to the general public and provide access to hundreds of databases––some are scans of original documents; others are indexes, covering a variety of document types. GenealogyBank allows access to newspapers without dependence on microfilm readers. FamilySearch, a product of the Church of Jesus 3 INTRODUCTION Christ of Latter Day Saints, provides a treasure trove of documentation for free. Heritage Quest, only accessible through institutions, provides remote access to holders of library cards. These named online sources, and others, assist researchers at many stages of their inquiries. They also allow searching and interaction with primary sources in a manner not possible with originals or microfilmed surrogates. The US Federal Census Population Schedules are a leading example. “The census” is one of the major tools for locating people in time, place, and family units. Searching the census is one of the first steps in systematic family history, and a way to quickly become immersed in genealogy. Archives in other countries now provide access to sources, along with research guidance, which previously eluded family historians unable to travel. FamilySearch and Ancestry have international components. Some aspects of research are much more feasible than they once were, although perhaps the outcomes are no less frustrating. The most common genealogy materials can be grouped into four categories: (1) those that provide access, in some form, to primary documentation; (2) those that guide genealogy instruction; (3) those that assist researchers to locate materials, directories; and (4) published family histories, the genealogy end product. The Guide places great emphasis on methodology books and documentation sources with broad scopes. Tools to access immigration records will be mentioned but not published abstracts to the records of individual counties. But directories are included that will help researchers locate local and county materials. The metasite Cyndi’s List is a useful starting point. Print sources that identify libraries, archives, and courthouses should still be consulted. In their “off-line” travels, genealogists use a variety of repository types of various sizes. Locating the correct repository, holding the correct document, is an ongoing battle and part of the process. Due to the diversity of sources genealogists utilize and the varied record keeping practices of the United States, and abroad, methodology books, “how-to” books, remain pivotal. They are also assorted. It is not uncommon for genealogists to begin their studies with no formal training. That has always been true. But the fact that today many genealogists work for years in isolation, relying simply on the Internet, heightens the importance of methodology. In the Guide, one will find titles instructing in nearly every genealogy subject. The life of a genealogy reference book can be very long. It is unusual for a print work to be retired, thus some important titles will be out of print, though available in libraries. Also books that are replaced with new editions in large well-funded libraries often find their way to smaller libraries or specialized departments. They remain useful. There are three how-to books written by librarians that are especially helpful to information professionals, the first two speak directly to this 4 INTRODUCTION audience: Basics of Genealogy Reference: A Librarian’s Guide, Crash Course in Genealogy, and Finding Your Roots: Easy-To-Do Genealogy and Family History. These titles will guide librarians and archivists as they attempt to learn the information needs of their genealogy patrons. For the general public, How To Do Everything Genealogy has quickly become a classic. The Source continues to present an overview of genealogy at its most sophisticated. Mastering Genealogical Proof provides instruction in the analysis of evidence and in what constitutes a thorough search. The use of Evidence Explained guarantees that no source would go undocumented. The published, or compiled, family history, is the ideal genealogy end product. Even those family histories that are poorly cited can provide exceptional clues and help guide research. They should not be overlooked. Scanned books can be accessed through FamilySearch and Heritage Quest. Other titles can be identified for interlibrary loan requests through print directories and catalogs of leading collections. Researchers should always remember that many family histories are printed in very limited runs and may be located in very obscure collections. Family trees can be easily located online; most of these sites contribute to the networking that has always been a natural part of genealogy and which has exploded through the web. Social Networking for Genealogists advises family historians on how to increase their online presence beyond simply posting a pedigree. It is said to be a golden age for genealogy. The Guide demonstrates that this is true. Much is found online and in print to assist family historians with their efforts. Any reference desk can be a genealogy reference desk. Libraries that have small or non-existent genealogy collections are able, utilizing many of the sources detailed here, to work with their patrons no matter their genealogical information need. This publication can assist information professionals at all levels to direct their patrons as they explore, usually for years, their family heritage. Mary K. Mannix Guide to Reference Contributing Editor for Genealogy 5 1 1 International Obituaries: A guide to sources. 2nd ed. Betty Jarboe. Boston, Mass.: Hall, 1989. xv, 362 p. ISBN 0816104832 016.920073 Z5305.U5; CT214J37 family. Genealogies are sketchy for earlier centuries; that of the royal family of Great Britain, for example, begins in detail with George I (1714–1727). Bibliography and index in each volume. A bibliography of books, periodical articles, scrapbooks, clipping files, and some manuscript sources, which include obituary notices or provide indexing to such notices. In three sections: “International sources,” “United States sources” (subdivided by state), and “Foreign sources.” Appendix of obituary card files. Many annotations; detailed subject index. 2nd ed. more than doubles the number of sources listed in the 1st ed. (1982). ProQuest Historical Newspapers and other full text historical newspaper sources are valuable sources of obituaries and have largely supplanted the printed New York Times obituaries index. 3 An old standard on citations in genealogical research. Since the advent of the Internet, now dated and superseded by Elizabeth Shown Mills, Evidence! Citation and analysis for the family historian (6). 4 2 Cite your sources: A manual for documenting family histories and genealogical records. Richard S. Lackey, Winston DeVille. Jackson, Miss.: University Press of Mississippi, 1985; c1980. xii, 94 p. ISBN 0878052860 929.1 CS16.L3 Burke’s royal families of the world. Hugh Montgomery-Massingberd, David Williamson. London: Burke’s Peerage, 1977–1980. v. 1–2, ill. ISBN 0850110297 929.719 CS27.B8 Eastman’s online genealogy newsletter. Richard W. Eastman. Northborough, Mass.: R. W. Eastman. 1996– ISSN 1544-4090 Daily online free periodical in which the editor “loves to share technology ‘finds’ that can help both new and seasoned genealogists, as well as dethroning the scams and shams that can lead the unwary astray.”— About. Recommended for serious genealogists and dedicated librarians. Plus Edition, with additional content, available for fee. Website includes calendar of genealogy events. See also Eastman’s Encyclopedia of genealogy (5). Contents: v. 1, Europe and Latin America; v. 2, Africa and the Middle East. A third volume was planned but not published. Scope is restricted to “families which have reigned, at one time or another, since the middle of the nineteenth century.”—Pref. Entries are alphabetical by country, with a historical sketch of the monarchy and of each royal family, followed by the genealogy of that 7 5 INTERNATIONAL 5 Encyclopedia of genealogy. http://www Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter. Northborough, Mass.: Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter. [2006]– 8 This online resource had the potential to become the genealogist’s Wikipedia, with the goal of providing information about genealogical tools and techniques. Overshadowed by the more well known Family History Research Wiki at (14). 796 articles as of October 2005, many brief, but could prove useful to the right researcher. As stated on the site, “everyone is invited to contribute public domain information.” Registration is free and required to edit or add new content. The brainchild of Richard Eastman; see also his Eastman’s online genealogy newsletter (4). 6 Provides rules and models for common record types used by genealogists, such as passenger lists, vital records, and newspapers. Quick access tool. Supplement to Evidence!: Citation and analysis for the family historian. Others in “Quicksheet” series as of August 2014: Citing online African-American historical resources Evidence! Style; Your stripped-bare guide to citing sources; Your stripped-bare guide to historical ‘proof’; Citing databases & images; The historical biographer’s guide to the research process; The historical biographer’s guide to cluster research (the FAN principle); The historical biographer’s guide to finding people in databases & indexes; The historical biographer’s guide to individual problem analysis. Evidence!: Citation and analysis for the family historian. Elizabeth Shown Mills. Baltimore: Genealogical, 1997. 124 p. ISBN 0806315431 929.1 CS16.M63 Compendiums This manual, written for genealogical researchers of all levels, concentrates on the proper form, presentation, and documentation of source citations and on drawing sound conclusions from evidence. Supersedes Richard S. Lackey, Cite your sources (3) (1980), the first comprehensive guide to documenting family histories and genealogical records. Superseded by the much more extensive Evidence explained: citing history sources from artifacts to cyberspace (121) (2012), also by Mills, but can still serve as an introduction for beginners. 7 Quicksheet: citing online historical resources: Evidence! style*. 1st rev. ed. Elizabeth Shown Mills. Baltimore: Genealogical Publ., 2007. [4] p., folded sheet, 8 1/2 x 11” ISBN 9780806317762 929.1072 9 Dynasties of the world: A chronological and genealogical handbook. John E. Morby. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. xvi, 254 p. ISBN 0198604734 909B CS27.M67 Paperback ed., with corrections, 2002. First issued in 1989. This compact reference book for historians, genealogists, and other researchers includes chronological tables showing the various kings, queens, emperors, regencies, and interregnums from Ancient Egypt to the present day. Tables list the names of each ruler, the years of rule, and the family relationships between rulers, as well as additional information, such as titles and sobriquets, abdications, depositions, and restorations. Geographic and dynasty name index. Online edition available at Oxford Reference Online. In the first person. http://www.inthe Alexander Street Press. Alexandria, Va.: Alexander Street Press CT104 A freely available index of “first-person” resources for family historians, genealogists, and others. The ambitious goal of this site is “the in-depth indexing of all editorially valuable first-person content in English available on the Web around the world, and to provide bibliographic records for all first person narratives.” Full content of some resources is available in Alexander Street Press’s subscription databases, such as The American Civil War: Letters and Diaries (28), North American Women’s Letters and Diaries, and North American Immigrant Letters and Diaries (22). 10 International vital records handbook. 6th ed. Thomas Jay Kemp. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2013. xvi, 697 p., forms. ISBN 9780806319810 929/.1 CS42.7.K46 Contains addresses, application forms, and ordering information for vital records in the United States, the 8 INTERNATIONAL U.S. Trust Territories, and worldwide. Telephone, fax numbers, e-mail, and URLs are included where available. While much of this information is online, this provides quick, easy access for researchers. Also useful are details of when each jurisdiction began to keep records and their availability. facilities provide, not ALE. Family History Centers can be located via https://familysearch .org/locations/centerlocator; NARA facilities at http:// 13 Internet Resources 11 American Battle Monuments Commission. American Battle Monuments Commission. Arlington, Va.: American Battle Monuments Commission Cyndi’s list of genealogy sites on the Internet. Cyndi Howells, Cyndi Howells. Puyallup, Wash.: Cyndi Howells. 1996– 025.04;929.1 CS21 The largest collection of genealogy links on the Internet with over 329,000 links(as of January 2014). Searchable by keyword. The alphabetically arranged categories are very useful research starting points. Especially handy for librarians when they have little experience with a genealogy topic. Free. The “Biographies” section, under the main category index, offers a valuable list of links to biographical sites, including many state and regional sites, plus a link to the extensive “Obituaries” section. Access point to search the more than “218,000 individuals buried or memorialized at ABMC sites”. Included are the dead located at the Commission’s “25 permanent American burial grounds on foreign soil”. Tracks individuals from the Mexican War through Vietnam, including some MIA. Service and award details given, along with date of death and location of burial. Not just veterans. Provides overview, images, directions (with map), and contact information for the cemeteries. Also useful to family historians is the timeline in chart and map forms for World War I and World War II. Information partially searchable through at U.S., headstone and interment records for U.S. military cemeteries on foreign soil, 1942-1949. 12 14 14 FamilySearch. http://www.familysearch .org/default.asp. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Salt Lake City, Utah: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints “Product of the world’s largest repository of genealogical information.”—Family History Library, in Salt Lake City; free of cost. The search section includes: historical record collections (some are searchable scans, some browsable scans, others simply indexes); user-submitted genealogies, FamilySearch catalog (Family History Library), family history books (fulltext books from eight leading genealogy libraries), and the research wiki. Genealogies retrieves records from the ancestral file and the Pedigree Resource File. Historical Records consists of 1709 collections as of January 2014, including Census; also includes material from International Genealogical Index (16). Researchers can also find the nearest Family History Center, where materials may be ordered from Salt Lake City. Some full-text books can only be accessed at a FHC or partner library. Some search results require linking to and Fold3 .com (165) for viewing. Researchers can create free accounts, registration required, for building on-line accessible pedigree charts. Can be seen an alternative to FamilySearch’s Personal Ancestry File software, no longer supported. Interesting feature is that one unique identifier is assigned to each individual Provo, Utah: CS9 One of the largest collections of family history data online. Subscription service with various “premium” packages available to individual subscribers. Includes U.S., Canadian, and U.K. census images, military records, passenger arrival records, city directories, and the American genealogical-biographical index (134). New databases and reference materials are added regularly. ProQuest distributes a configuration for library subscribers, called Ancestry Library Edition. Nearly the same, but not identical; content missing includes AGBI, newspapers, Filby’s Immigration series, and other databases not owned by Ancestry. Some of the “missing” content includes sources marketed by ProQuest in other databases. Libraries do not provide remote access to ALE. Family History Centers and National Archives and Records Administration 9 15 INTERNATIONAL in system, hopefully avoiding confusion common on other sites where there may be many submitted charts for one family. Crowdsourcing allows for discussion of accuracy of documentation. Charts can be printed in fan format. Serves as gateway for volunteer indexing projects. 15 17 Primary Internet source connecting researchers of Jewish genealogy worldwide. Components include JewishGen Discussion Group, JewishGen Family Finder (database of 390,000 surnames and towns), ShtetLinks for over 200 communities, translations of Yizkor books (memorial books for communities destroyed in the Holocaust), and databases such as the ShtetlSeeker and All Country Databases. Its Family Tree of the Jewish People contains data on more than three million people. Serves as host to independent organizations such as Jewish Records Indexing–Poland. Find a grave. http://www.findagrave .com/index.html. Jim Tipton, Find a grave. Provo, Utah: 929.5 The most well-known crowd-sourcing site for locating graves and cemeteries. Often includes photographs of tombstones and added content, such as obituaries and family data. Can search by cemetery or name of deceased. As of January 2014, includes information from over 400,000 cemeteries from 200 countries, over 111,000 grave records. Not all cemeteries are covered in their entirety. Includes section on famous graves. Also, yearly necrologies interesting epitaphs, interesting monuments, posthumous reunions, and claim to fame. Acquired by in 2013, remains free. 16 JewishGen. JewishGen. New York: JewishGen. 1995– 18 http://www.rootsweb .com/. Provo, Utah: CS69 The oldest and largest free genealogical site, is supported by and therefore has many links into its subscription content, this does not imply free access. Features WorldConnect (a collection of submitted family trees), a large assortment of genealogy mailing lists and message boards (with searchable archives), as well as, vital records and other data sets. International genealogical index. igi. Salt Lake City, Utah: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 19 One of the searchable databases at the FamilySearch (14) site. Located under the historical records collections. Consists of Community Contributed (family information submitted to LDS Church) and Community Indexed records. Indexed records cover early 1500s to 1885. It serves as a finding aid and partial index to vital records from around the world. Should not be seen as a complete index to any source. Quality of information varies. Several hundred million names of deceased individuals. Compiled between 1973-2008. http://world World Vital Records, Inc. Provo, Utah: World Vital Records, Inc. 2006– Subscription site providing access to birth, death, military, census, and parish records. Databases include Genealogical Helper Magazine (1946–2006), the International Parish Register Collection, Quintin International Collection, SmallTownPapers® Collection, World Gazetteer Collection, and International Marriage Record Collection, along with school yearbooks and family trees. 10 2 20 North America Denizations and naturalizations in the British colonies in America, 1607–1775. Lloyd deWitt Bockstruck. Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publishing, 2005. xv, 350 p. ISBN 080631754X 929.107207 CS68.B64 Covers the most important colonial genealogical records from the Americas—from Latin America to the Caribbean, from the original thirteen colonies to Canada and New France—and how to access them. Entries for each jurisdiction include a short historical background, a description of the main archival records, and a list of suggested readings. Described by the author as a “where-to” book; emphasis is on where the described archival records may be consulted. Colonial records of denization and naturalization records scattered in court minutes, government records, deed books, legislative journals, statutes, private papers of proprietors such as William Penn, and land patents. Includes the names of more than 13,000 persons found in published records. Entries may include: place and date of naturalization or denization; names of spouse and children, as well as where or when they were naturalized or endenized; country of origin; religion; length of time in the colony; location of current residence; occupation; and any alternate names found in the records. Appendix lists more than 1,000 naturalizations granted by the French in Quebec, most of which involved individuals from the English colonies. Indexed. 21 22 North American immigrant letters, diaries, and oral histories. http://www Alexander Street Press. Alexandria, Va.: Alexander Street Press. 2003– Covers immigration to the United States and Canada between 1800 and 1980 and includes more than 2,000 authors and more than 100,000 pages of letters, diaries, interviews, and other personal narratives. Indexes allow browsing of materials by author, source, date, place, nationality, event, and subject. Advanced full-text search includes narrator data fields (age when writing, nationality, race, parental status, occupation in native country and in North America, organizational affiliations, point of departure/entry) and document type field. Other resources include collection of cartoons with subject of immigrants or immigration. Oral histories are also indexed in Oral History Online. Genealogical encyclopedia of the colonial Americas: A complete digest of the records of all the countries of the Western Hemisphere. Christina K. Schaefer. Baltimore: Genealogical, 1998. xiv, 814 p., ill., maps. ISBN 0806315768 929.107207 CS49.S32 11 23 NORTH AMERICA research repositories, with their addresses and hours of opening, and a description of their major collections and how to access them. Includes a historical background to the major classes of genealogical records in each province. Index of subjects and institutions. Canada 23 Canadian Genealogy Centre = Centre Canadien de généalogie. http://www Library and Archives Canada. Ottawa, Ont.: Library and Archives Canada. 2004– 26 Provides on-line access in English and French to genealogical resources of Canada, as well as how-tos and other research tools. Databases include a directory of resources; births, marriages, and deaths; census (of Canada and various provinces); immigration (including immigration records, 1925–1935); land (including Lower Canada land petitions and western land grants, 1870–1930); loyalists; military (including soldiers of the First World War); naturalization (including Upper Canada and Canada west naturalization registers, 1825–1850 and 1915–1932 Canadian naturalization); people (including the Dictionary of Canadian biography online [722]). 24 Comprehensive guide to record sources in Ontario (formerly Upper Canada and Canada West). Provides information on all important primary sources in archives and libraries, in municipal and federal collections, in religious institutions, and boards of education. First edition, 1984. 27 Dictionnaire généalogique des familles canadiennes. http://bibnum2 Cyprien Tanguay. Montreal: Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec. 2006 In search of your Canadian roots: Tracing your family tree in Canada. 3rd ed. Angus Baxter. Baltimore: Genealogical Publ. Co., 2000. xxi, 376 p. ISBN 0806316268 929/.1/072071 CS82.B389 Comprehensive book about genealogical sources in Canada by the author of In Search of Your European Roots (206), In Search of Your British & Irish Roots (267), and In Search of Your German Roots (224) that takes beginning genealogists step by step through the process of finding genealogical information. Includes information on the location of records as well as an extensive bibliography. A monumental genealogical compilation by Cyprien Tanguay, drawn from parochial and historical records from Quebec, the Maritime Provinces, Ontario, French settlements in the United States, and France. Search engine provides for access by name of individual only. French. Originally published in 7 vols., 1871–90. 1st ser., v. 1, 1608–1700; 2nd ser., v. 2–7, 1701–63. 2nd ser. includes some entries later than 1763 (belonging to a projected 3rd ser.). Repr. ed., New York: AMS Press, 1969. 25 Genealogy in Ontario: searching the records. 30th Anniversary ed. Brenda Dougall Merriman. Toronto: Ontario Genealogical Society, 2013. 329 p., ill., maps. ISBN 0777934426 United States 28 Genealogist’s handbook for Atlantic Canada research. 2nd ed. Terrence M. Punch New England Historic Genealogical Society. Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1997. viii, 163 p., maps. ISBN 0880820675 016.9715 Z5313.C22; A884; CS88.A88 The American Civil War. http://www -civil-war-letters-and-diaries. University of Chicago, Alexander Street Press. Alexandria, Va.: Alexander Street Press. 2001– Indexes and, in most cases, provides full text of published and unpublished diaries, letters, and memoirs of more than 2,000 persons. Materials were written between 1855 and 1875, contemporaneous with the events described, and are personal (e.g., military orders and public letters are excluded). The collection, which includes references to websites and Guide to research in New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island; also covers the Acadians. Provides addresses of 12 INDEX Note: Numbers in bold refer to entry numbers. Numbers in roman type refer to mentions in annotations of other works. Adamec, Ludwig W., 1530 Adamec, Vladimír, 1411 Adamson, Lynda G., 482, 751 ADB. See Allgemeine Deutsche biographie Addis Ababa University, 1475 Address book for Germanic genealogy, 213 The Ad men and women, 753 Advanced genealogy research techniques, 117, 129 Africa: A guide to reference material, 1497, 1508 Africa Book Services, 1476 Africa Confidential: Who’s Who (online), 1513 Africa Journal for Africa Books, 1524, 1528 African Affairs, 1521 African-American architects, 754 African American Biographical Database (AABD), 755, 939 African-American business leaders, 756 African American firsts in science and technology, 757 African American Genealogical Sourcebook, 338 African American genealogy, 439 The African American national biography, 758 Africana Publications, 1469 Africana: The encyclopedia of the African and African American experience, 488, 1510 African biographical archive, 1176, 1468, 1470, 1477, 1485, 1488, 1492, 1495, 1497, 1498, 1500, 1501, 1511, 1520, 1524, 1526, 1528 An African biographical dictionary, 1512 African Studies (online), 1509 Africa who’s who, 1528 AGBI. See The American genealogical-biographical index to American genealogical, biographical, and local history materials Agnes Scott College, 527 A AABD. See African American Biographical Database AAD. See Access to Archival Databases system A and C Black, 247, 1263 AASLH. See American Association for State and Local History AAT. See Art and Architecture Thesaurus Abbreviations and acronyms, 64 ABC-CLIO, 562, 569, 571, 609, 676, 764, 786, 787, 865, 897, 1072, 1170, 1213, 1247, 1303 ABEPI. See Archivo biográfico de España, Portugal e Iberoamérica ABF. See Archives biographiques françaises ABGR. See Australian biographical and genealogical record ABI. See Archivio biografico italiano Abingdon Press, 624 ABMC. See American Battle Monuments Commission Abramowicz, Alfred L., 1357 Abreu, Alzira Alves de, 981 Abril Multimídia, 984 Academia Nacional de la Historia, 1058 Academic Sinica, 1629 Académie des Sciences d’Outre-Mer, 1176, 1477 Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, 1104, 1108 Accessible Archives, 48, 157 Access to Archival Databases (AAD) system, 139, 142, 144, 145, 155, 187 Ackerl, Isabella, 1096 ACPL Genealogy Center, 185 ACPL. See Allen County Public Library Adam, Frank, 287 329 INDEX Ågren, Sven, 1434 Aguilar, 197, 334, 369 Aguirre, Sergio Javier Alfaro, 1025 Åhlén, Bengt, 1439 AIBA. See American reference books annual Aiken, Charles Curry, 66 Akadémiai Kiadó, 1282 Akbayar, Nuri, 1634 AKL. See The artists of the world Akyeampong, Emmanuel K., 1518 ALA. See American Library Association Alaküla, Allan, 1150 Alam, Mohammad Manzoor, 634, 1652 Alda, 1130 Aldrich, Richard, 516 Aldrich, Robert, 664, 666 Aleksandrynas; senųjų lietuvių rašytojų, rašiusių prieš 1865 m., biografijos, bibliografijos ir biobibliografijos = Aleksandrynas; biographies, bibliographies, and bio-bibliographies of old Lithuanian authors to 1865, 1322 Alexander Street Press, 7, 22, 28, 538, 581, 736 Alexander Thom and Sons, 311 Alfaro, Gregorio Araoz, 968 Algérie: Engagements sociaux et question nationale, 555 Allen, Allison, 341, 1662 Allen County Public Library (ACPL), 148, 185, 439 Allgemeine Deutsche biographie (ADB), 1206 Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexicon, 489 Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon, 490, 491, 492 Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler des XX. Jahrhunderts, 490, 491, 492 Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, 491, 492 Allibone, S. Austin, 831 Allon, Yoram, 720, 828, 1236, 1292 Al-Mallah, Majd Yaser, 1653 Almanach de Gotha, 202, 205 The almanac of American politics, 759 Almanac of famous people, 493 Almanac of the federal judiciary, 760, 808 The almanac of the unelected, 761 Alta Mira Press, 31 Altisent, Martha Eulalia, 1430 Alvarez-Altman, Grace, 425 Álvaro Ayala Producciones, 1040 Amaral, Raúl, 1041 Åmås, Knut Olav, 1350, 146, 147, 156, 186 American and British genealogy and heraldry: 1982– 1985 supplement, 45, 238, 239, 308, 352 American and British genealogy and heraldry: A selected list of books, 44, 56, 237, 351 American art annual, 918 American Association for State and Local History (AASLH), 31 American authors, 1600–1900, 905 American autobiography, 1945–1980, 747 American Battle Monuments Commission (AMBC), 11 The American bench: Judges of the nation, 762 American biographical archive, 719, 732, 763, 791, 887, 934 American biographical index, 763 American business leaders, 764 The American census handbook, 65 American Chemical Society, 675, 765 American chemists and chemical engineers, 765 The American Civil War (online), 7, 28, 581 American Council of Learned Societies, 550, 773, 833 The American counties: Origins of county names, dates of creation, and population data, 1950–2000, 66 American county histories to 1900 (online), 48, 157 American engineers of the nineteenth century, 766 American environmental leaders: From colonial times to the present, 767, 883 American Federation of Arts, 943 The American genealogical-biographical index to American genealogical, biographical, and local history materials (AGBI), 12, 134 American genealogical research at the DAR, Washington, D.C., 181 American geographers, 1784–1812, 768 American Hellenic Institute, 924 American Hellenic who’s who 1994–1995, 924 American historians, 1607–1865, 769 American Historical Association, 32, 175 American historical review, 791 American Indian autobiography, 714 American Indian Publishers, 733 American inventors, entrepreneurs, and business visionaries, 770 American Jewish Archives, 454, 824 American Jewish biographies, 494 American Jewish Historical Society, 870 American Library Association (ALA), 83, 91, 241, 717, 727, 750, 807, 915, 930 American literary journalists, 1945–1995, 771 American magazine journalists, 1741–1850, 772 American Medical Association, 845 American medical biographies, 721, 837 American Men and Women of Science (Gale Cengage), 135, 704, 925 American midwives, 676, 716, 811 American National Biography online, 758, 773, 791, 833, 887, 890 American nature writers, 774 American newspaper journalists, 1873–1900, 775 American newspaper publishers, 1950–1990, 776 330 INDEX American nursing: A biographical dictionary, 676, 777, 838 American passenger arrival records, 67 American peace writers, editors, and periodicals, 512, 515, 778 American philosophers, 1950–2000, 779, 843 American political leaders, 1789–2005, 780 American political scientists, 781 American Presidents (C-SPAN), 782 American printmakers, 1880–1945, 783 American Psychological Association, 601, 644 American reference books annual (ARBA), 468 American religious leaders, 743 American screenwriters, 784 American Society for Information Science, 930 American songwriters, 785 American tapestry: The story of the black, white, and multiracial ancestors of Michelle Obama, 118, 440 American University in Cairo Press, 1473 American women in science, 786, 787 American women songwriters, 741 American women writers, 788, 1246 American writers: A collection of literary biographies, 789 American writers before 1800, 790, 884, 1234 America’s best genealogy resource centers, 190 America’s women in the Revolutionary era, 46 Amistad, 440 Amit, Vered, 520 An analytical bibliography of universal collected biography, 702 Anaya, Rudolfo, 841, 956, 1420 Ancestors (PBS documentary series), 68, 158 Ancestors in German archives, 214 Ancestral research in France, 210 Ancestral trails: The complete guide to British genealogy and family history, 259, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 55, 59, 86, 90, 95, 105, 108, 109, 113, 126, 132, 134, 135, 165, 177, 181, 216, 226, 271, 293, 311, 316, 327, 337, 376, 704, 1226 Ancestry Library Edition (ProQuest), 12, 55 Andersen, Alf G., 1346 Anderson, Gerald H., 507 Anderson, Jennifer A., 220 Anderson, Robert Charles, 59, 60, 63 Andersson, Kjell, 337 Andresen, Harald, 1345 Andriot, Jay, 43 Anglophone Caribbean poetry, 1970–2001, 1062 Annales, Académie des Sciences Coloniales, 1542, 1639 An annotated bibliography of American Indian and Eskimo autobiographies, 714 An annotated index of medieval women, 1464 Antique Collectors’ Club, 1240, 1378 Anubis, 1115 Apinis, Peteris, 1317 Apollo, 839, 879 Appiah, Anthony, 488, 1510 Applegate, Edd, 753, 876, 1248 Appleton, D., 721, 791, 837 Appleton’s cyclopaedia of American biography, 791, 833, 887 Arabian personalities of the early twentieth century, 1645 Arabic biographical dictionaries, 1644 Arab-Islamic biographical archive (AIBA), 1498, 1528, 1541, 1587, 1608, 1621, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1656 Araújo, Emanoel, 985 ARBA guide to biographical dictionaries, 468 Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ostdeutscher Familienforscher, 217 Archiv Bibliographia Judaica, 1204 Archives & Culture, 402 The Archives: A guide to the National Archives field branches, 182 Archives biographiques Canadiennes, 719, 723, 728 Archives biographiques des pays du Benelux, 1102, 1103, 1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109, 1331, 1338, 1340, 1343, 1344, 1472 Archives biographiques françaises (ABF), 1159, 165 Archivio biografico italiano (ABI), 1298, 1306, 1309 Archivo biográfico de España, Portugal e Iberoamérica = Arquivo biográfico de Espanha, Portugal e Ibero-America (ABEPI), 841, 954, 956, 958, 963, 969, 972, 974, 984, 985, 987, 988, 992, 998, 1005, 1018, 1023, 1024, 1036, 1041, 1042, 1047, 1051, 1055, 1362, 1418, 1420, 1423, 1424, 1432 Arco-Libros, 1419 Arellano, Jorge Eduardo, 1035, 1065 Arestis, Philip, 509 Argento, Analía, 973 Argueta, Mario, 1017 Armenian infotext, 1532 Armorial families a directory of gentlemen of coatarmour, 353 Armorial général, 354 Armytage, George John, 1267 Arnim, Max, 709 Arnold, John, 1665 Arno Press, 587 Arntzen, Jon Gunnar, 1347 Arons, Ron, 114 Aronson, J., 404, 452 Arquivo biográfico de Espanha, Portugal e Ibero-America, 841, 954, 956, 958, 963, 969, 972, 974, 984, 985, 987, 988, 992, 998, 1005, 1018, 1023, 1024, 1036, 1041, 1042, 1047, 1051, 1055, 1362, 1418, 1420, 1423, 1424, 1432 331 INDEX Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT), 662 Art and artists of South Africa, 1493 Arte Público Press, 842 Arthaud, 212 Art Institute of Chicago, 646 Artists of the American West, 792 The artists of the world (AKL) 490 The art of biography in eighteenth century England, 1211 The art of heraldry, 355, 364 Arze, José Roberto, 975 Ascarelli, Fernanda, 1305 Aschehoug, 1350 Ash, Lee, 717, 807 Ashgate, 470, 486, 651 Ashley, Perry J., 775, 776 Asian American genealogical sourcebook, 338 Asociación de Amigos del País, 1012 Aspen Law and Business, 760 Aspesi, Natalia, 1306 Association for Computing Machinery, 670 Association of British Counties, 234 Association of Hispanic Arts, 913, 961 Athlone Press, 1216 Atlanta journal constitution, 902, 903 Atlas of Historical County Boundaries (online), 40, 41, 43 A to zax: A comprehensive dictionary for genealogists & historians, 57 A to Z of American women business leaders and entrepreneurs, 793 A to Z of American women in the visual arts, 794 A to Z of computer scientists, 495 A to Z of earth scientists, 496 A to Z of marine scientists, 497 A to Z of scientists in weather and climate, 498 A to Z of women in world history, 499 Auchterlonie, Paul, 1644 Augusta, Pavel, 1128 Auroux, Sylvain, 616 Australasian biographical archive, 1666, 1668, 1670, 1672, 1673, 1676, 1677 Australian autobiographical narratives, 1660 Australian biographical and genealogical record (ABGR), 341, 1662 Australian Dictionary of Biography (online), 1663 Australian National University, 1663 Australian Women’s Archives Project (AWAP), 1664 Australian Women’s Register (online), 1664 Austrian fiction writers series, 1089, 1090 Author Biographies Master Index (Gale), 703 Authors: Critical and biographical references, 500 Autobiographical writings on Mexico, 1020 Autobiographien von Frauen, 1086, 1140, 1186, 1311, 1321, 1330, 1441 Autobiographies by Americans of color 1980–1994, 746 The autobiography of the working class, 1212 Autopacte, 469, 568 Avotaynu, 382, 403, 405, 406, 407, 449, 457 Avotaynu Consolidated Jewish Surname Index (CJSI), 403 Avotaynu guide to Jewish genealogy, 449 Avram, Gabriela, 1370 AWAP. See Australian Women’s Archives Project Axelrod, Alan, 572 B Ba, Adam Konaré, 1481 BAA. See Biographisches archiv der antike BAB. See Biografisch archief van de Benelux BaBA. See Baltisches biographisches Babcock, Barbara A., 832 Bachrach, Louis Fabian, 670 Baechler, Lea, 884 Baer, Karl A., 582 Bagrow, Leo, 621 Bahlow, Hans, 422 Bailey, Hamilton, 501 Bailey, Martha J., 786, 787 Bailey and Bishop’s notable names in medicine and surgery, 501 Baillie, Laureen, 719, 1230, 1536, 1581, 1615, 1625 Bain, Robert, 829, 862, 912 Bajt, Drago, 1415 Baker, Daniel B., 573 Baker’s biographical dictionary of musicians, 502, 538 Balch Institute, 139 Balmand, Pascal, 1166 Balteau, J., 1163 Baltic biographical archive. See Baltisches biographisches Archiv (BaBA) Baltische Biographische Lexika (online), 1141, 1312, 1323 Baltisches biographisches Archiv (BaBA), 1142, 1151, 1313, 1319, 1322, 1324, 1463 Balzer, Oswald, 1358 Banks, Olive, 1221 Barbados Museum and Historical Society, 199 Bardsley, Charles Wareing Endell, 413 Barnes & Noble, 350 Barnes, Dana R., 630 Barnes, J. Suzanne, 716, 811 Barone, Michael, 759 Barons Who’s Who, 1640 Barricade Books, 738 Barroux, M., 1163 Barrow, Geoffrey Battiscombe, 240, 241, 242 Barry, John, 314 Bartke, Wolfgang, 1573 332 INDEX Bartos, Josef, 1130 Baseball register, 926 Baseball: The biographical encyclopedia, 795 Basic guide to Chinese genealogy, 339 Basic heraldry, 356, 374 Basics of genealogy reference, 119 Baskakov, Andreiĭ, 691 Basketball: A biographical dictionary, 796 Batres, Carlos Milla, 1044 Batsford Companion to Local History, 244 Baxter, Angus, 27, 206, 224, 267, 319 Baxter, T. W., 1479, 1503, 1505 Baylen, Joseph O., 1224 BBA. See British biographical archive The BCG genealogical standards manual, 69 Beau, Dennis La, 706 Beaulieu, Michèle, 1169 Bebbington, D. W., 510 Bech, Svend Cedergreen, 1135 Becher, Anne, 767 Becker, Felix, 492 A beginner’s guide to family history research in New Zealand, 347, 348, 349 Behn, Wolfgang, 1650 Beider, Alexander, 382, 405, 406, 407 Beine, Joe, 176 Bélanger, Réal, 722 Belaynesh, Michael, 1475 Belezhiti bŭlgari, 1112 Belknap Press, 598, 890, 1280 Bell, James B., 101, 235 Bell, Maureen, 1222, 1265 Bell, Robert, 426 Bellamy, Joyce M., 1239 Belokon, Valeri, 1151, 1319, 1329 Bendiner, Elmer and Jessica, 514 Benewick, Robert, 467 Bénézit, E., 546 Benson, Morton, 385, 396 Bentley, Elizabeth Petty, 30, 61, 72, 79 Benzing, Josef, 1199 Béraldi, Henri, 614 Beran, Robert J., 727, 915 Berger, Bruno, 1196 Berkley Books, 878 Berkshire dictionary of Chinese biography, 1549 Berman, Esmé, 1493 Bernan Associates, 761, 808 Bernath, Mathias, 1460 Berry, D. A. and Ellen T., 464 Beruf + Schule, 504 Berwick, Sam, 1671 The best genealogical sources in print: Essays by Gary Boyd Roberts, 47 Betit, Kyle J., 309 Bettelheim, Anton, 1094 Betterway Books, 80, 81, 82, 93, 103, 112, 115, 116, 130, 191, 218, 263, 291, 309, 326, 444 Bevan, Amanda, 268 Bewley, Aisha Abdurrahman, 1643 Bey, Mehmet Süreyya, 1634 Beyer, Victor, 1169 Bibliografía biográfica mexicana, 1021 Bibliographical Society (UK), 1235 Bibliographie analytique des biographies collectives imprimées de la France contemporaine, 1157 Bibliographie der Autobiographien, 1187 Bibliographie des etudes en langue francaise sur la litterature personnelle et les recits de vie, 568 Bibliographie généalogique, héraldique et nobiliaire de la France, 211, 357 Bibliographie zur Heraldik, 358 A bibliography of American autobiographies, 747 A bibliography of American county histories, 48 A bibliography of biographies and memoirs on Nigeria, 1486 A bibliography of medical and biomedical biography, 470 A bibliography of military name lists from pre-1675 to 1900, 49 A bibliography of the collective biography of Spanish America, 1066 Biblioteca hispano americana septentrional, 1022 Bibliotheca Britannica, 831 Bibliotheca heraldica Magnæ Britanniæ, 359 Bibliothèque et Archives Nationales du Québec, 24 Bibliothèque Nationale (France), 648, 1177, 1183 Bidwell, Robin, 1645 Biermann, Carol A., 677 Bietenholz, Peter G., 1071 Bigwood, Rosemary, 296 Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingüe, 814 Bio-base, 135, 704 A biobibliographical handbook of Bulgarian authors, 1113 Bio-bibliographisches Literaturlexikon Österreichs, 1091 Bio-bibliographisches Verzeichnis jüdischer Doktoren im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert, 503, 1067 Biografia italica, 1297 Biografický lexikón Slovenska, 1403, 1408, 1409 Biografický slovník českých zemí, 1123 Biografisch archief van de Benelux =Archives biographiques des pays du Benelux = Biographical archive of the Benelux countries = Biographisches archiv der Benelux-Länder (BAB), 1102, 1103, 1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109, 1331, 1338, 1340, 1343, 1344, 1472 Biografische index van de Benelux, 1338 Biografische Materialien zur Zeitgeschichte (online), 1143, 1353 333 INDEX Biografisches Lexikon des Druck- und Verlagswesens, 504 Biografisch Woordenboek van Nederland (online), 1339 Biografiske artikler i norske tidsskrifter, 1351 Biografiskt Lexikon för Finland, 1153 Biográf ki kicsoda, 1285 Biographia Nigeriana, 1488 Biographical and bibliographical dictionary of the Italian humanists and of the world of classical scholarship in Italy, 1300–1800, 1071, 1299 Biographical and historical index of American Indians and persons involved in Indian affairs, 731 Biographical archive of the Benelux countries, 1102, 1103, 1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109, 1331, 1338, 1340, 1343, 1344, 1472 Biographical archive of the classical world (BAA), 1070 Biographical archive of the Soviet Union, 1374, 1391 Biographical dictionaries and related works, 471 Biographical Dictionary (, 505 A biographical dictionary of actors, actresses, musicians, dancers, managers and other stage personnel in London, 1660–1800, 1218 Biographical dictionary of Afro-American and African musicians, 797, 1514 A biographical dictionary of Albanian history, 1083 Biographical dictionary of American and Canadian naturalists and environmentalists, 715, 798, 883 Biographical dictionary of American business leaders, 799, 826 Biographical dictionary of American cult and sect leaders, 800 Biographical dictionary of American educators, 801, 806 A biographical dictionary of American geography in the twentieth century, 802 Biographical dictionary of American Indian history to 1900, 732 Biographical dictionary of American journalism, 803 Biographical dictionary of American newspaper columnists, 804 Biographical dictionary of anthropologists, 506 A biographical dictionary of Australian and New Zealand economists, 1669 A biographical dictionary of British architects, 1600– 1840, 1219 The biographical dictionary of British economists, 1220 The biographical dictionary of British feminists, 1221 Biographical dictionary of central and eastern Europe in the twentieth century, 1084, 1100, 1110, 1114, 1117, 1124, 1144, 1279, 1314, 1325, 1333, 1335, 1336, 1354, 1366, 1396, 1404, 1412, 1445, 1446, 1456, 1459 Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Christianity (online), 1550 Biographical dictionary of Chinese women, 1551 Biographical dictionary of Christian missions, 507, 1519 Biographical dictionary of Christian theologians, 508, 663 Biographical dictionary of congressional women, 805 A biographical dictionary of dissenting economists, 509 Biographical dictionary of dissidents in the Soviet Union, 1956–1975, 1374 A biographical dictionary of English women writers, 1580–1720, 1222 Biographical dictionary of evangelicals, 510, 718, 819, 1227 Biographical dictionary of geography, 511 The biographical dictionary of greater India, 1529, 1534, 1577, 1611, 1613, 1624 Biographical dictionary of Indians of the Americas, 733 Biographical dictionary of internationalists, 512, 515, 778 A biographical dictionary of Irish writers, 1223, 1291 Biographical dictionary of Japanese history, 1593 A biographical dictionary of Later Han to the Three Kingdoms (23–220 AD), 1552 Biographical dictionary of Latin American and Caribbean political leaders, 963 Biographical dictionary of management, 513, 853 Biographical dictionary of medicine, 514 Biographical dictionary of modern American educators, 806 Biographical dictionary of modern British radicals, 1224, 1226 Biographical dictionary of modern Egypt, 1473 Biographical dictionary of modern peace leaders, 512, 515, 778 A biographical dictionary of Negara Brunei Darussalam, 1841–1998, 1541 Biographical dictionary of North American and European educationists, 516 Biographical dictionary of professional wrestling, 517 Biographical dictionary of psychology, 518 A biographical dictionary of quotations, 712 Biographical dictionary of Republican China, 1553 The biographical dictionary of scientists, 519 The biographical dictionary of Scottish women, 1271 Biographical dictionary of social and cultural anthropology, 520 A biographical dictionary of the AngloEgyptian Sudan, 1498 Biographical dictionary of the extreme right since 1890, 465 Biographical dictionary of the former Soviet Union, 1375 The biographical dictionary of the Middle East, 1647 Biographical dictionary of the People’s Republic of China, 1554 A biographical dictionary of the Qin, former Han and Xin periods, 221 BC–AD 24, 1555 334 INDEX A biographical dictionary of the Sudan, 1498 Biographical dictionary of twentieth-century philosophers, 521 Biographical dictionary of women artists in Europe and America since 1850, 724, 810, 889, 1068 A biographical dictionary of women economists, 522, 556 A biographical dictionary of women healers, 676, 716, 811 The biographical dictionary of women in science, 523 Biographical dictionary of women’s movements and feminisms in Central, Eastern, and South Eastern Europe, 1069 Biographical directory of anthropologists born before 1920, 524 A biographical directory of librarians in the United States and Canada, 717, 727, 807, 915 Biographical directory of the federal judiciary, 1789– 2000, 808 Biographical directory of the United States Congress, 1774–2005, 809 Biographical encyclopedia of Afghanistan, 1530 The biographical encyclopedia of astronomers, 525 The biographical encyclopedia of Islamic philosophy, 1648 A biographical encyclopedia of medical travel authors, 526 Biographical encyclopedia of Pakistan, 1617 Biographical encyclopedia of the modern Middle East and North Africa, 1515, 1531, 1649 The biographical encyclopedia of the negro baseball leagues, 812 Biographical encyclopedia of the Supreme Court, 813 A biographical handbook of Hispanics and United States film, 814 Biographical memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 470, 1225 Biographical Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences (online), 815 A biographical register of Swaziland to 1902, 1499 Biographical Research Center, 475 Biographical sources for foreign countries, 472, 1087, 1088, 1188, 1190, 1590, 1618, 1619 Biographic dictionary of Chinese communism, 1921– 1965, 1556 Biographie coloniale belge, 1103, 1472 Biographie nationale, 1104, 1108 Biographie nationale du pays de Luxembourg depuis ses originees jusqu’a nos jours, 1332 Biographies of American women, 482, 751 Biographies of British women, 1213 Biographies of scientists, 473 Biographies of western photographers, 816 Biographies of Women Mathematicians (online), 527 Biographie universelle ancienne et moderne, 528, 1163 Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (online), 529 Biographische Informationsmittel, 474, 1189 Biographische Materialien aus der Presse Ostmitteleuropas nach 1945, 1355 Biographische Nachschlagewerke, Adelslexika, Wappenbücher, 1190 Biographisches archiv der antike = Biographical archive of the classical world (BAA), 1070 Biographisches archiv der Benelux-Länder (BAB), 1102, 1103, 1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109, 1331, 1338, 1340, 1343, 1344, 1472 Biographisches archiv der Sowjetunion (1917–1991), 1375, 1376, 1383, 1392, 1395 Biographisches Handbuch der deutschsprachigen Emigration nach 1933, 1192 Biographisches Lexikon der hervorragenden Ärzte aller Zeiten und Völker, 530 Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Österreich, 1092, 1095 Biographisches Lexikon zur Geschichte der böhmischen Länder, 1125, 1405 Biographisches Lexikon zur Geschichte Südosteuropas, 1460 Biographisch woordenboek der Nederlanden, 1340 Biography, 568 Biography: An annotated bibliography, 476 Biography and Genealogy Master Index (Gale Cengage), 135, 482, 493, 535, 542, 597, 493, 639, 640, 667, 678, 687, 693, 696, 698, 700, 704, 705, 708, 722, 723, 732, 751, 728, 773, 791, 821, 824, 827, 833, 841, 887, 890, 891, 893, 917, 925, 927, 933, 934, 936, 939, 941, 942, 949, 950, 956, 958, 966, 1029, 1069, 1071, 1077, 1080, 1185, 1221, 1252, 1263, 1269, 1293, 1357, 1375, 1395, 1420, 1431, 1520, 1528, 1551, 1573, 1583, 1621, 1656 The biography book, 477 Biography catalogue of the Library of the Royal Commonwealth Society, 1264 Biography Database: 1680–1830 (CD-ROM), 1226 Biography in Context (Gale), 466, 493, 531, 542, 622, 687, 827, 833, 841, 891, 893, 927, 929, 936, 939, 956, 966, 1420, 1431 Biography Index (EBSCO), 532, 704, 705 Biography journal, 475 Biography: Latin America and the Caribbean, 952 Biography Portal of the Netherlands (online), 1341 Biography Reference Bank (EBSCO), 532, 660, 682, 693 Biography Reference Center, 532 Biography: United States, 742 Birlinn, 436, 437 Birn, Donald S., 515 Biržiška, Vaclovas, 1322 Bishop, W. J., 501 Black, George Fraser, 437 335 INDEX Black, Karen L., 1113 Black American literature forum, 869 Black Americans in autobiography, 748 Black Americans in Congress, 1870–1989, 817 Black biographical dictionaries, 1790–1950, 755 Black biography, 1790–1950, 755 Black family research: Records of post-Civil War federal agencies at the National Archives, 183 Black genesis, 441 Black roots, 442 Blacks in science and medicine, 818 Blacks in selected newspapers, censuses, and other sources, 950 Blackstaff, 426 Blackwell, 533, 671, 718, 819, 1227, 1513 The Blackwell dictionary of evangelical biography, 510, 718, 819, 1227 The Blackwell dictionary of historians, 533 Black women in America, 820 Blandford Press, 368 Blaug, Mark, 590, 665 Bleiler, Everett Franklin, 658 Blok, P. J., 1343 Bloomsbury Books, 355 BMD (births, marriages, and deaths). See FreeBMD; UK BMD Board for Certification of Genealogists (BCG), 69 Boase, Frederic, 1251 Bobinski, George S., 835 Bockstruck, Lloyd deWitt, 20, 99, 198 Boelke-Fabian, Andrea, 1204 Boëthius, Bertil, 1438 Boey, Danny, 339 Bogárdi, János, 1278 Bohatta, Hanns, 1094 Böhlau Verlag, 358, 1086, 1140, 1146, 1186, 1311, 1315, 1321, 1326, 1330, 1441 Boia, Lucian, 592 Bolchazy-Carducci, 1357, 1408 Bold, Christine, 914 Bolton, Charles Knowles, 360 Bolton’s American armory, 360 Bongard, David L., 597 The book of New Zealand women = Ko kui ma te kaupapa, 1674 The book of Scots-Irish family names, 426 Bookshelf Publishers, 1532 Boorman, Howard L., 1553 Booth, Alison, 479 Booth, Bibi, 858 Borchardt, D. H., 1661 Bork, Inge, 226 Boston evening transcript, 134 Boston globe, 902, 903 Boullaire, J., 1672 Boutell, Charles, 361 Boutell’s heraldry, 361 Bowden, Henry Warner, 743 Bowker-Saur, 763, 946, 1159, 1375 Bowman, James, 649 Bowman, John Stewart, 821 The boxing register, 534 Boyd, Kelly, 567 Boydell, 372 Boyer, Carl, 138 Boyer, Paul S., 890 Boynton, Victoria, 570 Bracher, Katherine, 525 Bradley, Susan, 1159 Brady, Anne, 1223, 1291 Brandow, James C., 199 Brébion, Antoine, 1542, 1607, 1639 Bremer, Ronald A., 190 Brenk, Lan, 1413 Brennan, Elizabeth A., 916 Brereton, Bridget, 1048 Bresler, Liora, 579, 580 Bricka, Carl Frederik, 1135 Brigham Young University, 158, 214, 1670 Brignano, Russell C., 748 Brill, 391, 410, 1544, 1552, 1555, 1650 Brinker- Gabler, Gisela, 1093, 1205, 1443 Britannica Educational, 635 British and Irish biographies, 1840–1940, 1228, 1270 British and Irish poets, 1229 British autobiographies, 1214 British biographical archive, 1019, 1221, 1224, 1228, 1230, 1251, 1263, 1269, 1272, 1273, 1274, 1293, 1294, 1296 The British Book Trade Index (online), 1235, 1257, 1265, 1268 British Council, 1234 The British establishment, 1760–1784, 1231 British Film Institute, 669 British History Online, 227, 258 British library journal, 1267 British philosophers series, 1241, 1242, 1243 British playwrights, 1956–1995, 1232 British Record Society, 231 British women writers, 1233 British writers, 1234 Broadfoot Pub. Co, 149, 150 Brockman, Norbert C., 1512 Bromell, Anne, 347, 348, 349 Bronfman, 1589 Bronski, Michael, 583 Brooke-Little, J. P., 361, 377 Brooks-Higginbotham, Evelyn, 758 Brosman, Catharine Savage, 1172, 1173, 1174, 1178, 1179 336 INDEX Brown, G. H., 1256 Brown, Kerry, 1549 Brown, Stuart C., 521, 1243 Browne, Turner, 618 Browning, Yvonne, 343 Bruckmüller, Ernst, 1098 Brüder Hollinek, 1091 Brumble, H. David, 714 Bruno, Adriana, 984 Budućnost, 1398, 1399, 1453 Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research, 1216, 1228 Bullough, Vern L., 777 Burchsted, Fred, 742, 952 Bureau of Land Management General Land Office records (online), 159, 164 Burke, Ashworth P., 248, 254 Burke, Bernard, 254, 367 Burke, Eric Edward, 1479, 1503, 1505 Burke, John, 255, 256 Burke, Sir Bernard, 248, 249, 256 Burke’s general armory, 367 Burke’s Peerage and Gentry (online), 2, 29, 248, 253, 272 Burke’s presidential families of the United States of America, 29 Burke’s royal families of the world, 2 Burnett, John, 1212 Burnim, Kalman A., 1218 Burr, Sandra, 1661 Burrage, Walter L., 721, 837 Burroughs, Tony, 442 Burt, Daniel S., 477 Business leader profiles for students, 684 Business Resources Bureau, 106 Butterworth, Neil, 834 Byers, Paula K., 447 Bynum, Helen and W. F., 549 C CaBA. See Canadian biographical archive Cabaton, Antoine, 1542, 1607, 1639 Cahill, James, 1566 Calcagno, Francisco, 998 Calderón, Lilia Delgado, 1025 Calédoniens, 1673 Calendar of Virginia state papers, 153 Calhoun, Michele, 603 The Cambridge biographical encyclopedia, 535 The Cambridge dictionary of American biography, 821 The Cambridge dictionary of English place-names, 228, 233, 245, 246 Cambridge University Press, 229, 236, 245, 385, 396, 535, 821, 1269, 1293 Cammermeyer, 1345 Camp, Roderic A., 1029, 1033 Campodónico, Miguel Angel, 1054 Canadian biographical archive (CaBA) = Archives biographiques Canadiennes, 719, 723, 728 Canadian diaries and autobiographies, 730 Canadian Genealogy Centre = Centre Canadien de Généalogie (online), 23 The Canadian who’s who, 728 Canedo, Benjamín Hinojosa, 977 Cankar, Izidor, 1414, 1450 Cannon, John, 1226 Cannon, John Ashton, 533 Canoe Press, 1034 Caratini, Roger, 1168 Cardoza- Orlandi, Carlos F., 663 Carey, Charles W., 770 Carey, Patrick W., 508 Caribbeana, 199 Carl, Deborah Ann, 30 Carlson Publ., 824 Carmack, Sharon DeBartolo, 81, 82, 115 Carner, Gary, 869 Carraffa, Alberto García, 193, 194, 196, 331, 332, 333 Carraffa, Arturo García, 194, 196, 332, 333, 424 Carrick Media, 1273 Carroll & Graf, 812 Carter, Steven D., 1599 Casado, Juan Delgado, 1419 Cass, 1498 Castiglioni, Efrain Mannise, 1055 Catálogo comentado de la autobiografía española, 1416 Catálogo de autores teatrales del siglo XVIII, 955, 1421 Catalogo dei viventi 2009, 1308 Catálogo de novelas y novelistas españoles del siglo XIX, 1422 Catalog of biographies, 478 Cátedra, 1422 Catony, Leonardo Depestre, 1001 Cavacas, Fernanda, 1517 Cavaliers and pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia land patents and grants, 1623–1800, 136, 170 Cavanaugh, Jerome, 1569 CBA. See Chinese biographical archive Celtic Heritage Research, 304 Cemetery Records Online, 160 The census book: A genealogist’s guide to federal census facts, schedules, and indexes, 70 Census records for Latin America and the Hispanic United States, 192, 445 Central European Times, 1099, 1444, 1463 Central European University Press, 1069 Centre Canadien de Généalogie (online), 23 Centre for Albanian Studies, 1083 337 INDEX Centre for Bangladesh Culture, 1540 Centre for Studies in British Art, 1219 Centro de Documentación Andina, 1045 Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil, 980, 981 A century of black surgeons, 822 A century of Nobel prize recipients: Chemistry, physics, and medicine, 536 A century of the English book trade, 1235 Český biografický archiv a slovenský biografický archív (CSBA): Tschechisches und slowakisches biographisches archiv, 1131, 1126, 1406, 1409, 1411 Český biografický slovník XX. století, 1127 Céspedes, Mario, 990 Cevasco, G. A., 883 Chadwyck-Healey, 1228, 1244, 1389 Chambers, 535, 537, 639, 1272 Chambers, Margaret, 342 Chambers, Robert, 1272 Chambers biographical dictionary of women, 639 Chambers dictionary of political biography, 537 Chambers Scottish biographical dictionary, 1272 Chao, Sheau-yueh J., 421 Chapman, Antony J., 518 Chapman, John, 229 Charton, Barbara, 497 Chávez, Fermín, 970 Checklist of collective biographies, 1661 Check list of Historical Records Survey publications, 50 Chemical Heritage Foundation, 675 Cheng, Joseph K. H., 1553 Cherokee connections, 460 Chesler, Andrew, 416 Chesshyre, D.H.B., 365 Cheurfi, Achour, 1466 Chevalier, Ulysse, 1465 Chicago defender, 902, 903 Chicago tribune, 902, 903 Child, Sargent B., 50 Children’s authors and illustrators, 706 Chileans of to-day, 988 China bibliography, 1544 China Biographical Database Project, 1557 China’s provincial leaders, 1949–1985, 1558 China Vitae (online), 1559 Chinese biographical archive (CBA) = Chinesisches biographisches archiv, 1553, 1556, 1560, 1561, 1563, 1564, 1567, 1569, 1570, 1571, 1573, 1631 A Chinese biographical dictionary = Gu jin xing shi zu pu, 1561 Chinese fiction writers, 1900–1949, 1562 Chinese history: A manual, 1545 Chinese Materials Center, 1569 The Chinese recorder index, 1574 Chineseroots, 339 Chodera, Janina, 1360 Choice, 566, 1642, 1655 Chojnacki, Stanisław, 1475 Cholpanov, Boris, 1112 Chorzempa, Rosemary A., 330 Christensen, Karen, 608 Christmas, Brian, 243 Chuguev, Vladimir, 1375 Churaň, Milan, 1129 Church, Olga Maranjian, 777 Church court records, 260 Churchill, Else, 265 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 14, 16, 340 Chuvakov, V. N., 1382 Cicarelli, James and Julianne, 556 100 personajes históricos de Guatemala, 1011 150 dominicanos notables, 1003 50 biografías de figuras dominicanas, 1004, 1005 Citadel Press, 127 Cite your sources, 6, 3, 71, 75 Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, 1655 Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System (online), 149, 150, 161 CJSI. See Consolidated Jewish Surname Index Claghorn, Charles Eugene, 673, 674 Clan finder, 433 The clans, septs and regiments of the Scottish Highlands, 287 Clarage, Elizabeth C., 916 Clarendon Press, 228, 392, 432 Clark, A. H., 851 Clark, Anne B., 1556 Clark, Donna, 636 Clark, Fred M., 1364 Clark, Randall, 784 Clase, Pablo, 1004 Classical Music Reference Library (online), 502, 538 Classical singers of the opera and recital stages, 539 Clausen, Ursel, 1501 Clayton-Emmerson, Sandra, 1074 Clear Digital Media, 160 Clearfield, 76, 128, 354, 421 Cleeve, Brian Talbot, 1223, 1291 Clemensson, Per, 337 Clement, Russell T., 1670 Clinton, Catherine, 823 Cobos, Francisco Sánchez, 1424 Cofrestri anghydffurfiol Cymru = Nonconformist registers of Wales, 302, 303, 304 Cofrestri plwyf Cymru, 302, 303, 304 Coggins, Margaret, 643 338 INDEX Cohen, Richard E., 759 Cohn-Sherbok, Dan, 547 Cokayne, George E., 251, 252 Colby, Vineta, 660 Coldham, Peter Wilson, 36, 38, 58 Cold Spring Press, 94 Cole, James H., 1548 Cole, Trafford R., 327 Colin-Boon, Micheline, 1105 Collective biographies of women, 479 Collective biography of women in England, 1550–1900, 1266 Colletta, John Philip, 109, 325 Collier Macmillan, 618, 619 Collins, Pamela, 543 Collinson, Diané, 521 Collins Scottish clan and family encyclopedia, 288, 362 Colonial Office List, 1264 The Columbia dictionary of political biography, 540 The Columbia guide to American women in the nineteenth century, 823 Columbia University Press, 540, 823, 882, 1509, 1553, 1563 Colvin, Howard Montagu, 1219 Comay, Joan, 547 Combs, Richard E., 500 Commire, Anne, 553, 678 Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC), 273 Compendio de biografías colombianas, 991 A compendium of the War of the Rebellion, 161 Complete baronetage, 251 The complete book of emigrants, 58 The complete book of heraldry, 363 Complete dictionary of English and Hebrew first names, 380, 451 Complete dictionary of scientific biography, 550 A complete guide to heraldry, 355, 364 The complete peerage of England, 251, 252 The comprehensive dictionary of English and Hebrew first names, 380, 451 Computer pioneers, 541 Concise biographical companion to index Islamicus, 1650 Concise dictionary of American biography, 821 The concise dictionary of American Jewish biography, 824 A concise dictionary of first names, 381, 384 A concise dictionary of South African biography, 1494 The concise Oxford dictionary of English place-names, 228, 245 Confederate research sources, 184 Congressional Medal of Honor Society, 825 Congressional Quarterly, 745, 830, 910. See also CQ Press Congresso Nacional Afro-Brasileiro, 985 Conroy, Wendy A., 518 Consolidated Jewish Surname Index (CJSI), 403 Contemporaries of Erasmus, 1071 Contemporary American business leaders, 799, 826 Contemporary architects, 620, 685 Contemporary artists, 685, 686, 688, 691, 692 Contemporary Authors online, 531, 687, 855, 928, 1262 Contemporary black biography, 531, 542, 827 Contemporary British and Irish film directors, 720, 828, 1236, 1292 Contemporary composers, 543 Contemporary designers, 685, 686, 688, 691, 692 Contemporary graphic artists, 689 Contemporary Hispanic biography, 927, 966, 1431 Contemporary North American film directors, 720, 828, 1236, 1292 Contemporary novelists, 690 Contemporary photographers, 685, 686, 688, 691, 692 Contemporary poets, dramatists, essayists, and novelists of the South, 829 Contemporary theatre, film, and television, 928, 1262 Contemporary women artists, 685, 686, 688, 691, 692 Continuum, 734, 843, 853, 1233, 1243, 1648 Contreras, José Enciso, 1025 Cook, Chris, 1525 Cook, James Tyler, 747 Cook, Ramsay, 722 Cooper, Barbara T., 1171 Cooper, David Edward, 579, 580 Cooper, Sandi E., 515 Coppa, Frank J., 595 Cornevin, Robert, 1176, 1477 Corráin, Donnchadh Ó., 390 Cortés, Fernando, 991 Cortés, Francisco Ruiz, 1424 Cortés, Lía, 989 Cortina, Lynn Ellen Rice, 959 Cory, Kathleen B., 301 Cosenza, Mario Emilio, 1299 Costta, César Alarcón, 1007 Council of National Library Associations, 717, 807 County courthouse book, 72, 79 Courthouse research for family historians, 73 Covington, Paula Hattox, 953 Cowden, Robert H., 484, 539 CQ Press, 780, 813, 830, 895, 901, 911, 932. See also Congressional quarterly CQ’s politics in America, 830 Craggs, Stewart R., 651 Craig, Robert D., 1670 Crandall, Ralph J., 102 339 INDEX Crash course in genealogy, 120 Crédit communal, 420 Credo Reference, 568, 593, 639, 666, 698, 890, 917, 942, 1473, 1512 Criminal Research Press, 114 A critical dictionary of English literature and British and American authors, 831 Critical survey of long fiction, 544 Croom, Emily Anne, 80, 103, 112, 444 Cross, Mary, 897 Crown Publishers, 123 CR Publications, 73 Crystal, David, 535 CSBA. See Český biografický archiv a slovenský biografický archív C-SPAN, 782 Cuban exile writers, 1000 Cueto, Gail, 892, 1063 Cullen, Del, 720, 828, 1236, 1292 Cullinane, Michael, 1619 A cumulative index to the biographical dictionary of American sports, 951 Cunningham, Jon, 563 Curme, Lynn M., 699 Current anthropology, 576 Current Biography Illustrated (EBSCO), 532, 693, 708 Current biography yearbook, 693 Cushman, Clare, 910, 911 Cutolo, Vicente Osvaldo, 972 CWGC (Commonwealth War Graves Commission), 273 Cyclopedia of world authors, 545 Cyndi’s List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet, 13, 37, 742, 749 Cynkier, Beata, 1361 D Dahl, Svend, 1135 Dalby, Andrew, 1642 Dale, Doris Cruger, 750 d’Amat, Roman, 1163 Dance, Daryl Cumber, 1062 Daniels, Judith M., 824 Danish writers from the Reformation to decadence, 1550–1900, 1134 Dansk biografisk leksikon, 1135, 1136 Dansk historisk bibliografi, 1132 Dansk kvindebiografisk leksikon, 1136 Dar al- Gharb al-Islami, 1500 DAR. Daughters of the American Revolution DAR patriot index, 137 Daskalova, Krasimira, 1069 Das Personenlexikon zum Dritten Reich, 1193 Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), 46, 51, 137, 181, 443, 461 Daughters of the desert: Women anthropologists and the native American southwest, 1880–1980, 832 Dauzat, Albert, 386, 400 Davenport’s art reference and price guide, 546 Daviau, Donald G., 1089, 1090 David and Charles, 353 Davis, Arthur Paul, 888 Davis, Gwenn, 752, 1215 Daw, Mike, 433 Dawdy, Doris Ostrander, 792 Dawson, Ian, 1258 Dawsons of Pall Mall, 480 DBA. See Deutsches biographisches archiv DBE. See Diccionario biográfico español DBLR. See Dictionarul biografic al literaturii române Dead Persons Society. See DPS de Atienza y Navajas, Julio, 197, 334, 369 de Baecque, Antoine, 1167 de Boer, S. P., 1374 Debrabandere, F., 420 Debrett, John, 253 Debrett’s peerage and baronetage, 253 de Bustos Tovar, Eugenio, 993 De Crespigny, Rafe, 1552 Degener, 217, 225 de Goldfiem, Jacques, 1558, 1570 de Graaf, B,. 1105 de Gruyter, W., 1073 de Haan, Francisca, 1069 Deiȃteli revoliȗts͡ ionnogo dvizheniiȃ v Rossii, 1377 Deiȃteli SSSR i revoliȗts͡ ionnogo dvizheniiȃ Rossii, 1379 Delegrave, 528 Dell’Arti, Giorgio, 1308 del Toro, Josefina, 1066 Delzenne, Yves-William, 1106 Demastes, William W., 1232 Dematteis, Philip Breed, 779 de Mundo Lo, Sara, 967 De Nederlandse Leeuw (online), 1337 de Newton, Lily Sosa, 969 Denizations and naturalizations in the British colonies in America, 1607–1775, 20, 198 Den Store Danske (online), 1135 de Oliveira, Eduardo, 985 de Oliveira, Leonel and Manuel Alves, 1365 de Sousa, José Galante, 986 de Souza, José Mariano Beristain, 1022 Desplaces, Eugène Ernest, 528 Detlev Schwennicke (online), 203, 204 Deutschbaltisches biographisches Lexikon 1710–1960, 1146, 1315, 1326 Deutsche biographische Enzyklopadie, 1198 340 INDEX Deutsche Kommunisten, 1194 Deutsche männer in Afrika, 1516 Deutscher, Thomas B., 1071 Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1093, 1205, 1443 Deutsches Adelsarchiv, 205 Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut, 474, 1189 Deutsches biographisches archiv (DBA), 1092, 1094, 1095, 1192, 1193, 1195, 1198, 1206, 1207, 1209 Deutsches biographisches Generalregister, 1210 Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon, 1196 Deutsches Namenlexikon, 422 Deutsches Orient-Institut, 1501 Deutschsprachige Lyriker des 20. Jahrhunderts, 1197 Deville, Paule, 1470, 1485 DeVille, Winston, 3, 71 DGB. See Dictionary of German biography Dhondt, Jan, 1101 Diaz, Briana L., 46, 51, 443, 461 Diccionari biogràfic, 1423 Diccionario biográfico boliviano, 975, 976 Diccionario biográfico colonial argentino, 968 Diccionario biográfico cubano, 997, 998 Diccionario biográfico de Campeche, 1023 Diccionario biográfico de Chile, 987, 988 Diccionario biográfico de historia antigua de Méjico, 1024 Diccionario biográfico de la mujer en el Uruguay, 1050 Diccionario biográfico de las artes visuales en Venezuela, 1056 Diccionario biográfico del Ecuador, 1006 Diccionario biográfico del occidente novohispano, siglo XVI, 1025 Diccionario biográfico de mujeres argentinas, 969 Diccionario biográfico de personajes históricos del siglo XIX español, 1424 Diccionario biográfico de personalidades en Bolivia, 975, 976 Diccionario biográfico ecuatoriano, 1007, 1008 Diccionario biográfico español (DBE), 1425 Diccionario biográfico-histórico dominicano (1821– 1930), 1002 Diccionario biográfico ilustrado de Panamá, 1038 Diccionario biográfico y bibliográfico de Colombia, 992 Diccionario de impresores españoles, siglos XV-XVII, 1419 Diccionario de teólogos y teólogas, 663 Diccionario general de Guatemala, 1011 Diccionario hispanoamericano de heráldica, onomástica y genealogía, 193, 194, 331 Diccionario histórico argentino, 970 Diccionario histórico biográfico de Guatemala, 1011, 1012 Diccionario histórico-biográfico hondureño, 1017, 1018 Diccionario histórico biográfico: Peruanos ilustres, 1043 Diccionario histórico y biográfico de Chile, 989 Diccionario histórico y biográfico de la Revolución Mexicana, 1026 Diccionario histórico y biográfico del Perú, siglos XV–XX, 1044 Diccionario Porrúa de historia, biografía y geografía de México, 1027 Diccionario uruguayo de biografías, 1810–1940, 1051 Dicionário biobibliográfico de historiadores, geógrafos e antropólogos brasileiros, 979 Dicionário cronológico de autores portugueses, 1363 Dicionário de autores de literaturas africanas de língua portuguesa, 1517 Dicionário de biografias angolanas (séculos XV-XVII), 1467 Dicionario Historico-Biografico Brasileiro (online), 980 Dicionário histórico-biográfico da Primeira República, 981 Dicionário mulheres do Brasil, 982 Dickson, Charles, 207, 209, 329, 336 Dicționar biografic de istorie a României, 1367 Dictionarul biografic al literaturii române (DBLR), 1368 Dictionary of African biography, 1518 The Dictionary of African Christian Biography (online), 1519 Dictionary of African historical biography, 1520 Dictionary of American biography, 531, 773, 791, 821, 833, 887, 890 Dictionary of American classical composers, 834 Dictionary of American family names, 411, 417 Dictionary of American library biography, 835, 898 Dictionary of American medical biography, 836, 838 Dictionary of American medical biography: Lives of eminent physicians of the United States and Canada, from the earliest times, 721, 837 Dictionary of American nursing biography, 676, 716, 777, 811, 836, 838 Dictionary of American religious biography, 726, 743, 906 Dictionary of American sculptors, 839 Dictionary of artists, 546 A dictionary of Ashkenazic given names, 382, 405, 406, 407 Dictionary of biographical reference, 528 A dictionary of British and American women writers, 1660–1800, 840, 1233, 1237 Dictionary of British arms, 365 Dictionary of British educationists, 516 A dictionary of British place-names, 233, 246 A dictionary of British surnames, 412, 418 Dictionary of Canadian Biography online, 23, 722 Dictionary of Caribbean biography, 963, 1048 The dictionary of early American philosophers, 734 341 INDEX The dictionary of eighteenth-century British philosophers, 843, 1238, 1241, 1242 A dictionary of English and Welsh surnames, 413 The dictionary of English place-names, 233 A dictionary of English surnames, 412, 414 The Dictionary of Ethiopian biography, 1475 The dictionary of Falklands biography (including South Georgia), 1010 A dictionary of first names, 384 Dictionary of first names, 381, 383 The dictionary of genealogy, 247 Dictionary of German biography (DGB), 1198, 1206 Dictionary of German names, 422 Dictionary of Guyanese biography, 1013 A dictionary of heraldry, 356, 374 Dictionary of Hispanic biography, 841, 956, 1420 Dictionary of Hong Kong biography, 1575 Dictionary of Indian biography, 1578 Dictionary of Irish Biography (online), 1269, 1293 The dictionary of Jewish biography, 547 A dictionary of Jewish names and their history, 404 A dictionary of Jewish surnames from Galicia, 382, 405, 406 A dictionary of Jewish surnames from the Kingdom of Poland, 382, 405, 406, 407 A dictionary of Jewish surnames from the Russian Empire, 382, 405, 406, 407 Dictionary of labour biography, 1224, 1239 Dictionary of Latin American and Caribbean biography, 963 Dictionary of Latino civil rights history, 842 Dictionary of literary biography (DLB) 548, 683, 769, 771, 772, 775, 776, 779, 784, 843, 1075, 1082, 1089, 1090, 1134, 1138, 1171, 1172, 1173, 1174, 1178, 1179, 1184, 1238, 1241, 1242, 1243, 1245, 1287, 1349, 1364, 1430, 1457, 1462, 1562, 1596, 1597, 1599, 1653 Dictionary of Maltese biographies, 1334 Dictionary of Mauritian biography, 1482 Dictionary of medical biography, 549 Dictionary of Mexican rulers, 1325–1997, 1028, 1029, 1031 Dictionary of Ming biography, 1368–1644, 1563 The dictionary of modern American philosophers, 843 Dictionary of national biography, 1252, 1263, 1579 Dictionary of New Zealand biography (online), 1675 The dictionary of 19th century British book illustrators and caricaturists, 1240 The dictionary of nineteenth-century British philosophers, 1241 Dictionary of North Carolina Biography website, 844 Dictionary of Philippine biography, 1620 Dictionary of Portuguese-African civilization, 1521 A dictionary of Russian and Soviet artists, 1420–1970, 1378 Dictionary of Russian personal names, 385, 396 Dictionary of Scandinavian biography, 1155 Dictionary of scientific biography, 470, 550 The dictionary of seventeenth-century British philosophers, 1242 Dictionary of South African biography, 1495, 1496 A dictionary of surnames, 384, 397, 415 The dictionary of twentieth-century British philosophers, 1243 Dictionary of twentieth-century Cuban literature, 999 Dictionary of Ulster Biography (online), 1294 Dictionary of Victorian wood engravers, 1244 Dictionary of women artists, 551, 552, 810, 1068 Dictionary of women artists: An international dictionary of women artists born before 1900, 552 Dictionary of women worldwide, 553, 678 Dictionnaire abrégé des imprimeurs-éditeurs français du seizième siècle, 1160 Dictionnaire bio-bibliographique du Dahomey, 1468 Dictionnaire biographique des pays baltes, 1145, 1316, 1327, 1454 Dictionnaire biographique des personnalités politiques de la République d’Haïti, 1804–2001, 1014 Dictionnaire biographique du monde juif sépharade et méditérranéen, 554 Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français, 1161 Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier international, 555 Dictionnaire biographique illustré de la Commune de Paris de 1871, 1162 Dictionnaire de bio-bibliographie générale, ancienne et moderne de l’Indochine française, 1542, 1607, 1639 Dictionnaire de biographie française, 1163 Dictionnaire de biographie mauricienne = Dictionary of Mauritian biography, 1482 Dictionnaire des éditeurs d’estampes à Paris sous l’Ancien Régime, 1164 Dictionnaire des femmes célèbres du Mali, 1481 Dictionnaire des Femmes de l’Ancienne France (online), 1165 Dictionnaire des imprimeurs, libraires et éditeurs des XVe et XVIe siècles dans les limites géographiques de la Belgique actuelle, 1105 Dictionnaire des intellectuels francais, 1166 Dictionnaire des ministres de 1789 à 1989, 1167 Dictionnaire des noms de famille en Belgique romane, 420 Dictionnaire des personnages de la Révolution, 1168 Dictionnaire des sculpteurs français du moyen age, 1169 Dictionnaire étymologique de noms de famille français d’origine étrangère et régionale, 398, 399 Dictionnaire étymologique des noms de famille, 398, 399 342 INDEX Dictionnaire étymologique des noms de famille et prénoms de France, 386, 400 Dictionnaire Généalogique des Familles Canadiennes (online), 24 Die außerdeutschen Staaten, 204 Die Buchdrucker des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts im deutschen Sprachgebiet, 1199 Die deutschen Inkunabeldrucker, 1200 Die deutschen Staaten, 204 Dieterle, David A., 560 Dietz, 136, 1194, 1203 Die Wandlung des Deutschen Kommunismus, 1194 Digitaal Vrouwenlexicon van Nederland = Online Dictionary of Dutch Women (online), 1342 Digital Library of Historical Directories (online), 274 Dilans, Gatis, 1318 Dimand, Mary Ann and Robert, 522 Dimpfel, Rudolf A., 1190 Directory of American scholars, 531, 929 Directory of deceased American physicians, 1804—1929, 845 Directory of family associations, 30 Directory of genealogical and historical libraries, archives, and collections in the US and Canada, 190 Directory of historical organizations in the United States and Canada, 31, 37 Directory of history departments, historical organizations, and historians, 32, 175 The directory of Jamaican personalities, 2004–2005, 1019 Directory of library and information professionals, 717, 807, 930 A directory of oral history tapes of librarians in the United States and Canada, 750 Discovering your Jewish ancestors, 450 Discovery: The National Archives (UK), 275 Disease and destiny: A bibliography of medical references to the famous, 480 Distinguished African-American scientists of the 20th century, 846 Distinguished Asian American business leaders, 847 Distinguished Asian Americans, 936 Distinguished Native American spiritual practitioners and healers, 735 Distinguished women economists, 556 Dittmar, Gérald, 1162 Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, 1300 Dizionario dei tipografi e degli editori italiani, 1301 DLB. See Dictionary of literary biography Doane, Gilbert H., 101 Doctors, nurses, and medical practitioners, 559 Doctors and discoveries, 557 Doctors: The biography of medicine, 558 Documentación y Estudio de Mujeres, 1030 Documents Index, 43 Dodge, Andrew R., 809 Doeppers, Daniel F., 1619 Dolamore, Susan M., 1158 Dollarhide, William, 42, 70, 190 Donald Lines Jacobus’ index to genealogical periodicals, 138 Dorward, David, 435 Dow, Maynard Weston, 586 Dowell, David R., 120 DPS (Dead Persons Society), 344, 1667 Drake, Greg, 710 Driessen, E. J., 1374 Duff, E. Gordon, 1235 Dugarte, Rafael Angel Rivas, 1059 Duke University Press, 748 Dunbar, Gary S., 802 Dunford, Penny, 810, 1068 Dupâquier, Jacques, 401 DuPree, Mary Herron, 885 Dupuy, Trevor Nevitt, 597 Ďuranová, L’udmila, 1407 Dutch genealogical research, 328 Duverger, Jozef, 1107 Dynasties of the world, 9 E Eales, Anne Bruner, 84 East European Monographs, 1369 Eastman, George, 710 Eastman, Richard W., 4, 5 Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter, 4, 5 EBSCO Publishing, 532, 660, 682, 693, 705, 708 Echols, Anne, 1464 Echo of Iran, 1587 Echu, George, 1469 Economic thinkers, 560 Economist Books, 540 Edelstein, Debra, 646 Ediciones Anuario Bibliográfico Cubano, 997 Ediciones de la Plaza, 1053 Ediciones Librería La Trinitaria, 1003 Ediciones Radio Amor, 1037 Edições Kulonga, 1467 Edinburgh University Press, 1271 Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1470, 1485 Éditions Élysée, 554 Editions Jamana, 1481 Editions Media C.O.P.E., 1483 Éditions Nauwelaerts, 1101 Editions Ouvrières, 555, 1161 Éditions SEMIS, 1015 Éditions Tsipika, 1478 Editora Corripio, 1005 Editora de Colores, 1002 343 INDEX Editores Importadores, 1043 Editorial Campillo, 1432 Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 1001 Editorial Elche, 972 Editorial F. Monte Domecq, 1042 Editorial Fuente Cultural, 1022 Editorial Hispamer, 1035 Editorial Huarpes, 968 Editorial Los Amigos del Libro, 975 Editorial Mogrobejo-Zabala, 193, 331 Editorial Nuevo Enfoque, 1009 Editorial Porrúa, 1027 Editorial Quiénes Somos en Venezuela, 1060 Editorial Raíces, 1007 Editorial Temis Librería, 995 Editorial Universitaria, 1017 Editura Meronia, 1367 Educa Vision, 1016 Edward Elgar, 509, 522, 590, 665, 1669 Edwin Mellen Press, 1201, 526, 617 Eesti kirjandus, 1148 Eesti kirjarahva leksikon = Estnisches Schriftstellerlexikon, 1147 Eesti Raamat, 1147 Eichholz, Alice, 132, 441 Eighteenth-century British historians, 1245 Ekdoseis Metron, 1276, 1277 ĖKSMO-Press, 1393 Ekwall, Eilert, 228 Elder, John, 774 Eléments pour un dictionnaire biographique du Tchad et du Niger (Téda et Daza), 1470, 1485 Eliany, Marc, 554 Elkouby, Josué, 554 Ellis, Harold, 501 Ellis Island Database One-Step Search Tools (online), 162, 163 Ellis Island—FREE Port of New York Passenger Records Search, 163 Ellmann-Krüger, Angelika G., 457 El Mesmoudi, Abdelhaq, 1204 El País’, 1425 El Salvador, diccionario, 1009 Elsie, Robert, 1083 Emanuel, Muriel, 685 Emigration from the United Kingdom to America, 33 Eminent Chinese of the Ch’ing period (1644–1912), 1553, 1564 Eminent Indians, 1576 Eminent Persians, 1585 Emmerson, Richard Kenneth, 1074 Enciclopedia biográfica paraguaya del bicentenario, 1040 Enciclopédia brasileira da diáspora africana, 983 Enciclopedia heráldica y genealógica hispano-americana, 193, 194, 331, 332, 424 Enciclopedia heráldico y genealógico de apellidos españoles y americanos, 196, 333 Enciclopedia hondureña ilustrada, 1018 Enciclopedia storico-nobiliare italiana, 324, 1302 Enciklopédia Kiadó, 1285 The enclosure maps of England and Wales, 1595–1918, 229, 236 Encyclopaedia Judaica, 547 Encyclopaedia of Muslim biography, 1535, 1580, 1614 Encyclopaedia of the social sciences, 561, 606 An encyclopaedic dictionary of heraldry, 375 Encyclopedia of American family names, 416 The encyclopedia of American journalism, 855 The encyclopedia of American law enforcement, 848 Encyclopedia of American Quaker genealogy, 463 Encyclopedia of American women in business, 793, 849 Encyclopedia of archaeology, 562 Encyclopedia of Asian American artists, 850 An encyclopedia of British women writers, 1233, 1246 Encyclopedia of Caribbean literature, 1062 Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture, 1424 Encyclopedia of exploration series, 563, 564, 565, 566 Encyclopedia of frontier biography, 851 Encyclopedia of Genealogy (online), 4, 5 Encyclopedia of German-American genealogical research, 74, 215, 224 An encyclopedia of German women writers, 1900–1933, 1201 Encyclopedia of historians and historical writing, 567 The encyclopedia of Jewish genealogy, 452 Encyclopedia of life writing, 568 The encyclopedia of the Democratic Party, 852, 854 The encyclopedia of the history of American management, 853 The encyclopedia of the Republican Party, 852, 854 Encyclopedia of Turkish authors, 1632 Encyclopedia of twentieth-century journalists, 855 Encyclopedia of women in aviation and space, 569 Encyclopedia of women in the ancient world, 1072 Encyclopedia of women in the Renaissance, 1170, 1247, 1303 Encyclopedia of women’s autobiography, 568, 570 Encyclopedia of women social reformers, 571 Encyclopedia of world biography, 466, 531 Encyclopédie biographique d’Haiti, 1015 Engelstoft, Povl, 1135 Engen, Rodney K., 1244 English heraldry, 361 Enter the playmakers: Directors and choreographers on the New York stage, 856 Entrepreneurs, the men and women behind famous brand names and how they made it, 857 Environmental activists, 858 344 INDEX The environmentalists, 572 Erichsen, Balder Vermund Aage, 1132 20 shi ji Zhong wen zhu zuo zhe bi ming lu = Twentiethcentury Chinese authors and their pen names, 1568 Escritoras españolas del siglo XIX, 1426 Escritores de la diáspora cubana = Cuban exile writers: Manual biobibliográfica, 1000 Eskind, Andrew H., 710 Essex Antiquarian, 173 Estnisches Schriftstellerlexikon, 1147 Estonian literature, 1148 Ėstonskiĭ biograficheskiĭ slovarʹ, 1149 Etymologisches Lexikon der jüdischen Familiennamen, 408, 409 Europäische Stammtafeln, neue Folge, 203, 204 Europa Publications Ltd, 696, 700 European immigrant women in the United States, 859 Eustace, P. Beryl, 314 The evangelicals, 860 Evans, Barbara Jean, 57 Evans, Martin Marix, 691 Everton, George B., 126 Evidence!: Citation and analysis for the family historian, 3, 6, 71, 75 Evidence explained: Citing history sources from artifacts to cyberspace, 6, 75, 121 Ewan, Elizabeth, 1271 Ewen, David, 785 Explorers and discoverers of the world, 573 F Fabritius and Sønner, 1351 Faces of America: How 12 extraordinary people discovered their pasts, 122 Facts on File, 494, 495, 496, 497, 498, 499, 514, 563, 572, 574, 652, 732, 770, 793, 794, 848, 861, 872, 919, 1525, 1647 The Facts on File dictionary of design and designers, 574 Facts on File encyclopedia of black women in America, 861 Fairbairn, James, 366 Fairbairn’s book of crests of the families of Great Britain and Ireland, 366 Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, 1557 Fairbanks, Carol, 1598 Fajardo, Yadira Calvo, 996 Fališevac, Dunja, 1119, 1449 Falk, Peter H., 918 Fallen Leaf Press, 885 Family history and local history in England, 230 Family History Centre, 259 Family History Library (Utah), 14, 191, 192, 224, 262, 300, 309, 322, 340, 445 Family Records Centre (FRC), 268 (online), 5, 14, 16, 48, 142, 177, 182, 185, 192, 445 Family ties in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, 239, 308 The family tree detective, 261 Family Tree Maker, 367 The famine immigrants: Lists of Irish immigrants arriving at the port of New York, 1846–1851, 139 Famine Irish Passenger Record Data Files (FIPAS), 139 Fang, Chao-ying, 1563 Farber, Eduard, 589 Farmer, John, 56 Farris, Phoebe, 739, 921, 964 Faxon, F. W., 708 Federal Township Plats of Illinois (1804–1891) (online), 159, 164 Federation of Family History Societies, 278, 305, 307, 312 Fehér Holló Press, 1286 Fekete, Márton, 1286 Feldman, Lynne B., 756, 826 FemBio (online), 575 500 som preget Norge: Norske kvinner og menn i det 20. århundre, 1346 555 danske selvbiografier og erindringer, 1133 Fergus, Howard A., 1034 Ferguson, John, 356 Ferrari, Luigi, 1307, 1310 Ferreira, Alexandre A., 1484 Ferreras, Juan Ignacio, 1422 Ficher, Miguel, 957 A field guide for genealogists, 76 Fielding, Mantle, 879 Fierro, Alfred, 1157 Fifth international directory of anthropologists, 576 Fifty Caribbean writers, 1062 Fifty Key Anthropologists (online), 577 Fifty major economists, 578 Fifty major thinkers on education, 579, 580 Fifty modern thinkers on education, 579, 580 Fifty Southern writers after 1900, 829, 862, 912 Figueroa, Pedro Pablo, 987 Figuras de Puerto Rico, 1047 Figures tunisiennes, 1500 Filby, P. William, 44, 45, 48, 54, 55, 56, 67, 142, 144, 237, 238, 239, 308, 351, 352 Filipiniana Publications, 1620 Film directors: A complete guide, 931 Find a Grave (online), 15 Find anyone fast, 77 Finding families: The guide to the National Archives of Australia for genealogists, 342 Finding Italian roots, 325 Finding Oprah’s roots, 123 345 INDEX Finding our fathers: A guidebook to Jewish genealogy, 453, 458 Finding runaways and missing adults, 78 Finding your German ancestors, 216 Finding your Hispanic roots, 446 Finding your roots, 83, 124, 148, 276 Finnish Americana, 208 Finnish genealogical research, 208 Finnish Literary Society, 1154 FIPAS. See Famine Irish Passenger Record Data Files Fireside Book, 442 First American Jewish Families (online), 454 First person female American, 752 Fischbach, Michael R., 1515, 1531, 1649 Fischer, Isidor, 530 Fiske, Jane Fletcher, 146 Fiske, John, 791 FitzHugh, Terrick V. H., 247 Fitzpatrick, Coeli, 1653 Fitzroy Dearborn, 551, 567, 568, 604, 1258 Fletcher, Katy, 652 Fleury, Michel, 1157 Flora, Joseph M., 829, 862, 912 Flórez, Renán, 993 Flower, Sarah, 365 Floyd, Samuel A., 604 Flyleaf Press, 315, 320 Flynn, Michael, 343 Foerstel, Karen, 805 Foitzik, Jan, 1192, 14, 84, 165 Folk artists biographical index, 863 Foner, Eric, 864 Fordant, Laurent, 402 Forget, Evelyn L., 522 Forgotten patriots:African American and American Indian patriots in the Revolutionary War, 51, 443, 461 Forišković, Aleksandar, 1398, 1399, 1453 Forjadores de Colombia contemporánea, 993 Forjadores del Paraguay, 1041 Fortune, 849 Foundation for Environmental Conservation, 699 The founders of Australia, 343 The founders of neurology, 582 Fowler, Simon, 262 Fowlie-Flores, Fay, 1046 Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles, 353, 355, 364 Fraire, Osvaldo A., 1050 Francolin, 1494 Frank, Frederick S., 588 Franke, Herbert, 1567 Franklin, Charles M., 328 Franklin, H. Bruce, 656 Franklin, Linda Campbell, 1079 Franklyn, Julian, 375 FRC. See Family Records Centre Freedman-Morris, Mona, 458 Freedom’s lawmakers: A directory of black officeholders during Reconstruction, 864 Freeman, Thomas Walter, 585 FreeBMD, 276, 277, 283 The Free Press, 607 Free voices in Russian literature, 1950s-1980s, 1380 French autobiographical writing, 1900–1950, 1158 French biographical archive, 1166, 1176, 1185, 1477 French dramatists, 1789–1914, 1171 French novelists series, 1172 1174, 1173 Frey, Axel, 1142, 1313, 1324, 1376, 1384, 1604, 1605 Friar, Stephen, 244, 356, 374 Frick Art Reference Library, 1428 Friedman, Alice Howell, 838 Friedman, Ian C., 770 Friedman, Leon, 872 Froelke, Ruth, 226 Froggatt, Peter, 526 From generation to generation: How to trace your Jewish genealogy and family history, 455, 458 From suffrage to the Senate: An encyclopedia of American women in politics, 865 Fry, Rodney E. J., 236 Fucilla, Joseph G., 428 Fucini, Joseph J. and Suzy, 857 Fuentes, Jordi, 989 Fundación para la Cultura y el Desarrollo, 1012 Fundación Universitaria Española, 955, 1421 Furlani, Silvio, 1298 Furman, John M., 957 G Gabriëls, A. J. C. M., 1339 Gacs, Ute, 672 Gaelic personal names, 390 Gaillard, Gérald, 649 Galasso, Norberto, 971 Gale Group, 54, 55, 135, 143, 152, 338, 376, 393, 447, 466, 471, 493, 531, 542, 548, 573, 629, 630, 650, 684, 687, 689, 703, 704, 706, 726, 729, 757, 769, 771, 772, 775, 776, 779, 784, 827, 841, 863, 886, 891, 906, 928, 929, 935, 936, 939, 940, 941, 950, 956, 1075, 1081, 1089, 1090, 1138, 1171, 1172, 1173, 1174, 1178, 1179, 1259, 1262, 1364, 1420, 1515, 1531, 1596, 1597, 1599, 1649, 1653 Gale Literary Databases, 779, 843, 1238, 1242, 1243 Galería de Arte Nacional (Venezuela), 1056 346 INDEX Galishoff, Stuart, 836 Gall, Susan B., 936 Gallery Montserrat, 1034 Gallia typographica, 1175 Garcia, Richard A., 893, 894 Garland, 391, 410, 481, 524, 602, 603, 611, 626, 724, 766, 777, 800, 855, 859, 889, 959 Garraty, John Arthur, 481 Garreaud, Lelia, 990 Garrido, Luis Ubeda, 1001 Gates, Alexander E., 496 Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., 122, 123, 488, 758, 1510, 1518 Gateway, 137 Gathering the clans: Tracing Scottish ancestry on the Internet, 289 Gay and lesbian biography, 583 Gaylord Music Library Necrology File, 584 Gaze, Delia, 551 Gazetteer of British Place Names (online), 234 The gazetteer of Scotland, 290 GBA. See Griechisches biographisches archiv Geist, Peter, 1197 Gelbert, Doug, 738 Geldner, Ferdinand, 1200 Gelling, Margaret, 245 Genealogical abstracts of Revolutionary War pension files, 34 A genealogical and heraldic history of the colonial gentry, 254 A genealogical and heraldic history of the commoners of Great Britain and Ireland, 255 A genealogical and heraldic history of the extinct and dormant baronetcies of England, Ireland, and Scotland, 256 A genealogical and heraldic history of the peerage and baronetage, the Privy Council, knightage, and companionage, 248 A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England (online), 56 Genealogical encyclopedia of the colonial Americas, 21, 195 A genealogical guide: An index to British pedigrees, 240, 241, 242 Genealogical guide to research ancestors from East German areas, from German settlement regions in Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe, 217 A genealogical history of the dormant, abeyant, forfeited, and extinct peerages of the British Empire, 249 The Genealogical Office and its records, 314 Genealogical periodical annual index (GPAI), 140 Genealogical Publishing, 8, 6, 10, 21, 20, 27, 30, 36, 38, 42, 48, 50, 53, 58, 61, 62, 67, 74, 75, 79, 85, 88, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 104, 107, 111, 112, 121, 138, 139, 141, 145, 147, 153, 154, 192, 195, 198, 199, 206, 213, 214, 215, 219, 222, 232, 242, 249, 255, 256, 262, 265, 267, 284, 287, 295, 297, 299, 301, 310, 313, 318, 319, 321, 325, 330, 354, 360, 366, 367, 413, 419, 421, 423, 424, 428, 444, 445, 446, 460, 462, 463, 464 Genealogical research in England’s Public Record Office, 262 Genealogical resources in New York, 456 Genealogical Society of Finland, 1155, 1156 Généalogie: Pratique, méthode, recherche, 212 Genealogies catalogued by the Library of Congress since 1986, 52, 53 Genealogies in the Library of Congress, 52, 53 Genealogies of Barbados families, 199 Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels, 202, 205 The genealogist’s address book, 79 The genealogist’s companion and sourcebook, 80 The genealogist’s guide: An index to printed British pedigrees and family histories, 1950–1975, 240, 241, 242 A genealogist’s guide to discovering your AfricanAmerican ancestors, 444 A genealogist’s guide to discovering your English ancestors, 263 A genealogist’s guide to discovering your female ancestors, 81 A genealogist’s guide to discovering your Germanic ancestors, 218 A genealogist’s guide to discovering your immigrant and ethnic ancestors, 82 A genealogist’s guide to discovering your Irish ancestors, 309 A genealogist’s guide to discovering your Italian ancestors, 326 A genealogist’s guide to discovering your Scottish ancestors, 291 The genealogist’s handbook, 83 Genealogist’s handbook for Atlantic Canada research, 25 Genealogist’s handbook for New England research, 125, 166, 177 The Genealogy Center—Allen County Public Library, 185, 148 Genealogy in Ontario, 26 General alphabetical index to the townlands and towns, parishes and baronies of Ireland, 310, 318 The general armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, 367 General valuation of rateable property in Ireland, 311 Gente de Venezuela, 1057 Gentleman’s magazine, 1224, 1226, 1267 Gentry, Hollis L., 46, 51, 443, 461 GENUKI, 278, 312 Geographers: Biobibliographical studies, 585 Geographers on Film (online), 586 Geological Society of America, 880 347 INDEX Geologists and the history of geology, 587 Germain, Jean, 420 German-American names, 423 German biographical archive, 1092, 1094, 1095, 1192, 1193, 1195, 1198, 1206, 1207, 1209 German-English genealogical dictionary, 219 German immigrants: Lists of passengers bound from Bremen to New York, 141, 142 The German research companion, 220 The German stage, 1767–1890, 1202 Germans to America: Lists of passengers arriving at U.S. ports, 35, 141, 142, 144 Geron, Leonard, 1395 Gerschenson, Ana, 973 Gessel, Van C., 1596, 1597 Getty Research Institute, 662 Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN), 662 Ghisalberti, Alberto Maria, 1300 Gibson, Jeremy, 232, 265 Giebisch, Hans, 1091 Gilbert, Judson Bennett, 480 Giles, Herbert Allen, 1561 Gillen, Mollie, 343 Gillispie, Charles Coulston, 550 Giȗzelev, Vasil, 1112 Glazier, Ira A., 33, 35, 139, 142, 144, 145 A glossary of terms used in heraldry, 376 Godfrey Memorial Library, 134 Godwit, 348, 349 Gold, David L., 391, 397, 410, 415 Golden Marketing, 1120 Goldschmidt, Arthur, 1473 Golemba, Beverly E., 615 Gomes, Aldónio, 1517 Gomez, Jewelle, 583 Gómez, Juana Vázquez, 1028 González, Justo L., 663 González, Lorenzo, 970 Goodman, David S. G., 1558 Goodrich, L. Carrington, 1563 Gordon, Peter, 516 Gordon, Robert J., 577 Goriachev, Iurii, 1390 Goring, Rosemary, 1272 Gormley, Myra Vanderpool, 460 Gorzny, Willi, 1102, 1195, 1210, 1331, 1338 Gossman, Norbert J., 1224 Gothaischer Hof-Kalender zum Nutzen und Vergnügen eingericht, 202 Gothaisches Jahrbuch für Diplomatie, Verwaltung und Wirtschaft, 202 Gothic writers, 588 Gough, Henry, 376 Gould, Robert F., 765 Goulden, Steven L., 591 Gove, John, 878 GPAI. See Genealogical periodical annual index Graficentro Editores, 1018 Grafner, Jacobo Swier, 1055 Gramercy Publishing, 364, 417 Granados, Rafael García, 1024 Gran diccionario de Chile: Biográfico-cultural, 990 Grannum, Karen, 270 Grant, Neil, 294 Grant and Cutler, 1158 Grattan, Virginia L., 741 Great chemists, 589 Great economists since Keynes, 590 Great engineers and pioneers in technology, 591 Great historians from antiquity to 1800, 592 Great lives from history, 593 Great mathematicians, 594 The great migration begins: Immigrants to New England, 59, 60, 63, 156 Great Migration Study Project, 59, 63 Great North American Indians, 733 The great popes through history, 595, 642 The great psychologists, 596 Greek biographical archive, 1121, 1275, 1277, 1460 Green, Philip, 467 Greenwald, Sarah J., 594 Greenwood, Val D., 98 Greenwood Press, 259, 378, 379, 388, 482, 484, 508, 511, 512, 515, 539, 549, 556, 559, 560, 570, 588, 592, 595, 620, 631, 632, 641, 672, 677, 679, 715, 739, 741, 743, 744, 751, 753, 756, 778, 781, 790, 796, 797, 798, 799, 801, 803, 804, 805, 806, 826, 829, 836, 838, 847, 849, 850, 858, 860, 862, 867, 868, 869, 875, 876, 892, 893, 894, 909, 921, 922, 951, 953, 960, 962, 964, 965, 999, 1028, 1032, 1046, 1062, 1063, 1064, 1077, 1202, 1232, 1248, 1250, 1427, 1429, 1514, 1527, 1537, 1582, 1583, 1616, 1627, 1654 Grenham, John, 314, 322 Grey House, 767, 1512 Griechischer biographischer index, 1275 Griechisches biographisches archiv (GBA), 1121, 1275, 1277, 1460 Griffith, Richard John, 311 Grimm, Robert T., 744 Grinstein, Louise S., 677 Grove Music Online, 628 Grundset, Eric G., 46, 51, 181, 443, 461 Guðnason, Jón, 1290 Guggenheimer, Eva H. and Heinrich W., 408, 409 Gugitz, Gustav, 1091 Guide to genealogical research in the National Archives of the United States, 84 348 INDEX A guide to Irish parish registers, 284, 313 Guide to naturalization records of the United States, 85 Guide to records of the Genealogical Office with a commentary on heraldry in Ireland and on the history of the Office, 314 Guide to the Genealogical Office, Dublin, 314 Guide to the historical manuscripts in the National Archives of Rhodesia, 1479, 1503, 1505 A guide to the library of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, 186 Guiraud, Georges, 1677 Gu jin xing shi zu pu, 1561 Günümüz Türkiyesinde kim kimdir = Who’s who in Turkey, 1636 Gurlt, Ernst Julius, 530 Gutek, Gerald Lee, 599 Guthrie, Paul, 1137, 1152, 1289, 1348, 1436 Guttmann, Allen, 608 H Haberling, W., 530 Hackett, Jeremiah, 1075 Hafner, Arthur Wayne, 845 Halkasch, Hans- Jürgen, 504 Hall, G.K., 41, 425, 478, 552, 710, 731, 857, 866, 967, 1217, 1222, 1299, 1428 Hall, Nick Vine, 345, 346 Hall, Timothy L., 743 Hallmark, Kara Kelley, 850 Hamilton, Neil A., 764 Hamilton-Edwards, Gerald Kenneth Savery, 298 Hamlin-Wilson, Gail, 733 Hammond, Eugene Ashby, 1249 A handbook of African names, 387 Handbook of Christian theologians, 624 Handbuch gelehrtenkultur der frühen neuzeit, 1073 The handybook for genealogists, 126, 132 Hanks, Patrick, 381, 384, 397, 411, 415 Hansel, Johannes, 1191 Hansen, Hans-Erik, 1346 Hansen, Kevan M., 216 Hans Zell, 1508, 1521, 1642 Hapdong News Agency, 1606 Haraldsson, Pétur, 1290 Hardin, James N., 1089, 1090 Harleian Society, 240, 1267 Harlem Renaissance and beyond, 866 Harmond, Richard P., 883 Harmony Books, 374 Harnesk, Paul, 1439 HarperCollins, 288, 362, 416, 433, 597 The Harper encyclopedia of military biography, 597 Harrassowitz, 1199 Harrison & Sons, 248, 367 The Harvard biographical dictionary of music, 598 Harvard University Press, 598, 890, 1280, 1545, 1556 Harvester Press, 1224 Harvey, Joy Dorothy, 523 Hasani, Hasan, 1085 Haskell, Daniel C., 747 Hassanali, Noor Mohamed, 1049 Hatcher, Patricia Law, 130 HathiTrust, 1267 Haupt, Georges, 555 Haven, Kendall F., 636 Hawkins, Joellen Watson, 838 Haycraft, Howard, 660 Haymaker, Webb, 582 Hearthside Press, 57 Hebig, Dieter, 1358 Hébridais: Répertoire bio-bibliographique des NouvellesHébrides, 1677 Hedrich, Saskia, 474, 1189 Heilinger, Rudolf, 1088, 1097 Helikon, 1281 Helle, Knut, 1347 Heller, Jules and Nancy, 724, 889 Hemisphere, 21, 195, 818 Henderson, Harry, 495 Henderson, James D., 958 Henderson, Lesley, 661 Hendry, Maggy, 639 Hening’s statutes at large, 153 Henning, Eckart, 225, 358 Henshaw, Edmund Lee, 946 Herald and Weekly Times, 1666 An heraldic alphabet, 377 Heraldry: Customs, rules, and styles, 368 Heraldry Today, 359, 371 Herber, Mark D., 259 Herbert, Stephen, 669 Herbillon, Jules, 420 Herbst, Andreas, 1194 Herder Institut, 1143, 1353, 1355 Heritage Books, 37, 140, 151, 200, 201, 207, 209, 329, 336 HeritageQuest Online, 34, 48, 70, 148, 167, 450 Herkommer, Hubert, 1196 Herman, Kali, 713 Hermes House, 363 Hermon Dunlap Smith Center for the History of Cartography, 41 Héroes sin fusil, 1035 Herz, Laurent, 398 Heuer, Renate, 1204 Heukenkamp, Ursula, 1197 Heurtelou, Maude, 1016 Hewett, Janet, 149, 150 Hey, America, your roots are showing, 127 349 INDEX Hey, David, 230, 250, 264, 414 Hidden sources: Family history in unlikely places, 86, 105 Hiersemann, A., 1200 Higgins, Loretta P., 838 Highfill, Philip H., Jr., 1218 Hill, Marnesba D., 1000 Hill, Richard Leslie, 1498 Hillerkuss, Thomas, 1025 Hillstrom, Kevin and Laurie Collier, 692 Hinckley, Kathleen W., 93, 116 Hine, Darlene Clark, 820, 861 Hinke, William John, 62 Hinshaw, William Wade, 463 Hinton, Frances, 639 Hirahara, Naomi, 847 Hirsch, August, 530 Hischak, Thomas S., 856 Hispanic American genealogical sourcebook, 335, 338, 447, 448 Hispanic Family History Research, 335, 448 Hispanic first names, 388 Hispanics and United States film, 814 Hispanic surnames and family history, 194, 332, 424 Historica: Historical sciences in the Czech Republic, 1123, 1127 Historical and philosophical foundations of education, 599 Historical atlas and chronology of county boundaries, 1788–1980, 40, 41 Historical dictionary of prophets in Islam and Judaism, 600 Historical dictionary of women in sub-Saharan Africa, 1522 Historical dictionary of women in the Middle East and North Africa, 1651 Historical encyclopedia of American women entrepreneurs, 867 Historical Publications, 243 Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz, 1442 History for genealogists, 128 History of Christian names, 389 A history of psychology in autobiography, 601 Hitchins, Keith, 592 Hockey, Thomas A., 525 Hodges, Figgis and Company, 1255, 1295 Hodges, Flavia, 381, 384, 397, 415 Hodgson, Leslie, 301 Hoff, Henry B., 186 Hoffman, William F., 430 Hof- und Staatsdruckerie, K. K., 1092 Holdsworth, May, 1575 Holmes, Dorothy P., 50 Holmes, Frederic Lawrence, 550 Hombres y mujeres del siglo XVI venezolano, 1058 Home front heroes: A biographical dictionary of Americans during wartime, 868 Hommes et destins: Dictionnaire biographique d’outremer, 1176, 1477 Hone, Arthur Robert, 1148 Hone, E. Wade, 90 Hong Kong University Press, 1575 Hooton, Joy W., 1660 Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, 1389 Hopkinson, Amanda, 691 Hordern House, 564, 565, 566 Horn, Maurice, 689 Horowitz, Lois, 49 Horton, A. V. M., 1541 Houck, Susan, 694 Houfe, Simon, 1240 Houghton Mifflin, 68, 535, 557 Houyoux, Jean, 1106 Howard, Richard C., 1553 Howard University Press, 888 Howells, Cyndi, 13, 749 Howgego, Raymond John, 564, 565, 566 Howsam, Leslie, 486 How to do everything, 117, 129 How to locate anyone who is or has been in the military, 87 Hoy, 1004, 1005 Hrvatski biografski leksikon, 1118, 1447 Hughes, Mark, 88, 111 Hull, Richard T., 843 Humanities Press, 1224, 1558 Hummel, Arthur William, 1564 Humphrey-Smith, Cecil R., 235 A hundred great Latvians, 1317 Hungarian author, 1280 Hungarian biographical archive, 1282, 1283 Hungarica Biographical Information (online), 1286 Hunter, Fred W., 845 Hvem er hvem?, 1350 H.W. Wilson, 135, 395, 532, 659, 660, 682, 693, 705, 717, 785, 807 Hyman, Paula, 870 I IBN: Index bio-bibliographicus notorum hominum, 528, 707 Icelandic writers, 1287 IEEE Computer Society Press, 541 Ifans, Dafydd, 302 IFILM, 931 Iguíniz, Juan Bautista, 1021 Illinois State Archives, 164 An illustrated bio-bibliography of black photographers, 1940–1988, 602 Ilsøe, Grethe, 1136 350 INDEX Ilsøe, Harald, 1133 Imber, Jane Hunter, 643 IMDB. See Internet Movie Database Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild (online), 168 Imprimerie de la Cour Victor Buck, 1332 Imprimeurs and librairies parisiens du XVIe siècle, 1177 In black and white: A guide to magazine articles, newspaper articles, and books concerning more than 15,000 black individuals and groups, 542, 827, 950 Independent Communications, 1487 Index bio-bibliographicus notorum hominum (IBN), 528, 707 An index-dictionary of Chinese artists, collectors, and connoisseurs with character identification by modified stroke count, 1565 The index library, 231 Index medicus, 480 An index of early Chinese painters and paintings, 1565, 1566 Index of persons, 147 Index of subjects, index of places, index of persons, 146 Index of will abstracts in the Genealogical Office, Dublin., 314 Index to compiled service records of Union soldiers, 150 Index to genealogical periodical literature, 1960–1977, 143 Index to Puerto Rican collective biography, 1046 Index to scientists of the world, 708 Index to Spanish American collective biography, 967 Index to the Enciclopedia Heráldica HispanoAmericana of Alberto and Arturo Garcia Carraffa (online), 333, 196 Index to the Roll of Honor, 88, 100 Index to women of the world from ancient to modern times, 708 Indiana University Press, 873 Indian Bibliographic Centre, 1578 Indian biographical archive, 1536, 1581, 1615, 1625 Indian biographical index, 1581, 1615 India who’s who, 1584 Indice biográfico de España, Portugal e Iberoamérica, 954, 1362, 1418 Indice de biobibliografia brasileira, 986 Infante, Fernando Castillo, 989 INFA Publications, 1584 Ingham, John N., 756, 799, 826 Innes, Sir Malcolm R., 373, 434 Innes, Sue, 1271 Innes, Thomas, 287, 373 In search of Scottish ancestry, 298 In search of the “forlorn hope”: A comprehensive guide to locating British regiments and their records (1640– WWI), 266 In search of your Asian roots: Genealogical research on Chinese surnames = Xun gen su yuan: Zhoungguo ren de xing shi, 421 In search of your British & Irish roots, 27, 206, 267, 319 In search of your Canadian roots, 27, 206 In search of your European roots, 27, 206 In search of your German roots, 27, 206, 224 Insley, John, 245 Institución Mitre, 968 Institute for Polynesian Studies, 1670 Institute of Historical Studies (India), 1579 Institute of Objective Studies, 634, 1652 Institute of Taiwan History, 1629 Institut für Zeitgeschichte, 1192 Instituto de Estudios de la Mujer, Universidad Nacional, 996 Instituto de Historia, 1024 Instituto Nacional de Estudios Históricos de la Revolución Mexicana, 1026 Instituto Português do Livro, 1363 Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis, 1339, 1341, 1342 Instruments biographiques pour l’histoire contemporaine de la Belgique, 1101 Instytut Języka Polskiego, 431 International biographical directory of national archivists, documentalists, and librarians, 694 International Boxing Hall of Fame, 534 International Committee of Historical Sciences, 592 International Culture Institute (Hong Kong), 1603 International dictionary of anthropologists, 603 International dictionary of black composers, 604 International dictionary of women’s biography, 639 International directory of business biographies, 605 International encyclopedia of the social sciences, 561, 606, 607 International encyclopedia of women and sports, 608 Internationale Personalbibliographie, 1800–1943, 707, 709 International Genealogical Index (online), 14, 16 International Geographical Union, 585 International Marriage Record Collection, 19 International Parish Register Collection, 19 International photography: George Eastman House index to photographers, collections, and exhibitions, 710 International Society for Educational Information, 1593 International Society of Family History Writers and Editors, 37 International vital records handbook, 10, 180 International Where+How, 695 International who’s who, 698, 699, 700 The international who’s who in distance learning, 695 The international who’s who of women, 696 The Internet: A historical encyclopedia, 609 Internet Guide for Chinese Studies (online), 1546 Internet Movie Database (IMDB), 669 Interscience, 589 InterVarsity Press, 510 351 INDEX In the First Person (online), 7, 581 Introduction to Slavic Information Resources (online), 1122, 1352, 1371, 1402, 1455, 1458 Ionescu, Șerban N., 1369 IPUMS USA, 89 Iran who’s who, 1587 Ireland, Norma Olin, 708 Irish Academic Press, 427 Irish church records, 315 Irish names, 390 Irish records, 316 The Irish roots guide, 317 Iron Gate Publishing, 190 Irons- Georges, Tracy, 545 Irvine, Sherry, 271, 293 Ishaka, Peter, 1488 Işık, İhsan, 1632 Islam, Manu, 1540 Íslenzkar æviskrár frá landnámstímum til ársloka 1940, 1288 Íslenzkir samtíðarmenn, 1290 Israel, Fred L., 872 Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana, 1300 Italian biographical archive, 1306, 1309 Italian genealogical records, 327 Italiane, 1304 Italians to America, 144 Iwao, Seiichi, 1593 J Jacob Rader Marcus Center, 454 Jacobs, Phyllis M., 1216 Jacobson, Judy, 76, 128 Jacobus, Donald Lines, 138 Jaeger, Hans, 1208 Jain, M. K., 1576 Jalles de Paule, Christiane, 980 Jamaican ancestry, 200 James, Edward T. and Janet Wilson, 890 James Bell Phillimore & Co, 235 Janik, Del Ivan, 1250 Janik, Vicki K., 1250 The Japan biographical encyclopedia and who’s who, 1594 Japanese biographical archive (JBA), 1593, 1594, 1595, 1603 Japanese fiction writers series, 1596, 1597 Japanese names, 429 Japanese women fiction writers, 1598 Jarboe, Betty, 1, 483 Jaumann, Herbert, 1073 Jazz performers, 869 JBA. See Japanese biographical archive J.C. Poggendorffs biographisch-literarisches handwörterbuch zur geschichte der exacten wissenschaften, 610 Jenkins, Ellen J., 1245 Jennar, Raoul Marc, 1543 Jervis, Robert, 781 Jervis, Simon, 574 Jessen, Jens Christian, 1187 Jewish and Hebrew onomastics, 391, 410 Jewish autobiographies and biographies, 611 Jewish biographical archive, 494, 547, 611, 612, 667, 824, 870, 949, 1588, 1589 Jewish family names and their origins, 408, 409 JewishGen (online), 17, 162 Jewish given names and family names, 391, 410 Jewish women in America, 870 Jirón, Manuel, 1037 Jöcher, Christian Gottlieb, 489 Johann Friedrich Gleditschens Buchhandlung, 489 John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, 877 Johns Hopkins University Press, 883 Johnson, Alvin Saunders, 561 Johnson, Barnabas D., 760 Johnson, Curt, 597 Johnson, Donald Leslie, 620 Johnson, Richard S., 77, 87 Johnson, Troy R., 735 Johns’s notable Australians, 1666 Johnston and Bacon, 373 John Weatherhill, 429 Jolly, Margaretta, 568 Jonas, Linda, 263, 291 Jonathan David Publishers, 380, 451 Jones, David Lewis, 1228 Jones, George F., 423 Jones, Helen Dudenbostel, 472, 1087, 1188, 1590, 1618 Jones, Huw M., 1499 Jones, Thomas W., 131 Jorio, Marco, 1442 Josephson, Harold, 515, 778 Jossey-Bass, 455 Jouniaux, Léo, 212 Journal of the American Oriental Society, 1567 Journal of the Barbados Museum and Historical Society, 199 Journal of the N.Y. Botanical Garden, 791 Joyce, Beverly A., 752, 1215 Joyce, Joyce Ann, 888 Joyce, Peter, 1494 Judges of the United States, 808 Judicial yellow book, 871, 874, 932 Jüdisches biographisches archiv = Jewish biographical archive, 494, 547, 611, 612, 667, 824, 870, 949, 1588, 1589 Jüdisches biographisches Lexikon, 613 Jugoslavenski leksikografski zavod, 1118, 1447 Julien, Charles André, 1523 352 INDEX Julliard, Jacques, 1166 Junior authors and illustrators series, 532, 659 Justices of the United States Supreme Court, 872, 910 K Kaegbein, Paul, 1142, 1313, 1324 Kaganoff, Benzion C., 404 Kahraman, Seyit Ali, 1634 Kain, Roger J. P., 229, 236 Kalia, D. R., 1576 Kalligram, 1410 Kallinikov, Pavel, 1387 Kaltenbach, G. E., 646 Kamen, Henry Arthur Francis, 1078 Kaminkow, Marion J., 53 Kane, Joseph Nathan, 66 Kanner, Barbara, 1217 Kaplan, Louis, 747 Kaptur, Marcy, 745 Karrow, Robert W., 621 Kas ir kas Latvijā 2003/2004, 1318 Kasuya Publishing Sdn. Bhd, 1609 Kaufman, Isaak Mikhaĭlovich, 1372 Kaufman, Martin, 836, 838 Kaul, Arthur J., 771 KBA. See Korean biographical archive Kdo byl Kdo v Našich Dějinách do Roku 1918 (online), 1127, 1128 Kdo byl Kdo v Našich Dějinách ve 20. Století (online), 1127, 1129 Kdo je kdo = Who is who, 1131 Kdo je kdo za Slovence, 1415 Keith-Smith, Brian, 1201 Keller, Estela and Gary D., 814 Kelley, A. M., 1239 Kelly, Howard A., 721, 837 Kelly, J. N. D., 637 Kelly and Walsh, 1561 Kemp, Thomas, 10, 65, 180 Kenyeres, Ágnes, 1282 Kersey, Ethel M., 679 Kes on kes?, 1150 Kessler, James H., 846 Kestenbaum, Lawrence, 900 Key figures in medieval Europe, 1074, 1079 Khan, Z. M., 634, 1652 Khatri, Linda A., 766 Kidney, Walter C., 395 Kidrič, Francè, 1414, 1450 Ki kicsoda a magyar történelemben, 1281 Kimble, Gregory A., 644 Kimmens, Andrew C., 660 Kindulu, Joseph-Roger Mazanza, 1471 Kinealy, Christine, 323 King, J. E., 1669 Kirk, John Foster, 831 Kiryk, Feliks, 1360 Kissane, Sharon F. Mrotek, 1357 Kitsevski, Nikola, 1116 Kitzmiller, John M., II, 266 Klebba, Caryn E., 929 Klee, Ernst, 1193 Klein, Donald W., 1556 Klezmer, Deborah, 553, 678 Klinge, Matti, 1153 Klostermann, V., 203, 204 Knappert, Laurentius, 1343 Knopf, 558, 623 Knox, Debra Johnson, 77 Kodansha International, 1600 Koed, Betty K., 809 Koeneman, Lidie, 1337 Kofman, Jan, 1084, 1100, 1114, 1117, 1124, 1144, 1279, 1314, 1325, 1333, 1335, 1336, 1354, 1366, 1396, 1404, 1412, 1445, 1446, 1456, 1459 Köhler-Lutterbeck, Ursula, 1203 Kohn, George C., 395 Koi koi e sred bulgarite XV–XIX v, 1115 Koi koi e v Bulgariia, 1116 Ko je ko u Bošnjaka, 1111 Ko je ko u Srbiji ‘96, 1400, 1448 Ko kui ma te kaupapa, 1674 Kokuritsu Kokkai Toshokan, 1591 Kolatch, Alfred J., 380, 451 Kolumbić, Nikica, 1118, 1447 Komorowski, Manfred, 503, 1067 Konzorcium Encyklopédia, 1411 Korea annual, 1606 Korean biographical archive (KBA) = Koreanisches biographisches archiv, 1604, 1605 Korobov, Igorʹ, 1149 Korrol, Virginia Sánchez, 873 Kort, Carol, 794 Korzenie polskie, 330 Kosch, Wilhelm, 1196 Kosiba, Margaret M., 822 Kosmerick, Todd J., 694 Kossmann, Friedrich Karl Heinrich, 1343 Koudounarēs, Aristeidēs L., 1121 Koukouna, Natasa, 1276 Koukounas, Dēmosthenēs, 1276 Kovačević, Irena, 1400, 1448 Kovárová, Stanislava, 1130 Kraks blaa bog, 1139 Kramme, Ulrike, 1126, 1284, 1406, 1461, 1646 Krapohl, Robert H., 860 Krarup, Alfred, 1132 353 INDEX Krasner-Khait, Barbara, 450 Krismann, Carol, 849 Kruus, Oskar, 1147 Ktav Pub. House, 409 Kto był kim w Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej, 1356 Kto estʹ kto v istorii SSSR: 1953–1991, 1381 Kto estʹ kto v Rossii, 1393 Kto je kto na Slovensku, 1991?, 1411 Kto jest kim w Polsce, 1361 Kuchen, Georgia, 918 Kuehl, Warren F., 512, 515, 778 Kuhlman, Erika A., 499 Kuhn, Laura Diane, 502 Kuiper, Kathleen, 635 Kuka kukin on = Who’s who in Finland, 1155, 1156 Kunitz, Stanley, 660 Kunnskapsforlaget, 1347 Kurdiȗmov, M. G., 1386 Kurian, George Thomas, 852, 854 Kürschners deutscher Gelehrten-Kalender, 1208 Kurzweil, Arthur, 452, 455 Kvasnicka, Robert M., 84 L Lackey, Richard S., 3, 6, 71, 75 Lacouture, Jean, 1543 Laing, Ellen Johnston, 1566 Lainhart, Ann S., 107 Lambert, Laura, 609 Land and property research in the United States, 90 Land Office Grants (online), 169 Lang, Carl Ludwig, 1196 Langford, Eugenia, 731 Langhans, Edward A., 1218 Langmead, Donald, 620 Lapide, Pinchas, 612, 1588 Larkin, Robert P., 511 Larousse, 386, 400 Larsen, Anne R., 1170, 1247, 1303 Larsen, Jytte, 1136 Larsen, Timothy, 510, 718, 819, 1227 Larson, Cedric, 942 La sociale en Amérique: Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement social francophone aux Etats-Unis, 1848–1922, 555 The late medieval age of crisis and renewal, 1300–1500, 1077 Latin America and the Caribbean, 952, 953 Latin American classical composers, 957 Latin American lives, 958 Latinas in the United States, 873 La tipografia cinquecentina italiana, 1305 La Trobe University Library, 1661 Lattman-Weltman, Fernando, 980 Lauku Avize, 1317 Law, Cheryl, 920, 1261 Law firms yellow book, 874 Lawrence, Alberta, 1081, 1259 Lawson, Edwin D., 378, 379, 393 Leadership Directories, 871, 874, 932 Leadership Library on the Internet, 871, 874, 932 Leaders of the American Civil War, 875 Leaders of twentieth-century China: An annotated bibliography of selected Chinese biographical works in the Hoover Library, 1547 Leaman, Oliver, 1648 Lebedeff, Jean, 1677 Lecher, Hanno E., 1546 Leclerc, Michael J., 125 Le Donne italiane, 1306 Lee, Joel M., 727, 915 Lee, John A. N., 541 Lee, Lily Xiao Hong, 1551 Lefkowitz, Mary, 1072, 737 Legacy Family Tree Genealogy Software, 171 Leick, Gwendolyn, 1655 Leiden University, 1546 Lejeune, Philippe, 469, 568 Leksikon hrvatskih pisaca, 1119, 1449 Leksikoni i shkrimtarëve shqiptarë 1501–2001, 1085 Le nouveau dictionnaire des Belges, 1106 Lentz, Harris M., 517, 633, 642 Lenz, Wilhelm, 1146, 1315, 1326 Le Pré aux Clercs, 1168 Lepreux, Georges, 1175 L. Erlbaum Associates, 644 Le Rouvreur, Albert, 1470, 1485 Leroy, Francis, 536 Les Africains, 1523 Les clés du Cambodge, 1543 Les Editions Publitec, 1608 Les graveurs du dix-huitième siècle, 614 Leskovac, Mladen, 1398, 1399, 1453 Les noms de famille en France, 401 Les nouveaux cadres congolais, 1471 Lesser, Stephen O., 784 Lesser-known women, 615 Letouzey et Ané, 1163 Levernier, James, 790 Levin, Beatrice, 671 Levin, Carole, 1170, 1247, 1303 Lévy, Joseph Josy, 554 Lewell, John, 1600 Lewenhaupt, Inga, 1437 Lewis, Audrey M., 918 Lewis, Donald M., 718, 819, 1227 Lewis, Samuel, 282, 299, 321 354 INDEX Lewytzkyj, Borys, 1391 Lexicon Grammaticorum, 616 Lexikon der 1000 Frauen, 1203 Lexikon deutsch-jüdischer Autoren, 1204 Lexikon deutschsprachiger Schriftstellerinnen, 1800– 1945, 1093, 1205, 1443 Lexikón slovenských žien, 1407 LexisNexis Risk Solutions, 179 L’Harmattan, 398, 1145, 1316, 1327, 1454, 1471, 1570, 1638, 1641 Librairie Falk fils, 1103, 1472 The librarian’s genealogy notebook, 91 The librarian’s guide to genealogical services and research, 91, 92 Libraries Unlimited, 119, 120, 468, 485, 636, 643, 835, 898 Library and Archives Canada, 23, 722 Library-Anthropology Resource Group (Chicago), 524, 603 Library Association, 487, 702, 1260 Library of Australian History, 343 Library of Congress, 52, 53, 196, 239, 262, 308, 333, 844 Library of Virginia, 136, 169, 170 Library resources for German- Jewish genealogy, 457 Libr. des arts et métiers-éditions, 1182 Libreros Dominicanos Unidos, 1004 Lienhard, Joseph T., 508 Lilliput Press, 317, 390, 1223, 1291 Lima, Flavio Rojas, 1012 Linardi y Risso, 1054 Lindblad, Göran, 1440 Lines of succession: Heraldry of the royal families of Europe, 350 Link to Your Roots database, 221 Lippard, Lucy R., 692 Lippincott, 596, 831 Lippy, Charles H., 860 Lipschutz, Mark R., 1520 Lisboa, Eugénio, 1363 Literary journalism, 876, 1248 Literatura centroamericana, 1065 Literature Criticism Online, 650 Literature Resource Center (LRC), 548, 687, 771, 772, 775, 776, 1184, 1245, 1430, 1457, 1462, 1653 Litoff, Judy Barrett, 859 Litografía e Imprenta de la Universidad de Guayaquil, 1006 Little, Brown, 56, 646 Litz, A. Walton, 789, 884 Lives of illustrious and distinguished Scotsman, 1272 Lobies, François-Pierre and Jean-Pierre, 707The local historian’s encyclopedia, 243 The local history companion, 244 Locating lost family members & friends, 93 Locating your roots: Discover your ancestors using land records, 130 Lockhart, Charles, 781 Lodwick, Kathleen L., 1574 Loewe, Michael, 1555 Long, Jeffrey E., 485 Long, John Hamilton, 41 Longman, 230 Lopes, Nei, 983 López, Fernando Durán, 1416 Lorelei Press, 220, 223 Los Angeles times, 902, 903 Löschnigg, Hans, 1320 Los malditos: Hombres y mujeres excluídos de la historia oficial de los argentinos, 971 Lost sociologists rediscovered, 617 Louisiana State University, 802, 864, 912 Loutfi, Anna, 1069 The lower Norfolk County Virginia antiquary, 153 LRC. See Literature Resource Center Ludwig, Karola, 1093, 1205, 1443 Luebking, Sandra Hargreaves, 105, 182 Luft, Edward David, 457 Lukman, Franc Ksaver, 1414, 1450 Lumas, Susan, 247 Lunardini, Christine A., 823 Lynne Rienner Publishers, 615 Lyons, Andrew P. and Harriet, 577 Lyons Press, 294 M Mabunda, L. Mpho, 841, 956, 1420 Macan, Trpimir, 1118, 1447 MacArthur fellows: The first 25 years, 1981–2005, 877 MacArthur Foundation, 877 Macdonald, Charlotte, 1674 Maclagan, Michael, 350 MacLysaght, Edward, 427 Macmillan, 507, 561, 606, 608, 618, 619, 698, 723, 884, 958, 1239 Macmillan biographical encyclopedia of photographic artists and innovators, 618 The Macmillan dictionary of Canadian biography, 723 Macmillan dictionary of military biography, 597 Macmillan encyclopedia of architects, 619 Madagascar: Dictionnaire des personnalités historiques, 1478 Made in America: The true stories behind the brand names that built a nation, 878 Madison Publications, 1296 Madubuike, Ihechukwu, 387 Mafai, Miriam, 1306 Magill, Frank Northen, 544, 545 Magner, Lois N., 559 355 INDEX Maguire, Fidelma, 390 Magyar életrajzi lexikon, 1282 Magyar írók, 1282, 1283 Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 1283 Mahe Publications, 1490 Mahy, Margaret, 655 Mainiero, Lina, 788 Maisonneuve et Larose, 1543 Maitron, Jean, 555, 1161 Majchrowski, Jacek, 1356 Makers of modern Africa, 1524 Makers of 20th century modern architecture, 620 Making of America site, 361, 791 The making of modern Africa, 1525 Makrotest, Cegos, 1109 Maletić, Franjo, 1120 Malin, Jo, 570 Mancham, James R., 1490 Manchester University Press, 261, 296 Mandela, Nelson R., 1496 Mander, W. J., 1241 Mann, Thomas L., 524 Mannon, Melissa, 133 Mansell, 585, 1266 Manson, Enrique, 970 Mantle Fielding’s dictionary of American painters, sculptors and engravers, 879 Manual of heraldry, 361 Manuel, E. Arsenio and Magdalena Avenir, 1620 Manuscript Publ. Foundation, 266 Manzoni, Cesare, 1297 Map guide to the U.S. federal censuses, 1790–1920, 42 Mapmakers of the sixteenth century and their maps, 621 Maratos, Daniel C., 1000 Marcel Dekker, 536 Marcus, Jacob Rader, 454, 824 Marko, Laszlo, 1281 Marquis Biographies Online, 917, 933, 942, 948 Marquis Who’s Who, 135, 698, 704, 740, 917, 933, 934, 942, 943, 945, 947, 948, 1659 Marquis Who’s Who on the Web, 698, 740, 934, 946, 947 Marshall, George W., 240, 241, 242 Marshall, Thomas Worth, 463 Marsilio, 1308 Martell, Edward, 1081, 1259 Martin, Edward A., 526 Martin, Henri- Jean, 1182 Martine, Roderick, 434 Martínez, Julio A., 999 Martínez, Rufino, 1002 Martínez-Carazo, Cristina, 1430 Marting, Diane E., 960, 965 Marwah Publications, 1576 Mastering census & military records, 94 Mastering genealogical proof, 69, 131 Matejic, Mateja and Predrag, 1113 Mat’ovčík, Augustín, 1407 Matóvčík, Augustín, 1408 Matthews, Douglas, 759 Matthews, William, 730, 1214 Mautz, Carl, 816 Max Kade Institute for German-American Studies, 422 Max Niemeyer Verlag, 616 Maxwell, Ian, 286 Mayall, David, 1212 Mayflower, 63 Mazur, Grzegorz, 1356 McAndrew, Bruce A., 372 McBooks Press, 534 McCarthy, Tony, 317 McCormick, Donald, 652 McDonnell, Judith, 859 McFarland, 506, 517, 633, 642, 647, 680, 904, 1020, 1079, 1229, 1554 McGraw-Hill, 129 McGuire, J. I., 1269, 1293 McHenry, Leemon B., 779 McIlwaine, John, 1508 McKay, William Angus, 723 McKernan, Luke, 669 McKerns, Joseph P., 803 Mediavilla, Victor Herrero, 954, 1362, 1418, 1511, 1668 Medical obituaries, 845 The medical practitioners in medieval England, 1249 Medieval Japanese writers, 1599 Medieval philosophers, 1075 Meier, Emil, 438 Meier, Matt S., 893, 894 Meiguo jia pu xue hui Zhongguo zu pu mu lu: Chinese genealogies at the Genealogical Society of Utah, 340 Meissner, Günter, 490 Mellon, Paul, 1219 Mellot, Jean-Dominique, 648, 1183 Melnyk, Marcia Yannizze, 125 Melton, J. Gordon, 726, 800, 906 Mémoire algérienne, 1466 Memorials—The Geological Society of America, 880 Memorial tributes (National Academy of Engineering), 881 Menato, Marco, 1301 Mendez, Serafín Mendez, 892, 1063 Mercat Press, 300, 435 Mergnac, Marie- Odile, 401 Merriam-Webster’s biographical dictionary, 622 Merrill, 599 356 INDEX Merriman, Brenda Dougall, 26 Mersch, Jules, 1332 Merton, Robert King, 606 Metherell, David, 1137, 1152, 1289, 1348, 1436 Mexican American biographies, 893 Mexican-American genealogical research, 201 Mexican political biographies, 1028, 1029 Meyer, George H., 863 Meyer, Mary K., 55 Meyerink, Kory L., 95 Meyers Orts- und Verkehrs-Lexikon des Deutschen Reichs, 222 Michaud, J. Fr. and Louis Gabriel, 528 MIE Publ., 77, 87 Migration from the Russian Empire: Lists of passengers arriving at the Port of New York, 142, 145 Mihailovich, Vasa D., 1457, 1462 Mikula, Valér, 1410 Milani, Abbas, 1585 Milanović, Milena, 1401, 1452 Miles, Wyndham D., 765 Millennia Corp, 171 Millennium, 69, 1346 Miller, Jane Eldridge, 697 Miller, Marilyn L., 898 Mills, A. D., 233, 246 Mills, Elizabeth Shown, 3, 6, 8, 71, 75, 96, 121 Milner, Anita Cheek, 37 Milner, John, 1378 Milner, Paul, 263, 291 Mil quinientas mujeres en nuestra conciencia colectiva: Catálogo biográfico de mujeres de México, 1030 Mináč, Vladimír, 1409 Minard, M. J., 1181 Minert, Roger P., 220, 223 Minnesota Population Center, 89 Mitchell, Brian, 284, 310, 313, 318 Mitchell, Madeleine E., 200 Mitev, Simeon, 1112 Mitler, Louis, 1633 Mladinska Knjiga, 1413 Moçambique, 1489–1975, 1484 Models of achievement: Reflections of eminent women in psychology, 882 Modern American environmentalists, 883 Modern American women writers, 789, 884 Modern British women writers, 1250 Modern English biography, 1251, 1266 Modern Irish lives, 1269 Modern Japanese novelists, 1600 Modern Japanese writers, 1601 Modern Spanish dramatists, 1427 Modzalevskiĭ, B. L., 1386 Mogrobejo, Endika, 193, 331 Mokotoff, Gary, 449 Molhuysen, Philip Christiaan, 1343 Monash biographical dictionary of 20th century Australia, 1665 Moncure, James A., 1076 Mongillo, John F., 858 Monitor Publishing Company, 874 Monroe, Dan, 909 Montañés, Ismael Silva, 1058 Montgomery-Massingberd, Hugh, 2, 29 Moody, David, 295, 297 Moolenaar, Ruth, 1061 Moore, Dahrl Elizabeth, 91 Moore, Deborah Dash, 870 Moore, Robert J., 470 Morales, Donna S., 201 Moran, Thomas, 1562 Morby, John E., 9 More emigrants in bondage, 1614–1775, 36, 38, 58 More names and naming, 378, 379, 393 Morgan, Christopher, 670 Morgan, George G., 117, 129 Morgenstern, Hans, 613 Morillo, Rafael Molina, 1005 Morlet, Marie-Thérèse, 386, 398, 399, 400 Morris, Deirdre, 1665 Morsberger, Robert Eustis, 784 Morse, Stephen P., 174 Morton, Brian, 543 Morton, Leslie T., 470 Moschovitis, Christos J. P., 609 Moubayed, Sami M., 1628 Moule, Thomas, 359 Mouradian, George, 1532 M’Passou, Denis, 1480 Muccigrosso, Robert, 907 Muena, Ž. Urra, 1284, 1461, 1646 Müller, Jean, 1160 Müller-Enbergs, Helmut, 1207 Munford, William Arthur, 1260 Munk, William, 1256 Munn, Christopher, 1575 Murray, Eric John, 1049 Murray, Tim, 562 Musacchio, Humberto, 1031 Musée de l’Homme, 1672, 1673, 1677 Musere, Jonathan, 394 Museum of American Folk Art, 863 Museum of Hoaxes, 791 Musgrave, William, 1267 Musical Americans, 885 Music Library Association Obituary index (online), 711 Music since 1900, 538 Muslim women, 1643 357 INDEX Musser, Donald W., 624 Mutt, Oleg, 1148 MyGovernment (Gale Cengage), 886 N Nakamura, Joyce, 706 The name dictionary, 380 Names & nicknames of places and things, 395 Nappo, Tommaso, 1298 NARA. See National Archives and Records Administration Narins, Brigham, 629 Nationaal biografisch woordenboek, 1107 National Academy of Engineering, 881 National Academy of Sciences, 470, 815 National Archives (UK), 262, 268, 270, 275, 281 National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), 12, 84, 155, 182, 183, 187, 189 National Archives of Australia, 342 National Archives of Canada, 262 National Archives of Rhodesia, 1479, 1503, 1505 National Archives of Scotland, 300, 301 National biography handbook of Trinidad and Tobago, 1049 National Council for Social Research (South Africa), 1495 National cyclopaedia of American biography, 791, 833, 887 National Diet Library of Japan, 1591 The national faculty directory, 729, 935 National Genealogical Society, 34, 131, 188 National Historical, 34 National index of parish registers, 235, 257 National Journal Group, 759 National Library of Australia, 1660 National Library of Medicine, 645, 822 National Library of Nigeria, 1486 National Library of Scotland, 1257, 1268 National Library of Wales, 302, 303, 1274 National Park Service, 161 National Reference Institute, 944 National Society of the Colonial Dames of America, 154 Nationwide Gravesite Locator, 172 Native American Genealogical Sourcebook, 338 The nature of biography, 481 Navarro, Jerónimo Herrera, 955, 1421 Nayle, L. Rosa Aguayo, 954, 1362, 1418 NDB ADB Deutsche Biographie (online), 1206. See also Neue Deutsche Biographie website Neagles, James C., 113, 184 Neal-Schuman Publishers, 92 Neat, Charles P., 257 Necrologia, 1011 Nelson, Emmanuel S., 570, 1250 Nelson, Lynn, 326 Nemec, David, 904 Nemec, Krešimir, 1119, 1449 Nepal who’s who, 1612 NetAdvantage, 938 Netherton and Worth, 1251 Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB) online, 1190, 1206 Neue österreichische Biographie, 1815–1918, 1094, 1095 Newberry Library, 40, 41 The new biographical dictionary of film, 623 The new cavalcade: African American writing from 1760 to the present, 888 New dictionary of American family names, 417 New dictionary of scientific biography, 550 New dictionary of South African biography, 1495, 1496, 173 The New England historical and genealogical register, 146, 147, 156, 173 New England Historic and Genealogical Society, 25, 44, 45, 47, 59, 60, 61, 63, 102, 125, 146, 147, 156, 173, 186, 237, 238, 351, 352 New England marriages prior to 1700, 61 A new genealogical atlas of Ireland, 284, 310, 313, 318 A new handbook of Christian theologians, 508, 624 New Malaysian who’s who, 1609 Newman, Roger K., 923 Newmann, Kate, 1294 NewsBank, 166 Newspaper genealogical column directory, 37 Newton, Michael, 848 New York Public Library, 393, 437 New York review of books, 773 New York times, 705, 902, 903, 1224 New York Times obituaries index, 1, 483 New York University Press, 122, 1212, 1221 New Zealand Society of Genealogists, 347 New Zealand who’s who, Aotearoa, 1676 Nezabytye mogily, 1382 Nicaraguan biographies, 1036 Nichigai Asoshietsu, 1592 Niemeyer, Suzanne, 907 Nieuw Nederlandsch biografisch woordenboek onder redactie, 1339, 1343 Nihon Jinmei Joho Sakuin (Jinbun Bun’ya) Detabesu (online), 1591 Nihon kindai bungaku daijiten, 1602 XIX century British working-class autobiographies, 1212 Nineteenth century French fiction writers series, 1178, 1179 Nirk, Endel, 1148 Nlandu-Tsasa, Cornelis, 1471 Nobel Foundation directory, 627, 668 358 INDEX Nobel laureate contributions to 20th century chemistry, 625 Nobel laureates in literature, 626, 627, 668 Nobiliario español, 197, 334, 369 Noegel, Scott B., 600 Noll, Mark A., 510 Nombres y apellidos de forjadores de la patria, 1039 Noms et prénoms de France, 386 Nonconformist registers of Wales, 302, 303, 304 Nore, Ellen, 592 Noreña, María Isabel, 991 Norman Ross, 963 Norsk biografisk leksikon, 1347 Norsk biografisk oppslagslitteratur, 1345 North American Immigrant Letters, Diaries, and Oral Histories (online), 7, 22, 581 North American Indian Biographical Database, 736 North American Indian Thought and Culture, 736 North American women artists of the twentieth century, 724, 810, 889, 1068 North American Women’s Letters and Diaries, 581 Norton, W. W., 356, 628 The Norton/Grove dictionary of women composers, 628 Notable American philanthropists, 744 Notable American women, 788, 890 Notable Asian Americans, 936 Notable black American women, 891 Notable British families, 367 Notable Caribbeans and Caribbean Americans, 892, 1063 Notable Latino Americans, 893, 894 Notable scientists from 1900 to the present, 629 Notable sports figures, 630 Notable women in American history, 751 Notable women in the life sciences, 631, 632 Notable women in the physical sciences, 631, 632 Notable women in world history, 482 Notes: The quarterly journal of the Music Library Association, 711 Nouvelle biographie générale, 1163 Nouvelle biographie nationale, 1104, 1108 Nouvelle biographie universelle ancienne et moderne, 528 Novaković, Darko, 1119, 1449 Nova Revija, 1415 Novotný, Jan, 1123 Nuevo diccionario biográfico argentino, 1750–1930, 972 Nuevo diccionario de la cultura uruguaya, 1054 Nuevo diccionario de literatura uruguaya, 2001, 1052 Nugent, Nell Marion, 136 Nuland, Sherwin B., 558 Núnẽz, Benjamín, 1521 O Obama, Michelle Robinson, 118, 440 Obituaries: A guide to sources, 1, 483, 737 Obituaries in the performing arts, 633 Obituary notices of Fellows of the Royal Society, 470 Obituary prior to 1800 (as far as relates to England, Scotland, and Ireland), 1267 O’Connell, Agnes N., 882 Odagiri, Susumu, 1602 Odelberg, Wilhelm, 668 ODNB. See Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online) O’Donoghue, D. J., 1255, 1295 Ogilvie, Marilyn Bailey, 519, 523 Ohles, Frederik and Shirley M., 806 Ohles, John F., 801 Ólason, Páll Eggert, 1288 Oldfield, Sybil, 1266 Old Maps, 279 Oleander Press, 1645 Oliver, Richard R., 229, 236 Ollero and Ramos, 1416 Onanuga, Bayo, 1487 O’Neil, Mary Anne, 1184 O’Neill, Patrick Geoffrey, 429 One-Step Webpages, 174 100 Americans making constitutional history, 895 100 entertainers who changed America, 896 100 great Muslim leaders of the 20th century, 634, 1652 One hundred twentieth-century philosophers, 521 The 100 most influential women of all time, 635 100 most popular scientists for young adults, 636 100 people who changed 20th-century America, 897 One thousand westerners in Taiwan to 1945, 1629 Online Dictionary of Dutch Women (online), 1342 Online Directory of History Departments and Organizations in the United States and Canada, 32, 175 Online Searchable Death Indexes, Records and Databases, 176 Onomasticon: Repertorio biobibliografico degli scrittori italiani dal 1501 al 1850, 1307, 1310 Ontario Genealogical Society, 26 Opfell, Olga S., 680 Opitz, Glenn B., 839, 879 Oppedisano, Jeannette M., 867 Ordance Survey (UK), 279 Oreggioni, Alberto F., 1052 O’Reilly, Patrick, 1672, 1673, 1677 Organ, Claude H., 822 The origin of English surnames, 418 Origins Network, 280 359 INDEX Ormerod, George, 255 Ortelius, Abraham, 621 Oryx Press, 477, 668, 713, 716, 735, 811, 846, 916 Osebnosti: Veliki slovenski biografski leksikon, 1413 Osobnosti ceských dejin, 1130 Ospina, Joaquín, 992 Österberg, Carin, 1437 Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1095 Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon und Biographische Dokumentation (online), 1095 Österreichisches personen lexikon, 1096 Otness, Harold M., 1629 Ottoman Turkish writers, 1633 Oughton, Marguerita, 585 Our Italian surnames, 428 Our Online Records (National Archives [UK]), 281 Our Quaker ancestors, 464 Overseas Ministries Study Center, 1519, 1550 Owen, Nancy R., 500 Oxford Biography Index, 1252 The Oxford companion to local and family history, 250 The Oxford dictionary of English Christian names, 392 Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (ODNB, online), 1231, 1251, 1252, 1258, 1267 The Oxford dictionary of Popes, 637, 642 The Oxford encyclopedia of women in world history, 638 The Oxford guide to British women writers, 1246, 1253 The Oxford guide to family history, 264 The Oxford guide to heraldry, 370 Oxford Reference Online, 9, 233, 246, 1518 Oxford University Press, 9, 233, 246, 250, 258, 264, 370, 381, 384, 397, 411, 414, 415, 488, 519, 547, 637, 638, 712, 758, 773, 820, 1252, 1253, 1263, 1510, 1518 P Pagel, Julius, 530 Palgrave Macmillan, 639 The Palgrave Macmillan dictionary of women’s biography, 639 Palmer, Joy, 579, 580 Panayiotis, Vassos, 1370 Pankhurst, Richard, 1475 The papacy: An encyclopedia, 637, 642 Papworth, John Woody, 371 Papworth’s ordinary of British armorials, 365, 367, 371 Parenicka, Pavol, 1403 Parezo, Nancy J., 832 Parfitt, George A. E., 1222 Parilli, Jorge Maldonado, 1057 The parish churches and nonconformist chapels of Wales, 304 Parker, James, 376 Parker, Mary, 1427, 1429 Parreira, Adriano, 1467 Parrini, Massimo, 1308 Partnow, Elaine, 618 Pascal-Trouillot, Ertha, 1015 Paschek, Carl, 1191 Passenger and immigration lists bibliography, 1538– 1900 (PILB), 54, 67 Passenger and immigration lists index, 54, 55 Patterson, Hannah, 720, 828, 1236, 1292 Paunovic, Marinko, 1397, 1451 Pederson, Jay P., 656 Pegasus Press, 1370 Peltzman, Barbara R., 641 Peñate, Óscar Martínez, 1009 Pendergast, Sara and Tom, 655, 657, 686, 688 Penfold, Merimeri, 1674 The Penguin biographical dictionary of women, 639 The Penguin international dictionary of contemporary biography, 640 Penguin Reference, 640 Pennetier, Claude, 1161 Pennsylvania German pioneers, 62 Pentagon Press, 1530 People at the peak:The who’s who of Malaysia, 1610 People in the news, 1900–1999: A survey of Nigerians of the 20th century, 1487 People on people: The Oxford dictionary of biographical quotations, 712 Pérez, Fernando Gómez and Jaime Gómez, 994 Pérez, Francisco Javier, 1059 Pergamon Press, 375 Periodical source index (PERSI), 140, 143, 148, 152, 167, 185, 276 Perioodika, 1148 Perozzo, Carlos, 993 Perrin, 399, 1167 PERSI. See Periodical source index Personalbibliographien österreichischer Dichter und Schriftsteller, 1097 Personalbibliographien österreichischer Persönlichkeiten, 1088 Personalbibliographie zur deutschen Literaturgeschichte, 1191 Personalidades cubanas, 1001 Personalidades de la cultura en el Uruguay, 1053 Personalidades dominicanas 2006, 1005 Personalities, Sri Lanka, 1626 Personal names: A bibliography, 393, 379 Personal names and naming, 378, 379, 393 Personal writings by women to 1900, 752, 1215, 1217 Personenlexikon Österreich, 1098 Personhistorisk tidskrift, 1435 Personnages marquants d’Asie centrale, du Turkestan et 360 INDEX de l’Ouzbekistan, 1638, 1641 Personnalités chinoises d’aujourd’hui, 1570 Personnalités des provinces chinoises, 1558 Peskett, Pamela, 232 Peters, Gary L., 511 Peters, Gerhard, 901 Petteys, Chris, 552 Pfeiffer, Laura Szucs, 86 Pfister, Gertrud, 608 Phelan, Angela, 1296 Phelps, Shirelle, 891 Phillimore, 235, 260, 289, 298 The Phillimore atlas and index of parish registers, 235 Phillips, Charles, 572 Picard, 1169, 1465 Picton Press, 438 Pike’s New Century Series biographies, 1228 PILB. See Passenger and immigration lists bibliography The Pilgrim migration: Immigrants to Plymouth Colony, 1620–1633, 63 Pimentel, Rodolfo Pérez, 1006 Pinchemel, Philippe, 585 Pine, L.G., 1081, 1259 Pioneers and leaders in library services to youth, 898 Pioneers of early childhood education, 641 Pioneers of Library and Information Science, 725, 899 Pioneers of Rhodesia, 1504, 1506 Pipes, Rose, 1271 Piringu, Mary C., 1480 Pitman, 667, 949 Placzek, Adolf K., 619 Planeta, 993 Plarr, Victor, 1254 Plarr’s lives of the fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1254 Platt, Lyman D., 192, 424, 445 Plaza Janés, 1031 The poets of Ireland, 1255, 1295 Poggendorff, Johann Christian, 610 Polish biographical archive, 1080, 1357, 1359, 1358, 1361The Polish biographical dictionary, 1357 Polish Genealogical Society of America, 330, 430 Polish roots = Korzenie polskie, 330 Polish surnames: Origins and meanings, 430 The Political Graveyard website, 900 Polner, Murray, 494 Polnisches biographisches archiv, 1080, 1357, 1358, 1361 Polovtsov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich, 1386 Polska Akademia Nauk, 431, 1359 Polskie archiwum biograficzne = Polnisches biographisches archiv, 1080, 1357, 1359, 1358, 1361 Polski słownik biograficzny, 1359, 1360 Polunin, Nicholas, 699 Ponce de Leon, N., 998 Pontet, Patrick, 210 Poole, Hilary W., 609 Popes and cardinals of the 20th century, 642 Popov, Čedomir, 1398, 1399, 1453 Popular nonfiction authors for children, 643 Popular singers of the twentieth century, 484 Porras, J. Conte, 1038 Portalis, Roger, 614 Porter, David L., 796, 951 Porter, Roy, 519 Portraits of pioneers in psychology, 644 Portuguese writers, 1364 Pottinger, Don, 434 Praeger, 768 Pravda, Alex, 1395 Préaud, Maxime, 1164 Prefácio-Edição de Livros e Revistas, 1484 Prentice Hall International, 710, 1217 The presidency A to Z, 901 Pressman, Steven, 578 Prévost, Michel, 1163 Pribić, Rado, 626 Price, John Valdimir, 1238 Price, Joseph L., 624 Printed sources: A guide to published genealogical records, 86, 95, 105 Probate jurisdictions: Where to look for wills, 265 Professional genealogy: A manual for researchers, writers, editors, lecturers, and librarians, 96 Profiles in Science (online), 645 Profiles of outstanding Virgin Islanders, 1061 Project Runeberg (online), 1135, 1155, 1156, 1350, 1435 Promilla, 1529, 1534, 1577, 1611, 1613, 1624 Prominent Hungarians, 1286 Prominent personalities in the USSR, 1383 Prominent Singaporeans, 1623 Promociones y Ediciones Panamericana, 1055 Pronunciation dictionary of artists’ names, 646 ProQuest, 1, 12, 167, 483, 755, 902, 903, 1228 ProQuest Historical Newspapers, 1, 483 ProQuest Obituaries, 902, 903 Próyex Editores, 994 Publicações Europa-América, 1363 Public figures in the C.I.S. and Baltic States, 1319 Public Record Office. See National Archives (UK) Punch, Terrence M., 25 Purcell, L. Edward, 919 Purivatra, Atif, 1111 Pusch, Luise F., 575 Pyle, Andrew, 1242 Pyne, Frederick Wallace, 151 361 INDEX Q Quarterly Journal of the Library of Congress, 1112 Quarterly review, 528 Quem é quem na história do Brasil, 984 Quem é quem na negritude brasileira, 985 Quem é quem: Portugueses célebres, 1365 Quester, Erich, 217 Queval, Elisabeth, 648, 1183 Quicksheet: Citing online historical resources, 8 Quiénes escriben en Venezuela, 1059 Quién es quién en América del Sur, 974 Quién es quién en Bolivia 2003, 978 Quién es quién en Colombia, 1978, 995 Quién es quién en el Paraguay?, 1042 Quién es quién en el Perú, 1045 Quién es quién en el Uruguay, 1055 Quién es quién en España, 1432 Quién es quién en la política argentina, 973 Quién es quién en la política mexicana, 1031, 1028 Quién es quién en Nicaragua, 1037 Quién es quién en Venezuela, 1060 Quienes somos: Quién es quién en Bolivia, 977 Qui était qui, XXe siècle: Dictionnaire biographique des français disparus ayant marqué le XXe siècle, 1180 Quillen, W. Daniel, 94 Quinn, James, 1269, 1293 Quintin International Collection, 19 R Rabén and Sjögren, 1439 Radford, Dwight A., 309 Radix Links (online), 1278 Radulov, Raicho, 1116 Ragsdale, Bruce A., 817 Ramsay, John G., 806 Ranaivoson, Dominique, 1478 Randel, Don Michael, 598 Randolph, Ruth Elizabeth, 866 The rank and file of 19th century major league baseball, 904 Ransley, John, 537 Rappaport, Helen, 571 Rasmussen, R. Kent, 1520 Ratcliffe, Susan, 712 Raudtits, Li͡udmila, 1149 Rawlins, Bert J., 304 Rayne, Josephine Elizabeth, 147 Rayner-Canham, Geoffrey and Marlene F., 675 Reading early American handwriting, 97 Real Academia de la Historia, 1425 Reamy, Martha and William, 88 Reaney, Percy H., 412, 414, 418 Record offices: How to find them, 232 Rector, Mônica, 1364 Red book: American state, county & town sources, 126, 132 Redding, J. Saunders, 888 Reed Reference, 1665 Reel portrayals: The lives of 640 historical persons on film, 1929 through 2001, 647 Rees, Philip, 465 Reference guide to American literature, 905 A reference guide to Latin American history, 958 Reference services review, 887 Reginald, Robert, 656 Reginald Bishop Forster and Associates, 762 Registers of the universities, colleges, and schools of Great Britain and Ireland, 1216 Rehnquist, William H., 910 Reid, Judith P., 239, 262, 308 Reimann, Olaf W., 1207 Reincke, Mary, 762 Rela, Walter, 1053 Relations in records:A guide to family history sources in Australian archives, 342 Religious leaders of America, 726, 743, 800, 906 Remembered childhoods: A guide to autobiography and memoirs of childhood and youth, 485 Renaissance and Reformation, 1500–1620, 1071 Rengo Press, 1594 Renouard, Dominique, 1182 Renouard, Philippe, 1177, 1181, 1182 Répertoire d’imprimeurs/libraires XVIe-XVIIIe siècle, 648, 1183 Répertoire des imprimeurs parisiens series, 1181 1182 Répertoire des sources historiques du moyen âge, 1465 Requejo, Juan Vicente, 1045 The researcher’s guide to American genealogy, 98, 259 Researches in France, 210 Research guide to American historical biography, 907 Research guide to European historical biography, 1076 Researching in Germany, 223 Researching Scots-Irish ancestors, 285 Reske, Christoph, 1199 Revolutionary war pensions awarded by state governments 1775–1874, the general and federal governments prior to 1814, and by private acts of Congress to 1905, 99 Revue des bibliothèques, 1181 Reynolds, Siân, 1271 Rhodes, Steven B., 181 Ribbe, Wolfgang, 225 Rich, Mari, 660 Richards, Ann W., 865 Richards, Melville, 306 Richardson, John, 243 Richel, Veronica C., 1202 Riches, Phyllis M., 702 Richey, Joseph, 767 362 INDEX Riddick, John F., 1583 Riddle, Larry, 527 Rider Index. See The American genealogicalbiographical index to American genealogical, biographical, and local history materials Riemer, Shirley J., 220, 223 Riera, Gladys García, 1059 Rietstap, Johannes Baptist, 354 Riggs, Thomas, 654, 905, 913, 961 Riley, James A., 812 Riley, Sam G., 772, 804 Rimmen, Hanne, 1136 Ringger, Kirsti, 710 The rise of the medieval world, 500–1300, 1077, 1079 Ritter, Charles F., 875 Rittner, Don, 498 Rizzoli, 1306 RJ Press, 458 Robb, H. Amanda, 416 Roberts, Gary Boyd, 47, 61 Roberts, James B., 534 Roberts, Nancy L., 515, 778 Robin, Diana Maury, 1170, 1247, 1303 Robinson, Frank, 1226 Robinson, John Martin, 370 Roblaw, 1507 Robson Books, 377 Roccella, Eugenia, 1304 Rockman, Connie C., 659 Röder, Werner, 1192 Rogers, Colin Darlington, 261 Rogers, David, 625 Rogers, Ellen Stanley, 140 Rohrbach, Lewis Bunker, 438 Roll of honor: Names of soldiers who died in defense of the American Union, interred in the national cemeteries, 100 The roll of the Royal College of Physicians of London, 1256 Rollyson, Carl E., 476, 544 Romano, Mary Ann, 617 Romecin, Edmundo Montenegro, 976 Romulus Press, 1226 Room, Adrian, 383, 18, 140 Rosales, Francisco A., 842 Rose, Christine, 73 Rose, James M., 441 Rose, Rose K., 677 Rosenthal, Eric, 1526 Roses, Lorraine Elena, 866 Rosinante, 1136 Rossides, Eugene, 924 The roster of Confederate soldiers, 1861–1865, 149 The roster of Union soldiers, 1861–1865, 150 Roszkowski, Wojciech, 1084, 1100, 1110, 1114, 1117, 1124, 1144, 1279, 1314, 1325, 1333, 1335, 1336, 1354, 1366, 1396, 1404, 1412, 1445, 1446, 1456, 1459 Rottenberg, Dan, 453 Roulston, William J., 285 Round Tower Books, 439 Routledge, 412, 418, 467, 518, 520, 521, 523, 577, 578, 579, 580, 649, 664, 666, 697, 700, 754, 834, 870, 908, 1074, 1078, 1655 The Routledge dictionary of anthropologists, 649 The Routledge dictionary of twentieth-century political thinkers, 467 The Routledge encyclopedia of Civil War era biographies, 908 Rouzet, Anne, 1105 Rowlands, John and Sheila, 305, 307, 419 Rowman & Littlefield Publ, 78 Rowman and Allanheld, 840, 1237 Royal College of Physicians of London, 1256 Royal College of Surgeons, 1254 Royal Commonwealth Society, 1264 Royal Irish Academy, 1269, 1293 Royal Society (Great Britain), 1225 Royal Society of Chemistry, 625 Roysdon, Christine, 766 Rubin, Jay, 1601 Ruíz, Vicki, 873 Rupp, Heinz, 1196 Russell and Russell, 1211 Russian surnames, 432 Russica Publishers, 1380 Russisches biographisches archiv, 1384 Russkie biograficheskie i biobibliograficheskie slovari, 1372 Russkie sovetskie pisateli-prozaiki, 1385 Russkii Biograficheskii Slovar (online), 1386, 1387 Russkīĭ bīograficheskīĭ slovar’, 1386 Russkoe Istoricheskoe Obshchestvo, 1386 Russo, Nancy Felipe, 882 Rutgers University Press, 1246 Rutherford, Donald, 1220 Ryan, James G., 315, 316, 320 The Ryerson Index to Contemporary Death Notices and Obituaries in Australian Newspapers (online), 344, 1667 Ryskamp, George R., 335, 446, 447, 448 S, 505 Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, 610 Sack, Sallyann Amdur, 449 Sadie, Julie Anne, 628 363 INDEX Sadler, Geoffrey, 914 Saffroy, Gaston, 211, 357 Sage Books, 792 Sāḥilī, Ḥammādī, 1500 Saldaña, José María Fernández, 1051 Salem Press, 473, 476, 544, 545, 593, 594 Salisbury, Joyce E., 1072 Samaroo, Brinsley, 1048 Śamasujjāmāna, Ābula Phajala, 1538 Sammons, Vivian O., 818 Samuel, Rhian, 628 Sanborn, George Freeman and Melinda Lutz, 60 Sánchez, María Elena, 1009 Sandal, Ennio, 1301 Sándor, Bortnyik, 1282 Sanga, Jaina C., 1537, 1582, 1616, 1627 Sankey, Michael, 106 Sansoni Antiquariato, 1305 Santos, Alberto Ramírez, 991 Sarausa, Fermín Peraza, 997, 998 Sarjeant, William Antony S., 587 Sarkissian, Adele, 706 Sarramía, Tomás, 1047 Sasu, Aurel, 1368 Saur, K. G., 408, 490, 612, 719, 763, 954, 1067, 1070, 1080, 1088, 1102, 1126, 1137, 1142, 1152, 1187, 1192, 1195, 1198, 1208, 1230, 1275, 1284, 1289, 1313, 1324, 1348, 1358, 1362, 1376, 1384, 1391, 1392, 1406, 1418, 1436, 1461, 1511, 1536, 1560, 1573, 1581, 1588, 1595, 1604, 1605, 1615, 1625, 1635, 1646, 1658, 1668 Savage, James, 56 Saville, John, 1239 Savitt, Todd Lee, 836 Sawyer, Malcolm C., 509 Scandinavian-American genealogical resources, 207, 209, 329, 336 Scandinavian biographical archive (SBA), 1137, 1152, 1288, 1289, 1348, 1436 Scaraffia, Lucetta, 1304 Scarecrow Press, 33, 49, 66, 394, 473, 500, 600, 671, 673, 674, 694, 783, 856, 957, 1000, 1383, 1417, 1522, 1565, 1598, 1651 Scattered seeds: A guide to Jewish genealogy, 458 Schaefer, Christina K., 21, 85, 195 Schellinger, Paul E., 653 Schenk, Trudy, 226 Schenken, Suzanne O’Dea, 865 Schiller, Francis, 582 Schirmer Books, 502 Schlager, Neil, 605 Schleifer, Martha Furman, 957 Schlueter, Paul and June, 1246 Schmal, John P., 201 Schmidt, E., 1191, 1197 Schmidt-Roemhild, 1209 Schmuck, Hilmar, 612, 1070, 1275, 1588 Scholarly Resources, 35, 65, 142, 144, 1574 Scholberg, Henry, 1529, 1534, 1577, 1611, 1613, 1624, 1657 Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, 654 Schotel, Gilles Dionysius Jacobus, 1340 Schrag, Calvin O., 679 Schreiber, Klaus, 474, 1189 Schulman, Jana K., 1077 Schultz, Jeffrey D., 852, 854 Schulz-Torge, Ulrich- Joachim, 1392 Schwennicke, Detlev, 204 Science fiction writers, 658 Scientists since 1660, 486 Scotland On Line, 292 Scotland’s historic heraldry, 372 ScotlandsPeople, 289, 292 Scots heraldry, 373 Scottish ancestry, 293 Scottish Book Trade Index (online), 1235, 1257, 1265, 1268 Scottish clan and family names, 434 Scottish clans and tartans, 294 Scottish family history, 295, 297 Scottish family tree detective, 296 Scottish local history, 295, 297 Scottish surnames, 435, 436 Scott-Kilvert, Ian, 1234 Scribner, 550, 658, 774, 789, 833, 1234, 1601 Scribner encyclopedia of American lives, 833 Scrivener, Laurie, 694, 716, 811 Searching for your ancestors, 101 Second stages in researching Welsh ancestry, 305, 307 Segovia, Suzanne E. Hoeferkamp, 663 A select bibliography of medical biography, 470, 487 A select bibliography of South African autobiographies, 1492 Selectco Publications, 1019 Seligman, Edwin Robert Anderson, 561 Sell, Alan P. F., 1241 Seller, Maxine, 922 Selo Negro Edições, 983 Sen, Siba Pada, 1579 Sentz, Lilli, 777 Serafin, Steven, 1457, 1462 Serbs in the world—who is who 1996/99, 1401, 1452 Serre, Jacques, 1176, 1477 Serri, Conchita Franco, 893, 894 Seuil, 1166 Sevillano, Alfonso Cueva, 1043 Seychelles: Personalities of yesterday, 1490 364 INDEX Seymour, Arthur J., 1013 Seymour, Elma, 1013 Seymour, Nancy N., 1565 Seymour-Smith, Martin, 660 Shaking your family tree, 102 Shapers of the great debate on the Civil War, 909 Sharpe, M. E., 1084, 1100, 1110, 1114, 1117, 1124, 1144, 1279, 1314, 1325, 1333, 1335, 1336, 1354, 1366, 1396, 1404, 1412, 1445, 1446, 1456, 1459, 1548, 1551 Sharpe Reference, 852, 854 Shattock, Joanne, 1253 Shavit, David, 962, 1032, 1064, 1527, 1654 Shearer, Barbara Smith, 631, 632 Shearer, Benjamin F., 631, 632, 868 Sheehy, Noel, 518 Sheldon, Kathleen E., 1522 Shepherd, Simon, 1222 Shera, Jesse Hauk, 835 Sherby, Louise S., 668 Sheridan, Barbara, 591 Sherman, Joseph, 683, 1082 Sherrow, Victoria, 793 Shimoni, Yaacov, 1647 Shoah-Related Lists Database, 459 Shook, John R., 734, 843 Shore, Rima, 640 Showalter, Elaine, 884 Shrimpton, Leanda, 551 Sicill-i Osmanî, 1634 Sickels, Robert, 896 Siedentopf, Monika, 1203 Sierra, Carlos J., 1023 Sieveking, Paul, 1230 Signers of the Declaration, 151 Sills, David L., 606, 607 Simmons, John Galbraith, 557 Simon & Schuster, 465 Simpson, Donald Herbert, 1264 Simpson, Jack, 119 Sinclair, Cecil, 300 Singerman, Robert, 391, 410 Singh, Nagendra Kr, 1535, 1580, 1614 Sinological Institute, 1546 Sirén, Osvald, 1566 Sitterding, Agnes Bernadine, 136 Skutt, Alexander G., 534 Slater, Stephen, 363 Slavica, 1113 Slavic and Eastern European Studies (online), 1373 The sleuth book for genealogists, 103 Slocum, Robert B., 471 Slonimsky, Nicolas, 502 Slovak biographical dictionary, 1408 Slovene studies, 1414, 1450 Slovenská Národná Kniznica, 1403 Slovenski biografski leksikon, 1414, 1450 Slovenski kdo je kdo, 1415 Slovenský biografický slovník, 1403, 1408, 1409 Slovník slovenských spisovatelov, 1410 Słownik biograficzny historii Polski, 1360 Slownik Nazwisk database, 431 Słownik nazwisk współcześnie w Polsce używanych, 431 SmallTownPapers® Collection, 19 Smith, Anna Piszczan-Czaja, 74, 215 Smith, Ben A., 768 Smith, Bonnie G., 638 Smith, Clifford Neal, 74, 215 Smith, Drew, 104, 117 Smith, Elsdon Coles, 379, 393, 417 Smith, Franklin Carter, 444 Smith, Jessie Carney, 891 Smith, Roger, 473 Smithsonian, 942 Smolenyak, Megan, 39, 110, 127 Snodgrass, Mary Ellen, 1079 Snow, Robert L., 78 SOBA. See Südosteuropäisches biographisches archiv Social networking for genealogists, 104 Social science quotations, 606 Social Security Death Index (SSDI), 166, 177 Société d’Éditions Géographiques, 1542, 1607, 1639 Société de l’histoire de l’île Maurice, 1482 Société Internationale pour l’Étude des Femmes de l’Ancien Régime, 1165 Society of Antiquaries of London, 365 Society of Australian Genealogists, 341, 1662 Society of Genealogists (Great Britain), 247, 257, 259 Sokol, Stanley S., 1357 Something about the Author (Gale), 650 Sonderling, Nelly E., 1496 Song, Yuwu, 1554 Sonneborn, Liz, 794 Sonnichsen, C. L., 914 Soundtracks: An international dictionary of composers for film, 651 Sound View Press, 918 The source: A guidebook of American genealogy, 86, 95, 105 The Sourcebook to public record information, 72, 106 Sources for Irish family history, 320 Šourková, Anna, 1407 South Asia biographical dictionary index, 1657 South Asian novelists in English, 1537, 1582, 1616, 1627 South East Asia: A guide to reference material, 1642 South-east Asian biographical index, 1543, 1620, 1622, 1640, 1658 365 INDEX Southeast European biographical archive, 1080, 1092, 1118, 1120, 1369, 1400, 1415, 1447, 1448, 1460, 1461, 1463 Southern, Eileen, 797, 1514 Southern African dictionary of national biography, 1526 Southern Illinois University Press, 1218 Southern writers: A biographical dictionary, 912 Soviet biographical service, 1388 The Soviet biographic archive, 1954–1985, 1151, 1319, 1329, 1389 So who the heck was Oscar Mayer?, 738 Spanish, Catalan, and Galician literary authors of the twentieth century, 1417 Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American biographical archive, 841, 954, 956, 958, 963, 969, 972, 974, 984, 985, 987, 988, 992, 998, 1005, 1018, 1023, 1024, 1036, 1041, 1042, 1047, 1051, 1055, 1362, 1418, 1420, 1423, 1424, 1432 Spanish-American women writers, 959, 960 Spanish artists from the fourth to the twentieth century, 1428 Spanish dramatists of the Golden Age, 1429 Spanish surnames in the southwestern United States, 425 Spectator, 1224 Speculum Orbis Press, 621 Sperry, Kip, 64, 97, 143, 152 Sporting News, 926, 937 The Sporting News pro football register, 937 Spot Publications, 1480 Spradling, Mary Mace, 950 Spreti, Vittorio, 324, 1302 Springer, 525, 777 Spurway, John T., 341, 1662 Spy fiction: A connoisseur’s guide, 652 Squire, Romilly, 288, 362, 433 Srbi: Biografije znamenitih: A–S, 1397, 1451 Srbi u svetu—ko je ko 1996/99: Biografski leksikon = Serbs in the world—who is who 1996/99, 1401, 1452 Srpski biografski rečnik, 1398, 1399, 1453 SSDI. See Social Security Death Index Stammerjohann, Harro, 616 Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europäischen Staaten, 204 Standard and Poor’s register of corporations, directors, and executives, 938 A standard dictionary of Canadian biography, 723 Stanford University, 711, 1373, 1547 Stanonik, Tončka, 1413 State census records, 107 Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc, 163 Stauffer, Donald A., 1211 St. Catherine Press, 252 Stecher-Hansen, Marianne, 1134, 1138 Steel, A. E. F. and D. J., 257 Steel and silk: Men and women who shaped Syria, 1900– 2000, 1628 Stefanowska, A. D., 1551 Stein, Alice P., 777 Stepan, Kamil, 1356 Stephens, J. N., 1238 Sterling, Keir B., 715, 798 Stevanovic, Bosiljka, 1380 Stevens, Michael G., 647 Stevens, Patrick J., 1287 Stewart, Alan, 289 Stewart, William, 506, 1229 Stipčević, Aleksandar, 1118, 1447 St. James guide to biography, 653 St. James guide to black artists, 654 St. James guide to children’s writers, 655, 657 St. James guide to Hispanic artists, 913, 961 St. James guide to science fiction writers, 656 St. James guide to young adult writers, 655, 657 St. James Press, 543, 583, 605, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 661, 685, 686, 688, 690, 691, 692, 905, 913, 914, 961 St. Louis County Library, 188 St. Martin’s Press, 252, 591, 690, 699 Stock, Karl F. and Marylène, 1088, 1097 Stoica, Stan, 1367 Storey, C. A., 1586 Strahan, Jean D., 51, 443, 461 Strassburger, Ralph Beaver, 62 Strauss, Herbert Arthur, 1192 Stroynowski, Juliusz, 1080 Struglinski, Suzanne, 761 Studer, Heinrich, 1094 Stuhr, Rebecca, 746 Sturm, Heribert, 1125, 1405 Subject guide to women of the world, 708 Südosteuropäisches biographisches archiv (SOBA), 1080, 1092, 1118, 1120, 1369, 1400, 1415, 1447, 1448, 1460, 1461, 1463 Sumerkin, Alexander, 1380 Sung biographies, 1567 Suomen kansallisbiografia, 1153 Suomen Kirjailijat–Tietokanta (online), 1154 Supernatural fiction writers, 658 Supplement to The complete book of emigrants in bondage, 1614–1775, 38, 58 Supplice, Daniel, 1014 Supreme Court Historical Society, 910, 911 The Supreme Court justices: Illustrated biographies series, 910, 911 Surcos de lucha: Libro biográfico, histórico y gráfico de la mujer costarricense, 996 The surnames of Ireland, 427 The surnames of Scotland, 437 366 INDEX The surnames of Wales, 419 A survey of American genealogical periodicals and periodical indexes, 152 Sutton, A., 251 Sutton Publishing, 244 Svenska kvinnor, 1437 Svensk biografisk uppslagslitteratur, 1434 Svenskt biografiskt lexikon, 1438 Svenskt författarlexikon, 1439 Swan, James, 91, 92 Swarns, Rachel L., 118, 440 Sweeney, Patricia E., 1213 Swem, E. G., 153 Swiss surnames, 438 Sydney morning herald, 344, 1667 Syracuse University Press, 1585 Szinnyei, József, 1283 Szucs, Loretto Dennis, 105, 108, 182 T Tabler, Edward C., 1504, 1506 Taft, William H., 855 Tahitiens: Répertoire biographique de la Polynésie française, 1672 Taitt, Glenroy, 1048 Takei, George, 936 Talbot, C. H., 1249 Talhami, Ghada Hashem, 1651 Tanguay, Cyprien, 24 Tanić, Branka, 1111 Tanner, John, 375 Tap, Bruce, 909 Tapio, Rick, 208 Tardiff, Joseph C., 841, 956, 1420 Tarpey, E. Michael, 845 Tarver, Anne, 260 Taschenbuch für Familiengeschichtsforschung, 225 Tasteven, Irina, 1318 Tatham, David, 1010 Tauris, I.B., 920, 1083, 1261, 1395 Tax, Sol, 576 Taylor, Maureen Alice, 186 Taylor, Nigel, 270 Taylor, Stephen, 1099, 1463 TBA. See Türkisches biographisches archiv Tegucigalpa, Ramiro Colindres O., 1018 Teissier, Raoul, 1672 Telford, Ted A., 340 Temas & Debates, 1365 Tenth book of junior authors and illustrators, 659 Tepper, Michael, 67, 139 Texts and calendars: An analytical guide to serial publications, 231 Tezla, Albert, 1280 TGN. See Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names Thatcher, Melvin P., 340 Theis, Paul A., 946 They became Americans: Finding naturalization records and ethnic origins, 108 They came in ships: A guide to finding your immigrant ancestor’s arrival record, 109 Thiébaud, Jean-Marie, 1145, 1316, 1327, 1454, 1638, 1641 Thieme, Ulrich, 492 Thode, Ernest, 213, 218, 219 Thoemmes, 513, 843, 853, 1220, 1238, 1241, 1242, 1243, 1648 Thomley, Jill E., 594 Thompson, Clifford, 660 Thompson, Kathleen, 861 Thompson, Rita M., 647 Thomson, David, 623 Thomson, Douglass H., 588 Thomson, Gale, 553, 650, 683, 925, 1082, 1134, 1184, 1245, 1287, 1430, 1562 Thorndale, William, 42 Thornton, John Leonard, 487 Thrapp, Dan L., 851 Three Continents Press, 387 Thresher, Tanya, 1349 Thyselius, Erik, 1440 Tilden, Anita S., 731 Times, 1224 Times Publications (India), 1539 Tipton, Jim, 15 The title maps of England and Wales, 229, 236 Tko je tko u Hrvatskoj = Who is who in Croatia, 1120 Todd, Janet M., 840, 1233, 1237 Todev, Iliia, 1115 Toledo, Felipe González, 995 Tomeš, Josef, 1127 A Topographical Dictionary of England (online), 282 A topographical dictionary of Ireland, 321 A topographical dictionary of Scotland, 299 Topping, Seymour, 916 Torrence, Clayton, 154 Torrey, Clarence Almon, 61 Torrey’s New England marriages prior to 1700, 61 Total baseball, 795 Total Sports, 795 Tous les noms de famille de France et leur localisation en 1900, 402 Tovar, Aurora, 1030 Towle, Laird C., 140 Township atlas of the United States, 43 Trace your roots with DNA, 110 Tracing ancestors among the Five Civilized Tribes, 462 Tracing family history in New Zealand, 348, 349 367 INDEX Tracing family history overseas from New Zealand, 349 Tracing your ancestors in Northern Ireland, 286 Tracing your ancestors in the Public Record Office, 268 Tracing your family history in Australia: A bibliography, 345, 346 Tracing your family history in Australia: A national guide to sources, 346 Tracing your Hispanic heritage, 335, 447, 448 Tracing your Irish ancestors, 322 Tracing your Irish roots, 323 Tracing your Scottish ancestors: A guide to ancestry research in the National Archives of Scotland, 300 Tracing your Scottish ancestry, 301 Traditional African names, 394 Trail, Richard Robertson, 1256 Transcript Press, 822 Trapl, Milos, 1130 Treasure, Geoffrey, 1258 Treese, Joel D., 817 300 colombianos de todas las épocas, 994 Trestík, Michael, 1131 Tribhuj Prakashani, 1538 Trimble, Virginia, 525 Trinquet, Daniel, 1489 Trouillot, Ernst, 1015 Tsentralʹnyi Komitet KPSS, VKP(b), RKP(b), RSDRP(b): 1917–1991, 1390 Tubiana, Joseph, 1470, 1485 Tulard, Jean, 1167 Tunisie: Notes biographiques, 1501 Türkisches biographisches archiv (TBA) = Turkish biographical archive, 1635, 1636 Turkish Cultural Foundation, 1637 Turner, Ann, 110 Turner, Roland, 591 Twentieth century American nicknames, 395 Twentieth-century Arab writers, 1653 Twentieth century authors, 532, 660 Twentieth-century China, an annotated bibliography of reference works in Chinese, Japanese, and Western languages, 1548 Twentieth-century Chinese authors and their pen names, 1568 Twentieth-century Danish writers, 1138 Twentieth-century French dramatists, 1184 Twentieth-century Norwegian writers, 1349 Twentieth-century romance and Gothic writers, 661 Twentieth-century romance and historical writers, 661 Twentieth-century Spanish fiction writers, 1430 Twentieth century western writers, 914 Twenty-first-century Central and Eastern European writers, 1457, 1462 Tyler’s quarterly historical and genealogical magazine, 153 Tyrkus, Michael J., 583 U Udaondo, Enrique, 968 Uglow, Jennifer S., 639 Uhlendorf, Bernhard A., 717, 807 Ujifusa, Grant, 759 UK BMD, 277, 283 ULAN. See Union List of Artist Names Ulster Historical Foundation, 285 Ulster History Circle, 1294 Unbegaun, Boris Ottokar, 432 Ungar, 788 Ungarisches biographisches archiv, 1284 Unger, Leonard, 789 A union catalogue of Philippine biographical reference works, 1619 Union List of Artist Names (ULAN) online, 662 Union of International Associations, 701 United States Congressional Serial Set, 167 The United States in Africa, 1527 The United States in Latin America, 962, 1032, 1064 The United States in the Middle East, 1654 Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, 1025 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1021 Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1337, 1374 University of Birmingham, 1265 University of California Press, 730, 1214, 1520, 1566 University of Cape Town, 1492 University of Chicago, 28, 576 University of Hoepli, 1307, 1310 University of Illinois, 1122, 1352, 1371, 1402, 1455, 1458 University of London, 227, 258, 1216 University of Minnesota, 89, 101, 789 University of Natal Press, 1499 University of Nebraska Press, 714 University of New Mexico Press, 832 University of North Carolina Press, 844 University of Oklahoma Press, 752, 1215, 1231 University of Pennsylvania Press, 810, 1068 University of South Carolina, 725, 899 University of Texas Press, 1029 University of the West Indies, 1048 University of Toronto Press, 728, 1071 University of Virginia Libraries, 479 University of Wales Press, 306 University of Wisconsin-Madison, 422, 747, 1619 University Press of Hawaii, 475 University Press of Mississippi, 3, 71 University Press of the Pacific, 389 1000 célébrités de la Réunion et les 150 personnalités des îles de l’océan Indien, 1489 The unofficial family archivist: A guide to creating and maintaining family papers, photographs, and 368 INDEX memorabilia, 133 The unpublished roll of honor, 100, 111 Unpuzzling your past, 80, 103, 112 Urban & Schwarzenberg, 530 Urdang, Laurence, 395 Urofsky, Melvin I., 813, 895 U.S. Department of State, 1036 U.S. Department of the Interior, 731 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, 172 USGenWeb Project, 178 U.S. Government Printing Office, 809, 817, 1564 U.S. Historical Records Survey, 50 Ushpol, Rowse, 1492 Using civilian records for genealogical research in the National Archives Washington, DC, area, 189 U.S. military records, 113 Utter, Glenn H., 781 The Virginia magazine of history and biography, 153 Virginia State Library, 136 Virginia wills and administrations, 1632–1800, 154, 791 VitalChek Express-Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Marriage Records, Divorce Records,and Vital Records, 179, 180 Voller, Jack G., 588 Vollmer, Hans, 491, 492 von Delhaes, Karl, 1355 von Minden, Stephan, 1560 von Schroeder, Felix, 1460 Von Volborth, Carl Alexander, 368 von Wurzbach, Constant, 1092 Vošahlíková, Pavla, 1123 Vronskaya, Jeanne, 1375 V W Valentine, Alan Chester, 1231 van Brederode, J.J., 1340 van der Aa, Abraham Jacob and C. M. A. Simon, 1340 van der Chijs, P. O., 1340 van der Meer, Willemina, 1102, 1331, 1338 Vane, Howard R., 665 van Eck, F.P., 1320 van Harderwijk, Karel Johan Reinier, 1340 van Wonderen, Betty, 1337 Vásquez, Pedro R., 1003 Vasudevan, Aruna, 661 Vem är det?, 1440 Vem och vad: Biografisk handbok, 1156 Verhaar, H. L., 1374 Verlag Librairie Heitz, 1160 Verlagsgemeinschaft Österreich-Lexikon, 1098 Verlag Traugott Bautz, 529 Vernoff, Edward, 640 Verón, Luis, 1040 Vervaeck, Solange, 1101 Verwey, E. J., 1496 Victoria history of the counties of England, 258 Viking, 39 Vilchez, Roberto, 970 Vilsaint, Féquière, 1016 Vincent, David, 1212 Vincent, Timothy Laitila, 208 Vining, James W., 768 Viographikē enkyklopaideia tou neōterou Hellēnismou, 1830–2010, 1276 Viographikon lexikon Kypriōn, 1800–1920, 1121 Virginia Genealogical Society, 136 Virginia historical index, 153 Virginia historical register and literary advertiser, 153 Wahlberg, Anna- Greta, 1437 Wakelyn, Jon L., 875 Wakeman, John, 660, 682 Waldman, Carl, 563, 732 Walford Bros, 240 Wallace, W. Stewart, 723 Wallflower, 720, 828, 1236, 1292 Wall to Wall Media, 39 Walsh, Kay, 1660 Walsh, Michael, 637 Wank, Solomon, 515 Wanted! U.S. criminal records, 114 Warne, F., 361 Warren, Jim, 191 Warren, Paula Stuart, 191 Washington, Reginald, 183 Washington post, 902, 903 Watkins, Linda Tinker, 137 Watson, Burton, 1593 Watson, Robert Irving, 596 Watts, V. E., 245 Watts-Williams, J., 303 Way, George, 288, 362 WBIS. See World Biographical Information System Online Weber, Hermann, 1194 Weber, Peter J., 106 Webster, Raymond B., 757 Webster’s new biographical dictionary, 622 Wecken, Friedrich, 225 Wedel, Gudrun, 1086, 1140, 1186, 1311, 1321, 1330, 1441 Weidmann, Conrad, 1516 Weigel, Molly, 789 Weiner, Miriam, 452 Weisbard, Phyllis Holman, 870 369 INDEX Weissensteiner, Friedrich, 1096 Welch, Rosanne, 569 Welcome to the Ancestors Web Site, 68 Welding, Olaf, 1146, 1315, 1326 Wellcome Historical Medical Library, 1249 Welsh administrative and territorial units, medieval and modern, 306 Welsh Biography online, 1274 Welsh family history: A guide to research, 305, 307 Wen Wei Publ. Co., 1559 Wer ist wer?, 1209 Wer ist wer? Wer tut was?: Handbuch für das Fürstentum Liechtenstein, 1320 Wernich, A., 530 Wertheimer, Michael, 644 Wertsman, Vladimir, 1380 Wer war wer in der DDR?, 1194, 1207 Western mail, 1224 The Westminster dictionary of theologians, 663 Westview Press, 1033 Wexler, Alan, 563 Wheeler, Brannon M., 600 White, Charlotte, 644 White, James Terry, 887 White, Katherine P., 863 White, Virgil D., 34 Whiteley, Sandra, 727, 915 Whitmore, John Beach, 240, 241, 242 Who, sixty years of American eminence: The story of Who’s who in America, 942 Who do you think you are?: The essential guide to tracing your family history, 39 Who do you think you are: Trace your family history back to the Tudors, 269 Who is who among Bosniacs, 1111 Who is who in Croatia, 1120 Who is who in Haitian diaspora, 1016 Who is who in Kenya, 1476 Who is who in Lithuania, 1328 Who is who in the Baltic States, 1319, 1329, 1151 Who is who of Malawi, 1480 Whoplus = Nichigai Asoshietsu Jinbutsu bunken joho (online), 1592 Who’s who, 135, 704 Who’s who, 1981–82: Nationalist leaders in Zimbabwe, 1507 Who’s who, Jamaica, British West Indies, 1019 Who’s who among African Americans, 939 Who’s who among Asian Americans, 940 Who’s who among Hispanic Americans, 941 Who’s Who and Who Was Who (online), 1263 Who’s who au Cameroun: Recueil biographique des personnalités du Cameroun, 1469 Who’s who current Chinese leaders = Zhongguo dang zheng jun gao ji ling dao ren ci dian, 1571 Who’s who in America (WWA), 135, 704, 740, 887, 917, 933, 934, 942 Who’s who in American art, 918, 934, 943 Who’s who in American education, 934, 944 Who’s who in American history, 917 Who’s who in American Jewry, 824 Who’s who in American law, 934, 945 Who’s who in American politics, 946 Who’s who in Asia, 934, 1659 Who’s who in Australia, 1666 Who’s who in Austria, 1099 Who’s who in Bahrain, 1533 Who’s who in Bangladesh, 1539 Who’s who in Bangladesh, 2000, 1540 Who’s who in Bangladesh art, culture, literature, 1901– 1991, 1538 Who’s who in British history, 1258 Who’s who in central and east-Europe, 1463 Who’s Who in China (online), 1569, 1572 Who’s who in China, 1918–1950, 1569 Who’s who in colored America, 939 Who’s who in contemporary gay and lesbian history, 664, 666 Who’s who in contemporary women’s writing, 697 Who’s who in economics, 556, 665 Who’s who in Egypt, 1474 Who’s who in Europe, 1450–1750, 1078 Who’s who in Fiji, 1671 Who’s who in finance and business, 934, 947 Who’s who in Finland, 1155, 1156 Who’s who in France, 1180, 1185 Who’s who in gay and lesbian history, 664, 666 Who’s who in Greece, 1277 Who’s who in Ireland, 1296 Who’s who in Israel and Jewish personalities from all over the world, 1589 Who’s Who in Italy (online), 1309 Who’s who in Japan, 1603 Who’s who in Jewish history, 547 Who’s who in Latin America, 963 Who’s who in Lebanon, 1608 Who’s who in library and information services, 717, 727, 807, 915 Who’s who in library service, 915 Who’s who in Malaysia & Singapore, 1622 Who’s who in medicine and healthcare, 934, 948 Who’s who in Mexico today, 1033 Who’s who in military history, 597 Who’s who in Morocco, 1483 Who’s who in Nigeria, 1488 Who’s who in Northern Ireland, 1270 Who’s who in Oceania, 1980–1981, 1670 Who’s who in Philippine history, 1620 Who’s who în România, 1370 Who’s Who in Russia (online), 1394 370 INDEX Who’s who in Russia and the new states, 1395 Who’s who in Scandinavia, 1155 Who’s who in Scotland, 1273 Who’s who in Sierra Leone, 1491 Who’s who in Singapore, 1622 Who’s who in Spain, 1433 Who’s who in Switzerland including the principality of Liechtenstein, 1320, 1444 Who’s who in the Ancient Near East, 1655 Who’s who in the Arab world, 1474, 1656 Who’s who in the Middle Ages, 1074, 1079 Who’s who in the Netherlands, 1344 Who’s who in the People’s Republic of China, 1573 Who’s who in the Republic of China, Taiwan, 1630 Who’s who in the Saudi Arabia, 1621 Who’s who in the socialist countries of Europe, 1080, 1391 Who’s who in the Soviet Union, 1080, 1391 Who’s who in the world, 698, 699, 700, 934 Who’s who in Turkey, 1636 Who’s Who in Turkish Culture and Art (online), 1637 Who’s who in Uganda, 1502 Who’s who in Vietnam, 1640 Who’s who in world Jewry, 667, 949 Who’s who in Zimbabwe, 1507 Who’s who of Canadian women, 728 The who’s who of Nobel Prize winners, 1901–2000, 627, 668 Who’s who of Pulitzer Prize winners, 916 Who’s Who of Southern Africa (online), 1497 Who’s Who of Victorian Cinema (online), 669 Who was who among English and European authors, 1931–1949, 1081, 1259 Who was who in America (WWWA), 135, 704, 740, 917, 933, 934, 942 Who was who in America, with world notables, 1607– 2007, 917 Who was who in American art, 1564–1975, 918, 943 Who was who in British India, 1583 Who was who in British librarianship, 1800–1985, 1260 Who was who in Native American history, 732 Who was who in the American Revolution, 919 Who was who in the Soviet Union, 1392 Who was who in twentieth-century Romania, 1369 Whyte, Donald, 436 Wie is dat?, 1344 Wie is wie in Nederland, 1344 Wie is wie in Vlaanderen, 1109 Wigoder, Geoffrey, 547 Wiles, Sue, 1551 Wilhelmi, Jeaneen C., 762 Wilhite, Jeffrey M., 694 Wilkinson, Endymion Porter, 1545 Wilkinson, Robert, 521 Willard, Jim and Terry, 68 The William and Mary College quarterly magazine, 153 The William Byrd Press, 154 William M. Scholl Center for Family and Community History, 40 Williams, B. R., 1674 Williams, C. J., 303 Williams, Lynn Barstis, 783 Williams, Marty, 1464 Williams, Thomas R., 525 Williamson, David, 2 Willis, Fred C., 492 Willis-Thomas, Deborah, 602 Willow Bend Books, 290 Wills and other probate records, 270 Wilson, Clyde Norman, 769 Wilmes, Douglas R., 790 Wilson, Dreck Spurlock, 754 Wilson, James Grant, 791 Wilson, Jane, 68 Wilson, John M., 290 Wilson, R. M., 412, 414 Wimalaratne, K. D. G., 1626 Windsor, Laura Lynn, 676 Winfrey, Oprah, 123 Winock, Michel, 1166 Winters, Christopher, 603 Wispelwey, Berend, 1595, 1658 Witcher, Curt Bryan, 439 Withycombe, Elizabeth Gidley, 392 Wittner, Lawrence S., 515 Witzel, Morgen, 513, 853 Wizards and their wonders: Portraits in computing, 670 Woburn Press, 516 Wöffen, Angela, 1093, 1205, 1443 Wolfert, Marion, 141 Women, a modern political dictionary, 920, 1261 Women and medicine, 671 Women anthropologists, 672 Women artists of color, 739, 921, 964 Women authors of modern Hispanic South America, 960 Women composers, 538 Women composers and hymnists, 673, 674 Women composers and songwriters, 674 Women educators in the United States, 1820–1993, 922 Women in chemistry, 675 Women in context: Two hundred years of British women autobiographers, 1217 Women in medicine, 676, 716, 811 Women in particular: An index to American women, 713 Women in the biological sciences, 677 Women in world history, 553, 678 Women of Congress, 745 Women of Ireland, 1269 Women philosophers, 679 Women prime ministers and presidents, 680 371 INDEX Women’s diaries, journals, and letters, 752 Women writers of Spanish America, 960, 965 Woodcock, Thomas, 365, 370 Woodford, Chris, 609 Woods, Richard Donovon, 388, 425, 1020 Woolley, John T., 901 Working Woman, 849 Works Progress Administration (WPA), 50 World authors series, 532, 660 World Biographical Index. See World Biographical Information System Online World Biographical Information System Online (WBIS), 489, 612, 681, 707, 719, 763, 954, 1070, 1102, 1137, 1142, 1152, 1159, 1195, 1230, 1275, 1284, 1289, 1298, 1313, 1324, 1331, 1338, 1348, 1358, 1362, 1376, 1384, 1418, 1436, 1511, 1536, 1560, 1581, 1588, 1595, 1604, 1605, 1615, 1625, 1635. 1656, 1658, 1668 WorldCat, 479, 701, 742, 750, 844 World film directors, 682 World Gazetteer Collection, 19 World military leaders, 597, 19 World who is who and does what in environment and conservation, 699 World Who’s Who, 700 Worters, Garrance, 763 Wotherspoon, Garry, 664, 666 WPA. See Works Progress Administration Wright, John D., 908 Wright, Raymond S., 83, 214, 222 Writers for young adults, 706 Writers in Yiddish, 683, 1082 Wu, Eugene, 1547 The Wuerttemberg emigration index, 226 WWA. See Who’s who in America WWWA. See Who was who in America WWW Virtual Library, 1509, 1546 Wyatt, Flora R., 643 Wynar, Bohdan S., 468, 835 X Xun gen su yuan: Zhoungguo ren de xing shi, 421 Y Yad Vashem archives, 459 The Yale biographical dictionary of American law, 923 Yale University Press, 923, 1219 Yang, Basil Pei-nai, 340 Year book and guide of the Rhodesias and Nyasaland, with biographies, 1505 Yearbook of International Organizations online, 701 Yela, Carlos C. Haeussler, 1011 Ye Olde Genealogie Shoppe, 328 Yolton, John W., 1238 Yonge, Charlotte Mary, 389 Your English ancestry: A guide for North Americans, 271 Your guide to cemetery research, 115 Your guide to the Family History Library, 191 Your guide to the federal census, 116 Your Scottish ancestry, 293 Your Swedish roots, 337 Yvert, Benoît, 1167 Z Zalesski , K. A., 1381 Zappella, Giuseppina, 1301 Zeller, Otto and Wolfram, 707 Zentner, Federico, 1039 Zhang, Zhaowei, 1631 Zhongguo dang zheng jun gao ji ling dao ren ci dian, 1571 Zhonghua min guo xian dai ming ren lu, 1631 Zhoungguo ren de xing shi, 421 Zhu, Baoliang, 1568 Zia, Helen, 936 Zimmerman, Gary J., 141, 142 Zmerli, Sadok, 1500 Zubatsky, David S., 611, 1417 Zurndorfer, Harriet Thelma, 1544 372