Agenda Package
Agenda Package
AMENDED AGENDA MULMUR RECREATION COMMITTEE Monday, July 13th, 2015 5:00 pm Honeywood Arena PAGE 2 A. Call to Order B. Approval of Minutes from June 8,2015 C. Business Arising from Minutes D. Declaration of Pecuniary lnterest E. Approval of Agenda F. Delegations - none G. Current Business 7 a) b) 12 13 c) d) e) 19 f) 21 H. lnformation ltems a) 28 Discussion surrounding the costs of creating a dog park in Mansfield Discussion surrounding the name of the North Dufferin Community Complex Update on the Mansfield Park Facilities Update on the Honeywood Beef BBQ: Donations, survey questions, information booth and volunteer registration Member Recruitment: Update from Council ROAR Conference: Update from Council MRC Upcoming Meeting Schedule l. ltems for Future Meetings & Next Meeting Date J. Adjournment MINUTES MULMUR RECREATION COMMITTEE Monday June 08, 2015 6:00 pm Township Office Present: Jim deMelo - Chair Keith Lowry Heather Hayes Roseann Knechtel - Secretary Absent with regrets Chris Pereira A. Callto Order by Chair: 6:03 pm The Chair called the meeting to order. B. Approval of Minutes from May I 1,2015 Motion #19-15: Lowry - Hayes That the minutes of the May 11,2015 meeting be approved as copied and circulated. CARRIED. G. Business Arising from Minutes - None D. Declaration of Pecuniary lnterest Chair deMelo stated that if any member had a disclosure of pecuniary interest that they could declare the nature thereof now or at any time during the meeting. E. Approval ofAgenda Motion #20-15= Lowry - Hayes That the agenda be approved as amended and circulated. CARRIED. Page 1. of 5 2 of 28 F. Delegations - None G. Current Business a) Discussion surrounding the creation of a dog park in Mansfield Secretary Knechtel advised the members that the parkette in Mansfield is currently zoned residential. This does not hamper the development of a dog park, but it will be included in the zoning updates to be completed by year end. The members highlighted the 10 properties that would be affected by the development of this park. The members questioned whether the development of a dog park is needed within Mansfield, and it was agreed that there were no le,ash free dog parks in close proximity to Mulmur. Members agreed it would be beneficial to approach other townships to find out the extent of costs and maintenance required to maintain a dog park. Members highlighted the issue of receiving approval from the surrounding residents and the issue of parking. Direction was given to the secretary to contact surrounding municipalities to inquire about the maintenance responsibilities of a leash free dog park. A costing estimate for fencing and research of the minimum land size requirements are also to be provided for the next meeting. b) Discussion surrounding improvements at the Honeywood Park and Arena Member Hayes gave an update on the Canada 150 lnfrastructure Grant the Township is applying for. The deadline for submissions is June 9, 2015. Member Hayes explained the suggestion to remove the front portion of the arena to make the facility one story and accessible to all. Members supported the idea put fonrvard by Member Lowry to clean and rehang and illuminate the pennants. Member Hayes was approached with the concern that renovations to the booth will not be completed in time for the July 1"i Strawberry Supper. Past NDRCC minutes outline that renovations and improvements to the arena have a topic of discussion for quite some time. The current facility does not accommodate for a chair lift, and would therefore require an elevator to make the second floor accessible. Members discussed the cost of installing and maintaining an elevator, and used the Horning's Mills Hall as an example. Member concluded that no progression can be made until funding is secured. ln the meantime, cosmetic upgrades been are being made to freshen up the facility. Members would like to look at blue prints of the arena at the next meeting. Members also discussed upgrading the cenotaph in Honeywood. There is currently a vacant lot on the North East corner which they suggested could be purchased or donated. The new location could host the cenotaph, gardens, benches and mailboxes. Members would like to discuss the name of the North Dufferin Community Complex at the next meeting. Page 2 of5 3 of 28 c) Update on the Mansfield Park Facilities The recreation budget allowed for the purchase of one picnic table which has since been obtained and put together for installation at the park. The purchase of an additional picnic table can be included in the 2016 budget if desired. ln addition, the picnic table in the ravine has been moved back up to pavilion. Members were advised that one of the horseshoe pits has been dismantled and removed without Township knowledge or permission. Staff are to provide an update on the horseshoe pits, removal of the tree stumps and fire pit in the ravine for next meeting. d) Update on the Weekend of Baseball and Hone¡ruvood Beef BBQ Members did not have any information or knowledge of an update on the Weekend of Baseball. Member Hayes is to contact Janice Aldcorn to commence planning for the Honeywood Beef BBQ. Member Hayes suggested that the committee create a short survey for people to complete while waiting in line. Suggested questions included age, town, have they visited the NDCC before and recreational barriers in the Township. Members are to submit their list of 10 questions to the secretary for next meeting. Members are also tasked with looking for donations such as Muskoka Chairs to raffle at the BBQ. Members discussed having space for local businesses, associations and groups to set up information booths at the BBQ Direction was given to the secretary to contact local recreationalóusrnesses, groups and associations to invite them to sef up an information booth at the upcoming Honeywood Beef BBQ. Direction was given to secretary to obtain a lottery license for the BBQ for next meeting e) Resignation of a Committee Member (on desk) Members were notified of the resignation of Member Pereira. Motion #21-15= Lowry - Hayes THAT the Mulmur Recreation Committee regretfully receives the resignation of Member Pereira. CARRIED. f) Discussion surrounding vacant positions on the Committee (on desk) Members reviewed the original advertising for positions on the Mulmur Recreation Committee and determined that there are currently three vacant positions. Members suggest that the future advertisement include the committee mandate and explain that the Committee's focus is on recreation as a whole. lt is suggested that the vacancies could be included in the upcoming Township newsletter, as well as the local papers. Page 3 of5 4 of 28 Motion #22-15: Lowry - Hayes THAT the Mulmur Recreation Committee consists of only 3 members due recent resignation; to a THEREFORE, the Mulmur Recreation Committee respectfully requests that Council advertise for 3 additional members to fillthe vacant positions. CARRIED. H. lnformation a) ltems R.O.A.R. Conference 2015 Members believe this conference will be extremely beneficial and it concentrates on rural area with small budgets. The secretary advised members that they are welcome to attend of their own accord, but Council approval would be required if per diems or registration fees were to be provided. Motion #23-15: Lowry - Hayes THAT the Mulmur Recreation Committee respectfully requests Council's approval to send one member of the Mulmur Recreation Committee to the Rural Ontario-East Active Recreation (R.O.A.R.) Gonference in September 2015. CARRIED b) Author's c) in the Mulmur Hills Festival Correspondence from MaryAnn Lowry Members agreed that the MaryAnn Lowry had some valid points. Members discussed the roadblocks facing the current facility including accessibility, aging population, and lack of man power and volunteers. l. ltems for Future Meetings & Next Meeting Date a) b) c) d) e) f) Dog park costs and maintenance North Dufferin Community Centre Name Change and Blue Prints Update on Mansfield Park facilities Honeywood Beef BBQ Council response to vacancy recruitment Council response to the ROAR Conference Page 4 of5 5 of 28 J. Adjournment Motion #24-152 Hayes - Lowry That we do now adjourn at7:48 pm and agree to meet again on July G,20ls at 6:00pm. CARRIED. Chair Secretary Page 5 of5 6 of 28 Arco: a25-t ¡ ãlO. O.E oGrG3 = Fcncc,: lz5, rrlã z I C¡ote ¡ãot¡ ¡ l1 -t z315* 6 7 of 28 Roseann Knechtel From: Diane Straus <> Sent: To: July-07-15 3:45 PM Subject: Dog Park - Angus enter-exit signs on gates.pdf; dog park gates0001jpg; Park Dog Roseann Knechtel RE: Leash Free Attachments: off Leash Recreation Area User Guidelines.docx Good afternoon Roseann You were en.quiring about our off leash dog park. There is really very little maintenance once the dog park has been completed except emptying the garbage containers, but that needs to be done in all parks. We have had very few complaints except some residents want another at the other end of the Municipality. l've attached our user guidelines and enter/exit signs that we placed as well as a picture of the entrance/exit gates. We were luck as 3 sides of this location was already fenced so we just need the one side and gates, a few benches throughout and a couple of garbage containers. The park is in a treed area therefore it is nice even on a hot day. lf you have any other questions please feel free to ask Thanks Diane From: Jocelyn Glass Sent: July-06-15 4:08 PM To: Roseann Knechtel; Diane Straus Subject: RE: Leash Free Dog Park - Angus Hi Roseann Thank you for your inquiry. By way of a copy of this email, I have forwarded your email to our Recreation Coordinator/Programmer, Diane Straus, for her response. Feelfree to contact me again if you think that I may be further assistance. of Wishing you a wonderful day, Jocelyn Glass Adm inistrative Assista nt Parks & Recreation Dept. Township of Essa Phone: 7 05-424-977 O, ext.125 Fax: 705-424-2367 *\ s llta n -e þ \ s ì llta -e þ \r$ e \r- ! Our SPRING & SUMMER RECREATION GUIDE and SIJMMER DAY CAMP schedule/registration forms sre now available for viewing on-line at and our ONLTNE REGTSTRA TION is now ovailable as well 1 8 of 28 The online link is located at the bottom left-hand corner of our home pøge. Feel free to contact me for more information. lnformation transm¡tted is intended only for the person or entity to whích it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. lf you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer. From : Roseann Knechtel fmailto : rknechtel@mulm u] Sent: july-06-15 3:35 PM To: Jocelyn Glass Subject: Leash Free Dog Park - Angus Hello, The Township of Mulmur is looking into developing a leash free dog park in Mansfíeld and is looking for informatíon from Municipalities that have already developed and implemented these parks. Our question is how much time and maintenance responsibilities do you find you need to operating and maintaining dog park. Are there are difficulties or concerns you have noted since your dog park was created? a Any information or help would be greatly appreciated Thank you in advance, Roseann Knechtel, BA, MMC I Treasury & Payroll Clerk I Secretary: Mulmur Recreation Committee Township of Mulmur | 758070 2nd Line East I Mulmur, Ontario LgV 0G8 Phone 705-466-3341- ext. 221 | Fox 705-466-2922 | Th¡s messoge (including ottochments, if any) is intended to be conf¡dentiol and solely t'or the addressee. tf you rece¡ved th¡s e mo¡t in error, pleose delete me immediotely. E-md¡l tronsmiss¡on connot be gudrenteed to be secure or error t'ree ond the sender does not occept l¡db¡lity for errors or omissions. it ond odvise 2 9 of 28 10 of 28 Wildflowers Park Dog Off Leash Recreation Area Hours 6 am- 10 pm (D.O.L.R.A) USER GUIDELINES This is NOT a supervised facility. People and dogs visiting this D.O.L.R.A do so at their own risk. 1 2 D.O.L.R.A's not recommended for children under the age of 18. The parent or guardian is advised to closely supervise their children at all times. 3. Owners will be held liable for all actions of their dogs 4. Dogs must be leashed when entering and exiting the off-leash area. 5. Owners must be present, with a leash for each dog, and in view of their dog(s) at all times. 6 Aggressive dogs are not permitted in the ofÊleash area. Owners will be prosecuted and are liable for all damages and injuries subject to the provisions of the Dog Owners Liability Act. 7. Valid Dog licenses and rabies tags must be affixed to the dog. 8 Dog feces must be picked up and disposed of by the owner in the receptacles provided. 9 No more than three dogs per owner within the D.O.L.R.A area. Unattended dogs that are tied up outside the D.O.L.R.A are not permitted. 10. People-food, breakables, spikes or chain-link, prong collars are not permitted in the leash area. I 1. off This park is for the enjoyment of people and their dogs. No other animals allowed. 12. Female dogs in heat are not permitted in the D.O.L.R.A. 13. Professional dog trainers are not permitted to use the park for the conduct of business. 14. Gates to the D.O.L.R.A. must be kept closed except when entering or exiting. In the event of an incident, please call By-law Enforcement at705-424-9917 ext.l22. For comments, concerns or to report any damage, please call Parks and Recreation at 705-424-9770. For an emergency please call9-1-1 11 of 28 !t ¡-,rå 'ú,.,, ..,...irj¡::-í 12 of 28 INEonÞrATroN Boorn lNvnauoN Fon TnE s0'n ANNuar HoNEywooD BEEE BBQ ln honour of the 50th Anniversary of the Honeywood Beef BBQ, we would like to invite you to set up an information booth at the upcoming event. Famous for its mouth-watering outdoor charcoal-roasted beef dinner with all the fixins' and scrumptious home-made desserts, this event brings family, friends and community together! Registration for an information booth is free. We look fon¡rard to seeing you there! EVENT INFORMATION: Date: July 25,2015 Location: North Dufferin Community Centre -706114 County Road 21 Mulmur, ON Time: 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm REGISTRATION IN FORMATION : Deadline for Registration: July 17,2015. To register please contact Roseann Knechtel: rknechtel@m ul mu rtownsh i p. ca I (7 05) 466-3341 x221 13 of 28 Mulmur Recreation Committee INFORMATION BOOTH INVITATION Other Government Facilities/Services Facilitv Dufferin County Forest Dufferin County Museum Private Faci I ities/Services Facility Mansfield Outdoor Centre Mansfield Ski Club Mulmur Hills Raquet Club Rosemont Farmers Market Mulmur Equestrian Centre Raw Hide Adventures Wits End Horse Trails Associations & Groups Name Team Van Go (Mountain Biking) Mansfield Cubs (Men's Baseball) Minor Baseball Honeywood Minor Hockey Honeywood Figure Skating Shelburne Cycling Club (Road Cycling) Dufferin Dance Network Headwaters Communities in Action Dufferin Arts Council Headwaters Arts 14 of 28 t.. t. {i {: .: ; i' t.. ) t t t I ] ¡ sttheH lnterested in Volunteering? Gontact ¡ 7 95{66-3341 15 of 28 ffi q .ål vi À -9 +' I a. t ., r atthe HoneywoodArena r: :JulV:¿5 ..2O T :.: :DinnèrSels¿edlfrom 5 to Tzgo pm $rZ.5o Adults, $Z.So for Children 12 and under, Children S years and younger FREE! Proceeds to Arena improvement -ù -è 1* 16 of 28 ö ffi 2OT5 BEEF BBQ ADVERTIS¡NG LOCATIONS ONLINE Hills of Headwaters Food & Water First Snap Dufferin ln the Hills Orangeville Banner Events nnual-honevwood-beef-bbq/ lv-25-2015/ https //d uffe ri n. s na od. co m / # / ev ents/vi ew/85 3 3 99 htto://www. inthehills.calevents/deta ils/2015 -O7 -25 / 497 6 17 D 96 / SOth-a nnua l-honevwood-beef-bbo/ htto://www.oraneevi 5270--honevwood- be : I NEWSPAPERS Creemore Echo Shelburne Free Press Alliston Herald Orangeville Banner Save the Date on June 25th - Event Ad on July 23rd Event Ad on July 23rd the Date on July 2nd - Event Ad on July 23rd Save the Date on July 2nd - Event Ad on July 23rd Save RADIO Bayshore Radio (Owen Sound) MyFM (Orangeville) Lunch time contest for 4 Tickets July 14th Online Advertising on July 24th - Radio and Facebook Contest for 4 Tickets 17 of 28 Questions for BBQ Lineup 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ls this your first time at the BBQ? Yes No a. (lf No) How many times have you come? 1-5 6-10 >10 Have you come to the NDCC for any other events? Yes No a. (lf Yes) What event(s Have you ever been to the ball diamond at Mansfield? Yes No Have you walked the Dufferin Forest /the Bruce Trail? Yes No Have you fished the Pine River Fishing site on River Road? No Have you skied at the Mansfield Ski club? No Have you been to the Mansfield Outdoor Centre? Yes No Would you like to know more about recreation in the township? Yes No Would you consider being a Recreation Committee member? Yes No a. (Contact info if Yes Yes Yes 18 of 28 MULMUR TO\ryNSHIP COUNCIL Mulmur Township Council met on Thursday, July 2nd, 2015, at 9:00 a.m. with the following present: Paul Mills - Mayor Heather Hayes - Deputy Mayor Earl Hawkins - Councillor Janet Horner - Councillor Keith Lowry - Councillor ADMINISTRATION 4.2 Report of Roseann Knechtel, Treasury and Payroll Clerk dated June 15th on recreation committee vacancies and a conference. Motion #153-15 Hayes-Lowry: That Council receive and approve the report of Roseann Knechtel, Treasury & Payroll Clerk, dated June 15th on Mulmur Recreation Committee vacancies and approve the recommendation to advertise for 3 additional citizen members for the committee with one of the three to be a youth member, with a minimum of grade 8. Carried. Councillor Hawkins asked for a recorded vote on the following motion. Motion #154-15 Lowry-Hayes: That Mulmur Council approve sending Keith Lowry to the Rural Ontario-East Active Recreation conference in Calabogie with registration, transportation and accommodation costs covered. Earl Hawkins nay yea Janet Homer yea Heather Hayes yea Paul Mills yea Keith Lowry Carried. 19 of 28 ü rui,,,* MULMUR RECREATION COMMITTEE The Township of Mulmur invites members of the community to apply for the following openings on the Mulmur Recreation Committee: three (3) members including one (lf youth member Here is your chance to enhance the quality of life in your community, by promoting community spirit and creating opportunities for engagement! The Committee aims to identify and promote municipal recreation facilities, events and opportunities. Application forms can be obtained online at or by contacting the Township Office. Applications can be submitted in person, by mail, fax or email to The deadline for applications is August 26,20L5. 20 of 28 REPORT TO COUNCIL TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor Mills and Members of Council Roseann Knechtel, Treasury & Payroll Clerk June 15, 2015 Vacancy Recruitment / R.O.A.R. Gonference RECOMMENDATION: THAT Council receives and approves the recommendation to advertise for additional members to sit on the Mulmur Recreation Committee. AND THAT Council receives and approves the attendance of one member at the Rural Ontario-East Active Recreation (R.O.A.R.) Conference in September 2015. STRATEGIC P ALIGNMENT: - Objective 2: Wider Awareness Promote Mulmur as a destination for historic, athletic, artistic and gastronomic recreation Objective 3: Local Access to Services - Actively pursue placement of provincial, county and agency programs and services in Mulmur, and maximize use of current facilities - Objective 5: Community Participation lncrease public participation, particularly among youth and young adults, in Township governance and volunteerism BACKGROUND: Following a recent resignation, the Mulmur Recreation Committee now consists of only three members. With a limited number of members, the committee does not possess enough man power and support to accomplish its mandate to promote community spirit, establish an ongoing inventory of activities and facilities, organize and qualify the inventory for access by all, and identify and promote the organized use of recreational facilities. The Committee would therefore like to advertise to fill their vacancies, including the ad in local newspapers as well as the upcoming Township newsletter. Motion #22-15: Moved by Lowry, Seconded by Hayes - THAT the Mulmur Recreation Committee consists of only 3 members due to a recent resignation; THEREFORE, the Mulmur Recreation Committee respectfully requests that Council advertise for 3 additional members to fillthe vacant positions. CARRIED. The Rural Ontario-East Active Recreation Conference is a 4-day conference designed for rural Ontario. Hosted in Calabogie, ON sessions focus on rural population with small budgets. Please see "Appendix A" for the conference schedule and description. 21 of 28 Motion #23-152 Moved by Lowry, Seconded by Hayes - THAT the Mulmur Recreation Committee respectfully requests Council's approval to send one member of the Mulmur Recreation Committee to the Rural Ontario-East Active Recreation (R.O.A.R.) Conference in September 2015. CARRIED. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Vacancy Recruitment: There would be minimal cost to advertise in the local newspapers. The following approximate cost advertising per newspaper: Creemore Echo: $40 plus HST Alliston Herald: $83 plus HST Shelburne Free Press: $30 plus HST Total Gost: $153.00 plus HST is an of Rural Ontario-East Active Recreation Gonference: Accommodation for 3 nights at $130/night = $390 Registration fee: $225 Mileage: $400 Per Diems: $560 Total Cost: $1,575.00 Respectfully subm itted, Rote,a'n"wKne.chtø\, Roseann Knechtel, Treasury & Payroll Clerk 22 of 28 What ls R.O.A.R.? Rural Ontario Active Recreation (ROAR) ís a community-based partnership comprised of recreational professionals located throughout rural areas of Ontario. ROAR has been developed to offer opportunities to recreation, health care, volunteer and municipal staff, to further expand knowledge, training and networking prospects and collaborations with peers in the fields of recreation and community development. The purpose of ROAR is to grow and expand the field of recreation and promote its benefits to users across rural Ontario. You don't have to do everything alone, is something we strongly believe in. By creating a strong network of connections, we can all achieve BIG outcomes in our small rural areas working together through the sharing.of expertise, knowledge and experiences, we can achieve! Our goals are to provide a voice through opportunity and hands on sessions to those in the recreation field and to build upon the positive and focus on the enhancement of health and social benefits through active living in communities across rural Ontario, Conference Highlights The ßOAß conference has been designed to keep your brain thinking and your body moving. All sessions will be facílítated by highly regarded professionals in their fíeld. Sessions are fully interactive allowing partícípants the opportunity to share thoughts, discuss ideas and participate in a collaborative forum. We know that recreatíon professional in rural areas are innovative, creative and active by nature. The beautiful and peaceful setting of Calabogie provides an ideal backdrop for this unique gathering. Be a part of the process and success of the ROAR conference I Join in evening activities around the bonfire, team building games, líve music and an outdoor, old fashion BBQ dinner No need to bring the suit and tie as we will be outdoors on the beach having fun! Conference Resort & Accommodations Calabogie Peaks Resort Calabogie Peaks is a four season resort that offers activities for every week of the year. Country charm meets modern convenience at Calabogie Peaks. Several beautifully appointed rooms to choose from, each and every one featuring a picturesque Dickson Mountain or Calabogie Lake view. Select from standard rooms, standard rooms with balcony, mini suites and suites. At Calabogie Peaks Hotel, you can rest assure your comfort is our priority. There are a variety of rooms available so make sure to book early for your preferred Please note: accommodations are NOT included as a part of your registration fee. Accor¡modations sta rting at 7 standard Room: 1 -2 Bed Condos: 3 Bedroom Condos: --. . -11" ,; -gÐ' -'iÐr-ì i,'^ft t1 ¡ûf¡dF¡fq li: lIì r i ¡r rt S gg.OO (single or Double occ.) s 13o.oo Sros.oo Please quote ROAR2075 when booking your accommodations by callíng Calabogie Peaks Resort directly 30 Barrett Ghute Rd, Calabogie, ON KOH 1H0, (800)-6694861 23 of 28 :l ROAR CONFERENCE SCHEDULE AND SESSION OUTLINE MONDAY, September 2L, zOLs WELCOME & EARTY REGISTRATION - 9:00 - 1O:OO am There's no need to rush! Relax before the conference officially begins and enjoy new activities, relax by the pool or meet new people. Start your network¡ng r¡ght away. lf you arrive early, take advantage of everyth¡ng that Calabog¡e Peaks Resort has to offer. Hike along the hillside or attempt to make your way top of the mounta¡n to experience autumn colors and picturesque views overlooking the beautiful Ottawa Valley. Laze by the indoor pool orjust relax and take ít all in. Registration is across from Hotel Check-ln Desk (Calabogie Room) GOLF - 11:00 - 4:00 pm HIKE - 10:00 Bring your clubs and spend the day at Calabogie Highlands, an 18-hole course minutes away from the resort. Absorb the scenery before the conference kicks off with a little green t¡me! This is a great way to get to know new people. - 5:00 pm lf golf isn't your th¡ng, join us for an easy h¡ke to Eagles Nest. Follow the spectacular 1.5 km hike along an old logging road that leads to the lookout summit a top a 120m cliff. Note the eagle's head painted signs in the trees above you on the right indícating the turn to the lookout! Follow the short trail up the h¡ll to the r¡ght to the cliff site and enjoy the view. A camera is a mustl REGISTRATION 6:OO - 7:00 Welcomel We are glad you're here. Members of our planning team will be waiting to greet you across from the maín registration desk. Get registered, find your room and settle in at Calabogie Peaks. Please note, dinner is not provided on this day. is across EVENING SOCIAL 7:00 - from Hotel Check-in desk 9:0O pm Join us for evening social gather¡ng. Take the opportun¡ty to meet new people and catch up with old friends from across Eastern Ontar¡o. Br¡ng your guitars, instruments and voices for a campfire sing along. TUESDAY, September 22, 2015 BREAKFAST 7:00 - 8:3o am Enjoy a continental breakfast featuring cereals, toasts, fresh fruit, juice, coffee and tea to start your day. Please note break/snack table will also be available throughout each day, at your convenience. Black Donald's Restaurant located in Algonquin Ski Lodge REGISTRATION 8:00 - 9:0o am rf you are arriving the morning of the conference be ready to jump in full of energy and ready to network, share and learn, we are looking forward to meeting you. Please register by 9:00 am is located ¡n the ski WELCOME 9:30 - 10:00 am Jo¡n us to help officially kick-off ROAR 2015 with a Welcome Address from County of Renfrew Warden Peter Emon. Black Donald's Restaurant SESSION ONE 10:15 - 11:45 am Volunteeríng A topic that is on everyone's mind. Learn about the posit¡ve outcomes of working with volunteers, how to attract and keep them while recognizing what they do. This session will look at volunteerism from a wider perspect¡ve as partic¡pants share their own experiences, challenges and successes. ln the Kitchen Want the recipe for a successful cooking class? Learn a few tricks and ideas of things to whip up for programs in the kitchen! From healthy eating and cooking for seniors, to kids in the kitchen programs, learn how to take advantage ofkitchen space and connect healthy eating and active lifestyles. Accessibílítv Get up to date on accessibility requirements including facilities, websites and more. F¡nd out what is in the future for programs and facilities and how you can make your work environment accessibility friendfy. LUNCH 12:00 - 1:O0 pm Let everything you've learned sink in or further discuss your new ideas with friends. Sit down to lunch and let the bra¡nstorming begin. Black Donald's Restaurant 24 of 28 TWO 1:30 SESSION - 3:00pm Women in Sport The participation of females ¡n sports continues to ríse. F¡nd out the latest trends and how you can help to further increase the involvement for women and girls ¡n sport. Risk & LiabiliW This is a follow up to the sess¡on offered by Jeff Jackson at last year's conference. With high demand for this topic, risks and liability associated w¡th recreation act¡v¡t¡es and what you can do to stay ahead. V leff will look at the /se¡¡qqlælcl Witn a growing population of those 55+, find out what activ¡tíes, programs, and events are on the r¡se. BREAK 3:00 - 3:30 pm Coffee, tea, juices and various snacks will be available at breaks and throughout the day. ACTIVE SESSION ïHREE 3:30 - 5:00 pm Mountaín Bike Get out of the classroom and onto the trails!Join Dam¡en from Gearheads and find out why mountain biking is such a popular activity for all ages. Bikes a re available for those that req u¡re a bike (We witl use beg¡nner trd¡ls, ond may try more difî¡cutt traits if time permîts). Team Building with Kids Learn new team building act¡vit¡es created for k¡ds. Act¡vities are designed to teach youth leadership skills for running programs, activities, and camps. Share these fun activities with Camp Counselors and other staffwho work with kids. PickleBall Take 2! Back by popular demand for those who want to try it again or for the first t¡me. Th¡s actívity brings together tennis, p¡ng-pong and badminton. DINNER 5:30 - 7:00 pm Reflect on the day and share your observations EVENING other part¡cipants. Donald's Restaurant SOCIAI 7:00 pm Listen to mus¡c w¡th the campfire crackling nearby. Relax now, and have a good t¡mel WEDNESDAY, September 23, zOtS BREAKFAST 7:00 - 8:30am A cont¡nental breakfast featuring cereals, toasts, fresh fruit, juice, coffee and tea to start the day off. Break/snack table will also be available throughout each day at your convenience Elack Dona-ld.'s Restaurant REGISTRATION 8:00 - 9:00 am Arriving today? Register w¡th the conference team and get or¡ented at the resort. Algonquin Ski todge Lobby SESSION FOUR 9:00 - 10:30am Partnering The NEW Buzz Word! ln this day and age of smaller budgets, volunteer declíne and changing trends, it appears that bringing different groups together to achieve the same goal is the way to accomplish our objectives. Learn from various partnering groups and share your achievements in partnering. Up & Coming Activitv Trends What sports, activities, special events are up and coming and what could work well in your community? Share what you are doing in your commun¡ty and look for ideas for the future. Funding What is out there to help you get that program, event or project started when you require a l¡ttle financial assistance? Meet with variety of funders from multiple funding streams to discuss your ideas and see where you can make the match. BREAK 10:30 - 11:00 am Coffee, tea, juices and various snacks will be available at breaks and throughout the day 25 of 28 a SESSION FIVE 11:00 - 12:30 pm Apps & Websites Get your commun¡ty out ín front. Let people know what you do. Learn about the right apps and websites and how to engage people in your community, making it easier for your users. Mental Health Learn the importance of ¡ncorporat¡ng Mental Health into how you plan and offer your programs. Gather ideas for programs that you can offer in your community to benefit your part¡cipants. TRADESHOW - 2:00 om Do NOT MISS the ROAR conference TRADESHOW! This is a great opportun¡ty to meet the businesses, companies and organizations who support the recreation field through supplies, products and services which support of many day-to-day tasks, making your life easier. Algonquin Hall & Annex LUNCH 12:30 - t:30 pm There's been a lot of information to take in so what better time to let it d¡gest than over lunch? Black Donafd's Restaurent ACTIVE SESSION SIX 2:30 - 4:00 pm Nature Yosa & SUP Yoga Take Yoga from the mat to an all new level. Try Stand Up Paddle Yoga and Outdoor Yoga; hear the water ripple under your feet or feel the sand and grass between Meêt¡ngspotto be announced yourtoes. Barres Fitness Ballet, p¡lates, strength and flexibility traíning using a ballet barre. This total body condition¡ng technique has been intertwined to create an intense workout. Barres F¡tness is guaranteed to transform and sculpt your entire body. The classes are choreographed to the hottest music ¡n a fun, supportive and high-energy Algonquin Hall & Annex env¡ronment. I€ggjStr} TBD - Check Back for more info TEAM BUILDING 4:30 - 6:00 pm You organize events, make sure everything is running smoothly and ensure everyone ís having fun, now ifs vour chance to cut loose! RY J's will be providing var¡ous activit¡es for everyone to try. Come and have a few laughs! Bring your game face because you,re going to need it. Ease of the Sk¡ H¡ll Please dress appropriate¡y for act¡ve outdoor games (running shoes, weather appropr¡ate cloth¡ng for having fun outs¡de) Sponsored by: RY J's Climbing Adventures BBQ DINNER AND RED NECK GAMES 6:30 - 11:00 pm Remove the tie, kick offthe dress shoes and have fun I Wear what you find most comfortable as we dine on BBe Chicken & Ribs. Following dínner, we'll head down to the base of the ski hill for an evening of Red Neck Games and l¡ve enterta¡nment. ïHURSDAY, September 24, 2OL5 BREAKFAST 7:00 - 8:30 am A continental breakfast featuring cereals, toasts, fresh fru¡t, juice, coffee and tea to start the day off. Break/snack table will also be available throughout each day at your conven¡ence. Black Donald's Restaurent {Actíve} €roup Session TBÐ SESSION SEVEN 10:30 - 12:00 pm Nature Walk {activel Out of your chairs and into the wild I Take a hike along the trails and learn new programs and activities. Gather facts about the many great opportunities for you to share with groups in a nature based setting. What Are You Proud Of? This is your time to shine and show off. This sess¡on is all about sharing the successes you have had, and to "borrow" ideas from others. Two heads are better than one - find out what happens when you have a room full of great ideas. Boot Camp (activel F¡nd out what the craze is about. This session is going to make you move and sweat. 26 of 28 LUNCH 12:00 - 1:00 pm Our t¡me together must end. Say "so long'to your new friends. Swap business cards, exchange email addresses, and remember that you now have a strong network of professionals who you can connect with to help you with everyth¡ng you need for success in the future. Boxed lunches are available for those who have a longjourney Black Donald's Restaurant home. ROAR 2016! 1:00 - 1:30 pm Would you like to be involved in planning the Rural Ontar¡o-east Act¡ve Recreation Conference in 2076? Join the 2015 Organizing Group to briefly discuss our contribute ideas and assistance for next year. PLEASE! REMEMBER TO THANK OUR 5POru5ORS ANÐ MANY VOLUNTEER SESS'ON SPEAKERS WHO MADE THIS CONFERENCE POSSIBLE. ROAR Bural Ontarlo-eact Active Recreation 27 of 28 Mulmur Recreation Committee Meeting Schedule DATE Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday July 13th August 10th September L4th October 5th November 9th December 7th TIME 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm LOCATION Honeywood Arena Township Office Township Office Township Office Township Office Township Office 28 of 28