INSIGHTFULnews - The Cincinnati Eye Institute Foundation


INSIGHTFULnews - The Cincinnati Eye Institute Foundation
A Newsletter from The Cincinnati Eye Institute Foundation
Summer 2015
INSIGHTFULnews Tee Offfor Sight
Friday, May 29th was a perfect day for The Cincinnati Eye Institute
Foundation to hold its 4th annual golf outing at the Blue Ash Golf
Course. John Courtney, golf committee chaiiman, said that the
course was in beautiful shape. "We had 25 foursomes that made the
outing ve1y competitive. Both the Horan team and the Donnellen
McCarthy Enterprises team tied with a 12 under par score. Horan
took first place with a tie breaker on the first hole," Courtney said.
The Cincinnati Eye Institute
Foundation Board of
Dan Geeding, Ph.D.,
Chairman ofthe Board
James J. Augsbw-ger, M.D. Nathan Bjo1k, O.D. John Dovich, C.L.U., Ch.EC. Don Klekamp, J.D. The master of ceremony, Foundation board chair Dan Geeding, said
"We raised over $28,000 in needed funds today for The Foundation.
Many individuals will benefit from this supp01t." Geeding thanked
Outing sponsors and introduced Dr. Robert Foster, CEI Board
Chairman who spoke, and acknowledged Clyde Bell, CEO of CEI.
Vito Peraino, J.D. Brad Ruther George Sehi, Ph.D. Patrick Ward, President
Advisory Committee
Lowest Gross Score ­
The H oran Team:
Mike Cicale, Jack
Kyle Brabendgr, and
Robert Brown
Hisham H. Arar, M.D.
Clyde Bell, C.P.A.,
ChiefExecutive Officer, CE!
Don Holmes,
VP ofMarketing &
Business Development
Michael L. Nordlund, M.D., Ph.D.
Michael R. Petersen, M.D., Ph.D.
The Cincinnati Eye Institute
The Cincinnati Eye Institute Foundation is a charitable foundation established by Cincinnati Eye Institute physicians who care deeply about the vision health of our community. Established in 2006, the charitable mission of The Foundation has touched the lives of thousands. Contact Us at (513) 878-2300 • Toll-Free: 1-866-466-CEIF (2343) Email: • A Newsletter from The Cincinnati Eye Institute Foundation
Summer 2015
And the
wmners are ...
Gross score: 60
The Horan Team
Robert Brown
Kyle Brabender
Jack McDermott
Mike Cicak
Donnellon McCarthy Enterprise Team: Todd Ferris, Sean Waddell, Dave Armentrout, and Chuck Harper Seco11d Lowest Gross Score Prese11ting Spo11sor: Fifth Third Ba11k Joe Fleissner; Joe Hricovsk:y, John Brenzel, David Sway Silver Spo11sor: SL Elizabeth H ealthcare Larry Kendall, MD., Chris Carle, LisaFrey, Robert Prichard, MD. Cillcim1ati Associatio11 for the Blmd a111J Visually Impaired Putt: John Mitchell, Dr. Laura Theimann, Cari Van Pelt Beverage Cart Spo11sor: 3 Vetera11s Commercial R eal Estate Walter Ruther; Marc Sebens, Brad Ruther; Aimee Sherman GolfBall Spo11Sor: Frost Brow11 Todd Dr. Robert Shonk, Chad Eckardt, Tom Anthony, John Prout Second Lowest
Gross score: 60
(lost on the first
hole tie-breaker)
Donnellon McCarthy
Enterprise Team
Todd FeITis
Sean Waddell
Dave Armentrout
Chuck Harper
Longest Drive
(Hole #8)
Marc Sebers
Longest Drive
(Hole #10)
Tina Mays
Closest to the Pin
(Hole #4)
Patrick Manley
Closest to the Pin
(Hole #13)
John Brenzel
Hole-i11-011e Spo11sor: CEI Duane Morrison, Jessica Shockley, Dr. Robert Foster; Todd Albertz GolfTowel Spo11sor: John Davich & Associates Dr. Nathan Bjork, Paul Darwish, Jeremy Schiro, Dean Johns THANK YOU TO THE FOUNDATION' S GOLF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ­
John Courtney, Committee Chairman, Brad Ruther, Rod McKenzie, Don Holmes, and Amy Jones.
A Newsletter from The Cincinnati Eye Institute Foundation
Summer 2015
Thank You to Our
2015 GolfSponsors
Presenting Sponsor (for Fourth Year)
Amy Becker ofFifth Third Ba11k
with Rod McKe11zie ofCEI
Dan Geeding, Master ofCeremony
~ St. ~Ji~~Pc~\~
Silver Sponsor
Bronze Sponsors
Seven Hills Anesthesia
Lunch Sponsor
Dr. Petersen with Doug Gerstle and Neil Tollas
Beverage Cart Sponsor
Drs. Arar and Nordlund
GolfBall Sponsor
& A S S 0 C I A T E S, u.c.
GolfTowel Sponsor
Hole-In-One Contest
and to our many
Hole Sponsors.
The Nortll1111dfoursome li11e up for a birdie on I 0.
GOODBYE AND THANK YOU - John Courtney has announced his retirement from The Cincinnati Eye Institute Foundation :S board ofdirectors. Challman Dan Geeding acknowledged John's generous support ofThe Foundation's events, especially
his chainnanship ofthe annual golfouting which has gmwn significantly under his leadership.
"I hate to see John leave the board. His leadership over the last 4 years has been invaluable to The CEI Fmmdation," said Pat Ward, The CEI Foundation President & CEO. A Newsletter from The Cincinnati Eye Institute Foundation
Summer 2015
Second Vision Clinic Opens The clinic provides comprehensive, dilated
eye exams to low income adults with no eye
insurance. Physicians are looking for eye disease
that could lead to blindness. If patients need
glasses, they receive a prescription and a voucher
for free glasses through our paitner, OneSight
Foundation at a local Lens Crafters.
Dr. Richard S. Kersti11e exami11es a patient.
On May ?th, The CEI Foundation opened its second
Vision Clinic at the St. Vincent de Paul Center
on Bank Street in the West End. This Vision Clinic
complements The Foundation's first Vision Clinic
which opened in 2008, in the basement of the
Roselawn Lutheran Church on Summit Street in
the Roselawn community of Cincinnati. The CEI
Foundation's Vision Clinic at Roselawn has seen
over 5,600 patients through 2014.
The opening of this second vision clinic grew out
of the Foundation's monthly screenings held at the
Bank Street Center. "We were seeing 40
to 65 clients at each monthly screening
(~at St. Vincent de Paul. There was a
demand that wasn't being met by our
Clinic in Roselawn, "said Amy Jones,
Manager of Community Outreach.
Dr. Richard Kerstine, a founder of
the Cincinnati Eye Institute (CEI) and
one of three volunteer ophthalmologists,
said, "I am very glad that we have been
able to bring our clinic into the city.
Our surveys with referring agencies and
our basic screenings at St. Vincent de
Paul and at Christ Church Cathedral
downtown have made the need for a city
location ve1y evident to us."
Dr. James Faulkner, also a founder of CEI, and
retired ophthalmologist volunteering at the Vision
Clinics said, "This is an important service for The
Foundation to provide in our community. As the
only free adult eye clinic in the tri state, individuals
that come to us have no other options for eye care."
Retired ophthalmologist, Dr. Brounley, added,
"As the newest volunteer physician, I am
impressed that The Foundation has been able to
establish and fully equip two quality clinics to
serve the poor. The need is certainly here."
The CEI Foundation Vision Clinic at St. Vincent
de Paul is open on the first Thursday of each
month. Plans are being made to expand Vision
Clinic days of operation.
A Newsletter from The Cincinnati Eye Institute Foundation
Summer 2015
First Endowment Created George Sehi, Ph.D., a member of The CEI
Foundation's board of directors, has created The
CEI Foundation's first endowment. "I wanted to
support the excellent work of The Foundation and
honor Dr. William Faulkner, to whom I really own
my sight," said Sehi. Sehi's legacy will benefit
patients requiring financial assistance with Corneal
"As someone who has suffered from corneal
related problems all my life. I understand the
stress and the financial concerns that accompany
these problems," Sehi said. He went on to say,
"I can't thank CEI enough for providing me with
the best care by the best physicians using the
state of the art technology. These physicians and
their caring staff live their mission of saving and
preserving sight every day."
I am very grateful. But I have been even more
impressed with his big heart. He is not only a
brilliant surgeon, he is a great human being who
deeply cares about his patients."
Sehi chose to honor Dr. William Faulkner for his
28 years of exceptional care. "Dr. Faulkner gave
me a full corneal transplant in 1987, for which
George Sehi 's endowment will ultimately
supplement the cost of corneal transplants for
those who require financial assistance.
Dr. Faulk11er discusses
the cott1ple:xitites of
Comeal TransplAl1t
with Dr. Sehi.
George Sehi A Newsletter from The Cincinnati Eye Institute Foundation
Summer 2015
A Feast for the Eyes to be Held November 19th at Cincinnati Hilton Netherland Plaza The 2015 Feast for the Eyes will
be held at the Cincinnati Hilton
Netherland Plaza on Thursday,
November 19th. It will bring
together fine art, fine wine and
fine food in a celebration of the
work of The Cincinnati Eye
Institute Foundation and to honor
this year's Leader of Vision,
Donald P. Klekamp,
a founding partner of
the law firm, Keating
Muething and Klekamp,
and a member of the
board of directors of The
Cincinnati Eye Institute
The 2014 "Feastfor the Eyes" was held at the K ilto11
Netherl011d PltlZll i11 the Pavillio11 Room, and ho11ored
Dr. Richard S. Kosti11e.
As the 2015 Leader of
Vision, Donald Klekamp
is being honored for his
many professional and
community contributions.
He has helped hundreds of
Do11 atd P. Klekamp
small businesses grow to
become publically traded companies creating jobs
and opportunities in our community. His desire to
see his profession maintain the highest standards
has resulted in the establishment of the Donald P.
Klekamp Professorship of Law at the University
of Cincinnati College of Law. His belief that
quality legal representation must be available to
all individuals led to Mr. Klekamp 's support of the
Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati and the
creation of the Donald P. Klekamp Community
Law Center.
Mr. Klekamp has received local and national
honors including the Lifetime Achievement in Law
Award from the Cincinnati Bar Foundation,
and has been nationally recognized in
The Best Lawyers in America and Ohio
Super Lawyers.
"I have had firsthand experience with the work
of The CEI Foundation," said Mr. Klekamp.
"The Foundation's service to our community's
poor and its support of ground breaking
ophthalmology research are changing the
treatment of eye disease in our community
and beyond."
Don's personal experience has driven home to
him the importance of protecting your eye sight.
His brother, Robert an XU professor, went blind
from age related macular degeneration before
he died. Don 's service to The Foundation is his
way ofhonoring his brother and giving back to
the community.
A Newsletter from The Cincinnati Eye Institute Foundation
Summer 2015
Growing your Legacy­
Helping yourselftoday.
Helping others tomorrow.
The Foundation's board of directors has announced the
establishment of a Planned Giving Program to preserve The
Foundation's mission into the future. The Committee is chaired
by John Dovich with Dr. Michael Petersen, KMK attorney
Mark Sims, George Sehi, and Patrick Ward.
AN EVENING OF FINE FOOD, FINE WINE, & FINE ART "I have felt for a long time that planned giving is necessary for The
CEI Foundation to make an impact on eye health initiatives," said
Dr. Petersen. "When I asked the board to make this a priority, I was
specifically thinking of growing The Foundation's support of re­
search, as well as its support of education and community outreach."
HONORING A LEADER OF VISION "Planned Giving has to be a part of any charity's future," said
John Dovich, Planned Giving The CEI Foundation will
emphasize Wills, Charitable Gift Annuities, and Charitable Trusts.
"Planned Giving can be beneficial to both the donor and The CEI
Foundation. Some planned giving techniques can provide a life
time income to the donor and an immediate tax deduction. Of
course, The Foundation will receive a gift that will help it canyon
its mission," Mr. Dovich said.
t:tt./~{,ft ck,
r<n ·xll\TIO~
For y our "Gro"' Your L egacy"packet ofPlanned Giving opportunities,
contact Patrick Ward at The CEI Fo1111dation's office (513-569-3725).
A Newsletter from The Cincinnati Eye Institute Foundation
Summer 2015
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