Meeting Date: 02/02/2016 Staff Contact - Saginaw, TX
Meeting Date: 02/02/2016 Staff Contact - Saginaw, TX
Meeting Date: 02/02/2016 Staff Contact: Agenda Item: 4b (CC-0216-02) E-mail: Roger Macon Police Chief Phone: 817-232-0311 SUBJECT: Action regarding Purchase of two 2016 Chevrolet Tahoe-Police Package Vehicles through the Tarrant County Cooperative Purchasing Program __________________________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: This item is for approval of the purchase of two 2016 Chevrolet Tahoe-Police Package Vehicles through the Tarrant County Cooperative Purchasing Program for the Police Department for the total amount of $66,190 ($33,095 per vehicle). Funds in the amount of $102,000 were included in the 20152016 fiscal year budget to replace two current patrol vehicles. The vehicles will be purchased from Reliable Chevrolet in Richardson. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The financial impact will be $66,190. Funds in the amount of $102,000 are budgeted in the CCPD Budget, Account 11-7000-00-00, Capital Outlay/Special Request to replace two patrol vehicles. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the purchase of two 2016 Chevrolet Tahoe-Police Package Vehicles through the Tarrant County Cooperative Purchasing Program in the total amount of $66,190. Attachments Memo with Attachments from Roger Macon Budget Information SAGINAW POLICE DEPARTMENT INFORMATIONAL MEMO TO: ROGER MACON, CHIEF FROM: RUSSELL RAGSDALE REF: POLICE VEHICLE PURCHASE DATE: January 26, 2016 As part of the fiscal year 2016 budgeting process, funds were set aside for the purchase of two new police cars. As we have done in past years, we are taking part in the Tarrant County Purchasing Cooperative (Bid #2016-006) for the purchase of these police vehicles, which eliminates the need to publish specifications or obtain bids. Both vehicles are identified as 2016 Chevy Tahoe- Police packages. The current price of these vehicles with available options is $33,095 each, for a combined total cost of $66,190. The vendor will remain the same as in previous years, Reliable Chevrolet in Richardson Texas We anticipate that delivery will occur within 30-45 days. Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the Finance Director to enter into a contract with Reliable Chevrolet for the purchase of two 2016 Chevy Tahoe- police package vehicles at the purchase price of $66,190. REFERBNCB NUMBER .~'oo~. (.~) COMMISSIONERS COURT COMMUNICATION "<.:"t:..~·" PAOB I OF DATB: 24 1111712015 NO. 2016-006 - ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE 01<' POLICE PACKAGE VEHICLES - COUNTYWIDE - VARIOUS VENDORS - PER UNIT PRJCE SUlllBCT: BIl) COMMISSIONERS COURT ACTION REQUESTED: It is requested that the Commissioners Court award Bid No. 2016-006, Annual Contract for Purchase of Police Package Vehicles, Countywide, to the following vendors at the per unit price: Primary Holiday Chevrolet Reliable Chevrolet Sam Pack's Five Star Chevrolet Sam Pack ' s Five Star Ford Silsbee Ford Cowboy Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Dodge City of McKinney Grapev\rle DCJ, LLC Holiday Ford Jim Bass Ford Allison Chevrolet 12 of 25 Items 12 of 25 Items II of 25 Items 8 of 25 Items 8 of 25 Itcms 5 of25 Items 5 of 25 Items 5 of 25 Items 4 of 25 Items 4 of 25 Items I of 25 Items BACKGROUND: Notice of the County's intent to bid was advertised in local newspapers, as required by State statute, and posted on the Internet, the Arlington Black Chamber of Commerce, the Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the Fort Worth Metropolitan Black Chamber of Commerce, and the Tarrant County Asian American Chamber of Commerce. One hundred thirty-two (132) vendors were contacted and requested to participate in Ihis bid process. A pre-bid meeting held on October I, 2015 was attended by eight (8) vendors as wcll as representatives from Transportation Services and Purchasing. All documents pertaining to this bid were posted on the Tarrant County website and wcrc downloaded by interested bidders. Sixteen (16) bids were received. SU8MlTI IlD 8Y : Purchasing PREPARED 8Y : APPROVED BY : Tim Jone, TJj'"" (.1) ...•.00;;... ••..:..~.:. . .. COMMISSIONERS COURT COMMUNICATION REFERENCE NUMDER: DATE: _-,1C!.1!.l f l.!.'.7/~20,,-,1-=-5_ PAGE20P Bids w~re evaluated by Transportation Services and Purchasi ng rcpresentatives. recorrunendatiolls are to the low bids meeting specifications. 15 Award Bid received from Bossier Dodge was deemed non-responsive because vendor did not include Addendum 2. Bid received from Randall Reed' s Prestige Ford, L-M was deemed non-responsive because vendor did not include Addendum 1 or Addendum 2. Bid received from Allison Chevrolet failed [0 meet specifications for Item 7 because vendor did not provide delivery time. The bid received from Duncanv ille Automotive did not meet specifications because vendor only bid Chevrolets and vendor is not authorized to sell Chevrolets as Duncan ville Automotive. The bid specificati ons rcquired vend or to provide their Texas Dealer General Distinguishing Number that is P1l4297. According to the State of Texas Department of Motor Vehicles website PI H297 is Duncanville Automotive, d/b/a Freedom Dodge Chrysler Jeep. The State DMV was contacted and asked if this dealership could sell Chevrolet. : The State responded that they could only sell new Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep , and Ram vehicles under the PI 14297 number. For clarification, Duncanville Automo tive was contacted via e-mail and was prov id ed this information "nd was asked how they would provide Chevrolet's under this bid; their response was they have two (;odes. The PI 14297 ami P101820. PI01820 is listed as Duncanville Chevrolet, d/b/a Frcedom Chevrolet, Buick, GMC. On August 18, 2015, Freedom Chevrolet, Buick, GMC withdrew their bid for Bid No. 2015-107, Almual Contract for Purchase of Pickups, Vans and Utility Vehicles for fa ilure to honor their priCing and Tarrant County Commissioners Court cancelled their award and removed Freedom Chevrolet, Buick, GMC from the Tarrant County Vendor Biddcrs list for two (2) years. Love Pield CDJR is a related company to DUllcanvilie AutOmotive . Both vendors ' bids have tile same address and are signed by the same person. Based on these find ings, it is recommended that both bids received from Duncanville Automotive <lnd Love Field CDJR be rejected and both Duncanville Automotive and Love Field CDJR be removed from the Tarrant County Vendor Bidders list for a period of two (2) years. Tie bids were recei ved for Item 8. The award recommendation was determined in accordance with Court Order Number 60616, Procedure for Awarding Tie Bids. The term of the co ntract is twelve (12) months, effective November 17, 2015, with two (2) options for renewal periods of twelve (I2) months eacb. Therefore, it is the joint recommendation of Transportation Services and Purchasing that Bid No. 2016-006, Annual Contract for Purchase 'o f Police Package Vehicles, be awarded to the above listed vendors at the per unit price. FISCAL IMPACT: Expenses for last year werc approximat~l y $764,SJO.OO. Orders placed are On an as-needed basis. Bid No. 2016-006, Annual Contract for Purchase of Police Package Vehicles Award Recommendation Holiday Ford Whitesboro, 1)( HUB - No Description Item 2016 Chevrolet Impala, underCO~~kage, (9C3)'1 4 ', Model1W 19, .6L V6 1~/MOd\1 ~ DeliveCY~~RO 5 , , \ ~ 2016 Chevrolet Tahoe, Police Package, 1 FL (9Cl) 2\1110, Model CC15706, 5.3L VB Option A: Spot Lamp, Left Hand, Separately Fused, Code7X6 I~NB NB "'" ~ \ Jim Bass Ford San Angelo, 1)( HUB - No \ \ '-.... ~\ Option 0: Vinyl Rear Seating, Code 5T5 - . .. . - - ~ I ~ ch~rolet~~ \ 1 . 61 .00 li~ed PPV n 199C3 ~ ? NB NB Option B: Push Bumper (Go Rhino), or approved equal Option C: Color, Summit White, Code GAZ. \ Reliable Chevrolet Richardson, 1)( HUB -No . Days Sam Pack's Five Star Chevrolet Carrollton, 1)( HUB· No Sam Pack's Five Star Ford Carrollton, 1)( HUB - No ~ 1 aI 936.4 \ . \ \'Qevrolet,lmpala 6~S 32,764.00 32 ,44 5.00 331 .00 431 .20 110.00 259.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NB ~ Silsbee Ford Silsbee, 1)( HUB - No NB , ~ \ ~'" .. ', ~ NB NB ~" Bid No. 2016'()06, Annual Contract for Purchase of Police Package Vehicles Award Recommendation Sam Pack's Five Star Chevrolet Carrollton, TX HUB- No , Holiday Ford Whitesboro, TX HUB - No I Item I Description Jim Bass Ford San Angelo, TX HUB·No Option E: Delete Center Console: SEa 9U3 20% Seat Delete. Cloth Front 40140 Individual Seats, Code AZ3. Option 9U3 Standard 10 Way Power Driver Seat 6-Way Power Passenger Seat_ I , Total For Item 5: NB Brand I Model Derwery Time ARO 6 ~NB Option A~~mp, Left \ Hand, Separa Fused, Code 7X6 BU~ Option B: Push Rhino), or approved equa Option C: Color, Summit White, Cod. GAZ Silsbee Ford Silsbee,TX HUB-No , NB 20~olet Tahoe, Police Packa ,1FL (9C1) 4WD, \ Model C 5706, 5.3L V8 Reliable Chevrolet Richardson, TX HUB - No Sam Pack's Five Star Ford Carrollton, TX HUB - No \ "W ~ ~ \ I~\ "'-..J 0.00 0.00 (3) 33,205.00 (2) 33,135.20 Chevrolet Tahoe 2VVD PPV 9C1 Chevrolet Tahoe 65 - 85 Days 60 - 90 Days NB ~ 35,552.0cr' ~33.00 \ ~1.00 \ \ 431~ 110~ ;J~oo 0.00 0.00 \ " \ ~ I'<B NB , , I \ ~ , \ ~ CITY OF SAGINAW 2015-2016 CCPD FUND EXPENDITURES 11-7000-00-00 CAPITAL OUTLAY/SPECIAL REQUEST Replace 2 patrol cars $ 102,000