Annual Fall Festival - East Fallowfield Township


Annual Fall Festival - East Fallowfield Township
2264 Strasburg Road, East Fallowfield, PA 19320
Q ua r t er ly N e w sl e t t er
published by the
B oa r d of S u perv i s or s
Friends of East Fallowfield Park
News Update: Spring Festival, 2006
By: Cheryle Hanson, Director, Friends of East Fallowfield Park
Pictures Courtesy of:
•Bits & Pieces
•Meeting Schedule 2006
•East Fallowfield Township Hours
& Contact Info
•Notes from
Police Chief Mango
•Thank You’s from
the K-9’s
{ t el } 610-384-7144 { fa x } 610-384-7134 { w eb}
•Township Ordinances
•Updates Concerning
the June 2006
Well, another spring has come and gone and if you didn’t get to
the park on Memorial Day weekend for our 2nd Annual Spring
Festival, Car Show and Flea Market, held on May 27th, you
missed a terrific day! The park was bustling with activity…
The festivities included:
• Over 70 crafters and
flea market vendors,
• Dunk tank sponsored
by East Fallowfield
Elementary School
may 27th
• Radio-Control Air Show
• Games of chance
• Hay Rides courtesy of Jim Sisk,
• and lots of prizes and free stuff!
Spring Festival
Storm Damage
•Park & Rec News
•Recycling Calendar
•Recycling Info
For 12 year-olds and under.
Trick or Treat!
•Participate in the
•Upcoming Events
“Tree Tender” Program
and Reminders
The Bomb shelter, which was recently rehabbed
by our own Boy Scout Nick Massaro as part of his
Eagle Scout project, was open for tours. Also, there
was live music provided by “Cool Confusion.” Our
own Canine unit and Chief Mango demonstrated
their skills. Let’s not forget the great cars, trucks and
motorcycles that were on display for us to enjoy. The
first 75 vehicles received dash plaques to commemorate
the day. There were lots of tasty treats on hand
to enjoy such as: great grilled food and refreshing
beverages served by Meg’s Food Cart, Slushies on
hand courtesy of Modena Fire Company, ice cream
sundaes made by our own East Fallowfield Boy
Scouts, and Italian Zepelee’s by Harry’s. There was
also plenty of information on hand for those who need
to find out what’s going on with the “Park Project!”
These are the many sponsors
of the event that helped to
make our event a success.
Please patronize these generous businesses:
Triple Fresh Market
Amelia’s Market
UTZ chips
Extra Mile Auto Giant
McClure’s Garage
Stottsville Auto
Dairy Queen of Coatesville
Rita’s Water Ice
Double D Diner
Dicks Sporting goods
Commerce Bank
Firestone of Thorndale
Meg’s Food Cart
Chester County Remote
Control Airplane Club
Avon-Karol Collins
Dunkin’ Donuts-Thorndale
Dilsheimer builders
East Fallowfield Park,
Saturday, September 30th
Fall Festival
See page 5 for details.
Continued, Page 4-5
EFT Newslet Fall06 RS.indd 2-3
8/28/06 8:30:06 AM
East Fallowfield Township Meeting Schedules 2006
Board of supervisors
planning commission
park & rec committee
historical commission
meetings, 6pm
meetings, 7:30pm
meetings, 6:30pm
meetings, 7:00pm
Jan 3, 2006 Feb 22, 2006
March 22, 2006
April 26, 2006
May 24, 2006
June 28, 2006
July 26, 2006
Aug 23, 2006
Sept 27, 2006
Oct 25, 2006
Nov 15, 2006
Dec 27, 2006
Jan 16, 2006
Feb 6, 2006
March 6, 2006
April 3, 2006
May 1, 2006
June 5, 2006
July 10, 2006
Aug 7, 2006
Sept 11, 2006
Oct 2, 2006
Nov 6, 2006
Dec 4, 2006
Jan 3, 2006
Feb 7, 2006
March 7, 2006
April 4, 2006
May 2, 2006
June 6, 2006
(Work Shop every 3rd Monday)
July 11, 2006
Aug 1, 2006
Sept 5, 2006
Oct 3, 2006
Nov 14, 2006
Dec 5, 2006
Jan 4, 2006
Feb 1, 2006
March 1, 2006
April 5, 2006
May 3, 2006
June 7, 2006
July 12, 2006
Aug 2, 2006
Sept 6, 2006
Oct 4, 2006
Nov 1, 2006
Dec 6, 2006
(Work Shop every 3rd Tuesday)
(Friends of the Park meet every
4th Monday of every month)
Bits Pieces
ACME Shoppers:
Burn permits are available at
the Township office. Permits
are $5.00 each and are valid
for one year. Please remember
that you must have at least one
acre of property in order to
obtain a permit and burn in
East Fallowfield Township.
Our Township does not have a
real estate tax. Our office does not
keep tax information of any kind
on any resident of our Township.
Please Save
Halloween will be celebrated
Tuesday, October 31st 2006 from
6pm until 8pm for 12 year-olds
and under. Mark your calendars!
All requests for copies of
Township documentation
must be in writing and will be
returned within 3 to 10 business days. There will be charge
of $0.50 per copied page.
Your Receipts
Acme Markets has agreed to
donate 1% of the cash value to the
Chester County Hero Fund.
For questions concerning
your local income tax
please contact either:
Central Tax
(Represents the Township)
(Represents the School District)
Your local 1% tax is divided
evenly between Central
Tax and Berkhiemer.
For questions concerning
your school tax please contact
the administration office of
the Coatesville Area School
District at 610-466-2442.
Receipts may be mailed
or dropped off at the East
Fallowfield Police Station:
East Fallowfield Police
2274 Strasburg Road,
East Fallowfield, PA 19320
They may also be dropped off at
the Township Building, or given
to any Township Police Officer.
monday leaf pick-up:
Oct 30, 2006
Nov 13, 2006
Nov 6, 2006
Nov 20, 2006
Your leaf bags must be out by
7am on the scheduled dates.
Leaves must be placed in special
biodegradable bags. These bags
may be purchased at the Township Office for $3.00 (5 bags).
If you make less than $12,000
a year and paid your $52.00
Emergency & Municipal
Services Tax:
and fill out a refund form.
Your refund may take
about 2-4 weeks.
September through May
Thank You’s
from the k-9’s
The Pulse Beauty
Academy in Downingtown sponsored
a fashion show and
donated over $1100 to the township for the purchase of K-9
Storm body armor for K-9 Ricky. Another township resident
donated $100. The body armor was recently received and is being
worn by K-9 Ricky.See & In March, K-9 Storm body armor was
purchased for K-9 Taz and he’s wearing it everyday. This purchase
was made possible through a donation by an anonymous resident.
The Township and Police Department would, once again, like
to thank Dr. John T. Moss and Dr. Craig A. Davidson, and their
staff at the Brandywine Valley Veterinary Hospital (610-3840731) for their care of K-9 Taz, Dr. Karen Clark of Buck Run
Small Animal Veterinary House Call Services (610-347-2100)
for her care of retired K-9 Mandy, and Dr. Jeffrey Godfry of
the Frazer Animal Hospital (610-644-6996) and his staff, for
his care of K-9 Ricky. All three continuously donate their time
and services to help care for the police canines that protect our
community. We truly appreciate these dedicated professionals.
We would also like to thank Alain Kaldewaay of K-9 Center
of Upper Oxford for caring for and lodging K-9 Taz. Alain
Kaldewaay provides lodging, free of charge, to the Township
in exchange for using our facilities and property, occasionally,
to train drug detection and explosives detection canines.
The Friends of East Fallowfield Park Present the:
Notes from
Police Chief Mango
an update on
crime statistics in
east fallowfield
Did you know that violent
crime is almost non-existent in
East Fallowfield? The only violent
crime we have is domestic related
except for a home invasion/armed
robbery that occurred May 19th
on Cardinal Drive. Two suspects
were arrested and two more
are being sought. Fast work by
Chester County 911 and an alert
Coatesville police officer, Chris
Strunk, who stopped the getaway
vehicle, helped us to clear this case.
Despite a dramatic increase
in residential development and a
corresponding increase in population, our burglaries have decreased.
The most recent residential
burglary was on June 5th when
suspect(s) unknown broke into
a house on Longview Road and
stole over $3,000 in electronics,
personal property and jewelry.
In additional to patrols by our
dayshift officer, the two K-9 teams
are routinely assigned to conduct
aggressive patrol of the residential
areas to protect your homes.
Reminders from the Code
Enforcement Officer on
Township ordinances:
7:30 am – 5:00 pm
June, July and August
7:00 am – 5:00 pm
2264 East Strasburg Road
Leash Law: Please remember that dogs must be under the
control of their owner at all times. Dogs are not permitted to run
at large in the Township. If you find a dog and have it contained
please contact the Chester County SPCA Animal Protective
Services at 610-692-6113. Any resident who allows their dog
to run loose in the Township may face a fine of up to $300.00.
East Fallowfield, PA 19320
{ t el }
Weed And Noxious Growth Ordinance: No person owning or
occupying a property within the Township shall permit any grass or
weeds to grow or remain upon the premise so as to exceed a height of
twelve (12) inches. Residents who do not comply with this Ordinance
may face a fine of up to $50 per day for each day the violation exists.
{ fa x }
{ w eb }
Garth Monaghan, Chairman
Denny Howell, Vice Chairman
Street Address Numbering: By Ordinance, each residence
is required display their street number on both sides of their
mailbox. If your residence does not have a mailbox at the end of
your driveway, you must place the number in the general vicinity
of the main entrance and shall be visible from the street. This
Ordinance is for your safety should you need assistance from medical
personnel, the local fire department or the police department. If
your house number is not visible, it could delay their response time.
George Broadbent, Member
EFT Newslet Fall06 RS.indd 4-5
Most thefts reported are
relatively minor property crimes.
Recently, residents reported two
bicycles and a grill being stolen.
One of the more common crimes
reported in East Fallowfield is
identity theft and internet fraud.
We also are aware of several
locations in the township where
drug activity is suspected.
Investigations in cooperation with
the Chester County Municipal
Drug Task Force are ongoing.
The Coatesville Ledger, a weekly
paper, frequently reports police
activity from our daily blotter.
Chester County
Dept. of Emergency
Services (CCDES)
During the first six months
of 2006, CCDES dispatched
police officers to 1500 incidents
in East Fallowfield including:
• 107 intrusion alarms,
• 37 “9-1-1” calls,
• 57 motor vehicle accidents,
• 38 domestic disputes,
• 50 suspicious conditions,
• and 87 traffic complaints.
• Also, police officers
conducted 322 traffic stops.
pictured above left:
K-9 Taz
8/28/06 8:30:07 AM
To the
of East
The Park and Recreation
Commission is proud
to announce that the
PA Department of
Conservation and Natural
Resources has awarded
the Township a grant in
the amount of $250,000.
This is exciting news for the residents of East Fallowfield
Township. These funds coupled with the previously awarded
Chester County Grant of $224,000 now has the Township
poised to begin construction of the park features (trails, parking
facilities, restrooms, pavilions, play areas) associated with
the eastern entrance of the park (off of Buck Run Road).
See page 2 for meeting dates
Storm Damage
Updates Concerning the
June 23-28, 2006 Storm
Storm Damage
If you were affected and would
like to register for disaster
assistance, please call 1-800621-3362. For speech & hearing
impaired applicants, call 1-800462-7585. The Registration
Deadline is September 2, 2006.
Loss of Work
Due to Storm
Chester County residents who
experienced a loss of employment
or income due to the storms &
floods, and are not eligible for
the traditional unemployment
assistance may be eligible for
Disaster Unemployment
Assistance (DUA). For more
info, call 1-877-345-3382.
The speech & hearing impaired
applicants, call 1-888-334-4046.
Friends of East
Fallowfield Park
News Update:
Spring Festival,
Continued from Cover
The Township’s Landscape Architect is in the process of compiling
construction drawings for these features as well as those associated with the western entrance (basketball and tennis courts,
parking, pavilions) of the park (off of Rt. 82). It is the hopes of
the Township that construction of trails and facilities for the
eastern entrance area will start in earnest in the spring of 2007.
The Township would like to
compile a list of residents who
live alone and may be in need
of medical or other assistance
Open enrollment for the Park and Recreation Commission is the
month of September. Any resident who has an interest in the selection, planning and development of active and passive recreational
facilities and activities within the Township are welcome to join
our group. Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month at
6:30pm in the Township Building. Meetings typically last 1½ hours.
in the event of prolonged power
outages or storm damages.
If you would like your name
added to this phone-chain
program or know of someone,
please call the Township Office
at 610-384-7144 or email
Lastly, we look forward to seeing all of you at the next park
event on Saturday, September 30, 2006 from 9am until 4pm.
On another note, Mr. James
park & recreation
Reagan, Fire Marshall and
5, 2006, 6:30pm
at the Township Building
Tony Sirna, Emergency
Coordinator can provide
See page 2 for other meeting dates!
fire/smoke detectors and basic
west side:
east side:
monday leaf pick-up:
Jan 6, 2006
May 12, 2006
Sept 15, 2006
Jan 13, 2006
May 19, 2006
Sept 22, 2006
Oct 30, 2006
Nov 13, 2006
Jan 20, 2006
May 26, 2006
Sept 29, 2006
Jan 27, 2006
June 03, 2006
Oct 06, 2006
Nov 6, 2006
Nov 20, 2006
Feb 3, 2006
June 09, 2006
Oct 13, 2006
Feb 10, 2006
June 16, 2006
Oct 20, 2006
Feb 17, 2006
June 23, 2006
Oct 27, 2006
Feb 24, 2006
June 30, 2006
Nov 3, 2006
March 3, 2006
July 08, 2006
Nov 10, 2006
March 10, 2006
July 14, 2006
Nov 17, 2006
March 17, 2006
July 21, 2006
Nov 25, 2006
March 24, 2006
July 28, 2006
Dec 1, 2006
March 31, 2006
Aug 04, 2006
Dec 08, 2006
April 07, 2006
Aug 11, 2006
Dec 15, 2006
placed in special biodegradable bags.
April 14, 2006
Aug 18, 2006
Dec 22, 2006
April 21, 2006
Aug 25, 2006
Dec 30, 2006
These bags may be purchased at the
April 28, 2006
Sept 01, 2006
May 05, 2006
Sept 09, 2006
Tr ash Recycling Info
The Township
is asking for
your assistance
in placing
your trash
and recycling out on Thursday
evening for your Friday pickup.
Please be aware that York Waste
may pick up your trash at different
times from week to week. One
bulk item is accepted every
Friday. If it contains Freon you
must have a Freon free sticker
from an appliance store. Also,
please remember that if your bags
weigh more than 35 pounds each,
York Waste will not pick it up.
holiday schedules:
Trash and recyclables are
picked up on Saturday instead
of Friday during those weeks
where there is a holiday. York
Waste’s listed holidays are:
• New Year’s Day,
• Memorial Day,
• Fourth of July,
• Labor Fay,
• Thanksgiving Day,
• and Christmas Day
Jim Sisk ran this event, which was a tremendous
success. To qualify chances were sold for the 6 race
spots. Race winner was #4 The Weapon of Mass
Destruction driven by, Aaron Cantor and the Design
award went to #2 Simplex Piston Ring Special, driven
by Tom Keech. Hope to see you next year in the pits!
Race Winner: Aaron Cantor driving the
#4 Weapon of Mass Destruction.
Design Winner: Tom Keech, Jr. driving the
Simplex Piston Ring Special.
1. Coatesville Savings
Bank (EF Resident
Donna Pluck Assisted
with obtaining this
major Sponsor.)
2. Northwoods Developpage
ment/Moser Builders.
3. Dr. Robert Insalata
4. The Tier Company
7. The Band Cool
This event would not be
possible without the help and
support of our volunteers with
The Friends Of The Park and
The Park And Recreation Board.
please note:
Your leaf bags must be out by 7am on
the scheduled dates. Leaves must be
Township Office for $3.00 (5 bags).
recyclable items:
recycling periodicals
The following may be placed
in your recyclable bin:
Tin, colored & clear glass,
plastic and aluminum.
Newspaper must be bundled
or in a paper bag.
and ink cartridges:
recycling tires:
Both Walmart in Parkesburg
(610-857-1700) and
Sears Automotive in
Pottstown in Coventry Mall
(610-327-6028) takes
tires for a fee.
recycling bins for sale:
The Township Office will now
be selling Recycle Bins for
$8.00 and lids for $4.00. Please
mark your house number and
address on both items.
recycling cardboard:
Also, big thanks
to the Township
Road crew and
Denise Miller
in the Township
office! These people
along with many
other volunteers
worked tirelessly to
make this event the success it has
become. Many thanks to you all!
Our next event will be held
in the park on September
30th from 9am–4pm.
The festivities will include:
The Township will now
be accepting broken down
cardboard for recycling.
Call for more information.
wellness checks upon request.
Our Featured event of the day
was the “Ray Keech” gravity 500
(A soap box derby style race).
Ray Keech was and Indy 500
winner in 1929 who happened
to be from East Fallowfield.
EFT Newslet Fall06 RS.indd 6-7
Warm Regards,
Peter Massaro
Park and Rec Chairperson
Recycling calendar 2006
East Fallowfield Elementary
School has a recycle drop off
for magazines, newspapers
and phone books located at
the entrance to their school.
This money benefits the PTO
directly for their students.
They also recycle ink cartridges
taken in the school office.
hazardous waste (hhw)
& Computers:
September 9th
HHW Only
New Garden Township Building
299 Starr Rd., Landenberg 19350
October 7th
HHW and Computers
601 Westtown Rd., PA 19382
Have an idea?
Come share
it at a Friends’
meeting (4th
Monday of
September 30th
• South Brandywine
each month
Chili Cook-Off
a 7pm at the
• Craft/ Flea market tables
(currently available for $15 ea.),
Building). We love new ideas
• Fishing tournament at the pond,
and volunteers, we couldn’t do it
• Cow pie bingo,
without you! Please remember
• and much more!
all funds raised at these event
Come out and see for yourself!
help to support future events.
Fall Festival
8/28/06 8:30:08 AM
Registr ation
Please join us and
become part of the
TreeVitalize Program
designed to increase
Southeast PA’s tree
coverage. To register
for one of the Fall 2006 Tree Tender trainings,
please fill out the below form and return to:
Developed by the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society
and Penn State Cooperative Extension
Become a
Tree Tender
Dawn waters
PHS / PHILA. Green
100 north 20th st,
5th floor
philadelphia, pa 19103
Sponsors include:
DCNR, DEP, William Penn Foundation, Aqua Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia Eagles, PECO, PA Landscape & Nursery Assoc.,
US Forest Service, PA Horticultural Society, Morris Arboretum,
PA Urban & Community Forestry Council, Fairmount Park
Become part of the “growing”
TreeVitalize program designed
by Pennsylvania’s Department
of Conservation and Natural
Resources (DCNR) to increase
Southeast Pennsylvania’s tree
cover and the benefits that trees
offer us all. Join us for nine hours
of hands-on training that will
cover tree biology, identification,
planting, proper care and working
within your community. This
training course was developed
by staff from the Pennsylvania
Horticultural Society (PHS) and
Penn State Cooperative Extension. It is based on PHS’s Tree
Tenders project which, since 1993,
has trained over 1900 community
volunteers from 150 Southeast
Pennsylvania neighborhoods.
The course is being offered
on weekday evenings at three
different locations each spring
and fall, and is designed for lay
people and experts alike. Become
one of the Tree Tenders who are
expanding and tending your part
of the forest. The course is free
but registration is required.
For more info:
Julianne Schieffer
Mindy Maslin
EFT Newslet Fall06 RS.indd 8-9
Fall 2006 Tr ainings:
PHS, 100 North 20th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Wednesdays, Sept. 13, 20, 27
5:45–8:45 pm
Delaware County
Cabrini College
610 King of Prussia Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Tuesdays, Oct. 3, 10, 17
6–9 pm
Chester County
Charlestown Township
Great Valley Middle School
255 North Phoenixville Pike
Malvern, PA 19355
Wednesdays, Oct. 18, 25, Nov. 1
6–9 pm
Work Phone #:
Home Phone #:
Local Municipal Government where I reside: (City, Borough, Township):
Please give a brief description of your knowledge of trees below:
What would you like to learn from the Tree Tenders training?
Tr aining INCLUDES:
Tree Awareness:
• Tree Biology
• Urban Stresses on Trees
• Tree Identification
• Basic Tree Pruning
and Root Care
• Tree Planting
Community Organizing:
• Fundraising and
Identifying Resources
• Working w/Local Government
• Organization Building
The series is free. Given the
intensity of the lectures and the
late hours, the training is not
appropriate for children under 13.
Please sign me up for (check one):
Philadelphia: September 13, 20, 27
Delaware County: October 3, 10, 17
Chester County: October, 18, 25, Nov. 1
The 3 questions below apply only to Tree
Tenders attending tr aining as part of a group.
Group Name:
Group Leader:
How many people from your group plan to attend the training?
Please note that a separate registration is required for each person.
8/28/06 8:30:10 AM