Ceiling_brochure 20100119
Ceiling_brochure 20100119
Acoustic Touch Acoustic Touch Perforated Gypsum Tiles which helps to increase sound quality by absorbing surrounding sound and decrease echo sound in big spaces. Echotone C10N1 Echotone R10N2 Movie Theatre, Hotel, Shopping Center, Conference Room, Restaurant, Office, Library, Hospital, Airport, Exhibition Hall and other large open spaces. Acoustic Touch Echotone# C10N1 12.5 Non Woven Cloth NA Acoustic Touch Echotone# R10N2 12.5 Non Woven Cloth NA #Tested with National Physical Labrotary with 50mm glasswool backing 48Kg density NRC:- Echotone C10N1 - 0.65 and Echotone R10N2 - 0.80