Saint Charles Parish
Saint Charles Parish
Saint Charles Parish South San Diego/ Imperial Beach 990 Saturn Boulevard San Diego, CA 92154 Phone: (619) 423-0242 Fax: 423-1966 South San Diego/ Imperial Beach Office Hours: Monday - Thursday & 12:30-5:00PM 9908:30AM-12:00PM Saturn Boulevard Friday San Diego, CA 92154 8:30AM-12:00PM & 12:30-4:00PM Fifth Sunday of Lent March 13, 2016 I consider everything as a loss because of the supreme good of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. 11, 20143:8 — May Philippians Saturday: Sunday: MASS SCHEDULE Fourth Sunday of Easter (A) 8:00 AM & 5:00 PM (Vigil Mass) 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 AM, 11:30 AMSCHEDULE (Spanish), MASS 1:00 & 5:00 PM Saturday: 8:00 AM AM & & 5:30PM 5:00 PM (Vigil Mass) Weekdays: 7:30 Sunday: 7:00,PM 8:30, 10:00 AM, Holy Days: 5:30 11:30 AM (Spanish), 1:00 & 5:00 PM Weekdays: 7:30 AMDEVOTIONS & 5:30PM Monday-Friday: Liturgy of the Hours Holy Days: 5:30 PM (Morning Prayer 7:00AM; Phone: (619) 423-0242 Fax: 423-1966 Web Site: Office Hours: Monday - Thursday Bishop:8:30AM-12:00PM Most Rev.&Cirilo Flores 12:30-5:00PM Pastor: Fr. James Bahash Friday 8:30AM-12:00PM & 12:30-4:00PM Assoc. Pastor: Fr. Burt Boudoin Deacons: Web Site: Seodello (Sam) Martinez 429-3580 Mick Dennison 429-0716 Pastor: Fr. James Bahash 575-1914 Assoc. Pastor: Ken Fr. Montoya Burt Boudoin Raul Hernandez 423-0242 Bob Barretto 423-0242 Deacons: SeodelloDavid (Sam)Lewis Martinez 429-3580 423-0242 Mick Dennison 429-0716 Ken Montoya 575-1914 Raul Hernandez 423-0242 David Lewis 423-0242 Saint Charles School: Steve Stutz, Principal 423-3701 Saint Charles Catholic School: Sylvia Benning, Principal 423-3701 SaintSaint Charles Catechetical 575-2240 Charles Catholic Center: Preschool: Oralia Puga, Director 423-0784 DEVOTIONS Evening Prayer 5:00PM) Alicia Policarpio, Director Tuesday: the Blessed Mother after 7:30 AM Mass. Monday-Friday: To Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer Reyna Sanchez, Administrative Assistant 1st Friday: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after 7:00AM; Evening Prayer 5:00PM) Saint Charles Catechetical Center: 575-2240 7:30 AM Mass until 5:00 PM Benediction. Marci Morrison, Youth and Young Adult Ministries Alicia Policarpio, Director Tuesday: To the Blessed Mother after Grupo de Oración at 7:30 7:00 AM PM.Mass. Reyna Sanchez, Administrative Assistant 1st Saturday: To Our Lady of Fatima after 8:00 AM Mass Friday: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after PARISH RELATED GROUPS & MINISTRIES Marci Morrison, Youth and Young Adult Ministries 7:30 AM Mass until 5:00 PM Benediction. Grupo de Oración at 7:00 PM. For more information please go to PARISH RELATED GROUPS RECONCILIATION (CONFESSIONS) 1st Saturday: To Our Lady of Fatima after 8:00 AM Mass & MINISTRIES Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 PM & other days by appointment RECONCILIATION (CONFESSIONS) For more information please go to Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 PM & other days by appointment BAPTISM OFFICE STAFF BAPTISM Contact the Parish Office. Pre-baptismal classes are required for OFFICE STAFF Lulu Corp Secretary Parents and Godparents. Contact the Parish Office. Pre-baptismal classes are Lulu Corp Secretary Fabiola Gonzalez Secretary & Bulletin Editor required for Parents and Godparents. Fabiola Gonzalez Secretary & Bulletin Editor Elvigia Habana Financial & Resource Analyst MARRIAGE MARRIAGE Elvigia Habana Financial & Resource Contact the Parish office. Nine-month notice required. Veronica Kuehn Office & Facilities ManagerAnalyst Contact the Parish office. Nine-month notice required. Veronica Kuehn Office Manager Saint Charles Parish San Diego / Imperial Beach Page Two From the Pastor “Then the scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery and made her stand in the middle. They said to him, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the very act of committing adultery. Now in the law, Moses commanded us to stone such women. So what do you say?” They said this to test him, so that they could have some charge to bring against him.” John 8:3-5 Look at that hussy! That Jezebel! This was the mindset of the scribes and Pharisees who brought the woman caught in adultery to Jesus. Of course, they not only despised her in her sinfulness, they despised Jesus for his compassion towards sinners. Jesus came to seek and save the lost, those who are living in a state of sin, who are cut off from his divine and sanctifying grace which we need in order to be saved. It does not please God that the sinner should die in his or her sins and so be unworthy of the Kingdom. Rather, he delights in the conversion of those who are still far off. It is important for each of us, who are born again through baptism, to know that we are sons and daughters of God through grace. As sons and daughters then brothers and sisters of Christ. Just as the Father entrusted the care of souls to his Son, so he asks us to share in the same mission and ministry: to seek out and save the lost. And what better example do we have in Jesus? When we counsel the sinner it is very important to follow Jesus’ example. He never condemns the one who sins through weakness. Rather, he calls them back with kindness and gentleness. “Go and sin no more” are the words we hear him say time and time again. These are the words we too should use. If you know somebody who is living in sin be kind to them and point them in the direction of the Sacraments, particularly Reconciliation. Don’t be like the Pharisee who points out the sin and then proceeds to stone the sinner for his wicked deeds with harsh words. On the other side of the coin, it is also important that we not cooperate in, promote, or justify our own or somebody else’s sinful behavior. That leads only to spiritual death and is contrary to the virtue of charity. Finally, if you are the one in sin know this: you can always come home. Please do so while you can. The Lord and his Church are waiting for you with open arms, ready to make everything right again, just like on the day you were baptized. Page Three Fifth Sunday of Lent MASS INTENTIONS MARCH 13-19 SUN 13 7:00AM For the living & deceased members of the Holy Name Society 7:00AM +Edison J. Sanz, Sr. 7:00AM +Julia Editha Mercado 8:30AM +Mildred Bash 8:30AM Thanksgiving of Aragones Family 8:30AM +Valeria Hinaut 10:00AM +Atanacio P. Blas 10:00AM +Amado L. Joson 10:00AM Happy 15th Birthday Lluvia Mora 11:30AM Asociacion de Guadalupanas 11:30AM +Refugio S. Sevilla 11:30AM +Jose Maria Cortez 11:30AM +Salvador Placencia 1:00PM +Aquilinas Enrique 1:00PM For the Intentions of Our Parishioners 1:00PM +Trinidad Cornelio 5:00PM Wedding Anniversary of Jerry & Vanessa Jimenez 5:00PM +Martin Kosmicki 5:00PM +Epifania M. Ramos MON 14 7:30AM +Eduardo Javier & Milagros Veloso 7:30AM +Armando D. Anson 7:30AM +William Hyde 5:30PM +Lutgarda Quinajon 5:30PM Intention of Lee, Kara, Emily Waldrup 5:30PM Intention of Leland, Samantha & Kathy Waldrup TUE 15 7:30AM +Luigia Lanzaveccia 7:30AM +Ana Bercasio 7:30AM Thanksgiving Maria Karina Bercasio 5:30PM Intention of Limon Family WED 16 7:30AM Happy Birthday Joshua Day 7:30AM +Nemencia Herrera 5:30PM +Ernesto Barbadillo 5:30PM Happy Birthday Remedios Matanza THU 17 7:30AM +Ernesto Ibarra 7:30AM +Ariel Camantigue 5:30PM All souls in Purgatory FRI 18 7:30AM More Priestly & Religious Vocations 5:30PM +Yvonne Marie Smith SAT 19 8:00AM St. Charles Rosary Makers 8:00AM In Honor of St. Joseph 8:00AM Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Pastor Loyola 5:00PM Thanksgiving to St. Joseph 5:00PM Happy Birthday Jose M. Sanchez 5:00PM +Jose M. Jimenez Sr. March 13, 2016 Our Parishioners in Poor Health; Albert & Maria Rodriguez, Ann (Punkie) Leven, Lenny Barrios, Gwen Kosmicki, Julito Dompor, Salvador Valencia, Mark Tumbaga, Rosellie McCarthy, Rebecca McCarthy, Theresa Hackett, Lita Jotie, Amparo Mangampat, Sarah R. Fant, Stephanie Colter, Linda Aunzo, Tim Sandidge, Victoria Gadiano, Anatalia Peralta, Larry Onia, Peggy & Victor Stewart, Kathy Rivera de Morales, Fred Agbulos, Jake Miguel Tarin, Evan V. McGurk, Lou Manansala, Ester Dabu, Marie Majercin Hyde, Ernie Edraisa, Kalvin Matthew Roldan, Lucy Lemus, Jeanne Sebrechts, Robert Oberting, Terry David, Isidoro Santos Jr, Rosa Sagmaquin, Steve Vicente, Manuel Jotie, Violetta de Nardo, Linda Aquino, Rita Jimenez, Bob Halliday, Santi DelaCruz, Santos Mendez, Dawn Hartley, Edith P. Cabanos, Jenifer Slater, Richard Garcia, Mark Anthony Rougeaux, Nancy Crosby, Maria Gallaga, Tom Jone, Rosalyn Ejan, Henry Villarin, Leony Barrios, Paul Odermatt, Francis Dompor, Lily Miranda, Richard F. Contreras, and Omar Barraza. Psalm 23 The LORD is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack. In green pastures he makes me lie down; to still waters he leads me; he restores my soul. He guides me along right paths for the sake of his name. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff comfort me. II You set a table before me in front of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Indeed, goodness and mercy will pursue me all the days of my life; I will dwell in the house of the LORD for endless days. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62]; Ps 23:1-6; Jn 8:12-20 (or Jn 8:1-11 if Year A readings were used on Sunday) Tuesday: Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3, 16-21; Jn 8:21-30 Wednesday: Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Dn 3:52-56; Jn 8:31-42 Thursday: Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105:4-9: Jn 8:51-59 Friday: Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-7; Jn 10:31-42 Saturday: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-51a Sunday: Lk 19:28-40 (procession); Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Phil 2:6-11; Lk 22:14 — 23:56 [23:1-49] Monday: Saint Charles Parish San Diego / Imperial Beach The Girls Scouts will host the bake sale today at the West Patio. Bond with fellow parishioners over a cup of coffee, delicious bake goods and other delicious foods. The Guadalupanas will host the Bake Sale, Sunday, March 20, 2016 at the West Patio. Page Four CATECHETICAL CENTER School Year 2015-2016 619-575-2240 Regular office hours: STATIONS OF THE CROSS Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm; Friday 9am-4pm For schedules and calendar of activities, please contact the Catechetical Ministry Center at 619-575-2240 or check the Parish website at www/ Every Friday, during Lent, in the Church. 4:00PM in Spanish and 6:00PM in English. Fish Fry Fridays are back! Heart of the Family invites you to come and enjoy a nice fish dinner every Friday during Lent, 5:00p.m.7:00p.m in the Parish Center. Dinner plate includes: two pieces of fish, coleslaw, fries, dessert and a drink. All proceeds will go to the Capital Campaign. 2016 Lenten Penance Service Monday Mar. 14 Wednesday Mar. 16 St. Mary St. Charles 7:00PM 7:00PM 2016 Bazaar Souvenir Book Photos are taking place on the West Patio. Let’s raise more money for our parish! Photos will be taken for individuals, families, and organizations. Please choose a date and time on Sunday: March, 13 or 20, or any Sunday in April. Call Vinnie Thoms at 619-8402040. Or email me at: Saint Charles Caritas is 15 years old this month. On March 19 & 20, the nuns will be at all exits on Sunday and volunteers on the two 5pm masses. 100% of your donations will be used to buy basic food and basic necessities for all charities that we are helping. We would like to ask for bars of soap, shampoos, razors, t-shirts, and tooth paste. A Million thanks to all of you! God bless you always! Support the Youth Group of Tijuana to participate in WYD 2016! They will be selling tamales ( $20/12) and religious article on March 27. for more info call Bob Crimmins at 619-990-0577, or to order by phone. San Pedro Calungsod Novena/Rosary, will start on March 25th until April 2nd, at the Retreat Center, at 4:30pm. Reception will follow after the 5:00pm Mass. Please join us everyday to pray, everyone is welcome! St. Charles Prayer & Squares (Prayer Quilt Ministry) will be meeting the first Saturday of every month in the Nutrition Center, from 8:30-10:30am. Our next scheduled meeting will be April 2nd . All are invited to attend. YEAR OF MERCY PILGRIMAGE: Holy Doors in California 5-Days from August 2 to 6, 2016 All parishioners are invited during this Jubilee Year to “cross the threshold” of 12 Holy Doors from San Diego to San Francisco under the spiritual direction of Fr. Jim Bahash. It will also include pleasure stopovers at the Getty Villa, Sausalito, Candy Palooza, Francis Coppola Winery, etc. The reservation fee is $650 which includes bus transportation and lodging (includes breakfast). Seats are limited and on a “first-come-first-served” basis. For brochure and registration form, please contact Alicia Policarpio at the Catechetical Ministry Center 619-575-2240 x104, or visit the parish website for details. Attention all Cursillistas! A Filipino Cursilllo Diocesan Ultreya will be hosted by St. Charles on March 13, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. Please mark your calendar! 40 Days for Life Southbay: Closing Mass for the current Southbay campaign will be celebrated at St. Charles on Friday 18 March at the 5:30 p.m. Mass. Liturgy of the Hours evening prayer is at 5:00 p.m. Come and enjoy the fish fry in the parish hall afterwards. 40 Days for Life is a focused prolife campaign with the vision to access God’s power through prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil to end abortion. We will be praying together in front of the Planned Parenthood Center in Chula Vista, 1295 Broadway (at Palomar) 24 hours a day through March 20. For additional information contact Harry Thoms 619-662-1585 or Andy Wong 619-573 -5562. The Filipino-American Community invites your child to participate as “Little Angels” in the Filipino Religious Tradition called “EASTER SALUBONG” on Sunday, 27 March 2016 @ 5:30 AM, at St. Charles Parish, San Diego California. Practice schedule to be announced. Dear Parents, if you are interested, please CALL for details/information Eleanor Rubiños (619) 261-0721 or Lily Miranda (619) 934-3606. Collection Report for March 6, 2016 $ 19,718.00 May God bless you more for your sacrificial gift and ever generous support of St. Charles Parish. Page Five Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma 13 de Marzo de 2016 Del Pastor Entonces los escribas y fariseos le llevaron a una mujer sorprendida en adulterio, y poniéndola frente a el, le dijeron: “Maestro, esta mujer ha sido sorprendida en flagrante adulterio. Moisés nos manda en la ley apedrear a estas mujeres. ¿Tu qué dices?" Le preguntaron esto para ponerle una trampa y poder acusarlo. Juan 8:3-5 Miren que desvergonzada! Esa Jezabel! Esta fue la mentalidad de los escribas y fariseos quienes le trajeron a la mujer sorprendida en adulterio a Jesús. Por supuesto, ellos no sólo la despreciaron en su pecaminosidad, despreciaron a Jesús por su compasión hacia los pecadores. Jesús vino a buscar y a salvar lo que estaba perdido, quienes están viviendo en estado de pecado, que están alejados de su divina y gracia santificadora, que necesitamos en orden para poder ser salvados. No quiere Dios que el pecador pueda morir en sus pecados y así ser indigno del Reino. Más bien, él se deleita en la conversión de aquellos que están todavía muy lejos. Es importante que cada uno de nosotros, que nacimos de nuevo a través del bautismo, sepamos que somos hijos e hijas de Dios a través de la gracia. Como hijos e hijas, hermanos y hermanas de Cristo. Al igual que el Padre le confío el cuidado de las almas a su Hijo, para que él nos invite a compartir la misma misión y ministerio: para buscar y salvar al perdido. Y ¿qué mejor ejemplo que tenemos en Jesús? Cuando asesoramos al pecador, es muy importante seguir el ejemplo de Jesús. Él nunca condena a quien peca a través de la debilidad. Más bien, él llama de nuevo con bondad y mansedumbre. "Vete y no peques más" son las palabras que le escuchamos decir una y otra vez. Estas son las palabras que nosotros también deberíamos utilizar. Si conocen a alguien que está viviendo en pecado sean amables con ellos y diríjanlos en la dirección de los sacramentos, especialmente la Reconciliación. No sean como el fariseo que señala el pecado y luego procede a apedrear el pecador por sus malos hechos con palabras duras. En la otra cara de la moneda, es importante también que no cooperemos y promovamos o justifiquemos nuestros propios o el comportamiento pecaminoso de alguien mas. Que sólo conduce a la muerte espiritual y es contraria a la virtud de la caridad. Por último, si usted es el que está en pecado sepa esto: usted siempre puede regresar a casa. Por favor hágalo mientras pueda. El Señor y su iglesia lo están esperando con los brazos abiertos, dispuestos a hacer todo de nuevo de la manera correcta, igual que en el día en que fue bautizado. Saint Charles Parish San Diego / Imperial Beach Más aún pienso que nada vale la pena en comparación con el bien supremo, que consiste en conocer a Cristo Jesús, mi Señor. — Filipenses 3:8 Las Girls Scouts tendrá venta de pastelitos y comida HOY en el patio. Las Guadalupanas tendrán la venta el próximo domingo 20 de Marzo del 2016, en el Patio. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62]; Sal 23 (22):1-6; Jn 8:12-20 (o Jn 8:1-11 si es que se usaron las lecturas del Año A el domingo) Martes: Nm 21:4-9; Sal 102 (101):2-3, 16-21; Jn 8:21-30 Miércoles: Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Dn 3:52-56; Jn 8:31-42 Jueves: Gn 17:3-9; Sal 105 (104):4-9: Jn 8:51-59 Viernes: Jer 20:10-13; Sal 18 (17):2-7; Jn 10:31-42 Sábado: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Sal 89 (88):2-5, 27, 29; Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a o Lc 2:41-51a Domingo: Lc 19:28-40 (procesión); Is 50:4-7; Sal 22 (23):8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Fil 2:6-11; Lc 22:14 — 23:56 [23:1-49] Lunes: Page Six CENTRO CATEQUETICO Año Escolar 2015-2016 619-575-2240 El horario regular de oficina: Lunes 9am-5pm; Viernes de 9am-4pm Para programas y calendario de actividades, por favor, póngase en contacto con el Centro de Ministerio Catequético 619-575-2240 o visite la página web de la Parroquia www/ La Fotos para el Libro de recuerdos del Bazar 2016 se están tomando en el patio oeste. Recaudemos más dinero para nuestra parroquia! Las fotos serán tomadas para individuos, familias y organizaciones. Por favor, seleccione una fecha y una hora del domingo: 13 o 20 de marzo, o cualquier domingo de abril. Llame a Vinnie Thoms al 619-840-2040. O envié un correo electrónico a: Caritas de San Carlos estará cumpliendo sus 15 años este mes y el 19 & 20 de marzo. Las Hermanas y voluntarios estarán en todas las salidas el domingo después de la Misa. El 100% de su donación se utilizará para comprar alimentos básicos y necesidades básicas para todas las organizaciones de beneficencia que estamos ayudando. Nos gustaría pedirle por barras de jabón, champú, navajas de afeitar, camisetas, y pasta de dientes. Un millón de gracias a todos! Que Dios os bendiga siempre. 2016 Servicio Penitencial de Cuaresma Lunes Miércoles Mar. 14 Mar. 16 St. Mary St. Charles 7:00PM 7:00PM ESTACIONES DEL VIA CRUSIS Son todos los viernes de Cuaresma a las 4:00PM en español en la Iglesia. Viernes de Pescado Frito Vengan y disfruten de un DELICIOSO pescado frito todos los viernes durante la Cuaresma, en el Salón Parroquial de 5:00 a 7:00PM. Patrocinado por el Grupo Corazón de la Familia. Todos están invitados. Para mas información favor de llamar al 423-0242. Colecta del 6 de Marzo, 2016 $ 19,718.00 Que Dios los bendiga por sus generosas ofrendas y su eterna generosidad para la Parroquia de San Carlos. "40 Latas para la Cuaresma": Los Caballeros de Colón celebrará su colecta anual de alimentos enlatados para ayudar a sostener la alacena de San Carlos y otras organizaciones caritativas. La campaña de las "40 Latas para la Cuaresma" se celebrará todos los domingos (después de todas las misas matutinas), durante todo el período cuaresmal. Contenedores especialmente marcados será colocado fuera de la iglesia. Su generosidad es muy apreciada! Apoye al Grupo de Jóvenes de Tijuana para que puedan participar en JMJ 2016. Habrá venta de tamales ($20/12) y artículos religiosos el 27 de Marzo. Para mas información y pedidos por teléfono por favor hable con Bob Crimmins al 619-990-0577.
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